Travellive 7 - 2018

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FEATURES 31 KHÉCH SÑN, RESORTS MõI KH§NG THÕ Bì QUA p46 Travellive l˘a ch‰n danh s∏ch nh˜ng resort, kh∏ch sπn, boutique, cruise mÌi hoπt ÆÈng tı gi˜a 2017 - 2018 c„ ch†t l≠Óng tËt nh†t. 31 newest hotels and resorts not to be missed Travellive is pleased to offer a new list of resorts, hotels, boutiques and cruises which have opened and operated between late 2017 and 2018.



°N CH•I NH¶ NG¶òI PARIS p108 Ba l«n Æ’n Paris cho t´i nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m hoµn toµn kh∏c nhau. N®m Æ«u ti™n bÏ ngÏ v◊ Paris hoa l÷ trong mæt nh◊n cÒa mÈt du kh∏ch, n®m th¯ 2 quen d«n v◊ c„ anh bπn trai b∂n x¯; vµ n®m th¯ 3 Æ∑ c∂m th†y t˘ tin h¨n khi v“ lµm d©u mÈt gia Æ◊nh Ph∏p. Enjoying life "µ la parisienne" The three times I have spent in Paris have each given me completely different experiences. The first time, I felt strange with the thoughts of a tourist. My second year, I felt more confident and fell into the rhythm of life here.

WHERETOTHISMONTH 5 ßIÕM ß⁄N TH@ Vë DÄNH CHO THÉNG 8 p128 5 interesting destinations for August TRAVEL TH^ THÉCH TR£N CUNG ߶òNG T• L|A KYRGYZSTAN p80 Challenges on the Kyrgyzstan Silk Road






DESTINATION ß⁄N FEZ, KHÉM PHÉ "KHO BÉU" CûA MAROC p88 MÁi l«n nhÌ lπi, Maroc hi÷n l™n trong t´i nh≠ mÈt b¯c tranh r˘c rÏ sæc mµu. Fez, the treasure of Morocco Every time I think about my trip, Morocco always appears in my mind as a bright and colorful painting. Morocco in full color: deep blue, yellow orange, grey green of dusted dates...

HITECH NH~NG SÅN PH¬M C§NG NGHå H~U êCH CHO K∞ NGHé p138 Khi du lch trÎ thµnh mÈt ph«n thi’t y’u cÒa cuÈc sËng, th◊ c∏c ngµnh c´ng ngh÷ Æ“u c„ s˘ quan t©m kh´ng nh· tÌi m∂ng th tr≠Íng nµy, giÛp cho chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn trÎ n™n hoµn h∂o. Useful hi-tech applications and products for your holidays As tourism has become an essential part of life, technology companies have paid more and more attention to this market.

LUXURY LIVING C¢U CHUYåN V≈ NH~NG C°N BIåT TH# SI£U SANG p42 Bi÷t th˘ si™u sang tr™n th’ giÌi lu´n lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n sË mÈt cÒa giÌi si™u giµu. Posh owners of classy villas Like a fever spreading across the world, extremely luxurious villas have become the number one choice of the world's most rich and famous.

TRAVEL LUY⁄N TI⁄C VõI THÉNH ßëA C‡ MACHU PICHU p98 V≠Ót qua bi™n giÌi Bolivia vµ Peru bªng Æ≠Íng bÈ, chÛng t´i bæt Æ«u hµnh tr◊nh t◊m hi”u n“n v®n minh Inca Æ” tÌi Th∏nh Æa Machu Pichu, mÈt di s∂n ch¯a nhi“u b› »n. Nostalgic for machu picchu, the ancient city Crossing the Bolivian-Peruvian border by road, we began our journey of exploring the Inca civilization, a heritage site packed full of mysteries.


NHÄ XUƒT BÅN TH⁄ GIõI/ TH⁄ GIõI PUBLISHERS Chu tr∏ch nhi÷m xu†t b∂n / Editor-in-chief Tr«n ßoµn L©m Bi™n tÀp / Editors Nguy‘n Lan Anh, Qu˙nh L™, Trang Swanson, Andrew Swanson Thi’t k’ m¸ thuÀt / Graphic Design Long Le - Hanh Mai Qu∂ng c∏o / Advertising Hotline: 0989 946 240 / 0985 116 750 Email:

TíA SOÑN/ HEAD OFFICE 59 ThÓ NhuÈm, Hoµn Ki’m, HN Tel: 024 3936 8349 Fax: 024 3936 8350 V°N PHíNG TP. HCM/ HCMC OFFICE 144 V‚ V®n T«n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM Tel: 028 3930 9641 Fax: 028 3930 9642 Website:

Gi†y phäp xu†t b∂n sË: 04/GP-XBßS. In xong nÈp l≠u chi”u th∏ng 07 - 2018 In tπi C´ng ty TNHH MTV In vµ Th≠¨ng mπi TTXVN ßÖT BÉO ONLINE / FOr ONLINE suBscrIpTION, pLEasE vIsIT:









(The lisT will be upDaTeD anD DevelopeD each monTh) (Danh s∏ch li™n tÙc Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt vµ khai th∏c th™m hµng th∏ng) hanoi caF–s & Bars (66) 6 Degrees Cafe & Lounge / Church Boutique / Club Opera / Coffee Bike / Cong Cafä (18) / Cora Cafä / Helio Cafä (4) / Highland Coffee (15) / Foutain Cafä / Gardenista / Joma Bakery Cafä / Lissom Parlour / L’Harmony / Manzi / Moca / Paris Deli (2) / Pu Ku / Runam / Runam Bistro / Tay Tap Bar / The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Vietnam (2) / Vpresso (6)  rEsTauraNTs (34) Don’s Tay Ho Bistro / Home Restaurant / Ly Club Restaurant / Ngon Villa / MyWay Cafe & Restaurant (5) / Nha hang ße Nhat (2) / Nha 9NKC / Pho 24 (6) / Quan Ngon (4) / Rooftop / Sawasdee Restaurant / Pho Bien (4) / Thai Village Restaurant / Swing Lounge / Top Chef Restaurant & Bar / ToViet Cellar / Trong ßong Son Restaurant / Viet Deli  spas (6) / Hong Ngoc Center / Spa Aquamarine / Thu Cuc Spa (2) / La Casa Spa / Zen Spa  aIrLINEs (2) Noi Bai International Airport (Business Lounges) / Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airline-Bussiness Class)  cruIsEs (4) Emeraude Classic Cruises / Pelican Luxury & Image / Halong Cruises / Paradise Luxury (2)  TravEL aGENTs (3) Asian Travelmate / Tourist Information Center (TIC) / Vietnam Tourism Association  OTHErs (24) BMW Showroom / Ford Showrooms (8) / Hong Leong Bank Hanoi Branch / Ipanima Showroom (2) / Lounge of Vinhome Time City & Vinhome Royal City / Nest AIA / Nshape Fitness (3) / Peugeout Scooteis / Tan My Design / Techcombank Lounge / Times Square / Toong Working Space (2) / Van Tri Golf pRovinces caF– (10) Highland Coffee Parkson Hai Phong (2) / Highland Coffee Parkson / Megastar Hai Phong / Highland Coffee Megastar Bien Hoa / Highland Coffee Big C, Da Nang / Highland Coffee Indochina, Da Nang / Highland Coffee Megastar Vinh Trung, Da Nang / Runam Bistro, Da Nang  rEsTauraNT (2) Pho 24 - Nha Trang / Enjoy - Quang Nam  aIrLINEs (4) Cam Ranh Airport(Business Lounge) / Can Tho Airport (Business Lounge) / Danang International Airport (Business Lounge) / Lien Khuong Airport (Business Lounge)  cruIsEs (7) Aphrodite Cruise (1) / Paraside Luxury (4) / Paradise Previlege (2) / Paradise Peak (1) / Paradise Cruise / Starlight Cruise / Oriental Sail / Calypso Cruise hcmc caF– (104) Cafä EON - EON 51 / Ciao Coffee (3) / Cong Cafä (4) / DeciBel Lounge / Gloria Jean’s Coffee (2) / Goody / Highland Coffee (36) / Inbox / Klasik Coffee Roasters / La Cafeteria de / L’usine (3) / La Fenetre Soleil / La Toronde Cafe / Le Saigonais / MORICO (6) / NYDC (5) / Runam Bistro (3) / Thinker & Dreamer Coffee / Terrace Cafä (5) / The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Viet Nam (14) / The / Coffee House(13) / The Workshop Cafe / Fly Cupcake & Goody Ice Cream  cLuBs (2) Club Royale / International Tourist Club  rEsTauraNTs (34) Bon Bon Restaurant / Di Mai Restaurant / Gao Restaurant / Jaspas restaurant / Khanh Casa / Pho 24 (19) / Sanfulou Restaurant / Shri Restaurant & Lounge / Sorae Restaurant / Wrap & Roll Restaurant (2)  spas (12)Anam QT Spa / Authentic Spa / L’Apothiquaire Spa (3) / Lotus Spa / Sen Spa / Sian Skincare Laser Clinic / Thann Sanctuary Day Spa / The Spa Saigon Pearl / Tropic Spa / Zennova Spa Cay Diep  aIrLINEs (2) Tan Son Nhat International Airport (Business Lounges) / Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airline-Bussiness Class)  cONsuLaTE (1) UK Trade & Investment  OTHErs (17) Citimart / Ford Showrooms (11) / Fahasha / International SOS Clinics Viet Nam / IpaNima Showroom (2) / Phuong Nam / Fit 24 Fitness / America Eye Center aTTenTion In cooperation with Vietnam Airlines, Travellive copies are available at business lounges of six international airports in Vietnam, including Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat, Lien Khuong, Cam Ranh, Da Nang and Can Tho  In cooperation with Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airlines). Every business traveller on flight by Turkish Airlines to Vietnam is provided with a Travellive publication for free  180 Travel Agents, (belonging to Vietnam Tourism Association) in Vietnam Issued by National Newspapers Distribution Company, Fahasa Book Distribution Corporation, Phuong Nam bookshop system, Citimart supermarkets (HCMC)...

hå THˇNG kHÉCH sÑN, rEsorT HÄNG ß¡u viåT nam THE sYsTEM OF LEaDING HOTELs aND rEsOrTs IN vIETNaM  Th´ng tin chi ti’t xem tπi (For more details, please follow the link below)

ß∆t b∏o / magazine subscription: 024 6285 8789 TçM ßñc pHI£N BÅN ßIåN T^ TÑI For digital publication, please visit:







editor'sletter C∂m gi∏c an y™n tπi Alba Wellness Resort - Hue

QUÝ ĐỘC GIẢ THÂN MẾN! Th∏ng 7, c∂ th’ giÌi Æang chao Æ∂o vÌi tr∏i b„ng trfln cÒa World Cup 2018 nh≠ng vÌi ng≠Íi d©n Th∏i Lan, k˙ t›ch sËng s„t cÒa ÆÈi b„ng thi’u ni™n bfi lπc 10 ngµy trong ÆÈng Tham Luang Nang Non, mÌi lµ chi’n thæng Æ›ch th˘c. Travellive sË th∏ng 7 cÚng c„ mÈt hµnh tr◊nh Æ«y ˝ ch› cÒa Æ´i vÓ chÂng bi÷t danh "khoai t©y l®n" chinh phÙc Kyrgyzstan vÌi cung Æ≠Íng khÒng bªng xe Æπp. H‰ vµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi ÆÈc hµnh Æ´i khi bfi coi lµ Æi™n rÂ; nh≠ng Æ„ Æ©u chÿ ƨn thu«n lµ Æi, mµ lµ n’m tr∂i bµi h‰c v“ kh∂ n®ng, s¯c mπnh cÒa ˝ ch› ngay c∂ khi t≠Îng rªng m◊nh Æ∑ cπn ki÷t h’t n®ng l≠Óng... MÈt Æi“u Æ∆c bi÷t n˜a, Travellive vıa th˘c hi÷n mÈt c´ng vi÷c kh∏ch quan, Æ„ lµ l˘a ch‰n trong sË c∏c resort, kh∏ch sπn mÌi hoπt ÆÈng tı cuËi n®m 2017 - Æ«u 2018 Æ” c„ mÈt b∂n danh s∏ch ch†t l≠Óng nhªm giÛp ÆÈc gi∂ c„ Æ≠Óc s˘ quy’t Æfinh chu»n x∏c theo ÆÛng sÎ th›ch cÒa m◊nh. ßi qua th∏ng 7 ÆÀm Ƶ, qu˝ vfi xin h∑y chÀm b≠Ìc thong dong h≠Îng thÙ nh≠ ng≠Íi Paris, hay ch› ›t, lµ c∂m gi∏c khoan kho∏i khi uËng cËc trµ Æ∏ vµo mÁi buÊi chi“u b™n vÿa hà Hµ NÈi. Hºn n„ cÚng th›ch thÛ kh´ng käm g◊ nh≠ khi bπn tr∂i nghi÷m 1 trong sË 31 hotel resort mÌi nh†t Travellive vıa cÀp nhÀt. Vµ Travellive th∏ng 7 c„ ÆÒ c∏c cung bÀc cuÈc sËng dµnh t∆ng bπn! BAN BI£N TÜP



Dear valueD reaDers, July is when the world is fighting hard to find the champion of World Cup 2018, but for the Thai people, the survivability of the junior football team after being lost for 10 days in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave is a true victory. In Travellive's July issue, there is a journey full of willpower from the couple known as "rolling potatoes" who conquered the bustling roads of Kyrgyzstan by bike. They, and other lonely travelers, are sometimes considered crazy - but they don't ride just to go, they also ride to learn the lesson of capacity and power, even when all energy seems exhausted ... Another highlight of this month is Travellive's realization of an objective: selecting amongst the new hotels and resorts beginning operation between the end of 2017 to early 2018 in order to create the best list according to special criteria and with the purpose of helping readers make the right decision that best suits their interests. Getting through hot July, you may want to leisurely enjoy life "µ la parisienne", or at least, experience amusing moments while enjoying a cup of iced tea each afternoon on the sidewalks of Hanoi. Equally interesting is experiencing one of the 31 newest hotels and resorts updated by Travellive. And Travellive's July issue has enough life rhythm for you! EDITORIAL BOARD





Há TRÄN CÅM X@C TÑI THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES The Cliff Resort & Residences mang Æ’n mÈt mÔa hà trµn Æ«y c∂m xÛc vÌi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Hello Sunny bao gÂm nhi“u tr ch¨i, hoπt ÆÈng thÛ v nh≠: nhµ phao tr≠Ót n≠Ìc, th∂ di“u b∑i bi”n, banh ÆÙng, xe Æi÷n c©n bªng, lµm b∏nh cupcake, pizza... cÔng nhi“u ≠u Æ∑i kh∏c. T†t c∂ sœ tπo n™n mÈt mÔa hà ˝ ngh‹a vµ c∂m xÛc kh´ng chÿ cho bä mµ cn cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh. Chÿ vÌi 5.500.000 VNß, bπn sœ c„ ba ngµy nghÿ tπi phng Azul Sea View dµnh cho hai ng≠Íi lÌn & hai trŒ em (d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi), hai b˜a ®n tr≠a/tËi, Æ≠a Æ„n mi‘n ph› tπi ga Phan Thi’t vµ mÈt bÈ quµ t∆ng mÔa hÃ. PhÙ thu cuËi tu«n.


(THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES *SË 5, ph≠Íng PhÛ Hµi, thµnh phË Phan Thi’t, tÿnh B◊nh ThuÀn *Hotline: 1900 0394 - 0936 802 525 (Hµ NÈi) *Website:




à nµy, Dusit Princess Moonrise PhÛ QuËc ∏p dÙng ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n m∑i Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh cho gia Æ◊nh. Chÿ vÌi 4.999.000 VNß++, bπn sœ c„ hai Æ™m nghÿ tπi phng Deluxe Garden View, buffet s∏ng hµng ngµy, mÈt b˜a tr≠a/tËi tπi nhµ hµng Palm Kitchen, mi‘n ph› hai vä tham quan Vinpearlland (c´ng vi™n n≠Ìc), dch vÙ Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay, gi∂m gi∏ 15% tπi nhµ hµng Th∏i SOI 14 vµ 10% dch vÙ gi∆t lµ... Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng tı nay Æ’n h’t ngµy 31/10/2018. CÔng tÀn h≠Îng mÈt mÔa hà Æ∏ng nhÌ tπi kh∏ch sπn mÌi tr™n Æ∂o ng‰c PhÛ QuËc. (DUSIT PRINCESS MOONRISE BEACH RESORT *ß≠Íng Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, tÊ 2, †p Cˆa L†p, x∑ D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 0297 626 6688 *Email: *Website:


¶U ßÇI TÑI KHÉCH SÑN PARKROYAL SÄI GíN Nªm ngay t«ng tr÷t cπnh h b¨i cÒa kh∏ch sπn ParkRoyal Sµi Gn, Garden Brasserie sÎ h˜u g„c nh◊n Æãp vµ kh´ng gian mÎ cho th˘c kh∏ch Æ’n th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng m„n ®n tuy÷t ngon tı khæp n¨i tr™n th’ giÌi. VÌi m¯c gi∏ 799.000 VNß++/ng≠Íi, th˘c kh∏ch Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ c∏c m„n tht n≠Ìng BBQ kh´ng giÌi hπn vµ h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sËng, bao gÂm mÈt ph«n t´m hÔm cho mÁi ng≠Íi tπi ti÷c BBQ b™n h b¨i. Tı th∏ng 7 Æ’n th∏ng 9, Garden Brasserie ∏p dÙng c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n m∑i nh≠ mi‘n ph› mÈt ly r≠Óu vang ho∆c bia t≠¨i hay mi‘n ph› mÈt kh∏ch cho mÁi nh„m tı 6 kh∏ch. (GARDEN BRASSERIE - KHÉCH SÑN PARKROYAL SAIGON *309B - 311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, T©n B◊nh, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3842 1111 *Email:








his summer, Dusit Princess Moonrise Phu Quoc is offering a special family promotion. For only 4,999,000 VND++, you have a twonight stay in the Deluxe Garden View room, daily buffet breakfast, lunch/dinner at the Palm Kitchen restaurant, two free tickets to visit Vinpearlland (water park), airport transfer service, 15% discount at the Thai restaurant SOI 14 and 10% off laundry service... The program is from now until 31/10/2018. Enjoy a memorable summer at this new hotel on the pearl island - Phu Quoc Island (DUSIT PRINCESS MOONRISE BEACH RESORT Tran Hung Dao street, group 2, Cua Lap hamlet, Duong To commune, Phu Quoc *Tel: 0297 626 6688 *Email: dppq@ *Website:



A SUMMER FULL OF EMOTION WITH THE "HELLO SUNNY PACKAGE" AT THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES The Cliff Resort & Residences offers a summer of emotions with the Hello Sunny package that includes many games, exciting activities such as a bounce house with a slide, kite flying, zorbing ball, E-scooter, pizza & cupcake decorating classes... and many other special offers. Each makes a meaningful and emotional summer not only for your children but also for the whole family. For only 5,500,000 VND you can have a 3 day stay at Azul Sea View room for 2 adults & 2 children (under 12 years), 2 lunch/dinner meals, free transfer service at Phan Thiet train station and one summer set of gifts. Weekend surcharge applies. (THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES *No. 5, Phu Hai ward, Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan province *Hotline: 1900 0394 - 0936 802 525 (Hanoi) *Website:


PRIVILEGED DEALS FROM PARKROYAL SAIGON HOTEL Located on the ground floor right next to the swimming pool of the PARKROYAL Saigon hotel, Garden Brasserie has scenic views and a courtyard where guests can enjoy delicious food from all over the world. At 799,000 VND++/person, guests are served unlimited BBQ grilled meats and fresh seafood including a lobster portion for each person at the poolside BBQ. From July to September, the Garden Brasserie applies special offers such as one free glass of wine or fresh beer, or a free one person for groups of 6 adults. (GARDEN BRASSERIE - PARKROYAL SAIGON HOTEL *309B - 311 Nguyen Van Troi street, Tan Binh district, HCMC *Tel: 028 3842 1111 *Email:






RA M¿T INTERCONTINENTAL PHU QUOC LONG BEACH Ch›nh th¯c mÎ cˆa vµo cuËi th∏ng 6, InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ«u ti™n cÒa tÀp Æoµn IHG tπi Æ∂o ng‰c PhÛ QuËc. H∑y Æ„n mÔa hà s´i ÆÈng tπi InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort vÌi g„i ≠u Æ∑i khai tr≠¨ng bao gÂm: gi∏ phng bæt Æ«u tı 6.500.000 VNß++/phng/ Æ™m (ch≠a bao gÂm ph› phÙc vÙ vµ thu’ hi÷n hµnh); 2.500.000 VNß dÔng cho dch vÙ »m th˘c vµ spa tπi khu nghÿ d≠Ïng; b˜a s∏ng dµnh cho hai kh∏ch; dch vÙ Æ„n ti‘n s©n bay; b˜a ®n kh´ng t›nh ph› dµnh cho trŒ em d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi khi Æi cÔng bË mã; 2.000 Æi”m IHG Rewards Club t∆ng th™m. (Ép dÙng cho phng Æ∆t tı 2 Æ™m trÎ l™n). (INTERCONTINENTAL PHU QUOC LONG BEACH RESORT *B∑i Tr≠Íng, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc, Ki™n Giang *Website: *Tel: 028 3978 8888 *Email:






ı th∏ng 06/2018 Æ’n h’t th∏ng 09/2018, Wyndham Legend Halong dµnh t∆ng kh∏ch hµng g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng hà vÌi m¯c gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i chÿ cn 3.650.000 VNß net cho hai ng≠Íi. Tr‰n g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng bao gÂm mÈt Æ™m l≠u trÛ tπi kh∏ch sπn, b˜a s∏ng vµ b˜a tËi t˘ ch‰n, mÈt ngµy ch¨i th∂ ga tπi C´ng vi™n RÂng ho∆c C´ng vi™n N≠Ìc trong tÊ hÓp khu vui ch¨i gi∂i tr› Sun World. ß∆t phng ngay h´m nay vµ l™n k’ hoπch cho mÈt k◊ nghÿ Æ∏ng nhÌ tπi thµnh phË bi”n Hπ Long xinh Æãp. PhÙ thu trŒ em Æi kÃm vµ phÙ thu cuËi tu«n. (KHÉCH SÑN WYNDHAM LEGEND HALONG *12 Æ≠Íng Hπ Long, ph≠Íng B∑i Ch∏y, thµnh phË Hπ Long, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 0203 3636 555 *Website: www. *Fanpage:

Grand Tower vÌi 195 phng suite Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ hi÷n Æπi tinh t’ vµ ti÷n nghi sang tr‰ng vÌi dch v٠ƺng c†p 5 sao theo phong c∏ch É ß´ng vÌi s˘ m÷nh Æem Æ’n s˘ tr∂i nghi÷m kh∏c bi÷t. CÔng Æ„n chµo b◊nh minh b™n khung c∂nh dng s´ng Sµi Gn gi˜a n¨i Æ´ th hi÷n Æπi s«m u†t bÀc nh†t. Sau nh˜ng giÍ lµm vi÷c bÀn rÈn, h∑y th∂ m◊nh vµo b” b¨i v´ c˘c n≠Ìc trµn xanh ng‰c Æ≠Óc phÒ rÓp k›n bÎi nh˜ng m∂ng t≠Íng xanh lµm du m∏t ngay c¨n næng cÒa ngµy hÃ. H∑y tr∂i nghi÷m tinh hoa cuÈc sËng tπi Sedona Suites Ho Chi Minh City vÌi gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i tı 2.900.000 VNß Æ∑ bao gÂm b˜a s∏ng. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng tı nay Æ’n h’t ngµy 30/9/2018. (SEDONA SUITES HO CHI MINH CITY *67 Le Loi Boulevard, Saigon Centre, district 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3822 9888 *Email: *Website:www.


§M TRñN ˇC ßÅO THANH BçNH GI~A LíNG THÄNH PHˇ C¨ hÈi tr∂i nghi÷m kh´ng gian nghÿ d≠Ïng l˝ t≠Îng tπi Pan Pacific Hµ NÈi, n¨i c„ v tr› Ææc Æa g«n c∏c thæng c∂nh nÊi ti’ng vµ khung c∂nh h˜u t◊nh. VÌi 273 phng kh∏ch thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng vµ nÈi th†t trang nh∑, kh∏ch sπn lµ Æa Æi”m hoµn h∂o Æ” ngæm nh◊n vµ tÀn h≠Îng m‰i vŒ Æãp cÒa thµnh phË ngµn n®m tuÊi. H∑y thi’t Æ∑i c∏c gi∏c quan cÒa bπn mÈt b˜a ti÷c Æ«y c∂m xÛc vÌi c∏c l˘a ch‰n »m th˘c tinh t’ hay Ææm m◊nh th≠ gi∑n trong kh´ng gian ƺng c†p cÒa chÛng t´i. (KHÉCH SÑN PAN PACIFIC HÄ NóI *1 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3823 8888 *Email: info.pphan@ *Website:



FAMILY GETAWAY TO PARADISE VND 6,999,000++ / Family Includes:

• Price is subject to 5% service charge and 10% VAT. • Price applies for a family of 02 adults and 01 kid (under 12 years old) • Family of 2 adults + 2 kids (6 - 11 years) or 3 adults: VND 7,700,000++ •

• Daily buffet breakfast for the family at Terrace Restaurant. • A Round-trip airport transfer from/to Danang Airport. • 02 meals (lunch or dinner) for the family at Terrace Restaurant. • 01 scoop of ice-cream for the kid daily. • 02 discount vouchers of 50% for body massage at Palm Spa. • Free Sauna, Steam Bath, Jacuzzi, Fitness Center, Pool, and more.

Lac Long Quan Street, Cua Dai Beach, Hoi An, Quang Nam, Vietnam Tel: +84 235 3 927 927 - Email:








rom June 2018 to the end of September 2018, Wyndham Legend Halong is offering summer vacation packages at a discounted rate of 3,650,000 VND net for two guests. The resort package includes a one-night stay at the hotel, breakfast and dinner buffet, a day at Dragon Park or Water Park in the Sun World entertainment complex. Book your room today and plan a memorable holiday in the beautiful coastal city of Halong. Child supplement fee and weekend surcharges apply.

(WYNDHAM LEGEND HALONG HOTEL *12 Ha Long road, Bai Chay ward, Ha Long city, Quang Ninh *Tel: 0203 3636 555 *Website: www. *Fanpage:


Opening Intercontinental Phu Quoc long beach Officially opened in late June, InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort is the first resort of the IHG group on the pearl island - Phu Quoc. Be one of the first visitors to welcome this exciting summer at the InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort. The opening package includes: room rates starting at 6,500,000 VND/room/night

(not including service fees and tax); 2,500,000 VND for food and spa services at the resort; breakfast for 2 guests; airport pickup service; free-meals for children under 12 accompanied by a parent; 2,000 additional IHG Rewards Club points (applicable for rooms booked 2 nights or more). (INTERCONTINENTAL PHU QUOC LONG BEACH RESORT *Bai Truong, Duong To, Phu Quoc, Kien Giang *Tel: 028 3978 8888 *Email: reservations.icpq@ihg. com *Website: www.phuquoc.


Sedona Suites Ho Chi Minh City- The new architectural masterpiece The Grand Tower, with its 195 magnificently designed suites and luxury facilities is offering a 5-star Eastern style, bringing you an exceptional experience. Welcome the sunrise with a view of the Saigon river in the middle of one of the most crowded modern cities. After a

hard day's work, drop yourself into the infinity pool filled with turquoise water surrounded by walls covered in fresh foliage to cool the summer sunshine. Experience the essence of life at Sedona Suites in Ho Chi Minh City for a special offer of 2,900,000 VND including breakfast. The program is now from until 30/9/2018. (SEDONA SUITES HO CHI MINH CITY *67 Le Loi Boulevard, Saigon Center, district 1, HCMC *Tel: 028 3822 9888 *Website:


AN EXQUISITE URBAN OASIS AT PAN PACIFIC HANOI Discover a refreshing retreat at Pan Pacific Hanoi amidst the quaint setting of the city. Tastefully furnished with elegant interiors and thoughtful amenities, each of the 273 rooms and suites command inspiring views of West Lake, Truc Bach Lake or the Red River. Treat your senses to a wide selection of gastronomic delights at our restaurants, or be revitalised by our range of wellness facilities. (PAN PACIFIC HOTEL HANOI *1 Thanh Nien street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3823 8888 *Email: info.pphan@panpacific. com *Website:






H¤N VIåT GI~A CHˇN ߧ THÄNH Mountain Retreat Restaurant - nhµ hµng vÌi phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc vÔng nÛi Æ∆c tr≠ng, lµ Æa Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng Æ” h‰p m∆t, sum v«y. VÌi vi÷c sˆ dÙng vÀt dÙng trang tr› chÒ y’u lµm tı Æ∏, gÁ vµ c∏c h‰a ti’t thÊ c»m sinh ÆÈng, kh´ng gian Mountain Retreat lµ s˘ pha trÈn hµi ha gi˜a cÊ Æi”n vµ hi÷n Æπi. B™n cπnh nh˜ng m„n ®n truy“n thËng mang h≠¨ng v qu™ nhµ nh≠ b∏nh xÃo, b∏nh ≠Ìt, nh˜ng m„n g·i d©n d∑ th◊ s˘ xu†t hi÷n cÒa nh˜ng m„n ®n "Æ≠Íng phË" trong th˘c ƨn cÚng v´ cÔng Æa dπng, h¯a hãn mang Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∆c bi÷t thÛ v cho bπn trong mÔa l‘ hÈi. (MOUNTAIN RETREAT *Rooftop 36 L™ LÓi, B’n Nghä, quÀn 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 0907 194 557 *Fanpage: mountainretreatvn)





ªm trong chuÁi kh∏ch sπn vµ nhµ hµng cÒa tÀp Æoµn EHG, hai qu∏n rooftop bar ƺng c†p nh†t khu phË cÊ - Twilight Sky Bar vµ Diamond Sky Bar vÌi phong c∏ch phÙc vÙ chuy™n nghi÷p, tÀn t◊nh cÚng nh≠ kh´ng gian sang tr‰ng. N¨i Æ©y h¯a hãn sœ lµ Æa Æi”m y™u th›ch cÒa giÌi trŒ Hµ thµnh. ß’n Twilight Sky Bar vµ Diamond Sky Bar Æ” cho b∂n th©n nh˜ng phÛt gi©y sËng chÀm lπi sau mÈt ngµy dµi, th≠Îng th¯c mÈt ly cocktail vµ ngæm nh◊n hoµng h´n bu´ng xuËng phË x∏ lung linh khi Æ™m v“. (TWILIGHT SKY BAR - T«ng 8, Hanoi La Siesta Central Hotel & Spa, sË 1 C«u GÁ, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0962 936 966 - DIAMOND SKY BAR - T«ng 13, 14, 15, Hanoi La Siesta Diamond Hotel & Spa, sË 32 L SÚ, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0975 186 427)


GIÅI TRê ß∫NG CƒP TÑI SEVVA SKY LOUNGE ßÄ NøNG T‰a lπc tr™n t«ng th≠Óng cÒa kh∏ch sπn New Orient Hotel, Sevva Sky Lounge kh´ng chÿ mang tÌi cho bπn nh˜ng m„n ®n ngon vµ ly cocktail tuy÷t h∂o mµ cn Æem lπi kh´ng gian th≠ gi∑n vÌi t«m nh◊n bao qu∏t toµn thµnh phË, ©m nhπc thÍi th≠Óng vµ h÷ thËng ©m thanh, ∏nh s∏ng hi÷n Æπi bÀc nh†t. ß©y lµ Æa Æi”m tuy÷t vÍi cho c∏c b˜a ti÷c cÔng bπn bÃ, gia Æ◊nh ho∆c g∆p gÏ ÆÂng nghi÷p. Tr∂i nghi÷m kh´ng gian ©m nhπc tπi Sevva Sky Lounge tı nh˜ng giai Æi÷u R&B nhã nhµng, s©u læng cho Æ’n Techno, G-House, Deep House trŒ trung Æ«y l´i cuËn. ô Sevva, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m s˘ ƺng c†p, sµnh Æi÷u cÒa mÈt trong nh˜ng sky bar mÌi lπ nh†t mi“n Trung. (SEVVA SKY LOUNGE *T«ng 10, kh∏ch sπn New Orient Danang, 20 ßËng ßa, quÀn H∂i Ch©u, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0236 3828 828 *Email: *Website:







VIETNAMESE SPIRIT IN THE HEART OF THE CITY The aptly named Mountain Retreat Restaurant features an ideal location for gatherings. The decorative stone, wood and vivid ethnic motifs, create a harmonious blend between classic and modern. Aside from traditional dishes with homemade flavors such as Vietnamese pancakes, steamed thin rice pancake, and rustic dishes, the restaurant also offers a menu of diverse street food, promising a unique and tasty culinary experience during the festive season. (MOUNTAIN RETREAT *Rooftop 36 Le Loi street, Ben Nghe ward, district 1, HCMC *Tel: 0907 194 557 *Fanpage: www.facebook. com/mountainretreatvn)





s part of the EHG Group's hotels and restaurants, the two most exclusive rooftop bars in the Old Town - Twilight Sky Bar and Diamond Sky Bar, with professional, dedicated service as well as luxurious space, promise to be a favorite destination for Hanoi youth. Come to Twilight Sky Bar and Diamond Sky Bar to give yourself slow living moments after a long day while enjoying a cocktail and watch the sunset while the streets of Hanoi shimmer as night falls. (TWILIGHT SKY BAR *8th floor, Hanoi La Siesta Central Hotel & Spa, 1 Cau Go street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi *Hotline: 0962 936 966 - DIAMOND SKY BAR *Floor 13, 14, 15, Hanoi La Siesta Diamond Hotel & Spa, 32 Lo Su street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi *Hotline: 0975 186 427)


CLASSY ENTERTAINMENT AT SEVVA SKY LOUNGE DANANG Located on the rooftop of the New Orient Hotel, Sevva Sky Lounge not only brings you delicious food and extraordinary cocktails, but also offers a cool ambiance with 360o panoramic views of the city, musical hits, amazing sounds and a one-of-a-kind light system. This is an excellent place for parties with friends, family or meeting colleagues. Experience the music at the Sevva Sky Lounge from the soft songs of R&B to the beats of Techno, G-House, and the enthralling Deep House. At Sevva, you can experience the high-class style of one of the newest sky bars in the Central region. (SEVVA SKY LOUNGE *Floor 10, New Orient Danang Hotel, 20 Dong Da street, Hai Chau district, Da Nang *Tel: 0236 3828 828 *Email: *Website:






FamiaNa RESORT & SPa PHU QUOC ENJOY MAGNIFICENT NATURE Nªm d‰c B∑i Tr≠Íng, mÈt trong nh˜ng b∑i bi”n dµi nh†t Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Famiana Resort & Spa PhÛ QuËc rÈng h¨n 4 hecta c„ b∑i bi”n ri™ng tuy÷t Æãp vÌi b∑i c∏t vµng mn dµi thoai tho∂i b™n hµng dıa xanh rÓp b„ng vµ lµn n≠Ìc trong xanh.

Situated along Bai Truong, one of the longest beaches on Phu Quoc Island, the 4-hectare Famiana Resort & Spa Phu Quoc has a beautiful private beach with long, smooth golden sand, surrounded by green coconut trees and blue water.

Famiana Resort & Spa PhÛ QuËc gÂm 100 phng, chia lµm 2 khu Beach & Spa vµ Green Villa Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ trang nh∑, †m cÛng theo phong c∏ch bungalow, villa ri™ng bi÷t vÌi ban c´ng vµ khu v≠Ín nhi÷t ÆÌi bao quanh.

Famiana Resort & Spa Phu Quoc has 100 rooms divided into 2 areas: Beach & Spa and Green Villa. Both are sophistically designed, bringing a cozy atmosphere to a private bungalow-styled villa separated by balconies and tropical gardens.

Khu Resort c„ v tr› thuÀn lÓi chÿ c∏ch trung t©m vµ s©n bay PhÛ QuËc kho∂ng 5 km, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay mi‘n ph› dµnh cho kh∏ch lŒ tı 1-5 phng, »m th˘c Î Æ©y r†t phong phÛ tı Æ∆c s∂n PhÛ QuËc tÌi c∏c m„n É - ¢u tuy÷t ngon. Tπi Æ©y cn c„ c∏c ti÷n nghi th” thao hi÷n Æπi nh≠ chÃo thuy“n Kayak, bæn cung, tennis vµ golf mini... dµnh cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi th›ch hoπt ÆÈng. Famiana Resort & Spa lµ Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch y™u vŒ Æãp thi™n nhi™n vµ muËn tÀn h≠Îng mÈt kh´ng gian th≠ gi∑n th˘c s˘. Hà nµy tr‰n g„i 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m chÿ 3,960,000vnÆ++ dµnh cho 2 ng≠Íi, bao gÂm: Bungalow h≠Ìng v≠Ín, buffet s∏ng vµ 1 b˜a ®n tËi tπi nhµ hµng Famiana vµ 60 phÛt body massage cho c∂ hai.

The resort is conveniently located 5 km from the center and Phu Quoc Airport. Guests who book from 1 to 5 rooms have access to airport pick-up and drop off service for free. The cuisine here is very diverse, from Phu Quoc specialties to delicious Eurasian dishes. For sport addicts, there is also a variety of modern sport facilities such as kayaking, archery, tennis and mini golf. Famiana Resort & Spa is the ideal destination for those who love nature and want to enjoy a truly relaxing space. 3 days 2 nights summer package only 3,960,000vnÆ ++ for 2 people, including: garden view Bungalow, breakfast buffet with a dinner at Famiana restaurant and 60-minute body massage for two.

FAMIANA RESORT & SPA PHU QUOC Hotline: 0987 277 551 - 0297 399 3026 Email: Website:




¬M TH#C HU⁄ ßÖC TR¶NG TÑI THE HU⁄ HOUSE The Hu’ House Æ≠Óc m´ ph·ng nh≠ mÈt ng´i nhµ v≠Ín Hu’ cÊ k›nh, h†p d…n du kh∏ch bªng c∏c m„n ®n truy“n thËng b◊nh d, tı c¨m h’n, b∏nh bÃo, bÈt l‰c, b∏nh nÀm, bÛn b, bÛn tht n≠Ìng... Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Hu’ Æ’n nh˜ng m„n ®n nÊi ti’ng kh∏c cÒa Vi÷t Nam nh≠ cao l«u HÈi An, m◊ Qu∂ng, b l∏ lËt, ch∂ gi, b∏nh ÆÀp, nem n≠Ìng... Kh´ng chÿ hi”u th™m ph«n nµo v“ v®n h„a Hu’ qua »m th˘c vµ nät ki’n trÛc Æ∆c tr≠ng x¯ Hu’ cÒa nhµ hµng, th˘c kh∏ch cn Æ≠Óc ngæm nh◊n khung c∂nh Sµi Gn Æ«y mµu sæc tı tr™n cao. (THE HU⁄ HoUsE - AUTHENTIC VIETNAmEsE HU⁄ CUIsINE *T«ng th≠Óng Ta nhµ Master Building, 41 - 43 Tr«n Cao V©n, ph≠Íng 6, quÀn 3, TP. HCM *Tel: 0909 246 156)





’n vÌi THÉI C§NG Restaurant, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m nhi“u m„n ®n mÌi lπ vÌi th˘c ƨn thay ÆÊi theo tu«n. ô THÉI C§NG, bπn c„ th” bæt Æ«u ngµy mÌi vÌi mÈt t∏ch Espresso th¨m lıng ki”u ≥, mÈt t´ phÎ ÆÀm Ƶ h≠¨ng v Vi÷t. H∑y th≠Îng th¯c b˜a tr≠a vÌi sÛp vãm xanh New Zealand vµ c∏ tuy’t h†p Teriyaki - nh˜ng m„n h∂i s∂n Ææt Æ·, th¨m ngon bÀc nh†t vËn chÿ c„ Î c∏c nhµ hµng xa hoa. ThÀm ch›, bπn c„ th” th≠ th∏i th≠Îng th¯c trµ chi“u thi v, sang tr‰ng ki”u Anh vµ Ææm ch◊m trong c∂m xÛc th®ng hoa khi Æ’n vÌi b˜a tËi Gourmet Dinner. MÈt b˜a ®n hoµn h∂o ch›nh lµ b˜a ®n th” hi÷n Æ≠Óc Æ∆c tr≠ng »m th˘c cÒa mÈt quËc gia, cÒa mÈt vÔng Ɔt. (THÉI C§NG RESTAURANT *215 A1 Nguy‘n V®n H≠Îng, Th∂o ßi“n, quÀn 2, TP. HCM *Tel: 0988 788 215)


SECRET HOUSE - NHÄ HÄNG ßÜM CHƒT LÄNG QU£ VIåT Toµn bÈ b¯c tranh qu™ h≠¨ng cÒa nhµ hµng gÓi nhÌ cho th˘c kh∏ch c∂m gi∏c v“ lµng qu™ Vi÷t vµ truy“n t∂i tinh hoa v®n h„a ÆÀm sæc Vi÷t cho du kh∏ch n≠Ìc ngoµi tπi Sµi Gn. ThuÈc chuÁi nhµ hµng Secret Garden Vietnamese Home-Cooked Restaurants & Cafe n™n Secret House phÙc vÙ theo th˘c ƨn nÊi ti’ng cÒa Secret Garden, ÆÂng thÍi cn c„ r†t nhi“u m„n mÌi mang h≠¨ng v »m th˘c ba mi“n Bæc - Trung - Nam. Nhµ hµng phÙc vÙ th˘c kh∏ch c∂ buÊi s∏ng, tr≠a vµ chi“u. ß∆c bi÷t h¨n, b™n khu v≠Ín mÈc mπc, gi„ chi“u hiu hiu..., th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng buÊi trµ chi“u nhã nhµng th≠ th∏i tπi Secret house. (SECRET HOUSE *55/1 L™ Th HÂng G†m, B’n Thµnh, quÀn 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 0911 877 008)




COmE TO DaNaNg TO HiDE FROm THE SUN aT a gREEk STyLE RESORT Inspired by the charming Greek island of Santorini, the Risemount Premier Resort Danang is the first resort to offer a Mediterraneaninspired design with blue domed open spaces. The hotel combines a spacious environment, rooftop swimming pool and an ideal location right next to the sea.

TõI ßÄ NøNG TRˇN N¿NG Há TÑI RESORT THEO PHONG CÉCH HY LÑP L†y c∂m h¯ng tı nät Æãp quy’n rÚ cÒa hn Æ∂o Santorini thuÈc Hy Lπp, Risemount Premier Resort Danang lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ«u ti™n mang ÆÀm phong c∏ch thi’t k’ ∂nh h≠Îng tı vÔng bi”n ßa Trung H∂i vÌi kh´ng gian mÎ cÒa nh˜ng vm m∏i xanh da trÍi k’t hÓp khu´n vi™n rÈng r∑i, h b¨i t«ng th≠Óng vµ v tr› thuÀn lÓi s∏t bi”n. Hà n®m nay, khi tÌi Risemount Premier Resort Danang, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng k˙ nghÿ ƺng c†p vµ Æ∏ng nhÌ vÌi nh˜ng ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t. Tı 1/6 Æ’n 5/9, resort ∏p dÙng g„i ≠u Æ∑i mÔa hà vÌi gi∏ chÿ tı 4.588.000 VNß++ bao gÂm 2 Æ™m nghÿ trong phng Superior, buffet s∏ng dµnh cho hai ng≠Íi, 01 set menu ®n tr≠a ho∆c ®n tËi vÌi n≠Ìc ng‰t, dch vÙ Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay mi‘n ph› theo lch tr◊nh ho∆c c„ th” theo y™u c«u Æ≠a Æ„n vÌi m¯c ph› 200.000 VNß/7 chÁ/chi“u vµ 300.000 VNß/10 chÁ/chi“u. Ngoµi ra, kh∏ch l≠u trÛ trong khu nghÿ d≠Ïng cn nhÀn Æ≠Óc mÈt phi’u gi∂m gi∏ tr˘c ti’p 300.000 VNß khi sˆ dÙng dch vÙ spa vµ gi∂m gi∏ Æ∆c bi÷t 20% khi Æ∆t hπng phng suite bao gÂm Junior Suite, Santorini Suite vµ Duplex Residence. TrŒ em d≠Ìi 6 tuÊi Æ≠Óc mi‘n ph› ngÒ chung gi≠Íng vÌi cha mã, tı 6 Æ’n d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi Æ≠Óc t›nh ph› 345.000 VNß/trŒ em vµ tı 12 tuÊi trÎ l™n Æ≠Óc t›nh ph› nh≠ ng≠Íi lÌn.

This summer, when you arrive at Risemount Premier Resort Danang, you will enjoy a classy and memorable holiday with special offers. From June 1 to September 5, the resort offers the summer package at only 4,588,000 VND++ including a 2-night stay in the Superior Room, breakfast buffet for two, 01 set menu for lunch or dinner with soft drinks, free scheduled airport pick-up or by request at the cost of 200,000 VND/7 seats car/way and 300,000 VND/10 seats/way. In addition, guests staying in the resort receive a 300,000 VND direct discount coupon for spa services and a 20% off special offer when booking suite rooms including Junior Suite, Santorini Suite and Duplex Residence. Children under 6 years old are free of charge when sharing a bed with parents, children 6 to 12 years old are charged 345.000 VND/child and 12 years and older are charged as adults. RISEMOUNT PREMIER RESORT DANANG 120 Nguyen Van Thoai Street, Ngu Hanh Son District, Da Nang City Tel: 0236 3899 999 - Fax: 0236 3952 333 Email: Website:




CULINARY CULTURE AT THAI CONG RESTAURANT Experience incredible new dishes with weekly updated menus at THAI CONG Restaurant. At THAI CONG, begin your meal with a genuine Italian espresso alongside a bowl of deliciously authentic Vietnamese Pho. Or, enjoy a lunch of New Zealand greenshell mussel soup and steamed Teriyaki cod - the most expensive and delicious seafood dishes found only in luxury restaurants. Partake in a glamorous English afternoon tea and immerse yourself in the feeling of sublimation at a gourmet dinner. A perfect meal is a meal that expresses the character of a country, of a land. (THAI CONG RESTAURANT *215 A1 Nguyen Van Huong street, Thao Dien, district 2, HCMC *Tel: 0988 788 215)





he Hue House, styled as an ancient Hue garden house, attracts visitors with its traditional cuisine from mussels, round-shaped steamed rice cake, rice dumpling cake, flat rice flour dumpling, beef rice noodles, vermicelli with marinated char-grilled pork... to other famous Vietnamese dishes such as the cao lau noodles of Hoi An, Quang style noodle, grilled beef in lolot leaf, spring rolls, grilled nem... While dining at the Hue House, not only will you understand more about the culture of Hue through its cuisine and unique architecture but you can also enjoy the festive spirit of Saigon from above.

(THE HUE HOUSE - AUTHENTIC VIETNAMESE HUE CUISINE *Floor of Master Building, 41 - 43 Tran Cao Van, ward 6, district 3, HCMC *Tel: 0909 246 156)


SECRET HOUSE - VIETNAMESE COUNTRY CUISINE The whole concept of this restaurant reminds me of the Vietnamese diners in the countryside, bringing foreigners travelling to Saigon an authentic taste of Vietnamese culture. Secret House is a part of the Secret Garden Vietnamese Home-Cooked Restaurants & Cafä. Along with the famous menu of Secret Garden, various new dishes have been added, bringing patrons on a culinary journey through each of the regions of Vietnam. The cuisine bears the taste of the Northern, Central and Southern regions, serving non-stop from morning to afternoon. For an authentic rustic experience, drop by on a windy day for afternoon tea. (SECRET HOUSE *55/1 Le Thi Hong Gam street, Ben Thanh ward, district 1, HCMC *Tel: 0911 877 008)






mERPERLE HíN TØm RESORT Lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng th≠¨ng hi÷u resort vµ kh∏ch sπn hµng Æ«u tπi Vi÷t Nam, MerPerle Hn Tªm Resort sÎ h˜u 49 bungalow vµ 15 c®n villa sang tr‰ng t‰a lπc tr™n hn Æ∂o c„ b∑i bi”n quy’n rÚ nh†t Vi÷t Nam thuÈc vnh Nha Trang, mÈt trong 30 vnh Æãp nh†t th’ giÌi. Nªm tr™n s≠Ín ÆÂi lÈng gi„, t˘a l≠ng vµo nh˜ng t∏n rıng nguy™n sinh h≠Ìng ra bi”n ng‰c, c∏c bungalow, villa nh≠ nh˜ng Ëc Æ∂o thÀt thanh b◊nh dµnh ri™ng cho du kh∏ch. C∏c phng cÒa MerPerle Hn Tªm Resort Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ∏p ¯ng Æa dπng nhu c«u cÒa kh∏ch l≠u trÛ, tı k˙ nghÿ cÔng gia Æ◊nh, tu«n tr®ng mÀt l∑ng mπn cho Æ’n chuy’n Æi team building dµnh cho nh„m kh∏ch hµng c´ng ty. Khi Æ’n l≠u trÛ nghÿ d≠Ïng tπi Æ©y, qu˝ kh∏ch c„ th” di chuy”n bªng xe Æ≠a Æ„n cÒa resort Æ” Æi tı S©n bay quËc t’ Cam Ranh Æ’n resort vµ ng≠Óc lπi. Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng cÚng c„ dch vÙ ca-n´ mi‘n ph› hµng ngµy Æ’n 10h Æ™m Æ” di chuy”n tı khu nghÿ m∏t tr™n Æ∂o sang Ɔt li“n n’u bπn c„ nhu c«u tham quan, mua sæm vµ tÀn h≠Îng m‰i Æi”m Æ’n cÒa thµnh phË Nha Trang. Ngay khi Æ∆t ch©n tÌi resort, qu˝ kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n th©n thi÷n vµ chuy™n nghi÷p ti’p Æ„n nÂng nhi÷t.

Resort cÚng phÙc vÙ tr∏i c©y hµng ngµy tπi phng nghÿ vµ cung c†p Internet WiFi mi‘n ph› cho t†t c∂ c∏c phng vµ khu v˘c chung, t∆ng b∏nh sinh nhÀt cho kh∏ch c„ ngµy sinh tr™n hÈ chi’u r¨i vµo giai Æoπn cÒa k˙ nghÿ ho∆c trang tr› phng tr®ng mÀt cho c∆p Æ´i h≠Îng tu«n tr®ng m∆t vÌi y™u c«u Æ≠Óc b∏o tr≠Ìc. Ngoµi ra, kh∏ch l≠u trÛ sœ Æ≠Óc mi‘n ph› nhÀn phng sÌm vµ tr∂ phng tr‘ tËi Æa 4 ti’ng (tÔy t◊nh h◊nh phng) ÆËi vÌi c∏c loπi phng Forestal Deluxe, Executive Suite, Family Suite (3 vµ 4 phng ngÒ). Tπi khu´n vi™n xanh m∏t gi˜a resort c„ mÈt h b¨i rÈng lÌn cÔng phng tÀp th” dÙc mini Æ” bπn gi˜ g◊n v„c d∏ng vµ rÃn luy÷n s¯c khoŒ. Tπi Æ∂o Hn Tªm cn c„ khu vui ch¨i MerPerle Sparkling Waves, n¨i c„ t†t c∂ c∏c m´n th” thao bi”n thÛ v nh≠: tµu th” thao Seabreacher duy nh†t Î Vi÷t Nam, fly board, käo phao chuËi, Æi bÈ d≠Ìi bi”n, chÃo thuy“n kayak, jet-ski,... Æ≠Óc gi∂m 15% tr™n gi∏ vä; t˘ do tham quan khu nhµ cÊ; th≠ gi∑n tπi qu«y bar vµ xem c∏c vÚ c´ng bi”u di‘n mÛa hi÷n Æπi, vui ch¨i th·a th›ch tπi h b¨i lÌn vÌi jacuzzi hay ph¨i næng c∂ ngµy tr™n b∑i bi”n dµi h¨n 1 km. ß∆c bi÷t trong mÔa hà nµy, MerPerle Hn Tªm Resort ∏p dÙng ≠u Æ∑i vÌi gi∏ chÿ tı 2.780.000 VNß++/Æ™m khi Æ∆t tr˘c ti’p tπi website vµ l≠u trÛ tr≠Ìc 31/08/2018.

MERPERLE HON TAM RESORT * ß∂o Hn Tªm, P. V‹nh Nguy™n, Nha Trang * Tel: 0258 359 7777 * Website: TRAVELLIVE



Chuy’n du ngoπn vnh Hπ Long tr™n Hera Cruises sœ mang Æ’n tr∂i nghi÷m ÆÈc nh†t v´ nh dµnh cho nh˜ng kh∏ch hµng n˜ l∑ng mπn, tinh t’ vµ khao kh∏t Æ≠Óc n©ng niu. ß≠Óc thi’t k’ cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch hi÷n Æπi mong muËn c„ tr∂i nghi÷m th≠Óng hπng, Hera Cruises lµ du thuy“n 6 sao duy nh†t tr™n vnh Hπ Long. Du thuy“n c„ 11 cabin sang tr‰ng rÈng r∑i mang Æ’n s˘ †m cÛng vµ tho∂i m∏i tËi Æa cho du kh∏ch trong chuy’n h∂i tr◊nh qua Æ™m tr™n vnh Hπ Long. C∏c dch vÙ tr™n du thuy“n sang tr‰ng ki”u boutique nµy tÀp trung vµo mÙc ti™u Æem lπi cho kh∏ch hµng s˘ th≠ gi∑n vµ trπng th∏i tinh th«n tËt nh†t. G„c nh◊n toµn c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp, ti÷n nghi ƺng c†p th’ giÌi, Æ nÈi th†t bªng gÁ Æ≠Óc lµm thÒ c´ng tπi Æa ph≠¨ng vµ bÈ kh®n tr∂i gi≠Íng sang tr‰ng sœ tπo n™n tr∂i nghi÷m kh∏c bi÷t cho du kh∏ch. C∏c phng suite c„ cˆa sÊ k›nh cho phäp du kh∏ch th≠Îng ngoπn t«m nh◊n toµn c∂nh ra vnh tı gi≠Íng ho∆c bÂn tæm b™n ly r≠Óu champagne. S˘ chÿn chu vµ toµn m¸ trong tıng chi ti’t cÒa Hera Cruises chæc hºn sœ lµm hµi lng nh˜ng kh∏ch hµng n˜ sµnh Æi÷u. ß©y lµ tµu duy nh†t Î Hπ Long cæm hoa t≠¨i 100%



theo thi’t k’ vµ mÙc Æ›ch r‚ rµng Æ” sˆ dÙng hµng ngµy ho∆c trong c∏c s˘ ki÷n. Hoa danzo træng Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n lµ loµi hoa chÒ Æπo Æ≠Óc cæm xuy™n suËt tr™n tµu. C∂ gËc vµ r‘ hoa Æ≠Óc cæm vµo b◊nh thÒy tinh vÌi c∏c k›ch cÏ kh∏c nhau t≠Óng tr≠ng cho g«n 2.000 nÛi Æ∏ v´i lÌn nh· tπo n™n vŒ Æãp tr∏ng l÷ cÒa vnh Hπ Long. Hoa cæm cho b˜a tËi tπi nhµ hµng, hoa cho buÊi trµ chi“u, hoa tr™n bµn lµm vi÷c hay trong nhµ tæm Æ“u Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n vµ sæp x’p tÿ mÿ Æ” Æ∂m b∂o s˘ sang tr‰ng vµ th≠ th∏i phÔ hÓp vÌi tıng kh´ng gian tr™n tµu. Hera Cruises Æ∑ cˆ 4 nh©n vi™n Æi Ƶo tπo 2 th∏ng Æ” cæm Æ≠Óc c∏c ki”u hoa theo ÆÛng c∏c concept phÔ hÓp mÙc Æ›ch sˆ dÙng kh∏c nhau. Lµ mÈt ng≠Íi duy m¸ n™n khi bæt tay vµo th˘c hi÷n s∂n ph»m "the finest boutique cruise" cho Hπ Long, t´i c„ mong muËn m∑nh li÷t lµ tr≠Ìc ti™n s∂n ph»m ph∂i Æãp. ß” l†y c∂m h¯ng, t´i th≠Íng t≠Îng t≠Óng h◊nh ∂nh nh˜ng ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ xinh Æãp vµ tinh t’ ngÂi nh©m nhi mÈt li trµ hoa hÂng hay v´ t≠ l˘ b™n cuËn s∏ch ho∆c ng∂ l≠ng b™n chi’c gËi th™u c«u k◊ tinh x∂o.

}Nh˜ng chi’c gh’ ngÂi vÌi nhi“u ki”u kh∏c nhau cÚng ch›nh lµ s˘ Æa mang cÒa ng≠Íi Ƶn bµ ≠a tr∂i nghi÷m tr≠Ìc cuÈc ÆÍi phÔ phi’m nh≠ng Æ∏ng sËng cÒa h‰. H‰ bi’t ch‰n cho m◊nh n¨i nµo x¯ng Æ∏ng, ƺng c†p b™n vnh Hπ Long th¨ mÈng Æ” chi™m nghi÷m v“ cuÈc sËng, v“ t◊nh y™u vµ c∂ lœ Æ≠Óc m†t Î ÆÍi. T´i væt chi’c kh®n choµng l™n gh’, bu´ng h˜ng hÍ nh≠ muËn nhæc nhÌ ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ c„ mπnh mœ Æ’n Æ©u, th´ng m◊nh tµi sæc Æ’n Æ©u cÚng c«n mÈt n¨i x¯ng Æ∏ng Æ” d˘a vµo Æ” t´n l™n cao nh†t ph»m gi∏ cÒa m◊nh}. T†t c∂ chi ti’t Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n Æ≠a l™n du thuy“n Æ“u Æ≠Óc t›nh to∏n k¸ cµng nhªm tπo cho kh∏ch hµng c∂m xÛc th®ng hoa nh†t khi tr∂i nghi÷m vnh Hπ Long vÌi Hera Cruises. Toµn bÈ kh®n ®n vµ khay ®n Æ“u Æ≠Óc lµm thÒ c´ng tı ch†t li÷u cao c†p. C∏c chi ti’t th™u tay Æ≠Óc th˘c hi÷n bÎi c∏c ngh÷ nh©n tı mÈt lµng th™u Î Ninh B◊nh tr™n ch†t li÷u nhÀp kh»u tı NhÀt B∂n. Ngay c∂ nh…n tr™n kh®n ®n cÚng lµ hµng giÌi hπn, kh´ng c„ Æπi trµ tr™n th tr≠Íng. ß∆c bi÷t, du kh∏ch cn c„ c∏c tÔy ch‰n cao c†p nh≠ Æ«u b’p ÆÈc quy“n, dch vÙ qu∂n gia vµ ®n uËng c∏ nh©n Æ” tπo n™n mÈt hµnh tr◊nh ri™ng phÔ hÓp vÌi m◊nh. Chuy’n du ngoπn vnh Hπ Long tr™n Hera Cruises chæc chæn sœ Æem lπi tr∂i nghi÷m hoµn h∂o cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch mong ÆÓi s˘ sang tr‰ng vµ tuy÷t m¸ trong hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ Di s∂n Th’ giÌi nµy. HERA CRUISES SË 12, Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh VP Hµ NÈi: T«ng 20, ta nhµ VIT, 519 Kim M∑, Hµ NÈi Tel: 024 2220 8668 Sales: TRAVELLIVE



T¿M N¿NG ßïN BçNH MINH TR£N BOONG TÄU GI~A VëNH HÑ LONG ßËi vÌi nh˜ng du kh∏ch muËn c„ tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v vµ sang tr‰ng bÀc nh†t tr™n vnh Hπ Long, ÆÈi tµu Oriental Sails sœ hi÷n th˘c h„a ≠Ìc m¨ nµy. ß≠Óc thµnh lÀp n®m 2009, C´ng ty Oriental Sails Co. JSC. chuy™n cung c†p dch vÙ l≠u trÛ qua Æ™m tπi Vnh Hπ Long vÌi c†p ÆÈ: cao c†p vµ sang tr‰ng. Th≠Îng ngoπn vŒ Æãp k˙ v‹ cÒa Vnh Hπ Long vÌi nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng thÛ v tr™n boong tµu sœ Æem lπi cho du kh∏ch tr∂i nghi÷m ÆÈc Æ∏o v“ Di s∂n Th’ giÌi Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn.




s˘ k’t tinh cÒa trÍi Ɔt vµ bi”n c∂ gi˜a c∂nh Æãp ngoπn mÙc tr™n vnh.

ßËi vÌi nh˜ng ng≠Íi n®ng ÆÈng, c∏c hoπt ÆÈng nh≠ kh∏m ph∏ hang ÆÈng, chÃo thuy“n kayak hay b¨i lÈi d≠Ìi lµn n≠Ìc trong m∏t lµ nh˜ng l˘a ch‰n phÔ hÓp trong hµnh tr◊nh du ngoπn Vnh Hπ Long. Trong khi Æ„, nh˜ng du kh∏ch th›ch th≠ gi∑n c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng ∏nh næng vµ chÙp ∂nh tr™n boong tµu.

Trong khi th≠Îng th¯c b˜a tr≠a tr™n tµu, du kh∏ch c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng phong c∂nh xung quanh khi tµu du ngoπn d‰c theo c∏c Æ∂o Æ∏ v´i cÒa Vnh B∏i Tˆ Long vµ h≠Ìng Æ’n lµng chµi Vung Vi™ng, mÈt trong nh˜ng lµng chµi lÌn nh†t cÒa Vnh Hπ Long. Tπi Æ©y, du kh∏ch sœ c„ c¨ hÈi t◊m hi”u cuÈc sËng cÒa ng≠ d©n Æa ph≠¨ng khi dπo quanh lµng chµi bªng thuy“n nan ho∆c t˘ chÃo thuy“n kayak d≠Ìi s˘ chÿ d…n cÒa h≠Ìng d…n vi™n.

Bæt Æ«u ngµy mÌi vÌi bµi tÀp Th∏i c˘c quy“n, tÀp Taichi tr™n boong tµu lÛc b◊nh minh, du kh∏ch sœ c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc

Ngoµi ra, du kh∏ch cÚng Æ≠Óc tham quan Thi™n C∂nh S¨n, mÈt hang ÆÈng kh∏ hoang s¨ vÌi c∏c thπch nhÚ Æ∏ v´i c„ vŒ Æãp k˙ lπ, ÆÂng thÍi ngæm nh◊n phong c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp cÒa Vnh B∏i Tˆ Long vµ Hπ Long tı tr™n cao. Vµo buÊi tËi, du kh∏ch c„ th” c©u m˘c Æ™m ngay tr™n tµu, h∏t karaoke ho∆c chÿ ƨn gi∂n lµ Æi dπo xung quanh vµ th≠ gi∑n tr™n boong.

TRÅI NGHIåM DëCH V| HÑNG SANG TR£N DU THUY≈N ß∫NG CƒP Khi l˘a ch‰n tham quan Vnh Hπ Long tr™n mÈt trong bËn du thuy“n Oriental Sails I, Oriental Sails II, Calypso Cruiser vµ Starlight Cruiser, du kh∏ch c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc tuy÷t di÷u trong ngµy vµo lÛc b◊nh minh vµ hoµng h´n vÌi g„c nh◊n toµn c∂nh ra Vnh Hπ Long. Sau mÈt ngµy hoπt ÆÈng s´i nÊi, du kh∏ch tr™n Calypso vµ Starlight Cruiser sœ Æ≠Óc th≠ gi∑n vÌi dch vÙ massage vµ lµm Æãp tπi spa ho∆c ng©m m◊nh trong bÂn sÙc jacuzi trong phng tæm c„ t«m nh◊n h≠Ìng ra bi”n. T†t c∂ c∏c b˜a ®n Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ c„ th˘c ƨn phÔ hÓp kh»u v ng≠Íi Vi÷t vÌi nh˜ng m„n ®n truy“n thËng, t≠¨i ngon vµ Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n tÿ mÿ. C∏c nhµ hµng sang tr‰ng, †m cÛng vµ tho∏ng Æ∑ng tr™n tµu c„ lœ sœ lµm t®ng h≠¨ng v c∏c m„n ®n khi th˘c kh∏ch th≠Îng th¯c trong khung c∂nh huy“n ∂o cÒa Vnh Hπ Long. Trong khi Oriental Sails vµ Calypso Cruiser Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch truy“n thËng, Starlight Cruiser lµ con tµu hi÷n Æπi nh†t vÌi c∏c cabin sang

tr‰ng Æ≠Óc bµi tr› theo phong c∏ch Æ≠¨ng Æπi. Starlight Cruiser vÌi 32 phng lÌn tr™n tµu Æ≠Óc trang b t†t c∂ ti÷n nghi cao c†p. Du thuy“n bao gÂm mÈt nhµ hµng, hai phng chÍ, cˆa hµng quµ t∆ng, spa vµ h«m r≠Óu. Vıa th≠Îng th¯c Æ uËng m∏t lπnh tı Uranus Bar vıa ngÂi th≠ th∏i tr™n boong tµu ha m◊nh vµo khung c∂nh thi™n nhi™n cÒa Vnh Hπ Long sœ lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m kh„ qu™n ÆËi vÌi du kh∏ch. VÌi thi’t k’ k’t hÓp s˘ sang tr‰ng vÌi nät Æ∆c tr≠ng tı c∏c s∂n ph»m thÒ c´ng Æa ph≠¨ng, du thuy“n sang tr‰ng nµy sœ lµm th·a m∑n nh˜ng du kh∏ch mong ÆÓi mÈt chuy’n h∂i tr◊nh xa hoa vµ kh∏c bi÷t. S˘ sang tr‰ng Æ’n tı m‰i kh›a cπnh cÒa hµnh tr◊nh, tı c¨ sÎ hi÷n Æπi, thÒy thÒ Æoµn chuy™n nghi÷p vµ th©n thi÷n, »m th˘c tinh t’, s˘ phÙc vÙ tÀn t◊nh cÒa nh©n vi™n cho Æ’n nh˜ng cuÈc du ngoπn Æ«y h¯ng thÛ. T†t c∂ sœ Æem lπi cho du kh∏ch mÈt k˙ nghÿ Æ∏ng nhÌ tπi Vnh Hπ Long.

*CH¶•NG TRçNH ¶U ßÇI: - 2 ngµy 1 Æ™m: Gi∂m 30% gi∏ c´ng bË - Combo 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m (1 Æ™m kh∏ch sπn+ 1 Æ™m ngÒ tµu) gi∂m 200.000VNß/kh∏ch - Gi∂m ngay 20% chi ph› thu™ tr‰n tµu tÊ ch¯c s˘ ki÷n, t∆ng kÃm bÈ karaoke, ©m thanh ∏nh s∏ng c¨ b∂n tr™n du thuy“n Starlight 5* - Gi∏: chÿ tı 2.990.000VNß/kh∏ch, ∏p dÙng khi Æ∆t qua email: corporate@ /sales@orientalsails. com Æ’n h’t 30/9/2018

ORIENTAL SAILS CO. JSC * T«ng 8, sË 2 Y™n Th’, quÀn Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi * Tel: 024 3926 4009 * Website:




MU§N VÄN ¶U ßÇI HƒP D√N CHO MùA C¶õI 2018 Dµnh t∆ng c∏c c∆p Æ´i nh˜ng ≠u Æ∑i thi’t th˘c nh†t nh©n s˘ ki÷n tri”n l∑m c≠Ìi HWP 2018, PNJ c„ nhi“u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh h†p d…n: ¶u Æ∑i nh…n c≠Ìi, c´ng trang s¯c vµng 24k vµ nhi“u ph«n quµ Æ∆c bi÷t Æang chÍ hä lÈ. Li™n h÷ gian hµng PNJ tπi tri”n l∑m c≠Ìi HWP Æ” bi’t th™m chi ti’t. (TrIÕN LÇm HWP H¤ CHê mINH - Gala Center, 415 Hoµng V®n ThÙ, T©n B◊nh, TP. HCM vµo ngµy 11 vµ 12/8/2018 - TRIÕN LÇM HWP HÄ NóI - Kh∏ch sπn Lotte, 54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi vµo ngµy 24, 25, 26/8/2018)





à nµy, Annam Gourmet Market sœ Æ≠a bπn Æ’n vÌi thi™n Æ≠Íng »m th˘c cÒa mÔa hÃ, n¨i bπn c„ th” t◊m th†y nh˜ng nguy™n li÷u vµ m„n ®n mang ©m h≠Îng mÔa hà cÒa c∏c n≠Ìc tr™n th’ giÌi, t≠¨i m∏t vµ h†p d…n. ß„ c„ th” lµ ti÷c BBQ vµ bia t≠¨i m∏t lπnh tr™n bÍ bi”n, nh˜ng Æ‹a salad tr∏i c©y k’t hÓp vÌi h≠¨ng v cocktail th¨m m∏t hay nh˜ng buÊi tËi th≠ gi∑n vÌi r≠Óu rose vµ ph´ mai cÔng ng≠Íi th©n, bπn bà b™n hi™n nhµ. DÔ mÔa hà cÒa bπn c„ Î trπng th∏i nµo, h∑y sΩn sµng tÀn h≠Îng mÈt mÔa hà ƫy n®ng l≠Óng, t≠¨i m∏t cÔng Annam Gourmet Market. VÌi 20 n®m xu†t hi÷n tr™n th tr≠Íng cÔng h¨n 12.000 s∂n ph»m ch†t l≠Óng vµ ƺng c†p tı khæp n¨i tr™n th’ giÌi, Annam Gourmet Market chÛ tr‰ng vµo th˘c ph»m h˜u c¨ nhÀp kh»u, tr∏i c©y, rau qu∂, r≠Óu vµ Æ uËng cÔng nguy™n li÷u n†u ®n ch†t l≠Óng cao. (ANNAM GOURMET MARKET *T«ng B2, 11-12 Saigon Centre, 65 L™ LÓi, Q. 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3914 0515 -16-18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Q. 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3822 9332 - 41A Th∂o ßi“n, Q. 2, TP. HCM *Tel: 028

3744 2630 - SB2-2 M¸ Kh∏nh 4, Nguy‘n ߯c C∂nh, Q. 7, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 5412 3264 - SË 51 Æ≠Íng Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 6673 9661 - 024 3718 4071)




"VUI Há THÅ GA - CH∫NG LO V≈ GIÉ" L˜ hµnh Vi÷t Æang ∏p dÙng ≠u Æ∑i lÌn nhi“u tour du lch tr‰n g„i, gÂm: Th∏i Lan tı 4.900.000 VNß, Singapore tı 6.900.000 VNß, ßµi Loan tı 8.900.000 VNß, Hµn QuËc tı 9.900.000 VNß, NhÀt B∂n tı 19.900.000 VNß, ch©u ¢u tı 35.900.000 VNß. C∏c tour Æ“u c„ chu»n dch vÙ 3 - 4 sao, khÎi hµnh Ænh k˙ hµng tu«n. (L~ HÄNH VIåT *Hµ NÈi: 94 Tr«n V¸ *Tel: 024 3763 3222 - ßµ NΩng: 76 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 0236 6271 919 - TP. HCM: 9 Phan K’ B◊nh, QuÀn 1 *Tel: 028 6295 5333 *Website:




MANY ATTRACTIVE OFFERS FOR THE 2018 WEDDING SEASON On the occasion of the wedding exhibition HWP 2018, PNJ will bring to couples the most practical and attractive offers: wedding rings, 24k gold jewelry and many special gifts waiting to be revealed. Contact the PNJ booth at the HWP wedding show for more details. (HWP EXHIBITION IN HCMC - Gala Center, 415 Hoang Van Thu street, Tan Binh district, HCMC on 11 and 12/8/2018 - HWP EXHIBITION IN HANOI - Lotte Hotel, 54 Lieu Giai street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi on 24, 25, 26/8/2018)






his summer, Annam Gourmet Market will take you to the culinary paradise of summer, where you can find ingredients and dishes full of fresh and attractive summer flavors from all around the world. It could be a BBQ party and fresh beers on the beach, fruit salad combined with refreshing cocktails, or relaxing evenings with roses and cheese among family and friends on the veranda. Whatever your summer style, be ready to enjoy an energizing, revitalizing summer with Annam Gourmet Market. With over 20 years of market presence and more than 12,000 quality products from around the world, Annam Gourmet Market focuses on imported organic food, fruits, vegetables, spirits and beverages and high quality cooking ingredients. (ANNAM GOURMET MARKET - B2, 11-12 Saigon Centre, 65 Le Loi street, district 1, HCMC *Tel: 028 3914 0515 -16-18 Hai Ba Trung street, district 1, HCMC *Tel: 028 3822 9332 41A Thao Dien, district 2, HCMC *Tel: 028 3744 2630 - SB2-2 My Khanh 4, Nguyen Duc Canh street, district 7, HCMC *Tel: 028 5412 3264 - 51 Xuan Dieu street, Tay Ho district, Ha Noi *Tel: 024 6673 9661 - 024 3718 4071)




AMAZING SUMMER TRAVEL DEALS Lu Hanh Viet is offering attractive tour packages this summer which include Thailand tours from 4,900,000 VND, Singapore tours from 6,900,000 VND, Taiwan tours from 8,900,000 VND, Korea tours from 9,900,000 VND, Japan tours from 19,900,000 VND, and Europe tours from 35,900,000 VND. Services are guaranteed 3-4 star quality. Departures are weekly. (LU HANH VIET *Hanoi: 94 Tran Vy *Tel: 024 3763 3222 - Danang: 76 Bach Dang, Hai Chau District *Tel: 0236 6271 919 - Ho Chi Minh City: 9 Phan Ke Binh, District 1 - Tel: 028 6295 5333 - Representative offices in provinces and cities across the country *Tel: 1800 1109 *Website:

travellers’outfit 1





VÌi mÈt chÛt sæc xanh m∏t mŒ cho mÔa næng, c´ nµng sœ thÀt tho∂i m∏i vµ nhã nhµng trong k˙ nghÿ cÒa m◊nh. With a refreshing green "touch" for the sunny season, she will be totally relaxed and feel"light like air" during her vacation. 1, ZIMMERMANN Tropical Charm gold-plated bracelet ( I 2, RAY-BAN Roundframe gold-tone sunglasses ( I 3, CULT GAIA Zaha bamboo clutch ( I 4, J.CREW Marseille striped linen jumpsuit (www. I 5, MELISSA JOY MANNING 14-karat gold hoop earrings ( I 6, MAKE BEAUTY Bisou Bisou Lip & Cheek Stick, 6g ( I 7, CULT GAIA Sienna woven raffia and leather sandals (





TP.HCM 15/05 - 15/9/2018

Tri”n l∑m tranh "N≠Ìc lµ s˘ sËng" L'Usine mang Æ’n bπn buÊi tri”n l∑m ngh÷ thuÀt "Water is Life" - "N≠Ìc lµ s˘ sËng" bÎi t∏c gi∂ Æ’n tı New York - Sto Len. SuËt thÍi gian Î Vi÷t Nam, t∏c gi∂ Æ∑ t◊m hi”u v“ nh˜ng mπch n≠Ìc tπi khu v˘c TP. H Ch› Minh vµ "bæt" Æ≠Óc nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc Ææt gi∏ v“ c©u chuy÷n cÒa "n≠Ìc" d≠Ìi Ænh dπng in †n, nh˜ng Æoπn phim hay nh˜ng ©m thanh ch©n thÀt. VÌi buÊi tri”n l∑m nµy, Sto chÛ tr‰ng vµo mπng l≠Ìi n≠Ìc cÒa khu v˘c Æ” qua Æ„, n™u l™n v†n Æ“ c∂ th’ giÌi Æang g∆p ph∂i trong vi÷c duy tr◊ nguÂn n≠Ìc sπch. (Tri”n l∑m tπi L'Usine, 151/5 ßÂng KhÎi, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM)

TOÄN QUˇC KhÎi chi’u ngµy 20/7


"Mamma Mia": Y™u l«n n˜a TOÄN QUˇC

T§I Bì QU£N T§I ô N¶õC ANH "T´i b· qu™n t´i Î n≠Ìc Anh" cÒa Minh Thi nh≠ mÈt chuy÷n t◊nh, m¨ mµng nh≠ng thÀt sËng ÆÈng, cÒa mÈt du h‰c sinh ÆËi vÌi n≠Ìc Anh - x¯ sÎ dÔ chia tay nh≠ng Æ∑ nªm tr‰n trong tr∏i tim c´. ô Æ„, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng ngoπn c∏c ngh÷ s‹ trÊ tµi ngay tr™n c∏c Æ≠Íng phË t†p nÀp cÒa London, l≠Ìt qua c∏c qu∏n r≠Óu Æ” nghe ti’ng chuy÷n tr r´m r∂ vµ ti’ng chπm cËc leng keng ho∆c dπo ch¨i thong th∂ qua nh˜ng con phË r™u phong... ߉c "T´i b· qu™n t´i Î n≠Ìc Anh" Æ” kh„ lng d¯t ra kh·i nh˜ng m»u chuy÷n duy™n d∏ng cÔng nh˜ng nhÀn xät tinh t’, hµi h≠Ìc cÒa c´ v“ mÈt x¯ sÎ vıa quen vıa lπ...

M≠Íi n®m sau "Mamma Mia!", kh∏n gi∂ lπi Æ≠Óc th®ng hoa cÔng nh˜ng giai Æi÷u cÒa t◊nh y™u tuÊi trŒ rπo r˘c nh≠ næng hà b·ng ch∏y trong "Mamma Mia!": Y™u l«n n˜a. BËi c∂nh cÒa bÈ phim v…n di‘n ra tπi hn Æ∂o Kalokairi huy“n di÷u cÒa Hy Lπp, n¨i Æ∑ vang l™n nh˜ng b∂n nhπc b†t hÒ cÒa nh„m ABBA theo mÈt phong c∏ch hoµn toµn mÌi. BÈ phim h¯a hãn sœ lµ b∂n t◊nh ca ng‰t ngµo cÒa mÈt thÍi th¨ mÈng mµ kh∏n gi∂ kh´ng th” b· lÏ trong dp hà n®m nay. (H÷ thËng CGV toµn quËc)

(S∏ch b∏n tπi h÷ thËng nhµ s∏ch Tiki, gi∏ 82.000 VNß)


DE LA SOL: HíA MçNH CùNG GIAI ßIåU ¢M NHÑC HIåN ßÑI Mang trong m◊nh nh˜ng c∂m xÛc th®ng hoa, n®ng l≠Óng vµ s˘ Æam m™ cÒa ©m nhπc, De La Sol lµ mÈt n¨i Æ” sËng vµ h¨n h’t lµ th” hi÷n ch›nh m◊nh ngay tπi khu v˘c phÂn hoa li“n k“ vÌi trung t©m kinh t’ n®ng ÆÈng. VÌi ba ta th∏p Alto, Bass, Cello Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng vÌi mÀt ÆÈ th†p - chÿ kho∂ng 870 c®n hÈ, d˘ ∏n sÎ h˜u nhi“u ti÷n ›ch ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ nh˜ng khu v˘c gi∂i tr› mang



ÆÀm s˘ ph∏ c∏ch, trŒ trung khi’n mÁi kho∂nh khæc Æ“u t˘a nh≠ nh˜ng khung h◊nh Instagram Æ«y †n t≠Óng. SËng tπi De La Sol, mÁi ngµy Æ“u lµ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi trong b∂n ha ca cÒa cuÈc sËng. (C§NG TY CP ß¡U T¶ KD BƒT ßóNG SÅN VIåT H¶NG PH@ (100% vËn sÎ h˜u cÒa CapitaLand Limited) *ßa chÿ nhµ m…u: T«ng tr÷t, Faifo Lane, 2 Æ≠Íng Phan V®n ß∏ng, ph≠Íng Thπnh M¸ LÓi, quÀn 2, TP. HCM *Website: *Hotline 1800 599 986)


1 2

VACATION MOOD Nh˜ng bÈ Æ ƨn gi∂n vµ tho∂i m∏i lu´n lµ l˘a ch‰n phÔ hÓp cho h«u h’t nh˜ng chuy’n Æi cho k˙ nghÿ hÃ. Vµ chÿ c«n g„i ghäm th™m mÈt vµi Æ dÔng c«n thi’t, bπn Æ∑ sΩn sµng! Simple and comfortable suits are always the right choice for summer trips. †Jusy pack a few supplies and you're ready to travel!


1, LOCK & CO HATTERS Reverb Linen-Chambray Flat Cap ( I 2, FRESCOBOL CARIOCA Striped Linen Shirt (www.frescobolcarioca. com) I 3, M.COHEN Templar Sterling Silver And Garnet Bracelet (www. I 4, LEICA Sofort Instant Camera ( I 5, LVARO Alex Suede Sandals ( I 6, NEOUS Opus leather mules ( I 7, EYEVAN 7285 749 Round-Frame Acetate And Titanium Sunglasses ( I 8, CLUB MONACO Beach Slim-Fit Mälange Slub Linen-Blend Drawstring Trousers (








HCMC 15/05 - 15/9/2018

WATER IS LIFE ART EXHIBITION L'Usine presents the Water is Life art exhibition by Sto Len - a NewYork based artist. During his time in Vietnam, Sto has explored the waterways of Ho Chi Minh City, capturing the incredible story of water through prints, video, and live audio. The exhibition focuses on local waterways, giving voice to the global struggle to maintain clean water. (L'Usine, 151/5 Dong Khoi street, district 1, HCMC)





Nationwide: From July 20



years after "Mamma Mia!", audiences will have the chance to immerse in its youthful love melody once again with the exciting summer sunshine in "Mamma Mia!": Here We Go Again. The film's setting is the still fancy Kalokairi Island of Greece where the immortal song of ABBA resounds in a whole new way. "Mamma Mia!": Here We Go Again promises to be a sweet melody of a dreamy period, making this film a must-watch this summer. (Nationwide CGV cinemas)


DE LA SOL: LIVE TO THE BEAT Based on the vibrancy, energy and dynamic qualities of music, De La Sol is the place to live in and be seen in - at the CBD Lite. Three stylish towers Alto, Bass, Cello housing a low-density collection of only 870 units, with active facilities and Instagram-worthy



surroundings, for a young and vibrant lifestyle. Here in De La Sol, you live to the beat and find the rhythm in every day. (VIET HUNG PHU JOINT STOCK COMPANY (100% owned subsidiary of CapitaLand Limited) *Sales Gallery: Ground floor, Faifo Lane, 2 Phan Van Dang street, Thanh My Loi ward, district 2, HCMC *Website: www.DeLaSol. *Hotline 1800 599 986)

"Toi bo quen toi o nuoc Anh" (I lost myself in the UK) by Minh Thi is a love story between an international student and the United Kingdom the land that still burns in her heart even though she has come back to Vietnam. This book reveals London through artists showing their genius on busy streets, the sounds of people excitedly chatting while drinking in pubs and strolling down mossy streets. Readers of "Toi bo quen toi o nuoc Anh" will be enchanted by Minh Thi's charming pieces and stories as well as her subtle and humorous comments about this familiar yet foreign land... (Nationwide Tiki bookstores, 82,000VND)








SUMMER RETREAT Trong s˘ k’t hÓp ƨn gi∂n mang mÈt chÛt h¨i h≠Ìng cÒa bi”n vµ mÈt chÛt cÒa rıng nhi÷t ÆÌi, c∏c chµng trai c„ th” y™n t©m tÀn h≠Îng k˙ nghÿ cÒa m◊nh tπi n¨i trÛ »n c∏ch xa s˘ n„ng n˘c cÒa thµnh phË. In a simple combination with a slight inspiration both from the sea and the jungle, every man can be assured to enjoy his holidays at the shelter away from the heat of the city. 1, SAINT LAURENT Aviator-Style Metal Sunglasses ( I 2, MR P. Camp-Collar Printed Woven Shirt (www. I 3, TOD'S Embroidered Cotton and Linen-Blend T-Shirt ( I 4, MIANSAI Anchor Cord and Gold-Plated Wrap Bracelet ( I 5, ÄLVARO Alex Suede Sandals ( I 6, ORLEBAR BROWN Bulldog Mid-Length Stripe-Trimmed Swim Shorts ( TRAVELLIVE



CHû NH¢N ß∫NG CƒP CûA NH~NG BIåT TH# SI£U SANG H‰ sÎ h˜u nh˜ng c®n bi÷t th˘ si™u sang mµ gi∏ trfi cÒa n„ lµ nh˜ng con sË "khÒng khi’p" Æ’n kh„ t≠Îng t≠Óng. C„ th” nhæc Æ’n Elon Musk, t˚ phÛ Æang sÎ h˜u khËi tµi s∂n hµng t˚ USD Æ∑ chi hµng chÙc tri÷u USD Æ” mua 4 c®n bi÷t th˘ sang ch∂nh li“n k“ nhau tπi khu phË Bel Air, Los Angeles hay nh˜ng t˚ phÛ c´ng ngh÷ Larry Page, Bill Gates cÚng th” hi÷n ƺng c†p "ch¨i trÈi" kh´ng käm.




ß©y lµ c©u chuy÷n cÒa th’ giÌi. Kh´ng th” phÒ nhÀn, xu h≠Ìng nµy Æang lan t·a t«m ∂nh h≠Îng r‚ r÷t tÌi c∏c Æ´ thfi lÌn cÒa khu v˘c ß´ng Nam É, trong Æ„ c„ Vi÷t Nam. Thfi tr≠Íng b†t ÆÈng s∂n Vi÷t Nam nh˜ng n®m g«n Æ©y Æ∑ khÎi sæc bÎi mÈt dflng ri™ng kh´ng hfla trong dflng chung. ß„ lµ thfi ph«n cÒa dflng b†t ÆÈng s∂n si™u sang. Cho dÔ Î b†t c¯ giai Æoπn nµo, thfinh hay suy, thfi tr≠Íng nµy lu´n tÂn tπi nh˜ng chÒ nh©n ng≠Óc dflng. H‰ kh´ng Æi theo "Æπi chÛng" mµ h‰ ph∂i lµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi kh∏c bi÷t. Theo Kinight Frank, c´ng ty t≠ v†n b†t ÆÈng s∂n t≠ nh©n hµng Æ«u tr™n th’ giÌi, tËc ÆÈ t®ng tr≠Îng †n t≠Óng v“ ng≠Íi si™u giµu tπi ch©u É sœ Æ≠Óc cÒng cË nhÍ mÈt sË quËc gia, trong Æ„ c„ Vi÷t Nam. Ch›nh c∏c c∏ nh©n si™u giµu nµy th≠Íng c„ nhu c«u khºng Æfinh ƺng c†p cÒa h‰. VÀy nh˜ng tÀp Æoµn chuy™n cung ¯ng c∏c bi÷t th˘, c®n hÈ si™u sang, sœ c„ g◊ Æ” cung c†p cho thfi tr≠Íng Æ∆c bi÷t nµy?

SI£U ß∫NG CƒP CùNG EVERGREEN N®m 2018, d≠Íng nh≠ lµ n®m bÔng nÊ cÒa s˘ hÓp t∏c gi˜a c∏c tÀp Æoµn x©y d˘ng vµ qu∂n l˝. S˘ hÓp t∏c gi˜a TNR Holdings Vi÷t Nam vµ chÒ Æ«u t≠ Tµi Nguy™n Æ∑ ra mæt thfi tr≠Íng d˘ ∏n EverGreen, trong Æ„, nÊi bÀt g©y s˘ ki÷n Æ◊nh Æ∏m nh†t Æ„ lµ vi÷c mÎ b∏n 30 c®n City Villas thuÈc dflng ph©n khÛc si™u sang, Æ∏p ¯ng c∏c ti™u chu»n khæt khe, ƺng c†p v“ thi’t k’, ki’n trÛc, ch†t li÷u, kh´ng gian vµ m´i tr≠Íng sËng. S˘ ki÷n ra mæt bi÷t th˘ City Villas nhªm th·a m∑n hoµn toµn nhu c«u cÒa giÌi si™u giµu vµ m‰i ng≠Íi Æ≠Óc tÀn mæt chi™m ng≠Ïng nh˜ng c®n bi÷t th˘ hoµn h∂o c„ lËi ki’n trÛc †n t≠Óng. ß∆c bi÷t, kh´ng gian vµ m´i tr≠Íng Æ≠Óc coi tr‰ng bÀc nh†t Î Æ©y, Æ„ lµ s˘ chuy”n ÆÊi sinh ÆÈng tr™n m∆t Ưng, thay ÆÊi hoµn toµn quan ni÷m cÚ v“ ki”u bi÷t th˘ Æi”n h◊nh. NÈi th†t tıng c®n mang phong c∏ch Art Decor sang tr‰ng lfich thi÷p vµ lu´n cÀp nhÀt nh˜ng ¯ng dÙng ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi bÀc nh†t. Tπi Æ©y, cÚng xu†t hi÷n nhi“u tÊ hÓp ti÷n ›ch vµ dfich vÙ ch≠a tıng c„ tπi Vi÷t Nam nh≠ b’n du thuy“n 5 sao, nhµ hµng TÊ chim Marina, c´ng vi™n trung t©m, h÷ thËng giao th´ng Æ≠Íng bÈ Æ≠Óc ng«m h„a th´ng minh, c∏c ti÷n ›ch hπng sang cho nhu c«u th≠ gi∑n, h≠Îng thÙ cuÈc sËng th≠Óng l≠u tπi City Club House. Ngoµi ra, City Villas cfln nÊi bÀt vÌi c´ng tr◊nh h b¨i Panorama k’t nËi xuy™n suËt c∏c c®n bi÷t th˘, Æi“u nµy x„a b· m‰i ranh giÌi lo ngπi v“ t›nh ri™ng t≠ vµ Æ∂m b∂o s˘ t˘ do cho c∏c chÒ nh©n thµnh Æπt. C„ th” khºng Æfinh, ngoµi s˘ tÊng hfla xu†t sæc t†t c∂ c∏c y’u tË cÒa Ki’n trÛc - Ngh÷ thuÀt - Ti÷n ›ch th◊ s˘ Ææt gi∏ cÒa City Villas ch›nh lµ n¨i khÎi Æ«u cho s˘ thfinh v≠Óng, cuÈc sËng xa hoa, b“ th’ tı mÈt c´ng tr◊nh ƺng c†p Æ∑ hi÷n h˜u, thÀm ch› cfln xu†t sæc h¨n c∂ b∂n vœ. Kh∏t khao sÎ h˜u chËn an c≠ tπi City Villas lµ Æi“u ch≠a bao giÍ ngıng lπi trong cÈng ÆÂng nh˜ng ki÷t nh©n xu†t chÛng - h‰ c„ gu th»m m¸ tinh t’ vµ phong c∏ch sËng ƺng c†p, coi tr‰ng uy t›n vµ th≠¨ng hi÷u c∏ nh©n. Vi÷c sÎ h˜u si™u bi÷t th˘ Æ” an c≠ vµ nghÿ d≠Ïng x¯ng t«m tπi EverGreen cÚng lµ c∏ch khºng Æfinh vfi th’, s˘ thµnh Æπt vµ thfinh v≠Óng dµi l©u cho nh˜ng chÒ nh©n si™u giµu. EVERGREEN Ø Website: Ø Hotline: 093 88 55 777 TRAVELLIVE






POSH OWNERS OF CLASSY VILLAS hey own the extravagant villas whose value is hard to even fathom. The billionaire Elon Musk, for instance, has spent tens of millions of dollars purchasing four adjacent villas in the Bel Air neighborhood of Los Angeles. Other billionaires such as Larry Page and Bill Gates also prove their class with their high-end choices. That's the story of the world. Undeniably this trend is spreading throughout the world and it has significant impact on big urban areas, especially in South East Asia, including Vietnam. The real estate market in Vietnam has been flourishing, however, not from mainstream sources, but rather by a distinctive trend. The owners of luxurious villas have greatly contributed to this market's share. Regardless, the status of each period, of prosperity or decline, the real estate market always sees its owners on top. They do not follow the choices of the masses but stay diverse in their assets. According to Knight Frank, the world's leading real estate consultant company, the impressive growth of super-rich people in Asia could be strengthened by several countries, including Vietnam. It is these super-rich individuals who often have the desire to affirm their class. So, what do the corporations that supply luxury villas and apartments have to offer to this special market?

HIGH-END CHOICES WITH EVERGREEN 2018 appears to be a booming year for the cooperation between construction groups and management corporations. TNR Holdings Vietnam has joined hands with investor Tai Nguyen to



launch the EverGreen project; the most notable project is the sales opening of 30 City Villas in the super-luxury line. These villas meet every strict standard of design, architecture, material, space, and living environment. The introduction of City Villas aims at satisfying each demand of the super-rich eyeing the perfect villa. Aside from intricate design, living space and environment are considered the most significant factors. It is a vivid vertical transformation, completely changing the old concept of typical villas. Each villa features luxurious and elegant interiors in the Art Däcor style, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. Residents can enjoy an array of utilities and services offered for the first time in Vietnam such as a 5-star marina, Marina Bird's Nest restaurant, central park, smart underground transport system, as well as high-end services to relax and enjoy the high-class life at the City Club House. In addition, City Villas is highlighted by a Panorama

swimming pool connecting each villa, removing all boundaries of privacy and elevating it to an entirely new level in the community of successful residents. Apart from the excellent harmony between the elements of architecture, art, and utility, the high value of City Villas is the starting point for prosperity and a life of luxury. The villas themselves are more awe inspiring in person than they are on paper. Owning a peaceful place in the City Villas is a desire of successful people who have a sophisticated aesthetic and lead unique lifestyles; those who value prestige and personal brand. Relaxing and enjoying life in EverGreen's super-luxurious villas is a way of affirming one's status, success and long-term prosperity. EVERGREEN Ø Website: Ø Hotline: 093 88 55 777




31 KHÉCH SÑN, RESORTS MõI NHƒT KH§NG THÕ Bì QUA Trong n®m 2018, xu h≠Ìng du lch nghÿ d≠Ïng Æang ti’p tÙc lµ t©m Æi”m vµ nh˜ng chuÁi resort, kh∏ch sπn cao c†p cÚng nËi nhau ra ÆÍi nhªm Æ∏p ¯ng nhu c«u cÒa du kh∏ch. VÌi vai tr cÒa mÈt k™nh cung c†p th´ng tin, t≠ v†n v“ du lch, Travellive l˘a ch‰n danh s∏ch nh˜ng resort, kh∏ch sπn, kh∏ch sπn boutique, du thuy“n mÌi nh†t trong sË r†t nhi“u kh∏ch sπn, resort mÌi Æ≠Óc khai tr≠¨ng tı gi˜a n®m 2017 Æ’n nay. Qua Æ©y, hy v‰ng ÆÈc gi∂ sœ t˘ tin, an t©m l˘a ch‰n theo sÎ th›ch vµ nhu c«u ri™ng cÒa m◊nh! In 2018, the trend of resort tourism continues to be the focus of resort chains and luxury hotels, meeting the needs of tourists. As the role of an informative and consultancy magazine about tourism, Travellive has selected a vetted list of new resorts, hotels, boutique hotels and cruises which have opened from mid-2017 to now. Through this, we hope to offer readers both confidence and assurance based on personal taste!



Hotels & Resorts List 2018





GRAND SILK PATH SAPA êêêêê Ø SË phng/ Rooms: 152


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/ Opening time: 11/2017

rand Silk Path Sapa mang d∏ng vŒ cÊ Æi”n, kh´ng chÿ k’ thıa tinh hoa ki’n trÛc ph≠¨ng T©y truy“n thËng, mµ cfln mang nh˜ng nät tinh t’ cÒa v®n h„a b∂n Æfia vÌi h‰a ti’t trang tr› thÊ c»m. B” b¨i v´ c˘c n≠Ìc n„ng Î Æ©y Æ∆c bi÷t †n t≠Óng bÎi Æ≠Óc bao b‰c gi˜a c∂nh quan ÆÂi nÛi m™nh m´ng vÌi ∏nh næng vÔng cao vµng ruÈm. Tı tr™n ban c´ng mÁi phflng, du kh∏ch Æıng qu™n ngæm d∑y Hoµng Li™n S¨n hÔng v‹ vµo mÁi sÌm mai ho∆c lÛc hoµng h´n. ߉c s∏ch Î Æ©y vµ nh©m nhi t∏ch trµ, cafä, ho∆c thÀm ch›, th≠Îng th¯c c∏c b˜a ®n ri™ng t≠ ngay tπi phflng vÌi khung c∂nh nÛi rıng sœ lµ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m kh„ qu™n.

GRAND SILK PATH SAPA has a classic air, not only in its inherited essence of traditional Western architecture, but also with its distinctive elements of local culture in brocade patterns. The infinity pool here is accentuated by the surrounding endless mountains and golden highland sunshine. From the private balcony of each room, you can take in the majestic Hoang Lien Son range every morning or watch the sun dip into the mountains during sunset. Reading, enjoying tea, coffee or having private meals right in your room with stellar views creates an unforgettable experience.



PAO'S SAPA LEISURE êêêêê Ø SË phng/Rooms: 223 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 9/2017

Pao's Sapa Leisure Hotel g©y †n t≠Óng bÎi vŒ Æãp tr˜ t◊nh, m“m mπi giËng nh˜ng Æ≠Íng cong cÒa nh˜ng thˆa ruÈng bÀc thang tπi thung lÚng M≠Íng Hoa. CÚng nh≠ c∏c kh∏ch sπn 5 sao kh∏c, Î Pao c„ th” t◊m th†y m‰i chi ti’t cÒa s˘ k¸ l≠Ïng, ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi vµ s˘ ch®m s„c chu Æ∏o. NgÂi Î Mk Rooftop c„ th” ngæm tr‰n vãn thung lÚng M≠Íng Hoa tı tr™n cao. Kh´ng c«n ph∂i th˘c hi÷n chuy’n s®n m©y Î Æ©u Æ„ xa x´i, chÿ c«n trong kh∏ch sπn, m©y lÛc nµo cÚng sΩn quanh m◊nh. Vµ n’u may mæn, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tæm trong nh˜ng "ray" s∏ng di÷u k˙. PAO'S SAPA LEISURE has impressive lyrical beauty along the gentle curves of the terraced fields in Muong Hoa valley. Like other 5-star hotels, at Pao, you can find every detail of thoroughness, modern facilities and attentive care. Sitting at Mk Rooftop to be able to fully watch the Muong Hoa valley from above. No need to make a cloud hunting trip somewhere far away, as the clouds are continuously around you here. And if both you and I are lucky, we will be immersed in magic rays of light, because Pao is the best spot for photography.





MELIÉ BA VI MOUNTAIN RETREAT êêêêê Ø SË phng/Rooms: 55 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 1/7/2018


ªm »n s©u d≠Ìi nh˜ng t∏n cÊ thÙ cÒa V≠Ín QuËc gia Ba V◊, Meli∏ Ba V◊ Mountain Retreat cho th†y t≠ duy tinh t’ vÌi lËi ki’n trÛc t´n vinh vŒ Æãp t˘ nhi™n th´ng qua vi÷c sˆ dÙng c∏c ch†t li÷u gÁ, nan tre..., tÀn dÙng tËi Æa Æfia h◊nh sΩn c„ Æ” tπo n™n kh´ng gian nghÿ d≠Ïng hµi hfla vÌi thi™n nhi™n. Men theo nh˜ng lËi nh· thoai tho∂i dËc sœ chÓt th†y nh˜ng bungalow xinh Æãp l†p l„ trong vflm l∏. Chÿ c«n vän rÃm trong phflng, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc ngæm toµn c∂nh nÛi non Ba V◊ ph›a xa xa. B” b¨i v´ c˘c n≠Ìc n„ng Î ÆÈ cao 600 m gi˜a rıng th´ng Æem lπi tr∂i nghi÷m c˘c k˙ thÛ vfi. N’u Æi cÔng trŒ nh·, bπn c„ th” dæt con dπo ch¨i b™n rıng th´ng, kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi ÆÈng th˘c vÀt mu´n mµu chÿ c„ Î v≠Ín quËc gia, kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng d†u t›ch lfich sˆ thÛ vfi cfln l≠u lπi quanh Æ©y nh≠ s©n bay tr˘c th®ng cÚ, nhµ Æπi t∏, khu chuÂng ng˘a vµ nhµ ph∏o binh, nhµ thÍ ÆÊ... SITUATED BEHIND GIANT ancient trees of Ba Vi National Park, the resort's highlight is its elegant concept combined with balanced architecture that honors the minimalist beauty through a blend of wood and Vietnamese bamboo... making full use of the natural terrain to create a resort space in harmony with nature. Following the gentle sloping steps, you will suddenly see the beautiful bungalows flickering in the canopy leaves. Simply roll up the transparent curtain to view panoramic scenes of Ba Vi mountain. The warm water infinity pool at a height of 600 m between the pine forest will bring to you an extraordinary experience. If travelling with children, you can take them on the promenade along the pine forest, explore the world of colorful plants and animals that can only be found in the national park; discover interesting historical remnants that still remain here such as the airport's old helicopter, colonel's house, horse stable, artillery house, and church.





INTERCONTINENTAL HANOI LANDMARK72 êêêêê Ø SË phng/Rooms: 359 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 9/2017


hºng d‘ Æ” b¯t ra kh·i cuÈc sËng bÀn rÈn vµ t∆ng cho m◊nh mÈt k˙ nghÿ, vÀy n™n InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 lµ l˘a ch‰n tuy÷t vÍi Æ” nghÿ ng¨i cuËi tu«n vµ cÚng lµ Æi”m dıng ch©n th›ch hÓp cho c∏c doanh nh©n trong mÈt chuy’n c´ng t∏c. Nªm tπi tfla nhµ cao nh†t Vi÷t Nam n™n tı Æ©y, bπn c„ th” ngæm Hµ NÈi vÌi t«m nh◊n bao qu∏t toµn thµnh phË. NhÌ th≠Îng th¯c »m th˘c tπi c∏c nhµ hµng cÒa InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 - däcor sang tr‰ng, ngh÷ thuÀt ch’ bi’n m„n ®n tinh t’, t≠Íng k›nh rÈng mÎ khoe c∂nh quan ÆÈc Æ∏o... Nhµ hµng Stellar Steakhouse cÒa kh∏ch sπn ch›nh lµ n¨i Æ«u ti™n Î Hµ NÈi cho ra mæt c∏c m„n bfl vÌi c´ng ngh÷ lµm kh´ "dry-aged beef". Phflng hÈi nghfi lÌn vÌi s¯c ch¯a †n t≠Óng l™n Æ’n 1.000 kh∏ch vµ khu v˘c s∂nh ngoµi phflng h‰p rÈng tÌi 1.020 m2 cÚng lµ nät ri™ng Æ∏ng chÛ ˝ cÒa InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72.

IT IS NOT EASY to get out of your busy life and give yourself a vacation; the InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 is a great choice for a weekend getaway and is also a suitable rest-stop for those on business trips. Located in the tallest building in Vietnam, from here, you can admire Hanoi with a panoramic view of the city. Remember to enjoy the food at the InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 - luxury decoration, exquisite food representing the art of cooking, open glass walls showing the unique landscape... will satisfy all your senses! The hotel's Stellar Steakhouse is the first place in Hanoi to offer beef dishes made with "dry-aged beef" technology. Large conference rooms with an impressive capacity of up to 1,000 guests and the large 1,020 m2 lobby are some of the remarkable features of the InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72.



HANOI LA SIESTA CENTRAL êêêê Ø SË phng/Rooms: 27 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 10/2017

Nät ÆÈc Æ∏o nh†t cÒa La Siesta lµ kh∏ch sπn boutique nªm Î trung t©m phË cÊ vÌi view toµn c∂nh H G≠¨m. Nh· nhæn, xinh xæn, kh∏ch sπn lµ tÊng hfla cÒa s˘ c«u k˙, sang tr‰ng, thanh lfich, †m cÛng vµ ti÷n nghi. Tı Æ©y, chÿ vÌi vµi b≠Ìc ch©n, bπn c„ th” hoµ m◊nh vµo cuÈc sËng phË ph≠Íng cÒa Hµ NÈi Æ›ch th˘c, dπo quanh H G≠¨m, ngÂi x›ch l´, th≠Îng th¯c g∏nh hµng rong, xem rËi n≠Ìc... Nhµ hµng Î La Siesta vÌi c∏c m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Hµ NÈi vµ »m th˘c É ¢u cÚng r†t x¯ng Æ∏ng Æ” bπn n’m thˆ. THE MOST UNIQUE feature of La Siesta is the boutique hotel located in the heart of the old town with panoramic views of Ho Guom. Comfortable and lovely, the hotel is the epitome of sophistication, elegance, coziness and provides paramount amenities. Only a few steps from here, you can immerse yourself in authentic Hanoian daily life by visiting Hoan Kiem Lake, experience cyclo, enjoy street food from wandering vendors, watch a water puppet theatre show... The restaurant at La Siesta offers the specialities of Hanoi and its EuroAsian dises are also worth trying.







MON CH–RI CRUISES êêêêê Ø SË phng/Rooms: 18


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 1/2018

u thuy“n 5 sao Mon Chäri lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng du thuy“n xu†t sæc Æang c„ m∆t tπi Vfinh Hπ Long. ßi”m kh∏c bi÷t cÒa Mon Chäri, Æ„ lµ c∏ch thi’t k’ hµnh tr◊nh kh∏c bi÷t, kh´ng dfich vÙ du thuy“n nµo c„: chπy tı Vfinh Lan Hπ (cÒa C∏t Bµ) tÌi Vfinh Hπ Long (Qu∂ng Ninh), Mon Chäri Æi qua c∏c ng‰n nÛi Æ∏ v´i vµ hang ÆÈng k˙ b›, nh˜ng b∑i bi”n cfln hoang s¨ ›t ng≠Íi bi’t. Du kh∏ch c„ th” tham gia lÌp h‰c n†u ®n, h‰c Taichi, c©u m˘c Æ™m, chÃo kayak, chÃo thuy“n thÛng ho∆c Æ∆t dfich vÙ massage tr™n du thuy“n. MON CH–RI CRUISE is designed in a luxurious style including an elegant restaurant and bar, a modern gym and spa-standard 5-star facilities. Rooms feature a balcony with views of the sea. Mon Chäri Cruises has created a special itinerary for visitors to enjoy the natural wonders of Ha Long Bay (Quang Ninh) and Lan Ha Bay (Cat Ba). A holiday experience with Mon Chäri will have you exploring natural limestone mountain caves full of mystery as well as enjoying beautiful pristine beaches with clear waters. Guests can attend cooking classes, learn Tai Chi, fish for squid, go kayak or boat rowing, or book a massage on the yacht.



PARADISE ELEGANCE êêêêê Ø SË phng/Rooms: 31


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 03/2017

aradise Elegance thuÈc dflng du thuy“n hπng sang tr™n Vfinh Hπ Long, Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ hi÷n Æπi, ti÷n nghi vµ cao c†p. Nhæc tÌi Paradise Elegance lµ gÓi nhÌ tÌi mÈt th’ giÌi trµn Æ«y c∂m xÛc. ßi”m nh†n giÛp du thuy“n Paradise kh∏c bi÷t, Æ„ lµ c∏c s˘ ki÷n v®n h„a, thÍi trang, ©m nhπc, bi’n boong tµu thµnh sµn di‘n nh≠ show di‘n "The Oriental Sun - M∆t trÍi ph≠¨ng ß´ng" cÒa NTK tµi hoa L™ Thanh Hfla, liveshow "D≠¨ng C«m Æ™m Ph≠¨ng" cÒa ca s‹ Thu Ph≠¨ng. Paradise Elegance lµ ƨn vfi ti™n phong Æ≠a nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng nµy vµo hµnh tr◊nh cÒa du thuy“n tr™n Vfinh Hπ Long. Thµnh c´ng cÒa chuÁi s˘ ki÷n v®n ho∏ ngh÷ thuÀt k” tr™n Æ∑ khºng Æfinh s˘ l™n ng´i cÒa xu h≠Ìng du lfich k’t hÓp gi∂i tr› tr™n Vfinh Hπ Long, bi’n n¨i Æ©y trÎ thµnh Æi”m du lfich h†p d…n hµng Æ«u dµnh cho m‰i du kh∏ch.



PARADISE ELEGANCE is a luxury cruise through Halong Bay with modern designs and comfortably high-end facilities. Talking about Paradise Elegance means entering a world filled with emotion. The features that make Paradise different are the culture, fashion and music events that transform its deck into a stage, connecting guests through shows like "The Oriental Sun - M∆t trÍi ph≠¨ng ß´ng" by talented designer Le Thanh Hoa, "Duong Cam dem Phuong" a live show featuring singer Thu Phuong. Paradise Elegance is the pioneer in bringing these activities into the cruise of Halong Bay. The success of the musical night reaffirmed the throne of the new tourism trend that combines entertainment in Ha Long Bay, transforming it into one of the leading tourist attractions for all travelers.

VIETYACHT MARINA CLUB - PERSONAL YACHT SERVICE êêêêê Ø ThÍi gian hoπt ÆÈng/Opening time: 02/2018 Ø ßÈi thuy“n gÂm 4 du thuy“n Jeanneau/The cruise consists of 4 yachts

Du thuy“n tr™n Vfinh Hπ Long lµ dfich vÙ Æ∑ qu∏ quen thuÈc tı nhi“u n®m nay nh≠ng vÌi Vietyacht Marina Club, bπn sœ c„ tr∂i nghi÷m hoµn toµn kh∏c bi÷t: Æ„ lµ dfich vÙ du thuy“n c∏ nh©n. D˘a theo ≠Ìc muËn cÒa bπn, Vietyacht Marina Club sœ giÛp bπn ki’n tπo mÈt h∂i tr◊nh dµnh ri™ng cho c∏ nh©n, gia Æ◊nh ho∆c nh„m ng≠Íi tr™n vfinh Hπ Long, kh∏m ph∏ k˙ quan thi™n nhi™n kh´ng giÌi hπn theo phong c∏ch nghÿ d≠Ïng ph≠¨ng T©y sang tr‰ng tr™n nh˜ng du thuy“n c∏ nh©n Jeanneau. Vietyacht Marina Club cung c†p g„i dfich vÙ Æi trong ngµy vÌi thÍi l≠Óng 4 giÍ ÆÂng h cho mÁi h∂i tr◊nh, gi∏ c∂ tu˙ thuÈc vµo loπi thuy“n bπn ch‰n. CRUISING IN HALONG BAY has been a familiar service for many years but Vietyacht Marina Club provides a distinct experience unlike any other.

According to your wish, Vietyacht Marina Club will help you create an individualized Ha Long Bay journey for you and your loved ones, explore the natural wonders without limits, in Western luxury-resort style and on the Jeanneau private yacht. Vietyacht Marina Club offers a oneday cruising service that lasts 4 hours per journey, fees vary depending on the type of cruise chosen.





ALBA WELLNESS RESORT - HU⁄ êêêêê Ø SË phng/Rooms: 56 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 4/2018


hu nghÿ d≠Ïng Alba Wellness Resort nªm d≠Ìi ch©n d∑y Tr≠Íng S¨n, Æ≠Óc bao quanh bÎi rıng c©y vµ dflng suËi kho∏ng n„ng t˘ nhi™n hi’m c„. Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ bÎi ki’n trÛc s≠ nÊi ti’ng ng≠Íi NhÀt, ´ng Yo Ikegami. Ch›nh v◊ vÀy, kh´ng gian cÚng nh≠ decor mang nät hµi hfla gi˜a hai n“n v®n h„a Vi÷t - NhÀt. ß∆c bi÷t, Î Alba, bπn c„ th” c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc s˘ gi∂n dfi, an y™n trong phong c∏ch sËng cÒa NhÀt vµ t©m hÂn ch©n ph≠¨ng cÒa ng≠Íi Hu’. ßi“u Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa resort lµ trung t©m Onsen & Spa rÈng 2.000m2 Æi kÃm vÌi h÷ thËng nhµ hµng, qu«y bar, phflng gym, yoga, v≠Ín thi“n vµ b” b¨i hi÷n Æπi. N’u Æ∑ tÌi Æ©y rÂi, bπn Æıng b· qua li÷u tr◊nh ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e Æ∆c bi÷t mµ chÿ Î Alba mÌi c„ nh≠: tæm Onsen 7 b≠Ìc ki”u NhÀt, trfi li÷u massage, thi“n, Æi bÈ vµ yoga... THE ALBA WELLNESS RESORT is located at the foot of the Truong Son Range, surrounded by woods and rare natural hot springs. The resort is designed by the famous Japanese architect, Yo Ikegami. Both the resort's space and decoration own to a harmonious blend between the cultures of Vietnam and Japan. This is exemplified in Alba, where you can feel the simplicity and peacefulness of Japanese life and the sincere soul of the Hue people. The resort features a 2,000 m2 Onsen & Spa center housing a restaurant, bar, gym, yoga, meditation garden and modern swimming pool. If you are already here, do not miss out on the exclusive wellness program that only Alba offers: a 7-step onsen Japanese bath, massage therapy, meditation, hiking and yoga...





SHERATON GRAND ßÄ NøNG êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 228


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 1/2018

heraton Grand ßµ NΩng lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng sÎ h˜u b∑i bi”n ri™ng bi÷t. VÌi c∏ch thi’t k’ hi÷n Æπi, ph„ng kho∏ng nh≠ng nh†n mπnh c∏c chi ti’t v®n h„a trong c∏ch bµi tr›, tı mµu s¨n, t†m th∂m, nÈi th†t hay nh˜ng b¯c tranh treo t≠Íng Î Sheraton Grand ßµ NΩng cÚng Æ“u Æ≠Óc ch‰n l˘a sao cho hfla hÓp vÌi c∂nh quan vµ thi’t k’ tÊng th”. Tuy nhi™n, Æi”m khi’n Sheraton Grand ßµ NΩng trÎ n™n kh∏c bi÷t lπi lµ h b¨i dµi nh†t mi“n Trung Vi÷t Nam tr∂i dµi tı s∂nh Æ„n kh∏ch ra tÌi tÀn bi”n. ¶a chuÈng thi’t k’ mÎ, tı khu resort nµy, du kh∏ch c„ th” nh◊n ra h b¨i trµn bÍ, bi”n, hay thÀm ch› lµ nh◊n ra b∏n Æ∂o S¨n Trµ. VÌi ba nhµ hµng phÙc vÙ vµ hai qu∏n bar, Sheraton Grand ßµ NΩng mang tÌi dfich vÙ »m th˘c gÂm nhi“u l˘a ch‰n. Nh≠ng kh„ qu™n nh†t lµ tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c tπi nhµ hµng The Grill, mang Æ’n c∏c loπi thfit bfl nhÀp kh»u th≠Óng hπng, h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sËng...

SHERATON GRAND DA NANG is a seaside resort with separate sea areas in its collection. With a modern, liberal design emphasizing the cultural details of the däcor shown in the paint, tapestry, interior, and wall paintings of the Sheraton Grand Danang, each selected to match the scene and overall design. However, what makes Sheraton Grand Danang stand out is its elongated swimming pool that stretches from the lounge to the sea. For visitors who love open designs, you can partake in the views from the overflowing pool of the sea, or even the Son Tra peninsula. With three restaurants and two bars, Sheraton Grand Da Nang offers culinary service with several options. And the most unforgettable experience is the Grill restaurant offering prime imported beef and fresh local seafood.



FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON DANANG êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 390 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 05/2018

SÎ h˜u vfi tr› vµng tπi ßµ NΩng, tı ban c´ng cÒa Four Points by Sheraton Danang, du kh∏ch c„ th” ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh thµnh phË vµ b∏n Æ∂o S¨n Trµ, n¨i Æ©y cfln Æ≠Óc coi lµ Æi”m ngæm m∆t trÍi m‰c tuy÷t vÍi nh†t. Four Points Danang c„ phong c∏ch thi’t k’ hi÷n Æπi pha l…n cÊ Æi”n, linh hoπt, ti÷n nghi vÌi phflng gym hi÷n Æπi, h b¨i h≠Ìng bi”n b™n cπnh qu«y bar t«ng th≠Óng. Tπi Four Points by Sheraton ßµ NΩng, du kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c »m th˘c ß´ng Nam É vµ quËc t’ ngay tπi nhµ hµng The Eatery, Æıng qu™n kh∏m ph∏ bÈ s≠u tÀp 30 loπi bia kh∏c nhau tπi Horizon Bar ho∆c nh»n nha th≠ gi∑n vÌi trµ chi“u ch©u É tπi The Lounge. SET IN A PRIME LOCATION in Da Nang, from the balcony in each room of Four Points by Sheraton Danang, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the city and the Son Tra peninsula, considered the best spot to view the sunrise. Four Points by Sheraton Danang has a flexible design, with modern 24/7 fitness center, a rooftop pool facing the seaside and a bar for fancy night experience. At Four Points by Sheraton Danang, guests can partake in both Southeast Asian and international cuisine at the Eatery restaurant. Do not forget to explore the selection of more than 30 beers at Horizon Bar or leisurely relax afternoon tea at The Lounge.



ALTARA SUITES BY RI-YAZ êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 150 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 3/2018

Altara Suites lµ kh∏ch sπn c®n hÈ cao nh†t theo phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc ch©u ¢u b™n bÍ bi”n M¸ Kh™. Tı Altara Suites, bπn chÿ m†t 15 phÛt Æ” di chuy”n Æ’n s©n bay ßµ NΩng vµ 5 phÛt Æ’n trung t©m thµnh phË. Kh∏ch sπn Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ thanh lfich sang tr‰ng, Æ∆c bi÷t chÛ tr‰ng Æ’n s˘ ti÷n lÓi cho nh„m kh∏ch gia Æ◊nh. Tπi Æ©y, c„ c∏c lÌp h‰c bÊ ›ch cho trŒ em nh≠ lÌp h‰c b¨i c¨ b∂n, lÌp h‰c ¯ng xˆ tr™n bµn ti÷c, lÌp h‰c n†u ®n vµ lµm b∏nh. Trong khi lÚ trŒ bÀn rÈn vÌi c∏c hoπt ÆÈng nµy th◊ cha mã c„ th” thong th∂ th≠ gi∑n h≠Îng thÙ k˙ nghÿ ho∆c cÔng tham gia c∏c hoπt ÆÈng vÌi con. Ngoµi ra, Ææm m◊nh trong h b¨i v´ c˘c Î t«ng 33 hay th≠ gi∑n tπi phflng x´ng h¨i vµ c©u lπc bÈ ch®m s„c s¯c khoŒ cÚng lµ gÓi ˝ l˝ t≠Îng cho du kh∏ch trong k˙ nghÿ. Du kh∏ch cÚng chÌ qu™n th≠Îng th¯c b˜a ®n ÆÀm Ƶ h≠¨ng vfi tπi nhµ hµng Altitude cÒa kh∏ch sπn. ALTARA SUITES is the tallest apartment-hotel with European resort-styled suites on My Khe Beach. From Altara Suites, you only need 15 minutes to get to Da Nang airport and 5 minutes to city center. The hotel is elegantly designed in a grand style, with special attention paid to convenience for families. Here, there are interesting courses for children such as basic swimming classes, table etiquette or cooking and baking classes. While the children are busy with activities, parents can relax, enjoy the holiday or take part in activities with their children. In addition to activities, indulging in the infinity pool on the 33rd floor or relaxing at the sauna are ideal ways to unwind. Don't forget to try flavored specialties at the Attitude restaurant.





Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 16/7/2018

itadines Blue Cove Danang nªm tr™n b∏n Æ∂o S¨n Trµ Æ≠Óc coi lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m tuy÷t Æãp Æ” ngæm nh◊n ra vfinh bi”n th¨ mÈng. Nh≠ng Æi“u khi’n Citadines Blue Cove Danang thu hÛt du kh∏ch ch›nh lµ s˘ xa hoa trong thi’t k’. H«u h’t c∏c c®n hÈ tπi Æ©y Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng ti™u chu»n 5 sao mang Æ’n mÈt kh´ng gian ƺng c†p mµ v…n gi˜ Æ≠Óc s˘ th©n thi÷n vÌi m´i tr≠Íng. B™n cπnh Æ„, b” b¨i v´ c˘c vµ c´ng vi™n k˙ quan d∏t vµng 24k kh´ng chÿ Æem lπi vŒ Æãp sang tr‰ng mµ cfln giÛp khu c®n hÈ vµ kh∏ch sπn kh´ng bfi lÁi mËt theo thÍi gian. VÌi thi’t k’ th´ng minh vµ linh hoπt, Citadines Blue Cove Danang sœ trÎ thµnh thi™n Æ≠Íng nghÿ d≠Ïng trong t≠¨ng lai cÒa thµnh phË.

CITADINES BLUE COVE DANANG, located on Son Tra peninsula, is considered one of the most beautiful locations to view the romantic bay, but what truly makes the Citadines Blue Cove Danang attractive is its luxury design. Most of the apartments in the hotel are built with 5-star standards bringing class to a environmentally-friendly space. Besides, the 24k gold-plated infinity pool overlooking the Golden Wonder Park will not only bring luxuriousness but timeless beauty to apart'hotel. With its smart and flexible design, Citadines Blue Cove Danang will become the future resort paradise of the city.

TMS LUXURY HOTEL DANANG BEACH êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 228 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 10/2018

TMS LUXURY Hotel Danang Beach lµ phi™n b∂n nghÿ d≠Ïng hoµn toµn mÌi lπ vµ kh∏c bi÷t so vÌi c∏c kh∏ch sπn ven bi”n th´ng th≠Íng. Kh∏ch sπn Æem Æ’n nguÂn n®ng l≠Óng dÂi dµo vµ phong c∏ch sËng thÍi th≠Óng cho c∏c du kh∏ch dıng ch©n. Däcor n¨i Æ©y sˆ dÙng nh˜ng gam mµu n“n n∑, g«n gÚi vÌi thi™n nhi™n lµm Æi”m nh†n nhªm tπo cho du kh∏ch c„ Æ≠Óc c∂m gi∏c †m ∏p nh≠ng kh´ng käm ph«n sang tr‰ng. ß∆c bi÷t, TMS LUXURY Hotel Danang Beach cfln sÎ h˜u h b¨i Æ∏y k›nh v≠¨n ra kh´ng trung vÌi t«m nh◊n ngoπn mÙc giÛp du kh∏ch c„ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi kh„ qu™n. TÀn h≠Îng phong vfi ch©u ¢u, th≠Îng th¯c s˘ ng‰t ngµo cÒa b∏nh vµ trµ hay l˘a ch‰n dÔng b˜a ngoµi trÍi vÌi kh´ng gian mÎ cÚng lµ tr∂i nghi÷m †n t≠Óng dµnh cho du kh∏ch. TMS LUXURY Hotel Danang Beach is a completely new and different resort from the usual coastal hotels. The hotel offers an abundance of energy and stylish lifestyle for travelers who chose to stay here. The hotel models a refined natural color palette to highlight the design creating a feeling of warmth that exemplifies luxury. Especially, TMS LUXURY Hotel Danang Beach contains a glass-bottomed swimming pool with breathtaking views making for an unforgettable and exciting experience. Take pleasure in the European flavors, enjoy the sweetness of cakes and tea or choose to dine outdoors in the open space for an impressive experience. TRAVELLIVE




KOI RESORT & SPA HóI AN êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 186


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 01/2017

oi resort & spa nªm tr™n Ëc Æ∂o cπnh dflng s´ng ß’ V‚ng vµ chÿ c∏ch bi”n Cˆa ßπi, HÈi An vµi b≠Ìc ch©n. L†y c∂m h¯ng tı nät Æãp quy’n rÚ vµ cÊ k›nh cÒa di s∂n v®n h„a v≠Ót thÍi gian, resort t∏i hi÷n lπi mÈt HÈi An thu nh·. VÌi kh´ng gian ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o k’t hÓp vÌi vŒ Æãp cÒa c©y xanh t˘ nhi™n, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ven s´ng mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch nh˜ng giÍ phÛt th≠ gi∑n, b◊nh y™n nh†t. Tuy nhi™n, Æ∑ nhæc Æ’n Koi kh´ng th” b· qua Koi Luxury Spa, trung t©m ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e tuy÷t vÍi nh†t. N¨i Æ©y bao gÂm cafe vµ qu«y bar, h b¨i, phflng tÀp th” dÙc, jacuzzi, x´ng h¨i vµ c∏c phflng trfi li÷u ch†t l≠Óng. KOI RESORT & SPA is located on the oasis by the De Vong River, just steps from the beach of Cua Dai, Hoi An. Inspired by the glamorous and ancient charm of timeless cultural heritage, the resort re-enacts a miniature Hoi An. With unique architectural space combined with the beauty of natural greenery, this riverside resort brings guests the most relaxing and peaceful moments. However, this Koi experience is incomplete without mention of the Koi Luxury Spa, the finest health care center. It includes a cafe and bar, swimming pool, gym, jacuzzi, sauna and quality treatment rooms.





CROWN RETREAT QUY NHON RESORT êêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 45 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 01/2018

BEACHSIDE BOUTIQUE HOI AN êêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 18 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 8/2017

Beachside Boutique Hoi An mang phong c∏ch kh∏c bi÷t bÎi lËi thi’t k’ trŒ trung bæt mæt vÌi c∏c chi ti’t hoa v®n nhã nhµng, xinh xæn vµ lfich thi÷p. N¨i Æ©y c„ nh˜ng g„c v≠Ín ÆÈc Æ∏o, mÈc mπc th›ch hÓp vÌi nh˜ng du kh∏ch muËn ch‰n cho m◊nh mÈt g„c y™n t‹nh. DÔ bπn th›ch bi”n «m µo, dfiu ™m, hay th›ch s˘ ri™ng t≠ t‹nh l∆ng th◊ khu resort nµy c„ th” mang t†t c∂ c∏c c∂m gi∏c Æ„ tÌi t∆ng bπn. Tıng g„c nh· Î Æ©y Æ“u Æ≠Óc ch®m chÛt k¸ l≠Ïng tÿ mÿ. V“ »m th˘c, ngoµi c∏c m„n É - ¢u, Beachside Boutique Hoi An cfln cung c†p c∏c m„n ®n ÆÀm ch†t Æfia ph≠¨ng v´ cÔng Æ∆c sæc. BEACHSIDE BOUTIQUE HOI AN is distinguished by its youthful, eyecatching design and elegant, graceful patterns. Here you can find the unique, rustic garden steeped in a gentle blue background, suitable for anyone looking for a corner to read in or leisurely lie in the comfortable fresh air. Whether you like the calm sea or a quiet private space, this resort brings you everything. Each corner is designed with painstaking detail. In terms of cuisine, in addition to a variety of Asian - European dishes, Beachside Boutique Hoi An offers distinctive local specialties!

Crown Retreat Quy Nh¨n Resort nªm tr™n b∑i bi”n Trung L≠¨ng thanh b◊nh tuy÷t Æãp. ß©y lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng cao c†p Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo v®n h„a mi“n bi”n, t†t c∂ kh´ng gian cÒa khu resort Æ“u trµn ngÀp ∏nh næng vµ Æ„n Æ≠Óc gi„ bi”n. Crown Retreat Quy Nh¨n Resort sˆ dÙng gam mµu s∏ng lµm chÒ Æπo, tπo c∂m gi∏c thanh lfich vµ tinh t’. N’u bπn lµ ng≠Íi ≠a th›ch s˘ mÈc mπc cÔng phong c∏ch tËi gi∂n th◊ resort nµy lµ l˘a ch‰n hoµn toµn th›ch hÓp vÌi bπn. ß’n vÌi Crown Retreat Quy Nh¨n, bπn cfln Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m h≠¨ng vfi »m th˘c bi”n cÔng »m th˘c Æfia ph≠¨ng ÆÈc Æ∏o. C∏c Æfia danh nÊi ti’ng g«n resort sœ lµ nh˜ng y’u tË tuy÷t vÍi g„p ph«n lµm hoµn h∂o chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn. CROWN RETREAT QUY NHON RESORT is located on tranquil Trung Luong beach. This high-class resort, designed by coastal culture, has all the space of a resort full of sunshine and welcoming sea breezes. Crown Retreat Quy Nhon Resort features light colors, creating a sense of elegance and sophistication. If you are a fan of rustic simplicity and minimalist style, then this resort will completely suit you. Come to Crown Retreat Quy Nhon to experience the tastes of seafood and unique local cuisines. The places of interest near the resort are amazing elements for a perfect trip. TRAVELLIVE




BOTON BLUE HOTEL & SPA êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 173


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 05/2018

©y †n t≠Óng vÌi s˘ tÿ mÿ trong thi’t k’ tÊng th” vµ nh˜ng chi ti’t tinh x∂o, Æãp mæt, Boton Blue Hotel & Spa Æ≠a bπn Æ’n g«n vÌi cuÈc sËng xa hoa nh≠ng kh´ng lµm m†t Æi s˘ tho∂i m∏i, th©n thuÈc. Nät Æ∆c bi÷t nh†t cÒa kh∏ch sπn lµ b” b¨i v´ c˘c. B” b¨i Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ vÌi mÈt qu«y bar nªm ch◊m gi˜a h vµ mÈt v∏ch k›nh b™n thµnh thu hÛt s˘ chÛ ˝ cÒa du kh∏ch. Tı g„c nµy, du kh∏ch d‘ dµng ngæm nh◊n vfinh bi”n vµ h≠Îng thÙ ∏nh næng m∆t trÍi b™n mÈt ly coctail. ß’n vÌi Boton Blue Hotel & Spa, bπn c„ c¨ hÈi tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c ÆÀm mµu sæc É ch©u nh≠ »m th˘c Trung Hoa, Th∏i Lan, Malaysia, Hµn QuËc, NhÀt B∂n vµ Vi÷t Nam. B™n cπnh Æ„, nhµ hµng Sunflower cÚng Æem Æ’n c∏c m„n ¢u Æ∆c sæc. Ngoµi ra, c©u lπc bÈ Diamond Sky Bar tr™n t«ng th≠Óng sœ mang Æ’n nh˜ng giÍ phÛt s´i ÆÈng cho k˙ nghÿ cÒa bπn.



SOPHISTICATED AND BEAUTIFULLY designed is the first impression guests will have upon visiting Boton Blue Hotel & Spa, bringing you close to a life of luxury without losing familiar comforts. The most characteristic aspect of the hotel is its infinity pool. The pool is designed with a bar underneath the lake and a glass wall on the side that will catch your attention. From this corner, you can easily watch the bay and enjoy the sunshine with a cocktail. At Boton Blue Hotel & Spa, you can experience authentic Asian cuisine of Chinese, Thai, Malaysian, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese. Moreover, the Sunflower Restaurant also offers special Western dishes for you to enjoy. In addition, Diamond Sky Bar on the rooftop will bring hours of excitement to your holiday.

DUY£N HÄ RESORT CAM RANH êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 609 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 8/2017

Resort nªm b™n bÍ bi”n B∑i Dµi (Vfinh Cam Ranh) th¨ mÈng, Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ vµ decor nÈi th†t bªng gÁ theo phong c∏ch ÆÀm nät ki’n trÛc É ß´ng. Ngoµi b∑i bi”n ri™ng, Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh cfln c„ hai b” b¨i lÌn phÙc vÙ du kh∏ch. H÷ thËng 7 nhµ hµng vµ qu«y bar vÌi nh˜ng Æ∆c tr≠ng ri™ng khi’n »m th˘c trÎ thµnh dfich vÙ Æ∏ng chÛ ˝ tπi Æ©y. DÔ bπn l˘a ch‰n »m th˘c Vi÷t Nam, NhÀt B∂n, T¯ Xuy™n hay y™u th›ch c∏c m„n ®n ¢u, bπn cÚng sœ c„ tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c hoµn h∂o. B™n cπnh Æ„, Duy™n Hµ Resort Cam Ranh cfln cung c†p dfich vÙ spa vµ c∏c dfich vÙ cho bä nh≠ khu vui ch¨i ri™ng, lÌp h‰c thÒ c´ng, trfl ch¨i s∏ng tπo. THE RESORT IS LOCATED on the romantic Bai Dai (Cam Ranh Bay) beach, where wooden furniture is designed and decorated in the tradition of Indochina culture to make guests feel at home. Apart from its private beach, Duyen Ha Cam Ranh offers guests two large swimming pools. The system of 7 restaurants and a bar with distinctive features makes the culinary experience a noteworthy service here. Whether you choose Vietnam, Japan, Sichuan (China) or Western dishes, you will have an excellent gastronomic experience.In addition to the amenities, Duyen Ha Resort offers both spa and child services such as a private playground, craft courses, creativity classes...

CITADINES BAYFRONT NHA TRANG êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 310 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 7/2017

Citadines Bayfront Nha Trang t‰a lπc tr™n Æ≠Íng Tr«n PhÛ - con Æ≠Íng s«m u†t nh†t thµnh phË bi”n Nha Trang. Tı vfi tr› cÒa kh∏ch sπn, bπn c„ th” ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh vfinh Nha Trang xinh Æãp vµ dπo ch¨i b™n bÍ bi”n chÿ c∏ch vµi b≠Ìc ch©n. Thi’t k’ cÒa Citadines Bayfront mang mÈt phong c∏ch mÌi mŒ, sˆ dÙng nh˜ng gam mµu trung t›nh, r†t trang nh∑. Kh∏ch sπn cfln c„ nhµ hµng ¢u - É nªm trong khu´n vi™n, hi™n tæm næng, b” b¨i ngoµi trÍi, c©u lπc bÈ gym, phflng vui ch¨i cho trŒ em vµ trung t©m hÈi nghfi. CITADINES BAYFRONT is located on Tran Phu street - the busiest and most vibrant coastal city of Nha Trang. From the location of the hotel you can enjoy panoramic views of Nha Trang Bay and the beach promenade just a few steps away. The design of the Citadines Bayfront brings a new style, using elegant neutral colors. The hotel hosts an on-site EuropeanAsian restaurant, sun deck, outdoor pool, gym club, children's playroom and conference center. TRAVELLIVE


IBIS STYLES NHA TRANG êêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 310


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 7/2017

h∏ch sπn nªm ngay vfi tr› trung t©m cÒa thµnh phË Nha Trang nhÈn nhfip. Tı vfi tr› nµy, bπn sœ d‘ dµng di chuy”n Æ’n c∏c khu mua sæm vµ ghä th®m c∏c Æfia danh cÒa thµnh phË. Kh´ng gian cÒa ibis Styles Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch hi÷n Æπi, sang tr‰ng, chÛ tr‰ng tÌi y’u tË g«n gÚi vÌi m´i tr≠Íng. Kh∏ch sπn c„ h b¨i ngoµi trÍi vµ khu vui ch¨i dµnh ri™ng cho trŒ em, 9 phflng trfi li÷u s¯c kh·e, phflng tÀp th” dÙc vµ phflng h‰p trang bfi c´ng ngh÷ mÌi nh†t. Du kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c »m th˘c Æ≠Íng phË, »m th˘c Æfia ph≠¨ng theo ti™u chu»n quËc t’ Î nhµ hµng vµ qu«y bar StrEATs cÒa kh∏ch sπn. THE HOTEL is located right in the heart of the bustling city of Nha Trang. From here, you can easily move to shopping malls while visiting the city's interesting spots. Each space of ibis Styles is decorated in a harmonious, selective way. There is no large garden, but the design is very close to the environment. The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool and children's playground, 9 health treatment rooms, gym and meeting room equipped with the latest technology. Guests can enjoy street food as well as local and international food standards at the hotel's StrEATs restaurant and bars.



ARIYANA SMARTCONDOTEL NHA TRANG êêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 258 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 4/2018

ß≠Óc thi’t k’ vÌi hai gam mµu †n t≠Óng lµ cam vµ xanh l∏ mπ, kh∏ch sπn mang Æ’n mÈt vŒ Æãp trŒ trung, n®ng ÆÈng. Ariyana SmartCondotel lµ kh∏ch sπn Æ«u ti™n tπi Nha Trang Æ≠Óc trang bfi h÷ thËng thi’t k’ nÈi th†t th´ng minh, cho phäp du kh∏ch chÒ ÆÈng trong vi÷c Æi“u khi”n nÈi th†t b™n trong phflng th´ng qua ¯ng dÙng di ÆÈng ÆÈc quy“n (cµi Æ∆t tr™n c∂ h÷ Æi“u hµnh Android vµ iOS). Vfi tr› cÒa Ariyana SmartCondotel c˘c k˙ ti÷n lÓi, nªm ngay trung t©m thµnh phË, c∏ch bÍ bi”n kho∂ng 3 km. Nhi“u dfich vÙ ti÷n ›ch Æ≠Óc trang bfi ngay trong toµ nhµ nh≠ cafä, nhµ hµng, h b¨i vµ kid club... DESIGNED IN THE lively colors of orange and lime green, the hotel brings to guests a young, dynamic and trendy atmosphere. Ariyana SmartCondotel is the first hotel in Nha Trang equipped with a smart interior design system, allowing guests to actively control the interior of the room through the exclusive mobile application (for both the Android and iOS). Ariyana SmartCondotel's location is extremely convenient, located right in the heart of the city on a busy road 3 km away from the beach. Many services are available in the same building such as coffee, restaurant, swimming pool and kid club...





OCEANAMI VILLAS & BEACH CLUB êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 347 villas


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 12/2017

ang ki’n trÛc hi÷n Æπi, tinh t’ vÌi k’t c†u ÆÈc Æ∏o tr∂i d‰c s≠Ín nÛi nËi ti’p xuËng bÍ bi”n nguy™n s¨, toµn bÈ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Oceanami Vilas & Beach Club (VÚng Tµu) c„ vfi tr› Ææc Æfia khi t˘a l≠ng vµo nÛi Minh ßπm, m∆t ti“n h≠Ìng v“ bi”n ß´ng. Oceanami Villas & Beach Club sÎ h˜u b∑i bi”n bi÷t lÀp dµi 700 m vÌi hµng phi lao xanh m∏t, h b¨i t≠¨ng t∏c c˘c lÌn vÌi di÷n t›ch 2.000 m2. Bπn c„ th” th≠ gi∑n xua tan m÷t m·i tπi SHO Spa, th≠Îng th¯c »m th˘c Æa dπng, phong phÛ tπi 5 nhµ hµng, lounge vµ bar. Tπi Æ©y, c∏c hoπt ÆÈng gi∂i tr› phong phÛ, Æa dπng lu´n sΩn sµng, bao gÂm: hai s©n tennis vµ nhi“u m´n th” thao d≠Ìi n≠Ìc, c´ng vi™n gi∂i tr› rÈng 10.000m2 vÌi c∏c trfl ch¨i s´i nÊi. CHIC CONTEMPORARY architecture designed with a unique structure spreads along the mountainside leading to pristine coastline; the entire Oceanami Vilas & Beach Club (Vung Tau) resort has a favorable location with the Minh Dam Mountain directly behind it, the facade faces the East Sea. Oceanami Villas & Beach Club features a 700 meter private beach with casuarina, a huge 2,000 square meter interactive pool. You can relax at SHO Spa, enjoy a wide variety of cuisine at 5 restaurants, lounges and bars. Here, diversified leisure activities are waiting for you, including two tennis courts and many water sports, and a 10,000 square meter amusement park with exciting games.






Ø SË phng/Room: 195 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 02/2018

Sedona Suites Ho Chi Minh City giÌi thi÷u mÈt tuy÷t t∏c ki’n trÛc hoµn toµn mÌi - tfla th∏p Grand Tower »n m◊nh trong Saigon Centre, t‰a lπc ngay trung t©m quÀn 1. VÌi ÆÈ cao 42 t«ng, lËi ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, t†t c∂ c∏c phflng Æ≠Óc bao phÒ bÎi lÌp k›nh trong suËt tı sµn l™n tr«n nhµ tπo c∂m gi∏c v“ mÈt kh´ng gian rÈng lÌn, thu g‰n vµo t«m mæt khung c∂nh thµnh phË vµ s´ng Sµi Gfln. ß©y lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n hoµn h∂o dµnh cho kh∏ch doanh nh©n vÌi khu trung t©m tµi ch›nh th≠¨ng mπi cÚng nh≠ kh∏ch nghÿ d≠Ïng vÌi khu th≠¨ng mπi mua sæm vµ Æfia Æi”m tham quan nÊi ti’ng. Grand Tower c„ b” b¨i, b” sÙc, phflng x´ng h¨i kh´, phflng gym California Centuryon. Nhµ hµng SKY28 giÌi thi÷u »m th˘c É ß´ng trong kh´ng gian ÆÈc Æ∏o ´m tr‰n thµnh phË ngay trong t«m mæt. SEDONA SUITES HO CHI MINH CITY introduces a completely new architectural masterpiece - the Grand Tower, hidden in Saigon Center, located in the middle of District 1. With a 42-storey tower, unique architecture, each room is covered with transparent window from the floor to the ceiling offering breathtaking panoramic views of the city and the Saigon River. This is prefect chosen for corporate business travellers as its location in central business district and for leisure travellers as its surroundings by luxury department stores and famous city attractions. Grand Tower has a swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, and a California Centuryon gym. The SKY28 restaurant presents the signature authentic taste of Southeast Asia cuisine offering exquisite dining experience above the city.





AREZAI C¡N TH• êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 60


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 03/2018

≠Óc x©y d˘ng tr™n mÈt cÂn Æ∂o xanh t≠¨i tr™n s´ng HÀu, Azerai C«n Th¨ c„ thi’t k’ mang ÆÀm d†u †n di s∂n T©y ß´. "ˇc Æ∂o b◊nh dfi ÆÈc Æ∏o" nµy mang ki’n trÛc ß´ng D≠¨ng Æ∆c tr≠ng, »n m◊nh d≠Ìi hµng c©y tr®m tuÊi Æ≠Óc gi˜ lπi nguy™n vãn trong qu∏ tr◊nh x©y d˘ng. Toµn bÈ phflng nghÿ Î Æ©y c„ t«m nh◊n tuy÷t Æãp, giÛp kh∏ch l≠u trÛ d‘ dµng th≠Îng ngoπn khung c∂nh s´ng n≠Ìc mi“n T©y ngay tr≠Ìc mæt. ß∆c bi÷t, Azerai C«n Th¨ Æ≠Óc trang bfi c∏c ti÷n ›ch ƺng c†p nh≠ b∑i Æ∏p tr˘c th®ng, ca n´ cao c†p Æ≠a Æ„n kh∏ch tı thµnh phË, s©n ch¨i tennis, hai nhµ hµng, bar, phflng tÀp gym vµ yoga hi÷n Æπi, phflng spa... BUILT ON A FRESH ISLAND in the Hau River, Azerai Can Tho has a design bearing the mark of Tay Do heritage. This "unique idyllic oasis" features Indochine architecture, hidden under hundred-year-old trees that have remained intact during construction. All rooms have a stunning view, easily allowing guests to enjoy the South West river scenery right in front of their eyes. Especially, Azerai is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as helicopter landing pads, high-end canoeing transfers from the city, tennis courts, two restaurants, bar, gym rooms and a modern yoga spa...











Ă˜ ThĂ?i gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 6/2018

nterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort mang Æ’n cho du khâˆ?ch nhËœng tr∂i nghiám Âťm th˘c Ă†âˆ†c sĂŚc, k’t hĂ“p giËœa truy“n thĂ‹ng vÂľ hián Æπi. TĎ€i ÆŠy c„ 4 nhÂľ hÂľng phĂ™c vĂ™ bËœa sâˆ?ng t˘ ch‰n theo chuÂťn quĂ‹c t’, h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sĂ‹ng, câˆ?c m„n ÂŽn Viát Nam, NhĂ€t B∂n, BBQ, Ë?. INK 360 lÂľ sky bar cao nh†t ĂŽ PhĂ› QuĂ‹c, vĂŒi tÂŤm nhâ—Šn tuyát Æãp ra biâ€?n. NgoÂľi ra, du khâˆ?ch c„ thâ€? Æâ€? nhËœng giâˆ?c quan cĂ’a mâ—Šnh Æ≠Óc hoÂľn toÂľn th≠gi∑n trong kh´ng gian t‚nh l∆ng cĂ’a HARNN Heritage Spa vÂľ c∂m nhĂ€n s˘ thay ÆÊi kâ—Š diáu cĂ’a c¨ thâ€? sau mĂˆt vÂľi liáu phâˆ?p trĹ’ h„a tÄą nhËœng nguy™n liáu Ă†ďŹ a ph≠¨ng. InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort cĂšng lÂľ n¨i lË? t≠Îng Æâ€? ngĂŚm hoÂľng h´n tr™n biâ€?n. INTERCONTINENTAL Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort offers guests a unique culinary experience combining tradition and modernity. There are 4 trendy international standard restaurants serving fresh seafood, Vietnamese, Japanese, BBQ, and Italian dishes. INK 360 is the highest sky bar in Phu Quoc, with stunning views of the sea. In addition, visitors can leave their senses completely relaxed in the quiet space of HARNN Heritage Spa and feel the miraculous change of the body after rejuvenation therapy with local materials. InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort is also an ideal place to enjoy the sunset over the sea.






SEASHELLS PHU QUOC HOTEL & SPA êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 252


Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 10/2017

ªm nÊi bÀt nh≠ mÈt con tµu Æang v≠¨n m◊nh ra kh¨i, toµn bÈ phflng tπi Seashells PhÛ QuËc Æ“u c„ ban c´ng ri™ng h≠Ìng bi”n. Kh∏ch sπn sÎ h˜u trung t©m karaoke lÌn nh†t vµ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng qu∏n bar tr™n t«ng th≠Óng Æ«u ti™n tπi Æ∂o ng‰c. Du kh∏ch cÚng c„ th” ng©m m◊nh trong kh´ng gian b†t tÀn tπi b” b¨i v´ c˘c, th≠ gi∑n tπi Sea Serenity Spa vÌi 31 phflng trfi li÷u sang tr‰ng ho∆c chÃo thuy“n kayak, tham gia gym boat club. V“ »m th˘c, dÔ ch‰n nhµ hµng Coral, Anchor Bistro hay Seashells Lobby Lounge, bπn cÚng sœ hµi lflng vÌi l˘a ch‰n cÒa m◊nh. STANDING LIKE a boat stretching out to sea, all rooms at Seashells Phu Quoc have private balconies facing the sea. The hotel is home to the largest karaoke center and is one of the first rooftop bars on the Pearl Island. Alternatively, guests can also dip in the endless, edgeless pool or relax at the Sea Serenity Spa with 31 luxurious treatment rooms or kayak, and join the gym boat club. In terms of cuisine, whether you choose the Coral Restaurant, Anchor Bistro or Seashells Lobby Lounge, you will be completely satisfied with your choice.



PREMIER VILLAGE PHU QUOC RESORT êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 227 villas Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 4/2018

Premier Village PhÛ QuËc Resort gÂm c∏c bi÷t th˘ hai t«ng t˘a l≠ng vµo nÛi rıng, h≠Ìng t«m nh◊n ra Æπi d≠¨ng. C„ bËn loπi bi÷t th˘ cho du kh∏ch l˘a ch‰n: bi÷t th˘ tr™n gh“nh Æ∏, bi÷t th˘ bi”n, bi÷t th˘ h≠Ìng bi”n vµ bi÷t th˘ tr™n ÆÂi. Ngoµi h b¨i ri™ng Î mÁi bi÷t th˘, Premier Village PhÛ QuËc cfln c„ h÷ thËng h b¨i chung Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ Æãp mæt, bao gÂm c∏c h b¨i nh· Æ≠Óc sæp x’p nh≠ ruÈng bÀc thang vµ nËi li“n tı bÍ bi”n nµy sang bÍ bi”n kia tπo ra mÈt h b¨i v´ c˘c c„ mÈt kh´ng hai. VÌi 5 nhµ hµng vµ bar, Premier Village PhÛ QuËc Resort cung c†p tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c Æa dπng. Plumeria Spa vÌi 10 phflng Æi“u trfi sœ lµm k˙ nghÿ cÒa bπn th™m hoµn h∂o. PREMIER VILLAGE Phu Quoc Resort consists of twostorey villas, nestled against the mountains, overlooking the ocean. There are four types of villas for visitors to choose from: rocky villas, sea villas, oceanfront villas and hillside villas. In addition to the private swimming pool in each villa, Premier Village Phu Quoc also has unique and beautifully designed pools, including small pools arranged as terraced paddy fields connecting from coast to coast, creating an unique infinity pool. With 5 restaurants and a bar, Premier Village Phu Quoc Resort offers a varied gastronomic experience. Plumeria Spa with 10 treatment rooms will make your holiday perfect.



GREEN BAY PHU QUOC RESORT & SPA êêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 61 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 7/2017


Tπi khu nghÿ d≠Ïng nµy, du kh∏ch nh≠ Æ≠Óc sËng gi˜a kh´ng gian xanh hfla quy÷n gi˜a rıng vµ bi”n vÌi dfich vÙ l≠u trÛ mang phong c∏ch truy“n thËng d©n d∑ Vi÷t Nam. Khu resort cfln c„ hai khu nhµ hµng phÙc vÙ »m th˘c ¢u - É, trong Æ„, nhµ hµng Dream Bay tuy÷t Æãp nªm s∏t bÍ bi”n vÌi nh˜ng m„n ®n Æ∆c s∂n mi“n bi”n PhÛ QuËc. Sim Valley Spa tπo cho du kh∏ch tr∂i nghi÷m ÆÈc Æ∏o vÌi kh´ng gian mÎ "opened air" gi˜a thung lÚng hoa sim.

NAM NGHI PHU QUOC RESORT is a must-see destination for nature lovers wanting to experience the sense of connection between the sea and the forest. Only in the small space of Nam Nghi do the natural elements of a primeval forest, rocky hills, crystal blue sea-islands and a coral reef ecosystem combine. Apart from two on-site restaurants and a Pool bar, this place also offer high-end culinary services according to personalized needs. You can order in advance to have a meal on the beach, on a private island or on a boat. Nam Nghi Resort owns a luxury bar located on a private rocky island overlooking the ocean in 360o, creating a beautiful spot to view sunsets.

AT THE RESORT, guests will find themself in the middle of natural space combining the forest and sea in harmony; become inspired by the traditional rustic Vietnamese lifestyle. The resort also has two restaurants offering Asian-European cuisine, including the Dream Bay restaurant near the coast serving the specialties of Phu Quoc coastal cuisine. Sim Valley Spa creates an exclusive experience for guests with the "open air" space right in the heart of the "sim" flower valley.

NAM NGHI PHU QUOC ISLAND êêêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 102 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 6/2017

hu nghÿ d≠Ïng Nam Nghi lµ n¨i kh´ng th” b· qua cho nh˜ng ai muËn tr∂i nghi÷m c∂m gi∏c gæn k’t gi˜a bi”n c∂ vµ rıng xanh. Chÿ trong mÈt kho∂ng kh´ng gian nh· cÒa Nam Nghi mµ hÈi tÙ c∂ rıng c©y nguy™n sinh, ÆÂi nÛi Æ∏ cheo leo, bi”n Æ∂o trong xanh cÔng h÷ sinh th∏i san h´. Ngoµi hai nhµ hµng vµ Pool bar trong khu´n vi™n resort, n¨i Æ©y cfln cung c†p dfich vÙ »m th˘c ƺng c†p theo y™u c«u ri™ng cÒa du kh∏ch. Bπn c„ th” Æ∆t tr≠Ìc Æ” Æ≠Óc dÔng b˜a tr™n mÈt b∑i bi”n, mÈt hfln Æ∂o t∏ch bi÷t ho∆c tr™n con tµu nh·. ß∆c bi÷t, Nam Nghi PhÛ QuËc sÎ h˜u qu«y bar sang tr‰ng t‰a lπc tr™n mÈt Æ∂o Æ∏ ri™ng bi÷t c„ t«m nh◊n 360o ra Æπi d≠¨ng xung quanh, tπo n™n Æfia Æi”m ngæm hoµng h´n tuy÷t Æãp.



DUSIT PRINCESS MOONRISE BEACH RESORT êêêê Ø SË phng/Room: 108 Ø ThÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng/Opening time: 5/2018

B’p tr≠Îng ng≠Íi Th∏i Somnuck vµ c∏c Æ«u b’p sœ mang Æ’n nh˜ng m„n ®n Æ≠Íng phË Bangkok duy nh†t tr™n Æ∂o ng‰c PhÛ QuËc tπi nhµ hµng SOI 14. Kh∏ch hµng Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c s˘ s∏ng tπo trong m„n ®n Th∏i cÔng vÌi r≠Óu vµ ly cocktail cÊ Æi”n khi nh◊n ngæm m∆t trÍi l∆n. ßi”m ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa Dusit Princess Moonrise Beach Resort ch›nh lµ Spa Thai Luna. N„ Æ≠Óc v› nh≠ mÈt th’ giÌi mang ©m h≠Îng cÒa Th∏i vıa thanh b◊nh vıa mang lπi nät trŒ trung cho kh∏ch hµng. MÈt ph«n trong t©m Æi”m cÒa khu nghÿ d≠Ïng lµ phflng gym vµ h b¨i lÌn v´ c˘c Æ≠Óc bao quanh bÎi khu v≠Ín nhi÷t ÆÌi vÌi h≠Ìng nh◊n ngoπn mÙc ra bi”n. THAI CHEF SOMNUCK, along with several other chefs, bring the only Bangkok street food experience to the Pearl Island - island of Phu Quoc at SOI restaurant 14. Customers can enjoy the creativity of Thai food along with wine and classic cocktails while contemplating the sunset. The defining feature of Dusit Princess Moonrise Beach Resort is the Luna Thai Spa. This is considered a Thai-inspired world that allows guests to experience a peaceful Thai atmosphere while restoring their youthful features. The resort features an infinity pool surrounded by tropical gardens with breathtaking views of the sea. TRAVELLIVE



ßÈc gi∂ Travellive Æang theo d‚i hµnh tr◊nh Æπp xe vng quanh th’ giÌi cÒa Æ´i vÓ chÂng Vi÷t - ≥ c„ bi÷t danh "rollingpotatoes" k˙ th¯ 2. K˙ 1 c∏c bπn c„ th” t◊m Ɖc tr™n Tπp ch› Travellive sË ra ngµy 15/5/2018 ho∆c t◊m Ɖc tr™n, phi™n b∂n Æi÷n tˆ tπi Issu, Magzter, 3nana, Sapbao, Viet bookstore.

Bµi vµ ∂nh: B◊nh Nguy™n

Kyrgyzstan, Ɔt n≠Ìc Trung É th¯ t≠ vµ cuËi cÔng trong chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh Æπp xe tı Paris v“ Vi÷t Nam cÒa chÛng t´i, ngay tı nh˜ng gi©y phÛt Æ«u ti™n, Æ∑ tπo †n t≠Óng v“ s˘ th©n thi÷n vµ cÎi mÎ. Ch≠a c„ l«n nµo chÛng t´i qua cˆa kh»u d‘ dµng, nhã nhµng nh≠ vµo Kyrgyzstan. Kh´ng xät h·i cµm rµm, m†y anh h∂i quan c≠Íi roi r„i v…y tay mÍi c∂ ng≠Íi vµ "ng˘a" Æi qua mÈt c∏ch nhanh ch„ng.

CHI⁄N TH¿NG C•N M¶A LõN Tı Tajikistan sang Æ©y, c∂nh quan thay ÆÊi 180o, kh´ng cfln nh˜ng d∑y nÛi kh´ khan, cao nguy™n m™nh m´ng kh´ng mÈt b„ng c©y n˜a, mµ lµ mµu xanh m≠Ìt m∏t cÒa c·, cÒa c©y, mµu Æ· ng«u cÒa n≠Ìc s´ng cuÈn «m «m d≠Ìi ch©n nÛi. Tr™n s≠Ín nÛi lµ nh˜ng chÛ yak to lÌn vÌi bÈ sıng ngh™nh ngang vµ nh˜ng Ƶn ng˘a bÍm bay trong gi„... S˘ sËng trµn tr“ n¨i Æ©y! H’t s¯c ngÏ ngµng tr≠Ìc s˘ thay ÆÊi ÆÈt ngÈt, nh≠ng chÛng t´i kh´ng c„ thÍi gian Æ” nghÿ bÎi nh˜ng Æ∏m m©y Æen n∆ng tr‹u lı lı theo sau, nh≠ mÈt lÍi Æe d‰a. ChÛng t´i ph∂i tÌi kfip Sary Tash, khu lµng Æ«u ti™n c∏ch bi™n giÌi h¨n 20 km, tr≠Ìc khi nh˜ng Æ∏m m©y kia trÛt n≠Ìc xuËng! Th’ lµ, t≠Îng nh≠ nh˜ng con dËc Æ∑ hÛt h’t s¯c l˘c, t≠Îng nh≠ nh˜ng c¨n gi„ thËc th∏o ng≠Óc chi“u sœ chi’n thæng, nh≠ng kh´ng, nghi’n r®ng vµ nh†n bµn Æπp, chÛng t´i l«m lÚi ti’n l™n! ThÀt may mæn v◊ chÛng t´i Æ∑ kfip y™n vfi trong nhµ vÌi chai bia m∏t lπnh tr≠Ìc khi b«u trÍi nh≠ bfi xä toπc ra vµ ÆÊ Ùp ÆËng n≠Ìc xuËng. Lπi th™m mÈt l«n, chÛng t´i n’m tr∂i bµi h‰c v“ kh∂ n®ng cÒa ch›nh m◊nh, v“ s¯c mπnh cÒa ˝ ch›: Khi bπn t≠Îng Æ∑ cπn ki÷t h’t n®ng l≠Óng, th◊ n’u c«n, bπn v…n ÆÒ s¯c Æ” l†p th™m mÈt con s´ng, dÍi th™m mÈt ng‰n nÛi... Hµnh tr◊nh cÒa chÛng t´i t„m g‰n trong ch˜ "vÀt v∑".

GiËng nh≠ Tajikistan, ph«n lÌn l∑nh thÊ Kyrgysztan lµ nÛi cao, Æ≠Íng s∏ nhi“u Æ∏ s·i, "Ê tr©u Ê

voi" gÀp gh“nh, n™n hµnh tr◊nh cÒa chÛng t´i t„m g‰n trong hai ch˜ "vÀt v∑". Hµng ngµy, chÛng t´i cflng l≠ng dfl d…m l™n ÆÃo d≠Ìi c∏i n„ng x†p xÿ 50oC, m h´i nh≠ tæm, c∂ ng≠Íi c∂ xe lu´n trong t◊nh trπng rung b«n bÀt v◊ Æ≠Íng qu∏ x†u khi ÆÊ ÆÃo. BÔ lπi, khung c∂nh thanh b◊nh, khi’n chÛng t´i qu™n m‰i m÷t m·i. ô Æ©y c„ nh˜ng rıng th´ng ki™u h∑nh mµ hi“n hfla, phÒ tr™n nh˜ng r∆ng nÛi trÀp trÔng, nh˜ng ÆÂng c· xanh b∏t ng∏t tr∂i dµi ph›a ch©n trÍi khi’n chÛng t´i kh´ng th” kh´ng ngh‹ tÌi khung c∂nh Éo ho∆c ThÙy S¸. LÚ trŒ con m∏ hÂng chπy ra tı nh˜ng yourt - l“u cÒa ng≠Íi du mÙc v…y tay chµo, käo chÛng t´i v“ th˘c tπi. Nh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng hoa h≠Ìng d≠¨ng vµng r˘c trong næng vµ nh˜ng Ƶn ng˘a dÚng m∑nh phi n≠Ìc Æπi tr™n th∂o nguy™n xanh bao la, khoe nh˜ng bæp thfit s®n chæc d≠Ìi lµn da n©u b„ng, c†t ti’ng h› vang trÍi. C„ lœ v◊ tuÊi Ng˘a, n™n t´i lu´n th†y xÛc ÆÈng tr≠Ìc nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh nµy, chÛng nh≠ mÈt minh ch¯ng hÔng hÂn cho cuÈc sËng t˘ do mµ chÛng t´i Æeo ÆuÊi.

Nghi’n r®ng nh†n bµn Æπp, chÛng t´i l«m lÚi ti’n l™n, vµ Æ∑ kp y™n v trong nhµ vÌi chai bia m∏t lπnh, tr≠Ìc khi b«u trÍi nh≠ b xä toπc ra vµ ÆÊ Ùp ÆËng n≠Ìc xuËng... TRAVELLIVE




r™n Æ≠Íng Æ’n Osh (thµnh phË lÌn th¯ hai sau thÒ Æ´ Bishkek, Î ph›a Nam Kyrgyzstan), chÛng t´i g∆p mÈt anh chµng ng≠Íi Hµn QuËc Æi ng≠Óc chi“u. K’ hoπch cÒa cÀu lµ sœ trÎ thµnh ng≠Íi Hµn QuËc Æ«u ti™n chinh phÙc cao nguy™n Pamir (Tajikistan) bªng chi’c xe g†p Bromton. Nghe vÀy, chÛng t´i trfln mæt ngπc nhi™n, bÎi nh˜ng kÿ ni÷m gian khÊ cÒa cung Æ≠Íng Pamir v…n cfln t≠¨i r„i trong t©m kh∂m! CÀu ta cÚng lµ mÈt ng≠Íi k◊ qu∆c kh´ng käm chÛng t´i! Bπn th†y Ɔy, khi m‰i ng≠Íi coi b†t k◊ ˝ t≠Îng nµo cÒa c∏c bπn lµ Æi™n r (nh≠ chÛng t´i v…n hay Æ≠Óc nghe v“ k’ hoπch Æπp xe cÒa m◊nh) th◊ h∑y bi’t rªng, sœ lu´n lu´n c„ ng≠Íi kh∏c Æi™n r h¨n bπn...



TÌi Osh, chÛng t´i t◊m Æ’n nhµ nghÿ Baiana, g«n nh≠ dµnh ri™ng cho d©n Æπp xe, khu s©n sau trÎ thµnh x≠Îng sˆa xe, nhµ b’p cÚng bfi tr≠ng dÙng, toµn bÈ th˘c kh∏ch "vÙc" Æ«u vµo nh˜ng chÀu salad, nh˜ng m©m rau xanh, rÊ hoa qu∂, bÔ lπi cho suËt m†y tu«n thi’u thËn. Jalal-Abad, thµnh phË lÌn th¯ ba, c∏ch Osh hai ngµy Æ≠Íng. TÌi Æ©y, qu∏ m÷t m·i vÌi nh˜ng hi”m nguy lu´n r◊nh rÀp tı c∏nh l∏i xe Kyrgyz (h‰ th˘c s˘ lµ nh˜ng hung th«n Æ≠Íng phË), chÛng t´i quy’t Æfinh rÍi Æ≠Íng lÌn dÔ bi’t rªng Æ≠Íng nh· sœ gÀp gh“nh træc trÎ h¨n nhi“u. ß” tr∏nh c∂nh ´ t´, thÀm ch› xe t∂i, ph„ng «m «m s∏t chÛng t´i chÿ kho∂ng 20 cm, chÛng t´i ph∂i tπo "vÚ kh›" cho m◊nh: BuÈc mÈt que ph›a sau xe, ÆÒ dµi vÌi kho∂ng c∏ch an toµn c«n thi’t c«n c„, buÈc th™m mÈt sÓi d©y mµu r˘c rÏ vÌi mÈt t∂ng Æ∏ nh· Î ph›a cuËi. K◊ lπ thay, t∂ng Æ∏ bä nh·

†y Æ“u khi’n c∏c l∏i xe bÌt "hung h®ng" h¨n khi g∆p chÛng t´i. Kh´ng ›t l«n, dÔ Æ∑ ch‰n n¨i væng vŒ Æ” hπ l“u, chÛng t´i v…n nhÀn Æ≠Óc nh˜ng chai s˜a t≠¨i mÌi væt cfln n„ng hÊi, c∂ b∏nh m◊, ph´ mai, hoa qu∂... do lÚ trŒ Æ≠Óc bË mã cˆ mang Æ’n cho chÛng t´i. ThÀm ch›, c„ gia Æ◊nh k™u l™n: "Tπi sao bπn lπi muËn cæm l“u trong khi bπn c„ th” ngÒ trong nhµ?", ho∆c "Tπi sao bπn lπi tı chËi b˜a tËi trong khi chÛng t´i Æ∑ n†u c∂ ph«n c∏c bπn rÂi?". C„ l«n, anh chµng b∏n hoa qu∂ ch‰n mÈt tÛi to rÂi ngoæc tay Æ≠a cho t´i mµ nh†t Æfinh kh´ng chfiu l†y ti“n. V®n h„a du mÙc vÌi t›nh hi’u kh∏ch v…n lµ mÈt nät chÒ Æπo trong v®n h„a Kyrgyz, mÈt Æi“u lu´n khi’n du kh∏ch ngÏ ngµng c∂m ÆÈng. Thi™n nhi™n ph„ng kho∏ng cÔng vÌi ch›nh s∏ch du lfich cÎi mÎ, khi’n cho Kyrgyzstan ngµy cµng Æ„n nhi“u kh∏ch du lfich th∏m

ßiÕM ß⁄N Ø H Song Kul vµ Issyk Kul: Ngoµi vi÷c rong ruÊi tr™n Æ≠Íng ngæm thi™n nhi™n, hai Æi”m nghÿ ch©n nÊi ti’ng Î Kyrgyzstan lµ h Song Kul vµ h Issyk Kul. ß©y cÚng lµ Æi”m khÎi hµnh cho nhi“u chuy’n du hµnh dµi ngµy bªng ng˘a.

Visa Ø C´ng d©n Vi÷t Nam hoµn toµn Æ≠Óc mi‘n visa v´ thÍi hπn vµo Kyrgyzstan. Ø C∏c bπn c„ th” bay tÌi Bishkek vÌi h∑ng hµng kh´ng Aeroflot (vÌi mÈt trπm dıng Î Moscow), Turkish Airlines (vÌi mÈt trπm dıng Î Istanbul) ho∆c h∑ng China Southern (vÌi hai trπm dıng, Î Qu∂ng Ch©u vµ Urumqi) THòi GiaN TˇT NHƒT Ø Kh› hÀu Kyrgyzstan ph©n h„a theo nhi“u vÔng kh› hÀu kh∏c nhau. VÔng ph›a t©y nhi÷t ÆÈ cao vµ kh´, vÔng nÛi ph›a bæc ´n ha, cµng l™n cao, cµng lπnh. VÌi kh› hÀu ph©n bË theo vÔng vµ ÆÈ cao, du kh∏ch n™n mua vä tÔy theo l˘a ch‰n Æi”m Æ’n cÒa m◊nh. Di CHUYÕN

hi”m. Tr∏i ng≠Óc vÌi c∂nh vÀt v∑ cÒa chÛng t´i vÌi nh˜ng con ng˘a sæt tr‹u Æ lµ nh˜ng Æoµn kh∏ch rπng rÏ tr™n xe jeep, m´ t´ ho∆c xe Æπp downhill phi «m «m xuËng dËc. Trekking ho∆c tour Æi ng˘a vµi ba ngµy cÚng lµ nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng ≠a th›ch. G«n hai tu«n sau khi rÍi Osh, chÛng t´i Æ’n Bishkek, thÒ Æ´ vµ Æi”m dıng ch©n cuËi cÔng cÒa chÛng t´i Î Trung É. ß©y cÚng lµ mÈt "hub" (ch∆ng) quan tr‰ng cÒa d©n Æπp xe, Æ” th≠ gi∑n, nghÿ ng¨i, chu»n bfi cho ch∆ng ti’p sau. H¨n 3 tu«n, mÈt thÍi gian kh´ng ph∂i dµi nh≠ng cÚng ÆÒ Æ” c∂m nhÀn chÛt ›t vµ y™u qu˝ Ɔt n≠Ìc, con ng≠Íi Kyrgyzstan. Hãn g∆p lπi!

V®n h„a du mÙc vÌi t›nh hi’u kh∏ch v…n lµ mÈt nät chÒ Æπo trong v®n h„a Kyrgyz, mÈt Æi“u lu´n khi’n du kh∏ch ngÏ ngµng c∂m ÆÈng...

Ø C∏c bπn c„ th” thu™ xe jeep Æ” kh∏m ph∏ Kyrgyzstan ho∆c li™n h÷ vÌi mÈt c´ng ty du lch tÊ ch¯c tour bªng m´ t´ ho∆c xe Æπp downhill. C∏c ph≠¨ng ti÷n c´ng cÈng vµ xe bu˝t Æ≠Íng dµi Î Kyrgyzstan r†t hπn ch’, bπn chÿ n™n ch‰n ph≠¨ng th¯c nµy khi bπn lµ mÈt ph≠Ót thÒ dµy dπn kinh nghi÷m vµ c„ nhi“u thÍi gian. Ø N’u bπn c„ thÀt nhi“u thÍi gian vµ muËn mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m thÀt Æ” ÆÍi, bπn c„ th” mua mÈt con lıa vµ rong ruÊi m‰i nŒo Æ≠Íng Kyrgyzstan. ¬M TH#C Ø ß ®n Kyrgyz kh´ng Æa dπng mµ kh∏ t≠¨ng ÆÂng vÌi nh˜ng n≠Ìc Trung É kh∏c, mantys, nh˜ng vi™n ph´ mai m∆n ch∏t, nh˜ng t∂ng tht cıu Æ«y mÏ. ß∆c s∂n ai cÚng n™n thˆ lµ "kumis", lµm tı s˜a ng˘a l™n men. Theo kinh nghi÷m cÒa chÛng t´i, bπn kh´ng n™n uËng khi "kumis" Æ∑ Æ≠Óc Æ” qua vµi ngµy d≠Ìi trÍi næng n„ng.

Ø C´ng vi™n QuËc gia Ala Archa: N’u bπn th›ch leo nÛi mπo hi”m, bπn c„ th” tÌi khu C´ng vi™n QuËc gia Ala Archa g«n Bishkek, hay thˆ s¯c m◊nh tπi khu Tien Shan - bi™n giÌi vÌi Trung QuËc vÌi nh˜ng Æÿnh tr™n 7000 m nh≠ Khan Tengri hay Podeba. Ø NÛi thi™ng Sulamain-Too: g«n thµnh phË Osh, lµ di s∂n th’ giÌi. ThÀt thi’u s„t khi tÌi Kyrgyzstan mµ kh´ng tÌi ng‰n nÛi thi™ng nµy. Ø Tash Rabat: MÈt ng‰n nÛi phÒ tuy’t træng vÌi nh˜ng ng´i nhµ c„ tı th’ k˚ 15 cn Æ≠Óc b∂o tÂn tÌi ngµy nay. Ø Th’ vÀn hÈi World Nomad Games: N’u c∏c bπn may mæn, c„ th” tÌi d˘ World Nomad Games, tÊ ch¯c vµo mÔa hÃ, hai n®m mÈt l«n. N®m nay, Th’ vÀn hÈi nµy sœ di‘n ra tı 02 - 08/9. N•i ô Ø L“u du mÙc, ho∆c Î nhµ d©n: ô nh˜ng thµnh phË lÌn, bπn sœ d‘ dµng t◊m Æ≠Óc nhµ nghÿ, kh∏ch sπn, nh≠ng quanh nh˜ng khu nÊi ti’ng nh≠ h Song Kul hay Issyk Kul c„ dch vÙ Æ„n kh∏ch du lch nghÿ tπi l“u du mÙc (yurt). N’u kh´ng, bπn lu´n c„ th” hπ l“u ho∆c xin ngÒ nhÍ Î nhµ d©n. MUa s¿M Ø Bπn d‘ dµng t◊m th†y nhi“u m„n Æ ÆÈc Æ∏o Æa dπng. Vi÷c mua sæm tπi Kyrgyzstan cÚng Æ≠Óc nhi“u du kh∏ch y™u th›ch, kh´ng chÿ bÎi nh˜ng m„n Æ ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ Æa dπng mµ n„ cn mang nät ri™ng cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc Kyrgyzstan. Nh˜ng m„n Æ thÒ c´ng m¸ ngh÷ Æ≠Óc tπo ra tı nhi“u loπi th˘c vÀt kh∏c nhau, nh˜ng trang phÙc ÆÈc Æ∏o... bπn c„ th” t◊m th†y tπi nhi“u cˆa hµng l≠u ni÷m hay trong c∏c khu chÓ truy“n thËng. ß„ sœ lµ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v dµnh cho bπn. TOUR BÑN Cï THÕ ßÖT Ø Bπn c„ th” tham kh∂o Beetours Vi÷t Nam lµ Æπi l˝ Òy quy“n ph©n phËi vä m∏y bay Æi Kyrgyzstan cÒa c∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng quËc t’.



Kyrgyzstan, the fourth Central Asian country in our cycling journey from Paris to Vietnam, seduced us right away for being so friendly. We have never crossed a border with such ease as we did in Kyrgyzstan. No questioning but with broad smiles and waving hands the border control officers welcomed us and our steel horses. Text and photos: Binh Nguyen

Dear Travellive readers, you are following the second chapter of a Vietnamese-Italian couple named "rollingpotatoes" on their biking journey around the world. Their first chapter can be found in the print version of Travellive May 2018 issue, visit or download our e-magazine version from Issu, Magzter, 3nana, Sapbao and Viet bookstore.


Children are all naughty and lovely no matter where they are from

Clenching teeth and pushing hard on the pedals, we stubbornly moved forward. We succeeded to reach a home stay, to have a cold beer when the sky finally tore apoart and poured torrents of water down on the earth.


to cross an another river, to move an another mountain...

When we arrived in Kyrgyzstan, the landscape changed 180o. No longer were there arid mountain ranges, nor immense treeless plateaus; but luxurious green from grass and trees, murky red from water rumbling at the foot of the mountain. On the mountainside big yaks with their proud horns lumbered about; euphoric horses, manes whipping romped on the grass in the wind... It's bursting with life here.

And here, as in Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan and lots of other places, Aigul, the young homestay owner, was surprised to see men washing clothes and even helping her carry the water home from streams. "Kyrgyz men after work just eat and drink wine" she confided, rubbing her two-year-old son's head while he, sparkling eyed, hugged her legs. We hope that our small amount of money will help to improve her daily life.

Much to our surprise, we did not have much time to embrace this new change as we had to cycle onward at full speed. Heavy dark clouds, like a looming threat, followed us across the border.

Like Tajikistan, much of Kyrgyzstan's territory is mountainous and full of pot-holed roads, which sums our journey up in one word "struggle". The daily routine is to bend our back, trying to climb passes to passes under the burning heat near 50oC, with a bent body sweating like a bath. We didn't even have time to think about wiping off our sweat. All we cared about was jamming on the brake and preparing our legs to stop in time, especially when both our bikes and our bodies bounced on the way down the rough roads. Luckily for us, the green and peaceful scenery helped us to forget our exhaustion.

If we didn't reach Sary Tash - the first village 20 km from the frontier - before these clouds ripped the sky asunder and began pouring water, we would have passed an indelible moment. It felt like the everlasting slopes of Tajikistan had drained away all of our strength and the ferocious headwind was going to beat us. However, clenching teeth and pushing hard n the pedals, we stubbornly moved forward. We succeed to reach a home stay, to havea cold beer when the sky finally tore apoart and poured torrents of water down on the earth. Once again, we learnt a lesson about our own capacity, about our willpower: When you think you can't take it anymore, when needed, you are still able to unfold enough strength

Here, the pine forests cover the mountains interspersed with sprawling green meadows stretching across the horizon bringing to mind images of Austria and Switzerland. And it's also here that rosy-cheeked children, smiling from their eyes, ran out of their "yurts" - the symbolic nomadic tent - waving, pulling us back to reality. TRAVELLIVE


Here come the golden blooming sunflowers sway under the sun. And the horses, graceful and brave, gallop on the vast green prairie, their toned muscles throb under their silken brown skin, their hooves thump louder and louder. Perhaps it is because my zodiac sign is the horse; I was always touched by such images, these eloquent demonstrations of the free life we all pursue.



n our way to Osh - the second largest city after the capital Bishkek, in southern Kyrgyzstan - we met a South Korean boy riding in the opposite direction with the intention to be the the first Korean to conquer the plateau of Pamir (Tajikistan) on a Brompton folding bike. With the memories of our troubles on Pamir Street fresh in our hearts, we looked at him with rolling eyes, quietly thinking, "What a weird idea! Has he got enough strength? Maybe he will have to push harder on that bike"... Now you see, when people listen to any of your ideas they think you are crazy (as we often heard about our own bike riding plan). It's good to know that there is always someone crazier than you out there...

We always ask the caravan to send greetings and necessary text messages to those pedaling behind us, and sometimes we get news from our friends ahead of us. In the 21st century, this way of communication is still very useful and effective, in part because of the cohesive and friendly community developed by the road bikers. Thanks to this form of communication, once we arrived in



Osh, we went to the Baiana homestay - a place almost exclusively for pedestrians where the backyard has been turned into a garage, the kitchen requisitioned for eaters focused on their bowls of salad, where green vegetables trays and fruit baskets are set out for the weeks ahead. Jalal-Abad, the third largest city, is about two days of biking from Osh. When we arrived, tired from the dangers of the Kyrgyz street thugs, we decided to leave the smooth large road for the smaller bumpier one. As planned, we crossed Kazarman and reached Song-Kul Lake, before stopping at Kara-Koo on the famous Issyk Kul lake. In order to avoid the cars and trucks from nearly hitting us at 20 cm away, we had to create our own "weapon": we attached a long stick behind the bike creating a necessary distance of safety, then we tied a brilliant colored rope with

a small rock at the end. Strangely, it was the little stone that made the drivers less "aggressive" when they passed us. Aside from the drivers, most Kyrgyz people, though not as warm-hearted as the Turks or Uzbeks, are quite hospitable. Even when we chose quiet places to set our tent up, we still received bottles of hot freshly squeezed milk, bread, cheeses and fruits. They were mostly brought by the children; each of them defined by their distinctive characteristics: decayed teeth, sunburns, naughtiness or shyness... but all of them had a similar look with their muddy faces and bright eyes and each were sent by their parents to bring us presents. At times, we asked to pitch our tent in the backyards of families. To our surprise, we would receive sudden refusals: "Why do you want to put the tent in the yard when you can sleep in



Ø 45 countries qualify for a 60-day travel period to Kyrgyzstan without a visa. More information can be found at www.kgembassy. org/en under the "Consular and Visa Section".

Ø Traveling tents, or homestays: In large cities, you will easily find motels and hotels. Around popular areas like Song Kul Lake or Issyk Kul, there are shuttle services that pick you up and take you to nomadic tents (yurts). You can always set up a tent or sleep at the home of a local.

Ø You can fly to Bishkek with Aeroflot (with a stop in Moscow), Turkish Airlines (with a stop in Istanbul) or China Southern (with two stops, in Guangzhou and Urumqi). BEsT TiME TO VisiT

Field of golden blooming sunflowers under the sun

the house?", or "Why do you refuse to have dinner with us when we have already cooked for you?" Once, when I was standing absentminded, a nearby fruit vendor picked up a big bag full of fruit and handed it to me. Turns out, we had met him a few days earlier and we had to work very hard to convince him to let us pay for the two big watermelons he wanted to gift us. The nomadic hospitality is the highlight of Kyrgyz culture, which always strikes visitors. Although it has been apart from the Soviet Union since 1991, most people here still speak Russian (aside from the Kyrgyz and minority Uzbek languages), so I was able to communicate with them a little. With a vast natural landscape and hospitable foreign traveler policies, Kyrgyzstan is increasingly welcoming to visitors. Unlike us, struggling up a ferocious hill on "iron horses", are the smiling faces of tourists on jeeps, motorcycles or the bikes rumbling downhill. Aside from biking, trekking or horseback riding for a few days are also favorite activities here. Nearly two weeks after leaving Osh, we arrived in Bishkek, the capital, and our last stop in Central Asia. Bishkek is an important "hub" in the cycling community for relaxing, resting and preparing for the next journey. Just over 3 weeks isn't much time but it was enough to create lasting feelings and to fall in love with the country and people of Kyrgyzstan. See you again!

Ø Kyrgyzstan follows a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. The climate is divided into different regions. The high and dry weather of the west, the temperate weather in the northern mountains. The higher you go, the colder the weather becomes. TRaNsPORTaTiON Ø You can rent a jeep to explore Kyrgyzstan or contact a tour operator for a motorbike or downhill bike tour. Public transport and long-distance bus services in Kyrgyzstan are very limited. You should only choose this means if you are a seasoned traveler and not bound by time. Ø If you have a lot of time and want a real life experience, you can buy a donkey and roam all the way through Kyrgyzstan. sHOPPiNG Ø You can easily find many unique items. Shops in Kyrgyzstan are not only full of unique and diverse items, but they also contain products made in Kyrgyzstan. You can find anything from handicrafts made from a variety of plants to distinctive outfits and more. You can find these items at many souvenir shops or in traditional markets.

DEsTiNaTiON Ø Hu Song Kul and Issyk Kul: Apart from natural sightseeing on the roads, two famous rest spots in Kyrgyzstan are Song Kul lake and Issyk Kul lake. These lakes are also the starting point for many long journeys by horse. Ø Ala Archa National Park: If you like trekking, you can go to Ala Archa National Park near Bishkek, or try your hand at Tien Shan on the Chinese border with peaks above 7000 m such as Khan Tengri or Podeba. Ø Sulaiman-Too Sacred Mountain: Located near the city of Osh, this mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is not possible to go to Kyrgyzstan without visiting this sacred mountain. Ø Tash Rabat: A snowcapped mountain with 15th century houses still preserved today. Ø World Nomad Games: If you're lucky, you can experience the World Nomad Games, held every two years in the summer. This year, the competition will take place between September 2 to 8. CUisiNE Ø Kyrgyz food is not that varied but has similarities to other Central Asian countries with manti, salty cheese, or fatty sheep meat. A speciality worth tasting is "kumis", made from fermented horse milk. In our experience, you should not drink "kumis" after it's been out in the hot sun for a few days. TOUR YOU CaN BOOK Ø You can refer to Beetours Vietnam as an authorized dealer for airfares to Kyrgyzstan by international airlines.



destination B µ i

vµ ∂nh: BÔi Huy“n Chi

MÁi l«n nhÌ lπi, Maroc hi÷n l™n trong t´i nh≠ mÈt b¯c tranh r˘c rÏ sæc mµu. MÈt Maroc c„ mµu xanh ghi cÒa ßπi T©y D≠¨ng, vµng cam cÒa sa mπc Sahara, xanh l∏ x∏m cÒa nh˜ng r∆ng chµ lµ phÒ mÍ bÙi, mµu Æ· cÒa nh˜ng ng´i nhµ Ææp Ɔt, mµu træng cÒa tuy’t v‹nh cˆu tr™n Æÿnh d∑y Atlas vµ mµu xanh d≠¨ng nh≠ d∂i kh®n quµng cÒa ng≠Íi Berber.



M∆t mµu xanh cobalt cÒa Bab Boujloud, cÊng thµnh Æãp nh†t cÒa Fez

Minaret (th∏p) cÒa madrasa Bou Inania

TH°NG TR¡M MóT Cˇ ߧ N’u ai Æ„ h·i t´i th›ch n¨i nµo nh†t Î Maroc, t´i sœ ch‰n Fez mµ kh´ng c«n do d˘. Tr≠Ìc nay, t´i lu´n dµnh nhi“u t◊nh c∂m h¨n cho nh˜ng phong c∂nh thi™n nhi™n hÔng v‹, cho nÛi cao, bi”n rÈng, s´ng dµi, hi’m khi ≠u ∏i c∏c thµnh phË lÌn. Nh≠ng t´i kh´ng th” kh´ng bän duy™n vÌi Fez. Thµnh phË nµy qu∏ Æ∆c bi÷t, vıa mang vŒ truy“n thËng, nghi™m nghfi cÒa mÈt cË Æ´, vıa rÈn rµng, vÂn v∑ Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa c∏c souk (chÓ), vıa thanh b◊nh, †m cÛng cÒa c∏c khu dinh th˘ ki”u Ph∏p. N’u Marrakesh t†p nÀp vµ n∏o nhi÷t, cuËn hÛt nh≠ mÈt chµng trai trŒ Æ«y nh˘a sËng th◊ Fez in d†u thÍi gian, quy’n rÚ, b› »n nh≠ mÈt ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng tr«m l∆ng. Tıng lµ kinh Æ´ cÊ nh†t vµ cÚng c„ thÍi gian dµi nh†t lµm thÒ Æ´ cÒa Maroc qua c∏c tri“u Æπi, Fez Æ∑ ch¯ng ki’n lfich sˆ th®ng tr«m cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc qua hµng ngh◊n n®m. Cho Æ’n tÀn n®m 1912, hi÷p



≠Ìc Ph∏p - Maroc k˝ tπi Fez Æ∑ Æ≠a Maroc vµo danh s∏ch c∏c n≠Ìc thuÈc Æfia vµ thÒ Æ´ mÌi chuy”n hºn v“ Rabat. Tuy vÀy, Æ’n nay, Fez v…n lµ trung t©m ngh÷ thuÀt, v®n h„a vµ tinh th«n cÒa c∂ v≠¨ng quËc. Sau bËn ngµy rung læc tr™n ´t´, vÀt v∑ tr™n l≠ng lπc Ƶ ngoµi sa mπc Sahara, t´i Æ≠Óc trÎ lπi vÌi ∏nh s∏ng v®n minh. Qua cˆa k›nh xe, t´i ngÏ m◊nh Æang Æi ng≠Óc dflng thÍi gian qua ba thÍi Æπi hoµn toµn kh∏c nhau cÒa thµnh phË. ß«u ti™n lµ khu phË mÌi Dar Dbibegh, Æ≠Óc x©y bÎi ng≠Íi Ph∏p trong thÍi thuÈc Æfia, k’t hÓp hµi hfla gi˜a phong c∏ch Maroc truy“n thËng vµ ch©u ¢u hi÷n Æπi. RÂi Æ’n FÃs el-Jedid, trung t©m hµnh ch›nh "mÌi", khÎi c´ng vµo th’ kÿ th¯ 13 d≠Ìi tri“u Æπi Marinid. CuËi cÔng, t´i xuËng Æi bÈ vµo mÈt th’ giÌi kh∏c hºn: FÃs el-Bali, bao tr‰n khu medina (phË trong thµnh), lµ khu phË cÊ nh†t, h◊nh thµnh d≠Ìi tri“u Æπi Idrisid tı th’ kÿ th¯ 8.

NGÄY MõI B¿T ß¡U TR£N THÉP CAO MÈt ngµy cÒa t´i Î Fez th≠Íng bæt Æ«u tr≠Ìc b◊nh minh khi bfi Æ∏nh th¯c bÎi ti’ng adhan - ti’ng g‰i c«u kinh r©m ran. Tı tfla th∏p cao nh†t, ti’ng adhan mπch lπc, l™n bÊng xuËng tr«m, lan t·a xuËng tıng ng‚ ng∏ch trong thµnh phË. MÁi ngµy, ng≠Íi theo Æπo HÂi c«u nguy÷n n®m l«n: B◊nh minh, gi˜a tr≠a, gi˜a chi“u, hoµng h´n vµ mÈt giÍ sau hoµng h´n. H‰ c„ th” tÀp trung tπi th∏nh Æ≠Íng, tr≠Íng h‰c HÂi gi∏o vµ l®ng mÈ, ho∆c c«u nguy÷n Î chËn ri™ng t≠, mi‘n lµ ph∂i quay m∆t v“ h≠Ìng th∏nh Æfia Mecca. S∏ng sÌm, t´i Æi bÈ ra Bab Boujloud, cÊng thµnh Æ∆c bi÷t nh†t cÒa Fez, nËi FÃs el-Jedid vÌi khu phË cÊ FÃs el-Bali. N¨i Æ©y Æ≠Óc g‰i lµ "CÊng xanh" do mµu nh˜ng vi™n gπch trang tr› vœ hoa v®n c«u k◊ Ëp k›n hai m∆t t≠Íng: MÈt m∆t mµu xanh cobalt - mµu cÒa Fez, m∆t kia mµu xanh l∏ c©y - mµu cÒa HÂi gi∏o.

Tht cıu h«m bäo ngÀy cÒa Maroc

TÛi da thµnh ph»m lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng m∆t hµng thÒ c´ng Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Fez

N’u nh≠ Marrakesh t†p nÀp vµ n∏o nhi÷t, cuËn hÛt nh≠ mÈt chµng trai trŒ Æ«y nh˘a sËng th◊ Fez in d†u thÍi gian, quy’n rÚ, b› »n nh≠ mÈt ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng tr«m l∆ng. Ng≠Íi ta hay nhæc Æ’n medina cÒa Fez nh≠ mÈt m™ cung b› »n. ß©y lµ khu phË Æi bÈ lÌn nh†t th’ giÌi vÌi d©n sË g†p ba l«n hfln Æ∂o ch›nh Venice cÒa n≠Ìc ≥. Trong medina, xe c¨ giÌi bfi c†m hoµn toµn do nhi“u c«u thang l™n xuËng vµ Æ≠Íng phË chÀt hãp, chÿ tı vµi chÙc cm Æ’n mÈt vµi mät. Nh˜ng b¯c t≠Íng thµnh cÒa Fez bao b‰c mÈt kho b∏u v®n h„a vµ ki’n trÛc v´ gi∏. Chÿ tr™n di÷n t›ch vµi km vu´ng, c„ v´ sË cÊng thµnh, cung Æi÷n, th∏nh Æ≠Íng, tr≠Íng h‰c HÂi gi∏o, l®ng mÈ, th≠ vi÷n, Ƶi phun n≠Ìc Æ≠Óc b∂o tÂn tËt nh†t th’ giÌi Å RÀp m™ ho∆c hoµn toµn nh˜ng ng≠Íi th›ch lang thang kh∏m ph∏ nh≠ t´i. RÍi Bab Boujloud, hai phË ch›nh d…n t´i vµo s©u trong medina n¨i tÀp trung c∏c c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc HÂi gi∏o T©y Ban Nha (hispano-moresque) tuy÷t m‹. C„ lœ kh´ng Î mÈt n¨i nµo kh∏c ta c„ th” vµo tham quan nhi“u madrasa (tr≠Íng h‰c HÂi gi∏o) Æãp nh≠ Î Fez. MÁi madrasa lπi lµ mÈt qu«n th” phflng c«u nguy÷n, k› tÛc x∏, bao k›n l†y bËn ph›a mÈt kho∂ng s©n rÈng vµ y™n t‹nh. C∏c b¯c t≠Íng Æ“u Æ≠Óc trang tr› bªng h‰a ti’t mosaic ho∆c nh˜ng dflng th≠ ph∏p c«u k◊ vµ tinh t’. ߯ng gi˜a kho∂ng kh´ng gian væng l∆ng †y, t´i c„ th” qu™n h’t nh˜ng ©m thanh Ân µo vµ huy™n n∏o cÒa nh˜ng khu chÓ ngay ph›a b™n kia c∏nh cÊng tr≠Íng. Tr∏i tim cÒa Fez nªm ch›nh gi˜a khu medina, n¨i Æ∆t l®ng mÈ Moulay Idris II - vfi vua th¯ hai cÒa tri“u Æπi Idrisid vµ cÚng lµ ng≠Íi s∏ng lÀp thµnh phË. K’ Æ„ lµ th∏nh Æ≠Íng ki™m tr≠Íng ßπi h‰c HÂi gi∏o cÊ nh†t th’ giÌi Al Quaraouiyine, thµnh lÀp n®m 859. Tuy nhi™n, nh≠ t†t c∂ c∏c l®ng mÈ, th∏nh Æ≠Íng HÂi gi∏o kh∏c cÒa Maroc (trı nhµ thÍ Hassan II Î Casablanca), tr∏i tim cÒa Fez Æ„ng cˆa vÌi ng≠Íi ngoπi Æπo. Ta chÿ c„ th” Ưng b™n ngoµi, ngæm nh˜ng nät trπm khæc tinh x∂o tr™n c∏c c∏nh cÊng khÊng l vµ lËi vµo Æ≠Óc trang tr› Æãp mæt.

HÄNH TRçNH Ø Tı Vi÷t Nam Æi Maroc ch≠a c„ bay thºng, c«n qu∏ c∂nh qua mÈt n≠Ìc th¯ ba, v› dÙ nh≠ Ph∏p, Qatar, Æ’n thµnh phË Casablanca cÒa Maroc. Tı Casablanca, bæt Æ«u hµnh tr◊nh tr™n Ɔt n≠Ìc Maroc Æ’n Fez bªng tµu h·a hay xe bus. Maroc c„ h÷ thËng giao th´ng c´ng cÈng r†t tËt. Du kh∏ch c„ th” d‘ dµng mua vä online ho∆c mua thºng Î ga, b’n xe mµ kh´ng g∆p b†t k◊ trÎ ngπi g◊. Visa Ø Du kh∏ch Vi÷t Nam xin visa tπi ßπi s¯ qu∏n Maroc Î Hµ NÈi, chi ph› kho∂ng 30 USD. THòi ßiÕM Ø Tı th∏ng 10 Æ’n th∏ng 5 lµ thÍi gian l˝ t≠Îng nh†t Æ” Æ’n Maroc. ß™m sa mπc lπnh n™n n’u c„ ˝ Ænh Æi tour ra sa mπc, bπn n™n mang th™m qu«n ∏o †m. ¬M TH#C Ø ß ®n Maroc ngon vµ Æa dπng. C∏c nhµ hµng truy“n thËng th≠Íng c„ tajin, couscous, pastilla ho∆c c∏c m„n tht cıu, tht b h«m. Trong c∏c souk c„ b∏n nhi“u loπi tht xi™n n≠Ìng r†t ngon. Maroc lµ Ɔt n≠Ìc HÂi gi∏o n™n m‰i ng≠Íi kh´ng ®n tht lÓn. Ø B˜a s∏ng trong c∏c nhµ tr‰ c„ nhi“u loπi b∏nh m◊, b∏nh pancake bÈt ng´, kÃm c∏c loπi m¯t, mÀt ong, b¨, trµ bπc hµ, n≠Ìc cam t≠¨i ngon tuy÷t. Ø C∏c loπi b∏nh ng‰t Maroc cÚng r†t ngon (nh≠ng r†t ng‰t). B∏nh chÿ nh· x›u bªng ng„n tay c∏i, th¨m, bÔi, th≠Îng th¯c vÌi mÈt chän trµ bπc hµ n„ng hÊi n˜a lµ trn v. TRAVELLIVE


LÑC LˇI TRONG NH~NG CON HàM NHì T´i rÍi c∏c Æi”m tham quan lÌn Æ” lang thang gi˜a nh˜ng con hŒm læt läo vµ nh˜ng qu∂ng tr≠Íng nh· bä, vang Æ©u Æ©y lµ ©m thanh ti’ng khung cˆi, ti’ng khæc chπm gÁ quanh Qu∂ng tr≠Íng Nejjarine, ti’ng bÛa thÓ rÃn cÒa Qu∂ng tr≠Íng Seffarine. Fez nÊi ti’ng vÌi c∏c Æ∆c s∂n Æfia ph≠¨ng vµ s∂n ph»m thÒ c´ng tinh t’. Kh®n cÒa Fez Æ≠Óc d÷t vµo nhi“u loπi sÓi kh∏c nhau, tı len l´ng cıu nhuÈm mµu r˘c rÏ, Æ’n lÙa vµ sÓi t¨ x≠¨ng rÂng m∏t lπnh. Khæp thµnh phË, ta kh´ng kh·i bfi thu hÛt bÎi c∏c cˆa hµng b∏n Æ gËm vœ hoa v®n xanh cobalt truy“n thËng. ß gËm xanh lµ bi”u t≠Óng cÒa Fez. Nh˜ng chi’c Æ‹a, ©u to, b◊nh hoa, Æ≠Óc vœ

hoa v®n Æ∆c tr≠ng, bµy tr™n k÷ hay treo ngay tr™n t≠Íng, mÍi g‰i mÈt bµn tay n©ng niu r≠Ìc v“. T´i ti’p tÙc Æ” b≠Ìc ch©n lπc lËi gi˜a nh˜ng khu chÓ nhi“u h≠¨ng sæc. Souk (chÓ) Attarine b∏n henna vµ gia vfi, souk Tillis b∏n th∂m, qu∂ng tr≠Íng Chemaïne b∏n chµ lµ vµ c∏c loπi hπt, souk Chrabliyines b∏n babouche - loπi giµy truy“n thËng Maroc. T´i c„ th” dπo quanh khu phË cÊ c∂ buÊi, chÿ Æ” ngæm nh◊n nh˜ng chi’c ÆÃn Å RÀp lung linh, m©n m™ nh˜ng chi’c tÛi da thuÈc Æi÷u Ƶ, cæt vµ kh©u Æ“u bªng tay, hay h›t hµ mÔi gia vfi mÌi xay lan to∂ trong nh˜ng hŒm nh·. Gia vfi lµ ph«n kh´ng th” thi’u trong »m th˘c Maroc. Hoa hÂi, qu’, Ìt bÈt, hπt rau mÔi, ras-elhanoui... cay nÂng sËng mÚi.

Tı tr™n cao, nh˜ng nhÈn nhπo, x´ b trong khu thành cổ Æ“u tan bi’n. ∏nh næng vµng cam ™m Æ“m phÒ trµn xuËng c∏c ta th∏p.

Fez c„ nhi“u x≠Îng thuÈc da l©u ÆÍi, nh≠ng lÌn nh†t lµ x≠Îng Chouwara, Î kh´ng xa Qu∂ng tr≠Íng Seffarine. Du kh∏ch c„ th” leo l™n ban c´ng c∏c cˆa hµng trong c∏c ng´i nhµ bao quanh khu x≠Îng, xem ng≠Íi ta xˆ l˝ da theo ph≠¨ng th¯c l≠u truy“n tı thÍi Trung CÊ. MÁi ng≠Íi sœ Æ≠Óc chÒ nhµ ph∏t cho mÈt cµnh bπc hµ Æ” ∏t mÔi h´i nÂng n∆c bËc l™n tı c∏c b” ch¯a da thuÈc. BuÊi chi“u tµ, lµ lÛc t´i th†y th›ch hÓp nh†t Æ” rÍi xa khu medina Æ´ng ÆÛc, Æi ngæm Fez tı tr™n cao. Fez nªm tr™n cao nguy™n Saïss, kãp gi˜a vÔng nÛi Rif vµ d∂i Atlas, xung quanh kh´ng thi’u nh˜ng qu∂ ÆÂi c„ t«m nh◊n tuy÷t Æãp. Chi“u xuËng, ng≠Íi ta bæt Æ«u gom nh˜ng mi’ng da Æ∑ Æ≠Óc ph¨i kh´ cong tr™n nh˜ng s≠Ín ÆÂi Æ«y næng vµ gi„, ch†t chÛng l™n l≠ng lıa Æ” chÎ v“ x≠Îng. Tı tr™n cao, nh˜ng nhÈn nhπo, x´ b trong khu thµnh cÊ Æ“u tan bi’n. Énh næng vµng cam ™m Æ“m phÒ trµn xuËng c∏c minaret (tfla th∏p). MÉCH BÑN Ø Tπi Fez, bπn c„ th” thu™ h≠Ìng d…n vi™n Æ≠a Æi tham quan thµnh phË nˆa ngµy ho∆c mÈt ngµy. H‰ sœ giÌi thi÷u k¸ v“ v®n h„a, ki’n trÛc, phong tÙc tÀp qu∏n, vµ nh†t lµ giÛp bπn tho∏t kh·i vng bÒa v©y cÒa ph≠Íng trÈm cæp vµ c l∏i. Ng≠Íi d©n Fez kh´ng th›ch b chÙp ∂nh, nh≠ng n’u Æi vÌi h≠Ìng d…n vi™n, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tho∂i m∏i mµ kh´ng ai t· th∏i ÆÈ kh„ chu. Ø BuÊi s∏ng, c∏c h≠Ìng d…n vi™n tÀp trung r†t nhi“u Î Bab Boujloud, mÁi ng≠Íi Æ“u c„ thŒ hµnh ngh“. Tour c„ gi∏ tı 10 - 12 USD/nˆa ngµy dµnh cho 2 kh∏ch. CHi PHê THaM KHÅO Ø Tπi Maroc, bπn c„ th” d‘ dµng Æ∆t tr≠Ìc chÁ nghÿ Æ™m qua c∏c trang Æ∆t phng th´ng dÙng. Gi∏ c∂ kh∏ hÓp l›, v› dÙ phng Æ´i kh∏ch sπn 2 sao kho∂ng 50 - 60 USD/Æ™m, ho∆c kho∂ng 30 USD/Æ™m cho phng Æ´i trong nhµ tr‰ b◊nh d©n. Ø °n uËng Î Maroc th≠Íng kho∂ng 10 - 20 USD/b˜a Î c∏c qu∏n ngon, c„ kh´ng gian Æãp, vµ rŒ h¨n r†t nhi“u trong c∏c hµng b◊nh th≠Íng trong c∏c souk. V◊ vÀy, chi ph› Î Maroc kho∂ng 80 - 90 USD/ng≠Íi/ngµy (kh´ng t›nh vä m∏y bay) n’u bπn c„ ti™u chu»n tr™n m¯c trung b◊nh, ho∆c kho∂ng 60 70 USD/ngµy dµnh cho c∏c bπn Æi bÙi.





Every time I think about my trip, Morocco always appears in my mind as a bright and colorful painting. Morocco in full color: deep blue of the Mediterranean Sea, yellow orange of the Sahara Desert, grey green of dusted dates, red of the shielings, white as the snow on the Atlas ranges and indigo like a Berber scarf. Text and photos: Bui Huyen Chi TRAVELLIVE


Leather shoes are sold at many shops in the old town




A corner of the citadel surrounding the city

Marrakesh is busy and bustling, attractive as a young man full of life, Fez is a mature and seductive man full of hidden wisdom.

UPS & DOWNS OF AN ANCIENT CAPITAL If someone were to ask me where at in Morocco I enjoyed the most, without hesitation I would choose Fez. I have always given more affection to the majestic natural scenery of high mountains, wide seas, long rivers, rarely favoring big cities. But I cannot help falling in love with Fez. This city is so special; fluctuating between the traditional, the seriousness of an ancient capital, its boisterous characters of the souk (market) and its idyllic French styled villas. If Marrakesh is busy and bustling, attractive as a young man full of life, Fez is a mature and seductive man full of hidden wisdom. The once-oldest capital of housing the most dynasties, Fez has witnessed the country's ups and downs over thousands of years. It was not until 1912 that the French-Morocco treaty was signed in Fez, bringing Morocco to the list of French colonies. This treaty also moved the capital to Rabat. Despite the change of capitals, Fez is still the center of art, culture and the spirit of the kingdom. After four days in a bouncy car and struggling on the back of a camel outside the Sahara Desert, I was back to civilization. Through the car window, I felt as if I were travelling back in time through three completely different eras of the city. The first era is the new Dar Dbibegh, built by the French in the colonial period, a harmonious combination between traditional Moroccan and modern European architecture. Then to the Fテピ elJedid, the "new" administrative center, beginning in the 13th century under the Marinid dynasty. Finally, I walked into a completely different world: Fテピ el-Bali, which covers the medina (fortress city); the oldest town established under the 8th-century

Idrisid dynasty.

STARTING A NEW DAY ON A HIGH TOWER My day in Fez typically began before dawn when I was awakened by the adhan - the Islamic call to prayer. From the highest tower, I could clearly hear the adhan, spreading to every corner of the city in oscillating tones - wavering from high to low. Muslims pray five times a day, every day: dawn, noon, midday, sunset and one hour after sunset. They gather in mosques, Islamic schools or pray in private, always facing the direction of Mecca. In the early morning I walked to Bab Boujloud, the most special gate of Fez, connecting Fテピ el-Jedid to the old town of Fテピ el-Bali. This place is called "Blue Gate" because of the color of the meticulously decorated bricks, covering both sides of the wall: one face in cobalt blue - the color of Fez, the other in green - the color of Islam. Fez's medina is often referred to as a cryptic labyrinth. It is the largest pedestrian street in the world with a population three times larger than the main island of Venice, Italy. In the medina, motorized vehicles are banned entirely due to the many stairs running up and down the narrow streets, only a few dozen centimeters wide. The walls of Fez encompass invaluable cultural and architectural treasures. In an area of a few square kilometers, there are countless gates, palaces, mosques, Islamic schools, and fountains, among some of the best preserved in the enchanting Arab world, seducing wanderers who love to explore, much like myself.



Leaving Bab Boujloud, the two main streets lead me deep into the medina, where all the magnificent SpanishIslamic architecture (hispanomoresque) is located. There may not be a place on earth as beautiful as the madrasa (Islamic school) in Fez. Each madrasa is a collection of prayer rooms and dormitories covering the four sides of a large and quiet yard. The walls are decorated with mosaic patterns or sophisticated and elegant calligraphy. Standing in the solitude of the madrasa, the chaotic noise of the market melted away. Fez's heart lies at the center of the medina, where the tomb of Moulay Idris II - the second king of the Idrisid dynasty and founder of the city. Next to the mosque is Al Quaraouiyine, the oldest Islamic university in the world, founded in 859. However, like all other Moroccan tombs and mosques (except Hassan II in Casablanca) Fez does not allow non-Muslims inside. Because of this I could only stand outside, where I admired the fine carvings elaborately decorated on the massive gate and entrance.

LOST IN ALLEYWAYS I left the big attractions to wander between the narrow-crooked alleyways and little squares, where I heard the echoes of weaving looms and the light thud of wood carving from Nejjarine Square or the clink of the blacksmith's hammer from Seffarine Square.



The walls of Fez encompass invaluable cultural and architectural treasures. Standing in the solitude of the madrasa, the chaotic noise of the market melted away...

At dawn, the echo of the call to prayer begins from the tallest tower in the city, spreading everywhere

Fez is well known for its local specialties and exquisite handicraft products. Fez's towels are woven by a variety of yarn, from colorful dyed wool to cool silk and cactus yarn. Throughout the city, we couldn't help but be attracted by the shops with traditional pottery in cobalt blue patterns. Plates, large bowls, flower vases are all decorated with specific patterns and hung on the shelf or wall, inviting tourists to take them home. I continued to lose myself in the colorful and appetizing markets. Attarine souk (market) sells henna and spices, Tillis souk sells carpets, Chemaïne square sells dates and nuts, Chrabliyines souk sells babouche - a traditional Moroccan shoe. I could spend the whole day walking around the Old Quarter just to see the sparkling Arabian lights, cherishing the lovely handmade leather bags, or sniffing fresh spices as they drift across the small alleys. Spices are an indispensable element of Moroccan cuisine. Cinnamon, capsicum, chili powder, coriander seeds, ras-elhanoui... waft in the air to tickle your senses. Fez has a long tradition of tanning and the largest tannery is Chouwara, located near Seffarine. Here you can go up to the balcony of the shops surrounding the workshop and watch craftsmen tan leather with a medieval technique. The owner hands each person a sprig of mint to quell the foul odor of the coloring tanks. Afternoon is the best time to get away from the crowded medina and view Fez from above. As Fez is located on the plateau of SaÔss, sandwiched between the Rif and Atlas ranges, there are many beautiful hills with magnificent views. This time of day is also when locals begin to gather pieces of leather that have dried on the sunny and windy hillsides, packing them onto donkeys to be transported to the tanneries. From above, all the commotion of the ancient citadel evaporated. The golden sunshine peacefully shimmered down the minarets (towers).

iTiNERaRY Ø Currently, there is no direct flight from Vietnam to Morocco; transit must be made through a third country, such as France or Qatar to get to the Moroccan city of Casablanca. From Casablanca, you can start your journey in Morocco and travel to Fez by train or bus. Morocco has an excellent public transit system and travelers can easily buy tickets online or directly at the station without any obstacles. Visa Ø 70 countries qualify for a 90-day travel period without a visa in Morocco. Information can be found on the Moroccan Embassy website of your country. BEsT TiME TO VisiT Ø From October to May is the perfect time to visit Morocco. If you intend to go for a desert tour, you should wear warm clothes. FOOD Ø Moroccan cuisine is delicious and diverse. Traditional restaurants often offer tajin, couscous, pastilla or lamb/beef stews. In the souk, there is a great variety of grilled skewers. Morocco is a Muslim country, as such, people here do not eat pork. Ø Breakfast at the inn included a variety of breads, cornmeal pancakes, accompanied by jams, honey, butter, mint tea, and delicious fresh orange juice. Ø Moroccan pastries are also quite delectable (but very sweet). Sometimes they are as small as a thumb but carry a heavy buttery scent when served with a cup of mint tea. TiPs Ø In Fez, you can hire a tour guide for a half day or one full day. They will introduce you to the culture, architecture, customs, and can especially help you to bypass enclosures of thieves and fortune-tellers. The people of Fez do not like to be photographed, but if you are with a guide, they often become more comfortable. Ø In the morning, the guides gather in Bab Boujloud, and each typically has a license card. Tour prices range from 10 - 12USD/ half day for 2 guests. EsTiMaTED COsTs Ø In Morocco, you can easily book accommodations through popular booking websites. The price is quite reasonable, for example, a double room in a 2-star hotel costs about 50 - 60 USD/night, or about 30 USD/night for a double room in a popular motel. Ø Meals in Morocco often cost around 10 - 20 USD/meal in a nice restaurant with pleasant decorations, and it is much cheaper than in the souks. The cost of traveling in Morocco is about 80 - 90 USD/ person/day (excluding airfare). If you prefer to travel like a backpacker, the cost can range between 60 - 70 USD/day.




V≠Ót qua bi™n giÌi Bolivia vµ Peru bªng Æ≠Íng bÈ, chÛng t´i bæt Æ«u hµnh tr◊nh t◊m hi”u n“n v®n minh Inca bªng tuy’n Æ≠Íng Andean Baroque Route huy“n thoπi Æ” tÌi Th∏nh Æa Machu Pichu, mÈt di s∂n ch¯a nhi“u b› »n. Bµi vµ ∂nh: Lek Chi




CHI≈U N¿NG ß—P TÑI CUSCO hÎi Æ«u tı thµnh phË nh· Puno, tr∂i qua r†t nhi“u Æfia danh mang ÆÀm d†u †n Inca x≠a, chÛng t´i Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n Cusco vµo mÈt buÊi chi“u næng Æãp. RÍi kh·i b’n xe Ân µo vµ n∏o nhi÷t, chÛng t´i thºng ti’n v“ kh∏ch sπn Munaycha Casa nªm gi˜a lflng phË cÊ. ß©y lµ mÈt kh∏ch sπn nh·, xinh xæn nªm trong khu´n vi™n mÈt tr≠Íng ti”u h‰c g«n khu qu∂ng tr≠Íng trung t©m. ChÛng t´i ph∂i b®ng qua s©n cÒa tr≠Íng mÌi tÌi Æ≠Óc c∏nh cˆa cÒa kh∏ch sπn. C∏c phflng kh∏ch sπn nªm qu©y xung quanh mÈt kho∂nh s©n nh· y™n t‹nh, t˘a nh≠ m∂nh v≠Ín xinh xæn trÂng Æ«y hoa, c∏c hµng hi™n Ëp gÁ mÈc, cÔng mÈt phflng ®n nh· nªm tr™n t«ng th≠Óng Æ” du kh∏ch c„ th” ngæm nh◊n xung quanh khu phË cÊ Æ∏ng y™u n∏o nhi÷t, nh≠ng Æ´i lÛc lπi tr«m m∆c. NhÀn phflng kh∏ch sπn xong, c∂ b‰n h∏o h¯c Æi bÈ v“ ph›a qu∂ng tr≠Íng lÛc hoµng h´n d«n xuËng. Qu∂ng tr≠Íng Plaza de Armas lµm chÛng t´i y™u Cusco g«n nh≠ ngay lÀp t¯c: MÈt qu∂ng tr≠Íng Æi bÈ rÈng r∑i vÌi Ƶi phun n≠Ìc, nh˜ng chi’c gh’ t˘a, cÈt ÆÃn tuy÷t Æãp. Xung quanh lµ nh˜ng d∑y nhµ hai t«ng vÌi hµng hi™n cuËn vflm c˘c k˙ ®n ˝ vÌi ki’n trÛc Roman Gothic cÒa Nhµ thÍ Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin nªm Î trung t©m vÌi bÀc th“m cao tπo thµnh mÈt s©n kh†u t˘ nhi™n tuy÷t Æãp. Peru nÊi ti’ng v◊ nh˜ng m„n ®n ngon nh†t Nam M¸. C∏c Æ«u b’p Peru khäo läo k’t hÓp c∏c m„n ®n khæp n¨i tr™n th’ giÌi vÌi phong c∏ch ch’ bi’n b∂n Æfia tπo thµnh nh˜ng nhµ hµng Peruvian c„ phong c∏ch ri™ng cÒa m◊nh. H«u nh≠ nh˜ng nhµ hµng Æ≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ cao nh†t Æ“u g„p m∆t tπi khu v˘c qu∂ng tr≠Íng Plaza de Armas nh≠ Mc Donalds, Starbucks, ngoµi ra, khu v˘c quanh qu∂ng tr≠Íng cfln c„ v´ sË nh˜ng cˆa hµng l≠u ni÷m vµ Æπi l˝ tour du lfich.



Tµu Inca rail dµnh ri™ng mÈt toa trËng kh´ng c„ cˆa k›nh Æ” hµnh kh∏ch c„ th” tho∂i m∏i chÙp ∂nh, ngæm c∂nh, h›t hµ mÔi th¨m t≠¨i nguy™n cÒa nÛi rıng vµ ch◊m Ææm vÌi thi™n nhi™n, vÌi kh´ng kh› Inca huy“n thoπi. Khi lÀp tr◊nh cho chuy’n Æi nµy, t´i bfi cuËn hÛt bÎi cung Æ≠Íng Inca trail huy“n thoπi vµ chu»n bfi hµnh l˝ cho mÈt chuy’n trekking dµi ngµy tπi Æ©y vÌi Æ«y ÆÒ balo, giµy trek, qu«n ∏o vµ Æ chuy™n dÙng kh∏c. Tuy nhi™n, v◊ nhi“u l˝ do b†t ngÍ kh´ng mong muËn mµ chÛng t´i chÿ cfln c„ 4 ngµy cho Cusco vµ vÔng l©n cÀn, qu∂ lµ kho∂ng thÍi gian qu∏ ›t ·i Æ” Æi h’t mÈt ph«n cÒa di s∂n th’ giÌi nµy.

CUNG ߶òNG HUY≈N THOÑI TR£N TÄU INCA RAIL Chuy’n tµu Inca rail khÎi hµnh lÛc 5h30 s∏ng tı nhµ ga Poroy c∏ch kh∏ch sπn chÛng t´i chıng 30 phÛt taxi. NgÂi trong toa tµu vÌi nh˜ng ´ cˆa sÊ rÈng, chÛng t´i sung s≠Ìng tÀn h≠Îng g„c nh◊n panorama khi con tµu Æi b®ng qua c∏c khu kh∂o cÊ b∂o tÂn thÍi Inca vµ nh˜ng d∑y nÛi tuy’t cÔng khung c∂nh r˘c rÏ cÒa hµng c©y l∏ Æ· soi b„ng tr™n dflng s´ng uËn l≠Ón cæt ngang Æ≠Íng. D‰c hai b™n Æ≠Íng lµ nh˜ng b◊nh nguy™n rÈng b∏t ng∏t vÌi tıng b«y lπc Ƶ Llama g∆m c· tr´ng r†t thanh b◊nh, ph›a xa xa nÛi tuy’t træng x„a lµm n™n khung c∂nh mÈng mfi n™n th¨. Con Æ≠Íng huy“n thoπi li™n tÙc mÎ ra Æãp nh≠ mÈt b¯c tranh sau mÁi khÛc cua qua nÛi. Tµu Inca rail

dµnh ri™ng mÈt toa trËng kh´ng c„ cˆa k›nh Æ” hµnh kh∏ch c„ th” tho∂i m∏i chÙp ∂nh, ngæm c∂nh, h›t hµ mÔi th¨m t≠¨i nguy™n cÒa nÛi rıng vµ ch◊m Ææm vÌi thi™n nhi™n, vÌi kh´ng kh› Inca huy“n thoπi. Nhµ ga Aguas Calientes nªm trong mÈt thfi tr†n nh· c˘c k˙ xinh xæn, hµng qu∏n, kh∏ch sπn vµ c∏c cˆa hµng du lfich, l≠u ni÷m t†p nÀp kh∏ch du lfich. Gi˜a thfi tr†n lµ mÈt nhµ thÍ nh· vÌi v≠Ín hoa d‘ th≠¨ng. Do th†p h¨n g«n 1500 m so vÌi Cusco n™n c∂m gi∏c v“ ÆÈ cao Î khu v˘c nµy kh´ng cfln. C„ hai c∏ch Æ” Æ’n Machu Pichu tı Æfia Æi”m nµy, mÈt sË sœ trekking thºng l™n Æÿnh nÛi bªng nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng nh·, mÈt sœ bªng xe shutter bus cÒa mÈt c´ng ty t≠ nh©n ÆÈc quy“n chuy™n chÎ du kh∏ch l™n nÛi. ߯ng tr™n Æi”m tÀp k’t nh◊n xuËng Æoµn tµu h·a ÆÀu trong ga bä x›u nh≠ nh˜ng que di™m cÔng con Æ≠Íng nh˘a uËn l≠Ón theo v∏ch nÛi d˘ng Ưng lµm t´i li™n t≠Îng tÌi nh˜ng v˘c nÛi T©y Bæc Vi÷t Nam. H≠Ìng d…n cho Æoµn chÛng t´i lµ mÈt ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng kh∏ cao tuÊi, ´ng c„ vŒ lµ mÈt ng≠Íi c«u toµn nh≠ng t©m huy’t. Kh´ng nh≠ nh˜ng h≠Ìng d…n vi™n kh∏c hay n„i v“ ÆÈ hoµnh tr∏ng, k¸ thuÀt si™u vi÷t hay lµ nh˜ng

b› »n cÒa "Thµnh phË bfi m†t t›ch nµy", ´ng n„i r†t nhi“u v“ nh˜ng chi ti’t trong mÁi ki’n trÛc cÒa di s∂n vµ ˝ ngh‹a cÒa chÛng. Pisnou say s≠a v“ Machu Pichu nh≠ th” Æ©y lµ n¨i ch´n rau cæt rËn cÒa m◊nh, ´ng b∂o ai cÚng bi’t "CÊ s¨n" Machu Pichu nÊi ti’ng vµ quan tr‰ng nh≠ th’ nµo trong kho tµng di s∂n th’ giÌi nh≠ng kh´ng ph∂i ai cÚng bi’t thÀt ra "Thµnh phË bfi m†t t›ch" ch›nh ra lµ Æ” ∏m chÿ Vilcabamba. §ng n„i v“ chi ti’t Mother Earth trong quan Æi”m x©y d˘ng tı "C®n phflng 3 cˆa sÊ" tÌi "Ng´i Æ“n m∆t trÍi", ´ng chÿ chÛng t´i nh˜ng chi ti’t Æ∏ng gi∏ trong c∏i g‰i lµ Stonehenge cÒa Machu Pichu. Dæt chÛng t´i Æi qua khu v˘c nhµ Î cÒa Hoµng Æ’ Pachacuti, ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng nh· bä nµy chÿ cho chÛng t´i khu v˘c phflng kh∏ch, phflng ngÒ, khu v÷ sinh vµ khu v˘c c∏c nhµ kh∂o cÊ Æ∆t gi∂ thi’t lµ phflng ®n nh≠ng ´ng kh®ng kh®ng Æ„ lµ khu v≠Ín nh·. Qua mÁi c∏nh cˆa Æ∏, ´ng Æ“u chÿ cho chÛng t´i h≠Ìng m≠a, h≠Ìng næng qua c∏c mÔa trong n®m Æ” c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc s˘ tinh t’ vµ th´ng minh cÒa ng≠Íi Inca x≠a. Khi n„i Æ’ ch’ Inca tıng lµ mÈt Æ’ ch’ lÌn nh†t th’ giÌi tr∂i dµi khæp 6 n≠Ìc vÔng Nam M¸ vµ tıng lÌn h¨n c∂ Æ’ ch’ La M∑, ∏nh mæt ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng nµy ∏nh l™n Æ«y vŒ t˘ hµo.





achu Pichu kh´ng qu∏ hÔng v‹ nh≠ t´i t≠Îng t≠Óng nh≠ng s˘ b∂o tÂn nguy™n vãn th◊ r†t Æ∏ng kh©m phÙc, chÛng t´i Æ≠Óc tÀn mæt nh◊n h÷ thËng tho∏t n≠Ìc cho khu v˘c, h÷ thËng cung c†p n≠Ìc cho nh˜ng Æ∏m ruÈng bÀc thang tı "SuËi nguÂn t≠¨i trŒ" kh´ng bao giÍ kh´ cπn, nh˜ng b¯c t≠Íng Æ∏ Æ≠Óc x’p thºng tæp Æ∏ng kinh ngπc vµ h÷ thËng giao th´ng Inca trail tı khæp n¨i tr™n l∑nh thÊ Inca d…n tÌi Machu Pichu. Li™n tÙc nhæc Æi nhæc lπi v“ s˘ may mæn cÒa chÛng t´i, ´ng cho bi’t thÍi gian tı th∏ng 11 tÌi th∏ng 4 hµng n®m lµ thÍi gian m≠a c˘c lÌn, k” c∂ vµo mÔa kh´ Æ” c„ mÈt ngµy trÍi trong næng Æãp kh´ng bfi s≠¨ng mÔ nh≠ h´m nay cÚng kh´ng d‘ c„. ChÛng t´i say s≠a theo b≠Ìc ch©n ng≠Íi h≠Ìng d…n mµ qu™n c∂ chÙp h◊nh vµ cÔng t◊m hi”u tπi sao 7 cˆa sÊ cÒa ng´i Æ“n t≠Óng tr≠ng cho 7 sæc c«u vÂng; tπi sao b¯c t≠Íng cÒa ng´i Æ“n th«n nÛi lπi c„ nhi“u v’t g‚ vµ tπi sao n„ Æ≠Óc so s∏nh vÌi b¯c t≠Íng than kh„c cÒa Jerusalem. Pisnou n„i rªng: C„ th” Machu Pichu kh´ng qu∏ cÊ x≠a nh≠ nh˜ng di s∂n kh∏c tr™n th’ giÌi nh≠ng »n ch¯a trong n„ qu∏ nhi“u Æi“u b› »n mµ c„ lœ nhi“u n®m sau, c∏c nhµ khoa h‰c cfln tranh c∑i. Vfi tr› cÒa Machu Pichu tr™n Tr∏i ߆t cÚng r†t Æ∆c bi÷t, n„ »n ch¯a mÈt n“n v®n minh c„ nhi“u s˘ trÔng hÓp vÌi thÍi Ai CÀp cÊ Æπi, mËi li™n h÷ vÌi Huayna Pichu vµ mu´n vµn nh˜ng c©u h·i v“ tr› tu÷ cÒa ng≠Íi x≠a.

MÁi chi’c vä ra vµo khu v˘c di s∂n Æ≠Óc ra vµo hai l«n, sau khi chia tay ng≠Íi h≠Ìng d…n vi™n, chÛng t´i quay trÎ lπi lËi vµo Æ” leo l™n Sun Gate cho kfip tr≠Ìc giÍ Æ„ng cˆa, ngæm nh◊n c©y c«u Inca tı xa vµ chÙp ∂nh nh˜ng con Llama Æ∏ng y™u mµ ƪng sau lµ tµn t›ch Inca cÊ. Qu∑ng thÍi gian ngæn ngÒi tı s∏ng tÌi chi“u Æ∑ Æem lπi cho chÛng t´i qu∏ nhi“u c∂m xÛc Æ” tÀn h≠Îng vµ chi™m nghi÷m. NgÂi nghÿ ch©n b™n ng´i nhµ Æ∏ lÓp m∏i l∏ Inca, chÛng t´i ngÂi n„i chuy÷n vÌi c∆p vÓ chÂng giµ ng≠Íi Australia (ph∂i uËng thuËc trÓ tim Æ” leo tÌi Æ©y), cÔng nh◊n ∏nh hoµng h´n d«n bu´ng tr™n n„c nh˜ng d∑y nhµ kho ch¯a l≠¨ng th˘c vµ tri“n ruÈng bÀc thang ph›a xa, li™n t≠Îng d∑y nÛi ph›a sau thµnh khu´n m∆t mÈt ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng ngˆa m∆t nh◊n trÍi. T´i nhæm mæt th∂ tr› t≠Îng t≠Óng tr´i Æi theo gi„ - c∂m th†y m◊nh may mæn v◊ Æ∑ Æ≠Óc Ææm m◊nh trong b«u kh´ng kh› cÊ x≠a tuy÷t di÷u nµy vµo mÈt ngµy næng Æãp v´ cÔng. ThÀt vui khi m◊nh Î tuÊi ngoµi 30 vµ ch≠a c«n dÔng Æ’n thuËc trÓ tim. Tuy c„ chÛt luy’n ti’c v◊ d˘ Æfinh trekking tr™n con Æ≠Íng huy“n thoπi kh´ng thµnh, nh≠ng t´i cÚng Æ≠Óc Æ“n Æ∏p lπi bªng hµnh tr◊nh chuy’n tµu v´ cÔng nhi“u c∂m xÛc. S˘ luy’n ti’c giËng nh≠ khi ng≠Íi ta bi’t rªng thÍi gian tr´i Æi, vÀy lµ sæp k’t thÛc mÈt trong nh˜ng ngµy tuy÷t vÍi nh†t cÒa cuÈc ÆÍi m◊nh.

T´i nhæm mæt th∂ tr› t≠Îng t≠Óng tr´i Æi theo gi„ c∂m th†y m◊nh vıa c„ chÛt may mæn v◊ Æ∑ Æ≠Óc Ææm m◊nh trong b«u kh´ng kh› cÊ x≠a tuy÷t di÷u nµy vµo mÈt ngµy næng Æãp v´ cÔng hi’m hoi... 102


HÄNH TRçNH Ø Hi÷n tπi Æang c„ kh∏ nhi“u h∑ng hµng kh´ng khai th∏c ch∆ng bay xu†t ph∏t tı Vi÷t Nam Æ’n Lima (thÒ Æ´ cÒa Peru) nh≠: ANA All Nippon Airlines, Asiana Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, Korean Air, United Airlines, Delta Airlines... N’u bπn Î Hµ NÈi th◊ c∏c chuy’n bay cÒa h∑ng hµng kh´ng ANA All Nippon Airways lµ mÈt gÓi ˝ tuy÷t vÍi, cn n’u bπn Î Sµi Gn th◊ Qatar Airways lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng. THòi ßiÕM THêCH HúP Ø Bπn n™n du lch Peru vµo t«m th∏ng 5 Æ’n th∏ng 8. ThÍi ti’t lÛc nµy kh∏ m∏t mŒ, nhi÷t ÆÈ ban ngµy kh´ng qu∏ cao, cn ban Æ™m kh´ng qu∏ th†p, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ bπn sœ kh´ng b nh˜ng c¨n m≠a lµm phi“n, thuÀn lÓi Æ” bπn kh∏m ph∏ Peru. PH¶•NG TiåN Di CHUYÕN Ø Bπn c„ th” di chuy”n Æ’n c∏c Æi”m du lch Î Peru bªng xe bus, Æi bÈ, taxi ho∆c thu™ xe t˘ l∏i. Tuy nhi™n, n™n sˆ dÙng xe bus bÎi h÷ thËng xe bus Î Æ©y kh∏ d‘ dµng, gi∏ c∂ lπi rŒ vµ thuÀn lÓi Æ≠a bπn Æ’n b†t k˙ Æi”m du lch nÊi ti’ng nµo Î Peru. ¬M TH#C Ø ¬m th˘c Î Peru kh∏ Æa dπng vµ phong phÛ, nh˜ng th˘c ph»m nh≠ khoai t©y, ng´ Æ“u lµ nh˜ng nguy™n li÷u ch›nh Æ” tπo ra c∏c m„n ®n th¨m ngon, h†p d…n. Bi”n Î Peru nÊi ti’ng vÌi h∂i s∂n, trong Æ„ lµ m„n g·i c∏ Ceviche. Bπn n™n th≠Îng th¯c: SÛp tht pachamanca, tht xi™n n≠Ìng anticuchos... ho∆c c∏c th¯c uËng nÊi ti’ng Î Peru nh≠ r≠Óu rum træng Caliente, trµ Coca ho∆c Matä de Coca, r≠Óu ng´ Chicha de Jora, n≠Ìc tr∏i c©y t≠¨i vµ Cafe Pasado... NH~NG TRÅi NGHiåM KH§NG THÕ Bì qUa Ø Thµnh cÊ, trung t©m v®n h„a Inca: Machu Picchu, Cusco vµ thung lÚng gi˜a sa mπc Sacred, h Titicaca (H tr™n d∑y Andes), Piura - n¨i c„ nh˜ng b∑i bi”n xinh Æãp nh†t Peru vµ lµ "qu™ h≠¨ng" cÒa "§ng giµ vµ bi”n c∂", thµnh phË nh· tuy÷t Æãp tr™n d∑y Andes - Chachapoyas, thµnh phË træng - Arequipa, hŒm nÛi Colca Canyon, s´ng Amazon, ng´i lµng Oxapampa vµ Huacachina, cung Æi÷n cÒa tÊng thËng Peru, nhµ thÍ Santo Domingo.


Text and photo: Lek Chi

Crossing the Bolivian-Peruvian border by road, we began our journey of exploring the Inca civilization through the legendary Andean Baroque Route to Machu Pichu, a heritage site packed full of mysteries.



A small street near Plaza De Armat, center square of Cusco


A BEAUTIFUL AFTERNOON IN CUSCO tarting from the small city of Puno, we passed through many areas bearing the stamp of the ancient Inca before we arrived in Cusco on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Leaving the boisterous and hectic bus station, we headed straight to the Munaycha Casa hotel in the heart of the old town. This hotel, located on a primary school campus near the central square, was small yet attractive. Crossing through the school yard to reach the hotel door we entered cozy rooms straddling a quiet courtyard; a flower-filled garden, woodpaneled verandas, and a small rooftop dining room overlooked the endearing old city.

After checking-in at the hotel, our group eagerly walked to the square at sunset. We fell in love with Cusco almost immediately at Plaza de Armas square: a spacious plaza with fountains, chairs, and beautiful light poles. The square, surrounded by two-story houses adorned with arched terraces, works in harmony with the Roman Gothic architecture of the high steeped Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin located in the center, creating an elegant stage. Peru is particularly famous for its distinctive cuisine; Peruvian chefs skillfully combine world dishes with local techniques to create uniquely Peruvian restaurants. Nearly all of the top-rated restaurants are located in the Plaza de Armas area, in addition to American franchises such as McDonalds and Starbucks. The area around the square is also filled with various souvenir shops and travel agents.



The Inca rail, equipped with a glass-enclosed carriage, allows passengers to take stunning photos of the mountains while inhaling the fresh Incan air. When I originally planned for this trip I was so fascinated by the legendary Inca Trail that I prepared my luggage for a long trek with hiking shoes, clothing and other specialty items. However, for unexpected reasons, we had only four days in Cusco and the surrounding areas; not nearly enough time to thoroughly enjoy this world heritage site.

LEGENDARY ROUTE ON INCA RAIL The Inca Rail train departed at 5:30 am from Poroy station, about 30 minutes by taxi from our hotel. Sitting in a car with wide windows on the ceiling, we happily enjoyed panoramic views as we cruised through the Inca archaeological sites, snow ranges and glittering rows of trees. Red leaves floated atop the winding river that cut the road in two. Along the two sides of the road were wide plateaus each with llamas grazing on grass; in the

distance, snowy mountains appear as if in a dream, a truly poetic scene. The legendary rail continued to unfold beautiful scenes after each mountain pass much like photos flipping through an album. The Inca Rail, equipped with a glass-enclosed carriage, allows passengers to take stunning photos of the mountains while inhaling the fresh Incan air. The Aguas Calientes train station is located in a nice little town with restaurants, hotels, and souvenir shops full of tourists. In the middle of the town is a small church with a lovely flower garden. Because the town is 1500 m lower than Cusco, the impact of the altitude isn't felt here. There are two ways to get to Machu Picchu from here: some small trekking roads that lead straight to the top of the mountain, or a shuttle bus from a private company that transports tourists up the mountain. Gazing down from our gathering point, the trains in the station

looked like scattered matches, while the winding road along the cliffs reminded me of the mountains in northwestern Vietnam. Our guide is an elderly man, he appears to us as a perfectionistic and is incredibly dedicated to his job. Unlike other guides who talk about the grandeur, techniques or the mysteries of the "Lost City", ours spoke in depth about each architectural detail and its meaning. Pisnou, our guide, is as passionate about Machu Picchu as if it were his native home. He said everyone knows how famous and important Old Mountain (Machu Picchu) is in the treasure of world heritage sites but not everyone recognizes that the "Lost City" was often referred to as Vilcabamba. He discussed the detail of Mother Earth in the concept of the "Three-Window Room" building as well as the ideas behind the "Temple of the Sun", he pointed out the significant aspects in the so-called Stonehenge of Machu Pichu. TRAVELLIVE


Closing my eyes and letting my imagination flow with the wind - I found myself fortunate enough to be immersed in such a wonderful ancient place on a rare beautiful sunny day.... Taking us through the residence of Emperor Pachacuti, this little man guided us through the living room, the bedroom, the toilet and the archaeological area presumed to be the dining room, insisting that it was a small garden. Through each stone door he pointed us to the direction of the rain and sunlight throughout the seasons of the year to showcase the sophistication and intelligence of the ancient Inca. We could hear the pride in his voice when he declared that the ancient Inca Empire was the largest empire in the world, spanning six South American countries, noting that it was even larger than the Roman Empire.



achu Picchu is not as majestic as I had imagined, but the integrity of the site is admirable. We had a chance to tour the area drainage system, the water supply network for the terraced fields flowing from an ever-running stream, the amazing staggered stone walls and the intricate Inca trail system that ran through the entire Inca Empire. Our guide continually repeated that good fortune was upon us. According to him, November through April is the season of heavy rains; to have a beautiful sunny day was quite fortunate, even in the dry season. We followed the footsteps of our guide so passionately that we forgot to take pictures. Our minds were stuck on questions such as "Why do the seven windows of the temple represent the



seven rainbow colors?", "Why do the temple walls of the mountain have so many engravings?" and "Why is this wall compared to the mourning wall of Jerusalem?". Pisnou said Machu Picchu may not be as ancient as other world heritage sites but it is full of many mysteries that have puzzled scientists for many years. Machu Picchu's place in the history of the world is quite unique; it contains a civilization that coincides with the ancient Egyptian period, the relationship it holds with Huayna Picchu, and the many questions it contains concerning ancient intelligence. Each entry ticket to the heritage site allows two visits, so after the guide had left, we returned to the entrance and climbed up the Sun Gate just before the closing hour where we contemplated the far off Inca Bridge and took pictures of the lovely llamas against the backdrop of the ancient Incan ruins. The short time from dawn to dusk brought us many emotions to ponder over. Resting on the stone Incan house with the thatched-roof, we found ourselves talking to an old Australian couple who had to take cardiac medicine to climb here while we watched sunset drop over the rows of food stalls and the far off terraced fields. Looking at the mountain range, I felt as if I saw a man's face looking at the sky within it. Closing my eyes and letting my imagination flow with the wind - I found myself fortunate enough to be immersed in such a wonderful ancient place on a rare beautiful sunny day...

I am just over 30 and have no need for cardiac medicine. However, I do have a little bit of regret for failing to go trekking on the legendary road, though my trip was compensated by the emotional train ride to this amazing place. The regret of one who knows that time is flying... and one of her most wonderful days of a lifetime is about to come to an end... JOURNEYs Ø Currently there are many airlines operating flights departing from Vietnam to Lima (capital of Peru): All Nippon Airlines (ANA), Qatar Airways, Asiana Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, Korean Air, United Airlines, Delta Airlines... If you plan to depart from Hanoi, ANA is a great choice, and if you depart from Saigon, Qatar Airways is an ideal choice. BEsT TiME TO VisiT Ø You should travel to Peru between May and August. The weather is quite cool; the temperature is not too high during the day and not too low at night. Most importantly, you will not be bothered by the rain. TRaNsPORTs Ø You can travel to other destinations in Peru by bus, taxi, rental car or on foot. My recommendation is by bus due to the ease of the bus system here. Moreover, the low cost and convenience make it incredibly easy to reach interesting destinations in Peru. CUisiNE Ø Peruvian cuisine is quite diverse and varied; products such as potatoes and corn are the main ingredients creating delicious, appealing dishes. The coast of Peru is well-known for its seafood, including Ceviche Salad. A few must-try dishes: Pachamanca soup, grilled meat brochette (Anticuchos)... or other famous Peruvian beverages such as Caliente White Rum, Coca Tea, Matä de Coca, Chicha de jora corn beer, fresh juices and Cafe Pasado. ExPERiENCEs NOT TO BE MissED Ø Ancient city: Inca culture center: Machu Picchu, Cusco and the valley between the Sacred desert, Lake Titicaca (lake on the Andes range), Piura, home to the most beautiful beaches in Peru and hometown of "The Old Man and the Sea", the small beautiful city on the Andes- Chachapoyas range, the White City of Arequipa, the Colca Canyon, the Amazon river, the Oxapampa and Huacachina villages, the Presidential Palace of Peru and the Santo Domingo church.




Ba l«n Æ’n Paris cho t´i nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m hoµn toµn kh∏c nhau. N®m Æ«u ti™n bÏ ngÏ v◊ Paris hoa l÷ trong mæt nh◊n cÒa mÈt du kh∏ch, n®m th¯ hai quen d«n vÌi ki”u c∏ch Paris v◊ c„ anh bπn trai b∂n x¯ vµ n®m th¯ ba Æ∑ c∂m th†y t˘ tin h¨n ha nhÀp vµo nhp sËng n¨i Æ©y khi v“ lµm d©u mÈt gia Æ◊nh Ph∏p. Bµi: Ki“u Giang - Ånh: Pierre semere



Ng≠Íi Paris ®n uËng sµnh s·i nh≠ng r†t thanh c∂nh, nh»n nha trong c∏c qu∏n cafe, nhµ hµng, khæp c∏c con phË Æ’n hµng ti’ng ÆÂng hÂ. Vıa ®n, vıa bµn c∑i chuy÷n thÍi cuÈc, nh†m r≠Óu, r›t thuËc l∏ vµ ng»ng m∆t Æ„n næng...

GIò °N ß⁄N R¤I! Chuy÷n ®n uËng ki”u Ph∏p chæc hºn tËn ›t nhi“u gi†y m˘c. Th’ nh≠ng, trong mæt t´i, d©n Paris ngoµi ÆÍi thÀt kh∏c trong c∏c kh∏ch sπn 5 sao. H‰ ®n uËng sµnh s·i nh≠ng r†t thanh c∂nh, nh»n nha trong c∏c qu∏n cafe, nhµ hµng khæp c∏c con phË Æ’n hµng ti’ng ÆÂng hÂ. Vıa ®n vıa bµn c∑i chuy÷n thÍi cuÈc, nh†m r≠Óu, r›t thuËc l∏ vµ ng»ng m∆t Æ„n næng. MÈt ngµy cÒa ng≠Íi Ph∏p c„ th” bæt Æ«u bªng b˜a s∏ng tπi nhµ ho∆c trong qu∏n cafe hay ƨn gi∂n chÿ lµ mÈt c∏i sandwich mua vÈi trong nh˜ng qu∏n cafä hay ti÷m b∏nh cho kfip giÍ lµm. Nh≠ng l˝ t≠Îng nh†t vÌi t´i, ch›nh lµ thÍi khæc mã chÂng pha mÈt b◊nh cµ ph™ th¨m n¯c, rÂi c∆m cÙi chu»n bfi th™m mÈt †m trµ h≠¨ng lµi hay hoa hÂng, k’ Æ’n lµ bµy bi÷n bÈ dao n‹a cÔng cËc, Æ‹a s¯ ra Æ” c∂ nhµ cÔng ®n b∏nh m◊ ph’t kÃm m¯t, b¨, hay caramel. S˘ b◊nh y™n †y, †n t≠Óng h¨n t†t c∂. Cfln kh´ng th◊ chÛng t´i käo nhau ra ngoµi dÔng b˜a s∏ng trong qu∏n cafe ≠a th›ch Le Bouquet d'Alesia. TrÍi lµnh lπnh lπi Æ≠Óc ®n b∏nh croissant (b∏nh sıng tr©u) n„ng gifln nh©n chocolate, nh†m nh∏p ly cam t≠¨i ng‰t m∏t t˘ nhi™n kh´ng Æ≠Íng l…n Æ∏ rÂi ngæm ng≠Íi qua kŒ lπi khi’n c∂m gi∏c v´ cÔng d‘ chfiu. ThÍi ti’t Paris nh˜ng ngµy th∏ng 5 qu∂ l˝ t≠Îng khi kh´ng n„ng kh´ng lπnh, mµ kh› trÍi m∏t mŒ d‘ chfiu, nh≠ng khi’n con ng≠Íi ta ch„ng Æ„i. Nhæc Æ’n giÍ ®n tr≠a, t´i c¯ nhÌ m∑i m„n vãm xanh nhÂi thfit n†u vÌi n≠Ìc dÔng lµm tı b¨ vµ ræc rau mÔi. M„n nµy ®n cÔng b∏nh m◊ gifln th¨m nhµ lµm Î qu∏n Au Pied de Cochon, qu∏n c„ c∏i t™n dfich ra s∏t ngh‹a lµ "Ch©n lÓn" thoπt nghe r†t buÂn c≠Íi nh≠ng lπi gæn li“n vÌi c∏c m„n ch’ bi’n tı ÆÒ c∏c bÈ phÀn cÒa lÓn.




ho nh˜ng ngµy Paris u ∏m Ò dÈt, t´i quy’t rÒ r™ ´ng x∑ lµm mÈt b˜a tr≠a bªng m„n m◊ ramen n„ng sËt ki”u NhÀt nhªm l†y lπi tinh th«n tπi qu∏n Kintaro. Ngoµi m„n m◊ ramen n≠Ìc dÔng ›t bäo vÌi thfit heo, thanh cua, rong bi”n vµ m®ng kh´ vıa ng‰t vıa th¨m khi’n tinh th«n t´i ph†n ch†n th◊ m„n c¨m chi™n t´m, tr¯ng vµ gyoza (h∏ c∂o ki”u NhÀt) ∏p ch∂o cÒa ´ng x∑ lπi v´ cÔng ngon mi÷ng. Sau b˜a tr≠a, nhi“u lÛc chÛng t´i t∂n bÈ qua ti÷m cafe th©n quen nghÿ m÷t gi˜a c∏i n„ng ban tr≠a. Qu∏n Cafe De La Mairie lµ mÈt Æfia chÿ y™u th›ch cÒa nhi“u ng≠Íi Ph∏p, trong Æ„ c„ chÂng t´i. Qu∏n nh◊n thºng sang Nhµ thÍ Saint-Sulpice - bËi c∂nh trong bÈ phim Æi÷n ∂nh "MÀt m∑ Da Vinci" (The Da Vinci Code). NgÂi d≠Ìi t∏n c©y Cafe De La Mairie trong mÈt ngµy trÍi trong xanh nh©m nhi mÈt t∏ch s´c´la n„ng hay nh†p tıng ngÙm trµ Æ∏ thanh m∏t, ngæm c∂nh xung quanh, bπn sœ th†y ÆÍi Æãp lµm sao! MÈt h´m Æãp trÍi, vÓ chÂng t´i Æ≠Óc anh trai mÍi b˜a tËi tπi qu∏n Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole vo cÔng Æ∆c bi÷t tr™n mÈt con phË nh· ngay b™n h´ng Nhµ thÍ ß¯c Bµ Paris. Nhµ hµng ra ÆÍi tı th’ k˚ th¯ 16 vµ Æ≠Óc g◊n gi˜ nguy™n b∂n cho Æ’n ngµy nay. TrÍi cµng v“ khuya nh≠ng v…n r†t Æ´ng kh∏ch vµo qu∏n. ChÛng t´i k’t thÛc b˜a tËi, ai n†y Æ“u c„ chÛt men say b≠Ìc Æi trong c¨n gi„ lπnh khi chu´ng nhµ thÍ Æi”m 11 giÍ Æ™m.

DÑO CH•I NGHå THUÜT Nhæc Æ’n Paris, chÛng ta kh´ng qu™n nhæc Æ’n mÈt thµnh phË nh◊n Æ©u cÚng th†y ngh÷ thuÀt. Hai l«n Æ’n Paris g«n nh†t t´i Æ“u ph∂i ghä qua Les Deux Plateaux/Colonnes de Buren



Ng≠Íi d©n dµnh nhi“u thÍi gian th≠Îng th¯c ngh÷ thuÀt tπi c∏c nhµ tri”n l∑m, b∂o tµng hay c∏c c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc. GiÌi ngh÷ s¸ tı ch›nh thËng Æ’n Æ≠Íng phË, Æ“u c„ ÆÒ Æ«y kh´ng gian Æ” th” hi÷n s¯c s∏ng tπo cÒa m◊nh. (Nh˜ng c©y cÈt cÒa Buren) - mÈt c´ng tr◊nh ngh÷ thuÀt sæp Æ∆t Æ≠¨ng Æπi g©y nhi“u tranh c∑i tı lÛc ra ÆÍi n®m 1986 Æ≠Óc Æ∆t theo t™n cÒa ngh÷ s¸ Daniel Buren vÌi 260 c©y cÈt s‰c Æen træng vÌi chi“u cao kh∏c nhau mang nät t≠¨ng ph∂n lπ th≠Íng. Bπn cÚng c„ th” tÌi Trung t©m Pompidou, hay cfln g‰i lµ b∂o tµng ngh÷ thuÀt Æ≠¨ng Æπi Æ≠Óc Æ∆t theo t™n cÒa TÊng thËng Ph∏p George Pompidou. Tranh, ∂nh, hi÷n vÀt, video Æ≠Óc treo th∂ tı tr«n nhµ, gæn l™n t≠Íng hay in thºng vµo c∏c v∏ch ng®n Æ≠a ng≠Íi xem Æi tı b†t ngÍ nµy Æ’n b†t ngÍ kh∏c.

Ti’n s©u h¨n v“ ph›a b™n h´ng Pompidou lµ qu∂ng tr≠Íng Place de Stravinsky (ra ÆÍi n®m 1983) t†p nÀp d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng l…n du kh∏ch th∂nh th¨i ®n uËng, t∏n g…u trong c∏c nhµ hµng, tr™n lËi Æi. B™n cπnh Æ„ lµ Ƶi phun n≠Ìc Æ≠Óc trang tr› bªng 16 t∏c ph»m Æi™u khæc †n t≠Óng mµu sæc s∆c sÏ l†y c∂m h¯ng tı s∏ng t∏c cÒa Igor Stravinsky, nhµ soπn nhπc ng≠Íi Nga. Ph›a sau Ƶi phun n≠Ìc lµ b¯c tranh t≠Íng c„ h◊nh m∆t ng≠Íi cao hµng chÙc mät cÒa ngh÷ s¸ John Hamon. Chºng ai bi’t g◊ v“ ´ng ngoµi t†m ch©n dung mÈt ng≠Íi Æeo k›nh træng, t„c rËi bÍi Æ≠Óc d∏n ngay b™n cπnh c∏c t∏c ph»m cÒa m◊nh.

Ti≈N Tå Ø Bπn n™n ÆÊi ti“n Euro tı Vi÷t Nam ho∆c theo thŒ Visa thanh to∏n quËc t’. L≠u ˝ ki”m tra tr≠Ìc vÌi ng©n hµng c†p thŒ visa cho bπn tπi Vi÷t Nam Æ” t◊m hi”u c∏c kho∂n ph› khi thanh to∏n bªng thŒ tπi n≠Ìc ngoµi. Visa

ChÛng t´i ghä th®m khu Canal Saint Martin n¨i con k™nh xanh th¨ mÈng Æ≠Óc Æi”m xuy’t bªng nh˜ng c©y c«u quay, c«u thang bÈ, vµ hµng c©y hπt dŒ Î hai bÍ. N¨i Æ©y c„ ti÷m b∏nh Du pain et des idäes Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh ngon nh†t Paris, t´i Æfinh mua vµi chi’c mµ mÌi 3 giÍ chi“u, ti÷m Æ∑ h’t veo! Nhµ s∏ch s¨n mµu Æ· r˘c c„ c∏i t™n Artazart Design Bookstore cÚng lµ mÈt Æi”m Æ’n n™n tÌi Î Paris. Ra ÆÍi tı n®m 2000, Artazar lµ nhµ s∏ch sË 1 ch©u ¢u chuy™n v“ c∏c †n ph»m thi’t k’, nhi’p ∂nh, Æ h‰a, ki’n trÛc, thÍi trang, ngh÷ thuÀt Æ≠¨ng Æπi cÔng nhi“u tranh ∂nh, s∂n ph»m s∏ng tπo kh∏c. Nhæc Æ’n ngh÷ thuÀt mµ kh´ng Æi”m qua ng‰n ÆÂi Montmartre sœ lµ mÈt thi’u s„t lÌn. Ba l«n Æ’n Paris l«n nµo t´i cÚng ph∂i t◊m v“ n¨i Æ©y bÎi ch†t ph„ng kho∏ng, hµo s∂ng cÒa mÈt n¨i tÀp trung nhi“u ngh÷ s¸ sinh sËng vµ bi”u di‘n. Tr™n Æ≠Íng Æi, t´i cË t◊nh ghä qua ti÷m tπp h„a xu†t hi÷n trong bÈ phim hµi l∑ng mπn "Amelie" t´i v´ cÔng y™u th›ch do c´ Ƶo Audrey Tautou thÒ vai, hay cË ghä mæt qua song cˆa qu∏n Au Lapin Agile Cabaret vËn lµ n¨i lui tÌi th≠Íng xuy™n cÒa ba danh h‰a Pablo Picasso, Maurice Utrillo, vµ Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. ßi d«n dµ hÂi nµo kh´ng hay, t´i Æ∑ l™n Æ’n Æÿnh ÆÂi n¨i c„ V≠¨ng cung th∏nh Æ≠Íng SacräCoeur nh◊n toµn c∂nh Paris tuy÷t Æãp.

Ø Visa Æ” vµo Ph∏p lµ visa Schengen ∏p dÙng cho 26 n≠Ìc trong khËi nµy. Bπn c„ th” ti’n hµnh xin c†p visa bªng c∏ch truy cÀp trang web ch›nh th¯c cÒa TLSContact - lµ c¨ quan Òy quy“n cÒa ßπi s¯ qu∏n Ph∏p tπi Hµ NÈi vµ L∑nh s˘ qu∏n Ph∏p tπi TP. HCM v“ c∏c v†n Æ“ xin c†p th th˘c tπi Æa chÿ http:// L≠u ˝, n’u chuy’n du lch cÒa bπn Æi qua nhi“u n≠Ìc ch©u ¢u th◊ bπn sœ ch‰n Æa Æi”m nµo c„ thÍi gian l≠u lπi dµi nh†t Æ” nÈp h s¨ xin visa cÒa quËc gia Æ„. CHi PHê CHO CHUY⁄N ßi Ø Paris hay Ph∏p n„i chung Æa ph«n dch vÙ kh∏ Ææt Æ·. CÙ th”: bπn sœ ph∂i tr∂ tı 1.300.000 VNß Æ’n 2.000.000 VNß cho mÈt Æ™m Î kh∏ch sπn ngay trung t©m Paris. MÈt b˜a ®n tˆ t’ trong qu∏n hay nhµ hµng sœ ti™u tËn cÒa bπn kho∂ng 500.000 VNß. Trong khi Æ„, vä Æi tµu Æi÷n ng«m kho∂ng h¨n 50.000 VNß/chi“u/ng≠Íi vµ n’u mua 10 vä th◊ bπn sœ ph∂i tr∂ 396.000 VNß. Ch›nh v◊ vä tµu cÚng kh´ng rŒ cho n™n bπn c„ th” tranh thÒ Æi bÈ nhi“u h¨n vıa ti’t ki÷m ng©n s∏ch vıa c„ thÍi gian ngæm c∂nh nhi“u h¨n. Tµu Æi÷n ng«m sœ ng≠ng hoπt ÆÈng sau 12 giÍ Æ™m Æ” tr∏nh v“ tr‘. THòi ßiÕM N£N ß⁄N PaRis Ø ThÍi gian l˝ t≠Îng Æi du lch Paris lµ tı th∏ng 4 Æ’n th∏ng 6 ho∆c th∏ng 10 Æ’n Æ«u th∏ng 11 khi thÍi ti’t kh´ r∏o, m∏t mŒ, mu´n hoa Æua nÎ. Ø Nh˜ng ai muËn Æi vµo thÍi Æi”m tı th∏ng 12 Æ’n th∏ng 2 cÚng kh´ng ph∂i ˝ ki’n tÂi. DÔ thÍi ti’t kh∏ lπnh nh≠ng bπn sœ c„ tr∂i nghi÷m Æ„n Gi∏ng sinh ch©u ¢u khi phË x∏, c´ng vi™n, c∏c trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi l™n ÆÃn lung linh cÔng tuy’t r¨i træng x„a.

Khi m∆t trÍi Æi ngang Æÿnh Æ«u vÌi c∏i n„ng oi b¯c, cÚng lµ lÛc bπn n™n t◊m mÈt qu∏n cafe Æ” nghÿ ch©n tr≠Ìc khi kh∏m ph∏ ti’p tÙc. TRAVELLIVE


Paris sœ lu´n lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng ch¯a Æ˘ng bao Æi“u thÛ vfi Æ” kh∏m ph∏ mÁi ngµy, dÔ bπn c„ lµ ai - mÈt t©m hÂn ngh÷ s¸, mÈt t›n Æ »m th˘c hay mÈt kŒ l∑ng du vÌi thi™n nhi™n.

NI≈M VUI MUA S¿M VÄ TRô V≈ VõI THI£N NHI£N ß’n vÌi kinh Æ´ thÍi trang Paris, bπn sœ kh„ k◊m lflng kh´ng shopping, bÎi s˘ h†p d…n tı c∏c ´ cˆa k›nh s∏ng choang tr™n phË vµ cho∏ng ngÓp tr≠Ìc c∏ch bµi tr› cÒa nhi“u trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi dÔ cÊ k›nh hay t©n thÍi, Æ“u Æãp nh≠ m¨. N’u muËn t◊m nh˜ng s∂n ph»m cao c†p, ÆÈc Æ∏o hay mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m mua sæm kh∏c bi÷t, t´i khuy™n bπn n™n ghä qua Galerie Väro-Dodat. Hi’m ai bi’t n„ v◊ vŒ k›n Æ∏o, cÊ x≠a vµ cÚng Æıng b· qua Forum des Halles tÀp trung tÌi 150 cˆa hµng cÒa c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u Æ◊nh Æ∏m nh≠ Nike, Lego, Superdry, Muji, Fnac, H&M, Zara, Celio, Bershka cÔng 17 nhµ hµng vµ si™u thfi Monoprix... Ngoµi ra, v…n cfln ›t nh†t hai khu mua sæm l©u ÆÍi vµ nÊi ti’ng bÀc nh†t Paris lµ Printemps vµ Galeries Lafayette tr™n Æπi lÈ Haussman QuÀn 9. N’u c„ dfip ghä th®m Paris mÔa Gi∏ng sinh vµ N®m mÌi, chæc hºn bπn sœ c„ k˚ ni÷m kh„ qu™n khi nh◊n ngæm hai khu mua sæm nµy Æ≠Óc trang hoµng vÌi sæc mµu l‘ hÈi nh≠ trong cÊ t›ch.



Ng≠Íi Ph∏p nÊi ti’ng vÌi lËi sËng chÀm r∑i, h≠Îng thÙ tıng kho∂nh khæc cuÈc sËng. N¨i Æ«u ti™n Æ” lπi nhi“u †n t≠Óng trong t´i lµ c´ng vi™n Parc de Bagatelle, chËn tuy÷t vÍi Æ” Æi dπo vµ th≠ gi∑n. C∏ch kh´ng xa Bagatelle lµ Bois de Boulogne - vËn lµ mÈt n¨i s®n bæn cÒa c∏c bÀc vua chÛa Ph∏p trong lfich sˆ, n¨i nµy Æ≠Óc xem lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng "l∏ phÊi" cÒa Paris. Vµo nh˜ng ngµy Paris trÍi Æãp, ng≠Íi d©n th›ch rÒ nhau ra c´ng vi™n tæm næng hay nªm dµi Ɖc s∏ch. Jardins du Luxembourg thu hÛt kh∏ch vi’ng th®m v◊ vŒ Æãp ri™ng bi÷t cÒa m◊nh. Khu v≠Ín 25 hecta nµy ra ÆÍi vµo n®m 1612 tı s∏ng ki’n cÒa Hoµng hÀu Marie de Medici - vÓ cÒa Vua Henry Æ÷ t¯. Kh∏ch c„ th” ghä th®m v≠Ín c©y ®n tr∏i vÌi ÆÒ giËng t∏o hay trπi nu´i ong l†y mÀt vµ khu nhµ k›nh vÌi ÆÒ bÈ s≠u tÀp hoa lan vµ mÈt v≠Ín hÂng. R∂i r∏c khæp c´ng vi™n lµ hµng tr®m b¯c t≠Óng bªng Æ∏, Ƶi phun n≠Ìc vµ nhµ tri”n l∑m, h¯a hãn nh˜ng Æi“u kh∏m ph∏ mÌi mŒ. T´i tin rªng, mÈt chuy’n kh∏m ph∏ Paris - kinh Æ´ cÒa ∏nh s∏ng, dÔ ›t hay nhi“u cÚng ÆÒ Æ” truy“n c∂m h¯ng cho chÛng ta - nh˜ng con ng≠Íi v®n minh, y™u c∏i Æãp vµ Æam m™ kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi. Paris sœ lu´n lµ mÈt n¨i l˝ t≠Îng ch¯a Æ˘ng bao Æi“u thÛ vfi Æ” kh∏m ph∏ mÁi ngµy dÔ bπn c„ lµ ai - mÈt t©m hÂn ngh÷ s¸, mÈt t›n Æ »m th˘c hay mÈt kŒ l∑ng du vÌi thi™n nhi™n.

CÉC MïN NGON N£N TH^ Ø N’u c„ Æi“u ki÷n, bπn n™n thˆ cµng nhi“u m„n Î Paris cµng tËt v◊ nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m nµy hoµn toµn x¯ng Æ∏ng. Tuy nhi™n c„ mÈt vµi m„n Ph∏p truy“n thËng nh†t Ænh bπn Æıng b· lÏ nh≠: Magret de Canard: Lµm tı ¯c ngan vËn Æ≠Óc nu´i Æ” lµm gan ngÁng (foie gras). Tht ngan cho v tht ng‰t, ngon, bäo ÆÀm Ƶ h¨n c∏c loπi th´ng th≠Íng. 

C´te de Boeuf: Lµ m„n b n≠Ìng tr¯ danh ®n vÌi muËi hÈt to, rau mÔi vµ khoai t©y chi™n. CÚng c„ mÈt sË nhµ hµng sœ phÙc vÙ m„n b nµy cÔng vÌi sËt ti™u, ho∆c sËt ph´ mai ®n kÃm salad vµ rau cÒ. 

Vãm xanh n†u b¨ vµ rau mÔi ®n cÔng khoai t©y chi™n ho∆c c∏c loπi h∂i s∂n nh≠ hµu sËng ®n kÃm chanh, b¨ vµ b∏nh m◊. 

MÉCH BÑN Ø Nh˜ng qu∏n cafä, nhµ hµng bπn n™n ghä khi Æ’n Paris: Qu∏n cafe Le Bouquet d'Alesia (75 ßπi lÈ Avenue du Gänäral Leclerc, QuÀn 14) nªm ÆËi di÷n nhµ thÍ Saint-Pierrede-Montrouge. 

Cafe De La Mairie (8 Place Saint-Sulpice, QuÀn 6 Paris): Lµ Æa chÿ y™u th›ch cÒa nhi“u ng≠Íi Ph∏p. 

Qu∏n Au Pied de Cochon nªm ngay trung quÀn 1 Paris (sË 6 phË Coquilliere). ß©y lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng qu∏n ngon vµ nÊi ti’ng bÀc nh†t Paris ra ÆÍi tı n®m 1947. 

Qu∏n Kintaro ( 24 PhË SaintAugustin, QuÀn 2): H≠¨ng v NhÀt B∂n. 

Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole (sË 24 PhË Chanoinesse QuÀn 4): Ra ÆÍi tı th’ k˚ th¯ 16 (cÔng thÍi Æi”m x©y d˘ng cÒa Nhµ thÍ ß¯c Bµ Paris) vµ Æ≠Óc g◊n gi˜ nguy™n b∂n cho Æ’n ngµy nay. 

lifestyle Text: Kieu Giang - Photos: Pierre semere

The three times I have spent in Paris have each given me completely different experiences. The first time, I felt strange with the thoughts of a tourist taking in the splendidness of Paris. Then, I became more familiar to the Parisian lifestyle thanks to my native boyfriend during my second year and finally, I felt more confident and fell into the rhythm of life here during my third year, in the role of a daughter-in-law in a French family.



LeT'S eAT! ("Ä TAbLe!")


he media has wasted plenty of ink on French food. But, in my eyes, Parisians in real life are different than those at the 5 star hotels. They are gourmand yet very dainty, taking hours at the cafeteria restaurant across the street. During these moments, they discuss current affairs while sipping wine, puffing cigarettes and enjoying the sun. A typical day in the life of French people starts with breakfast at home, in a cafä or just a sandwich bought in a cafä or a bakery as to not arrive late to work. But the ideal time for me is the moment my mother-in-law makes a flavoured coffee jug then prepares another pot of jasmine or rose tea, followed by a preparation of a set of silver ware with cups and porcelain plates so the whole family can eat bread with jam, butter, or caramel together. A sense of peace that is most impressive. Otherwise, we will go out to breakfast at our favorite Le Bouquet d'Alesia cafä. It's cold outside; inside we are eating hot crispy croissants with chocolate filling, sipping fresh natural orange juice without sugar or ice and watching people passing by. This joy makes me feel extremely comfortable. Paris in May is an ideal time for weather: neither too hot nor too cold. The cool air easily makes people feel hungry. Speaking of lunch, I always recall the stuffed mussels cooked with butter, white wine and parsley, accompanied by crispy bread served at Au Pied de Cochon, which literally means "pig's feet", a rather funny name but it is actually associated with the specialities of the restaurants made from every part of the pig.

For the gloomy Parisian days, I love to ask my husband to have hot Japanese ramen for lunch at Kintaro.



Parisians are gourmand yet very dainty, taking hours at the cafeteria restaurant across the street. During these moments, they discuss current affairs while sipping wine, puffing cigarettes and enjoying the sun.

In addition to low fat ramen noodles with pork, sticks of crab, seaweed and dried bamboo, which both smells good and make me feel excited, my husband's choice are fried rice with shrimp and eggs and especially gyoza (Japanese style dumplings) which are also very delicious.

CURRENCY Ø You should exchange Euros in Vietnam or use an international Visa card. Please check with your issuing bank in Vietnam to find out the charges when paying by card abroad. Visa Ø Visa to France is a Schengen visa that is applied to 26 countries in this area. You can proceed to apply for a visa by visiting the official website of TLSContact - the authorized agency of the French Embassy in Hanoi and the French Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City on the visa application issues at the link: Please take note that if your trip goes through many European countries, you will choose the location of your longest stay to apply for your visa. US passport holders do not currently need a visa to travel to France or the Schengen area.

After lunch, we often walk to our familiar cafä to rest in the midday heat. Cafä De La Mairie is a favorite address of many Frenchmen, including my husband. From here, we have a view right in front of the SaintSulpice church - the filming location of The Da Vinci Code. Sitting under the shades of Cafä De La Mairie, with a blue sky above, between sips of hot chocolate or iced tea, you can simply gaze around to see the beauty of life. One day, we were delighted to discover Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole, located in a small street nearby the Notre-Dame Cathedral thanks to a dinner invitation of my brother-in-law Thomas. The restaurant dates back to the 16th century and is perfectly preserved as it existed then. The later the night is, the more guests that come to the restaurant. Once dinner is finished, everyone leaves tipsy to walk in the cold wind as the church bell rings out eleven o'clock pm.

INTO THe ART wORLD Speaking of Paris, we cannot forget to mention about the city of art. On my two most recent visits to Paris, I came to to visit Les Deux Plateaux/ Colonnes de Buren (The pillars of Buren) - a contemporary artwork installation which was the origin of many discussions since its inception in 1986. Named after artist Daniel Buren it has 260 black-and-white striped pillars, creating an astonishing contrast.



An impressive view of "Forum des Halles" shopping mall overlooking to the "Saint Eustache" church.



BEsT TiME TO VisiT PaRis The ideal time to travel to Paris is from April to June or from October to early November when the weather is dry and cool. The period between December and February is not a bad time either. Although the weather is quite cold, you can experience the Christmas celebration when all the streets, parks and shopping centers light up, perhaps even under snow. MUsT-TRY DELiCiOUs DisHEs Ø If possible, you should try as many dishes as possible in Paris as these experiences are worth it. However, there are some traditional French dishes you should not miss such as: Magret de Canard: Made from fattened duck liver. The meat is sweeter, more delicious, and fatter than other types of duck. 

C´te de Boeuf: A roast beef dish served with sea salt, thyme and French fries. There are also restaurants that serve this dish along with pepper sauce, or cheese sauce accompanied with salad and vegetables. 

Mussels are cooked with butter, white wine and parslly, and served with French fries or seafood such as live oysters accompanied with lemon, butter and bread.

TiPs Ø The cafäs and restaurants you should visit when coming to Paris: Le Bouquet d'Alesia cafÈ (75 Boulevard Avenue du Gänäral Leclerc, 14th arrondissement) opposite the Saint-Pierre-de-Montrouge church. 

Cafe De La Mairie (8 Place SaintSulpice, 6th arrondissement Paris): the favorite address of many French. 

Au Pied de Cochon located right in the heart of 1st arrondissement Paris (No. 6 Coquilliere Street). It is one of the most delicious and famous Parisian pubs opened since 1947. 

Kintaro (24 Saint-Augustin Street, 2nd arrondissement): Japanese flavors. 

Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole (No. 24 Chanoinesse Street, 4th arrondissement): It dates back to the 16th century (at the time of the Notre Dame Cathedral) and has been preserved until today. 

You can also visit the Pompidou Center, also known as the Museum of Contemporary Art, named after French President George Pompidou. Paintings, artifacts, and videos hang from the ceiling, mounted on the wall, or directly printed onto the walls, these pieces take viewers from surprise to surprise. Along the Pompidou is Place de Stravinsky (1983), where locals and visitors leisurely chat in restaurants, on the aisle in the noise of sprinkling water from a nearby fountain decorated by 16 impressive colorful sculptures inspired by a composition of the late Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. Behind the fountain is a giant wall-painting made by John Hamon, a person that no one knows anything information about him except his messy-hair, portraits wearing glasses sticked next to all of his artworks in Paris and around the world. We visit the Canal Saint Martin where the romantic canal is dotted with turning bridges, stairs, and chestnut trees along



its banks. This place has the best bakery in Paris - Du pain et des idäes. The bold red painted bookshop, Artazart Design Bookstore, is also a must-visit shop in Paris. Established in 2000, Artazar is Europe's No 1 bookstore specializing in design publications, photography, graphics, architecture, fashion, contemporary art and many other creative pictures and products. It would be a shortcoming to talk about art without mentioning Montmartre hill. I had to come back here the 3 times I visited Paris because of the liberal atmosphere, the pride of a place where many artists live and perform. On the way, I purposely visited a grocery store which is a setting in one of my favorite romantic comedies, "Amelie", played by actress Audrey Tautou or attempted to catch a glimpse at Au Lapin Agile Cabaret, where three late acclaimed painters Pablo Picasso, Maurice Utrillo, and Henri de ToulouseLautrec often came. After wandering around, I reached the top of the hill where

unforgettable memories of these two shopping centers decorated in festive colors; they are right out of a fairy tale. French people are well-known for their laid-back style and their spirit of enjoying each moment of life. The first place that left many impressions on me is the Parc de Bagatelle, a great place to go to walk and relax. Not so far from Bagatelle is the Bois de Boulogne - the historical hunting ground of French kings. This place is considered one of the "lungs" of Paris and on beautiful Parisian days, people like to go to the park for sunbathing or lie-down to read. Jardins du Luxembourg attracts visitors with its renowned beauty. This 25-hectare garden was founded in 1612 by the initiative of Queen Marie de Medici, the wife of King Henry IV. Visitors can visit orchards full of apples, honey bee farms and greenhouses with a wide range of orchids and roses. Scattered throughout the park are hundreds of statues honoring famous French people; fountains and exhibitions on the garden railings also promise new discoveries. I believe that a trip to Paris - the City of Light, is more or less enough inspiring us the beauty of life and the passion for world exploration. Paris will always be an ideal place as it contains so many interesting things to discover every day - no matter who you are - an artistic soul, a foodie or a lover of nature.

the Sacrä-Coeur Basilica overlooks beautiful Paris. As the heat of sun goes across one's head, it is time to find a cafä to rest for a while before continuing the discovery journey.



ome to the fashion capital of Paris and you will find it hard to resist shopping. The attractiveness of the glazed windows on the street will overwhelm you with their decorations; commercial centers whether they are ancient or modern, are always as beautiful as if in a dream. If you are looking for high end, unique or a different shopping experience, I recommend visiting Galerie VäroDoda for a quiet, old-fashioned style, and do not miss the Forum des Halles with 150 famous brand stores such as Nike, Lego, Superdry, Muji, Fnac, H & M, Zara, Celio, Bershka and 17 restaurants along with the Monoprix supermarket... There are still at least two of Paris's oldest and most famous shopping venues, Printemps and Galeries Lafayette, on Haussman Boulevard, district 9. If you have a chance to visit Paris during Christmas and New Years, you will have TRAVELLIVE



MùA TRÉI MñNG VÄ NƒM R\NG ßËi vÌi ng≠Íi Bæc ¢u, kh´ng c„ g◊ thÛ v h¨n vi÷c Æi trekking ho∆c Æi dπo trong rıng vµo nh˜ng ngµy hà n„ng n˘c. Chÿ c«n Æ´i giµy Æi rıng thÀt tËt, bÈ Æ th” thao ÆÛng mËt, kem chËng næng vµ thuËc chËng muÁi, mÁi ÆÈ hà v“, nh˜ng khu rıng Î Na Uy lπi t†p nÀp ng≠Íi Æi dπo. Vµo mÔa nµy, khi m∆t trÍi kh´ng h“ l∆n mµ chÿ tr´i khu†t sau r∆ng nÛi Î ph›a T©y, vi÷c Æi rıng trÎ n™n h’t s¯c d‘ dµng, ngay c∂ vÌi t´i Æ©y vËn lµ mÈt c´ nµng thµnh th. Bµi: Ng‰c quy™n - Ånh: Ng‰c quy™n, nhi“u t∏c gi∂



goµi Æi bÈ Æ≠Íng rıng, cæm trπi tr™n Æÿnh nÛi ho∆c l∏i xe Æπp v≠Ót Æfia h◊nh th◊ mÔa hà cfln lµ mÔa Æi h∏i berries. C∏c n≠Ìc ch©u ¢u n„i chung vµ Bæc ¢u n„i ri™ng lµ thi™n Æ≠Íng cho nh˜ng th¯ qu∂ m‰ng mÔa hÃ, g‰i chung lµ berries. Trong sË nh˜ng loπi berries, c„ lœ d©u t©y lµ c∏i t™n quen thuÈc nh†t Î Vi÷t Nam. Tuy nhi™n, thi™n Æ≠Íng berries Î Bæc ¢u cfln c„ nhi“u h¨n th’! ß«u ti™n ph∂i k” Æ’n d©u t©y dπi m‰c kh∏ nhi“u Î b◊a rıng. N’u d©u t©y b◊nh th≠Íng c„ th” Æ≠Óc canh t∏c rÈng r∑i trong nhµ k›nh ho∆c mÈt sË vÔng c„ kh› hÀu m∏t mŒ Î c∏c n≠Ìc nhi÷t ÆÌi th◊ d©u dπi chÿ c„ th” m‰c trong t˘ nhi™n, Æ∆c bi÷t Î vÔng ph›a Bæc cÒa Bæc b∏n c«u. Tr∏i d©u dπi nh· h¨n c∂ m„ng tay Ût cÒa con g∏i, nh≠ng h≠¨ng vµ vfi th◊ ng©y ng†t, ®n mÈt l«n sœ nhÌ m∑i kh´ng th´i. Vfi d©u ng‰t nh≠ Æ≠Íng vµ h¨i chua dfiu, cfln h≠¨ng d©u th◊ th¨m Æ’n m¯c chÿ c«n h∏i mÈt tr∏i th´i, bπn sœ lÀp t¯c ngˆi th†y mÔi d©u th¨m lan t·a trong kh´ng kh›.



T´i bÀt c≠Íi khi tho∏ng ngh‹, n’u Æ©y kh´ng ph∂i lµ nh˜ng tr∏i d©u dπi m‰c hoang trong rıng do ch›nh tay m◊nh h∏i, c„ lœ t´i sœ h◊nh dung ngay Æ’n m„n kão d©u vÌi toµn Æ≠Íng h„a h‰c vµ nh˜ng ch†t tπo mÔi! Thanh d©u (blueberry) tuy cfln h¨i xa lπ, nh≠ng g«n Æ©y cÚng Æ∑ xu†t hi÷n tπi mÈt sË si™u thfi ho∆c cˆa hµng tr∏i c©y xu†t nhÀp kh»u Î Vi÷t Nam. Tuy nhi™n Æ„ lµ loπi d©u Æ∑ Æ≠Óc ch‰n l‰c giËng vµ canh t∏c chuy™n nghi÷p trong nh˜ng trang trπi lÌn. Nh˜ng tr∏i thanh d©u †y c„ qu∂ kh∏ to, trfln Æ“u vµ vfi ng‰t lπt. Cfln thanh d©u m‰c dπi trong rıng lπi lµ chuy÷n kh∏c. Thanh d©u dπi th≠Íng m‰c quanh nh˜ng gËc th´ng trong rıng th≠a. Cµng nhi“u næng, thanh d©u cµng to m‰ng vµ ÆÀm vfi. ChÛng m‰c thµnh bÙi th†p, g«n vÌi nh˜ng vÔng Æ«m l«y Æ«y r™u vµ l∏ c©y mÙc, kh∏ nguy hi”m n’u ai lÏ tr≠Ót ch©n xuËng Æ„. ß” h∏i thanh d©u, bπn c«n c„ mÈt dÙng cÙ Æ∆c bi÷t Æ” xÛc tıng bÙi c©y nh·. Nh˜ng tr∏i non vµ l∏ c©y sœ l‰t qua ph«n khe cÒa khay xÛc, chÿ Æ” lπi nh˜ng tr∏i ch›n to trfln trong khay. Qu∂ thanh d©u khi ®n sœ khi’n tay vµ m´i bπn t›m rfim nh≠ ®n tr∏i sim

vÀy. V◊ lµ tr∏i dπi, tr∏i nh· vµ vfi chua nhi“u h¨n ng‰t n™n thanh d©u Æ≠Óc dÔng Æ” lµm m¯t, ®n vÌi b∏nh m◊, smoothie d©u rıng ho∆c n≠Ìng b∏nh. MÈt trong nh˜ng m„n tÒ vµo mÔa hà cÒa t´i lµ muffin thanh d©u, n≠Ìng bªng nh˜ng tr∏i thanh d©u nh· x›u mÌi h∏i tı rıng, m◊nh qu∂ cfln d›nh l∏ th´ng vµ th¨m ngai ng∏i mÔi Ɔt »m. Khi n≠Ìng, nh˜ng tr∏i thanh d©u sœ vÏ ra, hfla cÔng Æ≠Íng vµ vani th¨m lıng, ®n ngon vµ dŒo ng‰t nh≠ m¯t tr∏i c©y.

D¢U M¢Y QU≥ HI⁄M VÄ PH@C B¤N T^ D©u m©y lµ mÈt m„n quµ r†t qu˝ gi∏ mµ mã thi™n nhi™n hµo ph„ng ban t∆ng cho ng≠Íi ph≠¨ng Bæc vËn quanh n®m sËng trong gi∏ lπnh vµ thi’u thËn ∏nh m∆t trÍi. VÌi l≠Óng vitamin C l≠Óng x¨ cao th◊ d©u m©y h¨n hºn c∏c loπi berry dπi kh∏c. Ngoµi ra, d©u m©y cfln r†t giµu caroten, omega 3, ch¯a s∏u loπi axit bäo, giµu vitamin B, E, c∏c vi ch†t nh≠ phospho, sæt, magne, calcium... NhÍ Æ„, d©u m©y c„ th” ng®n c∂n qu∏ tr◊nh oxy h„a cÒa t’ bµo, giÛp c¨ th” lu´n Æ«y ÆÒ d≠Ïng ch†t, trŒ trung vµ xinh Æãp.

CÚng v◊ hi’m c„, n™n d©u m©y r†t kh„ t◊m. N„ chÿ m‰c Î nh˜ng vÔng Æ«m l«y Î ph›a Bæc b∏n c«u, cµng l™n Æ’n vflng c˘c Bæc cµng tËt, mµ Æ∑ lµ Æ«m l«y th◊ vıa Æi lπi kh„ kh®n, vıa muÁi bay vo ve xung quanh g©y kh„ kh®n cho ng≠Íi h∏i. Hµnh trang Æi h∏i d©u m©y cÒa d©n Bæc ¢u lµ Òng cao su, ∏o kho∏c chËng th†m n≠Ìc (vµ chËng muÁi), kem chËng muÁi vµ v´ sË nh˜ng x´ chÀu Æ” Æ˘ng thµnh ph»m. D©u m©y m‰c thµnh tıng vπt lÌn, s∏t mäp n≠Ìc ngÀp s©m s†p trong Æ«m, mÁi cµnh chÿ cho ra mÈt tr∏i. Th≠Íng mÔa d©u m©y bæt Æ«u tı cuËi th∏ng 6, käo dµi tÌi kho∂ng cuËi th∏ng 8, tuy nhi™n Æi“u nµy cfln thay ÆÊi theo v‹ ÆÈ. Cµng l™n cao th◊ mÔa d©u Æ’n cµng tr‘, nh≠ng kh´ng bao giÍ qu∏ kh·i mÔa hÃ.



MÈt "Æπi s¯ berry" cÒa mÔa hà n˜a ch›nh lµ phÛc bÂn tˆ (raspberry). PhÛc bÂn tˆ lµ loπi c©y bÙi, hay bfi nh«m l…n vÌi qu∂ d©u tªm (mulberry), vËn lµ c©y th©n mÈc. PhÛc bÂn tˆ m‰c hoang Æ«y nh˜ng lËi Æi trong rıng, thÀm ch› Î nh˜ng bÙi c©y ven Æ≠Íng trong thµnh phË. CÚng nh≠ nh˜ng loπi qu∂ m‰ng mÔa hà kh∏c, phÛc bÂn tˆ lµ loπi c©y ≠a næng. Tr∏i c©y ch›n Æ· m‰ng d≠Ìi næng vµng ≠¨m, xen l…n trong Æ∏m l∏ xanh th…m h◊nh r®ng c≠a, Æung Æ≠a trong gi„ nh≠ mÍi g‰i nh˜ng bµn tay Æ’n h∏i. C„ lœ trong sË nh˜ng loπi berry †y, phÛc bÂn tˆ lµ loπi qu∂ th©n thi÷n vÌi... trŒ em nh†t. Nh˜ng Ưa bä Bæc ¢u t„c bπch kim, mæt xanh trong væt vµ m´i th◊ Æ· m‰ng, vıa mÌi Æi v˜ng tr™n Ɔt Æ∑ c„ th” theo bË mã Æi rıng. G∆p nh˜ng bÙi phÛc bÂn tˆ nh·, chÿ cao vıa qu∏ Æ«u m◊nh mÈt t› lµ chÛng reo l™n nh≠ lÚ gµ con, lao vµo bÙi c©y Æ” t˘ tay h∏i nh˜ng tr∏i ch›n ng‰t ngµo. V◊ Æi rıng tı nh· n™n chÛng r†t th´ng thπo c∏c loπi berry dπi. BË chÂng t´i b∂o, lÚ trŒ con Bæc ¢u †y c„ khi nhÀn bi’t qu∂ dπi vµ n†m th´ng trong rıng cfln sÌm h¨n bi’t Ɖc m∆t ch˜!


TH@ VUI HÉI NƒM R\NG „i Æ’n n†m rıng th◊ Æ„ lπi lµ mÈt thÛ vui kh∏c cÒa d©n x¯ lπnh, mµ ÆËi vÌi c∏ nh©n t´i th◊ h¨i c„ ph«n... mπo hi”m. SÎ d‹ g‰i lµ mπo hi”m lµ v◊ gi˜a v´ vµn loπi n†m m‰c l™n sau nh˜ng c¨n m≠a cuËi hà ƫu thu trong rıng, chÿ c„ ÆÈ chıng chÙc loπi lµ c„ th” Æ∂m b∂o cho bπn... ®n xong v…n cfln sËng! H∏i n†m lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng thÛ vui r†t Bæc ¢u cÒa ng≠Íi d©n x¯ lπnh. Vµo kho∂ng Æ«u th∏ng 8, khi mÔa hà ch›n r˘c Æ∑ bæt Æ«u nh≠Íng chÁ cho nh˜ng c¨n m≠a rµo, b∏o hi÷u mÈt mÔa thu chu»n bfi Àp Æ’n, th◊ cÚng lµ lÛc d©n Na Uy chuy”n tı mÔa tr∏i m‰ng sang mÔa thu hoπch n†m rıng.



N†m vµng sau khi h∏i v“ th◊ dÔng Æ«u chÊi cÒa dao h∏i n†m Æ” quät sπch bÙi b»n, Æıng rˆa qua n≠Ìc sœ m†t h’t ch†t vµ vfi ng‰t. Sau Æ„ bæc ch∂o l™n b’p, cho x›u xiu b¨, cho n†m vµo, kh´ng n™n Æ∂o nhi“u, c¯ Æ” n†m t˘ ÆÈng ra n≠Ìc, rÂi n≠Ìc bËc h¨i h’t sœ c´ Æ∆c lπi Æ≠Óc vfi n†m, sau Æ„ ræc x›u muËi, x›u ti™u l™n rÂi d‰n ra ®n cÔng vÌi thfit vi™n ki”u ThÙy ßi”n, steak tu«n lÈc kÃm khoai t©y vµ c∏c loπi rau cÒ h«m. VÀy lµ xong mÈt b˜a tËi ngon lµnh sau mÈt ngµy Æi rıng thÛ vfi.

TH§NG TiN TH£M Ø Rıng Î c∏c n≠Ìc Bæc ¢u tuy kh´ng c„ ræn, væt, nh÷n ÆÈc ho∆c nh˜ng loπi c´n trÔng nguy hi”m kh∏c nh≠ng lπi c„ kh∏ nhi“u muÁi lÌn. V◊ vÀy, n’u c„ ˝ Ænh Æi rıng, bπn n™n mang theo thuËc chËng muÁi vµ kem Æ” thoa l™n v’t muÁi ÆËt. Ø MÈt sË loπi qu∂ m‰ng ÆÈc c„ mµu sæc r†t h†p d…n vµ h≠¨ng th¨m, thÀm ch› c„ h◊nh d∏ng giËng vÌi nh˜ng loπi qu∂ m‰ng ®n Æ≠Óc. N’u kh´ng bi’t r‚, bπn kh´ng n™n t˘ ˝ h∏i ®n Æ” tr∏nh nguy hi”m. Ø N’u c„ ˝ Ænh h∏i n†m, bπn ph∂i c„ ki’n th¯c r†t tËt v“ c∏c loπi n†m ®n Æ≠Óc vµ n†m ÆÈc trong rıng, ho∆c c„ th” li™n h÷ c∏c tour h∏i n†m, c∏c nh„m h∏i n†m c„ h≠Ìng d…n vi™n lµ ng≠Íi Æa ph≠¨ng, c„ kinh nghi÷m vµ hi”u bi’t v“ n†m. Tuy÷t ÆËi kh´ng t˘ ˝ h∏i nh˜ng loπi n†m kh´ng bi’t r‚ t™n, ho∆c kh´ng chæc chæn v“ h◊nh d∏ng, mµu sæc... Vµo mÔa n†m, Î b◊a rıng th≠Íng c„ nh˜ng trπm ki”m so∏t Æ” ki”m tra xem sË n†m bπn h∏i c„ an toµn hay kh´ng. Ø Vµo mÔa hà ΠBæc ¢u th≠Íng hay c„ m≠a phÔn, bπn n™n mang theo ∏o m≠a, ∏o kho∏c chËng n≠Ìc vµ chËng gi„, Òng Æi m≠a vµ t†t kh´ Æ” thay n’u giµy b ≠Ìt. Ø Nhi÷t ÆÈ mÔa hà ΠBæc ¢u vµo kho∂ng 20 - 25oC, tuy nhi™n nhi÷t ÆÈ trong rıng th◊ th†p h¨n. Khi ch‰n ∏o kho∏c, bπn kh´ng n™n ch‰n nh˜ng loπi c„ mµu s∆c sÏ nh≠ Æ·, cam, vµng... Nh˜ng mµu sæc nµy c„ th” khi’n nai rıng ho∆c

Ngoµi n†m vµng, rıng Na Uy cfln c„ r†t nhi“u loπi n†m ®n Æ≠Óc kh∏c nh≠ n†m b∏nh m◊ (h◊nh dπng nh≠ mÈt Ê b∏nh m◊ nh·, vfi lπt), n†m matblekk tr´ng nh≠ n†m mËi mÔa m≠a Î nhµ qu™, n†m loa kÃn Æen thoπt nh◊n c„ vŒ h¨i Æ∏ng sÓ bÎi mµu Æen tuy“n cÒa m◊nh nh≠ng vfi ng‰t ÆÀm, n†m loa kÃn vµng, n†m l≠Ïi bfl... Nh˜ng loπi n†m nµy, chÿ c„ nh˜ng ai may mæn sËng Î ngoπi ´ g«n vÌi thi™n nhi™n, ho∆c c„ ng≠Íi quen Æi h∏i n†m rÂi v“ t∆ng lπi, mÌi c„ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c. ߨn gi∂n bÎi v◊ n†m dπi

trong rıng, khi Æ∑ h∏i l™n kh·i lflng Ɔt mã, th◊ c«n ph∂i ch’ bi’n ngay Æ” c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng tr‰n vãn d≠Ïng ch†t vµ h≠¨ng vfi tuy÷t vÍi cÒa thi™n nhi™n ph≠¨ng Bæc. BÎi vÀy, "ngh“ ch¨i cÚng læm c´ng phu", vµ mi’ng ngon mÔa thu, Æ´i khi c„ ti“n ch≠a chæc cÚng Æ∑ c„ c¨ hÈi tÀn h≠Îng lµ vÀy!

nh˜ng loπi thÛ lÌn kh∏c b k›ch ÆÈng, c„ th” g©y th≠¨ng t›ch n∆ng cho ng≠Íi. Ø Khi Æi h∏i berries ho∆c n†m dπi trong rıng, ng≠Íi ta th≠Íng kh´ng h∏i h’t ngay lÛc Æ„ mµ chÿ h∏i vıa ÆÒ ®n, Æ” dµnh lπi cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æ’n sau. Bπn n™n chÛ ˝ Æi“u nµy, tr∏nh h∏i qu∏ nhi“u h¨n m¯c c«n thi’t. Ø Theo luÀt Allemannsretten cÒa Na Uy, ng≠Íi d©n hoµn toµn c„ quy“n Æ≠Óc Æi cæm trπi vµ h∏i l≠Óm c∏c s∂n vÀt tı rıng vµ c∏c kh´ng gian c´ng cÈng kh∏c (bi”n, hÂ, s´ng, suËi...). V◊ vÀy, bπn hoµn toµn c„ th” Æi rıng Î Na Uy mµ kh´ng g∆p b†t c¯ ræc rËi g◊. Ø Na Uy vµ c∏c n≠Ìc Bæc ¢u kh∏c c„ mÀt ÆÈ rıng bao phÒ dµy Æ∆c, lπi kh´ng Î qu∏ xa trung t©m thµnh phË. C®n c¯ vµo n¨i m◊nh Æang Î, bπn c„ th” h·i th´ng tin tı ng≠Íi b∂n Æa Æ” bi’t v tr› khu rıng g«n nh†t cÚng nh≠ thÍi gian c„ th” h∏i c∏c loπi tr∏i m‰ng vµ n†m kh∏c nhau. Ø Ngoµi ra, vµo mÔa thu th≠Íng sœ c„ nh˜ng kh„a h‰c v“ h∏i n†m vµ kinh nghi÷m Æi rıng. Bπn c„ th” t◊m th™m th´ng tin tπi trung t©m du lch cÒa thµnh phË. Ø N’u lµ ng≠Íi ≠a th›ch Æi bÈ Æ≠Íng rıng chuy™n nghi÷p, bπn c„ th” tham kh∂o b∂n Æ c∏c tuy’n Æi, trπm nghÿ vµ hµnh tr◊nh hÓp l˝ tπi trang web cÒa Den Norske Touristforening - c¨ quan chuy™n v“ c∏c hoπt ÆÈng Æi bÈ Æ≠Íng rıng uy t›n cÒa Na Uy.

MÔa hà - thu Bæc ¢u tr´i qua ch„ng v∏nh, chÿ chıng non vµi ba th∏ng lµ ng≠Íi ta Æ∑ ph∂i tπm bi÷t næng vµng, berries vµ hoa rıng r˘c rÏ. Nh≠ng c„ buÂn th◊ cÚng chºng buÂn l©u, v◊ khi mÔa thu Æ’n mang theo nh˜ng c¨n m≠a thu b†t tÀn, n’u kh´ng chu»n bfi Æ ngh“ l™n rıng h∏i n†m, th◊ ng≠Íi ta c„ th” l≠Íi bi’ng ngÂi trong nhµ mµ nh◊n ra ngoµi hi™n, nhµn nh∑ hÌp ngÙm cµ ph™ th¨m vµ th≠Îng th¯c mi’ng b∏nh thanh d©u n≠Ìng n„ng hÊi, th¨m lıng nh≠ g„i c∂ h≠¨ng vfi mÔa hà trong Æ„. TRAVELLIVE



To Nordic people, there is nothing more fun than trekking or wandering the woods on a hot summer day. All you need is a good pair of shoes, a nice jacket, sunscreen and some anti-mosquito spray. Each summer, Norwegian forests bustle with hikers. In this season, the sun does not set, but only drifts down the mountains to the west, making it very easy to wander around the forest, even for a cosmopolitan girl like me.

article: Ngoc quyen - Photos: Ngoc quyen, several authors

STRAWBERRY PARADISE In addition to trekking, camping on mountain peaks or mountainbiking, summer is wild berry hunting season. European countries in general, Northern Europe in particular, are a paradise for summer berries. Among the berries, the strawberry might be the most familiar of fruits in Vietnam. However, Northern Europe has more to offer than just that! Wild strawberries grow at the forest's edge. Farm-grown strawberries can be harvested extensively in greenhouses, or in tropical climates, whereas wild berries only grow in the wild, especially in the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere. Strawberries are smaller than 1/3 of a girl's pinky, but their smell and taste is so entrancing that you will remember them forever after one try. Strawberries are as sweet as sugar with a slight sour background; their smell is so pungent that you only need to pick one to spread their

aromatic scent into the air. I laughed at the thought that if I had not picked this wild strawberry by the forest's edge, that perhaps my only notion of a strawberry would be of candy made from tons of sugar and chemicals! Blueberries are still quite rare in Vietnam, but recently they have appeared in some supermarkets and import/export fruit shops. However, the variety seen in Vietnam are those selected for breeding and professional cultivation in large farms. These blueberries are quite large, plump and sweet while wild blueberries grown in the forest tell another story. Wild blueberries grow around pine trees; the more sunshine they have, the thicker and more flavourful they are. They grow in low dusty areas, close to mossy swamps and rotten leafy trees - areas that are quite dangerous if you happen slip down. To harvest blueberries, you need a special tool to separate the berries from the small bushes. The young fruits and leaves will pass through the slotted loops of the tray, leaving only

the collected large ripe fruit. When eating blueberries, your hands and lips will turn purple like when eating the Vietnamese sim. Wild blueberries are smaller in size and more sour than they are sweet. Because of this, wild blueberries are often used to make jam, blueberry smoothies or baked breads. One of my favorite summer pastries is the blueberry muffin, baked with freshly picked tiny blueberries from the forest, still fragrant with the scent of pine needles and damp soil. When baked, the blueberries burst in the muffin, mixing with sugar and aromatic vanilla, bringing a delicious taste as sweet fruit jam.

One of my favorite summer pastries is the blueberry muffin, baked with freshly picked tiny blueberries from the forest, still fragrant with the scent of pine needles and damp soil. TRAVELLIVE




loudberries are a precious gift that Mother Nature has generously bestowed on the Northern people living in the cold with little sunshine all year long. These little berries are incredibly nutritious: vitamin C levels double that of oranges, they contain more fiber than any other wild berry, are full of carotene, omega 3, vitamins B and E, minerals such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, they contain six types of fatty acids... Cloudberries also help to prevent the oxidation of cells, assisting the body in repair and maintaining youth. As cloudberries are rare, they are not easy to find. They only grow in marshes in the Northern Hemisphere, as close to the North Pole as possible. As they grow in swamp-like conditions, it is hard to walk around, especially with mosquitoes buzzing near, their wings beating like a helicopter! Nordic "tools" harvesting cloudberries comprise of rubber boots, waterproof (and antimosquito) jackets, mosquito repellant and countless buckets for the finished product.

Cloudberries grow in large clusters, close to the edge of bogs and marshes, each stem produces only one fruit. Cloudberry season usually begins at the end of June, extending to the end of August, but varies by latitude. The higher the latitude is, the later cloudberry season becomes, though, it is never after summer. Another summer "berry ambassador" is the raspberry. Raspberries are a shrub, often mistaken for mulberry, which is a tree. Raspberries grow wild along forest paths, even in bushes along roads in the city. Like other summer berries,



raspberries are a sun-loving shrub. The fruit ripens red under full sun, interspersing between serrated dark green leaves, swinging in the wind as if inviting someone to pick them. Perhaps among the berries, raspberries are the most accessible for children. Nordic platinum haired babies with clear blue eyes and red lips can easily follow their parents into the forest. When they meet the small bushes, just cresting above their little heads, they cheer as chicks, rushing into the bushes to pick the ripe sweet fruits. Since they become familiar to the forest at a young age,

they know wild berries quite well. My father in law told me that the Nordic children may know of the wild berries and mushrooms in the forest even before they know how to read.

MUSHROOM PICKING PLEASURE Speaking of wild mushrooms, picking them is another favorite hobby of cold country people, which to me personally is a bit ... risky. It is risky because there are a myriad of mushrooms that grow after the late summer-early autumn forest rains, of which only about a dozen can guarantee you still... live... after eating. Mushroom picking is one of the Nordic pleasures in the cold country. Around the beginning of August, when the blazing summer has begun to give way to showers, signaling the coming of fall, is when Norway moves from berry season to mushroom harvesting season. Yellow mushrooms, once picked, should be brushed off with the mushroom-knife to clean dust, do not wash with water as it will remove the mushroom's nutrients and sweetness.


Wild forest mushrooms, once picked from the earth, should be processed immediately in order to fully enjoy their nutrients and the excellent taste of the Northern wilderness. Place a pan over heat, add a bit of butter, then add the mushrooms and remember not to stir too much so that the water pulls from the mushrooms, then cook down the extracted water to condense the mushroom taste, sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve alongside Swedish meatballs, reindeer steak with potatoes and stewed vegetables. Here you have a delicious dinner after a fun day in the forest. In addition to yellow mushrooms, the Norwegian forest also has many other edible mushrooms such as bread mushrooms (shaped like a small loaf of bread), matblekk mushrooms that look look like rainbow termites, black chanterelle, which at first glance appears frightening because of its dark color but the taste is deep and sweet, golden trumpet mushroom, tongue mushroom...

Ø Forests in Northern European countries do not have snakes, leeches, poisonous spiders or other dangerous insects, but there are quite a lot of big mosquitoes. Therefore, if you intend to go to the forest, you should bring mosquito repellent and cream to apply on mosquito bites.

are mushroom savvy. You should absolutely not pick mushrooms that you do not know, or are uncertain about their shape or color... During mushroom season, there are usually checkpoints at the edge of the forest to inspect the safety of picked mushrooms. However, unfortunate accidents still happen every year.

Ø Some poisonous berries have very attractive colors and aromas, and even look similar to edible berries. If you do not know it, you should not take a risk to pick it.

Ø Summer is often drizzly in Northern Europe. You should bring a raincoat, a waterproof and windproof jacket, rain boots and dry socks to change into when your shoes get wet.

Ø If you intend to pick mushrooms, you must have great knowledge of the edible and poisonous mushrooms of the forest, or you can take mushroom picking tours with local guides who

Ø Summer temperature in Northern Europe is about 20-25oC, but the temperature in the forest is lower. When choosing jackets, do not choose bright colors such as red,

Only those who are lucky enough to live in the suburbs close to nature, or know someone who often harvests mushrooms, have the opportunity to enjoy these treats. Wild forest mushrooms, once picked from the earth, should be processed immediately in order to fully enjoy their nutrients and the excellent taste of the Northern wilderness. As the saying goes, "playing is also an elaborate art," and even those who have money don't always get the chance to fully enjoy these "delicious autumn pieces"! The summer - autumn season of Northern Europe passes quickly, just after a few months; people say goodbye to the golden sunshine, berries and radiant forest flowers. But sadness does not last for long because with fall comes the endless autumn rain, and if you did not prepare tools to pick the forest mushrooms, you can always sit lazily in the house and gaze out the veranda, leisurely take sips of aromatic coffee and enjoy freshly baked blueberry muffins, fragrantly packed with the whole summer inside.

orange, yellow... These colors can cause wild deer or other large animals to be excited and cause serious injury to people. Ø When picking berries or wild mushrooms in the forest, people often pick just enough to eat, leaving enough for others. You should heed this notion, and avoid picking more than necessary. Ø According to the Norwegian law of Allemannsretten, people have the right to visit, camp and harvest the produce from the forest and other public spaces (sea, lake, river, stream...). You can camp in Norway without any problems. Ø Norway, and other Nordic

countries, have dense forests which are typically not too far from city centers. Based on where you are, you can ask locals for the nearest forest as well as the ideal time for picking different types of berries and mushrooms. Ø In autumn there are mushroom picking and forest visitation courses that provide useful tips. You can find more information at the city's tourist center. Ø If you are interested in professional forest hiking, you can refer to trekking maps, rest stations and for suitable journeys check the Den Norske Touristforening website - a reputable organization specializing in Norwegian treks. TRAVELLIVE









Khi c∏nh ÆÂng lÛa Bæc S¨n chuy”n vµng, mi“n T©y b≠Ìc vµo mÔa tr∏i ch›n, h Inle Î Myanmar mÔa n≠Ìc Æ«y, lavender nhuÈm t›m Hokkaido th◊ b«u trÍi Bristol lπi phÒ nh˜ng sæc mµu s∆c sÏ cÒa khinh kh› c«u. Th∏ng 8, dÔ Î Vi÷t Nam, ch©u ¢u hay ch©u É th◊ thi™n nhi™n, Ɔt trÍi cÚng mang mÈt d∏ng vŒ mÌi, d∏ng vŒ cÒa buÊi giao mÔa. CÔng Travellive ghä th®m nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n thÛ v chÿ c„ vµo th∏ng 8.

Text: Bao Khuyen - Photos: Many authors/Bµi: B∂o Khuy™n - Ånh: Nhi“u t∏c gi∂

When the Bac Son rice fields turn yellow, Southwestern Vietnam begins its harvest, the Inle Lake in Myanmar fills to the brim, lavender paints Hokkaido's hills while the Bristol sky shines with colorful balloons. In August, whether in Vietnam, Europe or Asia, the world dawns a new look: the changing of the seasons. Come along with Travellive to these exciting August destinations.


B¿C S•N - "TƒM THÅM XANH AI TRÅI DÄI X` LÑNG" h∏ng 8, thung lÚng Bæc S¨n Æ≠Óc nhuÈm vµng mµu lÛa ch›n, Æ©y ch›nh lµ thÍi Æi”m Bæc S¨n Æãp nh†t n®m. LÛc nµy, nh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng lÛa Bæc S¨n Æang chuy”n d«n sang mÈt mµu vµng „ng ∂. Vµo buÊi s∏ng, n’u Ưng tr™n Æÿnh Nµ Lay, bπn c„ th” ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh thung lÚng »n hi÷n trong lÌp s≠¨ng mÍ tuy÷t Æãp, c„ nÛi rıng bao phÒ, c„ c∏nh ÆÂng lÛa ch›n vµ c„ dflng s´ng uËn l≠Ón. ßi”m Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa c∏nh ÆÂng lÛa Bæc S¨n lµ nh˜ng thˆa ruÈng Æ≠Óc gieo mπ kh´ng Æ“u nhau, n™n mÔa lÛa ch›n bπn sœ th†y c∏c thˆa ruÈng nh≠ nh˜ng ´ mµu Æan xen Æãp mæt. C„ ´ cfln „ng ∏nh n≠Ìc, c„ ´ cfln tr¨ mµu n©u cÒa Ɔt, c„ ´ lÛa v…n cfln xanh m¨n mÎn nh≠ng c„ nh˜ng ´ lÛa Æ∑ chuy”n sang vµng. T†t c∂ tπo n™n mÈt b¯c tranh phong c∂nh h˜u t◊nh.

BAC SON - A GREEN CARPET THROUGHOUT LANG SON In August, the Bac Son rice fields gradually turn, dying the entire area a deep golden color. This is the most beautiful time of the year to visit Bac Son. In the morning, if you stand on Na Lay peak, you can admire the panoramic valley shrouded in a delicate mist, sheltered by mountains with ripe rice fields and winding rivers.

The special feature of the Bac Son rice fields is that the fields are sown alternately, so that during ripe rice season the fields appear as a colorful patchwork. There are squares of iridescent water, brown earth, rich green and vibrant yellow. Each square lends to a greater work of art like that of a quilt.

TH§NG TIN TH£M Ø Di chuy”n: Bæc S¨n thuÈc tÿnh Lπng S¨n, nªm Î vÔng ß´ng Bæc Vi÷t Nam c∏ch Hµ NÈi 160 km. L†y Hµ NÈi lµm trung t©m th◊ tı Æ©y bπn c„ th” Æ„n xe kh∏ch Æ” Æ’n Bæc S¨n. Ø ¬m th˘c: LÓn quay mæc mÀt vµ r≠Óu M…u S¨n lµ 2 Æ∆c s∂n nÊi ti’ng Î Lπng S¨n mµ bπn n™n thˆ. Ngoµi ra, Bæc S¨n cn c„ b∏nh coong phÔ vµ b∏nh cao sªng. Ø M∏ch nh·: H∑y dµnh 3 - 4 ngµy cho chuy’n Æi nµy bÎi Æ©y lµ vÔng

Ɔt c„ nhi“u nät v®n h„a thÛ v cÒa d©n tÈc Tµy, NÔng vµ Dao. V◊ th’ chuy’n Æi sœ lµ c¨ hÈi cho bπn ha m◊nh vµo cuÈc sËng b◊nh d cÒa ng≠Íi b∂n Æa. B™n cπnh Æ„ th∏c ß®ng M, Æ◊nh N´ng LÙc, lµng Qu˙nh S¨n lµ nh˜ng Æa danh nÊi ti’ng bπn c„ th” ghä th®m. MORE INFORMATION Ø Transport: Bac Son is in Lang Son province, located in Northeastern Vietnam, 160 km from Hanoi. From Hanoi, you can take a car to Bac Son.

Ø Food: Roasted pork with honey and Mau Son wine are two very famous specialties in Lang Son worth trying. In addition, Bac Son also has "coong phu" and "cao sang" cakes. Ø Tips: Look to spend 3 - 4 days in Bac Son to fully explore the cultural heritage of the Tay, Nung and Dao ethnicities. This trip is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the simple life of the indigenous peoples. Other famous sites worthy of visit in this area include Dang Mo Waterfall, Nong Luc temple, and Quynh Son village. TRAVELLIVE



MI≈N T¢Y MùA TRÉI C¢Y CHêN MñNG ’n mi“n T©y mÔa nµo cÚng Æãp, mÁi mÔa mang mÈt Æ∆c tr≠ng ri™ng. Tuy nhi™n, n’u muËn th≠Îng th¯c tr∏i c©y t≠¨i ngon tπi v≠Ín th◊ nh†t Æfinh ph∂i Æi vµo mÔa hÃ, tı th∏ng 6 Æ’n th∏ng 8. LÛc nµy, bπn c„ th” ghä v≠Ín tr∏i c©y M¸ Kh∏nh - C«n Th¨ Æ” th≠Îng th¯c ch´m ch´m, mÀn, m›t, s«u ri™ng... nh˜ng loπi tr∏i c©y lÛc nµo cÚng tr‹u qu∂. Bπn n™n ghä th®m V‹nh Kim Æ” th≠Îng th¯c vÛ s˜a Lfl RÃn nÊi ti’ng. ThÍi Æi”m nµy, dÔ bπn ghä vµo b†t c¯ khu v≠Ín nµo th◊ bπn cÚng sœ cho∏ng ngÓp vÌi nh˜ng v≠Ín c©y sai tr∏i. Ngoµi ra, bπn Æıng qu™n dÀy sÌm Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m tr‰n vãn cuÈc sËng tr™n s´ng tπi chÓ nÊi C∏i R®ng - mÈt trong hai chÓ nÊi lÌn nh†t vÔng T©y Nam BÈ. VÌi nh˜ng ai ch≠a ti’p xÛc vÌi mi“n s´ng n≠Ìc th◊ Æ©y lµ c¨ hÈi tuy÷t vÍi Æ” bπn hi”u th™m v“ con ng≠Íi vµ lËi sËng cÒa ng≠Íi mi“n T©y ch©n ch†t.

SOUTHWESTERN VIETNAM FRUIT HARVEST Southwestern Vietnam is beautiful all year long due to the special characteristics of each season. However, if you want to enjoy fresh fruits straight from the source, you should visit in the summer, from June to August. Drop in at My Khanh garden in Can Tho to enjoy rambutan, plum, jackfruit, durian... each fruit is bursting with flavor. Head to Vinh Kim, another must-see area, to enjoy the famous Lo Ren star apple. This garden of ripe fruits will overwhelm your senses and have your taste-buds tingling. Don't forget to get up early and experience the river life of the Cai Rang floating market one of the two largest floating markets in the Southwest. For those who have never truly experienced the river, this is a great opportunity to understand more about the Southwestern way of life.

TH§NG TIN TH£M Ø Di chuy”n: Mi“n T©y c„ s©n bay C«n Th¨, bπn chÿ c«n Æ’n s©n bay nµy vµ di chuy”n bªng xe kh∏ch Æ’n c∏c tÿnh l©n cÀn. N’u Î Sµi Gn bπn cÚng c„ th” di chuy”n bªng xe m∏y. Ø ¬m th˘c: ¬m th˘c mi“n T©y r†t nÊi ti’ng, Æ’n Æ©y rÂi bπn kh´ng th” b· qua canh chua c∏ linh b´ng Æi™n Æi”n, l»u mæm, bÛn c∏ Ch©u ßËc, c∏ l„c n≠Ìng trui...



Ø M∏ch nh·: ß’n th®m mi“n T©y bπn chÿ c«n Æi 3 ngµy lµ ÆÒ. V◊ Æ©y lµ mi“n s´ng n≠Ìc n™n bπn c«n l˘a ch‰n giµy däp vµ trang phÙc phÔ hÓp cho vi÷c Æi lπi cÒa bπn. MORE INFORMATION Ø Transport: In the west is Can Tho Airport, from here you can travel by car to the neighboring provinces. If you depart from Saigon, you can travel here by motorbike.

Ø Food: Southwestern cuisine is renowned. When in the Southwest, you cannot ignore these local delicacies: sour soup with local fish (ca linh) and common sesban, fish sauce hot pot, Chau Doc fish noodle, grilled snakehead fish... Ø Tip: 3 days is enough to visit the Southwest. This area is primarily made up of rivers, so keep in mind suitable shoes and clothes for your travel.


H¤ INLE MùA N¶õC ß¡Y H Inle lµ mÈt trong hai h n≠Ìc ng‰t lÌn nh†t Myanmar, nªm Î trung t©m bang Shan. Inle c„ hai mÔa, mÔa n≠Ìc cπn r¨i vµo th∏ng 5 vµ mÔa n≠Ìc Æ«y r¨i vµo th∏ng 8. ChÁ s©u nh†t cÒa h lµ 6 m, tuy nhi™n vµo mÔa n≠Ìc Æ«y, m˘c n≠Ìc c„ th” d©ng l™n cao. H Inle mang vŒ Æãp y™n b◊nh cÒa mi“n qu™ s´ng n≠Ìc vµ lµ n¨i sinh sËng cÒa tÈc ng≠Íi Inthar. H∑y dÀy thÀt sÌm Æ” Æ„n b◊nh minh tr™n h vµ ngæm nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æ∏nh c∏ vËn nÊi ti’ng tr™n toµn th’ giÌi qua nh˜ng b¯c h◊nh. Ngoµi ra, Î Æ©y cfln c„ tÈc ng≠Íi cÊ dµi cfln r†t ›t ng≠Íi tr™n th’ giÌi. H‰ cÚng lµ nh˜ng "nh©n vÀt" Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa c∏c nhi’p ∂nh gia. Bπn cÚng chÌ qu™n chi™m ng≠Ïng nh˜ng ng´i chÔa nÊi tr™n m∆t n≠Ìc vµ ghä th®m nh˜ng nhµ gÁ cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Inle.

INLE LAKE IN HIGH-WATER SEASON Inle lake is one of the two largest freshwater lakes in Myanmar, located in the central Shan State. Inle has two seasons, the dry season in May and the high-water season in August. The deepest point of the lake is 6 meters, but during the high season, the water is much deeper. Inle Lake, home to the Inthar people, offers peaceful countryside beauty. Wake up early to catch the sun breaking on the lake and watch the famous fishermen that appear in well-known photographs all over the world. In addition, there is also the extraordinary "long-necked" ethnic group. These incredible people are commonly the topic of many photographers. Make sure to save time to admire the floating temples and wooden architecture of the Inle people.

TH§NG TIN TH£M Ø Di chuy”n: Bπn sœ bay tı Vi÷t Nam sang thµnh phË Yangon sau Æ„ di chuy”n bªng ´ t´ hay xe bus Æ” Æ’n khu v˘c h Inle. Tπi Æ©y, bπn thu™ thuy“n Æ” kh∏m ph∏ cuÈc sËng tr™n hÂ. Ø ¬m th˘c: MÈt Æ∆c s∂n nÊi bÀt cÒa Inle lµ cµ chua. B™n cπnh Æ„ c∏c m„n nh≠ gµ n≠Ìc sËt, canh chua ng‰t, canh sÛp, cµ ri vµ hÒ ti’u Æ∆c s∂n cÒa Shan. Ø M∏ch nh·: Bπn n™n Î mÈt kh∏ch sπn g«n hÂ, gi∏ c∂ Î Æ©y kh´ng qu∏ Ææt Æ·. Bπn c„ th” ghä h Inle tı mÈt - hai ngµy, vµ k’t hÓp vÌi c∏c Æa danh nÊi ti’ng kh∏c cÒa Myanmar. MORE INFORMATION Ø Transfer: You can fly from Vietnam to Yangon city then travel by car or bus to the Inle Lake area. Here, you can rent a boat to explore the lake life. Ø Food: The outstanding specialty of Inle is the tomato. Aside from tomatoes, dishes such as chicken with sauce, sweet and sour soup, curry and Shan's clear rice noodle soup are favorites. Ø Tip: You should stay by the lake where hotel prices are lower. You can visit Inle Lake for 1 - 2 days and can combine your trip with visits to other Myanmar landmarks.



TH§NG TIN TH£M Ø Di chuy”n: Tı trung t©m Hokkaido bπn c„ th” di chuy”n bªng ´ t´ ho∆c ph≠¨ng ti÷n c´ng cÈng Æ” tÌi n´ng tr≠Íng Tomita. N´ng tr≠Íng nµy thuÈc thµnh phË Furano, Hokkaido. Ø ¬m th˘c: ßıng qu™n tÀn h≠Îng thi™n Æ≠Íng »m th˘c khi tÌi Hokkaido. Cua hoµng Æ’, cua l´ng, tr¯ng c∏ muËi hay m„n c∏ kinki shioyaki ch›nh lµ Æ∆c s∂n nÊi ti’ng Î n¨i Æ©y. Ø M∏ch nh·: ThÍi gian hoπt ÆÈng cÒa n´ng trπi lµ 24/24. Ri™ng c∏c cˆa hµng b∏n Æ l≠u ni÷m sœ mÎ cˆa tı 8h30 Æ’n 17h30 vµo mÔa hÃ. Bπn c„ th” dµnh mÈt ngµy Æ” th®m n´ng trπi nh≠ng c«n tı 3 ngµy Æ” du lch Hokkaido v◊ Î Æ©y c„ v´ vµn Æa Æi”m thÛ v kh∏c nh≠ H tr∏i tim Î Erimo vµ H t˘ nhi™n Shikotsu. MORE INFORMATION Ø Transportation: From Hokkaido center, you can travel by car or use public transport to get to Tomita Farm. This farm is located in Furano, Hokkaido. Ø Food: Do not forget to enjoy the gastronomic delights of Hokkaido. King crab, hairy crab, caviar and shioyaki kinki are a few famous specialties here. Ø Tip: The farm is open 24/7. Private souvenir shops open from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm in summer. You can visit the farm in a day but need to spend about 3 days to visit Hokkaido as there are countless interesting places such as Erimo heart-shaped lake and Lake Shikotsu.







Kh´ng giËng vÌi hoa anh Ƶo chÿ nÎ rÈ trong mÈt thÍi gian ngæn, mÔa hoa lavender th≠Íng käo dµi hai th∏ng. ô Hokkaido (NhÀt B∂n), mÔa hoa bæt Æ«u vµo th∏ng 7 vµ nÎ rÈ vµo th∏ng 8. Lavender kh´ng Æ≠Óc coi lµ loµi hoa qu˝ tÈc, cÚng kh´ng ph∂i loµi hoa hi’m. Tuy nhi™n, vÌi h≠¨ng th¨m nÂng nµn vµ vŒ Æãp l∑ng mπn cÒa sæc t›m Lavender v…n m™ Ææm lflng ng≠Íi.

ristol nªm Î ph›a T©y Nam n≠Ìc Anh, c∏ch London kho∂ng 3 ti’ng l∏i xe. ß©y lµ Æfia Æi”m tÊ ch¯c l‘ hÈi khinh kh› c«u quËc t’ hµng n®m. N’u bπn ghä th®m Bristol vµo kho∂ng gi˜a th∏ng 8, bπn sœ c„ c¨ hÈi chi™m ng≠Ïng hµng tr®m khinh kh› c«u ÆÒ mµu sæc, h◊nh d∏ng, bay tr™n b«u trÍi. N®m 2017, l‘ hÈi khinh kh› c«u Bristol Æ∑ thu hÛt nˆa tri÷u ng≠Íi tham gia, cÔng 150 khinh kh› c«u Æ’n tı nhi“u quËc gia tr™n th’ giÌi. Vµo mÔa l‘ hÈi, bπn c„ th” cÔng ng≠Íi d©n cæm trπi, tham gia c∏c hoπt ÆÈng ngoµi trÍi vµ chÍ ÆÓi ngæm nh◊n b«u trÍi r˘c rÏ.

Hokkaido mÔa nµy ch›nh lµ mÈt Æi”m du lfich tuy÷t vÍi cÒa x¯ sÎ m∆t trÍi m‰c. Vµo mÔa hÃ, hoa o∂i h≠¨ng phÒ k›n c∏c tri“n ÆÂi. N’u bπn Ưng tı nÛi Tokachi nh◊n xuËng, bπn sœ kh´ng kh·i cho∏ng ngÓp tr≠Ìc vŒ Æãp cÒa mµu hoa nµy.

Ngoµi ra, bπn cfln c„ th” ngæm nh◊n C«u treo Clifton - bi”u t≠Óng cÒa thµnh phË Bristol hay tham quan nhµ thÍ St Mary Redcliffe cÊ k›nh.

ENJOYING BALLOONS IN BRISTOL Bristol is located in the southwest of England, about a three-hour drive from London. Bristol is the site of the annual International Balloon Festival. If you find yourself in Bristol during mid-August, you will have the opportunity to admire hundreds of colorful and shapely balloons floating in the sky. In 2017, the balloon festival attracted half a million participants, with 150 balloons from different countries around the world. During this festive season, you can camp at different locations, take part in outdoor activities and watch the glittering sky. Aside from balloons, you can check out the Clifton Suspension Bridge - a symbol of Bristol City - or visit the ancient church of St Mary Redcliffe.

HOKKAIDO IN LAVENDER Unlike cherry blossoms that bloom only for a short time, lavender flowers usually last up to two months. In Hokkaido (Japan), the flowering season begins in July and blossoms continue through August. Lavender is not considered a noble flower nor a rare flower. However, with its fragrant aroma and romantic beauty, purple lavender still captivates visitors.

TH§NG TIN TH£M Ø Di chuy”n: Tı London bπn c„ th” Æi xe bus Æ’n Bristol m†t t«m 2 ti’ng 30 phÛt. Ø ¬m th˘c: Ngoµi m„n tht n≠Ìng truy“n thËng, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c b∏nh n≠Ìng, trµ kem vµ ph´ mai. Ø M∏ch nh·: Nh˜ng chi’c khinh kh› c«u c„ th” bay l™n Æ≠Óc hay kh´ng cn tÔy thuÈc vµo thÍi ti’t x†u hay

Æãp, gi„ to hay lÌn. V◊ th’ n’u muËn chi™m ng≠Ïng tr‰n vãn mÔa l‘ hÈi, bπn n™n l≠u lπi thµnh phË ›t nh†t 4 ngµy, Æ” vıa c„ th” tham gia l‘ hÈi, vıa kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË. MORE INFORMATION Ø Transport: From London you can take the bus to Bristol in about 2 hours 30 minutes.

Ø Food: In addition to traditional barbecue, you can enjoy pies, tea ice cream and cheese. Ø Tip: The flight of the balloons is dependent on weather. So if you want to fully enjoy the holiday season, you should plan a 4-day stay in order to enjoy the festival fully while still having time to explore the city.

Hokkaido in lavender season is a great tourist destination for the "land of the rising sun". In summer, lavender completely covers the hillsides. Looking down from Tokachi mountain will amaze you with its surreal paintinglike scenery. TRAVELLIVE


Bµi vµ ∂nh: Ng‰c Tr«n - Text and photos: Ngoc Tran

Tea TIME Vi÷t Nam vÌi danh hi÷u lµ n≠Ìc xu†t kh»u trµ lÌn th¯ hai Î ch©u É, trµ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c Î b†t c¯ Æ©u, b†t c¯ lÛc nµo. Kh´ng chÿ bÎi ˝ th¯c v“ s¯c kh·e nh≠ Î c∏c n≠Ìc ph≠¨ng T©y, mµ ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam uËng trµ cn Æ” th≠ gi∑n, trao ÆÊi th´ng tin x∑ hÈi... Vietnam is recognized as the second biggest tea exporter in Asia, where tea is consumed anytime from anywhere. Tea is not merely just for health concerns like in Western countries, in Vietnam, drinking tea is also for relaxing, discussing daily topics...



Ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam uËng trµ cn Æ” th≠ gi∑n, trao ÆÊi th´ng tin x∑ hÈi... Drinking tea is also for relaxing, discussing daily topics...





1. Ng≠Íi Hµ NÈi th≠Íng c„ th„i quen "trµ Æ∏ vÿa hÃ". Nhi“u ng≠Íi Æi xa, Æ´i khi nÁi nhÌ Æ¨n gi∂n chÿ mÈt cËc trµ Æ∏ People from Hanoi have the habit of drinking iced tea by the pavement everyday. Hanoians who live far away sometimes just miss a cup of iced tea. 2. NgÂi ch¨i, tr chuy÷n, uËng "mi’ng" n≠Ìc trÎ thµnh mÈt nät v®n ho∏ ri™ng cÒa ng≠Íi Hµ NÈi Sitting down, chatting and sipping is a trait of Hanoian culture



hitech Text: Bao Khuyen


USEFUL HI-TECH APPLICATIONS AND Khi du lch trÎ thµnh mÈt ph«n thi’t y’u cÒa cuÈc sËng, th◊ c∏c ngµnh c´ng ngh÷ Æ“u c„ s˘ quan t©m kh´ng nh· tÌi m∂ng th tr≠Íng nµy. M‰i th¯ giÍ Æ©y trÎ n™n trong t«m tay, nhanh g‰n, an toµn bÎi c∏c h∑ng li™n tÙc cho ra ÆÍi nh˜ng b∂n ¯ng dÙng cao c†p nh†t, giÛp cho chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn trÎ n™n hoµn h∂o. As tourism has become an essential part of life, technology companies have paid more and more attention to this market. They continually introduce advanced applications, making sure that everything customers need is on hand quick and conveniently. Below are some of these applications and products that help to make a perfect holiday.

TAI NGHE CHˇNG N¶õC SWIMBUDS Cn g◊ tuy÷t h¨n khi vıa b¨i lÈi, vıa vui ch¨i d≠Ìi n≠Ìc mµ v…n c„ th” nghe nhπc. Dng tai nghe cÒa Swimbuds sœ giÛp bπn nghe nhπc ngay c∂ khi Î d≠Ìi n≠Ìc. SwimBuds lµ s∂n ph»m cÒa h∑ng Underwater Audio, Æ≠Óc b∂o hµnh hai n®m. Ph«n giæc cæm vÌi m∏y nghe nhπc Æ≠Óc mπ vµng Æ” chËng ®n mn do n≠Ìc vµ m h´i. SwimBuds c„ thi’t k’ cË Ænh ph«n Æ«u tai nghe bªng mÈt c∆p vµnh tai nghe Æ≠Óc m„c vµo tai ng≠Íi dÔng, Æ∂m b∂o chÛng kh´ng b r¨i khi bπn Æang b¨i lÈi. Swimbuds cn cung c†p 4 loπi eartip kh∏c nhau vµ ÆÒ mµu ton-sur-ton vÌi Shuffle cho bπn l˘a ch‰n. ß∆c bi÷t s∂n ph»m nµy cÚng c„ nhi“u m¯c gi∏ phÔ hÓp vÌi tÛi ti“n cÒa bπn vµ bπn d‘ dµng t◊m mua s∂n ph»m tr™n Amazon. S∂n ph»m c„ gi∏ tı 40 USD - 125 USD

WATErProof HEADPHoNEs SWIMBUDS What could be better than listening to music while swimming and playing under water? Your expectation has been met by Swimbuds waterproof headphones. This Underwater Audio product is guaranteed for up to two years. The headphones connect to the music player by a gold-plated stereo jack to avoid corrosion caused by water and sweat. SwimBuds' flanged design helps to prevent them from falling out of your ears while swimming. Swimbuds offers 4 types of in-ear headphones that combine ton-sur-ton with various waterproof iPod Shuffles for you to choose from. Moreover, these products are sold at reasonable prices and available on Amazon. Prices range from 40 USD to 125 USD


SAMSUNG PAY Samsung Pay lµ ¯ng dÙng thanh to∏n tr™n thi’t b di ÆÈng Samsung, hoπt ÆÈng tr™n n“n t∂ng hπ t«ng chuy”n mπch tµi ch›nh vµ hπ t«ng sË h„a thanh to∏n cÒa NAPAS, Visa ho∆c Mastercard k’t nËi vÌi h÷ thËng c∏c Ng©n hµng Æ” cung c†p dch vÙ thanh to∏n di ÆÈng mÈt c∏ch ƨn gi∂n, an toµn, vµ ti÷n lÓi. Bπn chÿ c«n cµi Æ∆t ¯ng dÙng Samsung Pay tr™n Æi÷n thoπi Samsung sau Æ„ bªng thao t∏c chπm nhã vµo m∏y quãt thŒ, bπn Æ∑ c„ th” thanh to∏n mµ kh´ng c«n xu†t tr◊nh thŒ, cÚng nh≠ kh´ng ph∂i e ngπi v“ vi÷c b Æ∏nh cæp th´ng tin trong qu∏ tr◊nh thanh to∏n. ô Vi÷t Nam, Æ∑ c„ Æ’n 15 ng©n hµng vµ 3 tÊ ch¯c chuy”n mπch thŒ tham gia vµo mπng l≠Ìi thanh to∏n di ÆÈng Samsung Pay, chi’m 75% th tr≠Íng thŒ thanh to∏n nÈi Æa. Ngoµi 3 ≠u Æi”m nÊi bÀt v“ thanh to∏n di ÆÈng, Samsung Pay ti’p tÙc hÁ trÓ bπn tÀn h≠Îng mÈt lËi sËng Æ«y ti÷n ›ch vÌi nh˜ng t›nh n®ng hoµn toµn mÌi. B™n cπnh Æ„, bπn c„ th” thanh to∏n Samsung Pay bªng ÆÂng h th´ng minh Gear S3, rÛt ti“n ATM hay th™m thŒ thµnh vi™n. Samsung Pay Æ≠Óc cµi Æ∆t sΩn tr™n h«u h’t c∏c dng smartphone cao c†p cÒa Samsung

Samsung Pay is a mobile payment service on Samsung mobile devices. The application operates based on the financial switching and digital payment infrastructure of the National Payment Corporation of Vietnam (NAPAS), both Visa and Mastercard can connect to the inter-bank payment system to provide secure and convenient mobile payment services. Once the Samsung Pay application is installed on your device, simply swipe your card on a payment terminal without having to show your card or the fear of your information being stolen during the transaction. In Vietnam, 15 banks and 3 financial switching institutions have joined Samsung Pay's mobile payment network, accounting for 75% of the domestic card payment market. In addition to three outstanding advantages of mobile payment, Samsung Pay continues to support you in enjoying your lifestyle to the fullest with their new functions. Samsung Pay can also be used with the Samsung Gear S3 Smart watch to withdraw money from the ATM and add memberships. Samsung Pay is installed on most Samsung luxury smartphones.



LoA PHÉT NHÑC D¶õI N¶õC WONDERBOOM Loa Bluetooth Wonderboon lµ thµnh vi™n mÌi nh†t vıa gia nhÀp vµo Ultimate Ears. Dng s∂n ph»m nµy ngoµi kh∂ n®ng kh∏ng n≠Ìc cn Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ nh· g‰n, ki”u d∏ng bæt mæt. Ch†t li÷u ch’ tπo cÒa Ultimate Ears Wonderboom Æ∆c tr≠ng theo phong c∏ch cÒa UE vÌi lÌp sÓi d÷t b‰c xung quanh, 2 Æ«u lµ cao su giÛp t®ng ÆÈ b∏m vµ chËng va ÆÀp khi r¨i. K›ch th≠Ìc cÒa UE Wonderboom lµ cao 102 mm, Æ≠Íng k›nh 93,5 m vµ tr‰ng l≠Óng 425 g. ßi”m nÊi bÀt cÒa chi’c loa nµy lµ v· ngoµi Æ≠Óc trang b chu»n chËng n≠Ìc cao IPX7 mµ g«n nh≠ ch≠a h∑ng loa nµo tπi Vi÷t Nam c„. Pin b™n trong loa cho thÍi gian nghe nhπc kho∂ng 10 giÍ. S∂n ph»m nµy c„ gi∏ 1.990.000 VNß



WATErProof sPEAkEr - WoNDErBoom Wonderboom Bluetooth speaker is the newest member of Ultimate Ears. In addition to its waterproof feature, this product has a compact and eye-catching design. The material and structure of Ultimate Ears Wonderboom follows the UE signature style, with textile wrap and 2 rubber tips on both sides to help increase grip and reduce impact when falling. The size of the UE Wonderboom is 102 mm high, 93.5 m in diameter and 425 g. The highlights of this speaker include bright and rich tones as well as IPX7 waterproof standard that no speaker in Vietnam has met. Its inside-battery can offer up to 10 hours of non-stop music listening. Priced at 1,900,000 VND

C§NG NGHå THANH TOÉN VISA VISA lµ c´ng ngh÷ thanh to∏n Æi÷n tˆ hµng Æ«u tr™n th’ giÌi, hi÷n Æ∑ c„ m∆t tr™n 200 quËc gia vµ vÔng l∑nh thÊ. VÌi c∏c s∂n ph»m vµ dch vÙ kh∂ dÙng tr™n m‰i loπi thi’t b nh≠ thŒ, m∏y t›nh x∏ch tay, m∏y t›nh b∂ng vµ thi’t b di ÆÈng. Bπn sœ v´ cÔng ti÷n lÓi khi rÛt ti“n Î n≠Ìc ngoµi, ti“n sœ t˘ ÆÈng quy ÆÊi thµnh ƨn v ti“n t÷ cÒa quËc gia Æ„. ß∆c bi÷t, ng≠Íi dÔng d≠Ìi 18 tuÊi c„ th” sˆ dÙng thŒ VISA tr∂ tr≠Ìc mÈt c∏ch an toµn vµ thuÀn ti÷n. MÁi chi’c thŒ chip Æ“u Æ≠Óc b∂o v÷ theo chu»n thŒ thanh to∏n th´ng minh vÌi nhi“u lÌp b∂o mÀt tinh vi vµ quy tr◊nh xˆ l˝ giao dch k›n kœ. Ngoµi ra, VISA cn cung c†p dch vÙ dµnh cho ng≠Íi giao dch online - Verified by VISA, nhªm x∏c minh chÒ thŒ. Hi÷n Vi÷t Nam Æ∑ c„ thŒ credit/debit/pre-paid, nh˜ng loπi thŒ Æ≠Óc ch†p nhÀn rÈng r∑i Î c∏c ƨn v b∏n hµng trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc. Tr™n th˘c t’, nh˜ng thŒ c„ t›nh n®ng b∂o mÀt cao nh≠ Visa Contactless, Visa Scan to Pay hay Visa Token cÚng bæt Æ«u phÊ bi’n h¨n. Tπo thŒ VISA tπi c∏c ng©n hµng tr™n toµn quËc

VISA payment technology VISA is the world's leading electronic payment system available in over 200 countries around the world. With various products and services available in the form of cards, laptops, tablets and mobile devices, VISA allows you to conveniently withdraw money overseas and automatically exchange cash to local currency. Users under 18 years old are invited to use prepaid VISA cards in a safe and easy way. Each chip-card is protected by smart card standards using sophisticated security layers and confidential transaction processing. Moreover, Verified by VISA is a useful service for clarifying card ownership while making online payments. In Vietnam, you can use credit, debit, and prepaid VISA cards which are widely accepted in both domestic and international transactions. High security cards such as Visa Contactless, Visa Scan to Pay or Visa Token have also become more popular. Open a VISA card in nationwide banks.

`NG D|NG Vê MOMO MoMo hi÷n lµ ÆËi t∏c cÒa 12 Ng©n hµng vµ thŒ quËc t’, Æ≠Óc Ng©n hµng Nhµ n≠Ìc Vi÷t Nam c†p phäp vµ qu∂n l˝. Bπn c„ th” thanh to∏n m‰i ti÷n ›ch khi sˆ dÙng V› Momo. Ti“n trong v› c„ gi∏ tr 100% lµ ti“n thÀt, Æ≠Óc b∂o ch¯ng bÎi Ng©n hµng Vietcombank. Momo Æπt ti™u chu»n b∂o mÀt toµn c«u PCI DSS Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c tµi ch›nh hµng Æ«u th’ giÌi tu©n thÒ. ß∆c bi÷t, Momo cn b∂o mÀt käp vÌi m∑ OTP vµ mÀt kh»u 6 ch˜ sË, kÃm Æ≠Íng truy“n b∂o mÀt theo chu»n GlobalSign.

`ng dÙng hÁ trÓ tr™n h÷ Æi“u hµnh IOS vµ Android

MOMO MOBILE WALLET Licensed and managed by State Bank of Vietnam, Momo Wallet has cooperated with 12 banks and international card providers to

offer a mobile payment platform, promoting the cashless economy. Money in the Momo Wallet has 100% real value and is guaranteed by Vietcombank. Momo meets all requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and has been adopted by leading financial institutions. Momo applies dual security by using OTP code and 6-digit passwords, along with security links adhering to the GlobalSign standard. This application is available on both IOS and Android



 EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES  AIRLINES  TRAVEL AGENTS  TAXIS  HOTELS/RESORTS  RESTAURANTS  BARS/CAFES  SPAS  BANKING SERVICES  SOUVENIR SHOPS  CULTURE  SHOPPING MALLS  SUPERMARKETS HÄ NóI TELEPHONE CODE: 024 EMBASSIES/CONSULATES ¤ GERMANY (29 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3843 0245) ¤ KOREA (28th, Lotte Center, 54 Li‘u Giai *Tel: 3831 5110) ¤ USA (7 L∏ng Hπ, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3850 5000) ¤ MALAYSIA (43 - 45 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3734 3836/49) ¤ SINGAPORE (41- 43 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3848 9168) ¤ THAILAND (63 - 65 Hoµng Di÷u, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 5092) ¤ TURKEY (Floor 14, HCO Building, 44B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3822 2460) AIRLINES ¤ HONGKONG AIRLINES (Unit 801, East Wing, Lotte Center Hanoi - 54 Lieu Giai *Tel: 3946 0404 *Website: www. ¤ JAPAN AIRLINES (30 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 7303 3030 *Website: www. ¤ EVA AIR (Unit 15.02, 15th Floor, Corner

Stone Building, 16 Phan Chu Trinh *Tel: 3936 1600 *Website: www. ¤ VIETNAM AIRLINES (200 Nguy‘n S¨n, B ߓ, Long Bi™n *Tel: 3873 0314 *Website: TRAVEL AGENTS ¤ BUFFALO TOURS (70-72 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 0702 *Websitel: ¤ GOLDEN TOUR (1st Floor, 16 Hµm Long, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6000 ) ¤ CTY TNHH TM & DU LëCH BÑN ߤNG HÄNH - A TRAVEL MATE CO. LTD. (39 Dinh Tien Hoang Str., Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 3926 3370 *Fax: (84-4) 3926 3367) (113C, Bui Vien Str., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City *Tel: (84-8) 38 38 66 78 *Fax: (84-8) 38 38 66 76 (45-47 Le Loi Str., Hue *Tel: (8454)393 44 55/ 393 44 56 *Fax: (84-54) 393 44 57) TAXIS ¤ THÄNH C§NG TAXI ( Tel: 04 3257 5757 Website: ¤ MAI LINH (T«ng 5, ta ATS, 252 Hoµng QuËc Vi÷t *Tel: 3833 3333 *Website: HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ FORTUNA HOTEL HANOI (6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3831 3333 *Website:

¤ CROWNE PLAZA WEST HANOI (36 L™ ߯c Th‰, Nam Tı Li™m *Tel: 6270 6688 *Website: www.

¤ LA CASA HANOI HOTEL Nªm trong khu phË Ph∏p cÊ y™n t‹nh, La Casa Hotel vÌi ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n th©n thi÷n vµ nhi÷t t◊nh khi’n bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c th©n thi’t vµ †m cÛng nh≠ Î nhµ. 84 phng nghÿ, 4 c®n hÈ vÌi thi’t k’ vµ ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi cÔng vÌi h÷ thËng nhµ hµng, qu∏n bar, phng gym, b” b¨i vµ spa sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ. Located in the old tranquil French Quarter, La Casa Hotel with the friendly and enthusiasm will make you feel like being home. 84 rooms, 4 apartments with modern design and amenities, and our system of restaurants, bar, gym, pool and spa will bring you memorable experiences. (17 Pham Dinh Ho St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi * Tel: 6656 0560 * Email:, Website: ¤ LOTTE CENTER HANOI (54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3333 6016 *Website: www.lottecenter. ¤ PAN PACIFIC HANOI (1 Thanh Ni™n, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3823 8888 *Website: ¤ SHERATON HANOI HOTEL (K5 Nghi Tµm, 11 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y H *Tel: 3719 9000 *Website: RESTAURANTS ¤ THE VIN STEAK (7 Xu©n Di÷u Street, T©y H *Tel: 3722 4165 *Website: www. ¤ C•M VIåT (75 Phπm HÂng Th∏i *Tel: 3927 5920) ¤ CLUB DE L'ORIENTAL (22 T´ng ß∂n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 8801 *Hotline: 3927 4641/ 0904 885 414) ¤ DA PAOLO WESTLAKE (32 Qu∂ng Kh∏nh, T©y H *Tel: 3718 6317) ¤ DON'S TAY HO BISTRO (16 lane, 27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 3719 2828) ¤ LONG ßçNH (64B Qu∏n S¯, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3942 9168) ¤ HÅI SÅN NGON (199A Nghi Tµm, T©y H *Tel: 3719 3170 *Website: http:// ¤ HOME HANOI RESTAURANT (34 Ch©u Long, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 04 3939 2222 *Website: ¤ KOTO (59 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3747 0338 *website: www.


SALES DEPARTMENT *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157 - website: ß” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o/ For advertising information



¤ NHÄ 9NKC 9 Nguy‘n Khæc C«n, Hoµn Ki’m, Tel: 090 4943 432 *Website: ¤ NGON VILLA RESTAURANT (No 10, Tong Duy Tan Str, Hoan Kiem District *Tel: 3221 2222 *Website: ¤ MAISON VIE RESTAURANT (28 Tang Bat Ho Str - Hai Ba Trung Dist *Mail: info@maisonvie. vn *Tel: 3633 0206 *hotline: 0904 150 383 * ¤ PHô 24 (31 Hµng Khay, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1812 *Website: ¤ PILSNER URQUELL ORIGINAL (10 Nguy‘n Bi”u, *Tel: 3734 2288 *Website: home.php) ¤ POTS 'N PANS (57 BÔi Th Xu©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3944 0204) ¤ QUÉN °N NGON 26 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m District *Tel: 3933 6133 *Fax: 3933 6135 *Email: ngonhanoi@ ¤ SIXTY SIX RESTAURANT (66 Hµng BÂ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3266 8888) ¤ S` BUFFET (64 Nguy‘n Du, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3941 3338 *Website: BARS/CAFES ¤ CIAO COFFEE (2 Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 1494) ¤ HIGHLANDS COFFEE (6 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 0444) ¤ VPRESSO (45 Ly Quoc Su, Hoan Kiem *Tel: 6270 0408 Website: www. ¤ M-BOX BAR & LOUNGE (23A Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 8820) ¤ PRESS CLUB (59A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 0888) ¤ O'LEARYS SPORT BAR (38 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 5368) ¤ THE KAFE (18 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Ba ß◊nh, *Tel: 37476245 *Website:www. ¤ THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF (28 Thanh Ni™n, T©y H *Tel: 3715 4240 *Website:

¤ THE ROOFTOP (Floor 19, Pacific Place Building - 83B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3946 1901) SPAS/ FITNESS ¤ AMADORA WELLNESS & SPA (250 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3978 5407 *Website: ¤ ANNAM FOOT & BODY MASSAGE (71 Hµng B´ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Hotline: 0932 391 888) ¤ ANAM QT SPA (42 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 6116 *Website: http://www. ¤ AQUAMARINE SPA (44 L™ Ng‰c H©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 2220 6788 *Website: ¤ ELITE FITNESS (51 Xu©n Di÷u, Q. T©y H *Tel: 3718 6281 *T«ng 4 IPH Shopping Center 241 Xu©n ThÒy, Q. C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3788 6688 *25 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Q. Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 8888 *T«ng 6 th∏p C Vincom Center 191 Bµ Tri÷u, Q. Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3974 9191 *T«ng 3 ta A Th®ng Long Number One sË 1 ßπi LÈ Th®ng Long, Q. Nam Tı Li™m *Tel: 7306 6655 *T«ng 6 Vincom Center 54A Nguy‘n Ch› Thanh, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 7307 8889 *T«ng 7 Vincom Center 2B Phπm Ng‰c Thπch, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 7307 9898) ¤ ELITE ACTIVE (T«ng 5 TTTM H G≠¨m Plaza, Tr«n PhÛ, Hµ ß´ng *Tel: 7305 5858 *T«ng 2 Berriver Long Bi™n, 390 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, quÀn Long Bi™n *Tel: 7302 6696)

¤ ZEN SPA (164 Tı Hoa, Qu∂ng An, T©y HÂ *Tel: 3719 9889 *Website: BANKING SERVICES ¤ CITI BANK (17 Ng´ Quy“n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3521 1118 *Website: ¤ VIETCOMBANK 23 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3824 3524 *Website: http:// SOUVENIR SHOPS ¤ CARAT SHOP (27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ *Tel: 6270 0479 *Website:

CASA D'ORIENTE (23 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8678 *website: www. ¤ CRAFT LINK (43 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3733 6101 *Website: www. ¤ IPA NIMA (73 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4000 *Website: ¤ SˇNG (27 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8733) ¤ T¢N M≤ DESIGN (61 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1154 *Website: TRANH TH£U XQ (13 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1905 *Website: CULTURE ¤ BÅO TÄNG HÄ NóI HANOI MUSEUM (SË 2, Phπm HÔng, M‘ Tr◊, Tı Li™m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 6287 0604 *Website: ¤ BÅO TÄNG H¤ CHê MINH HO CHI MINH MUSEUM (19 Ng∏ch 158/193 Ng‰c Hµ, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3846 3757) ¤ BÅO TÄNG PH| N~ VIåT NAM - VIETNAMESE WOMEN'S MUSEUM (36 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 9936 *Website: baotangphunu. ¤ CHú ߤNG XU¢N DONG XUAN MARKET (ßÂng Xu©n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi) ¤ CHùA MóT CóT - ONE PILLAR PAGODA (ChÔa MÈt CÈt, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi) ¤ CHùA TRƒN QUˇC TRAN QUOC PAGODA (Thanh Ni™n, TrÛc Bπch, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi) ¤ CON ߶òNG GˇM S` - HANOI CERAMIC MOSAIC MURAL (HÂng Hµ, †p Thπnh Vinh, PhÛc X∏, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi) ¤ VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY (Nguy‘n V®n Huy™n Street, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3756 2193 *Website: ¤ VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY (1 Trµng Ti“n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 2853 *Website: http://

¤ VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (6 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3733 2131 *Website: http:// SHOPPING MALLS ¤ AEON MALL LONG BI£N (SË 27 CÊ Linh, Long Bi™n, Hµ NÈi * ¤ VINCOM TOWERS (191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3974 9999 *Website: http:// VincomCenterBaTrieu) TRÄNG TI≈N PLAZA (24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m) SUPERMARKETS ¤ CITIMART Hµ NÈi Tower - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 2999 *Website: ¤ INTIMEX (22 - 32 L™ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 2054 *Website: http:// TP.HCM TELEPHONE CODE: 028 EMBASSIES/ CONSULATES ¤ KOREA (107 Nguy‘n Du, District 1 *Tel: 38225757) ¤ USA (4 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3520 4610) ¤ LAOS (93 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3829 7667) ¤ MALAYSIA (2 Ng´ ߯c K’, District 1 *Tel: 382 99023) ¤ JAPAN (261 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, District 3 *Tel: 3933 3510) ¤ RUSSIA (40 Bµ Huy÷n Thanh Quan, District 3 *Tel: 3930 3936) ¤ FRANCE (27 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, District 3 *Tel: 3520 6800) ¤ PHILIPPINE (40-5 Phπm Vi’t Ch∏nh, Ward 19, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3518 0045) ¤ SINGAPORE (Floor 8 , Saigon Centre - 65 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5173) ¤ THAILAND (77 Tr«n QuËc Th∂o, District 3 *Tel: 3932 7637)



AIRLINES ¤ KOREAN AIRLINES (34 L™ Du»n, District 1*Tel: 3824 2878 *Website: https://www. ¤ QATAR AIRWAYS (Room 8, Petro Vietnam Building, 1- 5 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 3888 *Website: http:// ¤ TURKISH AIRLINES (Floor 8, AB Tower - 76A L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3936 0360 *Website: http://www. TRAVEL AGENTS ¤ GINKGO VOYAGE (130 Nguyen Cong Tru, District 1*Tel: 3838 9944 *Website: www. ¤ SAIGONTOURIST TRAVEL SERVICE (45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 9279 *Website: http:// ¤ VINH HAN INTERNATIONAL CO., HCM BRANCH (27-29 BÔi Vi÷n, P. Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3838 9988 *Email: hieu. *Website: TAXIS ¤ TAXI 27/7 (162 ß≠Íng Tu÷ T‹nh, Ward 17, 11 District *Tel: 3962 0620 *Website: home/index.html) HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ CARAVELLE HOTEL (19 - 23 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1 *Tel: 3823 4999 *Website: http://www. ¤ LE MERIDIEN SAIGON (3C Ton Duc Thang, District 1, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam *Tel: 6263 6688 *Website: lemeridiensaigon. com) ¤ LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON CITYPOINT (59-61 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM *Tel: 3822 5678) ¤ LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON RIVERSIDE (17 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM *Tel: 3827 1717)

¤ NEW WORLD SAIGON HOTEL (76 L™ Lai, District 1*Tel: 3822 8888 *Website: http://www.saigon. ¤ NORFOLK HOTEL (117 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Q1*Tel: 3829 5368 *Fax: 3829 3415 *Email: *Website: ¤ HOTEL EQUATORIAL HO CHI MINH CITY (242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5, HCMC *Tel: 3839 7777 *Email: *www. ¤ THE ALCOVE LIBRARY HOTEL (133A-133B Nguy‘n ß◊nh Ch›nh, Q.PhÛ NhuÀn, HCMC *Tel: 6256 9966 *Hotline: 0938 979 000 *Website: ¤ RENAISSANCE RIVERSIDE HOTEL SAIGON (8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1,TP. HCM *Tel: 3822 0033 *Website: ¤ WINDSOR PLAZA HOTEL *18 An D≠¨ng V≠¨ng, Q 5, Tp. HCM, Vietnam *Tel: 3833 6688 *Fax: 3833 6888 *Email: *Website: RESTAURANTS ¤ AU LAC DO BRAZIL STEAK RESTAURANT (238 Pasteur, District.3 *Tel: 3820 7157 - 0909 478 698*Website: ¤ HOME FINEST RESTAURANT (252 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3932 2666 *Website: www. ¤ GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (197 ß“ Th∏m, Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Dist.1 *Tel: 3837 1894 *Website: ¤ INDOCHINE (26 Tr≠¨ng ßnh, Dist.3 *Tel: 3930 8421) ¤ M¢M VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT (193 Hai Ba Trung, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3939 3888 *Website: www.

¤ THE CHOPSTICKS SAIGON RESTAURANT (216/4 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 7, Dist.3 *Tel: 3932 2889 *Website: ¤ PARKROYAL SAIGON HOTEL (311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, T©n B◊nh District, HCMC *Tel: 028 3842 1111 * saigon.) ¤ PHô 24 (20B Nguy‘n Th Minh Kha, District 1*Tel: 3910 1038 *Website: ¤ NHÄ HÄNG NGON (160 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3827 7131 *Fax: 3827 7127 *Email: ¤ QUÉN NGON 138 138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a , QuÀn 1, T.p H Ch› Minh *Tel: 38 279 666 / 38 257 179 *Email: *Website: ¤ SAIGON INDIAN (Floor 1, 73 Mπc Th B≠Îi, District 1 *Tel: 3824 5671) ¤ SHANG PALACE (1st Floor, Norfolk Mansion, 17-19-21 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3823 2221 *Website: www. ¤ SUSHI TEI (Add: 200A Ly Tu Trong Street, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam *Tel: 6284 1188 *Hotline: 0124 668 7354 *Facebook: Sushi Tei Vietnam) BARS/CAFES ¤ CHILL SKYBAR SAIGON (T«ng 26, AB Tower, 76A L™ Lai, Q.1, TP.HCM *Tel: 0938 822 838 *Website:

¤ CALIBRE CHARNER (Floor 1, Palace Hotel Saigon, 56 - 66 Nguy‘n Hu÷, 1 District *Tel: 3829 2860 *Website: http:// ¤ LA HABANA (152 L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3925 9838 *Website: lahabanasaigon. com) ¤ MAGNOLIA KITCHEN & CAFE (Add: 190 - 192 De Tham Street, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam *Tel: 3920 3047 *Hotline: 0124 668 7354 *Website: www.magnolia-kitchen. com *Facebook: Magnolia Kitchen & Cafe) ¤ SAXN'ART CLUB (28 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3954 *Website: THE JAZZ CAFE (97 S≠¨ng Nguy÷t Énh, District 1 *Tel: 3925 0388) SPAS/ FITNESS ¤ SEN SPA (26-28 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3825 1250 *Website: http:// ¤ CRYSTAL SPA (Tang 3, 202 Hoang Van Thu, Q.Phu Nhuan, TP.HCM *Tel: 3847 9964 *3847 9295) ¤ SHAPE LINE BODY'N SOUL (74 Nguyen ß◊nh Chieu, Da Kao, Q1, Tp HCM *Tel: 2207 0809 *Hotline: 0968 060 268 *Website: ¤ TROPIC SPA (72 Trµn Quang Kh∂i, P.T©n ßnh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3910 5575 *Website:


SALES DEPARTMENT *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157 - website: ß” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o/ For advertising information



¤ ELITE FITNESS (T«ng L3 Shopping Mall, Vincom ßÂng KhÎi, 72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, P. B’n Nghä Q.1 *Tel: 7307 9899 *T«ng 3, Vincom Mega Mall, 159 Xa LÈ Hµ NÈi, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2 *Tel: 7303 9888) BANKING SERVICES ¤ ANZ (39 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 2926 *Website: http:// ¤ EXIMBANK (1 & 7 Floor, Ta nhµ 229 ßÂng KhÎi, B’n Nghä Ward, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 0055 *Website: http://www. ¤ SAIGONBANK (2C Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3914 3183 *Website: www. ¤ STANDARD CHARTERED (Floor 1, Sµi Gn Center Building 37 T´n ߯c Thæng, District 1 *Tel: 3911 0000 *Website: http:// ¤ VIETCOMBANK (69 BÔi Th Xu©n, NgÚ L∑o Ward, District 1*Tel: 3829 7245 *Website: http://www.vietcombank. SOUVENIR SHOPS ¤ APRICOT GALLERY (50 - 52 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 7962 *Website: http:// ¤ ANUPA BOUTIQUE (9 ß´ng Du, Dist.1 *Tel: 3822 2394 *Website: http:// ¤ DUY TAN SAIGON ARTISAN (47 T´n Th†t Thi÷p, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 3614 *Website: www. ¤ GAYA SHOP (1 Nguy‘n V®n Tr∏ng, District 1 *Tel: 3925 1495) ¤ HOÄNG GIA PEARL (Tel 0909 66 22 31 *www. ¤ IPA NIMA (90 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 3277 *Website: http:// ¤ KENLY SILK (132 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3829 3847 *Website: ¤ MOSAIQUE SAIGON (98 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 4634 *Website: www. ¤ NGA ART AND CRAFT (91 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Dist.1

*Tel: 3823 8356 *Website: http:// ¤ SAIGON GALLERY OF FINE ART (97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3181 *Website: http:// ¤ THÄNH ßÑT BOUTIQUE SHOP (114 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 7493 *Website: CULTURE ¤ WAR REMNANTS MUSEUM (28 V‚ V®n T«n, District 3) ¤ OPERA HOUSE (7 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1.) ¤ COULEURS D'ASIE BY R–HAHN -SAIGON (157/1 Dong Khoi, District 1) ¤ FINE ARTS MUSEUM (97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, District 1) H¤ CHê MINH MUSEUM (65 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1) SHOPPING MALLS ¤ DIAMOND PLAZA (34 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5500) ¤ PARKSON (35Bis, 45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 7636) ¤ SAIGON CENTRE (65 L™ LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 4888 ) ¤ VINCOM CENTER A (171 ßÂng KhÎi & 116 Nguy‘n Hu÷, District 1*Tel: 3936 9999 * ¤ VINCOM CENTER B (72 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1*Website: SUPERMARKETS ¤ ANNAM GOURMET (16 - 18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, 1 District & 41A Th∂o ßi“n, 2 District *Tel: 3822 9332 & 3744 2630 *Website: ¤ B⁄N THÄNH MARKET (L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5699)

SAPA TELEPHONE CODE: 0214 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ SUNNY MOUNTAIN (010, M≠Íng Hoa, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3787 999 *Website: http:// ¤ VICTORIA SAPA RESORT & SPA (Sapa District, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 20 38 71 522 *Fax: +84 20 38 71 539 *Email: *

RESTAURANTS ¤ FANSIPANSAPA (23 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 556) ¤ GERBERA (31 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 064) ¤ NATURE VIEW (51 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 438) ¤ OBSERVATORY 39 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 019) TRAVEL AGENTS KHÉM PHÉ VIåT (31 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3872 606 *Website: ¤ NG§I SAO SAPA (68 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 6523 172 *Website:

HÅI PHíNG TELEPHONE CODE: 0225 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ CÉT BÄ ISLAND RESORT & SPA (C∏t C 1, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3688 686 *Website: ¤ ߤ S•N RESORT & CASINO (Zone 3, ß S¨n *Tel: 3864 888 *Website: TRAVEL AGENTS ¤ ߤ S•N TOURISM (Zone 2, ß S¨n *Tel: 3861 330 *Website: ¤ VINH HAN INTERNATIONAL CO., HEAD OFFICE (111-113-115 L™ Lai, M∏y Chai, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 375 9679 *Fax: 375 9680 *Website: www. ¤ HÅI PHíNG TOURIST (178 T´n ߯c Thæng, L™ Ch©n *Tel: 3622 608 *Website: http:// RESTAURANTS ¤ CHEN (204 Quang Trung, Phπm HÂng Th∏i, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3831 777) ¤ GREEN MANGO (Group 19, Block 4, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3887 151 *Website: http://www. ¤ TR@C L¢M (3 Phπm B∏ Tr˘c, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3733 833)

TAXIS ¤ ߤ S•N (SË 1 Hang D¨i H∂i Phng *Tel: 3864 864) ¤ MAI LINH (221 Lπch Tray, ßÊng QuËc B◊nh, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3833 833 *Website: BANKING SERVICES ¤ VIETCOMBANK (11 Hoµng Di÷u, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: http://www. ¤ ACB (69 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3823 392 *Website: www. ¤ TECHCOMBANK (5 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng *Tel: 3810 865 *Website: SUPERMARKETS ¤ CHú S¿T (Quang Trung, HÂng Bµng) ¤ INTIMEX MINH KHAI (23 Minh Khai, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3746 858 *Website: http://www. ¤ PARKSON (1/20A L™ HÂng Phong, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3852 459 *Website: NINH BçNH TELEPHONE CODE: 0229 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ THE REED HOTEL (ßinh ßi“n, ß´ng Thµnh, Ninh B◊nh *Tel: 3889 979 *Website: ¤ EMERALDA RESORT NINH BINH (Khu b∂o tÂn V©n Long, Gia V©n, Gia Vi‘n, Ninh B◊nh *Tel: 3658 333 *Website: QUÅNG NINH TELEPHONE CODE: 0203 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ LA PAZ RESORT HALONG (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 0888 762 266 *Website: ¤ PARADISE SUITES HOTEL (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 0986 567 545 *Website: ¤ TU¡N CH¢U ISLAND HOLIDAY VILLA (Island Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3842 999 *Website: www. TRAVELLIVE


Legend Halong

¤ WYNDHAM LEGEND HALONG (No. 12 Ha Long Street, Bai Chay Ward, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province *Tel: 3636 555 *Website: SPA/FITNESS ¤ ELITE ACTIVE (T«ng 3 Vincom Plaza Hπ Long, P. Bπch ߪng, TP. Hπ Long *Tel: 3841 166) CRUISES ¤ ¢U C• (Hanoi Sales Office: 47 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4545 *Website: http://www. ¤ APHRODITE CRUISES (Head Office: Townhouse B14, Tuan Chau Marina, Halong *Tel: 6281 888 *Hanoi Office: 20th Floor, VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi *Tel: 2220 8686 *Website: www. ¤ CALYPSO (Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3926 4009 *Website: ¤ ORIENTAL SAILS Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. ¤ PHOENIX (Hanoi Sales Office: 81C L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3747 8006 *Website: ¤ PARADISE CRUISES (Hanoi Sales Office: Unit 201, Hanoi Tower - 49 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 0906 099 606 *Website: RESTAURANTS ¤ 1958 VIETNAMESE (Tuan Chau Island, Halong Bay *Tel: 3815 088) ¤ HOÄNG GIA (Hoµng Gia Park, Hπ Long) TAXIS ¤ THÄNH C§NG (Tel: 3675 757)

¤ MAI LINH (Tel: 3849 155 *38222 266) BANKING SERVICES ¤ VIETCOMBANK (Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3844 749 *Website: ¤ BIDV (Bπch ߪng Ward, Hn Gai *Tel: 3823 680 *Website: http:// HóI AN TELEPHONE CODE: 0235 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ ANANTARA HOI AN RESORT (1 Pham Hong Thai Street, Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam *Tel: 391 4555 *Fax: 391 4515 *Email: ¤ BOUTIQUE HóI AN RESORT (Group 6, Block T©n Thnh, C»m An Ward *Tel: 3939 111 *Website: ¤ HOI AN BEACH RESORT (SË 1 PhË Cˆa ßπi, Thµnh phË HÈi An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 392 7011 *Fax: 392 7019 *Email: *Website: www. ¤ LOTUS HóI AN (330 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 770 *Website: http://hoianlotushotel. com/) ¤ PALM GARDEN BEACH RESORT & SPA HOI AN (Lπc Long Qu©n, Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 927 *Website: http:// ¤ SUNRISE HóI AN BEACH RESORT (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3937 777 *Website: http://www. ¤ GOLDEN SAND RESORT & SPA HóI AN (Thanh Ni™n Road, Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3927 550 *Website: http:// ¤ FOUR SEASONS THE NAM HAI (ƒp 1, ßi÷n D≠¨ng, ßi÷n Bµn *Tel: 3940 000 *Website: http://

¤ HOTEL ROYAL HOI AN (39 ßµo Duy Tı, C»m PhÊ, HÈi An *Tel: 3950 777) ¤ VICTORIA HOI AN BEACH RESORT & SPA (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 040 *Website: http://www.victoriahotels. asia/eng/hotels-in-vietnam/hoi-anbeach-resort-spa) TRAVEL AGENTS ¤ HóI AN TRAVEL (10 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 911 *Website: http:// RESTAURANTS ¤ HEAVEN GARDEN (236 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3919 199 *Website: ¤ HOME HOIAN RESTAURANT (112 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Quang Nam, Da Nang *Tel: 3926 668 *Website: ¤ SECRET GARDEN (Down the alley next to 60 L™ LÓi *Tel: 3862 037 *Website: http:// ¤ SEN (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 252 *Website: BARS/CAFES ¤ HóI AN FULLMOON TOWNS BAR & RESTAURANT (101 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 922 *Website: ¤ TAM TAM CAF– (110 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3862 212 *Website: http://www. TAXIS ¤ HóI AN (193 L˝ Th∏i TÊ, C»m Ch©u *Tel: 3919 919) BANKING SERVICES ¤ VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Di÷u *Tel: 3861 340 *Website: CULTURE ¤ PRECIOUS HERITAGE MUSEUM BY R–HAHN (26 Phan Boi Chau) ¤ HóI AN MUSEUM OF HISTORY & CULTURE (7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3852 945)

¤ COULEURS D'ASIE GALLERY (7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3911 382) ¤ MUSEUM OF SA HU∞NH CULTURE (149 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 535) SOUVENIR SHOPS ¤ É ß§NG SILK (62 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 59) ¤ L¤NG ßáN TR¡N PH@ (65 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 996) ¤ MóC KIM B¤NG (C»m Kim *Tel: 3934 282) ¤ TRANH TH£U XQ HóI AN (23 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3911 872 *Website: http:// ßÄ NøNG TELEPHONE CODE: 0236 HOTELS/RESORTS

¤ Ä LA CARTE DA NANG BEACH (Corner of Vo Nguyen Giap Street & Duong Dinh Nghe Str, Son Tra Dist, Da Nang *Tel: 3959 555 *Fax: 3 959 555 *Web: *Email: ¤ AVANI QUY NHON RESORT & SPA (Bai Dai Ghenh Rang, Quy Nhon City, Vietnam *Tel: 3840 132 * ¤ NEW ORIENT HOTEL DANANG - WORLD CLASS ORIENTATION (20 Dong Da Street, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3828 828 *Website: ¤ FUSION MAIA DANANG (Tr≠Íng Sa, Khu™ M¸, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3967 999 *Website: ¤ INTERCONTINENTAL DANANG SUN PENINSULA RESORT (B∑i Bæc, S¨n Trµ *Tel: 3938 888 *Website:


SALES DEPARTMENT *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157 - website: ß” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o/ For advertising information



¤ VANDA HOTEL DANANG (03 Nguy‘n V®n Linh, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3525 969 *Website: www. ¤ FUSION SUITES DANANG BEACH (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, M©n Th∏i *Tel: 3919 777 *Website:

¤ PREMIER VILLAGE DANANG (99 V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, quÀn NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 391 9999 *Fax: 391 9998 *Website: www.premier-village-danang. com) ¤ PULLMAN DANANG BEACH RESORT (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p Street, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 395 8888 *Website: ¤ GRAND MERCURE DANANG HOTEL (Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of Green Island, Ha C≠Íng Bæc, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 379 7777 *Website: ¤ NOVOTEL ßÄ NøNG PREMIER HAN RIVER (36 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3929 999 *Website: http://www. ¤ FURAMA RESORT DANANG (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0511 3847 333 *Website: www.furamavietnam. com) ¤ SANDY BEACH NON NUOC RESORT (21 Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 3961 777 *Website: http:// cdv_default.asp.UN_s9OSIHwM) TRAVEL AGENTS ¤ ASIANA TRAVEL MATE (Domestic Arrival Hall, ßµ NΩng Airport *Tel: 3614 783 *Website: TAXIS ¤ S§NG HÄN (37/1 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3719 258) RESTAURANTS ¤ TR@C L¢M VI£N (8 - 10 Tr«n Qu˝ C∏p *Tel: 3582 428 *Website: http://truclamvien. SPA ¤ VINCHARM SPA (Vinpearl Luxury ßµ NΩng -

Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3968 888 *Website: BANKING SERVICES ¤ TECHCOMBANK (244 - 248 Nguy‘n V®n Linh *Tel: 3650 118 *Website: http:// CULTURE ¤ DANANG MUSEUM OF CHAM SCULPTURE (No2, 2/9 Street, B◊nh Hi™n, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3470 114 *Website: http://www.chammuseum.danang. vn) ¤ MUSEUM OF DANANG (24 Tr«n PhÛ, Thπch Thang, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3822 390 *Website: SOUVENIR SHOPS ¤ ART GALLERY (176 Tr«n PhÛ, Ph≠Ìc Ninh, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3897 798) HU⁄ TELEPHONE CODE: 0234 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ ANA MANDARA HU⁄ (ThuÀn An Town, PhÛ Vang *Tel: 3983 333 *Website: http:// ¤ ALBA HOTEL (12 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 3839 998 *Website: www. ¤ INDOCHINE PALACE (105A HÔng V≠¨ng,TP Hu’ *Tel: 393 6666 - Fax: 393 6555 *Email: *Website: www.indochinepalace. com) ¤ LA RESIDENCE HUE HOTEL & SPA (5 L™ LÓi, TP Hu’ *Tel: 383 7475 *Website: ¤ CENTURY RIVERSIDE HOTEL HUE (49 L™ LÓi, Hu’ *Tel: 3823 390 *Website: ¤ IMPERIAL HU⁄ (8 HÔng V≠¨ng, PhÛ HÈi *Tel: 3882 222 *Website: http://www. ¤ VEDANÇ LAGOON (Zone 1, PhÛ LÈc *Tel: 3681 688 *Website: http://www.vedanalagoon. com/) RESTAURANTS ¤ CUNG ßçNH (3 Nguy‘n Sinh Sæc, V‹ Dπ *Tel: 3897 202 *Website: http://

¤ TèNH GIA VI£N (7/28 L™ Th∏nh T´n & 50 PhÛ MÈng, Kim Long *Tel: 3522 243 & 3510 644 *Website: http://www. ¤ NHÄ HÄNG LE PARFUM (5 L™ LÓi, TP. Hu’ *Tel: 3837 475) TAXIS ¤ THÄNH C§NG (Tel: 357 5757) MAI LINH (Tel: 3898 989) BANKING SERVICES ¤ VIB (51 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, V‹nh Ninh *Tel: 3883 666 *Website: http:// ¤ VIETCOMBANK (78 HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 3811 900 Website: http://www.vietcombank. CULTURE ¤ THI£N M| PAGODA (Hµ Kh™, H≠¨ng Long) NHA TRANG TELEPHONE CODE: 0258 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ ARIYANA SMARTCONDOTELNHA TRANG (18 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Nha Trang *Hotline: 1800 6799 *Website: ¤ DUYEN HA RESORT CAM RANH (L´ D9B, Khu 3, Cam H∂i ß´ng, Cam L©m, Kh∏nh Ha *Tel: 3986 888 *Website: www.duyenharesort. com) ¤ L'ALYANA NINH VAN BAY (Ninh V©n Bay, Ninh Ha *Tel: 384 7333 *Website: ¤ BOTON BLUE HOTEL & SPA NHA TRANG (6 Pham Van Dong, Vinh Hoa *Tel: 3836 868 *Website: www. ¤ CAM RANH RIVIERA BEACH RESORT&SPA (Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam *Tel: 5839 8989 *Website: www. ¤ MERPERLE SUNSET VILLAS MERPERLE HON TAM RESORT - MERPERLE SPARKLING WAVES (Hon Tam Island, Vinh Nguyen, Nha Trang)

¤ MERPERLE SEASUN HOTEL (SË 2 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, LÈc Th‰, Nha Trang ¤ THE COSTA NHA TRANG RESIDENCES (32-34 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam *Telephone: 3737 222 *Email: ¤ SUNRISE NHA TRANG BEACH HOTEL & SPA (12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3820 999 *Website: ¤ SIX SENSES NINH VAN BAY - VIETNAM (Tel: 3524 268 *Email: RESTAURANTS ¤ LOUISIANE BREW HOUSE (Lot No 29 Tr«n PhÛ Park *Tel: 352 1948 *Website: http://www. BARS/CAFES ¤ GUAVA (34 Nguy‘n Thi÷n ThuÀt, T©n LÀp *Tel: 3526 197 *Website: http:// ¤ RAINBOW BAR (90A HÔng V≠¨ng, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3524 351) TAXIS ¤ NHA TRANG (*Tel: 381 8181) ¤ KHÉNH HOÄ (46 L™ Th∏nh T´n, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3810 810) BANKING SERVICES ¤ BIDV (45 - 47 ThËng Nh†t *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: ¤ VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3822 759 *Website: http:// BçNH THUÜN TELEPHONE CODE: 0252 HOTELS/ RESORTS ¤ ANANTARA MUI NE RESORT (Mui Ne Beach, KM10, *Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam *Tel: 374 1888 *Fax: 374 1555 *Email: ¤ BLUE BAY MUI NE RESORT & SPA (Su´› N≠Ìc, MÚi Nä *Tel: 3836 888 *Website: TRAVELLIVE


¤ VICTORIA PHAN THIET BEACH RESORT & SPA (Km 9, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan, Vietnam *Tel: +84 3813 000 *Fax: +84 62 3813 007 *Email: resa.phanthiet@ *www. ¤ SONATA RESORT & SPA (Km 17, Æ≠Íng 719, x∑ Ti’n Thµnh, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 3846 768 *Web: www. ¤ THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES (Khu PhË 5, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 371 9111 / 062 371 9123 *Fax: 062 371 9333 *Email: reservation@, *website: ¤ GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (57A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u *Tel: 3847 589 *Website: http://www. SPA ¤ ROCK WATER BAY BEACH RESORT & SPA (Ke Ga, Tan Thanh, Ham Thuan Nam, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam *Tel: (84.62) 3683 115 / 3683 117 / 3683 279 *Fax: (84.62) 3683 114 *Hotline: (84) 974 496 660 *Website: www. *Facebook: Rock Water Bay Resort *Email: info@ SOUVENIR SHOPS ¤ SAIGON ART & GALLERY (Km 11, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3847 507 *Website: ¤ VIET FASHION (34 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 6253 213) SUPERMARKETS ¤ CO.OP MART (1A Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, B◊nh H≠ng *Tel: 3835 440 *Website: ßÄ LÑT TELEPHONE CODE: 0263 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ ANA MANDARA VILLAS DALAT RESORT & SPA (L™ Lai Street, Ward 5 *Tel: 3555 888 *Website:

¤ BINH AN VILLAGE RESORT DALAT (H Tuy“n L©m, Khu phË 4, ßµ Lπt, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 84633 - 800 999 *Email:dalat@ *Website:www. ¤ DALAT EDENSEE LAKE RESORT & SPA (Tuy“n L©m Lake, Zone VII.2 *Tel: 3831 515 *Website: http://www. ¤ NGñC PHÉT ßÄ LÑT (10 H TÔng MÀu, Ph≠Íng 3, Tp. ßµ lπt *Tel: 063 368 3979 *Fax: 063 383 5868 *Email: info@ *Website: ¤ SWISS - BELRESORT TUYEN LAM (Zone 7&8, Khu du lch H Tuy“n L©m, ph≠Íng 3, ßµ Lπt) ¤ TERRASSE DES ROSES (35 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, ph≠Íng 7, Thung LÚng T◊nh Y™u, ßµ Lπt *Tel: 06 3356 5279 *Website: *E-mail: info@terrassedesroses-villa. com) ¤ TERRACOTTA HOTEL & RESORT DALAT (Ph©n khu ch¯c n®ng 7.9, KDL h Tuy“n L©m, Ph≠Íng 3 *Tel: 063 3883 838 / Website: www. RESTAURANTS ¤ LE RABELAIS (12 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3825 444) BçNH D¶•NG TELEPHONE CODE: 0274 ¤ AN LAM SAIGON RIVER (21/4 Trung Str, Vinh Phu W, Thuan An Dist, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 650 378 5555 *Fax: (+84) 650 378 5000 *Email: *Hotline: (+84) 908 998 550) ¤ THE MIRA HOTEL (555B *Tel: 0650 367 8888 *Fax: 0650 367 8880 *Email: info@ *email: sales@ / reservation@ ¤ BECAMEX THU DAU MOT HOTEL (230 ßπi lÈ B◊nh D≠¨ng, Hi÷p Thµnh, ThÒ D«u MÈt *Tel: 0650

222 1333, *Fax: 0650 222 1342 *Email: / / VüNG TÄU TELEPHONE CODE: 0254 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ H¤ TRÄM BEACH RESORT&SPA (H Trµm, Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc *Tel: 378 1525 *Website: ¤ TROPICANA BEACH RESORT & SPA (44A Road, Ph≠Ìc H∂i, ߆t ß· *Tel: 367 8888 *Website: http:// ¤ ALMA OASIS LONG HAI (Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Th tr†n Long H∂i, Long ßi“n *Tel: 366 2222 *Email: reservations@, Website: ¤ THE GRAND HO TRAM STRIP (Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc, Bµ Ra, VÚng Tµu *Tel: 064 3781 631, Email: *Website: ¤ SIX SENSES CON DAO VIETNAM (Tel: +84 64 3831 222 *Email: TAXIS ¤ PETRO (50 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a *Tel: 3851 851) RESTAURANTS ¤ DAVID (92 Hπ Long Street, Ward 2 *Tel: 3521 012) ¤ GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (6 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3856 959 ) PH@ QUˇC TELEPHONE CODE: 0297 HOTELS/RESORTS ¤ DUSIT PRINCESS MOONRISE RESORT PHU QUOC (ß≠Íng Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, tÊ 2, †p Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨ *Tel: 6266 688 *Email:

*Website: ¤ FAMIANA RESORT & SPA PHU QUOC (Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨ *Tel: 3983 366 *Email: info@ *Website: www. ¤ INTERCONTINENTAL PHU QUOC LONG BEACH RESORT (B∑i Tr≠Íng, D≠¨ng T¨, Ki™n Giang *Tel: 3978 888 *Email: reservations.ICPQ@ihg. com *Website: www.phuquoc. ¤ LA VERANDA RESORT PH@ QUˇC (Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988 *Email: contact@laverandaresorts. com *Website: www. ¤ NOVOTEL PHU QUOC RESORT (Duong Bao Hamlet, Duong To Commune, Phu Quoc *Tel: 077 626 0999 *Email: H9770@ *Website: www. ¤ VINPEARL PHU QUOC RESORT (B∑i Dµi, Gµnh D«u, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3519 999 *Fax: 077 3847 771 *Email: info@ *Website: ¤ SALINDA RESORT PHU QUOC ISLAND (Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 399 0011 *Fax: 077 399 9911 *Email: contact@, *Website: www. ¤ SOL BEACH HOUSE PHU QUOC (Khu 1, B∑i Tr≠Íng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 3869 999 *Email: reservations@ *Website: CAF– ¤ BUDDY ICE CREAM & INFO CAFE (No 6 Bach Dang Str, Duong Dong *Tel: (+84) 77 3 994 181 *Website:


SALES DEPARTMENT *Email: *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0978 188 157 - website: ß” c„ th™m th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o/ For advertising information





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