Travellive 9 - 2017

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Go to Venice to love ß⁄N VENICE ßÕ Y£U







Content > 15/09/2017


L'Alyana Ninh Van Bay Nha Trang


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ß⁄N VENICE ßÕ Y£U C„ mÈt n¨i khi’n t´i muËn ´m tr‰n vµo lng, n¨i Æ≠Óc xem lµ thµnh phË l∑ng mπn nh†t th’ giÌi. ß„ ch›nh lµ Venice, thµnh phË nÊi ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tr™n mÈt Æ«m ph∏ cÊ x≠a d‰c theo bi”n Adriatic Î ß´ng Bæc n≠Ìc ≥. GO TO VENICE TO LOVE There is a destination that I always wanted to hold in my arms. It's regarded as the most romantic city of the world. It's Venice, the floating city built on an ancient lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeastern Italy. NEWS

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LŸ HóI "HOA TAM GIÉC MÑCH" Tı 4/10 Æ’n 31/12, l‘ hÈi "Hoa Tam gi∏c mπch" l«n th¯ 3 - n®m 2017 sœ di‘n ra vÌi chÒ Æ“ "B∂n t◊nh ca tı Æ∏", THE BUCKWHEAT FLOWER FESTIVAL 2017 The Buckwheat flower festival 2017 will take place in four districts from October 4th to December 31st .




7 THI£N жòNG TR°NG MÜT VíNG QUANH TH⁄ GIõI > Vi÷c l™n k’ hoπch cho mÈt chuy’n du lch k’t hÓp tu«n tr®ng mÀt Î n≠Ìc ngoµi kh´ng cn lµ mÈt Æi“u xa xÿ vÌi nh˜ng c∆p uy™n ≠¨ng mÌi c≠Ìi. AROUND THE WORLD WITH 7 PARADISES FOR YOUR PERFECT HONEYMOON A sweet honeymoon in another country ountry is the jewel in the crown of a perfect marriage.


LÇNG DU GI~A THÄNH PHˇ H¤NG > Chÿ khi Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n Æ©y, t´i mÌi mÌi hi”u v◊ sao Mainz Æ≠Óc g‰i lµ "thµnh phË hÂng". Toµn bÈ gam mµu hÂng phÒ l™n h«u h’t c∏c c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc Î Æ©y, tı nh˜ng khu phÊ cÊ, nh˜ng ta nhµ, nhµ thÍ Æ’n c©y c«u, t†t c∂ Æ“u x©y bªng gπch mµu hÂng LOST IN THE PINK CITY Only after visiting this city, can I understand why Mainz is called a "pink city". The entire city, old quarter, buildings, churches and bridges, are constructed from pink bricks.




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5 GïI NGHé D¶öNG TR°NG MÜT HƒP D√N NHƒT MùA C¶õI 2017 C∏c khu nghÿ d≠Ïng vÌi kh´ng gian sang tr‰ng, däcor l∑ng mπn, †m cÛng, cÔng c∏c dch vÙ ti÷n nghi ƺng c†p, lµ t†t c∂ nh˜ng Æi“u ki÷n l˝ t≠Îng Æ” c∆p Æ´i tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng phÛt gi©y ng‰t ngµo trong k˙ tr®ng mÀt, khÎi Æ«u cuÈc sËng h´n nh©n vi™n m∑n. 5 BEST HONEYMOON PACKAGES FOR THE WEDDING SEASON 2017 A perfect honeymoon at high-end resorts featuring opulent space, romantic and warm decoration and classy services is a good start for your marriage life.

NHÄ XUƒT BÅN TH⁄ GIõI Th’ GiÌi Publishers



OCEANFRONT TRUE LIVING > Ngµy sœ du dµng khi ta c„ khÎi Æ«u nhã nhµng. ß„ cÚng ch›nh lµ l˝ do chÛng ta th≠Íng bæt Æ«u cuÈc sËng h´n nh©n bªng mÈt k˙ nghÿ, mÈt chuy’n Æi v“ n¨i t˘ tπi, an nhi™n vµ †m ∏p b™n ng≠Íi bπn ÆÍi. It will be a beautiful day ahead if you start it in a gentle way. That's the reason why we often choose to enjoy a honeymoon with our sweetheart at a warm and liberal destination after the wedding.





TÅN MÑN CHUYåN LÄM BÉNH VÄ KH¿C KHU§N THû C§NG > B∏nh trung thu, ´m tr‰n c∂ mÈt "v«ng tr®ng" Æ· au trong lng, lµ chi’c b∏nh cÒa ngµy Æoµn vi™n. BACK TO BASICS WITH MOONCAKE & WOODEN MOLD Mooncakes, which are egg yolks, herald a day of union, when family members gather and enjoy the cakes with tea while children play with lanterns in the evening.



SINAI - N^A CH¢U É LÑ LùNG CûA AI CÜP > Tı nh·, Ɖc v“ Ai CÀp qua Kinh Th∏nh, t´i ngÏ mi“n Ɔt nµy lµ mÈt x¯ sÎ xa x´i nµo »n hi÷n m¨ mµng trong s∏ch. T´i b ∏m ∂nh vµ t≠Îng t≠Óng v“ n„ bÎi c©u chuy÷n nÊi ti’ng trong Kinh C˘u ¶Ìc Æ∑ tıng Æi vµo phim ∂nh, lµ chuy÷n v“ Hoµng tˆ Ai CÀp Moses. SINAI SPECTACULAR ASIAN PART OF EGYPT I read about Egypt when young, I thought it was some remote region only written of in books. I was obsessed, and my imagination was filled by this country because of a famous story in the Bible about Egypt as told in a film named Moses

CHëU TRÉCH NHIåM XUƒT BÅN Editor-in-chief Tr«n ßoµn L©m BI£N TÜP Editors Tr«n V®n Th≠Îng, Trang Nguy‘n THI⁄T K⁄ M≤ THUÜT Graphic Design Long Le - Hanh Mai QUÅNG CÉO Advertising Hotline: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750 Email: TíA SOÑN Head Office T«ng 3, 59 ThÓ NhuÈm, Q. Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi Tel: 024 3936 8349 Fax: 024 3936 8350 V°N PHíNG TP.HCM HCMC Office T«ng 3, 144 V‚ V®n T«n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM Tel: 028 3930 9641 Fax: 028 3930 9642 Website:

Gi†y phäp xu†t b∂n sË: 04/GP-XBßS In xong nÈp l≠u chi”u th∏ng 09 n®m 2017 - In tπi c´ng ty TNHH MTV In vµ th≠¨ng mπi TTXVN



ßÖT BÉO ONLINE VUI LíNG TRUY CÜP ßëA CHé for online subscription, please visit:




(the LISt WILL Be UpDAteD AnD DeVeLopeD eAch month) (Danh s∏ch li™n tÙc Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt vµ khai th∏c th™m hµng th∏ng)

HANOI CAF–S & BARS (66) µ6 Degrees Cafe & Lounge µChurch Boutique µClub Opera µCoffee Bike µCong Cafä (18) µCora Cafä µHelio Cafä (4) µHighland Coffee (15) µFoutain Cafä µGardenista µJoma Bakery Cafä µLissom Parlour µL’Harmony µManzi µMoca µParis Deli (2) µPu Ku µRunam µRunam Bistro µTay Tap Bar µ The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Vietnam (2) µVpresso (6) RESTAURANTS (34) µDon’s Tay Ho Bistro µHome Restaurant µLy Club Restaurant µNgon Villa µMyWay Cafe & Restaurant (5) µNha hang ße Nhat (2) µNha 9NKC µPho 24 (6)

µQuan Ngon (4) µRooftop µSawasdee Restaurant µPho Bien (4) µThai Village Restaurant µSwing Lounge µTop Chef Restaurant & Bar µToViet Cellar µTrong ßong Son Restaurant µViet Deli SPAS (6) µHong Ngoc Center µSpa Aquamarine µThu Cuc Spa (2) µLa Casa Spa µZen Spa AIRLINES (2) µNoi Bai International Airport (Business Lounges) µTurkish Airlines (The Best European AirlineBussiness Class) CRUISES (4) µEmeraude Classic Cruises µPelican Luxury & Image Halong Cruises µParadise Luxury (2) TRAVEL AGENTS (3) µAsian Travelmate

µTourist Information Center (TIC) µVietnam Tourism Association OTHERS (24) µBMW Showroom µFord Showrooms (8) µ Hong Leong Bank Hanoi Branch µIpanima Showroom (2) µ Lounge of Vinhome Time City & Vinhome Royal City µ Nest AIA µ Nshape Fitness (3) µ Peugeout Scooteis µTan My Design µTechcombank Lounge µTimes Square µToong Working Space (2) µVan Tri Golf HCMC CAF– (104) µCafä EON - EON 51 µCiao Coffee (3) µCong Cafä (4) µDeciBel Lounge µGloria Jean’s Coffee (2) µGoody µHighland Coffee (36) µInbox µKlasik Coffee Roasters µLa Cafeteria de L’usine (3) µLa Fenetre Soleil µLa Toronde Cafe µLe Saigonais

TçM ßñC PHI£N BÅN ßIåN T^ TÑI For digital publication, please visit:


µ MORICO (6) µNYDC (5) µRunam Bistro (3) µThinker & Dreamer Coffee µTerrace Cafä (5) µThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Viet Nam (14) µThe Coffee House(13) µThe Workshop Cafe µFly Cupcake & Goody Ice Cream CLUBS (2) µClub Royale µ International Tourist Club RESTAURANTS (34) µBon Bon Restaurant µDi Mai Restaurant µGao Restaurant µJaspas restaurant µKhanh Casa µPho 24 (19) µsanfulou Restaurant µShri Restaurant & Lounge µsorae Restaurant µWrap & Roll Restaurant (2) SPAS (12) µAnam QT Spa µAuthentic Spa µL’Apothiquaire Spa (3) µLotus Spa µSen Spa µ Sian Skincare

Laser Clinic µ Thann Sanctuary Day Spa µThe Spa Saigon Pearl µTropic Spa µZennova Spa Cay Diep AIRLINES (2) µTan Son Nhat International Airport (Business Lounges) µTurkish Airlines (The Best European Airline-Bussiness Class) CONSULATE (1) µUK Trade & Investment OTHERS (17) µCitimart µFord Showrooms (11) µFahasha µInternational SOS Clinics Viet Nam µIpaNima Showroom (2) µPhuong Nam µFit 24 Fitness µAmerica Eye Center PROVINCES CAF– (10) µ Highland Coffee Parkson Hai Phong (2) µHighland Coffee Parkson µMegastar Hai Phong µHighland Coffee Megastar Bien Hoa µ Highland Coffee Big C, Da Nang µHighland Coffee Indochina, Da Nang µ Highland Coffee Megastar Vinh Trung, Da Nang µRunam Bistro, Da Nang RESTAURANT (2) µPho 24 - Nha Trang

µEnjoy - Quang Nam AIRLINES (4) µ Cam Ranh Airport(Business Lounge) µ Can Tho Airport (Business Lounge) µ Danang International Airport (Business Lounge) µ Lien Khuong Airport (Business Lounge) CRUISES (7) µAphrodite Cruise (1) µParaside Luxury (4) µParadise Previlege (2) µParadise Peak (1) µParadise Cruise µStarlight Cruise µOriental Sail µCalypso Cruise ATTENTION µ In cooperation with Vietnam Airlines, Travellive copies are available at business lounges of six international airports in Vietnam, including Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat, Lien Khuong, Cam Ranh, Da Nang and Can Tho µ In cooperation with Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airlines). Every business traveller on flight by Turkish Airlines to Vietnam is provided with a Travellive publication for free. µ 180 Travel Agents, (belonging to Vietnam Tourism Association) in Vietnam µ Issued by National Newspapers Distribution Company, Fahasa Book Distribution Corporation, Phuong Nam bookshop system, Citimart supermarkets (HCMC)...

Cafe Post

Spa La Sen Sora Cafe


KhÉch SÑn, reSort hÄnG ß¡U VIåt nAm The leading hotels and resorts in Vietnam Th´ng tin chi ti’t xem tπi For more details, please follow the link below TRAVELLIVE



f all the month of the year, September is the month of autumn and romance. Couples often choose to hold their weddings in the splendid weather conditions of this season. Then, October is the best time for a honeymoon. Travellive will update the latest trends for honeymoons and take you to a wide selection of an ideal destinations. Mainz, the "pink city", where you can discover Germany of the 17th th - 18 century, is added to the list. This city is awaiting couples to discover. Then, an article about 7 honeymoon cities around the world, from Santorini to the ancient city of Kyoto in Japan with its yellow and golden colors of maple leaves and turquoise water of autumn. All awaits you on your newlywed adventure.

QU≥ ßóC GIÅ TH¢N M⁄N! CÔng vÌi nhfip lu©n chuy”n cÒa Ɔt trÍi, th∏ng 9 lµ kho∂nh khæc giao thÍi, sang thu - mÔa ƨm hoa k’t tr∏i cÒa t◊nh duy™n. Travellive sœ cÀp nhÀt nh˜ng xu h≠Ìng du lfich "Honeymoon" mÌi nh†t, Æ≠a bπn Æ’n Mainz - "thµnh phË hÂng" - t◊m lπi kh´ng kh› cÒa n≠Ìc ߯c vµo th’ kÿ th¯ 17-18. Thµnh phË kho∏c mµu ∏o c≠Ìi nh≠ ch†t men nÂng c„ s¯c g‰i mÍi du kh∏ch mÈt vflng kh∏m ph∏. Ti’p Æ„ lµ 7 thµnh phË tr®ng mÀt vflng quanh th’ giÌi Æ” nh˜ng c∆p Æ´i l™n l™n k’ hoπch cho mÈt hµnh tr◊nh tÀn h≠Îng d≠ vfi ng‰t ngµo, tı "Thµnh phË cÒa ngµn ng‰n th∏p" Prague, thi™n Æ≠Íng xanh Î Æ∂o Santorini Æ’n khung c∂nh cÊ k›nh Î cË Æ´ Kyoto n≠Ìc NhÀt vÌi sæc vµng Æ· cÒa l∏ phong vµ mµu xanh bi’c cÒa m∆t n≠Ìc mÔa thu x¯ lπnh. Trong mÙc Travel, chÛng t´i mÍi bπn theo ch©n t∏c gi∂ Cao Thµnh kh∏m ph∏ Æ∂o Sinai - mÈt nˆa Ch©u É lπ lÔng cÒa Ai CÀp, x¯ sÎ cÒa k˙ quan kim t˘ th∏p nÊi ti’ng thÍi cÊ Æπi. ß„ c„ lœ lµ mÈt hµnh tr◊nh trong m¨, bÎi "Cho Æ’n khi rÍi Æi, t´i v…n ch≠a tin m◊nh vıa Æ≠Óc chπm vµo Sinai, mi“n Ɔt cÒa Th∏nh Kinh", nh≠ lÍi t˘ s˘ cÒa t∏c gi∂. Ch©n thµnh c∂m ¨n qu˝ ÆÈc gi∂ Æ∑ ÆÂng hµnh cÔng chÛng t´i trong nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh thÛ vfi vµ hãn g∆p lπi trong sË b∏o tÌi.




In the travel section, you can follow author Thanh Cao to explore the Asian part of Sinai, an island of Egypt, the land of ancient pyramids. It must be an increadible journey because "even after I finished my journey, I still didn't believe that I stepped onto the sacred landscape of Sinai" shared by the author. Thank you for following us in exciting journeys. See you in the next publication.








oµn bÈ b¯c tranh qu™ h≠¨ng cÒa nhµ hµng gÓi nhÌ cho th˘c kh∏ch Vi÷t mÈt c∂m gi∏c lµng qu™ vµ truy“n t∂i mÈt nät v®n h„a ÆÀm sæc Vi÷t cho ng≠Íi n≠Ìc ngoµi du lch tπi Sµi Gn. Secret House - thuÈc chuÁi nhµ hµng Secret Garden Vietnamese Home - Cooked Restaurants & Cafe, b™n cπnh th˘c ƨn vËn d‹ nÊi ti’ng cÒa Secret Garden, Æ≠Óc th™m vµo r†t nhi“u m„n mÌi Æa dπng & phong phÛ tı m‰i mi“n cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc mang h≠¨ng v cÒa Bæc Trung Nam phÙc vÙ th˘c kh∏ch c∂ buÊi s∏ng tr≠a vµ chi“u. ß∆c bi÷t h¨n, b™n khu v≠Ín mÈc mπc, gi„ chi“u hiu hiu... th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng buÊi trµ chi“u nhã nhµng tπi Secret house. (SECRET HOUSE *55/1 L™ Th HÂng G†m, B’n Thµnh, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *Tel: +84 911 877 008)





Ìi khu v≠Ín xanh c„ hµng trÛc nh· xµo xπc, »n m◊nh tr™n t«ng cao mÈt c®n hÈ cÚ trong con hŒm khi™m tËn gi˜a trung t©m Sµi Gn, kh´ng gian y™n b◊nh tπi Mountain Retreat cÔng nh˜ng m„n ®n thu«n Vi÷t mang ÆÀm phong v qu™ nhµ th˘c s˘ lµ li÷u ph∏p xoa du t©m hÂn l…n bao tˆ c˘c k◊ l˝ t≠Îng. Nh≠ ÆÛng vÌi t™n g‰i Mountain Retreat, Æi”m Æ’n »n m◊nh nµy b· lπi s˘ Ân µo cÒa phË th Æ” mang lπi c∂m gi∏c b◊nh y™n nh†t cho th˘c kh∏ch. ß” nh˜ng t©m hÂn lπc lËi n¨i phË th c„ c¨ hÈi h≠Îng thÙ chÛt hÂn Vi÷t h≠¨ng qu™. (MOUNTAIN RETREAT *Rooftop 36 L™ LÓi, Ph≠Íng B’n Nghä, Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 0907 194 557 *Fanpage:




Th˘c ƨn mÌi tπi Chill Dining Tı 5/10, Chill Dining mang Æ’n cho th˘c kh∏ch tr∂i nghi÷m hoµn toµn mÌi vÌi c∏c m„n ®n Æa Æπng vµ phong phÛ. Th≠Îng th¯c th˘c ƨn ch‰n m„n gÂm hµu s˜a Nha Trang t≠¨i ÆÛt l, th®n nÈi b Angus h∂o hπng, hay m„n c∏ tuy’t v´

cÔng h†p d…n. ß∆c bi÷t, b’p tr≠Îng Dannet D'souza cÒa nhµ hµng sœ khi’n cho th˘c kh∏ch ngπc nhi™n vÌi h≠¨ng v cÒa m„n c∏ m∆t qu˚ Æ∆c sæc vµ m„n thuy“n h∂i s∂n vÌi Æi”m nh†n lµ t´m hÔm Canada, cua hoµng Æ’ Alaska, s New Zealand, s Manila...ThÀt tuy÷t vÍi khi vıa tr∂i

nghi÷m nh˜ng m„n ®n ngon kh´ng th” chËi tı, vıa Ææm m◊nh trong kh´ng gian sang tr‰ng vµ l∑ng mπn tπi Chill Dining vÌi t«m nh◊n bao qu∏t Sµi Gn hoa l÷ v“ Æ™m tı t«ng 27. (CHILL DINING *T«ng 27, Ta nhµ AB, 76A L™ Lai, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *Hotline: 093 882 2838 *Website: chillsaigon. com/eat)







idden on a high floor of an old house in the city center of Saigon with a green garden featuring lines of bamboo trees, Mountain Retreat brings guests a serene space and traditional Vietnamese dishes that can ease one from the bustle and hustle of the daily life. As revealed in its name, Mountain Retreat will wipe out all your worries to serve you in the homiest ambiance. (MOUNTAIN RETREAT *Rooftop 36 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, HCMC *Tel: 0907 194 557 *Fanpage:


New menu at Chill Dining From October 5th, Chill Dining offers its gastronomes a new inspiration with a wide selection of dishes. Enjoy a

a-la-carte menu with baked fresh Nha Trang oyster, Angus tenderloin carpaccio or cod fish. In particular, Chef Dannet D'souza of the restaurant will surprise you with flavors of monk fish tail and the shellfish

boat with the highlight of Canadian lobster, Alaskan king crab, New Zealand mussels and Manila clams. It is a fabulous culinary experience to immerse in the luxurious and romantic space of Chill

Dining while overlooking Saigon at night from the 27th floor. (CHILL DINING *Level 27, AB Building, 76A Le Lai, Dist. 1, HCMC *Hotline: 093 882 2838 *Website:




ecret House draws guests to a Vietnamese village with its remarkable culture, which is inviting enough for locals and foreigners alike. Secret House under Secret Garden Vietnamese HomeCooked Restaurants & Cafä serves an array of popular and HUE new plates from the North, Central Coast and South of Vietnam. The restaurant opens from the morning till late afternoon. In particular, you can enjoy an afternoon tea Secret House draws guests to a Vietnamese village with its remarkable culture, where foreigners in Saigon can also explore. Secret break in the cool breeze in Secret House. House under Secret Garden Vietnamese Home-Cooked Restaurants & CafĂˆ serves an array of popular and new plates from the North, HOUSE *55/1 Le Thi you Hong Thanh, Central Coast and South of Vietnam. The restaurant opens from the morning(SECRET till late afternoon. Particularly, canGam, enjoyBen afternoon Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: +84 911 877 008) tea break in the cool breeze in Secret House.


(SECRET HOUSE *55/1 Le Thi Hong Gam, Ben Thanh, Dist. 1 _ Tel: +84 911 877 008)



and its Hidden Gems on top of saiGon HCMC Located on the 50th, 51st and 52nd Floor of Bitexco Financial Tower, Cafe EON, EON51 Fine Dining and EON Heli Bar is undoubtedly the highest entertainment complex in the heart of Saigon. Unparalleled views over the city together with delightful food and beverages, EON51 ought to be an ideal place for you have joyful memories with your beloved ones after those hectic days from work.

CafE EON - a SpECtaCular ViEw OVEr SaigON Positioned on the 50th floor of the iconic Bitexco Financial Tower, Cafe EON is the highest cafe - resto in Saigon for mindblowing skyline and appealing drinks. Cafe EON offers the best experiences by serving all the highest quality products and attentive service in a unique atmosphere. It serves two concepts, one for those who want to overlook the fantastic cityscape with irresistible beverages and the other dedicated to truly Vietnamese dishes from all over the country.

Besides a wide range of seating options, it has a spacious private room ready for business or private engagements upon enquiry.

reputable wine-producing regions, e.g.,

EON51 fiNE DiNiNg - HautE CuiSiNE ON tOp Of tHE tOwN

EON HEli Bar - ONly Bar witH a HEliCOptEr paD iN ViEtNam

Perched 200m above the ground, EON51 Fine Dining, at the 51st floor, offers unique experience in a truly unrivalled setting. Besides the stunning views onto the city, diners can see their fine food being exquisitely prepared by the talented chefs to create a feast for senses in the open kitchen. At this renowned kitchen, many culinary twists were created seasonally in order to create an epic culinary showcase to valued guests from all over the world.

EON Heli Bar is more than simply the highest local bar; this cosmopolitan nightspot is an ideal venue for a vibrant night out with live acoustic performances and DJ's spinning nightly, not to mention a wide range of inventive award-winner drinks.

A few steps away from the open kitchen, there is a temperature-controlled cellar displaying a broad selection of wines from

Bordeaux, Burgundy, Loire Valley, Rhone Valley to the wines from the New World such as Australia, Chile, US

Though not technically on the top, EON Heli Bar manages to create enough separate areas with a range of seating options, including smoking and non-smoking sections, from which guests are free to choose. As day gives way to night, the whole bar is bathed in soft lighting so guests can fully appreciate the stunning panoramic views of the city.

cAfe eon * Vietnamese Business Lunch: VND 185,000++/ set eon51 fIne DInInG * 20% discount off total bill: 11:00 - 14:00 eon heLI BAr * Live music performance: 17:00 - 19:00 and 20:00 - 22:00 daily.

cAfe eon - eon51 fIne DInInG - eon heLI BAr I Level 50, 51 and 52 Bitexco Financial Tower, 2 Hai Trieu Street, District 1, HCMC I Tel: (028) 6291 8751 I Website:



Du th uy≈ n sang tr ñng nh ƒ t tr £ n V ënh hÑ LO ng HÑ LONG Th∏ng 10/2017, Paradise Vi÷t Nam ra mæt du thuy“n Paradise Prestige - Du thuy“n sang tr‰ng nh†t tr™n Vnh Hπ Long t›nh Æ’n thÍi Æi”m hi÷n tπi, Æ∏nh d†u b≠Ìc ti’n mÌi cÒa Paradise Vi÷t Nam khi mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch tr∂i nghi÷m du lch tr‰n g„i - h◊nh th¯c th≠Íng th†y tπi c∏c khu nghÿ d≠Ïng vµ du thuy“n sang tr‰ng.

VÌi 2 Æ™m tr™n du thuy“n Paradise Prestige kh∏m ph∏ Vnh Hπ Long, du kh∏ch sœ ghä th®m nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n ri™ng bi÷t, t∏ch kh·i Ân µo vµ n∏o nhi÷t Æ” tÀn h≠Îng vŒ Æãp hoµn m¸ Æ’n nao lng cÒa nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n y™n b◊nh xa bÍ

nªm s©u trong lng di s∂n. Tr∂i nghi÷m tinh hoa »m th˘c Vi÷t Nam vµ th’ giÌi trong th˘c ƨn t˘ ch‰n (a-la-carte), say Ææm cÔng nh˜ng ly r≠Óu vang nÂng nµn quy’n rÚ, th≠ gi∑n tÀn h≠Îng 50 phÛt spa ti™u chu»n quËc t’ mÁi ngµy, hay nghÿ ng¨i tπi phng chÍ hπng th≠¨ng gia cÒa s©n bay QuËc t’ NÈi Bµi lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng m„n quµ Paradise Prestige ≠u ∏i dµnh ri™ng cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch sˆ dÙng dch vÙ tr‰n g„i cÒa m◊nh. Du thuy“n Paradise Prestige Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ vÌi 15 cabin rÈng r∑i, chia thµnh 3 hπng phng kh∏c nhau, l†y c∂m h¯ng tı "ng≠Íi ti“n nhi÷m" Æ∑ lµm n™n t™n tuÊi

Paradise Vi÷t Nam - du thuy“n Paradise Luxury. ßi”m kh∏c bi÷t lÌn nh†t tr™n Paradise Prestige, lµ h÷ thËng 4 spa sang tr‰ng, mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch nh˜ng phÛt gi©y th≠ th∏i sau khi tham gia c∏c hoπt ÆÈng trong hµnh tr◊nh. Paradise Prestige ra ÆÍi Æ∏nh d†u thµnh c´ng lÌn th¯ hai cÒa TÀp Æoµn Paradise Vi™t Nam trong n®m 2017. Vµo th∏ng 3 vµ th∏ng 7 vıa qua, hai du thuy“n Paradise Elegance vÌi chi“u dµi 61 mät, rÈng 13 mät cÔng 31 cabin c„ ban c´ng ri™ng Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c Æ≠Óc hπ thu˚, n©ng tÊng sË du thuy“n thuÈc tÀp Æoµn Paradise Vi÷t Nam l™n con sË 11.

A dive in Allinclusive concept of pArAdise vietnAm


aradise Vietnam is responding to growing appetite for more than just one night cruise experiences on Halong Bay by fashioning a new product line out of its existing fleet. This October, Paradise Vietnam launches its topnotch vessels, Paradise Prestige - the most sophisticated ships in the bay. The launch of Paradise Prestige will mark a dive into the all-inclusive concept for Paradise Vietnam, which it knows to be popular among high-end resorts and river cruise companies. Paradise Prestige will give additional mouthpiece to the attraction by doing what one-night cruises cannot: sail away from the crowds and into more secluded territory, thereby creating another layer of exclusivity to the experience. Benefits will include a la carte meals, free-flow drinks and sparkling wine, one 50-minute spa treatment per person per day and business lounge access at Noi Bai International Airport. Consisting of 15 cozy cabins across three (3) categories, both upgraded boats are reminiscent of their predecessor "the Paradise Luxury" in more ways than one. When it comes to the on-board experience, Paradise Group spares no expense. Four (4) lavish spa rooms have been installed on each boat to cater for each guest's 50-minute complimentary massage. The creation of Paradise Prestige signifies the second major move made by Paradise's cruise division this year. In March and July, the company made a splash by rolling out second Paradise Elegance ships, which at 61 meters long and 13 meters wide with 31 cabins are the biggest overnight cruising vessels in the UNESCO World Heritage site, ever. Paradise Vietnam also owns and operates Paradise Peak and Paradise Luxury; the 156-room Paradise Suites and Paradise Trend hotels - the first and only boutique luxury hotels in Tuan Chau Island; and six restaurants, including two in Hanoi that consistently rank on TripAdvisor among the top 10 dining venues in Vietnam's capital, 3 in Ho Chi Minh city and 1 in Hoi An. hAnoI SALeS offfIce * Unit 201, 2nd Floor, Hanoi Tower, No.49 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam * Tel: +84 4 3941 6666 - Hotline: +84 906 099 606 * Email: * Web: TRAVELLIVE






Ìi mÙc Æ›ch giÌi thi÷u v®n Hu’ Æ’n g«n vÌi m‰i ng≠Íi, The Hu’ House Æ≠Óc m´ ph·ng nh≠ 01 ng´i nhµ v≠Ín Hu’ cÊ k›nh sœ h†p d…n du kh∏ch bªng c∏c m„n ®n truy“n thËng b◊nh d, tı c¨m h’n, b∏nh bÃo, bÈt l‰c, b∏nh nÀm, bÛn b, bÛn tht n≠Ìng... Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Hu’ Æ’n nh˜ng m„n ®n nÊi ti’ng kh∏c cÒa Vi÷t Nam nh≠ cao l«u HÈi An, m◊ Qu∂ng, b l∏ lËt, ch∂ gi, b∏nh ÆÀp, nem n≠Ìng... ß’n vÌi The Hu’ House, th˘c kh∏ch kh´ng chÿ hi”u th™m ph«n nµo v“ v®n h„a Hu’ qua »m th˘c vµ nät ki’n trÛc Æ∆c tr≠ng x¯ Hu’ cÒa nhµ hµng mµ cn Æ≠Óc ngæm nh◊n khung c∂nh Sµi Gn tı tr™n cao. (The hu⁄ house - AuThenTic VieTnAmese hu⁄ cuisine *T«ng th≠Óng Ta nhµ Master Building, 41 - 43 Tr«n Cao V©n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM *Tel: 0909 246 156)


BBQ buffet h∂i s∂n h†p d…n tπi The Grill BBQ buffet h∂i s∂n tËi tı 6:00 pm Æ’n 10:00 pm th¯ 4 Æ’n chÒ nhÀt hµng tu«n h¯a hãn mang Æ’n

mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c Æ«y c∂m h¯ng vÌi c∏c m„n h∂i s∂n t≠¨i ngon vµ Æa dπng nh≠ cua, hµu, t´m sÛ, ngh™u, c∏ hÂi, vãm xanh, m˘c vµ h¨n th’ n˜a Æ≠Óc ch›nh c∏c Æ«u b’p ch’ bi’n ngay

tπi qu«y. ß∆c bi÷t, qu«y Ëc thu«n Vi÷t vÌi s˘ l˘a ch‰n Ëc cµ na, Ëc mÏ, Ëc len hay s mai vµ sœ lµ tr∂i nghi÷m buffet h∂i s∂n mÌi lπ dµnh cho th˘c kh∏ch. Gi∏ buffet tı 549.000VNß++/ng≠Íi

lÌn vµ 279.000VNß++/ trŒ em (5 - 11 tuÊi). T®ng th™m tr∂i nghi÷m cÔng m„n t´m hÔm Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa b’p tr≠Îng vÌi gi∏ chÿ 120.000VNß++/1 con t´m

(THE GRILL - SAIGON PRINCE HOTEL *63 Nguy‘n Hu÷, ph≠Íng B’n Nghä, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM *Tel: 028 3822 2999 *Website: www.




h≠¨ng tr◊nh trao gi∂i danh hi÷u nhµ hµng sang tr‰ng nh†t th’ giÌi Æ≠Óc thi’t lÀp tı n®m 2016, thu hÛt nh˜ng nhµ hµng tı khæp c∏c n≠Ìc tr™n th’ giÌi tham gia Î 81 ti™u ch›. N®m nay, Don's Bistro Hanoi Æ∑ vinh d˘ Æ≠Óc b◊nh ch‰n lµ Nhµ hµng c„ phong c∏ch bµi tr› cao c†p nh†t - Best Luxury Scenic Setting. Nh©n dp nµy, nhµ hµng cÚng cho ra mæt combo b˜a tr≠a sang ch∂nh. Chÿ vÌi 250.000VNß, bπn sœ c„ b˜a ®n gÂm sÛp kem b› ng´ ®n kÃm b∏nh m˙ b¨; sa l∏t "hoµng Æ’" vÌi c∏ hÂi x´ng kh„i h≠¨ng trµ sen & tr¯ng tr«n; mi’n xµo tht cua; th®n b Alberta AAA n≠Ìng than hoa, hoa qu∂, chà tr©n ch©u s˜a dıa & xoµi c∏t. Mi‘n ph› b∏nh quy bia Hµ NÈi ho∆c n≠Ìc ng‰t, kh´ng giÌi hπn trµ gıng x∂. (DON'S BISTRO *16 Qu∂ng An, T©y HÂ, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3719 3719 *Website: )









he World Luxury Restaurant Awards, established from 2016, enables restaurants from across the globe to compete in one of 81 categories so as to inspire excellence and ignite healthy competition in the luxury restaurant industry. This year, Don's Bistro Hanoi is honored as a restaurant with the Best Luxury Scenic Setting. On this special occasion, the restaurant launched its special lunch combo at only 250,000VND including free parking. Diners will have a chance to enjoy pumpkin soup in a tureen, fresh baked buns and butter; Caesar salad with fresh lotus blossom tea smoked salmon and poached egg; stir-fried crab vermicelli; Canadian AAA beef rib eye steak on garlic toast with mushroom sauce and french fries, Dalat greens; seasonal fruit plate; coconut tapioca sweet porridge with mango and complimentary cookies. The meal includes complimentary Hanoi beer or a soft drink. (DON'S BISTRO *16 Quang An, Tay Ho, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3719 3719 *Website:


Seafood BBQ Buffet Dinner at The Grill Seafood BBQ Buffet from 6:00p.m to 10:00 p.m from Wednesday to Sunday is offering a truly inspiring dining

experience featuring selections of marketfresh produce, tiger prawn, salmon, oysters, lams, green mussels and much more prepared by excellent chefs just the way you like at

the restaurant's live cooking station. Enjoy Vietnamese style seafood with a choice of pen shells, winkle snails and much more offering a delight for the senses. VND549,000++/adult

and VND279,000++/ child (5 - 11 years old). Upgrade your experience with the signature lobster dishes for a mere VND120,000++ per whole lobster to be served in a variety of

styles to choose from. (THE GRILL - SAIGON PRINCE HOTEL *63 Nguyen Hue, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: 028 3822 2999 *Website: www.saigonprincehotel. com)




he Hue House restaurant is designed to showcase Hue's culinary culture to guests. It serves a wide selection of Hue's local foods such as rice with mussels, floating fern-shaped cake, nÀm cake (the rice flour, shrimp and pork meat), vermicelli with beef and grilled pork. Diners can also order other dishes of the Central Coast such as cao lu (a dish from Hoi An made with noodles, pork, and local greens), Quang noodles (Quang Nam), beef with betel leaves, pork pie and grilled Vietnamese sausage. At The Hue House, gourmets can not only discover Hue's architectural style but also view the panorama of Saigon. (The hue house - AuThenTic VieTnAmese hue cuisine

*Rooftop, Master Building, 41 - 43 Tran Cao Van, Ward 6, Dist.3, HCMC *Tel: 0909 246 156)



Nestled in the heart of beautiful Tuan Chau island, La Paz Resort Halong is an ideal destination for those seeking a truly memorable moments in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Halong Bay. La Paz Resort Halong accommodates 207 beautifully-designed rooms inspired by Vietnamese traditional influences, will be a true gateway for your family to immerse in the beauty of Halong Bay.

Tuan Chau Island, Halong City, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam Tel: (+84) 203 3842 999 HANOI SALES OFFICE Unit 1206, 12th Floor, No.49 Hai Ba Trung Str., Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam Hotlines: (+84) 888 76 2266 Email:

Website: &ĂĐĞŬ͗ ĩͬůĂƉĂnjƌĞƐŽƌƚŚĂůŽŶŐͬ






‰a lπc b™n dng s´ng Hµn th¨ mÈng, li“n k“ vÌi trung t©m hµnh ch›nh ßµ NΩng, Novotel Danang Premier Han River sÎ h˜u v tr› Ææt Æa vµ nhanh ch„ng trÎ thµnh Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng. VÌi 328 phng Î, 90 c®n hÈ sang tr‰ng hi÷n Æπi, cÔng c∏c qu«y bar vµ nhµ hµng ƺng c†p quËc t’, n¨i Æ©y æt hºn lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n hoµn h∂o cho doanh nh©n l…n du kh∏ch. (noVoTeL DAnAnG PRemieR hAn RiVeR *Tel: +84 (0) 906 099 755 *Email: *Website: *Facebook: NovotelDanangPremier)



Th≠ gi∑n sau giÍ lµm vi÷c MÈt s©n ch¨i th≠ gi∑n cho d©n v®n phng sau mÈt ngµy lµm vi÷c bÀn rÈn tπi Le Märidien

Saigon. T†t c∂ c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Æ“u kÃm theo th¯c uËng vµ m„n ®n kÃm kh´ng giÌi hπn. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh di‘n ra vµo th¯ 5 hµng tu«n vÌi gi∏ tı 550.000++/ng≠Íi,




ang nät Æãp gÓi nhÌ nh˜ng gi∏ tr truy“n thËng trong mÈt di÷n mπo t≠¨i mÌi, hÈp b∏nh trung thu Pan Pacific Hµ NÈi n®m nay sœ lµ m„n quµ Æong Æ«y c∂m xÛc vµ ngh‹a t◊nh dµnh cho ng≠Íi th©n vµ dµnh cho mÔa "trung thu Æ«u ti™n" trong k˝ ¯c cÒa mÁi chÛng ta. S∏ng tπo trong thi’t k’, b∏nh Trung thu Pan Pacific Hµ NÈi cn phong phÛ v“ h≠¨ng v vÌi b∏nh n≠Ìng tr¯ng muËi truy“n thËng nh©n hπt sen, khoai m´n, d®m b´ng, ÆÀu xanh, d≠a M¸ vµ l∏ d¯a. ß∆c bi÷t, Pan Pacific Hanoi cn mang tÌi th™m ba l˘a ch‰n hÈp quµ t∆ng cao c†p gÂm 6 b∏nh lÌn vµ 1 chai Whiskey HAIG-Club ho∆c Tr¯ng vµng "PhÛc", "LÈc" hay Gµ vµng "Tr› Tu÷" phÒ vµng 24K. Gi∏ mÁi hÈp tı 568.000VNß, ch≠a bao gÂm thu’ GTGT. (KHÉCH SÑN PAN PACIFIC HÄ Nói *1 Thanh Ni™n, QuÀn Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 090 177 8318 *Website:



th≠Îng th¯c kh´ng giÌi hπn 08 loπi r≠Óu vang ch‰n l‰c, Sangria m∏t lπnh kÃm nhi“u loπi ph´ mai vµ tht nguÈi h∂o hπng. Th¯ 6 vÌi gi∏ 600.000++/ng≠Íi,

nh©m nhi h≠¨ng v craft beer Æa dπng tı Pasteur Street vµ Anderson Valley cÔng c∏c m„n ®n ch¨i hÓp kh»u v. (KHÉCH SÑN LE M–RIDIEN SAIGON

*3C T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1, TP HCM *Tel: +84 28 6263 6688 *Email: lemeridien.saigon@






elivering traditional touch in a contemporary appearance, the mooncake box of Pan Pacific Hanoi is a valuable gift not only for your dearest family and distinguished partners, but also for the 'First Mid-Autumn Festival' that lies in our heart. Not only creative in design, Pan Pacific Hanoi pleases guests with a wide selection of baked mooncake flavors including lotus seed, taro, jambon, green bean, honeydew and pandan with egg yolk. Each mooncake is meticulously hand crafted using the finest ingredients to make it the perfect golden brown delight. Pan Pacific Hanoi also offers choices of premium mooncake gift boxes with 6 large mooncakes and a bottle of HAIG-Club Whiskey or a 24K gold plated gift. Price ranges from VND568,000 and subject to 10% VAT. (PAN PACIFIC HANOI *1 Thanh Nien, Ba Dinh, Hanoi *Hotline: 090 177 8318 *Website:



Relaxation after work LM After-work Series is a new playground to unwind after a busy office day. All activities feature free

flow of drinks and matching food at an affordable price. Enjoy 08 different kinds of wine around the world, refreshing Sangria and an assortment of artisan DANANG



oak in stunning city views, excellent facilities and outstanding hospitality at a 5-star hotel located right in the heart of Danang city. Enjoy 328 rooms and 90 serviced apartments of Novotel Danang Hotel with contemporary design and spacious living area. Whether traveling with your loved one, children or business colleagues, you are sure to enjoy a memorable stay at the Novotel.

(noVoTeL DAnAnG PRemieR hAn RiVeR *Tel: +84 (0) 906 099 755 *Email: *Website:, *Facebook:



cheese, home-made bread, terrine and imported charcuteries. The program is on Thursday at VND 550,000++/person. Treat yourself to a free flow Anderson Valley

and Pasteur Street beers pairing with freshly carved roasted Australian sirloin, home-made pretzels and chicken wings. All is on Friday at VND 600,000++/person.

(LE M–RIDIEN SAIGON HOTEL *3C Ton Duc Thang, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: +84 28 6263 6688 *Email: lemeridien.

ßIÕM ß⁄N NGHé D¶öNG ƒN T¶úNG TÑI ßÄ NøNG Khai tr≠¨ng tı ngµy 2/9/2017, kh∏ch sπn Paris Deli vÌi ti™u chu»n 4 sao Æ∑ trÎ thµnh Æi”m nh†n †n t≠Óng cho du kh∏ch khi Æ’n vÌi thµnh phË bi”n ßµ NΩng xinh Æãp. T‰a lπc tπi v tr› thuÀn lÓi g«n b∑i bi”n M¸ Kh™, Paris Deli sœ giÛp kh∏ch l≠u trÛ d‘ dµng tÌi tham quan c∏c Æi”m du lch tπi thµnh phË bi”n nh≠ C«u RÂng, CÊ Vi÷n Chµm, chÔa Linh ¯ng, nÛi NgÚ Hµnh S¨n. ß≠Óc thi’t k’ hi÷n Æπi, sang tr‰ng, kh∏ch sπn cao 23 t«ng, gÂm 143 phng kh∏ch sπn vµ 10 c®n hÈ cao c†p, Æ≠Óc trang b nÈi th†t vÌi nh˜ng ti÷n nghi bÀc nh†t. MÁi phng Æ“u c„ t«m nh◊n rÈng tho∏ng, trong Æ„ Æi”m nh†n lµ phng Sea Front Premier (c„ bÂn tæm nªm), vµ c∏c c®n hÈ Æ“u c„ t«m nh◊n h≠Ìng ra bi”n hoµn h∂o cÔng kh´ng gian rÈng r∑i cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh. Nhµ hµng Paris Deli Restaurant lµ nät ri™ng ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa kh∏ch sπn, phÙc vÙ c∏c m„n ngon Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa v®n h„a É vµ ¢u, Æ≠Óc ch›nh c∏c Æ«u b’p tµi hoa s∏ng tπo vµ mang lπi nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c r†t ri™ng vµ thÛ v cho th˘c kh∏ch. Sau c®ng thºng cÒa nh˜ng chuy’n bay dµi, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc chµo

Æ„n vÌi th¯c uËng tuy÷t h∂o tπi Memoire Bar Î s∂nh ch›nh. N’u muËn ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh bi”n vµ thµnh phË ßµ NΩng lÈng l…y tı tr™n cao, Skyline Bistro & Lounge t«ng 23, lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho bπn. ß” du kh∏ch Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m kh´ng gian ti÷n nghi hoµn h∂o, kh∏ch sπn cn cung c†p c∏c dch vÙ Æa dπng nh≠ h b¨i ngoµi trÍi, bÂn tæm n≠Ìc n„ng, dch vÙ spa, phng massage, phng th” dÙc, phng x´ng h¨i kh´ vµ ≠Ìt... ß≠Óc qu∂n l˝, d…n dæt bÎi ngµi TÊng Gi∏m ÆËc ßi“u hµnh Francis Pang, Æ’n tı quËc Æ∂o S≠ Tˆ Bi”n - Singapore, ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n chuy™n nghi÷p vµ th©n thi÷n cÒa kh∏ch sπn sœ giÛp bπn th≠ gi∑n, tÀn h≠Îng k˙ nghÿ d≠Ïng dÔ ngæn hay dµi ngµy. H¨n 10 n®m kinh nghi÷m lµm vi÷c tπi Vi÷t Nam vÌi v tr› qu∂n l˝ tπi tÀp Æoµn New World Resort & Hotel, tÀp Æoµn Nam C≠¨ng, ngµi Francis muËn mang Æ’n th´ng Æi÷p cÒa kh∏ch sπn Paris Deli, a "Sense of Place" - mÈt Æi”m nghÿ d≠Ïng lµ s˘ ha quy÷n tuy÷t m¸ cÒa

thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng mang phong c∏ch Ch©u ¢u, k’t hÓp vÌi v®n h„a mi“n Trung vµ s˘ m’n kh∏ch, th©n thi÷n cÒa nh˜ng con ng≠Íi b∂n Æa. Nh©n dp khai tr≠¨ng, kh∏ch sπn Paris Deli mang Æ’n ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n vÌi gi∏ tı 1.068.000 VNß, ti’t ki÷m l™n Æ’n 50%, mi‘n ph› xe Æ≠a ho∆c Æ„n s©n bay, cÔng nhi“u ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n cho th¯c uËng tπi c∏c nhµ hµng vµ qu«y bar. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng vÌi Æi“u ki÷n vµ ch›nh s∏ch cÒa kh∏ch sπn.

KhÉch SÑn pArIS DeLI 236 V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, QuÀn S¨n Trµ, TP ßµ NΩng Tel: 0236 389 6666 Email: Website: TRAVELLIVE




HA LONG Featuring a five-star condotel complex with diverse services and luxurious shopping houses, Swiss Belhotel Halong Bay project will be an ultimate destination that can satisfy every demand of relaxation, shopping and entertainment of tourists in Halong city.

Times Garden Halong nested at the most convenient location by the Clock Tower five-way intersection of Halong city. Perceived as a masterpiece of leading international talents in architecture and engineering, this project was honored as the "Best Residential Development - Ha Long Bay", one of categories in Vietnam Property Awards 2017 in June.

wiss Belhotel Ha Long Bay - VÌi h÷ thËng c®n hÈ kh∏ch sπn ti™u chu»n 5 sao, hÈi tÙ Æ«y ÆÒ ti÷n ›ch Æa dπng vµ khu phË mua sæm cao c†p, d˘ ∏n Swiss Belhotel Ha Long Bay sœ lµ Æi”m dıng ch©n l˝ t≠Îng, th·a m∑n tËi Æa nhu c«u nghÿ d≠Ïng, mua sæm, gi∂i tr› cÒa du kh∏ch khi Æ’n vÌi thµnh phË Hπ Long.


T‰a lπc Î ng∑ n®m CÈt ßÂng HÂ, gi˜a trung t©m thµnh phË Hπ Long, Times Garden Hπ Long sÎ h˜u mÈt v tr› kh´ng th” tuy÷t vÍi h¨n. D˘ ∏n lµ mÈt t∏c ph»m Æÿnh cao cÒa c∏c tµi n®ng hµng Æ«u th’ giÌi trong l‹nh v˘c ki’n trÛc vµ x©y d˘ng. Vµo th∏ng 6 vıa qua, d˘ ∏n Æ∑ vinh d˘ nhÀn Æ≠Óc gi∂i th≠Îng "ߨn v ph∏t tri”n nhµ Î tËt nh†t Hπ Long" - mÈt hπng mÙc trong gi∂i th≠Îng b†t ÆÈng s∂n Vi÷t Nam 2017 uy t›n. ChÒ Æ«u t≠ d˘ ∏n Times Garden Hπ Long Æ∑ hÓp t∏c vÌi Swiss-Belhotel International, tÀp Æoµn hi÷n Æang qu∂n l˝ kho∂ng 150 kh∏ch sπn, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng vµ b†t ÆÈng s∂n cao c†p tr™n th’ giÌi. VÌi s˘ hÓp t∏c nµy, d˘ ∏n Æ≠Óc vÀn hµnh d≠Ìi th≠¨ng hi÷u "Swiss Belhotel Ha Long Bay" ti™u chu»n 5 sao quËc t’. D˘ ∏n lµ tÊ hÓp bao gÂm 50 c®n shop-house sang tr‰ng vÌi phË Æi bÈ 11m vµ 236 c®n hÈ cao c†p theo m´ h◊nh c®n hÈ kh∏ch sπn hi÷n Æπi Æ≠Óc c∏c nhµ Æ«u t≠ sÎ h˜u theo h◊nh th¯c sÊ Æ· v‹nh vi‘n. Toµn bÈ nÈi th†t vµ h÷ thËng MEP Æ≠Óc hoµn thi÷n theo ti™u chu»n c®n hÈ kh∏ch sπn 5 sao vµ giao cho Swiss Bel Hotel International qu∂n l˝, khai th∏c trong thÍi hπn tËi thi”u 10 n®m. C≠ d©n vµ kh∏ch du lch c≠ trÛ sœ Æ≠Óc h≠Îng Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c ti÷n ›ch cao c†p nh≠ b” b¨i bËn mÔa, spa, c©u lπc bÈ th” thao, nhµ hµng quËc t’ sang tr‰ng, trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi, hÈi ngh vµ khu vui ch¨i gi∂i tr› c„ th≠Îng dµnh cho ng≠Íi n≠Ìc ngoµi...

Times Garden Halong has partnered with Swiss-Belhotel International, which manages a portfolio of more than 150 hotels, resorts and projects in the world. With this agreement, the project is managed under the brand name of five-star international "Swiss Belhotel Ha Long Bay". The project comprises a complex of 50 luxurious shop houses with an 11-meter walking street and 236 highranking modern condotels owned by investors with permanent house certificates. All furniture and MEP system (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) follow five-star standards of condotels managed and exploited by Swiss Bel Hotel International within at least 10 years. Residents and tourists will be able to enjoy opulent services, including a four-season swimming pool, spa, sports club, international restaurant, trade center, conference center and leisure center for foreigners. Visitors will not only have a chance to stay in deluxe condotels but also experience top-notch cuisine at international restaurants, other luxurious and caring services 24/24 and shopping at premium stores along the walking street withing the project. In particular, "Times Garden Halong Color Festival" will be held in early October to launch the project. This is also a start for a series of street festivals annually organized at Swiss Belhotel Halong Bay. SWISS BELHOTEL HA LONG BAY 425 Le Thanh Tong St., Bach Dang Ward, Ha Long City Website:

Kh´ng chÿ Æ≠Óc nghÿ d≠Ïng trong nh˜ng c®n hÈ kh∏ch sπn sang tr‰ng, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c th≠Óng hπng tπi nhµ hµng quËc t’, tÀn h≠Îng c∏c dch vÙ kh∏ch sπn chu toµn vµ ƺng c†p 24/24 giÍ vµ mua sæm tπi c∏c cˆa hµng sang tr‰ng cao c†p nªm tr™n d∑y phË Æi bÈ cÒa d˘ ∏n. ß∆c bi÷t, vµo Æ«u th∏ng 10 tÌi, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "L‘ hÈi sæc mµu Times Garden Hπ Long" sœ Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c Æ” ra mæt khu phË vµ lµ s˘ ki÷n mÎ mµn cho chuÁi c∏c s˘ ki÷n l‘ hÈi Æ≠Íng phË sœ di‘n ra th≠Íng ni™n tπi Swiss Belhotel Ha Long Bay.







reen Bay Phu Quoc Resort & Spa nªm tr∂i dµi tr™n b∑i bi”n Cˆa Cπn th¨ mÈng cÒa hn Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc xinh Æãp vµ »n m◊nh gi˜a 10 ha rıng nguy™n sinh t˘ nhi™n. Toµn bÈ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ ha quy÷n gi˜a phong c∏ch truy“n thËng mÈc mπc cÒa nh˜ng ng´i nhµ sµn k’t hÓp vÌi vÀt li÷u t˘ nhi™n Æa ph≠¨ng mang lπi c∂m gi∏c trong lµnh nh≠ sËng gi˜a thi™n nhi™n. VÌi kh´ng gian lÌn Æ’n 90 m2, bi÷t th˘ lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho gia Æ◊nh vµ c∆p Æ´i h≠Îng tu«n tr®ng mÀt. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n nh©n dp khai tr≠¨ng vÌi m¯c gi∏ gi∂m Æ’n 50% bao gÂm dch vÙ Æ„n ti‘n s©n bay, b˜a s∏ng dµnh cho hai ng≠Íi vµ nhi“u dch vÙ h†p d…n kh∏c. ¶u Æ∑i ∏p dÙng tı nay Æ’n h’t 31/10/2017. (GREEN BAY PHU QUOC RESORT & SPA *Cˆa Cπn, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: (+84 29) 7626 7799 *Email: *Website:


Nghÿ d≠Ïng h†p d…n tπi Vanda Danang Chÿ vÌi 4.200.000VNß Æ” tÀn h≠Îng k◊ nghÿ hà 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m tπi kh∏ch sπn 4 sao cao c†p, ngay tπi trung t©m thµnh phË ßµ NΩng. Theo Æ„, du kh∏ch sœ c„ 2 Æ™m nghÿ tπi loπi phng cao c†p ti™u chu»n 4 sao, n≠Ìc uËng chµo Æ„n vµ kh®n lπnh khi nhÀn

phng, buffett s∏ng hµng ngµy, 60 phÛt sˆ dÙng dch vÙ Spa dµnh cho 2 ng≠Íi, trµ chi“u h∂o hπng tπi nhµ hµng Trico ho∆c Top View Bar, mi‘n ph› sˆ dÙng h b¨i, phng tÀp th” h◊nh, xe Æπp... Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng tı nay Æ’n 30/12/2017. (KhÉch sÑn VAnDA DANANG *03 Nguy‘n V®n Linh, ßµ NΩng *Email:Sales@ *Tel: 0236

3525 969 *Website:www.


B∏nh trung thu h∂o hπng tπi Renaissance Riverside Saigon Tan ch∂y trong h≠¨ng v ng‰t bÔi tı nh©n b∏nh mà Æen vµ tr¯ng muËi Æ≠Óc b‰c trong lÌp v· b∏nh n≠Ìng vµng „ng hay v

thanh m∏t tı b∏nh n≠Ìng nh©n hπt sen l∏ d¯a. Tr∂i nghi÷m hai mÔi v hoµn toµn mÌi nh≠ s˘ k’t hÓp hoµn h∂o gi˜a khoai t›m vÌi omochi NhÀt B∂n cÔng b∏nh trung thu lµm tı ÆÀu Æ· Azuki vµ kem s˜a t≠¨i. Thi’t k’ hÈp sang tr‰ng, nÊi bÀt vµ tinh t’ vÌi 2 mµu chÒ Æπo Æ· - vµng, bi”u t≠Óng cÒa s˘ may mæn vµ thnh v≠Óng cÔng bËn chi’c

b∏nh ng‰t ngµo chæc chæn sœ trÎ thµnh mÈt m„n quµ ˝ ngh‹a bπn l˘a ch‰n cho gia Æ◊nh, bπn bà vµ ÆËi t∏c vµo mÔa trung thu nµy. MÁi hÈp b∏nh c„ gi∏ tı 880.000VNß/hÈp. (KHÉCH SÑN RENAISSANCE RiVeRsiDe sAiGon *8 15 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *Tel: (84) 28 3822 0033 *Email


M„n quµ Trung thu ˝ ngh‹a tı InterContinental Saigon Nh©n dp T’t Trung Thu n®m nay, Kh∏ch sπn InterContinental Saigon mang Æ’n bÈ s≠u tÀp b∏nh trung thu th≠Óng hπng, gÂm 6 loπi nh©n mang ÆÒ h≠¨ng v tı truy“n thËng Æ’n Æ≠¨ng Æπi nh≠ hπt sen 2 tr¯ng, l∏ d¯a hπt sen 1 tr¯ng, ÆÀu Æ· tr¯ng muËi hay trµ xanh hπt sen... B∏nh sœ lµ m„n quµ ˝ ngh‹a dµnh t∆ng ng≠Íi th©n, bπn bà cÚng nh≠ ÆËi t∏c trong mÔa Æoµn vi™n nµy. HÈp 4 b∏nh c„ gi∏ 1.250.000VNß, 6 b∏nh c„ gi∏ tı 1.750.000VNß trÎ l™n vÌi r†t nhi“u l˘a ch‰n kh∏c nhau. (KHÉCH SÑN INTERCONTINENTAL SAIGON *Ng∑ t≠ Hai Bµ Tr≠ng vµ L™ Du»n, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM

*Tel: +84 28 3520 9433 *Email:









reen Bay Phu Quoc Resort & Spa resides on the West Coast of the tropical Phu Quoc Island, hidden in 10 hectares tropical National Park jungle. The resort is constructed to blend rustic traditional stilt house in the old days and local natural materials that bring out the fresh feeling like living among the nature. All 61 villas and bungalows, which are up to 90 square meters, are the largest villas in town. Providing full essential modern facilities in room. Ideal for families and honeymoon couples. Special opening promotion offers up to 50% off, including pick-up and drop-off at airport, buffet breakfast for a couple, and other amazing services. The promotion is validity from now until Oct 31st, 2017. (GREEN BAY PHU QUOC RESORT & SPA *Cua Can, Phu Quoc *Tel: (+84 29) 7626 7799 *Email: *Website:



Holiday Bliss Package at Vanda Danang Only at VND 4,200,000 net to enjoy 3 days 2 nights stay at modern 4-star hotel right in the heart of Danang city. The package includes two-night accommodation with Deluxe room; welcome drink & cold towel upon arrival; daily buffet breakfast for two at Trico Restaurant; spa access with 60 minute spa treatment for two;

high afternoon tea for two at Trico Restaurant or Top View Bar; and free access to fitness center, swimming pools and bicycle. This promotion is applied from now until December 30th, 2017. (VAnDA DAnAnG hoTeL *03 Nguyen Van Linh, Danang *Email: *Tel: 0236 3525 969 *Website:

A meaningful gift from InterContinental Saigon This mid-autumn festival, stop by InterContinental Saigon and choose a box of moon cake for your beloved friends and families as well as your business partners. They are the perfect gift to honor the bond we have during this festival occasion. Indulge in the hotel's mooncake

collection this year, filled with the best flavors and freshest ingredients. You can choose different fillings of pure lotus 2 yolks, pandan lotus paste and 1 salted yolk or green tea and lotus. Box of 4 is priced at VND 1,250,000. Box of 6 is priced from VND 1,750,000. (INTERCONTINENTAL SAIGON HOTEL *Corner of Hai Ba Trung and Le Duan, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: +84 28 3520 9433 *Email:


Mid-autumn mooncake at Renaissance Riverside Saigon Celebrate mid-autumn festival with a selection of luscious mooncake flavors from Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon. The outstanding box color of gold and red naturally gives a touch of elegance and luxury, especially when gifting for family, friends, and business associates. You can choose among different tastes, from the black sesame and salted yolk filling to pandan and lotus seeds. Only VND888,000 net for a box of four. (RenAissAnce RiVeRsiDe sAiGon hoTeL *8 - 15 Ton Duc Thang, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: (84) 28 3822 0033 *Email





Gi˜a giÍ tan t«m Æ´ng ÆÛc vÌi hıng h˘c s¯c n„ng tı kh„i bÙi xe, c„ lœ c∂m gi∏c Æ≠Óc Æi gi˜a nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng tho∏ng Æ∑ng vµ ngæm nh◊n m∆t trÍi d«n bu´ng n¨i thµnh phË lµ mÈt Æ∆c ©n xa xÿ. Nh≠ng khi t◊m Æ’n ßµ NΩng trong k◊ nghÿ, t´i Æ≠Óc th≠Îng ngoπn mÈt chi“u hoµng h´n Æ›ch th˘c tr™n chi’c xe bu˝t 2 t«ng mang t™n Coco Bus Tour, lµm nhÌ lπi nh˜ng buÊi chi“u tπi London...

Coco Bus Tour l®n b∏nh tr™n c∏c cung Æ≠Íng tuy÷t Æãp cÒa thµnh phË bi”n ßµ NΩng

Hµnh tr◊nh cn thÛ v h¨n khi chÛng t´i Æ≠Óc tr chuy÷n vÌi mÈt trong nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æang vÀn hµnh tuy’n xe bu˝t hai t«ng Æ«u ti™n tπi Vi÷t Nam - ´ng Mike Norton vµ nghe ´ng chia sŒ nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n ngh“ trong mÈt buÊi chi“u r˘c rÏ. ß≠Óc bi’t tr≠Ìc khi sang Vi÷t Nam, Mike tıng Æi“u hµnh m´ h◊nh Bus Tour tπi London, Dubai, Hong Kong vµ Th≠Óng H∂i, n¨i xe bu˝t 2 t«ng d≠Íng nh≠ Æ∑ trÎ thµnh Æ∆c s∂n. §ng lu´n tin t≠Îng rªng tÀp trung vµo tr∂i nghi÷m cÒa kh∏ch hµng ch›nh lµ ch◊a kh„a thµnh c´ng trong ngµnh nµy. Mike chia sŒ: "ßµ NΩng lµ thµnh phË c„ ti“m n®ng ph∏t tri”n lÌn. VÌi sË l≠Óng du kh∏ch ngµy cµng gia t®ng vµ s˘ Æi vµo hoπt ÆÈng cÒa Cocobay sœ lµ mÈt c¨ hÈi Æ” tπo n™n s˘ ÆÈc Æ∏o cho tr∂i nghi÷m cÒa kh∏ch hµng." "C«n ph∂i n„i th™m, Cocobay lµ mÈt s∂n ph»m du lch ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa ßµ NΩng. VÌi h÷ thËng nhµ hµng vµ gi∂i tr› Πƺng c†p th’ giÌi, mÙc ti™u cÒa d˘ ∏n nhæm tÌi thu hÛt h¨n 3 tri÷u l≠Ót kh∏ch du lch tÌi ßµ NΩng mÁi n®m tı nay tÌi 2020", Mike hµo h¯ng chia sŒ v“ tham v‰ng ph∏t tri”n du lch tπi thµnh phË Æ∏ng sËng nh†t Vi÷t Nam. ßËi vÌi nh˜ng bπn trŒ, du lch kh´ng chÿ lµ Æ” th≠ gi∑n, mµ cn lµ Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m v“ b¯c tranh th˘c cÒa cuÈc sËng, Æ” th†y vŒ Æãp thi™n nhi™n; th†y nh˜ng g◊ kh∏c bi÷t... VÌi t´i lµ nh˜ng buÊi ngæm hoµng h´n tr™n nh˜ng thµnh phË kh∏c nhau, Æ„ lµ nh˜ng chi“u rong ruÊi tr™n xe bu˝t 2 t«ng tπi Melbourne, London, hay Th≠Óng H∂i, vµ giÍ Æ©y ngay tπi Vi÷t Nam, bπn cÚng c„ th” Æ„n nh˜ng gi©y phÛt r˘c rÏ huy hoµng †y tπi ßµ NΩng cÔng Coco Bus Tour. C∂m ¨n Mike v“ buÊi tr chuy÷n vµ nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh v´ cÔng Æãp cÒa chi“u hoµng h´n thµnh phË bi”n! Gi∏ vä ni™m y’t: 250.000 VND, c„ gi∏ tr sˆ dÙng trong vng 24h k” tı khi k›ch hoπt. Nh©n dp ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng, Coco Bus Tour sœ gi∂m gi∏ vä 50% tı 01/9 - 30/11/2017.



turn your art of experience

BI⁄N NGHå tHUÜt tH¶ôNG NGoÑN l£N Mót t¡M CAo MõI Ló TRçNH XE BUS TUY⁄N N1: Chi“u Æi: B∑i ÆÀu xe S©n bay - Duy T©n - ß≠Íng 2/9 - C«u RÂng - L˝ Nam ß’ - Tr«n H≠ng ßπo - ß≠Íng gom l™n Vincom - Phπm V®n ßÂng - V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p - Tr≠Íng Sa - Cocobay. Chi“u v“: Cocobay - Tr≠Íng Sa - An N´ng - C«u CÊ C - Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a - Tr«n ßπi Ngh‹a - L™ V®n Hi’n - C«u Ti™n S¨n - ß≠Íng 2/9 - Duy T©n - B∑i ÆÀu xe S©n bay (*) ßIÕM BÉN V–: [1] Cocobay ßµ NΩng, tÊ 53 T©n Trµ, Æ≠Íng Tr≠Íng Sa, ph≠Íng Ha H∂i, quÀn NgÚ Hµnh S¨n [2] S©n bay ßµ NΩng, Duy T©n, Ha ThuÀn T©y, H∂i Ch©u, ßµ NΩng [3] Mua vä tr™n xe

§ng Mike Norton chia sŒ ni“m vinh hπnh khi tham gia tÀp Æoµn Empire lµm Gi∏m ÆËc vÀn hµnh th≠¨ng hi÷u Coco Bus Tour

Before coming to Vietnam, Mike used to control Bus Tours in London, Dubai, Hong Kong and Shanghai, where doubledecker buses seem to be a local "specialty". For him, it's the customers' experience that is the key of success in this service field. "Danang is a potential city in developing tourism. When the city is welcoming more and more tourists, the debut of Cocobay will be a distinctive experience", shared Mike. "It should be added that Cocobay is an original tourist product of Danang. With international-standard restaurants and entertainment services, this project is expected to attract more than 3 million tourists to Danang every year until 2020", shared Mike about the ambition of developing tourism in the most worth-living city of Vietnam. For young tourists, traveling is not only to relax but also experience the real lifestyle of local people, beauty of nature and spectacular things. For me, I like viewing the sunset while sitting on a double-decker bus at different cities such as Melbourne, London or Shanghai. And now, I can definitely enjoy it here in Danang, Vietnam with Coco Bus Tour. I would like to express my gratitude to Mike for his sharing and magnificent photos of the sunset at the sea city that I captured from the bus.

to a new level



t's a special favor to be able to go along spacious streets and witness the sunset during the rush hour in a city center. I had a chance to enjoy a true afternoon on an open-top double-decker bus named Coco Bus Tour that reminded me of afternoons in London when I had a holiday in Danang city. The tour was more exciting when we had a talk to Mike Norton, who is in charge of Coco Bus Tour operations, and listened to his stories in a nice afternoon.

One-way tickets for adults are priced at VND250,000 per person, and are valid for 24 hours after activation. Particularly, on the occasion of its opening, Coco Bus Tour offers a 50% discount on tickets from September 1st to November 30th, 2017. RoUTE oF N1 BUS: Route 1: Airport Parking Lot - Duy Tan - Road 2/9 - Dragon Bridge - Ly Nam De -Tran Hung Dao - Vincom - Pham Van Dong - Vo Nguyen Giap - Truong Sa - Cocobay. Route 2: Cocobay - Truong Sa - An Nong - Co Co Bridge - Nam Ky Khoi Nghia - Tran Dai Nghia - Le Van Hien - Tien Son Bridge - Road 2/9 - Duy Tan - Airport Parking Lot. TICKETS aRE aVaILaBLE aT: [1] Cocobay Danang, Block 53 Tan Tra, Truong Sa street, Hoa Hai, Ngu Hanh Son [2] Danang Airport, Duy Tan, Hoa Thuan Tay, Hai Chau, Danang [3] On the bus

CONTACT: Block 53 Tan Tra, Truong Sa, Hoa Hai, Ngu Hanh Son, Danang * Website: * Fanpage: * Hotline: 0236 3954 666






rilliant - ta th∏p Ææt gi∏ nh†t tπi d˘ ∏n Diamond Island vinh d˘ giÌi thi÷u tÌi kh∏ch hµng 5 phong c∏ch thi’t k’ Æ≠Óc ≠a chuÈng nh†t tr™n th’ giÌi hi÷n nay nhªm giÛp c∏c chÒ nh©n t≠¨ng lai c„ th™m nhi“u s˘ l˘a ch‰n cho tÊ †m t≠¨ng lai cÒa m◊nh: Shangri La mang ÆÀm d†u †n Ph≠¨ng ß´ng huy“n b›; Soho - Nät ph„ng kho∏ng trong nÈi th†t Æ≠¨ng Æπi; Parisian- Ghi d†u vŒ Æãp cÊ Æi”n, ÆÀm ch†t th¨ Ph∏p; Milano - C®n hÈ ngh÷ thuÀt ÆÀm phong c∏ch ≥; Verona - ߺng c†p cÒa s˘ thanh lch. BÈ s≠u tÀp c∏c c®n hÈ vÌi thi’t k’ nÈi th†t mÌi tπi ta th∏p Brilliant Æang Æ≠Óc giÌi thi÷u vÌi sË l≠Óng c„ hπn cÔng nhi“u ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n. (D# ÉN DIAMOND ISLAND *Hotline: 0938 480 888 *Website:


D˘ ∏n Watermark mÎ b∏n g„i hµng nÈi bÈ ChÒ Æ«u t≠ Refico, ƨn v ph∏t tri”n d˘ ∏n Watermark Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c mÎ ÆÓt b∏n hµng Æ∆c bi÷t vÌi g„i hµng nÈi

bÈ gÂm 10 c®n hÈ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch Æ≠¨ng Æπi, trang nh∑ vµ sang tr‰ng. Lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng d˘ ∏n b†t ÆÈng s∂n nÊi bÀt tπi Hµ NÈi, Watermark sÎ h˜u Æa th’ l˝ t≠Îng b™n cπnh H T©y, mang Æ’n kh´ng gian sËng

ƺng c†p cho c∏c c≠ d©n. T›nh ÆÈc nh†t cÚng Æ≠Óc Æ“ cao khi d˘ ∏n Watermark chÿ c„ 128 c®n hÈ, dµnh cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi c„ phong c∏ch sËng tinh t’, lu´n mong muËn Æ≠Óc c©n bªng nhp sËng s´i ÆÈng vµ s˘ hµi ha vÌi thi™n nhi™n.




‰a lπc tπi v tr› vµng c˘c k˙ s«m u†t cÒa quÀn T©n PhÛ th’ nh≠ng Emerald Precinct thuÈc khu Æ´ th Celadon City lπi v´ cÔng tho∏ng Æ∑ng vµ y™n b◊nh nh≠ mÈt vi™n ng‰c xanh m∏t, n¨i mµ c≠ d©n c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng ti÷n ›ch v≠Ót trÈi vµ ƺng c†p bÀc nh†t. Emerald Precinct lµ d˘ ∏n t©m huy’t cÒa chÒ Æ«u t≠ Gamuda Land, vÌi mong muËn ki’n tπo n™n kh´ng gian an c≠ Æ∏ng m¨ ≠Ìc cho m‰i ng≠Íi, nh†t lµ c∏c gia Æ◊nh trŒ tr› th¯c, gia Æ◊nh 2-3 th’ h÷. Tπi Emerald Precinct, c≠ d©n c„ th” mÎ toang cˆa Æ” Æ„n ∏nh næng t˘ nhi™n vµ gi„ trÍi m∏t mŒ vÌi h÷ thËng an ninh hi÷n Æπi 3 lÌp b∂o v÷. C„ th” n„i, m‰i nhu c«u tı h‰c tÀp, vui ch¨i, mua sæm, nghÿ d≠Ïng cÒa c∂ gia Æ◊nh Æ“u Æ≠Óc Æ∏p ¯ng hoµn h∂o vÌi c®n hÈ Emerald Precinct.

(Khu nhÄ m√u ceLADon ciTY *SË 88, Æ≠Íng N1, P.S¨n K˙, QuÀn T©n PhÛ *Hotline: 0903 340 888)



ß≠Óc trang b nÈi th†t nhÀp kh»u tuy÷t Æãp tı c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u quËc t’ nh≠ Hafele, Toto, Saint Gobain... 10 c®n hÈ Watermark sΩn sµng bµn giao vµ chµo Æ„n nh˜ng chÒ nh©n mÌi. (D# ÉN WATERMARK *395 Lπc Long Qu©n, Ngh‹a

ß´, C«u Gi†y, Hµ NÈi *Email:info@watermark. *Website: www.







lthough being situated in the busiest location of Tan Phu District, Emerald Precinct of Celadon City offers an airy and peaceful living space that is seen as a green pearl, where residents can enjoy the most opulent and classy services. With the investment in Emerald Precinct, Gamuda Land, the leading township developer from Malaysia, wishes to create a dreamland for local people, especially extended families. At Emerald Precinct, you can always open the door freely to enjoy the warm sunshine and cool breeze thanks to the 3-tier security and Intercom system working 24/7. Emerald Precinct can meet all the comprehensive needs of your family from learning, playing and shopping to relaxing of your family. (CELADON CITY SALES GALLERY *88, N1 street, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, HCMC *Hotline: 0903 340 888)


Watermark project on offer for internal sale Watermark's investor, Refico, officially provides a special internal sale package with 10 splendid

apartments with contemporary designs. As one of remarkable real estate projects in Hanoi, Watermark offers the sweeping views of West Lake and its striking visual faรงade

makes it a perfect living space for residents. In addition, Watermark is an exclusive address for people, who appreciate the finer things in life and are looking for a lively and nature-


5 design trends for apartments at Brilliant Tower The most luxurious tower of Diamond Island project, Brilliant, honors to introduce five favorite international design styles for house owners through its five premium model apartments. They are Shangri La: the masterpiece oriental mystery; Soho: liberal ideas encased in a modern interior; Parisian: a classic & elegant touch of France in your home; Milano: creating your own Italiano art style; and Verona: the natural beauty. This brilliant collection with inspiring designs are shown along with many attractive promotions. (DIAMOND ISLAND PROJECT *Hotline: 0938 480 888 *Website:



friendly environment, comprising of 128 units. Well-equipped with imported products of many international brand names, including Hafele, Toto and Saint Gobain, these

10 apartments will be ready for their owners. (WATERMARK PROJECT *395 Lac Long Quan, Nghia Do, Cau Giay, Hanoi *Email: vn *Website: www.



luxuryliving ß’n vÌi Celadon City T©n PhÛ vµo mÈt ngµy chÌm thu, khung c∂nh xanh m∏t vµ kh´ng gian th≠ th∏i Æ≠Óc lÂng ghäp hµi ha gi˜a c¨ sÎ hπ t«ng hi÷n Æπi cÔng ti÷n ›ch ÆÂng bÈ chæc chæn sœ chi“u lng nh˜ng v kh∏ch dÔ lµ kh„ t›nh nh†t. CHU¬N m#C mõi V≈ Ti£U CHU¬N SˇNg L†y ch›nh nh˜ng c≠ d©n t≠¨ng lai cÒa m◊nh lµm nh©n tË th≠Ìc Æo Æ” ki’n tπo n™n kh´ng gian sËng c∂m xÛc vµ giµu t›nh nh©n v®n, Celadon City T©n PhÛ t˘a h nh≠ vi™n ng‰c xanh nÊi bÀt gi˜a lng thµnh phË vÌi khu´n vi™n c©y xanh l™n Æ’n 16,4 ha. ß≠Óc v› nh≠ thi™n Æ≠Íng nghÿ d≠Ïng tπi gia, d˘ ∏n Emerald Precinct Æ∂m b∂o gi˜a nät hi÷n Æπi, tinh t’ cÔng bË cÙc nhã nhµng, toµn vãn. ß©y kh´ng chÿ lµ chËn an c≠ trÔ phÛ mµ cn lµ n¨i th≠Îng l∑m c∂nh quan, tÀn h≠Îng c∏c nhu c«u gi∂i tr›, nghÿ ng¨i, sinh hoπt cho c≠ d©n. ßi”m nÊi trÈi cÒa Emerald Precinct ph∂i k” Æ’n kh´ng gian sinh th∏i t˘ nhi™n. VÌi 72% di÷n t›ch dµnh hºn cho m∂ng xanh vµ ti÷n ›ch nÈi khu, c¯ vµi b≠Ìc ch©n c≠ d©n sœ Æ≠Óc Ææm m◊nh trong kh´ng gian thanh b◊nh cÒa h c∂nh quan m∏t du, v≠Ín th∂o mÈc ng∏t h≠¨ng, th∂m c· xanh ngÓp trÍi

hay Æ´i hµng c©y rÓp b„ng. Ph«n kh´ng gian cn lπi sœ Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ ph∏t tri”n thµnh c´ng vi™n trung t©m, khu gym hi÷n Æπi; khu cµ ph™ ngoµi trÍi, khu picnic, khu BBQ Æ∏p ¯ng toµn di÷n nhu c«u mua sæm, s¯c kh·e, v®n h„a, gi∂i tr›... cho c≠ d©n. ßi“u thÛ v lµ ngoµi nh˜ng ti÷n nghi sΩn c„, c≠ d©n cÒa Emerald Precinct cn Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng lÓi ›ch käp tı khu Æ´ th Celadon City s«m u†t, hi÷n Æπi. ß≈ CaO TêNH NH¢N V°N TRONg THi⁄T K⁄ VÄ X¢y D#Ng D‘ dµng nhÀn ra Emerald Precinct lµ chËn l˝ t≠Îng Æ” c∂ th” ch†t vµ t©m hÂn cÒa con trŒ Æ≠Óc ch®m chÛt vµ ph∏t tri”n. Kh´ng ph∂i Î d˘ ∏n nµo cÚng c„ th” t◊m th†y kh´ng gian sËng hoµ trong khung c∂nh thi™n nhi™n gi˜a lng thµnh phË, n¨i c∏c bä Æ≠Óc Ææm m◊nh trong ∏nh m∆t trÍi, t˘ do chπy nh∂y vui ÆÔa tr™n th∂m c· xanh, quan s∏t vµ nh◊n ngæm mu´n loµi hoa l∏ c· c©y... Æ” c∂m nhÀn cuÈc sËng t˘ do rÈng lÌn thay v◊ lµm bπn vÌi m∏y t›nh, iPad. THi⁄T K⁄ TH§Ng miNH CHO CUóC SˇNg HOÄN HÅO Lµm n™n s˘ kh∏c bi÷t ƺng c†p cÒa d˘ ∏n c®n hÈ Emerald Precinct ch›nh lµ t›nh an

ninh vµ bi÷t lÀp cÒa tıng c®n hÈ Æ≠Óc bË tr› hµi ha trong mÈt tÊng th” thÊng nh†t, cho phäp c≠ d©n mÎ toang cˆa k›nh Æ” tÀn h≠Îng ∏nh næng t˘ nhi™n vµ gi„ trÍi trµn ngÀp tıng g„c nhµ. B¯c t≠Íng an ninh 3 lÌp 24/7 cÔng h÷ thËng th´ng minh Smart Home giÛp c≠ d©n an t©m tÀn h≠Îng cuÈc sËng an toµn, hi÷n Æπi mÈt c∏ch tr‰n vãn nh†t. Thi’t k’ c®n hÈ Æa dπng mang tÌi nhi“u s˘ l˘a ch‰n tr∂i dµi tı 1 - 3 phng ngÒ; trong Æ„, h¨n 90% c®n hÈ Æ≠Óc bË tr› ban c´ng k›nh trong suËt nh◊n ra c´ng vi™n xanh m∏t, Æ≠a thi™n nhi™n Æ’n g«n h¨n vÌi con ng≠Íi. Tin rªng vÌi nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m hi÷n Æπi vµ thÛ v Æ≠Óc tπo n™n vµ ch®m chÛt bÎi Gamuda Land - ߨn v Æ«u t≠ vµ ph∏t tri”n b†t ÆÈng s∂n hµng Æ«u Malaysia, c∏c c≠ d©n t≠¨ng lai cÒa Emerald Precinct sœ hoµn toµn y™n t©m vµ hµi lng khi l˘a ch‰n n¨i Æ©y Æ” d˘ng x©y tÊ †m vµ vun Ææp ÆÍi sËng gia Æinh. Kh´ng nh˜ng th’, vÀn dÙng thµnh c´ng 4 tri’t l˝ kinh doanh cËt l‚i cÒa mÈt tÀp Æoµn b†t ÆÈng s∂n c„ t«m nh◊n bao gÂm: quy hoπch tÊng th” th´ng minh, kh´ng gian hoµn m¸, v tr› Ææc Æa vµ ki’n tπo gi∏ tr sËng vµo d˘ ∏n mÌi nh†t cÒa m◊nh, Gamuda Land (HCMC) h¯a hãn sœ tıng b≠Ìc Æ≠a d˘ ∏n ph∏t tri”n vµ kh´ng ngıng gia t®ng gi∏ tr theo thÍi gian.


HCMC Visiting Celadon City Tan Phu in an autumn day, I am really impressed by the green and relaxing living space it provides. With all its integrated modern infrastructure and conveniences, this new township guarantees a satisfactory life that you have been longing for, making sure every single day spent here is filled with joy and happiness.

NEw STaNDaRD Of liViNg With the key concentration on future residents to create an emotional and pleasant living space, Celadon City Tan Phu is truly an ideal eco urban complex with 16.4-hectare green campus located within the busy city. Regarded as a home paradise, Emerald Precinct is the perfect combination of allinclusive superior services in a tranquil area. This is not only a place to live but also a destination to enjoy the beautiful landscape, high-end entertaining services and relaxation. Emerald Precinct is highlighted with its natural ecological space. With 72 percent of the total area reserved for greenery and internal conveniences, residents will have a chance to experience the life in a peaceful village with scenery lakes, aromatic gardens, green grasslands and trees. The remaining area shall be dedicated to the development of central park, modern gym, outdoor cafes, picnic and BBQ grounds that can satisfy every demand of the will-be house owners. Remarkably, residents of Emerald Precinct can also enjoy a complete lifestyle using all serivces and conveniences of the modern Celadon City.

It's easy to see that Emerald Precinct is a perfect living space for your children's physical and mental development. In this symphony of response between nature and humans in the city center, your children can play leisurely in the sun, on the green grass and discover the plants surrounding them instead of spending time at computers or iPad. SmaRT DESigN fOR a pERfECT lifE Emerald Precinct is distinctive by its safety and privacy. Each apartment is nested separately yet harmonically in an united complex that allows residents to open their windows wide inviting natural sunshine and breeze inside. The 3 tier security and Intercom system working 24/7 ensures the utmost safety, bringing residents a modern, fulfilling life . Each condominium is diversely designed with wide selection from 1-bedroom to 3-bedroom unit type. More than 90% of the condominiums feature glass balconies, where people can overlook to the green park. The precision in every detail, from the landscape to the utility infrastructure, maximizes the comfort and brings modern style to each resident's home. With the modern and comfortable living experiences created and invested by Gamuda Land, the leading township developer from Malaysia, prospective residents of Emerald Precinct will surely be happy choosing this place as the dream home for their families. Gamuda Land (HCMC) with its four philosophies including strong master planning, beautifully crafted environment, good location and value creation, is dedicated to building more than just great homes and creating "value beyond property". ceLADon cIty moDeL hoUSeS * 88, N1 street, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu, HCMC * Hotline: 0903 340 888 * Website: TRAVELLIVE


ThÍi Æi”m hi÷n tπi, thÒ Æ´ Hµ NÈi kh´ng thi’u nh˜ng s∂n ph»m b†t ÆÈng s∂n cao c†p, song, ph©n khÛc d˘ ∏n b†t ÆÈng s∂n sang tr‰ng, x¯ng t«m vÌi thu nhÀp, nhu c«u sinh sËng cÒa ng≠Íi d©n d≠Íng nh≠ v…n ch≠a ÆÒ.


πi c∏c khu Æ´ th t›ch hÓp nh˜ng ti÷n ›ch ÆÂng bÈ vµ ƺng c†p, c≠ d©n sœ Æ≠Óc h≠Îng thÙ phong c∏ch sËng th≠Óng l≠u, tı v tr› Ææc Æa nªm tr™n c∏c con Æ≠Íng huy’t mπch, k’t nËi vÌi trung t©m thµnh phË, ti÷n lÓi di chuy”n ra s©n bay vµ c∏c khu trung t©m hµnh ch›nh, kinh t’ l©n cÀn. An c≠ tπi khu Æ´ th sinh th∏i chu»n cao c†p, kh∏ch hµng hoµn toµn c„ th” y™n t©m khi l˘a ch‰n c®n hÈ phÔ hÓp cho vÓ chÂng trŒ, hay t◊m Æ’n c∏c bi÷t th˘ song lÀp, bi÷t th˘ ƨn lÀp, nhµ li“n k“ cho Æπi gia Æ◊nh. C∏c ti÷n ›ch nÈi khu cÒa d˘ ∏n Æ´ th sinh th∏i cÚng Æ≠Óc m‰i ng≠Íi Æ∆c bi÷t quan t©m, ƨn cˆ nh≠ trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi, ti÷n ›ch dµnh cho sinh hoπt cÈng ÆÂng, phng tÀp gym, yoga, khu vui ch¨i cho trŒ em. H≠Ìng tÌi mÈt phong c∏ch sËng c©n bªng, c≠ d©n hi÷n Æπi ≠u ti™n l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng d˘ ∏n c„ kh´ng gian sËng xanh, thi’t k’ xanh, ÆÂng thÍi Æ∂m b∂o y’u tË sˆ dÙng n®ng l≠Óng ti’t ki÷m, hi÷u qu∂. ß∏p ¯ng nh˜ng y™u c«u v“ kh´ng gian sËng l˝ t≠Îng, d˘ ∏n khu Æ´ th t›ch hÓp Gamuda Gardens (Hoµng Mai) Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng vµ Æi vµo hoπt ÆÈng tı n®m 2014, bao gÂm c∏c hπng mÙc Æi”n h◊nh nh≠ nhµ c©u lπc bÈ, trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi, dch vÙ & ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e 3 S¨n, Tr≠Íng m…u gi∏o Little Maple vµ Blossoms@Gamuda Gardens, Trπm cung ¯ng nhi™n li÷u & Trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi dch vÙ S´ng HÂng, b™n cπnh c∏c s∂n ph»m b†t ÆÈng s∂n vÌi thi’t k’ ≠u vi÷t. VÌi Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c ti÷n ›ch ƺng c†p 5 sao cÔng kh´ng gian xanh m∏t, Gamuda Gardens Æ∑ trÎ thµnh l˘a ch‰n hµng Æ«u trong danh s∏ch "khu Æ´ th Æ∏ng sËng nh†t" cÒa c≠ d©n thµnh th. VÌi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i "G‚ cˆa Thu Vµng cÔng Gamuda Land", khi mua c®n hÈ, nhµ li“n k“, bi÷t th˘, nhµ phË tπi khu Æ´ th Gamuda Gardens trong th∏ng 9, kh∏ch hµng sœ c„ c¨ hÈi nhÀn xe Mercedes Benz C200 tr gi∏ 1,4 t˚ ÆÂng, g„i hoµn thi÷n nhµ "Nhµ Æãp" tr gi∏ 800 tri÷u ÆÂng vµ khuy’n mπi Æ∆c bi÷t nhi“u c©y vµng cÔng c∏c quµ t∆ng h†p d…n kh∏c. With September's promotional program "Golden Autumn 2017", customers purchasing properties in Gamuda Gardens township have the chance to receive a Mercedes Benz C200 valuing VND 1.4 billion, a 800-million furniture and decoration package, many gold bars and several other attractive gifts.




Although Hanoi does not lack the stream of good real estate products, there are not enough luxurious and modern ones that meet the income level and demand of many residents. At integrated lifestyle townships, residents are entitled to luxurious living style, which is brought by synchronous and opulent conveniences and services, as well as a favorable location near the main streets. This makes travelling to the city center, the airport or the neighboring administrative, economic areas a breeze. In such posh ecological townships, young couples can be confident in their choice among a wide selection of condominiums, while larger families can opt for landed properties, such as semi-detached houses, villas and terraced houses. In addition, amenities within such townships are what customers take into careful consideration before deciding to become residents; such facilities include shopping malls, common areas for public activities, gyms and playgrounds for children. Desiring a balanced lifestyle more and more, modern customers prefer projects with abundant green living space and ecological design while ensuring effective use of energy in daily consumption. In order to satisfy customer requirements regarding ideal living space, Gamuda Gardens township (Hoang Mai) began operation in 2014 with integrated facilies such as Clubhouse, shopping mall, 3 Son Health Care and Service Center, Little Maple and Blossoms@ Gamuda Gardens kindergartens, Red River petrol station and retail service center, in addition to series of evolutional real estate products. With five-star services and exceptional landscap, Gamuda Gardens has become one of the best residential developments in the capital for many urban dwellers. GAmUDA GArDenS toWnShIp InVeSteD AnD DeVeLopeD By GAmUDA LAnD * Km 4.4 Phap Van, Hoang Mai, Hanoi * Hotline: 0902 178 088 * Email: * Website:

in ecological urban township












r≠Ìc kia, du kh∏ch chÿ Æ≠Óc ngæm nh◊n phong c∂nh tı tr™n cao qua cˆa sÊ c∏c ta nhµ cao t«ng. Nh≠ng hi÷n nay, vÌi Skywalk Æ«u ti™n Î ß´ng Nam É Æ∆t tπi ßµi Quan S∏t Lotte, vi÷c ngæm c∂nh Æ∑ trÎ n™n tuy÷t vÍi h¨n r†t nhi“u. Ngoµi khung c∂nh tuy÷t vÍi, ßµi Quan S∏t Lotte cn Æ∆t sΩn m∏y ∂nh tπi m‰i khu v˘c Æ” ghi lπi kho∂nh khæc Æ∏ng nhÌ cho du kh∏ch. N¨i Æ©y cÚng bao gÂm nhi“u trang phÙc ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ” du kh∏ch h„a trang, cÔng mÈt cˆa hµng l≠u ni÷m vÌi nhi“u m„n Æ ƒn tı hai n“n v®n h„a Vi÷t-Hµn. ßµi Quan S∏t cn ch¯a mÈt nhµ hµng, qu∏n cafä vµ gh’ m∏t-xa Æ” n©ng cao tr∂i nghi÷m cho du kh∏ch. N’u bπn Æang t◊m ki’m mÈt Æa Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng Æ” ngæm c∂nh, chÙp ∂nh vµ tÀn h≠Îng thÍi gian b™n bπn bà vµ gia Æ◊nh, h∑y Æ’n Lotte Center Hµ NÈi ngay. (LoTTe oBseRVATion DecK *T«ng 65 ta nhµ Lotte Center Hµ NÈi, 54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3333 6000 *Website: www.


BST th’ h÷ sen vi mÌi nh†t Life Anew-lµ chÒ Æ“ mÎ Æ«u n®m 2017 nhªm k˚ ni÷m 100 n®m ph∏t tri”n cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u TOTO vÌi l˝ t≠Îng Æem Æ’n gi∏

tr b“n v˜ng theo thÍi gian trong mÁi s∂n ph»m mµ bπn sˆ dÙng hµng ngµy. ß∆c bi÷t, vµo th∏ng 06/2017 vıa qua TOTO Æ∑ ra mæt bÈ s≠u tÀp Th’ h÷ sen vi mÌi nh†t

vÌi nh˜ng s∂n ph»m vi chÀu, sen tæm c„ ki”u d∏ng sang tr‰ng vµ tinh t’, th” hi÷n ÆÛng tinh th«n Life Anew khi Æem lπi mÈt ti™u chu»n th»m m¸ hoµn toµn mÌi cho

kh´ng gian tæm hi÷n Æπi. BÈ s≠u tÀp sen vi hi÷n Æ≠Óc tr≠ng bµy tπi TOTO Showroom vµ Æ≠Óc b∏n tπi h÷ thËng Æπi l˝ TOTO tr™n toµn quËc.


BEAUTY & Healthcare

(TOTO SHOWROOM *SË 1A Phπm Ng‰c Thπch, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM. *Tel: 028.3822 9510 3822 9519 *Website: *Facebook: TOTOVietnam)



≠Óc s˘ tµi trÓ tı nhµ cung c†p Nobel Biocare Implant, Trung T©m Nha Khoa Dr HÔng & CÈng S˘ gi∂m gi∏ Æ∆c bi÷t Æ’n 20% cho 20 ca All-on-4® Æ®ng k› sÌm nh†t. T◊m lπi nÙ c≠Íi hoµn h∂o cho ch›nh m◊nh vÌi gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i v´ cÔng h†p d…n, chÿ cn 6,400USD cho All-on-4® (gi∏ gËc 8,000USD). Khi Æ’n trung t©m bπn sœ Æ≠Óc mi‘n ph›: Kh∏m vµ ki”m tra toµn bÈ r®ng mi÷ng; ChÙp phim CT 3D Cone Beam; Xe Æ≠a Æ„n tı s©n bay vµ kh∏ch sπn. (TT NHA KHOA DR HùNG & CóNG S# *244A CËng Qu˙nh, Q.1, TP. HCM *Hotline: 0914 900 016 *Email: *Website: www.



THÅO MóC - Bê QUY⁄T GIÅM HO KH§NG DùNG THUˇC BÑN Bi⁄T gç V≈ BåNH HO VÄ Vi£m HñNg Cƒp? Ho lµ mÈt ph∂n ¯ng sinh l˝ ho∆c b÷nh l˝ cÒa c¨ th” Æ” tËng c∏c d vÀt, ÆÍm kh·i Æ≠Íng thÎ (ph’ qu∂n, h‰ng). Khi b ho n∆ng, käo dµi sœ g©y ∂nh h≠Îng x†u Æ’n giao ti’p & s¯c kh·e. Nh≠ng th˘c t’ nhi“u ng≠Íi trong chÛng ta ngh‹ rªng ho lµ mÈt b÷nh v∆t, th≠Íng c„ xu h≠Ìng t˘ mua thuËc kh∏ng sinh uËng Æ” nhanh ch„ng tr d¯t c¨n ho kh„ chu d…n Æ’n vi÷c d‘ b kh∏ng thuËc vµ c„ th” g∆p t∏c dÙng phÙ kh´ng mong muËn do dÔng sai h≠Ìng d…n. THÅO móC - Vë THUˇC giÅm HO T\ D¢N giaN ß” hπn ch’ c∏c t∏c dÙng phÙ, c∏c nhµ khoa h‰c Æ∑ vµ Æang ph∏t tri”n c∏c loπi s∂n ph»m c„ nguÂn gËc tı th∂o mÈc d˘a vµo c∏c v thuËc trong y h‰c cÊ truy“n Æ∑ Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng vµ tr∂i nghi÷m mµ v…n b∂o Æ∂m c´ng dÙng cÒa th∂o mÈc v◊ c∏c v thuËc tr ho d©n gian c„ nguÂn gËc tı thi™n nhi™n n™n c„ t∏c hπi r†t th†p ho∆c kh´ng c„. Nhi“u loπi th∂o mÈc c„ ch¯a nhi“u d≠Óc t›nh c„ th” sˆ dÙng trong mÈt thÍi gian dµi mµ kh´ng g©y hπi cho c¨ th”, kh´ng xu†t hi÷n

hi÷n t≠Óng kh∏ng thuËc, t∏c dÙng phÙ. Vµ chÿ c«n sˆ dÙng ÆÛng c∏ch th◊ sœ Æπt Æ≠Óc hi÷u qu∂ r‚ r÷t. THÅO móC - TRÉi Tim VÄ liNH H¤N Cûa RiCOla MÁi vi™n ngÀm th∂o mÈc Ricola Æ’n tı ThÙy S‹ hÈi tÙ c∏c loπi th∂o mÈc n„i tr™n vµ Æ≠Óc chi’t xu†t tı 13 loπi th∂o mÈc thi™n nhi™n kh∏c nhau: m∑ Æ“, hÛng t©y, anh th∂o, c· thi... nhªm giÛp th´ng cÊ, m∏t h‰ng, du c¨n ho vµ th¨m mi÷ng. Th∂o mÈc Æ≠Óc trÂng hoµn toµn theo ph≠¨ng ph∏p t˘ nhi™n tπi c∏c vÔng nÛi cao cÒa ThÙy S‹. Ph≠¨ng th¯c s∂n xu†t Æ≠Óc k’t hÓp gi˜a truy“n thËng vµ hi÷n Æπi, kh´ng c„ ch†t tπo mµu, ch†t b∂o qu∂n cÔng vÌi qu∏ tr◊nh ki”m tra ch†t l≠¨ng nghi™m ng∆t tπo n™n vi™n ngÀm Ricola vÌi ch†t l≠Óng tËt nh†t. ß∆c bi÷t, Ricola kh´ng ch¯a Æ≠Íng n™n kh´ng g©y hπi cho r®ng, tËt cho s¯c kh·e.

rIcoLA AG 4242 LAUfen, SWItzerLAnD NhÀp kh»u: Cty TNHH Th˘c ph»m ¢n nam - 322 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, P.22, Q.B◊nh Thπnh, HCM Li™n h÷ cSKh: +84 (08) 3512 6400 S∂n ph»m nµy kh´ng ph∂i lµ thuËc, kh´ng c„ t∏c dÙng thay th’ thuËc ch˜a b÷nh.




Latest shower collection



TOTO's motto on its 100th anniversary in 2017 was "Life Anew": For the first time, the company showed innovative technologies that have an even greater impact on people's health and wellbeing. Particularly, in June, 2017, TOTO launched its latest collection of the most luxurious and finest bathtubs and showers that can manifest the spirit of Life Anew with a new aesthetic standard for a modern bathroom. The collection is shown at TOTO showrooms and available at nationwide TOTO shops.




rom the 65th floor's Observation Deck, one can see at one glance the dynamism of Hanoi. One can't help but lose oneself while observing the rest of Hanoi from the top of Lotte Center Hanoi. In addition to the magnificent view, Lotte Observation Deck also provides cameras at many places that can capture your most memorable moments. Guests can also disguise in available costumes or buy Vietnamese or Korean souvenirs in a small shop nearby. Particularly, the deck also hosts a restaurant, cafä and massage chair for visitors. If you are looking for an ideal place to immerse in the panoramic view of the city, take photos and enjoy your time with your friends and family, Lotte Center Hanoi is your destination. (LoTTe oBseRVATion DecK *65th floor, Lotte Center Hanoi, 54 Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3333 6000 *Website:


BEAUTY & Healthcare



hanks to the sponsorship of Nobel Company, we have a special price with 20% discount only for 20 cases. Now only 6,400 USD (normal price 8,000 USD) for 4 Nobel implants placement (lifetime warranty) and a fixed temporary denture with 14 resin teeth. Other free services include initial consultation; dental cone beam CT scan; and airport & clinic transportation. (DR. HUNG & ASSOCIATES DENTAL CENTER *244A Cong Quynh, Dist.1, HCMC *Hotline: 0914 900 016 *Email: *Website: www.



(TOTO SHOWROOM *1A Pham Ngoc Thach, Dist. 1, HCMC. *Tel: 028.3822 9510 - 3822 9519 *Website: *Facebook: TOTOVietnam)








Bπn Æ∑ tıng m∆c mÈt bÈ Æ kh´ng ÆÛng vÌi phong c∏ch cÒa m◊nh, hay phËi tπo c∏c b∂ng mµu thÍi trang vµ c∏c m„n Æ kh´ng h“ suy t›nh? Ch›nh x∏c lµ s˘ ng…u h¯ng vµ tinh th«n t˘ do d∏m thˆ nghi÷m nµy Æ´i khi sœ tπo n™n nhi“u hi÷u ¯ng thÛ v Æ’n b†t ngÍ Æ†y nhä! N™n nhÌ, thÍi trang cÚng lµ mÈt c∏ch Æ” kh∏m ph∏ b∂n n®ng.


Have you ever put on clothes that do not reflect your style or matched fashion colors with accessories randomly? It's definitely a sudden inspiration and free spirit that sometimes can create interesting and surprising effects! Remember that enjoying fashion is also a way to discover your instinct.



1, DOlCE & gaBBaNa gold-tone, Crystal and Enamel Brooch ( I 2, ViCTORia BECKHam Belted Wool Cardigan ( I 3, KaREN walKER Marguerite aviator-style Metal Mirrored sunglasses ( I 4, gUCCi Ostrich Belt ( I 5, gUCCi thelma Metallic Crochet-knit Beret ( I 6, gUCCi Low-rise Flared Jeans ( I 7, maRC JaCOBS small Crossbody Bag ( I 8, giUSEppE ZaNOTTi Metal-Embellished suede Venetian Loafers ( TRAVEL TRAVELLIVE


Thu v“, c∏i næng oi nÂng d«n Æ≠Óc thay th’ bÎi nh˜ng ng‰n gi„ heo may nhã nhµng, nh˜ng t∏n l∏ c©y ven Æ≠Íng chuy”n sang sæc vµng du nhã... ß„ cÚng lµ lÛc nh˜ng chÔm qu∂ ch›n ng‰t tr‹u cµnh lµm cho sæc thu th™m quy’n rÚ. N≠Ìc äp tr∏i c©y EZOS ch¯a Æ˘ng sæc v du dµng cÒa mÔa thu cÔng h≠¨ng v t˘ nhi™n quy’n rÚ cÒa c∏c loπi qu∂ t≠¨i ngon vıa h∏i tr™n cµnh.

mïN QUÄ T\ THi£N NHi£N T¶•i ß—p ¶U ßÇI HƒP D√N h¶•nG Vë mùA thU e Tπi h÷ thËng +84 cafä, s©n bay T©n S¨n Nh†t: gi∂m 25% cho t†t c∂ s∂n ph»m n≠Ìc äp tr∏i c©y Ezos 5 h≠¨ng v (chanh d©y, xoµi, d¯a nha Æam, Êi, v∂i). ThÍi gian ≠u Æ∑i: Tı 1/9 Æ’n 31/10/2017 e Tπi nhµ hµng The Phoenix,( ti“n s∂nh ga Æi QuËc nÈi s©n bay T©n S¨n Nh†t): t∆ng ngay n≠Ìc äp EZOS cho h„a ƨn tı 290.000 VNß. ThÍi gian ≠u Æ∑i: tı 1/10 Æ’n 31/10/2017

Thi™n nhi™n ban t∆ng cho Vi÷t Nam nh˜ng giËng hoa qu∂ nhi÷t ÆÌi vÌi nh˜ng v≠Ín c©y tr∏i tr∂i dµi khæp Ɔt n≠Ìc. C„ nh˜ng loπi tr∏i c©y Æ∑ ghi danh vÔng Ɔt thµnh Æa danh nÊi ti’ng: V∂i thi“u Thanh Hµ, D¯a ßÂng Dao, xoµi c∏t Ha LÈc... Nh˜ng loπi tr∏i c©y mi÷t v≠Ín t≠¨i ngon lu´n lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n hµng Æ«u cho vi÷c ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e vµ sæc Æãp cÒa mÁi ng≠Íi. Tuy”n ch‰n nguy™n li÷u tı nh˜ng vÔng Æa danh Æ∆c s∂n nÊi ti’ng, n≠Ìc äp tr∏i c©y Ezos gi˜ lπi tr‰n v ngon t˘ nhi™n vµ d≠Ïng ch†t cao nh†t cÒa tıng loπi tr∏i c©y t≠¨i. MÁi loπi n≠Ìc äp ESOZ Æ“u mang tr‰n h≠¨ng v tr∏i ngon vıa ch›n tÌi g„p ph«n lµm cho sæc thu th™m nÂng nµn, th™m læng Ɖng.

5 lOÑi N¶õC –p TˇT ß¡U BÅNg CHO S`C KHìE VÌi mÈt lon n≠Ìc äp Ezos xoµi, bπn Æ≠Óc cung c†p 70,8kcal. ß©y lµ "kho" vitamin A, C, E dÂi dµo. Ba loπi vitamin h◊nh thµnh collagen cho da kh·e Æãp. N≠Ìc äp Ezos Êi c„ th” giÛp bπn gi∂m c∏c tri÷u ch¯ng c∂m lπnh nh≠ gi∂m ho, th´ng Æ≠Íng h´ h†p do trong Êi ch¯a nguÂn vitamin C cao. Cn Ezos v∂i c„ c´ng dÙng lÌn trong vi÷c gi∂m c©n, thÛc Æ»y c¨ ch’ chuy”n h„a th¯c ®n, ÆËt ch∏y ch†t bäo vµ gi∂i ÆÈc c¨ th”. Bπn cÚng c„ th” ch‰n Ezos chanh d©y ho∆c Ezos d¯a-nha Æam Æ” bÊ sung vitamin cho c¨ th” mÈt c∏ch ti÷n lÓi nh†t. N≠Ìc äp Ezos tı nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u s∂n xu†t Æ∑ Æ≠Óc xu†t kh»u sang ߯c, sau Æ„ b∏n tπi th tr≠Íng Vi÷t Nam. Ezos Æ≠Óc s∂n xu†t theo mÈt quy tr◊nh hi÷n Æπi, khäp k›n gi˜ Æ≠Óc l≠Óng vitamin, ch†t dinh d≠Ïng vµ hµm l≠Óng n≠Ìc äp nguy™n ch†t tËi Æa. ß≠Óc Æ„ng lon vÌi d©y chuy“n hi÷n Æπi d≠Ìi s˘ qu∂n l˝, gi∏m s∏t xuy™n suËt Æ∂m b∂o quy tr◊nh an toµn v÷ sinh th˘c ph»m tuy÷t ÆËi, n≠Ìc äp Ezos mang lπi s∂n ph»m ch†t l≠Óng hµng Æ«u Æ’n ng≠Íi ti™u dÔng Vi÷t Nam vµ tr™n th’ giÌi. ThÀt ƨn gi∂n ph∂i kh´ng, chÿ c«n bπn l≠u ˝ mÈt chÛt Æ” ch‰n ÆÛng th≠¨ng hi÷u th¯c uËng ngon, giµu n≠Ìc äp nguy™n ch†t, t˘ nhi™n vµ tËt cho s¯c kh·e th◊ chºng ngπi nh˜ng c¨n gi„ heo may mÔa thu c„ th” lµm kh´ lµn da hay m∏i t„c Æãp cÒa bπn. ezoS cï BÉn tÑI: * Si™u th vµ cˆa hµng ti÷n lÓi: Citimart, Zakka mart, B’s mart, Vissan * Nhµ hµng The Phoenix vµ h÷ thËng +84 cafä tπi s©n bay T©n S¨n Nh†t hotline: 0961 063 063 fanpage:






KhÎi chi’u ngµy 11/10 Loving Vincent Loving Vincent lµ bÈ phim hoπt h◊nh lµm tı tranh s¨n d«u Æ«u ti™n tr™n th’ giÌi vµ lµ phim dµi Æ«u tay cÒa Æπo di‘n Dorota Kobiela - ng≠Íi tıng tπo ra nh˜ng phim ngæn nh≠ Litte Postman, vµ Hugh Welchman - nhµ s∂n xu†t phim ngæn giµnh gi∂i Oscar Peter & the Wolf. Phim lµ b∂ng mµu sËng ÆÈng Æ≠Óc tπo ra tı hµng ngµn b¯c vœ s¨n d«u Æ≠Óc chÙp lπi rÂi ghäp thµnh phim, sau khi c∏c Æπo di‘n hoπt h◊nh h„a c∂nh di‘n xu†t cÒa di‘n vi™n, Æi“u nµy mang tÌi nh˜ng bi”u c∂m Æ∏ng chÛ ˝ cÒa nh©n vÀt. Phim xoay quanh nh˜ng ngµy cuËi vµ c∏i ch’t v…n cn lµ b› »n cÒa bÀc th«y hÈi h‰a hi÷n Æπi Vincent Van Gogh. Vµo mÔa hà n®m 1890, Vincent Van Gogh Æ∑ t˘ k’t li‘u ÆÍi m◊nh bªng mÈt ph∏t sÛng Î ngoπi ´ Paris. Li÷u b¯c tranh ´ng vœ vµo buÊi s∏ng h´m Æ„ c„ ti’t lÈ t◊nh trπng b÷nh l˝ cÒa danh h‰a?. H÷ thËng rπp chi’u CGV tr™n toµn quËc


25/8 - 24/9


Tri”n l∑m "Nät" cÒa danh h‰a L≠u C´ng Nh©n


Tı nay Æ’n 31/12



µng T´i lµ vÎ di‘n ngh÷ thuÀt ph∏c hoπ nät Æãp lµng qu™ Vi÷t x≠a khi th¨ mÈng d©n d∑, khi hÔng v‹ bi tr∏ng, t∏i hi÷n qua k¸ thuÀt xi’c tre ÆÈc Æ∏o, nh˜ng pha nhµo lÈn vµ tung h¯ng ngoπn mÙc, hoµ cÔng ∏nh s∏ng tinh t’, ©m thanh m≠Ót mµ s©u læng cÒa h¨n 20 nhπc cÙ d©n tÈc. ß©y lµ mÈt s∂n ph»m s∏ng tπo cÒa nh„m t∏c gi∂ Tu†n L™, Nguy‘n L©n, Nh†t L˝, T†n LÈc, Æ∑ c„ m∆t tπi nhi“u n≠Ìc tr™n th’ giÌi tı n®m 2009 vµ nay trÎ lπi qu™ nhµ vÌi nhi“u su†t di‘n th≠Íng k˙ tπi Hµ NÈi. Gi∏ vä: 630.000 - 1.050.000 - 1.470.000VNß (nhÄ hÉT Lõn hÄ nói / nhÄ hÉT Tu¤nG ViåT nAm *Tel: 01245181188 *Website:


20h ngµy 30/9

ß™m T◊nh Nh©n 4 Live Concert ß™m T◊nh Nh©n 4 lµ nhi“u c©u chuy÷n t◊nh gi∂n d vµ nÂng nµn Æ≠Óc k” qua nh˜ng b∂n t◊nh ca b†t hÒ cÒa c∏c nhπc s¸ nÊi ti’ng nh≠ Lam Ph≠¨ng, VÚ Thµnh An, Ng´ ThÙy Mi™n, Tı C´ng PhÙng, ߯c Huy... VÌi c∏c ng´i sao cÒa chuÁi ß™m T◊nh Nh©n nh≠ Bªng Ki“u, Quang L™, Minh Tuy’t, Thanh Hµ vµ nh˜ng nh©n tË mÌi nh≠ Elvis Ph≠¨ng, K˙ Ph≠¨ng Uy™n, Quang DÚng, H≠¨ng, Æ™m nhπc h¯a hãn tπo n™n mÈt "Æ™m hãn h" kh´ng th” nµo qu™n cho kh∏n gi∂, vÌi nh˜ng c∂m xÛc kh∏c lπ vµ nh˜ng s˘ k’t hÓp ch≠a tıng c„ tr™n s©n kh†u gi˜a c∏c ca s¸. Gi∏ vä: 500.000 - 4.000.000VNß (TRunG T¢m hói nGhë Quˇc GiA *CÊng sË 1, ßπi lÈ Th®ng Long, M‘ Tr◊, Nam Tı Li™m, Hµ NÈi *Website:



"Nät" lµ tri”n l∑m c∏ nh©n Æ«u ti™n sau n®m 1975 cÒa danh h‰a L≠u C´ng Nh©n, do VCCA phËi hÓp cÔng Gallery 39 tÊ ch¯c nhªm mang Æ’n cho c´ng chÛng mÈt trong nh˜ng Æπi di÷n ti™u bi”u cÒa tr≠Íng ph∏i hi÷n th˘c trong n“n m¸ thuÀt Vi÷t Nam hi÷n Æπi. "Nät" gÂm h¨n 50 t∏c ph»m cÒa danh h‰a Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n tı h¨n 400 b¯c thuÈc bÈ s≠u tÀp tranh L≠u C´ng Nh©n lÌn nh†t hi÷n nay do nhµ s≠u tÀp Nguy‘n PhÛc H≠Îng sÎ h˜u. C∏c t∏c ph»m Æ≠Óc giÌi thi÷u tπi "Nät" thuÈc nhi“u nh„m Æ“ tµi, trong Æ„, c„ nh˜ng t∏c ph»m nÊi ti’ng thuÈc c∏c th” loπi ch©n dung thi’u n˜, kho∂ th©n (nude) tr™n c∏c ch†t li÷u Æa dπng nh≠ s¨n d«u, gi†y d„, bÈt m«u, ph†n s∏p, m«u n≠Ìc, k˝ hoπ than ch◊... (TRUNG T¢M NGHå THUÜT ߶•nG ßÑi Vincom (VccA) * B1-R3 Vincom Royal City, Nguy‘n Tr∑i, Hµ NÈi)

製品コンセプトのみご提供くだされば他のプロセスは弊社にお任せください。 貴方のクリエーティブで革新的なアイデアを実現致します。





25/8 - 24/9

Exhibition "Stroke" by Late Artist Luu Cong Nhan "Nät" (Stroke) is the first individual exhibition after 1975 of late painter Luu Cong Nhan, organized by the Vincom Centre for Contemporary Art (VCCA) in the cooperation with Gallery 39 to showcase one of typical representatives of the reality school in the modern Vietnamese fine arts. More than 50 works on display have been selected from 400 paintings of women, scenery and still life by Nhan owned by collector Nguyen Phuc Huong. All of Nhan's works were painted on different materials. Free entrance (Vincom cenTRe foR CONTEMPORARY ART (VccA) *B1-R3 Vincom Royal City, Nguyen Trai, Hanoi)


From 11/10

Loving Vincent

Available on CGV system nationwide


Until 31/12



y Village is a delicate merge of tradition and innovation, where poetic beauty of Northern Vietnam's village life is presented under new cirque approach. Farming, building activities, traditional games, lifestyle of Northern villagers are recreated by ancestral bamboo props, breath-taking cirque and rhythmic dance, juggling, and acrobatics to distinct folk music played from more than 20 musical instruments. This is a creation of a group of authors, including Tuan Le, Nguyen Lan, Nhat Ly and Tan Loc, toured around the world from 2009 and now comes back to its home country. Ticket price: 630,000 - 1.050.000 - 1,470,000VND (hAnoi oPeRA house / VieTnAm TuonG TheATeR *Tel: 01245181188 *Website:

20:00 on 30/9

"Love Night" Live Concert IV "Love Night" live concert IV is a simple and passionate love story told through endless love songs written by famous musicians such as Lam Phuong, Vu Thanh An, Ngo Thuy Mien, Tu Cong Phung and Duc Huy. The show is performed by well-known singers, including Bang Kieu, Quang Le, Minh Tuyet, Thanh Ha and new singers such as Elvis Phuong, Ky Phuong Uyen, Quang Dung and Huong. It promises to be a memorable music night for guests. Ticket price: VND 500,000 - 4,000,000 (nATionAL conVenTion cenTeR *Gate No. 1, Thang Long Boulevard, Me Tri, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi *Website:




Loving Vincent is the world's first fully oil painted feature film. It is written and directed by Dorota Kobiela, who directed short movies such as Litte Postman, and Hugh Welchman, the producer of Oscar award's Peter & the Wolf. The life and controversial death of Vincent Van Gogh told by his paintings and by the characters that inhabit them. The intrigue unfolds through interviews with the characters closest to Vincent and through dramatic reconstructions of the events leading up to his death. Every shot is painted just as Vincent himself painted. In the summer of 1890, Vincent Van Gogh shot himself in a suburban of Paris. Does the painting that he drew in the morning of that date reveal his situation at that time?





1, VElVET Embellished Jacket ( I 2, CaROliNa BUCCi Matchstick 18-karat rose gold necklace ( I 3, DOlCE & gaBBaNa Lace and Perspex Box Clutch ( I 4, TiffaNy & CO. Infinity 18-karat gold Diamond Cuff ( I 5, SOpHiE BillE BRaHE Elipse noveau 14-karat gold Pearl Earring ( I 6, CHlOä gold-tone ring ( I 7, gUCCi Lace-paneled Pleated Crepe Dress ( I 8, giUSEppE ZaNOTTi Crystal-embellished suede slingback sandals (





A LOVELY NIGHT L˘a ch‰n phÙc trang cho mÈt buÊi hãn h c«n r†t nhi“u tinh t’. Chi’c v∏y hÂng Æ∏ng y™u tı Gucci, loπt phÙ ki÷n nh∑ nh∆n vµ chi’c ∏o kho∏c l†p l∏nh ki™u k˙ mµ Travellive gÓi ˝ d≠Ìi Æ©y c„ lœ lµ t†t c∂ nh˜ng g◊ bπn c«n Æ” trÎ thµnh mÈt vi™n kão Æ≠Íng ng‰t ngµo vµ h†p d…n trong mæt chµng! It requires precision to choose suitable attire for a dating. A lovely pink Gucci dress, fine accessories and a sparkling jacket that Travellive suggests are all you will need to be appealing and tempting in his eyes!








Hµng n®m c¯ Æ’n kho∂ng thÍi gian nµy, nhµ nhµ lπi n∏o n¯c x’p hµng b™n ti÷m b∏nh trung thu truy“n thËng, ti’ng ÆÀp b∏nh tı chi’c khu´n gÁ lπi rÈn rµng trong gian b’p cÚ, mÔi bÈt n≠Ìng c¯ th’ mµ lan khæp phË ph≠Íng. B∏nh trung thu, ´m tr‰n c∂ mÈt "v«ng tr®ng" Æ· au trong lng, lµ chi’c b∏nh cÒa ngµy Æoµn vi™n, ngµy mµ ´ng bµ nh©m nhi t∏ch trµ cÔng bË mã, b‰n trŒ con lon ton x∏ch lÂng ÆÃn g∆p ch Hªng Nga. Chuy÷n lµm b∏nh trung thu, t≠Îng ƨn gi∂n, vo nh©n nhµo bÈt, th’ mµ lπi kh´ng d‘. Ch≠a k” Æ’n chuy÷n c©n Æo Æong Æ’m bÈt Æ≠Íng, muËn lµm b∏nh trung thu Æ«u ti™n, ph∂i bæt Æ«u tı vi÷c... Æi ch‰n chi’c khu´n lµm b∏nh.

i˜a nh˜ng chi’c khu´n nh˘a Æa dπng nhi“u mµu sæc, vµ h÷ thËng s∂n xu†t d©y chuy“n c´ng nghi÷p, khu´n b∏nh truy“n thËng v…n lµ loπi s∂n xu†t ra chi’c b∏nh trung thu c„ Æ≠Íng nät sæc s∂o nh†t. MÁi chi’c khu´n gÁ lµ mÈt chi’c duy nh†t, Æ≠Óc Æi™u khæc bªng tay, ÆÙc Æœo tπo h◊nh trong nhi“u ti’ng ÆÂng hÂ. GÁ Æ≠Óc ch‰n lu´n lµ loπi gÁ tËt, b“n, ›t mËi m‰t, vµ ÆÒ m“m Æ” khæc c∏c Æ≠Íng nät tinh t’. Ng≠Íi thÓ khæc khu´n b∏nh, tr≠Ìc h’t lµ ng≠Íi gi·i ngh“ mÈc, ngh“ Æi™u khæc, sau Æ„ lπi ph∂i bi’t ngh“ b∏nh. L÷ch tay mÈt chÛt lµ hoa v®n Æ∑ kh∏c nhau, kh´ng cfln ÆÂng Æ“u. N’u khæc khu´n s©u, b∏nh sœ d«y, khæc n´ng, b∏nh bfi m·ng. BÎi th’, lµm ra chi’c khu´n gÁ r†t c«u k˙, chÿ nh˜ng b’p chuy™n lµm b∏nh thÒ c´ng, hay ng≠Íi c„ y™u c«u c˘c cao v“ s∂n ph»m mÌi d∏m Æ«u t≠ cho chi’c khu´n gÁ "Ææt xæt ra mi’ng" th’ nµy. Xong chuy÷n ch‰n khu´n, mÌi Æ’n lÛc chu»n bfi b∏nh. B∏nh trung thu b©y giÍ cÚng Æa dπng tı m∆n Æ’n ng‰t, tı b∏nh trung thu n≠Ìng Æ’n b∏nh trung thu tuy’t hay trung thu rau c©u. Quen thuÈc nh†t, v…n lµ m„n b∏nh nh©n thÀp c»m theo c´ng th¯c truy“n thËng cÒa bµ, bao gÂm c∏c nguy™n vÀt li÷u nh≠ lπp x≠Îng, thfit nπc, mÏ ph«n, lπc, vıng... °n b∏nh trung thu, h†p d…n nh†t lµ lflng Æ· tr¯ng muËi nªm Î gi˜a, c„ mµu vµng cam „ng ∏nh, Æ∑ Æ≠Óc ng©m r≠Óu Mai Qu’ LÈ vµ Æem n≠Ìng, ®n th¨m bÔi bäo bäo. MuËn lµm b∏nh ph∂i n†u n≠Ìc Æ≠Íng b∏nh n≠Ìng c∂ th∏ng tr≠Ìc khi n≠Ìng b∏nh (tËi thi”u kho∂ng 2 tu«n). ßem Æ≠Íng s™n vÌi n≠Ìc, th™m chanh, mπch nha vµ n≠Ìc tro tµu. N≠Ìc Æ≠Íng Æ” cµng l©u, mµu cµng sÀm vµ s∏nh, Æem ph’t b∏nh Æ≠Óc mŒ b∏nh th¨m, m“m h¨n vÌi mµu n©u vµng Æãp mæt. Ph«n nh©n thÀp c»m truy“n thËng, hÂi nh˜ng n®m 90, th≠Íng lµ nÁi sÓ cÒa b‰n con n›t, bÎi c¯ h®ng h®ng mÔi d«u,

ng‰t Æ’n k˙ qu∏i vÌi c∏c loπi nh©n m∆n. B∏nh trung thu thÀp c»m b©y giÍ ngon h¨n nhi“u, bÎi ng≠Íi ta kh´ng cfln ti’t ki÷m bªng c∏ch th™m thÀt nhi“u Æ≠Íng vµ d«u ®n (Æ” b∂o qu∂n l©u h¨n). V…n lµm tı ÆÒ th¯ nguy™n vÀt li÷u cÊ Æi”n nh≠ lπp x≠Îng, mÏ ph«n, lπc rang, vıng træng, m¯t b›, hπt sen, l∏ chanh... ßem xay nhuy‘n rÂi trÈn vµo nhau, th™m r≠Óu Mai Qu’ LÈ, rÂi vo thµnh tıng vi™n trfln lµm nh©n. V· b∏nh lµm tı bÈt m◊, tr¯ng gµ, n≠Ìc Æ≠Íng, th≠Íng c„ tr‰ng l≠Óng chÿ bªng 1/2 nh©n b∏nh. DÔng tay ho∆c c∏n dµn phºng bÈt v·, Æ” ph«n bÈt vıa ÆÒ ´m 2/3 ph«n nh©n, sau Æ„ dÔng tay vıa xoay vıa mi’t bÈt Æ” ph«n v· ´m ch∆t vµo ph«n nh©n, bªng c∏ch nµy bπn sœ kh´ng tπo ra lÌp kh› rÁng gi˜a nh©n vµ v·. B∏nh trung thu kh´ng kh„ lµm, nh≠ng lπi Æfli h·i r†t nhi“u s˘ ki™n nh…n cÒa ng≠Íi lµm b’p vµ thÍi gian chu»n bfi. ThÀm ch› c∂ khi n≠Ìng, mÁi chi’c b∏nh ph∂i tr∂i qua 2-3 l«n n≠Ìng tr≠Ìc khi c„ lÌp v· vµng n©u b„ng, mang tr™n m◊nh lÌp hoa v®n tinh x∂o, Æπi di÷n cho nh˜ng Æi“u tËt lµnh trong ngµy Æoµn vi™n.

Text: Phan C∏c TrÛc Photos: Kira Creative & Nhµ Cfli; Moon & Sun







Autumn is once more awaiting us with one of the most special festivals of the year. Every mid-autumn festival, people queue in front of traditional bakeries to buy delicious mooncakes. The sound of wooden molds clanging and the fragrance of mooncakes are spread everywhere from Vietnamese traditional kitchens. Mooncakes, with their red "moons", which are egg yolks, herald a day of union, when family members gather and enjoy the cakes with tea while children play with lanterns in the evening. However, how to make an appealing mooncake is not as easy as you may think. It requires sophisticated skills, including choosing a mold.


mong an array of colorful molds for making mooncakes, traditional wooden molds are the best choice to create the best looking cakes. Each wooden mold is unique because it is sculpted and shaped in a process which takes many hours by the skillful hands of artisans. The wood for making molds should be of a good quality that is durable but soft enough to carve delicate patterns. The artisans, who make these moulds, should have the knowledge of a carpenter, sculptor and baker. Just a slight change of his hands can produce a different flower patterns. If the mold is deeply made, the cake will be thicker. Since a wooden mold is formed by a complicatedly process that only bakers who specialize in traditional cakes, or those who have a high demand of products, are willing to pay the expensive price for these exceptional wooden molds.

After a mold is made, it's time to prepare the ingredients for the mooncakes, which can be sweet or salty, baked or non-baked or even made of jelly. Vietnamese people often prefer mixed-filling mooncakes cooked with traditional recipes, including Chinese sausages, lean meat, peanuts and sesame seeds. The highlight of the cake is the egg yolk, which is salted with Mai Que Lo (A special kind of Vietnamese alcohol) and grilled before being added in the middle of the mooncake. In order to make a mooncake, you are recommended to prepare home-made golden syrup at least 2 weeks before baking the cakes. Boil sugar with water until it is dissolved. Add lemon juice, maltose and lye water to finish the syrup. The longer it is stored, the more golden the syrup is. It is used to make the cake more aromatic and beautiful. In the 1990s, the mixed filling was often too sweet and full of oil even though they were made of different types of salty stuffing. Mixed filling mooncakes are now more mouthwatering because bakers do not add much

sugar and oil (in order to store them longer time). However, they still keep the main ingredients, which are composed of Chinese sausage, fat, stir-fried peanut, white sesame, melon jam, lotus seed, and lemon leaf. Grind all of them together, add some Mai Que Lo and make them into balls. The mooncake skin dough, which weighs half as much as the filling, is made of flour, egg and syrup. Mix all ingredients together and lightly knead to make a smooth dough. Roll a ball of mooncake skin dough out and place a ball of mooncake filling in center, gather the skin up around the filling in even pleats and pinch to close it over the top. Smooth out the skin gently until it is as even as you can get it. Making a mooncake requires the patience and time of the baker. Even when it is put into the oven, each mooncake should be baked two or three times before its skin turns golden brown. With all of its sophistication, mooncakes represent good luck in the festive season.




rong kh´ng kh› Æoµn vi™n rÈn rµng cÒa T’t Trung thu, Kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Hµ NÈi giÌi thi÷u Æ’n th˘c kh∏ch h≠¨ng v truy“n thËng Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa B∏nh Trung thu, bæt Æ«u tı ngµy 20 th∏ng 8 n®m 2017. Trung Thu lµ t’t cÒa t◊nh th©n, Æoµn tÙ vµ th≠¨ng y™u, lµ thÍi gian gia Æ◊nh vµ bπn bà sum v«y cÔng ngæm tr®ng, nh†m nh∏p ly trµ †m nÂng vµ th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng chi’c b∏nh th¨m ng‰t ÆÀm Ƶ h≠¨ng sæc mÔa tr®ng. Th†u hi”u ˝ ngh‹a cÒa mÔa tr®ng rªm, b’p tr≠Îng Alex Zheng cÔng ÆÈi ngÚ Æ«u b’p chuy™n nghi÷p cÒa Kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Hµ NÈi lu´n c»n tr‰ng, tinh t’ trong kh©u l˘a ch‰n nguy™n li÷u vµ dÂn h’t t©m huy’t, tµi hoa vµ s˘ khäo läo Æ” Æem Æ’n nh˜ng h≠¨ng v truy“n thËng Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa mÔa thu nh≠ hπt sen, trµ xanh, khoai m´n, l∏ th¨m, ÆÀu xanh vµ ÆÀu Æ·.

L†y c∂m h¯ng tı hai mµu sæc truy“n thËng - mµu Æ· vµ mµu vµng, phÔ hÓp vÌi nät v®n h„a †m ∏p cÒa mÔa l‘ hÈi, B∏nh Trung thu Kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Hµ NÈi kh´ng chÿ lµm Æãp th™m cho m©m cÁ Æ™m rªm mµ cn lµ m„n quµ sang tr‰ng, Æ∆c tr≠ng, ˝ ngh‹a dµnh t∆ng gia Æ◊nh, bπn bÃ, nh˜ng ng≠Íi th©n y™u cÚng nh≠ c∏c ÆËi t∏c kinh doanh. Nh˜ng chi’c b∏nh th†m Æ≠Óm tinh hoa vµ t©m ˝ cÒa Kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Hµ NÈi sœ thay cho nh˜ng lÍi chÛc may mæn, tËt lµnh vµ thnh v≠Óng gˆi Æ’n mÔa l‘ hÈi tr®ng trn. B™n cπnh Æ„, Kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Hµ NÈi cÚng giÌi thi÷u bÈ s≠u tÀp B∏nh Trung thu Æ∆c bi÷t vÌi s˘ k’t hÓp tuy÷t h∂o cÒa vang Æ· Chil™ ho∆c r≠Óu whisky Johnnie Walker phi™n b∂n Æ∆c bi÷t, chæc hºn sœ lµm hµi lng nh˜ng ai ≠a th›ch s˘ kh∏c bi÷t vµ sang tr‰ng.

This blissful Mid-Autumn festival, the Fortuna Hanoi heralds the beauty of the full moon and celebrates joyous reunions with an exquisite collection of handcrafted mooncakes, available from 1st August to 14th September, 2016. The Mid-Autumn festival is a time for celebrations and gatherings when families and friends together contemplate the bright full moon and enjoy delicacy mooncakes with cosy teas. Truly understanding the meaning of the full moon season, Fortuna Hanoi will please discerning guests with the true taste of tradition perfectly blended in each and every luscious mooncake. With passion and flair, Head Chef Alex Zheng and dedicated team of chefs use only the finest ingredients to handcraft mooncakes and alluringly bake to perfection with the time-honoured classics. With four authentic flavours of lotus, green tea, taro and red bean, Fortuna Hanoi's delectable mooncakes will definitely make the thoughtful gift of love and heartfelt wishes to families, friends and business associates. All-time favourites include Lotus Seed Paste with Single Yolk, Four Happiness Assorted Mooncakes and Seven Enchanting Stars , Green Bean with Single Yolk and Pandan with Single Yolk, lovely fulfilling the luscious collection. Inspired by traditional red and gold representing auspicious nature of the festival, tastefully presented in an elegant box, Fortuna Hanoi's decadent mooncakes will definitely win the hearts of all mooncake aficionados who adore the taste of tradition with a touch of finesse and prosperity. Along with classic favourites, the exclusive VIP editions, Prosperous Collection with Red Chilean Wine and Imperial Collection with Johnnie Walker Gold Bottle Limited Edition, are delightful treats for those who prefer a taste of luxury. fortUnA hAnoI * 6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi * tel: 024 3831 3300 * email: * Website:




LOcatiOn: the cliff Resort & Residences, Phan thi’t PhOtOgRaPheR: Katsu Phuong - MOdeL: Quang dai, Rosa Vu - StyLiSt: tran hoai trang - MUa: Vien duong FaShiOn: Mango, topshop, can de Blanc, Lennie - cReatiVe PROdUceR: Phan cac truc



t rue living O c e a n f r o n t


‰a lπc ngay lËi vµo trung t©m "thÒ Æ´ resort" MÚi Nä, The Cliff Resort & Residences nh≠ ta l©u Ƶi t◊nh ∏i l∑ng mπn n∏u m◊nh tr™n s≠Ín ÆÂi thoai tho∂i vÌi 95% phng h≠Ìng bi”n. Tuy kh´ng ph∂i lµ resort l©u ÆÍi nh†t Î thµnh phË bi”n Phan Thi’t nh≠ng The Cliff lπi lµ resort Æ≠Óc nhi“u c∆p Æ´i ≠a chuÈng nh†t, bÎi lËi ki’n trÛc vıa sang tr‰ng vıa ph„ng kho∏ng, r†t hi÷n Æπi mµ v…n gi˜ Æ≠Óc vŒ Æãp xanh m∏t tı thi™n nhi™n. Situated at the entrance to the "resort capital" of Mui Ne, The Cliff Resort & Residences is seen as a romantic castle on a sloping hill featuring 95% ocean-view rooms. Among the resorts in Phan Thiet, The Cliff is the favorite of couples due to its luxurious, comfortable and modern architectural styles which harmonizes wells with the surrounding green nature.




LOcatiOn: the cliff Resort & Residences, Phan thi’t PhOtOgRaPheR: Katsu Phuong - MOdeL: Quang dai, Rosa Vu - StyLiSt: tran hoai trang - MUa: Vien duong FaShiOn: Mango, topshop, can de Blanc, Lennie - cReatiVe PROdUceR: Phan cac truc




gµy sœ dfiu dµng khi ta c„ khÎi Æ«u nhã nhµng. ß„ cÚng ch›nh lµ l˝ do chÛng ta th≠Íng bæt Æ«u cuÈc sËng h´n nh©n bªng mÈt k˙ nghÿ, mÈt chuy’n Æi v“ n¨i t˘ tπi, an nhi™n vµ †m ∏p b™n ng≠Íi bπn ÆÍi. DÔ sau nµy ta c„ cÔng nhau tr∂i qua r†t nhi“u hµnh tr◊nh thÛ vfi kh∏c, chuy’n Æi Æ«u ti™n bao giÍ cÚng lµ k˚ ni÷m ng‰t ngµo vµ Æ∏ng nhÌ nh†t. H∑y cÔng hfla m◊nh vÌi gi„ bi”n. CÔng s∏nh vai dπo ch¨i tr™n bÍ bi”n vµ ngæm nh◊n ch©n trÍi nhπt næng. T◊nh y™u c„ nh˜ng ngµy nh≠ v«ng tr®ng trfln vµ nh˜ng ngµy nh≠ v«ng tr®ng khuy’t. Sœ c„ nh˜ng buÊi s∏ng r˘c rÏ næng vµng, ta cÔng nhau th≠Îng th¯c ly cocktail b™n bÍ h xanh ngæt hay nh˜ng buÊi chi“u chÍ hoµng h´n næng tæt. DÔ lµ ngµy næng hay lµ ngµy m≠a, chÿ c«n b™n nhau lµ ÆÒ.

"If endless love was a dream, then it was a dream we all shared..." -Endless Love-

YOU WILL SURELY FACE A BEAUTIFUL day if you start it in a gentle way. That's the reason why people often choose to enjoy a honeymoon with their sweetheart at a warm and welcoming destination after the wedding. Although the married life is full of challenges, the first journey is typically sweet and memorable. Immerge yourself in the sea wind. Walk on the sandy beach and view the striking sunset. You will be captivated in this hideout, where you can enjoy a cocktail by the blue sea on sunny days or wait for the sun set on the ocean. Whatever it is sunny or rainy, just staying with your partner in this ambiance is enough.




LOcatiOn: the cliff Resort & Residences, Phan thi’t PhOtOgRaPheR: Katsu Phuong - MOdeL: Quang dai, Rosa Vu - StyLiSt: tran hoai trang - MUa: Vien duong FaShiOn: Mango, topshop, can de Blanc, Lennie - cReatiVe PROdUceR: Phan cac truc TRAVELLIVE


LO c a tiO n : t he c l i f f R e s o r t & R e s i de nc e s , Pha n t hi ’ t - P h O t O g R a Ph e R : K a t s u P huo ng - M O deL: Qu an g dai, Rosa V u




StyL iS t: tr an h oai tr an g - MU a : V i en d u on g - FaShiOn: Mango, topshop, can de Blanc, Lennie - cReatiVe PROdUceR: Phan cac truc




B y : T i t a n y

C∏c khu nghÿ d≠Ïng vÌi kh´ng gian sang tr‰ng, däcor l∑ng mπn, †m cÛng, cÔng c∏c dch vÙ ti÷n nghi ƺng c†p, lµ nh˜ng Æi“u ki÷n l˝ t≠Îng Æ” c∆p Æ´i tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng phÛt gi©y ng‰t ngµo trong k˙ tr®ng mÀt, khÎi Æ«u cuÈc sËng h´n nh©n vi™n m∑n. N’u cn Æang ki’m t◊m mÈt Æi”m dıng ch©n tπi ßµ NΩng, HÈi An, Nha trang, Phan thi’t, h∑y tham kh∂o 5 g„i tr®ng mÀt h†p d…n nh†t trong mÔa c≠Ìi n®m nay. A perfect honeymoon at high-end resorts featuring opulent space, romantic and warm decoration and classy services is a good start for your marriage life. If you are looking for a destination in Danang, Hoi An, Nha Trang and Phan Thiet, here are a recommendation for you. Five best honeymoon packages for the wedding season 2017 are on offer by leading resorts in Vietnam.

Novotel DaNaNg Premier HaN river Tr∂i nghi÷m tu«n tr®ng mÀt tπi trung t©m thµnh phË ßµ NΩng nhÈn nhfip vµ Bµ Nµ ti™n c∂nh vÌi g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng 2 ngµy 1 Æ™m tπi Novotel ßµ NΩng vµ 2 ngµy 1 Æ™m tπi Mercure Bµ Nµ - gi∏ chÿ tı 5.999.000VNß. ß∆c bi÷t tπi Novotel ßµ NΩng, phflng Superior Æ∑ bao gÂm ®n s∏ng, mi‘n ph› sˆ dÙng h b¨i v´ c˘c vµ trung t©m th” h◊nh, mi‘n ph› xe Æ≠a Æ„n ra s©n bay tı 7h30 s∏ng Æ’n 7h30 tËi, gi∂m gi∏ 15% cho t†t c∂ dfich vÙ spa. Experience your sweet honeymoon in lively Danang city and Bana fairyland with 2 days 1 night at Novotel Danang & 2 days 1 night at Mercure Bana Hills French Village only VND5,999,000. Especially in Novotel Danang, we offer Superior room with daily breakfast for couple; free access to infinity swimming pool and fitness center; return airport transfer from 7:30a.m to 7:30p.m; free access to swimming pool at Premier Village Danang resort; 15% discount on all spa services. noVoteL DAnAnG premIer hAn rIVer * 36 Bach Dang, Hai Chau, Danang * Tel: +840963500815 * Email: * Website:


tHe Cliff resort & resiDeNCes Kh∏ch l≠u trÛ sœ tÀn h≠Îng c∏c ≠u Æ∑i khi Æ∆t g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m tπi phflng Azul Sea View Æ≠Óc trang tr› Æ∆c bi÷t, tr‰n g„i 5.699.000VNß bao gÂm: mÈt b˜a ®n tËi l∑ng mπn, 30 phÛt massge Æ«u - vai vµ mi‘n ph› sauna cho 2 ng≠Íi, Æ≠a Æ„n mi‘n ph› tπi ga Phan Thi’t, n≠Ìc uËng vµ tr∏i c©y chµo mıng kh∏ch. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng Æ’n 31/10/2017, kh´ng ∏p dÙng cho giai Æoπn l‘ t’t vµ cao Æi”m. PhÙ thu cuËi tu«n. For only VND5,699,000, you will have a chance to enjoy a three days two nights stay at Azul Sea View of The Cliff Resort & Residences. The promotion includes a complimentary romantic dinner; 30-minute head - shoulder massage; sauna for two; Phan Thiet station round trip transfer; welcome drinks and fruits. It's valid until October 31st, 2017. Not applied for holidays and peak season. Surcharge on weekends. the cLIff reSort & reSIDenceS * Quarter 5, Phu Hai Ward, Mui Ne * Tel: +84 252 3719 111 * Website:



L'ALYANA NINH VAN BAY Tı nay Æ’n h’t 26/12/2017, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng L'Alyana Ninh V©n Bay sœ t∆ng th™m 1 b˜a tËi mi‘n ph› vÌi th˘c ƨn c„ s n dµnh cho du kh∏ch khi Æ∆t g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng 2 Æ™m tπi khu Bi÷t th˘ ßÂi ß∏ - Hill Rock Pool Villas vÌi gi∏ 6.200.000VNß net/Æ™m dµnh cho hai ng≠Íi, mi‘n ph› Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay vµ bao gÂm b˜a s∏ng t˘ ch‰n hµng ngµy, dfich vÙ qu∂n gia 24/24, tµu Æ≠a Æ„n khi check in, check out, tµu vµ xe Æ≠a Æ„n vµo trung t©m thµnh phË theo lfich tr◊nh cÒa khu nghÿ, tr∏i c©y t≠¨i vµ trµ chi“u mÁi ngµy cÔng nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng th” thao, gi∂i tr› h†p d…n kh∏c. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng cho ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam vµ ng≠Íi n≠Ìc ngoµi Æang sinh sËng vµ lµm vi÷c tπi Vi÷t Nam. SË l≠Óng bi÷t th˘ cÒa ch≠¨ng tr◊nh c„ hπn. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh c„ mÈt sË Æi“u ki÷n kh∏c Æi kÃm.

Until December 26th 2017, enjoy your romantic 02 nights stay at Hill Rock Pool Villas of L'Alyana Ninh Van Bay at VND6,200,000 net/night for two and get a complimentary dinner with available menu. Other benefits include return airport car transfer; daily breakfast; butler service 24 hours; return speedboat transfer upon check in and check out; return speedboat and shuttle bus transfer from/to the city center (with available itineraries); daily fruit platter and afternoon tea served at villa; and complimentary sport activities as resort's schedule. This program is applied for Vietnamese people and expats in Vietnam with accompanied conditions. The number of villas is limited. L'ALYANA NINH VAN BAY * Tan Thanh Hamlet, Ninh Ich commune, Ninh Hoa District, Khanh Hoa Province * Tel: +84258 3624 964 * Hotline: 0905223966 * Email: * Website:



Palm garDeN resort Tı nay Æ’n 31/12/2017, vÌi g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m tπi Palm Garden Resort HÈi An, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc nghÿ tπi phflng Deluxe h≠Ìng v≠Ín trang tr› Æ∆c bi÷t, c„ gi∏ 8.800.000++VNß/2 ng≠Íi. G„i nghÿ d≠Ïng bao gÂm: °n s∏ng t˘ ch‰n tπi nhµ hµng Terrace ho∆c Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ ri™ng tπi phflng, dfich vÙ s©n bay ßµ NΩng mi‘n ph›, gi· tr∏i c©y vµ b∏nh ng‰t t◊nh nh©n vÌi trang tr› n’n vµ hoa tπi phflng, b˜a tËi vÌi th˘c ƨn h∂i s∂n Æ∆c bi÷t vÌi r≠Óu Champagne tr™n b∑i bi”n ho∆c trong khu v≠Ín xanh m∏t cÒa khu nghÿ trong ∏nh hoµng h´n, phi’u dfich vÙ massage toµn th©n 01 giÍ cho 2 ng≠Íi (01 phi’u/ng≠Íi), nˆa ngµy sˆ dÙng xe Æπp, mi‘n ph› n©ng hπng phflng Bungalow (tÔy vµo t◊nh trπng phflng vµo ngµy Æ’n), nhÀn phflng sÌm vµ tr∂ phflng tr‘ (tÔy vµo t◊nh trπng phflng), gi∂m 20% gi∏ dfich vÙ gi∆t Òi, gi∂m 15% gi∏ dfich vÙ th” thao gi∂i tr›, gi∂m 15% gi∏ »m th˘c (trı th¯c uËng c„ cÂn), gi∂m 15% gi∏ dfich vÙ Spa & Massage, sˆ dÙng x´ng h¨i kh´, x´ng h¨i n≠Ìc, jacuzzi, phflng th” dÙc, h b¨i, b∑i bi”n ri™ng, s©n tennis (ban ngµy), Wi-Fi xuy™n suËt khu nghÿ, xe Æ≠a Æ„n tı khu nghÿ Æ’n phË cÊ HÈi An theo lfich tr◊nh. Gi∏ ch≠a bao gÂm 5% ph› dfich vÙ vµ 10% VAT. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh kh´ng ∏p dÙng ÆÂng thÍi vÌi nh˜ng ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n m∑i kh∏c. Gi∏ Æ™m ti’p theo lµ 3.000.000++VNß/phflng/ Æ™m (phflng + ®n s∏ng). PhÙ thu 450.000++VNß / phflng / Æ™m vµo 24/12, 25/12, 31/12. Dπ ti÷c bæt buÈc: 2.270.000++VNß/ng≠Íi (24/12) vµ 2.690.000++ VNß/ng≠Íi (31/12).



Until December 31st, 2017, enjoy a romantic getaway of two-night accommodation in Deluxe Garden View room with elegantly decorated amenities for honeymooners at VND 8,800,000++/couple. The package includes: buffet breakfast at Terrace restaurant or set menu breakfast served in the room; round-trip airport transfer from/to Danang International Airport; welcome drink, towel, flowery necklaces upon check - in; fruit basket and sweet honeymoon cake with candles and flowers in the room; a special candlelight seafood dinner with a bottle of champagne on Palm Garden Resort's private beach or in its green garden during the sunset moment; two vouchers of one - hour body massage for honeymooners. (01 voucher / person); half-day bicycle use for the couple; upgrade to Bungalow rooms subject to room availability; early check - in or late check - out subject to room availability; 20% discount on laundry; 15% discount on sport & recreation service; 15% off food & beverage (except alcoholic beverage); 15% discount on spa & massage services; unlimited sauna, steam bath, jacuzzi, fitness center, swimming pool and private beach, tennis court (daytime); wi-fi access throughout the resort; and scheduled shuttle bus to/from Hoi An Ancient Town. All rates are exclusive of 5 % service charge and 10% VAT.


his package cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional programs. A special rate at VND 3,000,000++/room/night (accommodation + breakfast only for 2 persons) will be applied for the extension. Surcharge VND 450,000++/ room / night on December 24th, 25th & 31st, 2017. Compulsory Gala Dinner: VND 2,270,000++ / person on Christmas Eve Dinner (December 24th) and VND 2,690,000++ /person on New Year's Eve Dinner (December 31st) pALm GArDen BeAch reSort & SpA - hoI An Lac Long Quan, Cua Dai Beach, Hoi An, Quang Nam Tel: +84235 3927 927

merCure BaNa Hills freNCH village ß∏nh d†u k◊ nghÿ tr®ng mÀt ng‰t ngµo vµ Æ«y c∂m xÛc cÒa bπn tπi Mercure Bana Hills French Village vÌi gi∏ chÿ tı 5.999.000VNß, bao gÂm 2 Æ™m nghÿ (1 Æ™m tπi Mercure Bana Hills vµ 1 Æ™m tπi Novotel Danang) bao gÂm ®n s∏ng, b˜a tr≠a ho∆c tËi l∑ng mπn tπi lµng Ph∏p, trµ chi“u th≠ gi∑n, vä c∏p treo hai chi“u dµnh cho c∆p Æ´i, mi‘n ph› sˆ dÙng h b¨i 4 mÔa vµ phflng tÀp th” h◊nh, mi‘n ph› sˆ dÙng tµu h·a leo nÛi, th®m quan v≠Ín hoa, h«m r≠Óu vµ c´ng vi™n Fantasy.

Indulge yourself and your loved one with romantic French architecture intimately at Mercure Bana Hills French Village for only from VND5,999,000. The offer is composed of 2 nights stay (1 night at Mercure Bana Hills and 1 night at Novotel Danang), including breakfast buffet for couple; one romantic lunch or dinner for couple at French Village; afternoon tea; complimentary cable transportation to and from French Village; swimming pool and fitness center; Free access to funicular, wine cellar, flower garden, Fantasy park. mercUre BAnA hILLS french VILLAGe * Tel: +84 236 3799 888 * Email: * Website:




7 tHi£n ߶ònG tr°nG mÜt VíNG QUANH TH⁄ GIõI

Vi÷c l™n k’ hoπch cho mÈt chuy’n du lch k’t hÓp tu«n tr®ng mÀt Î n≠Ìc ngoµi kh´ng cn lµ mÈt Æi“u xa xÿ vÌi nh˜ng c∆p uy™n ≠¨ng mÌi c≠Ìi. tuy nhi™n, Æ” tr∏nh t◊nh trπng Æi Æ’n nh˜ng Æa Æi”m quen thuÈc nh≠ Paris, Rome, Venice hay tokyo, sao bπn kh´ng thˆ t◊m Æ’n nh˜ng thµnh phË kh∏c? travellive gÓi ˝ 7 thµnh phË tr®ng mÀt d≠Ìi Æ©y, ph«n cn lπi bπn h∑y "ch‰n l†y mÈt" vµ l™n k’ hoπch chi ti’t. A sweet honeymoon in another country is the jewel in the crown of a perfect marriage. However, some destinations overcrowded with tourists, such as Paris, Rome, Venice and Tokyo, are so generic that you might even find them boring. It's time to travel to other cities off the beaten track. Here are 7 perfect destinations for a sweet honeymoon that Travellive would like to recommend. Bµi: Ng‰c Quy™n - Ånh: Nhi“u t∏c gi∂





1 CZECH - PRAGUE ThÒ Æ´ cÒa CÈng hfla Czech cfln Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ "Thµnh phË cÒa ngµn ng‰n th∏p" bÎi s˘ hi÷n di÷n cÒa v´ vµn th∏p nhµ thÍ trong thµnh phË. May mæn h¨n nhi“u thµnh phË kh∏c Î ß´ng ¢u, Prague tho∏t kh·i s˘ ph∏ hÒy bªng bom Æπn cÒa qu©n Ph∏t x›t trong Th’ chi’n th¯ hai. C„ lœ cÚng v◊ th’ mµ Prague, m∆c cho s˘ ph∏t tri”n mπnh mœ cÒa du lfich, v…n gi˜ Æ≠Óc c∏i hÂn r†t ri™ng cÒa mÈt thµnh phË vÌi hµng loπt c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc †n t≠Óng tı thÍi Trung cÊ. N’u Æ’n Æ©y h≠Îng tu«n tr®ng mÀt, Æ´i bπn nh†t Æfinh ph∂i ghä c©y c«u Æ∏ Charles, Æ≠Óc d©n du lfich g‰i lµ "C«u t◊nh y™u", th™m vµo chi’c m„c kh„a t◊nh y™u kÃm theo lÍi ≠Ìc nguy÷n l¯a Æ´i. ô Prague, bπn vıa c„ th” c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc nhfip sËng t†p nÀp vµ s´i ÆÈng cÒa mÈt thµnh phË du lfich vµo buÊi s∏ng, vıa c„ th” th∂ hÂn vµo mÈt Prague thanh b◊nh vµ c„ ph«n tr«m m∆c vµo buÊi Æ™m. ß„ lµ khi cÔng ng≠Íi bπn ÆÍi tr®m n®m kho∏c tay nhau Æi dπo tr™n c«u Charles. LÛc Æ„, nh˜ng b„ng ÆÃn vµng t·a ∏nh s∏ng dfiu xuËng nh˜ng pho t≠Óng Æ∏ tr®m n®m tr™n c«u, khi’n cho kh´ng gian xung quanh bÁng chËc trÎ n™n m·ng nh≠ t¨ hÂng, nh≠ chÿ c«n vÌi tay mÈt chÛt lµ c„ th” chπm tÌi Æ≠Óc s˘ mong manh †y cÒa mµn Æ™m bu´ng tr™n thµnh Prague. B™n cπnh nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc †n t≠Óng vµ nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n lfich sˆ thÛ vfi v“ thµnh phË, Prague cfln nÊi ti’ng lµ mÈt thµnh phË »m th˘c vÌi nh˜ng m„n ®n ngon vµ bia Ti÷p say nÂng quy’n luy’n. MÈt b˜a tËi l∑ng mπn tr™n m∏i nh˜ng ng´i nhµ cÊ nh◊n ra Qu∂ng tr≠Íng lÌn sœ khi’n bπn nhÌ m∑i v“ thµnh phË nµy.


HÄNH TRçNH ñ Tı Vi÷t Nam Æ’n Czech, bπn c„ th” th´ng qua c∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng Vietnam Airlines, Emirates, Thai Airways vÌi gi∏ mÈt chi“u trung b◊nh kho∂ng 600USD (ch≠a bao gÂm thu’). VISa ñ ß” Æ’n Czech vµ mÈt sË n≠Ìc ch©u ¢u thuÈc khËi Schengen, bπn c«n c„ visa Schengen, xin tπi ßπi s¯ qu∏n CÈng ha Czech tπi Hµ NÈi ho∆c Trung t©m Th th˘c hÓp nh†t VFS Gobal tπi TP. HCM. MÉCH BÑN ñ MÈt trong nh˜ng nhµ hµng c„ g„c nh◊n toµn c∂nh thµnh phË Æãp nh†t lµ Terasa U Zlate Studne, t‰a lπc tπi U Zlatä Studne 4, tr™n s©n th≠Óng cÒa kh∏ch sπn Golden Well. Bπn c„ th” tham kh∂o th™m v“ lch tr◊nh, nh˜ng Æa Æi”m tham quan nÊi ti’ng Î Prague tπi trang web vÌi tı kh„a "kinh nghi÷m du lch Czech".

The capital city of the Czech Republic is also known as "the city of a hundred spires" with the owing to the presence of numerous churches in the city. Prague is luckier than other cities of Eastern Europe because it was not destroyed by bombs and guns of the second World War. That may be the reason why Prague still retains its own soul of a city with an array of impressive architectural structures from the Medieval period even though its modern tourism is strongly developed. If you ever visit this city for your honeymoon, you must visit the Charles stone bridge, which is also renowned as the "Love bridge", to hang your lock keeping your love dream of a happy couple on that. In Prague, you can feel the hustle and bustle of a tourist city in the morning but peaceful and quiet ambiance in the evening. You can walk hand in hand with your partner on the Charles bridge in the evening, where yellow lights spead over ancient stone statues that make the whole area so etherial. Prague not only offers its visitors impressive architectural buildings and attractive historical stories of its city, but it is also famous for mouthwatering cuisine with delicious dishes and Czech beer that have been Attracting gourmets for centuries. A romantic dinner on the top of old houses overlooking to the central Square will leave you with a lasting memory of this city. ITINERaRY ñ From Vietnam to the Czech Republic, you can book a return ticket of Vietnam Airlines, Emirates or Thai Airways at about 600USD/one way ticket (excluding tax). VISa ñ In order to be allowed to visit the Czech Republic and some European countries in the Schengen Area, you should apply for a Schengen visa at the Czech embassy in Hanoi or VFS Global in HCMC. RECoMMENDaTIoN ñ One of the most beautiful restaurants with a good view overlooking to the city is Terasa U Zlate Studne in U Zlatä Studne 4, on the rooftop of the Golden Well hotel. For more information about the itinerary and attractions of Prague, you can visit with the key words of "travel to Czech". TRAVELLIVE

2 ItAly - tUSCANy VÔng Tuscany (Toscana trong ti’ng Italy) bao gÂm r†t nhi“u thµnh phË lÌn nh·, trong Æ„ nÊi ti’ng nh†t lµ Florence, Pisa, Siena, vµ vÔng trÂng r≠Óu vang nÊi ti’ng Chianti. N’u Florence vµ Pisa Æ∑ qu∏ nÊi ti’ng vµ lu´n Æ´ng kh∏ch du lfich, th◊ Siena, Chianti vµ nh˜ng thfi tr†n nh· kh∏c ch›nh lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng Æ” bπn tÀn h≠Îng k˙ nghÿ tr®ng mÀt l∑ng mπn ki”u Italy. ß∑ tı l©u, »m th˘c ≥ lu´n lµ "ÆËi thÒ cπnh tranh" Æ∏ng gÍm cÒa »m th˘c x¯ G´loa l∏ng gi“ng, tı th¯c ®n ngon Æ’n r≠Óu vang h∂o hπng. MÈt vµi Æ∆c s∂n cÒa vÔng Tuscany lµ c∏c loπi thfit muËi, thfit x´ng kh„i vµ m„n thfit heo ≠Ìp th∂o mÈc quay gifln porchetta ®n cÔng b∏nh m◊ lÛa mπch. Vıa th≠Îng th¯c mÈt Ê b∏nh m◊ kãp thfit quay th¨m lıng bäo ngÀy, vıa nh†m nh∏p mÈt ngÙm bia Azzurro m∏t lπnh th◊ thÀt lµ tuy÷t. Khi Æ∑ c„ ph«n "qu∏ t∂i" vÌi s˘ Æ´ng ÆÛc vµ Ân µo cÒa Florence, mÍi bπn ghä thµnh phË Arezzo bä nh·, n¨i quay bÈ phim "CuÈc sËng t≠¨i Æãp" cÒa Æπo di‘n Roberto Benigni v“ Æ“ tµi Th’ chi’n th¯ hai. Phim tıng nhÀn Æ≠Óc tr™n 30 Æ“ cˆ Î c∏c hπng mÙc kh∏c nhau tπi 11 Li™n hoan phim danh ti’ng tr™n th’ giÌi, vµ thæng h«u nh≠ Æa sË c∏c Æ“ cˆ. Arezzo kh´ng c„ nh˜ng nhµ thÍ vÌi vflm m∏i Æ≠Óc vœ bÎi nh˜ng h‰a s‹ bÀc th«y thÍi PhÙc h≠ng, hay nh˜ng vi÷n b∂o tµng vÌi c∏c b¯c h‰a Æ∏ng gi∏ nhi“u gia tµi gÈp lπi. Th’ nh≠ng, g„c phË nh· n¨i chµng Guido Æi dπo cÔng c´ ti”u th≠ Dora, hay ng´i nhµ gπch Æ· vÌi Æ«y hoa t≠¨i treo hÍ h˜ng sœ khi’n bπn ph∂i th«m thËt l™n rªng, cuÈc ÆÍi Î Arezzo mÌi thÀt lµ t≠¨i Æãp! Vµo mÔa thu, khi trÍi v…n cfln xanh ngæt Æ’n nao lflng, vµ d‰c Æ≠Íng, nh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng lÛa m◊ Æ∑ g∆t xong nay cfln tr¨ gËc rπ vµng ch∏y, Æ„ ch›nh lµ thÍi Æi”m tuy÷t vÍi Æ” chÙp mÈt bÈ ∂nh c≠Ìi l∑ng mπn tr™n Ɔt ≥. MÈt trong nh˜ng n¨i Æãp nh†t Æ” chÙp ∂nh n≠Ìc ≥ vµo mÔa thu ch›nh lµ Val d'Orcia, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ Æoπn Æ≠Íng gi˜a Bagno Vignoni vµ Poggio Grande. Tı tr™n Æÿnh cÒa mÈt trong v´ sË nh˜ng ng‰n ÆÂi nh†p nh´, bπn c„ th” ph„ng t«m mæt ra nh˜ng ruÈng nho ngÛt ngµn, nh˜ng r∆ng nÛi x∏m mÍ d«n trong r∏ng chi“u chπng vπng.

MÉCH BÑN ñ ô Firenze, bπn c„ th” ghä qua trung t©m mua sæm The Mall nÊi ti’ng, n¨i tÀp trung nh˜ng cˆa hµng outlet cÒa c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u thÍi trang cao c†p nh≠ Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci... vÌi gi∏ chÿ bªng ph©n nˆa gi∏ b∏n Î nh˜ng cˆa ti÷m kh∏c. Bπn c„ th” Æ„n xe bus tı trung t©m Florence. Tham kh∂o th´ng tin tπi trang web THaM qUaN ñ Nhµ thÍ Siena lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng nhµ thÍ Æãp nh†t vÔng Tuscany vÌi hµng loπt nh˜ng ki÷t t∏c hÈi h‰a trang tr› tr™n tr«n vµ vm m∏i. RECoMMENDaTIoN ñ In Firenze, you can visit The Mall with an array of outlets selling products of famous fashion brand names such as Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci at half the price in other shops. You can take a bus from the center of Florence to this place. For more information, please visit aTTRaCTIoNS ñ Siena church is one of the most outstanding churches in Tuscany with many artistic masterpieces decorating the ceiling and doms.

Tuscany (or Toscana in Italian) is a region in Italy composed of many small and big cities, of which Florence, Pisa, Siena, and the land of vineyards, Chianti, are favorite. If Florence and Pisa are too popular and crowded with tourists around the world, Siena, Chianti and other small towns are ideal places for you to enjoy a romantic honeymoon in Italian style. Italian food has always been in competition with the neighboring French region in regards to both the cuisine as well as the exceptional wine. In Tuscany, visitors can taste different types of ham, bacon and porchetta, a savoury, fatty, and moist boneless pork roast of Italian culinary tradition, served with wheat bread. It's fantastic to enjoy a baguette with grilled meat and drink a cold glass of Azzurro beer. When you feel a little bit "overloaded" with the crowds and noisy ambiance of Florence, you can visit the little city of Arezzo, where Roberto Benigni directed and starred in the famous movie, "Life is beautiful", about the second World

War. The film recieved more than 30 nominations in different categories in 11 famous International Film Festivals and won most of those nominations. You will, however, not see churches with doms decorated by famous artists from the Renaissance or museums with priceless paintings in Arezzo. But the little street, where Guido used to walk with Dora, and red brick houses with fresh flowers will surely convince you that the life in Arezzo is beautiful. In autumn, when the sky is so blue and the local people have finished their harvest, only the yellow roots of wheat are left in the fields. That is the best time to take a romantic collection of wedding photos in Italy. One of the most beautiful destinations to take photos in autumn here is Val d'Orcia, especially the street between Bagno Vignoni and Poggio Grande. From the peaks of numerous hills, you can view the immense vineyards and gray mountains slowly hidden in the sunset.



HollANd AmStERdAm M∆c dÔ lµ thÒ Æ´ cÒa Hµ Lan, nh≠ng Amsterdam lπi vıa nh· xinh Æ” bπn c„ th” tho∂i m∏i Æi bÈ kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË. N’u muËn tr∂i nghi÷m c∂m gi∏c lµm ng≠Íi Hµ Lan "th¯ thi÷t", h∑y thu™ xe Æπp vµ cÔng nˆa kia cÒa m◊nh thong dong tr™n con ng˘a sæt. ßıng sÓ n’u bπn lµ mÈt ng≠Íi kh´ng gi·i x∏c Æfinh ph≠¨ng h≠Ìng. ߨn gi∂n v◊ bπn kh´ng th” Æi lπc Î Amsterdam Æ≠Óc. B™n cπnh xe Æπp vµ nh˜ng dflng k™nh nh· soi b„ng nh˜ng ng´i nhµ gπch xinh xæn, Amsterdam cfln nÊi ti’ng v“ nh˜ng vi÷n b∂o tµng ngh÷ thuÀt. Trong Æ„ ph∂i k” Æ’n b∂o tµng Rijksmuseum cÔng b¯c h‰a "Phi™n g∏c Æ™m" cÒa h‰a s‹ Rembrandts vµ b∂o tµng Van Gogh. N’u th›ch t◊m hi”u v“ lfich sˆ, bπn kh´ng n™n b· qua Ng´i nhµ cÒa Anne Frank - hay cfln g‰i lµ B∂o tµng Anne Frank, n¨i c´ bä Anne Frank cÔng gia Æ◊nh m◊nh vµ mÈt sË gia Æ◊nh Do Th∏i kh∏c Æ∑ »n n∏u trong suËt thÍi gian bfi qu©n Ph∏t x›t truy ÆuÊi trong Th’ chi’n th¯ hai. L¶U ≥ Hi÷n tπi, Amsterdam Æang lµ mÈt Æi”m Æ’n r†t "hot" Î T©y ¢u. V◊ vÀy, t◊nh trπng x’p hµng dµi mua vä lµ Æi“u kh´ng tr∏nh kh·i Î nh˜ng Æa Æi”m tham quan nÊi ti’ng, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ Ng´i nhµ cÒa Anna Frank. Bπn n™n Æ∆t mua vä online Æ” ti’t ki÷m thÍi gian. MÉCH BÑN ThŒ du lch I amsterdam City Card lµ thŒ du lch ti÷n ›ch, t›ch hÓp h÷ thËng giao th´ng c´ng cÈng, vä vµo cÊng ho∆c gi∂m gi∏ tπi mÈt sË Æa Æi”m tham quan vµ b∂o tµng, r†t ti÷n lÓi dµnh cho d©n du lch. Bπn c„ th” t◊m hi”u th™m th´ng tin v“ thŒ nµy tπi website http://www. NoTICE Amsterdam is a "hot" destination in Western Europe. It's normal if you have to queue to buy tickets at some of the most famous attractions, especially Anne Frank museum. Therefore, it's wise to book tickets online to save your time. RECoMMENDaTIoN Amsterdam City Card is very convenient that you can use to travel in the city, visit or get discount at some sights and museums. For further information, you can visit

Tı Amsterdam, bπn c„ th” mua tour tr‰n g„i Æi v“ trong ngµy Æ’n lµng cÊ Zaanse Schans, cfln Æ≠Óc g‰i vÌi c∏i t™n "ng´i lµng cËi xay gi„". Tπi Æ©y, bπn c„ th” t◊m hi”u v“ quy tr◊nh lµm ph´ mai, ch’ t∏c guËc gÁ truy“n thËng cÒa Hµ Lan. Bπn sœ tÀn mæt ch¯ng ki’n nh˜ng chi’c cËi xay gi„ khÊng l c„ tı hµng tr®m n®m tr≠Ìc, hi÷n v…n Æang hoπt ÆÈng nh≠ mÌi. Although it is a capital city of Holland, Amsterdam is small enough for you to walk through comfortably to discover. If you would like to experience the feeling of the Netherlands, rent a bike and ride with your partner around the city. In addition to the bikes and small canals surrounded by brick houses, Amsterdam is also famous for artistic museums, including Rijks museum with the famous "The night watch" painted by Rembrandts, and the Van Gogh museum. If you are interested in history, you should visit Anne Frank's house or Anne Frank museum, where Anne Frank, her family and some Jewish people lived when they were chased by the Facists during the second World War. From Amsterdam, you can buy a day tour to Zaanse Schans, also called the "Windmill village". Here you can discover the process of making cheese and traditional wooden shoes of the Dutch people. You will have a chance to witness huge windmills built hundreds of year ago still in operation. TRAVELLIVE


4 HollANd - UtRECHt ©Christian Mueller

Chÿ m†t kho∂ng 30 phÛt di chuy”n tı Amsterdam, bπn Æ∑ Æ’n Utrecht, thµnh phË lÌn th¯ t≠ Î Hµ Lan. GiËng nh≠ mÈt vi™n ng‰c th´, Utrecht c„ ph«n käm nÊi bÀt h¨n n’u bπn Æ∆t n„ b™n cπnh Amsterdam vËn Æ∑ nÊi ti’ng tı l©u vµ cÚng lµ thµnh phË "®n ch¨i" khät ti’ng Î Ch©u ¢u. Nh≠ng s¯c h†p d…n cÒa Utrecht ch›nh lµ tı... xe Æπp! VÌi d©n sË chÿ kho∂ng 16,8 tri÷u d©n nh≠ng Utrecht c„ tÌi... 19 tri÷u chi’c xe Æπp. Kh´ng g◊ l˝ t≠Îng h¨n vi÷c thu™ mÈt con ng˘a sæt vµ cÔng ng≠Íi bπn ÆÂng hµnh kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË. Kh´ng r‚ v◊ l˝ do g◊ mµ khu trung t©m thµnh phË, vËn Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı th’ k˚ th¯ VI, lπi Æ≠Óc k’t nËi bªng nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng r†t hãp. ChÛng hãp Æ’n m¯c chÿ vıa ÆÒ Æ” ng≠Íi ta Æi bÈ. Vµ cho tÌi ngµy nay lµ Æi xe Æπp. MÁi ngµy, c„ kho∂ng 100.000 chi’c xe Æπp di chuy”n trong thµnh phË, chi’m 50% l≠Ót di chuy”n cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Utrecht. Ngay c∂ thfi tr≠Îng thµnh phË cÚng l„c c„c Æπp xe Æi lµm mÁi ngµy! ߉c tÌi Æ©y, hºn bπn sœ ›t nhi“u li™n t≠Îng Æ’n bµi h∏t "Xe Æπp ¨i" cÒa c∆p nhπc s‹-ca s‹ Ph≠¨ng Th∂o - Ng‰c L‘, mÈt bµi h∏t r†t phÊ bi’n vµo cuËi nh˜ng n®m 1990. ß„ cÚng sœ ch›nh lµ c∂m xÛc mµ bπn vµ nˆa kia c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc khi c∂ hai cÔng rong ruÊi tr™n nh˜ng vflng xe quanh Utrecht. LuÀt giao th´ng Î Hµ Lan vµ nhi“u n≠Ìc ch©u ¢u kh∏c kh´ng cho phäp chÎ th™m ng≠Íi lÌn ph›a sau xe Æπp. (Bπn c„ th” chÎ trŒ em, nh≠ng ph∂i trang bfi gh’ ngÂi Æ∆c bi÷t cho trŒ.) Nh≠ng kh´ng v◊ th’ mµ hµnh tr◊nh "xe Æπp ¨i" Î Hµ Lan cÒa bπn trÎ n™n käm ph«n l∑ng mπn. V◊ c„ lœ chÿ c«n c„ ng≠Íi bπn ÆÍi song hµnh cÔng ta tr™n m‰i nŒo Æ≠Íng rong ruÊi, th◊ b†t c¯ n¨i Æ©u, b†t c¯ thµnh phË nµo, cÚng trÎ n™n th¨ vµ mÈng trong c∆p mæt cÒa kŒ Æang y™u. It takes about 30 minutes to travel from Amsterdam to Utrecht, the fourth largest city of Holland. As an untouched gem, Utrecht is not as outstanding as Amsterdam, which is very popular to tourists in Europe. However, Utrecht is attractive with ... bikes! With a population of about 16.8 million, Utrecht has 19 million bikes. It's ideal to rent a bike and ride around the city with your partner. Noone reveals the reason why the city center, built from the 6th century, is linked by very narrow streets. They are so narrow that people can only walk or ride a bike. Each day, there are about 100,000 bikes moving in the city, about 50% of total means of transportation in Utrecht. Even the mayor ride a bike to go to work everyday! This may remind you of a Vietnamese song named "Bike!" written and sung by the couple Phuong Thao and Ngoc Le in the 1990s. The song expresses the same emotional feeling when you and your lover ride a bike around Utrecht. The traffic laws of Holland and many European countries do not allow you to ride a bike carrying another adult. (You can carry a child but the bike should be equipped with a chair on its back for children). However, your biking journey will not be less romantic. With a lover by your side, no matter where you go, it will be dreamlike and perfect.



HÄNH TRçNH Tı s©n bay Schiphol (Amsterdam), bπn c„ th” Æi xe lˆa Æ’n Utrecht, m†t kho∂ng 30 phÛt. Gi∏ vä tı 8,5Euro. MÉCH BÑN N’u muËn ngæm toµn c∂nh thµnh phË, ÆÂng thÍi thˆ th∏ch s¯c b“n cÒa c¨ th”, bπn c„ th” leo 465 bÀc thang Æ” l™n Æ’n Æÿnh th∏p Dom Tower cao 700m. Ph«n th≠Îng dµnh cho bπn ch›nh lµ c∏i nh◊n toµn c∂nh xuËng thµnh phË Utrecht xinh Æãp d≠Ìi ch©n m◊nh. ITINERaRY From Schiphol airport (Amsterdam), you can take a train to Utrecht in about 30 minutes for 8.5Euros. RECoMMENDaTIoN If you would like to view the panorama of the city and challenge your strenth, you can climb up the 465 stairs of Dom Tower, which is 700m high. You will be surprised by the beautiful Utrecht city under your feet.






HÄNH TRçNH Tı thÒ Æ´ Athens, bπn c„ th” Æ’n Santorini bªng m∏y bay ho∆c phµ. MÈt ngµy c„ kh∏ nhi“u chuy’n bay Æ’n Santorini cÒa c∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng Hy Lπp nh≠ Aegean Airlines, Olympic Air, ho∆c mÈt sË h∑ng gi∏ rŒ cÒa ch©u ¢u nh≠ EasyJet, Ryan Air. M†t kho∂ng 45-50 phÛt bay tı Athens Æ’n Santorini. MÉCH BÑN C„ nhi“u h∑ng phµ / tµu cao tËc khai th∏c tuy’n Æi Æ’n Æ∂o Santorini, nh≠ng nÊi ti’ng nh†t lµ Blue Star Ferry. Tı nay cho Æ’n th∏ng 10, Blue Star Ferry th≠Íng c„ chuy’n Æi tı Athens chi“u h´m tr≠Ìc Æ” s∏ng sÌm h´m sau Æ’n n¨i, giÛp bπn ti’t ki÷m Æ≠Óc mÈt Æ™m kh∏ch sπn. Bπn c„ th” Æ∆t vä phµ online tr≠Ìc vÌi gi∏ vä kho∂ng 38 Euro/chi“u. Tham kh∂o tπi, ho∆c

ITINERaRY From Athens capital city, you can go to Santorini by airplane or ferry. There are many flights during the day to Santorini provided by Aegean Airlines, Olympic Air or other cheap carriers in Europe such as EasyJet or Ryan Air. It takes about 45-50 minutes to fly from Athens to Santorini. RECoMMENDaTIoN There are many high speed ferry providers offering trips to Santorini island, of which Blue Star Ferry is the most famous. Until October, Blue Star Ferry provides trips to Athens from the afternoon to the next morning. With this, you will not have to book a hotel room that evening. You can book a ticket online at 38 Euros/ afternoon. For further information, please visit, or www.

ß∂o Santorini lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æfia Æi”m chÙp ∂nh l˝ t≠Îng cho c∏c c∆p t◊nh nh©n. N’u Æ∑ mÈt l«n Æ’n Æ©y, chæc chæn bπn sœ kh´ng th” d¯t Æ≠Óc ˝ ngh‹ rªng hfln Æ∂o nµy Æ≠Óc dµnh ri™ng cho nh˜ng kŒ Æang y™u t◊m Æ’n. Khæp m‰i ng‚ ng∏ch tr™n Æ∂o, Æ©u Æ©u bπn cÚng c„ th” bæt g∆p nh˜ng c∆p Æ´i y™u nhau Æang cÔng tay trong tay Æi dπo, ho∆c trao cho nhau nh˜ng ∏nh mæt t◊nh t¯ trong nh˜ng ti÷m cµ ph™ nh· d≠Ìi giµn hoa gi†y hÂng r˘c. C„ lœ kh´ng n¨i nµo kh∏c tr™n Tr∏i ߆t mµ hoµng h´n lπi Æ≠Óc ng≠Íi ta tr´ng ng„ng Æ’n th’ nh≠ Î Santorini. MÁi ngµy, vµo thÍi khæc m∆t trÍi Æ· r˘c d«n d«n ch◊m xuËng m∆t n≠Ìc bi”n vµ Æang quät nh˜ng tia næng cuËi cÔng cÒa ngµy l™n nh˜ng ng´i nhµ t≠Íng v´i træng Æ∆c tr≠ng Hy Lπp. Hµng tr®m du kh∏ch lπi tÙ tÀp tr™n nh˜ng ban c´ng h≠Ìng ra bi”n, n›n thÎ chÍ Æi÷u vÚ tuy÷t vÍi nµy cÒa vÚ trÙ. Kho∂nh khæc †y, Æ≠Óc chi™m ng≠Ïng cÔng vÌi mÈt nˆa cÒa m◊nh, cfln g◊ l∑ng mπn h¨n? N’u bπn c„ k’ hoπch cho mÈt b˜a tËi l∑ng mπn vÌi th¯c ®n ngon vµ r≠Óu say nÂng, th◊ Santorini ch›nh lµ n¨i mµ bπn ph∂i Æ’n. Nh†p m´i chÛt vang Hy Lπp th¨m vµ kh´, rÂi ph„ng t«m mæt ra ngoµi kh¨i bi”n Aegan xanh th…m, t˘a h nh≠ c„ th” nghe Æ≠Óc ti’ng Æπi d≠¨ng Æang th◊ th«m nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n th«n thoπi v“ c∏c vfi th«n. Santorini island is a perfect destinations for beautiful photos of couples. If you ever visit this place, you will surely think that this island is only for loving couples. You can see couples walking hand in hand everywhere on the island or looking at each other with their charmed eyes in small cafes under the red confetti flowers. It seems that there is no where else in the world where people wait for the sunset like in Santorini. Each day, when the sun goes down on the sea surface and wipes the last sunshine of the day on white-washed houses of Greece, hundreds of visitors gather on sea-view balconies and hold their breathe to wait for this marvellous moment. There is nothing more romantic than this moment with one's darling. If you are planning a romantic dinner with delicious food and wine, Santorini is your choice. Sip a glass of Greek wine and view the deep blue Aegan sea, and you will feel as if you were listening to the sound of the ocean whispering about the legends of Gods. TRAVELLIVE


FRANCE - BoRdEAUx Thµnh phË bi”n Î ph›a T©y Nam n≠Ìc Ph∏p c„ nhi“u Æi“u thÛ vfi h¨n lµ t™n g‰i cÒa mÈt loπi r≠Óu vang phÊ bi’n khæp th’ giÌi nµy. Tuy nhi™n, khi Æ∑ Æ’n Æ©y, bπn kh´ng n™n b· qua c¨ hÈi tham quan nh˜ng l©u Ƶi r≠Óu vang nÊi ti’ng trong vÔng. Hi÷n c„ kho∂ng tr™n 10.000 nhµ lµm r≠Óu vang nh≠ vÀy Î Bordeaux vµ kh∏ nhi“u c´ng ty du lfich c„ tÊ ch¯c tour tham quan vµ n’m r≠Óu trong vflng nˆa ngµy. MÈt sË ng≠Íi g‰i Bordeaux lµ mini-Paris, nh≠ng d©n Bordeaux ch›nh gËc c„ lœ kh´ng th›ch Æi“u nµy. Trong vflng vµi n®m trÎ lπi Æ©y, Bordeaux Æ∑ thay da ÆÊi thfit r†t nhi“u. Tı mÈt thµnh phË nh· y™n æng bÁng chËc trÎ n™n nÊi ti’ng vµ n®ng ÆÈng h¨n, vÌi nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng v®n h„a, ngh÷ thuÀt, du lfich vµ »m th˘c thÛ vfi dµnh cho du kh∏ch. C„ lœ v◊ vÀy mµ Bordeux lπi c„ c∏i t™n lµ "ti”u Paris" ch®ng? Song, kh∏c hºn vÌi nh˜ng Æfia Æi”m tham quan lu´n chÀt c¯ng kh∏ch du lfich, nh˜ng tfla nhµ cao Æ sÈ c„ ph«n khi’n b«u trÍi Paris trÎ n™n chÀt chÈi vµ ngÈt ngπt, Bordeaux lπi mang Æ’n cho bπn Æi“u ng≠Óc lπi. VÌi bi”n xanh vµ vang Æ· ngay b™n cπnh, c„ lœ Æ„ lµ l˝ do v◊ sao d©n Bordeux chÿ muËn thµnh phË cÒa h‰ m∑i lµ Bordeux mµ th´i. ß’n thµnh phË r≠Óu vang, bπn kh´ng th” b· qua l©u Ƶi Place de la Bourse nÊi ti’ng vÌi "t†m g≠¨ng" khÊng l tr≠Ìc m∆t ti“n tfla nhµ. "T†m g≠¨ng" nµy lµ mÈt kho∂ng Ɔt rÈng l∏t Æ∏ granite tr™n Æ≠Óc b¨m n≠Ìc cao 2cm, vıa ÆÒ Æ” bi’n toµn bÈ kho∂ng n≠Ìc Æ„ thµnh t†m g≠¨ng khÊng lÂ, ph∂n chi’u b«u trÍi trong xanh cÒa mi“n Nam n≠Ìc Ph∏p vµ vŒ tr∏ng l÷ cÒa l©u Ƶi Place de la Bourse. Thÿnh tho∂ng, "t†m g≠¨ng" cfln phun n≠Ìc l™n tung t„e, khi’n c∂ trŒ con l…n ng≠Íi lÌn Æ“u th›ch thÛ. This city in the Southwest of France is more interesting than just the wine it is famous for. Though of course, when you come to Bordeaux, you should not miss visiting famous wine castles in the region. There are about 10,000 wine manufacturers in Bordeaux and many tourist agencies providing you different tours to visit and taste the wine in a half day. Some people call Bordeaux a mini Paris but local people may not like this. In recent years, this landscape has been changing from a small and quiet city to a famous and active one with many cultural, artistic, tourism and culinary activities for visitors. This may be the reason why it is compared to Paris. However, unlike attractions with crowds of guests and skyscrappers that make Paris look narrow and oppressive, Bordeaux brings you a different ambiance and feeling. It features blue sea and red wine, which may be the reason why local people in Bordeaux only wants to be "Bordeaux" instead of Paris. Place de la Bourse castle with a huge "mirror" in front of the building is a must-see in Bordeaux. The mirror is actually a large area paved with granite and filled with water 2cm deep to make it a big "mirror" reflecting the blue sky of Southern France and the opulence of the castle. Sometimes, the "mirror" sprays water to entertain both adults and children.


HÄNH TRçNH Tı Vi÷t Nam hi÷n tπi ch≠a c„ Æ≠Íng bay thºng tÌi Bordeaux. Bπn c„ th” bay Æ’n Paris rÂi nËi chuy’n Æ’n Bordeaux. MÉCH BÑN N’u bπn th›ch chÙp ∂nh, h∑y t◊m tÌi cˆa hµng b∏n r≠Óu L'Intendant (2 Alläe de Tourny) Æ” chÙp h◊nh c«u thang r≠Óu nÊi ti’ng. ß©y lµ mÈt c«u thang xoæn Ëc rÈng lÌn vÌi t≠Íng hai b™n lµ nh˜ng hÈc nh· Æ˘ng r≠Óu, ÆÒ s¯c lµm m™ ho∆c c∂ nh˜ng kŒ "ngoπi Æπo" vÌi r≠Óu. ITINERaRY There is not a direct flight from Vietnam to Bordeaux but you can fly to Paris and then go to Bordeaux. RECoMMENDaTIoN If you like taking photos, visit L'Intendant (2 Alläe de Tourny) to see its famous wine staircases. This is a big spiral stair with two walls on both side holding different types of wine that can amaze even the toughest to please visitor.



JAPAN -Kyoto CË Æ´ Kyoto cÒa x¯ hoa anh Ƶo Æang trÎ thµnh Æi”m Æ’n Æ≠Óc y™u th›ch cÒa ng≠Íi Vi÷t. ßÛng vÌi vai trfl cÒa mÈt cË Æ´, Î Æ©y c„ t†t c∂ nh˜ng g◊ bπn c„ th” h◊nh dung v“ mÈt n≠Ìc NhÀt cÊ k›nh, vÌi nh˜ng nµng geisha Æi guËc mÈc, t„c v†n cao lÈ chi’c cÊ træng ng«n kh™u gÓi, vÌi nh˜ng trµ qu∏n vÌi vŒ ngoµi y™n æng Î quÀn Gion. Hay h¨n 1.000 chi’c cÊng Tori Æ· r˘c Î Æ“n Fushimi Inari-taisha lu´n xu†t hi÷n trong h«u h’t m‰i b¯c h◊nh v“ Kyoto. MÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n thÛ vfi Î Kyoto lµ rıng tre Î quÀn Arashiyama. Rıng tre vÌi nh˜ng th©n tre cao vÛt, Æan vµo nhau thµnh h◊nh vflm nh≠ mÈt Æ≠Íng h«m xanh khÊng lÂ. Sœ kh´ng kh„ Æ” bæt g∆p nh˜ng c´ g∏i NhÀt B∂n vÌi bÈ trang phÙc kimono s∏ng mµu, t„c cµi mÈt b´ng hoa kh∏ to Æ” lµm duy™n, cÔng nhau Æi dπo d≠Ìi t∏n tre xanh ng∏t. Thÿnh tho∂ng, c∏c c´ lπi dıng lπi Æ” cÔng chÙp h◊nh ho∆c selfie mÈt chÛt, rÂi lπi t›u t›t n„i c≠Íi cÔng Æ∏m bπn bÃ. C„ lœ hi’m c„ n¨i nµo kh∏c ngoµi n≠Ìc NhÀt mµ truy“n thËng vµ hi÷n Æπi lπi song hµnh cÔng nhau mÈt c∏ch nhfip nhµng Æ’n th’. N’u Æ’n Kyoto vµo mÔa thu, bπn sœ ch◊m trong sæc vµng Æ· cÒa l∏ phong vµ mµu xanh bi’c cÒa m∆t n≠Ìc mÔa thu x¯ lπnh. Trong c∏i lπnh chÌm thu Æ„, Æ≠Óc ngÂi trong mÈt qu∏n trµ †m cÛng cÔng nˆa kia cÒa m◊nh th◊ c„ lœ trong lflng nh˜ng kŒ Æang y™u cÚng ph∂i khœ thËt l™n rªng "Kyoto ¨i, thu vµng m†y ÆÈ"!


HÄNH TRçNH Bπn c„ th” bay tr˘c ti’p Æ’n Osaka tı TP. HCM ho∆c Hµ NÈi, sau Æ„ di chuy”n ti’p Æ’n Kyoto bªng tµu Æi÷n Kyoto Access Nankai Line, gi∏ vä 1230Yen. Bπn ph∂i ÆÊi trπm 3 l«n tı s©n bay Kansai Æ” Æ’n Kyoto. THaM qUaN Vµo rıng tre hoµn toµn mi‘n ph›, nh≠ng n’u muËn tham quan v≠Ín Okochi Sanso vµ th≠Îng th¯c trµ Æπo NhÀt B∂n, bπn ph∂i mua vä vÌi gi∏ kho∂ng 1000Yen. Gi∏ vä bao gÂm c∂ th≠Îng th¯c trµ Æπo. ITINERaRY You can take a direct flight from HCMC or Hanoi to Osaka and then go to Kyoto by Kyoto Access Nankai Line at 1230 yen. You will have to change the transportation three times from Kansai airport to Kyoto. aTTRaCTIoN You can visit the bamboo forest free but if you would like to go to Okochi Sanso garden and enjoy Japanese tea culture, you will have to pay about 1000yen. The price includes tea.



Kyoto, the ancient captiol of Japan, has long been a favorite destination of Vietnamese tourists. Here, you can imagine every characteristic of an ancient Japan with geisha wearing plain wood clogs and quiet tea shops in Gion district. In addition, you will see 1000 red Tori gates in Fushimi Inari-taisha temple that appear in every image about Kyoto. One of the most interesting destinations in Kyoto is the bamboo forest in Arashiyama. The bamboo forest's high tree stick to each other to form a dom like an enormous green tunnel. You will see Japanese girls in their traditional costume, the kimono, and a big flower in their hair walking in the cool green bamboo trees. Sometimes, they will stop to take photos and then chat with their friends. Not many countries can show the harmony of the tradition and modernity quiet like Japan. If you visit Kyoto in autumn, you will be amazed by the red and yellow color of mable leaves and the blue color of the lakes. In the cold breezes, you can sit in a cozy tea shop with your lover and indulge in the feeling of the season. TRAVELLIVE


L∑ng du gi˜a

Bµi & ∂nh: Nany Giang


Chÿ khi Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n Æ©y, t´i mÌi hi”u v◊ sao Mainz Æ≠Óc g‰i lµ "thµnh phË hÂng". Toµn bÈ gam mµu hÂng phÒ l™n h«u h’t c∏c c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc Î Æ©y, tı nh˜ng khu phË cÊ, nh˜ng ta nhµ, nhµ thÍ Æ’n c©y c«u, t†t c∂ Æ“u x©y bªng gπch mµu hÂng. Sau 30 phÛt tr™n chuy’n tµu læc l≠ tı Frankfurt Æ’n Mainz, khung c∂nh y™n b◊nh, trÍi xanh quang Æ∑ng, c©y l∏ Æang ÆÊi thay sæc mµu chÍ thu sang vµ n„c nhµ thÍ Mainz cÊ k›nh d«n d«n hi÷n ra.

Mainzer Dom, c´ng tr◊nh cao nh†t thµnh phË nªm ngay gi˜a lflng khu phË cÊ. Ph›a tr≠Ìc Th∏nh Æ≠Íng lµ mÈt qu∂ng tr≠Íng lÌn, xung quanh Æ„ lµ nh˜ng ng´i nhµ in mµu thÍi gian x≠a cÚ.

Chµo Æ„n chÛng t´i lµ nhµ ga Mainz nh· nhæn, xinh xæn vµ c∏c con Æ≠Íng trong thµnh phË nµy cÚng vÀy. ƒn t≠Óng Æ„ Æ∑ tπo n™n mÈt nät duy™n kh„ t∂ cho thµnh phË nµy. BuÊi s∏ng mÔa thu Î Mainz se se lπnh. ChÛng t´i men theo nh˜ng con phË nh· vµ b≠Ìc chÀm trong næng mai, thong th∂ t∂n bÈ Æ’n khu phË cÊ.

ô Mainz, ta th†y s˘ k’t hÓp hoµn h∂o gi˜a kh´ng gian ki’n trÛc cÊ vµ nhfip sËng hi÷n Æπi. Chÿ c«n b≠Ìc vµo b™n trong nh˜ng toµ nhµ cÊ k›nh, bπn sœ bæt g∆p nh˜ng v®n phflng, cˆa ti÷m, qu∏n ®n, hµng thÍi trang Æ«y mµu sæc thÍi th≠Óng.

THÄNH PHˇ KHOÉC MÄU ÉO C¶õI Mµu ∏o l∑ng mπn cÒa Mainz nh≠ ch†t men nÂng c„ s¯c g‰i mÍi du kh∏ch mÈt vflng kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË qu∏ Æ∏ng y™u nµy. ßi”m Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa Mainz ch›nh lµ bπn nh≠ t◊m th†y kh´ng kh› cÒa n≠Ìc ߯c vµo th’ kÿ th¯ 17 - 18. Tı xa, v≠¨n cao l™n n“n trÍi xanh lµ nhµ thÍ St. Martin hay

Tr∏i tim cÒa Mainz ch›nh lµ nhµ thÍ St. Martin, †n t≠Óng vÌi lËi ki’n trÛc Gothic vµ m∏i vflm cao Æ’n 32m. S˘ k˙ c´ng cÒa c´ng tr◊nh t´n gi∏o nµy Æ≠Óc Æo bªng thÍi gian x©y d˘ng, ph∂i m†t

tr™n 250 n®m rflng r∑ mÌi hoµn thµnh. T´i bfi hÛt vµo nh˜ng ´ cˆa sÊ bªng k›nh pha mµu trong suËt, vµ khËi ki÷t t∏c tr™n 100 h◊nh ∂nh v“ th∏nh Peter, bi”u t≠Óng v“ quy“n l˘c cÒa Æπo Thi™n chÛa gi∏o lÛc b†y giÍ. Khi nh◊n l™n tr™n m∏i vflm, t´i c∂m gi∏c nh≠ c„ mÈt s˘ chÎ che, b∂o v÷ cÒa ChÛa, vµ mæt dıng lπi n¨i b¯c t≠Óng "thi™n th«n mÿm c≠Íi", h◊nh ∂nh tπo n™n s˘ nÊi ti’ng cho nhµ thÍ nµy. ChÛng t´i ti’p tÙc lang thang qua c©y c«u Æ∏ Î cˆa ng‚ thµnh phË, bÂi hÂi gi…m l™n tr™n hµng tri÷u tri÷u d†u ch©n x≠a Æ∑ tıng qua Æ©y hµng bao th’ k˚. ßi vµo s©u b™n trong khu trung t©m mua sæm, t´i kh´ng kh·i cho∏ng ngÓp bÎi nh˜ng cˆa hµng b∏n quµ l≠u ni÷m r†t Æ∆c tr≠ng Î n¨i nµy. C„ nh˜ng cˆa hµng tr≠ng bµy c∏c th¯ ra b™n ngoµi lËi Æi, hay ph›a ngoµi cˆa sÊ vÌi nh˜ng m„n Æ h’t s¯c ngÈ ngh‹nh. N’u bπn chÿ vµo xem th´i th◊ v…n lu´n nhÀn Æ≠Óc mÈt nÙ c≠Íi th©n thi÷n cÔng vÌi c©u "Dank sun", ngh‹a lµ c∂m ¨n.



CuÈc sËng thanh b◊nh cÒa c≠ d©n thµnh phË Mainz d‰c Æ´i bÍ s´ng Rhine

߯c vËn nÊi ti’ng vÌi nh˜ng m„n Æ ch¨i thÒ c´ng bªng gÁ r†t c´ng phu vµ tinh t’. Nh˜ng con bÛp b™ treo t≠Íng, nh˜ng chÛ l›nh ch◊, chi’c hÈp bªng gÁ Æ˘ng Æ trang s¯c, hay nh˜ng n˜ th«n... Bπn c„ r†t nhi“u l˘a ch‰n cho mÈt m„n quµ l≠u ni÷m. Nh≠ng mÈt m„n c„ lœ chÿ c„ Π߯c th´i lµ nh˜ng hÈp nhπc, cÏ chÿ bªng bao di™m. C„ v´ sË ki”u d∏ng cho bπn ch‰n cÔng vÌi nhi“u b∂n nhπc kh∏c nhau, nh≠ Blue Danube, Giai Æi÷u xu©n... cÒa c∏c nhµ soπn nhπc tr¯ danh th’ giÌi, mÁi giai Æi÷u cÒa b∂n nhπc t≠¨ng ¯ng vÌi chÒ Æ“ trang tr› cÒa chi’c hÈp. Khi Æ∑ m·i ch©n sau m†y giÍ lang thang qua c∏c con hŒm mua sæm, chÛng t´i thˆ c¨ hÈi th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng ly bia „ng ∏nh th¨m ngon vµ m„n b∏nh m◊ l·ng truy“n thËng Æ∑ Æ≠Óc d©n ߯c n©ng l™n t«m v®n h„a. CÔng vÌi Æ„ lµ m„n gifl heo h«m vÌi nh˜ng khoanh xÛc x›ch h†p d…n mµ bπn kh´ng th” ki“m lflng ngay khi nh◊n th†y. XÛc x›ch n≠Ìng, b∏nh m◊ muËi, khoai t©y nghi“n vÌi rau trÈn cÔng vÌi mÈt cËc bia ch›nh lµ th˘c ƨn ≠a th›ch hµng ngµy cÒa ng≠Íi ߯c.



…n Æ≠Íng cho chÛng t´i lµ anh bπn Mathias, ng≠Íi sinh ra vµ lÌn l™n Î Æ©y. BÎi th’, anh r†t rµnh vµ gi∂i th›ch cho t´i tıng chÛt mÈt v“ lfich sˆ cÒa Mainz. ChÛng t´i Æi bÈ ra bÍ s´ng Rhine, n¨i tıng lµ "ch¯ng nh©n" cÒa bao nhi™u s˘ ki÷n lfich sˆ. Con s´ng Rhine ch∂y qua thµnh phË cµng khi’n cho Mainz c„ mÈt vŒ thanh b◊nh vµ ™m ∂ Æ∆c bi÷t. Mathias n„i, ng´i nhµ tr≠Ìc Æ©y cÒa gia Æ◊nh anh nh◊n ra khÛc s´ng †y n™n m∆c dÔ kh´ng cfln sËng Î Æ©y n˜a nh≠ng anh c„ r†t nhi“u kÿ ni÷m thÍi th¨ †u Î n¨i nµy. Nµo lµ nh˜ng l«n tan h‰c cÔng c∏c bπn ra bÍ s´ng ch¨i ÆÔa, cÔng thÒ thÿ b™n bÍ s´ng hay ngÂi ngæm thi™n nga vÌi c´ nµng nµo Æ„. "M‰i th¯ c„ th” bfi ph∏ hÒy, thay ÆÊi theo th∏ng n®m nh≠ng con s´ng

VISa ß” xin visa vµo ߯c, bπn c«n lµm h s¨ nÈp tπi ßπi s¯ qu∏n ߯c. Tham kh∂o tr™n trang HÄNH TRçNH

th◊ kh´ng, n„ v…n nh≠ th’, ch¯ng ki’n s˘ ÆÊi thay cÒa thµnh phË theo thÍi gian", Mathias bÀt l™n mÈt c©u tri’t l˝. Vµ t´i c„ c∂m gi∏c rªng d≠Íng nh≠ cuÈc sËng hi÷n Æπi vÌi nh˜ng t†t bÀt, toan t›nh kh´ng chπm tay Æ≠Óc tÌi thµnh phË cÊ nµy. ß™m Î Mainz mÌi thÀt s˘ tuy÷t Æãp. Nh˜ng ∏nh ÆÃn vµng tı c∏c c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc cÊ s∏ng r˘c trong b«u trÍi Æ™m. Nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng dËc d…n Æ’n nhµ thÍ, qu∂ng tr≠Íng Î trung t©m thµnh phË ch◊m trong nh˜ng m∂ng s∏ng tËi. Nh˜ng cˆa hµng, qu∏n ®n lung linh trong ∏nh n’n, nh˜ng b∂n t◊nh ca nhã nhµng ph∏t ra tı ng≠Íi ngh÷ s‹ vÌi chi’c accodeon b™n Æ≠Íng. Nh˜ng Æ´i t◊nh nh©n tay trong tay Æi dπo, mæt nh◊n nhau t◊nh t¯ lµm cho khung c∂nh n¨i nµy trÎ n™n l∑ng mπn h¨n b†t c¯ n¨i nµo. CuËi ngµy, thÀt thÛ vfi khi tÀn h≠Îng mÈt b˜a ®n ÆÀm ch†t ߯c vÌi gia Æ◊nh Mathias trong ti’t trÍi se lπnh Æ«u thu. T´i c∂m th†y thÀt may mæn Æ∑ c„ c¨ hÈi Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n Mainz, thµnh phË hÂng cÒa n≠Ìc ߯c.



Tı Vi÷t Nam, bπn bay thºng qua Frankfurt vÌi h∑ng Vietnam Airlines, vä kh¯ hÂi kho∂ng 22 tri÷u ÆÂng. Tı Frankfurt, tπi nhµ ga HBF c„ chuy’n tµu chπy thæng Æ’n ga Mainz m†t kho∂ng 30 phÛt. Bπn c„ th” mua vä tπi nhµ ga ho∆c c∏c m∏y b∏n vä t˘ ÆÈng. Vä tµu 15Euro cho 1 chuy’n. THU£ XE Bπn c„ th” thu™ xe t˘ l∏i ngay tπi s©n bay. H«u h’t c∏c xe Æ“u trang b h÷ thËng GPRS r†t thu÷n lÓi Æ” t◊m Æ≠Íng. CHI PHê Ti“n kh∏ch sπn vµ chi ph› ®n uËng tπi Mainz kh´ng Ææt læm, kh∏ch sπn tı 15-30Euro/Æ™m phng, tÔy v tr›. MÈt b˜a ®n tπi nhµ hµng gi∏ trung b◊nh tı 10Euro. TÊng chi ph› chuy’n Æi kho∂ng 30 tri÷u ÆÂng/ng≠Íi cho 4 ngµy tπi ߯c. MIŸN PHê MÈt Æi“u thÛ v lµ khi bπn mua vä xe lˆa Æ’n Mainz (tı b†t k◊ thµnh phË nµo), bπn sœ Æ≠Óc mi‘n ph› h«u h’t c∏c ph≠¨ng ti÷n c´ng cÈng trong thµnh phË nµy.




Text and photos: Nany Giang

only after visiting this city, can I understand why Mainz is called a "pink city". the entire city, old quarter, buildings, churches and bridges, are constructed from pink bricks.



n the way from Frankfurt to Mainz by train with my friend, I could see the blue sky, peaceful spaces and trees changing their color in early autumn. After 30 minutes, the roof of the Mainz old church slowly appeared in my sight. Our train stopped at the little station of Mainz, where we started to discover the city, which impressed me by how narrow its streets were right away. It was a little bit cold in the morning. We walked slowly in the light sunshine along small roads to the old quarter.


Many visitors prefer taking a tram to tour around the city as if they want to live in the space of old values

The romantic coat of Mainz is like a passionate fermenter to urge visitors to explore this lovely city. In Mainz, you will feel as if you were in the Germany of the 17th - 18th centuries. St. Martin, or Mainzer Dom, the highest building of the city is located in the old quarter. In front of the cathedral was a big square surrounded by antique houses. In Mainz, you will see the perfect combination of antique architectural style and modern lifestyle. If you step inside aged buildings, you will easily see an array of classy offices, stores, restaurants and fashion shops. St. Martin, the heart of Mainz, impresses visitors with its Gothic architectural style and a dome 32m high. This structure was sophisticatedly constructed and completed over 250 years ago. I was attracted by the clear crystal windows and a masterpiece of over 100 images about Saint Peter, a powerful symbol for Catholics at that time. When looking at the dome, I felt as if I was protected by God. The statue of a smiling angle also contributes to the fame of this church. We passed by the stone bridge at the gateway of the city following the millions of footprints that used to step here for centuries. When we walked into the shopping center, I was amazed at the souvenir shops, in which some of them showcase their lovely products on the hall or in their windows. Even if you only drop by to have a look, shop owners will always smile to you and say "danke schรถn", which means "Thank you". TRAVELLIVE


ermany is famous for skillfully crafted wooden toys. Dolls, musketeers, wooden jewelry boxes or statues of goddesses are displayed colorfully in stores that you can choose to make gifts. One of specialty items that most visitors to Germany choose are music boxes that are as small as matchboxes. You can choose among numerous music melodies such as Blue Danube or songs about spring or pieces from famous musicians. Each song is also the main decoration theme of the box. After wandering around shopping streets, we take our chance to try a glass of German beer, traditional bread that has become a culture of German people, and tempting slices of bratwurst. Grilled bratwurst, salted bread, mashed potatos and salad served with a glass of beer is a popular menu of German people.

ROMaNCE By RHINE RIvER Our tour guide, Mathias, was a local guy who was born and grew up here. He knows and shared with us very clearly about the history of Mainz. We walked to the Rhine river, happened many historical events of the country happened. The Rhine river flows throughout the city and brings both serenity and peace to this landscape. Mathias said that since his family used to live on the river bank, he had many special memories about this place. He used to play with his friends on the bank after school or watched swans with some girls. "Time may destroy anything but not this river that has witnessed many changes of the city", VISa said Mathias. For me, I felt as if the In order to apply for a visa to modern life with its bustle and hustle Germany, you should submit your could not touch this ancient city. documents at the embassy of The evening in Mainz was fabulous with yellow lights from ancient architectural structures sparkling in the dark sky. Sloping roads leading to the church as well as the central square were hidden in dark and light colors. Restaurants and stores were lit by candles and the city was filled with the sound of soft melodies played by some artists with their accordions in the streets. Here and there, couples walked hand in hand which made this atmosphere even more romantic than ever. At the end of the day, we enjoyed an authentic German meal with Mathias's family in the cold weather of autumn. I felt very lucky to have a chance to visit Mainz, the pink city of Germany.


Germany in Hanoi. Website: http:// ITINERaRY

From Vietnam, you can take a direct flight to Frankfurt with a return ticket of Vietnam Airlines at 22 million VND. From Frankfurt, you can take a train to Mainz at HBF station in about 30 minutes. You can buy tickets at the station or at an automatic machine. It costs about 15 Euros/ticket. CaR RENTING You can hire a car at the airport. Most cars are equipped with GPS which is easy for you to track the path. EXPENSES It is not very expensive to stay at Mainz. It's about 15-30 euros/hotel room. A meal is priced about 10 euros. It costs about 30 million VND for a journey of 4 days in Germany. FREE TICKET Interestingly, when you buy a train ticket to Mainz (From any city), you will get free tickets for public transportation in this city.

Dolls, musketeers, wooden jewelry boxes or statues of goddesses are displayed colorfully in stores that you can choose to make gifts.


perfecthoneymoon Bµi vµ ∂nh: L™ Ch©u

Æ’n ßÕ Y£U

C„ mÈt n¨i khi’n t´i muËn ´m tr‰n vµo lng, n¨i Æ≠Óc xem lµ thµnh phË l∑ng mπn nh†t th’ giÌi. ß„ ch›nh lµ Venice, thµnh phË nÊi ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tr™n mÈt Æ«m ph∏ cÊ x≠a d‰c theo bi”n Adriatic Î ß´ng Bæc n≠Ìc ≥. Venice hi÷n ra Æ«y quy’n rÚ trong ngµy thu vÌi nh˜ng gam mµu r˘c rÏ cÒa c∏c m„n Æ thÒy tinh, nh˜ng m„n Æ th™u thÒ c´ng bªng ren Æ«y tinh t’. Vµ h¨n h’t th∂y lµ c∂m gi∏c bÂng b“nh, hπnh phÛc nh≠ lu´n Æang y™u Î Venice.

LÑC B¶õC TR£N PHˇ K£NH ßÄO Khi vıa b≠Ìc ra kh·i s©n ga Santa Lucia, t´i vµ bπn trai b†t gi∏c nh◊n nhau mÿm c≠Íi bÎi chÛng t´i hi”u Æ≠Óc l˝ do tπi sao m‰i ng≠Íi kh´ng th” kh≠Ìc tı nät m™ ho∆c Î Venice. D≠Ìi næng thu, sæc xanh „ng ∏nh tı K™nh LÌn (Grand Canal), ti’ng käo vali rÈn r∑ hfla l…n ti’ng c≠Íi n„i cÒa m‰i ng≠Íi, mÔi th¯c ®n th¨m nÂng tı c∏c hµng qu∏n xung quanh. T†t c∂ tπo n™n c∏i ch†t ri™ng cÒa Venice, r†t thu hÛt nh≠ng kh´ng Ân ∑. ß«u ti™n, chÛng t´i dπo quanh K™nh LÌn bªng xe bu˝t n≠Ìc (vaporetti) vµ dıng ch©n tham quan Dinh TÊng tr†n (Palazzo Ducale) Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı th’ k˚ th¯ 9. ChÛng t´i bfi cho∏ng

ngÓp tr≠Ìc s˘ k˙ v‹ vµ lÈng l…y c„ th” nhÀn th†y ngay tı b™n ngoµi tfla nhµ, vÌi d∑y hµnh lang bªng Æ∏ c»m thπch cao ch„t v„t theo ki”u ki’n trÛc Gothic. ô c«u thang Ng≠Íi khÊng l lµ hai b¯c t≠Óng Th«n Chi’n tranh vµ Th«n Bi”n. Ph›a b™n trong Æ≠Óc trang tr› c«u k˙ bÎi nh˜ng b¯c b›ch h‰a lÌn vÌi nh˜ng t∏c ph»m khæc gÁ tr™n tr«n nhµ. G«n Æ„ lµ V≠¨ng Cung Th∏nh ß≠Íng San Marco (Basilica di San Marco) tr∏ng l÷ Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı n®m 829. N¨i Æ©y hi÷n l™n nÊi bÀt bÎi ng‰n th∏p bªng vµng, n™n cfln Æ≠Óc ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng g‰i lµ Nhµ thÍ Vµng (Chiesa d'Oro). Bπn sœ c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc kh´ng gian ngh÷ thuÀt vµ Æi™u khæc Æ«y tinh t’, mang phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc Byzantine vÌi nät Æ∆c tr≠ng ti™u bi”u lµ m∏i vflm h◊nh trfln vµ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo h◊nh ch˜ thÀp trong ti’ng Hy Lπp.

nh˜ng m„n Æ∆c tr≠ng Î Æ©y nh≠ sarde in saor - c∏ mfli chi™n kÃm vÌi hµnh t©y ng©m gi†m t∏o vµ t·i vÌi baccalµ alla vicentina - c∏ tuy’t muËi vÌi cµ chua, nÙ bπch hoa vµ hµnh t©y. ßi“u Æ∆c bi÷t lµ chÛng Æ≠Óc chÒ qu∏n n†u vÌi c´ng th¯c c„ tı th’ k˚ 17-18! ß” th≠Îng th¯c m„n h∂i s∂n ngon mi÷ng h¨n, chÛng t´i uËng kÃm vÌi r≠Óu vang træng Prosecco. N≠Ìc ≥ vËn nÊi ti’ng vÌi pizza, spaghetti, pasta vµ lasagne... n™n vi÷c thˆ nh˜ng m„n ®n kh∏c giÛp chÛng t´i t◊m hi”u vµ th≠Îng th¯c Æ≠Óc tr‰n vãn h¨n »m th˘c n¨i Æ©y.

B®ng qua c∏c c©y c«u vµ vµi qu∂ng tr≠Íng nh·, chÛng t´i t◊m Æ’n nhµ hµng Osteria Al Portego. ChÛng t´i tÀn h≠Îng b˜a tr≠a nhã nhµng vÌi



MÈt trong nh˜ng Æi“u bπn n™n lµm khi Æ’n Venice lµ h∑y dıng ch©n ghä lπi nhµ hµng Osteria Al Portego, tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng m„n Æ∆c tr≠ng Î Æ©y vµ Æ∆c bi÷t lµ chÛng Æ≠Óc chÒ qu∏n n†u vÌi c´ng th¯c c„ tı th’ k˚ 17-18!

au b˜a tr≠a, chÛng t´i quy’t Æfinh kh´ng sˆ dÙng b∂n Æ mµ kh∏m ph∏ Venice theo c∏ch ri™ng. ChÛng t´i c¯ m∂i m™ Æi d‰c theo c∏c con Æ≠Íng thºng xuy™n qua c∏c qu∂ng tr≠Íng lÌn nh·, lang thang ngæm nh◊n ki’n trÛc thµnh phË, nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh La M∑ vÌi cÈt vµ vflm. Hi÷n ra tr≠Ìc mæt Æ«y m™ ho∆c lµ nh˜ng ng´i nhµ nh· vÌi giµn hoa r˘c rÏ, c∏c cˆa hµng l≠u ni÷m vÌi nh˜ng chi’c m∆t nπ nh· xinh, nh˜ng g„i pasta nhi“u mµu sæc cÔng nh˜ng m„n Æ ngh÷ thuÀt tinh x∂o, mÔi pizza th¨m lıng... T†t c∂ khi’n ng≠Íi ta kh´ng th” kh´ng dıng lπi, kh´ng th” ngıng tr«m tr v“ s˘ quy’n rÚ cÒa Venice.


Dµnh mÈt chÛt thÍi gian th≠ th∂, chÛng t´i ghä qu∏n cafä Florian tr™n qu∂ng tr≠Íng Th∏nh Marco, tÀn h≠Îng buÊi chi“u nhã nhµng vµ ngæm nh◊n m∆t bi”n xanh bi’c b™n ngoµi vÌi nh˜ng chi’c gondola bÀp b“nh tr™n s„ng n≠Ìc. Chi“u Æ’n, chÛng t´i ghä lπi Harry's Bar nh†m nh∏p spritz pha trÈn gi˜a r≠Óu vang træng Prosecco vÌi n≠Ìc kho∏ng c„ ga vµ g‰i m„n carpaccio nÊi ti’ng do chÒ qu∏n Giuseppe Cipriani s∏ng tπo ra vµ phÊ bi’n. ß©y lµ m„n ®n sËng vÌi nh˜ng l∏t thfit bfl ho∆c c∏ hÂi th∏i m·ng Æ≠Óc bµy tr™n Æ‹a cÔng vÌi chanh, d«u ´ liu†vµ nh˜ng l∏t n†m truffle ho∆c ph´ mai Parmesan. Venice trong thÍi khæc mµn Æ™m xuËng d≠Íng nh≠ lung



linh, huy“n ∂o h¨n vÌi ti’ng s„ng vÁ nhà nhã. Nh˜ng b≠Ìc ch©n cÚng kh´ng vÈi v∑ n˜a, mµ chÀm lπi mÈt chÛt nh≠ Æ” dµnh thÍi gian cho nhau. BÎi Venice ch›nh lµ n¨i Æ’n Æ” y™u.


Tı Venice Æi xe bu˝t n≠Ìc qua Æ∂o Murano, chÛng t´i h∏o h¯c t◊m hi”u v“ ngh÷ thuÀt ch’ t∏c thÒy tinh thÒ c´ng bªng c∏ch thÊi nh˜ng khËi thÒy tinh d≠Ìi s¯c n„ng 2000oC c„ tı th’ k˚ th¯ 10. Ngh÷ thuÀt ÆÈc Æ∏o nµy dÔng k¸ thuÀt nung ch∂y c∏t, Æ∏ v´i Æ” l†y nguy™n li÷u thÊi n™n nh˜ng ki÷t t∏c bªng thÒy tinh. Nh˜ng x≠Îng thÒy tinh nµy ban Æ«u Æ∆t ngay trong lflng thµnh phË Venice. Sau Æ„, Æ∂o Murano Æ∑ nÊi ti’ng khæp th’ giÌi tı th’ k˚ 13 vÌi ngh÷ thuÀt tinh x∂o nµy. Khi Æ’n Æ©y, chÛng t´i Æ∑ c„ dfip ch¯ng ki’n nh˜ng ngh÷ nh©n bi”u di‘n tπo h◊nh s∂n ph»m tı thÒy tinh vÌi nhi“u loπi nguy™n li÷u Æ” cho ra nh˜ng t∏c ph»m thÒy tinh Æ«y sæc mµu lung linh tı nh˜ng l‰ hoa, khung h◊nh... Æ’n nh˜ng m„n Æ trang s¯c Æa dπng. ô Murano, kh´ng gian kh´ng qu∏ n∏o nhi÷t nh≠ Î Venice, n™n chÛng t´i r∂o b≠Ìc thong dong qua nh˜ng con hŒm nh· rÂi ch‰n mÈt nhµ hµng Æfia ph≠¨ng g«n con k™nh. ChÛng t´i g‰i m„n bagna cauda - c∏ c¨m muËi sËt t·i vµ d«u ´ liu vÌi risotto alla milanese - c¨m ≥ h∂i s∂n vÌi ngh÷

t©y, kÃm vµi l∏t bruschetta - b∏nh m◊ n≠Ìng ph’t vÌi pat™ ho∆c ph´mai. Nh©m nhi b˜a tr≠a vÌi chÛt vang træng trong lµn gi„ bi”n m∏t dfiu gi˜a mÔa thu, cfln g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n th’ vÌi c∂m gi∏c th≠ th∏i gi˜a lflng thµnh phË t◊nh y™u Venice. Sau Æ„, chÛng t´i t◊m Æ’n hfln Æ∂o cË t›ch Burano vÌi nh˜ng ng´i nhµ nhi“u mµu sæc r˘c rÏ, cuËn hÛt ngay tı c∏i nh◊n Æ«u ti™n vÌi b†t c¯ ai Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n. Burano mang Æ’n c∂m gi∏c v´ ≠u khi’n cuÈc sËng trÎ n™n thi vfi vµ b◊nh y™n h¨n. T≠¨ng t˘ Venice vµ c∏c hfln Æ∂o kh∏c, c∏c con phË nh· Î Æ©y Æ≠Óc nËi vÌi nhau bªng nh˜ng chi’c c«u lÌn nh·, bæc ngang qua c∏c con k™nh xanh bi’c. Ph≠¨ng ti÷n di chuy”n Î Æ©y ch›nh lµ thuy“n, Æ≠Óc neo ÆÀu tr≠Ìc cˆa nhµ mÁi ng≠Íi. M∆c dÔ kh´ng c„ nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc Æ sÈ, Æ∆c sæc nh≠ng nh˜ng ng´i nhµ nh· ÆÒ mµu sæc d‰c theo con k™nh cÔng ngh÷ thuÀt th™u ren tı th’ k˚ th¯ 16 lµ Æi”m thu hÛt †n t≠Óng khi’n du kh∏ch lu´n muËn quay lπi Burano. TrÎ lπi Venice sau mÈt ngµy dµi, ngæm nh◊n dflng ng≠Íi ng≠Óc xu´i qua c©y c«u Ponte Degli Scalzi, t´i bÁng chËc muËn thÍi gian cÒa chuy’n Æi Æ≠Óc käo dµi th™m Æ” c„ th” kh∏m ph∏ tr‰n vãn Venice. MÁi ngµy tr´i Æi, Venice sœ lπi c„ mÈt c∏ch ri™ng Æ” lµm mÌi m◊nh vµ n›u ch©n du kh∏ch. Kh´ng chÿ c„ nh˜ng Æi”m tham quan nÊi ti’ng, n“n »m th˘c tinh t’, Venice cfln c„ nh˜ng gi©y phÛt b◊nh y™n, læng Ɖng mang Æ’n c∂m xÛc nhã nhµng, lµ ch†t xÛc t∏c cho t◊nh y™u th®ng hoa.

TH§NG TIN TH£M Hµnh tr◊nh ñ Tı Hµ NÈi ho∆c TP.HCM, bπn c„ th” bay vÌi c∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng Emirates, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, Air France, nËi chuy’n Æ’n s©n bay Marco Polo Venizia ΠƆt li“n g«n Venice. Sau Æ„ Æi tµu thÒy (c„ 3 tuy’n cÒa Alilaguna) tı s©n bay Æ’n Venice, gi∏ vä tı 16 Euro/l≠Ót. Ho∆c bay Æ’n Milan rÂi Æi xe lˆa Æ’n Venice (nhµ ga Venezia Santa Lucia Î ph›a t©y cÒa Venice, Æ” tr∏nh nh«m l…n vÌi ga Venezia Mestre) h¨n 2 ti’ng r≠Ïi, gi∏ vä 37,5 Euro/l≠Ót. Dch vÙ water bus ñ 20 Euro/ngµy, 30 Euro/2 ngµy, 40 Euro/3 ngµy, 60 Euro/7 ngµy cho travel card, tÔy lch tr◊nh mµ bπn c„ th” ch‰n loπi vä phÔ hÓp.

Nh˜ng Æi”m tham quan kh∏c ñ Khu b∂o tÂn thi™n nhi™n Î Torcello (g«n Burano) vµ ngh÷ thÀt tranh kh∂m mosaic vÌi nh˜ng t∏c ph»m tuy÷t Æãp Î nhµ thÍ Santa Maria Assunta c„ tı th’ k˚ th¯ 7. ñ Museo Correr: ß” t◊m hi”u th™m v“ lch sˆ Venice th´ng qua c∏c tµi li÷u vµ t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt Æ≠Óc tr≠ng bµy Î b∂o tµng vÌi lËi ki’n trÛc T©n cÊ Æi”n. ñ Opera de Venice: Th≠Îng th¯c nhπc kch (gi∏ vä tı 22 Euro Æ’n 85 Euro tÔy su†t di‘n). ñ La Toletta: N’u bπn th›ch s∏ch vµ nh˜ng m„n Æ v®n phng ph»m lπ xinh, bπn c„ th” ghä Æ’n nhµ s∏ch La Toletta, c„ tı n®m 1933.

Tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c ñ H∑y Æ’n khu chÓ h∂i s∂n Æa ph≠¨ng Rialto Market. Tπi Æ©y, bπn c„ th” quan s∏t vi÷c mua b∏n cÒa ng≠Íi d©n n¨i Æ©y vµ thˆ vµi m„n cicchetti, nh˜ng m„n ®n nhã nh≠ folpeto (bπch tuÈc luÈc kÃm n≠Ìc sËt chanh vÌi ´liu), polpette (tht b™ vi™n vÌi khoai t©y), ho∆c nh˜ng l∏t b∏nh m◊ n≠Ìng vÌi ph´ mai mozzarella... Bπn c„ th” uËng kÃm vÌi chÛt cocktail. Kh∏ch sπn ñ Gi∏ trung b◊nh tı 40 Euro/ Æ™m. Bπn n™n Æ∆t phng tr≠Ìc chuy’n Æi vµi th∏ng v◊ c∏c kh∏ch sπn Î trung t©m Venice lu´n mau h’t phng vµ gi∏ sœ kh∏ cao. Tuy nhi™n bπn cÚng c„ th” ch‰n Î Venice Mestre (c∏ch Venice kho∂ng 15 phÛt Æi xe bu˝t ho∆c tram) vÌi gi∏ rŒ h¨n.



perfect honeymoon Text and photos: Le Chau




there is a destination that I always wanted to hold in my arms. It's regarded as the most romantic city of the world. It's Venice, the floating city built on an ancient lagoon along the Adriatic sea in northeastern Italy. Venice is most romantic in autumn with the sparkling colors of glassy arts and crafts and refined embroidered items. More than that, a visitor can indulge in the floating and happy feeling of perpetual love in Venice.

STEP TO THE CANAL STREET When we first walked out of Santa Lucia station, my boyfriend and I smiled because we then understand the reason why people can't deny the passionate beauty of Venice. In the light sunshine of autumn, Venice was so fantastic with blue color from the Grand Canal, the sound of visitors pulling their luggage and chatting, and of course the aromatic smell of foods in neighboring restaurants that have been attracting guests for ages. We first went around the Grand Canal by vaporetti, a kind of water bus and dropped by Palazzo Ducale, built in the 9th century. We were surprised at the magnificence and opulence of the building with a marble corridor built in Gothic style. The Enormous stairs were decorated with statues of Nereid and the God of War. Inside, the building was sophisticatedly beautified by big paintings and wooden sculptures on the ceiling. Nearby, the sumptuous Basilica di San Marco built in 829 was also an attractive site. The basilica was remarkable with a golden tower that maked local people call this place Chiesa d'Oro (Golden Church). Visitors will feel the artistic space and original sculpture made in the Byzantine style with a remarkable arch designed in the shape of a Greek cross. Passing bridges and some small squares, we arrived at Osteria Al Portego restaurant to enjoy a light lunch with special dishes, including sarde in saor, which is fried sardines with onion mixed in apple vinegar and tomato, and baccalÂľ alla vicentina, which is salted cod with tomato, caper buds and onion. These dishes were specially cooked with recipes right from the 17th -18th century! To increase the flavor, we had the meal with Prosecco white wine. Since Italy is famous for pizza, spaghetti, pasta and lasagna, we tried to taste other dishes to truly experience the local cuisine. TRAVELLIVE


fter lunch, we decided to explore Venice in our own way without a map. We followed straight streets crossing big and small squares and viewed remarkable structures, Roman buildings with pillars and arches throughout the city. Small houses with colorful flowers, souvenir stores with lovely masks, colorful packages of pasta, arts and crafts and the fragrant smell of pizza, they all appears so glamorous that one might be assured that any traveler would remark as to the city's beauty.


We visited Florian cafä on St. Marco square to enjoy the afternoon and looked at the blue sea with floating gondolas. In the late afternoon, we went to Harry's Bar to sip a glass of spritz, which is Prosecco white wine mixed with sparkling mineral water, and order the famous dish of carpaccio cooked by the owner, Giuseppe Cipriani. It was fresh slices of beef and salmon set on the plate with lemon, olive oil and truffle mushrooms or Parmesan cheese. In the evening, Venice is sparkling and fanciful with the light sound of splashing waves. People are not in a



VENICE FEATURES NOT ONLY FAMOUS SIGHTS AND REFINED CUISINE BUT ALSO SERENITY AND PEACE THAT MAKE YOUR LOVE EVEN BETTER HERE. hurry but walk slowly together as if they were spending time for each other because, of course, Venice is where people come to love.

MASTERPIECES OF GLASS From Venice, we take a vaporetti to Murano island to discover the art of manufacturing blown glass at the heat of 2000 degree Celcius, the same art that was practiced in the 10th century. They melted sand and limestone to make materials for the glass masterpieces. These glass factories were originally located in the city of Venice though eventually this art was spread to Murano island in the 13th century. We had a chance to witness artisans producing various glass products such as colorful bottles, vases, frames and jewelry with different materials.


Murano is not as lively as Venice. We walked through small lanes, choose a local restaurant near the canal and ordered bagna cauda, salted fish with garlic sauce and olive oil, a plate of risotto alla milanese, Italian seafood rice and saffron, and some slices of bruschetta, grilled bread with pate and cheese. We enjoyed lunch with white wine in the cool sea breeze of autumn and felt as relaxed as we felt in love with the city of Venice. After that, we found our way to the fairy island of Burano with bright and colorful houses that captivates all guests from their first step upon the island Burano brought us a peaceful feeling and wiped away all our worries of our daily lives. Like Venice and other small islands, the narrow streets were linked by different bridges over blue canals. The main means of transportation were boats anchored in front of every house. Although Burano does not boast big works of architecture, its colorful little houses along the canal and the embroidered art originated from the 16th century offered tourists unforgettable memories. Returning to Venice after a long day and looking at people passing Ponte Degli Scalzi bridge, I wished I had more time here to discover every corner of the city. Venice always provides new experiences and brings guests its own attraction each day. There are not only famous sights and refined cuisines but also serenity and peace that make your love even better here.


neoclassical architecture.

ñ From Hanoi and HCMC, you can book a flight of Emirates, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines or Air France to Marco Polo Venizia airport near Venice. Then, take a boat of Alilaguna from the airport to Venice at 16 Euros/ticket. You can also fly to Milan and then take a train to Venice (Venezia Santa Lucia station in the west of Venice, not Venezia Mestre station) in 2.5 hours at 37.5 Euros/ticket.

ñ Opera de Venice: enjoy the opera (priced at 22 Euros to 85 Euros).

Water bus service ñ 20Euros/day, 30 Euros/2 days, 40 Euros/3 days and 60 Euros/7 days for travel card holders. attractions ñ National park in Torcello (near Burano) and the art of mosaic with beautiful works at Santa Maria Assunta church from the 7th century. ñ Museo Correr: in order to discover the history of Venice through documents and artistic works shown in the museum with

ñ La Toletta: If you like books and lovely stationeries, you can visit La Toletta bookstore operating from 1933. Cuisine ñ Visit Rialto Market, the local seafood market and you can witness the life of local people while tasting some cicchetti, folpeto (octopus with lime sauce and olive oil), polpette (veal pie with potato) or slices of bread grilled with mozzarella cheese and some cocktail. accommodation ñ Hotels are priced from 40 Euros/night. You should book before your trip because hotels in the center of Venice are always fullybooked and charge a high price. However, you can choose to stay at Venice Mestre (about 15 minutes from Venice by bus or tram) at a cheaper price.



Trπm dıng ch©n tr™n Æ≠Íng trek l™n Æÿnh Sinai



Bµi vµ ∂nh: Thµnh Cao


Nˆa ch©u É lπ lÔng cÒa ai CÀp

tı nh·, Ɖc v“ Ai CÀp qua kinh th∏nh, t´i ngÏ mi“n Ɔt nµy lµ mÈt x¯ sÎ xa x´i nµo »n hi÷n m¨ mµng trong s∏ch. t´i b ∏m ∂nh vµ t≠Îng t≠Óng v“ n„ bÎi c©u chuy÷n nÊi ti’ng trong kinh C˘u ¶Ìc Æ∑ tıng Æi vµo phim ∂nh, lµ chuy÷n v“ Hoµng tˆ Ai CÀp Moses. MÈt trong nh˜ng vÔng Ɔt c„ n“n v®n minh cÊ x≠a v‹ Æπi nh†t cÒa nh©n loπi kh´ng chÿ c„ kim t˘ th∏p hay c∏c Æ“n Ƶi nhi“u ngh◊n n®m tuÊi v…n cn nguy™n vãn. êt ai bi’t rªng, quËc gia vÌi Æa l˝ lπ lÔng nªm væt ngang hai ch©u lÙc nµy c„ ph«n nˆa Ch©u É cÚng Æ«y m™ ho∆c. TRAVELLIVE



C∂nh Æãp tr™n nÛi chi“u Æi xuËng TRAVELLIVE

lµm sao t´i kh´ng th” kh´ng c»n tr‰ng cho Æ≠Óc! H¨n 9 giÍ tËi, phflng vä l≠a th≠a ng≠Íi. Chÿ cfln mÈt qu«y vä hoπt ÆÈng trong sË 4 qu«y Î Æ©y. Phflng vä kh∏ nh· vµ s¨ sµi nh≠ng h÷ thËng b∏n vä Î Æ©y kh∏ hi÷n Æπi. Tr≠Ìc mÁi qu«y vä Æ“u Æ∆t mÈt mµn h◊nh LCD th” hi÷n s¨ Æ chÁ ngÂi Æ” kh∏ch ch‰n vµ ng≠Íi b∏n vä chÿ c«n x∏c nhÀn lπi c∏c th´ng tin, sau Æ„ in vä cho kh∏ch.

Ai CÀp Î Bæc Phi vÌi h¨n 90% di÷n t›ch quËc gia Æ≠Óc bao phÒ bÎi sa mπc, s´ng Nile chi’m kho∂ng 5% di÷n t›ch vµ ph«n lÌn con ng≠Íi sinh sËng d‰c theo Æ´i bÍ s´ng Nile. QuËc gia nµy cfln nÊi ti’ng vÌi k™nh Ƶo Suez nËi ßfia Trung H∂i vÌi Bi”n ß·. CÚng ch›nh con k™nh nµy lµ ranh giÌi chia Ɔt n≠Ìc thµnh 2 ph«n É - Phi t∏ch bi÷t. Nˆa ph›a Ch©u É nªm hoµn toµn tr™n b∏n Æ∂o Sinai. B∏n Æ∂o Sinai c„ Æfia h◊nh cÚng kh∏ k◊ lπ, Æ≠Óc chia lµm 2 ph«n Bæc vµ Nam. Bæc Sinai g«n nh≠ lµ mÈt vÔng ÆÂi nÛi vµ hoang mπc, trong khi Nam Sinai Æ≠Óc bao b‰c bÎi bi”n ß· - lµ Æfia danh nÊi ti’ng ÆËi vÌi nh˜ng du kh∏ch y™u th›ch bi”n. T´i tÌi Ai CÀp mÈt ngµy Æ«u Æ´ng vµ n∂y ra ˝ Æfinh v≠Ót qua k™nh Ƶo Suez, qua ph›a bÍ Ch©u É Æ” Æ≠Óc Æi l∆n Î bi”n ß·, chπm vµo nÛi th∏nh Sinai.

"߇ Bó" VÄo VùNG QU¢N S# C„ hai c∏ch Æ” Æi qua b∏n Æ∂o nµy tı thÒ Æ´ Cairo, ho∆c bªng xe bu˝t ho∆c bªng m∏y bay. Mohamed Gad, tay h≠Ìng d…n vi™n mÌi quen khi Æi du lfich b™n nµy, bi’t t´i chÿ Æi mÈt m◊nh Æ∑ Æ“ xu†t t´i n™n Æi bªng m∏y bay Æ” vıa nhanh, vıa kh·e lπi an toµn. T´i v…n kh®ng kh®ng Æfli Æi bªng xe bu˝t Æ™m. MÙc Æ›ch cÒa t´i mÈt ph«n lµ Æ” ti’t ki÷m, nh≠ng tr™n h’t lµ Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m vµ c∂m nhÀn tr‰n vãn cuÈc sËng th≠Íng ngµy cÒa ng≠Íi d©n. Gad Æ≠a t´i tÌi b’n xe bu˝t. Anh chÿ cho t´i vµ b∂o b©y giÍ b®ng qua b™n kia Æ≠Íng, ngay chÁ g„c nhµ lµ phflng b∏n vä. Xong khi nµo tÌi giÍ xe chπy th◊ qua b™n nµy Æ” l™n xe Æi. T´i ch˘ng lπi: Lµm sao bi’t Æ≠Óc chi’c nµo lµ chi’c t´i c«n Æ” l™n cho ÆÛng v◊ bi”n sË xe Î Æ©y toµn lµ ch˜ Å RÀp? Gad tr†n an: "Anh c¯ Æ≠a vä vµ h·i nh˜ng ng≠Íi Î Æ©y, h‰ sœ h≠Ìng d…n cho. Y™n t©m, ng≠Íi Ai CÀp hi“n lµnh vµ tËt bÙng læm. Ai CÀp cÚng lµ mÈt trong c∏c quËc gia an toµn nh†t th’ giÌi cho du kh∏ch khi Æi lπi ngoµi Æ≠Íng." "An toµn ≠?", t´i t˘ nhÒ. Nh◊n nh˜ng ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng Î Æ©y, ai n†y to cao, r©u ria xÂm xoµm vµ mæt th◊ træng d∑,

B’n xe bu˝t Æ™m cÚng kh∏ væng. Xe kh∏ sπch sœ nh≠ng cho dÔ lµ xe Æ≠Íng dµi, Î Æ©y chÿ c„ xe gh’ ngÂi ch¯ kh´ng c„ loπi xe gi≠Íng nªm. T´i c†t hµnh l˝ d≠Ìi g«m, b≠Ìc l™n xe th†y kh∏ch chÿ toµn Ƶn ´ng. H¨n 30 phÛt Æ«u khi cfln trong nÈi Æ´ Cairo, xe ph∏t nh˜ng bµi kinh bªng ti’ng Å RÀp nh≠ng khi xe vıa Æi vµo cao tËc th◊ cÚng lµ lÛc nh˜ng bÈ phim ti’ng Å RÀp vÌi ©m thanh ch∏t chÛa thay cho nh˜ng bµi kinh khi’n t´i kh´ng tµi nµo chÓp mæt Æ≠Óc. Nˆa Æ™m, khi vıa lim dim chÓp mæt, t´i bfi Æ∏nh th¯c v◊ xe dıng lπi vµ ti’ng hµnh kh∏ch tr™n xe. B™n ngoµi, mÈt loπt xe kh∏ch kh∏c cÚng Æang dıng lπi vµ hµnh kh∏ch l™n xuËng nhËn nh∏o. T´i ngπc nhi™n khi th†y m‰i ng≠Íi bæt Æ«u tu«n t˘ mang hµnh l˝ cÒa m◊nh, Ưng qu©y thµnh vflng trfln vµ mÎ hµnh l˝ ra Æ” xuËng Ɔt tr≠Ìc m∆t. Ph›a SINAI Sô H~U tr≠Ìc h‰, r†t nhi“u c∂nh s∏t m∆c HAI "BÉU VÜT qu©n phÙc Æen, tay l®m l®m sÛng dµi Æi tÌi Æi lui. Ch≠a kfip tr†n THI£N NHI£N", t‹nh, b∏c tµi ra hi÷u cho t´i xuËng ßï LÄ C§NG xe l†y hµnh l˝, vµ x’p hµng nh≠ nh˜ng hµnh kh∏ch cfln lπi. VI£N BÅO T¤N

BIÕN QUˇC C∏c tay c∂nh s∏t Æi tÌi lui vµ r‰i ÆÃn pin nh◊n vµo tıng tÛi hµnh GIA RAS l˝. LÛc nµy t´i mÌi hi”u lµ h‰ MOHAMED VÄ ki”m tra an ninh. Xe chÛng t´i sæp sˆa qua h«m chui Æ” v≠Ót N@I THÉNH k™nh Ƶo Suez, qua ph›a b™n kia SINAI bÍ Ch©u É. SuËt Æoπn Æ≠Íng dµi sau Æ„, c¯ chπy chıng 30 phÛt xe lπi ph∂i dıng. MÁi l«n nh≠ vÀy, xung quanh xe r†t nhi“u c∂nh s∏t, h‰ lπi ki”m tra g◊ Æ„ r†t l©u. Chÿ c„ Æi“u, nh˜ng l«n sau, hµnh kh∏ch kh´ng ph∂i l†y hµnh l˝ cho h‰ ki”m tra tıng ng≠Íi mÈt nh≠ l«n tr≠Ìc. G«n 7 giÍ s∏ng, xe tÌi b’n ph›a b™n Sharm El Sheikh, sau g«n 9 ti’ng cho qu∑ng Æ≠Íng h¨n 700km. B∏n Æ∂o Sinai lµ mÈt vÔng qu©n s˘ cÒa Ai CÀp. Khu v˘c nµy c„ cÔng bi™n giÌi vÌi Israel, vµ c∏ch Å RÀp Saudi chÿ qua mÈt c∏i vfinh Aqada nh· hãp. VÌi Æfia l˝ Î mÈt n¨i kh∏ nhπy c∂m nh≠ vÀy, Æ∆c bi÷t sau cuÈc chi’n 6 ngµy vµo n®m 1967 gi˜a mÈt b™n lµ li™n minh Ai CÀp vµ c∏c n≠Ìc khËi Å RÀp vÌi Israel, b∏n Æ∂o nµy trÎ thµnh khu v˘c qu©n s˘ Æ≠Óc ki”m tra gæt gao bÎi qu©n ÆÈi Ai CÀp. TRAVELLIVE




©Paulina Grunwald




B∑i bi”n tuy÷t Æãp tπi Ras Mohamed

dÅI KH°N xANH tR£N BIÕN ßì M∆c d«u lµ mÈt khu v˘c qu©n s˘ kh∏ nhπy c∂m nh≠ng Sinai chÿ chfiu Ưng sau Cairo, n¨i c„ Kim t˘ th∏p Giza nÊi ti’ng, v“ l≠Óng kh∏ch du lfich nhÍ c∂nh Æãp vµ nÁ l˘c cÒa ch›nh phÒ trong vi÷c khuy’n kh›ch Æ»y mπnh du lfich Î Æ©y. Sinai sÎ h˜u hai "b∏u vÀt thi™n nhi™n" thu hÛt du kh∏ch, Æ„ lµ c´ng vi™n b∂o tÂn bi”n quËc gia Ras Mohamed vµ nÛi th∏nh Sinai. D‰c theo bÍ bi”n dµi ph›a Nam cÒa b∏n Æ∂o nµy chÿ toµn kh∏ch sπn vµ c∏c resort tı 4 Æ’n 6 sao Æãp nh≠ m¨. G«n nh≠ kh´ng th†y nhµ d©n Î Æ©y. Ng≠Íi d©n sËng tÀp trung tπi vfinh Na'ama Bay nªm Î ph›a Nam vµ khu thµnh phË mÌi Dahab c∏ch thfi tr†n Sharm El Sheikh hµng tr®m c©y sË. Dahab cÚng lµ Æfia Æi”m th¯ hai Æ≠Óc nhi“u kh∏ch du lfich l˘a ch‰n cho c∏c hoπt ÆÈng bi”n, sau Sharm El Sheikh. "Toµn bÈ b∏n Æ∂o nµy ch≠a tÌi 600.000 d©n n™n nh˜ng lao ÆÈng Î Æ©y h«u h’t Æ’n tı c∏c n¨i kh∏c. V◊ Æπo HÂi lµ quËc gi∏o n™n Ƶn ´ng tham gia g«n nh≠ toµn bÈ c∏c c´ng vi÷c. PhÙ n˜ chÒ y’u Î nhµ dµnh thÍi gian cho gia Æ◊nh." Gad chia sŒ khi t´i Æem c©u chuy÷n chuy’n xe bu˝t Æ™m chÿ toµn Ƶn ´ng h·i anh. T´i tranh thÒ gˆi hµnh l˝ Î kh∏ch sπn, lµm vÈi ly cµ ph™ n„ng vµ l™n xe cÒa mÈt c´ng ty du lfich Æfia ph≠¨ng mµ Gad Æ∑ Æ∆t sΩn cho t´i Æ” ra b’n



tµu Æi l∆n. ô Sharm El Sheikh c„ kh∏ nhi“u Æi”m l∆n, trong Æ„, Æi”m nÊi ti’ng nh†t lµ Shark Reef Î Ras Mohamed. ßi”m l∆n nµy nÊi ti’ng vÌi c∏c loπi c∏ nhÂng (barracuda). N’u may mæn, kh∏ch l∆n c„ th” Æ≠Óc nh◊n th†y c∏ mÀp san h´ (reef shark, mÈt loπi c∏ mÀp kh´ng t†n c´ng ng≠Íi). Dfich vÙ tµu cao tËc Æ” Æ≠a kh∏ch Æi l∆n Î Æ©y cÚng kh∏ hi÷n Æπi. Nh˜ng chi’c tµu cao tËc rÈng r∑i vµ sπch sœ. Ph›a d≠Ìi tµu lµ c∏c phflng thay Æ vµ phflng tæm. C„ hºn mÈt phflng nh≠ phflng kh∏ch cÔng mÈt qu«y phÙc vÙ th¯c ®n nho nh·. Toµn bÈ ph›a tr™n tµu Æ≠Óc dÔng lµm n¨i nghÿ ng¨i vµ ngæm bi”n. Mahmoud, tay h≠Ìng d…n vµ l∆n chung vÌi t´i, khuy™n n’u c„ thÍi gian n™n Æi l∆n Î Æ∂o Tiran, lµ Æi”m l∆n th¯ hai Î khu v˘c b∏n Æ∂o nµy Æ≠Óc du kh∏ch ≠a chuÈng. Ho∆c Æi l∆n Ëng thÎ Î Blue Hole thuÈc vfinh Aqada. Tuy nhi™n, do Blue Hole lµ mÈt hË s©u t˘ nhi™n hµng tr®m mät s∏t bÍ bi”n (do Æ∆c thÔ nµy mµ n≠Ìc Î chÁ nµy c„ mµu xanh th…m), kh∏ch l∆n c«n c„ bªng l∆n cao c†p vµ ph∂i c„ kinh nghi÷m Æi l∆n nhi“u th◊ c∏c trung t©m l∆n bi”n mÌi d∏m nhÀn. Ph∂i thıa nhÀn rªng mÁi Æi”m l∆n Æ“u c„ nh˜ng vŒ Æãp vµ h†p d…n ri™ng bÎi san h´ vµ thu˚ sinh vÀt Æa dπng kh∏c nhau, kh´ng Æi”m nµo giËng Æi”m nµo. V◊ th’ mµ c∏c Æi”m l∆n Î Æ©y lu´n Æ≠Óc nhi“u tπp ch› danh ti’ng b◊nh ch‰n vµo danh s∏ch c∏c Æi”m l∆n bi”n Æãp nh†t th’ giÌi.

Sau mÈt ngµy Æi l∆n bi”n vÌi nhi“u cung bÀc c∂m xÛc vµ c∂nh t≠Óng nh≠ lπc vµo x¯ sÎ th«n ti™n, t´i dµnh buÊi chi“u quay v“ Æ” Æ„n hoµng h´n Î mÚi tµu trong khu c´ng vi™n quËc gia Ras Mohamed. MÚi tµu lµ mÈt d∂i Ɔt nh· hãp nh´ ra bi”n, thÿnh tho∂ng c„ vµi khe n¯t Æfia ch†t mµ Ưng tı tr™n bÍ nh◊n xuËng, t´i c„ th” nh◊n th†y tıng b«y c∏ nh· vµ san h´ s©u ph›a d≠Ìi. T´i ph„ng t«m mæt v“ ph›a xa. D≠Ìi ∏nh næng cuËi ngµy Æang sæp tæt tr™n bi”n ß·, n≠Ìc bi”n qu«ng l™n tıng d∂i mµu xanh ÆÀm nhπt kh∏c nhau, t˘a nh≠ nh˜ng chi’c kh®n choµng m“m mπi væt ngang tr™n cÊ ng≠Íi thi’u n˜.

Sinh vÀt bi”n tπi Æi”m l∆n ngæm san h´ tπi Ras Mohamed

Th§ng Tin Th£M VISa

CH ô

C„ th” xin tπi ßπi s¯ qu∏n Ai CÀp tπi Hµ NÈi. H s¨ c«n chu»n b chi ti’t vµ Æ«y ÆÒ t≠¨ng t˘ nh≠ xin visa c∏c n≠Ìc ph∏t tri”n. Tuy nhi™n, qu∏ tr◊nh xät h s¨ vµ c†p d‘ dµng h¨n. Ph› 25USD cho visa nhÀp c∂nh 1 l«n vµ 35 USD cho nhÀp c∂nh nhi“u l«n. N’u Æ∆t c´ng ty du lch b™n Ai CÀp ho∆c Æi nh„m tı 10 ng≠Íi c„ th” y™u c«u h‰ lµm visa tπi s©n bay (Visa on arrival), vÌi m¯c ph› 65USD/visa/nhÀp c∂nh 1 l«n cho thÍi gian l≠u trÛ 30 ngµy.

Kh∏ch sπn vµ resort Î Æ©y kh∏ nhi“u, gi∏ c∂ hÓp l˝. Kh∏ch sπn 3 - 4 sao tπi trung t©m c„ gi∏ tı 25- 40USD/Æ™m/phng Æ´i. Resort ngay b∑i bi”n tu˙ hπng sao, loπi phng vµ dch vÙ Æi kÃm gi∏ tı 60USD/phng. Tr≠Ìc ngµy khÎi hµnh 1 tu«n c„ th” l™n c∏c trang Æ∆t phng uy t›n Æ” ch‰n chÁ nghÿ cho phÔ hÓp vÌi ng©n s∏ch vµ mÙc Æ›ch chuy’n Æi. L≠u ˝ th™m: ki”m tra v tr› c∏c kh∏ch sπn tr™n b∂n Æ v◊ sœ c„ nhi“u Æa Æi”m tuy rŒ nh≠ng nªm kh∏ xa trung t©m sœ b†t ti÷n trong vi÷c di chuy”n.

DI CHUYÕN Bu˝t tı Cairo Æi Sharm El Sheikh kh∏ rŒ, dao ÆÈng tı 5 - 10USD tu˙ h∑ng xe. M∏y bay quËc nÈi cho ch∆ng bay nµy cÚng kh∏ nhi“u chuy’n trong ngµy, chÒ y’u do Nile Air vµ EgyptAir khai th∏c, gi∏ kh¯ hÂi dao ÆÈng tı 120 - 200USD cho thÍi gian bay 1 ti’ng. ßI LÑI ßi g«n trong thµnh phË taxi lµ ph≠¨ng ti÷n phÔ hÓp nh†t. ô Æ©y taxi chπy c∂ ngµy l…n Æ™m vµ r†t d‘ t◊m. L≠u ˝, mÈt sË xe taxi sœ kh´ng c„ ÆÂng h n™n c«n th≠¨ng l≠Óng gi∏ tr≠Ìc khi l™n xe.

THòI ßIÕM DU LëCH T†t c∂ c∏c th∏ng trong n®m Æ“u l˝ t≠Îng cho vi÷c tham quan Î Æ©y ngoπi trı th∏ng 6 Æ’n th∏ng 8 v◊ thÍi ti’t r†t n„ng b¯c. L˝ t≠Îng nh†t lµ tı th∏ng 10 Æ’n th∏ng 2 n®m sau, lÛc thÍi ti’t m∏t mŒ d‘ chu. M∆c dÔ nhi÷t ÆÈ trong ngµy c„ th” xuËng 20 ÆÈ nh≠ng n≠Ìc bi”n lu´n †m ∏p vµ dao ÆÈng tı 25 - 27 ÆÈ C. N£N TH^ Trek bªng lπc Ƶ l™n nÛi th∏nh Sinai: Kh∏ch Æ≠Óc ngÂi tr™n l≠ng lπc Ƶ Æ”

c≠Ïi l™n nÛi trong thÍi gian g«n 3 ti’ng tı ch©n nÛi l™n Æ’n trπm th¯ 3 tr≠Ìc khi t˘ leo th™m h¨n 600 bÀc thang Æ∏ Æ” l™n tÌi Æÿnh nÛi ngæm b◊nh minh. Gi∏ dch vÙ: 10USD/kh∏ch. ñ Du ngoπn mÈt ngµy bªng tµu Æ∏y k›nh: 50USD/kh∏ch. Trong mÈt ngµy, kh∏ch ngÂi tµu Æ∏y k›nh, sˆ dÙng c∏c ti÷n ›ch tr™n tµu vµ c„ th” ngæm san h´ tı lÌp k›nh d≠Ìi Æ∏y thuy“n. ñ Dch vÙ l∆n ngæm san h´ bªng Ëng thÎ: kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc Æ„n tπi kh∏ch sπn tı 8 giÍ s∏ng Æ” Æ≠a tÌi b’n tµu vµ tr∂ kh∏ch vµo 5 giÍ chi“u. Trong mÈt ngµy, tµu sœ Æ≠a kh∏ch Æi tham quan tr™n bi”n, dıng tπi 3 Æi”m l∆n kh∏c nhau Æ” kh∏ch l∆n ngæm san h´ trong 1 ti’ng cho mÈt Æi”m l∆n. Chi ph› Æ∑ bao gÂm c∏c thi’t b l∆n kÃm mÈt su†t ®n tr≠a tr™n tµu vµ c∏c th¯c uËng kh´ng cÂn: 50USD/kh∏ch. ñ L∆n b◊nh d≠Ïng kh› ÆËi vÌi kh∏ch Æ∑ c„ bªng l∆n PADI: dch vÙ t≠¨ng t˘ nh≠ l∆n Ëng thÎ nh≠ng tπi c∏c Æi”m l∆n, kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc trang b dÙng cÙ l∆n b◊nh d≠Ïng kh› vµ l∆n kÃm vÌi h≠Ìng d…n chuy™n nghi÷p. Gi∏ 15USD/l«n l∆n.

ñ Dch vÙ Æ∆c bi÷t: thu™ tµu tr‰n g„i chÙp ∂nh c≠Ìi 1 ngµy. Dch vÙ nµy kh∏ h†p d…n Î Æ©y bÎi ch†t l≠Óng ƺng c†p, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh vµ c∏c dch vÙ Æi kÃm ÆÈc Æ∏o, bao gÂm: mÈt tµu chuy™n dÙng c„ th” chÎ mÈt nh„m tÌi 20 ng≠Íi. Tµu sœ Æ≠a c´ d©u chÛ r” Æ’n c∏c Æ∂o trong khu v˘c Æ” chÙp ∂nh c≠Ìi. N’u muËn c„ th™m bÈ ∂nh c≠Ìi ÆÈc Æ∏o chÙp d≠Ìi n≠Ìc c„ th” Æ®ng k› th™m vÌi 20USD cho 1 bÈ ∂nh vµ 1 Æ‹a DVD. Gi∏ 650USD cho chi ph› thu™ tµu, c∏c dÙng cÙ l∆n, ®n tr≠a vµ Æ uËng kh´ng cÂn. CHI PHê Vä m∏y bay kh¯ hÂi: 700USD (bay cÔng h∑ng hµng kh´ng Etihad, qu∏ c∂nh tπi Abu Dabi). Chi ph› cho 10 ngµy, 9 Æ™m Î Ai CÀp vµo kho∂ng 890USD, gÂm tr∂i nghi÷m sa mπc træng, sa mπc Æen (cæm trπi 2 ngµy 1 Æ™m), tµu du lch 5 sao Æi vµ v“ tı Cairo-Aswan (5 ngµy 4 Æ™m tr™n s´ng Nile), tµu lˆa 5 sao Luxor-Cairo vµ c∏c Æi”m tham quan ch›nh (Æ“n th«n Iris, Æ“n Abu Simbel, Edfu, Hatshepsut, kim t˘ th∏p, b∂o tµng Cairo).



CHÑM VÄO MI≈N ߃T C#U ¶õC "H´m nay ChÛa th≠¨ng d©n Ng≠Íi, h´m nay ChÛa Æem d©n Ng≠Íi l™n nÛi Sion." (*) ß„ lµ mÈt Æoπn trong bµi Th∏nh ca nÊi ti’ng tı thÀp ni™n 1950 mµ b†t k◊ ng≠Íi C´ng gi∏o nµo cÚng ›t nh†t mÈt l«n nghe qua. ßoπn Th∏nh ca tr›ch trong th∏nh vfinh Exodus v“ vi÷c Moses, mÈt ti™n tri lÌn trong kinh th∏nh C˘u ¶Ìc, Æ∑ Æ≠a 70 ng≠Íi l™n nÛi Th∏nh Æ” nhÀn Giao ≠Ìc Sinai, Æ„ ch›nh lµ 10 Æi“u r®n mµ Thi™n ChÛa gi∏o v…n cfln sˆ dÙng cho tÌi tÀn ngµy nay. (*) T™n g‰i trong kinh C˘u ¶Ìc Æ” chÿ khu v˘c nÛi Sinai ngµy nay. NÛi Sinai cfln Æ≠Óc ng≠Íi Ai CÀp g‰i lµ nÛi Moses.

tHÄnH cao BLOGGER DU LëCH, PHOTOGRAPHER Tıng thµnh c´ng vÌi v tr› qu∂n l˝ trong c∏c c´ng ty vµ tÀp Æoµn Æa quËc gia, nh≠ng ni“m Æam m™ "Æi vµ vi’t" Æ∑ khi’n anh b≠Ìc ra kh·i vÔng an toµn Æ” th˘c s˘ Æ≠Óc Ææm m◊nh trong nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ Æ„ Æ©y. VÌi ph≠¨ng ch©m "ßi Æ” th˘c s˘ chπm vµo n¨i m◊nh Æ’n vµ trÎ v“ vÌi ›t nhi“u thay ÆÊi", tıng ph„ng s˘, k˝ s˘, vµ Æ∆c bi÷t nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh cÒa anh lu´n th” hi÷n vŒ Æãp ch©n th˘c cÒa nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng, d†u †n v®n ho∏, ki’n trÛc b∂n Æa, con ng≠Íi vµ cuÈc sËng... Î nh˜ng n¨i anh Æ∑ Æi qua. Thµnh Cao hi÷n lµ cÈng t∏c vi™n th≠Íng xuy™n cho mÙc du lch cÒa nhi“u b∏o, tπp ch›, ÆÂng thÍi lµ ng≠Íi s∏ng lÀp c´ng ty OffTrack Travel, hoπt ÆÈng trong ngµnh du lch.

ß” Æ„n b◊nh minh tr™n nÛi Sinai, kh∏ch sœ ph∂i khÎi hµnh lÛc 11 giÍ Æ™m tı Sharm El Sheikh hay Dahab cho 3 giÍ xe chπy Æ” tÌi khu v˘c tÀp trung ngay d≠Ìi ch©n nÛi. T´i vµ mÈt nh„m du kh∏ch kh∏c Æ≠Óc giÌi thi÷u vÌi Mohamed, h≠Ìng d…n vi™n Æfia ph≠¨ng Î Æ©y vµ sœ lµ ng≠Íi hÁ trÓ c∂ nh„m trong chuy’n leo nÛi. Sau vµi lÍi chµo h·i vµ giÌi thi÷u v“ b∂n th©n, Mohamed giÌi thi÷u v“ Æoπn trekking: Æ„ sœ lµ mÈt cung Æ≠Íng mfln, c„ nh˜ng Æoπn dËc vµ Æ∏ lÎm chÎm, nh≠ng kh´ng qu∏ kh„ Æi vµ cÚng kh∏ an toµn. TrÍi Æen th…m, chÿ vµi ∏nh s∏ng le l„i tı ∏nh ÆÃn pin cÒa nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æang hµnh h≠¨ng, chÛng t´i bæt Æ«u Æi. Mohamed Æi tr≠Ìc soi ÆÃn pin, li™n tÙc quay lπi vµ Æ’m ng≠Íi. C¯ 15-20 phÛt, anh ta lπi ch‰n mÈt Æi”m bªng phºng Æ” m‰i ng≠Íi nghÿ ch©n mÈt vµi phÛt, rÂi lπi Æi ti’p. H¨n mÈt ti’ng, chÛng t´i tÌi Æ≠Óc trπm Æ«u ti™n. ß„ lµ mÈt c®n nhµ gÁ c„ k™ gh’ ngÂi xung quanh s∏t t≠Íng. H‰ phÙc vÙ trµ, cµ ph™ vµ b∏nh ng‰t. MÈt Æ´i ng≠Íi ≥ mµ tr≠Ìc Æ„, h‰ lu´n Æi sau c∂ nh„m, Æ∑ quy’t Æfinh dıng lπi v◊ kh´ng th” leo th™m Æ≠Óc n˜a. H‰ kh´ng muËn s˘ chÀm tr‘ cÒa m◊nh lµm ∂nh h≠Îng Æ’n m‰i ng≠Íi, mµ vÌi h‰, Æ≠Óc chπm vµo nÛi Th∏nh Æ∑ lµ qu∏ ÆÒ.

ô trπm dıng ch©n th¯ hai, sau khi t´i vµ Mohamed Æ∑ n„i chuy÷n vÌi nhau kha kh∏ vµ th©n thi’t h¨n, anh chÿ vµo con lπc Ƶ nªm tr≠Ìc trπm vµ h·i t´i c„ muËn thˆ kh´ng. Con lπc Ƶ nµy lµ cÒa ´ng chÒ qu∏n n≠Ìc Î Æ©y. Mohamed sœ th≠¨ng l≠Óng Æ” t´i c„ gi∏ tËt. D‹ nhi™n, lπc Ƶ cÚng chÿ Æ≠a Æ≠Óc tÌi trπm th¯ ba. Sau Æ„, kh∏ch v…n ph∂i leo th™m mÈt Æoπn n˜a vÌi h¨n 600 bÀc Æ∏ dËc Æ” l™n tÌi Æÿnh. T´i ÆÂng ˝ ngay v◊ Æ∑ qu∏ m÷t, ph«n v◊ muËn bi’t c∂m gi∏c c≠Ïi lπc Ƶ l™n nÛi. Qu∂ thÀt, ngÂi tr™n l≠ng lπc Ƶ l™n nÛi lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m kh´ng th” qu™n. Tı c∂m gi∏c sÓ h∑i ban Æ«u v◊ Æ≠Íng r†t tËi vÌi mÈt b™n lµ v∏ch nÛi, mÈt b™n lµ v˘c thºm, lπi c„ th™m nh˜ng Æoπn kh∏ hãp vµ tr¨n tr≠Ót. Ngh‹ dπi, chÿ c«n con lπc Ƶ mµ d…m l™n mÈt vi™n Æ∏ nµo kh´ng chæc chæn, kh´ng bi’t chuy÷n g◊ sœ x∂y ra. Mohamed ÆÈng vi™n t´i: "Anh y™n t©m, lπc Ƶ lµ mÈt loπi vÀt c„ tr› nhÌ kh∏ tËt. N„ nhÌ tıng phi’n Æ∏ mµ n„ Æ∆t ch©n tr™n suËt cung Æ≠Íng nµy. Mæt lπc Ƶ nh◊n r†t tËt trong Æ™m tËi. Tı tr≠Ìc tÌi nay ch≠a c„ b†t k◊ tai nπn nµo x∂y ra Î Æ©y c∂." T´i tπm y™n t©m vµ tin lÍi hæn (mµ th˘c ra th◊ cÚng ch∂ c„ c∏ch nµo). Khi Æ∑ bæt Æ«u quen vÌi c∂m gi∏c ngÂi tr™n l≠ng lπc Ƶ, t´i mÌi d∏m ng≠Ìc m∆t nh◊n l™n. B«u trÍi Æ™m tËi th®m thºm Æi”m xuy’t mu´n vµn tinh tÛ s∏ng l†p l∏nh, tr∂i dµi ra trong b†t tÀn, trong s˘ t‹nh mfich t˘ tπi vµ an y™n Æ’n k◊ lπ. Nh„m chÛng t´i lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng nh„m Æ«u l™n Æ≠Óc Æ’n Æÿnh. Mohamed Æ∑ lu´n ÆÈng vi™n vµ giÙc m‰i ng≠Íi n’u muËn ki’m Æ≠Óc vfi tr› ngÂi tËt nh†t Æ” ngæm b◊nh m◊nh tr™n Æÿnh nÛi th◊ c«n tranh thÒ vµ cË gæng. Anh ta ch‰n Æ≠Óc mÈt vfi tr› lµ c∏i b÷ Æ∏ phºng d˘a vµo mÈt b™n nÛi vÌi t«m nh◊n kh∏ rÈng. M‰i ng≠Íi c„ th” ngÂi t˘a vµo v∏ch nÛi trong khi chÍ b◊nh minh l™n. ThÍi gian tr´i qua thÀt chÀm. 6 giÍ s∏ng, tı ph›a xa, mÈt Æ≠Íng mµu hÂng nhπt chπy dµi ngay Æ≠Íng ch©n trÍi, rÂi tı tı

D# KI⁄N NG¢N SÉCH Chi ph› cho 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m Î b∏n Æ∂o Sinai vµo kho∂ng 240 USDëgÂm tour trekking l™n nÛi Sinai, tham quan tu vi÷n cÊ Catherine, l∆n ngæm san h´ bªng b◊nh d≠Ïng kh› 1 ngµy, Æi lπi vµ ®n uËng.

Du kh∏ch Æ„n b◊nh minh tr™n nÛi Sinai

M∆t trÍi l„ dπng, to vµ r‚ nh≠ mÈt qu∂ b„ng lˆa khÊng lÂ, m¨ h nh≠ c„ th” Æ≠a tay chπm Æ≠Óc. Chÿ trong chËc l∏t, b◊nh minh th¯c gi†c nh≠ cÎi b· lÌp ∏o choµng Æen cÚ cÒa c∂ mÈt vÔng ÆÂi nÛi chÀp chÔng vµ thay bªng mµu ∏o n©u hÂng mÌi khi’n cho b†t k◊ ai ch¯ng ki’n cÚng ph∂i cho∏ng ngÓp.

lÌn ra vµ ÆÀm d«n, ÆÀm d«n, cho Æ’n khi thµnh mÈt mµu cam Æ· loang lÊ. ô ngay ch›nh gi˜a, m∆t trÍi l„ dπng, to vµ r‚ nh≠ mÈt qu∂ b„ng lˆa khÊng lÂ, c¨ h nh≠ c„ th” Æ≠a tay chπm Æ≠Óc vÀy. Chÿ trong chËc l∏t, b◊nh minh th¯c gi†c nh≠ cÎi b· lÌp ∏o choµng Æen cÚ cÒa c∂ mÈt vÔng ÆÂi nÛi chÀp chÔng vµ thay bªng mµu ∏o n©u hÂng mÌi khi’n cho b†t k◊ ai ch¯ng ki’n cÚng ph∂i cho∏ng ngÓp. Chi“u Æi xuËng, kh∏ch c„ th” ghä th®m mÈt Æfia Æi”m kh∏c Æ∑ Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn lµ di s∂n v®n ho∏ th’ giÌi nªm ngay ch©n nÛi: Tu vi÷n cÊ Catherine. ß©y lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng tu vi÷n cÊ nh†t th’ giÌi. N¨i

Æ©y, kh∏ch c„ th” th®m nhµ nguy÷n vÌi hµng ngµn cÊ vÀt v´ gi∏, gi’ng n≠Ìc cÊ n¨i nhµ ti™n tri Moses g∆p vÓ m◊nh. Vµ Æ∆c bi÷t nh†t, bÙi gai, n¨i Th≠Óng Æ’ hi÷n ra d≠Ìi h◊nh ∂nh cÈt lˆa Æ” k™u g‰i Moses l∑nh Æπo ng≠Íi Do Th∏i, v≠Ót qua bi”n ß· Æ” vµo vÔng Ɔt h¯a, ch›nh lµ Ɔt n≠Ìc Israel ngµy nay. Cho Æ’n khi rÍi Æi, t´i v…n ch≠a tin m◊nh vıa Æ≠Óc chπm vµo Sinai, mi“n Ɔt cÒa Th∏nh Kinh. Vµ t´i hi”u rªng, bªng c∏ch nµo Æ„, hµnh tinh nµy v…n lu´n mÎ cˆa cho nh˜ng ai bi’t nu´i d≠Ïng ≠Ìc m¨ chπm ch©n vµo nh˜ng mi“n Ɔt »n ch¯a bao Æi“u huy“n b› lπ k˙. TRAVELLIVE



Text & Photos: Thanh Cao


when I read about Egypt when I was young, I thought it was some remote region only written of in books. I was obsessed, and my imagination was filled by this country because of a famous story in the Bible about Egypt as told in a film named Moses - the prince of Egypt. this country, the greatest ancient civilization of human beings, reveals not only pyramids and ancient untouched temples. few people know that with its area spans two continents, and it features a magical landscape in Asia.



asiaN Part of egyPt



Trekking at Sinai by camel


he part of Egypt in northern Africa is composed of more than 90% desert and 5% the Nile river, along which most of the population has settled. This country is famous for its Suez Canal connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. This canal also separates Egypt into two different regions, one in Asia and the other in Africa. The Asian part is totally located on the Sinai peninsula.

The Sinai peninsula has a strange geography divided into North Sinai and South Sinai. North Sinai is a mountainous and desert-filled area while South Sinai is surrounded by the Red Sea and is a well-known destination of sea lovers. I visited Egypt on a winter day and planned to go across the Suez canal to the nation's Asian part to dive in the Red Sea and touch the sacred mountain of Sinai.

ARRIVE IN tHE mIlItARy AREA There are two different ways to travel from Cairo to this peninsula, by bus and by airplane. Mohamed Gad, my new friend and a tour guide recommended I travel by airplane for my safety and to save time as I was travelling alone. However, I choose to travel by night bus because I wanted to save money while experiencing and



feeling the daily life of local people. Gad took me to the bus station and showed me how to buy tickets as well as catch the bus. I was a little bit worried because all the words were written in Arabic, a language that I couldn't understand. Gad advised me to show my ticket to local people, who would be willing to help me because Egyptian people are very calm and hospitable. Egypt is also one of the world's safest countries for tourists. "Safe?" I asked myself. The local men looked very big with bright eyes and moustache that I feel a little scared. At 9p.m, there were few people in the ticket room where only one counter out of four was open. Although the room was quite small and simple, the ticket selling system was so modern. In front of each counter, there was an LCD screen to show the seats for passengers to choose and then the seller just needs to confirm the information again before they print out the ticket. The night bus was quite deserted. The bus was clean. It only offered chairs, not small beds as in Vietnam although it runs a long route. I left my baggage in the cabin and got in the car where there were only men. In the first 30 minutes within Cairo, the bus driver played bibles in Arabic but when we moved to the highway, he turned on Arabic films which meant I was in for a sleepless night.

At mid-night, when I started to sleep, the bus stopped and people talked loudly enough to wake me. Outside, other buses also stoped and passengers get in and off helterskelter. I was surprised when other passengers stood in a circle, open their luggage and then left it in front of them. Around them, policemen dressing in black costumes with their guns in hand went here and there. Following signals of the driver, I got off the bus and queue as other passengers with my luggage opened in front of me. Policemen carefully checked every piece of luggage. I realized that they were checking for security because our bus was going to cross the Suez canal to Asia. We had to stop every 30 minutes after that for inspections, but these times we did not have to get off the bus and show them our luggage. We arrived at Sharm El Sheikh station at roughly 7a.m, after nearly 9 hours on a route of more than 700km. Sinai peninsula is a militarized area of Egypt. This area borders with Israel and is separated from Saudi Arabia by the narrow gulf of Aqada. With its geography in a sensitive location, especially after the Six-day War in 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (known at the time as the United Arab Republic), this peninsula is carefully regulated by Egyptian military.

©Sarawut Aiemsinsuk TRAVELLIVE





lthough the island is a sensitive military area, Sinai is only second to Cairo in the number of tourists thanks to its beautiful landscape and the government's effort in encouraging local tourism. Sinai is proud of two "natural treasures", which are Ras Mohamed National Park and Sinai Biblical Mount that have been attracting a large number of tourists. You will easily see many magnificent 4-6 star hotels and resorts along the beach in the south of this peninsula and few houses of local people. Residents on the island mainly gather at Na'ama Bay in Dahab, hundreds of kilometers from Sharm El Sheikh. Dahab is the second choice for sea activities after Sharm El Sheikh. "Because the whole peninsula has a population of nearly 600,000 people, most labors come from other regions. Since Islam is the national religion, men often take part in most of works while women spend their time at home", shared Gad when I ask him why there were only men on the bus on my last journey. I put my luggage in the hotel and drank a glass of hot coffee before getting in the car that Gad booked for me to the wharf for diving. Sharm El Sheikh provided many diving locations, in which Shark Reef in Ras Mohamed is the most favorite. This place is famous for barracuda fish and, if you lucky, you will have a chance to see reef shark. The high speed ferry service here is quite modern with spacious and clean ferries, featuring changing and bath rooms. There was also a living room and small food counter. The sundeck was used for relaxation and viewing the sea. Mahmoud, who guided us on the dive, recommended I dive in Tiran island, the second most popular diving place in this peninsula. Or one can go snorkeling in Blue Hole, Aqada Bay. However, because Blue Hole is a large marine cavern divers are required to have diving experience and skills before registering for the diving tour. Each diving place offers guests remarkable beauty with sights of different coral reefs and sea creatures. This is also the reason why famous magazines voted these destinations among the most beautiful diving places of the world. After a day diving in the sea with various emotions in the scenery that was like a wonderland, I spend the whole afternoon to witness the sunset at the cape of Ras Mohamed national park. The cape was a small landscape spreading to the sea with some geological cracks where visitors could view small fish and coral reefs deep in the clear sea water. I looked far away from the shore. In the sunset on the Red Sea, the water was remarkable, a light and dark blue soft as a scarf on a beautiful lady's neck. TRAVELLIVE



toUCHING tHE lANd oF old tEStAmENt "Today God loves his people and calls them to Sion mount" (Sion is Sinai today. This name was written in the Old Testament. Sinai is also called Moses mountain by Egyptians). That's a script written in a famous hymn of 1950s that any Catholic person might have heard before. Written in the hymn for Exodus

tHanH cao TRAVEL BLOGGER AND PHOTOGRAPHER Used to be a successful manager in various companies and multi national corporatioins; however,his passion of traveling and writing pulled him out of the safe zone to indulge in international destinations. With his motto of "traveling to touch destinations and coming back with positive changes", his articles and photos manifest the real beauty of paths, cultural marks, local architecture, people and life of locations that he passed by. Thanh Cao is a popular contributor of many travel newspapers and magazines. He is also the co-founder of OffTrack Travel Company.

about Moses, a foreteller of the Old Testament who took 70 people to this sacred mountain to receive Sinai Obligation, which included the Ten Commandments To see the sunrise on Sinai mountain, visitors will have to depart from 11:00p.m from Sharm El Sheikh or Dahab, where it takes about three hours to travel to the gathering place at the foot of the mountain. I joined a group of tourists and we were introduced to a local tour guide named Mohamed, who would take us to climb up the mountain. After some greetings and introduction about himself, Mohamed shared with us some information about the trekking path, which was a rugged but safe and easy trail.


here was only the light from flashlights of pilgrims in the dark sky as we started. Mohamed leads the team and sometimes doubled-back to check on us. We stopped every 15-20 minutes to take a rest and then continued our journey up the mountain. After an hour, we reached the first leg, where there was a wooden house with chairs leaning on the walls for visitors. The host also served tea, coffee and cake. An Italian couple in our group decided to stop here because they are not able to

climb up and do not want to delay the team. For them, setting their feet to the mountain was enough. At the second leg, when Mohamed and I become closer, he asked me whether I wanted to ride a camel lying in front of us. It was an animal of the host here. Mohamed would negotiate to rent it at a cheap price. Of course, we could only ride the camel to the third leg and then go on foot up the more than 600 stone stairs to the peak. I agree was him because I was so tired and also wanted to experience riding a camel to the peak. It was really a memorable experience to ride a camel up the mountain. At first, I feel scared because the path was very dark with a mountain cliff on one side and an abyss on the other side. As well it was sometimes slippery. I can't predict the consequences if the camel walks on any slippery rock. "Don't worry. Camels have a very good memory. It remembers the way up clearly. Its eyes can see in the darkness.

eXpecteD BUDGet The budget for three days two nights on the Sinai peninsula is about $240ĂŤ, including a trekking tour to Sinai mount, Catherine monastery, snorkeling for a day, local transportation, food and beverage.



Further inFOrmAtiOn VISa You can prepare the necessary visa documents and apply for a visa at the Egyptian embassy in Hanoi. It's easier to apply for a visa to Egypt than other developing countries. It will cost you about $25 for single entry and $35 for a multiple entry visa. If you book a tour through an Egyptian tourist agency or travel in a group of 10, you can apply for a visa on arrival at $65/visa/single entry for 30 days. TRaNSPoRTaTIoN ñ The bus ticket from Cairo to Sharm El Sheikh is quite cheap at $5-$10. You can also take a domestic flight offered by Nile Air or Egypt Air during the day at $120-$200/ticket which lasts an hour. ñ Taxi is the most convenient vehicle if you travel within the city. It's easy to book a taxi even in the evening. With some taxi carriers, you should negotiate the price before you go. aCCoMMoDaTIoN There is a wide range of hotels and resorts at reasonable prices. Three to four star hotels are priced at $25-$40/ night/double room. Resorts on the beach are priced from $60/room/night. You are advised to book a room that is suitable for your budget one week before your departure. Remember to check the location of your hotel/resort on the map because some are situated far from the city center. BEST TIME To TRaVEL

There's never been any accident happening before", encouraged Mohamed. I have no choice but to believe his words. I got used to sitting on the camel very soon and started to look up the mountain. The sky was bright with numerous stars. It was quiet and spread out to the universe which brought me a safe feeling.. We were the first group to reach the peak. Mohamed encouraged us to find a good place on the peak to view the sunrise. He chose a place by the flat rocky platform by the mountain with a large view. We all sat by the cliff to wait for the sun rising. Time passed by slowly. It was 6 o'clock in the moring and a pink road appeared at the horizon and then become bigger and bigger until it turned to a light orange red color. In the middle of that road, the sun rose like an enormous fire ball seeming so close that we could almost touch it. All of a sudden, it was as if the whole area of hills and mountains took off its black coat and put on a new pink shirt that surprises every visitor. On the way down, tourists could visit a UNESCO cultural heritage site, located at the foot of the mountain: Saint Catherine's monastery. This was one of the oldest monasteries in the world featuring a chapel with thousands of precious antiquities, and an old well, where the profit Moses met his wife. In particular, you can see the bramble tree, where God appeared in the image of a fire pillar to call Moses to lead the Jewish people cross the Red Sea to the promising land, modern day Israel and Palestine today. Even after I finished my journey, I still didn't believe that I stepped onto the sacred landscape of Sinai. I understood that, in some ways, this planet always opens doors for those, who are dreaming of visiting secret lands.

You can visit this destination all year round, but beware that from June to August it is very hot. The best time to visit is from October to February, when the weather is cool and pleasant. Although the temperature can be at 20 degree Celcius, the sea water is always warm at 25-27 degree Celcius. EXPERIENCE ñ Trekking by camel on Sinai sacred mout: You can ride a camel to climb up the mountain in nearly 3 hours, from the foot of the mountain to the third leg before you walk up the 600 stone stairs to the peak to view the sunrise. Service charge: $10/person. ñ Experience a glass bottom boat for a day: $50/person. You can take a glass bottom boat and use it at your conveniences while viewing the coral reefs in the sea in a day. ñ Snorkeling: You will be picked up at the hotel at 8a.m and be taken to the wharf and brought back at 5p.m. The boat will take you around the sea during the day. It will stop at 3 different diving places, an hour each. Visitors will have to pay $50/person, including equipment, lunch and nonalcoholic drinks. ñ Scuba diving for guests owning PADI certificate: Visitors are offered the same services as snorkeling at diving places. Price: $15/turn. ñ Special service: renting a boat to take wedding photos for a day. This service is quite attractive because of its luxurious standards, programs and extraordinary services, including a boat that can hold up to 20 people. It will take the bride and groom to one of beautiful islands for photo shoot. If you want to own an original wedding album under water, you will have to pay an extra amount of $20 for a collection and DVD. It costs about $65 for renting a boat, diving equipment, lunch and non-alcoholic drinks. EXPENSES A return ticket is priced at $700 (offered by Etihad airlines with a stopover at Abu Dabi). The budget for a 10 day 9 night trip in Egypt is around $890, including experiences on the white and black deserts (camping in 2 days and one night), five-star cruise between Cairo and Aswan (5 days and 4 nights on the Nile river), five-start train tickets between Luxor and Cairo and main sights (Iris temple, Abu Simbel temple, Edfu, Hatshepsut, pyramids and Cairo museum).






Text: Phan C∏c TrÛc Photos: Le Mont Ba V◊

ßãp nh≠ mÈt khu rıng cÊ t›ch vÌi nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng uËn l≠Ón c„ tuÊi ÆÍi c∂ mÈt th’ k˚, Ba V◊ d≠Íng nh≠ hoµn toµn t∏ch bi÷t vÌi hi÷n th˘c. D‘ hi”u, tπi sao n¨i Æ©y, tı l©u Æ∑ lµ Æi”m cæm trπi, nghÿ d≠Ïng l˝ t≠Îng cÒa nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u thi™n nhi™n.

ß⁄N TH°M X` Sô ߤNG QU£ C∏ch trung t©m chÿ kho∂ng 60km, kh› hÀu m∏t mŒ, Æ≠Íng l™n nÛi Ba V◊ phÒ Æ«y sæc xanh vµng cÒa mÔa thu Hµ NÈi. Tr™n chi’c xe van nh· h≠Ìng l™n nÛi, ng≠Íi tµi x’ mæt nh◊n chªm chªm ph›a tr≠Ìc, tay bŒ b∏nh l∏i Æi™u luy÷n qua nh˜ng Æoπn quanh co khÛc khu˚u li“n tÔ t◊ nh≠ chi’c xoæn Ëc spiral trŒ con hay ch¨i nh˜ng n®m 90s. V≠Ín QuËc Gia Ba V◊ lµ n¨i bπn c„ th” læng nghe ©m thanh hÔng v‹ mµ ÆÀm ch†t th¨ cÒa nÛi rıng, læng nghe truy“n thuy’t S¨n Tinh - ThÒy Tinh tı nh˜ng ngµy lÀp quËc, chπm vµo nh˜ng t«ng m©y tr™n Æÿnh thÍ th∏nh T∂n Vi™n. Nh˜ng ai l«n Æ«u ti™n Æ’n Æ©y, sœ ngπc nhi™n tr≠Ìc c∂ mÈt v≠¨ng quËc th˘c vÀt vÌi h¨n 1,000 loπi c©y kh∏c nhau, trong Æ„ c„ nhi“u loµi qu˝ hi’m nh≠: b∏ch xanh, s’n mÀt, phÿ ba mÚi, dŒ tÔng

s‰c træng, hoa ti™n, r©u hÔm, kim tuy’n... thuÈc V≠Ín QuËc Gia Ba V◊. ßıng qu™n ghä qua ng´i nhµ k›nh b· hoang, n¨i ≠¨m thπch th∂o vµ x≠¨ng rÂng vÌi h¨n 1200 giËng x≠¨ng rÂng, c„ nh˜ng c©y to cao khÊng l bªng c∂ 2-3 ng≠Íi lÌn. TRAVELLIVE


N•I THòI GIAN L¿NG ßñNG TRONG VI£N GÑCH C‡ Ba V◊ kh´ng chÿ Æãp bÎi nh˜ng t›ch x≠a v“ chµng S¨n Tinh, v“ nµng c´ng chÛa Ng‰c Hoa, v“ Vua HÔng, Æ©y cfln lµ n¨i Æ” bπn l«n theo d†u t›ch cÒa gi‰t thÍi gian tr™n con Æ≠Íng 100 tuÊi Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı thÍi Indochina, b®ng qua khu di t›ch lfich sˆ c∏ch mπng Î cote 600m, ngæm nh◊n khu nghÿ d≠Ïng cÒa c∏c s‹ quan cao c†p thÍi Ph∏p thuÈc tr™n cote 800m, nhµ thÍ ÆÊ, b∑i ÆÁ tr˘c th®ng, v≠Ín hoa phong lan... ßi tı C«u Gi†y Æ’n Thfi tr†n Xu©n Khanh, qua chÓ Tam M¸ kho∂ng 200m c„ lËi rœ tr∏i vµo Æ≠Íng b™ t´ng l™n v≠Ín quËc gia Ba V◊. B®ng qua cote 400 Æi th™m 1.5km, bπn sœ th†y b∂ng h≠Ìng d…n "Khu di t›ch lfich sˆ cote 600." Khu dinh Æπi t∏ Ph∏p tπi Æ©y g«n nh≠ bfi gÏ b· toµn bÈ, nh≠ng v…n cfln Æ„ b¯c t≠Íng Æ∏ bao quanh, Ù sung, n“n nhµ l∏t gπch b´ng tinh x∂o c„ lÌp men r†t d«y, hoa v®n Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa thÍi Ph∏p thuÈc. Gπch b´ng vËn lµ mÈt m„n hµng xa xÿ, chÿ c„ nh˜ng c¨ ng¨i, dinh th˘, c¨ sÎ c´ng quy“n mÌi xµi. L∏t gπch xong, ng≠Íi thÓ ph∂i l†y c¨m dıa nπo ÆÊ l™n n“n gπch vµi ngµy cho d«u dıa th´ th†m vµo gπch, Æ” n“n gπch s∏ng b„ng h¨n. Cote 600 cfln lµ n¨i cao nh†t trong khu v˘c Æ” bπn vµ gia Æ◊nh th≠ gi∑n trong kh´ng gian hoµi cÊ cÒa nh˜ng n®m 1940. ß©y lµ n¨i duy nh†t v…n cfln l≠u gi˜, phÙc ch’ lπi r†t nhi“u c∏c ki’n trÛc cÊ cho du kh∏ch. S∏ng mÔa hà cuËi tu«n, bπn c„ th” Æ’n Æ©y Æ” s≠Îi næng, b¨i lÈi tr™n h b¨i s©n th≠Óng, tÀn h≠Îng mÈt ngµy b◊nh y™u gi˜a nÛi rıng.



KHÉM PHÉ TH⁄ GIõI ¬M TH#C BA Vç Bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng m„n ®n ngon mi÷ng, t≠¨i mÌi vÌi nguy™n vÀt li÷u Æ≠Óc gieo trÂng, nu´i d≠Ïng ngay tπi Ba V◊ nh≠ b™ non, thfit gµ ÆÂi, c∏ nheo, d™... Ho∆c bπn c„ th” lπi xe xuËng ph›a sau khu V≠Ín QuËc Gia Ba V◊, kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi s˜a t≠¨i vµ c∏c s∂n ph»m tı s˜a nh≠ b∏nh s˜a non, s˜a chua d™, s˜a chua caramen, s˜a Æ´ng... tπi c∏c nhµ m∏y, c¨ sÎ ch’ bi’n s˜a ho∆c tπi trang trπi ÆÂng qu™. Cfln g◊ bªng mÈt buÊi chi“u m∏t mŒ, ngÂi nh©m nhi ly s˜a d™ n„ng hÊi, ho∆c th≠Îng th¯c m„n s˜a chua caramen, s˜a Æ´ng ch†m muËi Ìt tπi c∏c trang trπi ch®n nu´i. NÛi Ba V◊ lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng Æ” vfi kh∏ch l˜ hµnh ng≠Óc dflng thÍi gian, tr∂i nghi÷m phong c∏ch nghÿ d≠Ïng cao c†p cÒa qu˝ tÈc x≠a gi˜a khu rıng t˘ nhi™n vÌi sÂi, dŒ, phong lan dπi. TRAVELLIVE


Text: Phan Cac Truc Photos: Le Mont Ba Vi






CoUNTRySIde LaNdSCaPe bout 60km from the capital's center, the way to Ba Vi is filled with the green and yellow colors of the autumn in Hanoi. We got in the small van to the mountain. The driver stared at the route ahead and moved the wheel skillfully through curves. At Ba Vi National Park, you can listen to the poetic sound of the mountain and forest, discover the legend of Son Tinh and Thuy Tinh (the God of the Mountain and the God of the Water) from the first day of forming our country and touch the clouds at the peak worshiping the God of the Mountain. First comers here will be amazed at a kingdom of plants with more than 1,000 species, including many precious trees. Do not forget to



drop by the unoccupied greenhouse, where gardeners grow heath-bells and cactuses with over 1,200 species, in which some of them are as high as 2-3 adults one on top of the other.

TIME RETAINED IN aNCIeNT BRICKS Ba Vi is not only famous for legends about the God of the Mountain, Princess Ngoc Hoa or King Hung, but it is also where you can go back to the history in the 100 year-old street built from the Indochina time. You can also walk through the historic relics at the height of 600m (cote 600m) and view the residence of high-ranked officers during the French occupation at cote 800m unoccupied churches, helicopter airport and orchid garden. From Cau Giay district, Hanoi to Xuan Khanh town, pass by Tam My

market about 200m and then turn left to a concrete street, you will arrive at Ba Vi National Park. Passing by marker 400 about 1.5km, you will see the road sign plate written with "Cote 600 historical site". The French colonial palace was nearly destroyed but still retains its stone wall, machine gunners, floor with thick flower tiles and characteristic patterns of the French. Flower patterned tile was a very luxurious material only used in palaces and by public authorities. After being tiled, workers had to scrape out coconuts and placed them onto bricks. Coconut oil would be extracted and absorbed into the bricks to make the floor brighter and shinier. Cote 600 is also the highest place in this landscape, where you and your family can relax in the historic space from the 1940s. This place offers many ancient architectural structures

for visitors to view. At the weekends, you can come here Ba Vi sunbathe, swim on a rooftop pools and enjoy a peaceful day in the mountain.

dISCoveR THe CULINaRy woRLd Of BA VI Visitors can taste an array of local foods which are cooked from local ingredients such as veal, chicken, mudfish and goat. You can also drive to the back side of Ba Vi National Park to explore the world of fresh cow milk and try products from milk such as milk cake, goat yoghurt, caramel or junket (a sweet, custard-like food of flavored milk curdled with rennet) at sweet manufacturers or local farms. It would certainly be a memorable way to spend your day at Ba Vi sipping a glass of hot goat milk or eating caramel, and junket with peppers and salt at the farm. Ba Vi mountain is an ideal destination to go back into the history and experience the classy hospitality style of the noble class in the natural forest with wild flosses, chestnuts and orchids. TRAVELLIVE



Tri”n l∑m C≠Ìi HWP l«n th¯ 9

" n The Forest" CO NCE PT TI£N PHO NG , D –COR S ANG TRñNG, T‡ C H` C C HU Y£N N GH I åP

20.000 cuËn Catalogue c≠Ìi HWP 2017 dµy g«n 300 trang Æ≠Óc ph∏t trong vµ sau tri”n l∑m



Sau 8 n®m thµnh c´ng r˘c rÏ, Tri”n l∑m C≠Ìi HWP l«n th¯ 9 ti’p tÙc lµ Æi”m hãn l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho c∏c c∆p Æ´i trong mÔa c≠Ìi 2017 - 2018, ch›nh th¯c di‘n ra l«n l≠Ót tπi TP. H ch› Minh - Gala Center, 415 Hoµng V®n ThÙ, P.2, Q. T©n B◊nh, tı ngµy 11 - 13/08/2017, Hµ NÈi - Kh∏ch sπn Lotte Hotel Hanoi, 54 Li‘u Giai, Q. Ba ß◊nh, ngµy 18 - 20/08/2017.


ri”n l∑m C≠Ìi & Du lfich tr®ng mÀt HWP kh´ng chÿ thu hÛt hµng ngµn c∏c c∆p Æ´i bÎi nh˜ng th´ng tin h˜u ›ch, c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh h†p d…n, mµ cfln lµ n¨i Æ” c∏c nhµ cung c†p dfich vÙ c≠Ìi giÌi thi÷u c∏c s∂n ph»m cÒa m◊nh. ßi”m Æ∆c bi÷t trong tri”n l∑m ch›nh lµ concept ti™n phong vµ t›nh m¸ thuÀt cao cÔng phong c∏ch tÊ ch¯c chuy™n nghi÷p, ƺng c†p. VÌi chÒ Æ“ "In the Forest", HWP Æ∑ ch‰n greenery - mµu xanh cÒa n®m 2017, lµ t´ng mµu chÒ Æπo cho concept cÒa Tri”n l∑m l«n th¯ 9 n„i ri™ng vµ xu h≠Ìng c≠Ìi n®m nay n„i chung. Kh´ng gian cÒa tri”n l∑m Æ≠Óc t∏i hi÷n l†y c∂m h¯ng v“ mÈt kh´ng gian thanh nhã, huy“n ∂o, hfla cÔng thi™n nhi™n xanh t≠¨i vµ l∑ng mπn tı trong nh˜ng khu rıng Æ«y nh˘a sËng. Li™n ti’p trong ba ngµy, tri”n l∑m c≠Ìi HWP l«n th¯ 9 Æ∑ di‘n ra nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng phong phÛ cÔng c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh mua sæm ≠u Æ∑i lÌn nh†t Æ’n tı h¨n 100 th≠¨ng hi÷u dfich vÙ c≠Ìi. Lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng s˘ ki÷n c≠Ìi c„ quy m´ vµ ƺng c†p nh†t Vi÷t Nam, n®m nay, HWP vinh d˘ Æ≠Óc ÆÂng hµnh cÔng c∏c nhµ tµi trÓ, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ Panasonic - Th≠¨ng hi÷u thi’t bfi Æi÷n tˆ gia dÙng hµng Æ«u Vi÷t Nam, vÌi t≠ c∏ch lµ nhµ tµi trÓ Bπch Kim cÒa ch≠¨ng tr◊nh; nhµ tµi trÓ Vµng - C´ng ty CÊ Ph«n Vµng Bπc ß∏ Qu˝ PhÛ NhuÀn PNJ, c´ng ty Ford Vi÷t Nam; c∏c nhµ tµi trÓ Æfia Æi”m, ÆËi t∏c h◊nh ∂nh, trang Æi”m uy t›n tπi Hµ NÈi vµ TP. HCM.

G«n 100 c∆p Æ´i chÙp ∂nh Album c≠Ìi tÀp th” tπi Hµ NÈi vµ TP. HCM

CuÈc thi t◊m ki’m c∆p Æ´i Æãp nh†t mÔa c≠Ìi Perfect Couple thu hÛt hµng tr®m c∆p Æ´i Æ®ng k˝ tham d˘

Gala Fashion Show tr◊nh di‘n c∏c BST thÍi trang c≠Ìi mÌi nh†t & Ca nhπc vÌi s˘ g„p m∆t cÒa c∏c ng´i sao VPop







The 9 HWP

In The Forest

20,000 HWP 2017 wedding catalogues with nearly 300 pages were delivered free during and after the event.

After 8 successful years, the 9th Honeymoon and Wedding Perfect (HWP), the perfect playground for couples in the 2017 - 2018 wedding season has been organized in HCMC - Gala Center, 415 Hoang Van Thu, Ward 2, Tan Binh district from August 11th to 13th, 2017, and Hanoi - Lotte Hotel Hanoi, 54 Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh district on August 18th - 20th, 2017.

HWP attracted a large number of visitors due to not only its useful information and lively activities, but also the wedding services provided by wedding planners. The event featured a pioneering concept, luxurious däcor and a professional organizer. With its main theme of "In The Forest", HWP chose green, the color of 2017, as the main color for the concept of this 9th event. The HWP's decoration created a mysterious, romantic and natural space in the background of a verdant forest. During the three days of each event in both HCMC and Hanoi, the 9 th HWP also provided various activities and promotion programs offered by more than 100 prestigious wedding brand names. As one of the biggest and classiest wedding event in Vietnam, HWP 2017 was honored to cooperate with valued sponsors, including Panasonic, the leading brand name ofelectronic devices and home appliances in Vietnam, as a Platinum sponsor; PNJ and Ford Vietnam as Gold sponsors; and various location, image and make-up sponsors in Hanoi and HCMC. Some outstanding images of HWP 2017 - In The Forest

Perfect Couple - an activity of HWP attracted hundreds of couples

Nearly 100 couples took a collective wedding photo album in Hanoi and HCMC

The Fashion Show Gala showcased the latest wedding fashion collections and music performances by VPop stars.




PULLMAN HANOI HOTEL Trong th∏ng 9, nhµ hµng La Cheminäe cÒa kh∏ch sπn Pullman h©n hπnh phÙc vÙ th˘c ƨn ßÀm Ch†t ≥ vÌi tr∂i nghi÷m 5 m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa c∏c vÔng mi“n n≠Ìc ˝ vÌi gi∏ chÿ tı 260.000VND. Ngoµi ra tı 14:30 Æ’n 17:00 hµng ngµy, h∑y Æ’n Mint Bar - Æπi s∂nh Pullman Hanoi Æ” th≠Îng th¯c ti÷c trµ chi“u ki”u Anh vÌi c∏c m„n ®n lµm tı xoµi r†t th›ch hÓp cho buÊi chi“u thu m∏t mŒ g∆p gÏ bπn bà hay ÆËi t∏c, gi∏ tı 365.000VND/set bao gÂm m„n ng‰t, m„n m∆n, ®n kÃm vµ Æ uËng. ß” bi’t th™m th´ng tin, li™n h÷ +84 (0) 24 3733 0688. NIKKO HOTEL HANOI ANA MANDARA VILLAS DALAT TÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› trong lµnh, l∑ng mπn cÒa mÔa thu cao nguy™n tπi Ana Mandara Villas Dalat Resort & Spa vÌi g„i k˙ nghÿ Æ∆c bi÷t: chÿ vÌi 5.000.000VNß/ 2 Æ™m/2 ng≠Íi lÌn, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc h≠Îng nh˜ng ti÷n ›ch h†p d…n bao gÂm: 3 ngµy vµ 2 Æ™m nghÿ tπi phng Le Petit xinh Æãp cho hai ng≠Íi; B˜a s∏ng mi‘n ph› hµng ngµy cho 2 ng≠Íi; Mi‘n ph› mÈt chi“u Æ≠a ho∆c Æ„n s©n bay; Gi∂m 30% c∏c dch vÙ Ch®m s„c da toµn th©n vµ Ch®m s„c da m∆t tπi La Cochinchine Spa (∏p dÙng tı 9:00 Æ’n 15:00 mÁi ngµy); Gi∂m 10% cho dch vÙ »m th˘c ho∆c tham quan. ThÍi gian Æ∆t phng tı nay Æ’n ngµy 30/09/2017. ß” bi’t th™m th´ng tin, vui lng li™n h÷ qua email: ho∆c Æi÷n thoπi: (+84) 26 33 555 888

Hµng loπt ≠u Æ∑i, khuy’n mπi h†p h…n tı c∏c nhµ hµng, kh∏ch sπn, resort, th≠¨ng hi÷u thÍi trang, h∑ng hµng kh´ng, c´ng ty l˜ hµnh uy t›n trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc.

H∑y Æ’n vÌi Nikko Hotel Hanoi Æ” tÀn h≠Îng ngay nh˜ng khuy’n m∑i »m th˘c h†p d…n vµ s˘ ki÷n k˚ ni÷m QuËc Kh∏nh 2/9. Bπn c„ th” tÌi nhµ hµng quËc t’ La Brasserie Æ” th≠Îng th¯c ti÷c t˘ ch‰n c∏c ngµy trong tu«n vÌi gi∏ tı 300.000VNß/ng≠Íi; ho∆c ghä th®m Tao-Li restaurant Æ” th·a s¯c vÌi th˘c ƨn Dim Sum t˘ ch‰n "All you can eat" vµ m„n c∏ tuy’t Canada. Ngoµi ra nhµ hµng Benkay cÚng sœ Æ∏p ¯ng nh˜ng th˘c kh∏ch kh„ t›nh nh†t vÌi th˘c ƨn lµ c∏c m„n ®n truy“n thËng NhÀt B∂n... Li™n h÷ Æ∆t bµn, g‰i sË 024 3822 3535, m∏y lŒ 4431/4432. JW MARRIOTT HANOI Chµo Æ„n mÔa thu Hµ NÈi, kh∏ch sπn JW Marriott Hanoi h©n hπnh giÌi thi÷u Æ’n qu˝ kh∏ch c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t trong th∏ng 9 nµy: s∂n ph»m B∏nh Trung Thu JW Marriott Hanoi chÿ tı 400.000VNß/hÈp - m„n quµ ƺng c†p th” hi÷n Æ≠Óc thµnh ˝ cÒa ng≠Íi t∆ng; B˜a tËi sang tr‰ng Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ bÎi Æ«u b’p 1 sao Michelin, Nicolas Isnard, vÌi gi∏ 2.000.000VNß++/ng≠Íi. Ngoµi ra khi tham d˘ s˘ ki÷n v®n h„a truy“n thËng ߯c -

Oktoberfest 2017 vµo 3 Æ™m 5,6,7/10 hay Æ™m nhπc K-Jazz tπi c©u lπc bÈ nhπc Jazz Cool Cats 8 giÍ mÁi tËi, bπn cÚng sœ Æ≠Óc h≠Îng nh˜ng khuy’n m∑i r†t h†p d…n tı kh∏ch sπn. Chi ti’t truy cÀp MELIA HANOI Ti÷c sinh nhÀt sœ trÎ n™n tuy÷t vÍi h¨n bao giÍ h’t vÌi ≠u Æ∑i bªng ÆÛng tuÊi cÒa bπn. Trong th∏ng sinh nhÀt, khi tÊ ch¯c ti÷c hay ®n tËi tπi nhµ hµng El Patio, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc ≠u Æ∑i gi∂m gi∏ bªng ÆÛng tuÊi cÒa m◊nh. B™n cπnh Æ„, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc t∆ng mÈt chi’c b∏nh sinh nhÀt do ch›nh tay b’p tr≠Îng b’p b∏nh L™ Phi Ph≠Óng chu»n b. Th´ng tin chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË Æi÷n thoπi 024 3934 3343 ho∆c website: GAMUDA LAND Trong th∏ng 9, TÀp Æoµn Gamuda Land giÌi thi÷u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t vÌi thanh to∏n Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh ri™ng cho kh∏ch hµng Emerald Precinct D˘ ∏n c®n hÈ cao c†p tπi khu Æ´ thi Celadon City. Chÿ thanh to∏n 10% khi k› hÓp ÆÂng vµ 1,5% mÁi th∏ng; CÔng vÌi tÊng gi∂i th≠Îng l™n Æ’n 2 t˚ ÆÂng. ß∆c bi÷t trong th∏ng 8 Gamuda Land Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng c®n hÈ m…u Emerald Precinct tπi Celadon City. M‰i thæc mæc vui lng li™n h÷ v®n phng nhµ m…u ChÒ Æ«u t≠: SË 88, Æ≠Íng N1, P. S¨n K˙, QuÀn T©n PhÛ. Hotline: 0903 340 888 ho∆c truy cÀp OCEANAMI VILLAS & BEACH CLUB Tı nay Æ’n 15/10, chÿ c«n sÎ h˜u voucher nghÿ d≠Ïng 2 ngµy 1 Æ™m gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t tı 1.799.000VND++/ phng tπi Oceanami Villas & Beach Club, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc: TÀn h≠Îng k˙ nghÿ gi˜a lng thi™n nhi™n xinh Æãp vÌi ti÷n nghi cao c†p, Tr∂i nghi÷m toµn bÈ h÷ thËng ti÷n

›ch Æa dπng tı »m th˘c, spa, khu vui ch¨i cho trŒ em, h b¨i c˘c lÌn 2.000m2, khu v≠Ín nhi÷t ÆÌi h¨n 70 loµi hoa, b∑i bi”n bi÷t lÀp, Oceanami Beach Club vÌi nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng gi∂i tr› s´i ÆÈng tr™n bÍ bi”n; Xe Æ≠a Æ„n mi‘n ph› 2 chi“u; Gi∂m 10% dch vÙ »m th˘c, 20% tπi SHO Spa; ThÍi hπn sˆ dÙng l™n Æ’n 01 n®m; Kh´ng phÙ thu vµo cuËi tu«n. Li™n h÷: Tÿnh lÈ 44A, x∑ Ph≠Ìc H∂i, huy÷n ߆t ß·, Bµ Ra-VÚng Tµu, tel: 028 22 61 88 66 Æ” c„ gi∏ tËt nh†t ho∆c email:, website: NHÄ HÄNG OVEN D'OR Tr≠Ìc khi quay v“ tuÊi th¨ vÌi m©m cÁ Æ™m rªm ng‰t ngµo, h∑y lµm Æ«y v gi∏c cÒa m◊nh vÌi s˘ ÆÀm Ƶ cÒa c∏c m„n ®n Vi÷t Nam truy“n thËng, c∏c m„n ®n mang lπi may mæn nh≠ h∏ c∂o, sÛp bµo ng≠, h≠¨ng v Æπi d≠¨ng tı t´m hÔm, cua b” vµ gan ngÁng bäo ngÀy. Ti÷c rªm trung thu tπi Nhµ hµng Oven D'or di‘n ra tı 28/9 - 4/10 vÌi gi∏ tı 1.100.000++/ng≠Íi, th™m 250.000++/ng≠Íi cho bia, r≠Óu vang vµ n≠Ìc ng‰t kh´ng giÌi hπn. Th´ng tin chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË Æi÷n thoπi 024 3719 9000 ho∆c hotline: 0903 420 955, website: www.sheraton. com/ovendor. SILK PATH MÔa l‘ hÈi tr®ng rªm n®m nay, Silk Path mang Æ’n nh˜ng h≠¨ng v ÆÈc Æ∏o mµ quen thuÈc. ßÈc Æ∏o vÌi nh˜ng h≠¨ng v nh≠ vıng Æen, t∂o bi”n. Quen thuÈc bÎi nh˜ng h≠¨ng v cÒa hπt sen, khoai m´n vµ trµ xanh. HÈp b∏nh trung thu c„ 5 loπi h≠¨ng v k’t hÓp tr¯ng muËi: hπt sen, trµ xanh, khoai m´n tht nguÈi, t∂o bi”n, vıng Æen vÌi gi∏ 790.000VNß/hÈp. Chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË Æi÷n thoπi 024 3266 5555 ho∆c website: www.

BÇI KEM PH@ QUˇC ß©y lµ d˘ ∏n b†t ÆÈng s∂n nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ∏ng Æ«u t≠ nh†t 2017, an toµn vÌi ch›nh s∏ch cam k’t nhÀn cho thu™ lπi tËi thi”u 1,3 t˚ Æ’n 4,0 t˚/n®m li™n tÙc trong vng 15 n®m. Ngoµi ra, du kh∏ch cn Æ≠Óc t∆ng 225 Æ™m nghÿ tr gi∏ 4,5 t˚ Æ’n 7,5 t˚ tr™n toµn bÈ h÷ thËng Bi÷t th˘ - Kh∏ch sπn ƺng c†p nh†t th’ giÌi cÒa SunGroup: JW Marriott, InterContinental ßµ NΩng, Premier Village PhÛ QuËc - ßµ NΩng, Mercure Bµ Nµ Hills. Hotline: 0912.422.424 - Tel: 028-3 888 3368 - Website:





(+84) 26 33 555 888.

This is seen as a project that worths to invest the most in tourism property in 2017 with a commitment of bringing a value of 1.3 billion to 4.0 billion VND/year within 15 years. In addition, buyers will get 225 holiday nights, which value 4.5 billion to 7.5 billions at SunGroup's hotels, including JW Marriott, InterContinental Danang, Premier Village Phu Quoc - Danang and Mercure Ba Na Hills. Hotline: 0912.422.424 - Tel: 028-3 888 3368 - Website:


NIKKO HOTEL HANOI Enjoy a special offer on National Independence Day, September 2nd, at Nikko Hotel Hanoi. Visit La Brasserie international restaurant to enjoy buffets on weekdays at from VND300,000/ person; or Tao-Li restaurant to taste a wide selection of Dim Sum with "All you can eat" menu and Canadian codfish. In addition, Benkay restaurant will satisfy all diners with a menu of traditional Japanese dishes. For making a reservation, please call 024 3822 3535, ext. 4431/4432. ANA MANDARA VILLAS DALAT Breathe the fresh autumn air of the Highlands with a romantic holiday at Ana Mandara Villas Dalat Resort & Spa with its special package of only VND 5,000,000/2 nights/ 2 persons. The package includes 3 days 2 nights stay at Le Petit Room for 02 persons; daily breakfast; complimentary one-way airport pick-up; 30% discount on spa at La Cochinchine Spa (applied from 9:00 to 15:00 daily); 10% discount on F&B and excursion. Validation: booking periods: from now until September 30th, 2017. For further information, please email reservation-dalat@ or call

Your birthday party will be happier than ever with a promotional offer by Melia Hanoi hotel. Organize your birthday party with your friends and family anytime in your birthday month at El Patio restaurant, you will get a discount that is equivalent to your age. Moreover, you will receive a birthday cake prepared by the bakery's chef Le Phi Phuong. For further information, please call 024 3934 3343 or visit www. PALM GARDEN RESORT From now until December 20th, 2017, save up to 35% for your accommodation at Palm Garden Hoi An five-start resort. For from VND2,535,000/night (applied for at least two-night accommodation at superior garden view room), you can enjoy many benefits that include daily buffet breakfast for two persons; use of sauna, steam bath, Jacuzzi, fitness center, swimming pool and private beach; use of tennis court (daytime); scheduled shuttle bus to/from Hoi An town and more. The price does not include 5% service charge and 10% VAT. Please call +84 235 3927 927 or visit www.palmgardenresort. for further information. GAMUDA LAND Gamuda Land is launching its special program with the special payment method for customers of Emerald Precinct - classy apartment project of Celadon City urban area in September. Accordingly, house buyers can pay 10% when they sign the contract; late payment of 1.5%/ month; and a total benefit of 2 billion VND for lucky customers. Particularly, Gamuda Land officially launched its model

apartment of Emerald Precinct at Celadon City in August. For any inquiries, please contact at No 88, N1 street, Son Ky ward, Tan Phu. Hotline: 0903 340 888 or visit Emerald. OCEANAMI VILLAS & BEACH CLUB From now until October 15th, 2017, own a voucher of a 2 days 1 night accommodation for only VND1,799,000++/room/night at Oceanami Villas & Beach Club and enjoy an array of benefits. You can experience a memorable holiday in the beautiful nature with modern amenities, diverse conveniences from restaurants, spa, children playground, huge swimming pool of 2000m2, tropical garden with more than 70 kinds of flowers, private beach and Oceanami Beach Club with lively entertaining activities by the ocean. Other benefits include return airport transfer; 10% discount on food services; 20% discount at SHO Spa; validity of 01 year; and no surcharge for weekends. Contact: 44A Highway, Phuoc Hai Town, Dat Do District, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, tel: 028 22 61 88 66 or email:, website: to get the best price. OVEN D'OR RESTAURANT Before mid-autumn's sweetness revive your inner child, please your stomach with the savoury of traditional Vietnamese dishes, dumplings, abalone soup, oceanic flavours of lobsters, crabs, and foie gras. Mid-autumn dinner buffet at Oven D'or restaurant will take place from September 28th to October 4th at VND1,100,000++/person. Extra VND250,000++/person for free flow of beer, wine and soft drinks. For table reservations, please call 024 3719 9000 or hotline: 0903 420 955, website:

JW MARRIOTT HANOI JW Marriott Hanoi wishes to give a big welcome to this lovely season of the year with you! This mid-autumn festival, the hotel proudly introduces a Mooncake collection as a special gift to your health with from VND400,000/box; a sumptuous dinner served by one-star Michelin chef, Nicolas Isnard, at VND2,000,000++/person. In addition, visitors, who join the Oktoberfest German beer festival on October 5th, 6th and 7th, or K-Jazz music night at Jazz Cool Cats at 8:00p.m daily, will get many other promotional programs of the hotel. For further information, please visit www.

An array of promotions and special offers by restaurants, hotels, resorts, fashion brands, airlines and tourist agencies in Vietnam and other countries.

SILK PATH Featuring both popular and spectacular tastes, Silk Path's mooncakes for this year's mid-autumn festival promise to satisfy all guests. Those, who get familiar to flavors of lotus, taro and green tea, can enjoy black sesame and seaweed treats. Five different tastes: lotus, green tea, taro with ham, seaweed and black sesame, added with salted egg yolks in a box are priced at VND790,000/box. You will get 10% discount for 10 - 20 boxes; 15% discount for 21 - 40 boxes. For further information, please call 024 3266 5555 or visit www.




VIåT NAM Theo b∂ng x’p hπng mÌi nh†t cÒa TÊ ch¯c Du lch th’ giÌi cÒa Li™n HÓp QuËc (UNWTO), Vi÷t Nam x’p th¯ 6 trong 10 quËc gia ph∏t tri”n du lch nhanh nh†t th’ giÌi n®m 2017. Trong n®m 2016, Vi÷t Nam Æ„n kho∂ng 10 tri÷u l≠Ót kh∏ch quËc t’. Trong 4 th∏ng Æ«u n®m 2017, l≠Óng kh∏ch quËc t’ Æ’n Vi÷t Nam t®ng 31,2%, Æ≠a Vi÷t Nam trÎ thµnh quËc gia c„ tËc ÆÈ ph∏t tri”n du lch nhanh nh†t ch©u É. Nh˜ng m„n ®n Æ≠Íng phË h†p d…n hay nh˜ng k˙ quan thi™n nhi™n hÔng v‹ nh≠ Vnh Hπ Long, Trµng An - Ninh B◊nh, hang S¨n ßong... lµ nh˜ng Æi”m h†p d…n kh∏ch du lch tÌi Vi÷t Nam. HÄ NóI HÄN QUˇC CuËi th∏ng 8 vıa qua, Òy ban Du lch Hµn QuËc (ChÒ tch Park Samkoo) phËi hÓp cÔng TÊng cÙc Du lch Hµn QuËc tπi Vi÷t Nam (Tr≠Îng ßπi di÷n Jung Chang-wook) Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c hÈi th∂o giÌi thi÷u v“ L‘ hÈi Du lch V®n h„a Mua sæm Hµn QuËc tπi kh∏ch sπn Lotte Hµ NÈi. Trong ch≠¨ng tr◊nh, Òy ban Du lch Hµn QuËc giÌi thi÷u rÈng r∑i hai s˘ ki÷n "Korea Sale FESTA" tÊ ch¯c vµo th∏ng 9 ,10 hµng n®m dµnh cho kh∏ch du lch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc vµ s˘ ki÷n "Korea Grand Sale" Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c vµo th∏ng 1,2 hµng n®m dµnh cho kh∏ch du lch n≠Ìc ngoµi. CÔng vÌi hai l‘ hÈi nµy, Hµn QuËc sœ Æ»y mπnh ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t Æ” du kh∏ch c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng t†t c∂ c∏c dch vÙ mua sæm, du lch vµ lµn s„ng hallyu tπi Hµn QuËc, ÆÂng thÍi x©y d˘ng s∂n ph»m du lch k’t hÓp mua sæm cÔng vÌi c∏c c´ng ty du lch Vi÷t Nam.

Nh˜ng th´ng tin cÀp nhÀt v“ Æ≠Íng bay mÌi mÎ, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh v®n ho∏, ch›nh s∏ch ngµnh du lch, x’p hπng & gi∂i th≠Îng du lch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc...

Tı 26/8 Æ’n 26/9 tπi Nhµ Th∏i H‰c , V®n Mi’u - QuËc Tˆ Gi∏m di‘n ra tri”n l∑m vÌi chÒ Æ“ "Ti’p cÀn Di s∂n t≠ li÷u th’ giÌi tπi Vi÷t Nam qua di s∂n t≠ li÷u tri“u Nguy‘n". Tri”n l∑m giÌi thi÷u v“ 3 di s∂n t≠ li÷u tri“u Nguy‘n Æ∑ Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn: Di s∂n T≠ li÷u Th’ giÌi cÒa UNESCO ra ÆÍi tı n®m 1992, qua mÈt sË chÒ Æ“ nÊi bÀt nh≠ QuËc hi÷u Ɔt n≠Ìc qua MÈc b∂n; Khoa cˆ thÍi Nguy‘n qua Ch©u b∂n vµ Tinh th«n d©n tÈc qua Th¨ tr™n ki’n trÛc cung Æ◊nh Hu’. TP. H¤ CHê MINH + Tı 22/8, tπi s©n bay quËc t’ T©n S¨n Nh†t Æ∑ tri”n khai th˘c hi÷n ph©n luÂng theo "cˆa xanh" vµ "cˆa Æ·". CÙ th”, tπi khu v˘c ga Æ’n quËc t’, c„ 2 cˆa treo b∂ng Æi÷n tˆ h≠Ìng d…n mµu xanh - "Cˆa xanh" (Kh´ng ph∂i khai b∏o h∂i quan - Nothing to declare) vµ 2 cˆa treo b∂ng Æi÷n tˆ h≠Ìng d…n mµu Æ· - "Cˆa Æ·" (Ph∂i khai b∏o h∂i quan Goods to declare). N’u hµnh kh∏ch kh´ng c„ hµng h„a ph∂i khai b∏o, ho∆c c¨ quan h∂i quan kh´ng nghi v†n th◊ sœ di chuy”n qua "cˆa xanh". Vi÷c nµy sœ giÛp ti’t ki÷m r†t nhi“u thÍi gian cho

hµnh kh∏ch cÚng nh≠ c¨ quan h∂i quan v◊ kh´ng ph∂i qua giai Æoπn ki”m tra. + Tı 20/8, phË Æi bÈ BÔi Vi÷n (ph≠Íng Phπm NgÚ L∑o, QuÀn 1) Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c "mÎ cˆa" phÙc vÙ du kh∏ch vµ c´ng chÛng. ThÍi gian hoπt ÆÈng cÒa phË Æi bÈ tı 19h tÌi 2h s∏ng ngµy h´m sau. ß∆c bi÷t tı khung giÍ 20 - 22h tËi th¯ B∂y vµ ChÒ nhÀt sœ di‘n ra c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh v®n h„a ngh÷ thuÀt Æ∆c sæc. ß’n Æ©y, du kh∏ch Æ≠Óc h≠Îng 4 dch vÙ mi‘n ph› gÂm: wifi, nhµ v÷ sinh, cung c†p th´ng tin vµ hÁ trÓ du kh∏ch. ß©y Æ≠Óc k˙ v‰ng trÎ thµnh n¨i thu hÛt du kh∏ch quËc t’, käo dµi thÍi gian l≠u trÛ, chi ti™u cÒa du kh∏ch khi Æ’n TP. HCM. + L‘ hÈi »m th˘c 5 Ch©u (Five Continents Food Festival World Food 2017) sœ Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c tπi S©n vÀn ÆÈng Hoa L≠ (02 ßinh Ti™n Hoµng, P. ßakao, QuÀn 1) trong bËn ngµy, tı 5-8/10. Chi’m l‹nh h¨n 10.000 m2, h¨n 300 gian hµng cÒa c∏c doanh nghi÷p trong n≠Ìc vµ quËc t’ h¯a hãn sœ bi’n s˘ ki÷n nµy thµnh mÈt l‘ hÈi »m th˘c Æ∆c sæc kh´ng th” b· lÏ dµnh cho m‰i l¯a tuÊi. QUÅNG NAM Lµng b›ch h‰a Tam Thanh hay cn g‰i lµ "Lµng ngh÷ thuÀt CÈng ÆÂng Tam Thanh" (Qu∂ng Nam) Æ∑ vinh d˘ Æπt Gi∂i th≠Îng C∂nh quan Ch©u É n®m 2017 do HÈi ÆÂng Gi∂i th≠Îng C∂nh quan Ch©u É trao t∆ng. ß©y lµ gi∂i th≠Îng nhªm t´n vinh c∏c thµnh phË, vÔng mi“n, d˘ ∏n,... Æ∑ Æ„ng vai tr quan tr‰ng trong c´ng t∏c x©y d˘ng c∂nh quan, hi÷n th˘c h„a m´i tr≠Íng sËng vui vŒ vµ Æ«y ÆÒ cho ng≠Íi d©n ch©u ∏. Lµng ngh÷ thuÀt cÈng ÆÂng Tam Thanh Æ≠Óc kh∏nh thµnh vµ ch›nh th¯c Æi vµo hoπt ÆÈng th∏ng 6/2017 nh©n dp Festival Di s∂n Qu∂ng Nam 2017. Tı khi ch›nh th¯c Æi vµo hoπt ÆÈng, Lµng Æ∑ Æ„n kho∂ng h¨n 40.000 l≠Ót kh∏ch Æ’n kh∏m ph∏ vµ tr∂i nghi÷m.

AIRASIA H∑ng hµng kh´ng gi∏ rŒ tËt nh†t th’ giÌi 9 n®m li™n ti’p vıa th´ng b∏o mÎ Æ≠Íng bay thºng tı Nha Trang tÌi Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tuy’n bay c„ t«n su†t bay hµng ngµy bæt Æ«u tı ngµy 14/ 9. ß≠Íng bay Æ≠Óc khai th∏c ÆÈc quy“n bÎi AirAsia Berhad (sË hi÷u AK) Æ∏nh d†u l«n Æ«u ti™n vµ duy nh†t h∑ng nµy mÎ Æ≠Íng bay tı Nha Trang, tπo c¨ hÈi cho du kh∏ch Î khu v˘c mi“n Trung Vi÷t Nam c„ c¨ hÈi kh∏m ph∏ thÒ Æ´ xinh Æãp cÒa Malaysia. BHAYA GROUP CuËi th∏ng tr≠Ìc, TÀp Æoµn Du thuy“n Bhaya (Bhaya Group) Æ∑ ti’p tÙc ÆÂng tÊ ch¯c s˘ ki÷n thu gom r∏c tr™n bi”n vÌi chÒ Æ“ "Li™n minh Hµnh ÆÈng v◊ mÈt Hπ Long xanh", cÔng vÌi TÊ ch¯c B∂o tÂn Thi™n nhi™n QuËc t’ (IUCN), C´ng ty Coca-Cola Vi÷t Nam, Òy ban Nh©n d©n thµnh phË Hπ Long vµ c∏c ÆËi t∏c Li™n minh kh∏c. S˘ ki÷n nªm trong khu´n khÊ d˘ ∏n Li™n minh Hπ Long - C∏t Bµ, mÈt s∏ng ki’n Æ≠Óc th˘c hi÷n trong 5,5 n®m vÌi s˘ tµi trÓ cÒa C¨ quan Ph∏t tri”n QuËc t’ Hoa K˙ (USAID). LE SPA DES ARTISTES Le Spa des Artistes thuÈc H´tel des Arts Saigon, MGallery Collection vıa vinh d˘ Æπt gi∂i "Spa c„ phong c∏ch boutique sang tr‰ng nh†t ch©u É" vµ "Spa sang tr‰ng hµng Æ«u th’ giÌi tπi Vi÷t Nam" Æ≠Óc trao bÎi TÊ Ch¯c Gi∂i th≠Îng World Luxury Spa n®m 2017. T‰a lπc trong kh´ng gian sang tr‰ng cÒa kh∏ch sπn Boutique 5 sao Æ«u ti™n tπi TTP.HCM, Le Spa des Artistes lµ n¨i mang Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi vµ ri™ng bi÷t bªng c∏c ph≠¨ng ph∏p tr li÷u vµ s∂n ph»m spa cao c†p Æ“u Æ≠Óc chi’t xu†t tı 100% thi™n nhi™n vµ kho∏ng ch†t.

HÄ GIANG Tı 4/10 Æ’n 31/12, l‘ hÈi "Hoa Tam gi∏c mπch" l«n th¯ 3 - n®m 2017 sœ di‘n ra vÌi chÒ Æ“ "B∂n t◊nh ca tı Æ∏", tπi 4 huy÷n vÔng cao nguy™n Æ∏ tÿnh Hµ Giang (ßÂng V®n, Qu∂n Bπ, Y™n Minh, MÃo Vπc) vµ TP. Hµ Giang. Trong khu´n khÊ l‘ hÈi c„ nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng phong phÛ vµ h†p d…n nh≠: HÈi chÓ C´ng vi™n Æa ch†t QuËc t’; dÔ bay tr™n mÔa hoa tam gi∏c mπch; Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh »m th˘c b b›t t’t tr™n cao nguy™n Æ∏... Ngoµi ra trong l‘ hÈi cn c„ c∏c hoπt ÆÈng du lch tr∂i nghi÷m nh≠ tr◊nh di‘n, giao l≠u v®n ngh÷ vµ c∏c tr ch¨i d©n gian truy“n thËng cÒa ÆÂng bµo c∏c d©n tÈc vÌi nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng Æ∆c sæc.




VIETNAM According to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, Vietnam ranks 6 of 10 countries with the strongest pace in tourism development in early 2017. In 2016, Vietnam welcomed about 10 million international visitors. During the first 4 months of 2017, international arrivals to Vietnam increases by 31,2%; making the country become the fastest in tourism development in Asia. Attractive street food and breathtaking nature wonders such as Halong Bay, Trang An - Ninh Binh or Son Doong cave, draw visitors to Vietnam. HANOI From August 26th to September 26th, you are invited to the exhibition with the topic: "Access the World's Heritage Documents through the Nguyen Dynasty's Heritage Documents". This exhibition will present 03 heritage documents from the Nguyen dynasty, which were recognized as World Documentary Heritages (also known as Memory of the World program) by UNESCO, whose program was established in 1992. The exhibition consists of 70 visual evidences of texts printed on woodblocks, the Nguyen Kings' administrative documents, poems about Hu?'s Imperial city architecture. HCMC Tan Son Nhat airport eased the traffic movement by separating guests to "green gate" and "red gate". At the terminal for international arrivals, there are two "Green gate" entries (Nothing to declare) and two "Red gate" entries (Goods to declare). Passengers, who do not have goods that need declaring, will move to "green gate". This will help to save time for passengers and customs as well. + Thousands of local and foreign tourists flocked to Bui Vien

Walking Street in the popular backpacker area of Pham Ngu Lao street, District 1 as it officially welcomed walkers at its grand opening on August 20's night. The street is reserved exclusively for pedestrians from 7pm to 2am. Particularly, from 20:00 to 22:00 on Saturday and Sunday, walkers can enjoy lively artistic performances. In addition, tourists can enjoy free Wi-Fi services, public toilets and other tourist-related services. This new pedestrian street is expected to attract international tourists to spend more days in HCMC. + The Five Continents Food Festival - World Food 2017 event will take place at Hoa Lu Stadium (02 Dinh Tien Hoang, Dakao Ward, District 1) during four days, from October 5 to 8. The festival covers an area of 10,000m2 and feature more than 300 food stalls from companies from around the world, including Vietnam. Visitors will have a chance to experience different cuisines, while businesses can access networking opportunities. QUANG NAM The mural village of Tam Thanh in Quang Nam Province has won the Asian Townscape Award 2017. The award is established with an aim to honor cities, regions and projects that make significant contributions to creating beautiful landscapes and bringing a happy living environment to Asian residents. The mural village was inaugurated in June this year on the occasion of the 2017 Quang Nam Heritage Festival. Since its launch, it has attracted more than 40,000 visitors. HA GIANG The Buckwheat flower festival 2017 will take place in four districts, including Dong Van, Quan Ba, Yen Minh and Meo Vac, and Ha Giang City, in the northern mountainous province of Ha Giang, from October 4th

to December 31st. There will be diverse activities such as the international geological park fair, a fair on local agricultural products, a seminar on technological application and management solutions to improve bee's honey, a concert, a gastronomy program, performances and cultural exchanges, as well as traditional folk games of ethnic minority groups. AIRASIA AirAsia, the world's best low-cost airline for the ninth consecutive year will soon fly to Nha Trang, Vietnam with daily direct flights from Kuala Lumpur starting on September 14th, 2017. Operated exclusively by AirAsia Berhad (flight code AK), this unique route marks the addition of another route of the airline into Vietnam that will give guests a chance to discover the hidden gem of Vietnam. KOREA At the end of August, Visit Korea Committee (chairman Park Samkoo) and Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) in Vietnam (Jung Chang-wook, chief of KTO representative office) organized a conference to introduce Korean Tourism - Culture - Shopping festival in Lotte Hanoi hotel. During the event, Visit Korea Committee showcased two big events, which are Korea Sale FESTA held annually in September and October for locals and internal tourists, and Korea Grand Sale held annually in January and February for foreign tourists. Along with these two special events, Korea will boost all of its promotional programs for tourists to enjoy all shopping and travel services and hallyu (Korean wave) of the country. The event also aimed at building tourism products combined with shopping in the cooperation with Vietnamese tour operators.

LE SPA DES ARTISTES Le Spa des Artistes, H´tel des Arts Saigon, MGallery Collection is honored to take out the prestigious titles at the 2017 World Luxury Spa Awards, winning "Luxury Hotel Spa" category for the Country and "Luxury Boutique Spa" category for the Asia Continent, cementing its reputation for exceptional service, world class facilities and luxury offerings. Located in a luxurious space of the first five-star boutique hotel in HCMC, Le Spa des Artistes is a pure sensory experience, where expert therapists use luxurious, natural products to soothe, pamper and relieve the stress of life.

Updated information about new flight routes, culture programs, tourism policies, ranking & awards... in Vietnam and other countries

BHAYA GROUP Bhaya Group was one of the key partners with International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in organizing "Alliance's Action for a Green Ha Long" taken place last month. The event was also co-organized by Coca-Cola Vietnam, the Ha Long City People's Committee and other partners. The clean-up is part of the Ha Long - Cat Ba Alliance and designed to raise awareness about the vital need to improve environmental protection in Vietnam in general and in the Ha Long Bay World Heritage Site in particular in 5.5 years with the support of USAID.





 EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES  AIRLINES  TRAVeL AGenTs  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAURANTS  BARS/CAFES  SPAS  BAnKinG seRVices  souVeniR shoPs  CULTURE  SHOPPING MALLS  SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sale Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o


(Telephone Code: 024) EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES GERMANY (29 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3843 0245) KOREA (Daeha Building, 360 Kim M∑ *Tel: 3831 5110) USA (7 L∏ng Hπ, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3850 5000) MALAYSIA (43 - 45 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3734 3836/49) SINGAPORE (41- 43 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3848 9168) THAILAND (63 - 65 Hoµng Di÷u, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 5092)





TURKEY (Floor 14, HCO Building, 44B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3822 2460) AIRLINES HONGKONG AIRLINES (Unit 801, East Wing, Lotte Center Hanoi - 54 Lieu Giai *Tel: 3946 0404 *Website: www. JAPAN AIRLINES (1st Floor, Crowne Plaza West Hanoi - 36 L™ ߯c Th‰, M¸ ß◊nh *Website: EVA AIR (Unit 15.02, 15th Floor, Corner Stone Building, 16 Phan Chu Trinh *Tel: 3936 1600 ~ 02 *Website: VIETNAM AIRLINES (200 Nguy‘n S¨n, B ߓ, Long Bi™n *Tel: 3873 0314 *Website: TRAVeL AGenTs BUFFALO TOURS (70-72 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 0702 *Websitel: GOLDEN TOUR (1st Floor, 16 Hµm Long, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6000 ) CTY TNHH TM & DU LëCH BÑN ߤNG HÄNH - A TRAVEL MATE CO. LTD. (7 Dinh Tien Hoang Str., Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 3926 3370 *Fax: (84-4) 3926 3367) (113C, Bui Vien Str., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: (84-8) 38 38 66 78 *Fax: (84-8) 38 38 66 76 (45-47 Le Loi Str., Hue *Tel: (8454)393 44 55/ 393 44 56 *Fax: (84-54) 393 44 57)

For further information, please contact: Sale Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750. *Or visit for advertising information

TAXIS THÄNH C§NG TAXI ( Tel: 04 3257 5757 Website: MAI LINH (47 Kim ßÂng, Gi∏p B∏t, Hoµng Mai *Tel: 3822 2666 *3861 6161 *Website: HOTELS/RESORTS FORTUNA HOTEL HANOI (6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3831 3333 *Website: INTERCONTINENTAL HANOI WESTLAKE (1A Nghi Tµm, T©y H *Tel: 6270 8888 *Website:

LOTTE CENTER HANOI (54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3333 6016 *Website: www.lottecenter. PAN PACIFIC HANOI (1 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 8888 *Website: SHERATON HANOI HOTEL (K5 Nghi Tµm, 11 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y H *Tel: 3719 9000 *Website: RESTAURANTS THE VIN STEAK (7 Xu©n Di÷u Street, T©y H *Tel: 3722 4165 *Website: www. C•M VIåT (63 Phπm HÂng Th∏i *Tel: 3927 5920)

LA CASA HANOI HOTEL Nªm trong khu phË Ph∏p cÊ y™n t‹nh, La Casa Hotel vÌi ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n th©n thi÷n vµ nhi÷t t◊nh sœ khi’n bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c th©n thi’t vµ †m cÛng nh≠ Î nhµ. 84 phng nghÿ, 4 c®n hÈ vÌi thi’t k’ vµ ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi cÔng vÌi h÷ thËng nhµ hµng, qu∏n bar, phng gym, b” b¨i vµ spa sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ.

CLUB DE L'ORIENTAL (22 T´ng ß∂n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 8801 *Hotline: 3927 4641/ 0904 885 414) DA PAOLO WESTLAKE (No 18, Lane 50/59/17 ß∆ng Thai Mai, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 8585 1443) DON'S TAY HO BISTRO (16 lane, 27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 3719 2828)

Located in the old tranquil French Quarter, La Casa Hotel with the friendly and enthusiasm will make you feel like being home. 84 rooms, 4 apartments with modern design and amenities, and our system of restaurants, bar, gym, pool and spa will bring you memorable experiences.


(17 Pham Dinh Ho St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi * Tel: 6656 0560 * Email:, Website:

(34 Ch©u Long, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3939 2222 *Hot line: 0916 018 535 *Website: www.

(64B Qu∏n S¯, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3942 9168) HÅI SÅN NGON (199A Nghi Tµm, T©y HÂ *Tel: 3719 3170 *Website: HOME RESTAURANT



(59 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3747 0338 *website: http://

(45 Ly Quoc Su, Hoan Kiem *Tel: 3936 8349 Website: www.


M-BOX BAR & LOUNGE (23A Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 8820)

9 Nguy‘n Khæc C«n, Hoµn Ki’m, Tel: 090 4943 432 *Website: NGON VILLA (No 10, Tong Duy Tan Str, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam *Tel: (+84) 4.32212222 *Email: *Website:

PRESS CLUB (59A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 0888) O'LEARYS SPORT BAR (38 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 5368)



(28 Tang Bat Ho Str - Hai Ba Trung Dist - Hanoi - Vietnam *Mail: *Tel:+84 3633 0206 *hotline: 0904 150 383 * PHô 24 (31 Hµng Khay, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1812 *Website:

(18 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Ba ß◊nh, *Tel: 37476245 *Website:www.

PILSNER URQUELL ORIGINAL (10 Nguy‘n Bi”u, *Tel: 3734 2288 *Website: webapp/home.php) POTS 'N PANS (57 BÔi Th Xu©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3944 0204) QUÉN °N NGON 26 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m District *Tel: (+84-4) 3933 6133 *Fax: (+84-4) 3933 6135 *Email: SIXTY SIX RESTAURANT (66 Hµng BÂ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 04 3266 8888) S` BUFFET (64 Nguy‘n Du, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3941 3338 *Website:

THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF (28 Thanh Ni™n, T©y H *Tel: 3715 4240 *Website: THE ROOFTOP (Floor 19, Pacific Place Building - 83B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3946 1901)

BARS/CAFES CIAO COFFEE (2 Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 1494) HIGHLANDS COFFEE (6 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 0444)

ELITE ACTIVE (T«ng 5 TTTM H G≠¨m Plaza, Tr«n PhÛ, Hµ ß´ng *Tel: 04 7305 5858 *T«ng 2 Berriver Long Bi™n, 390 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, quÀn Long Bi™n *Tel: 04 7302 6696) VÑN SEN SPA (65B T´ Hi’n Thµnh, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 6282 8588 *Website: ZEN SPA (100 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y H *Tel: 3719 9889) BAnKinG seRVices CITI BANK (17 Ng´ Quy“n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 1950 *Website: http://www.citibank. VIETCOMBANK 198 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 3137 *Website: http:// souVeniR shoPs

SPAS/ FITNESS AMADORA WELLNESS & SPA (250 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3978 5407 *Website: ANNAM FOOT & BODY MASSAGE (71 Hµng B´ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Hotline: 0932 391 888) ANAM QT SPA (42 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 6116 *Website: AQUAMARINE SPA (44 L™ Ng‰c H©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 2220 6788 *Website: DEAURA SPA

VUA CHÅ CÉ (48 Nguy‘n Th ßnh, Trung Ha, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3221 6599 *26C Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3392 5999 * 76a Mai Hæc ß’, hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 3399 *Website:

8889 *T«ng 7 Vincom Center 2B Phπm Ng‰c Thπch, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 04 7307 9898)

(Add: 68 Nguy‘n Du - Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0868 038 080 *Email: ELITE FITNESS (51 Xu©n Di÷u, Q. T©y H *Tel: 04 3718 6281 *T«ng 4 IPH Shopping Center 241 Xu©n ThÒy, Q. C«u Gi†y *Tel: 04 3788 6688 *25 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Q. Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04 3828 8888 *T«ng 6 th∏p C Vincom Center 191 Bµ Tri÷u, Q. Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 04 3974 9191 *T«ng 3 ta A Th®ng Long Number One sË 1 ßπi LÈ Th®ng Long, Q. Nam Tı Li™m *Tel: 04 7306 6655 *T«ng 6 Vincom Center 54A Nguy‘n Ch› Thanh, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 04 7307

CARAT SHOP (27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y H *Tel: 6270 0479 *Website: CASA D'ORIENTE (23 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8678 *website: www. CRAFT LINK (43 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3733 6101 *website: www. IPA NIMA (73 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4000 *Website: SˇNG (27 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8733) T¢N M≤ DESIGN (61 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1154 *Website: TRANH TH£U XQ (110 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1905 *Website:

BÅO TÄNG H¤ CHê MINH HO CHI MINH MUSEUM (19 Ng∏ch 158/193 Ng‰c Hµ, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3846 3757) BÅO TÄNG PH| N~ VIåT NAM - VIETNAMESE WOMEN'S MUSEUM (36 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 9129 *Website: CHú ߤNG XU¢N - DONG XUAN MARKET (ßÂng Xu©n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi) CHùA MóT CóT - ONE PILLAR PAGODA (ChÔa MÈt CÈt, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi) CHùA TRƒN QUˇC - TRAN QUOC PAGODA (Thanh Ni™n, TrÛc Bπch, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi) CON ߶òNG GˇM S` - HANOI CERAMIC MOSAIC MURAL (HÂng Hµ, †p Thπnh Vinh, PhÛc X∏, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi) VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY (Nguy‘n V®n Huy™n Street, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3756 2193 *Website: VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY (1 Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3824 2433 *Website: http:// VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (6 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3733 2131 *Website: http:// SHOPPING MALLS AEON MALL LONG BI£N (Add: SË 27 CÊ Linh, Long Bi™n, Hµ NÈi *http://aeonmall-long-bien. VINCOM TOWERS (191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3974 9999 *Website: http:// TRÄNG TI≈N PLAZA (24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi) SUPERMARKETS

CULTURE BÅO TÄNG HÄ NóI - HANOI MUSEUM (SË 2, Phπm HÔng, M‘ Tr◊, Tı Li™m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 6287 0604 *Website:

CITIMART Hµ NÈi Tower - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 3961 *Website: INTIMEX (22 - 32 L™ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 6148 *Website: http:// TRAVELLIVE




 EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES  AIRLINES  TRAVeL AGenTs  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAURANTS  BARS/CAFES  SPAS  BAnKinG seRVices  souVeniR shoPs  CULTURE  SHOPPING MALLS  SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sale Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o



(Telephone Code: 028)

(27 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, District 3 *Tel: 3520 6800)



KOREA (107 Nguy‘n Du, District 1 *Tel: 38225757) USA (4 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3520 4610) LAOS (93 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3829 7667) MALAYSIA (2 Ng´ ߯c K’, District 1 *Tel: 382 99023) JAPAN (261 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, District 3 *Tel: 3933 3510) RUSSIA (40 Bµ Huy÷n Thanh Quan, District 3 *Tel: 3930 3936)


(40-5 Phπm Vi’t Ch∏nh, Ward 19, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3518 0045) SINGAPORE (Floor 8 , Saigon Centre - 65 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5173) THAILAND (77 Tr«n QuËc Th∂o, District 3 *Tel: 3932 7637) AIRLINES KOREAN AIRLINES (34 L™ Du»n, District 1*Tel: 3824 2878 *Website: https://www.

QATAR AIRWAYS (Room 8, Petro Vietnam Building, 1- 5 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 3888 *Website: TURKISH AIRLINES (Floor 8, AB Tower- 76A L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3936 0360 *Website:


GINKGO VOYAGE (130 Nguyen Cong Tru, District 1*Tel: 3838 9944 * SAIGONTOURIST TRAVEL SERVICE (45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 9279 *Website: http://

souVeniR shoPs



(27-29 BÔi Vi÷n, P. Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3838 9988 *Email: hieu. *Website:





For further information, please contact: Sale Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750. *Or visit for advertising information

TAXIS TAXI 27/7 (153 X´ Vi’t Ngh÷ T‹nh, Ward 17, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3962 0620 *Website: http://www.27-7. HOTELS/RESORTS CARAVELLE HOTEL (19 - 23 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1 *Tel: 3823 4999 *Website: LE MERIDIEN SAIGON (3C Ton Duc Thang, District 1, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 8 6263 6688) *Website: LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON CITYPOINT (59-61 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3822 5678) LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON RIVERSIDE

NORFOLK HOTEL (117 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Q1*Tel: 08 3829 5368 *Fax: 08 3829 3415 *Email: *Website: HOTEL EQUATORIAL HO CHI MINH CITY (242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5, HCMC *Tel: 3839 7777 *Email: *www. PARKROYAL SAIGON (309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi Str, Tan Binh Dist, HCMC *Tel: +84 8 3842 1111) THE ALCOVE LIBRARY HOTEL (133A- 133B Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chinh, Q.PhÛ NhuÀn, HCMC *Tel: 6256 9966 *Hotline: 0938 979 000 *Website: RENAISSANCE RIVERSIDE HOTEL SAIGON

(17 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3827 1717)

(8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 84 8 3822 0033) WINDSOR PLAZA HOTEL

NEW WORLD SAIGON HOTEL (76 L™ Lai, District 1*Tel: 3822 8888 *Website: http://www.saigon.

*18 An D≠¨ng V≠¨ng, Q 5, Tp. HCM, Vietnam *Tel: 3833 6688 *Fax: 3833 6888 *Email: services@


AU LAC DO BRAZIL STEAK RESTAURANT (238 Pasteur, District.3 *Tel: 3820 7157 *Website: www.aulacdobrazil. com) CHIT CHAT RESTAURANT (242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam *Tel: 3839 7777, ext. 8000 *Email: GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (197 ß“ Th∏m, Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist.1 *Tel: 3837 1894 *Website: INDOCHINE (26 Tr≠¨ng ßnh, Dist.3 * Tel: 3930 8421) IZAKAYA MIRAKU (23 T´n ߯c Thæng, B’n Nghä, Q1, Tp HCM *Tel: 6299 1304 - 0906 018 007) MANDARINE (11A Ng´ V®n N®m, District 1*Tel: 3822 9783) MAXIM'S NAM AN (13 - 15 - 17 ßÂng KhÎi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 6676) PARKROYAL SAIGON HOTEL (311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, T©n B◊nh District, HCMC *Tel: 08 3842 1111 * PHô 24 (5 Nguy‘n Thi÷p, District 1 *Tel: 3822 6278 *Website: NHÄ HÄNG NGON (160 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: (+84-8) 3827 7131 *Fax: (+84-8) 3827 7127 *Email: info@ QUÉN NGON 138 138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a , QuÀn 1, T.p H Ch› Minh *Tel: (08) 38 279 666 / (08) 38 257 179 *Email: *Website: SAIGON INDIAN (Floor 1, 73 Mπc Th B≠Îi, District 1 *Tel: 3824 5671) SHANG PALACE (1st Floor, Norfolk Mansion, 17-1921 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3823 2221 *Website: www.shangpalace. SUSHI TEI (Add: 200A Ly Tu Trong Street, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam *Tel: 08 6284 1188 *Hotline: 0124 668 7354 *Facebook: Sushi Tei Vietnam)

NGON ASIA HOUSE TÀp hÓp h¨n 300 m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa 5 n“n »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Ch©u É lµ Hµn QuËc, NhÀt B∂n, Trung Hoa, Th∏i Lan vµ Vi÷t Nam d≠Ìi cÔng mÈt m∏i nhµ. Home to more than 300 signature dishes of 5 renowned Asian culinary cultures: Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam. (Saigon Garden, 99 Nguy‘n Hu÷, Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3821 3821, Facebook: BARS/CAFES CHILL SKYBAR SAIGON (T«ng 26, AB Tower, 76 L™ Lai, Q.1, TP.HCM *Tel: 0938 822 838 *Website: CALIBRE CHARNER (Floor 1, Palace Hotel Saigon, 56 - 66 Nguy‘n Hu÷, 1 District *Tel: 3829 2860 *Website: http:// LA HABANA (6 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, District 1 *Tel: 3829 5180) MAGNOLIA KITCHEN & CAFE (Add: 190 - 192 De Tham Street, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam *Tel: 08 3920 3047 *Hotline: 0124 668 7354 *Website: *Facebook: Magnolia Kitchen & Cafe) SAXN'ART CLUB (28 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3954 *Website: THE JAZZ CAFE (97 S≠¨ng Nguy÷t Énh, District 1 *Tel: 3925 0388) SPAS/ FITNESS ANNAM SPA (26-28 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3825 1250 *Website: http:// CRYSTAL SPA

(T«ng L3 Shopping Mall, Vincom ßÂng KhÎi, 72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, P. B’n Nghä Q.1 *Tel: 08 7307 9899 *T«ng 3, Vincom Mega Mall, 159 Xa LÈ Hµ NÈi, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2 *Tel: 08 7303 9888)

ANZ (39 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 2926 *Website: http:// EXIMBANK (8 Floor, Vincom Center, 72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, B’n Nghä Ward, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 0056 *Website: http://www.eximbank. SAIGONBANK (2C Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3914 3183 *Website: www.

SAIGON GALLERY OF FINE ART (129B L™ Th∏nh T´n, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3181 *Website: http:// THÄNH ßÑT BOUTIQUE SHOP (114 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 7493 *Website: CULTURE WAR REMNANTS MUSEUM (28 V‚ V®n T«n, District 3) OPERA HOUSE (7 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1.)

VIETCOMBANK (10 V‚ V®n Ki÷t, District 1 *Tel: 3829 7245 *Website: http://

FINE ARTS MUSEUM (97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, District 1)

souVeniR shoPs APRICOT GALLERY (50 - 52 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 7962 *Website: http:// ANUPA BOUTIQUE (9 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 2394 *Website: http:// DUY TAN SAIGON ARTISAN (47 T´n Th†t Thi÷p, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 3614 *Website: www. GAYA SHOP (1 Nguy‘n V®n Tr∏ng, District 1 *Tel: 3925 1495)


IPA NIMA (26 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1 *Tel: 3822 3277 *Website: http://

(72 Trµn Quang Kh∂i, P.T©n ßnh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3910 5575 *Website:

(41 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 8356 *Website: http://

STANDARD CHARTERED (Floor 1, Sµi Gn Center Building 37 T´n ߯c Thæng, District 1 *Tel: 3911 0000 *Website: http://



MOSAIQUE SAIGON (98 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 4634 *Website: www. NGA ART AND CRAFT

BAnKinG seRVices

(Tang 3, 202 Hoang Van Thu, Q.Phu Nhuan, TP.HCM *Tel: 3847 9964 *3847 9295) (74 Nguyen ß◊nh Chieu, P Da Kao, Q1, Tp HCM *Tel: 2207 0809 *Hotline: 0968 060 268 *Website:

KHAI SILK (81 & 107 ßÂng KhÎi, District1 *Tel: 3822 2856 *3829 1146 *Website: khaicravat/shopping.html)

(Tel 0909 66 22 31 *

KENLY SILK (132 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3829 3847 *Website:

MUSEUM OF VIETNAMESE HISTORY (2 Nguy‘n Bÿnh Khi™m, District 1)

H¤ CHê MINH MUSEUM (65 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1) SHOPPING MALLS DIAMOND PLAZA (34 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3825 7750) PARKSON (35Bis, 45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 7636) SAIGON CENTRE (65 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 4888 ) VINCOM CENTER A (171 ßÂng KhÎi & 116 Nguy‘n Hu÷, District 1*Tel: 3936 9999 * VINCOM CENTER B (72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1*Website: SUPERMARKETS ANNAM GOURMET (16 - 18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, 1 District & 41A Th∂o ßi“n, 2 District *Tel: 3822 9332 & 3744 2630 *Website: B⁄N THÄNH MARKET (L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5699)




 EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES  AIRLINES  TRAVeL AGenTs  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAURANTS  BARS/CAFES  SPAS  BAnKinG seRVices  souVeniR shoPs  CULTURE  SHOPPING MALLS  SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sale Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o

SAPA (Telephone Code: 020) HOTELS/RESORTS SUNNY MOUNTAIN (010, M≠Íng Hoa, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3787 999 *Website: http:// VICTORIA SAPA RESORT & SPA (Sapa District, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 20 38 71 522 *Fax: +84 20 38 71 539 *Email: * RESTAURANTS FANSIPANSAPA (23 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 556) GERBERA (31 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 064) NATURE VIEW (51 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 438)

OBSERVATORY 39 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 019) TRAVeL AGenTs KHÉM PHÉ VIåT (31 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3872 606 *Website: NG§I SAO SAPA (68 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 6523 172 *Website:


HÅI PHíNG - CÉT BÄ (Telephone Code: 031)

HOTELS/RESORTS CÉT BÄ ISLAND RESORT & SPA (C∏t C 1, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3688 686 *Website:




souVeniR shoPs

(111-113-115 L™ Lai, M∏y Chai, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 375 9679 *Fax: 375 9680 *Website: www.




(178 T´n ߯c Thæng, L™ Ch©n *Tel: 3622 608 *Website: http://



(Zone 3, ß S¨n *Tel: 3864 888 *Website:

(Zone 2, ß S¨n *Tel: 3861 330 *Website:

BAnKinG seRVices


(204 Quang Trung, Phπm HÂng Th∏i, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3831 777)

PARKSON (1/20A L™ HÂng Phong, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3852 459 *Website:

GREEN MANGO (Group 19, Block 4, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3887 151 *Website: http://www. TR@C L¢M (3 Phπm B∏ Tr˘c, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3733 833) TAXIS (SË 1 Hang D¨i H∂i Phng *Tel: 3864 864) MAI LINH




(Telephone Code: 030) HOTELS/RESORTS THE REED HOTEL (ßinh ßi“n, ß´ng Thµnh, Ninh B◊nh *Tel: 3889 979 *Website:

ߤ S•N



For further information, please contact: Sale Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750. *Or visit for advertising information

(221 Lπch Tray, ßÊng QuËc B◊nh, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3833 833 *Website: BAnKinG seRVices VIETCOMBANK (11 Hoµng Di÷u, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: http://www. ACB (69 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3823 392 *Website: www. TECHCOMBANK (5 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng *Tel: 3810 865 *Website: SUPERMARKETS CHú S¿T (Quang Trung, HÂng Bµng) INTIMEX MINH KHAI (23 Minh Khai, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3746 858 *Website: http://www.

HÑ LONG - QUÅNG NINH (Telephone Code: 0203)

HOTELS/RESORTS HÑ LONG PLAZA (8 Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3845 810 *Website: http:// NOVOTEL HALONG BAY (Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3848108 *Website: http:// TU¡N CH¢U ISLAND HOLIDAY VILLA (Island Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3842 999 *Website: http://

Legend Halong

WYNDHAM LEGEND HALONG (No. 12 Ha Long Street, Bai Chay Ward, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province *Tel: (+84)-33-3636555 *Website:

SPA/FITNESS ELITE ACTIVE (T«ng 3 Vincom Plaza Hπ Long, P. Bπch ߪng, TP. Hπ Long *Tel: 033 3841 166)

*Tel: 3823 680 *Website: http://bidv.


(Telephone Code: 0235)

CRUISES ¢U C• (Hanoi Sales Office: 47 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4545 *Website: http://www. APHRODITE CRUISES (Head Office: Townhouse B14, Tuan Chau Marina, Halong, Quang Ninh, Vietnam *Tel: 6281 888 *Fax: 6281 666 *Hanoi Office: 20th Floor, VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi, Vietnam *Tel: 04 2220 8686 *Fax: 04 2220 8689 *Email: *Website:

HOTELS/RESORTS ANANTARA HOI AN RESORT (1 Pham Hong Thai Street, Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 510 391 4555 *Fax: +84 510 391 4515 *Email: hoian@ BOUTIQUE HóI AN RESORT (Group 6, Block T©n Thnh, C»m An Ward *Tel: 3939 111 *Website:

ORIENTAL SAILS Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. PHOENIX (Hanoi Sales Office: 81C L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3747 8006 *Website: PARADISE LUXURY (Room 201, Hanoi Tower - 49 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi RESTAURANTS HONG KONG (Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3847 591) HOÄNG GIA (Hoµng Gia Park, Hπ Long *Tel: 3845 913) TAXIS THÄNH C§NG

PEARL RIVER HOI AN HOTEL & SPA (12 - 14 Huy“n Tr©n C´ng ChÛa, C»m Ch©u, HÈi An *Tel: 3666 886 *Website: www.pearlriverhoian. com) HOI AN BEACH RESORT (SË 1 PhË Cˆa ßπi, Thµnh phË HÈi An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 392 7011 *Fax: 392 7019 *Email: *Website: www. LOTUS HóI AN (330 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 770 *Website: PALM GARDEN BEACH RESORT & SPA HOI AN (Lπc Long Qu©n, Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 927 *Website: http:// SUNRISE HóI AN BEACH RESORT (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3937 777 *Website: http://www. GOLDEN SAND RESORT & SPA HóI AN


(Thanh Ni™n Road, Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3927 550 *Website: http://

(Tel: 3849 155 *38222 266)


(Tel: 3675 757)

BAnKinG seRVices VIETCOMBANK (Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3844 749 *Website: http://vietcombank. BIDV (Bπch ߪng Ward, Hn Gai

TRAVeL AGenTs HóI AN TRAVEL (10 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 911 *Website: http:// RESTAURANTS

COULEURS D'ASIE GALLERY (7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3911 382) MUSEUM OF SA HU∞NH CULTURE (149 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 535) souVeniR shoPs É ß§NG SILK (62 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 59) L¤NG ßáN TR¡N PH@ (65 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 996)



(236 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3919 199 *Website:


SAKURA RESTAURANT & COOKING CLASS (11 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3910 369 *Website: http:// SECRET GARDEN

CALYPSO (Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www.

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 040 *Website: http://www.victoriahotels. asia/eng/hotels-in-vietnam/hoi-anbeach-resort-spa)

(Down the alley next to 60 L™ LÓi *Tel: 3862 037 *Website: http://

(C»m Kim *Tel: 3934 282) (23 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3911 872 *Website: http://


(Telephone Code: 0236) HOTELS/RESORTS

SEN (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 252 *Website: BARS/CAFES HóI AN FULLMOON TOWNS BAR & RESTAURANT (101 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 922 *Website: TAM TAM CAF– (110 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3862 212 *Website: http://www. TAXIS HóI AN (193 L˝ Th∏i TÊ, C»m Ch©u *Tel: 3919 919) MAI LINH (410 Cˆa ßπi & 60 Nguy‘n Duy Hi÷u *Tel: 3914 914 *3929 292 *Website: BAnKinG seRVices VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Di÷u *Tel: 3861 340 *Website: CULTURE

(ƒp 1, ßi÷n D≠¨ng, ßi÷n Bµn *Tel: 3940 000 *Website: http://www.



(10B Tr«n H≠ng ßπo)

(39 ßµo Duy Tı, C»m PhÊ, HÈi An *Tel: 05103 950 777)



(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3852 945)

Ä LA CARTE DA NANG BEACH (Corner of Vo Nguyen Giap Street & Duong Dinh Nghe Str, Son Tra Dist, Da Nang *Tel: 3 959 555 *Fax: 3 959 555 *Web: *Email: AVANI QUY NHON RESORT & SPA (Bai Dai Ghenh Rang, Quy Nhon City, Vietnam *Tel: +84 (0) 56 3840 132 * HYATT REGENCY DANANG RESORT & SPA (Tr≠Íng Sa Street, Hoµ H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3981234 *Website: danang. FUSION MAIA DANANG (Tr≠Íng Sa, Khu™ M¸, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3967 999 *Website: INTERCONTINENTAL DANANG SUN PENINSULA RESORT (B∑i Bæc, S¨n Trµ *Tel: 3938 888 *Website: GRAND TOURANE HOTEL (252 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Son Tra Dist *Tel: 3778 888 *Website:




FUSION SUITES DANANG BEACH (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, M©n Th∏i *Tel: 3919 777 *Website:


*Tel: 3983 333 *Website: http://

(21 Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3961 777 *Website: http:// cdv_default.asp.UN_s9OSIHwM)


TRAVeL AGenTs ASIANA TRAVEL MATE (Domestic Arrival Hall, ßµ NΩng Airport *Tel: 3614 783 *Website: TAXIS S§NG HÄN

PREMIER VILLAGE DANANG (99 V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, quÀn NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 391 9999 *Fax: 391 9998 *Website: PULLMAN DANANG BEACH RESORT (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p Street, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 395 8888 *Website: GRAND MERCURE DANANG HOTEL (Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of Green Island, Ha C≠Íng Bæc, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 379 7777 *Website:

(37/1 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3719 258) RESTAURANTS TR@C L¢M VI£N (8 - 10 Tr«n Qu˝ C∏p *Tel: 3582 428 *Website: http://truclamvien. SPA VINCHARM SPA (Vinpearl Luxury ßµ NΩng Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3968 888 *Website: BAnKinG seRVices



(36 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3929 999 *Website: http://www.

(244 - 248 Nguy‘n V®n Linh *Tel: 3650 118 *Website: http://

FURAMA RESORT DANANG (V‚ Nguy™n Gæp, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0511 3847 333 *Website:



CULTURE DANANG MUSEUM OF CHAM SCULPTURE (No2, 2/9 Street, B◊nh Hi™n, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3470 114 *Website: (24 Tr«n PhÛ, Thπch Thang, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3822 390 *Website:


(176 Tr«n PhÛ, Ph≠Ìc Ninh, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3897 798)

SPAS hu⁄ (Telephone Code: 0234)




LA RESIDENCE HUE HOTEL & SPA (5 L™ LÓi, TP Hu’ *Tel: 383 7475 *Website: CENTURY RIVERSIDE HOTEL HUE (49 L™ LÓi, Hu’ *Tel: ( 3823390 *Website: IMPERIAL HU⁄ (8 HÔng V≠¨ng, PhÛ HÈi *Tel: 3882 222 *Website: http://www. VEDANÇ LAGOON (Zone 1, PhÛ LÈc *Tel: 3681 688 *Website: RESTAURANTS CUNG ßçNH (3 Nguy‘n Sinh Sæc, V‹ Dπ *Tel: 3897 202 *Website: http:// TèNH GIA VI£N (7/28 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 50 PhÛ MÈng, Kim Long *Tel: 3522 243 & 3510 644 *Website: http://www. NHÄ HÄNG LE PARFUM (5 L™ LÓi, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 054 3837 475) TAXIS THÄNH C§NG (Tel: 357 5757) MAI LINH

souVeniR shoPs ART GALLERY

souVeniR shoPs

(105A HÔng V≠¨ng,TP Hu’ *Tel: 393 6666 - Fax: 393 6555 *Email: *Website: www.indochinepalace. com)



BAnKinG seRVices

(12 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 3839 998 *Website: www. INDOCHINE PALACE

(Tel: 3898 989) BAnKinG seRVices VIB (51 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, V‹nh Ninh *Tel: 3883 666 *Website: http:// VIETCOMBANK (78 HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 3811 900


Website: http://www.vietcombank.

CULTURE THI£N M| PAGODA (Hµ Kh™, H≠¨ng Long) NHA TRANG (Telephone Code: 058) HOTELS/RESORTS L'ALYANA NINH VAN BAY (Ninh V©n Bay, Ninh Ha *Tel: 384 7333 *Website: BEST WESTERN PREMIER HAVANA NHA TRANG (38 Tr«n PhÛ Boulevard, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 388 9999 *Website: www. CAM RANH RIVIERA BEACH RESORT&SPA (Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam *Tel: (+84) 583989898 *Website: MERPERLE SUNSET VILLAS MERPERLE HON TAM RESORT - MERPERLE SPARKLING WAVES (Add: Hon Tam Island, Vinh Nguyen, Nha Trang) MERPERLE SEASUN HOTEL (Add: SË 2 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, LÈc Th‰, Nha Trang THE COSTA NHA TRANG RESIDENCES (32-34 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam *Telephone: 3737 222 *Email: SUNRISE NHA TRANG BEACH HOTEL & SPA (12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3820 999 *Website: SIX SENSES NINH VAN BAY VIETNAM (Tel:+84 58 3524 268 *Email: RESTAURANTS LOUISIANE BREW HOUSE (Lot No 29 Tr«n PhÛ Park *Tel: 352 1948 *Website: http://www. BARS/CAFES GUAVA (34 Nguy‘n Thi÷n ThuÀt, T©n LÀp *Tel: 3526 197 *Website: http://

RAINBOW BAR (90A HÔng V≠¨ng, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3524 351) TAXIS NHA TRANG (*Tel: 381 8181)

062 371 9123 *Fax: 062 371 9333 *Email: reservation@thecliffresort., *website: www.thecliffresort. GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (57A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u *Tel: 3847 589 *Website: http://www.

KHÉNH HOÄ (46 L™ Th∏nh T´n, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3810 810) BAnKinG seRVices


SWISS - BELRESORT TUYEN LAM (Zone 7&8, Khu du lch H Tuy“n L©m, ph≠Íng 3, ßµ Lπt) TERRASSE DES ROSES (35 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, ph≠Íng 7, Thung LÚng T◊nh Y™u, ßµ Lπt *Tel: 06 3356 5279 *Website: www. *E-mail: TERRACOTTA HOTEL & RESORT DALAT (Ph©n khu ch¯c n®ng 7.9, KDL h Tuy“n L©m, Ph≠Íng 3 *Tel: 063 3883 838 / Website:

(4 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3822 759 *Website: http://

(Ke Ga, Tan Thanh, Ham Thuan Nam, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam *Tel: (84.62) 3683 115 / 3683 117 / 3683 279 *Fax: (84.62) 3683 114 *Hotline: (84) 974 496 660 *Website: www. *Facebook: Rock Water Bay Resort *Email: info@



Bçnh D¶•nG (Telephone Code: 650)

(Km 11, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3847 507 *Website:


BIDV (45 - 47 ThËng Nh†t *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: VIETINBANK

souVeniR shoPs (Telephone Code: 062) HOTELS/ RESORTS ANANTARA MUI NE RESORT (Mui Ne Beach, KM10, *Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam *Tel: 374 1888 *Fax: 374 1555 *Email: muine@ AROMA BEACH RESORT & SPA (Khu phË 5, PhÛ H∂i, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 3828 288, Fax: 3828 111 *Email: reservation@ *Website: PH@ HÅI RESORT (Km8, Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t *Tel: 062. 3 812 799 *Website: BLUE BAY MUI NE RESORT & SPA (Su´› N≠Ìc, MÚi Nä *Tel: 3836 888 *Website: www.bluebaymuineresort. com) VICTORIA PHAN THIET BEACH RESORT & SPA (Km 9, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan, Vietnam *Tel: +84 62 3813 000 *Fax: +84 62 3813 007 *Email: * SONATA RESORT & SPA (Km 17, Æ≠Íng 719, x∑ Ti’n Thµnh, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 62 3846 768 *Web: www.sonataresort. com) THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES (Khu PhË 5, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 0 62 371 9111 /

VIET FASHION (34 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 6253 213) SUPERMARKETS CO.OP MART (1A Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, B◊nh H≠ng *Tel: 3835 440 *Website: http://

ßÄ LÑT (Telephone Code: 063) HOTELS/RESORTS ANA MANDARA VILLAS DALAT RESORT & SPA (L™ Lai Street, Ward 5 *Tel: 3555 888 *Website: BINH AN VILLAGE RESORT DALAT (H Tuy“n L©m, Khu phË 4, ßµ Lπt, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 84-633 800 999 *Email:dalat@binhanvillage. com *Website:www.binhanvillage. com) DALAT EDENSEE LAKE RESORT & SPA (Tuy“n L©m Lake, Zone VII.2 *Tel: 3831 515 *Website: http://www. NGñC PHÉT ßÄ LÑT (10 H TÔng MÀu, Ph≠Íng 3, Tp. ßµ lπt *Tel: 063 368 3979 *Fax: 063 383 5868 *Email: info@ *Website:

RESTAURANTS LE RABELAIS (12 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3825 444)

(21/4 Trung Str, Vinh Phu W, Thuan An Dist, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 650 378 5555 *Fax: (+84) 650 378 5000 *Email: *Hotline: (+84) 908 998 550), Website: THE GRAND HO TRAM STRIP (Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc, Bµ Ra, VÚng Tµu *Tel: 064 3781 631, Email: *Website: SIX SENSES CON DAO VIETNAM (Tel: +84 64 3831 222 *Email: TAXIS MAI LINH (12 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3563 656) PETRO (50 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a *Tel: 3851 851) RESTAURANTS DAVID (92 Hπ Long Street, Ward 2 *Tel: 3521 012) GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (6 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3856 959 )

Ph@ Quˇc (Telephone Code: 077)

THE MIRA HOTEL (555B *Tel: 0650 367 8888 *Fax: 0650 367 8880 *Email: info@ *email: sales@ / reservation@ BECAMEX THU DAU MOT HOTEL (230 ßπi lÈ B◊nh D≠¨ng, Hi÷p Thµnh, ThÒ D«u MÈt *Tel: 0650 222 1333, *Fax: 0650 222 1342 *Email: / /

HOTELS/RESORTS LA VERANDA RESORT PH@ QUˇC (Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988 *Email: *Website: NOVOTEL PHU QUOC RESORT (Duong Bao Hamlet, Duong To Commune, Phu Quoc *Tel: 077 626 0999 *Email: H9770@accor. com *Website: www.novotelphuquoc. com) VINPEARL PHU QUOC RESORT

VünG TÄu (Telephone Code: 064) HOTELS/RESORTS H¤ TRÄM BEACH RESORT&SPA (H Trµm, Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc *Tel: 378 1525 *Website: TROPICANA BEACH RESORT & SPA (44A Road, Ph≠Ìc H∂i, ߆t ß· *Tel: 367 8888 *Website: http:// ALMA OASIS LONG HAI (Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Th tr†n Long H∂i, Long ßi“n *Tel: 366 2222 *Email:

(B∑i Dµi, Gµnh D«u, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3519 999 *Fax: 077 3847 771 *Email: *Website: www. SALINDA RESORT PHU QUOC ISLAND (Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 399 0011 *Fax: 077 399 9911 *Email:, *Website: CAF– BUDDY ICE CREAM & INFO CAFE (No 6 Bach Dang Str, Duong Dong *Tel: (+84) 77 3 994 181 *Website: TRAVELLIVE


ß\NG Bì Lö C• HóI THAM D# NH~NG S# KIåN ßÖC S¿C TÑI CÉC ßIÕM ß⁄N TRONG VÄ NGOÄI N¶õC T\ 15/09 - 15/10/2017 Do not miss chances to join these unparralleled events taking place from September 15th to October 15th, 2017 in Vietnam and other countries. 24/9, Spain la MerCe - Castells festival Nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh x’p th∏p ng≠Íi c„ th” cao Æ’n 8-9 t«ng sœ Æ≠Óc th˘c hi÷n bÎi c∏c di‘n vi™n nhµo lÈn tπi qu∂ng tr≠Íng Sant Jaume thuÈc trung t©m khu phË cÊ Î Barcelona. TÌi Æ©y, du kh∏ch cn Æ≠Óc tham gia vµo c∏c tr ch¨i gi∂i tr› vui nhÈn, c∏c hÈi chÓ r≠Óu vang hay ©m nhπc s´i ÆÈng Î nÛi Montjuic. Castells is the Catalan word for castles and castellers are the people who form incredible human towers up to 8-9 floors high at Sant Jaume square in the old quarter of Barcelona. Here, visitors can participate in many entertaining activities, wine and music festivals of Montjuic mountain.

5/10, Thailand

20 - 24/9, South Africa

13/10, India

21 - 27/9, vietnam

Phuket vegetarian festival

herManus whale festival

dussehra festival

Theo truy“n thuy’t, l‘ hÈi bæt Æ«u tı n®m 1825 khi mÈt nh„m ng≠Íi tı Trung QuËc b Ëm ghä th®m Kathu, Phuket, Th∏i Lan. ß” chËng lπi b÷nh tÀt, h‰ ∏p dÙng mÈt ch’ ÆÈ ®n ki™ng nghi™m ng∆t vÌi Ưc tin h≠Ìng v“ c∏c th∏nh th«n vµ s¯c mπnh mµ th«n th∏nh ban cho h‰. K” tı Æ„, l‘ hÈi ®n chay Phuket ra ÆÍi.

L‘ hÈi c∏ voi Hermanus Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c vµo th∏ng 9 hµng n®m, ÆÛng mÔa di c≠ cÒa Ƶn c∏. Vµo dp nµy, du kh∏ch c„ th” ngæm nh˜ng chÛ c∏ voi khÊng l di chuy”n hay nh∂y cao kh·i m∆t n≠Ìc rÂi ÆÊ m◊nh xuËng, tπo b‰t tung træng x„a, c∂nh t≠Óng r†t k˙ thÛ.

Mu Cang Chai terraCed field festival

It is commonly thought that the festival was bought to Phuket from 1825 by a wandering Chinese opera group who fell ill with malaria while performing on the island. These Chinese people believe that abstinence from meat and various stimulants during the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar will help them obtain good health and peace of mind.



Hermanus is just the right place to pay homage to the magnificent Southern Rights. And there's no better time to recognize their miraculous being than during September, which is peak whale-watching season in the coastal village. Visitors get to enjoy the unbelievable sightseeing opportunities while getting clued up on the plight of the endangered creatures.

Ng≠Íi Hindu tin rªng vµo ngµy nµy, Rama cÔng th«n Lakshman vµ Khÿ v≠¨ng Hanuma gi’t ch’t vua qu˚ Ravana sau 9 ngµy Æ™m chi’n Ɔu, gi∂i c¯u ng≠Íi vÓ b bæt c„c cÒa m◊nh, nµng Sita. H‰ trÎ v“ Ayodhya trong vinh quang vµ tÊ ch¯c l‘ hÈi mıng chi’n thæng. L‘ hÈi ch›nh Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c tπi qu∂ng tr≠Íng Ramlila Î trung t©m thµnh phË. Dussehra celebrates the Hindu god Rama's victory over the demon king Ravana and the triumph of good over evil. The epic Ramayana tells the story of the Lord Rama who wins the lovely Sita for his wife, only to have her carried off by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka.

VÌi chÒ Æ“ "S„ng vµng tr™n non", l‘ hÈi kh∏m ph∏ Danh thæng quËc gia RuÈng bÀc thang MÔ Cang Ch∂i lµ hoπt ÆÈng nhªm t´n vinh ruÈng bÀc thang vµ c∏c gi∏ tr lch sˆ, v®n h„a Æ∆c sæc cÒa cÈng ÆÂng d©n tÈc T©y Bæc. Mu Cang Chai People's Committee organizes the Week of Culture, Tourism Festival to explore the national terrain of terraced fields, with the theme of "Golden wave on the mountain" from September 22nd.



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