Town of Danville Fall 2023 Activity Guide

Page 42

Auggie's A-Corner Hello, and welcome to

AUGGIE ’s A -Corn er!

This page is all about Auggie the Acorn, Danville’s what Auggie is up to this season. ACTIVITES & GAMES Auggie loves to learn new things and play games that really put his mind to the test. Look for a new activity and game handpicked by Auggie in every issue of the Acitivity Guide. Test your skills and have fun!

FALL popsicle stick PUPPETs and cardboard theater Make your own popsicle stick puppet and cardboard theater using items found around the house. SUPPLIES • Card stock or construction paper

AUGGIE TALENT SPOTLIGHT Auggie enjoys spending his free time learning new talents. His favorite teacher to learn from is you, his friends! This fall, Auggie is asking all of his friends to share their special talents for the entire town to see. With your parents permission, capture a photo or video of yourself performing or demonstrating your special talent.

• Popsicle sticks • Markers, crayons, or chalk • Embellishments – yarn, googly eyes, stickers, buttons, or anything you have around the house

into a short video that will be shared on social media.

• Glue, Tape, and Scissors STEPS 1. First, trace and cut out the shapes. 2. Create fun fall faces on the shapes. 3. Decorate the face with embellishments of your choice. 4. Tape the face to a popsicle stick. 5. The cardboard box theater instructions can be found at: Activity provided by:


Information: (925) 314-3400

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