Travellive 4 - 2018

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Content > 15/04/2018

food&beverage - PHoToTraveL - WHaT&WHere - TraveLLerS' oUTfIT eveNT CaLeNdar - TraveL - faSHIoN - LUXUrY LIvINg - HI-TeCH

Copenhagen - Ly Thanh Co


106 >

TRÅI NGHIåM VIåT NAM TR£N NH~NG VíNG QUAY VËn xu†t th©n tı di‘n Ƶn nhi’p ∂nh, du lch vÌi Nguy‘n Xu©n Vinh lµ ni“m Æam m™ ng‰t ngµo. Qua mÁi cung Æ≠Íng cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc, anh mang v“ nh˜ng kh∏m ph∏, tr∂i nghi÷m vµ h¨n h’t lµ nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh qu∂ng b∏ Æi”m Æ’n du lch. MÍi ÆÈc gi∂ Travellive theo nh˜ng vng xe l®n b∏nh, cÔng ng≠Íi ph≠Ót thÒ nµy kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng †n t≠Óng cÒa Vi÷t Nam. ExpERIENcE VIETNAM oN Two wHEEls In addition to a deep passion for photography, Nguyen Xuan Vinh has always been into traveling. Vietnam offers some of the most incredible routes that Vinh is proud to have discovered, explored, and captured in his amazing photographs the beauty of each destination. Let us take on this journey with him and admire the most breathtaking sceneries of Vietnam.



¶õC H—N CUˇI XU¢N > Chºng c„ d†u hi÷u nµo b∏o tr≠Ìc nh≠ng c¯ mÁi dp ti’t xu©n sæp cπn, ng≠Íi Hµ NÈi lπi b†t chÓt nhÀn ra hoa s≠a t˘ lÛc nµo Æ∑ bung nÎ, phÒ træng nh≠ m©y lπc xuËng c∏c vm c©y, g„c phË. THE bEAUTY of HANoI IN lATE spRING At the end of the spring season, the streets of Hanoi are once again covered in a breathtaking white color of s≠a flowers, creating a spectacular scene of ethereal white clouds.



N⁄U CHé Cï MóT NGÄY ô copENHAGEN? > H∑y theo ch©n travel blogger L˝ Thµnh C¨ tÀn h≠Îng mÈt ngµy thÀt Æãp, tı nh˜ng n¨i t†p nÀp du kh∏ch Æ’n nh˜ng Æa Æi”m chÿ d…n Æa ph≠¨ng mÌi lui tÌi. spENdING 24 HoURs IN copENHAGEN Let us follow the steps of travel blogger Ly Thanh Co on a beautiful sunny day to visit Copenhagen's most popular attrations and less frequented places around the city.




(THe LIST WILL be UPdaTed aNd deveLoPed eaCH moNTH) (Danh s∏ch li™n tÙc Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt vµ khai th∏c th™m hµng th∏ng)

HANOI caf–S & BaRS (66) µ6 Degrees Cafe & Lounge µChurch Boutique µXofa Cafe µCocoon Coffee µCong Cafä (18) µCora Cafä µHelio Cafä (4) µHighland Coffee (15) µVilla Des Fleurs µGardenista µJoma Bakery Cafä µLissom Parlour µT-Coffee µManzi µMoca µParis Deli (2) µPu Ku µTranquil&Book coffee µRunam Bistro µ The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Vietnam (2) µVpresso (6) RESTaURaNTS (34) µMaison de Blance µHome Restaurant µLy Club Restaurant µNgon Villa µMyWay Cafe &

Restaurant (5) µNha hang ße Nhat (2) µNha 9NKC µPho 24 (6) µQuan Ngon (4) µRooftop µUu Dam Chay µPho Bien (4) µThai Village Restaurant µSwing Lounge µTop Chef Restaurant & Bar µToViet Cellar µTrong ßong Son Restaurant µViet Deli SPaS (6) µHong Ngoc Center µSpa Aquamarine µThu Cuc Spa (2) µLa Casa Spa µZen Spa aiRLiNES (2) µNoi Bai International Airport (Business Lounges) µTurkish Airlines (The Best European AirlineBussiness Class)

cRUiSES (4) µEmeraude Classic Cruises µPelican Luxury & Image Halong Cruises µParadise Luxury (2) TRaVEL aGENTS (3) µAsian Travelmate µTourist Information Center (TIC) µVietrantour OTHERS (24) µBMW Showroom µKitchen Art Store µ Hong Leong Bank Hanoi Branch µIpanima Showroom (2) µ Golf Long Bien µ Nest AIA µ Nshape Fitness (3) µ Peugeout Scooteis µTan My Design µTechcombank Lounge µTimes Square µToong Working Space (2) µVan Tri Golf HCMC caf– (104) µCafä EON - EON 51

TçM ßñc PHi£N BÅN ßiåN T^ TÑi For digital publication, please visit:


µCiao Coffee (3) µCong Cafä (4) µCafä Du Mien µLa Fruta Cafä µSora Cafä µHighland Coffee (36) µTea House µMagnolia Kitchen&Cafä µLa Cafeteria de L’usine (3) µLa Fenetre Soleil µShin Cafe µCafe De La Poste µ MORICO (6) µShelter Coffee&Tea µRunam Bistro (3) µThinker & Dreamer Coffee µTerrace Cafä (5) µThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Viet Nam (14) µMyLife Coffee µThe Workshop Cafe µM2C Cafe µBang Khuang Cafe µFly Cupcake & Goody Ice Cream cLUBS (2) µClub Royale µ International Tourist Club




1.700.000 net / 02 người/ đêm

01/03/2018 – 27/04/2018

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Ninh B◊nh - Tr«n Th≠¨ng

QU≥ ßóC GIÅ TH¢N M⁄N! ô mÈt x¯ sÎ nhi÷t ÆÌi nh≠ Vi÷t Nam, khi vi÷c th›ch nghi vÌi næng hà Æ∑ thµnh "b∂n n®ng sinh tÂn" cÒa nhi“u ng≠Íi th◊ nh˜ng ng≠Íi kh∏c lπi ch‰n gi∂i ph∏p trËn n„ng bªng c∏ch x∏ch vali l™n Æ≠Íng du ngoπn Æ„ Æ©y. Cfln bπn, bπn Æ∑ sΩn sµng cho mÔa hà nµy ch≠a? H∑y cÔng Travellive Æ„n chµo mÔa hà 2018 khi hfla m◊nh vµo lµn n≠Ìc bi”n xanh l†p l∏nh ∏nh bπc, in nh˜ng d†u ch©n Æam m™ kh∏m ph∏ l™n b∑i c∏t mfin mµng tπi mÈt trong nh˜ng resort Æãp nh†t vÔng bi”n Vi÷t Nam, kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n kh´ng th” b· qua trong th∏ng 5 ho∆c l™n k’ hoπch cho mÈt chuy’n cæm trπi l∑ng mπn gi˜a thi™n nhi™n hoang s¨. MÔa hà n®ng ÆÈng mÎ ra bao Æi“u thÛ vfi khi bπn dπo b≠Ìc kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË c∂ng Essaouira cÒa Maroc hay Æ’n x¯ sÎ cÒa c∏c Pharaoh Î Ai CÀp, tr∂i nghi÷m cuÈc sËng du mÙc gi˜a trÍi Æ™m trong sa mπc c´ ƨn Siwa nhuËm mµu huy“n b› nh≠ trong truy÷n cÊ t›ch "Ngh◊n lŒ mÈt Æ™m". H¨i n„ng mÔa hà sœ trÎ n™n m∏t dfiu khi c„ nh˜ng ng≠Íi bi’t y™u thi™n nhi™n muËn gˆi tÌi cÈng ÆÂng lÍi k™u g‰i b∂o v÷ m´i tr≠Íng vÌi h◊nh th¯c du lfich xanh bªng xe Æπp. H∑y cÔng h‰ tr∂i nghi÷m mÈt Vi÷t Nam t≠¨i Æãp tr™n nh˜ng vflng b∏nh xe quay! BAN BI£N TÜP



Dear valUeD reaDers, Summer in Vietnam is sweltering, and while many locals have conditioned themselved to live under the sometimes seemingly unbearable heat, others opt to escape by taking long summer vacations all over the country. And you, are you ready for this summer? Travellive invites you to immerse yourselves in the sparkling blue sea, set your footprints on the most pristine beaches, and enjoy the finest luxury resorts across Vietnam. Summer is also an ideal time for you to venture out to farflung corners of the Earth to explore the amazing port city of Essaouira in Morocco or travel to Egypt to experience life in the lush desert of Siwa - the setting of the magical Arabian tale "One thousand and one nights". This summer, nature lovers are hoping to raise awareness about environmental protection and promote green travel by touring around the country by bike. Let us join them in their incredible two-wheel journeys, and likewise enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of Vietnam! EDITORIAL BOARD







ang trong m◊nh s¯c quy’n rÚ tı nh˜ng chi ti’t nh·: s˘ tho∂i m∏i tuy÷t ÆËi, dch vÙ tÀn t©m vµ phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc Æ∆c bi÷t khi’n cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æ’n The Alcove Library Æ“u c∂m th†y nh≠ Æ≠Óc v“ ch›nh ng´i nhµ cÒa m◊nh. NÊi ti’ng vÌi lËi ki’n trÛc k’t hÓp gi˜a cÊ Æi”n qu˝ ph∏i Sµi Gn vÌi d†u †n c∏ nh©n, The Alcove Library khi’n du kh∏ch nhÌ Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∆c bi÷t vµ ÆÈc Æ∏o vËn kh´ng th” t◊m th†y Î nh˜ng kh∏ch sπn kh∏c trong thµnh phË. Bπn sœ b†t ngÍ vµ th›ch thÛ vÌi b˜a s∏ng mi‘n ph› tr™n nhµ hµng t«ng th≠Óng mÁi buÊi s∏ng vµ th≠ vi÷n khÊng l lu´n chµo Æ„n bπn quay v“ sau mÈt ngµy dµi vÈi v∑. (KHÉCH SÑN THE ALCOVE LIBRARY *133A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Ch›nh, P. 8, Q. PhÛ NhuÀn, TP.HCM *Tel: 028 6256 9966 *Email: alcove@ *Website:





he Cliff Resort & Residences chµo Æ„n hà vÌi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "Hello Sunny". VÌi gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i tr‰n g„i chÿ 5.500.000 VNß, bπn sœ c„ 2 Æ™m nghÿ tπi phng Azul Sea View cho 2 ng≠Íi lÌn & 2 trŒ em (d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi), 2 b˜a ®n (tr≠a/tËi), Æ≠a Æ„n mi‘n ph› tπi ga Phan Thi’t cÔng nhi“u quµ t∆ng h†p d…n. Ngoµi ra, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tham gia nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng mi‘n ph› thÛ v nh≠: nhµ phao khÊng lÂ, th∂ di“u b∑i bi”n, banh ÆÙng, xe Æi÷n c©n bªng, lµm b∏nh cupcake... Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng tı 04/05/2018 - 31/08/2018. (THE CLIff RESORT & RESIdENCES *5 ph≠Íng PhÛ Hµi, TP. Phan Thi’t, tÿnh B◊nh ThuÀn *Hotline:1900 0394 *Website:




an Pacific Hµ NÈi vÌi 12 phng h‰p sang tr‰ng sœ lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng cho s˘ ki÷n cÒa qu˝ kh∏ch. ß∆t g„i hÈi ngh nguy™n ngµy chÿ tı 850.000 VNß net/kh∏ch, bao gÂm: ti÷c trµ s∏ng vµ chi“u, ti÷c tr≠a t˘ ch‰n ho∆c th˘c ƨn ch‰n sΩn, m∏y chi’u vµ mµn chi’u, mÈt micro ph∏t bi”u tπi bÙc vµ hai micro kh´ng d©y, th™m nhi“u trang thi’t b cÔng nh©n vi™n hÁ trÓ. ß∆t tr≠Ìc 30/4 Æ” nhÀn ≠u Æ∑i nh≠ Æ uËng nhã kh´ng giÌi hπn, n©ng hπng ti÷c trµ, ph´ng n“n theo y™u c«u vµ nhi“u ≠u Æ∑i kh∏c. (KHÉCH SÑN PAN PACIfIC HÄ NóI *SË 1 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3823 8888, ext: 5303 *Email: Camellia.dinh@








he Cliff Resort & Residences is introducing a special offer called "Hello Sunny" to welcome summer. At only VND 5,500,000, you can enjoy a 2-night stay at the Azul Sea View room for 2 adults & 2 children (under 12 years of age), 2 meals (lunch/dinner), and free pick up at Phan Thiet Railway Station along with other interesting offers. You can also participate in a number of activities such as playing on the giant floating house, flying kites, or cupcake making. The offer is valid from 4 May 2018 through to 31 August 2018. (THE CLIff RESORT & RESIdENCES *5 Phu Hai Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province *Hotline: 1900 0394 *Website:





nspired down to the smallest details, designed for absolute comfort and providing dedicated service with an exceptional architectural style, The Alcove Library makes you feel truly at home. Known for its interesting design which combines classic Saigon features with unique personal touches, the hotel brings you an amazing experience that can not be found elsewhere in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. Guests can enjoy their complimentary breakfast at the beautiful rooftop restaurant in the morning, and later immerse themselves in the hotel's huge library after a long and tired day. (THE ALCOVE LIBRARY HOTEL *133A Nguyen Dinh Chinh, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: 028 6256 9966 *Email: alcove@ *Website:




an Pacific Hanoi's 12 venues afford versatile arrangements to host your executive meetings and events seamlessly. Our full-day meeting package starts from VND 850,000 net per delegate including morning and afternoon tea break, buffet lunch or set lunch, one projector with screen, one podium microphone, two wireless microphones and several complimentary equipment and services. Book by 30/4 to enjoy unlimited soft drinks, coffee break upgrade, customised backdrop and many more privileges upon group size. (PAN PACIfIC HANOI HOTEL *1 Thanh Nien, Ba Dinh, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3823 8888, ext: 5303 *Email: Camellia.dinh@






Nghÿ d≠Ïng phong c∏ch Ph∏p tπi Sapa





ªm tr™n mÈt hn Æ∂o ri™ng tr™n s´ng HÀu, mÈt nh∏nh ch›nh cÒa s´ng M™k´ng, Azerai cung c†p chÁ nghÿ trang nh∑, tho∂i m∏i, Æ≠a du kh∏ch Æ’n n“n v®n h„a s´ng n≠Ìc duy™n d∏ng vµ l©u ÆÍi cÒa vÔng. Azerai lµ mÈt c©u chuy÷n vµ th≠¨ng hi÷u mÌi mang Æ’n cho kh∏ch s˘ sang tr‰ng ƨn gi∂n, thi’t k’ tinh t’, dch vÙ k›n Æ∏o vµ ©n c«n Î nh˜ng Æa Æi”m c„ vŒ Æãp ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ n“n v®n h„a Æa dπng. T™n Azerai ngh‹a lµ mÈt c∏i gÀt Æ«u theo tı "caravanserai" cÒa ti’ng Ba T≠, ho∆c mÈt s©n v≠Ín trung t©m, n¨i nghÿ ch©n dµnh cho du kh∏ch. S˘ ra mæt cÒa Azerai Î C«n Th¨ Æ∏nh d†u cho nh˜ng chuÁi d˘ ∏n ti’p theo tπi Vi÷t Nam.

Thanh lch, tinh t’, giµu c∂m xÛc - "Touch" - S˘ ki÷n khai tr≠¨ng ch›nh th¯c Silk Path Grand Resort & Spa Sapa Æ∑ Æ≠a kh∏ch mÍi b≠Ìc vµo hµnh tr◊nh ng≠Óc dng thÍi gian Æ” kh∏m ph∏ vŒ Æãp n™n th¨, tr˜ t◊nh cÒa Sapa - n¨i tıng Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ "kinh Æ´ nghÿ d≠Ïng mÔa hÃ" cÒa ng≠Íi Ph∏p. ß«u t≠ vµ vÀn hµnh bÎi tÀp Æoµn Silk Path, Silk Path Grand Resort & Spa Sapa sÎ h˜u vŒ Æãp tinh t’, qu˝ ph∏i theo ÆÛng tinh th«n Ch©u ¢u nhÍ phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc ß´ng D≠¨ng Æ∆c tr≠ng thÍi Ph∏p thuÈc cÔng c∏c chi ti’t trang tr› b∂n Æa Æ∆c sæc. (SILK PATH GRANd RESORT & SPA SAPA *ßÂi quan 6, tÊ 10, th tr†n Sapa, Lµo Cai *Hotline: 094 8555 555 *Email: res. *Website: www.sapa.

(AzERAI HOTEL C¡N TH• *CÂn ƒu, H≠ng PhÛ, C∏i R®ng, C«n Th¨ *Tel: 0292 3627888 *Web:




∏p ¯ng c∏c ti™u chu»n r†t khæt khe v“ thi’t k’, l˘a ch‰n vÀt li÷u cho Æ’n qu∂n l˝ vÀn hµnh sau khi Æ≠a vµo hoπt ÆÈng, D1MENSION lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Branded Residence Æ«u ti™n Æ≠Óc sÎ h˜u bÎi chÒ Æ«u t≠ n≠Ìc ngoµi tπi trung t©m thµnh phË. Ra mæt chÿ vÌi 102 c®n hÈ tı 2 - 3 - 4 phng ngÒ vµ penthouse, D1MENSION thu hÛt giÌi Æ«u t≠ bÎi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh cam k’t Æ«u t≠ lÓi nhuÀn h†p d…n vÌi m¯c l∑i su†t l™n Æ’n 8%/n®m. Khi tham gia ch≠¨ng tr◊nh, kh∏ch hµng sœ cn Æ≠Óc nhÀn ≠u Æ∑i t∆ng g„i nÈi th†t cao c†p cÔng 4 n®m ph› qu∂n l˝, giÛp gia chÒ ti’t ki÷m thÍi gian vµ chi ph›, tËi Æa lÓi ›ch Æ«u t≠. (d# ÉN d1MENSION *Hotline:1800 599 986 *Website: www.









ith the highest standards in terms of design, materials used and property management, and owned by a reputable overseas developer, D1MENSION is the first Branded Residence available for sale in Ho Chi Minh City. Offering 102 exclusive residential units with 2 - 3 - 4 bedrooms, including a penthouse, D1MENSION appeals to investors with its attractive commitment program with interest rates up to 8% per year. The program also allows customers to receive premium furniture package and 4 years free of management fee, helping residential unit owners save time and money, maximizing the investment benefits. (d1MENSION *Hotline: 1800 599 986 *Website:


French-style retreat in Sapa Elegant, sophisticated, and luxurious "Touch" - the opening ceremony of Silk Path

Grand Resort & Spa Sapa invites guests to take a step back in time to discover the picturesque beauty of Sapa, once a popular "summer retreat"

for French colonials. Funded and operated by the Silk Path Group, the Silk Path Grand Resort & Spa Sapa's design was inspired by the splendour of French

chateaus, reflecting the classy architecture style which has been blended perfectly with vivid decorative ethinic patterns. (SILK PATH GRANd

RESORT & SPA SAPA *Doan 6, Group 10, Sapa Town, Lao Cai *Hotline: 094 8555 555 *Email: res.sp@silkpathhotel. com *Website: www.


Azerai Hotel opened in the Mekong Delta Located on a verdant islet in the Hau River, a major tributary to the Mekong River, the Azerai Hotel offers guests an unique oasis of calm in this culturally fascinating destination. Azerai is a new hotel brand that offers guests simple elegance, refined design, and discreet and attentive service in places of unique beauty and cultural interest. The name Azerai has its origin from "caravanserai" in Persian, which is an inn with a central courtyard for travelers in the desert regions. The opening of Azerai in Can Tho is expected to mark the launch of other projects in Vietnam by founder and legendary hotelier Adrian Zecha. (AzERAI HOTEL CAN THO *Hang Au, Hung Phu, Cai Rang, Can Tho *Tel: 0292 362 7888 *Web:







¨ hÈi cuËi cÔng sÎ h˜u Khu c®n hÈ cao c†p Emerald Celadon City vÌi nhi“u ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n. Emerald ki’n tπo cho c≠ d©n mÈt m´i tr≠Íng sËng l˝ t≠Îng, vÌi qu«n th” ti÷n ›ch nÈi khu sΩn sµng phÙc vÙ ngay khi bæt Æ«u cuÈc sËng. Bπn c„ th” tho∂i m∏i l˘a ch‰n mÈt chi’c gh’ Æ∏ b™n h nÈi khu, nh©m nhi mÈt t∏ch trµ n„ng tπi g„c nh· khu cafe ngoµi trÍi hay chÿ c«n th∂ bÈ vµi b≠Ìc ch©n lµ Æ∑ c„ th” ch‰n cho m◊nh b†t c¯ th¯ g◊ tı h÷ thËng si™u th li“n k“... H¨n 50 ti÷n ›ch nÈi khu Æ≠Óc ph©n bË hµi ha, khäp k›n d≠Ìi nh˜ng hµng c©y rÓp b„ng cÒa c´ng vi™n trung t©m, mang Æ’n cho c≠ d©n mÈt cuÈc sËng tr‰n vãn. (Khu NhÄ m√u CeladoN City *SË 88, ß≠Íng N1, Ph≠Íng S¨n K˙, QuÀn T©n PhÛ, TP. H Ch› Minh *Hotline: 0903 340 888)


Noodle Noodle - Tinh hoa m˙ Ch©u É Noodle Noodle mÌi khai tr≠¨ng tr™n phË Æi bÈ Nguy‘n Hu÷ sœ lµ n¨i Æ›ch th˘c hÈi tÙ tinh hoa cÒa nh˜ng m„n m◊ danh ti’ng khæp ch©u É, tı NhÀt B∂n, Hµn QuËc, Th∏i Lan, T¯ Xuy™n, Trung QuËc vµ c∂ Vi÷t Nam. Th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n m◊ y™u th›ch nh≠ Ramen Tonkotsu, m◊ kim chi x∏ x›u, m◊ Tom Yum h∂i s∂n, m◊ sËt t≠¨ng Hµn QuËc ho∆c m„n phÎ truy“n thËng Vi÷t Nam. Nhµ hµng cÚng phÙc vÙ nhi“u m„n m◊ xµo vµ khai v Æa dπng, vÌi mong muËn lµm hµi lng nh˜ng kh»u v kh∏c nhau cÒa th˘c kh∏ch. (NHÄ HÄNG NOOdLE NOOdLE *20 Nguy‘n Hu÷, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3827 6868 *Email: *Website:




eemay Coffee lµ mÈt trong sË ›t Æa Æi”m tπi Vi÷t Nam Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ bµi b∂n m´ h◊nh Specialty Coffee cÔng nh˜ng thi’t b rang, xay, pha... Æ≠Óc nhÀp kh»u tı c∏c n≠Ìc NhÀt, ≥, Ph∏p, ߯c. Tπi Teemay, nh˜ng t∏ch Specialty Coffee kh´ng chÿ ƨn thu«n lµ th¯c uËng mµ n„ cn lµ nguÂn n®ng l≠Óng dµnh cho s∏ng tπo, kh¨i nguÂn m‰i ˝ t≠Îng mÌi vµ ÆÈc Æ∏o. LËi thi’t k’ tπi Teemay ha quy÷n gi˜a hi÷n Æπi - cÊ Æi”n mang mÈt ›t ri™ng t≠ xen l…n nhÈn nhp vÌi nh˜ng gam mµu s∏ng tËi Æan xen vµo nhau giÛp k›ch th›ch t≠ duy cÒa ng≠Íi lµm vi÷c lµ l› do tπi sao c∏c cuÈc hÈi h‰p, trao ÆÊi, event hay party lu´n ch‰n Teemay lµm Æi”m k’t nËi. (TEEMAY COffEE *119 CÈng Hoµ, quÀn T©n B◊nh, TP.HCM *Tel: 028 3811 5007 * *Instagram: @teemaycoffee)




35% ƯU ĐÃI THÁNG 5 & 6


Giá phòng từ 2.990.000 Đ / đêm

Room price from VND 2,990,000 / night

Bao gồm: • Ăn sáng tự chọn tại nhà hàng Terrace cho 02 người. • Miễn phí sử dụng phòng xông hơi khô, xông hơi nước, hồ thủy lực, phòng thể dục, hồ bơi, bãi biển riêng. • Xe đưa đón từ khu nghỉ vào phố cổ Hội An theo lịch trình và nhiều ưu đãi khác.

Includes: • Breakfast Buffet for 02 guests at Terrace Restaurant. • Free use of sauna, steam bath, jacuzzi, fitness center, swimming pool, private beach.

(*) Giá chưa bao gồm 5% phí dịch vụ & 10% VAT. Áp dụng cho kỳ nghỉ từ 02/05/2018 - 30/06/2018

(*) Price is subject to 5% service charge & 10% tax. Apply for stays from May 2 to June 30, 2018

and more benefits.

Lac Long Quan Street, Cua Dai Beach, Hoi An, Quang Nam, Vietnam Tel: +84 235 3 927 927 - Email:







ast chance to own a unit at the Emerald Apartment - Celadon City with attractive offers. Situated in the heart of Tan Phu District, the Emerald provides residents with an ideal living space and fullyequipped facilities. You can enjoy leisure times by the lake, sip hot tea in the open-air cafä, or pick up anything you want at your convenience from the supermarkets nearby. Over 50 utilities are distributed harmoniously across the residential area under shady trees to bring you ultimate comfort and satisfaction.

(CELAdON CITY SHOw HOME *88, N1 Street, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City *Hotline: 0903 340 888)




eemay Coffee is one of the very few places in Vietnam that offer Specialty Coffee made using standard equipments imported from Japan, Italy, France, and Germany, for the process of roasting, grinding, and mixing. At Teemay, Specialty Coffee is not a simple cup of coffe, but a wonderful source of energy for those whose jobs require a high level of creativity. The coffee house combines both modern and classic style in its design to create corners of privacy with sufficient lighting, making Teemay an ideal working space for many. If you are looking for a place to meet, celebrate, or organize events, Teemay is guaranteed to bring you the most satisfaction. (TEEMAY COffEE *119 Cong Hoa, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: 028 3811 5007 * *Instagram: @teemaycoffee)



Noodle Noodle - The essence of Asian noodles Noodle Noodle is the perfect place for noodle lovers in Saigon to try all the popular noodle dishes across Asia, including Japan, Korea, Thailand, Sichuan, China, and Vietnam. Diners can enjoy their favorite noodles from Ramen Tonkotsu, to Kimchi Char siu Noodle, to Tom Yum Seafood Noodle, and Korean Blackbean Sauce Noodle, as well as various traditional Vietnamese noodle dishes. A number of delicous other dishes and appetizers are also offered on the menu. (NOOdLE NOOdLE RESTAuRANT *20 Nguyen Hue, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: 028 3827 6868 *Email: info@ *Website:










ountain Retreat Restaurant - nhµ hµng vÌi phong c∏ch nÛi Æ∆c tr≠ng lµ Æa Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng Æ” h‰p m∆t, sum v«y. VÌi vi÷c sˆ dÙng vÀt dÙng trang tr› chÒ y’u lµm tı Æ∏, gÁ vµ c∏c h‰a ti’t thÊ c»m sinh ÆÈng, kh´ng gian Mountain Retreat lµ s˘ pha trÈn hµi ha gi˜a cÊ Æi”n vµ hi÷n Æπi. B™n cπnh nh˜ng m„n ®n truy“n thËng mang h≠¨ng v qu™ nhµ nh≠ b∏nh xÃo, b∏nh uÌt, nh˜ng m„n g·i d©n d∑ th◊ s˘ xu†t hi÷n cÒa nh˜ng m„n ®n "Æ≠Íng phË" trong th˘c ƨn cÚng v´ cÔng Æa dπng, h¯a hãn mang Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∆c bi÷t thÛ v cho bπn trong mÔa l‘ hÈi. (mouNtaiN RetReat *Rooftop 36 L™ LÓi, B’n Nghä, Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 0907 194 557 *Fanpage:


UËng trµ theo phong c∏ch D◊ Mai Kh∏c vÌi b˜a ®n th≠Íng th†y Î ti÷c trµ chi“u, ti÷c trµ "High Tea" cÒa

nhµ hµng D◊ Mai th∏ng 4 vÌi menu gÂm nh˜ng »m th˘c tinh tÛy tı khæp vÔng mi“n, th›ch hÓp cho buÊi hãn r´m r∂ cÔng bπn bÃ. Ti÷c trµ sœ Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ tı

2:30pm Æ’n 5:30pm mÁi ngµy. MÈt ph«n "High Tea" Æ∆c bi÷t tπi D◊ Mai hi÷n Æang phÙc vÌi m¯c gi∏ chÿ 399.000 VNß gÂm: mÈt loπi trµ t˘ ch‰n; g·i

Æu ÆÒ, kh´ b xä; c∏nh gµ t·i Ìt; hoµnh th∏nh chi™n ki”u HÈi An; b l∏ lËt, bÛn, rau sËng; g·i cuËn t´m tht; cuËn di’p cË Æ´; mÈt loπi tr∏ng mi÷ng t˘ ch‰n.

(NhÄ hÄNG dç mai *136 - 138 L™ Th HÂng G†m, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3821 7786 *Website: www.




he Hu’ House Æ≠Óc m´ ph·ng nh≠ mÈt ng´i nhµ v≠Ín Hu’ cÊ k›nh, h†p d…n du kh∏ch bªng c∏c m„n ®n truy“n thËng b◊nh d, tı c¨m h’n, b∏nh bÃo, bÈt l‰c, b∏nh nÀm, bÛn b, bÛn tht n≠Ìng... Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Hu’ Æ’n nh˜ng m„n ®n nÊi ti’ng kh∏c cÒa Vi÷t Nam nh≠ cao l«u HÈi An, m◊ Qu∂ng, b l∏ lËt, ch∂ gi, b∏nh ÆÀp, nem n≠Ìng... Kh´ng chÿ hi”u th™m ph«n nµo v“ v®n h„a Hu’ qua »m th˘c vµ nät ki’n trÛc Æ∆c tr≠ng x¯ Hu’ cÒa nhµ hµng mµ th˘c kh∏ch cn Æ≠Óc ngæm nh◊n khung c∂nh Sµi Gn mÔa l‘ hÈi Æ«y mµu sæc tı tr™n cao. (the hu⁄ house - autheNtiC VietNamese hu⁄ CuisiNe *T«ng th≠Óng Ta nhµ Master Building, 41 - 43 Tr«n Cao V©n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM *Tel: 0909 246 156)









he Hue House restaurant serves a wide selection of Hue's local foods such as mussel rice cake, banh beo, banh bot loc, banh nam, bun bo, and bun thit nuong, all specialties of Hue, as well as other famous dishes of Vietnam such as cao lau from Hoi An, Quang noodle, bo la lot, cha gio, banh dap, and nem nuong. Guests will have a chance to taste the most sumptuous food, and enjoy a breathtaking view of Saigon from above. (the hue house - autheNtiC VietNamese hue CuisiNe *Master Building Rooftop, 4 1-43 Tran Cao Van, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: 0909 246 156)


"High Tea" at Di Mai Restaurant offers guests a variety of delicous cuisine from regions across Vietnam, which is perfect for friends to sit back and enjoy. The

Enjoy a savory afternoon tea at Di Mai Restaurant Unlike the common afternoon tea, the HCMC



ountain Retreat Restaurant - a cozy mountain-style restaurant, is the ideal place for you to meet and gather. With decorative items made of stone and wood and vivid brocade motifs, Mountain Retreat is a harmonious blend of classic and modern elements. The restaurant not only provides traditional dishes in a homemade style such as banh xeo, and banh uot, as well as authentic salad dishes. They also treat you to a diverse menu of amazing "street food" dishes, ensuring you the most unforgettable dining experience this spring season. (MOuNTAIN RETREAT *Rooftop 36 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC *Tel: +84 907 194 557 *Fanpage:



High Tea is available for order from 2pm to 5.30pm daily at only VND 399,000, and includes a tea of your choice, papaya salad with beef jerky, chilli

and garlic chicken wings, Hoi An style fried wontons, grilled beef in lolot leaves served with vermicelli and raw vegetables, fresh spring rolls, Hue rolls, and a

dessert of your choice. (dI MAI RESTAuRANT *136 - 138 Le Thi Hong Gam, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: 028 3821 7786 *Website: www.

NH~NG TRÅI NGHIåM MùA Há KH§NG THÕ Bì QUA TÑI PH@ QUˇC PH@ QUˇC MÔa hà nµy, La Veranda Resort MGallery By Sofitel giÌi thi÷u Æ’n bπn ch≠¨ng tr◊nh An Inspired Summer vÌi hµng loπt c∏c tr∂i nghi÷m h†p d…n, tı kh∏m ph∏ thi™n nhi™n Æ’n nghÿ d≠Ïng th≠ gi∑n trong kh´ng gian sang tr‰ng Æ«y ti÷n nghi.

Gæn k’t gia Æ◊nh tπi La Veranda La Veranda cuËn hÛt b†t k˙ kh∏ch l˜ hµnh nµo bÎi ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa toµ bi÷t th˘ phong c∏ch ß´ng D≠¨ng vÌi quπt tr«n ki”u cÊ, tr«n nhµ cao, ban c´ng s©u vµ nÈi th†t gÁ n©u b„ng. G„i V.I.K (Very Important Kids) Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ ri™ng Æ” mang Æ’n cho bπn vµ gia Æ◊nh nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc gæn k’t Æ∏ng nhÌ. TrŒ d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi sœ c„ c¨ hÈi tÀn h≠Îng c∏c dch vÙ sang tr‰ng, tπo d˘ng cho bä nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc Æ∏ng nhÌ tı khi Æ’n resort tÌi khi tπm bi÷t. ß«u ti™n, bä sœ Æ≠Óc chµo mıng vÌi b∏nh quy vµ n≠Ìc uËng. Trong phng, bä sœ tÀn h≠Îng c∏c vÀt dÙng ti÷n ›ch cao c†p, dch vÙ d‰n phng chi“u vÌi m„n quµ b†t ngÍ lµ mÈt chÛ g†u b´ng xinh

xæn. C∂ nhµ cn c„ th” cÔng nhau vui ch¨i tπi Kid Club, n¨i tÀp hÓp r†t nhi“u tr vıa h‰c vıa ch¨i, phng chi’u phim, m∏y ch¨i game Xbox. Hay nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng ngoµi trÍi nh≠ kh∏m ph∏ c©u ÆË t◊m kho b∏u; ho∆c x©y l©u Ƶi c∏t cÔng nhau. T†t c∂ c∏c hoπt ÆÈng Æ∑ bao gÂm trong gi∏ phng.

Kh∏m ph∏ h∂i Æ®ng Dinh CÀu H∂i Æ®ng Dinh CÀu lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n kh´ng n™n b· lÏ khi Æ’n vÌi Æ∂o ng‰c PhÛ QuËc. ß≠Óc ngæm c∂nh hoµng h´n tuy÷t Æãp Æ«y sæc mµu quy’n rÚ bu´ng xuËng tr™n bi”n sœ lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ cho bπn vµ gia Æ◊nh.

L∆n ngæm san h´ C∏c qu«n Æ∂o nh· ph›a Nam ho∆c Bæc Æ∂o thu hÛt lng ng≠Íi bÎi n≠Ìc bi”n trong ng«n, †m ∏p lu´n »n gi†u nh˜ng r∆ng san h´ cn vãn nguy™n vµ tıng Ƶn c∏ ÆÒ mµu sæc s∆c sÏ.

Th®m v≠Ín quËc gia PhÛ QuËc Nªm Î ph›a Æ´ng bæc Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc, c∏ch th tr†n D≠¨ng ß´ng kho∂ng 20km, v≠Ín quËc gia lµ n¨i du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc chi™m ng≠Ïng c∏nh rıng nguy™n sinh cn s„t lπi duy nh†t Î Nam BÈ vÌi h÷ sinh th∏i v´ cÔng phong phÛ.

T◊m v“ chËn an nhi™n N’u bπn muËn th≠ gi∑n, cn g◊ l˝ t≠Îng bªng g„i "T◊m v“ chËn an nhi™n" tπi La Veranda? Th´ng qua c∏c nguy™n l˝ c©n bªng T‹nh & ßÈng, c∏c hoπt ÆÈng nh≠: tÀp Yoga s∏ng b™n b∑i bi”n, lÌp massage truy“n thËng Vi÷t Nam, bπn sœ t◊m lπi b◊nh y™n t©m hÂn vµ ph≠¨ng th¯c c©n bªng cuÈc sËng. VÌi g„i VIK ho∆c T◊m v“ chËn An Nhi™n, chæc chæn La Veranda sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn mÈt mÔa hà Æ∏ng nhÌ n¨i bi”n Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc. Phng Deluxe Garden c„ gi∏ khÎi Æi”m tı 3.650.000VNß++/Æ™m.

La veraNda reSorT mgaLLerY bY SofITeL * Tran Hung Dao Street, Duong Dong Beach, Phu Quoc * Tel: 0297 3982 988

* Email: * Website:








ı th∏ng 3/2018 Æ’n th∏ng 3/2019, c´ng ty Tokyo Metro sœ th˘c hi÷n chi’n dch qu∂ng b∏ du lch NhÀt B∂n tπi Vi÷t Nam "Let Tokyo Metro "Lead you across Tokyo", vÌi mÙc ti™u thÛc Æ»y kh∏ch du lch Vi÷t Nam Æ’n NhÀt B∂n sˆ dÙng tµu Æi÷n ng«m. Nh©n vÀt Æπi di÷n cho chi’n dch l«n nµy lµ DORAEMON - nh©n vÀt hoπt h◊nh quen thuÈc trong c∏c TVC qu∂ng c∏o, vµ r†t Æ≠Óc y™u th›ch tπi c∏c quËc gia ch©u É, trong Æ„ c„ Vi÷t Nam. C´ng ty Tokyo Metro sœ chia sŒ vÌi du kh∏ch n≠Ìc ngoµi s¯c h†p d…n cÒa NhÀt B∂n, Æ” du kh∏ch c„ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m du lch tuy÷t vÍi tπi Tokyo n„i ri™ng vµ NhÀt B∂n n„i chung. (C§NG TY VIåT NAM TOKYO METRO *T«ng 14, ta nhµ Corner Stone, sË 16 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3974 2743 *Website:


WiHo Vietnam khuy’n m∑i lÌn Tı 20/3 Æ’n 20/4/2018, WiHo Vietnam tung ra ÆÓt khuy’n m∑i lÌn nh©n dp mÔa hoa Sakura nÎ rÈ tπi NhÀt B∂n, ßµi Loan. Theo Æ„, b∂ng gi∏ mÌi gi∂m h¨n 25% so vÌi gi∏ cÚ. N’u order online tπi, nhÀp m∑ SAKURA sœ Æ≠Óc gi∂m th™m 10% cho thi’t b ph∏t wifi du lch. V› dÙ thi’t b ph∏t wifi du lch tπi



Hµn QuËc, ßµi Loan chÿ cn 117.000 VNß/ ngµy. Ngoµi ra, WiHo Vietnam cn cung c†p SIMcard du lch c∏c n≠Ìc tr™n th’ giÌi cho kh∏ch hµng c„ nhu c«u sˆ dÙng. WiHo Vietnam cÚng trÎ thµnh nhµ cung c†p ÆÈc quy“n cÒa Chunghwa Telecom SIMcard du lch tπi ßµi Loan kh´ng giÌi hπn dung l≠Óng 4G cho Internet vµ c„ Æ’n 50 Æ´ la ßµi Loan trong thŒ Æ” th˘c hi÷n cuÈc g‰i vµ nhæn tin.

(wI-HO! VIETNAM *L«u 1, 19 Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 6689 1313 *Website:


Hong Kong Airlines mÎ rÈng mπng Æ≠Íng bay tÌi th tr≠Íng M¸ MÌi Æ©y, Hong Kong Airlines Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c hÈi th∂o kh∏ch hµng nhªm tri ©n c∏c Æπi l˝ Æ∑ vµ Æang g„p s¯c vµo s˘ t®ng tr≠Îng cÒa

Hong Kong Airlines tπi th tr≠Íng Vi÷t Nam. Nh©n dp nµy, Hong Kong Airlines cÚng giÌi thi÷u Æ≠Íng bay mÌi tÌi th tr≠Íng Bæc M¸ lµ Vancouver - Canada, Los Angeles vµ San Fransico - M¸, cÚng nh≠ k’ hoπch bay tÌi New York vµ London trong n®m 2018. Toµn bÈ c∏c Æi”m Æ’n tr™n Æ“u Æ≠Óc khai th∏c bªng m∏y bay Airbus A350-900 th’ h÷ mÌi. (HONG KONG AIRLINES *V®n phng Hµ NÈi: Unit 801, East

wing, Lotte Center Hanoi, 54 Li‘u Giai *Tel: 024 3942 7799 *V®n phng HÂ Ch› Minh: Unit L9 - 12, t«ng 9, Vincom Center, 72 L™ Th∏nh T´n, QuÀn 1 *Tel: 028 3915 1717 *Website: www.








BORROWED FROM BOYS H∑y ch‰n cho m◊nh mÈt bÈ trang phÙc tho∂i m∏i, ƨn gi∂n; k’t hÓp cÔng vÌi giµy theo h¨i h≠Ìng phong c∏ch menswear Æ” tπo th™m Æi”m nh†n. C∏c phÙ ki÷n l†p l∏nh, c«u k˙ nh≠ v› vµ giµy sœ Æem lπi vŒ Æãp mµ c∏c nµng lu´n ao ≠Ìc. Pick a simple yet elegant menswear style that makes you comfortable wearing it all-day long. Combine it with sequin pieces of your choice and you will soon be ready to rock the night away.


1, CHaRLOTTE CHESNaIS Swing Silver And Glass Earring (www. I 2, JaCQUEMUS Draped Wool Top (www. I 3, SOPHIE BUHaI Egg Silver Necklace (www. I 4, MONICa vINaDER Fiji Sterling Silver And Woven Bracelet ( I 5, vICTORIa BECKHaM Linen Tapered Pants ( I 6, JIMMY CHOO Celeste Glittered Canvas Clutch (www.jimmychoo. com) I 7, JIMMY CHOO Marlo F - Crystal Hotfix Degrade - Smoky Blue ( TRAVELLIVE







ong Kong Airlines recently held a conference to thank Vietnamese travel agents for their continuous contribution to the growth of the airline in Vietnam. Hong Kong Airlines also announced that they are now providing new routes to destinations in North America, which include Vancouver (Canada), Los Angeles and San Francisco (USA). Flights to New York (USA) and London (UK) are to be launched later this year. All flights for the above routes are operated with the new Airbus A350-900.

(HONG KONG AIRLINES *Hanoi office: Unit 801, East wing, Lotte Center Hanoi, 54 Lieu Giai *Tel: 024 3942 7799 *Ho Chi Minh City Office: Unit L9 - 12, 9th Floor, Vincom Center, 72 Le Thanh Ton, District 1 *Tel: 028 3915 1717 *Website:


WiHo Vietnam special promotion WiHo Vietnam is launching a special promotion to celebrate the sakura season in

Japan and Taiwan, offering a 25% discount on prices. When booking online at www., enter the code SAKURA for a further 10% discount on the rent of travel

wifi routers. Travel wifi routers for Korea and Taiwan now only have a rental fee of VND 117,000 per day. The company also provides international SIMcards for travelers.

WiHo Vietnam is now Chunghwa Telecom's exclusive travel SIMcard provider in Taiwan, which provides users with unlimited 4G Internet, and 50 Taiwan dollar phone credit for

phone calls and texting. (Wi-ho! VietNam *Floor 1, 19 Pho Duc Chinh, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: 028 66889 1313 *Website: www.


Easy travel to Japan with Tokyo Metro From March 2018 to March 2019, Tokyo Metro is launching a special program to promote Japanese tourism in Vietnam. The "Let Tokyo Metro Lead you across Tokyo" aims to invite Vietnamese tourists to Japan and explore Japan using the subway. The character representing this special campaign is DORAEMON - a familiar cartoon character on TVC commercials, and a beloved character across Asia including Vietnam. Tokyo Metro plans to introduce the charm of Tokyo and Japan to ensure visitors have the best experience in Japan. (TOKYO METRO VIETNAM *Floor 14, Corner Stone Building, 16 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3974 2743)






KhÎi chi’u 27/4

Avengers: Infinity War (CuÈc chi’n v´ c˘c) BÈ phim bom t†n Avengers: Infinity War do anh em Anthony vµ Joe Russo lµm Æπo di‘n. ß©y lµ l«n Æ«u ti™n ng≠Íi h©m mÈ Æ≠Óc ch¯ng ki’n nh„m V÷ binh Ng©n hµ s∏t c∏nh cÔng nh„m Avengers cÒa Tr∏i ߆t. T†t c∂ sœ cÔng chËng lπi ∏c nh©n Æ≠Óc xem lµ mπnh nh†t vÚ trÙ - Thanos. Phim cn c„ c∏c nh©n vÀt kh∏c b≠Ìc ra tı nguy™n t∏c truy÷n tranh. H÷ thËng rπp CGV tr™n toµn quËc.


TËi th¯ 4 hµng tu«n

Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n th˘c c∂nh K˝ ¯c HÈi An


VÌi th´ng Æi÷p "MÈt ngµy HÈi An - Tr®m n®m hoµi cÊ", ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ngh÷ thuÀt bi”u di‘n th˘c c∂nh K˝ ¯c HÈi An lµ con thuy“n lÌn Æ≠a kh∏n gi∂ cÀp b’n th≠¨ng c∂ng HÈi An th’ k˚ 16-17. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh sœ t∏i hi÷n nh˜ng th®ng tr«m cÒa phË HÈi tr∂i suËt dng thÍi gian 400 n®m lch sˆ, n¨i giao thoa v®n ho∏, Æi”m nËi n≠Ìc Vi÷t vµo con Æ≠Íng t¨ lÙa tr™n bi”n huy“n thoπi. TÊ ch¯c K˚ lÙc Vi÷t Nam (VietKings) Æ∑ c´ng nhÀn ch≠¨ng tr◊nh c„ "S©n kh†u ngoµi trÍi lÌn nh†t Vi÷t Nam" vµ "Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n ngh÷ thuÀt th≠Íng nhÀt c„ sË l≠Óng di‘n vi™n tham gia Æ´ng nh†t".




Vô M@A S¶•NG SõM

≠¨ng sÌm, vÎ mÛa Æ≠¨ng Æπi k’t hÓp bal™ b∏n cÊ Æi”n Æ«y mµu sæc, t∏i hi÷n cuÈc sËng t©m hÂn cÒa ng≠Íi n´ng d©n Nam BÈ. VÎ mÛa k” v“ mÈt buÊi s∏ng tinh m¨ cÒa mÈt lµng qu™ Vi÷t Nam vÌi nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng ÆÍi th≠Íng nh≠ ra ÆÂng, xay lÛa, gi∑ gπo, Æi chÓ... bªng ng´n ng˜ mÛa trong mÈt kh´ng gian ©m nhπc ÆÀm mµu sæc d©n gian cÔng nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh tr™n s©n kh†u Æãp mÈt c∏ch b◊nh d. T†t c∂ n’p sËng, ©n t◊nh, linh hÂn, duy™n nÓ ba sinh cÒa h‰ Æ≠Óc khæc hoπ tuy÷t m¸ qua giai Æi÷u „ng ∂ m≠Ót mµ vµ ng´n ng˜ h◊nh th” Æ«y c∂m xÛc cÒa ng≠Íi ngh÷ s¸ mÛa. (NhÄ hÉt thÄNh Phˇ *07 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, Q.1, TP.HCM *Hotline: 0124 518 1188)



Sµn di‘n Xu©n - Hà 2018 cÒa ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng Sau hµnh tr◊nh 10 n®m, NTK ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng ti’p tÙc chæp c∏nh cho lµng thÍi trang Vi÷t vÌi d˘ ∏n Xu©n - Hà 2018 - Exclusive di‘n ra vµo cuËi th∏ng 5 tÌi. L«n nµy, BST cÒa ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng sœ Æ≠Óc xu†t hi÷n trong kh´ng gian tr∏ng l÷, hµo nho∏ng, r†t ÆÁi †n t≠Óng, k˙ v‹ tπi khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ph¯c hÓp ƺng c†p quËc t’ Laguna L®ng C´. ß©y cÚng lµ n¨i Æ∑ Æ” lπi cho ßÁ Mπnh C≠Íng nh˜ng d≠ v Æ∆c bi÷t trong hµnh tr◊nh t›ch g„p, chi™m nghi÷m nh˜ng gi∏ tr sËng v“ s˘ b◊nh y™n, an lπc trong t©m hÂn gi˜a dng ch∂y x´ bÂ, hËi h∂ cÒa x∑ hÈi hi÷n Æπi. (laGuNa l°NG C§ - hu⁄ *Th´n CÔ DÔ, x∑ LÈc V‹nh, huy÷n PhÛ LÈc. *Tel: 0234 3695 881)



(C§NG Vi£N V°N hoÉ Chû ß≈ ƒN T¶úNG HóI AN *Ph≠Íng C»m Ch©u, C»m Nam, HÈi An, Qu∂ng Nam *Hotline: 0936 717 090)


B≠Ìc ch©n theo d†u m∆t trÍi - Hµnh tr◊nh trÎ v“ ƒn ßÈ ß≠Óc vi’t bÎi mÈt ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ Æ∑ tı b· c´ng vi÷c Ên Ænh, rÍi xa ng´i nhµ ™m †m Æ” trÎ thµnh kŒ l˜ hµnh c´ ÆÈc Æ’n nh˜ng mi“n Ɔt lπ vÌi t†m vä m∏y bay mÈt chi“u. C´ hµnh h≠¨ng Æ’n ƒn ßÈ, n¨i PhÀt tÊ Nh≠ Lai Æ∑ tu hµnh Ææc Æπo, n¨i Æ∑ mÈt thÍi mang trong m◊nh n“n v®n minh huy hoµng cÒa loµi ng≠Íi nay trÎ thµnh n¨i nghÃo nµn, vµ nguy hi”m nh†t th’ giÌi. Nh˜ng ng≠Íi lπ n¨i Æ©y Æ∑ khi’n t∏c gi∂ kh´ng cn ƨn ÆÈc mµ mang cho c´ c∂m gi∏c th©n thuÈc, †m ∏p t◊nh ng≠Íi. S∏ch b∏n tπi h÷ thËng nhµ s∏ch Tiki, gi∏ 60.000 VNß.


Nªm trong bÈ s≠u tÀp mÔa xu©n †n t≠Óng cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u Carlo Rino, c∏c s∂n ph»m Æ≠Óc Æ≠a ra nh≠ mÈt minh ch¯ng tuy÷t vÍi cho s˘ k’t hÓp hoµn h∂o gi˜a nät Æãp cÊ Æi”n cÔng h¨i thÎ hi÷n Æπi. S˘ trau chuËt, c«u k˙ trong tıng chi ti’t vµ thi’t k’ tinh t’, thanh lch sœ g©y †n t≠Óng vÌi bπn. ßÂng hµnh cÔng chÛng, chæc hºn bπn sœ xu†t hi÷n tr≠Ìc Æ∏m Æ´ng thÀt t˘ tin, sang tr‰ng vµ quy’n rÚ. Taken from Carlo Rino's stylish spring collection, the outfits feature a perfect combination between classical elegance and modern elements. The sophisticated details and graceful designs enhance further the definition of a feminine beauty. The wearer is ssure to stand out from the crowd with a confident, elegant, and charming look. Mua s∂n ph»m tr˘c tuy’n tπi Æa chÿ:




April 15 - 23

The Mist Show The Mist tells the story of a Southern Vietnamese farming life, expressed through neo-classic and contemporary dance by skifful artists. Writing in body language the stories of rice, a powerful symbol of Vietnam as a nation with agriculture root, the Mist is a grand metaphor of farmers' fate, from their misty dawn on the fields, their hardship, and will power to rise up from humble muddy soil to brace storms, to the the moment they arrive joyously like shining pearls at harvest. The show is an hour of emotions, with myriad ups and downs, painted by sensational live music, splendid visuals, colorful lighting effects, and nonchalant interaction with the audience. (SAIGON OPERA HOuSE *7 Lam Son Square, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Hotline: 0124 518 1188)


Showing on April 27

Avengers: Infinity War





o Manh Cuong is presenting an Exclusive Spring - Summer 2018 Collection this upcoming May to celebrate his 10th anniversary. Set in world-class intergrated resort complex Laguna Lang Co, the much anticipated show will take place in a magnificent and luxurious setting that incorporates amazing elements from nature. The resort was chosen to reflect Do Manh Cuong's unique journey in his attempts to find inner peace and serenity among the hustle and bustle of the modern world. (laGuNa laNG Co - hue *Cu Du Village, Loc Vinh Commune, Phu Loc District


*Tel: 0234 3695 881)

Wednesday evenings

The memory of Hoi An K˝ ¯c HÈi An is a fantastic performance that brings the audience back to the trade port of Hoi An in the 16th-17th century to capture the ups and downs of this historic town over a course of 400 years in history. Hoi An was once one of the major Asian trade hubs that welcomed traders from all over the world to its bustling streets. This outstanding enactment has been recognized by Vietnam Records (VietKings) as the biggest outdoor performance in Vietnam as well as the weekly performance with the highest number of participating performers. (HOI AN IMPRESSION THEME PARK *Cam Chau Ward, Cam Nam District, Hoi An *Hotline: 0936 717 090)

The blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War, which is directed by brothers Anthony and Joe Russo, is the biggest events the Marvel Cinematic Universe has ever offered, pulling together characters and clues from across the franchise. The past 10 years of Marvel Studio's huge run is finally culminating in a two-part Avengers epic that will rock audiences and change everything. Soon to be showing at CGV cinemas nationwide.


Following the footsteps of the sun A journey to India Written by a Vietnamese woman who decided to quit her 9-5 job, and leave her home country, to travel to distant lands with a one-way ticket. She undertook a pilgrimage to India, the place where the Buddha was known to become enlightened. The beautiful country was once home to the most splendid civilization, but is now probably the poorest and most dangerous place in the world. The book tells the story of the writer's journey to India, the people she met, their exceptional warmth, and affirms her belief in the goodness of human nature. Sold at Tiki bookstore at 60,000 VND.












Dµnh cho nh˜ng chµng trai y™u th›ch mµu xanh d≠¨ng, Æ∆c bi÷t th›ch hÓp trong cuÈc dπo ch¨i mÔa hÃ. Chÿ c«n mÈt v∏i m„n Æ ƨn gi∂n, bπn Æ∑ thÀt sΩn sµng cho nh˜ng chuy’n Æi cÒa m◊nh. For the guys who love the color of the ocean and endless summer trips. All you need is a few simple items for a care-free and ready-to-go look. 1, PRaDa Aviator-Style Gold-Tone Optical Glasses ( I 2, BELL & ROSS One-Of-A-Kind BR-X1 45mm Sapphire Crystal Watch With Rubber Strap ( I 3, LaCOSTE TENNIS Shell Baseball Cap ( I 4, NORSE PROJECTS Niels Striped Cotton-Terry T-Shirt (www. I 5, aDIDaS ORIGINaLS Handball Kreft Spezial Leather-Trimmed Suede Sneakers (www. I 6, WaNT LES ESSENTIELS O'Hare Leather-Trimmed Organic Cotton-Canvas Tote Bag (www. mrporter) I 7, BEaMS PLUS Slim-Fit Tapered Cotton-Blend Twill Drawstring Trousers ( TRAVELLIVE



BIÕU T¶úNG XA HOA CûA CUóC SˇNG TH¶úNG L¶U ßıng ngπc nhi™n n’u bπn nghe n„i tÌi c®n hÈ tr™n t«ng cao nh†t cÒa mÈt ta nhµ nµo Æ„ Æ≠Óc trang b rπp chi’u phim, sµn nh∂y bªng Æ∏ c»m thπch, h b¨i v´ tÀn vÌi m∏ng tr≠Ót n≠Ìc, v≠Ín hoa vµ phng ngÒ lÌn bªng di÷n t›ch cÒa hai s©n tennis... BÎi v◊ Æ„ lµ penthouse - hµng hi’m xa hoa chÿ dµnh cho giÌi si™u giµu. A penthouse is an apartment situated on the highest floor of an apartment building and equipped with the most luxurious features from private cinemas, to marble floors, to infinity pools with their own water slide, to flower gardens, and large bedrooms, all confined in a space sometimes as large as two tennis courts, making it the most decedent type of luxury accommodation.




ß≠Óc khai sinh tı nh˜ng n®m 20 cÒa th’ k˚ tr≠Ìc tπi thµnh phË New York trong bËi c∂nh n“n kinh t’ ph∏t tri”n mπnh mœ, c®n hÈ penthouse ngay khi Æ„ Æ∑ Æ≠Óc Æfinh danh lµ kh´ng gian sËng dµnh cho giÌi th≠Óng l≠u bÎi s˘ xa hoa vµ gi∏ trfi Ææt Æ· cÒa n„. Nh˜ng c®n hÈ nµy ph∏ vÏ m‰i quy tæc th´ng th≠Íng Æ” tπo n™n nh˜ng dinh th˘ si™u cao c†p Æ∏p ¯ng Æ≠Óc m‰i y™u c«u v“ kh´ng gian sËng Æ´ thfi th≠Óng ƺng, x¯ng t«m vÌi chÒ nh©n lµ nh˜ng ´ng trÔm tµi ch›nh ho∆c nh˜ng tµi phi÷t lıng danh. MÈt trong nh˜ng c®n hÈ penthouse Æ«u ti™n Æ≠Óc sÎ h˜u bÎi ´ng trÔm truy“n th´ng n≠Ìc M¸, ngµi Condä



Montrose Nast - cha ÆŒ cÒa tπp ch› Vogue vµ Vanity Fair danh ti’ng. C®n hÈ cÒa ´ng lµ mÈt penthouse duplex (th´ng 2 t«ng) c„ di÷n t›ch l™n tÌi 465m2, bao gÂm c∂ nh˜ng phflng ch¯c n®ng sang tr‰ng nh≠ phflng kh∏ch, phflng khi™u vÚ, th≠ vi÷n, th»m m¸ vi÷n... MÈt c®n hÈ penthouse Æ∏ng chÛ ˝ kh∏c Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ vµo n®m 1925 cho bµ Marjorie Merriweather Post, ng≠Íi s∏ng lÀp C´ng ty General Foods vµ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng phÙ n˜ giµu nh†t n≠Ìc M¸. C®n hÈ cÒa bµ Marjorie Merriweather Post chi’m toµn bÈ 3 t«ng cao nh†t cÒa toµ nhµ sË 1107 Fifth Avenue cÒa thµnh phË Manhattan. VÌi s©n th≠Óng bao quanh, 17 phflng tæm, 2 b’p, phflng r≠Óu vang, phflng l≠u

tr˜ hoa vµ l´ng thÛ, phflng ®n vÌi s¯c ch¯a 125 kh∏ch..., c®n hÈ nµy Æ≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ lµ ti™u chu»n vµng cho cuÈc sËng th≠Óng l≠u. Ngµy nay, c®n hÈ penthouse c„ th” Æ≠Óc t◊m th†y tr™n toµn th’ giÌi - tπi HÂng K´ng, London, Los Angeles vµ c∏c thµnh phË kh∏c. ChÒ nh©n cÒa nh˜ng c®n penthouse sang tr‰ng nh†t cÚng lµ nh˜ng t™n tuÊi lıng danh nh≠ TÊng thËng Donald Trump vÌi c®n penthouse d∏t vµng, di‘n vi™n hµi Amy Schumer, si™u m…u Gisele Bundchen hay ca s‹ Jennifer Lopez... D‹ nhi™n, trong c∂ tr®m n®m qua, ÆÈ "hot" cÒa penthouse ch≠a bao giÍ suy gi∂m vµ ti÷n nghi trong c®n hÈ cÚng ngµy cµng xa hoa h¨n.


One hundred years of honor he idea of a penthouse apartment was born in the 1920s, when economic growth brought a construction boom to New York City along with a high demand for luxurious apartments among the upper class. Penthouse apartments have gone beyond the normal concepts of living to become highend residences within metropolitan living spaces that are reserved for the most wealthy. One of the first penthouses was owned by American media magnate Condä Montrose Nast, the father of Vogue and Vanity Fair. His apartment was a penthouse duplex (two floors connecting) with an area of 465 m2 that included luxurious features such as a large function room, a ballroom, a library, and a beauty salon. Another notable penthouse was designed in 1925 for Marjorie Merriweather Post, the founder of General Foods and one of first truly rich women in America. Her penthouse apartment occupied the entire top three floors of the 1107 Fifth Avenue building in Manhattan, and included a rooftop, 17 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, a wine cellar, a flower and fur storage room, and a dining room for 125 guests. A luxurious penthouse apartment was considered the gold standard for an upper class life. Today, penthouse apartments can be found all over the world from Hong Kong, to London, to Los Angeles, and to most major cities around the world. The owners of the most luxurious penthouses are well-known names such as Donald Trump, or singer Jennifer Lopez. For the past one hundred years, the demand for luxurious penthouses has never ceased, and the standards are getting higher when it comes to extravagant penthouses that can provide their residents the ultimate in comfort and convenience. TRAVELLIVE


ßæt Æ· vµ hi’m hoi ß” sÎ h˜u mÈt c®n penthouse vÌi nh˜ng ti÷n nghi sang ch∂nh Æ’n vÀy th◊ d‹ nhi™n chÒ nh©n sœ ph∂i chi ra mÈt kho∂n cÚng Æ∏ng kinh ngπc kh´ng käm. Gi∏ trfi cÒa chÛng kh´ng t›nh bªng tri÷u USD mµ ph∂i t›nh bªng hµng chÙc tÌi hµng tr®m tri÷u USD. Nªm tr™n Æÿnh cÒa tfla nhµ Tour Odeon (Monaco), Million Sky Penthouse gÂm 5 t«ng l«u vµ rÈng 3.000m2 lµ c®n penthouse Ææt nh†t th’ giÌi hi÷n nay, trfi gi∏ 387 tri÷u USD. C®n hÈ c„ thi’t k’ gÂm ›t nh†t 5 phflng ngÒ, mÁi phflng nªm Î mÁi t«ng kh∏c nhau. N¨i nµy cÚng c„ mÈt t«ng dµnh Æ” tÀp nh∂y vµ hai h b¨i tr™n hai t«ng kh∏c nhau, th´ng nhau bªng mÈt Æ≠Íng tr≠Ót n≠Ìc. ß∆c bi÷t, tı vfi tr› tr™n cao cÒa Monaco, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c quang c∂nh cÒa French Riviera. MÈt penthouse kh∏c nªm tr™n Æÿnh tfla th∏p Î sË 220 Central Park South (New York) trfi gi∏ 250 tri÷u USD gÂm 4 t«ng l«u vµ c„ 5 ban c´ng nh◊n ra phong c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp cÒa c´ng vi™n Trung t©m - Central Park. VÌi 16 phflng ngÒ vµ 17 nhµ tæm, c®n hÈ nµy c„ nhi“u kh´ng gian Æ’n m¯c khi’n bπn kh´ng bi’t ph∂i ch‰n n¨i nµo Æ” ngÒ hay th≠ gi∑n. ßæt Æ· Æ’n vÀy nh≠ng ÆËi vÌi mÈt sË ng≠Íi th›ch ch¨i sang th◊ nh˜ng c®n penthouse nµy c„ s¯c h†p d…n thÀt kh„ c≠Ïng. BÎi kh´ng chÿ sÎ h˜u kh´ng gian sËng ti÷n nghi th≠Óng ƺng Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ nh≠ hfla vµo vÌi thi’t nhi™n, chÛng cfln c„ vfi tr› ÆÈc Æ∏o Î gi˜a t«ng kh´ng, n¨i chÒ nh©n c„ th” Æ≠a t«m mæt nh◊n ngæm c∂ th’ giÌi thu nh· ngay d≠Ìi ch©n m◊nh. B™n cπnh Æ„, dÔ Î thµnh phË nµo th◊ sË l≠Óng penthouse Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng cÚng c˘c k˙ hi’m hoi bÎi kh´ng ph∂i toµ nhµ cao t«ng nµo cÚng Æ∏p ¯ng ÆÒ Æi“u ki÷n Æ” thi’t k’ mÈt c®n penthouse tr™n t«ng n„c. S˘ khan hi’m nµy khi’n gi∏ trfi cÒa penthouse cµng Æ≠Óc n©ng t«m vµ buÈc nh˜ng ng≠Íi muËn sÎ h˜u chÛng ph∂i lao vµo cuÈc Æua kh´ng käm ph«n khËc li÷t. VÌi t†t c∂ nh˜ng ti™u ch› hµng Æ«u †y, penthouse giÍ Æ©y lµ bi”u t≠Óng sËng ÆÈng v“ vfi th’, ÆÈ chfiu ch¨i, gu th»m m¸ vµ s˘ giµu c„ cÒa giÌi si™u giµu.




o own a penthouse with the most luxurious of features, buyers often have to spend tremendous amounts of money to purchase them. The cost of a city penthouse could be up to hundreds of millions of US dollars.

Located on the top floor of the Odeon Tower in Monaco is the Million Sky Penthouse, which has 5 floors over a space of 3,000m2 is currently the world's most expensive penthouse, and is valued at 387 million USD. The penthouse features 5 bedrooms on all 5 levels, a ballroom on an entire floor, and two

swimming pools on two different floors connected by a water slide. From the penthouse's gorgeous rooftop, you can enjoy amazing views of the French Riviera. Another penthouse located on the top floor of 220 Central Park South in New York City is worth 250 million USD, which includes 4 floors and 5 balconies overlooking the stunning Central Park. With 16 bedrooms and 17 bathrooms, this apartment has so much space that you will have a hard time choosing where to sleep or relax. As expensive as these penthouses can be, they are much sought after by the most wealthy since they can

provide not only an extravagant living space with elements from nature, but also an unique location high up in the sky, and above noisy and crowded urban life where owners can enjoy breathtaking views of the world below them. The number of penthouses is, however, rather low since not all high-rise buildings can be built with a penthouse on top. This scarcity makes penthouses the most expensive apartments in the market, and forces those who want to own them into a fierce race. Penthouses have always reflected the status, style, and wealth of the super-rich. TRAVELLIVE


BÈ ∂ n h t h ˘c h i ÷n t π i k h u n ghÿ d≠Ïn g Duy™n Hµ - C am R an h / Phot os t ak en at Duyen H a - C am R a n h R e so rt

PHOTOGRAPHER: K˙ Anh Tr«n - PHOTOS RETOUCH: Tuart Wedding MODEL: Kim Dung - MUA: Mykool L - STYLIST: P´ng Chu»n CREATIVE PRODUCER: Kincoi - FASHION: Zara, Coast, Tr«n HÔng, Bold Bikini, 08 District ACCESSORIES: Juno, Lovisa, Hanta - LOCATION: Duyen Ha Resort Cam Ranh






Nµy, m∏i phË Æ∑ nhuÈm næng vµng. Næng l™n cÚng lµ khi ng≠Íi ng≠Íi xËn xang sæp x’p hµnh trang cho nh˜ng k˙ nghÿ dµi, tÀn h≠Îng ni“m vui chÿ c„ Æ≠Óc trong nh˜ng ngµy hà ch∏y b·ng. Chuy™n mÙc thÍi trang Th∏ng T≠ cÒa Travellive vÌi nh˜ng m…u thi’t k’ ph„ng kho∏ng vµ gÓi c∂m sœ lµ gÓi ˝ hoµn h∂o cho ph∏i Æãp trong chuy’n Æi tÌi. Th´ng qua bÈ ∂nh nµy, Travellive cÚng muËn chia sŒ vÌi bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi tπi mÈt Ëc Æ∂o xanh tr™n c∏t træng: Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Duy™n Hµ - Cam Ranh.

The seasons are changing into a splendid coat with colors of red from the flamboyant flowers and purple from the giant crape-myrtle flowers everywhere. Summer has finally arrived, making it the perfect time to start planning for your relaxing beach holidays and enjoy the beauty of the sunshine. Travellive's April fashion photo shoot brings you a number of stylish and attractive designs that you can easily wear to the beach this wonderful holiday season. We invite you to our amazing shooting location, a green oasis on the beautiful Cam Ranh Bay: Duyen Ha - Cam Ranh Resort.




Duy™n Hµ resort g©y †n t≠Óng vÌi thi’t k’ mang ÆÀm phong c∏ch É ß´ng vµ sˆ dÙng gÁ lµm vÀt li÷u chÒ Æπo trong trang tr› nÈi th†t. DUYEN HA RESORT FEATURES A STRONG ORIENTAL DESIGN, AND USES MOSTLY NATURAL WOOD IN ITS INTERIOR DECORATION TO CREATE A WARM AND COZY FEELING.




N’u Æ∑ m÷t sau hµng giÍ giÏn s„ng, du kh∏ch c„ th” nghÿ ng¨i vµ th≠Îng th¯c t∏ch trµ chi“u hay dÔng b˜a tπi c∏c nhµ hµng trong ∏nh ÆÃn xa hoa, lÈng l…y. AFTER SPENDING HOURS UNDER THE SUN AND IN THE SEA, GUESTS CAN RELAX, ENJOY A GREAT SELECTION OF AFTERNOON TEA, OR DINE IN LUXURY WITH THE RESORT’S FINEST RESTAURANTS.








BÈ ∂ n h t h ˘c h i ÷ n t π i k h u n g h ÿ d≠Ïn g Duy™n Hµ - C a m R an h / Phot os t ak en at Duyen Ha - C am R an h R esort

Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng 5 sao Duy™n Hµ - Cam Ranh sÎ h˜u 609 phflng Î vµ villa sang tr‰ng vÌi nh˜ng ti÷n nghi tho∂i m∏i nh†t. Du kh∏ch th›ch Æ≠Óc sËng gi˜a c∂nh quan thi™n nhi™n c„ th” l˘a ch‰n phflng nghÿ h≠Ìng v≠Ín, villa h≠Ìng h hay villa c„ b” b¨i ri™ng. THE FIVE-STAR ACCOMMODATION DUYEN HA - CAM RANH FEATURES 609 LUXURIOUS ROOMS AND VILLAS THAT OFFER THE MOST COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE FOR BOTH BUSINESS AND LEISURE TRAVELERS. GUESTS CAN CHOOSE AMONG GARDEN VIEW ROOMS, LAKE VIEW VILLAS, OR PRIVATE POOL VILLAS TO ENJOY THE SURROUNDING NATURAL LANDSCAPE.






Nªm ngay b™n vfinh Cam Ranh, Duy™n Hµ resort Æem tÌi cho du kh∏ch mÈt b∑i tæm bi”n t˘ nhi™n tuy÷t Æãp vÌi bÍ c∏t mfin, lµn n≠Ìc xanh thºm, trong væt. LOCATED ON THE FAMOUS SEASCAPE OF CAM RANH BAY, DUYEN HA RESORT OFFERS VISITORS ONE OF THE MOST PRISTINE BEACHES IN VIETNAM WITH PERFECTLY SMOOTH SAND AND SPARKLING BLUE WATER.




BÈ ∂ n h t h ˘c h i ÷ n t π i k h u n g h ÿ d≠Ïn g Duy™n Hµ - C a m R an h / Phot os t ak en at Duyen Ha - C am R an h R esort

ßi”m nh†n trong c∏c villa cÒa Duy™n Hµ Resort lµ phflng tæm lÈ thi™n mang lπi cho bπn c∂m gi∏c th≠ gi∑n vµ tho∂i m∏i nh†t. THE OPEN-AIR BATHROOMS FROM THE VILLAS ARE DESIGNED TO BRING YOU DEEP RELAXATION AND COMFORT.

D U Y E N H A R E SORT C A M RA NH Lot D9B, Block 3, Cam Hai Dong Commune, Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa Province -



travel Bµi vµ ∂nh: L˝ Thµnh C¨

Th∏p The Round, Copenhagen

N’u ch ÿ c „ m È t ngµy Î


Th◊ bπn c„ th” lµm Æ≠Óc v´ sË Æi“u tuy÷t vÍi Æ” kh∏m ph∏ tr‰n vãn thÒ Æ´ cÒa ßan Mπch. H∑y theo ch©n travel blogger L˝ Thµnh C¨ tÀn h≠Îng mÈt ngµy thÀt Æãp, tı nh˜ng n¨i t†p nÀp du kh∏ch Æ’n nh˜ng Æa Æi”m chÿ d©n Æa ph≠¨ng mÌi lui tÌi.


Nh˜ng hµng qu∏n nËi ti’p nhau d‰c theo con phË Toldbodgade B’n c∂ng Nyahvn

Qu∂ng tr≠Íng Î Æ≠Íng Stroget

BuÊi s∏ng dπo quanh Nyhavn, sËng tr™n tıng th≠Ìc phim cÒa "C´ g∏i ßan Mπch"

°n tr≠a Î Hallernes Smørrebrød, th≠Îng th¯c »m th˘c truy“n thËng ßan Mπch

N’u Æ∑ xem bÈ phim "C´ g∏i ßan Mπch" (Danish Girl), hºn bπn kh´ng kh„ nhÀn ra nh˜ng chi’c thuy“n neo b™n Nyahvn nµy. Nyhavn ngh‹a lµ "New Harbour" - b’n c∂ng mÌi - n¨i neo ÆÀu cÒa nhi“u thuy“n bÃ.

ß©y lµ m„n truy“n thËng Bæc ¢u hi’m hoi mµ t´i th†y ngon trong chuy’n Æi. Ban Æ«u, Smørrebrød lµ b˜a tr≠a cÒa n´ng d©n ßan Mπch, v“ sau d«n trÎ thµnh m„n ®n truy“n thËng phÊ bi’n cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Î ßan Mπch. ß©y lµ loπi b∏nh sandwich mÈt lÌp bao gÂm mÈt l∏t b∏nh m◊ rye, c∏ ho∆c thfit, rau, vµ n≠Ìc sËt r≠Ìi l™n tr™n cÔng. Vfi c„ lœ sœ h¨i nhπt, nh≠ng v◊ h∂i s∂n t≠¨i ngon n™n m„n nµy ÆÒ ti™u chu»n l†p Æ«y bao tˆ Æang Æ„i v◊ Æi dπo c∂ buÊi s∏ng cÒa bπn rÂi nhÿ!

ß∆c tr≠ng Î Nyhavn lµ hai b™n bÍ nÊi bÀt bÎi nh˜ng d∑y nhµ xinh Æãp ÆÒ mµu sæc. BÍ ph›a Bæc Æ≠Óc g‰i lµ Sunny Side vÌi nhi“u nhµ hµng, qu∏n bia vµ c∂... c©u lπc bÈ tho∏t y. BÍ ph›a Nam g‰i lµ Shady Side vÌi nhi“u cˆa hµng b∏n tour vµ cho thu™ xe Æπp. Nyhavn Bridge k’t nËi gi˜a bÍ Næng vµ bÍ TËi cÒa khu k™nh Ƶo Nyahvn. GiËng nh≠ Pont des Arts Î Paris, Æ©y lµ n¨i "th“ non hãn bi”n" cÒa nh˜ng c∆p y™u nhau bªng c∏ch gæn Ê kho∏ l™n c«u. Nh≠ng n’u bπn kh´ng c„ ng≠Íi y™u th◊ n™n Æi ra hµng kem Î bÍ Næng vµ g‰i cho m◊nh mÈt c©y kem thÀt ngon Æ” ®n Æi nhä, v◊ Æ´i khi Æ ®n cfln tuy÷t h¨n vi÷c c„ ng≠Íi y™u!

Bπn c„ th” t◊m th†y m„n nµy Î g«n nh≠ b†t k˙ nhµ hµng nµo tπi Copenhagen nh≠ng mÈt n¨i t´i Æ∑ ®n vµ chuy™n b∏n Smørrebrød lµ Hallernes Smørrebrød. Gi∏ cho mÈt ph«n Smørrebrød lµ 95 DKK tu˙ theo h≠¨ng vfi mµ bπn l˘a ch‰n. ßfia chÿ: Rømersgade 18, 1360 København, Denmark


HÄNH TRçNH ñ Hi÷n c„ nhi“u h∑ng hµng kh´ng khai th∏c Æ≠Íng bay nËi chuy’n tÌi Copenhagen. Bπn c„ th” nËi chuy’n v´ cÔng d‘ dµng vµ h«u nh≠ hµng ngµy v◊ Copenhagen lµ thµnh phË du lch nÊi ti’ng nh†t Bæc ¢u. Vä m∏y bay kh¯ hÂi tı Thµnh phË H Ch› Minh vµ Hµ NÈi tı 15.000.000 - 20.000.000 VNß tu˙ vµo mÔa, mÔa hà sœ c„ vä Ææt h¨n c∏c mÔa kh∏c. PH¶•NG TIåN DI CHUYÕN ñ Trong thµnh phË c„ xe bu˝t vµ metro. Bπn c„ th” mua metro pass 24h vÌi gi∏ 150 DKK tπi ga trung t©m. L≠u ˝, n’u kh´ng c„ pass vµ b ki”m tra sœ b phπt 750 DKK. ñ Bπn n™n t∂i ¯ng dÙng DOT Mobilbilletter tr™n App Store ho∆c Google Play Æ” mua vä tr˘c tuy’n n’u bπn tÌi Copenhagen mµ kh´ng g«n ga trung t©m. T†t nhi™n, h∑y chu»n b sΩn mÈt thŒ t›n dÙng Æ” mua vä nhä. ñ Ngoµi ra, bπn c„ th” c©n nhæc mua Copenhagen Card loπi 24 giÍ (59 euro), vÌi thŒ nµy bπn m∆c s¯c di chuy”n vÌi m‰i ph≠¨ng ti÷n, vµ cn Æ≠Óc vµo tham quan h¨n 80 Æi”m Æ’n trong thµnh phË mi‘n ph›. Nh≠ng theo m◊nh th†y, Æ” tÀn dÙng thŒ tËt, bπn n™n mua loπi 72 giÍ (89 euro) Æ” c„ th” tham quan Æa sË Æi”m mi‘n ph› mµ thŒ mang lπi. ñ N’u kh´ng muËn di chuy”n bªng metro hay xe bus, bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n xe Æπp Æ” kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË xinh Æãp nµy vÌi chi ph› t«m 74.50 DKK/ngµy. TI≈N Tå

°n no rÂi th◊ Æi "window shopping" Î Strøget th´i nhÿ? Strøget lµ con Æ≠Íng mua sæm s«m u†t nh†t Copenhagen, c∂ ng≠Íi b∂n Æfia l…n du kh∏ch Æ“u Æ’n Æ©y. Nh≠ng t†t nhi™n mÙc Æ›ch cÒa t´i kh´ng ph∂i lµ mua sæm n™n "window shopping" (ngh›a hµng) cÚng kh´ng c„ g◊ sai. ßi dπo quanh Strøget cÚng lµ c∏i thÛ v◊ Æ≠Óc ngæm nh◊n nh˜ng c®n nhµ c„ lËi ki’n trÛc ßan Mπch xinh Æãp. ßfia chÿ: Strøget, København, Denmark

BuÊi chi“u th≠ th∂ cµ ph™ tr™n t«ng cao nh†t cÒa trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi ILLUM 0


Original Coffee t‰a lπc tr™n t«ng cao nh†t cÒa ILLUM, mÈt trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi nh◊n hºn ra khu phË mua sæm nhÈn nhfip nh†t Copenhagen qua Æ≠Íng Strøget. H∑y ghä qua Æ©y vµ l™n t«ng cao nh†t, g‰i mÈt ly chocolate n„ng vµ ngæm dflng ng≠Íi Æang hËi h∂ d≠Ìi qu∂ng tr≠Íng b™n d≠Ìi. ß©y hºn lµ tr∂i nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi Æ≠Óc t∏ch kh·i Æ∏m Æ´ng trong gi©y l∏t. ßfia chÿ: Illum, Østergade 52, 1001 København K, Denmark

LÈi bÈ l™n Rundetaarn ngæm toµn c∂nh Copenhagen trong hoµng h´n r˘c rÏ Rundetaarn (cfln g‰i The Round Tower) lµ mÈt toµ nhµ vÌi c«u thang xoæn Ëc, mÈt ng‰n th∏p sıng s˜ng

ñ Tπi ßan Mπch, m‰i ng≠Íi sˆ dÙng ÆÂng Krone ßan Mπch (DKK). 1 DKK = 3.700 VNß. N’u chÿ Î ngæn ngµy, t´i khuy™n n™n sˆ dÙng thŒ v◊ Î ßan Mπch m‰i th¯ Æ“u quãt thŒ, r†t ti÷n lÓi. Bπn n™n sˆ dÙng ng©n hµng quËc gia, tÿ gi∏ quy ÆÊi sœ th†p h¨n.

Î trung t©m Copenhagen, c„ tı th’ k˚ 17 tÌi nay. Ban Æ«u toµ th∏p Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng bÎi Christian IV vÌi mÙc Æ›ch lµm Ƶi quan s∏t thi™n v®n. ßi”m Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa Rundetaarn lµ mÈt c«u thang xoæn Ëc c„ th” dÔng xe ng˘a Æ” chπy l™n tr™n Æÿnh. Ngµy nay, Rundetaarn lµ Æi”m cao nh†t trong trung t©m thµnh phË cho phäp bπn nh◊n ngæm c∂ Copenhagen nhÈn nhfip. BuÊi chi“u næng vµng r˘c rÏ lµ thÍi Æi”m th›ch hÓp Æ” l™n Æ©y th≠Îng ngoπn. ßfia chÿ: Købmagergade 52A, 1150 København, Denmark

BuÊi chi“u næng vµng r˘c rÏ lµ thÍi Æi”m th›ch hÓp Æ” l™n Rundetaarn th≠Îng ngoπn. ß©y lµ Æi”m cao nh†t trong trung t©m thµnh phË cho phäp bπn nh◊n ngæm c∂ Copenhagen nhÈn nhfip



BuÊi chi“u Î Nyhavn

C«u Nyahvn vÌi nh˜ng Ê kh„a cÒa c∏c c∆p Æ´i



MÈt sπp hµng h„a Î chÓ Torvehallnerne


Copenhagen lµ "thµnh phË xe Æπp", nh≠ng tÀn mæt ch¯ng ki’n "giÍ cao Æi”m" toµn xe Æπp hºn lµ mÈt c∂nh t≠Óng kh„ phai ßi chÓ Æa ph≠¨ng Torvehallnerne H´m nay, t´i ghä qua "si™u chÓ" Torvehallnerne tπi Copenhagen, n¨i kh´ng c„ b„ng du kh∏ch, Æ” kh∏m ph∏ c∏ch ®n uËng vµ mua sæm cÒa ng≠Íi ßan Mπch nh≠ th’ nµo. T´i vËn c„ th„i quen muËn t◊m hi”u nh˜ng g◊ kh´ng bfi ∂nh h≠Îng nhi“u bÎi du kh∏ch vµ muËn c„ tr∂i nghi÷m cho ri™ng m◊nh. May mæn, h´m nay t´i Æ≠Óc mÈt bπn ng≠Íi Vi÷t sËng Î ßan Mπch 10 n®m d…n Æi n™n mÌi kh∏m ph∏ Æ≠Óc khu chÓ hay ho nµy. Torvehallnerne chia thµnh 3 khu v˘c ch›nh: khu th˘c ph»m t≠¨i, khu ngoµi trÍi, vµ khu »m th˘c. MÁi khu ÆÒ Æ” phÙc vÙ nhu c«u cho tıng ng≠Íi Æ’n th®m. N’u Æang Æ„i bÙng, h∑y ghä khu »m th˘c vÌi nh˜ng m„n ®n quËc t’ vµ ßan Mπch Æ∆c tr≠ng. N’u muËn mua quµ, bπn cÚng c„ th” ghä khu th˘c ph»m t≠¨i, n¨i b∏n chocolate, gia vfi cÒa ßan Mπch tuy÷t vÍi. LÍi khuy™n cÒa t´i, bπn n™n mua chocolate Summer Bird tπi Æ©y, mÈt nh∑n chocolate hoµn toµn organic nÊi ti’ng cÒa ßan Mπch mµ ai cÚng ph∂i thˆ.

K’t thÛc ngµy, ngæm giÍ cao Æi”m tπi Copenhagen Ai cÚng bi’t rªng, Copenhagen lµ "thµnh phË xe Æπp". Nh≠ng tÀn mæt ch¯ng ki’n "giÍ cao Æi”m" toµn xe Æπp æt hºn lµ mÈt c∂nh t≠Óng kh„ phai. Xe Æπp tπi Copenhagen lµ mÈt ph≠¨ng ti÷n giao th´ng quan tr‰ng vµ mÈt Æi”m nh†n nÊi bÀt cÒa c∂nh quan thµnh phË. Thµnh phË cung c†p nhi“u Æi“u ki÷n Æi xe Æπp thuÀn lÓi nh≠: kho∂ng c∏ch ngæn vµ Æfia h◊nh bªng phºng cÔng vÌi mÈt h÷ thËng chu tr◊nh rÈng r∑i vµ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ tËt. ßi“u nµy Æ∑ lµm cho Copenhagen nÊi ti’ng lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng thµnh phË th©n thi÷n nh†t vÌi xe Æπp tr™n th’ giÌi.

ñ Visa Æ” vµo ßan Mπch lµ visa Schengen ∏p dÙng cho 26 n≠Ìc trong khËi Schengen. ThÒ tÙc visa bπn c„ th” nghi™n c¯u tπi l∑nh s˘ qu∏n ßan Mπch. V◊ s˘ thuÀn ti÷n cÒa visa nµy, bπn c„ th” k’t hÓp hµnh tr◊nh cÒa m◊nh ghä th®m nh˜ng n≠Ìc l©n cÀn nh≠ Na Uy, Thu˛ ßi”n hay ߯c. CHI PHê CHO CHUY⁄N ßI ñ ßan Mπch vµ Æ∆c bi÷t lµ Copenhagen t≠¨ng ÆËi Ææt Æ·, chi ph› kh∏ch sπn lµ 1.200.000 VNß - 1.500.000 VNß/Æ™m, ®n uËng t«m 1.000.000 VNß/ngµy, di chuy”n lµ 566.000 VNß/ngµy cho metro pass 24h. MÁi ngµy bπn sœ ph∂i ti™u xµi tı 3.000.000 VNß. Nh≠ng Æi“u ≠ng ˝ lµ nh˜ng Æi”m tham quan tπi Copenhagen Æa sË lµ mi‘n ph›, trı khi bπn muËn tham gia c∏c tour trong ngµy. THòI GIAN CHO CHUY⁄N ßI ñ Copenhagen kh´ng ph∂i lµ thµnh phË qu∏ lÌn, nh≠ng Æ” th≠ th∂, bπn n™n dµnh 3 ngµy Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m thÒ Æ´ ßan Mπch xinh Æãp nµy. THòI ßIÕM N£N ß⁄N COPENHAGEN ñ MÔa th›ch hÓp Æ” ghä Copenhagen lµ mÔa xu©n, mÔa hà vÌi nhi÷t ÆÈ m∏t mŒ kh´ng qu∏ lπnh. Nhi÷t ÆÈ tı 10 - 15 ÆÈ, ho∆c cao nh†t 25 ÆÈ vµo mÔa hÃ. ñ Th∏ng t≠, th∏ng n®m, th∏ng s∏u lµ thÍi Æi”m tuy÷t nh†t Æ” kh∏m ph∏ Copenhagen nh≠ng bπn sœ ph∂i ÆËi m∆t vÌi l≠Óng du kh∏ch Æ´ng ÆÛc. N’u y™u th›ch Copenhagen væng l∆ng, thanh b◊nh h¨n vµ kh´ng ngπi lπnh th◊ th∏ng hai, th∏ng ba lµ thÍi Æi”m dµnh cho bπn. CÉC TOUR TH@ Vë N£N TH^ ñ Canal Tours' Grand Tour Copenhagen: l˝ do n™n sˆ dÙng tour nµy v◊ bπn sœ Æ≠Óc kh∏m ph∏ Copenhagen tr™n m∆t n≠Ìc,

Æi qua nh˜ng k™nh Ƶo cÊ tπi thµnh phË nµy. ßi“u Æ∆c bi÷t h¨n lµ tour nµy mi‘n ph› khi bπn sÎ h˜u Copenhagen Card. N’u kh´ng c„ thŒ nµy th◊ chi ph› lµ 80 DKK/ng≠Íi. ñ Kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË tr™n xe Æπp cÔng Cycling Embassy of Denmark: n’u Æ∑ kh∏m ph∏ Copenhagen tr™n m∆t n≠Ìc th◊ bæt buÈc bπn ph∂i dÔng xe Æπp Æ” kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË nµy. C∂m gi∏c sˆ dÙng loπi ph≠¨ng ti÷n phÊ bi’n nh†t Copenhagen lµ c∂m gi∏c tuy÷t vÍi nh†t. Chi ph›: lµ 4.000 DKK/15 ng≠Íi CÉC MïN NGON N£N TH^ ñ Rød pølse: m„n xÛc x›ch ßan Mπch nµy ngon Æ’n nao lng, bπn c„ th” t◊m th†y Î g«n khu chÓ trÍi Î Nyhavn mÁi buÊi chi“u tËi. Smørrebrød: lµ m„n b∏nh truy“n thËng cÒa n´ng d©n ßan Mπch mµ t´i c„ giÌi thi÷u Î tr™n, vµ Æ©y lµ mÈt sË Æa chÿ mua m„n nµy dµnh cho bπn. Selma, Vesterbrogade, 97A, Copenhagen, Denmark Frederik VI, Frederiksberg Allä 42A, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 33 31 33 38 ñ Fløskesteg: m„n tht ®n cÔng sandwich nµy lu´n Æ≠Óc dÔng vµo dp Gi∏ng Sinh tπi ßan Mπch. Loπi tht th≠Íng Æ≠Óc dÔng lµ tht heo, cÔng l∏ Æinh h≠¨ng vµ nhi“u gia v kh∏c. ß” th≠Îng th¯c h≠¨ng v tuy÷t vÍi cÒa m„n nµy bπn c„ th” tÌi b†t k˙ nhµ hµng truy“n thËng nµo tπi Nyhvan. ñ Fiskefrikadeller: lπi mÈt m„n ®n "quËc hÂn quËc tu˝" n˜a Æ„ lµ b∏nh c∏. T≠¨ng t˘ vÌi Fløskesteg, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c m„n nµy Î b†t k˙ nhµ hµng truy“n thËng tπi trung t©m ßan Mπch ho∆c food court Î Tivoli.

MÁi ngµy, ng≠Íi d©n Î Æ©y Æπp xe tÊng cÈng 1,2 tri÷u km, vÌi 36% cÒa t†t c∂ c∏c c´ng d©n Æi lπi Æ’n n¨i lµm vi÷c, tr≠Íng h‰c ho∆c Æπi h‰c bªng xe Æπp. GiÍ cao Æi”m Î Æ©y sœ kh´ng nghe th†y ti’ng cfli xe ·m t·i, mµ sœ nghe nh˜ng chi’c b∏nh xe Æπp l®n vÛt qua. Hay Æ´i khi c„ nh˜ng ti’ng "ting ting" thanh tao tı xe Æπp l™n ti’ng xin Æ≠Íng tı ng≠Íi Æi bÈ.




Text and photos: Ly Thanh Co

A day is probably all you need to explore all of Denmark's capital. Let us follow the steps of travel blogger Ly Thanh Co on a beautiful sunny day to visit Copenhagen's most popular attrations and less frequented places around the city.



ExploRE NyhavN, thE film loCatioN of "thE DaNish GiRl"


t is easy to recognize the stunning backdrops of Nyhavn from the Oscarwinning movie "The Danish Girl". Nyhavn, which means "New Harbor" in Danish, is one of the most iconic places in Copenhagen, and was once known for its maritime life. The historic habor is lined with brightly colored townhouses on the northern side or "sunny side" featuring numerous restaurants, beer taverns, and even strip clubs, while the southern side or "shady side" is filled with tourism offices and bicycle rental shops. The Nyhavn Bridge links the "sunny side" to the "shady side", and crosses the Nyhavn Canal. Much like the Pont des Arts in Paris, this is the place where lovey-dovey couples come to profess their love for one another by leaving a love lock on the bridge. If you travel alone, grab an ice cream and enjoy the habor's picturesque setting on the sunny side, as food sometimes can be your best travel companion!

ENjoy tRaDitioNal DaNish CuisiNE Smørrebrød is one of the most delicious Nordic specialties I have tried during my trip. Originally a Danish farmer's lunch, Smørrebrød gradually became a popular national dish in Denmark. The food is an open sandwich that consists of a slice of buttered rye bread, and a topping of fish or meat, and vegetables with sauces drizzled on top. Personally, I find its taste a little bland, but the freshness of the seafood more than makes

up for it. Smørrebrød can be a perfect dish to cure your hunger when you have been out walking all morning! You can find this amazing dish almost anywhere in Copenhagen. I had mine at the Hallernes Smørrebrød, a specialty shop for Smørrebrød. The price for a serving of Smørrebrød is around 95 DKK (356,000 VND) depending on the toppings of your choice. Address: Rømersgade 18, 1360 København, Denmark TRAVELLIVE

i did not intend to do any shopping, so i decided to take a stroll around the area, WiNDoW shoppiNG iN stRØGEt Strøget is considered the largest shopping street in Copenhagen, and is popular with both locals and visitors alike. I did not intend to do any shopping, so I decided to take a stroll around the area, which I enjoyed immensely since Strøget offers you the most astounding of Danish architecture. Address: Strøget, København, Denmark


ENjoy amaziNG viEWs of CopENhaGEN at thE RuNDEtaaRN The Rundetaarn (Round Tower in English) is a tower located in the heart of Copenhagen that dates back to the 17th century. Originally built as an astronomical observatory by Christian IV, the most notable feature about Rundetaarn is that instead of stairs, it uses a spiral ramp to allow a horse and carriage to reach the top of the tower.

GET THERE ñ Many airlines provide connecting flights to Copenhagen. It is quite easy to fly to Copenhagen since this the most popular tourist destination in Europe. Return tickets from Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi cost around 15 million to 20 million VND, depending on which season you travel, and are more expensive in summer. GET AROUND ñ You can take the city's buses and metro. A 24-hour metro pass costs 150 DKK (566,000 VND), and can be purchased at the central station. A fine of 750 DKK (2.8 million VND) is issued if you don't travel with a pass.

which i enjoyed immensely since strøget offers you the most astounding of Danish architecture

ñ You can download the DOT Mobilbilletter app on App Store or Google Play to buy mobile tickets for short journeys, if you are nowhere near the central station in Copenhagen. Have your credit card ready for the purchase.

he Rundetaarn is, today, the highest standing point in Copenhagen that offers expansive views of the city below. A good time to visit the tower is in late afternoon, when you can admire the city view and watch the sunset at the same time. Address: Købmagergade 52A, 1150 København, Denmark

ENjoy aN aftERNooN DRiNk fRom aBovE

ñ You can buy a 24-hour Copenhagen Card (59 euro), which allows you to travel on all transportation means, and visit more than 80 attractions in the city for free. A 72-hour Card (89 euro) is recommended if you want to have more time visiting the attractions.

Original Coffee is located on the top floor of ILLUM, a premium department paradise in Copenhagen that offers everything from fashion and beauty to home däcor. Visitors are recommended to drop by, order a hot chocolate, and enjoy breathtaking views of the bustling city below. It was a wonderful experience for me to get away from the crowds for a moment, and truly enjoy myself.

ñ You can also hire a bike to explore this beautiful city for 74.50 DKK a day.

Address: Illum, Østergade 52, 1001 København K, Denmark TRAVELLIVE

visit loCal maRkEt toRvEhallERNE orvehallerne is an exciting local market in Copenhagen that you must visit. The market is filled with mostly locals instead of tourists, and is where you can truly experience the culinary and shopping style of the Danish people. I would not have discovered this amazing market, if not for my friend who has lived in Denmark for 10 years. Torvehallerne has two main halls that specialize in different types of fresh groceries, small restaurants, take out places, and a huge open area to meet the diverse needs of its visitors. Visit the market's gourmet dining area to taste the most exquisite international and Danish specialties. You can also buy amazing Danish chocolate and spices here. Summer Bird is a famous organic chocolate brand in Denmark, and is a must try for all who visit. Traveles like riding bicycles in Copenhagen.

WatCh thE Rush houRs iN CopENhaGEN Copenhagen is widely known as a bicycle heaven, and watching the bikes at rush hours is an unique experience that you will not find elsewhere. Bicycles in Copenhagen have always been the dominant from of transportation, and are a remarkable highlight of the cityscape. The city of Copenhagen is known to provide all kinds of efficient cycling infrastructure to ensure their cyclists are happy, making Copenhagen one of the most bicycle friendly cities in the world. Every day, people in Copenhagen ride a total distance of 1.2 million km with 36% of the cycling distance is to work, schools, or colleges. At rush hours, you will not find the annoying sound of cars honk, but the swift rolling sound of the wheels that pass by, or the soft "ting ting" sound from bikes to warn pedestrians. CURRENCY ñ The Krone is the official currency of Denmark. 1 DKK = 3,700 VND. If only staying for a short time, swiping cards is recommended since everything can be purchased by card in Denmark. The exchange rate will be lower if you use a national bank. Just be sure to let your bank know that you'll be travelling abroad or else they might freeze your account thinking someone has stolen your card. VISA ñ You can apply for a Schengen visa which allows you to enter 26 Schengen countries. Information on the visa application you can find at the Danish Consulate. Do try to combine other destinations such as Norway, Sweden, or Germany in your itinerary. EXPENSE ñ Denmark and especially Copenhagen are relatively expensive. Your hotel


accommodation can cost 1.2 million - 1.5 million VND a night, meals 1 million a day, transportaion 566,000 VND a day for the 24h metro pass, making a total expense of 3 million VND a day. Admission to most attractions in Copenhagen however are free, unless you want to book a day tour. TRIP DURATION ñ Copenhagen is not a particular large city, but to make the most of your time, you should spend at least 3 days to truly experience the amazing capital. TIME TO TRAVEL ñ The best season to visit Copenhagen is in spring and summer. The average temperature ranges from 10-15 degrees, and at their highest is 25 degrees in the summer. April, May, and June are the best times to explore Copenhagen, but the city will be filled with tourists. If you prefer a quieter Copenhagen, and are

not afraid of colder temperatures, February and March are ideal times to travel. MUST-TRY TOURS ñ The Canal Tours' Grand Tour Copenhagen is a wonderul way of seeing Copenhagen, where you get to experience the idyllic harbors, and canals of the city. The tour is free if you have purchased a Copenhagen Card, if not, the price is 80 DKK per person. ñ Book a Guided Bike Tour with the Cycling Embassy of Denmark. If you have been on a canal tour to see Copenhagen, you must also hire a bike to explore this amazing city, where bicycles are the most widely used form of transportation. The cost for the guided bike tour is 4,000 DKK with a maximum of 15 participants per guide. Visit for more information. FOOD TO TRY

ñ Rød pølse: This delicous brightly red Danish sausage is a must-try, and you can find it at the flea market in Nyhavn in late afternoon. ñ Smørrebrød: A traditional Danish open sandwich that was mentioned above. Here are some of the addresses where you can order it. Selma, Vesterbrogade, 97A, Copenhagen, Denmark Frederik VI, Frederiksberg Allä 42A, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 33 31 33 38 ñ Fløskesteg: This Danish version of roast pork is often enjoyed at Christmas dinners in Denmark. The pork is marinated with cloves and other spices. You can order this amazing dish at any traditional restaurants in Nyhvan. Fiskefrikadeller: This national dish is a type of fish cake, that you can also enjoy at any traditional restaurants in Denmark, or food courts in Tivoli.

Shopping Mall at Stroget

Smørrebrød - a traditional Danish open sandwich

Ice Cream shop it Nyahvn

Flower market at Torvehallnerne TRAVELLIVE

Trong hµnh tr◊nh 21 ngµy Î Ai CÀp, chÛng t´i dµnh ra ba ngµy Æ” th∏m hi”m Ëc Æ∂o Siwa. ß” Æ’n Ëc Æ∂o, h«u nh≠ chÿ c„ mÈt ph≠¨ng ti÷n lµ xe bu˝t, m†t h¨n 11 ti’ng cho qu∑ng Æ≠Íng g«n 600 km tı thÒ Æ´ Cairo. ˇc Æ∂o tr™n sa mπc r†t giËng nh≠ mÈt hfln Æ∂o gi˜a bi”n kh¨i, t∏ch bi÷t vÌi cuÈc sËng hi÷n Æπi n¨i Ɔt li“n. Ngµy x≠a, Æ” b®ng qua sa mπc, ng≠Íi ta ph∂i Æi thµnh tıng Æoµn, mang theo thÀt nhi“u l≠¨ng th˘c, n≠Ìc uËng. C∏c thµnh vi™n ph∂i mÈt m˘c nghe theo lÍi "thuy“n tr≠Îng", v◊ mÈt khi Æ∑ ra sa mπc, b†t tu©n l÷nh c„ th” d…n Æ’n c∏i ch’t do nh˜ng sai l«m ngÌ ng»n cÒa b∂n th©n. ß´i khi, Æoµn l˜ hµnh kh´ng may g∆p nh˜ng phi’n qu©n, bfi c≠Ìp b„c ho∆c t÷ h¨n lµ m†t mπng. Cfln nay th◊ chÿ c«n mua mÈt vä xe bu˝t lµ Æ’n n¨i. Siwa gi∏p vÌi Lybia v“ ph›a T©y vµ ph›a Bæc lµ ßfia Trung H∂i. ß’n n¨i cÚng lµ lÛc trÍi vıa tÍ mÍ s∏ng. ChÛng t´i thu™ mÈt b∏c xe th chÎ c∂ nh„m v“ kh∏ch sπn, Æ∏nh mÈt gi†c Æ∑ ÆÍi sau chuy’n xe dµi vµ u” o∂i. Bæt Æ«u dÀy tı tr≠a, ®n uËng rÂi lao ngay ra Æ≠Íng vÌi chi’c m∏y ∂nh tr≠Ìc ng˘c.


GIUA ÔC ÐAO SIWA, ÐÊM NGU LÊU SA MAC Sau c©u chuy÷n mang sæc mµu huy“n thoπi v“ ng≠Íi Æ∏nh c∏ tr™n dng s´ng Li (Trung QuËc), l«n nµy travel blogger T©m BÔi sœ trÎ lπi bªng hµnh tr◊nh Æ’n x¯ sÎ cÒa c∏c Pharaoh vÌi tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ gi˜a sa mπc c´ ƨn Siwa, "l∑nh Æa" cÒa ng≠Íi Berber Î Ai CÀp. Bµi vµ ∂nh: T©m BÔi



∏ng chi“u nhuËm vµng ph∏o Ƶi cÊ 700 n®m tuÊi ChÛng t´i leo l™n Æÿnh cao nh†t cÒa ph∏o Ƶi Shali (Shali Fortress) Æ” chi™m ng≠Ïng toµn c∂nh Ëc Æ∂o lÛc hoµng h´n. ˇc Æ∂o Æ≠Óc bao quanh bÎi t«ng t«ng lÌp lÌp c©y chµ lµ. Tr™n Ëc Æ∂o nµy, Æi Æ©u t´i cÚng c„ th” bæt g∆p tr∏i chµ lµ ch›n rÙng Æ«y tr™n Æ≠Íng. Chµ lµ tr´ng giËng c©y c‰ nh≠ng l∏ m∂nh h¨n. Tr∏i m‰c thµnh buÂng nh≠ cau, nh≠ng nh· h¨n tr∏i cau. Khi ch›n mµu sÀm lπi, t≠¨m ra nhi“u Æ≠Íng vµ thfit nhi“u bÈt. ChÛng t´i ngµy nµo cÚng nh∆t chµ lµ rÙng tr≠Ìc cˆa phflng kh∏ch sπn Æ” ®n mÈt c∏ch th›ch thÛ. N¨i Æ≠Óc v› nh≠ hfln ng‰c cÒa Siwa c„ lœ kh´ng du kh∏ch nµo muËn b· qua khi Æ’n Ëc Æ∂o, Æ„ lµ ph∏o Ƶi cÊ Shali (Shali Fortress). Ph∏o Ƶi Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng vµo th’ kÿ 13 bªng hÁn hÓp muËi tı mÈt h n≠Ìc g«n Siwa, Æ∏ vµ Ɔt sät. V◊ sa mπc g«n nh≠ kh´ng c„ m≠a n™n hÁn hÓp vÀt li÷u nµy mÌi c„ th” tÂn tπi b“n v˜ng qua thÍi gian. ChÛng t´i ph∂i m†t g«n 20 phÛt Æ” leo tı d≠Ìi l™n Æÿnh ph∏o Ƶi. Nh≠ng Æ” c„ g„c nh◊n Æãp nh†t, chÛng t´i cfln ph∂i leo l™n ng‰n ÆÂi c∏ch Æ„ kho∂ng 2 km. BuÊi chi“u, thµnh qu∏ch cÚ k¸ ngÀp trong ∏nh næng nhuÈm vµng. L∏c Æ∏c c„ vµi hÈ gia Æ◊nh dÔng mÈt ph«n cÒa thµnh lµm nhµ Î ho∆c lµm n¨i b∏n quµ l≠u ni÷m cho du kh∏ch. DÔ lµ mÈt vÔng Ɔt nªm ch¨i v¨i gi˜a sa mπc, Ëc Æ∂o v…n tÂn tπi s˘ sËng nhÍ c„ nhi“u mπch n≠Ìc ng«m t˘ phun l™n mÁi ngµy. ßi“u nµy lµm t´i v´ cÔng hi’u k˙. Anh h≠Ìng d…n vi™n ng≠Íi Ai CÀp Æ∑ chÎ chÛng t´i Æ’n mÈt h n≠Ìc. B™n cπnh T∏c gi∂ Ưng Æ„ lµ mÈt mπch n≠Ìc tr™n Æÿnh cao ng«m Æang phun l™n nh†t cÒa Ph∏o kh·i m∆t Ɔt. Ƶi Shali TRAVELLIVE


HÄNH TRçNH ñ Tı TP. HCM, bπn ph∂i qu∏ c∂nh tπi s©n bay Abu Dhabi, sau Æ„ mÌi bay nËi chuy’n Æ’n Cairo. C„ nhi“u h∑ng hµng kh´ng Æ” bπn l˘a ch‰n, trong Æ„ Etihad lµ h∑ng c„ m¯c gi∏ m“m nh†t. N’u mua vä sÌm tı tr≠Ìc kho∂ng mÈt th∏ng, bπn sœ c„ m¯c gi∏ tËt, kho∂ng 850 USD cho vä kh¯ hÂi. ñ Tı Cairo Æ’n Siwa, bπn ti’p tÙc Æi xe bu˝t gh’ ngÂi, mÈt ph≠¨ng ti÷n phÊ bi’n nh†t cho hµnh tr◊nh nµy. Hµnh tr◊nh kh∏ v†t v∂ v◊ ph∂i ngÂi xe m†t 11 ti’ng, Æ≠Íng lπi kh´ng tËt læm. VISA Visa Ai CÀp Æ≠Óc c†p cho kh∏ch du lch Vi÷t Nam thÒ tÙc ƨn gi∂n, nh≠ng chÿ c†p tπi Hµ NÈi. N’u bπn Î TP. HCM n™n ch‰n dch vÙ lµm visa hÈ tπi Hµ NÈi Æ” ti’t ki÷m thÍi gian vµ chi ph› Æi lπi. L÷ ph› 30 USD/ng≠Íi. TRÅI NGHIåM ßóC ßÉO ñ C„ mÈt tour ÆÈc Æ∏o nh†t Î Siwa lµ cæm trπi ngÒ lπi Æ™m tr™n sa mπc. Tour nµy Æ≠Óc vÀn hµnh bÎi mÈt c´ng ty du lch cÒa Ai CÀp, bπn c„ th” xem th´ng tin tπi kh∏ch sπn cÒa m◊nh. Chi ph› kho∂ng 45 USD/ng≠Íi cho tour ngÒ lπi sa mπc mÈt Æ™m. C„ xe ri™ng Æ≠a Æ„n v“ tÀn kh∏ch sπn. ô sa mπc chÿ n™n ngÒ lπi mÈt Æ™m lµ ÆÒ v◊ Æ™m sa mπc cÚng kh´ng c„ hoπt ÆÈng g◊ kh∏c ngoµi ÆËt lˆa, ®n gµ n≠Ìng vµ ngæm sao. ¬M TH#C ñ Th¯c ®n Î Ai CÀp c„ h≠¨ng v h¨i kh„ ®n ÆËi vÌi ng≠Íi Vi÷t. N™n nh„m chÛng t´i hay t◊m nh˜ng nhµ hµng nh· c„ Æ´ng kh∏ch T©y Æ” vµo. Kinh nghi÷m cho th†y chÁ nµo kh∏ch T©y ®n Æ≠Óc th◊ chÁ Æ„ h‰ lµm th¯c ®n kh»u v quËc t’, t¯c lµ kh´ng qu∏ Æa ph≠¨ng Æ” ai cÚng c„ th” ®n Æ≠Óc. CHI PHê HÄNH TRçNH ñ Nh„m chÛng t´i Æi Ai CÀp trong 21 ngµy, tÊng chi ph› ®n uËng, Æi lπi, tham quan, kh∏ch sπn lµ 45 tri÷u ÆÂng/ng≠Íi. Trung b◊nh mÈt ngµy mÁi ng≠Íi ti™u h’t 2,1 tri÷u ÆÂng.



1 2

1, Ng≠Íi d©n b∏n nhi“u quµ l≠u ni÷m hai b™n Æ≠Íng l™n Æÿnh cÒa Shali Fortress - 2, Nh˜ng c©y chµ lµ tr‹u qu∂ - 3, Nh˜ng Ưa trŒ sinh sËng tr™n Ëc Æ∂o

Ng≠Íi d©n hay tÀp trung lπi Æ©y Æ” tæm m∏t vµo mÁi buÊi tr≠a. Hai b™n h n≠Ìc, ng≠Íi Berber trÂng hoa mµu Æ” duy tr◊ cuÈc sËng theo ki”u t˘ cung t˘ c†p cÒa tÊ ti™n h‰ tı nhi“u th’ k˚ qua.

Ëng ÆÍi du mÙc gi˜a trÍi Æ™m sa mπc ChÛng t´i thu™ mÈt chi’c xe Æfia h◊nh 4WD c„ ng≠Íi l∏i, theo dfich vÙ cÒa kh∏ch sπn, chÎ c∂ nh„m dπo quanh sa mπc Æ” ngæm hoµng h´n. M∆t trÍi xuËng nh≠ mÈt ch∂o lˆa tr™n nh˜ng ÆÙn c∏t xa xa. ß™m Æ„, chÛng t´i ngÒ lπi tπi khu trπi dµnh cho kh∏ch du lfich gi˜a sa mπc. Nhi÷t ÆÈ b™n ngoµi xuËng r†t th†p, chÿ cfln 7-8 ÆÈ C. BÙng Æ„i cÂn cµo, chÛng t´i Æ’n b™n ÆËng lˆa s≠Îi †m vµ ÆÓi m„n gµ n≠Ìng. Gµ Ëc Æ∂o Æ≠Óc cho vµo mÈt

thÔng phi bªng sæt, ÆÀy næm lπi rÂi ch´n xuËng c∏t. Ng≠Íi ta ÆËt mÈt ÆËng lˆa to ngay b™n tr™n thÔng sæt Æ” lµm ch›n gµ b™n trong. Vıa Æ„i, vıa lπnh, mÔi gµ n≠Ìng h†p d…n kh´ng c≠Ïng Æ≠Óc. Vµ rÂi, chÛng t´i c„ dfip tÀn h≠Îng mÈt b˜a ®n c„ lœ lµ Æ∏ng nhÌ nh†t tr™n ÆÍi. B«u trÍi Æ™m Î sa mπc trong væt, chi ch›t nh˜ng v◊ tinh tÛ. ChÛng t´i m∆c Æ«y ÆÒ Æ †m vµ käo nhau l™n ng‰n ÆÂi g«n Æ„ Æ” chÙp ∂nh d∑y ng©n hµ (milky way). Trong lÛc chÙp ∂nh, c„ mÈt con c∏o sa mπc mfl tÌi ra vŒ muËn lµm quen! T´i c∂m th†y nguy hi”m n™n phi thºng l™n m´ Æ∏ cao g«n Æ„. Con c∏o th†y ÆÈng cÚng chπy Æi m†t. C„ vŒ Æ™m Æ„ n„ Æ∑ "do th∏m" Æ∏m ng≠Íi lπ nµy v◊ s∏ng dÀy, t´i th†y xung quanh l“u Æ«y d†u ch©n cÒa c∏o. MÈt phen hÛ v›a!

Khu l“u cÒa chÛng t´i gÂm kho∂ng h¨n 10 l“u nh·, d˘ng quanh lπi thµnh mÈt h◊nh ch˜ nhÀt. T†t c∂ l“u Æ“u kh´ng c„ cˆa. L“u to nh†t ngÒ Æ≠Óc t«m 15 ng≠Íi. L“u nh· th◊ Æ≠Óc 4-5 ng≠Íi. Ch®n vµ gËi Æ≠Óc cung c†p sΩn. MÁi ng≠Íi cfln Æ≠Óc th™m mÈt c∏i tÛi ngÒ r†t dµy Æ” chËng lπi c∏i lπnh v“ Æ™m. Gi˜a sa mπc kh´ng c„ Æi÷n, tı chπng vπng m‰i ng≠Íi Æ∑ bæt Æ«u Æi thæp ÆuËc khæp c∏c l“u. ChÒ trπi ÆËt mÈt ÆËng lˆa r†t to Î gi˜a khu trπi Æ” s≠Îi †m suËt Æ™m. C∂m gi∏c cÒa chÛng t´i khi Æ„ giËng nh≠ Æ≠Óc sËng trong th’ giÌi cÒa "ngh◊n lŒ mÈt Æ™m". Gi˜a Æ™m sa mπc lπnh lœo vµ l∆ng im ph®ng phæc, trong chi’c l“u nh·, chÛng t´i ngÂi co ro trfl chuy÷n vµ k” cho nhau nghe mÈt sË c©u chuy÷n cÊ v“ x¯ Å RÀp. ß©y lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m h’t s¯c thÛ vfi, c„ mÈt kh´ng hai mµ ai cÚng n™n thˆ mÈt l«n khi Æ’n Ai CÀp. TRAVELLIVE


Text and photos: Tam Bui

Following the story about the commorant fisherman on the Li River (China), travel blogger Tam Bui is back to share with us another journey of his, this time to the land of the Pharaohs, and a beautiful oasis town called Siwa, home to one of north Africa's ethnic group, the Berbers.

As part of our 21-day journey in Egypt, we spent three days to explore the remote town of Siwa. Buses were our only mean of transportation, and it took us over 11 hours to cross a stretch of nearly 600 km from Cairo to reach the oasis. Siwa is located in the heart of Egypt's Western Desert, away from urbanization. In the past, making it across the desert required one to travel in groups, carry a lot of food, and drinking water, and strictly follow the guide since a simple mishap could easily lead

to the death of members. Groups traveling as such would sometimes encounter thieves, get robbed, or worst, be killed. Now, all you have to do is simply buy a bus ticket. The oasis borders Libya to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. We arrived in Siwa when the dawn was just about to break. A carriage was hired to get us to the hotel, where we immediately took a nap after our long and exhausting bus ride. We got up at noon to have some lunch before heading out to the streets with our cameras.

visit the 700 year-old fortress We climbed to the highest point of Shali Fortress to admire the breathtaking views of Siwa at sunset. The oasis is surrounded by layers and layers of date palms, and it is easy to find ripe dates everywhere on the ground. Date palms may look similar to oil palms, but their leaves are thinner. Date fruits grow in groups like the areca nuts, but they are smaller in size and darkened when ripe with soft, tender flesh and a syrupy flavor.


Making a fire to keep warm before sunset in the desert

A carriage in the area of Shali Fortress


Watching stars under the night sky

WE WERE REliviNG thE stoRiEs tolD iN "oNE thousaND aND oNE NiGhts" it sEEmED. it fElt iNCREDiBlE to BE slEEpiNG iN a tENt iN thE miDDlE of thE DEsERt uNDER thE staRRy NiGht sky. Berbers, which have been their main source of food for centuries.

experience a nomadic life in the desert

It became a fun thing for us to try to pick up dates from the ground right in front of our hotel room to eat. Considered truly magnificent ruins that all must visit in Siwa, the ancient Shali Fortress's buildings were built in the 13th century using a salt and mud mixture taken from a lake nearby. The only reason why they remain for so long is due to the fact that the desert almost never rains. It took us about 20 minutes to reach the top of the fort. To have a better view of Shali though, we decided to climb up a hill about 2km away. The fortress looked absolutely stunning in the soft afternoon light. Some structures still remain inhabited, or have been turned into souvenir shops. Despite its remote location in the desert, Siwa Oasis is full of life thanks to its copious supply water by underground springs. How amazing is that? Our Egyptian guide took us to a spring which provided water spillling of the ground. Locals often gather here for a nice and relaxing bath in the afternoon. Near the springs are crops planted by the

We booked a 4WD car and a driver from the hotel to take us around the desert, and catch the incredible sunset. The sun was bright red when it sank deep into huge sand dunes. We slept in a desert tourist camp that night. The evening temperature dropped drastically down to 7-8 degrees Celsius. With hungry stomachs, we sat by the fire to keep warm, while waiting for our chicken to be roasted in a very special way. The chicken was put into a large tin with a lid, then covered, and buried in the sand. A large fire was placed right above the tin to cook the chicken inside. The smell of the chicken was absolutely mouth-watering since we were all cold and hungry. It was a truly unforgettable meal. The desert's night sky was stunningly clear, and the stars shined bright. We put on some warm clothes, and climbed up a nearby hill to try to catch a glimpse of the milky way. Out of nowhere, a fox showed up, and seemed rather curious about us! I was a little scary, so I tried to reach a higher ground. The curious creature immdediately ran away. When we got up in the morning, we saw their footprints everywhere around our tent. Our camp consists of about 10 small tents, set up into a rectangle. The largest tents can accommodate up to 15 people, whereas the small

ones only had space for 4-5 people. Blankets and pillows are provided, as well as thick sleeping bags to help us fight the evening temperature. Since electricity was out of the question, torches were used instead. A large fire was set up in the middle the camp ground to keep us warm throughout the night. We were reliving the stories told in "One Thousand and One Nights" it seemed. It felt incredible to be sleeping in a tent in the middle of the desert under the starry night sky, while listening to ancient Arabian stories. The experience is a must-try for all who visit Egypt. GET THERE ñ From Ho Chi Minh City, you have to transit in Abu Dhabi before boarding a connecting flight to Cairo. A number of airlines can fly you to Cairo, but Etihad seems to offer the lowest price. Booking in advance can get you 850 USD for a round-trip ticket. From Cairo to Siwa, night buses are available, but the journey takes 11 hours, and is arduous. VISA ñ The visa application process is simple, but is only available in Hanoi. If you live in Ho Chi Minh City, choose a visa service in Hanoi to save time and travel expenses. The visa fee is 30 USD/person. EXPERIENCE ñ A must-try experience for all visitors to Siwa is to camp overnight in the desert. The camp is run by an Egyptian travel company. Ask your hotel for more information. The fee is around 45 USD per person for one night in the desert. Pick up is availabe at the hotel. A one-night stay is sufficient since there are not a whole lot of things for you to do, except making fire, eating roast chicken, and watching the stars. FOOD ñ Egyptian food may present a challenge for Vietnamese. We often headed to small restaurants that are packed with westerners in hope of finding dishes with an international flavor, and are not too local, so that we could try the food. EXPENSES ñ Our group spent 21 days in Egypt. The total cost of which, including meals, transportation, sightseeing, and accommodation, was 45 million VND per person. On average, one spends about 2.1 million VND a day. TRAVELLIVE

travel Bµi & ∂nh: Thu Giang


ESSAOUIRA Tr≠Ìc chuy’n Æi Maroc, t´i chÿ bi’t Æ’n quËc gia Bæc Phi nµy qua bµi h∏t Casablanca nÊi ti’ng nghe tı thÍi sinh vi™n, hay b h†p d…n bÎi h◊nh ∂nh nh˜ng t†m th∂m sæc mµu Å RÀp th†p tho∏ng trong nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n cÊ. Khi Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n thµnh phË c∂ng bi”n Essaouira, t´i thÀt s˘ b Maroc cuËn hÛt bÎi nhi“u Æi“u h¨n th’.

NHóN NHëP CÅNG CÉ MíI ß¡U TI£N TR£N TH⁄ GIõI Essaouira lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng c∂ng c∏ mfli Æ«u ti™n tr™n th’ giÌi Æ≠Óc kh∏m ph∏ vµo th’ k˚ th¯ 16 bÎi ng≠Íi B ߵo Nha, vÌi t™n g‰i theo ti’ng B lµ "Mogador". K” tı khi thµnh lÀp, n„ nhanh ch„ng trÎ thµnh mÈt c∂ng bi”n th≠¨ng mπi quËc t’ lÌn, li™n k’t Maroc vµ sa mπc Sahara vÌi ch©u ¢u vµ ph«n cfln lπi cÒa th’ giÌi. N¨i Æ©y, ban Æ«u lµ mÈt lµng Æ∏nh c∏, sau Æ„ vµo th’ k˚ 18, Hoµng Æ’ Mohammed III chÿ huy x©y d˘ng mÈt thµnh phË quy m´ nh≠ hi÷n tπi, vÌi mÈt b’n c∂ng lÌn c„ vfi tr› giao th≠¨ng vÌi c∏c c≠Íng quËc ch©u ¢u. Tı lÛc m∆t trÍi ch≠a l„ rπng, kh´ng kh› nhÈn nhfip cÒa chÓ c∏ vµ ti’ng ÆÙc, Æœo cÒa thÓ Æ„ng thuy“n Æ∑ x´n xao tπi Æ©y. ß’n lÛc trÍi g«n s∏ng, tıng Æoµn thuy“n lÌn



cÔng cÀp c∂ng, vÌi nh˜ng khoang thuy“n Æ«y æp c∏ mfli. ß©y cÚng lµ lÛc bæt Æ«u phi™n chÓ c∏ ngay b∑i c∏t dµi tr™n c∂ng. T´i h∏o h¯c hfla m◊nh vµo dflng ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m kh´ng kh› s´i ÆÈng nµy. TrÍi cµng v“ s∏ng, kh´ng kh› tr™n c∂ng c∏ cµng t†p nÀp h¨n. Hµng tr®m ng≠Íi v©y quanh tıng ÆËng c∏ ÆÒ loπi v…n cfln t≠¨i r„i vµ nh∂y tanh t∏ch, nhanh tay ph©n loπi, c©n k˝, s¨ ch’ rÂi bËc l™n xe. Tıng chi’c xe h¨i, xe th l«n l≠Ót khÎi hµnh, mang theo nh˜ng gi· c∏ Æ«y æp Æ’n c∏c chÓ Æ«u mËi trong thµnh phË cho kfip phi™n chÓ s∏ng. MÈt h◊nh ∂nh thÛ vfi lµ nh˜ng chÛ chim mflng bi”n bay l≠Ón chung quanh c∂ng tπo n™n mÈt b¯c tranh tuy÷t Æãp. Nh≠ng bπn h∑y c»n thÀn n’u c«m tr™n tay mÈt chÛ c∏ mfli, c„ th” sœ bfi c≠Ìp bÎi nh˜ng chÛ chim nµy Ɔy!

LÑC B¶õC TRONG "M£ CUNG" MEDINA Medina lµ tı Æ” g‰i c∏c khu phË cÊ Î Maroc vµ Medina Î Essaouira th˘c s˘ lµ mÈt th’ giÌi Æa sæc mµu ÆËi vÌi t´i. ß≠Óc bao b‰c bÎi mÈt b¯c t≠Íng thµnh chπy dµi lµm tı Æ∏ sa mπc Æ· cÚng lµ nät Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa medina Î Essaoiura. Trong hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ "m™ cung" Medina, t´i c¯ tha th»n Æi bÈ ch«m chÀm Æ” c∂m nhÀn c∏i kh´ng kh› cÊ x≠a Æ∆c qu∏nh n¨i nµy. Ph∂i c´ng nhÀn rªng, nh˜ng con phË hãp kh´ng t™n ho∆c chÿ ghi ngoªn nghÃo nh˜ng k˝ t˘ Å RÀp lπi c„ mÈt s¯c hÛt k˙ lπ, cµng Æi cµng c∂m th†y kh„ Æ” quay lπi. Lang thang mÈt hÂi, t´i lπi bfi m™ ho∆c bÎi c∏c sπp hµng h„a thÒ c´ng ÆÒ sæc mµu, thi tho∂ng bæt g∆p nh˜ng ∏nh mæt nh◊n dà d∆t th®m dfl cÒa ng≠Íi b∂n x¯ vµo nh˜ng vfi kh∏ch du lfich.





’u nh≠ c∏ch vµi phÛt mÌi Æ©y cfln tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng gian y™n æng trong con ng‚ nh· vÌi hai b™n chÿ toµn t≠Íng nhµ cao vÛt th◊ chÿ sau vµi chÙc b≠Ìc, ch©n t´i Æ∑ bfi nh†n ch◊m trong sæc mµu cÒa r†t nhi“u m∆t hµng bµy b∏n tπi c∏c souk - khu chÓ truy“n thËng Î Æ©y. C∏c sπp nh· bµy b∏n ÆÒ loπi hµng ho∏, tı Æ thÒ c´ng m‹ ngh÷ truy“n thËng nh≠ gËm s¯, th∂m d÷t hoa v®n tinh t’, Æ uËng trµ mπ bπc, cho tÌi c∏c m∆t hµng l≠u ni÷m nh≠ ∏o ph´ng, tÛi in nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Maroc. T˘ nhi™n t´i c„ c∂m gi∏c Æi trong Medina cÚng nh≠ dπo ch¨i vÌi Ëng k›nh vπn hoa, khi mÁi b≠Ìc ngo∆t Î g„c phË lµ mÈt l«n xoay th†u k›nh. ß” rÂi tr≠Ìc mæt m◊nh lπi tr∂i ra mÈt kho∂ng kh´ng gian hoµn toµn mÌi, kh´ng c„ c∂nh nµo trÔng l∆p. Trung t©m cÒa Medina, n¨i kh∏ch

Tajine lµ m„n mµ bπn c„ th” g‰i trong b†t k◊ nhµ hµng nµo tπi Essaouira, tı cao c†p cho tÌi c∏c qu∏n b◊nh d©n khu†t trong ng‚ nh·. Lµ mÈt ki”u m„n h«m th≠Íng Æ≠Óc n†u tr™n than lˆa nh·, c∏i t™n Tajine Æ≠Óc Æ∆t d˘a theo th¯ ÆÂ Æ˘ng cho loπi m„n ®n nµy: mÈt thË to lµm bªng Ɔt nung Æi kÃm mÈt næp ÆÀy h◊nh n„n. NhÍ h◊nh dπng Æ∆c bi÷t mµ Æ ®n trong Tajine lu´n ch›n m“m rÙc, ng†m gia vfi r†t th¨m ngon mµ kh´ng bfi n∏t, bÎ hay b∑.

SˇNG CHÜM B£N TÉCH TRÄ BÑC HÄ TH•M L\NG Nh˜ng ngµy m÷t nhoµi do di chuy”n nhi“u sœ Æ≠Óc c©n bªng n’u bπn dµnh nËt thÍi gian cfln lπi cÒa hµnh tr◊nh Æ” tÀn h≠Îng chÛt h≠¨ng vfi Bæc Phi tπi nhµ ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng Î Essaouira. Chfi bπn cÒa chÒ kh∏ch sπn t´i Î Æ∑ mÍi t´i v“ nhµ chfi †y vµ ti’p t´i bªng nghi l‘ truy“n thËng. Chfi mang cho t´i mÈt b◊nh trµ bªng bπc n„ng hÊi. ß„ ch›nh lµ loπi trµ Touareg truy“n thËng cÒa ng≠Íi Maroc Æ≠Óc k’t hÓp tı trµ xanh, l∏ bπc hµ t≠¨i vµ Æ≠Íng. ßËi vÌi h‰, trµ Æ≠Óc xem lµ th¯c uËng kho∏i kh»u khi Ƶn ´ng HÂi gi∏o kh´ng Æ≠Óc phäp uËng r≠Óu. Hoµng h´n Î Essaouira vµo ngµy cuËi ∂o di÷u nh≠ muËn n›u käo b≠Ìc ch©n cÒa t´i Î lπi chËn nµy th™m n˜a. Tπi Maroc, Æ©u Æ©u cÚng c„ Medina, trµ bπc hµ, khu chÓ souk, th∏nh Æ≠Íng HÂi Gi∏o nh≠ng ch›nh Î Essaouira lπi lµ n¨i Æ” ng≠Íi ta m¨ ≠Ìc mÈt l«n Æ≠Óc quay trÎ lπi.


xe bu˝t hay tµu h·a Æ’n Essaouira.


ñ Bπn c„ th” nÈp h s¨ xin visa Maroc tπi ßπi s¯ qu∏n Maroc Î sË 9, Chu V®n An, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi. S¯ qu∏n sœ c†p visa mÈt l«n cho bπn theo thÍi gian bπn d˘ Ænh xin khi Æ’n Maroc. L÷ ph› 508.000 VNß/ng≠Íi.


ñ Chi ph› cho hµnh tr◊nh Æi Maroc 6 ngµy xu†t ph∏t tı TP. HCM kho∂ng 3.000 USD/ng≠Íi, gÂm vä m∏y bay, dch vÙ ®n, Î.

HÄNH TRçNH ñ Tı Vi÷t Nam, bπn c„ th” Æ’n Maroc bªng c∏c chuy’n bay cÒa h∑ng hµng kh´ng Turkish Airlines, Qatar Airways hay Emirates Airways, gi∏ dao ÆÈng tı 800 - 1.300 USD/kh¯ hÂi. C∏c chuy’n bay th´ng th≠Íng transit tπi Istanbul, Doha hay Abu Dhabi sau Æ„ hπ c∏nh xuËng Casablanca, thµnh phË lÌn nh†t tπi Maroc. Tı Æ©y, bπn c„ th” ch‰n Æi


du lfich nµo cÚng ghä qua ›t nh†t mÈt l«n, lµ qu∂ng tr≠Íng Place Moulay Hassan. Ban ngµy, tr™n qu∂ng tr≠Íng d˘ng Æ«y nh˜ng chi’c dÔ træng, xanh che cho nh˜ng qu«y hµng hoa qu∂, Æ l≠u ni÷m... phÙc vÙ c∂ kh∏ch du lfich l…n ng≠Íi b∂n x¯. T´i ghä vµo mÈt qu∏n bar nh· vµ ch‰n mÈt chi’c bµn ph›a ngoµi, nh†m nh∏p m„n Tajine truy“n thËng, vıa tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› n∏o nhi÷t cÒa qu∂ng tr≠Íng vıa xem c∏c ngh÷ s‹ Æ≠Íng phË bi”u di‘n.


ñ Khu v˘c dµnh cho du kh∏ch Î Essaouira c„ c∏c dch vÙ hostel vµ kh∏ch sπn, vÌi gi∏ c∂ ph∂i ch®ng, dao ÆÈng tı 20-50 USD/Æ™m. Tuy nhi™n, bπn n™n thˆ mÈt l«n Î Riad- mÈt ki”u nhµ cÊ HÂi gi∏o truy“n thËng, vËn tr≠Ìc Æ©y lµ nhµ Î nh≠ng Æ∑ Æ≠Óc n©ng c†p thµnh kh∏ch sπn Æ” phÙc vÙ kh∏ch du lch. S# KIåN ñ Essaouira Æ≠Óc bi’t Æ’n tr™n toµn th’ giÌi vÌi c∏c l‘ hÈi ©m nhπc di‘n ra tı th∏ng 4 Æ’n th∏ng 6 hµng n®m, thu hÛt r†t Æ´ng kh∏ch du lch. Bπn kh´ng n™n b· lÏ, n’u Æ’n Æ©y vµo dp nµy.

T§N GIÉO ñ Lµ quËc gia HÂi gi∏o n™n bπn c«n l≠u ˝ mÈt sË v†n Æ“ khi Æi du lch Æ’n Maroc. Bπn kh´ng n™n sˆ dÙng tay tr∏i Æ” lµm b†t c¯ Æi“u g◊ n¨i c´ng cÈng v◊ Æi“u nµy sœ d‘ g©y ph∂n c∂m vÌi ng≠Íi d©n khi h‰ cho rªng tay tr∏i lµ tay kh´ng sπch sœ. Ng≠Íi Maroc kh´ng th›ch chÙp ∂nh, nh†t lµ phÙ n˜ vµ ng≠Íi lÌn tuÊi, v◊ th’ bπn n™n xin phäp tr≠Ìc khi chÙp ∂nh h‰. ñ H«u h’t c∏c nhµ thÍ HÂi gi∏o Î Maroc kh´ng cho kh∏ch du lch n≠Ìc

ngoµi ngoπi Æπo vµo tham quan, bπn chÿ Ưng Î ph›a ngoµi. NH~NG L¶U ≥ KHÉC ñ Tuy Maroc lµ mÈt quËc gia hi÷n Æπi, mÈt sË tÀp tÙc phong ki’n v…n cn. V› dÙ nh≠ Æ©y v…n lµ mÈt quËc gia c„ t›nh gia tr≠Îng cao n™n c„ nh˜ng l≠u ˝ v“ trang phÙc khi tÌi Æ©y. Qu«n ∏o c«n ph∂i dµi qu∏ Æ«u gËi vµ qua vai (cÚng Æ” b∂o v÷ da bπn kh·i ch∏y næng). N™n tr∏nh m∆c Æ b„ s∏t vµ ∏o tr‘ cÊ. Du kh∏ch n˜ n™n Æi cÔng vÌi Ƶn ´ng Æ” tr∏nh thu hÛt s˘ chÛ ˝. ñ Lu´n mang theo n≠Ìc b™n ng≠Íi v◊ kh› hÀu Î Æ©y Æ∆c bi÷t kh´ vµ n„ng. Bπn c„ th” d‘ dµng mua n≠Ìc Æ„ng chai Î nhi“u n¨i. ßıng chÒ quan v◊ bπn sœ r†t kh∏t.



travel Text and photos: Thu Giang


ESSAOUIRA Prior to my trip to Morocco, the only thing I knew about this north African country was through the popular song Casablanca during my youth, and the image of colorful Arabian carpets in the old stories. It turns out that this beautiful port city offered me a much deeper insight into Moroccan culture and way of life.



VISA ñ You can apply for a visa at the Embassy of Morocco at 9 Chu Van An, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi. The Embassy will issue a single entry visa for your intended travel dates to Morocco. The visa application fee is 508,000 VND per person. GET THERE ñ From Vietnam, you can fly to Morocco on Turkish Airlines, Qatar Airways, or Emirates Airways at a price ranging from 800 - 1,300 USD for a return trip. Flights often transit in Istanbul, Doha, or Abu Dhabi before landing in Casablanca, Morocco's largest city. From here, you can take a bus or train to Essaouira. RELIGION ñ Morocco is a Muslim country, so keep that in mind when traveling to Morocco. You should not use your left hand to do anything in public because it is offensive to local people since the left hand is considered unclean. Moroccans do not like their pictures taken, especially women and older people, so permission is required before you take any pictures of them. Most of the mosques in Morocco prohibit foreign tourists from entering, so stand outside.


markets across the city, just in time for the locals' morning markets.

Essaouira was one of the world's first sardine ports discovered in the 16th century by the Portugese, and is formerly known as Mogador. Since its opening, Essaouira rapidly became a major international seaport, linking Morocco and the Sahara with Europe and the rest of the world. Once a fishing village, Essaouira was later built into the city we know today by Emperor Mohammed III in the 18th century and featured a large harbor, making it an important commercial hub connecting the nation to the then powerful European countries.

Many seagulls could be spotted in the sky flying around the harbor, creating a truly picturesque sight for visitors. Be careful when holding a sardine in your hands since these aggressive birds can quickly snatch them from you!

You could easily catch a glimpse of the fish market's bustling scene, and hear the sound of boats making their way in the early morning. When dawn breaks, groups of large boats arrive at the port, and are full of freshly caught sardines. A fish market is set up right on the stretch of the sandy beach next to the harbor. It was exciting to join in with the locals for such an amazing experience. The higher the sun is, the more crowded the port gets. Hundreds of people were spotted around piles of fresh fish of all kinds, whose jobs were to identify, weigh, preliminarily process, and load them onto the trucks that carry them to wholesale

LOST STEP IN THE “LABYRINTH” MEDINA Medina is what the old quarters in Morocco and other north African nations are called, and Essaouira's Medina is a truly spectacular world full of colors. The Medina here, like most, is surrounded by a long wall, though this one is made of red desert stone, and is a striking characteristic of Medinas in Essaoiura. To explore the "maze" of local Medinas, I enjoyed my slow walks around town to admire the ancient architecture of Essaouira. From narrow streets with no names to street signs with long Arabic characters, Essaouira's beauty is so captivating that the more you explore, the longer you want to stay. After wandering the streets, I visited a number of colorful stalls that sell handmade items. Sometimes you can catch the probing glances of the locals as they watch tourists. TRAVELLIVE


About a dozen steps away from the small and quiet alleys with exceptionally high walls on both sides, I was immediately greeted with hundreds of colorful items sold at different souks - Essaouira's traditional markets. The stalls there offer a wide variety of goods from traditional Moroccan handicrafts such as ceramics, elaborate tapestries, and silver-plated tea cups, as well as popular souvenir items such as t-shirts and bags printed with unique Moroccan images. I find the Medina to have a strong resemblance to kaleidoscope lenses, where every turn presents a different picture with no picture ever being the same. Spread out before my eyes was always a completely new scene, different from the previous.

lid. Thanks to this special shape, any food cooked in the Tajine is always soft and tender, soaked with flavorful spices, to create the most delicious dishes without the meat being dried out or becoming too tough. The taste of tajine is one so luscious and savory you'll probably not even notice how healthy the food is as well.

LIVE SLOW AND ENJOY FRAGRANT MINT TEA When you have spent most of your time to travel from one place to another, spending the remainder of your journey at a local home in Essaouira is a great way to unwind.

At the center of the Medina, where most tourists would love to visit at least once, is the Place Moulay Hassan. During the day, this beautiful square is filled with huge white and blue umbrellas that cover a number of fresh fruits, drinks, and souvenir stalls, which prove to be a popular attraction for both tourists and locals alike. I visited a small stall to savor the delicous Tajine, and enjoy the bustling scene of the square while watching the street performers put on their shows.

My hotel owner's friend invited me to her home, and welcomed me with a traditional ritual. She made me a silver tea pot filled with hot traditional Moroccan Touareg tea, which consists of green tea, fresh mint leaves, and sugar. For Moroccans, tea is considered a precious drink since Muslim men are not allowed to drink alcohol. It can be seen in almost all corners of social life in the country, similar to Vietnam in some ways. The elaborate pouring method though is one of the many key differences between this African nation's and Vietnam's tea drinking habits.

Tajine is a dish you can order anywhere in Essaouira, from luxury restaurants to cheap food stalls hidden away in quiet alleys. This miraculous dish is a stew cooked on low heat, and named for its unique cookware, which is a large terracotta pot with a conical

Sunsets in Essaouira are magical scenes that entice visitors to keep coming back. Any places you visit in Morocco, you will find Medina, mint tea, souk markets, and mosques, but the beauty of Essaouira is unique and unmistakable.


ACCOMMODATION ñ Essaouira offers affordable accommodation at a number of hostels and hotels which costs an average of 20-50 USD per night. Try to stay at a Riad - a traditional Islamic style house, formerly a house, but upgraded to a hotel for tourists. EVENTS ñ Essaouira is famous for its world music festivals that take place from April to June annually, attracting a large number of tourists. You should not miss them if you visit Essaouira during this festive period. TRAVEL EXPENSES ñ A 6-day trip to Morocco from Ho Chi Minh City costs about 3,000 USD per person, including airfare, meals, and accommodation. OTHER NOTES ñ While Morocco is a modernizing nation, there are still some vestiges of tradition that permeate the culture. One such example is that the nation is still highly patriarchal. That said, culturally sensitive dressing is advisable. Knees and shoulders should be covered (this protects from sunburn anyway), body-con and cleavage are discouraged, and of course a woman attracts less attention when travelling with a man. ñ Hydration when travelling is key, especially in arid regions. Clean safe water is readily available in Morocco, take advantage of this. This cannot be overstated.



photos: Giang Trinh

The beauty of Hanoi in late spring At the end of the spring season, the streets of Hanoi are once again covered in a breathtaking white color of s≠a flowers, creating a spectacular scene of ethereal white clouds against the green background of young cloves, brightening a corner of the sky, tugging at the hearts of city onlookers and stirring memories of whimsy in the minds of locals.


Chºng c„ d†u hi÷u nµo b∏o tr≠Ìc nh≠ng c¯ mÁi dp ti’t xu©n sæp cπn, ng≠Íi Hµ NÈi lπi b†t chÓt nhÀn ra hoa s≠a t˘ lÛc nµo Æ∑ bung nÎ, phÒ træng nh≠ m©y lπc xuËng c∏c vm c©y, g„c phË. ß∏m l∏ cÒa th¯ c©y th©n gÁ quanh n®m l∆ng lœ nµy cÚng chuy”n mµu xanh m≠Ìt khi’n b†t c¯ ai t◊nh cÍ chπm ∏nh nh◊n vµo chÛng cÚng th†y tim n∂y nhp xuy’n xao.



h˜ng chÔm hoa træng muËt mong manh quy÷n vµo mµu xanh non t¨ cÒa l∏ tπo n™n nät y™u ki“u kh„ t∂. TrÀn m≠a hoa li ti khi c¨n gi„ l≠Ìt qua lµm chÀm lπi b≠Ìc ch©n ng≠Íi Æi ngoµi phË. Ngay c∂ nÁi kh„ chu v“ s˘ »m ≠Ìt cÒa mÔa xu©n cÚng bay h¨i Æi Æ©u m†t. These subtle white petals which go so well with the vivid green color of tender leaves paint a lovely picture for visitors to admire during their short bloom, and turn this particularly humid period into a, perhaps, bearable season. TRAVELLIVE



i’t bao ng≠Íi Hµ NÈi Æi xa, bi’t bao du kh∏ch y™u Hµ NÈi Æ∑ th«m ≠Ìc hãn Hµ NÈi cuËi xu©n chÿ Æ” c„ th™m mÈt l«n Ææm ÆuËi cÔng nhan sæc hoa s≠a? H∑y cÔng Travellive vµ nhi’p ∂nh gia Giang Trnh lang thang nh˜ng con phË nh· th©n quen Æ” ngæm nh◊n hoa s≠a ræc m≠a l™n phË. Kia Phan ß◊nh PhÔng, Hoµng Hoa Th∏m, ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ rÓp b„ng c©y xanh, Æ©y lËi nh· c´ng vi™n, m∏i ng„i r™u phong, v≠Ín hoa th©n thuÈc... hoa s≠a Æang v“ h∏t bi÷t khÛc cÔng xu©n. The ephemeral nature of these white flowers makes it such a precious flower, and for a long time, have won the hearts of Hanoians and all those who visit. Let Travellive and our photographer Giang Trinh take you through a photo journey that captures the amazing beauty of these flowers. From Phan Dinh Phung, to Hoang Hoa Tham, to Dien Bien Phu, s≠a flowers are blossoming at every corner.



C∂m gi∏c chung khi b≠Ìc qua nh˜ng n“n gπch hoa tr™n lËi Æi vµo nh˜ng ta nhµ cÊ nh≠ Æ≠a ng≠Íi ta vµo mÈt mi“n k˝ ¯c thÍi ß´ng D≠¨ng hay thi tho∂ng ta ngh‹ m◊nh Æang sËng gi˜a thÍi bao c†p.



Bµi: Ki“u Giang - Ånh: Pierre Semere


C©u chuy÷n cÒa phË Sµi Gn Æ≠Óc chæp c∏nh bÎi nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh Æ≠Óc chÌp bæt qua c∏i nh◊n lπ l…m, ÆÛng ch†t cÊ Æi”n cÒa Pierre Semere - nhi’p ∂nh gia ng≠Íi Ph∏p mÌi bän duy™n cÔng Vi÷t Nam.

C∂m gi∏c chung khi b≠Ìc qua nh˜ng n“n gπch hoa tr™n lËi Æi vµo nh˜ng tfla nhµ cÊ nh≠ Æ≠a ng≠Íi ta vµo mÈt mi“n k˝ ¯c thÍi ß´ng D≠¨ng hay thi tho∂ng ta ngh‹ m◊nh Æang sËng gi˜a thÍi bao c†p. ƒy lµ khi ∏nh ÆÃn neon ho∆c ∏nh næng cÒa ban ngµy kh´ng ÆÒ chi’u r‰i c∂ kh´ng gian ki’n trÛc cÚ, m∆t ti“n vÌi d©y Æi÷n chªng chfit d…n ta vµo nh˜ng lËi Æi s©u hun hÛt Æan xen mÔi ngai ng∏i cÒa thÍi gian tr™n t≠Íng nhµ vµ c«u thang mµu v´i vµng nhπt.


H¤N X¶A ÉO MõI h˜ng n®m g«n Æ©y, ai c„ dfip ghä ngang tfla nhµ g„c ßÂng KhÎi - L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng hay d∑y chung c≠ cÚ käo dµi tı g„c ßÂng KhÎi - C´ng tr≠Íng Lam S¨n Î quÀn 1 hºn sœ ph∂i tr«m tr khi tr≠Ìc mæt mÎ ra c∂ mÈt lËi di dµi Æ≠Óc bi’n thµnh gallery ngh÷ thuÀt vÌi tranh vœ ÆÒ th” loπi, mµu sæc. Men theo nh˜ng bÀc thang d«n l™n cao, kho∂ng c∏ch gi˜a qu∏ kh¯ vµ hi÷n tπi nh≠ g«n lπi. Ng≠Íi ta nghe th†y ©m thanh cÒa ÆÒ loπi giµy däp tr™n c∏c t«ng l«u vang v‰ng, ti’ng ng≠Íi n„i lao xao bªng nhi“u th¯ ng´n ng˜, lÍi nhπc cÒa nh˜ng ca khÛc thfinh hµnh. Vµ c∂ ti’ng c„t kät r†t nhã cÒa nh˜ng t†m cˆa gÁ käo tr≠Ìc c∏c shop thÍi trang, qu∏n cafä, nhµ hµng hay spa lµm Æãp. L™n Æ’n mÁi t«ng l«u, kh∏ch dıng ch©n nghÿ m÷t c„ th” th≠ th∂ ngæm nh◊n ÆÒ th¯ b∂ng hi÷u be bä xinh xinh Æ«y sæc mµu Æ∆t d‰c lËi Æi, tr™n t≠Íng hay lan can. Ai Æ„i c„ th” ch‰n qu∏n c¨m Vi÷t "chu»n c¨m mã n†u", hay c¨m NhÀt nguy™n li÷u rau cÒ qu∂ t≠¨i r„i dÔng ngay vÌi h∂i s∂n sËng. Cfln ai muËn hµn huy™n t©m s˘ th◊ c„ ÆÒ qu∏n theo tr≠Íng ph∏i ®n b∏nh uËng trµ ki”u T©y. Th›ch th∂ hÂn m™nh mang n˜a th◊ ra ban c´ng vıa uËng cµ ph™ vıa ngæm phË x∏ nhÈn nhfip ng≠Íi xe tÌi lui hËi h∂. RÂi nh˜ng lÛc buÂn vu v¨ hay m∂i Æ®m chi™u ngh‹ ngÓi nhi“u, ng≠Íi ta cÚng c„ th” trËn vµo mÈt g„c c«u thang nµo Æ„, g∏c tay l™n thµnh lan can ng„ nghi™ng mÈt g„c Sµi Gfln cÚ k¸. H≠Ìng nh◊n l™n cao lµ nhµ nhµ ch‰c trÍi, cˆa k›nh s∏ng choang.



Text: Kieu Giang - Photos: Pierre Semere

C∂ Sµi Gn nh≠ thu nh· lπi qua tıng ©m thanh cÒa xe cÈ, cÒa con ng≠Íi, qua c∂ nh˜ng nät mµu cÒa v´i, gπch, m∏i ng„i ƨn s¨, hay c∂ Æ´i ÆÚa, c∏i b∏t c¨m sµnh s¯ n¨i gian b’p "gi∂ bÈ" ƨn s¨.


h∏ch du lfich ghä th®m Sµi Gfln cÚng nh†t Æfinh n™n thˆ Î tr‰ trong nh˜ng khu chung c≠ hay tfla nhµ cÊ nµy Æ” c„ c∂m nhÀn r‚ r÷t h¨n v“ mÈt Sµi Gfln xa mµ g«n, vıa lπ vıa quen. ô Ɔy, chÒ nhµ Æ∑ khäo läo k’t hÓp nh˜ng thi’t bfi hi÷n Æπi vÌi nÈi th†t tËi gi∂n Æ∆t trong kh´ng gian hoµi ni÷m cÒa Sµi Gfln h¨n 50 n®m tr≠Ìc. N„i nh≠ anh bπn ng≠Íi Ph∏p cÒa t´i tÌi th®m Sµi Gfln dfip T’t nµy th◊ Î trong nh˜ng gian nhµ nh≠ th’ th˘c s˘ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n phË thfi Ch©u ¢u. BÎi c∂ Sµi Gfln nh≠ thu nh· lπi qua tıng ©m thanh cÒa xe cÈ, cÒa con ng≠Íi, qua c∂ nh˜ng nät mµu cÒa v´i, gπch, m∏i ng„i ƨn s¨, hay c∂ Æ´i ÆÚa, c∏i b∏t c¨m sµnh s¯ n¨i gian b’p "gi∂ bÈ" ƨn s¨.

cÚ bfi ph∏ b·, thay vµo Æ„ lµ nh˜ng d∑y nhµ phË. "Ai cÚng nh≠ ai, k” c∂ ng≠Íi Vi÷t hay ng≠Íi d©n Î khæp n¨i tr™n th’ giÌi Æ“u tin rªng b∂o tÂn di s∂n sœ ph∂i nh≠Íng chÁ cho v†n Æ“ ph∏t tri”n Ɔt n≠Ìc". Nh◊n ra b™n ngoµi, c∏c quËc gia ti™n ti’n nh≠ Anh, Ireland hay M¸ cÚng Æ∑ tıng hy sinh di s∂n cho ph∏t tri”n kinh t’. Theo Doling, n’u Æ≠Óc vi’t lπi lfich sˆ th◊ c∏c quËc gia nµy sœ kh´ng th˘c hi÷n hµnh ÆÈng †y chÿ bÎi vi÷c ph∏ b· di s∂n cho lÓi ›ch ngæn hπn cuËi cÔng rÂi sœ g©y tÊn th†t v“ t›nh nhÀn di÷n cÒa c∏c thµnh phË khi chºng cfln lπi g◊ cÒa qu∏ kh¯.

CÚng Æ∑ Æ´i l«n, t´i ngÀp ngıng ngh‹ v“ t≠¨ng lai cÒa nh˜ng tfla nhµ cÊ g„c ßÂng KhÎi, L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Nguy‘n Hu÷ hay nhi“u tfla nhµ kh∏c n˜a Î khu v˘c T´n Th†t ßπm, Ng´ ߯c K’ (cÚng thuÈc quÀn 1) sœ ph∂i nh≠Íng chÁ cho nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh mÌi. SÌm hay muÈn kh´ng ai r‚, chÿ bi’t sœ th†y bÂn chÂn, xao ÆÈng khi mÈt Sµi Gfln x≠a cÚ chÿ cfln lµ k˝ ¯c.

H‰a s‹ Bridget March, mÈt ng≠Íi Æ∑ sËng vµ lµm vi÷c 5 n®m tπi Vi÷t Nam vµ lu´n tr®n trÎ vÌi v†n Æ“ b∂o tÂn di s∂n, cÚng Æ∑ chia sŒ: "Sœ kh´ng ai bi’t bπn lµ ai vµ hi”u bπn lµ con ng≠Íi th’ nµo n’u chÛng ta kh´ng c„ b†t c¯ k˝ ¯c hay h◊nh ∂nh g◊ cÒa qu∏ kh¯, gia Æ◊nh, tr≠Íng h‰c, hay thÍi Æi l›nh, Æi lµm vi÷c hay nh˜ng chuy’n du lfich. ChÛng ta chºng lµ ai, thÀt s˘ chºng lµ ai c∂. N’u chÛng ta lµm Æi“u t≠¨ng t˘ cho thµnh phË vµ ph∏ b· h’t lfich sˆ th◊ thµnh phË nµy kh´ng cfln chÛt nät ri™ng nµo n˜a".

Nhµ sˆ h‰c Anh quËc Tim Doling, t∏c gi∂ cÒa r†t nhi“u Æ«u s∏ch v“ kh∂o c¯u Sµi Gfln vµ lfich sˆ Vi÷t Nam, Æ∑ tıng chia sŒ rªng, t›nh nhÀn di÷n cÒa Sµi Gfln sœ bi’n m†t khi t†t c∂ nh˜ng tfla nhµ

N˜ h‰a s‹ ng≠Íi Anh nµy cÚng bµy t·: "Di s∂n ph∂i Æ≠Óc g◊n gi˜ cho th’ h÷ mai sau vµ di s∂n ch›nh lµ c∏i du kh∏ch tr©n tr‰ng, t◊m ki’m Î mÁi n¨i h‰ Æi qua."


"Di s∂n ph∂i Æ≠Óc g◊n gi˜ cho th’ h÷ mai sau vµ di s∂n ch›nh lµ c∏i du kh∏ch tr©n tr‰ng, t◊m ki’m Î mÁi n¨i h‰ Æi qua." (Bridget March, n˜ h‰a s‹ ng≠Íi Anh tıng sËng vµ lµm vi÷c 5 n®m tπi Vi÷t Nam)




SAIGON in my memories Saigon, with all of its classic beauty and hidden charm, is seen differently via the lens of French photographer Pierre Semere who has a destiny in Vietnam, his recent second home.



One might have a nostalgic feeling of turning back the time to the French Indochina or some would remind themselves of the Subsidy Phase of Vietnam after the reunification day

Anyone who loves the Saigon of days past would certainly know those antique buildings, witnesses of time and history, at the corners of Dong Khoi, Ly Tu Trong and Nguyen Hue streets in the city's downtown area. Recently, a new spirit has been infused into these structures since many trendy fashion stores, coffee shops and eateries have been established inside the aged buildings which has helped bring a joyful and modern scene to the local people and, at the same time, giving a unique impression to international visitors.


OLD SPIRIT NEW LOOK isitors who have a chance to pass by a heritage building at the corner of Dong Khoi and Ly Tu Wrong streets or an old condo near the corner of Dong Khoi Street and Lam Son Square in District 1 might find it interesting to see a long alley transforming into mobile art galleries with all kinds of paintings and a myriad of shades and colours. The distance between the past and the present seems to lessen when people start to advance up the stairs. There are sounds of a variety of footwear on all the floors, voices of people from different nationalities, and lyrics and melodies of some trendy songs punctuated by soft squeaks of wooden doors to fashion stores, coffee shops, restaurants, and spas. After climbing up each floor, visitors can pause to rest while leisurely looking at all the tiny cute banners



which are set up along the aisle, on the walls and the balconies. Those who are hungry can try classic Vietnamese family fare or Japanese rice served with fresh fruits and vegetables and sashimi. Others who wish to find a peaceful place for talking, can try cakes and drinks at a western style tea room. Visitors can also enjoy coffee and watch the bustling city life near the balcony. Or, for some nostalgic moments, one can hide themselves at any stair's corner or lean on a balcony to admire an old Saigon from a humble view compared to some nearby fancy high buildings rising in the sky. Foreign travelers to Saigon should also book an apartment or room inside those antique buildings to

have a true experience of Saigon, which is so familiar yet new to those already familiar with the city, and with a twist of old and modern characteristics of course. Hosts of these Airbnb spaces have well organised modern equipments with minimal interior decoration items which remind one of Saigon back in the 60s. A French friend of mine who spent his vacation to enjoy Tet (Lunar New Year) in Saigonwas particularly excited to stay in an old-style apartment in the city. He explained that the whole of Saigon seems to be combined in a tiny place with sounds of all the vehicles, and human voices, as well as through the colors of bricks, tiles and roofs of houses, and sometimes simply by the sight of a simple pair of


Nobody knows the date and time but they might have the same feeling of anxiety and regret for the old Saigon which will soon only exist in their memory. Tim Doling, an English scholar who has published numerous books on Vietnam, especially on the history and architecture of Saigon-Cho Lon, shared his concern as Saigon's original identity will no longer be there, when all the old buildings are gone, and all the houses will be town blocks. "Everyone here as well as people in many countries believe that heritage conservation is the alternative to development." chopsticks, and ceramic bowls in the kitchen. PRESERVATION FOR FUTURE I have asked myself about the future of those antique constructions at the corner of Dong Khoi, Ly Tu Trong and Nguyen Hue streets and other spaces at Ton That Dam and Ngo Duc Ke streets (also in District 1) and many others which will all share the same fate: being demolished to give spaces for new blocks of houses and buildings.

The scholar emphasised that if the governments in Britain, Ireland and America had had a chance to go back, and rewrite history, they wouldn't have destroyed heritage buildings because "the destruction of heritages for shortterm profits at the end of the day will cause loss of identity for the cities." Bridget March, an English artist who had great interest in heritage preservation during her time living and working in Vietnam for over ďŹ ve years, shared, "How can people know who you are and what you are, and how can you get people to understand you if you don't have any photographs of your family, or memory of your days to school, or your time of being a soldier, a teacher, or a nurse, and your traveling. You are nobody, absolutely nobody. If you do the same to the city, or if you knock down all of its history, it becomes faceless." The artist also shared, "I think that those heritages have to be preserved for the sanity and the hearts of future generations. And also, heritage is what tourists adore. Western visitors are always looking for the history of a place."

"Heritage has to be preserved for the sanity and the hearts of future generations. And also, heritage is what tourists adore. Western tourists are all looking for the history of a place." (Bridget March, English artist who has lived and worked in Vietnam for over 5 years) TRAVELLIVE



6 Æi”m Æ’n kh´ng th” b· qua trong th∏ng 5

6 MUST-VISIT DESTINATIONS THIS MAY VÔng cao T©y Bæc k˙ v‹ mÔa n≠Ìc ÆÊ, Ninh B◊nh Æãp m™ ho∆c vµo mÔa lÛa ch›n rÈ, ßµ NΩng lung linh trong sæc ph∏o hoa hay vÔng Ɔt Phan Rang næng gi„ trÎ n™n m∏t lµnh vÌi mÔa nho ch›n... lµ nh˜ng n¨i bπn kh´ng th” b· qua khi l™n k’ hoπch du lch trong n≠Ìc vµo th∏ng 5. N’u Æi du lch ra n≠Ìc ngoµi dp nµy, bπn n™n ch‰n quËc Æ∂o Maldives ho∆c x¯ sÎ hoa anh Ƶo NhÀt B∂n. From sparkling rice terraces on the northwest highlands, to scenic Ninh Binh in the ripened rice season, to colorful Danang, and beautiful Phan Rang, those are some of the places we recommend you to travel to this May. If you have been to most of the destinations on this list, fly out of the country to the Maldives or amazing Japan for a totally different experience. Text: Bao Khuyen - Photos: Thanh Co, Tran Thuong, Hoang Bao





Trµng An, Tam CËc - B›ch ßÈng sœ chinh phÙc du kh∏ch bÎi vŒ Æãp cÒa mÔa lÛa ch›n. MÔa lÛa ch›n Î Æ©y th≠Íng bæt Æ«u sÌm h¨n c∏c tÿnh thµnh kh∏c, kho∂ng cuËi th∏ng 5, Æ«u th∏ng 6. V◊ th’ muËn ngæm nh◊n c∏nh ÆÂng vµng r˘c, nÊi bÀt gi˜a rıng nÛi ranh ngÛt ngµn, bπn n™n ghä vµo th∏ng 5 khi mÔa g∆t ch≠a tÌi, c∏nh ÆÂng lÛc nµy vµng „ng ∂ nh≠ b¯c tranh th´n d∑ vÔng Bæc BÈ.

The Trang An - Tam Coc - Bich Dong scenic complex of Ninh Binh, which has been featured in a number of films, becomes more splendid than ever during the ripened rice season. The region's ripened rice season usually starts earlier than other provinces, beginning at the end of May and early June. If you want to catch a glimpse of the yellow fields against the lush mountain backdrop, May is an ideal time for you to visit, just before the harvest. The scenery during this time of the year is truly breathtaking.

ßi tr™n dflng s´ng Ng´ ßÂng th¨ mÈng, qua c∏c d∑y nÛi Æ∏ v´i, bπn sœ no mæt khi ngæm nh◊n nh˜ng ruÈng lÛa hai b™n Æ≠Íng. Tı tr™n cao, s´ng Ng´ ßÂng uËn l≠Ón qua c∏c thˆa ruÈng vµ qu«n th” nÛi Æ∏ v´i thÀt h˜u t◊nh. N’u Æi Trµng An, bπn Æıng qu™n ghä th®m n¨i phÙc d˘ng bËi c∂nh phim Kong, vÌi ng´i lµng thÊ d©n r†t †n t≠Óng Æ” Æ≠a vµo khung h◊nh selfie. DI CHUYÕN: Ninh B◊nh c∏ch Hµ NÈi chÿ 120 km n™n bπn c„ th” Æi xe m∏y Æ’n Æ©y Æ” chÒ ÆÈng trong hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ vÔng Ɔt c´ Æ´ Hoa L≠. Tı thµnh phË Ninh B◊nh, bπn di chuy”n Æ’n Tam CËc, sau Æ„ ghä b’n Æ V®n L©m Æi thuy“n d‰c s´ng Ng´ ßÂng ngæm tr‰n vãn c∏nh ÆÂng mÔa lÛa ch›n * ¬M TH#C: C∏c m„n ®n d©n d∑ ph∂i thˆ nh≠ nem Y™n Mπc, cua ÆÂng rang l∏ lËt, x´i tr¯ng ki’n Nho Quan hay g·i c∏ nh÷ch Kim S¨n * MÉCH NHì: Bπn c„ th” dµnh 2 ngµy Æ” tham quan Ninh B◊nh vµ ngæm c∏nh ÆÂng lÛa ch›n, n’u Æi bªng xe m∏y tı Hµ NÈi.

Travel along the winding scenic Ngo Dong River to enjoy views of the limestone mountains and beautiful carpets of yellow rice. When in Trang An, do visit the amazing film location of the Kong: Skull Island. GET THERE: Ninh Binh is just 120 km from Hanoi, so you travel by motorbike or car to explore this beautiful region. From Ninh Binh City, travel to Tam Coc and stop at Van Lam Wharf to take a boat along the Ngo Dong River * EAT: Try Yen Mac sping rolls, crab with lolot leaves, Nho Quan sticky rice with ants' eggs, and Kim Son fish salad * TIP: You can spend 2 days to explore Ninh Binh and admire the rice fields.



2 NG¬N NG• TR¶õC V¶òN NHO CHêN MñNG PHAN RANG ßi”m Æ’n cho th∏ng 5 nµy dµnh cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u Phan Rang ch›nh lµ nh˜ng v≠Ín nho Æang vµo mÔa ch›n m‰ng. Lµ vÔng Ɔt kh´ cªn, Æ«y næng gi„ nh≠ng Phan Rang lπi s∂n sinh ra mÈt loπi tr∏i t≠¨i ngon, ng‰t lfim. Nho Phan Rang c„ th” t◊m mua Î h«u h’t c∏c si™u thfi tr™n c∂ n≠Ìc nh≠ng ghä th®m n¨i nµy ÆÛng mÔa thu hoπch vµ ch‰n nh˜ng chÔm m‰ng n≠Ìc mang v“ chÿ c„ th” ghä vµo dfip cuËi th∏ng 4, Æ«u th∏ng 5. V≠Ín nho lÛc nµy lÛc lÿu nh˜ng chÔm qu∂ Æãp mæt, c„ nh˜ng giµn cfln n∆ng tr‹u qu∂. ß’n Phan Rang vµo mÔa nho ch›n, bπn cfln Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi khi theo ch©n nh˜ng ng≠Íi n´ng d©n ra v≠Ín, cÔng h‰ thu hoπch. H‰ cfln chia sŒ vÌi bπn c∏ch ch®m s„c, cæt tÿa Æ” lu´n gi˜ Æ≠Óc chÔm nho nguy™n vãn cho tÌi ngµy b∏n. DI CHUYÕN: Bπn c„ th” Æ’n Phan Rang bªng xe m∏y, ´t´ ri™ng, xe kh∏ch, m∏y bay, tµu h·a xu†t ph∏t tı Hµ NÈi, TP.HCM hay ßµ NΩng. Tı trung t©m thµnh phË, bπn c„ th” Æi taxi Æ” tham quan v≠Ín nho Ba M‰i hay thu hoπch nho tπi v≠Ín nho Cµ ßÛ * ¬M TH#C: H∂i s∂n Î Phan Rang r†t t≠¨i ngon vµ gi∏ cÚng kh∏ rŒ. Ngoµi ra, bπn n™n ®n thˆ b∏nh xÃo, b∏nh c®n.



PICK GRAPES IN PHAN RANG Another destination for you to visit this May is Phan Rang, where you can visit the vinyards and enjoy the ripe grapes. Despite being a dry land with a scorching climate, Phan Rang is home to beautiful juicy fruits. Phan Rang grapes can be found in most supermarkets across the country, but the finest quality fruits can only be found here at their source during the harvest season, when the succculent ripe fruits are freshly picked at the end of April and early May. This is the time of the year when the vinyards in Phan Rang produce the most beautiful-looking grapes. Come to Phan Rang during the grape harvest season, you can follow the farmers to the vinyards to pick the ripe grapes yourselves, and learn how the farmers keep their grapes fresh and looking perfect until selling. GET THERE: You can get to Phan Rang by plane, bus, train or motorbike from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Danang. From Phan Rang city center, you can take a taxi to visit Ba Moi Vineyard or pick grapes at the Ca Du Vineyard * EAT: Fresh seafood in Phan Rang can be purchased at an affordable price. Try "b∏nh xÃo", "b∏nh c®n" and other delicious street foods.

3 TH¶ôNG NGOÑN T¢Y B¿C MùA N¶õC ߇ Th∏ng 5, khi nh˜ng c¨n m≠a Æ«u hπ bæt Æ«u ÆÊ xuËng, käo n≠Ìc tı th≠Óng nguÂn v“ cÚng lµ lÛc ruÈng bÀc thang T©y Bæc rÚ b· lÌp ∏o n©u buÂn tŒ suËt mÔa Æ´ng. LÛc nµy, c∏c thˆa ruÈng bÀc thang nh≠ nh˜ng ´ mµu l†p l∏nh n≠Ìc. B¯c tranh mµu n≠Ìc cÒa non cao khi th◊ mang sæc vµng cÒa næng mai, lÛc chuy”n sang mµu t›m cÒa Ɔt trÍi bi™ng bi’c, lÛc lπi bµng bπc, „ng ∏nh Æ«y quy’n rÚ. MÔa n≠Ìc ÆÊ käo dµi tı th∏ng 5 sang th∏ng 6. ß©y ch›nh lµ lÛc nh˜ng tay m∏y l™n Æ≠Íng. Ngoµi khung c∂nh thi™n nhi™n k˙ v‹ cfln c„ bao sinh hoπt ÆÍi th≠Íng lπ l…m cÒa ng≠Íi ÆÂng bµo vÔng cao. DI CHUYÕN: Tı Hµ NÈi, bπn c„ nhi“u l˘a ch‰n ph≠¨ng ti÷n di chuy”n nh≠ xe kh∏ch, xe m∏y ho∆c tµu h·a * ¬M TH#C: ß’n T©y Bæc, h∑y th≠Îng th¯c mÈt vµi m„n »m th˘c Æ∆c tr≠ng nh≠ thæng cË, uËng r≠Óu ng´ vµ nh©m nhi tht tr©u g∏c b’p. ß∆c bi÷t, bπn n™n ®n thˆ b˜a s∏ng cÒa ng≠Íi d©n vÔng cao vÌi m„n x´i ngÚ sæc vµ b∏nh cuËn n„ng * MÉCH NHì: Bπn c„ th” dµnh thÍi gian tı 3 Æ’n 5 ngµy Æ” kh∏m ph∏ T©y Bæc.

EXPLORE THE NORTHWEST REGION IN THE SEASON OF FALLING WATER May signals the beginning of summer when the rains start to pour, allowing water to flow downstream over the region's vast terraced rice fields, shaking off the brown coat of winter. It is the time of the year when the seemingly wild, dry fields begin to sparkle like watery mirrors, creating truly picturesque landscapes with glistening sunshine and a clear blue sky full of charm. The rainy season in the highlands takes place in May and June, making it the perfect time of the year for travelers to head up north to capture the amazing beauty of the highlands, its people, and their interesting daily lives. GET THERE: You can travel by bus, train, or motorbike EAT: Enjoy local cuisine such as "thæng cË" (a traditional dish made from horse meat and organs), corn wine, and smoked buffalo meat. For breakfast, try five-color sticky rice and b∏nh cuËn * TIP: You should spend at least 3 to 5 days to explore the northwest region.

V≈ ßÄ NøNG TH¶ôNG TH`C "B~A TIåC" PHÉO HOA TrÎ thµnh t©m Æi”m cÒa du lfich mi“n Trung vµo dfip L‘ 30/4 vµ Æ«u hà vÌi L‘ hÈi Ph∏o hoa QuËc t’ ßµ NΩng 2018 (DIFF 2018) di‘n ra tı 30/4 Æ’n 30/6, ßµ NΩng lµ n¨i bπn n™n Æ≠a vµo k’ hoπch du lfich trong n≠Ìc cÒa m◊nh trong th∏ng 5. DIFF 2018 quy tÙ 8 ÆÈi thi thuÈc hµng nh˜ng c≠Íng quËc v“ ph∏o hoa cÒa c∏c ch©u lÙc, gÂm Ba Lan, M¸, ThÙy ßi”n, HÂng K´ng, ≥, Ph∏p, B ߵo Nha vµ ÆÈi chÒ nhµ ßµ NΩng (Vi÷t Nam) h¯a hãn sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn mÈt "b˜a ti÷c" hoµnh tr∏ng cÒa ©m nhπc vµ ∏nh s∏ng khi Æ™m v“. Ngoµi ra, ban ngµy bπn c„ th” tham quan NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, b∏n Æ∂o S¨n Trµ, l™n nÛi Bµ Nµ tÀn h≠Îng thÍi ti’t m∏t mŒ, d‘ chfiu nh≠ ßµ Lπt thu nh·. DI CHUYÕN: ßµ NΩng lµ trung t©m du lch lÌn cÒa mi“n Trung n™n tı Hµ NÈi vµ TP.HCM, bπn Æ“u d‘ dµng Æ’n Æ©y bªng nhi“u ph≠¨ng ti÷n nh≠ m∏y bay, xe kh∏ch ho∆c tµu h·a * ¬M TH#C: ßıng b· qua c∏c m„n ®n Æ∆c s∂n x¯ Qu∂ng nh≠ m◊ Qu∂ng, bÛn mæm m™m vµ g·i c∏ Nam * MÉCH NHì: VÌi ßµ NΩng, bπn chÿ c«n Î 4 ngµy lµ c„ th” tham quan h«u h’t c∏c Æi”m du lch ch›nh nh≠ b∏n Æ∂o S¨n Trµ, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ChÔa Linh `ng..., hay nËi sang HÈi An, th∏nh Æa M¸ S¨n.

ENjOy DANANG'S FIREWORKS EVENT The Danang International Fireworks Festival 2018 (DIFF 2018) is taking place from April 30 to June 30, making this beautiful coastal city a perfect holiday destination this May. The DIFF 2018 brings together eight competing fireworks teams from all over the world, including Poland, the United States, Sweden, Hong Kong, Italy, France, Portugal, and the host city of Danang (Vietnam). You will get to enjoy not only spectacular fireworks performances, but also join a series of special events and activities. During the day, you can visit Ngu Hanh Son, Son Tra Peninsula, Ba Na Hill to enjoy the cool and pleasant weather. GET THERE: From Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, you can easily travel to Danang by plane, bus, or train * EAT: Try the region's specialty dishes such as Quang noodle and Nam - fish salad * TIP: You should spend 4 days to explore most tourist attractions in Danang such as Son Tra Peninsula, Ngu Hanh Son, Linh Ung Pagoda, or visit the nearby Hoi An and My Son. TRAVELLIVE






N’u bπn Æ∑ b· lÏ chuy’n Æi NhÀt th≠Îng hoa anh Ƶo Æ«u mÔa vµo th∏ng 3, th∏ng 4 th◊ th∏ng 5 ch›nh lµ c¨ hÈi cuËi cÔng dµnh cho bπn. ô NhÀt B∂n, mÔa xu©n lu´n lµ mÔa Æ≠Óc mong chÍ nh†t v◊ ti’t trÍi †m ∏p, c∂nh sæc r˘c rÏ, sËng ÆÈng. MÔa xu©n Î Æ©y käo dµi tı th∏ng 3 Æ’n h’t th∏ng 5, Æ„ cÚng lµ thÍi Æi”m hoa anh Ƶo nÎ rÈ.

If you missed the cherry blossom in March and April, May is the last chance for you to view these beautiful flowers. Spring is always the most anticipated season in Japan thanks to its warm weather and picturesque scenes. Spring lasts from March through to the end of May with the cherry blossoms in full bloom.

Hoa anh Ƶo Î NhÀt B∂n Æ≠Óc trÂng khæp n¨i, trong c´ng vi™n, tr™n nh˜ng con phË, d‰c bÍ s´ng vµ thÀm ch› Î c∏c lµng qu™ hŒo l∏nh. Tuy nhi™n, thÍi Æi”m nÎ hoa mÁi vÔng sœ kh∏c nhau, l«n l≠Ót tı ph›a Nam Æ’n ph›a Bæc, n¨i c„ qu«n Æ∂o Hokkaido. Bπn kh´ng n™n b· qua hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ NhÀt B∂n, th≠Îng ngoπn hoa anh Ƶo cuËi mÔa vµo th∏ng 5 tÌi.

Cherry blossoms in Japan are planted almost everywhere, in parks, on the streets, along the river, and even in remote villages. The blooming times, however, vary depending on each region from north to south. Manga and Ghibli fans must take this chance to explore Japan, and enjoy the late cherry blossom season.

DI CHUYÕN: Tı Vi÷t Nam, du kh∏ch c„ th” l˘a ch‰n bay thºng ho∆c qu∏ c∂nh Æ” Æ’n NhÀt B∂n. * MÉCH NHì: Bπn sœ c„ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m v´ cÔng thÛ v khi k’t hÓp c∏c hoπt ÆÈng picnic, ngæm hoa, tr chuy÷n, ®n sushi vµ c¨m hÈp bento hay thˆ uËng r≠Óu Hanamizake (loπi r≠Óu th≠Íng uËng khi ngæm hoa). ß” kh´ng ph∂i hËi ti’c khi trÎ v“, bπn n™n dµnh ›t nh†t lµ mÈt tu«n Æ” kh∏m ph∏ NhÀt B∂n.

GET THERE: From Vietnam, direct and transit flights to Japan are available * TIP: Enjoy a full experience by having a picnic, eating sushi and bento, trying the Hanamizake (cherry blossom viewing sake), and spending at least a week to explore Japan.


6 MALDIVES - QUˇC ßÅO TçNH Y£U QuËc Æ∂o Maldives nªm tr™n ƒn ßÈ D≠¨ng, ph›a T©y Nam cÒa ƒn ßÈ vµ Sri Lanka. Maldives nÊi ti’ng vÌi thi™n Æ≠Íng nghÿ d≠Ïng vµ tr®ng mÀt tuy÷t Æãp, lµ gi†c m¨ t◊nh y™u cÒa h«u h’t c∏c c∆p Æ´i tr™n th’ giÌi. Maldives Æãp nh†t vµo th∏ng 5, lÛc thÍi ti’t dfiu nhã, bi”n trong xanh vµ næng kh´ng qu∏ ngæt khi’n chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn v´ cÔng tho∂i m∏i, d‘ chfiu. Cfln gi˜ Æ≠Óc vŒ Æãp hoang s¨ vÌi b∑i c∏t dµi træng x„a vµ m∆t n≠Ìc xanh trong væt nh≠ t†m g≠¨ng ph∂n chi’u cÒa b«u trÍi, Maldives Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh "thi™n Æ≠Íng cÒa nh˜ng thi™n Æ≠Íng". DI CHUYÕN: Hi÷n nay ch≠a c„ chuy’n bay thºng tı Vi÷t Nam Æ’n Maldives n™n bπn ph∂i qu∏ c∂nh ›t nh†t mÈt Æi”m dıng. Bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n c∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng c„ Æ≠Íng bay tÌi Maldives nh≠: Bangkok Airways, SriLankan Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Tiger Air... Tr≠Ìc khi Æ∆t vä, Æıng qu™n xem gi∏, Æa Æi”m cÚng nh≠ thÍi gian qu∏ c∂nh v◊ mÁi h∑ng sœ c„ nh˜ng ch›nh s∏ch kh∏c nhau * ¬M TH#C:: ßa sË du kh∏ch sœ l˘a ch‰n 7 ngµy cho mÈt k˙ nghÿ tπi Maldives. Bπn cÚng c„ th” di chuy”n Æ’n Guradhoo - hn Æ∂o g«n trung t©m - bªng tµu Æa ph≠¨ng, Î tπi nhµ d©n vµ ®n nh˜ng h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sËng, chi ph› kho∂ng 50 USD/Æ™m bao gÂm 3 b˜a ®n.

VISIT MALDIVES, THE ISLAND OF LOVE The Maldives is a South Asian island country located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of India and Sri Lanka. The Maldives is famous for its paradise resorts, and is a stunning dream honeymoon destinations for couples all over the world. The best time to visit the Maldives is in May when the weather is temperate, the sea blue, the sun not scorching hot, and your experience the most pleasant. The island is home to one of the world's most pristine beaches and beautiful white sand, and is considered "the paradise of all paradises". GET THERE: Direct flights are not yet available from Vietnam to the Maldives. You can fly with Bangkok Airways, SriLankan Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, or Tiger Air. Book your flight tickets in advance, and check out the price, and time transit with each airline since each airline offers a different schedule * EAT: Most visitors spend 7 days for a holiday at the Maldives. You can also travel to Guradhoo, a nearby island, by boat, stay at the locals' and enjoy fresh seafood for 50 USD/night including 3 meals a day.






Bµi: B∂o Khuy™n - Ånh: Nguy‘n Xu©n Vinh

tr∂i nghi÷m VËn xu†t th©n tı di‘n Ƶn nhi’p ∂nh, du lch vÌi Nguy‘n Xu©n Vinh lµ ni“m Æam m™ ng‰t ngµo. Qua mÁi cung Æ≠Íng cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc, anh mang v“ nh˜ng kh∏m ph∏, tr∂i nghi÷m vµ h¨n h’t lµ nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh qu∂ng b∏ Æi”m Æ’n du lch. MÍi ÆÈc gi∂ Travellive theo nh˜ng vng xe l®n b∏nh, cÔng ng≠Íi ph≠Ót thÒ nµy kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng †n t≠Óng cÒa Vi÷t Nam.




g vflng n ˜ nh




1 3 Nh„m c„ t™n lµ "ßπp ChÙp", ngh‹a lµ Æπp xe vµ chÙp ∂nh. ß≠Óc thµnh lÀp vµo ÆÛng dfip Gi∏ng sinh n®m 2013 nh≠ng Æ’n th∏ng 7/2014, Vinh mÌi ch›nh th¯c trÎ thµnh thµnh vi™n cÒa nh„m. Hµnh tr◊nh ki’n tπo n™n phong trµo du lfich xanh, b∂o v÷ m´i tr≠Íng cÒa anh cÚng bæt Æ«u tı Æ©y.

Ng´i nhµ di ÆÈng 1, R†t nhi“u vÀt dÙng c«n mang theo khi Æi ph≠Ót bªng xa Æπp - 2, Cæm trπi Î PhÛ Y™n - 3, Nh„m "ßπp ChÙp" tπi Cˆa Ti”u - 4, T∏c gi∂ v≠Ót ÆÃo Kh∏nh L™, mÈt trong nh˜ng ÆÃo dËc nh†t ph›a Nam

ßπp ChÙp lµ nh„m ph≠Ót kh´ng kän ch‰n thµnh vi™n, ai cÚng c„ th” tham gia, chÿ c«n c„ mÈt chi’c xe Æπp lµ ÆÒ. Xe Æπp c„ r†t nhi“u loπi, Î Æ©y anh Vinh chÿ chia ra 4 nh„m: xe Æua, xe leo nÛi (xe Æπp Æfia h◊nh), city bike (xe Æπp chπy trong thµnh phË) vµ quan tr‰ng nh†t lµ loπi touring bike - xe Æπp dµnh cho ng≠Íi Æi ph≠Ót. N’u muËn Æπp xa, tı thµnh phË nµy qua thµnh phË kh∏c, nh†t Æfinh ph∂i ch‰n mÈt chi’c xe ™m, kh´ng nh†t thi’t ph∂i qu∏ Ææt ti“n, theo Nguy‘n Xu©n Vinh. Chi’c xe †y c„ th” vµi tri÷u cÚng c„ th” vµi chÙc tri÷u hay vµi tr®m tri÷u ÆÂng, mi‘n sao ng≠Íi chπy th†y tho∂i m∏i vÌi "ng˘a sæt" cÒa m◊nh. Ngoµi chi’c xe Æπp, Æ” Æi h’t c∏c cung Æ≠Íng Æ∑ hoπch Æfinh, hµnh trang Æi kÃm theo c„ tÌi 30 Æ’n 40 m„n Æ phÙ ki÷n. ChÛng c„ th” lµ b’p n†u ®n, th˘c ph»m, dÙng cÙ sˆa xe, ruÈt xe s¨ cua, tÛi c¯u th≠¨ng, l“u vµ dÙng cÙ cæm trπi... D‹ nhi™n lµ kh´ng th” thi’u m∏y ∂nh, m∏y quay phim flycam, camera hµnh tr◊nh. K” ra th◊ cÚng v†t v∂ cho kh©u chu»n bfi nh≠ng chu»n bfi cµng k¸, chuy’n Æi cµng tr‰n vãn. Vinh chia sŒ: "MÁi mÈt vÀt dÙng c«n cho chuy’n Æi Æ“u t˘ tay ng≠Íi Æi chu»n bfi. Vi÷c chu»n bfi m†y chÙc m„n Æ tÀp cho ta t›nh t˘ lÀp, t˘ lo li÷u, rÃn s˘ c»n thÀn vµ t›nh tÿ mÿ. Khi t˘ m◊nh chu»n bfi, m◊nh sœ hi”u Æ≠Óc c∏ch tÂn tπi trong mÁi chuy’n Æi."

Cung Æ≠Íng †n t≠Óng r™n hµnh tr◊nh ngang d‰c Bæc - Nam bªng "ng˘a sæt", Vinh Æ∑ th≠Îng ngoπn v´ vµn c∂nh Æãp vµ c„ nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m l˝ thÛ. MÁi chuy’n Æi kh´ng chÿ mang v“ cho anh nh˜ng video clip, nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh qu˝ gi∏ mµ cfln lµ nh˜ng bµi h‰c t˘ m◊nh ÆÛc k’t, s¯c kh·e vµ k˚ ni÷m. Chuy’n Æi xa Æ«u ti™n cÒa anh lµ ch∆ng Æ≠Íng tı Sµi Gfln tÌi S„c Tr®ng. Vinh Æπp xe d‰c theo Æ≠Íng bÍ bi”n, b®ng qua nh˜ng cˆa s´ng nÊi ti’ng cÒa vÔng ÆÂng bªng ch©u thÊ Cˆu Long, tı Cˆa Ti”u, Cˆa ßπi, Cˆa Ba Lai, Cˆa Hµm Lu´ng, Cˆa CÊ Chi™n, Cˆa Cung H«u, Cˆa ßfinh An Æ’n cˆa Ba Thæc. H«u h’t nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng Æ„ Æ“u hãp, chÿ phÔ hÓp cho xe Æπp vµ xe m∏y l≠u th´ng. ß” c„ mÈt chuy’n Æi an toµn, c∂

nh„m ph∂i l™n k’ hoπch chi ti’t nh≠ ch‰n cung Æ≠Íng væng, ›t quËc lÈ, nhi“u c∂nh Æãp, c„ Æfia Æi”m cæm trπi n’u c«n thi’t vµ h¨n c∂ lµ Æπp chÀm. VÌi anh, chuy’n Æi Æ«u ti™n bao giÍ cÚng Æem Æ’n nhi“u k˚ ni÷m vµ lu´n lµ chuy’n Æi Æ∏ng nhÌ nh†t. Cung Æ≠Íng †n t≠Óng th¯ hai mµ ngay khi nhæc Æ’n Vinh Æ∑ thao thao b†t tuy÷t k” v“ n„ lµ chuy’n Æi Hµ Giang vµo cuËi th∏ng 9/2017. Anh k”: "ChÛng t´i nghÿ Æ™m Æ«u ti™n Î ßÂng V®n, Æ™m th¯ hai Î LÚng CÛ, Æ™m th¯ ba Î Y™n Minh. Chuy’n Æi nµy nh„m chia thµnh nhi“u tËp. TËp Æ«u xu†t ph∏t tı Sµi Gfln, g∆p nhau Î Hµ Giang vµ k’t thÛc ch∆ng Æ≠Íng Î T©y Bæc. Cfln c∏c tËp nh·, th†y m◊nh phÔ hÓp Î cung Æ≠Íng nµo th◊ sœ nhÀp v´ Æoµn Î cung Æ≠Íng †y." Ri™ng Vinh, anh nhÀp Æoµn Î Hµ Giang, ghä th®m ÆÒ c∏c Æi”m nÊi ti’ng Î mi“n nÛi ph›a Bæc nh≠ MÃo Vπc, ÆÃo M∑ P◊ LÃng, cao nguy™n Æ∏ ßÂng V®n,

LÚng CÛ, nhµ Vua MÃo, nhµ trong phim "Chuy÷n cÒa Pao" Î SÒng Lµ, Y™n Minh. Chuy’n Æi kh∏c Æ∑ Æ” lπi trong anh †n t≠Óng mπnh lµ chuy’n Æi v≠Ót ÆÃo Kh∏nh L™, nËi gi˜a Nha Trang vµ ßµ Lπt, mÈt trong nh˜ng ÆÃo dËc nh†t ph›a Nam. ßÃo dµi 30 km vµ dËc li™n tÙc, d≠Ìi ch©n ÆÃo cao 50 m so vÌi m∆t n≠Ìc bi”n nh≠ng l™n Æ’n Æÿnh th◊ ÆÈ cao Æ∑ lµ 1.700 m. Vinh chia sŒ: "ßÃo Kh∏nh L™ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng thˆ th∏ch mµ ai Æπp xe cÚng muËn chinh phÙc vµ qu∂ thÀt n„ v´ cÔng Æ∏ng gi∏, bÎi c„ qu∏ nhi“u c∂nh Æãp hi÷n ra tr≠Ìc mæt". Chÿ trong 30 km Æ≠Íng ÆÃo mµ xu†t hi÷n vµi chÙc th∏c n≠Ìc, c©y cËi, nÛi ÆÂi hi÷n l™n trÔng Æi÷p, hÔng v‹. Ngµy h´m Æ„, nh„m anh nghÿ Æ™m tπi ßµ Lπt, nhi÷t ÆÈ ßµ Lπt th∏ng 12 xuËng tÌi 10oC, cÚng lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ. ß∆c bi÷t, chuy’n Æi nµy c„ mÈt cÀu bä 10 tuÊi tham gia cÔng nh„m anh. TRAVELLIVE


ß\NG ßÕ lÑi Gç NGoÄi Nh~NG v⁄t xE vÄ hçNh ÅNh Cûa mçNh, C¢u Nïi Nhïm ßÑp Ch|p lu§N Nh¿C Nhô Nhau tRoNG suˇt Chuy⁄N ßi. kh∏m ph∏ t©y Bæc Nh„m ßπp ChÙp chÒ y’u Æi ng…u h¯ng, bµn nhau tr≠Ìc vµi tu«n rÂi th˘c hi÷n ngay. Th≠Íng th◊ mÈt, hai th∏ng sœ c„ mÈt chuy’n Æi xa, bÎi h«u h’t thµnh vi™n trong nh„m Æ“u bÀn vi÷c cÒa m◊nh. Nh˜ng tu«n kh´ng Æπp ph≠Ót, nh„m sœ v…n Æπp xe quanh thµnh phË Æ” duy tr◊ s¯c kh·e cÚng nh≠ g∆p gÏ c∏c thµnh vi™n trong nh„m. DÔ Æ∑ Æi qua nhi“u tÿnh thµnh tı Nam ra Bæc nh≠ng c„ mÈt chuy’n Æi mµ b∂n th©n anh v…n lu´n †p Ò lµ chinh phÙc T©y Bæc. VÌi cung Æ≠Íng Sapa - Y™n Minh - MÔ C®ng Ch∂i - TÛ L÷, anh muËn ghä th®m vµo mÔa lÛa ch›n; vµ sau Æ„ lµ cung Æ≠Íng kh∏m ph∏ A Pa Ch∂i - c˘c T©y cÒa TÊ quËc. Chuy’n Æi nµy nh„m anh Æang l™n k’ hoπch Æ” th˘c hi÷n trong n®m nay.

Du lfich xanh Du lfich bªng xe Æπp lµ s˘ hµi hfla gi˜a th” thao, du lfich, gia Æ◊nh vµ c´ng vi÷c. Nh„m ßπp ChÙp kh´ng dµnh c∂ th∏ng Æ” Æi tı n¨i nµy qua n¨i kh∏c, mµ th≠Íng dµnh nh˜ng ngµy cuËi tu«n cho sÎ th›ch ri™ng cÒa m◊nh. ßπp xe vËn Æ∑ lµ mÈt m´n th” thao tËt cho s¯c kh·e, bÎi th’ nh„m kh´ng c«n tÀp luy÷n th™m nhi“u giÍ tr≠Ìc khi bæt Æ«u chuy’n Æi. ßi“u thÛ vfi trong Æπp ph≠Ót lµ ta c„ th” chÒ ÆÈng hµnh tr◊nh cÒa m◊nh. N’u nh≠ mÈt ng≠Íi trong Æoµn m÷t, c∂ Æoµn c„ th” gi∂m tËc ÆÈ ho∆c thÀm ch› lµ t®ng thÍi gian nghÿ Î c∏c trπm. TËc ÆÈ chπy c„ th” dao ÆÈng tı 15 - 20 km/h, c¯ mÈt giÍ sœ nghÿ ch©n 10 phÛt Æ” uËng n≠Ìc, ÆÓi ÆÂng

V≠Ót ÆÃo Kh∏nh L™, nËi gi˜a Nha Trang vµ ßµ Lπt

ÆÈi vµ Æ” gi˜ lπi nh˜ng khung c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp. ßπp ph≠Ót lµ h◊nh th¯c du lfich mÌi mŒ nh≠ng lπi thu hÛt Æ≠Óc s˘ quan t©m cÒa cÈng ÆÂng m™ "x™ dfich", tπo ra mÈt trµo l≠u c„ ›ch cho s¯c kh·e, cho tinh th«n vµ cho vi÷c qu∂ng b∏ du lfich trong n≠Ìc. ßi“u quan tr‰ng nh†t mµ Æπp ph≠Ót mang lπi lµ ng≠Íi tham gia kh´ng th∂i ra m´i tr≠Íng b†t k˙ ch†t ÆÈc hπi nµo c∂. MÈt c©u n„i mµ nh„m ßπp ChÙp lu´n nhæc nhÎ nhau trong suËt chuy’n Æi lµ "ßıng Æ” lπi g◊ ngoµi nh˜ng v’t xe vµ h◊nh ∂nh cÒa m◊nh". ThÀm ch›, ng≠Íi tr≠Îng Æoµn cfln y™u c«u c∏c thµnh vi™n kh´ng uËng bªng Ëng hÛt vµ d‰n toµn bÈ r∏c sau khi nhÊ l“u. Tham gia loπi h◊nh du lfich nµy, th≠Íng ng≠Íi ta hay ngπi v“ chi ph›, thÍi gian vµ lo læng m◊nh c„ ÆÒ s¯c Æi hay kh´ng. Vinh n„i: "H∑y v≠Ót l™n ch›nh m◊nh, ng≠Íi kh∏c lµm Æ≠Óc th◊ m◊nh lµm Æ≠Óc. Trong mÈt sË chuy’n

Æi xa, c„ c∂ em bä 10 tuÊi vµ ´ng giµ tr™n 70 tuÊi tham gia, n™n t´i ngh‹ ai cÚng c„ th” Æπp xe. ThÍi gian Æπp xe cÚng ch›nh lµ thÍi gian tÀp luy÷n th” thao, rÃn luy÷n s¯c kh·e".

mÌi mŒ nh≠ng lπi thu hÛt Æ≠Óc s˘ quan t©m cÒa cÈng ÆÂng m™ "x™ dfich", tπo ra mÈt trµo l≠u c„ ›ch cho s¯c kh·e, tinh th«n vµ cho vi÷c qu∂ng b∏ du lfich trong n≠Ìc.

ßπp ph≠Ót mang Æ’n nhi“u ni“m vui, nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi vµ nh˜ng t◊nh bπn Æ∏ng qu˝. Vµ h¨n h’t, du lfich bªng xe Æπp kh´ng tËn käm, bπn chÿ c«n b· vµi tri÷u ÆÂng sæm mÈt chi’c xe tËt, cfln lπi mÁi chuy’n Æi 2 ngµy 3 Æ™m chÿ tËn t«m vµi tr®m cho tÌi mÈt tri÷u ÆÂng.

ñ Theo Vinh, ph≠¨ng ti÷n di chuy”n ch›nh lµ xe Æπp nh≠ng kh´ng ph∂i ai cÚng c„ th” Æπp tı c˘c Nam tÌi c˘c Bæc. ßa sË m‰i ng≠Íi sœ Æπp theo tıng ch∆ng, tı tÿnh nµy qua tÿnh kia. N™n bπn c„ th” Æi xe kh∏ch, mang theo c∂ xe Æπp, tÀp trung Î thµnh phË nh†t Ænh vµ Æπp sang thµnh phË kh∏c; sau Æ„, bæt xe v“ lπi n¨i xu†t ph∏t ban Æ«u.

ßπi v®n hµo Lev Tolstoy tıng n„i: "Hπnh phÛc c¨ b∂n cÒa con ng≠Íi lµ kh∂ n®ng hfla vÌi thi™n nhi™n, Æ” nh◊n th†y n„ vµ c∂m nhÀn n„". MuËn lµm Æ≠Óc Æi“u Æ„, ch› ›t chÛng ta ph∂i b∂o v÷ vµ tr©n qu˝ n„. Vinh vµ nh„m ßπp ChÙp Æ∑ theo ÆuÊi Æam m™ vµ hπnh phÛc th´ng qua loπi h◊nh du lfich xanh lµ xe Æπp. ßπp ph≠Ót lµ h◊nh th¯c du lfich


BÅO D¶öNG XE ßÑP ñ ß«u ti™n, mÁi ng≠Íi ph∂i c„ mÈt bÈ dÙng cÙ sˆa xe, vµi c∏i ruÈt (s®m) s¨ cua. Khi tham gia Æπp ph≠Ót, mÁi ng≠Íi c«n h‰c c∏ch sˆa ch˜a xe c¨ b∂n, c∏ch thay ruÈt (s®m) vµ b¨m lËp. ß” an toµn vµ bÌt m†t s¯c, bπn n™n b∂o tr◊ xe tr≠Ìc khi chuy’n Æi bæt Æ«u. TRÅI NGHIåM ¬M TH#C ñ ßi“u thÛ v cÒa du lch bªng xe Æπp lµ bπn c„ th” len l·i Æ’n m‰i ng„c ng∏ch cÒa thµnh phË, ®n nh˜ng m„n ®n Æa ph≠¨ng. N’u ngÒ l“u, m‰i ng≠Íi n™n chu»n b mÈt ›t th¯c ®n d‘ ch’ bi’n. Mang theo chocolate Æ” ®n d‰c Æ≠Íng n’u chºng may kh´ng t◊m Æ≠Óc Æi”m dıng ch©n th›ch hÓp, kh´ng t◊m Æ≠Óc qu∏n ®n. ßI≈U KIåN THAM GIA ñ Du lch bªng xe Æπp kh´ng kän ng≠Íi tham gia, dÔ bπn giµ hay trŒ, nam hay n˜, c„ c´ng vi÷c Ên Ænh hay kh´ng Æ“u c„ th” tham gia Æ≠Óc. Quan tr‰ng nh†t lµ bπn du lch xanh, c„ ˝ th¯c b∂o v÷ m´i tr≠Íng. TRAVELLIVE


greentravel Text: Bao Khuyen - Photos: Nguyen Xuan Vinh

In addition to a deep passion for photography, Nguyen Xuan Vinh has always been into traveling. Vietnam offers some of the most incredible routes that Vinh is proud to have discovered, explored, and captured in his amazing photographs the beauty of each destination. Let us take on this journey with him and admire the most breathtaking sceneries of Vietnam.

Vinh is a member of a group named "ßπp ChÙp" (cycle and shoot), where their love for cycling and taking photos are combined. The group was founded Christmas 2013, and Vinh joined the team in July 2014, together with his team mates promoting green travel and raising awareness for environmental protection.

A mobile home ßπp ChÙp is a group that is open to anyone who would like to join. All you need is a bike. Bicycles can be divided into many different types, but there are 4 main types in the group: race bikes, mountain bikes, city bikes, and the most important of all, touring bikes. If you want to travel by bike over long distances from city to city, it is essential to get a bike that gives you a smooth ride, and it does not necessarily have to be an expensive one. A solid touring bike can cost several tens of millions of dong or several hundred of millions dong. The key is to pick one that you feel considerably comfortable with. Besides the bike, you also have to carry along heavy loads, including cooking ware, food, bike repair kits, back up tubes, first aid kits, tents, and camping gear, not to mention cameras and flycam euipment. It can be a pain to prepare so many things, but planning wisely ensures your trips are the most enjoyable ones.



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Vinh shared, "Everyone must pack for themselves before the trip. You learn how to be selfsufficient, and thorough in the process. Packing is key to your survival during each trip."

Incredible routes On a journey from the North to the South of Vietnam, the group enjoyed breathtaking sceneries and had interesting experiences. What they get back from each trip were not only beautiful photos and footages, but also amazing experiences and unforgettable memories. Vinh's first trip was from Saigon to SÛc Trang, where he cycled along the coast, and crossed the famous estuaries of the Mekong Delta including Cˆa Ti”u, Cˆa ßπi, Cˆa Ba Lai, Cˆa Hµm Lu´ng, Cˆa CÊ Chi™n, Cˆa Cung H«u, Cˆa ßfinh An, and Cˆa Ba Thæc. Most of the roads are quite narrow, and only fit for bicycles and motorcycles. Detailed plans are neccessary to make a safe trip, which include choosing less frequented routes that offer beautiful scenes, and where camp sites are available if needed.



Most importantly, these routes need to allow the group to travel at a slow pace. The first trip is always a trip filled with the most memories, and is often the most unforgettable. Vinh's second most memorable trip was to Hµ Giang, which he undertook September last year, a trip that Vinh could not contain his excitement for when mentioning it. He shared, "We spent our first night in ßÂng V®n, our second in LÚng CÛ, and our third in Y™n Minh. For this trip, we split into several groups with the main group starting from Saigon to Hµ Giang, and ended their journey in the northwest region of Vietnam. Other groups joined along the way. Vinh only joined the group in Hµ Giang, and visited most of the famous northern spots including MÃo Vπc, M∑ P◊ LÃng Pass, ßÂng V®n Stone Plateau, LÚng CÛ, the home of H'mong King, and the home where Pao's Story was filmed in S∂ng Lµ, Y™n Minh. Another trip which was still fresh in Vinh's mind was a trip that crossed Kh∏nh L™ Pass, which is situated between Nha Trang and Dalat, one of the steepest passes in the south of Vietnam.



The pass, which is 30 km long with continuous slopes, sits 50 m above the sea level, and at its peak, reachs the height of 1,700 m. "Kh∏nh L™ Pass is a challenge that most cyclists want to conquer since the landscapes here are absolutely stunning." You can find beautiful waterfalls, as well as lush mountains along the way. Vinh's group decided to rest over night in Dalat, when the local December temperature dropped down to 10 degrees. It was a remarkable experience, especially with the participation of a 10-year-old boy.

Explore the northwest region Team ßπp ChÙp takes random trips, and plans only a few weeks ahead. The trips are often organized once a month or once every two



months since most of the team members have a busy schedule with work. Besides touring trips, the team often goes on weekly rides around the city to keep fit and meet the team members. Vinh has cycled through many provinces from north to south, but one region he still dreams of exploring is the northwest. One particular route that takes you through Sapa - Y™n Minh - MÔ C®ng Ch∂i - TÛ L÷, Vinh is on his list to visit in autumn during the rice harvest season before cycling to A Pa Ch∂i, the west end point of Vietnam.

Green travel Traveling by bicycle is a fantastic way to combine sports, travel, leisure, and work. ßπp ChÙp does

not usually spend an entire month to travel with the trips mostly taking place on the weekends. Cycling has been known to improve one's overal health, which explains why the team requires little training before embarking on each trip. A great thing about cycling is that you have control over the pace that you want to go at. If a team member gets tired, the whole team can either slow down or take more breaks. The average speed ranges from 15 to 20 km/h with a 10-minute break after each hour to rest, drink water, and wait for others to catch up while enjoying the immense beauty around. Cycling is definitely not a new way to travel, but its popularity is increasing among Vietnamese travelers who hope to raise

Don't leave anything behind except for you bike tracks and your image!, is a saying that ßπp ChÙp members often remind each other. awareness about both physical and mental health, as well as promote Vietnam's ecotourism. The key thing about cycling is that it is the only mode of transport that does not produce emissions into the environment. "Don't leave anything behind except for you bike tracks and your image!" is a saying that ßπp ChÙp members often remind each other. Members are encouraged to not use plastic straws, and always clean up after themselves. Regarding this eco form of traveling, people are often concerned about the cost, the time they must spend, and whether they are fit to go. Vinh shared, "The key is a resolution to overcome your own limits. In our trips, we have had a 10-year-old and a 70-year-old cyclists. Anyone can ride a bicycle. The time you spend riding a bike is pure exercise."

Cycling offers fun, interesting experiences, and worthy friendships to all who join. Bicycles are an inexpensive way to travel. A few million dong can get you a reasonably good bike, and a 2-day and 3-night trip cost only from a few hundreds to a million dong. The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy once said, "One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken." We must always cherish and protect our environment. Vinh's and ßπp ChÙp's mission is to not only find enjoyment in the simple pleasure of cycling, but also leave behind a better world for future generations. Cycling is gaining popularity among Vietnamese travelers who hope to raise awareness about both physical and mental health, as well as promote Vietnam's ecotourism.

TRANSPORT ñ Bicycles are the main form of transport, but not everyone can cycle from the south to the north of Vietnam. Most people join certain legs from province to province. You can first travel by bus with your bicycle, meet other team members at a designated place, cycle to a planned destination, and then, come back to where you started. BIKE MAINTENANCE ñ Each member must carry a bike repair kit, and back-up inner tubes. One must learn the how to repair their bike in the most basic ways, how to replace the inner tube for the tires, and pump the tires. For your own safety and to avoid troubles during your trip, you should have your bike maintained before you go. FOOD ñ The interesting thing about traveling by bike is that you sneak your way into the narrowest corners of a city to try the local food. If sleeping in a tent, your should bring packaged foods for added convenience. Also bring some snacks to eat on the road, if for some reason, you can't find a place to stop or eat. FITNESS LEVEL ñ Traveling by bike is open to all ages, genders, and people with any kind of job as long as you have a passion for cycling and green travel.



Bµi: Codet Hanoi Ånh: Tr«n Anh Tu†n


Hà lµ mÔa cÒa du lch d∑ ngoπi, kh∏m ph∏ thi™n nhi™n. N’u Æi ch¨i xa mµ kh´ng muËn khäp m◊nh trong phng kh∏ch sπn, bπn v…n c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng chuy’n Æi mÈt c∏ch tr‰n vãn, vÌi nhi“u c∂m xÛc mÌi lπ bªng loπi h◊nh ngÒ l“u. ßÛng ki”u "d∑ chi’n" th◊ Camping (l“u trπi), cn muËn vıa thi™n nhi™n lπi vıa th™m nh˜ng ti÷n nghi, l∑ng mπn th◊ Æ∑ c„ Glamping (l“u trπi sang tr‰ng).



muËn kh¨i dÀy h¯ng thÛ cho b†t k˙ Ưa trŒ nµo, bπn h∑y thˆ rÒ chÛng tham gia mÈt chuy’n d∑ ngoπi. ß„ lµ m„n quµ v´ gi∏ cho k˝ ¯c cÒa mÈt Ưa trŒ, cÚng lµ c∏ch tuy÷t vÍi Æ” k’t nËi t◊nh c∂m gi˜a c∏c thµnh vi™n trong gia Æ◊nh. NGû l≈u, ß¿m mçNh Gi~a thi£N Nhi£N


´i cfln nhÌ chuy’n Æi tÌi "SËng l≠ng khÒng long" Tµ XÔa (S¨n La). Theo k’ hoπch, chÛng t´i sœ t◊m mÈt ng´i nhµ ng≠Íi ÆÂng bµo M´ng Î b∂n nµo nghÃo nh†t, vÌi m‰i th¯ Î m¯c tËi thi”u nh†t. Khi Æ∑ th·a thu™ kh∏m ph∏ Î Tµ XÔa, chÛng t´i Ưng tı tr™n cao nh◊n xuËng, th†y mÈt b∂n lµng ph›a d≠Ìi thung lÚng. ChÛng t´i cÚng ch‰n Æ≠Óc mÈt ng´i nhµ nªm ngay gi˜a thung lÚng. Hµnh tr◊nh xuËng tÌi ng´i nhµ nµy kh∏ m÷t v◊ Æ≠Íng Æi nh· vµ lπi tr¨n tr≠Ót. Nh≠ng bÔ lπi, vµo mÔa nµy, nh˜ng r∆ng hoa trÂng ven Æ≠Íng Æi nÎ bung træng x„a lµm cho b∂n Chung Chi™ng bÁng trÎ n™n Æãp h¨n bao giÍ h’t. ß™m, sau b˜a tËi qu∏ vui, ti’ng rÿ r∂ cÒa c´n trÔng bæt Æ«u vang l™n nh≠ mÈt b∂n hfla ca. NgÒ gi˜a thung lÚng, v©y quanh lµ trÀp trÔng nÛi cao, c∂m gi∏c kh„ t∂ v´ cÔng... Vıa hoang mang, h¨i sÍ sÓ lπi vıa th›ch thÛ. Sau khi tr∂i th™m mÈt chi’c ch®n dµy lµm Æ÷m Î ph›a d≠Ìi, chÛng t´i tr∂i tÛi ngÒ ra. Sau chuy’n Æi m÷t s∏ng nay, cÈng th™m chÛt r≠Óu ng´ khi’n Æ™m Æ„, ai cÚng ngÒ ngon h¨n Î homestay Æ™m tr≠Ìc. BuÊi s∏ng tinh m¨, chÒ nhµ P∏o Æ∑ dÀy tı thuÎ nµo. ߯a con g∏i lÌn Æ∑ bÀt Ƶi, mÈt bµi h∏t ti’ng M´ng n„i



v“ t◊nh y™u. VÓ P∏o Æang lÙc ÆÙc n†u m◊ chan c¨m nguÈi cho m†y Ưa con ®n, rÂi Ưa Æi h‰c, Ưa dæt tr©u Æi ch®n... Cfln chÛng t´i Æang ngÂi Æ∏nh r®ng b™n cπnh chuÂng tr©u. ChÛng t´i Æun n≠Ìc, pha trµ, ngÂi uËng gi˜a Æ∏m s≠¨ng mÍ dµy Æ∆c cÒa nÛi rıng. CuÈc sËng thÀt b◊nh dfi, Æ∏ng y™u Î n¨i nµy Æ∑ khi’n chÛng t´i tπm qu™n phË thfi nhÈn nhfip, x´ b th≠Íng ngµy. TÌi Tµ XÔa, ng≠Íi ta c„ th” cæm trπi ngay tr™n sËng l≠ng khÒng long, Æ” "canh m©y" vµo lÛc b◊nh minh vµ hoµng h´n. Nh≠ng chÿ xin l≠u ˝ c∏c bπn, h∑y gi˜ g◊n m´i tr≠Íng vµ v÷ sinh chung.

101 CÅm GiÉC sˇNG ßóNG Cæm l“u tr™n nh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng hoa Î Ninh ThuÀn, gi˜a rıng th´ng ßµ Lπt, trong rıng T©y Nguy™n, Î Bidoup hay b∑i bi”n, ÆÂi c∏t... T†t c∂ Æ“u mang lπi cho bπn c∂m gi∏c mÌi lπ, h†p d…n mµ bπn sœ kh´ng th” nµo t◊m th†y Æ≠Óc nh≠ khi Æi theo tour cÒa c∏c c´ng ty du lfich. ß„ ch›nh lµ l˝ do nhi“u ng≠Íi Æ∑ ch‰n du lfich theo loπi h◊nh nµy, vÌi ki”u ngÒ l“u - Camping Anh Tr«n Anh Tu†n, ng≠Íi c„ sÎ th›ch cæm trπi, sËng Î TP.HCM, chia sŒ: "V◊ Æ∑ Æi qu∏ nhi“u, n™n giÍ t´i chÿ muËn Æ’n mÈt n¨i nµo Æ„ c„ khung c∂nh Æãp, m∏t mŒ, d˘ng mÈt c∏i l“u, Î Æ„ thÀt l©u tÀn

h≠Îng thi™n nhi™n. N¨i hπ trπi ph∂i Æ∂m b∂o ›t nh†t hai ti™u ch› lµ xa d©n c≠ vµ c„ view tho∏ng Æ∑ng nh≠ nÛi, rıng, suËi, th∏c, c∏nh ÆÂng...". VÌi Tu†n, mÈt trong nh˜ng n¨i cæm trπi ≠a th›ch lµ ßµ Lπt. ô Æ©y, anh c„ th” chπy xe m∏y l™n b†t c¯ ng‰n ÆÂi nµo, tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› lu´n m∏t lπnh. "T´i Æ∑ tıng d˘ng l“u Î mÈt chÁ b∂y ngµy li™n ti’p. L«n Æ„, thÍi ti’t v´ cÔng m¸ m∑n, c¯ chi“u lµ m≠a nhã, tËi l∆ng gi„ Æ” kh´ng bfi lπnh r∏t. S∏ng ra lπi Æ≠Óc thi™n nhi™n t∆ng cho mÈt bi”n m©y t≠ng bıng." Cfln tr∂i nghi÷m Æ™m ngÒ l“u kh„ qu™n ÆËi vÌi chfi ThÛy Lan (Î Nha Trang) lµ cÔng Æoµn d˘ng l“u cæm trπi b™n bÍ bi”n CÔ Lao C©u, mÈt hfln Æ∂o hoang s¨ cÒa B◊nh ThuÀn vµo dfip l‘ 30/4. ß™m nªm trong l“u, nghe ti’ng s„ng bi”n r◊ rµo, thfl Æ«u ra ngæm bi”n, ph›a tr≠Ìc m∆t chÿ mÈt mµu Æen m™nh m´ng, c∂m gi∏c sÓ h∑i. B◊nh minh l™n, vŒ Æãp cÒa bi”n nh≠ Æ“n bÔ t†t c∂ nh˜ng nÁi lo ©u Æ™m qua. "Tuy÷t vÍi, vµ an nhi™n, khi chÓt th†y h◊nh ∂nh hai ng≠Íi y™u nhau cÔng tÀp yoga tr™n b∑i bi”n. "T◊nh ¨i lµ t◊nh, chung l“u, chung Æ´i, chung c∂ sÎ th›ch n˜a th◊... hπnh phÛc nh†t rÂi", chfi ThÛy Lan n„i. MÈt ng≠Íi kh∏c cÚng th›ch loπi h◊nh du lfich nµy cfln cho rªng: ô l“u, r†t d‘ g©y..."nghi÷n". ß´i khi kh´ng c„ Æi“u ki÷n Æ” Æi, t´i

ß≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch sang tr‰ng, Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ nh˜ng m„n ®n tinh t’ cÔng r≠Óu champagne, r≠Óu vang c˘c ngon, Glamping Æang trÎ n™n thfinh hµnh trong ph©n khÛc thfi tr≠Íng kh∏ch du lfich c„ thu nhÀp cao. VÌi nh˜ng chi’c l“u bπt ƨn gi∂n nh≠ng kh´ng käm ph«n l∑ng mπn, Æ≠a du kh∏ch hfla m◊nh vÌi thi™n nhi™n, gi∂i ph„ng con ng≠Íi, Glamping lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho bπn trong mÔa hà nµy. C∏c l“u hπng sang th≠Íng Æ≠Óc trang tr› theo phong c∏ch Æ∆c tr≠ng nh≠ Bohemian, Gypsy, Rutic... Xen l…n gi˜a ti’ng r◊ rµo cÒa s„ng bi”n vµ ti’ng nhπc Aucostic, s˘ th©n t◊nh cÒa ng≠Íi bπn Æang hi÷n h˜u b™n m◊nh sœ tπo n™n mÈt khung c∂nh l∑ng mπn theo c∏ch kh„ qu™n nh†t. N£N ñ T◊m ki’m v tr› an toµn, thuÀn ti÷n cho vi÷c sinh hoπt. ñ Ch‰n n¨i Æ≠Óc che chæn bÎi c∏c vÀt li÷u t˘ nhi™n nh≠ l∏; nªm tr™n c∏t, ho∆c Ɔt sπch sœ ›t d…n nhi÷t h¨n c∏c ch†t kh∏c.

ph∂i gi∂i khu©y bªng c∏ch cæm l“u trong nhµ Æ” cÔng ch¨i vÌi c∏c con, chui ra, chui vµo, giËng nh≠ m◊nh Æang ngao du Æ©u Æ„!" VÌi gia Æ◊nh, cæm trπi bªng l“u lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng k˚ ni÷m kh„ qu™n trong lflng con trŒ. T†t c∂ nh˜ng g◊ thi™n nhi™n ban t∆ng Æ„ lµ b«u kh´ng kh› trong lµnh, phong c∂nh tuy÷t vÍi vµ nh˜ng g„c nh◊n v“ cuÈc sËng hoang d∑, nh˜ng buÊi tËi vÌi ∏nh s∏ng cÒa mu´n ngµn v◊ sao tr™n b«u trÍi. Thi™n nhi™n sœ mang tÌi cho trŒ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m ch©n th˘c, sinh ÆÈng vµ trŒ sœ c∂m nhÀn n„ bªng gi∏c quan cÒa ch›nh m◊nh. V◊ th’, muËn kh¨i dÀy h¯ng thÛ cho b†t k˙ Ưa trŒ nµo,

bπn h∑y thˆ bªng c∏ch rÒ chÛng tham gia mÈt chuy’n d∑ ngoπi. ß„ lµ m„n quµ v´ gi∏ cho k˝ ¯c cÒa mÈt Ưa trŒ, cÚng lµ c∏ch tuy÷t vÍi Æ” k’t nËi t◊nh c∂m gi˜a c∏c thµnh vi™n trong gia Æ◊nh.

GlampiNG Cho Nh~NG NG¶òi thêCh saNG ChÅNh N’u muËn ngÒ l“u trπi mµ v…n Æ«y ÆÒ ti÷n nghi sang tr‰ng, bπn cÚng chºng ph∂i lo, v◊ giÍ Æ©y, Æ∑ c„ nh˜ng dfich vÙ cao c†p, thÀm ch› lµ xa xÿ dµnh cho bπn. ß„ lµ loπi h◊nh Glamping, khu cæm l“u trπi hπng sang Î c∏c resort dµnh cho ng≠Íi y™u thi™n nhi™n vµ muËn c„ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi kh„ qu™n.

ñ D≠Ìi ho∆c cπnh c©y g◊ Æ„, Æ∏ lÌn sœ chæn gi„ vµ gi∂m nhi÷t b¯c xπ ñ Tr∏nh nguy c¨ b ngÀp lÙt bÎi n≠Ìc ng«m v◊ n’u trÍi m≠a, ÆÈ »m sœ d‘ b th†m qua mÈt sµn l“u. ñ ß∂m b∂o s˘ an toµn, tr∏nh gi„ cho n¨i cæm l“u trπi. ñ ß∏nh d†u Æi”m cæm trπi, Æ∆c Æi”m nhÀn dπng n¨i cæm l“u cho t†t c∂ c∏c thµnh vi™n tham gia nhªm tr∏nh lπc trπi. ñ Gi˜ g◊n v÷ sinh chung n¨i cæm l“u, trπi. Tu©n theo nguy™n tæc b∂o v÷ thi™n nhi™n, m´i tr≠Íng. KH§NG N£N ñ Kh´ng Î tÀn cÔng cÒa thung lÚng, ho∆c hŒm nÛi, n¨i kh´ng kh› sœ lπnh nh†t vµ »m ≠Ìt qu∏ m¯c. ñ Kh´ng cæm trπi g«n Æ≠Íng ki’m ®n cÒa ÆÈng vÀt ho∆c g«n hang, Ê cÒa ÆÈng vÀt, tr∏nh s˘ "th®m h·i" cÒa nh˜ng v kh∏ch ngoµi ˝ muËn lÛc nˆa Æ™m! ñ H∑y tr∏nh xa khu v˘c nguy hi”m nh≠ vÔng x∂ lÚ, lÚ quät, ÆÂng c· ngÀp Ûng; h∑y gi˜ kho∂ng c∏ch an toµn vÌi c∏c con suËi, s´ng, hÂ, bi”n. TRAVELLIVE


”m du lch mπo hi Khu th” thao oli, Ninh ThuÀn Tany

10 KHU CaMPING-GLaMPING SI£U ß—P Khu cæm trπi S¨n Tinh Camp, Hµ NÈi Glamping Î N


Lµ mÈt b∏n Æ∂o, ba m∆t gi∏p h ßÂng M´, c„ rıng ®n qu∂ xen kœ vÌi rıng nguy™n sinh, c∏ch Hµ NÈi 40 km, Æ©y lµ Æi”m th›ch hÓp cho c∏c hoπt ÆÈng team building nh≠ Æπi n∏o h ßÂng M´, Tarzan Æu rıng, b› mÀt nhµ sµn ma, ÆËt lˆa trπi... SoN TINH CAMP, HANoI It is a peninsula with three sides adjacent to Dong Mo Lake. The area has a primitive forest, and is 40 km away from Hanoi. Son Tinh Camp is an ideal place for team building activities. C∂nh D≠¨ng Beachcamp, Hu’ T‰a lπc tπi th´n C∂nh D≠¨ng, ngoπi thµnh phË Hu’, Æ©y lµ khu cæm trπi nªm tr™n b∑i bi”n nguy™n s¨ tuy÷t Æãp. CANH DUoNG BeACHCAMP, HUe Located in Canh Duong Village on the outskirt of Hue, the campsite offers a beautiful pristine beach. Khu d∑ ngoπi Trung L≠¨ng, B◊nh ßnh VÌi nh˜ng chi’c l“u, bπn c„ th” qua Æ™m tπi Æ©y, ÆËt lˆa trπi, h∏t h, ngæm sao, nghe ti’ng s„ng bi”n... N≠Ìc bi”n Î Æ©y xanh ngæt, b◊nh y™n vÌi b∑i c∏t mn.

Nh˜ng Æi”m cæm trπi quen thuÈc, phÊ bi’n tπi khu v˘c mi“n Bæc c„ nÛi Hµm LÓn (S„c S¨n), th∂o nguy™n xanh ßÂng Cao (Bæc Giang), V≠Ín QuËc gia Ba V◊, Tam ß∂o (V‹nh PhÛc), h ßπi L∂i (V‹nh PhÛc), b∑i bi”n H∂i Thnh, S¨n Tinh Camp, Ecopark, Bi”n C´ T´ vÌi Coto Eco Loge... Ngoµi ra, cn c„ nh˜ng Æi”m cæm trπi c„ ph«n hoang d∑ h¨n, nh≠: Fansipan, Putaleng hay c∏c rıng th´ng T©y Nguy™n, M®ng ßen, Bidoup Î ßµ Lπt, L©m ßÂng... D≠Ìi Æ©y, Travellive mÍi bπn cÔng kh∏m ph∏ 10 khu Camping- Glamping tuy÷t Æãp tπi Vi÷t Nam. Popular campsites in the north include Ham Lon Mountain (Soc Son), Dong Cao Highland (Bac Giang), Ba Vi National Park (Tam Dao, Vinh Phuc), Dai Lai Lake (Vinh Phuc), Hai Thinh Beach, Son Tinh Camp, ecopark, and Coto eco Lodge. For a more authentic experience, you can try camping on Fansipan or Putaleng, in Tay Nguyen's pine forests, Mang Den in Kontum, Bidoup in Dalat, or Lam Dong. Here is a list of the 10 must-visit camping-glamping sites in Vietnam.

TRUNG LUoNG PARK, BINH DINH PRoVINCe The campsite offers tents for you to spend the night with a number of activities from lighting camp fires, to singing, to watching stars, and listening to the waves. The water is blue and the sand smooth. Khu du lch ßπi L∑nh, Kh∏nh Ha VÌi nh˜ng c®n nhµ gÁ, khu l“u d˘ng s∏t bÍ bi”n cÔng c∂nh hoang s¨ cÒa ßπi L∑nh, Kh∏nh Ha, mÈt trong nh˜ng bÍ bi”n Æãp nh†t Vi÷t Nam hi÷n nay sœ mang lπi cho du kh∏ch nh˜ng gi©y phÛt h≠Îng thÙ tuy÷t vÍi. DAI LANH BeACH, KHANH HoA PRoVINCe

The area provides wooden houses and tents situated along the coast of Dai Lanh, Khanh Hoa Province - one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. Khu th” thao du lch mπo hi”m Tanyoli, Ninh ThuÀn C∏ch trung t©m thµnh phË Phan Rang - Th∏p Chµm kho∂ng 30 km, Tanyoli nªm tr™n trÙc Æ≠Íng ven bi”n tuy÷t Æãp. Bπn Æi h≠Ìng tı TP.HCM theo quËc lÈ 1A tÌi ng∑ ba Cµ N∏ rœ ph∂i lµ Æ’n tuy’n Æ≠Íng ven bi”n tr∂i dµi 20km. Khu du lch th” thao mπo hi”m Tanyoli c„ di÷n t›ch x©y d˘ng 15 ha vÌi nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng vui ch¨i Æa dπng. TANYoLI ADVeNTURoUS SPoRTS ToURIST AReA, NINH THUAN PRoVINCe About 30 km from Phan Rang Thap Cham city center, Tanyoli is located along a beautiful coastal road. From Ho Chi Minh City, head on QL1A to Ca Na T-junction, turn right to the coastal route stretching over a distance of 20 km. The Tanyoli Adventurous Sports Tourist Area has an area of 15 ha with numerous adventurous sports and activities. Sao Bi”n, B◊nh LÀp, Cam Ranh (Kh∏nh Ha) Nh˜ng c®n l“u lµm bªng gÁ Î khu du lch sinh th∏i Sao Bi”n tπi th´n B◊nh LÀp, TP. Cam Ranh sœ khi’n bπn y™u ngay tı c∏i nh◊n Æ«u ti™n! Nh·, xinh, lπi c„ thi’t k’ c˘c ÆÈc Æ∏o, khoan n„i Æ’n chuy÷n Î, chÙp ∂nh check-in "sËng ∂o" cÚng ÆÒ Æ” s≠Ìng rÂi! SAo BIeN, BINH LAP, CAM RANH, KHANH HoA PRoVINCe The lovely wooden huts in Sao Bien ecotourism area will make you fall love at first sight! The setting is truly pictereque, and words simply do not do it justice. Khu cæm trπi Î S¨n M¸ Beach, B◊nh ThuÀn C∏ch TP.HCM kho∂ng 140 km, theo h≠Ìng Bµ Ra qua

Æ≠Íng ven bi”n c∏ch casino H Trµm 20 km. SoN MY BeACH, BINH THUAN PRoVINCe About 140 km from Ho Chi Minh City, head toward Ba Ria along the coastal road about 20 km from Ho Tram Casino. Coco Beach Camp, B◊nh ThuÀn N’u Æ∑ ch∏n nghÿ d≠Ïng trong nh˜ng resort, h∑y thˆ ch‰n Coco Beach Camp Î b∑i bi”n Lagi, B◊nh ThuÀn, tr∂i nghi÷m Glamping vÌi c∏c dch vÙ xa xÿ. CoCo BeACH CAMP, BINH THUAN PRoVINCe Stay at Coco Beach Camp on Lagi Beach to experience Glamping with luxurious services. Lu Glamping, B◊nh ThuÀn C∏ch Phan Thi’t 33 km, Lu Glamping nªm b™n bi”n K™ Gµ, vÌi nhi“u dch vÙ l“u trπi sang ch∂nh, tr ch¨i tËc ÆÈ, vµ c∂m gi∏c mπnh. LU GLAMPING, BINH THUAN PRoVINCe About 33 km from Phan Thiet, Lu Glamping is located on Ke Ga Beach, providing luxurious camping service, speed games, and adventurous sports. Zenna Pool Camp, VÚng Tµu VÌi khu l“u trπi s∏t bi”n Æãp tuy÷t vÍi, Æ©y lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng cho c∏c chuy’n nghÿ ng¨i g«n Long H∂i. ZeNNA PooL CAMP, BA RIA - VUNG TAU PRoVINCe The camp provides beachside tents that offer incredible view of the beach, and is an ideal choice for your holiday in Long Hai.

Text: Codet Hanoi - Photos: Tran Anh Tuan


Enjo y s um m er wit h

Summer is a season for outdoor travel. Instead of staying at a hotel, sleeping in a tent offers you a completely different and interesting experience. You can try either traditional camping (sleeping in a tent) or glamping (glamorous camping) for added comfort and luxury, all the while enjoy the great outdoors. TRAVELLIVE


to get your kids excited about a trip, try to get them to go camping. it can be an invaluable gift for the child's memory, and a fantastic way to for family members to spend time together. The sound of the insects at night was stunningly clear. To be sleeping among the vast valley surrounded by mountains, the feeling was indescribable. We were excited and nervous at the same time. We laid a thick blanket on the ground for added comfort before snuggling inside our sleeping bags. The fact that we had a long day, plus a little corn wine at dinner made everyone even more sleepy. We slept like babies throughout the night.

slEEpiNG iN a tENt aND BlEND iN With NatuRE SHOULD ñ Find a safe and convenient location. ñ Find a clear site where there is sand or dry ground to set up the tents. ñ Camp under a tree to block the wind and reduce heat. ñ Avoid areas where the ground can get wet when it rains. ñ Avoid where it is too windy. ñ Mark the campsite for all members. ñ Keep clean, and protect the environment (it's always best to leave a campsite neater than you found it). SHOULD NOT ñ Stay too deep into the valley, or mountain, where it is the coldest and wettest. ñ Camp near areas that animals hunt or their caves to avoid unwanted night visits. ñ Steer clear from areas that are prone to floods and flash floods. Keep a safe distance from streams, rivers, lakes, and the sea. ñ Keep food in your tents, as this will attract animals. ñ Go unprepared. A little preparation goes a long way in making a trip a positive one.




emories of the trip to the "dinosaur's backbone" in Ta Xua, Son La are still fresh in my mind. It was a long and arduous journey, but we took our time to explore the amazing beauty of Ta Xua. Just before it got dark, we saw a village down the valley, and decided to head toward it in search of a place to stay. The trail that led us down was quite narrow and slippery. It took us a while to get down, but we were lucky to have found a modest H'mong family who agreed to let us stay the night. The white flowers on the side of the road were in full bloom, creating a truly picturesque scene of the Chung Chieng Village.

The next morning, we found our host family had risen before us. The older daughter turned on the radio, and played a H'mong love song while the wife was cooking noodles for the children to eat before sending them off to school and tending the buffalo. We brushed our teeth next to the buffalo's stall before boiling water to make ourselves some tea to enjoy in the misty morning of the mountain area. Life here was so serene and peaceful, and we were glad to simply forget about our normally hectic lives.

fEEliNG totally alivE You can easily find campsites among the flower fields in Ninh Thuan, the pine forest in Dalat, the forest in the Central Highland, and the Bidoup Nui Ba National Park as well as a number of beaches and sand dunes around the country. It is a one-of-a-kind experience that you will not find when going on tours. Camping is becoming a popular trend among young travelers. Tran Anh Tuan, a traveler with a love for camping in Ho Chi

Minh City shared, "I have been everywhere, so now all I want is a simpler travel style that allows me to enjoy the beauty of nature at its best. The campsite must be far away from villages and has a clear view of either the mountains, forests, streams, waterfalls, or fields." One of Tuan's favorite campsites is Dalat, a place that allows him to visit any hills by motorbike to enjoy the cool fresh air. "I once set up a tent and stayed for seven days straight. The weather was exceptionally good with only light rain in the afternoons and cool winds in the evenings. I got to wake up to a beautiful sea of clouds every morning." Thuy Lan, a resident from Nha Trang, shared that her most unforgettable camping experience was on the coast of Cu Lao Cau, a pristine island of Binh Thuan Province. She spent a nervous night in the tent, unable to sleep with the repetitive sound of the waves, while everything around her was pitch black. Her morning experience though, more than made up for the anxiety she felt the previous night. "It was incredible to watch

a couple practising yoga together on the beach. Such a romantic thing to witness. It is wonderful that they share not only hobbies, but a love for camping with each other", shared Thuy Lan. Camping lovers shared you can actually get addicted to camping. Many who do not find the time to go camping, find a temporary solution for their hobby by putting up a tent inside their house, where they can play with their children, and have a memorable and fun experience. Camping is a great way for a family to spend time together, and often make lasting memories in a child's heart. Nature can offer you fresh air, breathtaking landscapes, and a true view of the wild life, as well as starry nights that you are unlikely to find anywhere else. Nature brings children the most lively experiences, and allows them to truly feel the world around them with their senses. To get your kids excited about a trip, try to get them to go camping. It can be an invaluable gift for the child's memory, and a fantastic way to for family members to spend time together.

GlampiNG foR thosE Who pREfER ComfoRt If you want to go camping, but experience a more luxurious way of camping that allows you to sleep in the great outdoors, and still provides you with the best of comfort, try glamping - a style of camping with amenities, and in some cases, resort-style services for nature lovers who are looking to have the most authentic experience possible, but in style. Glamping, which offers a luxurious setting, fine dining with champagne, and delicious wine, is becoming a popular trend among highincome tourists. The modern luxury of glamping allows guests to immerse themselves in nature without having to sacrifice creature comforts. Perhaps you might want to consider glamping this summer for a totally different experience. The luxurious tents are often decorated in different themes from bohemian, to gypsy, to rustic styles. You can enjoy not only the sound of the ocean, but also live acoustic music with your loved one for an unforgettably romantic experience.






Bµi: Ng‰c Anh

Vi vu hà vÌi nh˜ng ti÷n ›ch c´ng ngh÷ mÌi nh†t

Best gadgets for summer travel Hà v“ b∏o hi÷u mÈt mÔa du lch s´i ÆÈng, ngÀp trµn ∏nh næng. Vi÷c chu»n b k¸ l≠Ïng nh˜ng vÀt dÙng phÔ hÓp vÌi thÍi ti’t, Æ∆c Æi”m Æa h◊nh tπi Æi”m Æ’n sœ giÛp bπn vµ gia Æ◊nh tÀn h≠Îng k˙ nghÿ hà tho∂i m∏i vµ giµu c∂m xÛc h¨n. Summer is approaching and you had better get ready for a travel season to be filled with sunshine. Pack wisely and bring items accordingly to your destination's weather and terrains to ensure you and your family enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable summer vacation.



ߤNG H¤ THEO DîI S`C KHìE fITbIT IoNIC S¯c kh·e lµ y’u tË quan tr‰ng, quy’t Ænh ch†t l≠Óng cÒa c∂ hµnh tr◊nh du lch. Nhªm hÁ trÓ bπn theo d‚i s¯c kh·e cÒa m◊nh, Fitbit Ionic Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ kh∏ nÊi bÀt trong dng s∂n ph»m ÆÂng h th´ng minh, lµ trÓ thÒ Ææc l˘c cÒa bπn. M∆t d≠Ìi ÆÂng h lµ h÷ thËng c∂m bi’n Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ lÂi giÛp Æo chÿ sË s¯c kh·e cÒa ng≠Íi Æeo mÈt c∏ch ch›nh x∏c. N„ Æ≠Óc trang b nh˜ng c´ng ngh÷ kh´ng nhi“u smartwatch c„, Æ„ lµ c∂m bi’n nhp tim PurePulse vµ mæt Ɖc chÿ sË b∑o ha oxy Sp02. C∏c d˜ li÷u Æo Æ≠Óc cho phäp ng≠Íi dÔng bi’t Æ≠Óc m¯c ÆÈ luy÷n tÀp, thÍi gian cÚng nh≠ ch†t l≠Óng gi†c ngÒ, s¯c kh·e tim mπch vµ c∂ nhp thÎ cÒa m◊nh. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 6.800.000 VNß.

fITbIT IoNIC SmarTWaTCH Health has always been an important factor during travel and, in fact, can decide the quality of your trip. Fitbit Ionic is a smartwatch with a stunning design that tracks all your steps, travel distance, and even your heart rate throughout the day. The Fitbit Ionic is equipped with a convexly designed sensor system to make the most accurate measurements. Fitbit's PurePulse heart rate sensor has been upgraded, in addtion to a new tri-wave sensor that tracks relative Sp02 (or oxygen saturation) to monitor oxygen levels in your blood. Users can easily track their level of exercise, time, sleep quality, heart rate, and respiratory rate. All that data is synced to the Fitbit app on your phone. The Fitbit Ionic Smartwatch is priced at 6,800,000 VND.

gÜY SeLfIe fUgeTeK GÀy selfie Fugetek c„ ph«n gi∏ ÆÏ chæc chæn phÔ hÓp vÌi c∂ smartphone vµ m∏y ∂nh sË. G≠¨ng ph∂n chi’u cho phäp selfie bªng camera sau vÌi ch†t l≠Óng cao. Trong khi Æ„, c∏c t›nh n®ng zoom Î c´ng tæc cho phäp Æi“u chÿnh g„c ∂nh. GÀy c„ ÆÈ dµi linh hoπt tı 42-123 cm, Æ∂m b∂o mang lπi g„c chÙp hµi lng cho m‰i ng≠Íi dÔng. Chi’c gÀy nµy t≠¨ng th›ch vÌi t†t c∂ c∏c thi’t b iOS vµ Android, GoPro vµ m∏y ∂nh k¸ thuÀt sË. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 400.000 VNß.

fUgeTeK SeLfIe STICK The Fugetek Selfie Stick has an extendable pole with multiple clamps to provide secure pole extension for your smartphone or digital camera. It also features a mirror mount to let you use your phone's rear HD camera. The zoom feature at the switch allows you to adjust the angle that you want. The stick's flexible length of 42-123 cm can ensure everyone is included in the picture. The Fugetek is compatible with all ioS and Android devices, GoPro, and digital cameras. The Fugetek Selfies Stick is priced at 400,000 VND.

ßIåN THoÑI HUaWeI Nova 2I Nhªm n©ng cao tr∂i nghi÷m cÒa ng≠Íi dÔng, Huawei nova 2i ch›nh th¯c Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt hai t›nh n®ng mÌi: mÎ kh„a bªng g≠¨ng m∆t (Face Unlock) vµ Ëng k›nh t›ch hÓp c´ng ngh÷ AR (AR Selfie). T›nh n®ng Face Unlock cho phäp nhÀn di÷n g≠¨ng m∆t vµ mÎ kh„a chÿ trong mili gi©y, mang lπi cho ng≠Íi dÔng tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi, Æ«y h˜u ›ch, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ khi tay Æang ≠Ìt, kh´ng th” mÎ kh„a bªng c∏ch th´ng th≠Íng nh≠ mÎ bªng v©n tay, nhÀp mÀt m∑,... T›ch hÓp bÈ Æ´i camera käp vÌi hai camera ph›a tr≠Ìc, Huawei nova 2i mang Æ’n nh˜ng b¯c h◊nh c„ mµu sæc r˘c rÏ vµ ch’ ÆÈ x„a ph´ng tËt. Bªng Ëng k›nh AR mÌi, ng≠Íi dÔng c„ th” tÔy bi’n l˘a ch‰n nhi“u ph´ng n“n kh∏c nhau cho b¯c ∂nh tÔy vµo sÎ th›ch vµ s˘ s∏ng tπo cÒa m◊nh. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 6.000.000 ÆÂng.

HUaWeI Nova 2I The Huawei Nova 2i has been upgraded with two new features, Face unlock and AR Selfie to bring users a new level of fun with their photographs. The Face unlock feature on the Nova 2i can quickly recognize your facial features, and unlocks the screen within milliseconds, which comes in especially handy when your hands are wet, and you are unable to unlock your phone with your fingerprint or password. A fun AR lens selfie feature is now intergrated into the upgrade phone. The Huawei Nova 2i is equipped with four cameras, two of which are front-facing camera to capture brilliant colors and create a blurry background. With the new AR lens, users can now be more creative than ever before with selfie photographs using different fun effects. The Huawie Nova 2i is priced at 6,000,000 VND. TRAVELLIVE


Loa bLUeTooTH Ue boom 2 Kh´ng chÿ c„ thi’t k’ nh· g‰n, tinh t’ bæt mæt mµ loa UE Boom 2 cho phäp bπn mang ©m nhπc Æ’n b†t k˙ n¨i Æ©u vÌi kh∂ n®ng chËng n≠Ìc Æπt chu»n chËng n≠Ìc IPX7, t¯c lµ c„ th” ng©m n≠Ìc Î ÆÈ s©u 1m trong 30 phÛt , UE Boom 2 cÚng c„ th” chu Æ≠Óc nh˜ng cÛ r¨i tı ÆÈ cao 1,5 m, g«n nh≠ Æ∑ chπm ng≠Ïng "si™u b“n". Ng≠Íi dÔng c„ th” t˘ tin mang theo UE Boom 2 ra b∑i bi”n, b” b¨i, vµo c∏c chuy’n Æi d∑ ngoπi vÌi m‰i Æa h◊nh thÍi ti’t khæc nghi÷p nh†t. UE BOOM 2 Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ” chu »m, ≠Ìt, bÔn b»n vµ va ÆÀp. N„ Æ≠Óc lµm tı nh˜ng vÀt li÷u tËt nh†t, giÛp chËng n≠Ìc, chËng bÙi, chËng shock hi÷u qu∂. Loa c„ thÍi l≠Óng pin r†t Æ∏ng n” lµ 15 ti’ng ch¨i nhπc li™n tÙc (volume Î m¯c trung b◊nh), phπm vi k’t nËi bluetooth chu»n atpX 4.0 lµ 10 m. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 3.600.000 VNß.

LogITeCH Ue boom 2 bLUeTooTH SPeaKer With a compact and stylish design, the Ue Boom 2 lets you listen to your music anywhere. The bluetooth speaker has an IPX7 waterproof rating, which means you can leave it submerged in one-meter of water for 30 minutes and it will still work. The Ue Boom 2 is also shock-resistant, and can be dropped from a 1.5 meter height without ill effect, making it super durable and a perfect speaker to bring to the beach, swimming pool, or field trips where conditions might be less than favorable for more conventional speakers. The Ue Boom 2 is made from the highest-quality materials to make it last against water, dust, and impact. The speaker has a remarkable battery life of 15 hours of continuous music playback (average volume), and a standard bluetooth connection range atpX 4.0 of 10 m. The UE Boom 2 is priced at 3,600,000 VND.



LaPToP 2 TroNg 1 HP SPeCTre X360 VÌi vi÷c cho phäp chÿnh sˆa ∂nh, cæt ghäp video, xˆ l˝ c´ng vi÷c ÆÈt xu†t cÔng h÷ thËng ©m thanh tuy÷t h∂o, ki”u d∏ng thÍi th≠Óng, k›ch cÏ g‰n nhã,... HP Spectre x360 lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n th›ch hÓp cho nh˜ng chuy’n Æi xa trong mÔa hà nµy. HP Spectre X360 c„ th” Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng nh≠ mÈt chi’c m∏y t›nh b∂ng kÃm bÛt, phÙc vÙ c∏c nhu c«u c´ng vi÷c vµ gi∂i tr› kh∏c nhau mÈt c∏ch linh hoπt, ÆÂng thÍi d‘ dµng mang theo b™n m◊nh m‰i lÛc m‰i n¨i. VÌi HP Spectre X360, bπn c„ th” t◊m ki’m nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng, kh∏ch sπn phÔ hÓp tr™n Microsoft Edge, d‘ dµng tra c¯u b∂n ÆÂ,... ß∆c bi÷t, s˘ hÓp t∏c cÒa HP vÌi Bang & Olufsen cung c†p tr∂i nghi÷m ©m thanh tËi ≠u Î b†t c¯ ch’ ÆÈ nµo, cÔng thÍi l≠Óng pin †n t≠Óng 8 ti’ng 36 phÛt dÔng li™n tÙc qua wi-fi, Æ©y lµ m„n Æ c´ng ngh÷ kh´ng th” thi’u cho nh˜ng chuy’n Æi xa. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ tı 29.000.000 - 39.000.000 VNß.

HP SPeCTer X360: 2IN1 LaPToP From photo editing and video editing, to an excellent sound system, along with a stylish design, and a compact size, the HP Specter x360 is an essential travel companion for your long summer trips. The HP Specter x360 is a sleek, versatile, travel-friendly convertible laptop that performs admirably for both business and leisure needs. The whole desirable package gives you a laptop that you'll want to bring about just anywhere with you. With the HP Specter x360, you can easily search for your favorite destinations, and accommodations using Microsoft edge. The Stylus Active Pen enables you to nagivate more accurately on the touchscreen when using Sketchpad, not to mention the Windows Photos Inking, which allows you to take great photos with your family and friends. HP's partnership with Bang & olufsen offers the ultimate audio experience in any mode, along with an impressive 8-hour battery life of continuous use over wi-fi, making the HP Specter x360 an indispensable item for your travels. The HP Specter x360 is priced at 29,000,000 - 39,000,000 VND.

CaSe ßIåN THoÑI CHˇNG N¶õC Bi”n xanh, c∏t træng lµ kh´ng gian Æ≠Óc ≠a chuÈng nh†t cho c∏c chuy’n du lch hÃ. H∑y tham kh∂o m…u Ëp l≠ng Lunatik Aquatik c„ kh∂ n®ng chËng n≠Ìc, chËng bÙi vµ chËng chu c∏c Æi“u ki÷n thÍi ti’t kh∏c nhau. ˇp c„ 4 b∂n mµu c¨ b∂n. ß∆c bi÷t, chi’c Ëp l≠ng nµy Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ” kh´ng lµm ∂nh h≠Îng Æ’n ch†t l≠Óng ©m thanh ph∏t bªng loa ngoµi cÒa m∏y khi sˆ dÙng. ß©y lµ m…u Ëp l˝ t≠Îng Æ” bπn tho∂i m∏i mang theo trong chuy’n Æi bi”n sæp tÌi mµ kh´ng sÓ n≠Ìc vµo lµm h·ng m∏y. Ti’c lµ thi’t k’ nµy mÌi chÿ ∏p dÙng cho c∏c phi™n b∂n Iphone. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 500.000 VNß.

WaTerProof PHoNe CaSe The Lunatik Aquatik is arguably the best looking and sleekest waterproof iPhone case out there. It is also dustproof, and resistant to various weather conditions. The Aquatik comes in with 4 basic colors, and does not affect the sound quality of the phone's outer speaker when in use. The Aquatik is a must-have phone case for your summer beach vacations. Unfortunately, the design is only compatible with iPhones. The Lunatik Aquatik is priced at 500,000 VND.

APP TçM ßëA ßIÕM °N UˇNG TR£N ßIåN THoÑI foodSPoTTINg Foodspotting lµ ¯ng dÙng Æi÷n thoπi giÛp ng≠Íi dÔng t◊m ra nh˜ng Æi”m ®n uËng g«n nh†t. Sau khi Æ®ng nhÀp vµ Ænh v v tr› ng≠Íi dÔng, chÿ sau 2 gi©y, Foodspotting sœ li÷t k™ h◊nh ∂nh c∏c m„n ®n cÙ th” vÌi Æa chÿ b™n d≠Ìi, kÃm theo lÍi nhÀn xät, n’u c„. Giao di÷n ≠u ti™n cho h◊nh ∂nh khi’n vi÷c l≠Ìt Æ” l˘a ch‰n m„n ®n th›ch hÓp trÎ n™n d‘ dµng. Ng≠Íi dÔng cÚng c„ th” t˘ Æ®ng t∂i h◊nh ∂nh c∏c m„n ®n vµ Æ∏nh gi∏ c∏ nh©n cÒa m◊nh l™n Foodspotting. `ng dÙng Æ≠Óc hÁ trÓ mi‘n ph› tr™n h÷ Æi“u hµnh Android vµ IOS.

foodSPoTTINg aPP Foodspotting is a phone app that allows you to find your nearest eating spots. After you have logged in and your current position located, it takes only 2 seconds for Foodspotting to list specific dishes with addresses and ratings or comments. The app's image-focused interface allows users to make their food choices easier than ever. Users can also upload their own food pictures, and write personal reviews on Foodspotting. The Foodspotting app is available for free on Android and iOS devices. TRAVELLIVE




Bµi vµ ∂nh: Ng‰c Tr«n - Food Stylist: N˜ H«u T≠Ìc




≠Óu vang Æ≠Óc xem nh≠ mÈt c´ g∏i Æãp, ki™u k˙ n™n bπn ph∂i n©ng niu vµ kh´ng Æ≠Óc tu˙ ti÷n vÌi c´ †y. C„ nhi“u quy tæc trong vi÷c th≠Îng th¯c r≠Óu vang, v› dÙ nh≠: ngæm, læc, ngˆi, n’m, nh†m nh∏p, r≠Óu nhã uËng tr≠Ìc, r≠Óu ÆÀm uËng sau... K’t hÓp vÌi m„n ®n cÚng lµ mÈt quy tæc. Tu˙ thuÈc vµo loπi r≠Óu vang mµ bπn sœ k’t hÓp m„n ®n phÔ hÓp. Tuy nhi™n, m‰i th¯ Æ“u c„ th” thay ÆÊi d˘a vµo sÎ th›ch cÒa bπn. T´i y™u th›ch r≠Óu vang & cµ ph∏o nh≠ nhau vµ t´i Æ∑ thˆ k’t hÓp thˆ hai m„n Æ„. Vfi chua, h®ng nhã cÒa cµ ph∏o muËi r†t hµi hoµ vÌi c∏c loπi r≠Óu vang kh´ng ng‰t (Dry wine) nh≠ Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonney, Semillon... Th™m c∏c loπi gifl, ch∂ truy“n thËng Æ” k’t hÓp tr‰n vãn »m th˘c Vi÷t Nam & ph≠¨ng T©y.







Text and photos: Ngoc Tran - Food stylist: Nu Hau Tuoc


ine is like the beauty of a woman whose classiness and complicated characteristics demands our true appreciation and respect. Tasting wine often requires one to to look, swirl, sniff, sip, and savor it for a full-bodied experience. What you pair with the wine is just as important as tasting the wine itself, and, of course, it also depends on what type of wine you are having, white wine or red wine. A great pairing however, can go accordingly to your own personal preference. Besides wine, salted cµ ph∏o (white, round, hard eggplants) is a Vietnamese side dish that I enjoy immensely. The salty, sour, and a little moderately pungent taste of cµ ph∏o blends perfectly with the flavor of dry wine such as Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonney, and Semillon. Enjoy the pairing with gifl or ch∂ (Vietnamese sausages) for a totally amazingunique culinary experience.



@c cfln c„ hai loπi b∏nh quËc hÂn quËc tÛy Lamington vµ Pavlova. VÌi c´ng th¯c lµm b∏nh ƨn gi∂n, m„n b∏nh Pavlova th≠Íng Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ cho c∏c dfip l‘. ß©y cÚng lµ m„n b∏nh y™u th›ch trong mÔa hà m∆c dÔ Æ≠Óc c∏c gia Æ◊nh ng≠Íi @c ®n quanh n®m. VÌi m„n b∏nh Lamington, ng≠Íi @c t˘ hµo Æ’n m¯c ch›nh phÒ @c Æ∑ ch‰n ngµy 21/7 hµng n®m lµ ngµy b∏nh Lamington.

¬M TH#C @C KHÉC BIåT T\ NH~NG BI⁄N TƒU MÁi loπi th˘c ph»m sœ c„ c∏ch ch’ bi’n kh∏c nhau, mÁi vÔng Ɔt sœ cho ra ÆÍi nh˜ng phong v »m th˘c ri™ng bi÷t. Nhæc Æ’n »m th˘c @c, du kh∏ch sœ nhÌ ngay Æ’n quËc gia c„ n“n »m th˘c s∏ng tπo d˘a tr™n c∏c m„n ®n truy“n thËng cÒa quËc gia kh∏c. Bµi: B∂o Khuy™n Ånh: TÊng l∑nh s˘ qu∏n @c cung c†p Website:




m th˘c @c hµi hfla vµ phong phÛ, hÈi tÙ kh»u vfi Æa dπng cÒa nhi“u quËc gia tr™n th’ giÌi. Trong »m th˘c, ng≠Íi @c chÛ tr‰ng nh†t lµ nguy™n li÷u, th¯ Æ’n lµ c∏ch ch’ bi’n khäo läo, s∏ng tπo cÒa ng≠Íi Æ«u b’p, cuËi cÔng mÌi lµ c∏ch bµi tr›. ßËi vÌi h‰, mÁi m„n ®n Æ“u Æ≠Óc ch®m chÛt tÿ mÿ nhªm tπo ra h≠¨ng vfi Æ∆c sæc, tı khai vfi Æ’n tr∏ng mi÷ng. Ng≠Íi @c ≠a chuÈng b˜a s∏ng muÈn theo ki”u Anh vÌi b∏nh m˙ Damper - m„n b∏nh Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa ng≠Íi thÊ d©n @c. B∏nh Damper Æ≠Óc lµm tı bÈt m˙ vµ n≠Ìng tr˘c ti’p tr™n lˆa. B∏nh c„ vfi lπt, Æ≠Óc ®n kÃm vÌi c∏c loπi m¯t hay dÔng chung vÌi trµ vµ c∏c loπi thfit. V◊ s˘ phÊ bi’n cÒa m„n b∏nh nµy mµ ng≠Íi @c "c∏ch t©n" n„ bªng c∏ch trÈn th™m nhi“u loπi hπt vµo b∏nh khi’n b∏nh c„ vfi bÔi bÔi, d‘ th≠Îng th¯c. ¬m th˘c

Ng≠Íi @c Æ∆c bi÷t th›ch h≠¨ng vfi t˘ nhi™n cÒa nguy™n li÷u n™n khi ch’ bi’n, h‰ th≠Íng Æi“u ti’t sao cho m„n ®n Æ„ chÿ c«n sˆ dÙng ›t gia vfi nh†t Æ” kh´ng lµm m†t Æi vfi t≠¨i ngon vËn c„. N’u Æ∑ tıng th≠Îng th¯c »m th˘c @c, bπn sœ nhÀn ra rªng c∏c m„n ®n Î x¯ sÎ nµy th≠Íng kh´ng qu∏ cay, kh´ng qu∏ ng‰t cÚng kh´ng qu∏ ch›n. Chºng hπn, c∏c m„n n≠Ìng tı thfit cıu, thfit kangaroo chÿ Æ≠Óc ≠Ìp mÈt chÛt muËi vµ mÈt x›u ti™u. ß∆c bi÷t, khi n≠Ìng c∏c loπi thfit, Æ«u b’p lu´n n≠Ìng t∏i Æ” gi˜ Æ≠Óc vfi ng‰t cÒa thfit. Khi »m th˘c @c Æ≠Óc Æ≠a tÌi Vi÷t Nam, h‰ th›ch sˆ dÙng gia vfi Vi÷t Æ” ≠Ìp c∏c m„n n≠Ìng. V› dÙ, h‰ sœ dÔng chao, n≠Ìc mæm, mÀt ong tπo ra mÈt loπi n≠Ìc sËt mÌi mang h≠¨ng vfi Vi÷t Æ” n≠Ìng thfit cıu @c hay thfit bfl @c. H‰ coi Æ„ nh≠ mÈt s˘ giao thoa »m th˘c v´ cÔng tinh t’ vµ hÓp kh»u vfi vÌi ng≠Íi d©n c∂ hai n≠Ìc. "C∏ hÂi hun kh„i t˘ ch’ vÌi l∏ rocket", "thfit Kangaroo n≠Ìng vÌi r≠Óu vang Æ·" hay "thfit bfl @c n≠Ìng vÌi sËt ph´ mai xanh"... nh˜ng m„n n≠Ìng th≠Íng Æ≠Óc bi’t Æ’n trong c∏c s˘ ki÷n »m th˘c @c nh≠ng khi Æ’n Vi÷t Nam, h‰ c„ th™m m„n "cıu n†u chao" v´ cÔng †n t≠Óng. MÈt m„n ®n thÛ vfi kh∏c cÒa »m th˘c @c lµ Bush Tucker - m„n ®n truy“n thËng cÒa ng≠Íi b∂n Æfia Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n tı nhi“u loπi th∂o mÈc nh≠ c©y c·, ÆÀu hoang, cµ chua hoang, mÀn hoang. M„n ®n Æ≠Óc k’t hÓp vÌi thfit rıng, c„ khi lµ s©u nhÈng, tπo ra h≠¨ng vfi ÆÀm Ƶ v´ cÔng h†p d…n. N’u bπn muËn tr∂i nghi÷m phong vfi »m th˘c @c vµ kh∏m ph∏ th™m v“ con ng≠Íi, v®n h„a cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc t≠¨i Æãp nµy, bπn c„ th” tham gia th∏ng »m th˘c @c tπi TP. HCM, Hµ NÈi, Nha Trang vµ ßµ NΩng qua ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Taste of Australia. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh käo dµi Æ’n h’t th∏ng 4 nµy.


THE HARMONIOUS and rich flavors of Australian cuisine borrow from the diverse palates of many cultures. Australians place a high importance firstly on the ingredients, secondly the method of cooking, thirdly the cook's creation, and lastly, on the presentation of the dish. Each dish is meticulously prepared to create a distinctive taste from appetizer to dessert. Australians loves a good brunch in the English style with damper, an Australian soda bread made of wheat flour, and traditionally cooked by people in the bush on a camp fire. Damper is eaten across the country, and is to be enjoyed with jams and tea or cooked meat. They also like adding seeds to the bread to create a wide variety to this much loved bread. Lamington and pavlova are two not to be missed desserts in Australia. With a simple recipe, pavlova is a meringue-based dessert frequently served during celebrations and holiday meals. The dessert is a summer favorite for Australians, and is eaten all year round. Lamingtons, cakes of Australian origin, are made from squares of butter cake or sponge cake coated in a layer of chocolate sauce and rolled in dried coconut. The dessert is so popular that July 21 is designated as National Lamington Day in Australia. Australians prefer to keep the original flavor of the ingredients, and therefore they often use the least amount of spices possible when cooking to avoid losing their natural taste. Australian dishes are usually made moderately in terms of flavor without being too spicy, too sweet, or

too cooked. One example is the roast lamb or kangaroo, which is marinated with only a pinch of salt and pepper. Steaks are often cooked to medium to retain the natural flavor of the meat. Vietnamese spices, including fermented bean curd, fish sauce, and honey, have been added into Australian cuisine to bring a new and completely exotic flavor to Australian lamb and beef steaks. This interesting culinary fusion has been well received by both countries. "Smoked salmon and rocket salad", "kangaroo steak in red wine sauce", and "beef tenderloin with blue cheese sauce" are the most commonly known Australian dishes at culinary events across Vietnam.

"Lamb with fermented bean curd" is a new creation, well-liked by diners. Another distinct Australian dish is bush tucker, a name for any food native to Australia that uses ingredients from indigenous plants, seeds, tomatoes, and plums. The food is often cooked with game meat, or sometimes grubs and insects, to create a strongly unique taste. Taste of Australia is an annual event held across Vietnam in April to celebrate Australian food, beverage, and cuisine. This month-long event is a wonderful opportunity for you to come and experience Australian culinary delights.

Food is prepared differently in different parts of the world with each nation having their own unique culinary taste. Australia is a country known for their creative adaptations of cuisine with significant multicultural influences. TRAVELLIVE



ARIYANA SMARTCONDOTEL NHA TRANG TrÎ thµnh mÈt trong nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æ«u ti™n tr∂i nghi÷m nghÿ d≠Ïng tπi c®n hÈ kh∏ch sπn th´ng minh th’ h÷ mÌi l«n Æ«u xu†t hi÷n tπi Vi÷t Nam Ariyana Smartcondotel Nha Trang vÌi m¯c gi∏ c˘c h†p d…n chÿ 2.999.000VNß++/02 ng≠Íi/02 Æ™m, mi‘n ph› 02 trŒ em (d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi). Giai Æoπn Æ∆t phng vµ l≠u trÛ tı 01/03/2018 Æ’n h’t 30/06/2018, tËi thi”u 2 Æ™m Î. Chÿ ∏p dÙng cho Æ∆t phng tπi website:www.smartcondotel. com. Thanh to∏n ngay khi x∏c nhÀn Æ∆t phng vµ kh´ng Æ≠Óc hoµn hÒy. Gi∏ ch≠a bao gÂm ®n s∏ng, thu’ vµ ph› phÙc vÙ. FOUR SEASONS THE NAM HÅI MÌi Æ©y, Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Four Seasons The Nam H∂i, HÈi An giÌi thi÷u s∂nh tÀp Yoga mÌi: AntiGravity Yoga - cho mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m nghÿ d≠Ïng kh∏c bi÷t mÌi. S∂nh tÀp Yoga thanh tnh trang b 8 v‚ng lÙa AntiGravity vµ hµng tu«n c„ c∏c lÌp theo nh„m käo dµi 75 phÛt vµ c∏c lÌp kÃm ri™ng. Ngoµi ra, mÁi tu«n cn c„ 18 lÌp yoga, 3 lÌp thi“n Ænh vµ ch∏nh ni÷m theo nh„m gÂm 7 lÌp mi‘n ph› b™n cπnh c∏c lÌp kÃm ri™ng. Bi”u gi∏ khÎi Æi”m cÒa AntiGravity Yoga tı 50 USD/ng≠Íi/l«n tÀp nh„m vµ 100 USD/ng≠Íi/l«n tÀp kÃm ri™ng. Gi∏ tÀp Yoga khÎi Æi”m tı 25 USD/ng≠Íi (theo nh„m) vµ 65 USD/ng≠Íi (kÃm ri™ng). Li™n h÷: 0235 394 0000 ho∆c truy cÀp www.fourseasons. com/hoian Æ” t◊m hi”u th™m th´ng tin vµ Æ∆t phng.

SHERATON SAIGON HOTEL & TOWERS ß’n vÌi The Lounge Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m b˜a ti÷c L'Apäritif t˘ ch‰n mang ÆÀm phong c∏ch Ph∏p th˘c thÙ vµo mÁi chi“u th¯ 6. VÌi gi∏ tı 590.000VNß/ kh∏ch, th·a th›ch th≠Îng th¯c v´ vµn c∏c s˘ l˘a ch‰n cho m„n khai v vµ hors d’oeuvres phong c∏ch Ph∏p vÌi ph´ mai GruyÃre, rau trÈn Nicoise, pa-t™ gan vt, pa-t™ heo, rau cÒ chi™n gin ch†m sËt hµnh t©y, c∏c loπi Æ nguÈi h∂o hπng cÔng c∏c m„n b∏nh ki”u Ph∏p th¨m ngon nh≠ b∏nh mousse s´-c´-la hay b∏nh tart chanh tπi khu v˘c t˘ ch‰n. Chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË 028 3827 2828 ho∆c website: http://www. SEAHORSE RESORT & SPA

Hµng loπt ≠u Æ∑i, khuy’n mπi h†p h…n tı c∏c nhµ hµng, kh∏ch sπn, resort, th≠¨ng hi÷u thÍi trang, h∑ng hµng kh´ng, c´ng ty l˜ hµnh uy t›n trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc.

Tı 01/04/2018 Æ’n 31/10/2018, du kh∏ch sœ c„ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m Hot summer 2018 tπi Seahorse Resort & Spa, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn. Chÿ vÌi 1.899.000VNß/ voucher, du kh∏ch sœ c„ 2 ngµy 1 Æ™m nghÿ tπi hπng phng Deluxe room bao gÂm ®n s∏ng vµ mÈt b˜a ®n tr≠a ho∆c tËi, Massage 15 dµnh cho 2 kh∏ch.

Ngoµi ra cn Æ≠Óc ≠u Æ∑i gi∂m gi∏ c∏c dch vÙ kh∏c trong thÍi gian l≠u trÛ nh≠ »m th˘c, gi∆t Òi, Spa...ß” Æ∆t phng, li™n h÷: 028 6299 8292 - 028 6299 8293 ho∆c email: sales@ - www. NHÄ HÄNG TIFFIN M„n hµu n≠Ìng Rockefeller Æ∆c bi÷t Æ≠Óc tπo ra tπi nhµ hµng Antoine’s tπi bang New Orleans n®m 1899 v…n gi˜ nguy™n Æ≠Óc c´ng th¯c nÊi ti’ng cho tÌi tÀn ngµy nay. Hµu t≠¨i bäo gi˜ nguy™n v·, Æ≠Óc ræc l™n mÈt hÁn hÓp rau c∂i b„ x´i, tht x´ng kh„i xæt nh· cÔng ph´ mai Parmesan Æ≠Óc n≠Ìng trong nhi÷t ÆÈ vıa ph∂i, chæc chæn sœ lµ mÈt m„n khai v Æ«y k›ch th›ch cho b˜a ®n cÒa bπn. Hµu n≠Ìng tπi Nhµ hµng Tiffin, kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Hanoi c„ gi∏ 280.000++VNß/ su†t. Chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË 024 3831 3333 ho∆c website: SAN FU LOU Th∏ng 4 nµy, th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c 2 set ®n tr≠a nhanh g‰n, ti÷n lÓi tπi San Fu Lou vÌi gi∏ 138.000VNß ho∆c 158.000VNß. Combo 138.000 bao gÂm m„n m˙ Æ∆c tr≠ng, Æ≠Óc käo sÓi thÒ c´ng ÆÛng ch†t Qu∂ng ß´ng vµ m„n b∏nh qu˝ khu™ vÌi v ng‰t du thanh m∏t. VÌi combo 158.000, th˘c kh∏ch sœ c„ dp th≠Îng th¯c mÈt trong nh˜ng m„n ®n Æ≠Óc y™u th›ch nh†t tπi nhµ hµng lµ m„n quay tÊng hÓp vÌi gµ quay, vt quay, x∏ x›u... Chi ti’t li™n h÷ website: www.sanfulou. com PLEXTOR Plextor, h∑ng s∂n xu†t SSD hµng Æ«u th’ giÌi vµ WiHo Vietnam, c´ng ty cho thu™ thi’t b ph∏t wifi di ÆÈng toµn c«u t∆ng ng≠Íi dÔng voucher gi∂m ngay 300.000 ÆÂng khi mua Plextor EX1 ho∆c EX1 Plus Series tπi cˆa hµng Phong

VÚ. Chÿ c„ 1.000 voucher cho nh˜ng kh∏ch Æ«u ti™n vµ ch≠¨ng tr◊nh gi∂m gi∏ tı ngµy 17/3 Æ’n 17/4/2018. Chÿ c«n th˘c hi÷n theo c∏c b≠Ìc: Like page WiHo Vietnam: ( wihovietnam/); ß®ng k˝ thµnh vi™n tr™n website WiHo Vi÷t Nam ( vn/vn/dang-ky/) vµ 1.000 bπn Æ®ng k˝ Æ«u ti™n sœ nhÀn Æ≠Óc email x∏c nhÀn vµ Æa chÿ nhÀn phi’u gi∂m gi∏. EL ORIENTAL Bi’n t†u Æa dπng vÌi c∏c nguy™n li÷u nh≠ rau t≠¨i, cuËn cÔng mÈt sË loπi nh©n tht ho∆c h∂i s∂n kÃm theo n≠Ìc ch†m s„ng s∏nh ÆÒ v chua cay m∆n ng‰t, nem cuËn sœ lµ l˘a ch‰n trong c∏c b˜a ®n cÒa mÔa hà sæp tÌi. C¨ hÈi th≠Îng th¯c vµ trÊ tµi t˘ tay lµm m„n nem cuËn truy“n thËng Vi÷t cÔng c∏c Æ«u b’p cÒa nhµ hµng El Oriental vÌi nhi“u loπi nh©n nh≠ t´m t≠¨i, c∏ hÂi hun kh„i, cµng cua xe.. vÌi gi∏ chÿ 300.000VNß++/2 ng≠Íi. Li™n h÷: 024 3934 3343 ho∆c website: Æ” bi’t th™m chi ti’t. DUY£N HÄ RESORT CAM RANH TÀn h≠Îng mÈt mÔa hà s´i ÆÈng tπi Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh vÌi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n m∑i h†p d…n. Chÿ vÌi 4.600.000VNß++, du kh∏ch sœ c„ 2 Æ™m nghÿ tπi phng Deluxe cho 2 ng≠Íi lÌn vµ 2 trŒ em d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi, mi‘n ph› buffet s∏ng, mi‘n ph› sˆ dÙng c∏c ti÷n ›ch tπi khu nghÿ d≠Ïng, mi‘n ph› tham gia c∏c lÌp yoga, ≠u Æ∑i 20% dch vÙ ®n uËng, spa vµ th” thao bi”n, mi‘n ph› Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay vµ Nha Trang theo lch tr◊nh. ∏p dÙng tı nay Æ’n 31/10/2018. Chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË: 0258 3986 888 ho∆c website: www.

AMIANA RESORT Chÿ vÌi 48.180.000VNß++, c∏c c∆p Æ´i Æ∑ c„ mÈt l‘ c≠Ìi kh´ng th” l∑ng mπn h¨n tr™n b∑i c∏t træng, s„ng bi”n vÁ r◊ r«m vµo gh“nh Æ∏. C∏c dch vÙ bao gÂm: trang tr› hoa t≠¨i, trang tr› bµn gh’ theo t´ng mµu chÒ Æπo, ch¯ng chÿ c≠Ìi, b∏nh c≠Ìi vµ champagne, ®n tËi vµ spa l∑ng mπn cho c∆p Æ´i... C∏c c∆p Æ´i c„ th” l˘a ch‰n g„i l‘ c≠Ìi ƺng c†p h¨n 59.180.000VNß++ vÌi dch vÙ cÈng th™m nh≠ trang tr› ÆÃn lÂng, dch vÙ tæm bÔn, phng Î vµ Æ„n s©n bay. Chi ti’t li™n h÷ theo sË 0258 355 3333 ho∆c email:







For as low as 48,180,000VND++, couples can now enjoy a romantic beach wedding in Nha Trang. The package includes fresh flowers, table and chair decorations, wedding certificates, wedding cake, champagne, a romantic dinner, and spa. A more premium package at 59,180,000VND++ offers additional services such as lantern decorations, a mud bath, accommodations, and airport pickup. For more information, contact 0258 355 3333 or email:

The famous recipe for Oysters Rockefeller, which was created in 1899 at the New Orleans restaurant Antoine's, remains unchanged to this day. The dish consists of oysters on the halfshell topped with a rich sauce made of spinach, diced bacon, and Parmesan cheese, then baked in moderate temperature, making a delicious appetizer for only 280,000VND++ at Tiffin Restaurant, Fortuna Hanoi Hotel. For more information, contact 024 3831 3333 or visit

Dishes that consist of fresh vegetables, fresh rolls with meat or seafood are perfect dining choices for the upcoming summer. Diners are offered an opportunity to make their own traditional Vietnamese rolls with the chefs at El Oriental with a variety of stuffings such as fresh shrimp, smoked salmon, and crab at only 300,000VND++ for 2 people. Contact 024 3934 3343 or visit for more information.


Kaiseki is the wonderful art of balancing taste, texture, appearance and colors. Benkay's Kaiseki Set Menu has been created with the freshest seasonal product and imported ingredients. Behind beautifully composed food presentation, it is familiar flavors of Japanese dishes are maintained at it best. Monthly Kaiseki set menu at 1.600.000++/person. For more information, contact 024 3822 3535 or visit www.

ARIYANA SMARTCONDOTEL NHA TRANG Become the first to experience a luxurious stay at Vietnam's first smart condotel in Nha Trang at only 2,999,000VND++/2 people/2 nights and free for 2 children under 12 years of age. Book and stay from 1 March 2018 to 30 June 2018 with a minimum of 2 night stay. Valid only for bookings at Payments are made immediately when booking, and are nonrefundable. The price does not include breakfast, tax, and service charge. SHERATON SAIGON HOTEL & TOWERS Come to The Lounge to experience L'Apäritif party in authentic french style every Friday afternoon. At only 590,000VND per person, guests can enjoy a wide selection of appetizers and French hors d'oeuvres with Gruyäre cheese, Nicoise vegetable salad, foie gras, crispy fried vegetables with onion sauce, premium cold cuts, and delicious french cakes such as chocolate mousse or lemon tart. For more information, contact 028 3827 2828 or visit http://www.starwoodhotels. com/sheraton

This April, diners can enjoy 2 delicious lunch sets at the San Fu Lou for 138,000VND or 158,000VND. The 138,000VND lunch set includes Cantonesestyle noodle and a sugar jelly chinese herb dessert. With the 158,000VND lunch set, diners can enjoy popular dishes such as roast chicken, roast duck, and char siu. For more details, visit FOUR SEASONS THE NAM HAI The Four Seasons Resort Nam Hai, Hoi An introduces a new yoga room - the AntiGravityÆ Yoga - for an amazing yoga experience. The yoga room, which is equipped with 8 AntiGravityÆ silk hammocks, holds weekly 75-minute group classes and private classes. There are 18 weekly yoga classes, 3 weekly meditation and mindfulness group classes, inlcuding 7 free classes in addition to private classes. Join AntiGravityÆ Yoga for a fee of 50USD/person/group session and 100USD/person/private session. Join yoga for 25USD/ person/group and 65USD/ person/private session. Contact 0235 394 0000 or visit www. for more information and reservations.


PLEXTOR Plextor, the world-leading developer of SSDs, is in partnership with WiHo Vietnam, the global wifi router provider, to offer discount vouchers worth 300,000VND when purchasing the Plextor EX1 or EX1 Plus Series at Phong Vu store. There are 1,000 vouchers for the first buyers, and the program applies from 17 March to 17 April 2018. Instructions to follow: Like WiHo Vietnam page at https://www.facebook. com/wihovietnam/, and register on WiHo Vietnam's website at en/dang-ky/. The first 1,000 registered members will receive email confirmation and an address of where to get the voucher.

SEAHORSE RESORT & SPA From 1 April 2018 to 31 October 2018, visitors can enjoy the Hot summer 2018 package at the Seahorse Resort & Spa, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan Province. At only 1,899,000VND/ voucher, guests can enjoy a 2-day and 1-night stay in a deluxe room, including a breakfast and a lunch or dinner, and 15-minute massage for 2 people. Discounts on other services during the stay such as restaurants, laundry, and spa are on offer as well. For booking, contact 028 6299 8292 - 028 6299 8293 or email - www.

An array of promotions and special offers by restaurants, hotels, resorts, fashion brands, airlines and tourist agencies in Vietnam and other countries.

DUYEN HA RESORT CAM RANH Enjoy a fantastic summer at the Duyen Ha Cam Ranh Resort. At only 600,000VND++, guests can enjoy a 2 night stay in a deluxe room for 2 adults and 2 children under 12 years of age, free daily buffet breakfast, free use of resort facilities, free yoga classes, and a 20% discount on dining, spa, and sea activities, as well as free airport pickup and transfer to Nha Trang. Valid until 31 October 2018. For more information, contact 0258 3986 888 or visit




VOLKWAGEN TIGUAN M…u xe ߯c 7 chÁ rŒ nh†t tr™n th tr≠Íng mang t™n Volkwagen Tiguan Allspace Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c cÀp c∂ng Hi÷p Ph≠Ìc vµ sœ tÌi tay ng≠Íi ti™u dÔng Vi÷t vµo kho∂ng th∏ng 5/2018 sau qu∏ tr◊nh Æ®ng ki”m k¸ thuÀt vÌi c¨ quan ch¯c n®ng. Gi∏ b∏n 2018 cÒa Tiguan Allspace lµ 1,699,000,000 VNß (Æ∑ bao gÂm VAT). LÄO CAI

THÉI NGUY£N TËi ngµy 04/4/2018, tπi Khu b∂o tÂn Lµng nhµ sµn d©n tÈc sinh th∏i Th∏i H∂i, SÎ VHTTDL tÿnh Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c L‘ khai mπc MÔa du lch Th∏i Nguy™n n®m 2018 vÌi chÒ Æ“ "Tr∂i nghi÷m du lch b“n v˜ng v®n h„a, lch sˆ - sinh th∏i Th∏i Nguy™n". S˘ ki÷n lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng th≠Íng ni™n Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c nhªm qu∂ng b∏ s∂n ph»m du lch Æ∆c tr≠ng v“ sinh th∏i nghÿ d≠Ïng gæn vÌi c∏c di s∂n v®n h„a vÀt th”, phi vÀt th” cÒa tÿnh Th∏i Nguy™n Æ’n vÌi du kh∏ch trong n≠Ìc vµ quËc t’; tπo c¨ hÈi cho c∏c doanh nghi÷p du lch trong vµ ngoµi tÿnh k’t nËi tour, tuy’n, mÎ rÈng li™n k’t hÓp t∏c nhªm khai th∏c s∂n ph»m du lch Æ∆c tr≠ng gi˜a c∏c Æa ph≠¨ng.

Nh˜ng th´ng tin cÀp nhÀt v“ Æ≠Íng bay mÌi mÎ, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh v®n ho∏, ch›nh s∏ch ngµnh du lch, x’p hπng & gi∂i th≠Îng du lch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc...

B’n xe Trung t©m Lµo Cai, SÎ Giao th´ng - VÀn t∂i Lµo Cai vµ H∑ng xe Hµ S¨n - H∂i V©n Æ∑ khai tr≠¨ng tuy’n xe si™u VIP Royal chπy tuy’n Hµ NÈi - Lµo Cai - Sa Pa. Dng xe Royal 20 gi≠Íng nªm, c∏c ti÷n ›ch Æi cÔng Æπt ti™u chu»n kh∏ch sπn 5 sao nh≠: mµn h◊nh LCD 17inch, tai nghe ch†t l≠Óng cao, cÊng sπc Æi÷n thoπi vµ mπng wifi mπnh. K›ch th≠Ìc gi≠Íng cÚng lÌn do sË l≠Óng gi∂m tı 44 chÿ cn 20 gi≠Íng... Hµnh kh∏ch chÿ m†t kho∂ng ba giÍ 45 phÛt Æ” Æi tı Hµ NÈi Æ’n Lµo Cai ho∆c ng≠Óc lπi. BANGKOK AIRWAYS Chuy’n bay thºng Æ«u ti™n gi˜a Hµ NÈi tÌi Chiang Mai Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c c†t c∏nh vµo ngµy 25/3 bÎi h∑ng hµng kh´ng t≠ nh©n Æ«u ti™n cÒa Th∏i Lan - Bangkok Airways. Chuy’n bay sœ c†t c∏nh lÛc 9 giÍ 55 phÛt tπi Chiang Mai vµ hπ c∏nh vµo 12 giÍ tπi Hµ NÈi. Chi“u ng≠Óc lπi sœ c†t c∏nh tπi Hµ NÈi lÛc 12 giÍ 45 phÛt vµ hπ c∏nh xuËng Chiang Mai vµo 14 giÍ 50 phÛt. T«n su†t c∏c chuy’n bay nµy lµ hªng ngµy. Gi∏ vä mÈt chi“u lµ 108,6 USD (kho∂ng 2,43 tri÷u ÆÂng). Vä kh¯ hÂi c„ gi∏ tı 192,4 USD (kho∂ng 4,3 tri÷u). VIETNAM AIRLINES Luke Nguy‘n - B’p tr≠Îng ng≠Íi Australia gËc Vi÷t ch›nh th¯c trÎ thµnh ßπi s¯ »m th˘c Toµn c«u cÒa Vietnam Airlines. Luke Nguy‘n sœ ÆÂng hµnh cÔng H∑ng hµng kh´ng quËc gia th˘c hi÷n s¯ m÷nh n©ng cao ch†t l≠Óng »m th˘c cÒa h∑ng Hµng kh´ng QuËc gia, vµ n©ng t«m »m th˘c Vi÷t ra

th’ giÌi. Luke Nguy‘n sœ s∏ng tπo 8 m„n ®n mÌi Æ∆c tr≠ng theo tıng vÔng mi“n cÒa Vi÷t Nam, ÆÂng thÍi t≠ v†n cho 50 th˘c ƨn hπng Th≠¨ng gia hi÷n tπi tr™n c∏c Æ≠Íng bay cÒa H∑ng. VIETJET Vietjet vµ C´ng ty C∂ng hµng kh´ng quËc t’ Brisbane (BAC) thuÈc bang Queensland, Australia Æ∑ k˝ k’t tho∂ thuÀn hÓp t∏c mÎ Æ≠Íng bay thºng gi˜a TP. H Ch› Minh vµ TP. Brisbane, g„p ph«n thÛc Æ»y du lch, giao th≠¨ng vµ hÈi nhÀp trong khu v˘c. ßÂng thÍi, trong thÍi gian nµy, Vietjet vµ ÆËi t∏c Investec, chi nh∏nh tπi Australia, Æ∑ k˝ k’t tho∂ thuÀn hÓp t∏c hÁ trÓ tµi ch›nh cho 5 m∏y bay Airbus A321, vÌi tÊng gi∏ tr 609 tri÷u USD theo gi∏ ni™m y’t cÒa nhµ s∂n xu†t. LEXUS SPORT YACHT M…u du thuy“n th” thao Lexus Sport Yacht cÒa Lexus Æ∑ Æ≠Óc hÈi ÆÂng BGK trao t∆ng gi∂i th≠Îng "Chi’c du thuy“n cÒa n®m" trong Tri”n l∑m Du thuy“n QuËc t’ NhÀt B∂n tπi thµnh phË Yokohama. D˘ ki’n, Lexus sœ bæt Æ«u th≠¨ng mπi h„a chi’c du thuy“n nµy vµo nˆa cuËi n®m 2019 tπi M¸ vµ sau Æ„ lµ Î NhÀt B∂n vµo mÔa xu©n n®m 2020. ChÛng sœ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ t≠¨ng t˘ nh≠ mÈt chi’c tµu flybridge cruiser th” thao hπng sang vÌi chi“u dµi chıng 20m, c„ phng nghÿ cao c†p, khu v˘c gi∂i tr› vµ c„ th” phÙc vÙ kho∂ng 15 hµnh kh∏ch. Gi∏ b∏n ch≠a Æ≠Óc Lexus ti’t lÈ. ßÄ NøNG L‘ hÈi ph∏o hoa QuËc t’ ßµ NΩng 2018 (Da Nang International Firework Festival - DIFF 2018) vÌi chÒ Æ“ "Huy“n thoπi nh˜ng c©y c«u", sœ di‘n ra trong 02 th∏ng, bæt Æ«u tı 29/4/2018 Æ’n h’t 30/06/2018. ß©y lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng L‘ hÈi ph∏o hoa c„ quy m´ lÌn nh†t Ch©u É, cÔng vÌi nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng ÆÂng hµnh, h≠Îng ¯ng, DIFF sœ Æ≠a ßµ NΩng trÎ thµnh mÈt thµnh phË l‘ hÈi r˘c rÏ sæc mµu trong suËt mÔa hà 2018.

HÄ NóI ThÒ Æ´ Hµ NÈi cÒa Vi÷t Nam Ưng th¯ 12 trong danh s∏ch 25 Æi”m Æ’n tuy÷t vÍi tr™n th’ giÌi cho n®m 2018, Æ≠Óc chuy™n trang du lch TripAdvisor Æ∏nh gi∏ d˘a tr™n b◊nh ch‰n cÒa ng≠Íi dÔng. Theo TripAdvisor, Hµ NÈi c„ s˘ pha trÈn hoµn h∂o gi˜a cÊ Æi”n vµ hi÷n Æπi, vÌi nh˜ng con phË cÊ, Æ“n chÔa, di t›ch Æan xen gi˜a c∏c ta nhµ hi÷n Æπi, h n≠Ìc vµ c´ng vi™n. VIETNAM AIRLINES Tπo Æi“u ki÷n cho hµnh kh∏ch tı thµnh phË bi”n Nha Trang vµ c∏c tÿnh l©n cÀn tr∂i nghi÷m, kh∏m ph∏ x¯ sÎ kim chi, vıa qua, Vietnam Airlines Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng Æ≠Íng bay mÌi Nha Trang - Seoul (Hµn QuËc) - Nha Trang tπi hai Æ«u s©n bay Cam Ranh vµ Incheon vÌi hai chuy’n bay Æ«u ti™n l«n l≠Ót mang sË hi÷u lµ VN440 vµ VN441. C∏c chuy’n bay sœ xu†t ph∏t tı s©n bay Cam Ranh lÛc 21h35 c∏c ngµy th¯ Ba, th¯ T≠, Th¯ B∂y, ChÒ NhÀt vµ tı s©n bay Incheon lÛc 06h20 (giÍ Æa ph≠¨ng) c∏c ngµy Th¯ Hai, th¯ T≠, Th¯ N®m, ChÒ NhÀt vÌi thÍi gian bay kho∂ng 5 ti’ng. CHêNH SÉCH MõI Tı ngµy 1/4, c∏c m¯c gi∏ gÂm gi∏ vä, gi∏ vä trŒ em, ph› ÆÊi t™n, ÆÊi ngµy bay... cÒa c∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng vµ mÈt sË m¯c ph› cÒa c∏c c∂ng hµng kh´ng sœ t®ng cao. Hµnh kh∏ch c«n chÛ ˝ Æ” tr∏nh m†t ti“n oan khi sˆ dÙng c∏c dch vÙ hµng kh´ng. CÙ th”, vÌi VNA gi∏ vä trŒ em t®ng tı 75% thµnh 90% so vÌi vä ng≠Íi lÌn. H∑ng Vietjet, ph› em bä t®ng tı 110.000 ÆÂng/bä/chi“u thµnh 165.000 ÆÂng/bä/chi“u. Ph› ÆÊi t™n t®ng tı 352.000 ÆÂng/ ng≠Íi/chi“u l™n 500.000 ÆÂng/ ng≠Íi/chi“u. Ph› ÆÊi ngµy bay, t®ng tı 352.000 ÆÂng cÈng ch™nh l™ch gi∏ vä l™n 370.000 ÆÂng/ng≠Íi/chi“u cÈng ch™nh l÷ch gi∏ vä (n’u c„). H∑ng Jetstar t®ng ph› em bä l™n thµnh 209.000 ÆÂng/bä/chi“u.

HOA HÜU VIåT NAM 2018 Hoa hÀu Vi÷t Nam 2018, d†u mËc quan tr‰ng tr™n hµnh tr◊nh 30 n®m Hoa hÀu Vi÷t Nam sœ c„ nhi“u thay ÆÊi mÌi mŒ. BTC sœ tÊ ch¯c mÈt hµnh tr◊nh xuy™n Vi÷t Æ” t◊m ki’m nh˜ng ¯ng vi™n s∏ng gi∏. CuÈc thi sœ c„ 2 vng chung kh∂o khu v˘c Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c vÌi quy m´ lÌn nh†t tı tr≠Ìc Æ’n nay. Khu v˘c ph›a Nam sœ di‘n ra tπi thµnh phË Quy Nh¨n - B◊nh ßnh, khu v˘c ph›a Bæc di‘n ra tπi th x∑ Cˆa L - Ngh÷ An. ß™m chung k’t cuÈc thi sœ di‘n ra vµo 22-9-2018, Æ≠Óc truy“n h◊nh tr˘c ti’p vµo lÛc 20 giÍ tr™n VTV1.




THAI NGUYEN The opening ceremony of Thai Nguyen Tourist Season 2018 with the theme "Experience sustainable tourism, culture, and history - eco system of Thai Nguyen" was held on April 4. This annual event aims to promote ecotourism as well as the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Thai Nguyen to both domestic and international visitors. The event is also an opportunity for tourism companies in the region to open new and exciting tours for visitors. LAO CAI The Ha Son - Hai Van bus recently opened their new VIP Royal bus travelling the Hanoi Lao Cai - Sa Pa route. Each bus is equipped with 20 beds that come with private curtains. Amenities such as a 17-inch LCD screen with 500GB HD data, high-quality headphones, phone chargers, and powerful wireless network are provided. The beds are larger that typical sleeper buses as the amount of beds has been reduced from 44 to 20. It takes about 3 hours and 45 minutes to travel from Hanoi to Lao Cai or vice versa. VIETNAM AIRLINES Vietnam Airlines has officially announced VietnameseAustralian chef Luke Nguyen as its Global Cuisine Ambassador with the mission to improve the quality of in-flight meals and promote Vietnamese cuisine to the world. As the airline's cuisine ambassador, Luke Nguyen will create eight dishes that represent regions across Vietnam for the business class menu and advise on the 50 dishes for the economy class that the airline serves on its global routes. VIETJET VietJet and the Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC)

of the Australian state of Queensland recently signed a cooperation agreement to open a direct route connecting Ho Chi Minh City and Brisbane to boost the regions' trade exchange and integration. Vietjet also signed a memorandum of understanding worth 609 million USD with Australia's Investec Bank PLC to finance the purchase of five Airbus A321 aircrafts. VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN The Volkswagen Tiguan Allspace has officially arrived in Vietnam and will be available for purchase in May after a technical registration with the Vietnamese authorities. The Tiguan Allspace is priced at 1,699,000,000VND (VAT included). MISS VIETNAM 2018 The Miss Vietnam 2018, which marks the 30-year anniversary of the event in Vietnam, is seeing new changes this year. A search across Vietnam is taking place to find the most eligible candidates. Two regional contests will be held on the largest scale ever seen in Vietnam. The contest for the southern area of Vietnam is located in Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh Province, while the contest for the northern area is located in Cua Lo, Nghe An Province. The final show is taking place on 22 September 2018, and will be on live broadcast at 8pm on VTV1 channel. DANANG The Danang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF 2018) will be held for 2 months, 29 April 2018 to 30 June 2018 and is one of Asia’s largest fireworks festivals with a series of events and activities. The DIFF will turn Danang into a colorful and vibrant city this summer.

HANOI Vietnam’s capital city Hanoi is ranked 12th in the world's list of 25 great destinations in 2018 by TripAdvisor. Hanoi has a perfect blend of classic and modern architecture with numerous old streets, temples, and monuments interwoven among modern buildings, lakes, and parks. NEW POLICY Starting April 1, a number of airfare and fees including fares for children, name change fee, change of flight date fee, and other airport charges are expected to increase. Passengers should beware when using air services. Vietnam Airlines’ children airfares are raised from 75% to 90% of adult fares. Vietjet Air has increased the baby fee from 110,000 VND/baby/ way to 165,000 VND/baby/ way, fee for name change from 352,000 VND/person/way to 500,000 VND/person/way, fee for change of flight date fee from 352,000 VND plus fare difference to 370,000 VND/ person/way plus fare difference (if any). And Jetstar has raised the baby fee to 209,000 VND/ baby/way.

LEXUS SPORT YACHT The Lexus Sport Yacht was awarded with the title "Yacht of the Year" at the International Yacht Show in Yokohama, Japan. The yatch's sales are expected to kick off in the United States in the second half of 2019 and in Japan in the spring of 2020. The production version of the yatch will be a 20-meter sport flybridge cruiser that can accommodate up to 15 passengers with luxury cabins and entertainment area. Further technical details and the price have yet to be disclosed.

VIETNAM AIRLINES To promote travel to Korea from Nha Trang and neighboring provinces, Vietnam Airlines has launched the Nha Trang - Seoul (Korea) - Nha Trang route departing from Cam Ranh and Incheon with flights numbered VN440 and VN441 respectively. The flights will depart from Cam Ranh Airport at 9.35pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and from Incheon Airport at 6.20am (local time) on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. The flight time is 5 hours.

Updated information about new flight routes, culture programs, tourism policies, ranking & awards... in Vietnam and other countries

BANGKOK AIRWAYS The first direct flight between Hanoi and Chiang Mai was launched on March 25 by Bangkok Airways. The flights depart at 9.55am in Chiang Mai and lands at 12pm in Hanoi. The return flights take off at 12.45pm in Hanoi and arrive in Chiang Mai at 2.50pm. The flights are operated daily. One-way tickets are 108.6USD (about 2.43 million VND). A round-trip ticket costs about 192.4USD (about 4.3 million VND).





 EMBASSIES/ CONSuLATES  AIRLINES  TRAVEL AGENTS  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAuRANTS  BARS/CAfES  SPAS  BANKING SERVICES  SOuVENIR SHOPS  CuLTuRE  SHOPPING MALLS  SuPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sales Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o


(Telephone Code: 024) EMBASSIES/ CONSuLATES GERMANY (29 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3843 0245) KOREA (28th, Lotte Center, 54 Li‘u Giai *Tel: 3831 5110) USA (7 L∏ng Hπ, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3850 5000) MALAYSIA (43 - 45 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3734 3836/49) SINGAPORE (41- 43 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3848 9168) THAILAND (63 - 65 Hoµng Di÷u, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 5092)





TURKEY (Floor 14, HCO Building, 44B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3822 2460) AIRLINES HONGKONG AIRLINES (Unit 801, East Wing, Lotte Center Hanoi - 54 Lieu Giai *Tel: 3946 0404 *Website: www. JAPAN AIRLINES (30 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 7303 3030 *Website: www. EVA AIR (Unit 15.02, 15th Floor, Corner Stone Building, 16 Phan Chu Trinh *Tel: 3936 1600 *Website: www. VIETNAM AIRLINES (200 Nguy‘n S¨n, B ߓ, Long Bi™n *Tel: 3873 0314 *Website: TRAVEL AGENTS BUFFALO TOURS (70-72 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 0702 *Websitel: GOLDEN TOUR (1st Floor, 16 Hµm Long, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6000 ) CTY TNHH TM & DU LëCH BÑN ߤNG HÄNH - A TRAVEL MATE CO. LTD. (39 Dinh Tien Hoang Str., Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 3926 3370 *Fax: (84-4) 3926 3367) (113C, Bui Vien Str., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: (84-8) 38 38 66 78 *Fax: (84-8) 38 38 66 76 (45-47 Le Loi Str., Hue *Tel: (8454)393 44 55/ 393 44 56 *Fax: (84-54) 393 44 57)

For further information, please contact: Sales Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. *Or visit for advertising information

TAXIS THÄNH C§NG TAXI ( Tel: 04 3257 5757 Website: MAI LINH (T«ng 5, ta ATS, 252 Hoµng QuËc Vi÷t *Tel: 3833 3333 *Website: HOTELS/RESORTS FORTUNA HOTEL HANOI (6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3831 3333 *Website: INTERCONTINENTAL HANOI WESTLAKE (5 Tı Hoa, Qu∂ng An, T©y H *Tel: 6270 8888 *Website:

LOTTE CENTER HANOI (54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3333 6016 *Website: www.lottecenter. PAN PACIFIC HANOI (1 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 8888 *Website: SHERATON HANOI HOTEL (K5 Nghi Tµm, 11 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y H *Tel: 3719 9000 *Website: RESTAuRANTS THE VIN STEAK (7 Xu©n Di÷u Street, T©y H *Tel: 3722 4165 *Website: www. C•M VIåT (75 Phπm HÂng Th∏i *Tel: 3927 5920)

LA CASA HANOI HOTEL Nªm trong khu phË Ph∏p cÊ y™n t‹nh, La Casa Hotel vÌi ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n th©n thi÷n vµ nhi÷t t◊nh sœ khi’n bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c th©n thi’t vµ †m cÛng nh≠ Î nhµ. 84 phng nghÿ, 4 c®n hÈ vÌi thi’t k’ vµ ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi cÔng vÌi h÷ thËng nhµ hµng, qu∏n bar, phng gym, b” b¨i vµ spa sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ. Located in the old tranquil French Quarter, La Casa Hotel with the friendly and enthusiasm will make you feel like being home. 84 rooms, 4 apartments with modern design and amenities, and our system of restaurants, bar, gym, pool and spa will bring you memorable experiences. (17 Pham Dinh Ho St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi * Tel: 6656 0560 * Email:, Website:

CLUB DE L'ORIENTAL (22 T´ng ß∂n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 8801 *Hotline: 3927 4641/ 0904 885 414) DA PAOLO WESTLAKE (32 Qu∂ng Kh∏nh, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 3718 6317) DON'S TAY HO BISTRO (16 lane, 27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 3719 2828) LONG ßçNH (64B Qu∏n S¯, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3942 9168) HÅI SÅN NGON (199A Nghi Tµm, T©y H *Tel: 3719 3170 *Website: HOME HANOI RESTAURANT (34 Ch©u Long, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 04 3939 2222 *Website:

KOTO (59 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3747 0338 *website: http:// NHÄ 9NKC

*Tel: 6270 0408 Website: www.

Ng‰c Thπch, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 04 7307 9898)


M-BOX BAR & LOUNGE (23A Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 8820)


(19 Ng∏ch 158/193 Ng‰c Hµ, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3846 3757)

9 Nguy‘n Khæc C«n, Hoµn Ki’m, Tel: 090 4943 432 *Website:




(No 10, Tong Duy Tan Str, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi *Tel: (+84) 4.3221 2222 *Website: www. MAISON VIE RESTAURANT (28 Tang Bat Ho Str - Hai Ba Trung Dist - Hanoi - Vietnam *Mail: *Tel:+84 3633 0206 *hotline: 0904 150 383 * PHô 24 (31 Hµng Khay, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1812 *Website: PILSNER URQUELL ORIGINAL (10 Nguy‘n Bi”u, *Tel: 3734 2288 *Website: webapp/home.php) POTS 'N PANS (57 BÔi Th Xu©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3944 0204) QUÉN °N NGON 26 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m District *Tel: (+84-4) 3933 6133 *Fax: (+84-4) 3933 6135 *Email: SIXTY SIX RESTAURANT (66 Hµng BÂ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 04 3266 8888) S` BUFFET (64 Nguy‘n Du, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3941 3338 *Website:

VUA CHÅ CÉ (48 Nguy‘n Th ßnh, Trung Ha, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3221 6599 *26C Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3392 5999 * 76a Mai Hæc ß’, hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 3399 *Website: BARS/CAfES CIAO COFFEE (2 Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 1494) HIGHLANDS COFFEE (6 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 0444) VPRESSO (45 Ly Quoc Su, Hoan Kiem

(59A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 0888)

(T«ng 5 TTTM H G≠¨m Plaza, Tr«n PhÛ, Hµ ß´ng *Tel: 04 7305 5858 *T«ng 2 Berriver Long Bi™n, 390 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, quÀn Long Bi™n *Tel: 04 7302 6696)

(36 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 9936 *Website:

(38 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 5368) THE KAFE (18 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Ba ß◊nh, *Tel: 37476245 *Website:www. THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF (28 Thanh Ni™n, T©y H *Tel: 3715 4240 *Website: THE ROOFTOP (Floor 19, Pacific Place Building - 83B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3946 1901)

ZEN SPA (164 Tı Hoa, Qu∂ng An, T©y HÂ *Tel: 3719 9889 *Website:

(250 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3978 5407 *Website: ANNAM FOOT & BODY MASSAGE


(Thanh Ni™n, TrÛc Bπch, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi)

VIETCOMBANK 23 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3824 3524 *Website: http:// SOuVENIR SHOPS CARAT SHOP (27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ *Tel: 6270 0479 *Website: CASA D'ORIENTE

(71 Hµng B´ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Hotline: 0932 391 888) ANAM QT SPA (42 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 6116 *Website:

(43 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3733 6101 *Website: www.


AQUAMARINE SPA (44 L™ Ng‰c H©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 2220 6788 *Website:

IPA NIMA (73 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4000 *Website:



(Add: 68 Nguy‘n Du - Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0868 038 080 *Email:

(27 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8733)

(51 Xu©n Di÷u, Q. T©y H *Tel: 04 3718 6281 *T«ng 4 IPH Shopping Center 241 Xu©n ThÒy, Q. C«u Gi†y *Tel: 04 3788 6688 *25 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Q. Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04 3828 8888 *T«ng 6 th∏p C Vincom Center 191 Bµ Tri÷u, Q. Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 04 3974 9191 *T«ng 3 ta A Th®ng Long Number One sË 1 ßπi LÈ Th®ng Long, Q. Nam Tı Li™m *Tel: 04 7306 6655 *T«ng 6 Vincom Center 54A Nguy‘n Ch› Thanh, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 04 7307 8889 *T«ng 7 Vincom Center 2B Phπm


CITI BANK (17 Ng´ Quy“n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3521 1118 *Website:

(23 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8678 *website: www.


CHú ߤNG XU¢N - DONG XUAN MARKET (ßÂng Xu©n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi)

(ChÔa MÈt CÈt, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi)



T¢N M≤ DESIGN (61 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1154 *Website: TRANH TH£U XQ (13 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1905 *Website:


CON ߶òNG GˇM S` - HANOI CERAMIC MOSAIC MURAL (HÂng Hµ, †p Thπnh Vinh, PhÛc X∏, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi) VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY (Nguy‘n V®n Huy™n Street, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3756 2193 *Website: VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY (1 Trµng Ti“n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 2853 *Website: http:// VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (6 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3733 2131 *Website: http:// SHOPPING MALLS AEON MALL LONG BI£N (Add: SË 27 CÊ Linh, Long Bi™n, Hµ NÈi *http://aeonmall-long-bien. VINCOM TOWERS (191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3974 9999 *Website: http:// TRÄNG TI≈N PLAZA (24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi) SuPERMARKETS

CuLTuRE BÅO TÄNG HÄ NóI - HANOI MUSEUM (SË 2, Phπm HÔng, M‘ Tr◊, Tı Li™m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 6287 0604 *Website:

CITIMART Hµ NÈi Tower - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 2999 *Website: INTIMEX (22 - 32 L™ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 2054 *Website: http:// TRAVELLIVE




 EMBASSIES/ CONSuLATES  AIRLINES  TRAVEL AGENTS  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAuRANTS  BARS/CAfES  SPAS  BANKING SERVICES  SOuVENIR SHOPS  CuLTuRE  SHOPPING MALLS  SuPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sales Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o



(Telephone Code: 028)

(27 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, District 3 *Tel: 3520 6800)



KOREA (107 Nguy‘n Du, District 1 *Tel: 38225757) USA

(40-5 Phπm Vi’t Ch∏nh, Ward 19, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3518 0045) SINGAPORE (Floor 8 , Saigon Centre - 65 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5173)

(4 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3520 4610)



(77 Tr«n QuËc Th∂o, District 3 *Tel: 3932 7637)

(93 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3829 7667) MALAYSIA (2 Ng´ ߯c K’, District 1 *Tel: 382 99023) JAPAN (261 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, District 3 *Tel: 3933 3510) RUSSIA (40 Bµ Huy÷n Thanh Quan, District 3 *Tel: 3930 3936)


AIRLINES KOREAN AIRLINES (34 L™ Du»n, District 1*Tel: 3824 2878 *Website: https://www.

QATAR AIRWAYS (Room 8, Petro Vietnam Building, 1- 5 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 3888 *Website: TURKISH AIRLINES (Floor 8, AB Tower- 76A L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3936 0360 *Website:




TRAVEL AGENTS GINKGO VOYAGE (130 Nguyen Cong Tru, District 1*Tel: 3838 9944 * SAIGONTOURIST TRAVEL SERVICE (45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 9279 *Website: http:// VINH HAN INTERNATIONAL CO., HCM BRANCH (27-29 BÔi Vi÷n, P. Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3838 9988 *Email: hieu. *Website:

For further information, please contact: Sales Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. *Or visit for advertising information

TAXIS TAXI 27/7 (162 ß≠Íng Tu÷ T‹nh, Ward 17, 11 District *Tel: 3962 0620 *Website: html) HOTELS/RESORTS CARAVELLE HOTEL (19 - 23 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1 *Tel: 3823 4999 *Website: LE MERIDIEN SAIGON (3C Ton Duc Thang, District 1, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 8 6263 6688) *Website: LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON CITYPOINT (59-61 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3822 5678) LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON RIVERSIDE (17 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3827 1717) NEW WORLD SAIGON HOTEL (76 L™ Lai, District 1*Tel: 3822 8888 *Website: http://www.saigon.

NORFOLK HOTEL (117 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Q1*Tel: 3829 5368 *Fax: 3829 3415 *Email: *Website: HOTEL EQUATORIAL HO CHI MINH CITY (242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5, HCMC *Tel: 3839 7777 *Email: *www. PARKROYAL SAIGON (309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi Str, Tan Binh Dist, HCMC *Tel: 3842 1111) THE ALCOVE LIBRARY HOTEL (133A- 133B Nguy‘n ß◊nh Ch›nh, Q.PhÛ NhuÀn, HCMC *Tel: 6256 9966 *Hotline: 0938 979 000 *Website: RENAISSANCE RIVERSIDE HOTEL SAIGON (8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 3822 0033 *Website: www. WINDSOR PLAZA HOTEL *18 An D≠¨ng V≠¨ng, Q 5, Tp. HCM, Vietnam *Tel: 3833 6688 *Fax: 3833 6888 *Email: services@ *Website:


AU LAC DO BRAZIL STEAK RESTAURANT (238 Pasteur, District.3 *Tel: 3820 7157 - 0909 478 698*Website: HOME FINEST RESTAURANT (252 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3932 2666 *Website: www. GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (197 ß“ Th∏m, Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist.1 *Tel: 3837 1894 *Website: INDOCHINE (26 Tr≠¨ng ßnh, Dist.3 * Tel: 3930 8421) M¢M VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT (193 Hai Ba Trung, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3939 3888 *Website: www. THE CHOPSTICKS SAIGON RESTAURANT (216/4 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3932 2889 *Website: PARKROYAL SAIGON HOTEL (311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, T©n B◊nh District, HCMC *Tel: 08 3842 1111 * PHô 24 (20B Nguy‘n Th Minh Kha, District 1*Tel: 3910 1038 *Website: NHÄ HÄNG NGON (160 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3827 7131 *Fax: 3827 7127 *Email: QUÉN NGON 138 138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a , QuÀn 1, T.p H Ch› Minh *Tel: 38 279 666 / 38 257 179 *Email: ngon138@ *Website: SAIGON INDIAN (Floor 1, 73 Mπc Th B≠Îi, District 1 *Tel: 3824 5671) SHANG PALACE (1st Floor, Norfolk Mansion, 17-1921 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3823 2221 *Website: www.shangpalace.

NGON ASIA HOUSE TÀp hÓp h¨n 300 m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa 5 n“n »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Ch©u É lµ Hµn QuËc, NhÀt B∂n, Trung Hoa, Th∏i Lan vµ Vi÷t Nam d≠Ìi cÔng mÈt m∏i nhµ. Home to more than 300 signature dishes of 5 renowned Asian culinary cultures: Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam. (Saigon Garden, 99 Nguy‘n Hu÷, Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3821 3821, Facebook: BARS/CAfES CHILL SKYBAR SAIGON (T«ng 26, AB Tower, 76A L™ Lai, Q.1, TP.HCM *Tel: 0938 822 838 *Website: CALIBRE CHARNER (Floor 1, Palace Hotel Saigon, 56 - 66 Nguy‘n Hu÷, 1 District *Tel: 3829 2860 *Website: http:// LA HABANA (152 L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3925 9838 *Website: MAGNOLIA KITCHEN & CAFE (Add: 190 - 192 De Tham Street, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam *Tel: 3920 3047 *Hotline: 0124 668 7354 *Website: *Facebook: Magnolia Kitchen & Cafe) SAXN'ART CLUB (28 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3954 *Website: THE JAZZ CAFE (97 S≠¨ng Nguy÷t Énh, District 1 *Tel: 3925 0388)

(T«ng L3 Shopping Mall, Vincom ßÂng KhÎi, 72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, P. B’n Nghä Q.1 *Tel: 08 7307 9899 *T«ng 3, Vincom Mega Mall, 159 Xa LÈ Hµ NÈi, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2 *Tel: 08 7303 9888)

ANZ (39 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 2926 *Website: http:// EXIMBANK (1 & 7 Floor, Ta nhµ 229 ßÂng KhÎi, B’n Nghä Ward, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 0055 *Website: http://www. SAIGONBANK (2C Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3914 3183 *Website: www. STANDARD CHARTERED (Floor 1, Sµi Gn Center Building 37 T´n ߯c Thæng, District 1 *Tel: 3911 0000 *Website: http:// VIETCOMBANK (69 BÔi Th Xu©n, NgÚ L∑o Ward, District 1*Tel: 3829 7245 *Website:



(Tang 3, 202 Hoang Van Thu, Q.Phu Nhuan, TP.HCM *Tel: 3847 9964 *3847 9295)

(Tel 0909 66 22 31 *

(72 Trµn Quang Kh∂i, P.T©n ßnh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3910 5575 *Website:

(114 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 7493 *Website: CuLTuRE WAR REMNANTS MUSEUM (28 V‚ V®n T«n, District 3) OPERA HOUSE (7 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1.) COULEURS D'ASIE BY R–HAHN -SAIGON (157/1 Dong Khoi, District 1) FINE ARTS MUSEUM (97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, District 1) H¤ CHê MINH MUSEUM (65 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1) SHOPPING MALLS

PARKSON (35Bis, 45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 7636)

(9 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 2394 *Website: http://





(1 Nguy‘n V®n Tr∏ng, District 1 *Tel: 3925 1495)

(74 Nguyen ß◊nh Chieu, P Da Kao, Q1, Tp HCM *Tel: 2207 0809 *Hotline: 0968 060 268 *Website:

(97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3181 *Website: http://

(50 - 52 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 7962 *Website: http://




DIAMOND PLAZA (34 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5500)

(26-28 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3825 1250 *Website: http://

(Add: 200A Ly Tu Trong Street, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam *Tel: 028 6284 1188 *Hotline: 0124 668 7354 *Facebook: Sushi Tei Vietnam)

(91 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 8356 *Website: http://




MOSAIQUE SAIGON (98 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 4634 *Website: www. NGA ART AND CRAFT


DUY TAN SAIGON ARTISAN (47 T´n Th†t Thi÷p, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 3614 *Website: www.


KHAI SILK (81 & 107 ßÂng KhÎi, District1 *Tel: 3822 2856 *3829 1146 *Website: khaicravat/shopping.html)

IPA NIMA (90 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 3277 *Website: http:// KENLY SILK (132 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3829 3847 *Website:

SAIGON CENTRE (65 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 4888 ) VINCOM CENTER A (171 ßÂng KhÎi & 116 Nguy‘n Hu÷, District 1*Tel: 3936 9999 * VINCOM CENTER B (72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1*Website: SuPERMARKETS ANNAM GOURMET (16 - 18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, 1 District & 41A Th∂o ßi“n, 2 District *Tel: 3822 9332 & 3744 2630 *Website: B⁄N THÄNH MARKET (L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5699)




 EMBASSIES/ CONSuLATES  AIRLINES  TRAVEL AGENTS  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAuRANTS  BARS/CAfES  SPAS  BANKING SERVICES  SOuVENIR SHOPS  CuLTuRE  SHOPPING MALLS  SuPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sales Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o

SAPA (Telephone Code: 0214) HOTELS/RESORTS SUNNY MOUNTAIN (010, M≠Íng Hoa, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3787 999 *Website: http:// VICTORIA SAPA RESORT & SPA (Sapa District, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 20 38 71 522 *Fax: +84 20 38 71 539 *Email: * RESTAuRANTS FANSIPANSAPA (23 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 556) GERBERA (31 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 064) NATURE VIEW (51 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 438)

OBSERVATORY 39 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 019) TRAVEL AGENTS KHÉM PHÉ VIåT (31 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3872 606 *Website: NG§I SAO SAPA (68 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 6523 172 *Website:


hÅi PhíNG - CÉt BÄ (Telephone Code: 0225)

HOTELS/RESORTS CÉT BÄ ISLAND RESORT & SPA (C∏t C 1, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3688 686 *Website:





(111-113-115 L™ Lai, M∏y Chai, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 375 9679 *Fax: 375 9680 *Website: www.




(178 T´n ߯c Thæng, L™ Ch©n *Tel: 3622 608 *Website: http://



(Zone 3, ß S¨n *Tel: 3864 888 *Website:

(Zone 2, ß S¨n *Tel: 3861 330 *Website:



(204 Quang Trung, Phπm HÂng Th∏i, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3831 777)

PARKSON (1/20A L™ HÂng Phong, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3852 459 *Website:

GREEN MANGO (Group 19, Block 4, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3887 151 *Website: http://www. TR@C L¢M (3 Phπm B∏ Tr˘c, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3733 833) TAXIS (SË 1 Hang D¨i H∂i Phng *Tel: 3864 864) MAI LINH




(Telephone Code: 0229) HOTELS/RESORTS THE REED HOTEL (ßinh ßi“n, ß´ng Thµnh, Ninh B◊nh *Tel: 3889 979 *Website:

ߤ S•N



For further information, please contact: Sales Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157. *Or visit for advertising information

(221 Lπch Tray, ßÊng QuËc B◊nh, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3833 833 *Website: BANKING SERVICES VIETCOMBANK (11 Hoµng Di÷u, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: http://www. ACB (69 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3823 392 *Website: www. TECHCOMBANK (5 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng *Tel: 3810 865 *Website: SuPERMARKETS CHú S¿T (Quang Trung, HÂng Bµng) INTIMEX MINH KHAI (23 Minh Khai, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3746 858 *Website: http://www.

hÑ loNG - QuÅNG NINH (Telephone Code: 0203)

HOTELS/RESORTS LA PAZ RESORT HALONG (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 0888 762 266 *Website: PARADISE SUITES HOTEL (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 0986 567 545 *Website: TU¡N CH¢U ISLAND HOLIDAY VILLA (Island Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3842 999 *Website: http://

Legend Halong

WYNDHAM LEGEND HALONG (No. 12 Ha Long Street, Bai Chay Ward, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province *Tel: (+84)-33-3636555 *Website:

SPA/fITNESS ELITE ACTIVE (T«ng 3 Vincom Plaza Hπ Long, P. Bπch ߪng, TP. Hπ Long *Tel: 033 3841 166)

*Tel: 3823 680 *Website: http://bidv.


(Telephone Code: 0235)

CRuISES ¢U C• (Hanoi Sales Office: 47 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4545 *Website: http://www. APHRODITE CRUISES (Head Office: Townhouse B14, Tuan Chau Marina, Halong *Tel: 6281 888 *Hanoi Office: 20th Floor, VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi *Tel: 04 2220 8686 *Website:

HOTELS/RESORTS ANANTARA HOI AN RESORT (1 Pham Hong Thai Street, Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 510 391 4555 *Fax: +84 510 391 4515 *Email: hoian@ BOUTIQUE HóI AN RESORT (Group 6, Block T©n Thnh, C»m An Ward *Tel: 3939 111 *Website:

CALYPSO (Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. ORIENTAL SAILS Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. PHOENIX (Hanoi Sales Office: 81C L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3747 8006 *Website: PARADISE CRUISES (Hanoi Sales Office: Unit 201, Hanoi Tower - 49 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 0906 099 606 *Website: RESTAuRANTS 1958 VIETNAMESE (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 3815 088) HOÄNG GIA (Hoµng Gia Park, Hπ Long) TAXIS THÄNH C§NG

TRAVEL AGENTS HóI AN TRAVEL (10 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 911 *Website: http:// RESTAuRANTS

PEARL RIVER HOI AN HOTEL & SPA (12 - 14 Huy“n Tr©n C´ng ChÛa, C»m Ch©u, HÈi An *Tel: 3666 886 *Website: www.pearlriverhoian. com) HOI AN BEACH RESORT (SË 1 PhË Cˆa ßπi, Thµnh phË HÈi An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 392 7011 *Fax: 392 7019 *Email: *Website: www. LOTUS HóI AN (330 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 770 *Website: PALM GARDEN BEACH RESORT & SPA HOI AN (Lπc Long Qu©n, Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 927 *Website: http:// SUNRISE HóI AN BEACH RESORT (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3937 777 *Website: http://www. GOLDEN SAND RESORT & SPA HóI AN

MAI LINH (Tel: 3849 155 *38222 266)


MUSEUM OF SA HU∞NH CULTURE (149 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 535) SOuVENIR SHOPS É ß§NG SILK (62 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 59) L¤NG ßáN TR¡N PH@ (65 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 996)

(236 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3919 199 *Website:


HOME HOIAN RESTAURANT (112 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Quang Nam, Da Nang *Tel: 3926 668 *Website: (Down the alley next to 60 L™ LÓi *Tel: 3862 037 *Website: http://

(C»m Kim *Tel: 3934 282) (23 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3911 872 *Website: http://


(Telephone Code: 0236) HOTELS/RESORTS

SEN (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 252 *Website: BARS/CAfES HóI AN FULLMOON TOWNS BAR & RESTAURANT (101 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 922 *Website: TAM TAM CAF– (110 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3862 212 *Website: http://www. TAXIS HóI AN (193 L˝ Th∏i TÊ, C»m Ch©u *Tel: 3919 919) MAI LINH (410 Cˆa ßπi & 60 Nguy‘n Duy Hi÷u *Tel: 3914 914 *3929 292 *Website: BANKING SERVICES VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Di÷u *Tel: 3861 340 *Website: CuLTuRE



(Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3844 749 *Website: http://vietcombank.


(26 Phan Boi Chau)

(39 ßµo Duy Tı, C»m PhÊ, HÈi An *Tel: 05103 950 777)




(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3852 945)

(Bπch ߪng Ward, Hn Gai

(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3911 382)


(ƒp 1, ßi÷n D≠¨ng, ßi÷n Bµn *Tel: 3940 000 *Website: http://www.





(Thanh Ni™n Road, Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3927 550 *Website: http://

(Tel: 3675 757)

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 040 *Website: http://www.victoriahotels. asia/eng/hotels-in-vietnam/hoi-anbeach-resort-spa)

Ä LA CARTE DA NANG BEACH (Corner of Vo Nguyen Giap Street & Duong Dinh Nghe Str, Son Tra Dist, Da Nang *Tel: 3 959 555 *Fax: 3 959 555 *Web: *Email: AVANI QUY NHON RESORT & SPA (Bai Dai Ghenh Rang, Quy Nhon City, Vietnam *Tel: +84 (0) 56 3840 132 * NEW ORIENT HOTEL DANANG - WORLD CLASS ORIENTATION (20 Dong Da Street, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3828 828 *Website: FUSION MAIA DANANG (Tr≠Íng Sa, Khu™ M¸, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3967 999 *Website: INTERCONTINENTAL DANANG SUN PENINSULA RESORT (B∑i Bæc, S¨n Trµ *Tel: 3938 888 *Website: GRAND TOURANE HOTEL (252 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Son Tra Dist *Tel: 3778 888 *Website:




FUSION SUITES DANANG BEACH (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, M©n Th∏i *Tel: 3919 777 *Website:


*Tel: 3983 333 *Website: http://

(21 Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3961 777 *Website: http:// cdv_default.asp.UN_s9OSIHwM)


TRAVEL AGENTS ASIANA TRAVEL MATE (Domestic Arrival Hall, ßµ NΩng Airport *Tel: 3614 783 *Website: TAXIS S§NG HÄN

PREMIER VILLAGE DANANG (99 V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, quÀn NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 391 9999 *Fax: 391 9998 *Website: PULLMAN DANANG BEACH RESORT (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p Street, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 395 8888 *Website: GRAND MERCURE DANANG HOTEL (Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of Green Island, Ha C≠Íng Bæc, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 379 7777 *Website:

(37/1 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3719 258) RESTAuRANTS TR@C L¢M VI£N (8 - 10 Tr«n Qu˝ C∏p *Tel: 3582 428 *Website: http://truclamvien. SPA VINCHARM SPA (Vinpearl Luxury ßµ NΩng Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3968 888 *Website: BANKING SERVICES



(36 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3929 999 *Website: http://www.

(244 - 248 Nguy‘n V®n Linh *Tel: 3650 118 *Website: http://

FURAMA RESORT DANANG (V‚ Nguy™n Gæp, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0511 3847 333 *Website:



CuLTuRE DANANG MUSEUM OF CHAM SCULPTURE (No2, 2/9 Street, B◊nh Hi™n, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3470 114 *Website: (24 Tr«n PhÛ, Thπch Thang, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3822 390 *Website: SOuVENIR SHOPS


(176 Tr«n PhÛ, Ph≠Ìc Ninh, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3897 798)

SPAS hu⁄ (Telephone Code: 0234)




LA RESIDENCE HUE HOTEL & SPA (5 L™ LÓi, TP Hu’ *Tel: 383 7475 *Website: CENTURY RIVERSIDE HOTEL HUE (49 L™ LÓi, Hu’ *Tel: ( 3823390 *Website: IMPERIAL HU⁄ (8 HÔng V≠¨ng, PhÛ HÈi *Tel: 3882 222 *Website: http://www. VEDANÇ LAGOON (Zone 1, PhÛ LÈc *Tel: 3681 688 *Website: RESTAuRANTS CUNG ßçNH (3 Nguy‘n Sinh Sæc, V‹ Dπ *Tel: 3897 202 *Website: http:// TèNH GIA VI£N (7/28 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 50 PhÛ MÈng, Kim Long *Tel: 3522 243 & 3510 644 *Website: http://www. NHÄ HÄNG LE PARFUM (5 L™ LÓi, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 054 3837 475) TAXIS THÄNH C§NG (Tel: 357 5757) MAI LINH



(105A HÔng V≠¨ng,TP Hu’ *Tel: 393 6666 - Fax: 393 6555 *Email: *Website: www.indochinepalace. com)




(12 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 3839 998 *Website: www. INDOCHINE PALACE

(Tel: 3898 989) BANKING SERVICES VIB (51 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, V‹nh Ninh *Tel: 3883 666 *Website: http:// VIETCOMBANK (78 HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 3811 900


Website: http://www.vietcombank.

CuLTuRE THI£N M| PAGODA (Hµ Kh™, H≠¨ng Long) NHA TRANG (Telephone Code: 0258) HOTELS/RESORTS L'ALYANA NINH VAN BAY (Ninh V©n Bay, Ninh Ha *Tel: 384 7333 *Website: BOTON BLUE HOTEL & SPA NHA TRANG (6 Pham Van Dong, Vinh Hoa *Tel: 3836 868 *Website: www. CAM RANH RIVIERA BEACH RESORT&SPA (Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam *Tel: (+84) 583989898 *Website: MERPERLE SUNSET VILLAS MERPERLE HON TAM RESORT - MERPERLE SPARKLING WAVES (Add: Hon Tam Island, Vinh Nguyen, Nha Trang) MERPERLE SEASUN HOTEL (Add: SË 2 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, LÈc Th‰, Nha Trang THE COSTA NHA TRANG RESIDENCES (32-34 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam *Telephone: 3737 222 *Email: SUNRISE NHA TRANG BEACH HOTEL & SPA (12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3820 999 *Website: SIX SENSES NINH VAN BAY VIETNAM (Tel:+84 58 3524 268 *Email: RESTAuRANTS LOUISIANE BREW HOUSE (Lot No 29 Tr«n PhÛ Park *Tel: 352 1948 *Website: http://www. BARS/CAfES GUAVA (34 Nguy‘n Thi÷n ThuÀt, T©n LÀp *Tel: 3526 197 *Website: http://

RAINBOW BAR (90A HÔng V≠¨ng, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3524 351) TAXIS NHA TRANG (*Tel: 381 8181)

062 371 9123 *Fax: 062 371 9333 *Email: reservation@thecliffresort., *website: www.thecliffresort. GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (57A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u *Tel: 3847 589 *Website: http://www.

KHÉNH HOÄ (46 L™ Th∏nh T´n, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3810 810) BANKING SERVICES


SWISS - BELRESORT TUYEN LAM (Zone 7&8, Khu du lch H Tuy“n L©m, ph≠Íng 3, ßµ Lπt) TERRASSE DES ROSES (35 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, ph≠Íng 7, Thung LÚng T◊nh Y™u, ßµ Lπt *Tel: 06 3356 5279 *Website: www. *E-mail: TERRACOTTA HOTEL & RESORT DALAT (Ph©n khu ch¯c n®ng 7.9, KDL h Tuy“n L©m, Ph≠Íng 3 *Tel: 063 3883 838 / Website:

(4 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3822 759 *Website: http://

(Ke Ga, Tan Thanh, Ham Thuan Nam, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam *Tel: (84.62) 3683 115 / 3683 117 / 3683 279 *Fax: (84.62) 3683 114 *Hotline: (84) 974 496 660 *Website: www. *Facebook: Rock Water Bay Resort *Email: info@



BçNh d¶•NG (Telephone Code: 0274)

(Km 11, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3847 507 *Website:


BIDV (45 - 47 ThËng Nh†t *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: VIETINBANK

SOuVENIR SHOPS (Telephone Code: 0252) HOTELS/ RESORTS ANANTARA MUI NE RESORT (Mui Ne Beach, KM10, *Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam *Tel: 374 1888 *Fax: 374 1555 *Email: muine@ AROMA BEACH RESORT & SPA (Khu phË 5, PhÛ H∂i, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 3828 288, Fax: 3828 111 *Email: reservation@ *Website: PH@ HÅI RESORT (Km8, Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t *Tel: 062. 3 812 799 *Website: BLUE BAY MUI NE RESORT & SPA (Su´› N≠Ìc, MÚi Nä *Tel: 3836 888 *Website: www.bluebaymuineresort. com) VICTORIA PHAN THIET BEACH RESORT & SPA (Km 9, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan, Vietnam *Tel: +84 62 3813 000 *Fax: +84 62 3813 007 *Email: * SONATA RESORT & SPA (Km 17, Æ≠Íng 719, x∑ Ti’n Thµnh, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 62 3846 768 *Web: www.sonataresort. com) THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES (Khu PhË 5, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 0 62 371 9111 /

VIET FASHION (34 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 6253 213) SuPERMARKETS CO.OP MART (1A Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, B◊nh H≠ng *Tel: 3835 440 *Website: http://

ßÄ LÑT (Telephone Code: 0263) HOTELS/RESORTS ANA MANDARA VILLAS DALAT RESORT & SPA (L™ Lai Street, Ward 5 *Tel: 3555 888 *Website: BINH AN VILLAGE RESORT DALAT (H Tuy“n L©m, Khu phË 4, ßµ Lπt, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 84-633 800 999 *Email:dalat@binhanvillage. com *Website:www.binhanvillage. com) DALAT EDENSEE LAKE RESORT & SPA (Tuy“n L©m Lake, Zone VII.2 *Tel: 3831 515 *Website: http://www. NGñC PHÉT ßÄ LÑT (10 H TÔng MÀu, Ph≠Íng 3, Tp. ßµ lπt *Tel: 063 368 3979 *Fax: 063 383 5868 *Email: info@ *Website:

RESTAuRANTS LE RABELAIS (12 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3825 444)

(21/4 Trung Str, Vinh Phu W, Thuan An Dist, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 650 378 5555 *Fax: (+84) 650 378 5000 *Email: *Hotline: (+84) 908 998 550), Website: THE GRAND HO TRAM STRIP (Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc, Bµ Ra, VÚng Tµu *Tel: 064 3781 631, Email: *Website: SIX SENSES CON DAO VIETNAM (Tel: +84 64 3831 222 *Email: TAXIS MAI LINH (12 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3563 656) PETRO (50 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a *Tel: 3851 851) RESTAuRANTS DAVID (92 Hπ Long Street, Ward 2 *Tel: 3521 012) GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (6 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3856 959 )

Ph@ QuˇC (Telephone Code: 0297)

THE MIRA HOTEL (555B *Tel: 0650 367 8888 *Fax: 0650 367 8880 *Email: info@ *email: sales@ / reservation@ BECAMEX THU DAU MOT HOTEL (230 ßπi lÈ B◊nh D≠¨ng, Hi÷p Thµnh, ThÒ D«u MÈt *Tel: 0650 222 1333, *Fax: 0650 222 1342 *Email: / /

HOTELS/RESORTS LA VERANDA RESORT PH@ QUˇC (Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988 *Email: *Website: NOVOTEL PHU QUOC RESORT (Duong Bao Hamlet, Duong To Commune, Phu Quoc *Tel: 077 626 0999 *Email: H9770@accor. com *Website: www.novotelphuquoc. com) VINPEARL PHU QUOC RESORT

VüNG TÄu (Telephone Code: 0254) HOTELS/RESORTS H¤ TRÄM BEACH RESORT&SPA (H Trµm, Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc *Tel: 378 1525 *Website: TROPICANA BEACH RESORT & SPA (44A Road, Ph≠Ìc H∂i, ߆t ß· *Tel: 367 8888 *Website: http:// ALMA OASIS LONG HAI (Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Th tr†n Long H∂i, Long ßi“n *Tel: 366 2222 *Email:

(B∑i Dµi, Gµnh D«u, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3519 999 *Fax: 077 3847 771 *Email: *Website: www. SALINDA RESORT PHU QUOC ISLAND (Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 399 0011 *Fax: 077 399 9911 *Email:, *Website: CAf– BUDDY ICE CREAM & INFO CAFE (No 6 Bach Dang Str, Duong Dong *Tel: (+84) 77 3 994 181 *Website: TRAVELLIVE


ß\NG Bì Lö c• Hói THaM d# NH~NG S# KiåN ßÖc S¿c TÑi cÉc ßIÕM ß⁄N TRONG VÄ NGOÄI N¶õC T\ 15/04 - 15/05/2018 Do not miss chances to join these amazing events taking place from April 15th to May 15th, 2018 in Vietnam and other countries. April 27, Netherlands king'S day, neTherLandS ß≠Óc tÊ ch¯c l«n Æ«u ti™n vµo n®m 1885, Koningsdag lµ l‘ hÈi truy“n thËng Î Hµ Lan, Æ∏nh d†u ngµy sinh cÒa Vua Willem-Alexander. Trong ngµy nµy, nh˜ng con phË Amsterdam sœ ngÀp trµn mµu ∏o cam. H¨n 1 tri÷u ng≠Íi tÙ tÀp Î trung t©m thµnh phË Æ” tham gia vµo nh˜ng b˜a ti÷c suËt ngµy Æ™m cÔng nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng th” thao, v®n ngh÷, di‘u hµnh, b∏n c∏c m∆t hµng nh≠ Æ ch¨i cÚ, h s¨, sÊ s∏ch trong chÓ trÍi lÌn vµ tham gia buÊi ha nhπc ngoµi trÍi. First held in 1885, the Koningsdag is a traditional festival in the Netherlands held to mark the birth of King Willem-Alexander. on this day, all of Amsterdam is dressed in orange. over 1 million people gather in the city center to participate in day-night parties, sports activities, and performances. Flea markets are open everywhere to sell items such as old toys, records, and books. An outdoor concert also takes place on this day.


April 15 - 21, Spain

23/4 - 6/5, Japan

26/4, India

La Feria de abriL (SeviLLe Fair)

hiroSaki Cherry bLoSSom FeSTivaL

ThriSSur Pooram FeSTivaL

ß≠Óc coi nh≠ l‘ PhÙc sinh th¯ hai, ng≠Íi d©n Æa ph≠¨ng nh∂y nh˜ng Æi÷u mÛa chµo Æ„n mÔa xu©n, bi”u di‘n nhπc d©n gian truy“n thËng. L‘ hÈi lµ s˘ k’t hÓp cÒa nh˜ng b∂n nhπc flamenco quy’n rÚ, mµn Ɔu b Æ«y kch t›nh, c∏c chµng trai m∆c qu«n b„ cÔng ∏o kho∏c ngæn truy“n thËng di‘u hµnh tr™n l≠ng ng˘a vµ h≠¨ng v say ng†t cÒa loπi r≠Óu sherry.

ß∑ di‘n ra li™n tÙc 100 n®m tπi c´ng vi™n Hirosaki, tÿnh Aomori, l‘ hÈi Æ≠Óc tÊ Æi”m vÌi h¨n 2.600 c©y hoa anh Ƶo nÎ rÈ. Du kh∏ch c„ th” t∂n bÈ tr™n con Æ≠Íng giËng nh≠ Æ≠Íng h«m c„ nhi“u hoa anh Ƶo khoe sæc, chi™m ng≠Ïng nh˜ng c©y hoa anh Ƶo Someiyoshino cÊ x≠a nh†t, Æ≠Óc trÂng c∏ch Æ©y h¨n 135 n®m.

La Feria de Abril takes place two weeks after easter. Local people dance to welcome the beginning of spring, and perform traditional folk music. This is an exciting festival where you can enjoy beautiful flamenco music, bullfights, young men in traditional Spanish costumes on horseback, and the lovely taste of sherry.

With a history of 100 years, the annual cherry blossom festival is held in Hirosaki Park, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The park, which contains some 2,600 cherry trees in full bloom, allow visitors to take leisurely strolls under tunnels of cherry blossoms. You can find some of the oldest Someiyoshino cherry trees that were planted over 135 years ago.


ß©y lµ l‘ hÈi nÊi ti’ng nh†t Î ƒn ßÈ, bæt Æ«u tı n®m 1789 Æ” t· lng thµnh k›nh vÌi th«n Shiva (th«n HÒy di÷t trong Æπo Hindu) Î Æ“n ch›nh Kerala cÒa thµnh phË Thrissur. L‘ hÈi käo dµi 36 ti’ng, bæt Æ«u lÛc 6 giÍ s∏ng vµ k’t thÛc vµo 12 giÍ tr≠a ngµy h´m sau. ßi”m nh†n Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa Thrissur Pooram lµ cuÈc di‘u hµnh cÒa 30 chÛ voi to Æãp. T†t c∂ Æ≠Óc vœ trang tr›, Æeo trang s¯c vµng tr™n Æ«u vµ di‘u hµnh qua khæp c∏c con phË. Considered the most well-known festival in India, the Thhrissur Pooram Festival first began in 1789 to pay homage to the god Shiva at Kerala Temple in the city of Thrissur. The festival is held for 36 hours, starting at 6am and ending at 12 noon the following day. The highlight of the Thrissur Pooram festival is the parade of 30 beautiful elephants, who have been painted, wear gold jewelry on their heads, and walk through the streets.

Summer Time yet ?


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