Travellive 05-2016

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Fo r o n l i n e s u b s c r i p t i o n : h t t p : / / v n t r av e l l i v e . c o m / b o o k m a g a z i n e


TRAVELLIVE AVAILABLE AT Business lounges at all International Airports in Vietnam Business class of Turkish Airlines + 300 Leading Hotels & Resorts in Vietnam

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Content > 15/05/2016

DesTinaTion - liFesTYle - inTerview - guiDes & Tips - slow living whaT&where - Fashion - Discover - Traveller ouTFiT - evenT calenDar

Bunga Raya Island Resort and Spa, Malaysia


114 >

NH~NG L¡N Mô C^a ô PENaNG Penang vÌi t´i lµ nh˜ng l«n mÎ cˆa, Æ” læng nghe c©u chuy÷n x≠a cÚ, ngæm nh˜ng b¯c tranh t≠Íng sinh ÆÈng vµ h›t hµ gi„ bi”n. HEY PENaNG, OPEN SESaME! Penang enchants me whenever I open the world of street art, dive head first into houses’ stories, or just breathe the fresh sea breeze.

124 >

MECHELEN, GñI t£N TRçU M⁄N N’u Æ’n Æ©y, bπn sœ kh´ng ph∂i hËi ti’c bÎi vŒ Æãp m™ ho∆c cÒa di s∂n ki’n trÛc vµ l‘ hÈi nhπc cÊ Æi”n di‘n ra hµng n®m. MECHELEN FRIENDLY CItY The city’ss fascinating cultural heritage with its fabulous architecture and the annual classical music festivals surely worths your visit.





10 ISLaND RESORt “PHÅI tõI” Há 2016 > V tr› h≠Ìng bi”n tuy÷t Æãp, ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, resort tr™n Æ∂o lµ kh´ng gian l≠u trÛ th«n ti™n Æ” Ææm m◊nh gi˜a bi”n n≠Ìc m©y trÍi. 10 ”MUSt-StaY” ISLaND RESORtS IN SUMMER 2016 Boasting a prime seafront location with a unique architectural design, island resorts are the best choices for you to soak in the endless enjoyment of the sea.

86 >

KH§NG KHïC ô “HOaNG ßÅO”! Kh´ng Æ´ng ÆÛc kh∏ch du lch vÌi nh˜ng dch vÙ cao c†p, vŒ Æãp vµ s˘ b◊nh y™n cÒa nh˜ng hn Æ∂o hoang s¨ nµy sœ khi’n bπn hoµn toµn th≠ gi∑n. 6 PRIStINE ISLaNDS FOR EXPLORERS These pristine islands which haven’t been spoiled by tourism will mesmerize you with their enchanting beauty and absolute tranquility.


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15/05/2016 F&B


53 >

Kaiseki lµ ngh÷ thuÀt c©n bªng gi˜a h≠¨ng v, mµu sæc vµ bµi tr› c∏c nguy™n li÷u trong m„n ®n NhÀt B∂n. Kaiseki is the art balancing the taste, texture, appearance, and colors of food in Japanese culinary culture.


102 > Bi’n nh˜ng “chi’n lÓi ph»m” mang v“

tı bi”n thµnh nh˜ng m„n quµ thÛ v cho mÔa hÃ: chi’c chu´ng gi„ leng keng, khung h◊nh Æ” bµn Æ∏ng y™u, hay mÈt cËc n’n th¨m c„ gæn mÈt chÛ sao bi”n.

Turn the treasure of the ocean to interesting gifts for summer: jingling wind chimes to hang on the window, a frame with a meaningful quote for the desk, or a candle cup with starfish.


54 >

T◊m hi”u mÈt b˜a s∏ng h†p d…n dµnh theo phong c∏ch Sµi Gn - n¨i giao thoa gi˜a hai n“n v®n h„a É - ¢u. How do you suppose a King would enjoy his breakfast in Saigon, where Asian culture meets European style?


126 > MÈt sË l≠u ˝ cho chuy’n Æi bi”n mÔa hà tuy÷t vÍi cÒa c∂ gia Æ◊nh vÌi trŒ nh·. tO tHE BEaCH WItH YOUR KIDS Suggestions for a wonderful beach holiday with your family and kids in the summer.

NHÄ XUƒT BÅN TH⁄ GIõI Th’ GiÌi Publishers CHëU TRÉCH NHIåM XUƒT BÅN Editor-in-chief Tr«n ßoµn L©m BI£N TÜP Editors Tr«n V®n Th≠Îng Th∂o Nguy‘n BI£N DëCH English Editor ß∆ng ThÔy Linh Cˇ VƒN TI⁄NG ANH Consultant of English Mark Austin Gibson GIÉM ߡC M≤ THUÜT Graphic Director Long Le



108 >

TRAVEL&SPORT KHUƒY ßóNG Há VõI tHÕ tHaO tR£N BIÕN MÔa hÃ, Æ’ vÌi bi”n mµ kh´ng mÈt l«n thˆ c∏c m´n th” thao bi”n s´i ÆÈng xem nh≠ chuy’n Æi v…n ch≠a tr‰n vãn.

StIR UP YOUR SUMMER WItH BEaCH SPORtS Your summer beach holiday will not be complete without effervescent beach sports.



RóN B¶õC ô KUaLa LUMPUR > Nh˜ng trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi vµ chÓ truy“n thËng r˘c rÏ lµ Æi”m Æ’n h†p d…n cho nh˜ng chuy’n mua sæm b†t tÀn cÒa du kh∏ch. tHE HUStLING SHOPPING WORLD OF KUaLa LUMPUR KL with its luxurious shopping malls and colorful market stalls has been a hot destination for shopaholics.

QUÅNG CÉO Advertising Hotline: 098 924 6411 Email: TíA SOÑN Head office T«ng 3, 59 ThÓ NhuÈm, Q.Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi Tel: (84-4) 3936 8349 Fax: (84-4) 3936 8350 V°N PHíNG TP.HCM Hcmc office T«ng 2, 142 V‚ V®n T«n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM Tel: 08 3930 9641 Fax: 08 3930 9642 Website:

THI⁄T K⁄ M≤ THUÜT Graphic Design Hanh Mai

Gi†y phäp xu†t b∂n sË: 24/GP-XBßS In xong nÈp l≠u chi”u th∏ng 05 n®m 2016 - In tπi c´ng ty TNHH MTV In vµ th≠¨ng mπi TTXVN


ßÖT BÉO ONLINE VUI LíNG TRUY CÜP ßëA CHé for online subscription, please visit:




(The list will be upDated and developed each month) (Danh s∏ch li™n tÙc Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt vµ khai th∏c th™m hµng th∏ng) HANOI CAF–S & BARS (47) µManzi µMoca µChurch Boutique µCiao Coffee µClub Opera µCong Cafä (10) µCora Cafä µGardenista µFika µHelio Cafä (2) µHighland Coffee (15) µJoma Bakery Cafä µLissom Parlour µL’Harmony µParis Deli (2) µPu Ku µRunam µTadioto µTay Tap Bar µThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Vietnam (2) µThe Coffee House RESTAURANTS (42) µDon’s Tay Ho Bistro µHome Restaurant µLy Club Restaurant µNgon Villa µMyWay Cafe & Restaurant (5) µNha hang ße Nhat (2) µNha 9NKC µPho 24 (6)

µQuan Ngon (4) µRooftop µSawasdee Restaurant µPho Bien (4) µThai Village Restaurant µSwing Lounge µThe Kafe - The KAfe Box (8) µTop Chef Restaurant & Bar µToViet Cellar µTrong ßong Son Restaurant µViet Deli

TRAVEL AGENTS (3) µAsian Travelmate µTourist Information Center (TIC) µVietnam Tourism Association

SPAS (6) µHong Ngoc Center µSpa Aquamarine µThu Cuc Spa (2) µLa Casa Spa µZen Spa

AIRLINES (2) µNoi Bai International Airport (Business Lounges) µTurkish Airlines (The Best European Airline- Bussiness Class) CRUISES (4) µEmeraude Classic Cruises µPelican Luxury & Image Halong Cruises µParadise Luxury (2)

OTHERS (10) µBMW Showroom µIpanima Showroom (2) µTan My Design µ Hong Leong Bank Hanoi Branch µ Nest AIA µTechcombank Lounge µTimes Square µToong Working Space µ Lounge of Vinhome Time City & Vinhome Royal City HCMC CAF– (94) µInbox µCiao Coffee (3) µDeciBel Lounge µGloria Jean’s Coffee (2) µGoody µHighland Coffee (36) µLa Cafeteria de L’usine (3) µLa Fenetre Soleil µLa Toronde Cafe µMOF Japanese Sweets & Coffee (6) µNYDC (5)

TçM ßñC PHI£N BÅN ßIåN T^ TÑI For digital publication, please visit:



µParis Deli µTerrace Cafä (5) µThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Viet Nam (14) µThe Coffee House(13) µFly Cupcake & Goody Ice Cream CLUBS (2) µClub Royale µInternational Tourist Club RESTAURANTS (31) µBon Bon Restaurant µGao Restaurant µJaspas restaurant µKhanh Casa µPho 24 (19) µShri Restaurant & Lounge µWrap & Roll Restaurant (2) SPAS (12) µAnam Spa µAnam QT Spa µAuthentic Spa µL’Apothiquaire Spa (3) µLotus Spa µSen Spa µThann Sanctuary Day Spa µThe Spa Saigon Pearl µTropic Spa µZennova Spa Cay Diep

µSian Skincare Laser Clinic

AIRLINES (2) µTan Son Nhat International Airport (Business Lounges) µTurkish Airlines (The Best European Airline- Bussiness Class) CONSULATE (1) µUK Trade & Investment OTHERS ( 6) µCitimart µFahasha µInternational SOS Clinics Viet Nam µIpaNima Showroom (2) µPhuong Nam µFit 24 Fitness µAmerica Eye Center PROVINCES CAF– (9) µHighland Coffee Parkson Hai Phong (2) µHighland Coffee Parkson µMegastar Hai Phong µHighland Coffee Megastar Bien Hoa µHighland Coffee Big C, Da Nang µHighland Coffee Indochina, Da Nang µ Highland Coffee Megastar Vinh Trung, Da Nang RESTAURANT (1) µPho 24 - Nha Trang AIRLINES (4) µ Cam Ranh Airport (Business Lounge) µ Can Tho Airport

(Business Lounge) µ Danang International Airport (Business Lounge) µ Lien Khuong Airport (Business Lounge) CRUISES (7) µAphrodite Cruise (1) µParaside Luxury (4) µParadise Previlege (2) µParadise Peak (1) µParadise Cruise µStarlight Cruise µOriental Sail µCalypso Cruise ATTENTION µ In cooperation with Vietnam Airlines, Travellive copies are available at business lounges of six international airports in Vietnam, including Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat, Lien Khuong, Cam Ranh, Da Nang and Can Tho µ In cooperation with Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airlines). Every business traveller on flight by Turkish Airlines to Vietnam is provided with a Travellive publication for free. µ 180 Travel Agents, (belonging to Vietnam Tourism Association) in Vietnam µ Issued by National Newspapers Distribution Company, Fahasa Book Distribution Corporation, Phuong Nam bookshop system, Citimart supermarkets (HCMC)...

Lissom Palour

Turkish Airlines Business Board


KhÉch sÑn, resort HÄng ß¡u viåt nam The leading hotels and resorts in Vietnam Th´ng tin chi ti’t xem tπi For more details, please follow the link below TRAVELLIVE



N®m 18 tuÊi t´i b “Æ∏”, cÀu bπn gµ b´ng thÍi c†p 3 c„ ngay bπn g∏i mÌi khi vµo Æπi h‰c. Con bä 18 tuÊi ngµy †y coi th≠Íng s¯c kh·e tÌi m¯c b· ®n, Æ„ng k›n cˆa phng, thÀm ch› cn giÀn dÁi lu´n c∂ ba mã. MÈt chi“u th¯ S∏u, ba Æ’n tr≠Íng Æ„n t´i sau giÍ tÀp nhπc. §ng chÎ t´i v“ nhµ l†y qu«n ∏o vµ vµi th¯ linh tinh c†t vµo ba l´ rÂi chπy xe mÈt mπch v“ ph›a Æ´ng thµnh phË. Sau khi gˆi xe, ´ng mua vä tµu ra mÈt hn Æ∂o nh· cho 2 ba con. ßnh bÙng sœ im re nh≠ng rÂi cuËi cÔng, khi b≠Ìc ch©n xuËng c«u tµu væng hoe, t´i Ƶnh mÎ lÍi tr≠Ìc: “M◊nh Æi Æ©u vÀy ba? Con Æang kh„ chu, Æi tÌi chÁ vıa xa vıa væng vŒ th’ nµy con chÿ th†y ÿu x◊u h¨n th´i”.

When I was 18 years old, I got lovesick since my boyfriend at high school loved another girl upon studying at university. The 18-year-old girl that time considered her health nothing, not eating for days. I locked myself in my room, and even got angry with my parents. Nªm c∏ch bi÷t vÌi Ɔt li“n, Æ∂o vµ resort tr™n Æ∂o lµ l˘a ch‰n tuy÷t vÍi Æ” t◊m ki’m mÈt mÔa hà y™n b◊nh.

“BÎi vÀy ba mÌi t∏ch con ra Æ≠Óc kh·i m‰i chuy÷n ΠƆt li“n. Tı tı rÂi ba sœ chÿ con c∏ch chia tay m†y chuy÷n buÂn”. T´i Æ∑ cÔng ba l∆n gi˜a nh˜ng Ƶn c∏, nhÍ s„ng bi”n ha tan n≠Ìc mæt. T´i Æ∑ cÔng ba Ưng tr™n m·m Æ∏ ch™nh v™nh, dang rÈng tay Æ” gi„ bi”n cuËn Æi nh˜ng bÛi t©m t≠ ngËc ngh’ch. ThÀt k˙ di÷u, m‰i †m ¯c trong lng d≠Íng nh≠ Æ∑ tr´i Æi Æ©u m†t, chÿ cn lπi b◊nh y™n khi cÔng ba nªm Ɖc s∏ch d≠Ìi nh˜ng t∏n dıa xanh m∏t. Ba n„i ÆÛng, ng≠Íi d≠ng kh´ng tr©n tr‰ng t´i lµ c∏i cÌ v´ l˝ nh†t Æ” t´i lµm bÀn t©m ng≠Íi th©n m◊nh. “Chuy÷n t◊nh” cÒa t´i vµ Æ∂o Æ∑ bæt Æ«u nh≠ th’. Nh˜ng n®m th∏ng sau nµy, khi tr≠Îng thµnh, mÁi khi cuÈc sËng mang tÌi vµi “c¨n b∑o”, t´i v…n t◊m tÌi mÈt hn Æ∂o Æ” gi„ vµ s„ng ÆuÊi m‰i nÁi buÂn Æi, l†p Æ«y kho∂ng trËng Æ„ bªng b◊nh y™n. Cn bπn, bπn sœ ch‰n n¨i Æ©u Æ” gˆi gæm t©m t≠, h∑y chia sŒ vÌi Travellive n’u bπn t◊m Æ≠Óc mÈt hn Æ∂o b◊nh y™n cÒa ri™ng m◊nh nhä!

Th∂o Nguy‘n Managing Editor



One Friday afternoon, my father picked me up after my music lesson, brought me home to get some clothes and personal stuff before driving eastward. After parking our car, he bought two tickets to a small island. I hadn’t planned to say anything, but upon arriving at a quiet wharf, I couldn’t help but ask: - Where are we going, Dad? You know I am sad, so why do you take me to such a deserted place? - I want to bring you far away from sad things you have in the mainland. I’ll teach you how to say bye to them, girl.

Isolated from the mainland, islands and islands resorts are the best choices for those who are seeking tranquility this summer.

We dived with fish, crying with the ocean. We stood on high cliffs, letting the sea breeze wipe out all my stupid sadness. How magical it was! I seemed to forget what had upset me. I just wanted to lie under the coconut trees, reading my favorite books. My Dad was right. It’s stupid to let my beloved ones down because others don’t respect me. That how my love story with islands began. Time passed, I’m mature now. Whenever the life gives me “a storm”, I travel to an island so that winds and waves can erase my sorrow and fill my soul with tranquility. What about you? Which place is your “soulmate”? Share with us when you find your own peaceful island!






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Thanh tnh vÌi m„n chay zenith T‰a lπc trong khu´n vi™n Trung t©m Zenith Yoga Hµ NÈi, nhµ hµng chay Zenith mang Æ’n cho th˘c kh∏ch mÈt kh´ng gian g«n gÚi vÌi thi™n nhi™n, däcor ÆÀm phong c∏ch ¢u. VÌi th˘c ƨn s∏ng tπo, pha trÈn gi˜a »m th˘c ¢u - É , 100% nguy™n li÷u Æ≠Óc lµm tı thµnh ph«n t˘ nhi™n, Zenith chinh phÙc th˘c kh∏ch tı nh˜ng m„n Æ∆c bi÷t nh≠ Zenith Sweet Potato Salad - Falafel khoai lang th¨m ngon; Vietnamese Noodle Delight - m„n ®n thu«n chay, mang h≠¨ng v t≠¨i ngon cÒa Vi÷t Nam hay mi’n trÈn cÔng c∏c loπi rau th¨m t≠¨i ngon vµ b∏nh Pita Zenith cuÈn vÌi rau ch©n vt, b¨ feta. (NHÄ HÄNG CHAY ZENITH *247B ¢u C¨, T©y


HÂ, Hµ NÈi *Website: www.





πi Hµ NÈi, nhµ hµng Kisu Sushi lµ n¨i bπn c„ th” tr∂i nghi÷m nh˜ng nät Æãp tinh t’ nh†t cÒa »m th˘c NhÀt B∂n. NguÂn c∂m h¯ng tı thi™n nhi™n, s˘ hµi ha vÌi Ɔt trÍi trong ki’n trÛc truy“n thËng cÒa ng≠Íi NhÀt lµ nät Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa kh´ng gian nhµ hµng. Nh˜ng ch†t li÷u th´ mÈc nh≠ gÁ, tre, Æ∏, Æ≠Óc k’t hÓp khäo läo Æ” tπo n™n mÈt phong c∏ch †n t≠Óng mang d†u †n cÒa truy“n thËng vµ hi÷n Æπi. Kh´ng chÿ g©y †n t≠Óng v“ kh´ng gian, Kisu Sushi cn mang Æ’n cho th˘c kh∏ch th˘c ƨn chu»n m˘c, phong phÛ, lu´n Æ≠Óc thay ÆÊi theo mÔa vÌi nh˜ng m„n ®n t≠¨i ngon, gi˜ nguy™n ÆÈ thu«n khi’t. (KISU SUSHI RESTAURANT *65C Tr«n QuËc To∂n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3632 1919 *Website:


Kh∏m ph∏ m◊ Udon tπi Marukame Udon ChuÁi nhµ hµng Marukame Udon v…n lu´n lµ Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng cÒa nh˜ng th˘c kh∏ch Æam m™ »m th˘c NhÀt B∂n, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ m◊ Udon. Nªm tr™n Æ≠Íng Hai Bµ Tr≠ng nhÈn nhp, nhµ hµng Marukame Udon mang Æ’n di÷n mπo mÌi tı c∏ch trang



tr› nhµ hµng, m„n ®n, vÀt dÙng... tπo cho th˘c kh∏ch c∂m g›ac nh≠ Æang th≠Îng th¯c m◊ Udon ngay tπi NhÀt B∂n. Tπi Æ©y, nguy™n li÷u lµm m◊ chÒ y’u Æ≠Óc nhÀp kh»u tr˘c ti’p tı NhÀt B∂n vÌi mÙc Æ›ch gi˜ nguy™n h≠¨ng v vµ nät Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa m◊ Sanuki Udon - Æ∆c s∂n tÿnh Kagawa, thÒ phÒ cÒa m„n m◊ Udon.

B™n cπnh ch†t l≠Óng m„n ®n th◊ kh´ng gian nhµ hµng Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ †m cÛng, g«n gÚi, n¨i th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” vıa th≠Îng th¯c m„n m◊ Udon n„ng hÊi, vıa ngæm nh◊n c∏c Æ«u b’p tho®n thoæt nhµo bÈt, lµm m◊ cÚng lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v. (MARUKAME UDON *342-344 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3827 0740)

Th≠Îng th¯c tinh hoa »m th˘c vi÷t tπi Ngon Villa VÌi v tr› Ææc Æa tr™n "PhË »m Th˘c" - TËng Duy T©n, Ngon Villa mang toµn bÈ th” giÌi »m th˘c Æ≠Íng phË Vi÷t Nam th¯ thi÷t Æ’n vÌi ng´i bi÷t th˘ Ph∏p xinh Æãp. Nªm tr™n di÷n t›ch 400m2 cÔng vÌi khu´n vi™n s©n v≠Ín vµ ban c´ng c„ s¯c ch¯a l™n Æ’n 170 ng≠Íi, nhµ hµng lµ Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng Æ” h‰p m∆t bπn bà hay gia Æ◊nh vÌi nh˜ng phng ri™ng vµ c∂ kh´ng gian mÎ Æ” th˘c kh∏ch cÔng lÛc c„ th” ngæm nh◊n con phË nhÈn nhp. Tı m„n phÎ cuËn Hµ thµnh Æ’n nh˜ng Æ∆c s∂n mi“n Trung, ngang qua qu«y BBQ vÌi nh˜ng xi™n tht n≠Ìng t≠¨i ngon cÔng th˘c ƨn Æ uËng phong phÛ, th˘c kh∏ch sœ c„ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c s˘ Æa dπng trong v®n ho∏ »m th˘c Vi÷t Nam. (NGON VILLA RESTAURANT *10 TËng Duy T©n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3221 2222 *Website: www.




Vegetarian dishes at Zenith Situated on the area of Zenith Yoga Center Hanoi, Zenith offers diners a comfortable, hip environment. With its innovative menu Asian and European and Asian fusion, and 100% natural ingredients, Zenith entices its guests with special dishes such as Sweet Potato Salad - Falafel, Vietnamese Noodle Delight with Vietnamese flavors, mixed dishes with fresh greens, and Pita Zenith rolled with spinach and feta butter. (ZENITH VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT *247B Au Co, Tay Ho, Hanoi *Website: www.zenithyogavietnam. com)





ituated on a prime location on the Hanoi's Fodd Street - Tong Duy Tan, Ngon Villa brings the whole of Vietnamese street food to beautiful French villa. Spanning an area of 400m2 with terrace and balconies serving up to 170 guests, the restaurant is an ideal place for family and friends gathering with intimate rooms to enjoy the lively atmosphere of Tong Duy Tan Street. At the restaurant, you will have a chance to explore the diversity of the Vietnamese culinary world, from Hanoian phÎ cuËn to specialties of the Central region, or delicious grilled meat skewers with various drinks. (NGON VILLA RESTAURANT *10 Tong Duy Tan, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 04 3221 2222 *Website:


Taste Udon noodles at Marukame Udon The Marukame Udon chain is also favored by those who love Japanese food, especially Udon noodles. Situated on the bustling Hai Ba Trung Street, Marukame Udon with its innovative däcor, furnishing, and menu, offers guests an atmosphere that will make them feel like they are enjoying Udon noodles in Japan. Here, the ingredients to make noodles are mainly imported from Japan to keep the distinctive flavors of Sanuki Udon - the specialty of Kagawa, the land of Udon. In addition to the high quality dishes, the restaurant enchants its guests with its intimate space where diners can enjoy their hot Udon while watching chefs preparing noodles. (MARUKAME UDON *342-344 Hai Ba Trung, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: 08 3827 0740)



Explore exquisite Japanese cuisine Kisu Sushi is a great place in Hanoi to try exquisite Japanese cuisine. Inspired by natural harmony, Kisu Sushi Restaurant is traditionally designed in Japanese architecture. Rustic materials such as bamboo, wood, and stones are skillfully combined to create a traditional yet modern restaurant. Not only impressing guests with its design, Kisu Sushi offers an lavish standard menu which is seasonally changed with fresh and authentic dishes. (KISU SUSHI RESTAURANT *65C Tran Quoc Toan, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 04 3632 1919 *Website:




MÈt tho∏ng ph∏p Î Le Bordeaux L†y c∂m h¯ng tı thµnh phË c∂ng n≠Ìc Ph∏p - Bordeaux, nªm b™n bÍ s´ng Garonne, thÒ Æ´ cÒa r≠Óu vang cÒa th’ giÌi, nhµ hµng Le Bordeaux Æem Æ’n cho th˘c kh∏ch sµnh ®n mÈt cuÈc phi™u l≠u thÛ v v“ c∏c m„n »m th˘c truy“n thËng Ph∏p nh≠ foie gras, soufflä, cassolette... T‰a lπc tπi B◊nh Thπnh, g«n trung t©m Sµi Gn, Le Bordeaux chµo Æ„n th˘c kh∏ch Æ’n th≠Îng th¯c tinh hoa cÒa n“n »m th˘c Ph∏p trong kh´ng gian tho∏ng Æ∑ng.


Le Bordeaux Æ“ cao ti™u chu»n v÷ sinh ch’ bi’n, l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng thµnh ph«n t≠¨i vµ nguy™n ch†t nh†t Æ” lµm n™n nh˜ng m„n ®n vÌi k¸ thuÀt cao nh†t cÔng t›nh gi∂n ƨn. Kh´ng g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n c∂m gi∏c Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c m„n ®n b™n cπnh nh˜ng ng≠Íi th©n, bπn bà vµ tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng gi©y th≠ gi∑n trong mÈt kh´ng gian »m th˘c tinh t’, sang tr‰ng ÆÀm ch†t Ph∏p.




u™n Æi nÁi lo mÔa hà n„ng n˘c tπi Ngon 138 vÌi mÈt cËc bia mi‘n ph› cÔng c∏c m„n n≠Ìng tuy÷t h∂o nh≠ gµ n≠Ìng lu, heo s˜a n≠Ìng bia, hµu s˜a n≠Ìng ®n vÌi xËt t·i, vµ m„n ®n Æ≠Óc ≠a th›ch nh†t - s≠Ín n≠Ìng ngÚ v vÌi xËt wasabi. Ngoµi ra, th˘c ƨn vÌi h¨n 200 m„n ngon thu«n Vi÷t cÔng m„n tr∏ng mi÷ng ng‰t, lπnh sœ lµm hµi lng m‰i th˘c kh∏ch. Tı 15/05 Æ’n 31/05/2016, th˘c kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ bia mi‘n ph› khi th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n BBQ cÒa nhµ hµng. Nhµ hµng sœ c„ quµ t∆ng Æ∆c bi÷t, ≠u Æ∑i vµ gi∂m gi∏ cho kh∏ch Æi theo nh„m. (QUÉN NGON 138 (Tı n®m 2001) *138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a , QuÀn 1, TP. HCM (ßËi di÷n Dinh ßÈc LÀp) *Tel: 08 3827 9666 / 08 3825 7179 *Email: *Website:


ßi”m hãn Æ«y h¯ng khÎi tr™n cao N’u bπn y™u th›ch c∂m gi∏c †m ∏p, nhã nhµng b™n bπn bÃ, tho∏t kh·i s˘ Ân µo n∏o nhi÷t cÒa thµnh phË th≠Íng ngµy, Liquid Sky Bar lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng Æ” th≠ gi∑n b™n bÍ h trong xanh, tÀn h≠Îng næng vµng gi˜a tr≠a lÈng gi„, th≠Îng th¯c BBQ, hay c∏c m„n canapä nh· g‰n. Cn g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n khi vıa tr chuy÷n cÔng bπn bÃ, vıa tho∂i m∏i ph„ng t«m mæt ra s´ng Sµi Gn vµ thµnh phË mµ kh´ng b giÌi hπn bÎi nh˜ng ta nhµ ch‰c trÍi.



VÌi nh˜ng ai t◊m ki’m kh´ng kh› s´i ÆÈng v“ Æ™m cÒa Sµi Gn, Liquid Sky Bar lµ Æi”m nh†n †n t≠Óng Æ” th·a s¯c ha vµo ©m nhπc, »m th˘c, ngh÷ thuÀt... Kh´ng chÿ Æem Æ’n tr∂i nghi÷m ri™ng bi÷t Î ÆÈ cao c∏ch m∆t Ɔt 21 t«ng, Liquid Sky Bar cn giÌi thi÷u xu h≠Ìng hÈi hà mÌi nh†t, c∏c s˘ ki÷n vui ch¨i h†p d…n, nh˜ng mµn tr◊nh di‘n pha ch’ Æi÷u ngh÷ tı c∏c bartender quËc t’... (LIQUID SKY BAR *T«ng 21, Renaissance Riverside Saigon *8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3822 0033)

(NHÄ HÄNG LE BORDEAUX *72 D2, Q. B◊nh Thπnh, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3899 9831 *Website: www.


Phong c∏ch Vi÷t tı Moutain Retreat T‰a lπc tπi t«ng th≠Óng cÒa ta nhµ nªm gi˜a trung t©m Sµi Gn, Moutain Retreat lµ nhµ hµng thu«n Vi÷t Æ≠Óc Æ´ng Æ∂o th˘c kh∏ch ≠a chuÈng. Nhµ hµng Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ vÌi phong c∏ch nÛi truy“n thËng vµ th©n thi÷n vÌi nÈi th†t hoµn toµn tı gÁ, n¯a mÈc mπc xen kœ vÌi ∏nh s∏ng vµng †m cÛng, tπo c∂m gi∏c th≠ th∏i cho th˘c kh∏ch khi th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng m„n ®n Vi÷t Nam, r≠Óu vang vµ c∏c loπi cocktail Æ∆c bi÷t. MÈt chuy’n ghä th®m nhµ hµng lµ kho∂ng thÍi gian Æ” bπn th≠ gi∑n, dπo ch¨i Sµi Gn vµ tr∂i nghi÷m Æa dπng c∏c m„n ®n d©n d∑ mµ th©n quen cho Æ’n nh˜ng m„n Æ∆c s∂n khæp ba mi“n. (MOUTAIN RETREAT - VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT *Rooftop 36 L™ LÓi, ph≠Íng B’n Nghä, Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 0907 194 557)




French atmosphere at Le Bordeaux Inspired by Bordeaux, a beautiful French port city near the Garonne River, the land of wines, Le Bordeaux invites guests to a culinary journey exploring traditional French dishes such as foie gras, souffl채, and cassolette. Situated in Binh Thanh, near the heart of Saigon, Le Bordeaux provides diners an airy space to enjoy French culinary quintessence. Le Bordeaux focuses on the hygienic standards in cooking. The restaurant always chooses fresh and authentic ingredients for simple yet sophisticate dishes. Nothing could be better than sharing a delicious meal with your friends and family while relaxing in the exquisite luxurious atmosphere of the French restaurant.




(LE BORDEAUX RESTAURANT *72 D2, Binh Thanh, HCMC *Tel: 08 3899 9831 *Website: www.


ummer season is a thirsty season. Come to Ngon 138 and to unwind with a free cold beer and signature BBQ dishes such as fragrant BBQ chicken in a giant clay pot, crispy suckling pork, baby lobster grilled with garlic sauce and the all time favorite, the 5-spiced BBQ pork ribs served with wasabi. If beer is not your thing, do not worry. The menu with over 200 savory Vietnamese dishes and sweet, cold desert will definitely satisfy your taste buds. There will be special gifts, benefits and discounts for group booking (NGON 138 RESTAURANT (SINCE 2001) *138 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Dist. 1, HCMC (opposite to Reunification Palace) *Tel: 08 3827 9666 / 08 3825 7179 *Email: *Website:


Impressive Liquid Sky Bar Are you seeking an intimate space to chill out with friends and get away from the bustling city? Let's soak in the turquoise water, sunbathe under yellow sun lights, and enjoy the BBQ or canap채 menu served poolside at Liquid Sky Bar. What could be better than unwinding with friends while taking in the beauty of the Saigon River and the skyline? If you love the effervescent



HCMC atmosphere of Saigon by night, then Liquid Sky Bar will satisfy you with food, music and delightful performances. Located on the 21st floor of a building, Liquid Sky Bar not only offers you an unparalleled experience but also lead you to the latest trends with exciting recreation and entertainment as well as professional bartenders from around the world. (LIQUID SKY BAR *21th floor, Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon *8-15 Ton Duc Thang, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: 08 3822 0033)

ENJOY AUTHENTIC VIETNAMESE DISHES AT MOUNTAIN RETREAT Located on the rooftop of a building in the center of Saigon, Mountain Retreat is a favorite authentic Vietnamese restaurant for many diners. The restaurant is designed in a mountaineer aesthetic with a simple interior of wood and bamboo. Amidst the yellow

light and friendly atmosphere, diners can enjoy an array of Vietnamese dishes perfectly served with wine and distinct cocktails. The restaurant is an ideal place for relaxing and exploring Saigon with a lavish menu including authentic dishes and specialties from all three regions. (MOUNTAIN RETREAT VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT *Rooftop 36 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: 0907 194 557)



TP.HCM T‰a lπc ngay trung t©m Sµi Gn n∏o nhi÷t, Air 360 Sky Lounge lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng bÀc nh†t Æ” ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh v“ Æ™m cÒa mÈt Sµi Thµnh lung linh thu nh· trong kh´ng gian ki’n trÛc sang tr‰ng vµ lÈng gi„. VÌi s˘ ÆÈc Æ∏o trong thi’t k’, tπi kh´ng gian mÎ Æ’n 360 ÆÈ n¨i Æ©y, bπn c„ th” th·a s¯c ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh Sµi Gn, nh©m nhi ly cocktail, tr chuy÷n cÔng bπn bÃ, ÆËi t∏c vµ tr´i theo giai Æi÷u Deep House th≠ th∂. Kh´ng gian rÈng vÌi s¯c ch¯a h¨n 500 kh∏ch Æ≠Óc chia thµnh 4 khu v˘c: Sky Pool, Sky Bar, Sky Deck vµ Sky Gallery lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng cho c∏c s˘ ki÷n quy m´, nh˜ng buÊi h‰p m∆t hay ti÷c c∏ nh©n sang tr‰ng vµ tinh t’. N’u nh≠ Sky Pool lµ l˘a ch‰n tËi ≠u cho nh˜ng buÊi g∆p gÏ trong kh´ng gian t≠¨ng ph∂n cÒa nh˜ng khËi mµu thµnh phË - trÍi Æ™m - ∏nh ÆÃn h b¨i, th◊ Sky Gallery nªm tr™n t«ng cao nh†t cÒa Air 360 lπi mang tÌi tr∂i nghi÷m v“ nh˜ng buÊi ti÷c ri™ng t≠ chÿ dµnh ri™ng cho bπn bÃ. B™n cπnh Æ„, Air 360 Sky Lounge cn sÎ h˜u phng VIP vµ VIP Lounge sang tr‰ng bao quanh bÎi lÌp k›nh trong suËt kh´ng nh˜ng tπo cho bπn tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v, c∂m gi∏c th≠ gi∑n trong khi ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh Sµi Gn lung linh. VIP Lounge th›ch hÓp cho c∏c s˘ ki÷n, workshop, ti÷c c∏ nh©n tı 15 Æ’n 90 kh∏ch. VÌi dµn ©m thanh hi÷n Æπi nh†t hi÷n nay Æ≠Óc nhÀp kh»u tı Anh QuËc, h¯a hãn sœ Æem Æ’n nh˜ng giai Æi÷u sËng ÆÈng vµ tinh t’ nh†t, Air 360 Sky Lounge lµ Æa chÿ tuy÷t vÍi Æ” kh∏m ph∏ c∏c cung bÀc c∂m xÛc qua ©m Æi÷u bi’n t†u ÆÈc Æ∏o d≠Ìi bµn tay ma thuÀt cÒa nh˜ng DJ giµu kinh nghi÷m ngay trong khung giÍ tı 21h hµng ngµy. C„ th” n„i, Air 360 Sky Lounge lµ Æi”m hãn kh´ng th” b· qua cho b†t c¯ du kh∏ch nµo bÎi s˘ k’t hÓp v´ cÔng ÆÈc Æ∏o bÎi »m th˘c, kh´ng gian vµ tr∂i nghi÷m, dÔ lµ buÊi hãn Æ«u l∑ng mπn hay mÈt b˜a ti÷c †n t≠Óng.

AIR 360 SKY LOUNGE * Rooftop 22nd - 23rd , Ben Thanh Tower, 136-138 Le Thi Hong Gam, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam * Tel: 6259 9999 Fax: 6253 7777 * Email: Hotline 0974 58 77 88 *


ocated right in the heart of the bustling Saigon, Air 360 Sky Lounge is an ideal place to take in the beauty of the sparkling city by night. In this uniquely designed 360-degree open space, you can savor a delight cocktail, unwind with friends or colleagues, and listen to the melody of Deep House while contemplating the beauty of Saigon. The large bar with a capacity of more than 500 guests is divided into 4 areas: Sky Pool, Sky Bar, Sky Deck, and Sky Gallery, which can meet your all demands of big events, meetings or luxurious private parties. Sky Pool is the best choice for meetings with the contrast colors of the city, the dark sky, and the swimming pool’s lights while Sky Gallery, located on the highest floor of Air 360, is designed for intimate parties. In addition, Air 360 Sky Lounge offers VIP room and VIP Lounge surrounded by glass, bringing you interesting experiences. VIP is most suitable for events, workshops, and parties whose number of participants is from 15 to 90 people. With the most modern audio equipments imported from the UK, promising to bring the most effervescent melodies, Air 360 Sky Lounge is a great place to enjoy unique music variations performed by experienced DJs from 21:00 every day. In conclusion, Air 360 Sky Lounge is a must-visit destination for every visitor thanks to the combination of foods, drinks, and experiences which are the best for romantic dinners, impressive parties and more. TRAVELLIVE



Khai tr≠¨ng resort 5 sao Æ«u ti™n tπi vnh Cam Ranh





a Veranda Resort PhÛ QuËc resort ra mæt ch≠¨ng tr◊nh nghÿ d≠Ïng hà "An Inspired Summer", bao gÂm hai g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng sang tr‰ng - Very Important Kids (V.I.K.) vµ T◊m v“ chËn an nhi™n (Escape to Wellness) Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh cho du kh∏ch. VÌi g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng V.I.K dµnh cho trŒ em d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi, c∏c bä sœ Æ≠Óc ti’p Æ„n nh≠ nh˜ng v kh∏ch qu˝, khÎi Æ«u bªng b∏nh ng‰t vµ n≠Ìc uËng ÆÒ mµu, ghi lπi kho∂nh khæc Æ∏ng nhÌ bªng mÈt b¯c ∂nh tr™n th∂m Æ· theo phong c∏ch Hollywood. V.I.K cÚng h≠Ìng Æ’n c∏c hoπt ÆÈng tr™n bi”n nh≠ lÌp h‰c n†u ®n, vµ nh˜ng tr ch¨i ngoµi trÍi nh≠ Giant Tic-Tac-Toe vµ Giant Checkers, chæc chæn sœ mang lπi nh˜ng kÿ ni÷m kh„ qu™n cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh. Cn n’u muËn c„ mÈt k˙ nghÿ th≠ th∏i, y™n b◊nh, th◊ "T◊m v“ chËn an nhi™n", g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng spa vµ ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e, sœ lµ Æi“u mµ bπn Æang t◊m ki’m. Khi Æ∆t phng tı 28/4 Æ’n 31/10, du kh∏ch c„ th” ch‰n tr∂i nghi÷m mÈt trong hai g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng hà mµ kh´ng ph∂i tËn th™m chi ph›. Gi∏ phng h†p d…n khÎi Æi”m tı 3.265.000VNß++/Æ™m cho Deluxe Garden View. (LA VERANDA PH@ QUˇC RESORT *ß≠Íng Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, b∑i D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988 *Website:

Tr∂i dµi trong khu´n vi™n g«n 10hecta vÌi h¨n 200 mät b∑i bi”n ri™ng vµ bi÷t lÀp tπi B∑i Dµi, 226 bi÷t th˘ vµ phng nghÿ cao c†p cÒa Cam Ranh Riviera Beach Resort & Spa Æ“u h≠Ìng bi”n cÔng c∏c ti÷n nghi cao c†p sœ Æem Æ’n s˘ th·a m∏i vµ th≠ gi∑n tËi Æa cho du kh∏ch. Khu nghÿ cn †n t≠Óng vÌi nhµ hµng Rosone phÙc vÙ »m th˘c quËc t’, nhµ hµng Orchidea, Pool Bar Æ” bπn th≠ gi∑n vÌi Æ uËng y™u th›ch, Rinata Oasis Spa vÌi 10 phng tr li÷u ti™u chu»n vµ 01 phng tr li÷u cao c†p giÛp bπn th≠ th∏i tinh th«n vµ t∏i tπo n®ng l≠Óng. Cam Ranh Riviera Beach Resort & Spa cn lµ Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng cho gia Æ◊nh vÌi c∏c hoπt ÆÈng thÛ v cho c∂ ng≠Íi lÌn vµ trŒ em nh≠ b„ng chuy“n, th” dÙc nhp Æi÷u, yoga, th” dÙc buÊi s∏ng cho trŒ em, tr ch¨i t◊m kho b∏u, vœ m∆t, h‰c n†u ®n... Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c hµng ngµy tπi b∑i bi”n, c©u lπc bÈ trŒ em, s©n tennis, b™n b” b¨i vµ tπi c∏c nhµ hµng. (CAM RANH RIVIERA BEACH RESORT & SPA *KDL Bæc B∏n ß∂o Cam Ranh, Kh∏nh Ha *Tel: 058 3989 898 *Website: www.


B›ch ßµo boutique l˘a ch‰n cÒa nh˜ng ng≠Íi tinh t’ T‰a lπc ngay cˆa ng‚ Dinh B∂o ßπi, vÌi c∂nh quan cÔng lËi thi’t k’ nhã nhµng vµ l∑ng mπn theo phong c∏ch vÔng Provence Î mi“n Nam n≠Ìc Ph∏p, B›ch ßµo Boutique lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng khu l≠u trÛ Æ∏ng Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n dµnh cho du kh∏ch Æ’n ßµ Lπt. T†t c∂ phng ngÒ tπi Æ©y Æ“u Æ≠Óc trang tr› l†y c∂m h¯ng tı sæc mµu c∏c



loπi hoa, tı t›m l∑ng mπn cÒa o∂i h≠¨ng Æ’n hÂng nhπt cÒa b›ch Ƶo vµ cam ÆÀm cÒa nh˜ng qu∂ cam ch›n m‰ng. DÔ chÿ lµ mÈt kh∏ch sπn nh· xinh, B›ch ßµo Boutique v…n Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ nh˜ng ti÷n ›ch cao c†p nh†t theo chu»n 4 sao quËc t’. Ngoµi phng nghÿ thi’t k’ trang nh∑, khu nghÿ cn c„ nh˜ng khu v˘c chung Æ≠Óc bµi tr› Æãp mæt Æ” kh∏ch tÀn h≠Îng tËi Æa k˙ nghÿ cÒa m◊nh, vÌi phng Ɖc s∏ch, cafe s©n v≠Ín. Nhµ hµng phÙc vÙ c∏c m„n ®n h†p d…n, ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa ßµ Lπt vÌi c∏c loπi rau,

TÀn h≠·ng k˙ nghÿ Î Æ∂o ng‰c

Emerald Bay thu hÛt vÌi b∑i c∏t træng mn mµng, lµn n≠Ìc bi”n xanh trong væt vµ nh˜ng d∂i nÛi h◊nh vng. Khu nghÿ mang lπi tr∂i nghi÷m nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ›ch th˘c ti™u chu»n 5 sao vÌi thi’t k’ mÎ, Æ„n tr‰n t«m nh◊n h≠Ìng bi”n. Nh˜ng bi÷t th˘ s∏t bi”n mang lπi tr∂i nghi÷m ÆÈc Æ∏o, n¨i s˘ ™m Æ“m, l∑ng mπn cÒa bi”n kh¨i ha quy÷n cÔng h¨i thÎ, nhp ÆÀp cÒa tr∏i tim con ng≠Íi.

Nªm tr‰n trong b∑i Khem, Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc, c®n hÈ nghÿ d≠Ïng Premier Residences Phu Quoc

Premier Residences Phu Quoc Emerald Bay cn gia t®ng th™m nh˜ng dch vÙ ti™u chu»n nghÿ d≠Ïng 5

cÒ Æ≠Óc trÂng ngay trong trang trπi cÒa B›ch ßµo Boutique. (KHÉCH SÑN BêCH ßÄO BOUTIQUE *08 Tri÷u Vi÷t V≠¨ng, P.4, TP. ßµ Lπt *Tel: 063 3822 753 *Website:


sao dµnh cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh nh≠ gym, spa, khu dµnh ri™ng cho trŒ em, kh´ng gian gi∂i tr› tπi Pool Bar, kh´ng gian ri™ng t≠ tπi Business Center vµ th≠ vi÷n, khu nhµ hµng vµ tÊ ch¯c s˘ ki÷n si™u sang... (PREMIER RESIDENCES PHU QUOC EMERALD BAY *B∑i Khem, PhÛ QuËc, Ki™n Giang *Website: www.







VND 2,150,000 SD[

VND 3,150,000 SD[

VND 3,900,000 SD[






Enjoy your stay at the pearl island Situated on Khem beach in the south of Phu Quoc Island, the Premier Residences Phu Quoc Emerald Bay attracts visitors with its smooth sandy beach, turquoise water, and curved mountain ranges. With an open design overlooking the sea, the Premier Residences Phu Quoc Emerald Bay offers its guests 5-star experiences. The seaside villas allow guests to spend their holiday in a place where the tranquility of the sea meets the human soul. More than 200 exquisite resort apartments, from studio to penthouse and ranging from 45m2 - 360m2, have skylights to allow for natural light. Particularly, the penthouses boast private swimming pools and overlook the beautiful Khem beach. Premier Residences Phu Quoc Emerald Bay also offers 5-star services for families such as a gym, spa, kids' corner, pool bar, private space at the business center and library, as well as luxurious restaurants and meeting rooms.


(PREMIER RESIDENCES PHU QUOC EMERALD BAY *Khem Beach, Phu Quoc, Kien Giang *Website:






ocated near the gateway to Bao Dai Palace amidst the backdrop of a beautiful landscape, the Bich Dao Boutique, embodying French colonial architecture, is a favorite hotel of visitors to Dalat. All rooms are adorned with floral hues, from regal lavender purple to pale peach and orange. Despite its small size, Bich Dao Boutique still boasts 4-star amenities. Apart from the elegant guest rooms, Bich Dao has a beautifully decorated reading room and a garden caf채 to relax during your stay. The hotel's restaurant serves special dishes made from vegetables grown on site. (BICH DAO BOUTIQUE HOTEL *08 Trieu Viet Vuong, Ward. 4, Dalat *Tel: 063 3822 753 *Website:


Inspiring your summer at La Veranda Phu Quoc La Veranda Phu Quoc Resort is offering its "An Inspired Summer" promotion, including two premium packages named Very Important Kids (V.I.K) and Escape to Wellness. As a V.I.K., kids under 12 can enjoy exclusive luxuries from arrival to farewell. They will be



warmly welcomed with cakes and colorful drinks and can take red carpet photo shoots. V.I.K includes an array of activities such as cooking class and outdoor activities such as Giant Tic-Tac-Toe and Giant Checkers, which promise to bring kids unforgettable moments. If you are seeking a tranquil place, then Escape to Wellness, with yoga, meditation and therapeutic massages, is designed for you.

When booking from April 28th to October 31st, you will have a chance to enjoy one of the two packages free. Deluxe Garden View's rates start at VND3,265,000++/night. (LA VERANDA PHU QUOC RESORT *Tran Hung Dao, Duong Dong Beach, Phu Quoc *Tel: 077 3982 988 *Website: www.

The first 5-star resort in Cam Ranh Bay Spread over 10 hectares with 200 meters of coastline and a private beach in Bai Dai, Cam Ranh Riviera Beach Resort & Spa has 226 ocean view pool villas and luxuriously furnished rooms, promising premium comfort to accommodate guests. The Rosone offers internationally inspired dishes while the Orchidea and pool bar provide delightful drinks. The Rinata Oasis Spa consists of 10 standard treatment rooms and 1 premium room making Cam Ranh Riviera Resort and Spa the ideal destination to relax and recharge. The resort also provides an array of exciting games and activities for everyone in the family such as volleyball, aerobics, yoga, morning exercise for kids, treasure hunting, face painting, and cooking lessons which are daily held at the beach, kids' club, tennis court, pool, or restaurants. (CAM RANH RIVIERA BEACH RESORT & SPA *Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa *Tel: 058 398 9898 *Website: www.rivieraresortspa. com)

Content > 15/05/2016

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Bunga Raya Island Resort and Spa, Malaysia


114 >

NH~NG L¡N Mô C^a ô PENaNG Penang vÌi t´i lµ nh˜ng l«n mÎ cˆa, Æ” læng nghe c©u chuy÷n x≠a cÚ, ngæm nh˜ng b¯c tranh t≠Íng sinh ÆÈng vµ h›t hµ gi„ bi”n. HEY PENaNG, OPEN SESaME! Penang enchants me whenever I open the world of street art, dive head first into houses’ stories, or just breathe the fresh sea breeze.

124 >

MECHELEN, GñI t£N TRçU M⁄N N’u Æ’n Æ©y, bπn sœ kh´ng ph∂i hËi ti’c bÎi vŒ Æãp m™ ho∆c cÒa di s∂n ki’n trÛc vµ l‘ hÈi nhπc cÊ Æi”n di‘n ra hµng n®m. MECHELEN FRIENDLY CItY The city’ss fascinating cultural heritage with its fabulous architecture and the annual classical music festivals surely worths your visit.





10 ISLaND RESORt “PHÅI tõI” Há 2016 > V tr› h≠Ìng bi”n tuy÷t Æãp, ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, resort tr™n Æ∂o lµ kh´ng gian l≠u trÛ th«n ti™n Æ” Ææm m◊nh gi˜a bi”n n≠Ìc m©y trÍi. 10 ”MUSt-StaY” ISLaND RESORtS IN SUMMER 2016 Boasting a prime seafront location with a unique architectural design, island resorts are the best choices for you to soak in the endless enjoyment of the sea.

86 >

KH§NG KHïC ô “HOaNG ßÅO”! Kh´ng Æ´ng ÆÛc kh∏ch du lch vÌi nh˜ng dch vÙ cao c†p, vŒ Æãp vµ s˘ b◊nh y™n cÒa nh˜ng hn Æ∂o hoang s¨ nµy sœ khi’n bπn hoµn toµn th≠ gi∑n. 6 PRIStINE ISLaNDS FOR EXPLORERS These pristine islands which haven’t been spoiled by tourism will mesmerize you with their enchanting beauty and absolute tranquility.


ß’n tı V≠¨ng quËc Anh, Şeref ÖZALP Æ∑ c„ h¨n 20 n®m kinh nghi÷m trong l‹nh v˘c n†u ®n vµ qu∂n l˝ nhµ hµng trong c∏c kh∏ch sπn 5 sao. Theo ÆuÊi Æam m™ ngh“ b’p tı n®m 13 tuÊi vµ ngµy cµng g∆t h∏i Æ≠Óc nhi“u thµnh c´ng, anh tıng lµ TÊng b’p tr≠Îng cÒa 9 kh∏ch sπn tr™n th’ giÌi. Şeref ÖZALP Æ≠Óc vinh danh h¨n 40 l«n tπi Anh vµ ti’p tÙc Æ∂m nhi÷m v tr› quan tr‰ng trong c∏c kh∏ch sπn danh ti’ng tπi Ph∏p, ≥, ThÊ Nh‹ K˙, ߯c, Th∏i Lan... tr≠Ìc khi Æ’n vÌi kh∏ch sπn Lotte Hanoi. Ti’p qu∂n c≠¨ng v TÊng b’p tr≠Îng kh∏ch sπn Lotte Hanoi, Şeref ÖZALP r†t hµo h¯ng chia sŒ v“ ni“m Æam m™, hµnh tr◊nh »m th˘c, tr∂i nghi÷m cÒa m◊nh tÌi ÆÈc gi∂ cÒa Travellive. Chµo TÊng b’p tr≠Îng Şeref ÖZALP! Anh c„ th” chia sŒ Æi“u g◊ Æ∑ th´i thÛc anh theo ÆuÊi ngh“ b’p? T´i Æ≠Óc sinh ra trong gia Æ◊nh c„ truy“n thËng theo ngh“ b’p, mã t´i lµ Æ«u b’p vµ bËn anh em trai cÒa t´i cÚng vÀy. Ngh“ Æ«u b’p Æem Æ’n cho t´i nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m cÔng c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ vµ ti’p xÛc vÌi r†t nhi“u nh˜ng nh©n vÀt nÊi ti’ng, c∏c doanh nh©n, vµ c∏c ch›nh tr gia Æ’n tı nhi“u n≠Ìc. ß∆c bi÷t nh†t, t´i Æ∑ tıng c„ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc n†u b˜a tËi cho gia Æ◊nh Hoµng gia Anh vÌi s˘ c„ m∆t cÒa n˜ hoµng Elizabeth, gia Æ◊nh Hoµng gia Hµ Lan, vµ gia Æ◊nh Hoµng gia Å RÀp. NguÂn c∂m h¯ng nµo Æ” anh s∏ng tπo ra nh˜ng m„n mÌi?

TÊng b’p tr≠Îng Kh∏ch sπn Lotte Hanoi Executive Chef Lotte Hotel Hanoi

ß” s∏ng tπo ra c∏c m„n mÌi, t´i th≠Íng t◊m c∂m h¯ng tı ngh÷ thuÀt vµ thi™n nhi™n. T´i

y™u ngh÷ thuÀt vµ vi÷c pha trÈn c∏c sæc mµu sœ Æem Æ’n cho t´i nh˜ng ˝ t≠Îng s∏ng tπo mÌi. Thi™n nhi™n vÌi ÆÒ mµu sæc cÚng Æem lπi nguÂn c∂m h¯ng v´ tÀn. Ngæm nh◊n c∏c sæc ÆÈ chuy”n ti’p tµi t◊nh vµ tinh t’ cÒa mµu sæc trong t˘ nhi™n khi’n t´i mong muËn Æ≠Óc th” hi÷n nh˜ng mµu sæc †y tr™n bµn ti÷c cÒa m◊nh. Tπi sao anh lπi ch‰n Lotte Hanoi lµ Æi”m Æ’n ti’p theo sau nh˜ng kh∏ch sπn mµ anh Æ∑ lµm vi÷c tr™n th’ giÌi? Lotte Hanoi lµ kh∏ch sπn 5 sao ƺng c†p quËc t’ vÌi uy t›n cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u Lotte tr™n toµn th’ giÌi. N¨i Æ©y cÚng sÎ h˜u h÷ thËng nhµ hµng c„ ch†t l≠Óng cao, phÔ hÓp vÌi ti™u ch› lµm vi÷c cÒa t´i n™n t´i quy’t Ænh thˆ s¯c m◊nh tπi Æ©y. VÌi c≠¨ng v TÊng b’p tr≠Îng, anh k˙ v‰ng mang Æ’n Æi“u g◊ cho th˘c kh∏ch khi Æ’n vÌi c∏c nhµ hµng tπi kh∏ch sπn Lotte Hanoi? Kh∏ch sπn Lotte Hanoi c„ nhi“u Æi“u thÛ v vµ kh∏c bi÷t. ß’n vÌi Grill 63, th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” t◊m th†y nh˜ng m„n b b›t t’t vµ r≠Óu vang h∂o hπng. Nhµ hµng m„n Hoa Red River phÙc vÙ nh˜ng m„n ®n Æ≠¨ng Æπi vÌi nguy™n li÷u tinh tu˝ nh†t, trong khi Tim Ho Wan lµ nhµ hµng dimsum nÊi ti’ng tı HÂng K´ng. Nªm tr™n t«ng cao nh†t cÒa toµ nhµ Lotte Hanoi Centre 65 t«ng lµ Top of Hanoi, mang Æ’n cho bπn t«m nh◊n kh´ng giÌi hπn Æ” tÀn h≠Îng vµ th∂ m◊nh vµo kh´ng gian tho∏ng Æ∑ng cÒa Hµ NÈi v“ Æ™m. R†t c∂m ¨n anh v◊ nh˜ng chia sŒ vıa rÂi, chÛc anh c„ nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi trong c´ng vi÷c vµ cuÈc sËng.




Grill 63 Restaurant - Lotte Hotel Hanoi

Şeref ÖZALP, a talented British chef, has


over 20 years of experience in cooking and managing restaurants in 5-star hotels. Following his dream since the age of 13, he has gained considerable acclaim and has been the Executive Chef of 9 hotels in the world. His modern take on gastronomy has been respectfully awarded more than 40 times in the UK. He has also attained important positions at hotels in France, Italy, Turkey, Germany, and Thailand before working for the Lotte Hotel Hanoi. As the Executive Chef of Lotte Hotel Hanoi, Şeref ÖZALP would like to share with Travellive’s readers his journey and experiences in culinary art. Could you please start with what urged you to pursue your career as a chef? I was born in a family of chefs, my mother and my 4 siblings are chefs. Cooking gives me a lot of experience and allows me to serve and meet famous stars, businessmen, and politicians from around the world. Particularly, I have had a chance to cook dinner for the British royal family with the presence of Queen Elizabeth, as well as the Dutch and Egyptian royal families. What is your inspiration for creating new dishes? To create a new dish, I often look to art and nature. I love art as the blend of colors always brings me new ideas. Nature, with

its colorful world is also an endless source of inspiration. Looking at the magical and sophisticated changes of colors in nature makes me want to present these colors at my banquet. Why did you choose Lotte Hotel Hanoi as your current workplace after working for numerous hotels in the world? Lotte Hotel Hanoi is a 5-star world class hotel belonging to Lotte - a prestigious brand name. The hotel boasts a chain of high-class restaurants which are up to my standard, so I decided to bring my talent here. As an executive chef, what do you offer your guests at the restaurants of Lotte Hotel Hanoi? The Lotte Hotel Hanoi offers its guests interesting and unparalleled dining experiences. Grill 63 is home to the best steak and premium wines. Red River serves delicious contemporary dishes, while Tim Ho Wan is world famous dimsum house from HongKong. Situated on the rooftop of the 65-storey Lotte Hanoi Center, Top of Hanoi offers you an infinite open view to enjoy Hanoi by night. Thank you for your sharing! We wish you more exciting experiences in your work and life as well.




Combo mÔa hà s´i ÆÈng tπi Summit Lounge





ªm tr™n Æÿnh nÛi Bµ Nµ vÌi c∂nh quan th¨ mÈng, kh∏ch sπn Mercure Bµ Nµ Hills French Village lµ mÈt Æi”m nghÿ ng¨i ÆÈc Æ∏o, Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ l†y c∂m h¯ng tı nh˜ng ng´i lµng mang s˘ tinh tÛy vµ Æi”n h◊nh cÒa phong c∏ch Ph∏p th’ k˚ 19, bao quanh lµ mÈt trung t©m vui ch¨i gi∂i tr› vµ cˆa hµng mua sæm. Kh∏ch sπn gÂm 494 phng nghÿ sang tr‰ng, gÂm c∏c loπi phng lµ Standard, Deluxe, Superior, Executive Suite, Family Suite vµ Royal Suite vÌi thi’t k’ ch©u ¢u hi÷n Æπi, nh◊n ra c∂nh nÛi non xinh Æãp. Th˘c kh∏ch sœ c„ nhi“u l˘a ch‰n tπi nhµ hµng La Crique vÌi th˘c ƨn t˘ ch‰n vµ g‰i m„n phong phÛ, hay th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng bi’n t†u vÌi »m th˘c thu«n Vi÷t tπi nhµ hµng Le Table, vµ gi∂i tr› th≠ gi∑n trong kh´ng gian ©m nhπc sËng ÆÈng cÒa bar La Taverne. (KHÉCH SÑN MERCURE BÄ NÄ HILL FRENCH VILLAGE *Ha Ninh, Ha Vang, TP. ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0511 3799 222 *Website:

Th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc th≠ th∏i, c∂m nhÀn s˘ n∏o nhi÷t cÒa mÔa hà ngay tπi thµnh phË mµ kh´ng c«n Æi Æ©u xa. Bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng combo ng‰t ngµo vÌi ly cocktail "Chµo mıng tÌi Ibiza" cÔng m„n Tacos tr¯ danh trong kh´ng gian ©m nhπc s´i ÆÈng. S˘ pha trÈn hoµn h∂o cÒa r≠Óu Vodka Smirnoff, n≠Ìc chanh leo cÔng nh˜ng qu∂ m©m x´i t≠¨i ngon nh†t sœ Æ≠a th˘c kh∏ch du ngoπn Æ’n hn Æ∂o Ibiza, thi™n Æ≠Íng cÒa ßa Trung H∂i. Khi mµn Æ™m bu´ng xuËng, thµnh phË Æ∑ l™n ÆÃn, Æ’n vÌi Summit Lounge Æ” Ææm ch◊m trong ©m nhπc rÈn rµng, b™n ly cocktail tuy÷t h∂o vµ th≠Îng th¯c m„n ngon ÆÈc Æ∏o ngæm nh◊n c∂ th’ giÌi Î ngay d≠Ìi ch©n bπn. Gi∏: 290.000VNß++/ combo. (SUMMIT LOUNGE *T«ng 20, Kh∏ch sπn Sofitel Plaza Hanoi, 01 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0901 778 318)


G„i nghÿ d≠Ïng h†p d…n tπi Nha Trang Nªm tr™n 13.6 hecta d‰c bÍ bi”n Cam Ranh, Fusion Resort Nha Trang gÂm 72 phng suite vµ bi÷t th˘ vÌi bÂn tæm treo Æ∆c tr≠ng, Æ≠Óc bË tr› h≠Ìng thºng ra b∑i bi”n trong xanh, giÛp du kh∏ch tÀn h≠Îng mÈt k˙ nghÿ hoµn toµn th≠ gi∑n. ßi”m kh∏c bi÷t cÒa Fusion Resort Nha Trang nªm Î ˝ t≠Îng spa vµ ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e ÆÈc Æ∏o mang Æ’n c∏c tr li÷u mi‘n ph› mÁi ngµy cho du



kh∏ch. Tı 04/05 - 30/10 (trı 02 - 04/9), khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ∏p dÙng ≠u Æ∑i Æ’n 55% tr™n gi∏ tËt nh†t, chÿ tı 4.389.000VNß++/ phng/Æ™m. Gi∏ bao gÂm: phng suite ho∆c bi÷t th˘ sang tr‰ng, ®n s∏ng, tr li÷u spa, xe Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay, xe trung chuy”n vµo trung t©m Nha Trang. ¶u Æ∑i ∏p dÙng cho kh∏ch Vi÷t Nam ho∆c ng≠Íi n≠Ìc ngoµi sËng vµ lµm vi÷c tπi Vi÷t Nam, cÔng mÈt vµi Æi“u ki÷n ∏p dÙng kh∏c. (FUSION RESORT NHA TRANG *ß≠Íng

Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, Cam H∂i ß´ng, Cam L©m, Kh∏nh Ha *Tel: 058 3989 777 *Website:


B˜a tr≠a chÒ nhÀt - "H≠¨ng v JW" Bæt Æ«u tı th∏ng 5, b˜a tr≠a ChÒ nhÀt - "H≠¨ng v JW" tπi kh∏ch sπn JW Marriott Hanoi sœ lµ Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh bπn. ß«u ti™n ph∂i k” Æ’n qu«y Æ bi”n t≠¨i tı nhµ hµng French Grill vÌi

h¨n16 loπi h∂i s∂n cao c†p tı Canada, New Zealand, Na Uy... Th˘c kh∏ch y™u th›ch »m th˘c Qu∂ng ß´ng chæc chæn sœ kh´ng th” b· lÏ Crystal Jade Palace vÌi vt quay, heo s˜a quay, tht x∏ x›u, h∏ c∂o, b∏nh bao kim sa... Tπi qu«y Æ NhÀt, bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n h¨n 6 loπi sashimi vµ h¨n 20 loπi maki vµ nigiri. Th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” tÔy ˝ l˘a ch‰n tı m„n gan ngÁng Ph∏p, t´m hÔm ®n kh´ng giÌi hπn Æ’n h¨n 10 loπi ph´ mai th¨m ngon cÔng th˘c ƨn ≥, Hµn vµ tr∏ng mi÷ng Æ∆c sæc theo tıng

tu«n. "H≠¨ng v JW" phÙc vÙ tı 12h00 Æ’n 15h00 vµo c∏c ngµy ChÒ NhÀt hµng tu«n tπi JW Cafä. Gi∏ 1.200.000VNß++/ ng≠Íi, th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” ch‰n th™m g„i Æ uËng Moet & Chandon c„ gi∏ 1.000.000VNß++/ng≠Íi ho∆c g„i Æ uËng bao gÂm 3 loπi cocktail, bia t≠¨i, r≠Óu vang vµ s©m-panh c„ gi∏ 495.000VNß++/ng≠Íi. (KHÉCH SÑN JW MARRIOTT HANOI *SË 8 ßÁ ߯c DÙc, M‘ Tr◊, Nam Tı Li™m, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0904 897 526)






ocated atop a majestic peak in Ba Na Hills, Mercure Ba Na Hills French Village was inspired by the archival photographs of French villages from the 19th century, but it also offers the latest in European style. Surrounded by amusement centers and stores, the hotel consists of a stunning 494 luxurious guest rooms and overlooking the mountains. These rooms are divided into different categories: Standard, Deluxe, Superior, Executive Suites, Family Suites, and Royal Suites. Enjoy the lavish buffet and Ă„-la-Carte menu at La Crique, try delicious Vietnamese dishes along with some variations at Le Table, or relax with live music at La Taverne. (MERCURE BA NA HILL FRENCH VILLAGE

*Hoa Ninh, Hoa Vang, Danang *Tel: 0511 3799 222 *Website:




Summer Indulgence Combo at Summit Lounge Relax with a little get-away to summer paradise without airplane tickets with Summit Lounge. Enjoy the generous combo of the signature "Welcome to Ibiza" cocktail along with Mexican tacos while chilling to the smooth sounds of Summit Lounge. Perfectly mixed in a pineapple, the combination of Vodka Smirnoff, passion fruit juice and the freshest raspberries


makes "Welcome to Ibiza" an explosion of summer flavors. As night falls and the city lights up, stay late to savor soulful tunes, sip on a craft cocktail and enjoy lip-smacking gourmet experiences with the best view in Hanoi. Price: VND290,000++/combo (SUMMIT LOUNGE

*20th floor, Sofitel Plaza Hanoi, 01 Thanh Nien, Ba Dinh, Hanoi *Hotline: 0901 778 318)

Sunday brunch destination for families From May, the new concept "Taste of JW" Sunday brunch with signature dishes from JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi's famous restaurants should be a great attraction for all families. The French Grill will introduce more than 16 varieties of seafood such as Canadian snow crab, Canadian whelks, New Zealand Green Lip mussels, Norwegian Salmon gravlax and more. For lovers of

Cantonese cuisine, don't miss the Crystal Jade Palace corner with roasted duck, suckling pig, crispy pork belly, char siu pork, hao kao, shumai, xiaolongbao, char siu bao and the famous egg yolk bun. At our Japanese station, there will be 6 kinds of sashimi and more than 20 kinds of maki rolls & nigiri. At other stations, with all-you-caneat foie gras, more than 10 varieties of imported cheese and a weekly changing menu at the Italian and Korean BBQ counters as well as liquid nitrogen desserts, the "Taste by JW" Sunday Brunch will be one

of the best destinations for food-lovers. The "Taste by JW" Sunday Brunch is available from 12:00am to 3:00pm every Sunday, at VND 1,200,000++/ person, additional VND 1,000,000++/pax for free flow Moet & Chandon or VND 495,000++/pax for free flow 3 kinds of cocktails, draught beer, white & red, sparkling wine. (JW MARRIOTT HOTEL HANOI *No. 8 Do Duc Duc Road, Me Tri, South Tu Liem, Hanoi *Hotline: 0904 897 526)

Special residents promotion at the Fusion Resort Nha Trang Stretching over 13.6 hectares along the coastline of Cam Ranh Peninsula, Fusion Resort Nha Trang is an intimate wide open resort. Overlooking the azure ocean are 72 suites and villas, all with custom designed suspended bath-tubs, and unique modern design to ensure total relaxation. What sets Fusion Resort Nha Trang apart is its unique spa and wellness concept, with all spa treatments included each day. From May 4th to October 30th (except for September 2nd - 4th), the resort offers its special residents promotion with up to 55% off its best available rates, starting from VND4,389,000++/room/night. Rate includes: luxurious Suites or Villas, breakfast any time any place, all spa treatments, return airport transfers, scheduled shuttle bus to Nha Trang city. Applicable for Vietnamese and Expats only with some other terms and conditions. (FUSION RESORT NHA TRANG *Nguyen Tat Thanh Road, Cam Hai Dong, Cam Lam, Khanh Hoa *Tel: 058 3989 777 *Website:





ßIÕM ß⁄N CûA TêN ߤ KHÉCH SÑN DOANH NH¢N VÌi v tr› Æãp ngay g«n Trung t©m Tri”n l∑m Gi∂ng V‚, 40 phÛt l∏y xe tı s©n bay, Kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Æem Æ’n cho bπn kh´ng gian nghÿ d≠Ïng †m cÛng vÌi 350 phng nghÿ, phng h‰p vÌi trang thi’t b hi÷n Æπi cÔng nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c vµ th≠ gi∑n.

t´i gi˜ chÁ. Hay Æ∆c bi÷t h¨n, vµo ngµy sinh nhÀt, t´i nhÀn Æ≠Óc mÈt chi’c b∏nh nh· ngay khi Æ’n kÃm theo mÈt t†m thi÷p vi’t tay cÒa qu∂n l› kh∏ch sπn. Hµnh ÆÈng Æãp †y Æ∑ Æ” lπi trong t´i †n t≠Óng s©u sæc v“ s˘ tr©n tr‰ng mµ kh∏ch sπn dµnh cho kh∏ch hµng.

T´i lu´n Æ∆t k˙ v‰ng cao vµo mÁi l«n nghÿ tπi kh∏ch sπn Fortuna vµ ch≠a tıng th†t v‰ng. Æ∆c bi÷t, kh∏ch sπn lu´n mang tÌi nh˜ng “t›n Æ” cÒa kh∏ch sπn th≠¨ng gia nh˜ng g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng h†p d…n.

Tπi Fortuna, t´i d‘ dµng c„ Æ≠Óc cho m◊nh nh˜ng l˘a ch‰n »m th˘c ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ h†p d…n tı h÷ thËng c∏c nhµ hµng. Nhµ hµng Tifin, mÈt Æi”m Æ’n sang tr‰ng cho c∏c cuÈc ti’p kh∏ch, phÙc vÙ Æ∆c s∂n Æa ph≠¨ng cÔng c∏c m„n ®n ¢u - É Æ∆c sæc. Nhµ hµng Emperor lµ n¨i h≠Îng nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c tinh t’ cÔng chÛt bi’n t†u trong c∏c m„n ®n NhÀt B∂n. Vµ cuËi cÔng, Nhµ hµng May Mæn lµ n¨i t´i c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng tinh tÛy cÒa c∏c m„n Dim Sum trong kh´ng gian lÈng l…y.

Ngay tı cˆa vµo, t´i Æ∑ Æ≠Óc chµo Æ„n nhi÷t t◊nh bÎi ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n th©n thi÷n. ThÒ tÙc check-in Æ≠Óc th˘c hi÷n nhanh vµ t´i Æ≠Óc Æ≠a Æ’n phng nghÿ nªm tr™n t«ng Executive. Phng nghÿ lµ s˘ k’t hÓp hoµn h∂o cÒa nh˜ng nät Æãp truy“n thËng vµ ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi. Trang thi’t b Æ«y ÆÒ, thi’t k’ gi∂n d nh≠ng tinh t’ kh´ng chÿ Æ∂m b∂o lµm hµi lng b†t c¯ du kh∏ch kh„ t›nh nµo mµ cn mang tÌi cho t´i c∂m gi∏c tho∂i m∏i nh≠ Î nhµ. Hµng loπt ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t khi nghÿ tπi t«ng Executive khi’n t´i v´ cÔng hµi lng nh≠ check in vµ check out c∏ nh©n, mi‘n ph› Æ∏nh b„ng giµy, b˜a s∏ng phÙc vÙ tπi b” b¨i hay ly cocktail sau ngµy dµi lµm vi÷c... B™n cπnh ti÷n khi l≠u trÛ, Kh∏ch sπn Fortuna cn mang tÌi cho t´i nh˜ng b†t ngÍ nho nh· nh≠ng lπi Æ«y thÛ v Æ’n tı s˘ nhi÷t t◊nh cÒa c∏c nh©n vi™n kh∏ch sπn khi tr∂ lÍi c©u h·i hay giÛp



VÌi c∏c cuÈc h‰p c«n kh´ng gian tho∂i m∏i vµ t®ng t›nh s∏ng tπo, h÷ thËng phng h‰p Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ∏p ¯ng c∏c nhu c«u kh∏c nhau,. rÈng h¨n 2000m2 bao gÂm 2 ballroom sang tr‰ng vµ 6 phng ch¯c n®ng Æ≠Óc trang b Æ«y ÆÒ thi’t b c„ s¯c ch¯a l™n Æ’n 800 kh∏ch lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng cho doanh nh©n vµ du kh∏ch th≠¨ng gia. S˘ k’t hÓp hµi ha gi˜a truy“n thËng, ti÷n nghi vµ phong c∏ch sang trong ch›nh lµ Æi“u t´i Æ∏nh gi∏ cao nh†t tπi Fortuna. BÎi vÀy, t´i th˘c s˘ th›ch kho∂ng thÍi gian l≠u trÛ Î Æ©y vµ sœ quay trÎ lπi trong nh˜ng chuy’n Æi sau nµy.

HANOI Just minutes away from Giang Vo Exhibition Center and 40 minutes from Noi Bai International Airport, Fortuna Hanoi Hotel features 350 wellappointed guest rooms, exquisite and extensive meeting and conference facilities, along with an array of dining and relaxation outlets. I always arrive at Fortuna Hotel Hanoi with high expectations and am never disappointed. It offers well-rounded packages that are highly appealing, especially for fans of business hotels. There is always friendly staff waiting in the hotel driveway to greet me warmly upon my arrival. The check-in is fast and smooth, and I am ushered into my room, which is located on the Executive floor. The guest room is a perfect blend of oldworld charm and modern-day convenience. Fully equipped with everything that a discerning traveler may desire, it exudes an air of casual elegance that makes me feel immediately at home. I am satisfied with my stay on Executive floor with exclusive privileges such as personalize check-in and checkout, complementary pressing and shoe shine service. I love having a fresh Âľ-la-minute breakfast poolside after the gym and enjoying an evening cocktail after a long working day. I have experienced consistently good service while staying at the hotel. The Concierge is prompt and able to secure a seat at the restaurants for me, other staff are also helpful in answering any inquiries. On my birthday, the hotel made me a little cake on my arrival date, which was accompanied by a handwritten greeting card from the hotel manager. This nice gesture impressed me a lot about the way the hotel appreciate its guests.

By Kawakita Kudo

I can easily choose striking and inviting dining options available in the hotel. Tiffin All-Day-Dining is an elegant social meeting point with a fantastic range of local food as well as terrific Asian and Western favorites. The Emperor Restaurant features a sophisticated twist on traditional Japanese dining. May Man Dim Sum brunch enticed guests to immerse themselves in the splendid surroundings for a quintessential dining experience. Aiming to provide a comfortable and stimulating venue that boosts creativity, Fortuna Hotel Hanoi can accommodate events of varying size. Boasting over 2,000 square metres, two elegant ballrooms and six well-appointed function rooms with the capacity up to 800 guests are ideal places for business travelers. Fortuna Hotel Hanoi is a great choice for those who value a rare combination of tradition, luxury, service and convenience. I enjoyed my stay there and will surely return for another visit. Fortuna Hotel Hanoi * 6B Lang Ha, Hanoi, Vietnam * Tel: (04) 3831 3333 * Website:




Thˆ th∏ch Î c©u lπc bÈ golf hµng Æ«u Vi÷t Nam





‰a lπc tπi v tr› Ææc Æa, chÿ c∏ch trung t©m thµnh phË d≠Ìi 2 giÍ l∏i xe tr™n trÙc lÈ giao th´ng Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ hoµn chÿnh, The Hamptons H Trµm nÊi bÀt vÌi ch†t l≠Óng ƺng c†p quËc t’, nhi“u ti÷n ›ch hi÷n Æπi. ß©y Æ≠Óc xem lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng d˘ ∏n Æ«y ti“m n®ng cÒa Bµ Ra - VÚng Tµu n„i chung vµ khu H Trµm n„i ri™ng. The Hamptons H Trµm gÂm 288 c®n hÈ nghÿ d≠Ïng m∆t ti“n bi”n vµ 25 c®n bi÷t th˘ h≠Ìng bi”n tuy÷t Æãp, mang Æ’n s˘ tho∂i m∏i, ti÷n nghi vµ an ninh cho chÒ sÎ h˜u th´ng qua lËi vµo bi÷t lÀp vµ cÊng ri™ng b∂o v÷. VÌi lËi ki’n trÛc nhªm tËi Æa h„a nguÂn ∏nh s∏ng m∆t trÍi vµ hµi ha cÔng thi™n nhi™n, The Hamptons H Trµm chÒ y’u Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ vÌi b“ m∆t k›nh nhªm tπo n™n mÈt kh´ng gian sËng xanh m∏t, tho∏ng Æ∑ng vµ trµn Æ«y n®ng l≠Óng cho tıng ng‚ ng∏ch cÒa c®n hÈ. ß” tr∂i nghi÷m th˘c t’ v“ kh´ng gian sËng trong nhµ vµ ha m◊nh vµo bi”n c∂, bπn c„ th” tham quan Khu nhµ m…u Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo ti™u chu»n resort cao c†p ÆËi vÌi loπi phng Executive Suite mÈt phng ngÒ rÈng 61m2 cÒa The Hamptons H Trµm tπi khu Th∂o ßi“n (THE HAMPTONS H¤ TRÄM *Khu nhµ m…u: 65A Xu©n ThÒy, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2, TP. HCM *Website: *Tel: 0907 508 668)


TÀn h≠Îng cuÈc sËng xanh Tπi FLC Complex 36 Phπm HÔng, c≠ d©n c„ th” d‘ dµng ti’p cÀn hµng loπt ti÷n ›ch l©n cÀn tı c´ng vi™n, trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi, kh∏ch sπn, b÷nh vi÷n hay tr≠Íng h‰c, cho tÌi c∏c ti÷n nghi kh∏c nh≠ b” b¨i bËn mÔa. CuÈc sËng cÒa c≠ d©n Æ≠Óc bao b‰c trong kh´ng gian y™n t‹nh, c∏ch bi÷t vÌi ti’ng Ân, kh„i, bÙi vµ th©n thi÷n m´i tr≠Íng vÌi h÷ thËng k›nh c∏ch ©m. ß∆c bi÷t, c∏c th∂m t≠Íng rµo c©y xanh Æi”m xuy’t lµ Æi”m nh†n tπo n™n s˘ hµi ha gi˜a con ng≠Íi vµ thi™n nhi™n, mang lπi kh´ng gian sËng tho∏ng Æ∑ng vµ b«u kh´ng kh› trong lµnh ngay ch›nh trong tıng c®n hÈ.



(FLC COMPLEX 36 PHÑM HùNG *36 Phπm HÔng, Nam Tı Li™m, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0965 262 688)


Khu Æ´ th b™n vnh bi”n tπi Hπ Long K’t hÓp 3 m´ h◊nh trong 1 gi˜a nhµ Î, th≠¨ng mπi vµ nghÿ d≠Ïng, Vinhomes Dragon Bay c„ tÊng di÷n t›ch 68,35ha bao gÂm khu ph¯c hÓp nhµ Î, kh∏ch sπn vµ Æi”m nh†n lµ khu nhµ phË th≠¨ng mπi (shophouse) vÌi 380 c®n shophouse ÆÈc Æ∏o. Nªm trong 03 ph©n khu lµ PhÛ Gia, Hoµng Gia vµ M¸ Gia, c∏c c®n shophouse c„ m∆t ti“n rÈng tı 6m - 9m, di÷n t›ch tı 90m2 Æ’n 189m2. MÁi c®n gÂm 4

t«ng vÌi t«ng 1 cÒa c®n nhµ phÔ hÓp cho nhu c«u kinh doanh, tı t«ng 2 trÎ l™n lµ kh´ng gian sinh sËng cÒa gia chÒ. ß∆c bi÷t, nªm trong qu«n th” khu Æ´ th bi”n nµy lµ Qu∂ng tr≠Íng mang phong c∏ch Ch©u ¢u cÊ Æi”n, l∑ng mπn Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tr™n di÷n t›ch 5.453m2, trong Æ„ Æi”m nh†n lµ qu∂ng tr≠Íng n≠Ìc c„ di÷n t›ch 429,3m2 chπy dµi h≠Ìng ra ph›a bi”n. ß©y sœ lµ c∂nh quan nh©n tπo tuy÷t m¸ b™n cπnh di s∂n thi™n nhi™n th’ giÌi Vnh Hπ Long. (KHU ߧ THë BIÕN VINHOMES DRAGON BAY *ß≠Íng B’n ßoan, P. HÂng Gai, TP. Hπ Long, Qu∂ng Ninh *Hotline: 18001134 *Website: www.

S©n golf Vi÷t Nam Golf & Country Club hay th≠Íng Æ≠Óc g‰i lµ s©n g´n ThÒ ß¯c nªm tr™n quËc lÈ 1, kho∂ng 20km tı trung t©m thµnh phË H Ch› Minh. Tr∂i dµi tr™n 300ha vÌi 36 lÁ, s©n golf Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ vµ sæp Æ∆t t˘ nhi™n mang lπi cho bπn c∂m gi∏c thˆ th∏ch cho mÁi Æ≠Íng b„ng. S©n golf Æ≠Óc chia lµm 2 khu: khu T©y vµ khu ß´ng, mÁi khu 18 lÁ. S©n golf ph›a T©y hoπt ÆÈng vµo th∏ng 12/1994 vµ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ bÎi ki’n trÛc s≠ ng≠Íi ßµi Loan, Chen King Shih. S©n golf ph›a ß´ng Æ≠a vµo hoπt ÆÈng tı n®m 1997, lµ t∏c ph»m Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ bÎi Lee Trevino. Vi÷t Nam Golf & Country Club Æ≠Óc xem lµ c©u lπc bÈ golf nhµ ngh“ hµng Æ«u Î Vi÷t Nam, vÌi 72 gÀy ti™u chu»n, thu hÛt 500 tay golf mÁi buÊi vµo nh˜ng ngµy cuËi tu«n. ß©y lµ n¨i tÊ ch¯c gi∂i golf nghi÷p d≠ mÎ rÈng Æ«u ti™n cÒa Vi÷t Nam. (VIåT NAM GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB *Ph≠Íng Long Thπnh M¸, Q.9, TP.HCM *Tel: 08 6280 0101 *Website: www.






he Vietnam Golf & Country Club, also known as Thu Duc, is located 20km from the city center on Highway 1. Set amongst 360 hectares of land, this 36-hole golf course has been carved out of the existing woodland with minimal land modifications, leaving you feeling that the land was always destined to be a golf course. Vietnam Golf & Country Club has 2 courses: the East and West courses. The Western course first opened in December 1994, and was designed by Taiwanese architect Chen King Shih while the Eastern course, a work of Lee Trevino, opened in 1997. The par 72 course is considered the leading golf club in Vietnam and attracts 500 golfers each Saturday and Sunday. It's also where the first amateur golf championship took place in Vietnam. (VIETNAM GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB *Long Thanh My Ward, Dist. 9, HCMC *Tel: 08 6280 0101 *Website:



The first bayside urban complex in Ha Long

The Hamptons Ho Tram launched sample suites

Spanning a total area of 68ha and serving as a 3-in-1 complex, Vinhomes Dragon Bay consists of residential apartments, shophouses, and hotels. A highlight of the complex is 380 shophouses located in three areas: Phu Gia, Hoang Gia, and My Gia. With a 6m-9m front side and floorspace from 90m2 to 189m2, each shophouse has 4 floors with the 1st for business and the rest as living space. Moreover, there is a classic 5,453m2 European square, 429,3m2 of which is a water square stretching toward the

Located in a prime location 2 hours from the city center, The Hamptons Ho Tram distinguishes itself from other projects with top quality and modern amenities. This is a potential project of Ba Ria - Vung Tau in general and Ho Tram in particular. The Hamptons Ho Tram consists of 288 beachfront resort suites and 25 beautiful seaside villas. The private entrance and secured gates ensure comfort, convenience and security for the owners. The Hamptons Ho Tram utilizes a glass design to allow sunlight

sea. This complex introduces a combination of neo-classical architectural among the beautiful landscape of the World Heritage Halong Bay. (VINHOMES DRAGON BAY *Ben Doan Road, Hong Gai Ward, Ha Long, Quang Ninh *Hotline: 1800 1134 *Website: www.

and the beauty of nature to permeate the home. To find out more about this space as well as the executive suites with 62m2 bedrooms, you can visit the Hamptons Ho Tram's sample suites in Thao Dien, Dist. 2 (THE HAMPTONS *Sample suites: *65A Xuan Thuy, Thao Dien Ward, Dist. 2, HCMC *Website: *Tel: 0907 508 668)


Enjoy the green life Residents in FLC Complex at 36 Pham Hung can easily access numerous facilities including the nearby park, commercial centers, high-end office blocks, hotels, hospitals, schools, and other amenities such as year round pools. The living space is quiet with soundproof glass, clean (no smoke and dust), and environmentally friendly. The properties are bordered by trees which creates a harmony between the residents and nature and provides apartments with fresh air. (FLC COMPLEX 36 PHAM HUNG *36 Pham Hung, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi *Hotline: 0965 262 688)










(ThÍi gian: 8 ngµy 7 Æ™m *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: M∏y bay *Kh∏ch sπn: 3 - 4 sao *Gi∏: 59.990.000 VNß/ kh∏ch)

µnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ c∏c n≠Ìc ß´ng ¢u sœ Æ≠a du kh∏ch Æ’n nh˜ng thµnh phË danh gi∏ Vienna (Éo), Praha (Czech) vµ Dresden, Berlin (߯c). Nh˜ng khung c∂nh tuy÷t vÍi cÒa Berlin vÌi b¯c t≠Íng Berlin Wall Memorial, Cung Æi÷n Charlottenburg hay nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng l∏t gπch Æ∏ v…n gi˜ nguy™n d∏ng d†p tı thÍi Trung CÊ. B™n cπnh Æ„, chi’c c«u Charles IV Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı th’ k˚ 14, l©u Ƶi Prague Castle Î Praha tÌi phong c∂nh thi™n nhi™n th¨ mÈng vµ c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o b™n dng Elbe hi“n ha... t†t c∂ Æang chÍ bπn chi™m ng≠Ïng vµ kh∏m ph∏. (VIETRANTOUR *33 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3655 6789 *Website:


Kh∏m ph∏ Malaysia Singapore (ThÍi gian: 6 ngµy 5 Æ™m *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: M∏y bay *Kh∏ch sπn: 3 sao *Gi∏: 13.990.000 VNß/ kh∏ch) Tham gia hµnh tr◊nh li™n tuy’n Malaysia Singapore, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng l∑m nh˜ng thæng c∂nh nÊi ti’ng cÒa c∂ 2 quËc gia, tham gia c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh gi∂i tr› l˝ thÛ, th®m thµnh phË cÊ Malacca vµ thµnh phË tr™n m©y Genting (Malaysia); kh∏m ph∏ v≠Ín c©y n®ng l≠Óng Æ∆c sæc Æ” th·a s¯c chi™m ng≠Ïng vŒ Æãp l†p l∏nh k˙ ∂o trong Æ™m cÒa nh˜ng c©y nh©n tπo cao Æ’n 50m. Ngoµi ra, du kh∏ch cn c„ c¨ hÈi mua sæm tπi nh˜ng trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi hµng Æ«u Singapore vµ Malaysia.



TP.HCM (HANOI REDTOURS *63 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3928 5588 *Website: www.


Lπc gi˜a thi™n Æ≠Íng Guam cÒa M¸ (ThÍi gian: 6 ngµy 5 Æ™m *KhÎi hµnh: 28/6 *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: m∏y bay *Gi∏: 57.490.000VNß/kh∏ch) Nªm Î Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng - khu v˘c sÎ h˜u nhi“u "thi™n Æ≠Íng bi”n" nh≠ng Guam lπi kh´ng x´ b mµ t‹nh l∆ng, Æem lπi c∂m gi∏c d‘ chu. Lµn n≠Ìc ™m ∂, trong nh≠ ng‰c cÔng th’ giÌi Æπi d≠¨ng cuËn hÛt, sinh ÆÈng vÌi nh˜ng th∂m san h´ ÆÒ loπi, dµy Æ∆c, Æan xen nhau nh≠ mÍi g‰i du kh∏ch. ß’n Æ©y, h∑y tÀn h≠Îng vµ ha

m◊nh vµo c∏c hoπt ÆÈng nh≠ l∆n, chÃo thuy“n, l≠Ìt s„ng, phi™u l≠u cÔng nh˜ng chÛ c∏ heo d‘ th≠¨ng... Nh˜ng b∑i bi”n xinh Æãp nµy cn lµ n¨i tuy÷t vÍi Æ” ngæm c∂nh hoµng h´n tr™n Æ∂o. ß∆t ch©n Æ’n Guam, l˜ kh∏ch d‘ dµng b cuËn hÛt bÎi nät giao thoa v®n h„a ÆÈc Æ∏o n¨i Æ©y: lËi sËng ÆÀm ch†t M¸, v®n h„a b∂n Æa cÒa ng≠Íi Chamorro pha chÛt ©m h≠Îng cÒa T©y Ban Nha, ß´ng Bæc É. Du kh∏ch sœ d‘ dµng nhÀn ra s˘ n∏o nhi÷t tı c∏c kh∏ch sπn, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng, nh˜ng d∑y hµng shopping bæt mæt d‰c theo hai con Æ≠Íng cÒa vnh Tumon, chºng kh∏c g◊ Î Las Vegas. (FIDITOUR *129 Nguy‘n Hu÷, Q1, TP.HCM *Website: www.fiditour. com)

Kh∏m ph∏ ßµi Loan theo c∏ch ri™ng (ThÍi gian: 4 ngµy 3 Æ™m *KhÎi hµnh: Hªng ngµy *Kh∏ch sπn: 3 sao *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: m∏y bay *Gi∏: 8.990.000VNß/kh∏ch) Lµ x¯ sÎ cÒa chÓ Æ™m »m th˘c, du lch ßµi Loan, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c m„n m˘c Dawang nÊi ti’ng tπi chÓ Æ™m Raohe bÎi v t≠¨ng ch†m r†t Æ∆c bi÷t. Bπn cÚng c„ th” Æ’n cˆa hµng cµ ph™ s∏ch Eslite mÎ cˆa 24/24 Æ” giao l≠u vµ th≠Îng th¯c kh´ng gian s∏ch Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa n¨i nµy. °n tht ngÁng vµ m◊ sÓi tπi cˆa hµng ngÁng nÊi ti’ng l©u ÆÍi tr™n Æ≠Íng Ximending sœ Æ” lπi cho bπn h≠¨ng v ng‰t ngµo kh„ qu™n. Sau Æ„, bπn c„ th” tham quan c´ng vi™n D≠¨ng Minh S¨n, mÈt

trong 8 v≠Ín quËc gia lÌn nh†t ßµi Loan vÌi Æa h◊nh nÛi lˆa Æ∆c thÔ, xen l…n nh˜ng thung lÚng y™n b◊nh vµ qu«n th” ÆÈng th˘c vÀt phong phÛ. Ngoµi ra, D≠¨ng Minh S¨n cn lµ thi™n Æ≠Íng cÒa hµng tr®m loπi hoa nh≠ hoa Ƶo, h∂i Æ≠Íng, m…u ƨn, h≠Ìng d≠¨ng, hoa trµ... cÔng 168 loµi b≠Ìm vµ nhi“u loπi ÆÈng vÀt qu˝ hi’m. (LIEN BANG TRAVELINK *881 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Q.5, TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3838 2288 *Website: www.



PRISTINE BEACHES IN QUAN LAN (Duration: 3 days 2 nights *Transportation: Passenger car *Price: VND2,650,000/ guest)


part from Co To, Quan Lan attacts visitors with pristine long beaches and turquoise water, culturalhistorical sites, and delightful dishes. Quan Lan boasts 3 famous beautiful beaches, namely Son Hao, Minh Chau, and Quan Lan. With high waves, Son Hao is the best one for adventure lovers, Minh Chau is calm with light waves, while Quan Lan looks like a long crescent moon. Relax on a hammock, breathe the fresh air and enjoy the stunning view of nature (APT TRAVEL *5 Hang Chieu, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 04 6650 6262 )


Sightseeing Halong from the sky Hai Au Avation has cooperated with Thien Minh Yacht, a member of Thien Minh Group to introduce a new tour including sightseeing by seaplane and luxurious accommodation at the 3-star L'Azal채e Cruise or the 4-star Emeraude Cruise in Halong. The tour is available at 65% discount. Accordingly, there are three types of packages. Halong Bay Seaplane Flight & L'azal채e Day Cruise costs VND3,090,000/ guest including a 25minute sightseeing tour and 4-5 hour to explore Halong bay on L'Azal채e Classic Cruise. Halong Bay Flight & Emeraude Cruise Overnight is at VND4,900,000/ guest including 25-minute sightseeing tour over Halong bay on Hai Au's Seaplane, 2 days 1 night itinerary on the Emeraude Classic Cruise, and shuttle bus transfer Hanoi - Halong Bay - Hanoi. The Halong Bay Flight & Emeraude Cruise Overnight costs VND5,900,000/guest including a one-way seaplane flight from Hanoi to Halong to Halong-Hanoi, 2 days 1 night itinerary on the Emeraude Classic Cruise, and one-way shuttle bus transfer from Halong to Hanoi or Hanoi to Halong. (HAIAU AVIATION *No T7 Tuan Chau Commercial Urban Area, Ha Long City *Hotline: 0962 960 689 *Website:

Hành trình

KHÉM PHÉ NH~NG KINH ߧ CûA VIåT NAM Hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ Hµ NÈi vµ Hu’ - hai kinh Æ´ cÒa nhi“u tri“u Æπi phong ki’n trong lch sˆ Vi÷t Nam sœ Æ≠a bπn v“ vÌi qu∏ kh¯ hµo hÔng vµ t◊m hi”u nh˜ng nät truy“n thËng thÛ v. ThÒ ß´ Hµ NÈi lµ Æi”m Æ’n Æ«u ti™n trong hµnh tr◊nh thÛ v nµy. Sau khi tham quan vµ c∂m nhÀn nh˜ng nät Æãp truy“n thËng - hi÷n Æπi cÒa thÒ Æ´, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n ®n ngon tr™n tıng g„c phË. N’u muËn tham quan mÈt sË Æi”m nªm xa trung t©m nh≠ lµng gËm B∏t Trµng, lµng cÊ ß≠Íng L©m... taxi chæc hºn sœ lµ ph≠¨ng ti÷n thuÀn lÓi nh†t, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ trong nh˜ng ngµy hà n„ng n˘c. Tam ß∂o (V‹nh PhÛc) nªm c∏ch Hµ NÈi kho∂ng 70km - n¨i hoµn h∂o Æ” tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng buÊi s∏ng tinh m¨ vÌi s≠¨ng mÔ l∑ng mπn, c∂m nhÀn ti’t trÍi trong lµnh. Khi tham quan c∏c Æa Æi”m nÊi ti’ng nh≠ Th∏c Bπc, Nhµ thÍ cÊ, Æÿnh RÔng R◊nh, thu™ Taxi cÚng lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n hÓp l˝ v◊ bπn c„ th” dıng lπi ngæm c∂nh vµ chÙp ∂nh mµ v…n Æ∂m b∂o an toµn khi di chuy”n tr™n Æa h◊nh ÆÂi nÛi Î Tam ß∂o. Tı Hµ NÈi bπn cÚng c„ th” v“ Hµ Nam Æ” ghä th®m nh˜ng lµng ngh“ truy“n thËng nÊi ti’ng nh≠ lµng d÷t Nha X∏, lµng trËng ߉i Tam hay tham quan nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi nÊi ti’ng nh≠ nÛi Ng‰c, nÛi C†m, B∏t C∂nh S¨n...

Hu’ - Æi”m Æ’n cuËi cÔng cÒa hµnh tr◊nh sœ Æ” lπi cho bπn nhi“u †n t≠Óng kh„ phai. Bπn c„ th” di chuy”n tı nÈi thµnh ra s©n bay Æ” vµo Hu’ vÌi m¯c gi∏ ph∂i ch®ng chÿ tı (tı 180.000VNß - 250.000VNß). Hu’ vËn nÊi ti’ng vÌi nh˜ng cung Æi÷n, l®ng t»m cÊ k›nh, hay vnh L®ng C´ - mÈt trong nh˜ng vnh bi”n Æãp nh†t th’ giÌi. C∏c Æi”m Æ’n Î Hu’ nªm c∏ch nhau kh∏ xa, v◊ vÀy, bπn n™n ch‰n taxi Æ” vi÷c Æi lπi Æ≠Óc thuÀn ti÷n vµ tr∏nh b lπc Æ≠Íng. Thµnh C´ng Taxi lµ h∑ng xe c„ phπm vi hoπt ÆÈng Î c∂ Hµ NÈi, Hµ Nam,V‹nh PhÛc vµ Hu’ vÌi h¨n 1000 ph≠¨ng ti÷n. MÌi Æ©y h∑ng taxi nµy Æ∑ Æ≠a vµo hoπt ÆÈng taxi s©n bay vÌi c≠Ìc ph› chÿ 180.000VNß (xe 4 chÁ) vµ 230.000VNß (xe 7 chÁ) ch∆ng Hµ NÈi - NÈi Bµi. C∏c dch vÙ cÒa h∑ng cÚng r†t Æa dπng nh≠: Taxi 5 chÁ gi∏ rŒ, taxi 7 chÁ, taxi Sedan vµ taxi s©n bay vÀy n™n du kh∏ch cÚng c„ th™m r†t nhi“u l˘a ch‰n tÔy theo nhu c«u cÒa m◊nh. Hoπt ÆÈng rÈng khæp vµ s˘ phÙc vÙ nhanh ch„ng cÒa Thµnh C´ng Taxi sœ giÛp hµnh tr◊nh cÒa bπn thuÀn lÓi vµ gi∂n ƨn h¨n r†t nhi“u. S˘ ph∏t tri”n toµn di÷n trong vi÷c mÎ rÈng phπm vi hoπt ÆÈng, ÆÂng thÍi th†u hi”u vµ nÁ l˘c h’t m◊nh Æ” mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch dch vÙ vÀn t∂i tËt nh†t, Thµnh C´ng Taxi chæc chæn lµ ng≠Íi bπn ÆÂng hµnh chu Æ∏o, hoµn h∂o cÒa bπn tr™n suËt ch∆ng Æ≠Íng du lch.

✆ Hµ NÈi 04 32 575757 ✆ Hµ Nam 0351 3575757 ✆ V‹nh PhÛc 0211 6575757 ✆ Hu’ 054 3575757

The journey to Hanoi and Hue - the two Vietnamese dynastic capitals will give you a ticket to the glorious national past and traditions of this fascinating country.


he journey begins in Hanoi. After sightseeing the capital’s corners with the blend of tradition and modern life, you can indulge in street food that can be found anywhere. If you want to visit the neighboring communities such as Bat Trang ceramic village or Duong Lam ancient village, a taxi is the most convenient means of transportation, especially during these hot days. About 70km from the city center, Tam Dao (Vinh Phuc) is an ideal place to enjoy foggy mornings and cool weather. What could be safer and more convenient than travelling by taxi to famous attractions like Thac Bac, the old church, and Mount Rung Rinhas you can easily stop and take some awesome pictures of the beautiful scenery? you can also travel to Ha Nam to visit traditional craft villages like Nha Xa silk village and Doi Tam drum-making village or other landscapes such as Ngoc Mountain, Cam Mountain, and Bat Canh Son.

To fly to Hue, you can travel from central Hanoi to Noi Bai Airport by taxi at a reasonable price from VND180,000 - VND250,000. Hue is renowned for its palaces and ancient tombs, as well as Lang vCo Bay - one of the most beautiful in the world. These destinations are quite far from each other; therefore, you should travel by taxi to not lose your way. With more than 1,000 cars, Thanh Cong Taxi provides high-quality services in Hanoi, Ha Nam, Vinh Phuc, and Hue. This brand has also introduced an airport taxi at competitive rates: VND180,000/ 4-seat car and VND230,000/7-seat car for a turn from Hanoi to Noi Bai Airport. Thanh Cong Taxi offers a multitude of services including cheap 5-seat taxi, 7-seat Sedan taxi, and airport taxi to accommodate your needs no matter the scale. With the comprehensive development in expanding the scope of activities, Thanh Cong Taxi always attempts to give its guests the best transportation services and be the best companion for your journeys.

end your wonderful trip with Hue - the ancient capital of Nguyen Dynasty.




N©ng niu lµn da nhπy c∂m vÌi La Solution 10 de Chanel VÌi kh∂ n®ng t∏i tπo vŒ Æãp nguy™n b∂n cho lµn da vËn m·ng manh vµ nhπy c∂m cÒa n˜ giÌi, La Solution 10 de Chanel - s∂n ph»m sau 20 n®m nguy™n c¯u cÒa Chanel Æang nhanh ch„ng chinh phÙc ph∏i Æãp toµn c«u. Linh hÂn cÒa La Solution 10 de Chanel lµ hoπt ch†t trµ bπc kim vËn Æ≠¨c bi’t Æ’n vÌi kh∂ n®ng chËng oxy h„a sœ giÛp xoa du vµ b∂o v÷ lµn da nhπy c∂m. Nh˜ng bÛp trµ tinh tÛy nh†t Æ≠Óc thu hoπch hoµn toµn bªng tay trong vng 10 ngµy, sau Æ„ ph¨i kh´ theo ph≠¨ng ph∏p l©u ÆÍi. VÌi dng d≠Ïng ch†t tuy÷t vÍi, La Solution 10 de Chanel giÛp b∂o v÷ lµn da tı b™n ngoµi cÚng nh≠ nu´i d≠Ïng tıng t’ bµo cÒa da tı b™n trong. (SHOWROOM CHANEL *Rex Arcade, 141 Nguy‘n Hu÷, Q.1, TP.HCM *Diamond Plaza, 34 L™ Du»n, Q.1, TP.HCM *Website:


Givenchy ra mæt Teint Couture Cushion

BEAUTY & Healthcare




erci lµ m´ h◊nh nail & cafä ÆÈc Æ∏o tπi Vi÷t Nam cung c†p dch vÙ tinh t’ ch®m s„c m„ng, m∏t xa, Æ ®n vµ th¯c uËng cho nh˜ng qu˝ c´ bÀn rÈn. ô Æ©y c„ li÷u ph∏p lµm m„ng kh´ng dÔng n≠Ìc. Nh˜ng chi’c g®ng tay ch¯a d≠Ïng ch†t collagen & keratin giÛp lµm »m, nu´i d≠Ïng lµn da. T†t c∂ c∏c loπi tinh d«u Æ≠Óc chi’t xu†t 100% tı thi™n nhi™n vµ c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u n≠Ìc s¨n Æ’n tı Ph∏p, M¸ nh≠ Kure Bazaar & Zoya c„ 85% thµnh ph«n tı thi™n nhi™n. Tho∂ m∑n nhu c«u cÒa tıng c∏ nh©n, t«ng tr÷t m´ ph·ng mÈt kh´ng gian cafä h¨i h≠Ìng Ch©u ¢u, t«ng hai vÌi nh˜ng chi’c gh’ sofa xinh xæn vµ gËi ´m m“m mπi tπo c∂m gi∏c th≠ gi∑n Æ” bπn tÀn h≠Îng c∏c tr∂i nghi÷m. (MERCI NAILS & CAF– *17/6 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Q.1, TP.HCM *Website:


Ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e toµn di÷n tπi B÷nh vi÷n QuËc t’ FV Khi trÎ thµnh HÈi Vi™n VIP cÒa b÷nh vi÷n FV bπn sœ Æ≠Óc h≠Îng nh˜ng quy“n lÓi ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e tËt nh†t vµ sang tr‰ng nh†t. M¯c thanh to∏n b∂o hi”m cho b÷nh nh©n nÈi trÛ ÆËi vÌi vi÷n ph› l™n Æ’n 440.000.000VNß/n®m. ßi cÔng vÌi Æ„ lµ hµng loπt c∏c quy“n lÓi ngoπi trÛ kh∏c nh≠ mi‘n ph› kh´ng giÌi hπn sË l«n kh∏m b÷nh, kh∏m tπi khoa c†p c¯u vµ mi‘n ph› ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Ki”m tra S¯c kh·e TÊng qu∏t Æ∆c bi÷t. HÈi Vi™n VIP nam tr™n 45 tuÊi Æ≠Óc kh∏m ni‘u mi‘n ph› bao gÂm t«m so∏t ung th≠ ti“n li÷t tuy’n, HÈi Vi™n VIP n˜ tr™n 40 tuÊi Æ≠Óc kh∏m phÙ khoa mi‘n ph›, bao gÂm t«m so∏t ung th≠ vÛ vµ ung th≠ cÊ tˆ cung. TÔy thuÈc vµo ÆÈ tuÊi, m¯c ph› cho mÈt hÈi vi™n trong kho∂ng tı 29.000.000VNß Æ’n 37.000.000VNß/n®m. (BåNH VIåN FV *SË 6 Nguy‘n L≠¨ng Bªng, Nam Sµi Gn (PhÛ M¸ H≠ng), Q.7, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 5411 3333 *Website:



MÌi Æ©y th≠¨ng hi÷u cao c†p Givenchy Æ∑ c„ mÈt cuÈc c∏ch mπng khi cho ra mæt s∂n ph»m Teint Couture Cushion ha chung vÌi xu h≠Ìng ph†n n≠Ìc trang Æi”m Æang bÔng nÊ tr™n toµn c«u. Ngay tı v· ngoµi cÒa s∂n ph»m, Givenchy Æ∑ cho th†y s˘ †n t≠Óng vÌi thi’t k’ metal ÆÈc Æ∏o, logo 4G ki™u sa, mµu Æen b„ng b»y thÍi th≠Óng. Chÿ mÈt c∏i nh†n nhã, lÌp ph†n l·ng k◊ di÷u sœ trµo ra, lµm nÊi bÀt logo sang tr‰ng cÒa Givenchy. LÌp ph»n m·ng mn sœ khi’n lµn da cÒa m‰i c´ g∏i t·a s∏ng, vµ Æ≠Óc c†p »m mÈt c∏ch hoµn h∂o nhÍ tinh d«u Commiphora. (SHOWROOM GIVENCHY *Parkson Saigontourist, 35Bis - 45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Q.1, TP. HCM *Vincom Bµ Tri÷u, 91 Bµ Tri÷u, Hµ NÈi *Lotte Center - ßµo T†n, CËng V, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Website: www.givenchy. com)


Givenchy lauches Teint Couture Cushion Givenchy has caught up with the new global trend of cushioning in skincare with the launch of its new generation of compact: Teint Couture Cushion. Upon first glance at the unique black metal case, customers are impressed by its trendiness and 4G logo. Press the case slightly to see the cushion and bright logo pop out. The Bivenchy Teint Couture will brighten girl’s skin and moisturize it with commiphora essential oil. (GIVENCHY SHOWROOMS *Parkson Saigontourist, 35Bis - 45 Le Thanh Ton, Dist. 1, HCMC *Vincom Ba Trieu, 91 Ba Trieu, Hanoi *Lotte Center Dao Tan, Cong Vi, Ba Dinh, Hanoi)


Nails & Cafä Merci is a brand new beauty experience and cafä in Vietnam, providing luxury nail services, massage, and food and drink for busy women. It also offers a unique therapy that softens nails without using water. The treatment contains collagen and keratin, which hydrates and nourishes your skin. All essential oils are extracted from 100% natural ingredients, and nail polishes from France and the USA such as Kure Bazaar & Zoya consist of 85 % natural components. Enjoy our European-style cafä on the ground floor, or relax in the comfort of our heavenly sofas and soft pillows on the second floor, bringing you the ultimate pampering experience. (MERCI NAILS & CAF– *17/6 Le Thanh Ton, Dist. 1, HCMC *Website: www.merci-space. com)

BEAUTY & Healthcare




ith 20 years of research behind this product, Chanel reveals its first moisturizer designed solely for sensitive skin - La Solution 10 de Chanel. The product is mesmerizing women all over the world by restoring sensitive skin to its original beauty. The heart of the formula is the power of the rare silver needle tea. Tealeaves are hand-picked within 10 days and dried in the old method. Chanel has extracted a concentrate with unprecedented soothing and anti-oxidant properties to help regulate skin's response to irritants and protect it against free radicals. Skin is re-balanced and nurtured back to a more resilient, less reactive state. (CHANNEL SHOWROOMS *Rex Arcade, 141 Nguyen Hue, Dist. 1, HCMC *Diamond Plaza, 34 Le Duan, Dist. 1, HCMC *Website:


Comprehensive health care services at FV Hospital As a VIP membership cardholder at FV International Hospital, you will benefit from the best care and services with FV's special

healthcare amenities. VIP members are entitled to inpatient insurance coverage of up to VND440,000,000/year. Outpatient service benefits include unlimited free-ofcharge consultations within selected specialties, unlimited free-of-charge ER consultations, one free executive health check-up, etc. Male VIP members over 45 will receive a free-of-charge urology package with prostate cancer screening while female VIP members

over 40 have a chance to receive a free gynecological check-up, including breast and cervical cancer screening. VIP membership premiums are from VND29,000,000 to VND37,000,000/ year, tailored to the age of the member. (FV HOSPITAL *No. 6,

Nguyen Luong Bang, Nam Saigon (Phu My Hung), Dist. 7, HCMC *Tel: 08 5411 3333 *Website: www.fvhospital. com)

HÄ NóI 14 - 15/5 Æ’n Æ’n 5/6

L‘ hÈi s∏ng tπo Vietnam Halography 2016 Vietnam Halography 2016 - The Creative Festival lµ l‘ hÈi s∏ng tπo Æ«u ti™n Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c tπi Vi÷t Nam vµ sœ di‘n ra trong hai ngµy 14 15/5. S˘ ki÷n gÂm chuÁi 5 ch≠¨ng tr◊nh, hoπt ÆÈng: CuÈc thi s∏ng tπo nhanh Halography Race Contest, Tri”n l∑m Behance Portfolio Reviews 2016, ChuÁi hÈi th∂o chuy™n ngµnh Halo Master Workshop, HÈi chÓ s∏ng tπo Halo Creative Fair, ß™m vinh danh Vietnam Halography Gala 2016. MÈt trong nh˜ng ch≠¨ng tr◊nh t©m Æi”m lµ Behance Portfolio Reviews - tri”n l∑m quy tÙ 50 portfolio xu†t sæc nh†t trong cÈng ÆÂng Behance Vi÷t Nam cÔng tranh gi∂i tπi 4 hπng mÙc (Art Work, Graphic Design, UI/UX - Web Design, Motion Graphics). (VIETNAM HALOGRAPHY 2016 *T«ng 5, Hanoi Creative City, 01 L≠¨ng Y™n, Q. Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hµ NÈi)

TOÄN QUˇC 17/6


Phim hoπt h◊nh "finding Dory" (ßi t◊m Dory)




tuÊi 67, cÙ bµ Emma Gatewood ch†t ph∏c, c∂ ÆÍi chÿ sËng trong trang trπi quy’t Ænh rÍi qu™ h≠¨ng Ohio vÌi mÈt ›t qu«n ∏o vµ ch≠a Æ’n 200USD trong ng≠Íi. Bµ Æ∑ Æi bÈ 800 d∆m d‰c theo Æ≠Íng leo nÛi Appalachian (dµi 2.000 d∆m nªm Î Bæc M¸). Vµo th∏ng 9/1955, sËng s„t sau khi b mÈt con ræn chu´ng cæn, v≠Ót qua hai c¨n b∑o, Ɔu ch‰i vÌi x∑ hÈi Æen, bµ Emma - ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ tr∂i qua cuÈc h´n nh©n Æau ÆÌn vÌi ng≠Íi chÂng vÚ phu, Æ∑ chinh phÙc thµnh c´ng Æÿnh Maine cÒa ng‰n nÛi Katahdin. Bµ lµ ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ Æ«u ti™n chinh phÙc Æ≠Íng leo nÛi Appalachian mÈt m◊nh. "Grandma Gatewood's Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail" lµ cuËn s∏ch ghi lπi hµnh tr◊nh Æ«y xÛc ÆÈng, chi’n thæng s˘ sÓ h∑i, nÊi loπn tı s˘ tµn bπo vµ g©y d˘ng hy v‰ng tı s˘ khÊ Æau cÒa cÙ bµ Emma Gatewood. Th´ng tin th™m xem tπi


4 - 5/6

Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n Imagine Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n th≠Íng ni™n l«n th¯ 9 cÒa Dancenter sœ Æem Æ’n cho bπn mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∆c bi÷t vÌi nh˜ng vÚ c´ng tµi n®ng trong m‰i th” loπi tı Ballet Æ’n Hip Hop, tı mÛa bÙng Æ’n mÛa Æ≠¨ng Æπi, ©m nhπc tuy÷t Æÿnh, nh˜ng thi’t k’ trang phÙc vµ ∏nh s∏ng †n t≠Óng. Tı kh›a cπnh nh˜ng ng≠Íi vÚ c´ng, nh∂y mÛa lµ c¨ hÈi Æ” ho∏n ÆÊi thµnh b†t k˙ ai. ß©y cÚng lµ c¨ hÈi Æ” kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng ch©n trÍi mÌi lπ, t≠Îng t≠Óng mÈt hoµn c∂nh, trπng th∏i mµ Æ´i khi d˘a vµo ch›nh nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m cÒa b∂n th©n ho∆c xu†t ph∏t tı s˘ s∏ng tπo thu«n khi’t. (NHÄ V°N HïA THANH NI£N *4 Phπm Ng‰c Thπch, Q.1, TP.HCM)



Phim bæt Æ«u bªng cuÈc phi™u l≠u cÒa c´ c∏ xanh Æ∑ng tr› Dory vÌi s˘ ÆÂng hµnh tı nh˜ng ng≠Íi bπn Æ∆c bi÷t trong Æπi d≠¨ng s©u thºm. ß’n mÈt ngµy, khi tr´ng th†y Ƶn c∏ ÆuËi manta di c≠ v“ nhµ, h◊nh ∂nh Æ„ Æ∑ gÓi lπi cho Dory nh˜ng k˝ ¯c m¨ mµng v“ n¨i mµ m◊nh Æ∑ Æi qua, v“ qu∏ kh¯ vµ gËc g∏c cÒa b∂n th©n, ÆÂng thÍi thæp l™n nh˜ng tia hy v‰ng Æ«y hπnh phÛc trong lng c´ c∏ nh· v“ vi÷c sœ t◊m ra gia Æ◊nh sau mÈt thÍi gian r†t dµi th†t lπc. CÔng vÌi s˘ giÛp ÆÏ cÒa nh˜ng ng≠Íi bπn, Dory bæt Æ«u cuÈc phi™u l≠u t◊m v“ qu™ h≠¨ng vÌi r†t nhi“u Æi“u thÛ v Æang chÍ ÆÓi. C´ng chi’u tr™n h÷ thËng CGV toµn quËc vÌi Ænh dπng 3D, IMAX 3D vµ phi™n b∂n lÂng ti’ng Vi÷t.


Iam By Ilena Marki Necklace (

Melissa Odabash Kaftan (

Melissa Odabash Bikini (

Chan Luu Bracelet (www.

Rimowa BOSSA NOVA Luggage (

Sensi Studio Bag (

K Jackques st Tropez Sandals (

Vita Liberata Self Tan Dry Oil SPF 50 (

ready for beach time

C∏c qu˝ c´ c„ th” Ææm m◊nh trong lµn n≠Ìc m∏t trong cÒa nh˜ng hn Æ∂o nhi÷t ÆÌi bªng mÈt bÈ bikini thÀt quy’n rÚ cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u Melissa Odabash. H∑y th´ng minh ch‰n ∏o choµng dµi c„ th” “h´ bi’n” trÎ thµnh chi’c v∏y nhã nhµng tinh t’ khi bπn Æi dπo b™n bÍ bi”n. Vali RIMOWA Bossa Nova chæc chæn sœ lµ ng≠Íi bπn ÆÂng hµnh hoµn h∂o cho c∏ qu˝ c´, nh˜ng d©y Æai chæc chæn trong vali sœ Æ∂m b∂o Æ Æπc cÒa bπn Æ≠Óc sæp x’p ng®n næp, ÆÛng chÁ. ßıng qu™n mang theo kem chËng næng toµn th©n vÌi chÿ sË SPF cao Æ” b∂o v÷ lµn da kh·i ∏nh m∆t trÍi ch„i chang. Soak in the turquoise water of tropical islands with a charming Melissa Odabash bikini set. Turn your kaftan into an elegant dress when you stroll down the beach. A RIMOWA Bossa Nova luggage will be your best companion. Strong belts inside the luggage to ensure that your stuff remains neat. Prepare sunscreen with high SPF to protect your skin from the burning sun. TRAVELLIVE



The inspiring story of the woman who saved the appalachian trail At the age of 67, Emma Gatewood, a normal woman who spent most of her life on a farm, left her small Ohio hometown with just a change of clothes and fewer than two hundred dollars. She had walked 800 miles to the 2,000-mile Appalachian Trail. In September 1955, having survived a rattlesnake bite, two hurricanes, and a run-in with gangsters, Emma - who had suffered from a painful marriage with the abusive husband - stood atop Maine's Mount Katahdin. She became the first woman to hike the entire Appalachian Trail alone. Grandma Gatewood's Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail records Emma Gatewood's journey - a story of triumph over pain, rebellion from brutality, and hope against suffering. For further information, please visit

HANOI From May 14th to June 5th

Vietnam halography 2016 - The creative festival


Vietnam Halography 2016, the first creative festival in Vietnam, is taking place on the 14th and 15th of May. The festival includes the Halography Race, Behance Portfolio Review 2016, Halo Master Workshop, Halo Creative Fair, and Vietnam Halography Gala 2016. One of the most talked about events is the Behance Portfolio Review, an exhibition with the 50 best portfolios among the Behance Vietnam community. These portfolios will compete in 4 fields including Art, Graphic Design, UI/UX - Web Design, and Motion Graphics. After the contests, the exhibition will be open until June 5th 2016.


FINDING DORY The film starts with the journey of Dory - a forgetful blue tang fish and her special ocean friends. One day, when she sees manta rays returning home, memories of her past and family are triggered, giving her the hope of finding her family after a long separation. With her friends' support, Dory starts her journey with exciting adventures awaiting her on her odyssey home. The film is available with 3D, IMAX 3D and Vietnamese dubbed version. Nationwide CGV cinemas

Imagine Dance Show


he Dancenter's 9th annual dance show will be a true theatrical experience, with passionate performers who excel in dance styles from Ballet to Hip Hop and Belly Dance to Contemporary, will feature excellent music, beautiful costumes, and lighting. The dance allows performers to pretend to be whoever they want to be, to explore different worlds, and to imagine situations either based on their experiences or pure fiction. THANH NIEN CULTURAL HOUSE *4 Pham Ngoc Thach, Dist.1, HCMC)




June 4th - 5th

(VIETNAM HALOGRAPHY 2016 *5th floor, Hanoi Creative City *01 Luong Yen, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi)

travellers’outfit Bottega Veneta Sunglasses (

Lock & Co Hatters Hat (

Balenciaga Backpack (

Tod's Bracelet (www. Givenchy Polo Shirt (

Givenchy Shorts (www.

Lavin Sneakers (www.

fabulous summer

Éo ph´ng vµ qu«n short thÍi trang lµ s˘ k’t hÓp ƨn gi∂n, nh≠ng v…n ÆÒ Æ” tπo n™n vŒ ngoµi c∏ t›nh cho chuy’n du lch mÔa hÃ. Th™m mÈt Æ´i giµy m“m Æ” Æ´i ch©n c„ th” tho∏i m∏i kh∏m ph∏ b†t c¯ Æ©u. ßıng qu™n mang theo mÈt chi’c mÚ c„i vµ k›nh r©m phong c∏ch Æ” b∂o v÷ Æ´i mæt, tr∏nh ∏nh næng gay gæt cÒa m∆t trÍi. A T-shirt and shorts is a simple yet stylish combination for your summer trips. Conveniently travel to everywhere you want with soft shoes and don’t forget a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from sun burning. TRAVELLIVE



Th™m mÈt trung t©m nÈi th†t Th∏i Lan tπi Hµ NÈi






i‘n vi™n L≠¨ng Giang Æ∑ mÎ lπi phng tranh quy m´ vµ mang ÆÀm ch†t hÈi h‰a dµnh cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u tranh. VÌi di÷n t›ch 120m2, Megan Gallery tr≠ng bµy tr™n 40 b¯c tranh nhi“u th” loπi nh≠ s¨n mµi, s¨n d«u, gi†y gi„, mµu n≠Ìc, ph∏p lam cÒa c∏c hoπ s‹: V‹nh PhËi, Nguy‘n Xu©n Ti÷p, Phπm B◊nh Ch≠¨ng, Herry Qu˝ Ki™n, Th’ Anh, Hoµng Hµ TÔng, Phan B∏ch, L≠¨ng Giang, ßÁ H˜u Tri’t, Tr«n Li™n, Kh∏nh HÔng... Ngoµi ra, phng tranh cn tr≠ng bµy nhi“u Æ Æi™u khæc, gËm s¯ ÆÈc Æ∏o. Megan Gallery Æ≠Óc k˙ v‰ng lµ Æi”m dıng ch©n cÒa nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u c∏i Æãp, y™u ngh÷ thuÀt, dÔ lµ chuy™n hay kh´ng chuy™n. (MEGAN GALLERY *30-32 Ha M∑, Hµ NÈi)


ßÈc Æ∏o ng´i nhµ m¸ ngh÷ Vietnam House ß≠Óc thi’t k’ bÎi V‚ Tr‰ng Ngh‹a - ki’n trÛc s≠ nÊi ti’ng v“ c∏c c´ng tr◊nh bªng tre, Vietnam House lµ mÈt n¨i thÛ v tπi Sµi Gn Æ” tham quan, t◊m hi”u v“ v®n h„a lµng ngh“ thÒ c´ng m¸ ngh÷. Ng´i Nhµ Vi÷t Nam Æ≠Óc h◊nh thµnh vÌi 50 gian hµng vµ 12 m´ h◊nh s∂n xu†t thu nh· t≠Óng tr≠ng cho 12 nh„m lµng ngh“ thÒ c´ng m¸ ngh÷ bao gÂm: M©y tre Æan, S∂n ph»m tı c„i vµ lÙc b◊nh, GËm s¯, ßi™u khæc gÁ, S¨n mµi, Th™u ren, ßi™u khæc Æ∏, D÷t thÒ c´ng, Gi†y thÒ c´ng, Tranh ngh÷ thuÀt, Kim loπi...



Trung t©m nÈi th†t vµ vÀt dÙng trang tr› hµng Æ«u Th∏i Lan Index Living Mall Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c ra mæt ng≠Íi ti™u dÔng tπi Hµ NÈi. Kh´ng gian mua sæm Index Living Mall Times City c„ di÷n t›ch h¨n 5.000m2 Æ≠Óc chia thµnh nhi“u khu ri™ng nh≠ Khu vÀt dÙng trang tr› vÌi c∏c s∂n ph»m nÈi th†t gia Æ◊nh Æa dπng tı Æ thÒy tinh, dÙng cÙ n†u n≠Ìng vµ phng b’p; t≠Óng vµ tranh trang tr›... Khu n÷m tr≠ng bµy c∏c loπi n÷m Æa dπng nh≠ n÷m cao su, l xo, ch®n gËi... Khu vÀt dÙng trang tr› giÌi thi÷u s∂n ph»m t˘ læp Æ∆t phÙc vÙ thi’t k’ kh´ng gian sËng cÒa gia Æ◊nh. Khu trŒ em vÌi c∏c s∂n ph»m nÈi th†t mµu sæc t≠¨i tæn vµ ti÷n dÙng nh≠ tÒ qu«n ∏o, bµn gh’, gi≠Íng... cho c∏c bä ÆÒ m‰i l¯a tuÊi. Index Living Mall Times City cn c„ khu s∂n ph»m ÆÂng gi∏ vÌi hµng tr®m s∂n ph»m ti÷n dÙng cho cuÈc sËng. (INDEX LIVING MALL *T«ng B1, Vincom Megamall Times City, 458 Minh Khai, Hµ NÈi *Website: www.

TP.HCM Vietnam House cn c„ khu v˘c lµm thˆ ngoµi trÍi Æ” tπo Æi“u ki÷n cho bπn t˘ tay lµm thˆ c∏c s∂n ph»m m¸ ngh÷. Ngoµi ra, bπn Æıng qu™n cÔng bπn bà th≠Îng th¯c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n nhπc d©n tÈc tı 10h30 Æ’n 11h30 vµo th¯ B∂y vµ ChÒ nhÀt. (VIETNAM HOUSE *187 Nguy‘n V®n H≠Îng, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2, TP.HCM)

Phong c∏ch mÌi tπi th∂o ßi“n Diabolo, th≠¨ng hi÷u chuy™n v“ nÈi th†t Æ≠¨ng Æπi thÀp ni™n 1950 vµ 1960, Æ∑ ra mæt showroom Æ«u ti™n tπi Vi÷t Nam mang t™n Diabolo Square. Diabolo Square lµ n¨i dµnh ri™ng cho ngh÷ thuÀt thi’t k’ vµ trang tr› Æ≠¨ng Æπi. Trong kh´ng gian trµn ngÀp ∏nh s∏ng rÈng tr™n 500m2, Diabolo Square Æem Æ’n c∏c bÈ s≠u tÀp nÈi th†t ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ«y mµu sæc mang d†u †n cÒa c∏c nhµ thi’t k’ ch©u ¢u vµ Æ≠Óc ch’ tπo tπi Vi÷t Nam. Diabolo Square chÒ ˝ sæp Æ∆t th’ giÌi cÒa m◊nh trong mÈt kh´ng gian mÎ hi÷n Æπi Æ«y ∏nh s∏ng t˘ nhi™n. Diabolo Square cn

h≠Ìng tÌi mÙc ti™u sœ trÎ thµnh mÈt Æa Æi”m tÊ ch¯c nh˜ng s˘ ki÷n ÆÈc Æ∏o, giÌi thi÷u nhi“u h¨n n˜a c∏c nhµ thi’t k’ vµ ngh÷ s‹ tµi n®ng trong l‹nh v˘c ngh÷ thuÀt vµ thi’t k’. (DIABOLO SQUARE *10 Tr«n Ng‰c Di÷n, An PhÛ, Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2, TP. HCM)



New concept store in Thao Dien



Diabolo, a well known brand that designs furniture in the vintage style of the 1950s and 1960s, has launched its first showroom in Vietnam - Diabolo Square. Diabolo Square is a special world of contemporary decoration and design. This space has over 500 square meters to accommodate its collection of furniture, lighting, tableware, home textiles, etc. conceptualized by major European interior designers and crafted in Vietnam.




esigner Vo Trong Nghia, a talented architect, is well-known for his bamboo works. His concept, Vietnam House is an excellent place for lovers of sightseeing and discover Saigon's traditional craft village culture. Vietnam House features 50 souvenir booths and 12 mini production sites representing the 12 major crafts of the country; bamboo and rattan, sedge and water hyacinth, ceramics, carpentry, lacquering, embroidery, stone sculpting, weaving, paper crafting, painting, and metal crafts.

There is an outdoor section for visitors to learn and make crafts themselves. Don't miss the chance to enjoy traditional music performances scheduled from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday. Spanning an area of 2,300m2 near the Saigon River, Vietnam House is where foreign customers and investors can get an overview of classic Vietnamese handicraft products. (VIETNAM HOUSE *187 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Dist. 2, HCMC)


Gifts for art lovers Actress Luong Giang has reopened her large and art gallery for lovers of paintings. With an area of 120m2, Megan Gallery showcases more than 40 paintings from genres such as lacquering, varnishing, do paper, watercolor, and enameled painting by Vinh Co, Nguyen Xuan Tiep, Pham Binh Chuong, Herry Quy Kien, The Anh, Hoang Ha Tung, Phan Bach, Luong Giang, Do Huu Triet, Tran Lien, and Khanh



Hung. In addition, the gallery exhibits unique sculptures and ceramics. Megan Gallery promises to be the destination of both amateur and professional artists who love artworks and aesthetic beauty. (MEGAN GALLERY *30-32 Hoa Ma, Hanoi)


A new Thai interior center in Hanoi Index Living Mall, the leading Specialty Mall for Home Furnishing in

Thailand has opened an outlet in Hanoi. Spanning an area of more than 5,000m2, the Index Living Mall in Times City is divided into separated areas. The home-d채cor area has introduced a selection of house furnishing items from glassware and cookware to statues and paintings, as well as model living spaces. The mattress area showcases latex mattresses, spring mattress, and other products like pillows and blankets. The kids's corner displays colorful wardrobes, tables, chairs,

Diabolo Square is intentionally to be an open space full of natural light. Diabolo Square also aims at becoming the best place for events, to introduce more talented artists and designers. (DIABOLO SQUARE *10 Tran Ngoc Dien, An Phu, Thao Dien, Dist. 2, HCMC)

and beds for children at all ages. Index Living Mall in Times City also has a one-price area with hundreds of convenience products. (INDEX LIVING MALL *B1 floor, Vincom Megamall Times City, 458 Minh Khai, Hanoi *Website: www.

Text: Que Lan - Photos: Nikko Hanoi




aiseki lµ ngh÷ thuÀt c©n bªng gi˜a h≠¨ng v, mµu sæc vµ c∏ch bµi tr› c∏c nguy™n li÷u sˆ dÙng trong m„n ®n NhÀt B∂n. Ch˜ "Seki" c„ ngh‹a lµ "mÔa" v◊ th’ mµ c∏c m„n ®n trong th˘c ƨn Kaiseki cÚng lu´n "bi’n h„a" theo mÔa. Th˘c ƨn mÔa hà gÂm 10 m„n, vÌi Æi”m nh†n lµ khai v cµ chua ®n kÃm rong bi”n mozuku thanh m∏t c„ v chua du nhã, m◊ soba trµ xanh, salad c∏ ngı b vµ bπch tuÈc ®n kÃm xËt chua. Salad c∏ ngı b lµ s˘ k’t hÓp vÌi rong bi”n træng, rong bi”n Æ· rau c∂i m«m vµ n≠Ìc xËt Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa b’p tr≠Îng. M„n ch›nh lµ m◊ soba truy“n thËng Æ≠Óc ≠Ìp lπnh tr™n mÈt khay Æ∏ vi™n, khi th≠Îng th¯c th◊ nhÛng m◊ trong n≠Ìc xËt ÆÀu nµnh kÃm theo mÈt chÛt hµnh hoa vµ gıng sÓi. Th˘c ƨn th∏ng 5 cn c„ c∏ hË cuÈn khoai t©y n≠Ìng, b∏nh mochi b‰c trong l∏ sÂi t≠¨i hay bπch tuÈc ®n kÃm xËt chua, ...

SEASONAL KAISEKI Kaiseki is the art balancing the taste, texture, appearance, and colors of food in Japanese culinary culture. Seki means seasonal; therefore kaiseki menus are seasonally changed. Using each season's best ingredients is the key to kaiseki. Summer's kaiseki includes 10 dishes highlighted by tomatoes and seaweed appetizers, green tea soba, Katsuo tataki salad, and octopus with amazu sauce. Katsuo tataki (skipjack tuna) is a delightful salad with katsuo tataki mixed with white and red seaweed, daikon sprouts, and the special sauce. Chilled soba noodles on a tray of ice cubes is the main course. When enjoying this dish, dip the noodles in soy sauce seasoned with spring onion and thin strips of ginger. The May's menu also includes grilled beltfish rolles with potato, mochi cakes wrapped inside fresh oak leaves, and octopus served with a tangy sauce. BENKAY RESTAURANT - HOTEL NIKKO HANOI 84 Tran Nhan Tong, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi Tel: 04 3822 3535




Text: Phan C∏c TrÛc - Photos: Le Meridien

LE MERIDIEN SAIGON 3C Ton Duc Thang, Dist. 1, HCMC - Website: www. Prices: VND500,000/adult (including tea, coffee, and fruit juice) VND250,000/ child aged from 3 to 12. Free for children under 3 years old.




B˜a S∏ng Î

LE MERIDIEN B˜a s∏ng lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng b˜a ®n quan tr‰ng nh†t trong ngµy, bÎi Æ©y lµ b˜a duy nh†t mµ bπn Æ≠Óc khuy™n lµ "H∑y ®n nh≠ mÈt v vua". Bπn c„ t m mÈt b˜a s∏ng h†p d…n dµnh cho "mÈt v vua" theo phong c∏ch Sµi Gn - n¨i giao thoa gi˜a hai n“n v®n h„a É - ¢u nh≠ th’ nµo?

1. Signature items that you can only find at Le Meridien Salmon Eggs Benedict: Benedict is one of most delicious European breakfast dishes. Le Meridien's Salmon Egg Benedict consists of grilled salmon, poached egg, toasted English muffins, and a passion hollandaise sauce made from cheese and egg yolk.


Panda Crepe: The mini version of pandan crepe made from dried coconut, peanut, cinnamon, and chocolate will mesmerize all sweet lovers.

Salmon Egg Benedict: tr¯ng b∏c Benedict lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng b˜a s∏ng ki”u ¢u h†p d…n nh†t th’ giÌi. Salmon egg benedict Î Le Meridien bao gÂm tr¯ng ch«n, c∏ hÂi x´ng kh„i, b∏nh m◊ muffin n≠Ìng vµ xËt hollandaise - mÈt loπi xËt lµm tı b¨ vµ lng Æ· tr¯ng gµ.

Brioche French Toast: Prepared with caramelized mango, longan honey, ginger froth, and cinnamon powder, the Brioche French Toast is a must-try breakfast dish offered at Le Meridien. Since the 5th century, traditional French Toast has consisted of slices of bread dipped in milk and beaten eggs, fried and served with powdered sugar or honey. The French call this dish pain perdu - "lost bread" as it is a way to reclaim stale or otherwise "lost" bread.

Signature Items - Nh˜ng m„n bπn chÿ t◊m th†y Î Le Meridien

Pandan Crepe: Phi™n b∂n mini cÒa b∏nh crepe l∏ d¯a tπi Æ©y Æ≠Óc lµm tı dıa kh´, ÆÀu phÈng, chocolate h≠¨ng qu’ sœ chinh phÙc nh˜ng ai th›ch ®n ng‰t. Brioche French Toast: ß≠Óc lµm tı xoµi caramel, mÀt ong nh∑n, bÈt qu’, vµ b‰t gıng (ginger froth), Brioche French Toast lµ m„n bπn kh´ng n™n b· qua khi dÔng b˜a s∏ng tπi Le Meridien. C„ lch sˆ tı th’ k˚ th¯ V, French Toast truy“n thËng lµ b∏nh m◊ nhÛng tr¯ng s˜a, sau Æ„ Æem r∏n l™n, rÂi ræc mÈt lÌp Æ≠Íng bÈt, ho∆c r≠Ìi mÀt ong. Ng≠Íi Ph∏p g‰i m„n nµy lµ "Pain perdu" - "chi’c b∏nh m◊ b v¯t/ b Æ∏nh m†t" (Lost Bread), do nguÂn gËc m„n nµy Æ’n tı vi÷c tÀn dÙng nh˜ng m»u b∏nh m◊ cn thıa lπi.


B∏nh Pastry: Cn g◊ bªng mÈt b˜a s∏ng cπnh ly cafä s˜a th¨m cπnh c∏c m„n b∏nh pastry Danish xËp m“m vµ ng‰t ngµo k’t hÓp vÌi c∏c loπi hπt, m¯t hoa qu∂ ho∆c chocolate nh≠ Chocolate Danish, Fruits Danish, Almond Danish...


Eye Openers: Nh˜ng th¯c uËng khÎi ÆÈng c¨ th” vµo b˜a s∏ng bªng s˘ k’t hÓp h≠¨ng v, mµu sæc c∏c loπi tr∏i c©y kh∏c nhau nh≠ M∑ng c«u Xi™m + qu˝t + cµ rËt (Sweet Eye Opener) t®ng c≠Íng n®ng l≠Óng vµ cung c†p vitamin; xoµi + hÛng qu’ + tæc (Tangy Eye Opener) Æem lπi c∂m gi∏c t≠¨i m∏t thanh l‰c c¨ th”; chanh d©y + gıng + nha Æam (Spicy Eye Opener) lµm †m n„ng, ch˜a lµnh nh˜ng tÊn th≠¨ng.


B∏nh m◊ Sµi Gn: Kh∏ch sπn Le Meridien lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng n¨i ›t ·i Æem Æ’n cho du kh∏ch th’ giÌi »m th˘c Æ≠Íng phË qua nh˜ng chi’c b∏nh m◊ ch†t l≠Óng vıa bäo ngÀy v b¨ pate, vıa ÆÀm Ƶ, Æ«y h≠¨ng v cÒa tht, rau th¨m, th∂o mÈc, Ìt...


Breakfast is considered the most important meal as you are advised to "eat like a King". How do you suppose a King would enjoy his breakfast in Saigon, where Asian culture meets European style?

Cafä Illy: Le Meridien sˆ dÙng cafä Illy Æ∆c tr≠ng ≥, l˝ t≠Îng Æ” pha cappuccino, latter, espresso...Cappuccino ki”u ≥ bao gÂm cµ ph™ espresso pha vÌi mÈt l≠Óng n≠Ìc g†p Æ´i (espresso lungo), s˜a n„ng vµ s˜a Æ∏nh sÒi b‰t, sau cÔng ræc mÈt lÌp bÈt ca cao vµ/hay bÈt qu’ Æ” th≠Îng th¯c theo c∏ch truy“n thËng. VÌi nh˜ng ai muËn hπn ch’ caffeine, bπn c„ th” g‰i m„n Latte - th¯c uËng c„ l≠Óng s˜a g†p Æ´i Cappuccino.

2. Pastries: What could be better than enjoying breakfast with a glass of aromatic Vietnamese coffee and soft Danishes with fruit jam, chocolate and an assortment of nuts. You can choose between the chocolate Danish, Fruits Danish, Almond Danish, and more. 3. Eye Openers: The flavors, aromas and colors of fruits as well as fresh vegetables and spices combine to create your first discovery of the morning. A sweet eye opener (soursop + tangerine + Carrot) boosts your energy with vitamins. The tangy eye opener (mango + Vietnamese basil + calamansi) leaves you feeling fresh and purifies your body, while the spicy eye opener (passion fruit + Aloe vera + ginger) has wonderful healing properties and will warm you up from head to toe. 4. B∏nh m˙ Saigon: Le Meridien is one of few hotels where you can enjoy streetfood. The b∏nh m◊ (Vietnamese Sandwich) is both greasy and flavorful with Vietnamese mortadella, braised pork belly, mayonnaise, cucumber, coriander, spring onion, soy, and chilli. 5. Illy Cafä: Le Meridien uses Italian Illy coffee for its cappuccinos, lattes, and espresso. An Italian cappuccino is traditionally prepared with espresso mixed with the double amount of water (espresso lungo), steamed milk, and is often topped with cocoa or cinnamon. If you don't like much caffeine, you can have your latte with doubled milk.




T‰a lπc tr™n b∑i D≠¨ng ß´ng - mÈt trong nh˜ng b∑i bi”n Æãp nh†t cÒa Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc, Æ≠Óc bao quanh bÎi c∏nh rıng nhi÷t ÆÌi xanh r◊ vµ lµn n≠Ìc mµu xanh ng‰c b›ch cÒa Vnh Th∏i Lan, La Veranda Resort lµ n¨i dıng ch©n l˝ t≠Îng cho chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh Æ„n næng hà cÒa du kh∏ch.

ß„ ch›nh lµ l˝ do ekip Travelive l˘a ch‰n n¨i Æ©y Æ” th˘c hi÷n bÈ ∂nh thÍi trang vµ b◊a cho sË chuy™n Æ“ Islands & Island Resorts 2016. Situated on Duong Dong, one of the most beautiful beaches on Phu Quoc Island and surrounded by lush green gardens and Thailand Bay's jade water, La Veranda Resort is an ideal place for your summer holiday. This is the reason why Travellive Fashion ekip chooses the resort for Island & Island Resorts 2016 issue.

MGallery by Sofitel LA VERANDA RESORT PHU QUOC Tran Hung Dao, Duong Dong Beach, Phu Quoc Website:

Model: MARION (Tay Models Agency) Photographer: TRAN DUY NAM M.U.A: AN NGUYEN - Stylist: JUN NGUYEN Costumes & Accessories: TOPSHOP (Hoang Thanh Building, Mai Hac De, Hanoi) , Accessorizes (Vincom Tower, Ba Trieu, Hanoi) TRAVELLIVE






ªm trong bÈ s≠u tÀp MGallery cÒa Sofitel, La Veranda Resort g©y †n t≠Óng mπnh vÌi du kh∏ch Î lËi ki’n trÛc ß´ng D≠¨ng ÆÀm ch†t cÊ Æi”n, gÓi nhÌ v“ mÈt bi÷t th˘ b™n b∑i bi”n cÒa Ph∏p vÌi nÈi th†t gÁ n©u b„ng, Æ∏ mosaic, nh˜ng t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt tı gπch, quπt tr«n ki”u cÊ, cˆa ra vµo hai lÌp vµ tr«n nhµ cao. As a member of MGallery by Sofitel, La Veranda Resort charms visitors with its Indochinese architecture, boasting a glossy brown interior, mosaic stone, brick artworks, antique ceiling fans, two-layer doors, and high ceilings reminiscent of French mansions.



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KhÉch sÑn, resort HÄng ß¡u viåt nam The leading hotels and resorts in Vietnam Th´ng tin chi ti’t xem tπi For more details, please follow the link below TRAVELLIVE








Î h˜u Æ≠Íng bÍ bi”n vÌi b∑i c∏t træng tuy÷t Æãp vµ lµn n≠Ìc bi”n trong xanh hi’m c„, La Veranda lµ l˘a ch‰n hoµn h∂o cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch muËn tÀn h≠Îng mÈt mÔa hà ÆÛng ngh‹a vÌi s„ng bi”n. Vµ sau Æ„, cn g◊ tuy÷t h¨n vi÷c tæm næng tr™n nh˜ng chi’c gh’ dµi b™n bÍ bi”n hay th≠Îng th¯c mÈt ly cocktail m∏t r≠Ói tı qu«y bar cÒa resort n˜a ch¯?

With the long coastline, a beautiful white sandy beach and clear water, La Veranda is the perfect choice for you to enjoy a truly relaxing summer. What could be better than sunbathing on long decks on the beach or having a cocktail at the resort's bar?




N®m 18 tuÊi t´i b “Æ∏”, cÀu bπn gµ b´ng thÍi c†p 3 c„ ngay bπn g∏i mÌi khi vµo Æπi h‰c. Con bä 18 tuÊi ngµy †y coi th≠Íng s¯c kh·e tÌi m¯c b· ®n, Æ„ng k›n cˆa phng, thÀm ch› cn giÀn dÁi lu´n c∂ ba mã. MÈt chi“u th¯ S∏u, ba Æ’n tr≠Íng Æ„n t´i sau giÍ tÀp nhπc. §ng chÎ t´i v“ nhµ l†y qu«n ∏o vµ vµi th¯ linh tinh c†t vµo ba l´ rÂi chπy xe mÈt mπch v“ ph›a Æ´ng thµnh phË. Sau khi gˆi xe, ´ng mua vä tµu ra mÈt hn Æ∂o nh· cho 2 ba con. ßnh bÙng sœ im re nh≠ng rÂi cuËi cÔng, khi b≠Ìc ch©n xuËng c«u tµu væng hoe, t´i Ƶnh mÎ lÍi tr≠Ìc: “M◊nh Æi Æ©u vÀy ba? Con Æang kh„ chu, Æi tÌi chÁ vıa xa vıa væng vŒ th’ nµy con chÿ th†y ÿu x◊u h¨n th´i”.

When I was 18 years old, I got lovesick since my boyfriend at high school loved another girl upon studying at university. The 18-year-old girl that time considered her health nothing, not eating for days. I locked myself in my room, and even got angry with my parents. Nªm c∏ch bi÷t vÌi Ɔt li“n, Æ∂o vµ resort tr™n Æ∂o lµ l˘a ch‰n tuy÷t vÍi Æ” t◊m ki’m mÈt mÔa hà y™n b◊nh.

“BÎi vÀy ba mÌi t∏ch con ra Æ≠Óc kh·i m‰i chuy÷n ΠƆt li“n. Tı tı rÂi ba sœ chÿ con c∏ch chia tay m†y chuy÷n buÂn”. T´i Æ∑ cÔng ba l∆n gi˜a nh˜ng Ƶn c∏, nhÍ s„ng bi”n ha tan n≠Ìc mæt. T´i Æ∑ cÔng ba Ưng tr™n m·m Æ∏ ch™nh v™nh, dang rÈng tay Æ” gi„ bi”n cuËn Æi nh˜ng bÛi t©m t≠ ngËc ngh’ch. ThÀt k˙ di÷u, m‰i †m ¯c trong lng d≠Íng nh≠ Æ∑ tr´i Æi Æ©u m†t, chÿ cn lπi b◊nh y™n khi cÔng ba nªm Ɖc s∏ch d≠Ìi nh˜ng t∏n dıa xanh m∏t. Ba n„i ÆÛng, ng≠Íi d≠ng kh´ng tr©n tr‰ng t´i lµ c∏i cÌ v´ l˝ nh†t Æ” t´i lµm bÀn t©m ng≠Íi th©n m◊nh. “Chuy÷n t◊nh” cÒa t´i vµ Æ∂o Æ∑ bæt Æ«u nh≠ th’. Nh˜ng n®m th∏ng sau nµy, khi tr≠Îng thµnh, mÁi khi cuÈc sËng mang tÌi vµi “c¨n b∑o”, t´i v…n t◊m tÌi mÈt hn Æ∂o Æ” gi„ vµ s„ng ÆuÊi m‰i nÁi buÂn Æi, l†p Æ«y kho∂ng trËng Æ„ bªng b◊nh y™n. Cn bπn, bπn sœ ch‰n n¨i Æ©u Æ” gˆi gæm t©m t≠, h∑y chia sŒ vÌi Travellive n’u bπn t◊m Æ≠Óc mÈt hn Æ∂o b◊nh y™n cÒa ri™ng m◊nh nhä!

Th∂o Nguy‘n Managing Editor



One Friday afternoon, my father picked me up after my music lesson, brought me home to get some clothes and personal stuff before driving eastward. After parking our car, he bought two tickets to a small island. I hadn’t planned to say anything, but upon arriving at a quiet wharf, I couldn’t help but ask: - Where are we going, Dad? You know I am sad, so why do you take me to such a deserted place? - I want to bring you far away from sad things you have in the mainland. I’ll teach you how to say bye to them, girl.

Isolated from the mainland, islands and islands resorts are the best choices for those who are seeking tranquility this summer.

We dived with fish, crying with the ocean. We stood on high cliffs, letting the sea breeze wipe out all my stupid sadness. How magical it was! I seemed to forget what had upset me. I just wanted to lie under the coconut trees, reading my favorite books. My Dad was right. It’s stupid to let my beloved ones down because others don’t respect me. That how my love story with islands began. Time passed, I’m mature now. Whenever the life gives me “a storm”, I travel to an island so that winds and waves can erase my sorrow and fill my soul with tranquility. What about you? Which place is your “soulmate”? Share with us when you find your own peaceful island!



πm qu™n Æi nh˜ng hËi h∂, nhÈn nhp cÒa cuÈc sËng hµng ngµy, gi˜a kh´ng gian y™n b◊nh cÒa La Veranda, du kh∏ch sœ hoµn toµn tÀn h≠Îng c∂m gi∏c th≠ th∏i khi chÀm r∑i b≠Ìc Æi tr™n b∑i bi”n mÁi sÌm b◊nh minh hay khi ngÂi lπi d≠Ìi b™n ban c´ng resort, læng nghä ti’ng s„ng bi”n r◊ rµo vµ ngæm ∏nh næng hoµng h´n Æang phÒ vµng „ng l™n ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa chËn nµy. Forget your busy daily life, walk on the beach at sunrise or sit on the balcony while listening to the melodies of waves during sunset when red orange light cover the unique resort, and you know you have found your own place of tranquility.




ISLAND RESORT "PHÅI TõI" MùA Há 2016 Text: Cac Truc - Que Lan Thao Nguyen

10 "MUST-STAY" ISLAND RESORTS IN SUMMER 2016 SÎ h˜u v tr› h≠Ìng bi”n tuy÷t Æãp, lËi ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, dch vÙ l≠u trÛ cao c†p vµ kh´ng gian y™n b◊nh, resort tr™n Æ∂o lµ l˘a ch‰n tuy÷t vÍi Æ” "nu´ng chi“u" c∏c cung bÀc c∂m xÛc khi Ææm m◊nh gi˜a bi”n n≠Ìc m©y trÍi. Travellive giÌi thi÷u 10 island resort tπi Vi÷t Nam, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines vµ Hµn QuËc mµ du kh∏ch "kh´ngth”-b·-qua" cho chuy’n nghÿ d≠Ïng mÔa hà 2016" . Boasting a prime seafront location with a unique architectural design and an array of exciting activities to offer, island resorts are the best choices for your family to soak in the endless enjoyment of the sea. Travellive would like to introduce you to 10 dreamy locations in Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines and South Korea.



Bunga Raya Island Resort & Spa, Malaysia







VINPEARL HALONG BAY RESORT Reu Island, Bai Chay, Ha Long Hotline: 1900 1109 - Website:



ghÿ d≠Ïng tr™n mÈt trong nh˜ng hfln Æ∂o ri™ng bi÷t nh†t cÒa vfinh Hπ Long sœ kh´ng cfln lµ xa vÍi n’u bπn Æ’n vÌi khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Vinpearl Hπ Long Bay Resort vµ tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∆c quy“n tπi Presidential Suite - phflng TÊng ThËng. VÌi nh˜ng vfi kh∏ch Æ’n Presidential Suite l«n Æ«u ti™n, hºn nhi™n hoµn toµn c„ th” lπc lËi bÎi di÷n t›ch rÈng Æ’n 350m2, gÂm 5 phflng ri™ng bi÷t thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch ch©u ¢u cÊ Æi”n vÌi Æ«y ÆÒ ti÷n nghi cao c†p, Æ≠Óc th´ng vÌi nhau bÎi c∏c lËi Æi nh· mµ v…n Æ∂m b∂o s˘ ri™ng t≠ cho mÁi phflng. C„ di÷n t›ch lÌn nh†t, phflng kh∏ch nÊi bÀt vÌi nh˜ng ti÷n nghi sang tr‰ng, tı gh’ sofa lÌn, tivi mµn h◊nh HD 60 inch mang lπi nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ›ch th˘c. B™n cπnh lµ phflng ®n rÈng lÌn, phflng lµm vi÷c Æ≠Óc trang bfi Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c thi’t bfi ti÷n nghi cao c†p, phflng tæm trang bfi x´ng h¨i, x´ng kh´, ∏o choµng theo phong c∏ch Ph∏p, cÔng nhi“u ti÷n ›ch kh∏c. Hai phflng ngÒ, mÁi phflng gÂm mÈt gi≠Íng lÌn, phflng thay Æ vµ ban c´ng ri™ng, n¨i bπn c„ t«m nh◊n Æãp nh†t Æ” th≠Îng ngoπn hoµng h´n tr™n vfinh Hπ Long. MÈt Æ™m nghÿ tπi President Suite sœ cho phäp du kh∏ch tÀn h≠Îng c∏c dfich vÙ mi‘n ph› bao gÂm: g„i chµo mıng cao c†p, tµu cao tËc di chuy”n ra Æ∂o, 2 s©n tennis ngoµi trÍi, ba b∑i tæm ri™ng bi÷t, b” b¨i, phflng tÀp th” dÙc vµ phflng spa sang tr‰ng.

ONE NIGHT AT THE PRESIDENTIAL SUITE Located on one of the most private islands in Ha Long Bay, Vinpearl Ha Long Bay Resort offers you a personal waterfront getaway with exceptional experiences in one of our two expansive Presidential Suites. Visitors checking in for the first time might be lost in its 350m2 area. Each Presidential Suite consists of 5 separate rooms ensuring absolute privacy. Each room is designed in a European style and fully equipped with high-end amenities. The living room, the largest area of the Presidential Suite, has an array of luxurious furnishings such as a large cream sofa and 60 inch HDTV, ensuring that your experience is comfortable. Situated next to the living room, the dining room and an office boast premium amenities while the bathroom is extraordinary with a sauna as well as French inspired bathrobes. The two bedrooms include a King bed, a dressing room and a spacious balcony where you can immerse yourself in the breath taking sunset at Halong Bay. The Presidential Suites also entitle you to custom complimentary services, including a premium welcome package, boat transfer to and from island, outside tennis courts, three private beaches, swimming pools, and a fitness room. TRAVELLIVE



SIX SENSES CON DAO RESORT & SPA Dat Doc Beach, Con Dao, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Website:



fla trong khung c∂nh hoang s¨ cÒa C´n ß∂o lµ mÈt Six Senses ti÷n nghi, hi÷n Æπi nh≠ng cÚng kh´ng käm ph«n t˘ nhi™n - Æi”m Æ’n hoµn h∂o Æ” Æ∏nh th¯c m‰i gi∏c quan. S˘ k’t hÓp Æ«y tinh t’ cÒa Æ≠Íng nät thi’t k’ hi÷n Æπi tr™n ch†t li÷u gÁ t’ch truy“n thËng mang tÌi du kh∏ch tr∂i nghi÷m nghÿ d≠Ïng cao c†p vµ sang tr‰ng ngay gi˜a kh´ng gian xanh ng∏t cÒa bi”n vµ trÍi. Bπn c„ th” th∂ m◊nh trong lµn n≠Ìc bi”n †m ∏p cÒa buÊi sÌm mai hay tho∂ th›ch ng©m m◊nh trong h b¨i ri™ng trong bi÷t th˘ h≠Ìng bi”n. Cfln g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n nh˜ng sÌm b◊nh minh cÔng ng≠Íi th©n y™u b≠Ìc ch©n tr«n tr™n n“n c∏t bi”n træng mfin, chπm tay vµo lµn n≠Ìc m∏t rÂi nªm dµi tr™n tr™n bÍ c∏t, læng nghe b∂n nhπc ng…u h¯ng cÒa s„ng vµ gi„, nhµn nh∑ Ɖc mÈt cuËn s∏ch hay chÿ ƨn gi∂n lµ nhæm mæt nghÿ ng¨i Æ” cho nh˜ng c¨n gi„ bi”n ÆÔa nghfich tr™n t„c. CuËi ngµy, Æıng qu™n dµnh ra nh˜ng gi©y phÛt nu´ng chi“u c¨ th” cÔng c∏c trfi li÷u spa chuy™n dÙng cÒa resort. N’u nh≠ s˘ hoang s¨ vµ thanh b◊nh cÒa bi”n Æ∂o lµ mÈt lÍi mÍi g‰i quy’n rÚ th◊ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m ti÷n nghi nh≠ng v…n hµi hfla cÔng thi™n nhi™n hoang s¨ cÒa Six Senses ch›nh lµ c∏i n›u tay Æ«y tha thi’t cÒa C´n ß∂o vÌi l˜ kh∏ch. ß„ ch›nh lµ l˝ do Æ” Six Senses C´n ß∂o x’p vfi tr› th¯ 3 trong danh s∏ch 7 khu nghÿ d≠Ïng xanh th©n thi÷n nh†t th’ giÌi, theo Æ∏nh gi∏ cÒa Huffingtonpost vµ nªm trong top 25 khu nghÿ d≠Ïng tËt nh†t th’ giÌi do TripAdvisor b◊nh ch‰n n®m 2014. Tı nay Æ’n 31/10.2017, du kh∏ch nghÿ tı 3 Æ™m trÎ l™n tπi Six Senses C´n ß∂o sœ Æ≠Óc mi‘n ph› vä m∏y bay nÈi Æfia vµ Æ≠a Æ„n tı s©n bay Æ’n resort. Ngoµi ra, Six Senses cfln cung c†p dfich vÙ nghÿ Æ™m vµ Æ≠a Æ„n tı TP.HCM Æ’n resort.




APPEAL TO ALL SENSES Set among the pristine backdrop of Con Dao, the Six Senses resort is modern yet naturally friendly - an ideal place appealing to your all senses. The resort's fine combination of modern architecture and teakwood offers you the chance to enjoy luxury amidst the sea's tranquility. Immerse yourself in the warm, early morning water or soak in the private seaside pool. Stroll along the beach with your beloved at sunrise to feel smooth sand under your feet. Touch the cool water, then lie on the beach listening to the melodies of the wind and waves. Read your favorite book or close your eyes and let the wind

play with your hair. Then, end your day by treating yourself to spa services and special treatments at the resort. Isn't it wonderful? While you might be attracted by the island's serenity, the hotels modern and environmentally friendly resources are what hooks you at the resort. This is also the reason Six Senses Con Dao was listed by TripAdvisor as one of the world's 25 best resorts and ranked No.3 among the world's 7 most friendly green resorts by the Huffington Post in 2014. Six Senses Con Dao offers free domestic flights and airport transfer for stays of 3 nights or longer. Moreover, the resort provides overnight accommodation with transfer in HCMC until October 31st, 2017.




AN LAM NINH VAN BAY VILLAS Ninh Hoa, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Website:





Mô MÄ ßïNG


ªm tr™n d∂i Ɔt c„ vfi th’ phong thÒy tuy÷t Æãp, l≠ng d˘a d∑y nÛi Hfln HÃo thoai tho∂i, m∆t h≠Ìng vfinh bi”n hi“n hfla, Æ≠Óc bao quanh bÎi khu rıng xanh ngæt, Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng An L©m Ninh V©n Bay vÌi ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, ti÷n nghi cao c†p, ÆÈi ngÚ phÙc vÙ chuy™n nghi÷p tı l©u Æ∑ Æ≠Óc kh∏ch du lfich tr™n th’ giÌi bi’t Æ’n vµ x’p hπng cao trong c∏c cuÈc b◊nh ch‰n cÒa tπp ch› du lfich uy t›n Conde Nast Traveller vµ website du lfich danh ti’ng Tripsadvisor. DÔ h≠Ìng m∆t ra bi”n hay d˘a l≠ng cheo leo tr™n dËc nÛi, c∏c villa cÒa khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ“u mang ÆÀm phong c∏ch th»m m¸ An L©m nhÍ c∏ch k’t hÓp tinh t’ gi˜a c∏c vÀt li÷u - Æ∏ vµ gÁ trong x©y d˘ng: v˜ng ch∑i mµ khäo läo, ƨn gi∂n mµ l∑ng mπn, hi÷n Æπi mµ r†t Vi÷t Nam, †m cÛng mµ ph„ng kho∏ng, sang tr‰ng, tËi t©n nh≠ng lu´n hfla hÓp vÌi t˘ nhi™n. MÁi villa Æ“u c„ kh´ng gian sinh hoπt rÈng vÌi h b¨i, s©n tæm næng gi˜a v≠Ín c©y xanh m∏t. ßi”m ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng An L©m Ninh V©n Bay ch›nh lµ lËi ki’n trÛc "mÎ mµ Æ„ng". ß” tÌi An L©m Ninh V©n Bay, g«n nh≠ chÿ c„ mÈt con Æ≠Íng - Æi thuy“n v≠Ót bi”n. Nh˜ng ngµy l≠u trÛ tπi An L©m, du kh∏ch sœ kh´ng c«n sˆ dÙng Æ’n b†t c¯ loπi kh„a cˆa nµo, dÔ lµ kh„a ch◊a hay thŒ tı. ThÀm ch›, chºng c«n Æ„ng cˆa, c∏c villa Î An L©m v…n trÎ thµnh nh˜ng c‚i ri™ng tuy÷t ÆËi. Kh´ng gian "mÎ mµ Æ„ng" †y khi’n kh∏ch c∂m th†y nh≠ c∂ thi™n Æ≠Íng tuy÷t Æãp n¨i Æ©y chÿ dµnh cho m◊nh. MÔa hà nµy, n’u bπn Æang t◊m ki’m mÈt kh´ng gian bi”n trÍi bao la, xanh ngæt b◊nh y™n vµ t˘ do, tr∏nh xa nh˜ng Ân µo th◊ An L©m Ninh V©n Bay Villas ch›nh lµ Æi”m Æ’n kh´ng th” b· qua.

Situated in a prime location against the slope of the Hon Heo Mountains and overlooking the picturesque bay and surrounded by lush green forests, An Lam Ninh Van Bay is renowned worldwide for its unique design, luxurious facilities and professional staff. The resort has ranked highly on the lists of the prestigious Conde Nast Traveler and has been highly recommend by Tripsadvisor. Whether facing the sea or leaning against the steep cliffs, each villa shares An Lam's special aesthetic: stable but sophisticated, simple yet romantic, modern yet Vietnamese, cozy yet liberal, luxurious but always harmonious with nature. Each villa is private with a swimming pool and sunbathing flatform set in a lush green garden. A noticeable feature of An Lam Ninh Van Bay Villas is its "open but closed" architecture. There is only one way to visit An Lam Ninh Van Bay - by sea. During your stay here, you don't need any keys. The villas aren't even locked but your space is absolutely private. This "open yet closed" space will make you feel like this whole paradise is yours. If you are seeking peace by the immense sea this summer, then the An Lam Ninh Bay Villas is your best bet. TRAVELLIVE



MGALLERY BY SOFITEL LA VERANDA RESORT PHU QUOC Tran Hung Dao, Duong Dong Beach, Phu Quoc Website:



ªm tr™n b∑i bi”n c∏t træng tuy÷t Æãp gi˜a bËn b“ bi”n th®m thºm xanh cÒa PhÛ QuËc, La Veranda lµ chËn nghÿ ng¨i v´ cÔng ÆÈc Æ∏o cho du kh∏ch mÔa hà nµy. Ngay tı khi b≠Ìc ch©n vµo cÊng resort, bπn sœ b†t ngÍ khi bæt g∆p kh´ng gian xanh r◊ cÒa nh˜ng t∏n c©y nhi÷t ÆÌi gi˜a c∏c lËi Æi. VÌi ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa toµ nhµ



nªm gi˜a v≠Ín c©y nhi÷t ÆÌi, La Veranda khi’n ng≠Íi ta nhÌ Æ’n nh˜ng toµ dinh th˘ cÒa thuÈc Æfia Ph∏p lÈng l…y thÍi ß´ng D≠¨ng: nÈi th†t n©u b„ng, Æ∏ mosaic, nh˜ng t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt tı gπch, quπt tr«n ki”u cÊ, cˆa ra vµo hai lÌp vµ tr«n nhµ cao... D†u †n ki’n trÛc Ph∏p thuÈc vµ nh˜ng nät v®n h„a Vi÷t pha trÈn hµi hfla khi c∏c vÀt dÙng, tranh vœ tr≠ng bµy Æi”m xuy’t d‰c hµnh lang k’t hÓp vÌi nÈi th†t Æ gÁ cÊ x≠a ÆÀm sæc mµu v®n ho∏ Vi÷t. Nªm trong bÈ s≠u tÀp MGallery cÒa

Sofitel, La Veranda lµ n¨i bπn kh´ng chÿ t◊m th†y cho m◊nh nh˜ng ngµy nghÿ d≠Ïng hoµn h∂o mµ cfln th≠Îng th¯c mÈt kh´ng gian c„ gi∏ trfi lfich sˆ, mÈt phong c∏ch ri™ng vµ kh∏c lπ khi Æi du lfich Æ’n mÈt mi“n Ɔt mÌi. Vµ dÔ lµ khi s´i ÆÈng trong nh˜ng trfl th” thao d≠Ìi n≠Ìc hay khi th∂ hÂn theo giai Æi÷u du d≠¨ng Î qu«y bar s∏t bÍ bi”n, m¨ mµng ngæm hoµng h´n qua ban c´ng nhµ hµng, bπn Æ“u nh≠ Æang Æ≠Óc nghe nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n Æ«y l∑ng mπn tı thÍi ß´ng D≠¨ng.


THE REMINISCENCE OF INDOCHINA Located on a beautiful beach surrounded by the sea, La Veranda Phu Quoc is a unique sumer retreat. Upon arriving, you will be enchanted by the endless tropical trees highlighted by small pathways. Boasting unparalleled architecture set among a tropical garden, La Veranda's glossy brown interior, mosaics, brick artwork, antique ceiling fans, French doors, and high ceilings evoke images of the gorgeous French mansions in Indochina. The French architecture blends with traditional Vietnamese features represented in household items, paintings adorning the corridors and traditional wooden furniture. As a member of Accor Hotel's MGallery collection, La Veranda not only provides perfect accommodation but also a chance to enjoy a historic atmosphere. And no matter what you like, be it water sports, sweet melodies and music at the seaside bar, or sunset on the restaurant's balcony, you will always feel like listening to romantic stories from old Indochina.


RESORTS WORLD SENTOSA - OCEAN SUITE 8 Sentosa Gateway, Sentosa Island, Singapore Hotline: (+65) 6577 8899 - Email: Website:



h´ng ph∂i ng…u nhi™n mµ m‰i du kh∏ch Æ’n Sentosa Æ“u mong muËn Æ≠Óc nghÿ lπi Ocean Suite. Toµn bÈ RWS chÿ c„ 11 Ocean Suite, n„i vÀy Æ” th†y vÌi l≠Óng kh∏ch khÊng l ƒn Sentosa mÁi n®m, c¨ hÈi l≠u trÛ tπi Æ©y giËng nh≠ vi÷c t◊m ki’m cho ra mÈt "nµng" ong chÛa gi˜a hµng ngµn ong thÓ. VÌi c†u trÛc 2 t«ng - nÊi vµ ng«m, Ocean Suite Æem tÌi 2 tr∂i nghi÷m d≠Ìi cÔng mÈt m∏i nhµ cho du kh∏ch. N’u nh≠ t«ng tr™n lµ kh´ng gian nÊi sang tr‰ng, Æ«y æp ∏nh næng vµ gi„ trÍi th◊ t«ng d≠Ìi cÒa ngÂi nhµ ch›nh lµ lËi d…n xuËng thÒy cung s©u thºm cÒa resort. Ph·ng nghÿ "ng«m" nµy cfln trang bfi cˆa sÊ nh◊n ra c´ng vi™n h∂i d≠¨ng h‰c lÌn nh†t th’ giÌi. Sœ kh´ng qu∏ chÛt nµo khi n„i rªng "Bπn c„ th” nªm tr™n gi≠Íng ngæm c∏ b¨i lÈi" tπi Ocean Suite. Kh´ng chÿ vÀy, nhÍ thi’t k’ khäo läo vµ tinh t’ cÒa bÂn sÙc Jacuzzi Æ≠Óc ngÙy trang bÎi lÌn v∏n sµn gÁ Î t«ng d≠Ìi, du kh∏ch cfln c„ th” tr∂i nghi÷m c∂m gi∏c vıa ng©m m◊nh vıa th≠Îng ngoπn Æπi d≠¨ng xanh thºm vÌi h¨n 40000 loµi c∏ bi”n lÌn nh· Æang b¨i lÈi xung quanh.

LIE IN BED WATCHING THE ENTIRE OCEAN It's not for nothing that those who have had the chance visit the World Resort Sentosa (RWS) have always wanted to stay at the ocean suite. The RWS has only 11 ocean suites but there are thousands of visitors staying at the Sentosa each year; therefore, the opportunity to stay at one of these suites are like that of spotting the queen bee among thousands of workers. The Ocean Suite has two floors which provide a little variety in your experience here. The top floor is is open to the sunlight and breeze, while the bottom leads to a deep aquarium. In this "sunken" floor, there is a "window" open to the world's largest ocean park. It is no exaggeration to say that at Ocean suite, you can literally lie in bed watching the fish swim. Moreover, a jacuzzi is discreetly hidden under the wood floor so that you feel like you are bathing in the ocean with over 40,000 species of fish. TRAVELLIVE



AMMATARA PURA POOL VILLAS SAMUI 128/75-76 Moo 3, T. Maret, A. Koh Samui, Suratthani 84310. Website:



’u du kh∏ch c„ k’ hoπch du ngoπn tÌi hfln Æ∂o Koh Samui, Th∏i Lan, th◊ h∑y nhanh ch„ng Æ∆t phflng tπi bi÷t th˘ Beachfront Pool Villas tuy÷t Æãp cÒa kh∏ch sπn Ammatara Pura Pool Villas Samui. Beachfront Pool Villas chÿ chi’m khi™m tËn 2 trong sË 18 bi÷t th˘ sang tr‰ng c„ h b¨i ri™ng, s©n, ban c´ng, b” sÙc song lπi g©y †n t≠Óng bÎi s˘ ri™ng t≠ tuy÷t ÆËi bÎi vfi tr› s∏t bÍ bi”n, t«m nh◊n tuy÷t Æãp ra Æπi d≠¨ng, cho tÌi b˜a ®n Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ ri™ng cho du kh∏ch. Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng gÂm 18 bi÷t th˘ Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng bao quanh mÈt Æ“n thÍ, do Æ„, thi’t k’ cÒa mÁi bi÷t th˘ Æ≠Óc chÛ tr‰ng hfla hÓp vÌi ki’n trÛc vµ t›n ng≠Ïng t´n gi∏o, tı m∏i ng„i uËn cong, d∏t vµng, cho Æ’n trang tr›, nÈi th†t theo phong c∏ch hoµng gia. Tπi mÁi bi÷t th˘, ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n phÙc vÙ lu´n gi˜ kho∂ng c∏ch vıa ÆÒ Æ” Æ∂m b∂o kh´ng gian ri™ng t≠ mµ v…n Æem lπi s˘ hµi lflng cho du kh∏ch khi th≠Îng th¯c b˜a tËi tr™n s©n th≠Óng. Du kh∏ch cÚng c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c Æ uËng tπi qu«y bar tr™n bÍ bi”n, ho∆c th≠ gi∑n tπi khu v˘c h b¨i, th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng b˜a ®n tπi nhµ hµng cao c†p trong kh´ng gian Æ≠Óc trang tr› Æ thÒ c´ng truy“n thËng cÒa Th∏i Lan, ho∆c t˘ th≠Îng cho m◊nh kho∂nh khæc ri™ng t≠ tr™n b∑i bi”n. ß∆c bi÷t, Ammatara Pura Pool Villas r†t th›ch hÓp cho nh˜ng dfip Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa c∏c c∆p Æ´i, k˙ nghÿ tr®ng mÀt hay k˚ ni÷m ngµy c≠Ìi.



THE TRANQUILITY OF THE SEA If you are planning to visit Koh Samui this summer, don't hesitate to book a beachfront pool villa at Ammatara Pura Pool Villas Samui. Of Ammatara Pura's 18 villas, there are only two beachfront pool villas with a private balcony, terrace, swimming pool and Jacuzzi. These two villas impress guests with their absolute privacy, great open view of ocean, and private dining area. Ammatara Pura Pool Villas Samui features 18 villas surrounding a beautiful temple; therefore, each villa is well designed to harmonize with the Thai's spirit and architecture from curved golden roofs to the royal interiors. The staff at each villa is always friendly and ready to satisfy their guests with the best service. You can enjoy dinner on your villa's terrace and savor delightful drinks at the bar on the beach or at the swimming pool bars. Either relax or try some of the delicious dishes garnished with Thai handicrafts that the restaurant has to offer. All of this makes Ammatara Pura Pool Villas the ideal destination for honeymooners and couples who are looking for a truly unique setting for their dream wedding.




THE SHILLA JEJU HOTEL & RESORT 75, Jungmungwangwang-ro 72beon-gil, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, Korea, 697-808 Tel: +82 64735 5114 - Website:





h∏ng 9/2013, n˜ ca s‹ Æi Æ«u trong phong c∏ch sexy cÒa lµng nhπc Kpop l™n xe hoa vÌi nhπc s¸ Lee Sang Soon. C∂ lµng gi∂i tr› b†t ngÍ tr≠Ìc quy’t Æfinh tπm xa rÍi hoπt ÆÈng ngh÷ thuÀt cÒa c´. CÔng chÂng m◊nh, Lee Hyori chuy”n v“ hfln Æ∂o t◊nh y™u Jeju Æ” bæt Æ«u mÈt cuÈc sËng mÌi. Nh≠ng l˝ do g◊ Æ” mÈt n˜ hoµng gi∂i tr› nh≠ Hyori quy’t Æfinh rÍi xa cuÈc sËng ti÷n nghi m‰i m∆t Î Seoul vµ ch‰n Jeju mµ kh´ng ph∂i b†t c¯ n¨i nµo kh∏c? H∑y Æ’n The Shilla Jeju Hotel& Resort Æ” c∂m nhÀn s˘ b◊nh y™n cÒa hfln Æ∂o xinh Æãp nµy vµ t◊m c©u tr∂ lÍi cÒa ri™ng m◊nh. Ngoµi dfich vÙ phflng cao c†p, The Shilla Jeju Hotel& Resort Æ∆c bi÷t chÛ tr‰ng tÌi nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng ngoµi trÍi nh≠: leo nÛi Halla, Æi bÈ Æ≠Íng rıng, Æi bÈ theo Æ≠Íng mfln Olle, l∆n sinh th∏i, du thuy“n lÛc hoµng h´n vµ c©u c∏, tr∂i nghi÷m "Glamping Village" vµ th≠Îng th¯c BBQ ngoµi trÍi cÔng c∏c trfl ch¨i tÀp th” thÛ vfi. ß≠Óc bao phÒ bÎi mµu xanh cÒa c©y cËi, h n≠Ìc vµ ao c∏, kh´ng gian "nh≠ phim" cÒa resort khi’n du kh∏ch c„ Æ≠Óc c∂m gi∏c th≠ gi∑n vµ y™n b◊nh - th¯ r†t kh„ t◊m th†y Î cuÈc sËng bÀn rÈn tπi c∏c thµnh phË lÌn, dÔ Æang Î b†t c¯ Æ©u trong resort, d≠Ìi m∏i nhµ gÁ Æ∆c tr≠ng hay trong c®n l“u du mÙc ÆÈc Æ∏o, lÛc vıa th¯c gi†c b™n khung cˆa sË nh◊n ra h≠Ìng nÛi Halla hay khi Æang thong dong dπo b≠Ìc tr™n nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng mfln r∂i Æ∏ len l·i d≠Ìi t∏n c©y.

WHAT DOES LEE HYORI SEE IN JEJU? When Lee Hyori, the sexy lead singer from South Korea, decided to marry musician Lee Sang Soon, she surprised everyone with her decision to leave the music scene. Lee Hyori and her husband moved to lovely Jeju Island to start their new life. But why did the queen of the entertainment world leave the glorious life and live on Jeju but not somewhere else? Stay at the Shilla Jeju Hotel & Resort to let the island pamper you. Perhaps, you will find your own answer to this question. In addition to luxurious accommodation, The Shilla Jeju Hotel & Resort has introduced more activities such as climbing Mount Halla, trekking on Olle trail or through the forest, eco diving, sunset yachting, and fishing as well as enjoying barbicue while playing board games at the Glamping Village. Under the cover of lush greenery, you can relax as you saunter along the small stone pathways past lakes and fishing ponds. At any time when getting up near the window overlooking Mount Halla or strolling down the trail, you will feel at peace no matter whether you are staying in a wood roofed house or a tent. TRAVELLIVE



SONG SAA PRIVATE ISLAND RESORT Koh Ouen, Sihanoukville 18000, Cambodia Web: - Tel: +855 2398 9009




SUNRISE ON THE SEA AND IN THE FOREST Song Saa is the first private luxury island in Cambodia. Located about 30km from the heart of Sihanoukville and 30 minutes from the port by boat, Song Saa Private Island Resort is a favorite of travelers who like privacy and high-end service.



ong Saa lµ hfln Æ∂o nghÿ d≠Ïng t≠ nh©n cao c†p Æ«u ti™n cÒa Campuchia. C∏ch trung t©m Sihanoukville 30km vµ chÿ c«n 35 phÛt Æi thuy“n tı c∂ng Sihanoukville, Song Saa Private Island Resort lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho nh˜ng ai muËn c„ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m dfich vÙ nghÿ d≠Ïng ƺng c†p, sang tr‰ng vµ ri™ng t≠. Du kh∏ch Æ’n Æ©y chæc chæn sœ bfi m™ ho∆c bÎi vŒ Æãp quy’n rÚ cÒa mµu xanh ng‰c b›ch cÒa n≠Ìc bi”n vÔng vfinh Th∏i Lan. Song Saa Private Island Resort Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ ƨn gi∂n, hµi hfla vÌi thi™n nhi™n, bao gÂm 27 khu bi÷t th˘ c„ h b¨i ri™ng Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı nh˜ng vÀt li÷u Æfia ph≠¨ng, nªm g‰n gi˜a 2 khu rıng nh· Koh

Quen vµ Koh Bong. Bπn c„ th” Æi bÈ trong rıng nhi÷t ÆÌi l©u n®m, xem san h´ r˘c rÏ c∏ b¨i d≠Ìi bi÷t th˘ cÒa bπn ho∆c xem chim m· sıng tr™n ban c´ng phflng ngÒ. Song Saa Private Island Resort cfln Æem Æ’n cho du kh∏ch khu nhµ hµng sang tr‰ng, mÈt khu spa hi÷n Æπi, h b¨i rÈng vµ qu«y bar s∏t bÍ bi”n - n¨i bπn c„ th” nh©m nhi mÈt ly Æ uËng vµ ngæm c∂nh hoµng h´n, qu™n Æi c´ng vi÷c trong th’ giÌi nhÈn nhfip.

Visitors will be enticed by the jade sea of Thailand Bay. With 27 villas and private pools made from local materials, Song Saa Private Island Resort is designed simply to harmonize with nature and the two surrounding forests, Koh Quen and Koh Bong. You can take a stroll through the old tropical forest while watching fish swimming beneath your villa or the hornbills from your bedroom balcony. Song Saa Private Island Resort also offers travelers luxurious restaurants, a modern spa, a large swimming pool, and a seaside bar where you can sip a drink as you wait for sunset and let the bustling world fade off in the distance. TRAVELLIVE


The Philippines

DEDON ISLAND 8419 Malinao Rd, General Luna, Surigao del Norte Tel:+6391 7701 7820 - Web:


NGHé D¶öNG ô ßÅO "Té PH@"


ªm Î r◊a ß´ng nam Æ∂o Siargao, Philippines, Dedon lµ chËn dıng ch©n l› t≠Îng cho chuy’n du lfich mÔa hÃ. VÌi vfi tr› Ææc Æfia g«n Philipines Deep vµ khu l≠Ìt s„ng Cloud 9, Dedon mang Æ’n nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m kh∏c bi÷t vÌi h÷ sinh th∏i Æa dπng. ßi“u g◊ Æem Æ’n s˘ b◊nh y™n, hπnh phÛc ÆËi vÌi bπn? ß„ ph∂i ch®ng lµ r∂i b≠Ìc ch©n tr™n b∑i c∏t træng Naked Island, c∂m nhÀn lµn n≠Ìc m∏t lπnh trong veo len gi˜a nh˜ng ng„n tay Î Sohoton Cave Lagoons, Siargao, hay ph„ng t«m mæt ra ng´i Æ“n nh· l¨ lˆng gi˜a bi”n? Dedon sœ gi†u bπn trong mÈt thi™n Æ≠Íng bao quanh bÎi nh˜ng r∆ng dıa, t∏ch bi÷t



kh·i vÔng hoang d∑ nhi÷t ÆÌi xung quanh. Bπn sœ bæt g∆p nh˜ng vÀt li÷u mang ÆÀm t›nh Æfia ph≠¨ng ngay khi Æ’n s∂nh cÒa khu nghÿ d≠Ïng. M∏i tranh l∏ dıa, gÁ khæc s¯, ÆÃn tre, rÃm hπt c≠Ím cÔng nhi“u chi ti’t Æ∆c bi÷t kh∏c cÔng tπo n™n nät ki’n trÛc Æfia ph≠¨ng ÆÈc Æ∏o. ß∆c tr≠ng vÌi Æ≠Íng m∏i dËc vµ chπy dµi, 9 bi÷t th˘ cÒa khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ hfla hÓp vÌi thi™n nhi™n. Kh´ng gian thÛ vfi nh†t lµ d∑y gh’ ngÒ tr´ng nh≠ h◊nh con nhÈng, bπn c„ th” tho∂i m∏i Ɖc s∏ch vµ cuÈn m◊nh th≠ gi∑n d≠Ìi næng trong nh˜ng chi’c gh’ †m ∏p nµy. Tı khu nghÿ d≠Ïng, du kh∏ch cÚng c„ th” b¨i ho∆c chÃo thuy“n ghä th®m Dedon Island Pagoda ng´i chÔa mang t›nh bi”u t≠Óng cÒa hfln Æ∂o - Æi”m Æ∏nh d†u khu nghÿ m∏t tr™n Æ≠Íng bÍ bi”n.

Located on the southeastern tip of reef-ringed Siargao, it's close the the Philippine trench and Cloud 9, the famous surfing destination. It's home to ancient mangrove forests which provides a unique opportunity for ecotourists during the summer holidays. What do you think of when you think of bliss? It's probably the feeling of walking barefoot on the white sands of Naked Island and feeling the crystal-clear sea water through your fingers at Sohoton Cave Lagoons in Siargao with the sea pagoda in the distance. The island whisks you away to a palm fringed paradise sheltered from the raw tropical wilderness all around. The pavilion with the reception lounge incorporates local architectural influences in its design. You can see local materials all over from woven palm branch roofing, carved yakal wood to bamboo lamps, and beaded gauze curtains. The nine villas of the resort integrate seamlessly with the natural environment, characterized by pitched and sweeping roofs. The most interesting space in the resort is a series of elevated woven domes, connected by a wooden platform where you can read and relax in the sunshine. The iconic Dedon Island Pagoda, which marks the resort's place along the coastline, is easily reached by paddle boat, kayak, or a light swim.



BUNGA RAYA ISLAND RESORT AND SPA Polish Bay, Gaya Island, Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Tel: +6 088 380390 - Web:



µ nhµ cÒa hµng ngµn sinh vÀt bi”n: rÔa bi”n, c∏ h“, c∏ mÛ khÊng lÂ, c∏ bfl, c∏ nhÂng, c∏ nh∏m voi,...Æ∂o Gaya thu hÛt hµng tri÷u l≠Ót kh∏ch du lfich tr™n th’ giÌi tÌi nghÿ d≠Ïng t◊m hi”u th™m v“ rıng vµ sinh vÀt bi”n. T‰a lπc tπi vfinh Polish Æ∂o Gaya, kho∂ng 30 phÛt Æi tµu cao tËc tı Kota Kinabalu, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Bunga Raya Island Æ≠Óc v› nh≠ mÈt vi™n ng‰c qu˝ - chËn »n n∏u gi˜a vÔng nhi÷t ÆÌi vÌi 48 c®n bi÷t th˘ gÁ. Bunga Raya Island gi†u m◊nh trong vÔng vfinh t‹nh l∆ng vµ Æ≠Óc bao b‰c bÎi rıng xanh c∏t træng. MÁi c®n bi÷t th˘ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ dπng bÀc thang nhªm t∏i hi÷n cuÈc sËng truy“n thËng cÒa ng≠Íi Borneo, b™n trong trang bfi c∏c ti÷n nghi thuÀn ti÷n cho du kh∏ch.

Home to sea turtles, clown fish, giant groupers, trigger fish, barracudas, whale sharks, etc., the Gaya Island reef attracts millions of tourists from around the world to come and learn about jungle and marine life. Situated in Gaya Island's Polish Bay (about 30 minutes from Kota Kinabalu by speedboat), Bunga Raya Island Resort is a romantic and luxurious jewel set on an island. As a secluded island hideaway of 48 timbered villas, the resort is tucked away in a tranquil and hidden bay framed by a sandy white beach on one side and the ancient tropical jungle on the other. Each private villa is terraced into the hillside reflecting the traditional simplicity of the local Borneo people, blending seamlessly with the luxurious comforts.


Tin vui cho nh˜ng ai y™u th›ch l∆n bi”n mµ ch≠a c„ bªng l∆n: bπn c„ th” l∆n Î Bunga Raya mµ kh´ng c«n bªng l∆n. Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng cung c†p kh„a h‰c h≠Ìng d…n du kh∏ch theo tıng b≠Ìc cÙ th” Æ” l†y ch¯ng chÿ PADI. T†t c∂ nh˜ng ng≠Íi mÌi h‰c l∆n sœ bæt Æ«u tπi b” b¨i, n¨i h‰ Æ≠Óc hu†n luy÷n k¸ l≠Ïng v“ k¸ thuÀt vµ c∏c y™u c«u an toµn. ß’n Æ©y, bπn Æıng qu™n tr∂i nghi÷m nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng rıng Æ«y hoang s¨ vµ c∂m nhÀn h¨i thÎ cÒa rıng rÀm nhi÷t ÆÌi qua nh˜ng c¨n gi„ m∏t r≠Íi r≠Ói.

For those who love diving but don't have a license yet, it is such a relief that no license is required for diving at Bunga Raya. The resort offers their customers specially trained PADI certified instructors to guide them every step of the way. All new divers are first taken to the swimming pool, where they undergo a comprehensive briefing and training for their safety. Don't forget to trek in the jungle and feel the breeze blowing through a living tropical forest. TRAVELLIVE



N’u bπn cn Æang b®n kho®n kh´ng bi’t c«n chu»n b nh˜ng g◊ cho mÈt chuy’n Æi bi”n tuy÷t vÍi, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ vÌi trŒ nh·, h∑y tham kh∂o mÈt sË l≠u ˝ d≠Ìi Æ©y.

ß\NG ßÕ CHÉY N¿NG B™n cπnh nh˜ng bÈ Æ tæm thÀt Æãp, Æıng qu™n kh®n tæm, kh®n choµng, nh˜ng trang phÙc m·ng nhã, mÚ rÈng vµnh vµ kem chËng næng c„ chÿ sË chËng næng SPF tr™n 45. Chu»n b nh˜ng trang phÙc m·ng nhã, nh˜ng bÈ Æ tæm Æ∏ng y™u, kem chËng næng Æ” trŒ th·a th›ch vui cÔng næng bi”n. S`C KHìE lÄ Sˇ 1 Bπn n™n mang theo thuËc c∂m sËt, thuËc Æau bÙng, thuËc s∏t trÔng vµ urgo Æ“ phng nh˜ng t◊nh huËng x†u, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ khi con bπn chÿ quen vÌi mÈt sË thuËc nh†t Ænh, trong khi bπn t◊m quanh Æ∂o cÚng kh´ng th†y hi÷u thuËc. ßÕ CON KH§NG ßïI Cn g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c h∂i s∂n t≠¨i ngon Î nhµ hµng ven bi”n, nh≠ng c„ th” lÚ trŒ sœ ngh‹ kh∏c Ɔy. Mang theo s˜a, Æ ®n d∆m vµ th¯c ®n cho trŒ v◊ bi’t Æ©u t´m, cua, c∏ kh´ng th” lµm “vui lng” con bπn. Vµ n’u bä cn Æang bÛ s˜a th◊ c∏c mã nhÌ mang theo b◊nh vµ dÙng cÙ khˆ trÔng cho con. ßI CH•I THÜT VUI N’u bπn kh´ng muËn lÚ trŒ bÁng d≠ng buÂn thiu v◊ nhÌ nhµ hay kh„ ngÒ Î kh∏ch sπn th◊ bπn n™n mang theo m„n Æ ch¨i y™u th›ch cÒa trŒ. MÈt cuËn s∏ch m·ng hay mÈt cuËn vÎ tÀp t´ mµu sœ l†p Æ«y nh˜ng kho∂ng bÁng-d≠ng-buÂn cÒa bä. CÅ TH⁄ GIõI TRONG VAlI CûA M— Bπn n™n lÀp danh s∏ch c∏c Æ dÔng c«n mang, ph©n loπi Æ c∏ nh©n cÒa tıng ng≠Íi trong gia Æ◊nh, vali nµo cho bË, tÛi nµo cho mã vµ bal´ nµo cho con. Bπn cÚng n™n chu»n b th™m mÈt sË tÛi nh· Æ” Æ˘ng qu«n ∏o b»n, giµy däp vµ c∏c Æ dÔng kh∏c. Chu»n b thÀt k‹ Æ” cÔng c∂ nhµ tÀn h≠Îng bi”n xanh næng vµng trong mÔa hà nµy. Vµ... Æıng qu™n m∏y ∂nh Æ” ghi lπi nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc Æ∏ng y™u nhä!



light paisley print espadrille ( / hurley beaCh Cruiser Hat ( / Knights Kids Backpack ( / anChOr T-shirt ( / stretCh COttOn berMuda Shorts (

If you are wondering what to prepare during your wonderful beach holiday with your family and kids, keep these suggestions in mind! DON’T GET BURNED It’s hard to forget your swimsuit, but remember other crucial items including towels, scarves, wide-brimmed hats, and sunscreen that’s SPF 45 or more. Make sure to pack thin and light outfits, cute swimsuits and sunscreen for kids so that they will have fun at the beach. HEAlTH FIRST you had better prepare some medicine for common medical issues such as fever and stomachache as well as antibiotics and other medication when your children need a specific drug that’s not available on some islands. that NO EMpTY STOMACHS Trying fresh seafood at a seaside restaurant? you couldn couldn’t ask for more, but your children may disagree. Remember to bring milk, snacks, and foods that already appeal to them since they might not be satisfied with seafood. If your baby is still in breast-feeding, don’t forget a bottle and sanitizer. A HAppY JOURNEY TOGETHER you definitely don’t want your children to be homesick, so make sure you have some of their favorite things. Some stories or a coloring book should sooth their little tempers. THE WORlD INSIDE THE MOTHER’S lUGGAGE you should make a list of important personal items for each family member. Avoid forgetting your own things when focusing on your kids. you should also bring some bags for dirty clothes, shoes, etc. Cat eye Sunglasses ( / FlOppy straw Hat ( / girls pinK Fairy My First Watch ( / hellO sunshine graphiC Swimsuit ( / pinK FreedOM Flip Flops (www. / twO-tOne pleated Skirt Dress (

Prepare carefully for the coming summer. Ah... Do you have a good camera to capture your time there? TRAVELLIVE


islands&islandresorts Nh˜ng hn Æ∂o hoang s¨, ›t kh∏ch du lch lui tÌi nµy sœ khi’n bπn ngÏ ngµng bÎi vŒ Æãp m™ ho∆c cÒa n„, trong sË Æ„ c„ n¨i d≠Íng nh≠ chÿ in d†u ch©n cÒa giÌi ph≠Ót thÒ. VÀy cn ch«n chı g◊ mµ kh´ng kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng hn Æ∂o Æ„ ngay mÔa hà nµy ch¯? These pristine islands which haven’t been spoiled by tourism will mesmerize you with their enchanting beauty. some of them have only been visited by explorers. why don’t you explore these special islands this summer? By: Hai An, Thu Giang, Quoc Bao, Thao Nguyen





Koh Samet - Thailand RA ßÅO C¢U M#C ߣM

C∏ch Bangkok chÿ h¨n 2,5 giÍ Æi xe, Koh Samet Æ„n chµo du kh∏ch bªng ∏nh næng chan hfla bËn mÔa, lµn n≠Ìc trong xanh cÔng nh˜ng ÆÓt gi„ bi”n †m ∏p. N¨i Æ©y kh´ng chÿ lµ Æi”m Æ’n th›ch hÓp cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi muËn t◊m ki’m mÈt kh´ng gian hoang s¨, y™n b◊nh mµ cfln lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng cho nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi nh≠ l∆n bi”n hay c∏c m´n th” thao d≠Ìi n≠Ìc. Thfi tr†n nh· hi“n hfla Koh Samet lµ n¨i du kh∏ch sau khi l˘a ch‰n cho m◊nh Æ≠Óc mÈt resort g«n khu trung t©m, c„ th” chπy bÈ ra bÍ bi”n Æ” chi™m ng≠Ïng hoµng h´n tr™n Æ∂o mµ kh´ng m†t qu∏ nhi“u thÍi gian di chuy”n. Tı b∑i bi”n Sai Kaew, du kh∏ch c„ th” l™n chi’c thuy“n Æu´i dµi chπy bªng m∏y Æ” bæt Æ«u hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ Æ∂o Koh Samet. N≠Ìc bi”n xanh trong væt c„ th” nh◊n th†y r‚ tıng Ƶn c∏ ngay b™n d≠Ìi. VŒ Æãp cÒa Koh Samet lµ s˘ k’t hÓp hµi hfla gi˜a mµu xanh cÒa bi”n vµ ∏nh m∆t trÍi r˘c rÏ. TÌi bi”n Æ” vÔng v…y trong lµn n≠Ìc m∏t lµ Æi“u b†t c¯ ai cÚng lµm, nh≠ng tr∂i nghi÷m tæm næng Î Koh Samet mÌi th˘c s˘ lµ Æi“u thÛ vfi. BÍ c∏t træng mfin ven bi”n lµ n¨i du kh∏ch tha h “th∂ d∏ng” Æ” c„ Æ≠Óc lµn da r∏m næng Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa nh˜ng chuy’n du lfich bi”n Æ∂o. Khi m∆t trÍi l∆n cÚng lµ lÛc di‘n ra nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng nhÈn nhfip tr™n Æ∂o nh≠ th≠Îng th¯c h∂i s∂n trong nh˜ng nhµ hµng ven bi”n, tÙ tÀp trong c∏c qu∏n bar hay dπo bÈ d‰c bÍ bi”n, tham gia vµo nh˜ng vÚ Æi÷u ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ≠Óc bi”u di‘n bÎi ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng. Tr∂i nghi÷m Koh Samet sœ tr‰n vãn h¨n n’u bπn tham gia mÈt tour c©u m˘c Æ™m. Du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc c†p mÈt c«n c©u lµ c©y trÛc dµi vµ nh· vÌi l≠Ïi c©u lµ mÈt chÔm m„c nh‰n qu†n quanh bªng d©y kim tuy’n ph∂n quang. Khi th∂ xuËng bi”n, ph«n d©y nµy sœ ph∏t s∏ng d≠Ìi ∏nh ÆÃn pha vµ dÙ m˘c lπi g«n. ß∆c bi÷t, c©u m˘c th◊ kh´ng c«n mÂi thÀt mµ bªng nh˜ng con t´m gi∂ lµm tı nh˘a dŒo ph∂n quang, Æ≠Óc cÈt b™n tr™n chÔm l≠Ïi c©u. Theo chÒ tµu, nhÍ con t´m gi∂ ph∂n quang cÔng ∏nh s∏ng tı ÆÃn cao ∏p, m˘c sœ nh◊n th†y t≠Îng t´m thÀt vµ b¨i Æ’n cæn c©u. Chÿ chÍ tÌi lÛc Æ„, chÒ tµu sœ c«m sΩn chi’c vÓt tr™n tay, vÓt l™n nh˜ng chÛ m˘c trong veo v…n cfln l†p l∏nh l©n tinh. ß„ lµ chi’n lÓi ph»m tuy÷t vÍi cho vai di‘n ng≠ d©n cÒa mÁi du kh∏ch.

HÄNH TRçNH: ü Sau khi tÌi Bangkok, du kh∏ch c„ th” mua vä xe 16 chÁ tı b’n xe Victory Monument vÌi gi∏ 200 baht Æ” tÌi b’n phµ Rayong, tı Æ©y l™n phµ ho∆c tµu gÁ tÌi Koh Samet. Tµu gÁ gi∏ vä 100baht/kh¯ hÂi, thÍi gian kho∂ng 45 phÛt ho∆c can´ cao tËc, chÿ m†t kho∂ng 20 phÛt vÌi gi∏ 300 baht/chi“u. KHÉCH SÑN: ü C„ th” Æ∆t tr≠Ìc qua, hay mπng smartbooking hotel, gi∏ giao ÆÈng tı 40100USD. CÉC HOÑT ßóNG TR£N ßÅO: ü C©u m˘c Æ™m (kho∂ng 300baht/kh∏ch), vi’ng chÔa Koh Samet, l∆n bi”n, kh∏m ph∏ vµ chÙp ∂nh nh˜ng c«u c∂ng lÛc hoµng h´n, ®n tËi ngay tr™n b∑i bi”n...

¬M TH#C: ü 2 m„n ®n kh´ng th” b· qua khi tÌi Koh Samet lµ b∏nh Crepe Æ≠Óc b∏n tr™n nh˜ng chi’c xe Æ»y vÌi mÔi th¨m bäo ngÀy cÒa s´c´la phÒ tr™n b∏nh vµ m„n c∏ n≠Ìng muËi tı nh˜ng qu∏n ®n b◊nh d©n d‰c bÍ bi”n vµo buÊi chi“u tËi.



Koh Samet - Thailand NIGHT SQUID FISHING Just a 2.5 hour drive from Bangkok, Koh Sament welcomes visitors with year-round sunshine, turquoise water, and the warm sea breeze. This is not only a suitable place for those who seek tranquility and impeccable beauty but is also an ideal island for diving and water sports. As a peaceful small town, Koh Samet is makes a great getaway for contemplating the sunset while walking on the beach. It only takes a few minutes to travel from the resort to the beach. From Sai Kaew beach, visitors can get on a long-tail motorboat to explore the green island, Koh Samet. The water is so clear that you can see the fish below. The blue sea and sunshine are what comprise Koh Samet’s stunning beauty. Soaking in the cool water seems to be familiar to all, but sunbathing on Koh Samet is an unparalleled experience. The smooth sandy beach is perfect for relaxing and tanning. Sunset is the time when lively activities take place. Enjoy fresh seafood at the seaside restaurants. Unwind with friends at bars. Walk along the beach, or join in the unique local dances. For a truly special experience, take part in the squid fishing tour at night. You will be provided a bamboo pole, hooks and reflective fishing tackle. When the hooks are cast into the sea, the sparkling light lures squids. According to the ship’s owner, the squid are attracted to the light given off by live and artificial shrimp alike, so there’s no need for live bait. Wait for the right time, the ship owner will use a hand net to catch the sparkling squids - the best booty a tourist fisherman could wish for. For a truly special experience, take part in the squid fishing tour at night.



Itinerary: ü You can travel with a 16-seat car from Victory Monument Station in Bangkok to Rayong ferry terminal for 200 baht. From the ferry terminal, take the ferry or a wooden boat to Koh Samet. Wooden boat: 100 baht/round trip, 45 minutes. Speed canoe: 300baht/turn, 20 minutes. Hotel: ü You can book a room via, or smartbooking hotel. Rates vary from 40 to 100USD Activities: ü night squid fishing, visiting Koh Samet, diving, exploring, taking pictures of the sunset, and having dinner on the beach. Cuisine: ü The two signature dishes here are crepe and grilled fish with salt. Sold on pushcarts, the crepes with chocolate covering smell delicious. You can find grilled fish at the small restaurants along the beach in the late afternoon and evening.






Koh Rong Samloem Cambodia QU∫NG WIFI ßI MÄ VUI SˇNG! Chÿ c∏ch thµnh phË ven bi”n Sihanouk Ville vµi c©y sË vÌi 45' Æi tµu tr™n bi”n, du kh∏ch sœ Æ’n vÌi hfln Æ∂o Koh Rong Samloem hoang s¨ vµ xinh Æãp. Kh∏c vÌi Æ∂o Koh Rong lÌn, Koh Rong Samloem lµ mÈt Æ∂o nh· vµ hoµn toµn kh´ng c„ khu d©n c≠, chÿ c„ c∏c resort vµ homestay nªm r∂i r∏c tr™n Æ∂o. ß„ h«u h’t Æ“u lµ nh˜ng c®n nhµ gÁ xinh xæn Æ≠Óc d˘ng ven bi”n ho∆c v≠Ín c©y vµ th˘c s˘ r†t... nh·. Kh´ng ph∂i v´ duy™n v´ cÌ mµ Koh Rong Samloem Æ≠Óc d©n du lfich nhæc tÌi nh≠ mÈt hfln Æ∂o “b· trËn”. Nh˜ng ngµy dıng ch©n tπi Æ©y lµ nh˜ng ngµy tπm xa c´ng ngh÷. Tr™n Æ∂o sœ hoµn toµn kh´ng c„ s„ng wifi, th™m n˜a, Æi÷n sœ bfi cæt 2 l«n trong 1 ngµy, vµ khi cæt Æi÷n th◊ s„ng Æi÷n thoπi cÚng theo Æ„ mµ v“ trπng th∏i “0 vπch”. Chÿ c«n mÈt chi’c m∏y ∂nh, mÈt vµi cuËn s∏ch vµ tinh th«n sΩn sµng v¯t b· c´ng ngh÷, “Æ∂o b· trËn” Æang v…y tay chµo Æ„n bπn. ߨn gi∂n nh≠ mµu n≠Ìc trong væt cÒa bi”n vµ cuÈc sËng ng≠ng k’t nËi, tÌi Koh Rong Samloem, du kh∏ch d‘ dµng l˘a ch‰n cho m◊nh nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n tr∂i nghi÷m mµ kh´ng c«n c©n nhæc qu∏ nhi“u: th›ch bi”n hi“n hfla vµ l∆ng s„ng, h∑y tÌi b∑i Sunrise; th›ch s˘ s´i ÆÈng cÒa nh˜ng con s„ng lÌn, cfln ch«n chı g◊ mµ kh´ng chπy qua b∑i Sunset; th›ch kh´ng gian ri™ng t≠ vµ y™n t‹nh, chæc chæn nh˜ng ng´i nhµ gÁ ven bi”n lµ l˘a ch‰n tËi ≠u; cfln vÌi sÎ th›ch k’t nËi vµ HÄNH TRçNH: giao l≠u vÌi thÀt nhi“u ü Du kh∏ch c„ th” bay ho∆c Æi xe bà bπn, c∏c homestay bus tı TP.HCM tÌi Phnompenh tr™n Æ∂o vÌi phflng rÂi tı Æ©y ti’p tÙc Æi xe bus tÌi Sihanouk Ville vµ thu™ tµu chπy ra dorm lu´n rÈng cˆa Koh Rong Samloem, vä tµu c„ th” Æ„n chµo du kh∏ch... mua tr˘c ti’p tı b’n c∂ng ho∆c qua l‘ t©n kh∏ch sπn tπi Sihanouk Ville. (Vä bus TP.HCM - Phnompenh kho∂ng 200.000VNß, vä bus tı Phnompenh Æi Sihanouk Ville lµ 10USD, vä tµu ra Æ∂o c∂ Æi vµ v“ lµ 20USD)

©Choukhri Dje

TI≈N Tå: ü ßÂng Riel vµ USD Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng rÈng r∑i Î Campuchia, n’u c«n du kh∏ch c„ th” ÆÊi ti“n ngay tπi c∏c cˆa kh»u. ¬M TH#C: ü Gi∏ c∂ tπi Koh Rong Samloem r†t rŒ v◊ vÀy ngoµi vi÷c “t˘ xˆ”, du kh∏ch cÚng c„ th” nhÍ resort giÛp n†u c∏c b˜a ®n theo ˝ muËn vÌi gi∏ chÿ kho∂ng tı 3USD - 7USD mÁi ng≠Íi cho mÈt b˜a ®n no n™.

Ngoµi vi÷c th·a th›ch vÔng v…y d≠Ìi lµn n≠Ìc trong xanh hay tæm næng b™n nh˜ng hµng dıa d‰c bÍ bi”n, du kh∏ch cfln c„ th” l∆n bi”n hay thu™ tµu Æi th®m lµng chµi M'Pay Bay vµ leo l™n ng‰n h∂i Æ®ng Î Paradise Village Æ” ngæm toµn c∂nh Koh Rong Samloem.



Koh Rong Samloem Cambodia FORGET ABOUT WIFI ust 45 minutes from Sihanouk Ville by sea, Koh Rong Samloem is a beautiful, pristine island. Unlike Koh Rong, Koh Rong Samloem is a small island with no residential areas. There are few homestays and resorts scattered about the island. They are all the most lovely little wooden houses on the beach with gardens which are...very small. It isn’t for nothing that Koh Rong Samloem is considered a hideaway island. You will be isolated from technology when staying there. There is no wifi. Electricity is cut twice a day, and of course without electricity, there’s no phone signal. Pack a good camera, your favorite books, and get ready to forget all about technology. The hideaway island awaits you. As simple as the turquoise water and the unplugged life is, you can visit anywhere you want on Koh Rong Samloem without much consideration. If you like a peaceful beach, then go to Sunrise beach. Want to challenge yourself with strong waves? Go to Sunset beach. The wooden seaside houses are the best places to enjoy privacy while you make friends with visitors at other homestays. Apart from indulging in the clear water and sunbathing under the coconut trees along the beach, you can go diving or hire a boat to visit M'Pay Bay, or climb to the lighthouse in Paradise Village to take in the beauty of Koh Rong Samloem.

ITINERARY: ü You can travel by plane or bus from HCMC to Phnompenh then take a bus to Sihanouk Ville. Hire a boat to Koh Rong Samloem, buy tickets at the terminal, or ask the hotel receptionists for help. (Bus ticket from HCMC to Phnompenh costs about VND200,000, bus ticket from Phnompenh to Sihanouk Ville costs USD10, and a roundtrip from Sihanouk Ville to the island costs USD20) CURRENCY: ü Riel and USD. You can exchange money at the border gates. FOOD: ü Foods on Koh Rong Samloem are quite cheap. If you don’t want to cook, you can ask the resort to prepare meals for you at the rate of 3-7USD/guest.



Quoc Minh Music producer

©Aleksandar Todoravic

“Hn Æ∂o y™u th›ch nh†t cÒa t´i lµ: Koh Rong Samloem - mÈt thi™n Æ≠Íng thu«n khi’t th˘c s˘. V◊ tr™n Æ∂o kh´ng c„ s„ng wifi, Æi÷n sœ b cæt 2 l«n trong 1 ngµy, n™n du kh∏ch sœ tπm xa Æ c´ng ngh÷ Æ” ha m◊nh vÌi bi”n xanh, c∏t træng, y™n b◊nh, s˘ y™n t‹nh tuy÷t ÆËi dµnh cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi muËn lµm bπn vÌi thi™n nhi™n, th≠ gi∑n vµ tÀn h≠Îng. ßa sË c∏c resort tr™n Æ∂o nªm s∏t bi”n, tÀn dÙng tËi Æa kh´ng gian vµ thi’t k’ g«n gÚi vÌi thi™n nhi™n. MÈt gÓi ˝ cho bπn lµ Moonlight Resort, mÈt trong nh˜ng resort cao c†p nh†t tr™n Æ∂o, c„ gi∏ 120$/ Æ™m. MÁi c®n villa c„ thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o, sang tr‰ng, vÌi gam mµu træng chÒ Æπo, thi’t k’ nh˜ng ´ k›nh Æ” bπn th·a s¯c ngæm vŒ Æãp quy’n rÚ cÒa bi”n c∂. My favorite island was Koh Rong Samloem - a truly tranquil paradise. There was no wifi connection, and electricity was cut off twice a day. The only things I could do was immerse myself in the turquoise water near the beach and enjoy the absolutely tranquility there. Almost all resorts are located near the beach to utilize the natural space. A recommendation for you is Moonlight Resort, one of the most luxurious resorts on Koh Rong Samloem. The price is about USD120/night. Each villa is uniquely designed in white with windows that allow you to enjoy the sea’s beauty.



Ky Co - Vietnam TRñN MçNH CùNG THI£N NHI£N Nh≠ mÈt vi™n ng‰c qu˝ mµ mã thi™n nhi™n Æ∑ ban t∆ng cho vÔng Ɔt v‚ B◊nh ßfinh, Æ∂o K˙ Co Æãp t˘a b¯c tranh “s¨n thÒy h˜u t◊nh” vÌi thi™n nhi™n hoang s¨ vµ bi”n trÍi hÔng v‹. Nh◊n tı xa, K˙ Co nh≠ mÈt c∏nh cung lÌn, cong m◊nh ´m tr‰n bÍ c∏t træng mfin tr∂i dµi vµ hai m·m Æ∏ d˘ng Ưng nh≠ hai mÚi c‰c Bπch ߪng sıng s˜ng. K˙ Co lµ mÈt qu«n th” s¨n thπch gi˜a bi”n vÌi r†t nhi“u Æ∏, c∏c hËc Æ∏ vµ hang ÆÈng n´ng. K˙ Co v…n gi˜ Æ≠Óc tr‰n vŒ nguy™n sinh vµ hoang s¨ v◊ v…n ch≠a Æ≠Óc khai th∏c du lfich nhi“u. N≠Ìc bi”n Î Æ©y trong vÌi nhi“u mµu tuy÷t Æãp, thay ÆÊi theo ∏nh næng. G«n bÍ, n≠Ìc trong væt th†y tÀn Æ∏y c∏t træng tinh. Xa h¨n, n≠Ìc d«n chuy”n mµu sang xanh ng‰c, rÂi mµu lam. Nh◊n tı tr™n cao, nh˜ng chi’c thuy“n thÛng Æung Æ≠a c¯ nh≠ Æang l¨ lˆng gi˜a t«ng m©y xanh bi’c. Bi”n tπi K˙ Co kh∏ ™m, s„ng gÓn l®n t®n v◊ b∑i bi”n Æ≠Óc bao bÎi vflng cung chæn gi„. Tr«m m◊nh d≠Ìi dflng n≠Ìc bi”n trong xanh, len ch©n vµo lµn c∏t mfin, ngæm K˙ Co qua Ëng k›nh m∏y ∂nh, du kh∏ch kh´ng chÿ ghi lπi nh˜ng vŒ tuy÷t vÍi cÒa K˙ Co, mµ cfln ghi lπi c∂ c∂m xÛc cÒa ch›nh b∂n th©n m◊nh. Vµo buÊi tr≠a, bπn c„ th” nghÿ ng¨i vµ ®n uËng trong hang ÆÈng nh·, chæc chæn sœ c„ nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi lπ. ß∂o K˙ Co lµ mÈt d∑y ÆÂi xanh thi™n nhi™n gi˜a Æπi d≠¨ng m™nh m´ng. MuËn kh∏m ph∏ vflng quanh Æ∂o, bπn ph∂i men theo nh˜ng v∏ch Æ∏ b∑i bi”n, theo con Æ≠Íng mfln l™n Æ’n tri“n nÛi cao. Chinh phÙc tıng con Æ≠Íng cheo leo b™n v∏ch Æ∏ hay b≠Ìc ch©n qua c∏t ch∏y b·ng ch©n. MÈt ngµy lµm c≠ d©n cÒa K˙ Co sœ mang tÌi du kh∏ch nh˜ng phÛt gi©y thÀt s˘ tr‰n m◊nh cÔng thi™n nhi™n.



HÄNH TRçNH: ü Tı trung t©m thµnh phË Quy Nh¨n, bπn Æi v“ h≠Ìng b∏n Æ∂o Nh¨n L˝ (h¨n 20km), sau Æ„ men theo con Æ≠Íng nh· Æ” ra b’n thuy“n, tı Æ©y ti’p tÙc Æi thuy“n lÌn kho∂ng kho∂ng 30 phÛt n˜a lµ tÌi Æ∂o K˙ Co. Gi∏ thuy“n chÎ bπn ra Æ∂o K˙ Co dao ÆÈng tı 270.000 Æ’n 300.000 VND/ng≠Íi. THòI GIAN: ü ThÍi gian tËt nh†t Æ” du lch K˙ Co lµ kho∂ng th∏ng 4 Æ’n th∏ng 8, Æ©y lµ thÍi Æi”m Æãp nh†t cÒa d∂i bi”n mi“n Trung.

ITINERARY: ü From the heart of Quy Nhon, you travel about 20km to Nhon Ly peninsula and follow a small pathway to the boat terminal. From there, travel by boat about 30 minutes to reach Ky Co. Price: From VND270,000 to 300,000/guest. Time: ü The best time is from April to August when Central Vietnam is most beautiful.

Complete with nature Like a gemstone adorning a beautiful necklace, Mother Nature has endowed Binh Dinh with a landscape as captivating as the majestic sceneries of a painting. From afar, Ky Co looks like a large bow embracing smooth sandy beaches and two towering cliffs. Ky Co is a complex of rocks and hollow caverns. It has retained its original beauty without being tainted by tourism. The water is clear and changes with the sun. Near the coast, you can even see the smooth ripples of sand below. As you walk and view the sea from different angles, you can see the waters change from turquoise jade to a sapphire blue. From atop, the small boats appear to be hovering in the sky reflected upon the sea. The winds near Ky Co are quite calm thanks to the beach’s bow shape. Soak in the turquoise water, feel smooth sand flow between your toes, and capture all the moments with Ky Co with a good camera. Relax and enjoy lunch in a small cave for a new dining experience. Ky Co Island also has a chain of green hills emerging from the vast sea. If you want to explore the island, you need to follow trails along the cliffs to the highest points. No matter whether you choose to conquer the cliffs or go along the hot sandy beach, your days in Ky Co will be relaxing and complete.



The four more experiences are wandering on the road across the island, exploring the pristine forest, sightseeing at the 140m lighthouse, and diving to view the coral.

Tho Chu - Vietnam ßÅO CUˇI TRòI NAM HÄNH TRçNH: ß” Æ’n ThÊ Chu c„ 2 c∏ch: ü Bπn bæt xe du lch Æi TP. Rπch Gi∏ tı TP.HCM, rÂi l™n tµu Æi ThÊ Chu. ThÍi gian di chuy”n tr™n tµu kho∂ng 16 ti’ng. Chuy’n tµu Æi thºng tı Rπch Gi∏ - ThÊ Chu khÎi hµnh lÛc 8h ngµy 5 hµng th∏ng, vµ quay v“ vµo ngµy 31 ho∆c ngµy 26. Tµu mi‘n ph› nh≠ng bπn c«n thu™ v‚ng Æ” nªm trong suËt hµnh tr◊nh. ü Bay tÌi PhÛ QuËc rÂi l™n tµu Æi ThÊ Chu. Chuy’n tµu khÎi hµnh lÛc 8h ngµy 10, 15, 20 25, 30 hµng th∏ng, vµ khÎi hµnh lÛc 5h ngµy 6, 11, 21, 25 hµng th∏ng theo chi“u ng≠Óc lπi. L¶U ≥: ü MÁi tu«n chÿ c„ mÈt chuy’n tµu Æi ra ThÊ Chu vµ tı ThÊ Chu v“ Ɔt li“n. Tı c∂ng Rπch Gi∏ Æ’n c∂ng ThÊ Chu kho∂ng h¨n 250km, v◊ vÀy thÍi gian tr™n tµu l™n tÌi 16 ti’ng. Nh˜ng ng≠Íi say tµu xe c«n ph∂i chu»n b Æ«y ÆÒ thuËc men vµ Æ ®n c«n thi’t. ITINERARY: There are two ways to travel to Tho Chu: ü Take a passenger car from HCMC to Rach Gia, then get on a ship to Tho Chu. It takes about 16 hours to travel by ship. The Rach Gia - Tho Chu ship depart on the 5th day of each month and return on the 26th or 31st day. The tickets are free but you should hire a hammock to lie down during the journey. ü Fly to Phu Quoc and take a ship to Tho Chu. The ship starts at 8am on the 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th day each month and returns at 5am on the 11th, 21st, and 25th day. NOTE: ü There is only one ship departing and returning from Tho Chu each week. It’s 250km from Rach Gia to Tho Cho so the travel time is longer. You should prepare food and medicine in case of sea sickness.

ß∂o ThÊ Chu lµ Æ∂o lÌn thuÈc qu«n Æ∂o ThÊ Chu (PhÛ QuËc, Ki™n Giang) vÌi nhi“u Æ∂o lÌn nh·, ch◊m nÊi kh∏c nhau, c∏ch mÚi Cµ Mau kho∂ng 160km v“ ph›a T©y Bæc vµ c∏ch thfi x∑ Rπch Gi∏ kho∂ng 220km. ßi”m tham quan Æ«u ti™n kh´ng n™n b· qua Î Æ∂o lµ B∑i Ng˘, n¨i nhÈn nhfip nh†t. Tπi Æ©y, bπn c„ th” tæm bi”n, tham quan c∏c c¨ sÎ Æ∏nh bæt, ch’ bi’n thÒy h∂i s∂n, t◊m hi”u cuÈc sËng cÒa ng≠Íi d©n. BËn tr∂i nghi÷m ti’p theo tπi Æ©y lµ lang thang tr™n con Æ≠Íng xuy™n Æ∂o, kh∏m ph∏ rıng nguy™n sinh, ghä h∂i Æ®ng cao 140m ngæm c∂nh, vµ l∆n ngæm san h´. N’u Æ’n vµo kho∂ng thÍi gian tı th∏ng 10 Æ’n th∏ng 3 ©m lfich, h∑y nhÌ Æ’n hfln Nhπn xem chim nhπn lµm tÊ, ÆŒ tr¯ng. Ng‰n h∂i Æ®ng cÒa Æ∂o tuy kh´ng cao, t«m chi’u s∏ng chÿ dao ÆÈng trong kho∂ng 12 h∂i l˝ nh≠ng c„ Æi“u Æ∏ng nhÌ lµ n„ t‰a lπc tπi mÈt trong nh˜ng n¨i cao nh†t cÒa Æ∂o (167m). Tı Æ©y, bπn c„ th” quan s∏t g«n nh≠ toµn bÈ Æ∂o ThÊ Chu vÌi nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi, m∏i nhµ »n hi÷n d≠Ìi r∆ng dıa, b∑i bi”n hi“n hoµ vµ nh˜ng chi’c thuy“n thÛng nËi Æu´i dµi t›t tæp. N’u h≠Ìng nh◊n ra bi”n, nh˜ng ch†m nh· li ti sœ hi÷n nguy™n h◊nh lµ nh˜ng chi’c tµu lÌn Æang l™nh Æ™nh gi˜a trÍi bi”n.

THE SOUTHMOST ISLAND Tho Chu is an island of the Tho Chu archipelago (Phu Quoc, Kien Giang). The archipelago consists of numerous islands of various sizes 160km to the southeast of Ca Mau and 220km from Rach Gia. Bai Ngu is a must-visit destination. Here, you can swim, visit the seafood processing factories, or learn more about the locals’ life. The three more experiences are wandering on the road across the island, exploring the pristine forest, sightseeing at the 140m lighthouse, and diving to view the coral. If you travel to this island from the 10th lunar month to the 3rd month the following year, don’t forget to visit Nhan islet to witness the swallows making their nest and laying eggs. The island’s lighthouse is not too high (it can only brighten up an area of 12 nautical miles) but it is located on one of the highest points on the island (167m). From the lighthouse, you can take in the beauty of the entire island with mountains, houses hidden under coconut trees, peaceful beaches, and small boats docked in rows. The tiny dots in the distance are large ships floating on the vast blue sea.

CA Sè LOKI BÅO LONG Hn M„ng Tay Æ∑ tπo cho bπn †n t≠Óng Æ∆c bi÷t nh≠ th’ nµo khi l«n Æ«u Æ∆t ch©n tÌi? ƒn t≠Óng Æ«u ti™n cÒa m◊nh lµ s˘ cho∏ng ngÓp, b∑i c∏t træng tr∂i dµi suËt hn Æ∂o, nh˜ng hµng dıa xanh cao vÛt, th“m san h´ k˙ ∂o vµ nh˜ng gh“nh Æ∏ huy“n b›. Khi Æ∆t ch©n l™n c∏t, c∂m gi∏c nh≠ c„ mÈt s˘ m“m mπi ´m l†y bµn ch©n m◊nh, d‘ chu nh≠ khi b≠Ìc l™n mÈt t†m n÷m b´ng. Kho∂nh khæc kh„ qu™n ÆËi vÌi bπn? ß„ lµ h◊nh ∂nh mÈt khe n≠Ìc len gi˜a nh˜ng v∏ch Æ∏, h÷t nh≠ c„ mÈt con Æ≠Íng mn bªng n≠Ìc d…n s©u vµo b™n trong vÀy. Hai b™n lµ hai t∂ng Æ∏ lÌn vµ b™n trong cÔng lµ mÈt “c®n phng” nh·. Trong mÈt c∂nh quay, m◊nh ph∂i tr™n l™n v∏ch Æ∏ cao mµ nh· x›u rÂi ngÂi væt vŒo, d≠Ìi kia lµ bi”n c∂ m™nh m´ng cuÈn s„ng... GiÍ ngh‹ lπi v…n cn run. Tr∂i nghi÷m nµo lµm bπn th›ch thÛ nh†t khi Î Æ©y? ßi“u m◊nh lu´n muËn lµm trong suËt chuy’n Æi lµ Æ≠Óc mÈt m◊nh nªm gi˜a b∑i c∏t træng, n¨i c„ hai b™n lµ v∏ch Æ∏ lÌn Æ” Æ≠Óc nghe s„ng bi”n vµ tæm næng. Hµng dıa xanh ÆÊ b„ng tr™n b∑i c∏t mn vµ rung rinh trong gi„. Kh´ng c„ g◊ nµo c„ th” tuy÷t vÍi h¨n th’. Theo bπn, n™n l≠u ˝ Æi“u g◊ khi kh∏m ph∏ hn Æ∂o nµy? Næng gæt cÈng th™m c∏c hoπt ÆÈng ngoµi trÍi d‘ khi’n bπn m†t s¯c, Æıng qu™n mang theo Æ ®n, n≠Ìc uËng vµ Æ∆c bi÷t lµ kem chËng næng. µ, cn Æ b¨i k›nh l∆n Æ” th·a th›ch kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi san h´ Æ«y mµu sæc. “L†y Æi nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh Æãp vµ Æ” lπi nh˜ng b≠Ìc ch©n”, m◊nh th◊ th›ch l†y Æi Î n¨i nµy nh˜ng th≠Ìc phim Æãp cho MV sæp ra mæt th´i. TRAVELLIVE


Phu Quy - Vietnam HíN ßÅO CûA NH~NG TH^ THÉCH

ß∂o PhÛ Qu˝, hay cfln g‰i CÔ Lao Thu, nªm ngoµi kh¨i tÿnh B◊nh ThuÀn c∏ch thµnh phË Phan Thi’t kho∂ng 56 h∂i l˝. Hfln Æ∂o c„ di÷n t›ch chÿ kho∂ng 16km2 nh≠ng »n ch¯a kh´ng ›t Æi“u thÛ vfi khi bπn kh∏m ph∏. ß«u ti™n, Æ©y lµ hfln Æ∂o bi÷t lÀp, mÁi ngµy chÿ c„ mÈt chuy’n thuy“n ra vµ vµo Æ∂o tı Ɔt li“n. ß” Æ∆t chÁ chuy’n thuy“n nµy, bπn ph∂i theo d‚i lfich tr◊nh thuy“n Æ≠Óc lÀp d˘a theo con n≠Ìc cÒa ngµy h´m Æ„, n™n g«n nh≠ kh´ng c„ thÍi gian cË Æfinh khi ra Æ∂o. Ngoµi ra bπn cfln ph∂i theo d‚i t◊nh h◊nh thÍi ti’t bi”n v◊ tµu chÿ Æ≠Óc chπy khi gi„ c†p 7 trÎ xuËng. MÈt trong nh˜ng Æfia Æi”m tÀp trung nhi“u kh∏ch du lfich khi Æ’n vÌi PhÛ Qu˝ lµ cÈt cÍ PhÛ Qu˝. Tı Æ©y, bπn c„ th” ph„ng t«m mæt bao qu∏t toµn bÈ mÈt vÔng bÍ bi”n rÈng lÌn vÌi 2 b∑i bi”n xanh trong, mµu sæc k˙ ∂o cÒa n≠Ìc bi”n xen vÌi nh˜ng vÔng Æ∏ Æen Æ∆c tr≠ng khi’n Æ∂o PhÛ Qu˝ h†p d…n nh˜ng ng≠Íi th›ch kh∏m ph∏ s˘ mÌi lπ. ßi”m ti’p theo kh´ng th” b· qua lµ Gµnh Hang, n¨i s®n c∂nh b◊nh minh tuy÷t Æãp cÒa nhi“u nhi’p ∂nh gia khi Æ∆t ch©n tÌi vÔng Æ∂o PhÛ Qu˝. G«n Æ„ lµ mÚi Doi Th«y, n¨i cho bπn c∂m gi∏c ngÏ ngµng vÌi ki”u c†u trÛc Æ∏ k˙ lπ nh≠ nh˜ng chÂng Æ‹a khÊng l sæp chÂng l™n nhau v≠¨n xa ra bi”n, ph›a d≠Ìi lµ HÄNH TRçNH: nh˜ng “ph∏o Ƶi” nu´i ü TÌi Phan Thi’t, bπn t´m hÔm chπy d‰c hai thu™ xe ´m chπy ra c∂ng c∏ Phan Thi’t (c∏ch b’n b™n. G‰i lµ ph∏o Ƶi v◊ xe kho∂ng 3km). Tı Æ©y, n¨i Æ©y Æ≠Óc x©y bªng mua vä tµu ra Æ∂o PhÛ Æ∏ vµ b™ t´ng v˜ng chæc Qu˝. Hi÷n c„ 2 loπi tµu Æang hoπt ÆÈng thay Æ” chËng ch‰i vÌi nh˜ng phi™n nhau, tµu nhanh c¨n gi„ vµ c¨n s„ng nh†t vµ tËt nh†t Î Æ©y lµ H≠ng Ph∏t 26 gi∏ kho∂ng mπnh tr™n Æ∂o. 250.000 VND/ng≠Íi cho chÁ ngÂi vµ 350.000 VND/ng≠Íi cho chÁ nªm, hµnh tr◊nh kho∂ng 4 ti’ng.

THòI ßIÕM: ü ThÍi gian tËt nh†t Æ” kh∏m ph∏ Æ∂o PhÛ Qu˝ lµ kho∂ng th∏ng 3 Æ’n th∏ng 5. L¶U ≥: ü MÁi ngµy chÿ c„ 1 chuy’n tµu ra Æ∂o vµ 1 chuy’n tµu vµo Ɔt li“n n™n bπn c«n l™n lch tr◊nh cÙ th”, l˘a ch‰n cÙ th” giÍ gi†c Æ∆t vä Æ” kh·i b tr‘ tµu xe.



Kh´ng chÿ quy’n rÚ vÌi c∏c bÍ c∏t dµi træng mfin, hµng d≠¨ng l∑ng mπn vµ kh´ng gian hoang s¨, du kh∏ch sœ c„ Æ≠Óc nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m v´ cÔng l˝ thÛ khi th·a s¯c hfla m◊nh d≠Ìi lflng bi”n xanh, l∆n ngæm nh˜ng d∂i san h´ ÆÒ mµu sæc, c©u c∏, bæt nhum vµ th≠Îng th¯c tπi chÁ.

ITINeRARy: ü Travel to Phan Thiet fishing port (3km from the city center) and buy ship ticket to Phu Quy Island. There are two types of ships operating alternately. The best and fastest one is Hung Phat 26. Prices: VND250,000/ seat, VND350,000/ sleeper. The trip lasts about 4 hours. TIMe: ü The best time to travel to Phu Quy is from March to May when the sea is calm.


NOTe: ü There is only one ship to and from the island each day so you should plan carefully.

THE ISlAND OF CHAllENGES Phu Quy Island, also known as Cu Lao Thu, is located off the coast of Binh Thuan, about 54 nautical miles from Phan Thiet. The island spans an area of only 16km2, but there are many interesting things to explore there. Firstly, this is an isolated island. Only one boat goes to the island and returns to mainland. Due to unstable water levels, this boat has no fixed schedule so you need to follow the schedule each day to book a trip. Moreover, weather is an important factor as the boat

can only run when the wind level is lower than 7. The Phu Quy flagpole is a famous attraction for many tourists. From the flagpole, you can fully take in the coastline’s 2 crystal-clear beaches. The fantastic water and black stones make Phu Quy more unique. Another must-visit destination is Ganh Hang where every photographer wishes to visit to capture the magnificent sunrise. Nearby is Doi Thay which brings you lots of surprises with its

strange geological structures. Huge rock plates are stacked together and stretch toward the sea. Under the reef are fortresses where locals raise lobsters. They call them fortresses as the farms are built of stone and concrete to keep strong waves and winds away. Not only enticing visitors with its long sandy beaches, beautiful poplars, and tranquility, the island is also an exciting place to swim, dive among the corals, go fishing, catch sea urchins, and enjoy seafood right on the beach. TRAVELLIVE


Nam Du - Vietnam “TI£N CÅNH” GI~A BIÕN KH•I

HÄNH TRçNH: ü Tı TP.HCM Æi xe Æ’n Rπch Gi∏ (245km), Æ„n tµu cao tËc Æi Nam Du (thÍi gian Æi tµu kho∂ng 2 giÍ) cÒa mÈt sË Æ¨n v tµu nh≠ Ng‰c Thµnh, S´ng HÂng (Helen, Goffrey), H H∂i... THòI ßIÕM: ü ThÍi ti’t Æãp nh†t Æ” kh∏m ph∏ Nam Du lµ tı cuËi th∏ng 12 Æ’n th∏ng 5, lÛc bi”n l∆ng, n≠Ìc xanh mµu ng‰c b›ch tuy÷t Æãp. L¶U ≥: ü Vi÷c di chuy”n gi˜a c∏c hn Æ∂o h«u h’t bªng tµu. ß” ti’t ki÷m chi ph›, bπn n™n Æi theo tıng nh„m tı 8 Æ’n 12 ng≠Íi, n’u Æi vÌi nh„m bπn c„ th” ch‰n ngÒ l“u tr™n Æ∂o Æ” c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc s˘ hoang s¨ cÒa Ɔt trÍi.

Nam Du lµ qu«n Æ∂o xa nh†t cÒa huy÷n Ki™n H∂i cÒa tÿnh Ki™n Giang, c∏ch Rπch Gi∏ h¨n 80km Æ≠Íng bi”n. 21 hfln Æ∂o lÌn nh· Æ≠Óc tπo h„a x’p Æ∆t khäo läo tπo thµnh qu«n th” tuy÷t Æãp gi˜a bi”n khi’n Nam Du mang Æ«y vŒ l´i cuËn cÒa s˘ hoang s¨ vµ thanh b◊nh. C∏c Æ∂o ph∂i Æ’n Î Nam Du lµ Hfln Ngang, Hfln M†u, Hai BÍ ßÀp, B∑i C©y M’n. Hfln M†u r†t Æãp vÌi 5 b∑i bi”n, Ưng Æ«u lµ b∑i Ch≠Ìng. Ngoµi ra cfln b∑i NÂm, b∑i ß∏ ßen vµ b∑i ß∏ Træng r†t th¨ mÈng. B∑i Nam lµ m∆t ti“n cÒa Æ∂o, n¨i Æ©y nh≠ s„ng y™n, gi„ l∆ng quanh n®m, xung quanh lµ hµng dıa xanh m∏t. Nh≠ng thÛ vfi nh†t lµ b∑i ß∏ ßen, n¨i c„ nhi“u loπi Æ∏ Æãp, Æa mµu sæc, hoa v®n. Sau hµnh tr◊nh dµi kh∏m ph∏ c∏c Æ∂o lÌn nh·, b∑i M’n lµ Æi”m dıng ch©n l˝ t≠Îng nh†t Æ” nghÿ ng¨i, tÀn h≠Îng c∂m gi∏c b◊nh y™n. ß’n Æ©y, bπn c„ th” Ææm m◊nh trong lµn n≠Ìc bi”n xanh ho∆c ƨn gi∂n nªm dµi tr™n b∑i c∏t cfln hoang s¨ vµ th¨ mÈng. Th≠Íng c∏c b∑i bi”n Î Nam Du, b∑i cπn, g«n bÍ kh∏ dµi, c«n lÈi bÈ mÈt Æoπn Æ” vµo bÍ.

A FAIRY LAND ON THE SEA Nam Du is the furthest archipelago of Kien Hai Distric, Kien Giang. 80km from Rach Gia, Nam Du includes 21 well-placed islands which make for a wonderful view that attracts visitors with its tranquility. Must-visit islands include Hon Ngang, Hon Mau, Hai Bo Dap, and Bai Cay Men. Hon Mau Island has 5 stunning beaches, the best of which is Chuong beach. Nom beach, Da Den beach, and Da Trang beach are also picturesque. Nam beach is on the side of the island facing Vietnam. Coconut trees, waves and a gentle breeze envelope this beach in eternal serenity. The most interesting beach is Da Den where you can find captivating stones with different colors and patterns. After a long journey exploring the islands, Men beach is the best place for you to relax and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere.

ITINERARY: 端 Travel by bus from HCMC to Rach Gia (245km) and take speedboat to Nam Du (about 2 hours) with Ngoc Thanh, Song Hong (Helen, Goffrey), or Ho Hai agencies. TIME: 端 The best time to visit Nam Du is from late December to May, when the jade sea is calm. NOTE: 端 You need to travel among islands by boat. You should go with a team (8-12 people) to save money. You can also rent a tent to stay on the islands and feel how wonderful they are.

You need to walk a bit from the beaches on Nam Du to reach an area that is deep enough to bathe.







Treasure OF THE OCEAN RÍi kh·i v®n phng khi thµnh phË Æ∑ l™n ÆÃn, t´i trÎ v“ nhµ sau c∂ ngµy dµi ngÀp la li÷t sË li÷u, bi”u Æ vµ k’ hoπch c´ng t∏c. L©u læm rÂi t´i mÌi lπi c„ mÈt ngµy v“ sÌm. ß„n t´i tr≠Ìc cˆa nhµ lµ Daisy, c´ ch∏u g∏i. "C´ nµng" dÙi Æ«u vµo lng t´i rÂi th· thŒ "D◊ Ann ¨i ngµy mai d◊ ch¨i v· Ëc vÌi con nhä, d◊ h¯a ch¨i vÌi con mµ h´m nµo d◊ cÚng v“ muÈn". I leave the office as the streets are already lit, heading home after a long working day of data, graphs, and business plans. It has been a long time since I went home early. Daisy, my niece, has been waiting in front of the house. I embrace my little girl, listening to her whisper, "Ann, please play with me tomorrow. You promised we would play with snail shells, didn't you?... You always come home late."


„i rÂi, Daisy chπy vµo phng l†y ra mÈt tÛi lÌn Æ«y nh˜ng v· Ëc, v· s, nh˜ng con sao bi”n kh´ vµ c∂ m†y m∂nh san h´. ß„ lµ "chi’n lÓi ph»m" mµ hÂi Æ«u hÃ, trong chuy’n du lch cÒa c∂ gia Æ◊nh, hai d◊ ch∏u Æ∑ Æen nhŒm v◊ mi÷t mµi t◊m d‰c b∑i c∏t ven bi”n. ß„ lµ kho∂ng thÍi gian thÀt s˘ tho∂i m∏i, kh´ng c´ng vi÷c, kh´ng deadline, kh´ng nh˜ng cuÈc g‰i li™n ti’p tÌi Ô tai, chÿ c„ nh˜ng c¨n gi„ bi”n ÆÔa qua t„c, bÍ c∏t mn mµng, s„ng vÁ r◊ r«m vµ ti’ng reo h Æ«y ph†n kh›ch cÒa c´ ch∏u g∏i. Then she runs into her room and takes a big bag of snail shells, seashells, dried starfish, and a few pieces of coral. They were our "treasure" after an early summer trip. We got sunburnt while collecting them along the beach. That was my time of comfort, without deadlines and continuous phone calls. I had only to attend to the sea breeze playing with my hair, the smooth sandy beach, the sonorous melodies of waves, and my niece's whooping.




T´i cn nhÌ h´m Æ„ Æ∑ h¯a vÌi Daisy khi nµo v“ nhµ sœ x©u hay Æ›nh tıng m∂nh cÒa "kho b∏u" kia thµnh nh˜ng m„n Æ nho nh· nh≠ vng tay, chu´ng gi„ ho∆c mÈt chi’c cËc Æ˘ng n’n thÀt lµ "bi”n"... Th’ mµ v“ tÌi thµnh phË, c´ng vi÷c c¯ cuËn t´i Æi, Æ’n nÁi su˝t qu™n c∂ c∏i hãn cÒa hai d◊ ch∏u. C´ng vi÷c Æ∑ hoµn t†t, vÀy lµ tu«n nµy t´i sœ c„ 2 ngµy nghÿ hoµn toµn tho∂i m∏i Æ” hoµn t†t lÍi h¯a vÌi Daisy. Chi’c chu´ng gi„ leng keng b™n khung cˆa sÊ, khung h◊nh vÌi vµi c©u quote hay ho Æ∆t tr™n bµn lµm vi÷c hay mÈt cËc n’n th¨m c„ Æ›nh sao bi”n... ThÀt nhi“u ˝ t≠Îng Æang tÌi trong Æ«u t´i. Cn g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n mÈt buÊi ngÂi tÿ m»n "nghch ngÓm" vµ nghe c´ c´ng chÛa cÒa c∂ gia Æ◊nh rÒ rÿ k” chuy÷n ch¯! Bπn "Bi”n" ¨i, chÍ chÛng m◊nh nhä! I remember promising to play with Daisy when we returned home. We could attach a string to some pieces of the "treasure" to make lovely bracelets, wind chimes, and candle cups in a... beach style. Nevertheless, my heavy workload seemed to make me forget my promise. My tasks are finished, so I can spend next weekend fulfilling my promise to Daisy. So many ideas come to mind; jingling wind chimes to hang on the window, a frame with a meaningful quote for the desk, a candle cup with starfish? How wonderful it is create such precious things while listening to the family's princess tell her stories! Hey, the "little sea", please wait for us!






Parasailing Lµ trfl ch¨i quen thuÈc cÒa nh˜ng ai th≠Íng xuy™n du lfich mπo hi”m tr™n bi”n. DÔ bay Parasailing c„ m∆t Î h«u h’t t†t c∂ b∑i bi”n Vi÷t Nam, th›ch hÓp nh†t lµ c∏c b∑i Î ßµ NΩng, bi”n Cˆa ßπi - HÈi An, Nha Trang, PhÛ QuËc... M¯c gi∏ th´ng th≠Íng cho mÈt su†t bay Parasailing dao ÆÈng tı 450.000 850.000VNß/1-2 ng≠Íi (dÔ Æ¨n vµ dÔ Æ´i) trong thÍi gian tı 20-30 phÛt, tÔy vµo dfich vÙ vµ b∑i bi”n kh∏c nhau. DÔ bay lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng m´n th” thao h†p d…n nh†t tr™n bi”n, Æ≠Óc vÀn hµnh bªng s¯c gi„, can´ käo dÔ bay tr™n kh´ng Î tËc ÆÈ 60-70km/h. L¨ lˆng tı ÆÈ cao 70 - 100m, bπn c„ th” tho∂i m∏i ph„ng t«m nh◊n ra khæp bi”n vµ th·a th›ch chi™m ng≠Ïng thµnh phË tı g„c nh◊n cÒa nh˜ng chÛ h∂i ©u. ThÍi Æi”m Æãp nh†t Æ” ch¨i dÔ bay lµ nh˜ng lÛc hoµng h´n, trong næng chi“u, gi„ bi”n, khi Æ„ bπn th·a s¯c th∂ m◊nh gi˜a gi„, bi”n vµ c∂ b«u trÍi.

Parasailing is a popular sport for those who enjoy adventurous beach journeys. Parasailing is available on almost all beaches in Vietnam, especially in Da Nang, Cua Dai beach - Hoi An, Nha Trang, and Phu Quoc. The rates range from VND450,000 to VND850,000 for one or two people (single or double parachute) to be up 20-30 minutes, depending on the services and the beach. Parasailing is one of the most attractive beach sports. It works with parachutes being connected to motorboats that run at the speed of 60 to 70km/h. The wind fills the parachutes and lifts it up. When hovering at 70-100m, you can relax and take in the sea and city’s beauty from the angles that the seagulls do. The best time for parasailing is at sunset when you can soak in the vast space with sea breeze and the last sunrays.



Bµi: Phan TrÛc


Hà mµ kh´ng Æi bi”n xem nh≠ bπn Æ∑ m†t mÈt nˆa mÔa hÃ. Vµ khi Æ∑ Æ’n vÌi bi”n mµ kh´ng mÈt l«n thˆ c∏c m´n th” thao bi”n s´i ÆÈng xem nh≠ chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn v…n ch≠a tr‰n vãn. Bπn th›ch ngæm nh◊n m∆t bi”n xanh m≠Ìt tı gi˜a b«u trÍi? Tr≠Ót tr™n nh˜ng con s„ng hay dπo bÈ d≠Ìi Æ∏y Æπi d≠¨ng? Th∏ng 5 nµy, h∑y khÎi ÆÈng mÔa hà vÌi nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m chÿ c„ Î bi”n. Missing a chance to visit the beach means missing out a half of summer. And your beach holiday will not be complete without beach sports. Admiring the crystal-clear sea from a parachute, sliding on waves or wading into the sea? Will you try these only-on-the-beach experiences this summer?



Kiteboarding Thˆ th∏ch vµ mπo hi”m h¨n n˜a lµ m´n l≠Ìt v∏n di“u Kiteboard vÌi s˘ k’t hÓp gi˜a dÔ bay tr™n kh´ng Parasailing vµ l≠Ìt s„ng Windsufing. Kiteboard Æ≠Óc chÛ ˝ vµ y™u th›ch trong nh˜ng n®m g«n Æ©y k” tı khi c∏c gi∂i l≠Ìt v∏n Kiteboard quËc t’ Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c Î Vi÷t Nam. L≠Ìt v∏n di“u Kiteboard lµ m´n th” thao sˆ dÙng s¯c gi„ Æ” c≠Ïi tr™n Æ«u s„ng vµ ng≠Íi ch¨i sˆ dÙng mÈt c∏nh di“u chuy™n dÙng. Bi”n MÚi NäB◊nh ThuÀn vµ vfinh Ninh Ch˜ - Ninh ThuÀn lµ n¨i th›ch hÓp nh†t cho m´n nµy bÎi vÔng bi”n Î Æ©y lu´n lÈng gi„, næng †m quanh n®m. Kh∏c vÌi m´n dÔ bay Parasailing khi chÿ c«n 5 phÛt læng nghe chÿ d…n lµ c„ th” tham gia, vÌi m´n l≠Ìt v∏n di“u Kiteboard, bπn ph∂i tr∂i qua kh„a hu†n luy÷n vµ c„ thÍi gian luy÷n tÀp nh†t Æfinh Æ” Æi“u khi”n Æ≠Óc h≠Ìng bay vµ ÆÈ cao cÒa di“u trong lÛc l≠Ìt s„ng. Tham kh∂o cho kh„a hu†n luy÷n l≠Ìt v∏n di“u Kiteboard tπi MÚi Nä tr™n trang web: www.



As the combination of parasailing and windsurfing, kiteboarding is more challenging and adventurous. Kiteboarding has become more popular since the International Kiteboarding Competitions started being held in Vietnam. Kiteboarding is a surface water sport. A kiteboarder harnesses the power of the wind with a large controllable power kite to be propelled across the water on a kiteboard. With strong wind and sunny weather, Mui Ne beach in Binh Thuan and Ninh Chu Bay - Ninh Thuan are the ideal places for this sport. Unlike parasailing - a sport that you can try after a matter of minutes instruction, kiteboarding requires lots of skill and practice to be able to control the kite. For further information about kiteboarding traininng course in Mui Ne, please visit www.



hu b∂o tÂn bi”n Nha Trang lµ n¨i sinh sËng cÒa 45% loµi sinh vÀt bi”n Æ≠Óc t◊m th†y tr™n th’ giÌi. Cfln g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n khi t∂n bÈ d≠Ìi Æ∏y bi”n, chπm vµo mÈt con c∏ ng˘a Æang b¨i thÙt lÔi, chi™m ng≠Ïng nhi“u loµi c∏ b™n nh˜ng rπn san h´ Æ«y mµu sæc mµ kh´ng ph∂i m∆c vµo bÈ Æ l∆n vµ b◊nh thÎ r≠Ím rµ. VÌi loπi h◊nh du lfich mÌi Æi bÈ d≠Ìi Æ∏y bi”n Seawalker tπi Nha Trang, bπn chÿ c«n ÆÈi l™n chi’c mÚ Æ∆c bi÷t trong suËt c„ cung c†p kh› oxy, vµ Æi theo h≠Ìng d…n cÒa c∏c thÓ l∆n chuy™n nghi÷p Æ” kh∏m ph∏ Æ∏y bi”n. ß©y lµ trfl ch¨i d≠Ìi bi”n cho t†t c∂ m‰i ng≠Íi, b†t k” tuÊi t∏c, c©n n∆ng, thÀm ch› ng≠Íi kh´ng bi’t b¨i cÚng c„ th” xuËng Æ∏y bi”n Æ” t∂n bÈ. Th´ng th≠Íng du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc Æ≠a Æ’n c∏c hfln Æ∂o k›n gi„, bi”n ›t ÆÈng, n≠Ìc trong nh≠ Hfln MÈt, Hfln Tªm Æ” dπo ngæm c∏, san h´ trong kho∂ng thÍi gian tı 15-20 phÛt. Bπn c„ th” dÔng Æ´i ch©n cÒa m◊nh t˘ do Æi lπi d≠Ìi lflng Æπi d≠¨ng, ´m l†y chÛ c∏ trfln trfia, nh◊n ngæm m‰i th¯ xung quanh m◊nh mÈt c∏ch c˘c k˙ d‘ dµng gi˜a nh˜ng rπn san h´ r˘c rÏ nh≠ mÈt “ti™n c∏”. £ ß” Æ≠Óc cung c†p th´ng tin c∏c dch vÙ nµy tπi Nha Trang, bπn c„ th” li™n h÷: HOLIDAY DIVING /2D Lam S¨n, Ph≠Ìc Ha, TP. Nha Trang, Kh∏nh Hoµ / Friendly Travel Nha Trang / 50 Bis Yersin, TP.Nha Trang, Kh∏nh Ha / Website: www. * LABIXA TRAVEL EVENT / C∂ng Du lch C«u ß∏, P. V‹nh Nguy™n, TP. Nha Trang / Website: * SEALIFE / X∑ Cam H∂i ß´ng, huy÷n Cam L©m, Kh∏nh Hoµ / Website:

The Nha Trang Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA) is home to 45% of the marine species found in the world. What could be better than touching seahorses, contemplating fish and colorful reefs while walking on the sea bottom without complicated diving suits and equipment? With seawalker, a new type of tourism in Nha Trang, all you need is a special transparent hat with oxygen supply equipment and to follow professional divers to explore the sea bottom. This is designed for everyone regardless age and weight. You don’t even need to know how to swim. Visitors are often brought to islands like Hon Mot or Hon Tam, where it’s not windy and the sea is calm. You will have about 15 to 20 minutes to walk around to see how wonderful marine life is. Like a mermaid, you are free to stroll the sea bottom among colorful coral reefs, embrace a fat fish, and see everything as lively as possible. To get detailed information about these services in Nha Trang, you can contact: HOLIDAY DIVING /2D Lam Son, Phuoc Haa, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa / Friendly Travel Nha Trang / 50 Bis Yersin, TP.Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa / Website: www. * LABIXA TRAVEL EVENT / Cau Da tourism port, Vinh Nguyen, Nha Trang / Website: www. * SEALIFE / Cam Hai Dong Commune, Cam Lam, Khanh Hoa / Website:



ß©y lµ m´n th” thao tr™n bi”n hi÷n Æπi Æang Æ≠Óc ≠u chuÈng nh†t th’ giÌi tπi c∏c b∑i bi”n nÊi ti’ng Î Ph∏p, Anh, M¸, Dubai, Th∏i Lan, Vi÷t Nam... Fly Board hay cfln Æ≠Óc g‰i lµ Hover Board lµ m´n th” thao “qu˝ tÈc” bÎi m¯c gi∏ kh∏ cao: 1.800.000VNß/ ng≠Íi Æ” tham gia trfl ch¨i nµy trong kho∂ng 20 phÛt. MÈt bÈ flyboard c„ gi∏ kho∂ng 6.000 VNß (h¨n 120.000.000VNß), lµ thi’t bfi bay c∏ nh©n sˆ dÙng l˘c Æ»y cÒa n≠Ìc, Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ bÎi Franky Zapata. Nha Trang hi÷n lµ n¨i duy nh†t giÌi thi÷u Fly Board cho du kh∏ch. VÌi Flyboard, bπn d‘ dµng bay l™n tÌi ÆÈ cao 9 - 10m so vÌi m∆t n≠Ìc, r¨i m◊nh t˘ do xuËng m∆t bi”n, ho∆c th˘c hi÷n c∏c ÆÈng t∏c lÈn nhµo, bay l≠Ón gi˜a kh´ng trung hoµn toµn tho∂i m∏i nh≠ Spiderman. D‹ nhi™n, Æ” th˘c hi÷n nh˜ng ÆÈng t∏c k¸ thuÀt cao, bπn c«n luy÷n tÀp trong mÈt kho∂ng thÍi gian nh†t Æfinh, nh≠ng vÌi c∏c ÆÈng t∏c ƨn gi∂n nh≠ Ưng n≠Ìc, gi˜ th®ng bªng vµ Æi“u khi”n h≠Ìng Æi, bπn chÿ c«n kho∂ng 5 phÛt Æ” lµm quen. Chi ph› tı: 600.000VNß/ ng≠Íi trong 5 phÛt; 950.000 VNß/ng≠Íi trong 10 phÛt ch¨i + 10 phÛt hu†n luy÷n; 1.800.000VND/ ng≠Íi trong 20 phÛt ch¨i + 10 phÛt hu†n luy÷n / Th´ng tin chi ti’t tπi website:

This is a modern sea sport which has become more and more popular around the world, especially in France, the UK, America, Dubai, Thailand, and Vietnam. Flyboarding, also known as hover-boarding, is an “aristocratic” sport since players must spend about VND1,800,000 to take part for 20 minutes. A flyboarding set costs about USD6,000 (over VND120,000,000). Invented by Franky Zapata, the set includes a personal water craft (PWC) which supplies propulsion to drive the flyboard through air and water. Nha Trang is the only place offering flyboarding in Vietnam. When trying this sport, you can easily fly to 910m above the water, fall down or hover like superman. Of course, to perform technical movements, you have to practice for a quite long time; however, it takes only some minutes to make simple movements such as standing on water, balancing, or turning. Prices: VND600,000/guest/5 minutes, VND950,000/guest for a 10-minute training and 10 minutes of playing, VND1,800,000/guest for a 10-minute training and 20 minutes of playing. For further information, please visit TRAVELLIVE



Penang vÌi t´i lµ nh˜ng l«n mÎ cˆa: mÎ cˆa nh˜ng ng´i nhµ cÊ læng nghe c©u chuy÷n Æ∑ qua hµng tr®m n®m, mÎ cˆa gian phng nh· ngæm nh◊n nh˜ng b¯c tranh 3D tr™n phË cÊ, mÎ cˆa h›t hµ h¨i bi”n tı nh˜ng ÆÓt s„ng vÁ v“... Bµi vµ ∂nh: C∏c TrÛc



CHUYåN NH~NG NG§I NHÄ C‡ PinanG Peranakan mansion ß©y lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng t≠ gia lÈng l…y nh†t Î George Town, thµnh phË thÒ phÒ bang Penang. ß≠Óc x©y d˘ng bÎi mÈt trong nh˜ng nh©n vÀt lıng l…y nh†t Malaysia vµo th’ k˚ 19, ng´i nhµ c„ mÈt lfich sˆ l©u ÆÍi vµ r˘c rÏ. Sau nhi“u thÀp k˚ bfi b· hoang, ng´i nhµ cÊ Æ≠Óc mÈt nhµ ph∏t tri”n b†t ÆÈng s∂n mua lπi vµ phÙc d˘ng, trÎ thµnh b∂o tµng tr≠ng bµy bÈ s≠u tÀp ÆÊ cÊ Peranakan. Ng≠Íi Peranakan lµ cÈng ÆÂng con lai Æ∆c bi÷t tπi Straits Settlements - c∏c khu Æfinh c≠ b™n eo bi”n thuÈc Anh tr≠Ìc Æ©y - bao gÂm Penang, Malacca, Labuan vµ Singapore. Ng≠Íi Peranakan tπi Penang Æ∑ tπo ra mÈt phong c∏ch sËng ÆÈc Æ∏o giao thoa gi˜a Anh, M∑ Lai vµ Trung QuËc. H‰ Æ” lπi c∂ mÈt di s∂n khÊng l tı ng´n ng˜, »m th˘c Æ’n b†t ÆÈng s∂n... Nhµ cÊ Pinang Peranakan Mansion lµ mÈt bi”u t≠Óng cÒa lËi sËng giµu c„, h≠ng v≠Óng tı th’ k˚ 19 vÌi h¨n 1.000 m∂nh Æ cÊ vµ c∏c vÀt dÙng s≠u t«m. Trong ng´i nhµ, bπn c„ th” th†y h◊nh ∂nh cÒa ´ng Chung Keng Quee, vfi chÒ nh©n Æ«u ti™n vµ con ch∏u cÒa ´ng. Bπn thÀm ch› c„ th” th†y Æ≠Óc nh˜ng t†m ∏o v∂i lÙa qu˝ hi’m, nh˜ng hÈp ph†n, c©y son tr™n bµn trang Æi”m tı h¨n 200 n®m tr≠Ìc hay bÈ s≠u tÀp gËm thÍi Victoria... Pinang Peranakan Mansion / 29 Church Street, 10200 Penang / MÎ cˆa tı 9h30 Æ’n 17h00 hµng ngµy / Website: / Mi‘n ph› cho trŒ em d≠Ìi 6 tuÊi.

chonG fatt tze mansion Chong Fatt Tze Mansion, cfln g‰i Blue Mansion bÎi mµu xanh bi”n v´ cÔng nÊi bÀt, lµ mÈt ng´i nhµ c„ lfich sˆ v´ cÔng Æ∆c bi÷t. ChÒ nh©n

Æ«u ti™n cÒa ng´i nhµ Cheong Fatt Tze lµ mÈt ch›nh trfi gia tµi gi·i, mÈt trong nh˜ng th≠¨ng gia giµu nh†t ß´ng Nam É thÍi b†y giÍ. §ng c„ 8 ng≠Íi vÓ Î Trung QuËc, Indonesia , Singapore , Hong Kong vµ Malaysia vµ lµ cha cÒa 8 ng≠Íi con trai. Trong Æ„, ng≠Íi vÓ th¯ 7 Î Penang, Malaysia lµ ng≠Íi vÓ Æ≠Óc ´ng y™u qu˝ nh†t, nh≠ng Æ©y lπi ch›nh lµ nguy™n nh©n di‘n ra k’t thÛc Æau buÂn cÒa ng´i nhµ nµy sau Æ„.


heong Fatt Tze m†t Æi, Æ” lπi t†t c∂ tµi s∂n cho ng≠Íi con trai Ût, con cÒa ng≠Íi vÓ th¯ 7, lÛc b†y giÍ chÿ mÌi 2 tuÊi. ô ÆÈ tuÊi qu∏ nh· Æ” gi˜ l†y khËi tµi s∂n khÊng l cÒa ng≠Íi cha, ng≠Íi con trai nµy lÌn l™n ch¯ng ki’n gia tµi s˘ nghi÷p cÒa cha m◊nh bfi x©u xä, vµ trÎ n™n tÛng qu…n, tµi s∂n duy nh†t cfln Æ≠Óc b∂o v÷ lπi lµ ng´i nhµ. Th’ nh≠ng sau khi anh ch’t, ng´i nhµ lÀp t¯c bfi th©u t„m vµ b· ph’. V“ sau, khi ng´i nhµ Æ≠Óc ch›nh phÒ b∏n lπi vµ tu bÊ, c∏c vÀt dÙng trong ng´i nhµ g«n nh≠ chºng cfln g◊.

Du kh∏ch th≠Íng sˆ dÙng xe Æπp trong hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ George Town.

Nhµ cÊ Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion hi÷n nay cfln lµ mÈt kh∏ch sπn dπng boutique, Æ≠Óc g‰i lµ The Blue Mansion by Samadhi. MÈt ngµy Î Æ©y sœ Æem lπi cho bπn tr∂i nghi÷m v“ mÈt lËi sËng sang tr‰ng trong nh˜ng n®m Æ«u th’ k˚ 20. Chong Fatt Tze Mansion / 14 Leith Street, 10200 Penang, Malaysia / Website: www.thebluemansion.



NGHå THUÜT ߶òNG PHˇ TR£N PHˇ C‡ GEORGETOWN gµy 7/7/2008, George Town ch›nh th¯c Æ≠Óc UNESCO trao t∆ng danh hi÷u Di s∂n v®n h„a Th’ giÌi. T∂n bÈ d‰c c∏c con phË nh· trong khu George Town vµo buÊi chi“u m∏t mŒ, ngæm nh◊n c∏c tfla nhµ cÊ cÚ k¸, kh∏m ph∏ c∏c b¯c t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt r∂i r∏c tr™n c∏c b¯c t≠Íng lµ tr∂i nghi÷m c„ s¯c hÛt k˙ lπ nh†t khi Æ’n vÌi Penang. ß©y cÚng lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng khu phË Æ≠Óc check-in nhi“u nh†t, Æi Æ©u cÚng th†y d©n du lfich canh me chÙp h◊nh, tπo d∏ng vÌi c∏c b¯c tranh 3D, hay graffiti. ßi“u Æ∏ng n„i lµ ng≠Íi d©n r†t th©n thi÷n, h‰ chºng cµu nhµu khi th†y du kh∏ch tÛm tÙm tr≠Ìc t≠Íng nhµ m◊nh Æ” ngæm nh◊n c∏c b¯c tranh, thÀm ch› c„ du kh∏ch m∂i m™ chÙp h◊nh lµm c∂n trÎ l≠u th´ng tπi g„c Æ≠Íng, xe h¨i v…n ki™n nh…n chÍ ch¯ kh´ng h“ b†m cfli inh ·i hËi thÛc.

C¡U CÅNG CLAN JETTIES Lµ di s∂n th’ giÌi Æ∑ Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn, khu nhµ gÁ tr™n s´ng nµy Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı gi˜a th’ k˚ 19 bÎi nh˜ng ng≠Íi di c≠ tı tÿnh PhÛc Ki’n, Trung QuËc. N¨i Æ©y tıng lµ th≠¨ng c∂ng s«m u†t nh†t Malaysia th’ k˚ 19, lu´n t†p nÀp tµu hµng, th≠¨ng nh©n tı c∏c n¨i. Clan Jetties bao gÂm 75 ng´i nhµ trong phπm vi b∂o v÷ di s∂n. Kh´ng c«n ph∂i b≠Ìc vµo b™n trong mµ ngay khung c∂nh b™n ngoµi Æ∑ khi’n bπn c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc kh´ng gian ÆÀm nät cÚ k¸ gi˜a lËi Æi nh· bªng gÁ, ti’ng quπt m∏y Ô Ô b™n trong nh≠ nh˜ng n®m thÀp ni™n 1980. Bπn c„ th” th†y h◊nh ∂nh cÒa c∏c cÙ nªm dµi tr™n chi’c gh’ l≠Íi ngµy x≠a, tay phe ph»y c©y quπt nan gi†y. D‰c c«u c∂ng r∂i r∏c mÈt vµi hµng b∏n kem s«u ri™ng nhµ lµm, hay b∏nh puff s«u ri™ng. MÈt Æi“u kh∏ hay ho lµ nh˜ng gia Æ◊nh sËng tr™n c∏c nhµ gÁ tr™n s´ng nµy kh´ng ph∂i tr∂ b†t k˙ thu’ Ɔt hay thu’ nhµ cˆa g◊, tı khi mÌi Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng cho Æ’n ngµy nay, bÎi v◊ h‰ kh´ng sËng tr™n m∆t Ɔt. ThÍi gian l˝ t≠Îng nh†t Æ” ghä th®m c∏c c«u c∂ng Clan Jetties, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ khu c«u c∂ng Chew Jetty lµ hoµng h´n. LÛc nµy, bπn c„ th” ngÂi th≠ th∂ b™n c©y c«u gÁ nh◊n ngæm, vµ tranh thÒ l≠u gi˜ lπi h◊nh ∂nh cÒa mµu bi”n xanh ng‰c lam ∏nh l™n d≠Ìi ∏nh næng vµng cam b™n nh˜ng chi’c thuy“n c∏.



PhË ngh÷ thuÀt (Street Art) Î George Town c„ 2 h◊nh th¯c c¨ b∂n: Tranh vœ 3D vµ Tranh uËn bªng thäp Æ≠Óc giÌi thi÷u tr™n b∂n Æ “Marking George Town” tπi s©n bay. Ngoµi ra cfln c„ mÈt sË dπng kh∏c nh≠ t≠Óng, Æi™u khæc tuy nhi™n kh´ng c„ tr™n b∂n ÆÂ, vµ vi÷c kh∏m ph∏ ra c∏c t∏c ph»m nµy tÔy thuÈc vÀn may cÒa bπn. T†t c∂ c∏c t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt Æ“u n„i v“ c∏c phong tÙc, v®n ho∏ tı xa x≠a tÌi nay cÒa phË cÊ George Town. N’u bπn t◊m ki’m chÛt k˙ qu∆c vµ hµi h≠Ìc, h∑y thˆ ki’m b¯c 3D “§ng ChÂng Ngoπi T◊nh”(Cheating Husband) tr™n Æ≠Íng Love Lane. B¯c tranh ch©m bi’m nh˜ng ´ng chÂng giµu bÙng to trËn vÓ gi†u nh©n t◊nh treo lÒng lºng b™n khung cˆa sÊ sœ khi’n bπn bÀt c≠Íi. B¯c “Qu∏ Hãp” (Too Narrow) tr™n Lorong Soo Hong m´ t∂ h◊nh ∂nh ng≠Íi l∏i xe Trishaw chπy ph®ng ph®ng lµm rÌt lu´n hai vfi kh∏ch ph›a sau. Hay b¯c “Phong C∏ch D©y Thıng” (Rope Style) tπi Jalan Pintal Tali gÓi nhÌ Æ’n b›m t„c th´ nh≠ sÓi d©y thıng cÒa c´ bπn hµng x„m. Ho∆c bπn c„ th” thˆ th∏ch m◊nh l™n hµnh tr◊nh t◊m ki’m “101 Con MÃo Bfi Lπc” (101 Lost Kittens), ÆÛng nh≠ c∏i t™n. PhË George Town gi†u trong m◊nh 101 “con mÃo” trong bÈ s≠u tÀp gÂm 12 t∏c ph»m cÒa ngh÷ s‹ Th∏i Natthapon Muangkliang vµ hai ngh÷ s‹ Malaysia Louise Low vµ Tang Yeok Khang nhªm tπo ra nhÀn th¯c ÆËi vÌi ÆÈng vÀt Æi lπc. ß„ lµ b¯c : “Skippy Æ’n Penang” (Skippy Comes To Penang), “H∑y Ch®m S„c Vµ Tæm Cho MÃo” (Please Care & Bathe Me) tr™n phË Armenien Street Ghaut, “CuÈc SËng Hπnh PhÛc CÒa MÃo Vµ Ng≠Íi” (Cats & Humans Happily Living Together) tr™n phË Cheah Kongsi...

Du kh∏ch th›ch thÛ vÌi nh˜ng con phË ngh÷ thuÀt tπi George Town.


NGHå THUÜT Vâ TAY TR£N VÅI BATIK X≠Îng gia c´ng v∂i Batik chæc hºn lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m ph∂i Æ’n tπi Penang dµnh cho du kh∏ch y™u th›ch v®n h„a. Ngµy nay cµng ngµy cµng ›t ng≠Íi sˆ dÙng loπi v∂i vœ tay Batik nh≠ x≠a do c´ng ngh÷ d÷t cµng ngµy cµng ph∏t tri”n, nh≠ng ngh÷ thuÀt Batik v…n lu´n lµ ni“m t˘ hµo cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Malaysia. T´i Æ’n th®m Penang Batik Factory vµo mÈt tr≠a n„ng, th’ nh≠ng c∏i n„ng ngoµi trÍi chºng th†m vµo Æ©u khi b≠Ìc vµo x≠Îng vœ, n¨i c∏c ngh÷ nh©n ph∂i lµm vi÷c li™n tÙc cπnh b’p lfl n†u ch∂y s∏p ong. Thµnh lÀp

tı n®m 1973, Penang Batik Factory chuy™n v“ c∏c loπi batik vœ tay truy“n thËng. ThÍi x≠a, chÿ c„ giÌi qu˝ tÈc ho∆c nhµ giµu mÌi c„ th” bÀn Æ lµm tı v∂i Batik c„ hoa v®n nhi“u vµ ph¯c tπp. Ngµy nay, ng≠Íi ta dÔng v∂i Batik trong m‰i th¯, tı qu«n ∏o, kh®n quµng cÊ Æ’n ga tr∂i gi≠Íng, kh®n tr∂i bµn... ß” c„ Æ≠Óc mÈt t†m v∂i Batik, ng≠Íi ngh÷ nh©n dÔng s∏p ong vœ c∏c hoπ ti’t l™n m∆t v∂i. Giai Æoπn vœ tay th≠Íng Æ≠Óc giao cho nh˜ng ngh÷ nh©n khäo tay vµ nhi“u kinh nghi÷m nh†t trong x≠Îng. C∏c ngh÷ nh©n hay sˆ dÙng mÈt dÙng cÙ tr´ng nh≠ chi’c t»u nh· vÌi c∏n bªng gÁ, ho∆c kim loπi Æ” Æ˘ng s∏p ong n„ng ch∂y

vµ mÈt Æ«u Ëng kim nh≠ Æ«u ngfli vi’t Æ” vœ l™n nh˜ng h‰a ti’t tinh x∂o. V∂i sau khi Æ≠Óc vœ sœ mang Æi nhuÈm rÂi ph¨i kh´. Sau Æ„, Batik Æ≠Óc nhÛng vµo mÈt dung m´i Æ” hfla tan h’t s∏p, c∏c Æ≠Íng nät vœ tı s∏p ong sœ kh´ng bfi nhuËm mµu vµ tπo thµnh hoa v®n træng Æ∆c tr≠ng. Ngh÷ nh©n Batik c„ th” dÔng khu´n in, c‰ vœ, thÀm ch› c∂ muËi Æ” tπo c∏c hoa v®n kh∏c nhau. Nh◊n nh˜ng ngh÷ nh©n ch∂y m h´i thµnh dflng, tÿ m»n Æun s∏p, vœ h‰a ti’t, nhuÈm mµu cho c∏c thÌ v∂i, mÌi th†y v∂i Batik kh´ng chÿ ƨn thu«n lµ mÈt s∂n ph»m thÒ c´ng m¸ ngh÷, mµ lµ c∏c t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt, bi”u t≠Óng v®n ho∏ cÒa Malaysia vÌi nh˜ng nät ÆÈc Æ∏o ri™ng. TRAVELLIVE


MÑO HIÕM ô ESCAPE THEME PARK «m 25 phÛt chπy xe tı trung t©m phË cÊ George Town, bπn sœ Æ’n vÌi mÈt trong nh˜ng c´ng vi™n ÆÈc Æ∏o nh†t cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc Malaysia: Escape Theme Park. Khi chÛng t´i hµo h¯ng Æ’n vÌi Escape Theme Park, ´ng Sim Choo Kheng - ng≠Íi Æ∑ thi’t k’ ra c´ng vi™n mπo hi”m - ngay lÀp t¯c käo chÛng t´i tr∂i nghi÷m hµng loπt nh˜ng trfl ch¨i mπo hi”m n¨i Æ©y. NuËi ti’c tr≠Ìc s˘ bi’n m†t cÒa nh˜ng trfl ch¨i tuÊi th¨ nh≠ Æu d©y, Æi cµ kheo, nhµo lÈn, leo c©y,... ´ng quy’t t©m x©y d˘ng mÈt n¨i Æ” m‰i ng≠Íi c„ th” “tho∏t kh·i” (Escape) s˘ rµng buÈc cÒa laptop, Æi÷n thoπi vµ hfla vµo thi™n nhi™n.

assaM laKsa

Th’ nh≠ng Î Escape Theme Park, m‰i trfl ch¨i Æ“u Æ≠Óc n©ng l™n thµnh mÈt hµnh tr◊nh mπo hi”m thÀt s˘. Tr≠Ìc mÁi trfl ch¨i, ng≠Íi ch¨i sœ Æ≠Óc h≠Ìng d…n k¸ l≠Ïng qua mÈt Æoπn clip h≠Ìng d…n, vµ lu´n c„ ng≠Íi Æi theo Æ” ki”m tra c∏c thi’t bfi an toµn. N’u nh≠ khi bä bπn th›ch trÃo tı n¨i nµy sang n¨i kia, vµ t≠Îng t≠Óng m◊nh trÎ thµnh Tarzan?


VÀy th◊ Æıng b· qua khu Chuy÷n CÒa Khÿ (Monkey Business), gÂm hµng loπt c∏c th∏ch th¯c leo trÃo, Æu Æ©y, l™ l’t ÆÒ m‰i c†p ÆÈ. Bπn sœ ph∂i treo m◊nh gi˜a t«ng cao (d‹ nhi™n vÌi d©y Æeo an toµn) Æ” b≠Ìc qua c«u treo, vµ bfl xuy™n qua c∏c b∏nh xe cheo leo. Nghe c„ vŒ d‘ dµng, nh≠ng n’u bπn Æ∑ thÀt s˘ l˘a ch‰n trfl ch¨i nµy, bπn sœ ph∂i hoµn t†t h’t mÈt vflng mµ kh´ng Æ≠Óc quay Æ«u lπi, trı nh˜ng tr≠Íng hÓp b†t kh∂ kh∏ng. ßi“u nµy khi’n bπn ph∂i c„ tinh th«n “thäp”, Æ” kh´ng b· cuÈc gi˜a chıng. Tπi Æ©y cfln c„ khu v˘c nghÿ ng¨i Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ tı c∏c container, vµ khu v˘c cæm trπi gi˜a rıng xanh. ß©y lµ khu v˘c quen thuÈc cÒa c∏c tr≠Íng h‰c Î Malaysia khi Æ≠a h‰c sinh Æ’n Æ©y Æ” rÃn luy÷n s¯c kh·e vµ vui ch¨i gi˜a t˘ nhi™n. MÈt trong nh˜ng trfl ch¨i h†p d…n Î Escape Theme Park lµ trfl th∂ m◊nh t˘ do tı ÆÈ cao 15m vµ 20m, tuy÷t ÆËi thu hÛt nh˜ng ai Æam m™ mπo hi”m. Kh∏c vÌi trfl Bungee, mÈt khi nh∂y lµ kh„ mµ dıng lπi gi˜a chıng, vÌi trfl ch¨i nh∂y t˘ do, bπn sœ chÿ r¨i t˘ do trong vµi gi©y Æ«u vµ d«n Æ≠Óc käo chÀm lπi Æ” ti’p Ɔt an toµn. Khi Ưng tr™n Æÿnh th∏p, ph„ng t«m mæt

Laksa lµ mÈt m„n bÛn n≠Ìc c„ nguÂn gËc tı nh˜ng ng≠Íi Peranakan (ng≠Íi lai Hoa - M∑ Lai) c„ lch sˆ h¨n 1000 n®m. Asam Laksa c„ sÓi bÛn h¨i giËng vÌi sÓi b∏nh canh cÒa ng≠Íi Vi÷t, n≠Ìc dÔng ch’ bi’n tı canh chua c∏ vÌi Asam (me chua) lµ gia v ch›nh tπo n™n nät Æ∆c tr≠ng, b™n tr™n Æ≠Óc ræc rau th¨m, hµnh l∏, bπc hµ xæc m·ng. B“ ngoµi kh´ng d‘ nh◊n, bÎi n≠Ìc dÔng tr´ng n©u n©u Æ· Æ· k◊ d, nh≠ng ®n quen rÂi th◊ kh´ng thi’u ng≠Íi “ghi“n” v cay cay chua chua tı sa t’ vµ ng‰t tı nh˜ng thÌ tht c∏ th∏i l∏t. Laksa has been a popular spicy noodle soup in Peranakan cuisine for more than 1000 years. Asam laksa consists of rice vermicelli like Vietnamese b∏nh canh. The broth is prepared from fish and sour asam, the dried slices of sour mangosteens. When served, greens, spring onion, and mint are added. It doesn't look like much, but it's addictive to many foodies who can't resist the fish broth's blend of sweet and spicy flavors.


ra mÈt kh´ng gian xanh thºm Æ«y c©y, bπn sœ c„ c∂m gi∏c nh≠ Æang Ưng b™n bÍ v˘c, sΩn sµng th∂ m◊nh sau ti’ng k™u “1,2,3, Nh∂y!” ßıng ngπi ngÔng la to khi ch¨i mπo hi”m, bπn sœ do d˘, sÓ h∑i khi nh◊n xuËng d≠Ìi, sœ th†y ph†n kh›ch khi r¨i t˘ do trong vµi gi©y, vµ t˘ hµo khi ch©n chπm Ɔt. T†t c∂ tπo n™n c∂m gi∏c r†t tuy÷t vÍi. escape Theme Park / Website: / Gi∏ vä vµo cˆa: Kho∂ng 350.000VNß cho trŒ em vµ 500.000VNß cho ng≠Íi lÌn. TH§NG TIN TH£M: HÄNH TRçNH: ü C∏ch ƨn gi∂n nh†t lµ Æ∆t vä m∏y bay Æi thºng tı TP.HCM Æ’n Penang vÌi vä gi∏ rŒ cÒa h∑ng AirAsia. ß©y lµ h∑ng duy nh†t mÎ Æ≠Íng bay thºng TP.HCM - Penang. ß≠Íng bay thºng tı Penang Æ’n TP. HCM Æ≠Óc khai th∏c vÌi t«n su†t 4 chuy’n kh¯ hÂi/tu«n vµo c∏c ngµy th¯ Hai, T≠, S∏u, ChÒ nhÀt. ThÍi gian bay mÁi ch∆ng kho∂ng 1 giÍ 40 phÛt. AirAsia th≠Íng c„ khuy’n m∑i lÌn Æ” qu∂ng b∏ Æ≠Íng bay mÌi nµy trong ÆÓt cuËi n®m. S# KIåN: ü ß’n Penang vµo mÔa hÃ, bπn h∑y chung vui cÔng ng≠Íi d©n Æa ph≠¨ng trong c∏c l‘ hÈi S«u Ri™ng, th≠Íng di‘n ra tı th∏ng 6 Æ’n th∏ng 7 hµng n®m. Penang lµ n¨i tÀp trung nh˜ng tr∏i s«u ri™ng Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh ngon bÀc nh†t ß´ng Nam É.

Text and photos: Cac Truc


Upon arriving in Penang, it seems fitting to shout open sesame so that it might open up and reveal its secrets. It enchants me whenever I have a chance to open the door of one of the old houses, houses chock full of centuries old tales, or enter the world of street art in the old town. I can dive head first into these stories, or just to breathe the fresh sea breeze.



Clan Jetties

THE STORIES OF OLD HOUSES Pinang Peranakan Mansion

Chong Fatt Tze Mansion

This is one of the most gorgeous mansions in George Town, the capital of Penang. Built by one of the most famous people in 19th century Malaysia, the house has a long and vivid history. After having been abandoned for many decades, Pinang Peranakan was bought and rebuilt by a real estate developer before becoming a museum for Peranakan antiques.

The Chong Fatt Tze Mansion, also known as the Blue Mansion because of its distinctive blue walls, is a special historic house. Its first owner, Cheong Fatt Tze, was a talented politician and one of the wealthiest businessmen in Southeast Asia at that time. He had 8 sons with his 8 wives from China, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Of all these wives, he loved the 7th one most. This was the reason for the house’s crisis.

Peranakan is a special community of mix-raced people within the former British Straits Settlement of Penang. The other three trade centers were Singapore, Malacca, and Labuan. The Peranakan people in Penang have created their own lifestyle harmoniously blending British, Malaysian and Chinese cultures. They have inherited a huge treasure of language, culinary art, and land. With more than 1,000 antiques and collectors items, the Pinang Peranakan Mansion demonstrates the Peranakans’ extravagant wealth and lifestyle in the 19th century. In this house, you can find a picture of the first owner, Mr. Chung Keng Quee, and his descendants. There are also rare and precious silk clothes, powder boxes, and lipsticks on the 200-year-old dressing table, as well as a collection of Victorian ceramics. Pinang Peranakan Mansion / 29 Church Street, 10200 Penang / Open time: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm everyday / Website: www.pinangperanakanmansion. / Free for children under 6 years old.



Before Cheong Fatt Tze died, he left his whole fortune to his 2-year-old child, the youngest son of the 7th wife. The boy was too young to save such a huge fortune. He grew up looking upon his brothers arguing over his best interest and became reliant upon the house. After he died, the house was usurped and abandoned. Later on, when the government sold it, there was nearly nothing left in the house. Nowadays, after restored, Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion serves as a boutique hotel called The Blue Mansion by Samadhi. Spend a stay here and you can learn all about the luxurious lifestyle in the first years of the 20th century. Chong Fatt Tze Mansion / 14 Leith Street, 10200 Penang, Malaysia / Website: www.thebluemansion.

Recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site, these wood houses were built in the mid-19th century by immigrants from Fujian, China. This place used to be Malaysia’s most bustling seaport in the 19th century with ships and merchants from around the world. The Clan Jetties consisting of 75 preserved houses are an integral part of Penang’s heritage. Even before you’ve entered these houses, you feel the antique atmosphere of the narrow wooden pathways, and the old fans sound like they are from the 1980s. The old men lie in old chairs waving paper pans. Some old houses sell home-made durian ice-cream or durian puff cakes along the jetties.

CHAR KWAY TEOW N„i Æ’n m„n ®n nÊi ti’ng cÒa Penang, kh´ng ai kh´ng nhæc Æ’n Char Kway Teow - hÒ ti’u xµo chung vÌi t´m t≠¨i, tr¯ng, gi∏ ÆÁ vµ hµnh l∏. ß«u b’p th≠Íng xµo vÌi tr¯ng vt ho∆c tht cua Æ” m„n m◊ xµo c„ h≠¨ng v m„n ®n phong phÛ h¨n. Char Kway Teow ÆÛng ki”u Malaysia th≠Íng Æ≠Óc Æ∆t tr™n mÈt m∂nh l∏ chuËi. VÌi ng≠Íi Vi÷t, m„n ®n nµy sœ h¨i kh„ ®n lÛc ban Æ«u v◊ kh∏ nhi“u d«u mÏ vµ n≠Ìc t≠¨ng, tuy nhi™n, Æıng ngπi thˆ bÎi h≠¨ng v ÆÀm Ƶ cÒa Char Kway Teow chæc chæn sœ khi’n du kh∏ch kh´ng th” qu™n Æ≠Óc. One of the most famous dishes in Penang is char kway teow - stirred flat rice noodles with fresh prawn, egg, bean sprouts, and spring onion. Chefs often stir it with duck eggs or crab meat to make the dish more flavorful. Char kway teow is placed on a banana leaf in Malaysian style. The dish may not meet Vietnamese taste due to the generous amounts of oil and soy sauce, but char kway teow will certainly be a new dining experience for you.


t might surprise you that the families living in these houses aren’t required to pay any kind of land tax because... they don’t live on the land. The best time to visit the Clan Jetties, and Chew Jetty in particular, is during sunset when you can relax on the wooden bridge and watch the sparkling jade sea with fishing boats under the yellow orange sun beams.

STREET ART IN THE GEORGE TOWN George Town was officially recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage on July 7th 2008. Strolling down its small streets on a cool afternoon to look at the old houses and graffiti art is one of the most exciting experiences in Penang. This is also the most checked-in place. Tourists take photos of the 3D paintings all over the place. The locals should be commended for their good nature as strange people gather to take pictures in front of their homes. When traffic jams occur, cars even stop to wait for visitors to finish their shots instead of honking.

Strolling down streets to look at the old houses and graffiti art is one of the most exciting experiences. they tell stories about the customs and cultural treasures of the George Town There are two main forms of Street Art in George Town: 3D paintings and steel rod caricatures which the “Marking George Town” map at the airport introduces. However, there are some statues and sculptures not mentioned on the map; so whether you can discover them or not is up to your luck.

They all tell stories about the customs and cultural treasures of the George Town. If you seek something weird and ridiculous, then check out the Cheating Husband- a steel-rod sculpture installed on the wall of a house facing Love Lane. The image of a corpulent man escaping from his wife will have you laughing out loud. Meanwhile the “Too Narrow” on Lorong Soo Hong Street describes a riskshaw driver who is driving so fast he drops his two passengers, and the Rope Style on Jalan Pintal Tali evokes Rapunzel whose hair was braided into rope. Or you can challenge yourself to find the “101 Lost Kittens”. As the name reflects, the Thai artist, Natthapon Muangkliang, along with Louise Low and Tang Yeok Khang from Malaysia have hidden 101 kittens in a collection of 12 artworks throughout Georgetown. Aiming to raise awareness about lost pets, the collection consists of Skippy Comes To Penang, Please Care & Bathe Me on Armenien Street Ghaut, Cats & Humans Happily Living Together on Cheah Kongsim, and more.



HAND DRAWN BATIK enang Batik Factory is a must-visit destination for those who love exploring culture. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people use hand drawn fabric since the textile industry is developing faster and faster. However, batik has always been an important heritage for Malaysians. I visited Penang Batik Factory one hot day, but the weather was nothing compared to the atmosphere inside the factory where workers and craftsman were melting beeswax. Established in 1973, Penang Batik Factory has specialized in traditional hand drawn batiks. In old times, only aristocrats and the wealthy could afford to wear batik outfits with their sophisticated patterns. Now, they use Batik to make everything from clothes, scarves, to bed sheets and table linens. To make Batik fabric, artisans use beeswax to embroider cloths. The embroidery stage is always done by the factory’s most skillful and experienced artisans. Artisans often use a tool like a small pipe with a wooden or metal handle to contain the moltened beeswax and needle like pen to draw sophisticated


patterns and lines. After that, the fabric is dyed and dried before being soaked in a solvent to dissolve wax. The lines covered with wax are not dyed, creating batik’s signature white patterns. Artisans use printing plates, brushes, or even salt to create different patterns.

Chá thÜp C¬M CendOl

CendOl, Mixed sweet sOup

Cendol lµ mÈt m„n tr∏ng mi÷ng y™u th›ch cÒa nhi“u ng≠Íi khi du lch Malaysia. Cendol gi∏ rŒ, chÿ t«m 2-3RM, lπi th¨m ngon vÌi n≠Ìc cËt dıa, b∏nh l‰t h≠¨ng d¯a, ÆÀu Æ·, vµ Æ≠Íng thËt nËt. MÈt sË n¨i cn cho th™m thπch rau c©u, kem hay gπo n’p. Tr≠a n„ng ®n ly Cendol Æ∏ bµo Æ” gi∂i nhi÷t, buÊi tËi ®n ly Cendol Æi dπo bi”n, cn g◊ tuy÷t h¨n!

Cendol is a favorite dessert for travelers in Malaysia, and it’s quite cheap at 2-3RM for a bowl. The sweet soup is made with pineapple rice flour jelly, coconut milk, and palm sugar. In some places, jelly, cream, or sticky rice is also added. What could be better than cooling down with a glass of cold cendol at noon or enjoying the dish while walking along the beach in the afternoon?


Watching artisans sweat while meticulously moltening wax, drawing, and dying fabric, I know that batik is not merely a handicraft but art, a distinctive cultural symbol of Malaysia.

ESCAPE THEME PARK, DARE YOU? About 25 minutes from George Town’s center is Escape Theme Park, one of the most special parks in Malaysia. We were excited to explore the park. Mr. Sim Choo Kheng, the park’s designer, immediately greeted us and guided our adventurous game experience there. After traditional childhood games like walking on trapeze wires, using stilts, practicing acrobatics, and climbing trees seemed to disappear, he decided to open a park where we could escape from our laptops, phones, and work to soak in nature. However, at Escape Theme Park, every game is developed to cultivate a new level of adventure. Before taking part in a game, you will be given an instruction clip, and there is always staff to check the safety equipment for you. If your kids want to swing from place to place like Tarzan, then bring them to Monkey Business to try a challenging selection of games at all levels. You will have a chance to hover (of course with safety belts), walk on a suspension bridge, or crawl through wheels hanging at high positions. However simple it sounds, you must finish the whole round of games and can’t go back (except for cases of force majeure). This game will help you strengthen your character, so you shouldn’t give up. Further information: ITINERARY: ü The easiest way is to fly from HCMC to Penang with AirAsia. AirAsia is the sole airline operating a direct route between HCMC and Penang. There are 4 roundtrip flights per week, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. The flight time is about 1 hour and 40 minutes. AirAsia offers numerous programs to promote this new route in the last months of the year. EVENTS: ü Go Penang this summer and take part in the Durian Festival from June to July. Penang is home to the most delicious durians in Southeast Asia.

There is also an area designed with containers for you to relax or go camping in the forest. This is a familiar place where students often go to practice and have fun in nature. One of the most fascinating rides at Escape Theme Park is free fall from15m or 20m. Unlike Bungee which lets you fall without stopping, this ride only drops for a few seconds before the rope lowers you to safety. Stand on top of the tower, take in the beauty of nature, and get ready to jump. Feel free to scream during this ride! You may be scared to look down, but embrace the adrenaline as you fall and be proud of yourself after finishing. All this excitement will make your trip unforgetable. Escape Theme Park / Website: / Entrance ticket: about VND350,000/child and VND500,000/adult. TRAVELLIVE



©Botond Horvath

ß∆t b™n cπnh nh˜ng thµnh phË du lch hay Æ≠Óc nhæc Æ’n cÒa Bÿ nh≠ Brussels, LiÃge, hay Bruges, c∏i t™n Mechelen nghe kh∏ lπ l…m. Nh≠ng n’u Æ∑ Æ’n Æ©y, bπn sœ kh´ng ph∂i hËi ti’c bÎi vŒ Æãp m™ ho∆c cÒa di s∂n ki’n trÛc thÍi Trung cÊ, Æ∆c bi÷t thµnh phË cn c„ l‘ hÈi nhπc cÊ Æi”n vµo th∏ng 4 nµy. Bµi vµ ∂nh: L™ Ch©u

T´i th›ch lang thang quanh nh˜ng d∑y nhµ cÊ theo lËi ki’n trÛc Townhouses Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Mechelen vµo th’ kÿ 15 hay tfla th∏p ÆÂng h House De Clippel tı th’ kÿ 16. Sau khi t∂n bÈ d‰c theo nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng Î Æ©y, t´i Æ∑ Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n b≠u Æi÷n De Bayaert, Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı th’ kÿ 12 g«n khu v˘c nhµ thÍ. ß©y tıng lµ n¨i dıng ch©n cho kh∏ch hµnh h≠¨ng, sau Æ„ Æ≠Óc sˆa ch˜a, n©ng c†p lπi thµnh Tfla thfi ch›nh vµo th’ kÿ 14 vµ hi÷n nay lµ b≠u Æi÷n cÒa thµnh phË. ßi gi˜a c∏c con Æ≠Íng chπy qua Qu∂ng tr≠Íng Grote Markt Î khu v˘c trung t©m, t≠Óng Ƶi Magaret, c´ng vi™n De Nekker, c´ng vi™n Plankendael, rÂi c∏c b∂o tµng vµ nh˜ng khu chÓ xung quanh qu∂ng tr≠Íng, t´i c„ c∂m gi∏c m◊nh Æang lπc b≠Ìc trong mÈt Æπi phim tr≠Íng thÍi Trung cÊ. T´i ti’p tÙc Æi thuy“n tı Haverwerf d‰c theo con s´ng Dyle Æi Æ’n b’n tµu ch›nh, ng»n ng¨ tr≠Ìc nh˜ng ng´i nhµ nhi“u mµu sæc hai b™n bÍ s´ng. Con thuy“n ch«m chÀm l≠Ìt qua chÓ c∏ Vismarkt, c«u Grootbrug... vµ t´i c„ th” c∂m nhÀn nhfip sËng y™n ∂, thanh b◊nh cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Mechelen len vµo tıng h¨i thÎ.

Mechelen lµ mÈt thµnh phË nh· Î ph›a Bæc n≠Ìc Bÿ, nªm væt ngang gi˜a c∂ng bi”n tr™n trÙc Æ´ thfi Brussels - Antwerp vÌi kho∂ng c∏ch 25km so vÌi mÁi thµnh phË. Ng´n ng˜ ch›nh Î Æ©y lµ ti’ng Hµ Lan, nh≠ng Æıng qu∏ lo læng, bπn hoµn toµn c„ th” sˆ dÙng ti’ng Anh khi Æi du lfich Mechelen.

THÄNH PHˇ LëCH S^ Mechelen bæt Æ«u b≠Ìc vµo thÍi Æπi c´ng nghi÷p Î th’ k˚ 19. Vµo n®m 1835, tuy’n Æ≠Íng sæt Æ«u ti™n tr™n lÙc Æfia ch©u ¢u k’t nËi gi˜a Brussels vÌi Mechelen Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng, sau Æ„ trÎ thµnh mπch ch›nh cÒa mπng l≠Ìi Æ≠Íng sæt Bÿ. Bπn ph∂i m†t kh∏ nhi“u thÍi gian n’u muËn kh∏m ph∏ h’t 336 tfla nhµ, nhi“u t≠Óng Ƶi, 8 nhµ thÍ theo phong c∏ch Gothic vµ Baroque cÒa Ch©u ¢u cÊ x≠a tı th’ kÿ 13 Æ’n th’ kÿ 17. Nh≠ng Æ” ch‰n mÈt, bπn n™n ghä th®m nhµ thÍ St.Rumbold, Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı th’ kÿ th¯ 13. Chinh phÙc 514 bÀc thang Æ” l™n tfla th∏p nhµ thÍ, tı ÆÈ cao 97m bπn c„ th” ph„ng mæt ra toµn c∂nh thµnh phË Mechelen, c∂m nhÀn thÀt r‚ nh˜ng Æ∏m m©y l¨ lˆng xung quanh.

T´i c„ c∂m gi∏c m◊nh Æang lπc b≠Ìc trong mÈt Æπi phim tr≠Íng thÍi Trung cÊ. TRAVELLIVE


ß’n Bÿ vµo mÔa hÃ, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc ha m◊nh vµo kh´ng kh› s´i ÆÈng vÌi c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n h†p d…n, nh˜ng buÊi ha t†u, hÈi th∂o v“ hÓp x≠Ìng th›nh phng

SAY THEO ßIåU NHÑC VÄ L¿C L¶ CùNG BIA Bÿ lµ vÔng Ɔt cÒa nh˜ng l‘ hÈi ©m nhπc. Tı th∏ng 4 Æ’n th∏ng 11 hªng n®m, bπn c„ th” d‘ dµng tham d˘ m‰i s˘ ki÷n ©m nhπc vµo mÁi cuËi tu«n Î c∏c thµnh phË vÌi nhi“u th” loπi, tı pop, rock, nhπc Æi÷n tˆ Æ’n nhπc th›nh phflng, cÊ Æi”n... ß’n Bÿ vµo mÔa hÃ, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc hfla m◊nh vµo kh´ng kh› s´i ÆÈng vÌi c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n h†p d…n, nh˜ng buÊi hfla t†u, hÈi th∂o v“ hÓp x≠Ìng th›nh phflng.


i™ng Î Mechelen - qu™ h≠¨ng cÒa nhµ soπn nhπc nÊi ti’ng Raymond Schroyens, bπn sœ c„ c¨ hÈi th≠Îng th¯c l‘ hÈi ©m nhπc cÊ Æi”n Van Vlaanderen Mechelen tı 23/4 - 15/5. C∏c buÊi hfla nhπc th≠Íng di‘n ra Î nh˜ng khu v˘c rÈng lÌn nh≠ qu∂ng tr≠Íng Grote Markt, Manufactuur De Wit, khu v˘c nhµ thÍ St.Rumbold tr∏ng l÷. Ngoµi ra, Î Æ©y cfln c„ Li™n hoan ©m nhπc quËc t’ Æ≠¨ng Æπi TENSO Days (vµo kho∂ng gi˜a th∏ng 5), mÈt cuÈc thi nhªm t◊m ki’m, Ƶo tπo vµ n©ng cao chuy™n m´n dµnh cho c∏c nhµ soπn nhπc trŒ tuÊi. ß’n vÌi c∏c s˘ ki÷n nµy, ngoµi nh˜ng ngh÷ s‹ ng≠Íi Bÿ cfln c„ c∏c ngh÷ s‹ Æ’n tı nhi“u quËc gia tr™n th’ giÌi. Khi th≠Îng th¯c ©m nhπc, bπn sœ uËng g◊? N’u Î Ph∏p, ng≠Íi ta ngh‹ ngay Æ’n r≠Óu vang th◊ Î Bÿ, l˘a ch‰n sœ lµ bia. Ng≠Íi bπn ÆÂng hµnh Æ∑ giÌi thi÷u vÌi t´i mÈt loπi bia tr∏i c©y c˘c k◊ nÊi ti’ng Î Æ©y bæt nguÂn tı th’ kÿ th¯ 16 vÌi t™n g‰i Gouden Carolus. Vfi Ææng, ng‰t nh≠ng h¨i nÂng tı tr∏i sung, nho kh´ vµ h≠¨ng vfi caramel mang Æ’n cho t´i c∂m gi∏c r†t kh∏c bi÷t vµ mÌi lπ. T´i cfln Æ≠Óc bi’t th™m mÈt sË loπi bia Æ∆c tr≠ng Î Mechelen nh≠ Bush Blonde Triple, Bush Prestige ...



ß∆c bi÷t, Æ” s˘ k’t hÓp gi˜a ©m nhπc vµ bia trÎ n™n hoµn h∂o h¨n, bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng loπi ph´ mai nÊi ti’ng cÒa Bÿ vÌi h¨n 300 loπi kh∏c nhau nh≠ ph´ mai xanh (Grevenbroecker, Bio Bleu ...), ph´ mai lµm tı s˜a d™ (Chevrin, Cabiolait, KeiemsBloempje)... ho∆c ®n kÃm khoai t©y chi™n tı nh˜ng cˆa hµng nh· vÌi t™n g‰i Fritkot ho∆c Frituur. Sau khi dµnh c∂ ngµy tham quan thµnh phË, buÊi tËi th≠ gi∑n cÔng vÌi nhπc jazz tπi nhµ hµng theo phong c∏ch Gothic sœ khi’n bπn mong thÍi gian ngıng tr´i Æ” nhÌ m∑i v“ hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ Ch©u ¢u cÒa m◊nh. DÔ thÍi gian dµnh cho Mechelen chÿ v·n vãn vµi ngµy nh≠ng t´i Æ∑ kfip tr∂i nghi÷m s˘ th©n thi÷n vµ ch©n thµnh cÒa con ng≠Íi n¨i Æ©y. Tr∏i tim cÎi mÎ vµ s˘ nhi÷t t◊nh cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng khi’n t´i c∂m th†y an toµn h¨n ngay Î nh˜ng n¨i xa lπ nh†t. LÛc t´i Æ’n nhµ ga vµ Æang ÆÓi bπn ra Æ„n, c„ mÈt c´ g∏i r†t trŒ lπi g«n h·i th®m t´i v◊ bi’t t´i lµ kh∏ch du lfich. C´ sΩn sµng Ưng ÆÓi cÔng t´i Æ’n khi c„ ng≠Íi quen ra Æ„n, vµ cÔng chia sŒ mÈt ›t b∏nh ng‰t cÚng nh≠ giÌi thi÷u s¨ l≠Óc v“ cuÈc sËng vµ con ng≠Íi n¨i Æ©y. Hà nµy, n’u bπn muËn tr∏nh xa s˘ Ân µo, n∏o nhi÷t cÒa nh˜ng thµnh phË lÌn vµ muËn c„ nh˜ng kho∂ng l∆ng ri™ng Æ” th≠ gi∑n, t◊m hi”u v“ lfich sˆ cÒa mÈt trong nh˜ng n≠Ìc Ch©u ¢u, Mechelen ch›nh lµ n¨i tuy÷t vÍi dµnh cho bπn.

Th§ng tin th£m: HÄNH TRçNH:

ü Tı Vi÷t Nam bπn c„ th” bay thºng Æ’n Bÿ (Brussels) vÌi Vietnam Airlines ho∆c vÌi c∏c h∑ng m∏y bay kh∏c. Tı Paris, bπn c„ th” ch‰n Megabus ho∆c Ouibus Æ” Æ’n Brussels, vÌi gi∏ kho∂ng 20 Euro/l≠Ót (5 giÍ), mÈt l˘a ch‰n kh∏c lµ Bla bla car cÚng vÌi gi∏ t≠¨ng Æ≠¨ng nh≠ng thÍi gian ngæn h¨n. Tı Brussels, bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n:

ü Xe lˆa tı ga Brussels Midi ho∆c Burssels Centraal Æi Mechelen vÌi gi∏ 4,50- 7 euro trong kho∂ng 25 phÛt. ü Tı s©n bay Brussels, Æi xe bus De Lijn (sË 282, 681, 682, 683), t«n su†t 2 chuy’n/ ti’ng vÌi gi∏ 3 euro vµ thÍi gian di chuy”n trong kho∂ng 50 phÛt. ü Trong thµnh phË, bπn n™n ch‰n Æi xe Æπp ho∆c Æi bÈ. Gi∏ thu™ xe Æπp trung b◊nh 10 euro/ngµy. Bπn c„ th” t◊m Î Fietspunt (trı cuËi tu«n) ho∆c Provinciaal Sport - en Recreatiecetrum De Nekker (bao gÂm cuËi tu«n vµ c∏c ngµy l‘) KHÉCH SÑN:

ü Th´ng tin v“ kh∏ch sπn ho∆c nhµ nghÿ c„ th” t◊m Î c∏c websute Æ∆t phng tr˘c tuy’n. Ngoµi ra, nh˜ng dπng nhµ nghÿ vÌi gi∏ c∂ ph∂i ch®ng dµnh cho giÌi trŒ Auberge de Jeunesse ho∆c Air BnB... cÚng lµ nh˜ng l˘a ch‰n thÛ v. ¬M TH#C:

ü ô Mechelen, bπn n™n t◊m Æ’n c∏c nhµ hµng Gasthof Kwaadmechelan, Theatrium Mechelen ho∆c nh˜ng nhµ hµng nh· xung quanh khu v˘c qu∂ng tr≠Íng... N™n thˆ mÈt chÛt bia tπi qu∏n r≠Óu l©u ÆÍi Hankeef ho∆c nh˜ng qu∏n bar nh· phÙc vÙ nhπc jazz nªm xung quanh nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng Korenmarkt, Begijnenstraat... Vµo mÔa hÃ, n™n th≠Îng th¯c mÈt m„n ®n r†t ƨn gi∂n nh≠ng h≠¨ng v ngon tuy÷t, Æ„ lµ m®ng t©y træng Æ≠Óc luÈc ho∆c h†p ®n kÃm vÌi xËt b¨, rau mÔi t©y vµ lng Æ· tr¯ng luÈc cæt nh·. ßıng qu™n th≠Îng th¯c s´c´la n„ng v◊ Bÿ lµ quËc gia sÎ h˜u nh˜ng th≠¨ng hi÷u s´c´la nÊi ti’ng nh≠ Callebaut, C´te d’Or, Leonidas, Guylian, Godiva...

Text and photos: Le Chau


When referring to Belgium, everyone tends to mention cities such as Brussels, LiĂƒge, or Bruges. Yet the name, Mechelen, seems unfamiliar. However, the city’s fascinating cultural heritage with its fabulous architecture from the Middle Ages and the April classical music festival make this hidden jewel well worth the visit.



YOU CAN EASILY ATTEND MUSIC EVENTS EVERY WEEKEND IN VARIOUS BELGIAN CITIES FROM ABOUT APRIL TO NOVEMBER. Mechelen is a small ancient city in the north of Belgium located on the 50km stretch between the Antwerp seaport and Brussels’ industrial axis. The main language is Dutch, but don’t worry, you can speak English here.

want to learn more about people’s lifestyle and have a good time, you can try sailing along the river from Haverwerf Dyle (Dijle) to the pier and observe the colorful riverside houses, Vismarkt (the fish market), and Grootbrug (the stone bridge).

Historical city Mechelen entered to the industrial age in the 19th century. In 1835, the first railway in Europe linked Brussels with Mechelen, which became the central and most important part of the Belgian railway network. The city will take lots of time to explore since it contains around 336 buildings and monuments including 8 medieval Gothic and Baroque cathedrals. Make sure to check out St. Rumbold’s cathedral (Sint-Rombout’s kathedraal), which was built starting in the 13th century. Its 97 meter tower up 514 stairs will give you a great panoramic view of the city. There's nothing better than when you're standing at the top of the tower and seeing Mechelen with the clouds hovering around you. I loved visiting the Mechelen town houses from the 15th century along with the clock tower and House De Clippel from the 16th century. After walking along the surrounding streets, you ought to take the time to visit the Post office De Bayaert, which was built in the 12th century and originally used as an overnight shelter for pilgrims. It was purchased by the city in the 14th century and enlarged afterwards to serve as the Mechelen Town Hall, but now it’s the Central Post Office. Going downtown around Grote Markt , then visiting Margaret statue, De Nekker Park, Plankendael Park, museums, and the local markets around the square, I feel like I’m lost in a massive medieval studio. If you



Get drunk on music and beer Belgium is a land of music festivals. You can easily attend music events every weekend in various Belgian cities from about April to November. The variety of genres ranging from pop, rock, electronic, classical, chamber music, and more makes the atmosphere festive and enjoyable for all tastes. Even in the villages and small towns, there are unique carnivals styled to their region. If you come to Belgium in the summer, you will enjoy the vibrant atmosphere with compelling musical performances, concerts, as well as meetings for performers to extend their chamber choir repertoires. In Mechelen, the hometown of famous composer Raymond Schroyens, you might especially enjoy the Van Vlaanderen Mechelen classical music festival from April 23rd to May 15th. The concerts take place at the Grote Markt, Manufactuur De Wit, and St. Rumbold Cathedral. There is also TENSO Days (mid-May), a series of professional courses aimed at helping young composers and conductors develop their skills. TENSO has been held in Berlin, Paris, Marseille, Oslo, and Amsterdam. 2016 will be the third edition held in Mechelen. Apart from the Belgian artists, you will find artists from around the world.

Itinerary: ü From Vietnam, you can take the straight flight to Belgium (Brussels) with Vietnam Airlines or other airlines. If you are from Paris, you can travel with Megabus or Ouibus to Brussels for a cheap price around 20 euro/turn in 5 hours or take Bla Bla Car with a similar price but the time will be shorter. Then from Brussels, you will have some options: ü Buy train tickets from Brussels Centraal or Brussels Midi station only 4.50 - 7 euro/turn to Mechelen in 25 minutes. ü From Brussels Airport, take the bus De Lijn (282, 681, 682, 683) with 2 times/hour and the price is 3 euro/turn. The time is around 50 minutes.


While you’re listening to music, beer is the good choice.

While you’re listening to music, would you prefer to drink wine or beer? In France, people would think of wine, but in Belgium, beer is the good choice. My friend introduced to me Gouden Carolus, a fruity beer which has been extremely popular here since the 16th century. Gouden Carolus, brewed at Het Anker brewery, won the gold medal at the World Beer Awards in 2010. The bitter-sweet taste is complimented with figs and raisins which lend a malty caramel flavor. I also encountered beers such as Bush Blonde Triple and Bush Prestige. To make the music and beer more perfect, you can also choose from a selection of over 300 Belgian cheeses from blue cheese (Grevenbroecker and Bio Bleu) to goat cheese (Chevrin, Cabiolait, and Keiems Bloempje) or enjoy with fries, called fritkot or frituur, from the small shops. After spending the day visiting the city, a relaxing evening listening to jazz in a Gothic style restaurant will make you wish to stop the time and reflect on your journey in Europe. Although I had only few days in Mechelen, I was greeted with so much friendliness and sincerity from the people here. When I arrived at the station and was waiting for my friend to pick me up, there was a young girl who stopped and talked with me about life in Mechelen because she had guessed that I was a traveler. She was willing to wait with me until my friend arrived. She shared with me some cakes and introduced something about the life and people here. When you travel alone in the cold, dreary European weather, very warm human affection like this makes you believe in the goodness of people, no matter where you are from. This summer, if you want to get away from the bustling cities and relax while exploring new things in Europe, then Mechelen awaits you.

ü The easy ways to discover the city are walking or by bike. Bicycle rentals average at around10 euro/day. You can find one at Fietspunt (except during weekends) or Provinciaal Sport - en Recreatiecetrum De Nekker (including weekends and holidays). ü Accommodation: You can check out hotels or hostels via www. booking.comor find native friends’ home-stays with www.couchsurfing. com or through any other website. Additionally, the hostels like “Auberge de Jeunesse” are quite popular in Europe and a good choice for you. Food and drink ü You should enjoy the delicious meals at Gasthof Kwaadmechelan, Theatrium Mechelen, or at the small restaurants around the center. Try some beer at Hankeef - the oldest pub or at a small bar with jazz music around Korenmarkt and Begijnenstraat streets. In summer, there is a simple dish with a great taste that will surprise you, steamed white asparagus served with a butter sauce with parsley and diced egg yolk. As for drinks, I have always prioritized hot chocolate, as Belgium is a country famous for chocolate with brand names such as Callebaut, CÙte d'Or, Leonidas, Guylian, and Godiva. TRAVELLIVE



Kuala Lumpur quy’n rÚ t´i bÎi s˘ pha trÈn cÒa nhi“u n“n v®n h„a th” hi÷n trong n’p sËng cÒa ng≠Íi d©n, trong nh˜ng m„n ®n ngon tuy÷t vÍi vµ c∂ tr™n nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng b™n bÍ s´ng th¨ mÈng. Tuy nhi™n, tπi Æ©y kh„ ai c„ th” chÿ dπo phË, ®n m„n ngon mµ ng„ l¨ c∏c trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi, Æ’n Kuala Lumpur mµ b· qua hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ c∏c trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi cÚng c„ ngh‹a lµ bπn Æ∑ ng„ l¨ “mÈt g„c t©m hÂn” cÒa thµnh phË. VÌi s˘ giÛp s¯c cÒa c´ bπn ng≠Íi Malaysia, t´i c„ mÈt mÈt ngµy “shopping hunt” Æ«y thÛ vfi tı s∏ng Æ’n chi“u muÈn gi˜a lflng Kuala Lumpur Æ´ng ÆÛc. Hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ tr∂i rÈng qua 3 con phË mua sæm nÊi ti’ng nh†t cÒa Kuala Lumpur lµ Bukit Bintang, Jalan Ampang vµ Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman tuy m·i m÷t nh≠ng trµn Æ«y nh˜ng Æi“u thÛ vfi.

Tı nh˜ng trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi sang tr‰ng Æ’n hµng loπt khu chÓ truy“n thËng vÌi ÆÒ c∏c qu«y hµng r˘c rÏ, thÒ Æ´ cÒa Malaysia lµ Æi”m Æ’n h†p d…n cho nh˜ng chuy’n mua sæm b†t tÀn cÒa m‰i du kh∏ch. Bµi: ThÛy An





TP.HCM T‰a lπc ngay trung t©m Sµi Gn n∏o nhi÷t, Air 360 Sky Lounge lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng bÀc nh†t Æ” ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh v“ Æ™m cÒa mÈt Sµi Thµnh lung linh thu nh· trong kh´ng gian ki’n trÛc sang tr‰ng vµ lÈng gi„. VÌi s˘ ÆÈc Æ∏o trong thi’t k’, tπi kh´ng gian mÎ Æ’n 360 ÆÈ n¨i Æ©y, bπn c„ th” th·a s¯c ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh Sµi Gn, nh©m nhi ly cocktail, tr chuy÷n cÔng bπn bÃ, ÆËi t∏c vµ tr´i theo giai Æi÷u Deep House th≠ th∂. Kh´ng gian rÈng vÌi s¯c ch¯a h¨n 500 kh∏ch Æ≠Óc chia thµnh 4 khu v˘c: Sky Pool, Sky Bar, Sky Deck vµ Sky Gallery lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng cho c∏c s˘ ki÷n quy m´, nh˜ng buÊi h‰p m∆t hay ti÷c c∏ nh©n sang tr‰ng vµ tinh t’. N’u nh≠ Sky Pool lµ l˘a ch‰n tËi ≠u cho nh˜ng buÊi g∆p gÏ trong kh´ng gian t≠¨ng ph∂n cÒa nh˜ng khËi mµu thµnh phË - trÍi Æ™m - ∏nh ÆÃn h b¨i, th◊ Sky Gallery nªm tr™n t«ng cao nh†t cÒa Air 360 lπi mang tÌi tr∂i nghi÷m v“ nh˜ng buÊi ti÷c ri™ng t≠ chÿ dµnh ri™ng cho bπn bÃ. B™n cπnh Æ„, Air 360 Sky Lounge cn sÎ h˜u phng VIP vµ VIP Lounge sang tr‰ng bao quanh bÎi lÌp k›nh trong suËt kh´ng nh˜ng tπo cho bπn tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v, c∂m gi∏c th≠ gi∑n trong khi ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh Sµi Gn lung linh. VIP Lounge th›ch hÓp cho c∏c s˘ ki÷n, workshop, ti÷c c∏ nh©n tı 15 Æ’n 90 kh∏ch. VÌi dµn ©m thanh hi÷n Æπi nh†t hi÷n nay Æ≠Óc nhÀp kh»u tı Anh QuËc, h¯a hãn sœ Æem Æ’n nh˜ng giai Æi÷u sËng ÆÈng vµ tinh t’ nh†t, Air 360 Sky Lounge lµ Æa chÿ tuy÷t vÍi Æ” kh∏m ph∏ c∏c cung bÀc c∂m xÛc qua ©m Æi÷u bi’n t†u ÆÈc Æ∏o d≠Ìi bµn tay ma thuÀt cÒa nh˜ng DJ giµu kinh nghi÷m ngay trong khung giÍ tı 21h hµng ngµy. C„ th” n„i, Air 360 Sky Lounge lµ Æi”m hãn kh´ng th” b· qua cho b†t c¯ du kh∏ch nµo bÎi s˘ k’t hÓp v´ cÔng ÆÈc Æ∏o bÎi »m th˘c, kh´ng gian vµ tr∂i nghi÷m, dÔ lµ buÊi hãn Æ«u l∑ng mπn hay mÈt b˜a ti÷c †n t≠Óng.

AIR 360 SKY LOUNGE * Rooftop 22nd - 23rd , Ben Thanh Tower, 136-138 Le Thi Hong Gam, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam * Tel: 6259 9999 Fax: 6253 7777 * Email: Hotline 0974 58 77 88 *






entices me with everything ranging from the locals’ lifestyle and cuisine to its picturesque riverside roads. However, walking around and trying the food is not enough, as neglecting to peruse the shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur is to ignore the soul of the city. Guided by a Malaysian friend, I have an exciting shopping hunt in the bustling heart of Kuala Lumpur. We began in the early morning covering the three most famous shopping streets Bukit Bintang, Jalan Ampang, and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, before finishing in the late afternoon. My hunt was quite tiring but full of excitement. We start at Suria KLCC within the Petronas Towers. This is a place where visitors can find premium name brands such as Chanel, Alexander McQueen, Dior Homme, and more. LRT station is at the foot of the mall so you can take the monorail to Bukit Bintang - the shopping Mecca of Kuala Lumpur. Bukit Bintang is home to a multitude of shopping malls such as Pavilion with 8 separate shopping areas, Fahrenheit 88 with Bookxcess which sells books at the lowest prices in Malaysia, Low Yat Plaza - a



paradise of technological devices or rare products, and Berjaya Times Squares with luxurious red carpets and high-end boutiques. Leaving the complex of shopping malls, we take the monorail to Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman - an 1.7km shopping road with many retail shops. The road teams with colors from the blue and yellow houses to the textile shops draped in radiant cloths and gorgeous traditional costumes. You can learn about traditional Malaysian commercial culture by visiting old fashion shops such as Harison or Gulati’s Silk House. They are located just outside of SOGO, Malaysia's largest department store. However, the 10floor giant is a host to a multitude of other shops. The central market is a must see for those who want to understand more about Kuala Lumpur’s traditional culture and trading practices. This beautiful market showcases its influences from Indian, Malaysian, and Chinese culture with their souvenir, food, and handicraft stalls. I concluded my fantastic hunt with a delicious meal at Precious Old China. The dishes at this restaurant are great examples of how Chinese cuisine and Malaysia can blend harmoniously. An intimate space

with fine däcor and food is all you need to relax after a long day of hunting. With tired feet and my skin turning pink on account of the hot weather, I brought my amazing day to a close. I’ve explored the soul of Kuala Lumpur - a favorite modern corner in this city. It’s not easy for first time travelers here to embark on a shopping hunt like me. Therefore, I would like to suggest some must-see places for your shopping experience in the capital of Malaysia.

FOR BOOK-LOVERS Kinokuniya Suria KLCC is one of the largest businesses in Southeast Asia of Kinokuniya - a Japanese bookstore chain established in 1982. This bookstore is home to more than 300,000 books written in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Malay. If you love Japanese culture, Kinokuniya is a paradise full of English translations of Japanese novels and manga. Kinokuniya, the 4th floor, Suria KLCC.

Junk Book Store, located near the central market, is the biggest and oldest used book store in Kuala Lumpur. Bookworms will love the narrow walkways with high bookshelves with of every

genre from novels, magazines, and detective stories to picture books and comics. Though the books at Junk Book Store are quite old, their quality is quite high and they are sold at very reasonable prices. Junk Book Store, 78 Jalan Tun H S Lee, Kuala Lumpur

FABRIC AND HANDICRAFTS The central market is a world of Malaysian handicrafts and cuisine. The market is divided into 3 areas for Indian, Chinese, and Malay merchants. Each area offers signature goods designed in distinctive styles. Prepare enough money since it’s hard to refuse some pretty handicrafts like wood carvings, bracelets, and colorful Batik textiles. Jalan Hang Kasturi, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia

Jakel Mall is a 5-floor shopping mall selling premium fabrics and silk made by Jakel Trading Corporation. Here you can choose from a selection of high quality silk, lace, and other fabrics imported from Italy by famous brands such as Gucci, Valentino, Prada, and Versace. Apart from textile products, you can buy furniture or bedsheets with uniquely intricate patterns. Jalan Munshi Abdullah, Kuala Lumpur,

Peter Hoe Beyond is a Kuala Lumpur speciality consisting of souvenir shops, clothing boutiques and a cafä. Numerous products are designed and collected from around Asia by Peter Hoe. You will wish to bring many things from this store home such as hand-dyed tablecloths, exquisite embroidered pillows, sophisticated silverware, and countless souvenirs which are difficult to find in any other places. No. 145, Jalan Tun HS Lee, Kuala Lumpur

JEWELRY Habib Jewels is famous for its high-class diamond jewelry. Rings, necklaces, and bracelets with sparkling diamonds are meticulously crafted in classic styles, offering you the most stunning things to bring home. Lot C49, Concourse Level, Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur. Shinju Pearls is the place to go if you are looking for pearls. At its stores, you can also find unique jewelry from other gemstones. Shinju Pearls’s collections vary from elegantly simpleto premium necklaces. F084 First Floor, Midvalley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur

THE HI TEA EXPERIENCE Hi Tea is a favorite type of afternoon tea in Malaysia. It also has a prominint place in their culture. In Kuala Lumpur, Majesty Hotel is the ideal place to experience this. Savoring a cup of aromatic tea in the garden of orchids is a must-try experience. Prices vary from RM++ to 88 RM++, depended on your chosen space. 5 Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, KL City Centre Malaysia

“HUNT” SPECIAL OFFERS IN KUALA LUMPUR There are three Mega Sales each year in Malayasia, namely the 1Malaysia Super Sale, the 1Malaysia Mega Sale Carnaval, and the 1Malaysia Year-End Sale. This year, they are on March 1st - March 31, June 15th - August 31st and November 1st - December 31st. Don’t miss these special chances to hunt for your favorite items at the lowest prices. Moreover, take a look at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with Miss SHopphia - the symbol for shopping in Malaysia for further information about hot shopping destinations, special offers, and upcoming Mega Sales.

50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia






VÌi buffet h∂i s∂n tπi nhµ hµng C∏ ChuÂn C (kh∏ch sπn Premier Village Danang), th˘c kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c c∏c loπi h∂i s∂n theo mÔa vÌi nhi“u l˘a ch‰n gi˜a salad, sushi, sashimi, m◊ ≥, m„n n„ng, b∏nh vµ m„n tr∏ng mi÷ng. ßÈi ngÚ Æ«u b’p chuy™n nghi÷p cÒa kh∏ch sπn sœ mang tÌi bπn tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c Æ∏ng nhÌ trong khi th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n ®n vµ tÀn h≠Îng t«m nh◊n tuy÷t Æãp ra bi”n ß´ng. Gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i: 500.000VNß++/ng≠Íi.

Trong th∏ng 5, th˘c kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc cÔng gia Æ◊nh, bπn bà th≠Îng th¯c h≠¨ng v th¨m ngon, tuy÷t h∂o cÒa h¨n 50 m„n ngon Æ∆c sæc bao gÂm sushi, l»u b shabu shabu vµ nhi“u l˘a ch‰n kh∏c Æ≠Óc Æ∆c bi÷t chu»n b bÎi ÆÈi ngÚ Æ«u b’p chuy™n nghi÷p vµ tµi hoa cÒa nhµ hµng Emperor, kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Hanoi Hotel. ßπi ti÷c h≠¨ng v NhÀt B∂n phÙc vÙ tı 11h00 - 14h00, tı th¯ 2 - th¯ 7. Gi∏: 420.000VNß++/ ng≠Íi lÌn; 210.000VNß++/ trŒ em (6-10 tuÊi). Ép dÙng Ch≠¨ng Tr◊nh °n 3 Tr∂ 2 cho c∏c ngµy th≠Íng trong tu«n. Li™n h÷: 04 3831 3333 - sË m∏y lŒ 6461 ho∆c email fb@

Nhµ hµng h∂i s∂n C∏ ChuÂn CÂ, 99 V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, Q. NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng. Tel: 0511 3919 999. Website: www. LOTTE LEGEND SAIGON Tı nay Æ’n 31/10 kh∏ch sπn Lotte Legend Saigon ≠u Æ∑i g„i khuy’n m∑i cuËi tu«n dµnh cho kh∏ch Vi÷t Nam vµ ng≠Íi n≠Ìc ngoµi sinh sËng Î Vi÷t Nam, chÿ vÌi 2.490.000VNß++/Æ™m bao gÂm buffet s∏ng, mi‘n ph› sˆ dÙng h b¨i vµ gi∂m gi∏ 10% cho th¯c ®n vµ Æ uËng trong kh∏ch sπn. Tı phng nghÿ du kh∏ch c„ th” ngæm nh◊n thµnh phË hay khung c∂nh dng s´ng Sµi Gn y™n b◊nh. MÁi phng Î Æ≠Óc chia thµnh hai khu v˘c ri™ng bi÷t, khu v˘c lµm vi÷c vµ khu nghÿ ng¨i vÌi h÷ thËng mµn h◊nh LCD vµ truy“n h◊nh v÷ tinh, ga tr∂i gi≠Íng vµ gËi m“m mπi Æ≠Óc lµm bªng ch†t li÷u cao c†p. KHÉCH SÑN LOTTE LEGEND SAIGON 2A-4A T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1, TP.HCM - Tel: 08.38232833 - Website: www.lottehotel. com/saigon

MELIA HANOI HOTEL Kh∏ch sπn Melia Hanoi giÌi thi÷u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n "ßi 4 Tr∂ 3" cho th˘c kh∏ch tπi nhµ hµng El Patio vµo tËi c∏c ngµy tı Th¯ Hai Æ’n Th¯ B∂y vµ tr≠a ChÒ NhÀt. Tı th¯ 2 Æ’n th¯ 5 (18h00 - 22h00): C∏c m„n ®n t˘ ch‰n quËc t’ c„ gi∏ tı 560.000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn; Th¯ 6 vµ th¯ 7 (18h00 - 22h00): Ti÷c t˘ ch‰n h∂i s∂n gi∏ tı 825.000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn; Tr≠a ChÒ NhÀt (11h30 - 14h00) vÌi c∏c m„n ®n t˘ ch‰n phong phÛ vµ G„c vui ch¨i dµnh cho trŒ em vÌi gi∏ tı 895.000VNß++/ ng≠Íi lÌn. Th´ng tin li™n h÷ nhµ hµng El Patio: 04 3934 3343, m∏y lŒ 7503. MOEVENPICK HANOI HOTEL

Hµng loπt ≠u Æ∑i, khuy’n mπi h†p h…n tı c∏c nhµ hµng, kh∏ch sπn, resort, th≠¨ng hi÷u thÍi trang, h∑ng hµng kh´ng, c´ng ty l˜ hµnh uy t›n trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc.

ß’n vÌi nhµ hµng Mangosteen Kh∏ch sπn Moevenpick Hµ NÈi vµo th∏ng 5, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c h≠¨ng v b vµ cıu nhÀp kh»u tı @c Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ cÔng nhi“u m„n ®n kÃm h†p d…n vÌi gi∏ chÿ tı 450.000VNß++/ph«n. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng Æ’n 31/5. Li™n h÷ Æ∆t bµn tπi Mangosteen qua sË 04 3822 2800, sË m∏y lŒ 6201.

LATITUDE 10 Bπn h∑y th™m chÛt h≠¨ng v cho buÊi tËi th¯ N®m hµng tu«n trong th∏ng 5 vµ th∏ng 6 nµy cÔng ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "Ti÷c R≠Óu vang vµ Ph´mai" di‘n ra tπi qu«y bar Latitude 10, kh∏ch sπn Le Meridien Saigon vÌi gi∏ 450.000VNß++/ kh∏ch. Bπn c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng giÌi hπn c∏c loπi r≠Óu vang Æ≠Óc ch‰n l‰c tı c∏c nhµ lµm r≠Óu nÊi ti’ng cÒa Ph∏p, @c, Chile, T©y Ban Nha; th≠Îng th¯c cÔng vÌi c∏c loπi ph´mai h∂o hπng nh≠ Camembert, Tomme, Sainte Maure, Ph´-mai D™ vµ nhi“u l˘a ch‰n kh∏c. LATITUDE 10 - 3C T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1, TP.HCM - Tel: 08 6263 6688 - Website: www. NINETEEN BUFFET Th˘c kh∏ch vËn ≠a th›ch Sunday Brunch h∂i s∂n tπi Nineteen sœ cµng hµi lng h¨n n˜a khi Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c th™m t´m hÔm, t´m mÚ ni, cua, ghã vµ v´ sË hµu t≠¨i do c∏c Æ«u b’p tr¯ danh cÒa Caravelle ch’

bi’n theo ÆÛng kh»u v vµ gu »m th˘c cÒa tıng kh∏ch. TÀn h≠Îng ngµy cuËi tu«n cÒa bπn vÌi r≠Óu th¨m, cocktail, vµ nh˜ng m„n ngon É - ¢u phong phÛ trong g„i Sunday Brunch vÌi gi∏ 1.490.000VNß++ bao gÂm champagne, cocktail, bia vµ c∏c loπi r≠Óu vang; 1.090.000VNß++ bao gÂm cocktail, bia vµ c∏c loπi r≠Óu vang; 990.000VNß++ bao gÂm n≠Ìc ng‰t, n≠Ìc tr∏i c©y vµ c∏c loπi cocktail kh´ng cÂn vµ 890.000VNß++ kh´ng bao gÂm th¯c uËng. B™n cπnh Æ„, bπn c„ th” cÔng bπn bà vµ ng≠Íi th©n th≠Îng th¯c buffet tËi h∂i s∂n vÌi 4 m¯c gi∏: 1.490.000 VNß++; 1.090.000VNß++; 990.000 VNß++ vµ 890.000VNß++. BUFFET NINETEEN - T«ng tr÷t, Kh∏ch sπn Caravelle Saigon - 19-23 Qu∂ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, Q.1, TP.HCM - Tel: 08 3823 4999 THE SPA - THE REVERIE SAIGON Tı nay Æ’n h’t th∏ng 6, The Spa ≠u Æ∑i dch vÙ gÈi s†y ho∆c dch vÙ lµm m„ng cho kh∏ch hµng sˆ dÙng c∏c g„i tr li÷u dµnh cho m∆t. ß∆c bi÷t, trong thÍi gian nµy, khi sˆ dÙng dch vÙ tπi The Spa, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc t∆ng bÈ s∂n ph»m tı nh∑n hµng†danh ti’ng Voya Æ’n tı Anh QuËc. The Spa tπi kh∏ch sπn The Reverie Saigon c„ di÷n t›ch 1.200m2 tr™n hai t«ng l«u, cung c†p 10 phng tr li÷u, trong Æ„ c„ 4 phng Æ´i vµ 6 phng ƨn. The Spa phÙc vÙ dch vÙ tr li÷u truy“n thËng ß´ng Nam É vµ c∏c g„i m∏t xa vÌi tinh d«u ph≠¨ng T©y trong kh´ng gian b◊nh y™n lch l∑m. THE SPA - THE REVERIE SAIGON - Ta nhµ Times Square† - 22-36 Nguy‘n Hu÷ & 57-69F ßÂng KhÎi, Q.1, TP.HCM - Tel: 08 3823 6688 - Website:

VIETNAM AIRLINES H∑ng hµng kh´ng Vietnam Airlines vıa c´ng bË ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "Mua sÌm gi∏ tËt hµnh tr◊nh Hµ NÈi - Tokyo" cho c∏c chuy’n bay cÒa h∑ng tÌi s©n bay Haneda ho∆c s©n bay Narita, Tokyo, NhÀt B∂n. Hµnh tr◊nh tı Hµ NÈi Æi Haneda: gi∏ kh¯ hÂi hπng phÊ th´ng chÿ tı 8.799.000VNß khi mua vä tr≠Ìc ngµy khÎi hµnh 30 ngµy vµ gi∏ kh¯ hÂi hπng th≠¨ng gia chÿ 22.499.000VNß khi mua vä tr≠Ìc ngµy khÎi hµnh 07 ngµy. Vä Æ≠Óc b∏n tı nay Æ’n ngµy 15/7, khÎi hµnh tı 9/5 Æ’n 31/7. Hµnh tr◊nh tı Hµ NÈi Æi Narita: gi∏ kh¯ hÂi hπng phÊ th´ng chÿ 14.199.000VNß khi mua vä tr≠Ìc ngµy khÍi hµnh 14 ngµy. Vä Æ≠Óc b∏n tı ngµy 15/4 Æ’n 15/6, khÎi hµnh tı 9/5 Æ’n 30/6. Th´ng tin chi ti’t tπi website






Come to Mangosteen Restaurant - Moevenpick Hanoi Hotel this May to enjoy beef and lamb imported from Australia as well as delicious side dishes at special rates starting at VND450,000/plate. The promotion is valid until May 31st. For booking, please contact Mangosteen Restaurant at 04 3822 2800, ext. 6201.

Make your Thursday night in May and June more special with the "Wine and Cheese party" at Latitude 10 Bar, Le Meridien Saigon Hotel at VND450,000++/ guest. Enjoy unlimited wines selected from renowned factories in France, Australia, Chile, Spain as well as premium types of cheese such as Camembert, Tomme, Sainte Maure, goat cheese, and more.

FORTUNA HANOI HOTEL This May, diners will have a chance to enjoy the exquisite selections of over 50 of the finest Japanese dishes including Sushi, Shabu Shabu (Japanese-Style Hot Pot) and many others prepared by talented chefs of Emperor Restaurant, Fortuna Hanoi Hotel. Indulge in "A Taste of Japan" from 11:00 - 14:00 from Monday to Saturday. Price: VND420,000++/ adult and VND210,000++/child (6-10 years old). Eat 3 Pay 2 is applicable during weekday. Contact: 04 3831 3333, ext. 6461. Email: VIETNAM AIRLINES Vietnam Airlines has announced its new promotion "Buy early, good price" for flights from Hanoi to Haneda or Narita Airport Tokyo, Japan. Hanoi to Haneda route: economy round trip fare starts at VND8,799,000 for booking before 30 days, and business roundtrip fare starts at VND22,499,000 for booking before 7 days. Tickets are sold until July 15th for flights from May 9th to July 31st. Hanoi Narita: economy round trip fare starts at VND14,199,000 for booking before 14 days. Tickets are sold until June 15th for flights from May 9th to June 30th. For further information, please visit

LATITUDE 10 - 3C Ton Duc Thang, Dist. 1, HCMC - Tel: 08.62636688 - Website: www. - Tel: 08 6263 6688 - Website: www. LOTTE LEGEND SAIGON From now until October 31st, Lotte Legend Saigon is offering a weekend promotion for Vietnamese guests and expats. For only VND 2,490,000++/ night, you can enjoy free breakfast buffet, swimming pool, and 10% discount for food and beverage services in the hotel. From the guest room, you can take in the beauty of the city and tranquil Saigon River. Each room is divided into working and relaxing areas. To kick back and relax, you have an LCD and satellite TV, sheets and soft high quality pillows. LOTTE LEGEND SAIGON Hotel - 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang, Dist. 1, HCMC - Tel: 08 3823 2833 - Website: www. NINETEEN BUFFET Diners who love Seafood Sunday Brunch at Nineteen will be more satisfied with lobsters, slipper lobsters, crabs and other seafood

custom prepared by talented chefs of Caravelle. Enjoy delicious European - Asian dishes with wine and cocktail with Sunday Bruch at only VND1,490,000++ (including champagne, cocktail, beer, and wine), VND1,090,000++ (including cocktail, beer, and wine), VND990,000++ (including soft drink, fruit juice, and non alcohol cocktail), and VND890,000++ (without drinks). In addition, relax with friends and family while tasting seafood dinner buffet with 4 prices VND1,490,000 ++; VND1,090,000 VND ++; VND 990,000 ++ , and VND 890,000 ++. BUFFET NINETEEN - Ground floor, Caravelle Saigon Hotel 19 -23 Lam Son Square, Dist.1, HCMC - Tel: 08 3823 4999 THE SPA - THE REVERIE SAIGON From now until June 30th, The Spa is offering its special promotion with free shampooing and nail services for customers who use face treatment. During this promotion, you will receive a set of Voya products from the UK when using services at The Spa. Situated in The Reverie Saigon Hotel, The Spa spans an area of 1,200m2 on two floors with 10 treatment rooms (4 double rooms and 6 single rooms). Relax with traditional Southeast therapies and massage with Western essencial oils in the serene space of The Spa THE SPA - THE REVERIE SAIGON - Times Square Building - 22-36 Nguyen Hue & 57-69F Dong Khoi, Dist.1, HCMC - Tel: 08 3823 6688 - Website: www.

MELIA HANOI HOTEL This season 2016, Melia Hanoi presents the extremely fascinating promotion "Go 4 Pay 3" for guests of El Patio. The promotion applies to buffet dinners from Monday to Saturday and buffet Sunday Lunch. From Monday to Thursday (18:00 - 22:00): Delicious daily dinner buffet features international flavors with the price at VND 560,000++/ adult, Friday and Saturday (18:00 - 22:00) Seafood buffet dinner embraces the freshest dishes served by our professional team of chefs with the price at VND 825,000++/ adult, and Sunday Lunch (11:30 - 14:00) Buffet lunch and exciting Kid's Corner with the price at VND 895,000++/ adult. Any details please contact El Patio Restaurant 04 3934 3343, ext. 7503

An array of promotions and special offers by restaurants, hotels, resorts, fashion brands, airlines and tourist agencies in Vietnam and other countries.

PREMIER VILLAGE DANANG Enjoy all-you-can-eat seafood buffet at Premier Village Danang with a wide variety of fresh and delicious seafood following season together great selection of salads, sushi, sashimi, pastas, hot dishes, cakes, and desserts. Professional and passionate chefs and an overwhelming view overlooking the fantastic East Sea are ready to bring you an unforgettable dining experience. Price: VND500,000/ guests. Contact: Ca Chuon Co Seafood Restaurant, 99 Vo Nguyen Giap, Ngu Hanh Son, Danang. Tel: 0511 3919 999. Website:




SINGAPORE Tı 20/4, CÙc Qu∂n l˝ Xu†t nhÀp c∂nh Singapore (ICA) Æ∑ Æ≠a vµo sˆ dÙng h÷ thËng sinh træc h‰c (BioScreen) c„ ch¯c n®ng l≠u gi˜ d†u v©n tay cÒa du kh∏ch khi xu†t, nhÀp c∂nh. T†t c∂ du kh∏ch tı 6 tuÊi trÎ l™n (k” c∂ c´ng d©n Singapore) Æ“u ph∂i quät d†u v©n tay hai ng„n c∏i cho mÁi l«n xu†t, nhÀp c∂nh tπi c∏c cˆa kh»u Æ≠Íng bÈ vµ Æ≠Íng bi”n cÒa n≠Ìc nµy. Vi÷c tri”n khai BioScreen nhªm gi∂m thi”u vi÷c sˆ dÙng hÈ chi’u gi∂ ho∆c ®n cæp, ÆÂng thÍi x∏c minh danh t›nh c∏c tr≠Íng hÓp du kh∏ch trÔng t™n, t®ng c≠Íng kh∂ n®ng x∏c minh nh©n th©n cÒa du kh∏ch. THÉI LAN TOUR DE VIETNAM Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "Tour de Vietnam" sœ Æ≠Óc ph∏t s„ng lÛc 19h50 tr™n k™nh SCTV12 vµ 12h tr™n k™nh NetViet (VTV10) tı th¯ 2 Æ’n th¯ 7 hªng tu«n. "Tour de Vietnam" lµ mÈt tπp ch› truy“n h◊nh v“ du lch, tr∂i nghi÷m Æ” kh∏m ph∏ vŒ Æãp Vi÷t Nam, giÛp kh∏n gi∂ trong n≠Ìc vµ quËc t’ c∂m nhÀn s©u sæc, tr‰n vãn nh˜ng danh lam thæng c∂nh, di s∂n v®n h„a vÀt th”, phi vÀt th” cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc. "Tour de Vietnam" Æ≠Óc k˙ v‰ng sœ trÎ thµnh mÈt ng©n hµng d˜ li÷u ch©n th˘c, sËng ÆÈng v“ du lch Vi÷t Nam, g„p ph«n qu∂ng b∏ du lch Vi÷t tÌi h¨n 50 tri÷u thu™ bao tr™n toµn th’ giÌi.

Ch›nh phÒ Th∏i Lan Æang t◊m c∏ch ng®n ch∆n c∏c nh„m kh∏ch du lch "0 ÆÂng" hay lµ nh˜ng nh„m kh∏ch Æi theo tour Æ’n n≠Ìc nµy vÌi gi∏ si™u rŒ. C∏c tour du lch si™u rŒ Æ≠Óc cho lµ Æ∑ lµm h·ng h◊nh ∂nh Th∏i Lan khi du kh∏ch coi n≠Ìc nµy lµ mÈt Æi”m Æ’n rŒ mπt trong khi ch›nh phÒ lπi Æang muËn thu hÛt nh˜ng du kh∏ch ch†t l≠Óng. Ch›nh phÒ Th∏i Lan sœ Æ≠a ra gi∏ tour hÓp l˝ cho c∏c nh„m du kh∏ch Æ’n tı Trung QuËc, Hµn QuËc, Nga vµ c∏c n≠Ìc kh∏c. N’u gi∏ tour th†p h¨n m¯c gi∏ quy Ænh, chuy’n Æi Æ„ sœ b c†m. NGA

Nh˜ng th´ng tin cÀp nhÀt v“ Æ≠Íng bay mÌi mÎ, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh v®n ho∏, ch›nh s∏ch ngµnh du lch, x’p hπng & gi∂i th≠Îng du lch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc...

MÌi Æ©y, TÊng cÙc Du lch Nga Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng v®n phng du lch Æπi di÷n khu v˘c ß´ng Nam É tπi thÒ Æ´ Hµ NÈi. ß©y lµ v®n phng th¯ 8 cÒa quËc gia nµy Î n≠Ìc ngoµi. V®n phng Du lch Li™n bang Nga Visit Russia Æ∆t tπi Hµ NÈi sœ xÛc ti’n c∏c hoπt ÆÈng ph∏t tri”n du lch cÒa Nga tπi Vi÷t Nam, Th∏i Lan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines vµ Hµn QuËc. §ng Sergey Kornevv, ph„ TÊng cÙc

tr≠Îng TÊng cÙc Du lch Li™n Bang Nga, cho bi’t, ngoµi trang thi’t b, c¨ sÎ vÀt ch†t hi÷n Æπi Æ” phÙc vÙ du kh∏ch, Nga cn tÊ ch¯c ÆÈi ngÚ h≠Ìng d…n vi™n ti’ng Vi÷t Î Nga Æ” ng≠Íi Vi÷t c„ Æ≠Óc nh˜ng ch®m s„c tËt nh†t khi ghä th®m. AIR NEW ZEALAND Theo k’ hoπch, h∑ng hµng kh´ng Air New Zealand sœ khÎi ÆÈng Æ≠Íng bay thºng Æ«u ti™n nËi li“n thµnh phË Auckland cÒa New Zealand vµ TP. H Ch› Minh vµo th∏ng 6/2016. Theo Æ„, tı 4/6 - 29/10, mÁi tu«n, h∑ng sœ tÊ ch¯c ba chuy’n bay k’t nËi s©n bay Auckland vµ s©n bay quËc t’ T©y S¨n Nh†t bªng m∏y bay Boeing 767-300. Air New Zealand sœ ti’p tÙc mÎ rÈng mÔa bay ti’p theo trong nh˜ng n®m tÌi. Thµnh phË H Ch› Minh lµ Æi”m Æ’n quËc t’ th¯ 30 cÒa Air New Zealand, nªm trong lÈ tr◊nh mÎ rÈng vµ qu∂ng b∏ h÷ thËng Æ≠Íng bay cÒa h∑ng trong khu v˘c ch©u É Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng.

th™m chuy’n bay hªng ngµy th¯ 10 tÌi London tı 1/10/2016. Chuy’n bay EK 023 sœ khÎi hµnh tı Dubai lÛc 09h50, tÌi London lÛc 14h30. Chuy’n bay chi“u v“, EK 024, sœ rÍi London lÛc 16h50 vµ tÌi Dubai lÛc 02h40 cÒa ngµy ti’p theo. Chuy’n bay Æ’n vµo s∏ng sÌm sœ cho phäp k’t nËi li“n mπch vÌi c∏c Æi”m Æ’n quan tr‰ng tπi Trung ß´ng, T©y É, vµ khu v˘c Vi‘n ß´ng. Chuy’n bay tı Dubai tÌi London sœ Æ≠Óc vÀn hµnh tr™n chi’c Boeing 777-300ER vÌi 3 hπng gh’ (8 buÂng ri™ng khoang hπng Nh†t, 42 gh’ hπng Th≠¨ng gia vµ 310 gh’ hπng PhÊ th´ng. Hµnh kh∏ch c∏c khoang hπng sang bay tı S©n bay Gatwick sœ Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng mÈt khu v˘c Æ„n tr∂ kh∏ch mÌi vµ dµnh ri™ng cho dch vÙ Æ≠a Æ„n vÌi tµi x’ ri™ng cÒa Emirates cÔng vÌi nh©n vi™n hÁ trÓ mang hµnh l˝. Emirates cn cung c†p mÈt phng chÍ mÌi Æ≠Óc t©n trang dµnh ri™ng cho hµnh kh∏ch hπng Nh†t vµ hπng Th≠¨ng gia. VIETJET AIR

NHÜT BÅN NhÀt sœ thˆ nghi÷m mÈt h÷ thËng trong Æ„ kh∏ch du lch n≠Ìc ngoµi Æ≠Óc x∏c minh danh t›nh vµ mua hµng h„a tπi c∏c cˆa hµng chÿ bªng v©n tay. H÷ thËng nhÀn di÷n d†u v©n tay nªm trong chuÁi s˘ ki÷n chu»n b cho Olympic Tokyo n®m 2020 vµ Paralympic Games. M‰i th´ng tin v“ s˘ di chuy”n qua c∏c Æa Æi”m, th„i quen chi ti™u mua sæm sœ Æ≠Óc l≠u nh≠ng kh´ng l≠u lπi danh t›nh cÒa du kh∏ch Æ„. TrÙ sÎ ng©n hµng Aeon tπi Tokyo lµ ng©n hµng Æ«u ti™n tπi NhÀt B∂n cho phäp kh∏ch hµng rÛt ti“n m∆t bªng d†u v©n tay.

Sæp tÌi Æ©y, Vietjet Air sœ khai th∏c c∏c Æ≠Íng bay mÌi tı TP.HCM Æ’n ßµi Loan & Malaysia. Theo Æ„, Æ≠Íng bay TP.HCM - ßµi Nam Æ≠Óc khai th∏c vµo c∏c ngµy th¯ 2, 4, 5, 7 tı 22/6, thÍi gian bay kho∂ng 3 giÍ 15 phÛt. ß≠Íng bay TP.HCM - ßµi Bæc cÚng t®ng l™n 2 chuy’n mÁi ngµy tı 18/6, thÍi gian bay kho∂ng 3 giÍ 25 phÛt. ß≠Íng bay TP.HCM Kuala Lumpur Æ≠Óc khai th∏c hµng ngµy tı 01/6, thÍi gian bay kho∂ng 1 giÍ 55 phÛt.

EMIRATES H∑ng hµng kh´ng Emirates vıa c´ng bË k’ hoπch t®ng chuy’n tÌi London bªng vi÷c

TP. H¤ CHê MINH C´ng ty cÊ ph«n VÀn t∂i ß≠Íng sæt Sµi Gn vıa k’t hÓp chπy tµu trung chuy”n kh∏ch vÌi tµu ngoπi ´ tuy’n Sµi Gn - D‹ An nhªm Æ∏p ¯ng nhu c«u cÒa ng≠Íi d©n tı TP.HCM Æi ßÂng Nai, B◊nh D≠¨ng vµ ng≠Óc lπi. Tµu hoπt ÆÈng tı 2h55 - 23h11 hµng ngµy, gÂm 1 toa chÎ hµnh l˝, 2 toa ngÂi m“m m∏y lπnh chÎ kh∏ch ngoπi ´ vµ 5 toa ngÂi m“m m∏y lπnh chÎ kh∏ch trung chuy”n. Tµu ngoπi ´ Æ„n tr∂ kh∏ch tπi c∏c ga Sµi Gn, G V†p, B◊nh Tri÷u, S„ng Th«n, D‹ An. ThÍi gian dıng cho hµnh kh∏ch l™n xuËng Î mÁi ga lµ 1 phÛt.




VIETJET AIR Vietjet Air is going to open a new flight route from HCMC to Taiwan and Malaysia. Accordingly, the Ho Chi Minh City - Tainan City route will operate every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from June 22nd, with about three hours and 15 minutes per leg. The airline will also increase flight frequency between Ho Chi Minh City and Taipei from one round trip per day to twice from June 18th, 2016 with flight time of 3 hours 25 minutes per leg. The Ho Chi Minh City - Kuala Lumpur route will run from June 1st. Flying time is about one hour and 55 minutes. SINGAPORE Starting from 20 April 2016, ICA is progressively introducing the BioScreen system at the passenger halls of the sea and land checkpoints. With BioScreen, travelers six and above using the manned counters at immigration checkpoints will be required to scan both their thumbprints upon arrival and departure. Implementing the BioScreen system will allow the authorities to verify the identity of each traveler and spot potential security risks as early as possible. TOUR DE VIETNAM "Tour de Vietnam" will be broadcast at 7 :50pm on SCTV12 channel and at 12:00 on NetViet (VTV10) from Monday to Saturday. "Tour de Vietnam" is a tourist television series introducing Vietnam's tourist attractions, tangible and intangible cultural heritages, superb cuisine, as well as the country's long-standing traditions. "Tour de Vietnam" is expected to provide

information on Vietnam's tourism for more than 50 million TV subscribers around the world, contributing to promote Vietnamese tourism. THAILAND The Thai Government is attempting to prevent "zero price" tours and groups coming to this country for a low price. Very cheap tours supposedly ruin the images of Thailand as visitors consider Thailand a cheap place while the government wishes to attract more high-class travelers. The Thai Government will introduce more tours at reasonable prices for visitors from China, Korea, Russia, and other countries. Cheaper tours will be prohibited. JAPAN Japan will test a system that enables visitors to have their identities verified and buy things from shops by stamping their finger when their card details have been processed. This system will encourage visitors from abroad in the lead up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. As well as making the tourism process more streamlined, the data received will be used to help Japanese ministers understand spending habits and locations when visitors arrive. Tokyobased Aeon Bank are set to finalise thier system whereby people will be able to withdraw cash with a fingerprint.

2:55 to 23:11 daily with one cargo coach, and 2 airconditioned soft-seat coaches for suburban passengers and 5 air-conditioned softseat coaches for transiting passengers. Passengers are picked up at Sai Gon, Go Vap, Binh Trieu, Song Than and Di An stations within 1 minute. EMIRATES Emirates has unveiled its plans to boost capacity to London with the addition of a tenth daily flight to the British capital starting 1st October 2016. EK 023 flight will depart from Dubai at 9:50, arriving in London at 14:30. The return flight, EK 024, will leave London at 16:50, arriving in Dubai at 02:40 the next day. The early morning arrival will enable seamless connectivity to key destinations in the Middle East, West Asia and the Far East. The Dubai-London Gatwick service will be operated by a state-of-the-art Boeing 777300ER aircraft in a three-class configuration, with eight Private Suites in First Class, 42 lie flat seats in Business Class and 310 spacious seats in Economy Class. Passengers travelling in premium cabins from Gatwick Airport will enjoy a brand new, exclusive drop-off zone for Emirates' Chauffeur-drive service where porters will assist with their luggage. Emirates also operates a dedicated lounge for First and Business Class passengers which was recently refurbished.

HO CHI MINH CITY Sai Gon Railway Transport Joint Stock Company has operated trains Saigon - Di An to meet the people's demand of travelling from HCMC to Dong Nai, Binh Duong, and vice versa. Trains run from

AIR NEW ZEALAND As planned, Air New Zealand is opening the first direct route connecting Auckland, New Zealand, and HCMC on June 2016. Accordingly, from June 4th to October 29th, there are three flights each week between Auckland and Tan San Nhat Airports by Boeing 767 - 300. Air New Zealand will continue opening the flight season in the upcoming years. Ho Chi Minh City is the 30th international destination of Air New Zealand, as a part of its plan to expand and promote its brand in the Asia - Pacific.

Updated information about new flight routes, culture programs, tourism policies, ranking & awards... in Vietnam and other countries

RUSSIA The Russian Federal Agency for Tourism has based its Asia national tourism office in Hanoi. The Hanoi-based Visit Russia office is the country's eighth representative office around the world. It is in charge of promoting Russian tourism in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Republic of Korea. Sergey Kornev, deputy head of the federal agency, in addition to the office's establishment, Russia will offer Vietnamese tour guides in Russia so that Vietnamese visitors are best served.





 EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES  AIRLINES  TRAVEL AGENTS  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAURANTS  BARS/CAFES  SPAS  BANKING SERVICES  SOUVENIR SHOPS  CULTURE  SHOPPING MALLS  SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sale Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 246 411. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o


(Telephone Code: 04)



(Floor 2, VIT Building, 519 Kim M∑ *Website:

GERMANY (29 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3843 0245)

MALAYSIA AIRLINES (Floor 2, Somerset Grand Hµ NÈi - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3826 8819 *Website: http://www.

KOREA (Daeha Building, 360 Kim M∑ *Tel: 3831 5110) AMERICA (170 Ng‰c Kh∏nh, Kim M∑ *Tel: 3850 5000) MALAYSIA (43 - 45 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3734 3836/49) SINGAPORE (41- 43 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3848 9168) THAILAND (63 - 65 Hoµng Di÷u, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 5092) TURKEY (Floor 14, HCO Building, 44B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3822 2460) EMBASSIES/CONSULATES AIRLINES TRAVEL AGENTS TAXIS HOTELS/RESORTS RESTAURANTS BARS/CAFES SPAS BANKING SERVICES SOUVENIR SHOPS CULTURE SHOPPING MALLS SUPERMARKETS



QATAR AIRWAYS (Floor 2, Sentinel Place Building, 41A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 6191*website: VIETNAM AIRLINES (200 Nguy‘n S¨n, B ߓ, Long Bi™n *Tel: 3873 0314 *Website: TRAVEL AGENTS BUFFALO TOURS (70-72 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 0702 *Websitel: GOLDEN TOUR (1st Floor, 16 Hµm Long, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6000 ) CTY TNHH TM & DU LëCH BÑN ߤNG HÄNH - A TRAVEL MATE CO. LTD. (7 Dinh Tien Hoang Str., Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 3926 3370 *Fax: (84-4) 3926 3367) (113C, Bui Vien Str., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: (84-8) 38 38 66 78 *Fax: (84-8) 38 38 66 76 (45-47 Le Loi Str., Hue *Tel: (8454)393 44 55/ 393 44 56 *Fax: (84-54) 393 44 57) TAXIS HANOI TAXI CP CORPORATION (105 L∏ng Hπ *Tel: 3826 2626 Website:

For further information, please contact: Sale Department *Email: *Tel: 0989 246 411 *Or visit for advertising information

MAI LINH (47 Kim ßÂng, Gi∏p B∏t, Hoµng Mai *Tel: 3822 2666 *3861 6161 *Website: HOTELS/RESORTS

SUPER HOTEL CANDLE T‰a lπc tπi quÀn trung t©m Ba ß◊nh, kh∏ch sπn 4 sao Candle lµ Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho doanh nh©n vµ kh∏ch du lch, vÌi 72 phng nghÿ vµ 68 c®n hÈ Æ≠Óc trang b hi÷n Æπi cÔng h÷ thËng nhµ hµng, qu∏n bar, phng gym, sauna vµ b” b¨i lu´n sΩn sµng mang Æ’n cho kh∏ch hµng dch vÙ tËt nh†t khi l≠u trÛ. Located in Ba Dinh district, four stars hotel-Candle is the perfect location reserved for business and tourists.We are ready to bring customers our best service with modern 72 hotel rooms, 68 services apartments, restaurants, bar, gym, sauna and indoor- swimming pool. (287-301 ßÈi C†n, QuÀn Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3733 9933 *Fax: 3762 0193 *Email: sales@ *Web: www. FORTUNA HOTEL HANOI (6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3831 3333 *Website: HANOI HOTEL (D8, Gi∂ng V‚, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3845 2770 *Email: sales@*Website: www. INTERCONTINENTAL HANOI WESTLAKE (1A Nghi Tµm, T©y HÂ

*Tel: 6270 8888 *Website:

LA CASA HANOI HOTEL Nªm trong khu phË Ph∏p cÊ y™n t‹nh, La Casa Hotel vÌi ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n th©n thi÷n vµ nhi÷t t◊nh sœ khi’n bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c th©n thi’t vµ †m cÛng nh≠ Î nhµ. 84 phng nghÿ, 4 c®n hÈ vÌi thi’t k’ vµ ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi cÔng h÷ thËng nhµ hµng, qu∏n bar, phng gym, b” b¨i vµ spa sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ, Located in the old tranquil French Quater, La Casa Hotel with friendly and ethusiasm staff will make you feel like being home. 84 rooms, 4 apartment with modern design and amenities, and our system of restaurants, bar, gym, pool and spa will bring you memorable experiences. (17 Phπm ß◊nh HÊ, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng dist, Hanoi, Vietnam *Tel: +84 466 560 560 *Email: info@, Website: www. PULLMAN HANOI (40 C∏t Linh Street, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3733 0688 * Website:www. SOFITEL PLAZA HANOI (1 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 8888 *Website: RESTAURANTS BLUEBIRD WINE CELLAR RESTAURANT - BISTRO (7 Xu©n Di÷u Street, T©y H *Tel: 3722 4165 *Website: www.

C•M VIåT (63 Phπm HÂng Th∏i *Tel: 3927 5920) CLUB DE L'ORIENTAL (22 T´ng ß∂n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 8801 *Hotline: 3927 4641/ 0904 885 414) DA PAOLO WESTLAKE

such as The Guide Award (14 consecutive years) and voted by as one of the most renowned restaurants in Asia. 26 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m District *Tel: (+84-4) 3933 6133 *Fax: (+84-4) 3933 6135 *Email:

(No 18, Lane 50/59/17 ß∆ng Thai Mai, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 8585 1443)



S` BUFFET (64 Nguy‘n Du, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3941 3338 *Website:

(16 lane, 27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 3719 2828) DRAGON PALACE (64B Qu∏n S¯, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3942 9168) HÅI SÅN NGON (199A Nghi Tµm, T©y H *Tel: 3719 3170 *Website: http:// HIGHWAY4 (5 Hµng Tre, Hoµn Ki’m * 101 Tr«n Th∏i T´ng, C«u Gi†y * 54 Mai Hæc ß’, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng) HOME RESTAURANT (34 Ch©u Long, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3939 2222 *Hot line: 0916 018 535 *Email: info@ *Website: KOTO (59 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3747 0338 *website: http:// NHÄ 9NKC 9 Nguy‘n Khæc C«n, Hoµn Ki’m, Tel: 090 4943 432 *Website: PHô 24 (31 Hµng Khay, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1812 *Website: PILSNER URQUELL ORIGINAL (10 Nguy‘n Bi”u, *Tel: 3734 2288 *Website: http://www. POTS 'N PANS (57 BÔi Th Xu©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3944 0204)

(66 Hµng BÂ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 04 3266 8888)

VERTICALE (19 Ng´ V®n SÎ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6317, website: www. TAY TAP BAR & GRILL (100A Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ * Tel: 3718 6917 * Website: www. TIME HOUSE RESTAURANT & BAR (L´ B, D23 Khu Æ´ th mÌi C«u Gi†y, Tr«n Th∏i T´ng, C«u Gi†y * Tel: 04 3834 2288) BARS/CAFES CIAO COFFEE (2 Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 1494) HIGHLANDS COFFEE (6 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 0444) LEVEL10 NIGHT CLUB & LOUNGE (T«ng10, 57 L˝ ThuÍng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi) M-BOX BAR & LOUNGE (23A Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 8820) MUZIK PARK (57 Cˆa Nam, Hoµn Ki’m * Website: PRESS CLUB (59A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 3934 0888) SPORT BAR O'LEARYS (38 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 3934 5368) THE KAFE

QUÉN °N NGON Qu∏n °n Ngon Æ∑ Æπt Æ≠Óc nhi“u gi∂i th≠Îng trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc nh≠ 14 n®m li“n Æπt gi∂i th≠Îng uy t›n The Guide Award, nªm trong danh s∏ch c∏c nhµ hµng nÊi ti’ng nh†t Ch©u É cÒa Ngon Restaurant has gained many domestic and international awards

(18 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Ba ß◊nh, *Tel: 37476245 *Website:www. THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF (28 Thanh Ni™n, T©y H *Tel: 3715 4240 *Website:

THE ROOFTOP (Floor 19, Pacific Place Building - 83B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3946 1901) SPAS AMADORA WELLNESS & SPA (250 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3978 5407 *Website: to-spa.html) ANNAM FOOT & BODY MASSAGE

CASA D'ORIENTE (23 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8678 *website: www. CRAFT LINK (43 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3733 6101 *website: IPA NIMA (73 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4000 *Website: SˇNG

(71 Hµng B´ng, Hoµn Ki’m * Hotline: 0932 391 888)

(27 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8733)

ANAM QT SPA (42 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 6116 *Website:

T¢N M≤ DESIGN (61 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1154 *Website:

AQUAMARINE SPA (44 L™ Ng‰c H©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 2220 6788 *Website:

TRANH TH£U XQ (110 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1905 *Website:

ELITE SPA FITNESS & SPA (51 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04.3718 6281 *T«ng 4, Indochina Plaza, 241 Xu©n ThÒy, C«u Gi†y, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04. 3788 6688 *T«ng 8, 25 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈ *Tel: 04. 3828 8888 *T«ng 6, ta C, Vincom Center, 191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04. 3974 9191 *T«ng 6, Vincom Center, 54 Nguy‘n Ch› Thanh, ßËng ßa, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04. 3 5593 939 *T«ng 3, ta A, Th®ng Long Number One, sË 1 ßπi LÈ Th®ng Long, M‘ Tr◊, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3559 3939 *Website: http:// VÑN SEN SPA (65B T´ Hi’n Thµnh, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 6282 8588 *Website: http:// ZEN SPA (100 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y H *Tel: 3719 9889) BANKING SERVICES CITI BANK (17 Ng´ Quy“n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 1950 *Website: http://www.citibank. VIETCOMBANK 198 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 3137 *Website: http:// SOUVENIR SHOPS CARAT SHOP (27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y H *Tel: 6270 0479 *Website:

CULTURE VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY (Nguy‘n V®n Huy™n Street, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3756 2193 *Website: VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY (1 Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3824 2433 *Website: http:// VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (6 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3733 2131 *Website: http:// SHOPPING MALLS PARKSON (198B T©y S¨n, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3537 8666 *Website: http:// VINCOM TOWERS (191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3974 9999 *Website: http:// TRÄNG TI≈N PLAZA (24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi) SUPERMARKETS CITIMART Hµ NÈi Tower - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 3961 *Website: INTIMEX (22 - 32 L™ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 6148 *Website: http:// TRAVELLIVE




 EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES  AIRLINES  TRAVEL AGENTS  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAURANTS  BARS/CAFES  SPAS  BANKING SERVICES  SOUVENIR SHOPS  CULTURE  SHOPPING MALLS  SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sale Department Email: *Tel: 0989 246 411. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o


(Telephone Code: 08)

(27 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, District 3 *Tel: 3520 6800)



KOREA (107 Nguy‘n Du, District 1 *Tel: 38225757) AMERICA (4 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3520 4610) LAOS (93 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3829 7667) MALAYSIA (2 Ng´ ߯c K’, District 1 *Tel: 382 99023) JAPAN (261 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, District 3 *Tel: 3933 3510) RUSSIA (40 Bµ Huy÷n Thanh Quan, District 3 *Tel: 3930 3936)






(40-5 Phπm Vi’t Ch∏nh, Ward 19, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3518 0045) SINGAPORE (Floor 8 , Saigon Centre - 65 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5173) THAILAND (77 Tr«n QuËc Th∂o, District 3 *Tel: 3932 7637) AIRLINES KOREAN AIRLINES (34 L™ Du»n, District 1*Tel: 3824 2878 *Website: https://www.

QATAR AIRWAYS (Room 8, Petro Vietnam Building, 1- 5 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 3888 *Website: TURKISH AIRLINES (Floor 8, AB Tower- 76A L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3936 0360 *Website: TRAVEL AGENTS GINKGO VOYAGE (130 Nguyen Cong Tru, District 1*Tel: 3838 9944 * VINH HAN INTERNATIONAL CO., HCM BRANCH (27-29 BÔi Vi÷n, P. Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3838 9988 *Hotline: 0988 833 338 *Email: / *Website:

For further information, please contact: Sale Department *Email: Tel: 0989 246 411*Or visit for advertising information

TAXIS TAXI 27/7 (153 X´ Vi’t Ngh÷ T‹nh, Ward 17, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3962 0620 *Website: http://www.27-7. HOTELS/RESORTS CARAVELLE HOTEL (19 - 23 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1 *Tel: 3823 4999 *Website: INTERCONTINENTAL ASIANA SAIGON (Corner Hai Ba Trung St. & Le Duan Blvd, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam *Tel: 3520 9999 *Fax: 3520 9955 * LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON CITYPOINT (59-61 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3822 5678) LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON RIVERSIDE (17 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3827 1717) NORFOLK HOTEL (117 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Q1*Tel: 08 3829 5368 *Fax: 08 3829 3415

*Email: *Website:

HOTEL EQUATORIAL HO CHI MINH CITY (242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5, HCMC *Tel: 3839 7777 *Email: *www. PARKROYAL SAIGON (309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi Str, Tan Binh Dist, HCMC *Tel: +84 8 3842 1111)

THE ALCOVE LIBRARY HOTEL (133A- 133B Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chinh, Q.PhÛ NhuÀn, HCMC *Tel: 6256 9966 *Hotline: 0938 979 000 *Website: RENAISSANCE RIVERSIDE HOTEL SAIGON (8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1,TP. HCM *Tel: 84 8 3822 0033)

WINDSOR PLAZA HOTEL *18 An D≠¨ng V≠¨ng, Q 5, Tp. HCM, Vietnam *Tel: 3833 6688 *Fax: 3833 6888 *Email: services@ RESTAURANTS AU LAC DO BRAZIL STEAK RESTAURANT (238 Pasteur, District.3 *Tel: 3820 7157 *Website: www.aulacdobrazil. com)

Ngon Restaurant has gained many domestic and international awards such as The Guide Award (14 consecutive years) and voted by as one of the most renowned restaurants in Asia. (160 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: (+84-8) 3827 7131 *Fax: (+84-8) 3827 7127 *Email: info@

Daily menu change for our breakfast and dinner buffets, served in a relaxing atmosphere. 8 live cooking stations with over 60 varieties of domestic and international mouthwatering dishes. A meeting place to enjoy a cup of coffee from selected premium blends and delicious house-made pastries and cakes. (242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam *Tel: 3839 7777, ext. 8000 *Email: GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (197 ß“ Th∏m, Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist.1 *Tel: 3837 1894 *Website:

Qu∏n Ngon 138 lµ s˘ k’t hÓp gi˜a tinh hoa v®n ho∏ »m th˘c vÌi kh´ng gian ki’n trÛc truy“n thËng cÒa ng≠Íi Vi÷t - M„n Vi÷t ngon trong kh´ng gian Vi÷t. 138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a , QuÀn 1, T.p H Ch› Minh *Tel: (08) 38 279 666 / (08) 38 257 179 *Email: *Website: Ngon 138 Restaurant proudly offers our precious customers a perfect combination of the essence of Vietnamese gastronomic culture and the beauty of the traditional Vietnamese wooden architecture Vietnamese food tastes better in a Vietnamese home.

INDOCHINE (26 Tr≠¨ng ßnh, Dist.3 * Tel: 3930 8421) MANDARINE (11A Ng´ V®n N®m, District 1*Tel: 3822 9783) MAXIM'S NAM AN (13 - 15 - 17 ßÂng KhÎi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 6676) PARKROYAL SAIGON HOTEL (311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, T©n B◊nh District, HCMC *Tel: 08 3842 1111 * saigon.) PHô 24 (5 Nguy‘n Thi÷p, District 1 *Tel: 3822 6278 *Website:

NHÄ HÄNG NGON Nhµ hµng Ngon Æ∑ Æπt Æ≠Óc nhi“u gi∂i th≠Îng trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc nh≠ 14 n®m li“n Æπt gi∂i th≠Îng uy t›n The Guide Award, nªm trong danh s∏ch c∏c nhµ hµng nÊi ti’ng nh†t Ch©u É cÒa

(26-28 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3825 1250 *Website: http:// CRYSTAL SPA (Tang 3, 202 Hoang Van Thu, Q.Phu Nhuan, TP.HCM *Tel: 3847 9964 *3847 9295) SHAPE LINE BODY'N SOUL (74 Nguyen ß◊nh Chieu, P Da Kao, Q1, Tp HCM *Tel: 2207 0809 *Hotline: 0968 060 268 *Website:



NGON ASIA HOUSE TÀp hÓp h¨n 300 m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa 5 n“n »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Ch©u É lµ Hµn QuËc, NhÀt B∂n, Trung Hoa, Th∏i Lan vµ Vi÷t Nam d≠Ìi cÔng mÈt m∏i nhµ.

ELITE SPA FITNESS & SPA (T«ng 3 Vincom ßÂng KhÎi, 72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Ph≠Íng B’n Nghä, QuÀn 1, TP HCM *Tel:08. 7307 9899 *T«ng 3, Vincom Megamall, 159 Xa LÈ Hµ NÈi, Th∂o ßi“n, QuÀn 2, TP HCM *Tel: 08. 7303 9888) BANKING SERVICES ANZ (39 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 2926 *Website: http:// SAIGONBANK (2C Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3914 3183 *Website: www. VIETCOMBANK (10 V‚ V®n Ki÷t, District 1 *Tel: 3829 7245 *Website: http://

APRICOT GALLERY (50 - 52 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 7962 *Website: http:// DUY TAN SAIGON ARTISAN (47 T´n Th†t Thi÷p, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 3614 *Website: www.

(Saigon Garden, 99 Nguy‘n Hu÷, Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3821 3821, Facebook: ngonasia)

GAYA SHOP (1 Nguy‘n V®n Tr∏ng, District 1 *Tel: 3925 1495)


LA HABANA (6 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, District 1 *Tel: 3829 5180)

MISS ÉO DÄI (21 Nguy‘n Trung Ngπn, District 1 *Tel: 3822 2139 *Website: MOSAIQUE SAIGON (98 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 4634 *Website: www. NGA ART AND CRAFT (41 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 8356 *Website: http:// SAIGON GALLERY OF FINE ART (129B L™ Th∏nh T´n, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3181 *Website: http:// THÄNH ßÑT BOUTIQUE SHOP (114 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 7493 *Website: CULTURE WAR REMNANTS MUSEUM (28 V‚ V®n T«n, District 3) OPERA HOUSE (7 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1.) MUSEUM OF VIETNAMESE HISTORY (2 Nguy‘n Bÿnh Khi™m, District 1) FINE ARTS MUSEUM (97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, District 1) H¤ CHê MINH MUSEUM (65 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1) SHOPPING MALLS


Home to more than 300 signature dishes of 5 renowned Asian culinary cultures: Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam.

CHILL SKYBAR SAIGON (T«ng 26, AB Tower, 76 L™ Lai, Q.1, TP.HCM *Tel: 0938 822 838 *Website: CALIBRE CHARNER (Floor 1, Palace Hotel Saigon, 56 - 66 Nguy‘n Hu÷, 1 District *Tel: 3829 2860 *Website: http://

*Website: khaicravat/shopping.html)

HOÄNG GIA PEARL (Tel 0909 66 22 31 * IPA NIMA (77 - 79 ßÂng KhÎi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 3277 *Website: http:// KENLY SILK (132 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3829 3847 *Website: KHAI SILK (81 & 107 ßÂng KhÎi, District1 *Tel: 3822 2856 *3829 1146

DIAMOND PLAZA (34 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3825 7750) PARKSON (35Bis, 45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 7636) SAIGON CENTRE (65 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 4888 ) VINCOM CENTER A (171 ßÂng KhÎi & 116 Nguy‘n Hu÷, District 1*Tel: 3936 9999 * VINCOM CENTER B (72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1*Website: SUPERMARKETS ANNAM GOURMET (16 - 18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, 1 District & 41A Th∂o ßi“n, 2 District *Tel: 3822 9332 & 3744 2630 *Website: B⁄N THÄNH MARKET (L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5699) TRAVELLIVE



 EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES  AIRLINES  TRAVEL AGENTS  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAURANTS  BARS/CAFES  SPAS  BANKING SERVICES  SOUVENIR SHOPS  CULTURE  SHOPPING MALLS  SUPERMARKETS Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng li™n h÷: Sale Department Email: *Tel: 0989 246 411. Ho∆c truy cÀp website: Æ” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o

SAPA (Telephone Code: 020) HOTELS/RESORTS SUNNY MOUNTAIN (010, M≠Íng Hoa, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3787 999 *Website: http:// VICTORIA SAPA RESORT & SPA (Sapa District, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 20 38 71 522 *Fax: +84 20 38 71 539 *Email: *

For further information, please contact: Sale Department *Email: Tel: 0989 246 411 *Or visit for advertising information


Th∏i, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3831 777)

39 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 019)


TRAVEL AGENTS KHÉM PHÉ VIåT (31 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3872 606 *Website: http:// NG§I SAO SAPA (68 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 6523 172 *Website:

(Group 19, Block 4, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3887 151 *Website: http://www. TR@C L¢M (3 Phπm B∏ Tr˘c, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3733 833) TAXIS ߤ S•N (SË 1 Hang D¨i H∂i Phng *Tel: 3864 864) MAI LINH

RESTAURANTS FANSIPANSAPA (23 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 556) GERBERA (31 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 064) NATURE VIEW (51 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 438)

HÅI PHíNG - CÉT BÄ (Telephone Code: 031)

HOTELS/RESORTS CÉT BÄ ISLAND RESORT & SPA (C∏t C 1, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3688 686 *Website: ߤ S•N RESORT & SPA






(221 Lπch Tray, ßÊng QuËc B◊nh, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3833 833 *Website:

VIETCOMBANK (11 Hoµng Di÷u, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: http://www. ACB (69 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3823 392 *Website: www. TECHCOMBANK (5 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng *Tel: 3810 865 *Website: www.techcombank.




(178 T´n ߯c Thæng, L™ Ch©n *Tel: 3622 608 *Website: http://

(23 Minh Khai, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3746 858 *Website: http://www.

SUPERMARKETS (Quang Trung, HÂng Bµng)

PARKSON RESTAURANTS (204 Quang Trung, Phπm HÂng

HOTELS/RESORTS HÑ LONG DC (8, 25/4 Street, Hπ Long, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3618 608 *Website: HÑ LONG PLAZA (8 Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3845 810 *Website: http:// MITHRIN HOTEL HALONG (Hoµng QuËc Vi÷t, B∑i Ch∏y, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3841 770 *Website: NOVOTEL HALONG BAY


(111-113-115 L™ Lai, M∏y Chai, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 375 9679 *Fax: 375 9680 *Website: www.


HÑ LONG - QUÅNG NINH (Telephone Code: 033)

(1/20A L™ HÂng Phong, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3852 459 *Website:

(Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3848108 *Website: http:// TU¡N CH¢U ISLAND HOLIDAY VILLA (Island Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3842 999 *Website: http:// www.tuanchauholidayvilla-halong. com) STARCITY SUˇI M• (Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3846 058 *Website: http:// TRAVEL AGENTS HÑ LONG TOURISM (1 Hπ Long Road, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3846 272) CRUISES ¢U C• (Hanoi Sales Office: 47 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4545 *Website: http://

3844 749 *Website:

Aphrodite CRUISES

APHRODITE CRUISES Aphrodite Cruises team is simply unique. Sharing the same exquisite standards and scrupulous attention to detail reflective the life of local fish farms which are self of representatives of daily activities weaving indigenous culture, Aphrodite Cruises is the choice of eco & sustainable experiences. (Head Office: Townhouse B14, Tuan Chau Marina, Halong, Quang Ninh, Vietnam *Tel: 6281 888 *Fax: 6281 666 *Hanoi Office: 20th Floor, VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi, Vietnam *Tel: 04 2220 8686 *Fax: 04 2220 8689 *Email: *Website: www.

BIDV (Bπch ߪng Ward, Hn Gai *Tel: 3823 680 *Website: http://


(Telephone Code: 0510) HOTELS/RESORTS

ORIENTAL SAILS Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. PHOENIX (Hanoi Sales Office: 32M L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3747 8006 *Website: L'AZAL–E CRUISES (Sales Office: Level 9, 70-72 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04 3933 0318, Fax: 04 3933 0319 *Email:, Website:

(1 Phπm HÂng Th∏i * Tel: 391 4555 * Website: www.hoi-an.

(Lπc Long Qu©n, Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 927 *Website: http://



(Group 6, Block T©n Thnh, C»m An Ward *Tel: 3939 111 *Website:

(Hoµng Gia Park, Hπ Long *Tel: 3845 913) TAXIS MAI LINH (136 Anh ßµo, B∑i Ch∏y, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3849 155 *38222 266 *Website: BANKING SERVICES VIETCOMBANK (Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel:

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3937 777 *Website: http://www. GOLDEN SAND RESORT & SPA HóI AN

HOI AN HISTORIC HOTEL (SË 10, Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, HÈi An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 3861 445 *Fax: 3861 636 *Email: *Website: Kh∏ch sπn HÈi An Historic nªm Î trung t©m cÒa HÈi An r†t g«n vÌi khu phË cÊ vµ c∏c Æa Æi”m du lch kh∏c. Kh∏ch sπn c„ 150 phng Æπt ti™u chu»n quËc t’ vµ c∏c d∑y phng g«n khu v≠Ín xanh t≠¨i vµ Æ«y b„ng r©m vÌi c∏c ti÷n nghi cao c†p vµ thi™n nhi™n trong lµnh. Situated in the heart of Hoi An, with close proximity to shops, ancient town and other nearby attractions. The hotel provides 150 international-standard rooms and suites with luxury accommodation and pure nature.

(Thanh Ni™n Road, Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3927 550 *Website: http://

HOI AN BEACH RESORT (SË 1 PhË Cˆa ßπi, Thµnh phË HÈi An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 392 7011 *Fax: 392 7019 *Email: *Website: www. C∏ch khu phË cÊ HÈi An 4 km, Hoi An Beach Resort Æ≠Óc coi lµ Æa Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng cho du kh∏ch muËn nghÿ ng¨i th≠ gi∑n Î b∑i bi”n hay th®m c∏c Di s∂n Th’ giÌi nh≠ PhË cÊ HÈi An, th∏nh Æa M¸ S¨n, vv... hay kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng n¨i Î c∏c vÔng l©n cÀn.

BARS/CAFES HóI AN FULLMOON TOWNS BAR & RESTAURANT (101 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 922 *Website: TAM TAM CAF– (110 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3862 212 *Website: http://www. TAXIS HóI AN (193 L˝ Th∏i TÊ, C»m Ch©u *Tel: 3919 919) MAI LINH (410 Cˆa ßπi & 60 Nguy‘n Duy Hi÷u *Tel: 3914 914 *3929 292 *Website: BANKING SERVICES VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Di÷u *Tel: 3861 340 *Website: CULTURE HóI AN MUSEUM OF FOLK CULTURE (33 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c) HóI AN MUSEUM OF HISTORY & CULTURE

HOTEL ROYAL HOI AN (39 ßµo Duy Tı, C»m PhÊ, HÈi An *Tel: 05103 950 777) VICTORIA HOI AN BEACH RESORT & SPA (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 040 *Website: http://www.victoriahotels. asia/eng/hotels-in-vietnam/hoi-anbeach-resort-spa)

(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3852 945) MUSEUM OF SA HU∞NH CULTURE (149 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 535) SOUVENIR SHOPS É ß§NG SILK (62 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 59) L¤NG ßáN TR¡N PH@ (65 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 996)

TRAVEL AGENTS HóI AN TRAVEL (10 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 911 *Website: http://



(330 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 770 *Website:


RESTAURANTS (Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3847 591)



CALYPSO (Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www.

Four km from the town's ancient quarter is Hoi An Beach Resort. It is an ideal place for tourists who enjoy relaxing at the seaside, visiting the World Heritages such as Hoi An Ancient town, My Son holy land... and exploring other places in the surrounding areas


TRANH TH£U XQ HóI AN (23 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3911 872 *Website: http://

ßÄ NøNG (Telephone Code: 0511)

(236 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3919 199 *Website: SAKURA RESTAURANT & COOKING CLASS (11 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3910 369 *Website: http:// SECRET GARDEN (Down the alley next to 60 L™ LÓi *Tel: 3862 037 *Website: http://

HOTELS/RESORTS A LA CARTE DA NANG BEACH (Corner of Vo Nguyen Giap Street & Duong Dinh Nghe Str, Son Tra Dist, Da Nang *Tel: +84 5113 959 555 *Fax: +84 5113 959 555 *Web: *Email: TRAVELLIVE



NOVOTEL ßÄ NøNG PREMIER HAN RIVER (36 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3929 999 *Website: http://www.

FUSION MAIA DANANG (Tr≠Íng Sa, Khu™ M¸, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3967 999 *Website: FUSION SUITES DANANG BEACH (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, M©n Th∏i *Tel: 3919 777 *Website:

SAMDI HOTEL (203-211 Nguy‘n V®n Linh, Thanh Kh™, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0511 3586 222 *Fax: 0511 3586 225 *Email: *Website: TRAVEL AGENTS ASIANA TRAVEL MATE

HU⁄ (Telephone Code: 054) HOTELS/RESORTS ANA MANDARA HU⁄ (ThuÀn An Town, PhÛ Vang *Tel: 3983 333 *Website: http:// (105A HÔng V≠¨ng,TP Hu’ *Tel: 054 393 6666 - Fax: 054 393 6555 *Email: *Website: www.

PREMIER VILLAGE DANANG (99 V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, quÀn NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0511 391 9999 *Fax: 0511 391 9998 *Website: PULLMAN DANANG BEACH RESORT (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p Street, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 395 8888 *Website: GRAND MERCURE DANANG HOTEL (Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of Green Island, Ha C≠Íng Bæc, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 379 7777 *Website:


(8 HÔng V≠¨ng, PhÛ HÈi *Tel: 3882 222 *Website: http://www.

(Vinpearl Luxury ßµ NΩng Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3968 888 *Website: BANKING SERVICES (16 Th∏i Phi™n, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3897 806 *Website: http://www.


TECHCOMBANK (244 - 248 Nguy‘n V®n Linh *Tel: 3650 118 *Website: http:// CULTURE DANANG MUSEUM OF CHAM SCULPTURE (No2, 2/9 Street, B◊nh Hi™n, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3470 114 *Website: MUSEUM OF DANANG (24 Tr«n PhÛ, Thπch Thang, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3822 390 *Website:




(49 L™ LÓi, Hu’ *Tel: (+84) 54 3823390 *Website: http://www. IMPERIAL HU⁄




(8 - 10 Tr«n Qu˝ C∏p *Tel: 3582 428 *Website: http://truclamvien.


SOUVENIR SHOPS ART GALLERY (176 Tr«n PhÛ, Ph≠Ìc Ninh, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3897 798)

(11 Chu V®n An)

NHA TRANG (Telephone Code: 058) HOTELS/RESORTS

(38 Tr«n PhÛ Boulevard, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 388 9999 *Website: www.





TAXIS (37/1 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3719 258)

(Hµ Kh™, H≠¨ng Long)


(Domestic Arrival Hall, ßµ NΩng Airport *Tel: 3614 783 *Website:



VEDANÇ LAGOON (Zone 1, PhÛ LÈc *Tel: 3681 688 *Website: RESTAURANTS CUNG ßçNH (3 Nguy‘n Sinh Sæc, V‹ Dπ *Tel: 3897 202 *Website: http://www. NHÄ HÄNG LE PARFUM (5 L™ LÓi, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 054 3837 475)

CAM RANH RIVIERA BEACH RESORT&SPA (Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam *Tel: (+84) 583989898 *Email: *Website: MIA RESORT (B∑i ß´ng, Cam H∂i ß´ng, Cam L©m *Tel: 3989 666 *Website: SIX SENSES NINH VAN BAY (Ninh V©n Bay, Ninh Ha *Tel: 372 8222 *Website: http:// SUNRISE NHA TRANG BEACH HOTEL & SPA (12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3820 999 *Website: http:// RESTAURANTS LOUISIANE BREW HOUSE

TAXIS MAI LINH (177 Phan ß◊nh PhÔng *Tel: 3898 989 *Website: http://

(Lot No 29 Tr«n PhÛ Park *Tel: 352 1948 *Website: http://www. BARS/CAFES GUAVA

BANKING SERVICES VIB (51 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, V‹nh Ninh *Tel: 3883 666 *Website: http://www. VIETCOMBANK= (78 HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 3811 900 Website: http://www.vietcombank.

(34 Nguy‘n Thi÷n ThuÀt, T©n LÀp & 17 Bi÷t Th˘, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3526 197 & 3524 140 *Website: RAINBOW BAR (90A HÔng V≠¨ng, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3524 351) TAXIS NHA TRANG (46 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai *Tel: 381 8181)

KHÉNH HOÄ (46 L™ Th∏nh T´n, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3810 810) BANKING SERVICES BIDV (45 - 47 ThËng Nh†t *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3822 759 *Website: http://

BçNH THUÜN (Telephone Code: 062) HOTELS/ RESORTS *Website: www.aromabeachresort. com) THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES (Khu PhË 5, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 0 62 371 9111 / 062 371 9123 *Fax: 062 371 9333 *Email: reservation@thecliffresort., *website: www.thecliffresort. GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (57A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u *Tel: 3847 589 *Website: http://www. SOUVENIR SHOPS SAIGON ART & GALLERY (Km 11, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3847 507 *Website: VIET FASHION (34 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 6253 213)

PH@ HÅI RESORT VÌi 44 phng Deluxe vµ 38 bi÷t th˘ sang tr‰ng vµ c„ ban c´ng ri™ng; c∏c phng c„ m∏y lπnh, Æi÷n thoπi quËc t’, qu«y r≠Óu, truy“n h◊nh v÷ tinh, kät an toµn, m∏y s†y t„c... PhÛ H∂i Resort lu´n sΩn sµng chµo Æ„n du kh∏ch. The 4 star Phu Hai Resort always welcomes guests with 44 deluxe rooms & 38 luxurious villas with private terraces, restaurant & bar, 2 tennis courts, spa & beauty salon and private beach(200m)... (Km8, Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u, Ph≠Íng PhÛ Hµi, Thµnh PhË Phan Thi’t, Tÿnh B◊nh ThuÀn, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 062. 3 812 799 & Fax: 062. 3 812 797 *Email: *Website: VICTORIA PHAN THIET BEACH RESORT & SPA (Km 9, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan, Vietnam *Tel: +84 62 3813 000 *Fax: +84 62 3813 007 *Email: * SONATA RESORT & SPA (Km 17, Æ≠Íng 719, x∑ Ti’n Thµnh, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 62 3846 768 *Web: GREEN ORGANIC VILLAS (Ti’n PhÛ, Ti’n Thµnh, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tell: 062 3846 546 *Email: /, website: AROMA BEACH RESORT & SPA (Khu phË 5, PhÛ H∂i, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 062 3828 288, Fax: 062 3828 111 *Email:

SUPERMARKETS CO.OP MART (1A Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, B◊nh H≠ng *Tel: 3835 440 *Website: http://

ßÄ LÑT (Telephone Code: 063) HOTELS/RESORTS ANA MANDARA VILLAS DALAT RESORT & SPA (L™ Lai Street, Ward 5 *Tel: 3555 888 *Website: DALAT EDENSEE LAKE RESORT & SPA (Tuy“n L©m Lake, Zone VII.2 *Tel: 3831 515 *Website: http://www.

Tuy“n L©m, Ph≠Íng 3 *Tel: 063 3883 838 / Website: RESTAURANTS LE RABELAIS

HOTELS/RESORTS BçNH D¶•NG (Telephone Code: 650) AN LAM SAIGON RIVER (21/4 Trung Str, Vinh Phu W, Thuan An Dist, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 650 378 5555 *Fax: (+84) 650 378 5000 *Email: *Hotline: (+84) 908 998 550) THE MIRA HOTEL (555B *Tel: 0650 367 8888 *Fax: 0650 367 8880 *Email: info@ *email: sales@ / reservation@ BECAMEX THU DAU MOT HOTEL (230 ßπi lÈ B◊nh D≠¨ng, Hi÷p Thµnh, ThÒ D«u MÈt *Tel: 0650 222 1333, *Fax: 0650 222 1342 *Email: / /

VüNG TÄU (Telephone Code: 064)

(15 Thi Sach Str., Thang Tam Ward *Tel: 064 355 1777 *www. TROPICANA BEACH RESORT & SPA *Tel: 367 8888 *Website: http://

(35 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, ph≠Íng 7, Thung LÚng T◊nh Y™u, ßµ Lπt *Tel: 06 3356 5279 *Website: www. *E-mail: TERRACOTTA HOTEL & RESORT DALAT (Ph©n khu ch¯c n®ng 7.9, KDL hÂ

(Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988 *Email: contact@laverandaresorts. com *Website: SEA SENSE RESORT / TERRACE RESORT (TÊ 3, ƒp §ng Lang, Cˆa D≠¨ng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3977 995 *Email: VINPEARL PHU QUOC RESORT (B∑i Dµi, Gµnh D«u, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3519 999 *Fax: 077 3847 771 *Email: *Website: www. SALINDA RESORT PHU QUOC ISLAND (Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 399 0011 *Fax: 077 399 9911 *Email: contact@salindaresort. com, *Website: www.salindaresort. com) CAF–


(44A Road, Ph≠Ìc H∂i, ߆t ß·




(10 H TÔng MÀu, Ph≠Íng 3, Tp. ßµ lπt *Tel: 063 368 3979 *Fax: 063 383 5868 *Email: info@ *Website: (Zone 7&8, Khu du lch H Tuy“n L©m, ph≠Íng 3, ßµ Lπt)

PH@ QUˇC (Telephone Code: 077)

(12 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3825 444)



959 *Website:

ALMA OASIS LONG HAI (Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Th tr†n Long H∂i, Long ßi“n *Tel: 366 2222 *Email:, Website: SANCTUARY HO TRAM RESORT COMMUNITY (HÂ Trµm, Xuy™n MÈc, Bµ Ra VÚn Tµu *Tel: 0643 781 631, Email: *website: RESTAURANTS GOOD MORNING VIETNAM

BUDDY ICE CREAM & INFO CAFE Tı n®m 2005, Buddy Ice Cream & Info Cafä Æ∑ mang tÌi du kh∏ch kh´ng chÿ dch vÙ ch†t l≠Óng tı New Zealand mµ cn r†t nhi“u th´ng tin du lch h˜u ›ch. TÌi Æ©y du kh∏ch c„ th” l†y b∂n Æ mi‘n ph›, c»m nang du lch Æ” c„ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi tπi PhÛ QuËc. Since 2005 Buddy Ice Cream & Info Cafä has been helping visitors with helpful information about Phu Quoc while serving quality New Zealand Ice Cream, Italian Coffee... You can pickup a free map, visitors guide ... and lots of helpful information to make for a great experience on Phu Quoc Island! (No 6 Bach Dang Str, Duong Dong *Tel: (+84) 77 3 994 181 *Website:

(6 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3856 TRAVELLIVE



May 28


- 29


May 27 th June 16 th


Tπi HÈi tr≠Íng Trung t©m V®n h„a Ph∏p (14 Trµng Ti“n, Hµ NÈi), kh∏n gi∂ sœ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c mµn bi”u di‘n tuy÷t vÍi vÌi nhp Æi÷u l´i cuËn cÒa ca s‹ Raphael Haroche. Anh sœ h∏t cÔng dµn hÓp x≠Ìng Tr≠Íng Ph∏p Alexandre Yersin ngµy 28/05 vµ dµn hÓp x≠Ìng h‰c sinh c∏c lÌp Ti’ng Ph∏p song ng˜ Hµ NÈi vµ Vinh ngµy 29/05. Vä b∏n tπi L’Espace. Enjoy special performances of Raphael Haroche in the centre hall at L’Espace Institut Francais du Vietnam (14 Trang Tien, Hanoi). He will sing with the choir of the French Lycäe Alexandre Yersin on May 28th and the choir of bilingual classes in Hanoi and Vinh on May 29th. Tickets are available at L’Escape.


May 20 th - 30 th, AlCHEMY FESTIVAl

L‘ hÈi di‘n ra trong vng 10 ngµy tπi trung t©m Southbank Æ” k˚ ni÷m truy“n thËng v®n h„a phong phÛ cÒa Anh vµ Nam É, vÌi hµng loπt mµn tr◊nh di‘n, hÈi chÓ, tri”n l∑m vµ chÓ »m th˘c h†p d…n. Th´ng tin chi ti’t truy cÀp: Alchemy will take places in 10 days, filling Southbank Centre with a vibrant array of performances, workshops, exhibitions, and a delicious food market to celebrate the rich cultural relationship between the UK and the Indian subcontinent. For further information, please visit www.southbankcentre.



May 28 th June 5 th SENTOSA FUNFEST

V´ vµn ni“m vui d≠Ìi ∏nh m∆t trÍi tπi l‘ hÈi Sentosa’s FUNFest - l‘ hÈi t≠ng bıng tr™n b∑i bi”n Siloso. Tπi Æ©y, trong lÛc c∏c bä h‰c c∏ch Ænh v ph≠¨ng h≠Ìng th´ng qua tr ch¨i v≠Ót m™ cung vµ ch≠Ìng ngπi vÀt, bπn c„ th” th∂nh th¨i th≠Îng th¯c mÈt th¯c uËng s∂ng kho∏i, m∏t lπnh. Th´ng tin truy cÀp: http://www.

Vivid Sydney vÌi s˘ g„p m∆t cÒa nh˜ng di‘n Ƶn c´ng nghi÷p s∏ng tπo quan tr‰ng nh†t th’ giÌi sœ Æem Æ’n cho du kh∏ch mÈt Æπi ti÷c ©m nhπc Æ≠¨ng Æπi vµ ∏nh s∏ng Æa sæc mµu cÔng tri”n l∑m Æi™u khæc vµ c∏c Æi”m læp Æ∆t ∏nh s∏ng t≠¨ng t∏c ÆÈc Æ∏o. Th´ng tin chi ti’t truy cÀp website: www. Vivid Sydney features many of the world's most important creative industry forums, a mesmerizing free public exhibition of outdoor lighting sculptures and installations and a cutting-edge contemporary music program. For further information, please visit www.

Tons of fun is waiting for you at Sentosa’s FUNFest at Siloso beach. Enjoy a delightful cocktail while watching your kids attempting to navigate a maze and obstacle course. For further information, please visit


June 10 th - 12 th AUDI pROGRESSIVE

Tπi Cung th” thao Qu«n Ng˘a (30 V®n Cao, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi), s˘ ki÷n “Audi Progressive” sœ tr≠ng bµy c∏c m…u xe Audi cÔng vÌi c∏c mµn bi”u di‘n †n t≠Óng, k’t hÓp gi˜a nh˜ng c´ng ngh÷ t©n ti’n, ©m thanh vµ ∏nh s∏ng. Mi‘n ph› vä vµo cˆa. Audi Progressive will officially open to the public, showcasing impressive performance models, combining advanced technology, sound and light at Quan Ngua Sport Palace (30 Van Cao, Ba Dinh, Hanoi). Free entry.

ß” Æ®ng t∂i th´ng tin s˘ ki÷n, vui lng gˆi email v“ Æa chÿ / To introduce your upcoming events, please send informations to:



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w w w. v n t r ave l l i ve . c o m


Fo r o n l i n e s u b s c r i p t i o n : h t t p : / / v n t r av e l l i v e . c o m / b o o k m a g a z i n e


TRAVELLIVE AVAILABLE AT Business lounges at all International Airports in Vietnam Business class of Turkish Airlines + 300 Leading Hotels & Resorts in Vietnam

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