Letter from the Editor
ommunity. It’s what makes Collierville a special place. Over six years and thirty-six issues, Tour Collierville sought to highlight the very best of our town. Our final, bittersweet issue is no different, with our Community shining through as overtly as ever. In this final publication, we are featuring a limited-edition issue of Tour Collierville originally written in the thick of the pandemic. Its purpose was to bring hope to the town by illustrating how, throughout history, the community has risen during times of trouble. And further, how the town requires this sense of unity today – possibly more than ever. We’ll circle back to that shortly, but first… It’s impossible to give enough thanks to all who have supported Tour Collierville Magazine. So many have poured into making this magazine special, that it’s difficult to type these words with steady hands.
Community Contributors Writing an article that could be read by fifty thousand people is a daunting task, even for professionals. But most of our community contributors were not journalists or writers of any kind. It was ordinary Collierville residents who sat in front of an empty screen and blinking cursor in search of words that would bring value to our community. In fact, most articles were provided by ministers, doctors, business leaders, real estate experts, health and fitness professionals, home designers, town officials, non-profits, and other locals. We are extremely grateful for those who took time and care to help fill these pages over the last six years.
Community Socials Musicians often say the most gratifying aspect of their career journey is when a live audience knows the words to their songs. Likewise is our feelings of pride and validation, when walking through crowds of people eager to have their picture taken for the magazine. We’ve been privileged to attend countless events and capture them in images for the history photo | NANCY BASSETT
nov e m be r/de c em be r 2022