Leading online B2B journalistic medium in the Belux travel industry. All you need to know and read about your profession and sector.
Your online news & advertising medium
Page views: 45.000+ p.m
Social followers: 15.000+
Newsletter: 8.800+ subscribers (6.000+ NL & 2.800+ FR)
Marketing/ Communication opportunities on the website:
• Bannering: 400€/week*
• Online Advertorial: 850€ one language 950€ two languages
* Based on average of 10.000 views - €40 CPM
Marketing/ Communicaton opportunities towards the database:
• TravMagazine Dedicated Newsletter
- Flanders only 2.100€
- Belux 2.450€
• Bannering 400€/week
Leading B2B journalistic medium in the Belux travel industry focusing on current affairs & hot news.
frequency: every two weeks a print magazine
Your campaign & advertising medium
TravMagazine Specials
Every edition focuses, besides journalistic information on 1 or 2 specific themes within travel.
See separate calendar
Countries: Belgium & Luxembourg
Languages: Dutch & French
Target Audience: Travel Agents & management (B2B)
Frequency: 23 times a year
Total circulation: 6.000+ copies
Since: 2021
• 1/1 page – 2.900€ (210 X 297 mm + 3 mm Bleed)
• 2/1 page – 5.100€ (420 X 297 mm + 3 mm Bleed)
• 1/2 page – 1.750€ (landscape 180 X 125mm)
• Cover Wrap – 7.500€ (210 X 297 mm + 3 mm Bleed)
Technical information:
PDF file in high resolution (300dpi)
The Travel360° Communication Platform is today, without any doubt, the most efficient and budget-friendly B2B marketing tool in the Benelux travel industry. You are 100% in control of your messages, and your timing. The Travel360° Communication Platform is user friendly – posting an article takes no more than 3 minutes.
Your own marketing & owned communication platform
Belux yearly subscription packages:
• Economy package 2.500€
• Business package 3.000€
• Full Service package 5.000€
Page views: 35.000+ p.m. Newsletter: 6.000 Dutch speaking professionals 2.800 French speaking professionals
Frequency: On average twice per week
The Travel360° Communication Platform is a unique and easy way to reach 100% Benelux travel industry professionals with your marketing & promotion messages. as follows: -You take a subscription on yearly basis, to own your own Communication Platform the Travel360° website. From this platform, you can send your articles, messages, content of your press communications
Travel360° distributes six quality magazines on an annual basis.
The timeless content and the look & feel ensures a strong readership. Many tourism professionals look forward to the next issue. In each issue we zoom in on trends, analysis, interviews, sales inspiration and a look to the future.
Your image & branding platform
This sales guide for a destination or product gives travel agents tips and tricks and highlights key selling points/hidden gems/…, either in a general way or focused on a particular theme or topic.
An online version of this guide is mentioned on the website and can be used as marketing/ sales tool by the sales team. During a month after distribution of the magazine a banner is put online both on T360° website & T360° newsletters to communicate about this special and intice agents to download and share it with interested customers.
• 1/1 page – 3.000€ (230mm x 325mm + 3mm bleed)
• 3/1 page – 5.000€
• 6/1 page – 8.000€
• Insert 4 pages – 7.500€
• Insert 8 pages – 9.500€
Technical information:
PDF file in high resolution (300dpi)
Countries: Belgium & Luxembourg
Languages: Dutch and French
Target Audience: Travel agents & management (B2B)
Frequency: 6 times a year
Circulation: 6.000
Representatives of among other tourist offices, tour operators, accommodations, airlines, rentals, insurers, airports, and ICT will be present on the exhibition floor to inform and inspire travel agents, mobile travel agents, buyers, product managers and CEOs of the travel agencies and tour operators.
Two times a year, TravDay is thé B2B event for the Benelux travel professionals selling leisure, MICE and business travel. Suppliers and buyers meet each other at a dynamic exhibition floor. Networking, inspiring and doing business are key during this one TravDay all inclusive event that ends with a networking walking diner. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet this many (potential) partners in one day.
Spring Edition – Thursday 28/03/2024 – Ghent
Autumn Edition Thursday 10/10/2024 – Mechelen
15 November 2024
Table of 10 = 3.300
The Belgian Travel Awards, recognised as the Oscars of the Belgian Travel Industry, have given travel sellers the opportunity to reward their favorite brands, destinations and suppliers for 25 years. The Travel Awards reward the best performing, most creative and exceptionally innovative companies and individuals in all sectors of the travel industry. The event is glorious and immensely popular. It is the yearly highlight of the industry.
A full day conference with the best key note speakers talking about the present and the future of the travel industry. The only travel conference that showcases trends, new initiatives and interesting start-ups before they actually materialize.
12/12/2024 – 10.00hrs – 18.00hrs
Attendees 150
Special Offer for Partners 2.500 including 10 tickets + lunch networking opportunity
Education, training platform for better and more motivated sales. The necessary knowledge & information source.
Your training platform
• Dutch – Flanders 3.500€ ( 1 year)
• D&F – Belux – 5.500€ (1 year)
• Reminder mailings 3 x year 2.100€
Kate Vansteenkiste
kate@travmedia.be - + 32 (0)475 75 43 05
Nicole Moorkens
nicole@travmedia.be - + 32 (0)471 73 02 59
Dennis de Groot
dennis.degroot@travmedia.nl - 31(0)6 351 213 99