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Ten tai lieu: Bia Travellive thang9_.job
Tro lat mau Process Black Cyan Magenta Yellow
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Tro lat mau Process Black Cyan Magenta Yellow
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Ten tai lieu: Bia Travellive thang9_.job
Tro lat mau Process Black Cyan Magenta Yellow
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HÈi An, Qu∂ng Nam
FOOODS & WINES ¬M TH#C PERU, MïN QUÄ CHO TRÉI TIM M„n ®n lu´n ph∂i Æ≠Óc tπo n™n vÌi s˘ tÀn t◊nh vµ Æ«y y™u th≠¨ng cÒa ng≠Íi Æ«u b’p.
PERUVIAN CUISINE, FROM HEART TO HEART Peruvian chefs insist that an excellent dish must be from the heart of the chef. PHOTO TRAVEL VIåT NAM, NH~NG KHOÅNH KH¿C BçNH Dë Rähahn Æi m‰i n¨i bªng xe m∏y, ngÒ Î nhµ nghÿ, ®n c¨m b◊nh d©n, nh˜ng ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam anh g∆p khi’n anh vui c∂ ngµy.
VIETNAM, SIMPLE MOMENTS With his passion for photography, Rähahn travels by motorbike, stays at hostels, eats frugal meals and meets Vietnamese people, making him happy every day.
W&W OTHERS TU¡N LŸ THòI TRANG MERCEDES-BENZ 2015 VÌi 20 show di‘n thÍi trang cho c´ng chÛng, tu«n l‘ thÍi trang Mercedes-Benz Æ„n hµng ngh◊n l≠Ót th≠Îng l∑m cÒa kh∏ch hµng vµ kh∏ch mÍi.
MERCEDES-BENZ FASHION WEEK 2015 With 20 shows for the public, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week welcome thousands of visitors and distinguished guests. LIFESTYLE H—N Hí SHOPPING ô HÄN QUˇC Ngoµi c∏c trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi khÊng lÂ, du kh∏ch c„ th” t◊m th†y nh˜ng khu chÓ truy“n thËng vÌi h¨n 600 n®m lch sˆ.
SHOPPING IN KOREA, WE HAVE A DATE Beside giant shopping malls, tourists can also find traditional markets with over 600 years of history.
FOOODS & WINES Cü MÄ MõI NH¶ BÉNH TRUNG THU GiËng nh≠ b∏nh t∏o Î ch©u M¸, b∏nh Trung Thu lµ m„n quµ truy“n thËng mang gi∏ tr gia Æ◊nh trong v®n h„a ch©u É.
MOONCAKES, OLD BUT NEW Like Apple Pie in America, Mooncake is a traditional gift, baring cultural values of Asian families. ßIÕM ß⁄N / TRAVEL 9 ßIÕM ß⁄N MùA THU “ß—P NH¶ M•” Dresden, Copenhagen, Vancouver, Cˆu Trπi C©u, Hµ Giang... lµ nh˜ng c∂nh sæc “Æãp nh≠ m¨” kh´ng th” b· qua cho chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh mÔa thu nµy.
9 “JUST LIKE DREAM” AUTUMN DESTINATIONS Dresden, Copenhagen, Vancouver, Jiuzhaigou and Ha Giang are “just like dream” sceneries that can enchant any traveler exploring the world this autumn.
ITINERARY ßI TçM THUNG LüNG CûA NH~NG GIƒC M• Hµnh tr◊nh t◊m ki’m thung lÚng kh„i xanh y™n b◊nh, d≠Íng nh≠ chÿ c„ trong nh˜ng gi†c m¨.
GENERAL NEWS VIåT NAM D√N ß¡U TOP 10 ßIÕM ß⁄N MùA THU 2015 Nh˜ng ng≠Íi c„ thu nhÀp cao Î M¸ vµ Canada Æang quan t©m ch‰n Vi÷t Nam lµm Æi”m Æ’n du lch trong mÔa Thu n®m 2015
SEEKING THE VALLEY OF DREAMS A journey to find the tranquil green smoke valley, which seems to be only exist in dreams.
VN LEADS TOP 10 DESTINATIONS FOR AUTUMN 2015 Wealthy American and Canadian people have selected Viet Nam as a tourism destination this autumn.
ßIÕM ß⁄N/ TRAVEL LÑC VÄO X` TH¡N TI£N SINTRA Sintra lµ Æa Æi”m kh´ng th” b· qua khi du kh∏ch Æ’n BÂ ßµo Nha mÔa thu nµy.
99 106
SINTRA, LOST IN WONDERLAND Sintra is a must-see destination for any visitor coming to Portugal this autumn.
NHÄ XUƒT BÅN TH⁄ GIõI TH⁄ GIõI PUBLISHERS CHëU TRÉCH NHIåM XUƒT BÅN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tr«n ßoµn L©m BI£N TÜP EDITORS Tr«n V®n Th≠Îng Th∂o Nguy‘n BI£N DëCH ENGLISH EDITOR ß∆ng ThÔy Linh Cˇ VƒN TI⁄NG ANH CONSULTANT OF ENGLISH Apollo Vi÷t Nam GIÉM ߡC M≤ THUÜT GRAPHIC DIRECTOR Long Le THI⁄T K⁄ M≤ THUÜT GRAPHIC DESIGN Hπnh Mai QUÅNG CÉO ADVERTISING Hotline: 0903298037 Email: TíA SOÑN HEAD OFFICE T«ng 3, 59 ThÓ NhuÈm, Q.Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi Tel: (84-4) 3936 8349 - Fax: (84-4) 3936 8350 V°N PHíNG TP.HCM HCMC OFFICE T«ng 2, 142 V‚ V®n T«n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM Tel: 08. 3930. 9641- Fax: 08. 3930. 9642 Website:
(The list will be upDated and developed each month) (Danh s∏ch li™n tÙc Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt vµ khai th∏c th™m hµng th∏ng)
HANOI CAF–S & BARS (36) µCiao Coffee µClub Opera µDon’s Cafä µHelio Cafä (2) µHighland Coffee (15) µL’Harmony µParis Deli (2) µPu Ku µTay Tap Bar µThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Vietnam (2) µTrung Nguyen Coffee (8) µ2F cafä RESTAURANTS (31) µDaluva µHapro Bon Mua Cafä & Restaurant (3) µ La-Badiane µLion City Cafä & Restaurant µLy Club Restaurant µMyWay Cafe & Restaurant (5) µNha hang ße Nhat (2) µPho 24 (6) µQuan Ngon (4) µSawasdee Restaurant µSeafood Restaurant (4) µThai Village Restaurant µThe Bistro Restaurant - Pegasus International Unicentre µThe Kafe (2) µTop Chef Restaurant & Bar µToViet Cellar µTrong ßong Son Restaurant SPAS (8) µElite Fitness & Spa (5) µSpa Aquamarine µThu Cuc Spa (2)
AIRLINES (2) µNoi Bai International Airport (Business Lounges) µTurkish Airlines (The Best European Airline- Bussiness Class) CRUISES (4) µEmeraude Classic Cruises µPelican Luxury & Image Halong Cruises µParadise Luxury (2) TRAVEL AGENTS (3) µAsian Travelmate µTourist Information Center (TIC) µVietnam Tourism Association OTHERS (5) µIpanima Showroom (2) µTan My Design µ Hong Leong Bank Hanoi Branch µTechcombank Lounge µTimes Square µ Lounge of Vinhome Time City & Vinhome Royal City HCMC CAF– (114) µCafä Inbox µCiao Coffee (3) µDeciBel Lounge µGloria Jean’s Coffee (2) µGoody µHighland Coffee (36) µLa Cafeteria de L’usine (3) µLa Fenetre Soleil µLa Toronde Cafe µMOF Japanese Sweets & Coffee (6) µNYDC (5)
µParis Deli µTerrace Cafä (5) µThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Viet Nam (14) µTrung Nguyen Coffee (39) CLUBS (2) µClub Royale µInternational Tourist Club RESTAURANTS (31) µBon Bon Restaurant µJaspas restaurant µKhanh Casa µLion City Group Cafä & Restaurant (6) µMekong Merchant µPho 24 (19) µShri Restaurant & Lounge µWrap & Roll Restaurant (2) SPAS (12) µAnam Spa µAnam QT Spa µAuthentic Spa µL’Apothiquaire Spa (3) µLotus Spa µSen Spa µThann Sanctuary Day Spa µThe Spa Saigon Pearl µTropic Spa µZennova Spa Cay Diep µSian Skincare Laser Clinic AIRLINES (2) µTan Son Nhat International Airport (Business Lounges) µTurkish Airlines (The Best European Airline- Bussiness Class) CONSULATE (1) µUK Trade & Investment
TçM ßñC PHI£N BÅN ßIåN T^ TÑI FOR DIGITAL PUBLICATION, PLEASE VISIT: Gi†y phäp xu†t b∂n sË: 24/GP-XBßS In xong nÈp l≠u chi”u th∏ng 09 n®m 2015 In tπi c´ng ty TNHH MTV In vµ th≠¨ng mπi TTXVN
µAphrodite Cruise (1) µParaside Luxury (4) µParadise Previlege (2) µParadise Peak (1) µParadise Cruise µStarlight Cruise µOriental Sail µCalypso Cruise
OTHERS ( 6) µCitimart µFahasha µInternational SOS Clinics Viet Nam µIpaNima Showroom (2) µPhuong Nam µFit 24 Fitness µAmerica Eye Center PROVINCES CAF– (9) µHighland Coffee Parkson Hai Phong (2) µHighland Coffee Parkson µMegastar Hai Phong µHighland Coffee Megastar Bien Hoa µHighland Coffee Big C, Da Nang µHighland Coffee Indochina, Da Nang µ Highland Coffee Megastar Vinh Trung, Da Nang µ Trung Nguyen Coffee, Da Nang RESTAURANT (1) µPho 24 - Nha Trang AIRLINES (4) µ Cam Ranh Airport (Business Lounge) µ Can Tho Airport (Business Lounge) µ Danang International Airport (Business Lounge) µ Lien Khuong Airport (Business Lounge) CRUISES (7)
ATTENTION µ In cooperation with Vietnam Airlines, Travellive copies are available at business lounges of six international airports in Vietnam, including Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat, Lien Khuong, Cam Ranh, Da Nang and Can Tho µ In cooperation with Turkish Airlines (The Best European Airlines). Every business traveller on flight by Turkish Airlines to Vietnam is provided with a Travellive publication for free. µ 180 Travel Agents, (belonging to Vietnam Tourism Association) in Vietnam µ Issued by National Newspapers Distribution Company, Fahasa Book Distribution Corporation, Phuong Nam bookshop system, Citimart supermarkets (HCMC)...
KhÉch sÑn, resort HÄng ß¡u viåt nam THE LEADING HOTELS AND RESORTS IN VIETNAM Th´ng tin chi ti’t xem tπi For more details, please follow the link below
COVER PAGE Photographer: Le The Thang Location: Ladakh, India
- “Little Tibet”
Gˆi lÍi chµo tÌi mÔa thu vÌi hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng vÔng Ɔt mÌi.
Qu˝ ÆÈc gi∂ th©n m’n,
hi cuËn tπp ch› nµy Æ’n tay qu˝ vfi, ngoµi kia, h¨i thÎ mÔa thu cÚng Æ∑ Ôa v“ tr™n tıng g„c phË. MÁi s∏ng th¯c dÀy, khi Æ≠a tay käo t†m rÃm cˆa, th†p tho∏ng tıng kho∂ng s∏ng vµng dfiu Æi qua tıng khe l∏, hay khi b≠Ìc tr™n phË, c∂m nhÀn c¨n gi„ heo may m¨n man tr™n lµn da, nh˜ng b„ng hÂng xinh xæn nay kho∏c th™m chi’c ∏o len m·ng Æi÷u Ƶ, qu˝ ´ng lfich l∑m trong nh˜ng trang phÙc cÊ Æi”n.., ai cÚng d‘ dµng nhÀn ra nh˜ng thanh sæc ng‰t ngµo, l∑ng mπn chÿ ri™ng mÔa thu mÌi c„ th” mang tÌi. Tπm bi÷t nh˜ng gi‰t næng ch„i chang cÒa mÔa hà gi˜a bi”n xanh c∏t træng, gˆi lÍi chµo tÌi mÔa thu vÌi hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng vÔng Ɔt mÌi chæc hºn lµ ni“m kh∏t khao cÒa r†t nhi“u ng≠Íi. VÀy th◊ cfln ch«n chÍ g◊ n˜a tr≠Ìc vŒ g‰i mÍi cÒa nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n c„ c∂nh thu Æ∆c tr≠ng tr™n th’ giÌi? R†t c„ th”, khi Æang Ɖc nh˜ng dflng nµy, bπn sœ mÿm c≠Íi ÆÂng c∂m vÌi chÛng t´i bÎi bπn ch›nh lµ mÈt ng≠Íi nh≠ th’. C„ th”, bπn vıa sæp x’p xong hµnh l˝ cho mÈt hµnh tr◊nh ngæn ngµy hay Æang ngÂi ÆÓi chuy’n bay trong phflng chÍ tπi mÈt s©n bay nµo Æ„, thÀm ch› lµ Æ∑ Æ’n n¨i vµ vıa t∂n bÈ tr™n mÈt con Æ≠Íng tr∂i Æ«y l∏ vµng d…n lËi v“ kh∏ch sπn... Sau mÈt ngµy rong ch¨i vÌi sæc l∏ Æ·, vµng vµ nh˜ng c¨n gi„ se lπnh, khi Æ™m xuËng, bπn c„ th” ngÂi Î mÈt qu∏n nh· ven Æ≠Íng nh†m nh∏p ngÙm cµ ph™ th¨m n¯c hay cuÈn m◊nh trong ch®n †m vµ læng nghe nh˜ng b∂n nhπc ™m Æ“m ph∏t ra tı mÈt m∏y h∏t Æ‹a cÚ k¸. B◊nh y™n l†p Æ«y kh´ng gian vµ len nhã vµo gi†c ngÒ... Th©n ∏i BBT TRAVELLIVE
Autumn is coming to town and filling the streets with its colors. Wake up in the early moring, pull the curtain back to let the first rays of the yellow sunshine, looming through leaves, shining up your room. Stroll along streets to feel gentle winds fondling your skin. Pretty girls have put on sophisticated cardigans while gentlemen choose classic items for their elegant outfits. At that time, you can easily take in the dreamy and romantic beauty that is only found in autumn. Say farewell to the scorching sunlight of summer with blue sea and white sand. Welcoming autumn by exploring new destinations is a wish of many travelers. Therefore, don’t hesitate to admire the charming beauty of distinct attractions in the world. Maybe, when you read this letter, you will smile and share the same feelings with us because you have packed your luggage for a short trip, or you are sitting in a waiting room at some airports or even walking along a road of yellow leaves to your hotel. After playing with red yellow leaves and cool winds on a long day, when the night comes, you can drop by a small restaurant to enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee or curle up in a warm blanket to listen to soft music from an old phonograph. Tranquility will fill your space and tenderly visit your dreams. Yours sincerely, TRAVELLIVE EDITORIAL BOARD
m th˘c Vi÷t Nam phong phÛ vµ Æa dπng vÌi hµng vπn m„n ®n ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ’n tı 3 mi“n Bæc - Trung - Nam. VÌi ≠Ìc muËn quy tÙ nh˜ng m„n ®n ti™u bi”u cÒa ba mi“n v“ mÈt nhµ, Qu∏n Ngon 138 Æ∑ ra ÆÍi vµ trÎ thµnh mÈt Æa chÿ th©n quen Æ≠Óc th˘c kh∏ch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc ≠a chuÈng. Nªm gi˜a trung t©m Sµi Gn hoa l÷, trong c®n nhµ r≠Íng cÊ cÒa Hu’ vÌi lËi ki’n trÛc x©y d˘ng theo nguy™n tæc vµ tri’t l˝ ph≠¨ng ß´ng, k’t hÓp vÌi h÷ thËng hµng g∏nh Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa c∏c vÔng mi“n tr™n khæp n≠Ìc Vi÷t Nam, Qu∏n Ngon 138 lµ s˘ k’t hÓp gi˜a tinh hoa v®n ho∏ »m th˘c vÌi kh´ng gian ki’n trÛc truy“n thËng cÒa ng≠Íi Vi÷t. (QUÉN NGON 138 *138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a, QuÀn1, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3827 9666 / 08 3825 7179 *Email: ngon138@ *Website:
CAF– CARDINAL - N–T C‡ ßIÕN PHÉP MùA THU MõI ß≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng nhµ hµng ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa ß´ng Nam É, Cafä Cardinal mÎ ra kh´ng gian »m th˘c thÛ v, n¨i bπn c„ th” quan s∏t khu b’p mÎ vÌi Æ«u b’p Sebastien Schneider cÔng c∏c cÈng s˘ Æang tÿ mÿ ch®m chÛt cho m„n ®n nh≠ t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt. Th˘c ƨn cÒa nhµ hµng chÒ y’u Æ≠Óc l†y c∂m h¯ng tı »m th˘c cÊ Æi”n Ph∏p, vÌi chÛt bi’n t†u ÆÈc Æ∏o gi˜a »m th˘c ¢u & É nh≠ b› n≠Ìng vÌi tr¯ng, c¨m chi™n h∂i s∂n, c∏ tuy’t vÌi xÛc x›ch cay, hay t´m hÔm ∏p ch∂o vÌi ti™u Æen. Bπn cÚng sœ t◊m th†y Î Æ©y nh˜ng m„n tr∏ng mi÷ng Æ∆c sæc ki”u Ph∏p, tı b∏nh ngµn chi’c l∏ "millefeuille" hay b∏nh s˜a ng©m
r≠Óu rum "baba au rhum" cho Æ’n nh˜ng loπi pho m∏t th≠Óng hπng nhÀp kh»u. Nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u thu, cn g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n cÔng bπn bà th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n b∏nh ngon mi÷ng nh≠ b∏nh linzer Éo, b∏nh su kem äclair cÒa Ph∏p vµ b∏nh scone n≠Ìng ki”u Anh... (CAFE CARDINAL *T«ng 6, Ta nhµ Times Square *22 - 36 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *57 - 69F ßÂng KhÎi, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM) TP.HCM
SORAE LOUNGE KH§NG CHé LÄ TH`C °N TUYåT HÅO B™n cπnh phÙc vÙ »m th˘c NhÀt B∂n, nhµ hµng Sorae cn lµ n¨i gi∂i tr› vÌi c∏c dch vÙ Æa dπng vµ ÆÈc Æ∏o v“ Æ™m cÔng bÈ s≠u tÀp hµng tr®m loπi whisky h∂o hπng tπi qu«y bar. T†t c∂ Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ vµ pha ch’ d≠Ìi bµn tay tµi n®ng cÒa nh˜ng bartender chuy™n nghi÷p.
MÈt ly cocktail tuy÷t h∂o sœ lµm bπn læc l≠ theo Æi÷u nhπc, ha m◊nh vµo kh´ng kh› v“ Æ™m vui nhÈn, Æ«y sæc mµu. B™n cπnh Æ„, Sorae cn mang Æ’n bÈ s≠u tÀp Æa dπng c∏c loπi sake, phÔ hÓp vÌi t†t c∂ m„n ®n. Sau b˜a tËi th≠Îng th¯c sushi vµ sashimi tuy÷t h∂o, bπn c„ th” b≠Ìc ch©n l™n t«ng gi∂i tr› cÒa Sorae Æ” ha m◊nh vµo nh˜ng mµn bi”u di‘n ©m nhπc tı nhã nhµng Æ’n s´i ÆÈng. (NHÄ HÄNG SORAE *76A L™ Lai, B’n Thµnh, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3827 2372) TP.HCM
¬M TH#C Bí WAGYU @C TÑI CORSO ß’n vÌi nhµ hµng Corso Steakhouse & Bar trong th∏ng 9 nµy, bπn c„ dp tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c b Wagyu @c, gÂm nh˜ng m„n ®n cao c†p nh≠ "S≠Ín b Wagyu n≠Ìng lˆa nh· ≠Ìp gia v
Æ∆c bi÷t", "Th®n nÈi b Wagyu cuÈn vÌi tht ba r‰i x´ng kh„i" hay "Th®n l≠ng vai b Wagyu n≠Ìng". C∏c m„n Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n ÆÛng theo nhu c«u th˘c kh∏ch vµ dÔng kÃm c∏c loπi xËt t˘ ch‰n nh≠ xËt kem ti™u hÂng, xËt n†m Ɔt, xËt r≠Óu vang Æ· n†u hµnh t›m. M„n b Wagyu nÊi ti’ng vÌi ch†t l≠Óng th¨m ngon tuy÷t h∂o vµ c∏c v©n mÏ Æ≠Óc ph©n bË Æ“u, b™n cπnh Æ„ cn r†t tËt cho s¯c kh·e. VÌi ÆÈi ngÚ Æ«u b’p chuy™n nghi÷p vµ phong c∏ch ch’ bi’n ÆÈc Æ∏o, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "»m th˘c B Wagyu @c" tπi Corso Steakhouse & Bar sœ mang Æ’n tr∂i nghi÷m hoµn toµn mÌi cho c∏c th˘c kh∏ch sµnh ®n tπi Sµi Gn. (NHÄ HÄNG CORSO STEAKHOUSE & BAR *T«ng tr÷t Kh∏ch sπn Norfolk *117 L™ Th∏nh T´n, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM *Website: www.norfolkhotel.
SORAE LOUNGE - NOT ONLY SUCCULENT DISHES Apart from serving a vast range of delicious Japanese delicacies, Sorae offers a superbly-stocked whisky bar with an unbelievable selection of the finest malts by the skilled and knowledgeable bar tender. Sip a perfect cocktail and dance with your friend to feel the exciting mood of the night. Additionally, there is a sake bar with bottles to suit every palate. After enjoying the best sushi and sashimi in town, you can go up to the lounge bar to relax and enjoy some impressive performances from soft music to dance music. (SORAE RESTAURANT LOUNGE *76A Le Lai, Ben Thanh, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: 08 3827 2372)
ietnamese cuisine is one of the world's most diverse, delicious and healthy gastronomies in the world, with thousands of unique dishes from the country's 3 main regions: the North - The Centre - and The South. With the ambition of bringing together all the well-known dishes of the country under one roof, Ngon 138 Restaurant was founded and has been a reliable destination for many locals and foreigners who love traditional Vietnamese food. Located in the heart of magnificent Saigon since 2001, Ngon 138 Restaurant is the sole restaurant nestled in a traditional Hue - styled wooden house, a typical house in the ancient capital of Vietnam, which was built based on the Oriental living philosophies and architectural principles. The food here is made and sold in separate stalls to reminisce about Old Vietnam's street food. Ngon 138 Restaurant proudly offers its respected customers a perfect combination of the essence of Vietnamese gastronomic culture and the beauty of traditional Vietnamese wooden architecture. (NGON 138 RESTAURANT *138 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: 08 3827 9666 / 08 3825 7179 *Email: *Website: HCMC
AUSTRALIAN WAGYU BEEF AT CORSO Wagyu beef is arguably the finest tasting, healthiest beef in the world. Renowned for its rich flavor and marbled characteristics, Wagyu takes steak to another level. Corso Steakhouse & Bar welcomes beef lovers to tuck into
a selection of succulent, sizzling Australian Wagyu beef creations, cooked to your liking by the professional Chefs. Available from August 15 to September 30, "Wagyu Beef Short Ribs", "Flame Grilled Wagyu Tenderloin with Smoked Bacon" and the "Wagyu Rib-Eye Steak" are just few of the Wagyu dishes to look forward to.
(CORSO STEAKHOUSE & BAR *Ground Floor - Norfolk Hotel, 117 Le Thanh Ton, Dist.1, HCMC *Tel: 08 3829 5368 - Ext: 6614 *Fax: 08 3829 3415 *Email: corso@norfolkhotel. - Website: www. *Facebook: www.facebook. com/CorsoSteakhouse)
CAF– CARDINAL - CLASSIC FRENCH STYLE THIS COMING AUTUMN Listed as one of the most distinct restaurants in Southeast Asia, Cafä Cardinal owns a unique dining space where you can see Sebastien Schneider and his chefs creating culinary masterpieces in an artfully designed show kitchen. Its extensive menu is decidedly French, with deliberate detours to complement Western and Asian cuisines. The restaurant offers a variety of main courses such as steak with eggs, fried rice with seafood, black cod with chorizo and wok-fried lobster with black peppercorn. You can also enjoy the finest classic French desserts including millefeuille and baba au rhum as well as a dozen imported cheeses. On the first days of autumn, there could be nothing more relaxing than drinking a cup of afternoon tea and enjoying scrumptious cakes such as Austrian linzer torte, French äclairs and English scones while chatting with your friends. (CAF– CARDINAL *6th floor, Times Square Building *22 - 36 Nguyen Hue I 57 - 69F Dong Khoi, Dist. 1, HCMC)
PHONG CÉCH TIåC T# CHñN MõI "GRAND BUFFET" Nhµ hµng Cafä Saigon vıa cho ra mæt h◊nh th¯c phÙc vÙ ti÷c t˘ ch‰n mÌi theo phong c∏ch »m th˘c ti÷c t˘ ch‰n k’t hÓp h◊nh th¯c g‰i m„n ch’ bi’n theo y™u c«u vÌi t™n g‰i Grand Buffet. Ngoµi 80 m„n ®n Æ≠Óc chu»n b sΩn tr™n c∏c qu«y t˘ ch‰n, bπn sœ hµi lng h¨n khi Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n t≠¨i mÌi theo y™u c«u vÌi sË l≠Óng kh´ng giÌi hπn. Th˘c kh∏ch tho∂i m∏i ngÂi tπi chÁ suËt b˜a ®n ch›nh Æ” th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n ®n m◊nh ch‰n, vµ dµnh nhi“u thÍi gian vui vŒ vÌi gia Æ◊nh. Ti÷c tËi t˘ ch‰n phÙc vÙ tı 18h00 vµo mÁi tËi Th¯ 6, Th¯ 7 vµ ChÒ nhÀt hªng tu«n. Ti÷c tËi t˘ ch‰n theo phong c∏ch g‰i m„n (Th¯ 6 - ChÒ nhÀt): 799.000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn. TrŒ em d≠Ìi 16 tuÊi sœ Æ≠Óc gi∂m gi∏ 50%.
(NHÄ HÄNG CAF– SAIGON *Kh∏ch sπn Eastin Grand Saigon *253 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, Q. PhÛ NhuÀn, TP.HCM) TP.HCM TP.HCM
‰a lπc tπi t«ng th≠Óng cÒa ta nhµ nªm gi˜a trung t©m Sµi Gn, Moutain Retreat lµ nhµ hµng thu«n Vi÷t Æ≠Óc Æ´ng Æ∂o th˘c kh∏ch ≠a chuÈng. Nhµ hµng Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ vÌi phong c∏ch nÛi truy“n thËng vµ th©n thi÷n vÌi nÈi th†t hoµn toµn tı gÁ, n¯a mÈc mπc xen kœ vÌi ∏nh s∏ng vµng †m cÛng, tπo c∂m gi∏c th≠ th∏i cho th˘c kh∏ch khi th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng m„n ®n Vi÷t Nam, r≠Óu vang vµ c∏c loπi cocktail Æ∆c bi÷t. MÈt chuy’n ghä th®m nhµ hµng lµ kho∂ng thÍi gian Æ” bπn th≠ gi∑n, dπo ch¨i Sµi Gn vµ tr∂i nghi÷m Æa dπng c∏c m„n ®n d©n d∑ mµ th©n quen cho Æ’n nh˜ng m„n Æ∆c s∂n khæp ba mi“n. (MOUTAIN RETREAT - VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT *Rooftop 36 L™ LÓi, Ph≠Íng B’n Nghä, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM *Tel: 0907 194 557)
PASTA LA VISTA, TH#C ß•N °N TR¶A MõI Bπn y™u th›ch nh˜ng m„n pasta mang ÆÀm phong c∏ch truy“n thËng vµ Æang t◊m ki’m nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c "fusion" hi÷n Æπi? Th˘c ƨn "Pasta la Vista" tπi Nhµ hµng
Emperor Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n tinh t’ vÌi s˘ pha trÈn ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa »m th˘c ≥ nÊi ti’ng vÌi m˙ Pasta vµ ngh÷ thuÀt »m th˘c NhÀt B∂n sœ Æ∏p ¯ng y™u c«u Æ„ cÒa bπn. Mang Æ’n Æa dπng l˘a ch‰n trong 10 m„n pasta ngon h†p d…n, tı m˙ ≥ xËt tht b®m "Mabo", m˙ ≥ xËt tr¯ng c∏ tuy’t, cho Æ’n m˙ ≥
xËt rong bi”n Wakame & c∏ ngı, m˙ ≥ xËt tht lÓn & kimchi... Chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh »m th˘c xuy™n Æπi d≠¨ng l˝ thÛ Æang chÍ Æ„n bπn. (NHÄ HÄNG EMPEROR *Kh∏ch sπn Fortuna Hanoi *6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi)
BÉNH TRUNG THU "SHANG PALACE" TRUY≈N THˇNG L‘ hÈi tr®ng rªm n®m nay, Nhµ hµng Shang Palace giÌi thi÷u 8 dng b∏nh trung thu h†p d…n gÂm 4 loπi b∏nh n≠Ìng truy“n thËng nh≠ "ThÀp c»m J®m b´ng Ch› T´n", "ßÀu ß· & Mà ßen", "Hπt sen Tr¯ng & Macadamia", "Hπt Sen L∏ D¯a" vµ dng b∏nh lπnh cao c†p nh©n s«u ri™ng, hπt sen cµ ph™, trµ xanh vµ tr¯ng s˜a th¨m lıng Æ≠Óc Æ∆t trong hÈp b∏nh 2 t«ng sang tr‰ng, chæc chæn sœ lµ m„n quµ ˝ ngh‹a dµnh t∆ng gia Æ◊nh, bπn bà vµ ÆËi t∏c cÒa bπn. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh käo dµi tı ngµy 18/8 Æ’n 27/9/2015. (NHÄ HÄNG SHANG PALACE *T«ng 1, 17-19-21 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3823 2221 *Fax: 08 3822 6116 *Facebook: www.
NEW LUNCH MENU - PASTA LA VISTA Are you searching for traditional Italian pastas and a new experience in modern fusion cooking? "Pasta la Vista" with an array of Italian pastas prepared in the Japanese culinary art for lunch time at Emperor Restaurant is just the answer. The collection includes 10 signature dishes such as Creamy Mentaiko Pasta, Wakame Seaweed and Tuna Pasta, or Octopus Peperoncino. each bringing discerning guests to a unique and delightful gastronomic journey where East meets West. (EMPEROR RESTAURANT *Fortuna Hanoi Hotel *6B Lang Ha, Ba Dinh, Hanoi) HCMC
GRAND BUFFET, THE NEW CONCEPT OF A LA CARTE BUFFET Cafä Saigon Restaurant has introduced an a la carte buffet service called Grand Buffet Dinner, with more than 80 dishes from the displayed buffet stations, and a multitude of unlimited main dishes prepared freshly upon order. Guests can simply enjoy the meal and share the good times with family. A la Carte Buffet is available every weekend, Friday to Sunday, from 6:00pm onwards.
Grand Buffet Dinner (Friday - Sunday): VND799,000++/ person. Children below 16 years of age receive 50% discount. (CAF– SAIGON RESTAURANT *EASTIN GRAND SAIGON *253 Nguyen Van Troi, Phu Nhuan Dist., HCMC) HCMC
"SHANG PALACE" TRADITIONAL MOONCAKE Celebrate this Full Moon Festival with an exclusive selection of Shang Palace's home-made moon cakes. Featuring eight delicious flavors including Macadamia Nut with Ham XO, Egg Yolk Pandan Lotus Seed Paste, Red Bean & Black Sesame Paste, Snow Skin Green Tea & Lotus Seed Paste, Snow Skin Durian Paste and Snow Skin Custard Milk, moon cakes can be purchased individually or in a beautifully presented gift box of eight. Treat your friends, family and business associates to Shang Palace's delectable moon cakes this Full Moon Festival. Available from August 18th to September 27th, 2015 For more details and order, please contact: (SHANG PALACE RESTAURANT *1st Floor, 17-19-21 Ly Tu Trong, Dist.1, HCMC. *Tel: 08 3823 2221 * Fax: 08 3822 6116 *Fanpage: www.facebook. com/ShangPalace)
ocated on the rooftop of a building in the center of Saigon, Mountain Retreat is a favorite authentic Vietnamese restaurant for many diners. The restaurant is designed in a traditional mountainous style combined with simple interiors made of wood and neohouzeaua. Under the yellow light, in a warm and friendly atmosphere, diners can enjoy an array of Vietnamese dishes perfectly served with wine and distinct cocktails. The restaurant is an ideal place for relaxing and exploring Saigon with a lavish menu including authentic dishes and specialties from all three regions. (MOUNTAIN RETREAT - VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT *Rooftop 36 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: 0907 194 557)
ßIÕM ß⁄N L≥ T¶ôNG TH¶ôNG TH`C Fusion Cafä khai tr≠¨ng Fusion Cafä Mojito Bar, Æi”m Æ’n mÌi mŒ Æ«y thÛ v Æ” t∏n g…u vµ th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng m„n ®n Æ≠¨ng Æπi tπi HÈi An. ßi d‰c khu phË cÊ HÈi An, ngang qua chi’c c«u gÁ bæc qua s´ng Hoµi, bπn c„ th” d‘ dµng t◊m th†y Mojito Bar nªm b™n tr™n Fusion Cafä HÈi An mang phong c∏ch Æ≠¨ng Æπi, phÙc vÙ nhi“u m„n ®n ngon mi÷ng vµ c∏c loπi th¯c uËng tuy÷t h∂o. Khai tr≠¨ng vµo gi˜a th∏ng 07, mÎ cˆa mÁi ngµy tı 5 giÍ chi“u. Mojito Bar lµ Æa Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng t∏n g…u cÔng bπn bà trong khi nh◊n ngæm hoµng h´n khi chi“u xuËng. Kh´ng gian †m cÛng, th©n thi÷n sœ giÛp du kh∏ch th≠ gi∑n sau mÈt ngµy dµi lµm vi÷c. Tπi Æ©y phÙc vÙ nhi“u loπi mojito vÌi nhi“u h≠¨ng v kh∏c nhau sœ Æ≠a bπn Æ’n nh˜ng gi©y phÛt th≠ th∏i ngay tı nh†p m´i Æ«u ti™n. ßıng b· qua “The Big Mo” - s˘ ha quy÷n gi˜a v ng‰t cÒa dıa t≠¨i, caramel vÌi v chua thanh tho∏t cÒa xoµi, vi÷t qu†t vµ v nÂng, †m cÒa gıng vµ ngÚ v h≠¨ng. Ngoµi ra, du kh∏ch c„ th” l˘a ch‰n vµ th≠Îng th¯c nhi“u loπi th¯c uËng kh∏c nhau nh≠ n≠Ìc tr∏i c©y t≠¨i, cµ ph™ Lavazza vµ c∏c m„n ng‰t t˘ tuy÷t h∂o nh≠ brownie chocolate. Mojoto Bar cÚng h¯a hãn mang Æ’n nh˜ng Æ™m nhπc h†p d…n ho∆c c∏c buÊi ti÷c Æ™m tr®ng rªm Æ” chi“u lng kh∏ch Æ’n HÈi An t◊m ki’m nh˜ng buÊi tËi l∑ng mπn vµ tho∂i m∏i. N’u Æ’n HÈi An, Æıng b· qua Æa chÿ nµy vµ g∆p gÏ Gus - Qu∂n l˝ cÒa Fusion Cafä Æ” cÔng chia sŒ nh˜ng th´ng tin vµ hi”u bi’t thÛ v v“ Vi÷t Nam. ß” cÀp nhÀt th´ng tin, vui lng truy cÀp facebook: www.facebook. com/FusionLoungeExpressSpa
usion Cafä launches Fusion Cafä Mojito Bar, a fun and fresh new addition, located above Fusion Cafä - the local Hoi An hang-out for urban comfort food. Walk along the small streets of Hoi An’s Old Quarter, past the wooden bridge on Hoai River and you will find the Mojito Bar, located above Fusion Cafä Hoi An. Designed in a contemporary style, the bar offers various flavorsome dishes and imaginative drinks. Officially launched in the middle of July and opening daily from 5pm, the Mojito Bar is an ideal place to chat with your friends and enjoy the beauty of Hoi An’s sunsets. The bar offers an intimate space to relax after a long working day. Mojito, a popular cocktail with a variety of flavors, will delight you from the first sip. Don’t miss “The Big Mo”, a signature blend of sweet coconut, caramel, sour mango, blueberry, and ginger. Mojito’s are not the only drink on offer, you can also choose from a variety of other beverages, fruit juices and Lavazza coffee, served with tasty desserts. Fusion Cafä’s Mojito Bar promises to be the new place to while the night away with live music and a warm, cosy atmosphere. Don’t forget to visit next time you are in Hoi An, Fusion Cafä’s Manager, Gus is ready to welcome you for a mojito or two! (FUSION CAF– HOI AN * 35 Nguyen Phuc Chu, Tan An Ward, Hoi An, Quang Nam * Tel: 0510 3930 333) For further information, please visit:
uy tÙ nh˜ng m„n ®n tinh hoa d‰c theo ba mi“n Ɔt n≠Ìc, th≠Îng th¯c Buffet M„n Vi÷t kh´ng chÿ ƨn thu«n Æem Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m th≠Óng hπng tı nguy™n li÷u t≠¨i sËng vµ b› quy’t ch’ bi’n ÆÀm nät vÔng mi“n, mµ cn lµ mÈt cuÈc "du ngoπn" tπi chÁ cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch Æ” kh∏m ph∏ s˘ Æa dπng trong »m th˘c Vi÷t. Vµo cuËi tu«n, th˘c kh∏ch cn Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng mµn bi”u di‘n Æ∆c sæc cÒa nh˜ng ngh÷ s‹ vÌi c∏c nhπc cÙ d©n tÈc nh≠ s∏o, Ƶn tranh, Ƶn nh... vÌi nh˜ng b∂n phËi hi÷n Æπi theo phong c∏ch World Music Æ” th˘c kh∏ch th≠Îng th¯c tr‰n vãn tinh tÛy tı b˜a ®n thu«n Vi÷t. Buffet M„n Vi÷t phÙc vÙ c∏c m„n ®n Æa dπng vÌi gi∏ hÓp l˝: Buffet tr≠a: 299,000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn (tı Th¯ 2 Æ’n Th¯ 6), Buffet tËi: 450,000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn (tı Th¯ 2 Æ’n Th¯ 4), Buffet tËi cuËi tu«n (Th¯ 5, 6, 7, ChÒ nhÀt): 525,000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn - phÙc vÙ th˘c ƨn h∂i s∂n Æ∆c bi÷t.
ß∆c bi÷t, trong rªm trung thu, th˘c kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c m„n ngon thu«n Vi÷t, h∂i s∂n t≠¨i ngon bÀc nh†t vµ m∑n nh∑n vÌi nh˜ng ti’t mÙc xi’c, ∂o thuÀt Æ∆c sæc b™n gia Æ◊nh. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh phÙc vÙ mi‘n ph› r≠Óu vang, bia Tiger vµ n≠Ìc ng‰t. Gi∏ vä buffet: 899,000VNß++/kh∏ch (LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON CITYPOINT *59 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3822 5678) HÄ NóI
GïI TIåC C¶õI HOÄN HÅO "ROMANCE BY MELIA" MÔa c≠Ìi n®m nay, kh∏ch sπn Melia Hanoi giÌi thi÷u tÌi c∏c Æ´i uy™n ≠¨ng g„i ti÷c c≠Ìi hoµn toµn mÌi "Romance by Melia". Vi÷c l™n k’ hoπch b˜a ti÷c sœ trÎ n™n h’t s¯c thÛ v bÎi vÌi s˘ phÙc vÙ cÒa ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n Æ” tπo n™n mÈt kh´ng gian ngÀp trµn t◊nh y™u theo phong c∏ch vµ ˝ t≠Îng cÒa ri™ng bπn. ßi“u Æ„ Æ≠Óc th” hi÷n tı Æπi s∂nh, lËi l™n c«u thang, lËi d…n vµo phng ti÷c Æ’n trung t©m s©n kh†u vÌi nh˜ng d∂i voan lÙa m“m mπi, hoa, n’n cÔng b∏nh c≠Ìi, th∏p ly c«u k˙. Kh∏ch tham d˘ cn c„ c¨ hÈi tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng ti÷n ›ch lÌn nh≠ ti÷c c≠Ìi Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c tπi 2 ballrooms c„ s¯c ch¯a Æ’n h¨n 1.600 ng≠Íi, th˘c ƨn É - ¢u Æa dπng, Æ™m t©n h´n tπi phng hπng sang cÚng nh≠ b˜a tËi l∑ng man tπi nhµ hµng El Patio
trong dp k˚ ni÷m 1 n®m ngµy c≠Ìi. Kh∏ch sπn hi÷n cung c†p ba g„i ti÷c c≠Ìi: Romance by Melia 1 (tı 880.000VNß/kh∏ch), Romance by Melia 2 (tı 990.000VNß/ kh∏ch) vµ Romance by Melia 3 (tı 1.100.000VNß/ kh∏ch). (KHÉCH SÑN MELIA HANOI *44B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3934 3343 *Ext: 7400 *Website: KI£N GIANG
KHAI TR¶•NG KHU NGHé D¶öNG MERCURE PHU QUOC RESORT & VILLAS MÌi Æ©y, tÀp Æoµn AccorHotels Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng khu nghÿ d≠Ïng th¯ hai tπi Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc - Mercure Phu Quoc Resort & Villas. ß≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch Vi÷t Nam Æ≠¨ng Æπi, toµn bÈ 72 bi÷t th˘ c„ hµng hi™n ri™ng,
m∏y pha trµ, cµ ph™; Executive Pool Villas c„ b” b¨i ri™ng vÌi gh’ nghÿ Æ∆t ch◊m d≠Ìi m∆t n≠Ìc, phng tæm vÌi b” sÙc jacuzzi vµ phng ti’p kh∏ch... T†t c∂ mang lπi mÈt kh´ng gian ri™ng t≠ tπi Æi”m Æ’n Æang thu hÛt du kh∏ch. B™n cπnh nhµ hµng Little, Blue Bar sang tr‰ng, khu nghÿ cn cung c†p nhi“u ti÷n ›ch nh≠ b” b¨i ngoµi trÍi vÌi b” sÙc, trung t©m rÃn luy÷n th” l˘c mÎ cˆa 24h, Pure Spa vµ thuy“n kayak mi‘n ph›, s©n tennis, b„ng Æ∏ vµ b„ng chuy“n b∑i bi”n. (MERCURE PHU QUOC RESORT & VILLAS *ƒp D≠¨ng T¨, x∑ D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc, Ki™n Giang *Website: ) HóI AN
ßïN TR°NG RØM TÑI ANANTARA HOI AN RESORT Kh∏m ph∏ phË cÊ HÈi An vµo Æ™m rªm d≠Ìi ∏nh s∏ng lung linh
cÒa nh˜ng chi’c ÆÃn lÂng Æ«y sæc mµu, th¯c dÀy vµo buÊi s∏ng vµ dÔng nh˜ng m„n ngon Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n tinh t’, mang h≠¨ng v »m th˘c Æ∆c tr≠ng mi“n Trung, sau Æ„ bπn c„ th” tham gia vµo lÌp h‰c lµm lÂng ÆÃn vµ t˘ tay mang v“ nh˜ng m„n quµ cho ng≠Íi th©n Î nha do ch›nh tay bπn lµm ra... ß’n vÌi HÈi An cÚng lµ dp bπn c„ th” ngÂi tr™n nh˜ng chi’c thuy“n ng≠Óc xu´i dng s´ng Thu BÂn, n¨i bπn c„ th” nh◊n toµn c∂nh phË cÊ bao phÒ bÎi ∏nh s∏ng cÒa nh˜ng ng‰n n’n †m ∏p. Tr∂i nghi÷m cÒa bπn sœ th™m ph«n thÛ v khi bπn c„ th” dÔng b˜a tËi trong kh´ng gian thÍi Ph∏p, gÓi lπi c∂m gi∏c hoµi cÊ thi v. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh käo dµi Æ’n h’t ngµy 31/12/2015. Gi∏ tı 4,488,000VNß/phng/Æ™m, ∏p dÙng cho phng Î trong giai Æoπn ngµy 14 vµ 15 ©m lch. Truy cÀp Æ” bi’t th™m th´ng tin chi ti’t.
ssemble the natural quintessence of Vietnam, the pride of culinary along three regions of the country, Buffet Mon Viet is not simply bring a premium experience from fresh ingredients and regional know-how processing but also as an "state excursion" for visitors to explore the variety of amazing food, culture, and human in Vietnam. Come here every weekend, guests can also enjoy special performances by artists with traditional instruments such as flute, zither, and er hu, with the mix of modern style World Music that opens a space of musical harmony and relaxation of mind to fully enjoy the essence of Vietnamese dishes. With qualified and high-class 4-star service Buffet Mon Viet offers an array of dishes at reasonable prices. Buffet Lunch: VND299,000++/adult (from Monday to Friday), Buffet Dinner: VND450,000++ /adult (from Monday to Wednesday), Buffet Dinner at weekends (from Thursday to Sunday): VND525,000++/adult. Especially, in the night of full moon, diners can enjoy Vietnamese cuisine and the freshest seafood with free wine, Tiger beer and soft drinks while watching exciting circus and prestidigitation performances with their family. Price: VND899,000++/person.
(LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON CITYPOINT *59 Pasteur, Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: 08 3822 5678)
ACCORHOTELS LAUNCHES MERCURE PHU QUOC RESORT & VILLAS Recently, AccorHotels has officially launched its second resort in Phu Quoc Island - Mercure Phu Quoc Resort & Villas. Designed in a Vietnamese contemporary style, 72 villas feature a private balcony, tea and coffee machine while the Executive Pool Villas feature a private pool with chairs placed under water, bathrooms HANOI
HOI AN with jacuzzi and a large living room, offering a private space in this attractive destination. In addition to the luxurious restaurant such as Little Restaurant and Blue Bar, the resort offers many other facilities including an outdoor pool with Jacuzzi, fitness center open 24 hours, Pure Spa, complimentary kayaks, tennis, football and beach volleyball courts. (MERCURE PHU QUOC RESORT & VILLAS *Duong To Hamlet, Duong To Commune, Phu Quoc, Kien Giang *Website:
FULL MOON LATERN FESTIVAL AT ANANTARA HOI AN RESORT Experience the ancient wonder of Hoi An's twinkling lantern festival. Enjoy leisurely buffet breakfasts each morning with the specialties of the Central Vietnam before participating in a class to create your own lantern and take home
with you as a memorable souvenir. Visiting Hoi An, you can also take a cruise on the Thu Bon River to see the historic and beautiful old quarter bathe in candlelight. Step into another time while dining in opulent French colonial. The offer is valid until December 31st 2015. Rates start from VND4,488,000 per room per night, applicable only for stay on 14th and 15th of the lunar month. For more information, please visit
"ROMANCE BY MELIA", A PERFECT WEDDING PACKAGE This wedding season, Melia Hanoi Hotel is offering its new wedding package to couples named Romance by Melia. At Melia Hanoi, planning for your big day will no longer be stressful. The professional staff at the hotel will help you design your wedding venue in your own personal style and ideas down to the very last detail, from the lobby, up to the stair, the banquet room, the wonderful aisle and the stage with flowers, candles, ice carving, Champaign fountain and wedding cake. These packages also include various benefits such as: holding the event in 2 ballrooms, which can allocate up to 1600 people, having varied menus with Western and Asian specialties, enjoying a honeymoon night at a luxurious suite and an intimate 1-year-anniversary dinner at El Patio Restaurant. Customers have 3 options of wedding packages: Romance by Melia 1 (with the price from VND880,000/guest), Romance by Melia 2 (from VND990,000/guest) and Romance by Melia 3 (from VND1,100,000/guest). (MELIA HANOI HOTEL *44B Ly Thuong Kiet *Tel: 04 3934 3343 - Ext: 7400 *Website:
THI£N ߶òNG CûA MùA C¶õI ßÄ NøNG H∑y t≠Îng t≠Óng bπn cÔng ng≠Íi bπn ÆÍi trao lÍi hãn ≠Ìc tr®m n®m b™n kh´ng gian b∏t ng∏t cÒa bÍ bi”n xanh vµ b∑i c∏t træng lÈng l…y d≠Ìi ∏nh næng vµng. Cn g◊ hπnh phÛc h¨n khi hai t©m hÂn ÆÂng Æi÷u cÔng ha nhp vÌi ti’ng s„ng vµ gi„ Æπi d≠¨ng. Nªm tr™n mÈt trong s∏u bÍ bi”n Æãp nh†t hµnh tinh do Forbes b◊nh ch‰n cÈng vÌi kh´ng gian trµn Æ«y c∂m h¯ng nhÍ thi’t k’ vıa ÆÀm Ƶ b∂n sæc Vi÷t vµ nät ÆÈt ph∏ cÒa ki’n trÛc hi÷n Æπi, Naman Retreat sœ lµ Æa Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng chæp c∏nh cho Æ∏m c≠Ìi trong m¨ cÒa bπn.
mœ kh´ng chÿ ÆËi vÌi c∏c Æ´i uy™n ≠¨ng ng≠Íi b∂n x¯ mµ c∂ c∏c c∆p Æ´i ng≠Íi n≠Ìc ngoµi muËn t◊m nät ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ c∏ t›nh ri™ng cho Æ∏m c≠Ìi cÒa m◊nh. ß∏m c≠Ìi cÒa bπn cÚng c„ th” trÎ thµnh k◊ nghÿ d≠Ïng Æ«y l∑ng mπn khi bπn Æ≠Óc tay trong tay vÌi ng≠Íi y™u th≠¨ng dπo b≠Ìc trong kh´ng gian xanh ngÓp Æ≠Óc d÷t n™n tı con Æ≠Íng rÓp b„ng tre hay nh˜ng vm d©y leo duy™n d∏ng cÒa khu nhµ Babylon, ho∆c cÔng nhau ngæm nh◊n ∏nh hoµng h´n trong khi Æang nh©m
nhi mÈt ly cocktail tuy÷t vÍi tπi B Lounge. “Qu˝ c´ thÍi th≠Óng” B Lounge vÌi nh˜ng lÌp ∏o Æ«y mµu sæc v“ Æ™m k’t hÓp vÌi nh˜ng giai Æi÷u s´i ÆÈng cÒa c∏c DJ phong c∏ch sœ mang Æ’n cho c∏c c∆p Æ´i nh˜ng kho∂ng khæc vui vŒ, Æ∏ng nhÌ h¨n bao giÍ h’t. CÚng Æıng qu™n nh˜ng tr li÷u spa, g„i detox thanh l‰c c¨ th” hay hµnh tr◊nh tham quan th∏m hi”m cÒa chÛng t´i. MÔa c≠Ìi Æang v…y g‰i vµ Naman Retreat Æang mÎ rÈng cˆa chµo Æ„n t†t c∂ c∏c Æ´i uy™n ≠¨ng muËn tÀn h≠Îng thi™n Æ≠Íng b™n bÍ bi”n nµy.
MÈt trong nh˜ng nät ÆÈt ph∏ tπo n™n s˘ kh∏c bi÷t cÒa Naman Retreat ch›nh lµ nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc tre lÌn nh†t Vi÷t Nam. Nhµ HÈi Ngh vÌi nh˜ng vm tre Æan xen khÊng l c„ th” Æ≠Óc bi’n h„a thµnh th∏nh Æ≠Íng cho mÈt Æ∏m c≠Ìi ÆÈc nh†t v´ nh hi’m n¨i nµo kh∏c tr™n Vi÷t Nam hay th’ giÌi c„ th” s∏nh Æ≠Óc. Kh´ng gian vıa lÈng l…y, tinh t’, vıa ÆÀm Ƶ b∂n sæc v®n h„a Vi÷t Nam †y mang s¯c h†p d…n mπnh
hÿ c∏ch vµi phÛt di chuy”n lµ Æ’n khu phË cÊ Di s∂n Th’ giÌi, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Almanity HÈi An Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ sˆ dÙng ch†t li÷u di s∂n cÊ Æi”n, bao quanh lµ khu v≠Ín nhi÷t ÆÌi vµ khu h b¨i bÀc thang Æ«y l´i cuËn. Almanity HÈi An Æ∑ lÂng ghäp nh˜ng y’u tË t˘ nhi™n vµ v®n h„a cÒa phË cÊ HÈi An vµo trong lËi ki’n trÛc, thi’t k’, mang lπi tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi mŒ cho du kh∏ch. C≠ ngÙ tπi Almanity HÈi An, bπn cn Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m li÷u tr◊nh spa 90 phÛt, ngÂi thi“n vµ tÀp Th∏i C˘c Quy“n tπi tÊ hÓp h thi“n th≠ gi∑n Î khu Thi“n Tnh cÒa ta nhµ; ho∆c th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng loπi n≠Ìc uËng ÆÈc Æ∏o tπi qu«y Bar & Cafä Blue Bottle. C∏c th¯c uËng pha ch’ s∏ng tπo tı nguy™n li÷u t≠¨i sπch tπi Æa ph≠¨ng, r≠Óu vang træng Chardonnay pha soda ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ≠Óc t®ng v bªng tinh d«u, vµ c∏c loπi trµ kho∏ng ÆÀm Ƶ Æ˘ng trong †m trµ men xanh. Th˘c ƨn Almanity HÈi An h≠Ìng Æ’n nh˜ng phong c∏ch »m th˘c v“ HÈi An x≠a, Æem lπi tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∆c sæc cho du kh∏ch khi Æ’n HÈi An vµo mÔa thu nµy. (ALMANITY HóI AN *326 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, P. T©n An, HÈi An *Website:
Sunrise Nha Trang Beach Hotel & Spa lµ kh∏ch sπn mang ©m h≠Îng ki’n trÛc cÊ Æi”n tπi trung t©m thµnh phË Nha Trang. T‰a lπc b™n mÈt trong nh˜ng vnh bi”n Æãp nh†t th’ giÌi, kh∏ch sπn chÿ c∏ch bi”n, trung t©m du lch vµ trung t©m mua sæm vµi b≠Ìc ch©n. Bπn sœ t◊m Æ≠Óc t†t c∂ nh˜ng g◊ m◊nh c«n cho mÈt k˙ nghÿ hoµn h∂o tπi Nha Trang trong th∏ng 9 nµy. H b¨i ki”u La M∑ tr™n t«ng 1 hay b∑i bi”n ri™ng tr≠Ìc kh∏ch sπn lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng Æ” bπn Ææm m◊nh trong næng vµng, bi”n xanh. Bπn cÚng c„ th” ch‰n th≠ gi∑n b™n ly cocktail nhi÷t ÆÌi Æ” c∂m nhÀn tr‰n vãn nät th¨ mÈng cÒa vnh Nha Trang tπi Sky Lounge tr™n t«ng 10; hay th≠Îng th¯c m„n Shepherd's Pie ngon tuy÷t tπi Irish Pub. ßıng b· qua th’ giÌi »m th˘c quy’n rÚ, phong phÛ Î nhµ hµng H≠¨ng Vi÷t, Imperial vµ Hanabusa cÒa Sunrise Nha Trang Beach vÌi c∏c c∏c m„n Vi÷t truy“n thËng, m„n Sushi t≠¨i ngon, Teppanyaki hay Sake...
VÌi ki’n trÛc 41 t«ng hi÷n Æπi cÔng 1.260 phng nghÿ d≠Ïng h≠Ìng bi”n, kh∏ch sπn Best Western Premier Havana Nha Trang l†y c∂m h¯ng tı s˘ ha quy÷n Æ«y tinh t’ gi˜a nät Æãp hi÷n Æπi cÒa ki’n trÛc ph≠¨ng T©y vµ s˘ quy’n rÚ cÊ Æi”n cÒa ki’n trÛc É ch©u. Nghÿ d≠Ïng tπi Æ©y, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m dch vÙ kh∏ch sπn ƺng c†p nh≠ phng tÀp th” h◊nh, yoga, khu spa chuy™n bi÷t, Æ≠Íng h«m d≠Ìi lng Æ≠Íng Tr«n PhÛ nËi li“n tı kh∏ch sπn ra b∑i bi”n ri™ng... Tı kh∏ch sπn Best Western Premier Havana Nha Trang, chÿ c«n vµi phÛt dπo bÈ, bπn Æ∑ c„ th” tÌi trung t©m thµnh phË Æ” kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng danh thæng nÊi ti’ng, nh˜ng khu mua sæm s«m u†t, nh˜ng phi™n chÓ Æ™m n∏o nhi÷t hay t◊m hi”u tinh hoa v®n h„a »m th˘c ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa Æa ph≠¨ng. (BEST WESTERN PREMIER HAVANA NHA TRANG *38 Tr«n PhÛ, P. LÈc Th‰, Nha Trang *Website:
(SUNRISE NHA TRANG BEACH HOTEL & SPA *12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ, Nha Trang *Website: www. sunrisenhatrang.
VICTORIA N@I SAM LODGE, KH§NG GIAN BçNH Y£N MÔa thu lµ thÍi Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng Æ” Æ’n th®m nÛi Sam, n¨i nÊi bÀt vÌi Æa dπng ki’n trÛc chÔa chi“n Æ«y t´n nghi™m. ß’n Æ©y, bπn h∑y tÀn h≠Îng tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v tπi Victoria NÛi Sam Lodge. C∏ch khu trung t©m nhÈn nhp cÒa thµnh phË Ch©u ßËc 7 km, nªm näp m◊nh gi˜a c∂nh Æãp thi™n nhi™n hoang s¨, Victoria NÛi Sam Lodge khi’n bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c nh≠ Æang lπc vµo mÈt th’ giÌi kh∏c, thanh tnh vµ n™n th¨. Ph„ng t«m mæt ra xa tı ÆÈ cao 284m, bπn thu vµo t«m mæt thung lÚng n™n th¨ cÔng nh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng lÛa t≠¨i tËt tr∂i dµi t›t tæp Æ’n tÀn bi™n giÌi Campuchia. Bao gÂm 36 nhµ nghÿ ri™ng bi÷t Æ≠Óc Ëp Æ∏ tinh t’ gi˜a ng‰n nÛi thi™ng huy“n b›, Victoria NÛi Sam Lodge lµ Æi”m dıng ch©n dµnh cho nh˜ng ai Æam m™ kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng ch©n trÍi mÌi lπ. (VICTORIA N@I SAM LODGE *V‹nh ß´ng 1, ph≠Íng NÛi Sam, Ch©u ßËc, An Giang *Website: )
utumn is the ideal time to visit Sam Mountain, which offers a diversity of temple architectures. Here, you can participate in a interesting experience at Sam Mountain Victoria Lodge, which is 7km from the bustling center of Chau Doc town. Nestled amongst the pristine beauty of nature, Victoria Sam Mountain Lodge will carry you away to a poetic world of tranquility.
From the altitude of 284m, take in the panoramic view of the valleys, lush green rice fields stretching all the way to the Cambodia border. Featuring 36 separate guesthouses finely covered in stone located among mysterious the mountains, Mount Victoria Sam Lodge is a destination for travelers who wish to explore new horizons. (SAM MOUNTAIN VICTORIA LODGE *Vinh Dong, Sam Mountain ward, Chau Doc, An Giang *Website: NHA TRANG
EXPERIENCE THE CULTURE OF THE ANCIENT TOWN Just minutes from the World Heritage Ancient Town, Almanity Hoi An Resort offers guests a relaxing experience in this classic heritage design, surrounded by tropical gardens and inviting terraced pools. Almanity Hoi An integrates elements from the local surroundings into its architecture, its design and the overall experience of guests. While staying at Almanity Hoi An, you can experience an inclusive 90-minute spa course combining massage, meditation and Tai Chi in a relaxation
pool area set within a silent sanctuary, or enjoy some delight drinks at The Blue Bottle bar. The bar offers a number of creative concoctions with exciting infusions with fresh local ingredients, refreshing signature chardonnay spritzers uniquely flavored with essential oils, and revitalizing alcoholic tea tonics served in blue teapots. The Almanity Hoi An's menu focuses on classic favorites in ancient Hoi An, offering guests a new culinary experience when visiting Hoi An this autumn. (ALMANITY HOI AN *326 Ly Thuong Kiet, Tan An Ward, Hoi An *Web: www.
SUNRISE NHA TRANG, EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO EXPLORE Sunrise Nha Trang Beach Hotel & Spa is a hotel built in a colonial style in one of the most beautiful bays in the world. This 5 star hotel is idyllically located in the heart of Nha Trang's tourist district, just steps away from the beach and within walking distance to major sightseeing, shopping and tourist destinations. Here, you can find everything you need for a perfect holiday in Nha Trang this September. A Roman-style
swimming pool and private beach are ideal places for you to sunbathe or immerse yourself in the blue water. You can also relax with a tropical cocktail and admire the beauty of Nha Trang in the Sky Lounge on the 10th floor or enjoy scrumptious Shepherd's Pie at Irish Pub. Don't miss the culinary diversity at Sunrise Nha Trang Beach's restaurants including Huong Viet, Imperial and Hanabusa with Vietnam cuisine, Sushi, Teppanyaki or Sake. (SUNRISE NHA TRANG BEACH HOTEL & SPA *12 -14 Tran Phu, Nha Trang *Website: www.
BEACH ON ONE SIDE AND STREETS ON THE OTHER Featuring a height of 41 floors and 1,260 ocean view rooms, Best Western Premier Havana Nha Trang hotel is inspired by the beautiful harmony of Western and Asian styles. At the hotel, you can experience the highest quality of facilities and services including a fitness room, yoga, spa center and a private tunnel under Tran Phu Street connecting the hotel with its private beach. Just a minute from Best Western Premier Havana Nha Trang, you can walk to the city's center to explore other famous destinations, bustling shopping attractions and night markets or enjoy the quintessence of local cuisine. (BEST WESTERN PREMIER HAVANA NHA TRANG *38 Tran Phu, Loc Tho Ward, Nha Trang *Website:
HCMC Conveniently located in the heart of the city center, close to business destinations and famous landmarks, Norfolk Hotel is an oasis of rest and relaxation from the hustle and bustle of Saigon life, where you can truly relax and feel at home. Established in 1992 as the first Australian owned hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Norfolk Hotel features 104 renovated rooms that blend modern comfort with local charm. All rooms are equipped with modern conveniences, 24-hour complimentary wireless internet connection and functional working spaces for busy executives. Norfolk Hotel is within easy walking distance to shopping, dining, entertainment and cultural sites of interest. The hotel’s facilities are stylish yet comfortable and friendly, personalized service offered by the staff is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.
professional Chefs, the restaurant is a perfect choice for a family celebration or formal business dinner. After more than 23 years of operation, Norfolk Hotel continues to be the favorite choice of business and leisure travelers alike. For more information or to make a reservation, please contact:
NORFOLK HOTEL 117 Le Thanh Ton, District.1, HCMC, Vietnam Tel: (84-8) 3829 5368 Fax: (84-8) 3829 3415 Email: Website: www.norfolkhotel.
For those guests seeking to relax and be pampered, Norfolk Spa offers spa treatments as well as sauna and steam bath facilities - the perfect way to unwind after a day of discovery or hectic day at work. Corso Steakhouse & Bar, located on the ground floor of the hotel, boasts an open kitchen with more intimate private dining areas. With an extensive wine menu, contemporary Western and Asian cuisines, as well as a wide range of juicy, sizzling steaks cooked to your liking by the TRAVELLIVE
N’u bπn Æang t◊m ki’m mÈt Æa chÿ nghÿ d≠Ïng ƺng c†p mµ v…n ha hÓp tr‰n vãn vÌi kh´ng gian thi™n nhi™n ph„ng kho∏ng, th◊ Aphrodite ch›nh lµ mÈt du thuy“n mang tÌi nh˜ng gi©y phÛt tuy÷t Æãp tr™n vnh Hπ Long cho bπn.
HA LONG If you are looking for a high-class choice that is harmonious combined with the generous beauty of nature, then Aphrodite is the ideal cruise for you to enjoy the most beautiful moments in Halong Bay.
Aphrodite lµ N˜ th«n cÒa t◊nh y™u, sæc Æãp, s˘ ph∏t tri”n vµ cÚng lµ th«n hÈ m÷nh cÒa m‰i thÒy thÒ tr™n Æπi d≠¨ng. Gi˜a vŒ Æãp m™nh m´ng, huy“n b› cÒa vnh Hπ Long, Æ∆t ch©n l™n chi’c du thuy“n mang t™n Aphrodite ngh‹a lµ bπn Æ∑ trao cho m◊nh c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc c∂m nhÀn nh˜ng Æi“u tinh t’ trong nh˜ng ngµy nghÿ Î chËn nµy.
Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and growth as well as the guardian of every sailor on the ocean. Amongst the immense and mysterious Halong Bay, get on the cruise named by the goddess and you will give yourself a chance to enjoy the finest experiences during your stay in this region.
Du thuy“n Aphrodite Æ≠a bπn Æ’n g«n nh†t vÌi cuÈc sËng lµng chµi vµ v®n h„a b∂n Æa, lµ l˘a ch‰n hµng Æ«u cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch say m™ kh∏m ph∏ du lch sinh th∏i, th©n thi÷n vÌi m´i tr≠Íng. S˘ v≠Ót trÈi Î dch vÙ, s˘ tÀn t©m h¯a hãn sœ mang lπi ni“m vui hoµn h∂o cho nh˜ng v kh∏ch c«u toµn vµ lch l∑m.
Aphrodite Cruise brings the authentic culture of local fish farm in Halong Bay to your truly experience on board and is the most suitable choice for travelers with the passion of exploring ecotourism. The highest quality of services, together with dedicated staff of the cruise promises to satisfy all perfectionists.
ßÈi thuy“n cÒa Aphrodite gÂm 2 du thuy“n boutique, mÁi du thuy“n c„ th” phÙc vÙ 34 ng≠Íi lÌn vµ 12 trŒ em vÌi ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vi™n th©n thi÷n, Æ≠Óc Ƶo tπo chuy™n nghi÷p. C∏c phng ti÷n nghi Î t«ng 2 c„ hµnh lang chung, thi’t k’ hi÷n Æπi cÔng nhµ hµng vÌi t«m nh◊n h≠Ìng bi”n.
The fleet includes two boutique styled cruises, each serving up to 34 adults and 12 children with their friendly and professional staff. On the second floor are modern rooms sharing a balcony and a seaview restaurant.
VÌi mong muËn mang tÌi du kh∏ch nh˜ng dch v٠ƺng c†p nh†t, t†t c∂ thµnh vi™n Aphrodite lu´n lu´n cË gæng hoµn thi÷n, n©ng c†p dch vÙ Æ” phÔ hÓp vÌi tıng mong muËn nh· nh†t cÒa du kh∏ch. ß„ lµ l˝ do cho mÈt Aphrodite hoµn thi÷n, chi ti’t h¨n vÌi 11 cabin sang tr‰ng, ƺng c†p nh†t. Tr™n du thuy“n nµy, bπn sœ t◊m th†y mÈt tÊ hÓp ti÷n ›ch li™n hoµn Æ” du kh∏ch vıa tÀn h≠Îng thi™n nhi™n vnh Hπ Long 360 ÆÈ vıa n©ng cao ch†t l≠Óng chuy’n Æi qua c∏c kh´ng gian ri™ng t≠ ÆËi Æa cho c∏c hoπt ÆÈng tÀp luy÷n c∏ nh©n, th≠ th∏i Ɖc s∏ch ho∆c chi“u chuÈng b∂n th©n vÌi gym, spa, dry sauna, massage. ß©y th˘c s˘ lµ mÈt l˘a ch‰n tuy÷t vÍi Æ” nu´ng chi“u m‰i gi∏c quan c∂m thÙ. T†t c∂ thËng nh†t trong mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m hµi ha tuy™t ÆËi cÒa thi™n, Æa, con ng≠Íi. S˘ ha hÓp cÒa thi™n Æa khi’n m≠a thuÀn gi„ ha, nu´i d≠Ïng vπn vÀt sinh s´i. TrÍi, Ɔt, n≠Ìc chuy”n h„a tπo ra vŒ Æãp ÆÈc nh†t cÒa Hπ Long. ß” b∂o tÂn vãn nguy™n s˘ hµi ha †y, Aphrodite Cruises lµ mÈt du thuy“n th©n thi÷n vÌi m´i tr≠Íng, g„p ph«n g◊n gi˜ Hπ Long. S˘ ha hÓp trong ch›nh con ng≠Íi bπn nªm Î mËi c©n bªng gi˜a t©m tr›, th” x∏c vµ linh hÂn, vµ chÿ c„ th” Æo bªng nh˜ng gi©y phÛt b◊nh y™n, th∂ l·ng hoµn toµn.
Aiming at offering guests with high end services, all members of Aphrodite always try to improve themselves and enhance the quality of services to care about all of customers’ expectation from the smallest details. This makes the 11-cabin cruise reach top notch services. In addition, for more interesting journeys, Aphrodite offers guests an uninterrupted group of amenities to contemplate the panoramic view of Halong Bay and relax in a private area while reading book, doing exercises or indulge in spa, dry sauna and massage rooms and fitness center. This is actually a great choice to pamper your all senses. Everything together creates a harmonious combination of the heaven, the earth and people. The harmony of the Heaven and the Earth controls weather and helps every species flourish. The transformation of heaven, earth and water creates the magnificent looks of Halong and as a environmental friendly cruise, Aphrodite contributes to maintain this beauty. The harmony of yourself associates with your balance of the body and the mind that can only be measure by peaceful and relaxing moments.
Aphrodite Cruises (Head Office: Townhouse B14, Tuan Chau Marina, Halong, Quang Ninh, VN * Tel:+84-33-6281888 * Fax: +84-33-6281666 Hanoi Office: 20th Floor, VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi, VN * Tel: +844 2220 8686 * Fax: +844 2220 8689 Email: * Website:
TRÅI NGHIåM S¢N GOLF "TWIN GREEN" L¡N ß¡U TI£N TÑI VIåT NAM Th∏ng 8 vıa qua, tÀp Æoµn BRG Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng s©n golf BRG Legend Hill Golf Resort tπi x∑ PhÔ Linh, huy÷n S„c S¨n, Hµ NÈi. ßi”m Æ∆c bi÷t nh†t tr™n s©n lµ "twin green" mang Æ’n tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v dµnh cho c∏c golf thÒ. ß©y lµ s©n golf Æ«u ti™n Æ≠Óc Nicklaus Design ∏p dÙng ˝ t≠Îng thi’t k’ "twin green" tuy÷t vÍi nµy tπi Ch©u É khi golf thÒ ch¨i tr™n hai green kh∏c nhau tπi cÔng mÈt hË trong c∂ mÈt vng Ɔu 18 hË. BRG Legend Hill Golf Resort lµ d˘ ∏n Æ≠Óc Æ≠a vµo hoπt ÆÈng Æ«u ti™n trong sË nhi“u d˘ ∏n mµ tÀp Æoµn BRG vµ tÀp Æoµn Nicklaus Æang tri”n khai, bao gÂm c∂ H‰c vi™n golf ÆÈc quy“n Jack Nicklaus Golf Academy. TrÎ thµnh hÈi vi™n cÒa BRG Legend Hill Golf Resort, kh∏ch Æ≠Óc h≠Îng quy“n gia nhÀp C©u lπc bÈ Golf quËc t’ Jack Nicklaus vµ c„ c¨ hÈi ch¨i golf tπi h¨n 140 s©n thuÈc C©u lπc bÈ Golf quËc t’ Jack Nicklaus tr™n toµn th’ giÌi.
ß¡U THU ß⁄N ßÄ LÑT THI ߃U GOLF h´ng chÿ lµ mÈt n¨i du lch l∑ng mπn, ßµ Lπt cn lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng Æ” bπn tr∂i nghi÷m m´n golf trong ti’t trÍi se lπnh. ßµ Lπt Palace Golf Club lµ s©n golf x≠a nh†t Vi÷t Nam, Æ≠Óc mÎ cˆa tı n®m 1922, Æ©y tıng lµ n¨i ≠u th›ch cÒa vua B∂o ßπi vµo nh˜ng n®m 1920.
Hi÷n nay, Dalat Palace Golf Club v…n ti’p tÙc lµ s©n golf tËt nh†t Vi÷t Nam vµ Æãp nh†t khu v˘c ß´ng Nam É vÌi 18 lÁ golf tπi nh˜ng Æa Æi”m tuy÷t Æãp, dµi 7.009 yard. Ngoµi phÙc vÙ m´n th” thao golf, n¨i nµy cn c„ ÆÒ m‰i dch vÙ cho kh∏ch gÂm s©n tÀp, nhµ hµng, cˆa hµng l≠u ni÷m, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng, qu∏n bar, massage, nhµ tæm h¨i, suËi n≠Ìc n„ng... (ßÄ LÑT PALACE GOLF CLUB *PhÔ ßÊng Thi™n V≠¨ng, ßµ Lπt, L©m ßÂng *
C¢U LÑC Bó GOLF ߤNG QU£ C∏ch trung t©m TP. HCM chÿ 20km, Vietnam Golf & Country Club Æ≠Óc xem lµ CLB golf nhµ ngh“ hµng Æ«u Î Vi÷t Nam khi thu hÛt hµng tr®m golfer. ß©y lµ Æi”m Æ’n cÒa nh˜ng v quan ch¯c c†p cao Î n≠Ìc ngoµi hay c∏c nhµ ngoπi giao, nh≠ ThÒ t≠Ìng Hunsen cÒa Campuchia hay c∏c c˘u ch›nh kh∏ch cÒa Vi÷t Nam nh≠ ´ng Nguy‘n Cao K˙, ´ng V‚ Vi’t Thanh... Vietnam Golf & Country Club chia lµm 2 khu: khu T©y vµ khu ß´ng, mÁi khu 18 lÁ, rÈng 300 ha vÌi 36 lÁ, 72 gÀy ti™u chu»n. Vietnam Golf & Country Club Æ≠Óc bao b‰c bÎi nh˜ng Æ≠Íng l®n b„ng nh†p nh´ li™n k’t vÌi Æ≠Íng s´ng n≠Ìc bao quanh, tπo l™n mÈt m´i tr≠Íng ch¨i golf thÛ v vµ trµn Æ«y c∂m h¯ng cho c∏c tay ch¨i. Kh´ng c„ g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n khi Æ’n s©n golf vµo buÊi s∏ng sÌm, kh´ng kh› trong lµnh, phong c∂nh vµ tÀn h≠Îng thi™n nhi™n. (VIETNAM GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB *ß≠Íng Hoµng H˜u Nam, P. Long Thπnh M¸, Q.9, TP.HCM *
CH¶•NG TRçNH ßóC QUY≈N "HANOI GOLF TEAM CHALLENGE MISSION HILLS 2015" JG Golf Vi÷t Nam phËi hÓp vÌi tÀp Æoµn Mission Hills (Trung QuËc) hÓp t∏c tÊ ch¯c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ÆÈc quy“n ƺng c†p Æ«u ti™n tπi Mission Hill H∂i Kh»u - "Hanoi Golf Team Challenge Mission Hills 2015" vµo th∏ng 9 nhªm vinh danh nh˜ng golfer xu†t sæc. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khÎi hµnh tı ngµy 20 24/9 vÌi thˆ th∏ch tπi 3 s©n golf ƺng c†p nh†t tπi Mission Hills H∂i Kh»u lµ: s©n Blackstone Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ” trÎ thµnh Æa Æi”m tÊ ch¯c nh˜ng gi∂i Ɔu golf quËc t’; s©n Lava Field vÌi thi’t k’ rÈng lÌn vµ bi”n c∏t bao quanh vÌi 156 bunker; s©n Meadow Links Æ” c∂m nhÀn nät truy“n thËng cÒa s©n golf bÍ bi”n ph›a Æ´ng vÌi thi’t k’ Æ∆c bi÷t "Bunker G†u trÛc". Golfer c„ Æi”m sË tËt nh†t sœ nhÀn Æ≠Óc Gold Trophy tı tÀp Æoµn Mission Hills, g„i hµnh tr◊nh bao gÂm vä m∏y bay, phi™n dch Ti’ng Vi÷t - Ti’ng Anh - Ti’ng Trung, tr∂i nghi÷m ti÷n ›ch tuy÷t vÍi tπi suËi n≠Ìc kho∏ng lÌn cÒa th’ giÌi, th≠Îng th¯c Æ∆c s∂n Æ∂o H∂i Nam, ghä th®m tÊ hÓp gi∂i tr› ÆÈc quy“n tπi Mission Hills Centreville...
Ghi d†u nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc kh„ qu™n tπi La Veranda ÆÀm ch†t cÊ Æi”n... N®m 2015, nh˜ng khu resort vÌi lËi ki’n trÛc cÊ Æi”n x≠a trÎ n™n hÛt kh∏ch h¨n, nh†t lµ Î nh˜ng vÔng bi”n v…n cn nät Æãp hoang s¨ mang Æ«y h¨i thÎ nhi÷t ÆÌi. TrÎ lπi vÌi ki’n trÛc Ph∏p ß„ lµ nh˜ng ta dinh th˘ tho∏ng rÈng thÍi Ph∏p thuÈc Æ«u th’ k˚ 20 vÌi tr«n nhµ cao, t≠Íng s¨n vµng cÔng nÈi th†t gÁ n©u, quπt tr«n ki”u cÊ... b™n khu v≠Ín nhi÷t ÆÌi xanh ng∏t, t∏i hi÷n vŒ Æãp Æ«y quy’n rÚ vµ tr∏ng l÷ cÒa lch sˆ. ThÍi th≠Óng nay lµ c∂m gi∏c y™n b◊nh tπi qu«y bar theo phong c∏ch x≠a, cÔng nhau tr«m læng b™n ly cocktail m∏t r≠Ói vµ ngæm vŒ Æãp m™ hÂn cÒa vnh Th∏i Lan. ThÀt ngπc nhi™n khi “ki”u cÊ” nµy giÍ lµ h◊nh ∂nh cÒa s˘ trŒ trung vµ hÓp thÍi du kh∏ch c„ th” t◊m th†y tπi Accor’s MGallery La Veranda Resort PhÛ QuËc. Nh˜ng bÍ bi”n nguy™n vãn hoang s¨ MÈt trong nh˜ng ch‰n l˘a hµng Æ«u lµ Æ∂o ng‰c PhÛ QuËc, n¨i c„ B∑i Sao nÊi ti’ng lu´n Æ≠Óc du kh∏ch khen ngÓi. ThÀt tuy÷t khi Æ„n b◊nh minh Æãp l∆ng ng≠Íi tı phng ngÒ Æ≠Óc trang tr› nh≠ trong phim “Ng≠Íi T◊nh” nÊi ti’ng, b™n
ß∂o G«m Gh◊, hn Æ∂o ri™ng cÒa La Veranda Resort
ngoµi chÿ c„ ti’ng s„ng vÁ r◊ rµo vµ s˘ b◊nh y™n m™nh m´ng. Ch†t sang tr‰ng Æi li“n vÌi s˘ cÊ Æi”n Ki’n trÛc cÊ Æi”n c«n Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ hÓp l˝ Æ” t∏i hi÷n vŒ sang tr‰ng vµ tinh t’, v◊ vÀy bπn n™n l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng resort cao c†p tı 4 Æ’n 5 sao vµ tÀn h≠Îng ch†t l≠Óng dch vÙ cao c†p. B™n cπnh Æ„, tπi nh˜ng nhµ hµng chu»n quËc t’ cÒa resort, nguy™n li÷u m„n ®n lu´n Æ≠Óc lµm tı c∏c Æ∆c s∂n t≠¨i ngon nh†t cÒa Æa ph≠¨ng k’t hÓp cÔng tay ngh“ chuy™n nghi÷p cÒa c∏c Æ«u b’p gi·i. Bπn c„ th” tham kh∂o nh˜ng k™nh review online nh≠ Trip Advisor Æ” c„ l˘a ch‰n tËt. ß’n vÌi Accor’s MGallery La Veranda Resort PhÛ QuËc, du kh∏ch kh´ng th” b· lÏ Memorable Moment Tour - chuy’n phi™u l≠u Æ’n Æ∂o G«m Gh◊, thuÈc sÎ h˜u ri™ng cÒa La Veranda Resort. MÈt hn Æ∂o mang vŒ Æãp hoang s¨, b∑i c∏t træng x„a tuy÷t Æãp cÔng lµn n≠Ìc bi”n xanh trong hi’m c„. Bæt Æ«u tı c∂ng An ThÌi, con thuy“n sang tr‰ng sœ Æ„n du kh∏ch Æ’n Æ∂o G«m Gh◊, tı Æ©y bπn sœ Æ≠Óc chi™m
Phng ngÒ cÊ Æi”n vµ sang tr‰ng tπi La Veranda Resort
ng≠Ïng quan c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp tr™n vnh Th∏i Lan vµ chuy’n Æi Æ’n hn Æ∂o ri™ng bi÷t nµy hoµn toµn lµ cÒa bπn. Kh∏m ph∏, b¨i l∆n, tæm næng, th≠ gi∑n tr™n hn Æ∂o mang vŒ Æãp hoang s¨ nh≠ ch≠a tÔng c„ d†u ch©n con ng≠Íi, cÔng th≠Îng th¯c b˜a ®n tr≠a cao c†p vµ ngon mi÷ng Æ≠Óc chu»n b bÎi c∏c nh©n vi™n cÒa La Veranda Resort. T†t c∂ Æ“u chÿ dµnh ri™ng cho bπn. GúI ≥ CHO BÑN: Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng sang tr‰ng La Veranda PhÛ QuËc - 5 n®m li™n ti’p Æ≠Óc Trip Advisor b◊nh ch‰n xu†t sæc. N’u bπn muËn tr∂i nghi÷m Memorable Moment Tour cÒa Accor’s MGallery La Veranda Resort vui lng li™n h÷ vÌi chÛng t´i ho∆c tham kh∂o th™m tπi Æ” t◊m hi”u th™m th´ng tin h†p d…n. Li™n h÷ tπi sË +84 (0)77 3982 988 ho∆c email
Nhµ hµng Pepper Tree tπi La Veranda Resort lu´n phÙc vÙ c∏c m„n ®n tı h∂i s∂n Æa ph≠¨ng TRAVELLIVE
ocated just 20 kilometers from the centre of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Golf and Country Club is the leading golf club in Vietnam, attracting hundreds of golfers. This is also the ideal destination chosen by foreign senior officers such as the President Hunsen (Cambodia) and Vietnamese diplomats such as Nguyen Cao Ky and Vo Viet Thanh. Set amongst 300 hectares of land with the East course and West course, Vietnam Golf & Country Club is a 36-hole course equipped with 72 standard golf sticks. Bumpy golf lines and surrounding rivers together create an interesting and inspiring environment for golfers. It is so fascinating to play golf in an early morning, breathe fresh air and admire the beauty of nature at Vietnam Golf and Country Club.
(VIETNAM GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB *Hoang Huu Nam Str., Long Thanh My Ward, Dist. 9, HCMC *Web: )
In August, BRG corporation has officially launched the BRG Legend Hill Golf Resort in Phu Linh Commune, Soc Son Dist., Hanoi.
The greatest feature of the golf course is the "twin green", promising to bring golfers an exciting experience. This is the first golf course to be designed in the idea of "twin green" by Nicklaus Design in Asia. With this design, in a 18 hole round, golfers can play on two different greens from the same hole. BRG Legend Hill Golf Resort is the first project of BRG corporation and Nicklaus corporation among others such as Exclusive Jack Nicklaus Golf Academy. The
members of BRG Legend Hill Golf Resort can join Jack Nicklaus International Golf Club and play golf in over 140 golf courses belonging to the club in the world.
EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM "HANOI GOLF TEAM CHALLENGE MISSION HILLS 2015" In September, JG Golf Vietnam with the cooperation of Mission
Hills Group (China) is going to host the first exclusive program "Hanoi Golf Team Challenge Mission Hills 2015" to honor excellent golfers at Mission Hill Haikou. From September 20th to 24th, golfers will encounter challenges at the three most luxurious golf courses of Mission Hills Haikou. They are Blackstone course designed as the venue for international golf tournaments; Lava course, the large course surrounded by sandy beach with 156 bunkers and Meadow Links
designed in the special style of "Bunker Panda" with the traditional distinctions of an eastern seafront course. The best golfer will receive Gold Trophy package of Mission Hills Group, including air ticket, Vietnamese - English or English - Chinese interpreters, and the chance to relax in the large mineral stream with numerous amenities, enjoy Hainam's specialties and visit the exclusive entertainment complex in Mission Hills Centreville.
PLAY GOLF IN DALAT IN EARLY AUTUMN Da Lat is not only a romantic travel destination but also one of the most ideal places for you to play golf in the freezing air. Launched in 1922, Dalat Palace Golf Club is the oldest golf course in Vietnam. The golf club used to be the favorite of Emperor Bao Dai in the 1920s. Currently, the Dalat Palace Golf Club is also the best golf course in Vietnam and the most beautiful one in Vietnam Southeast Asian region with 18 holes of golf at the prime locations stretching over 7,009 yards. The club also provides services, including training ground, restaurant, shops, resorts, bars, massages and saunas. (DALAT PALACE GOLF CLUB *Phu Dong Thien Vuong, Dalat, Lam Dong *Web: )
Swimmi m ng Cuttle catching
Cooking Relaxation Taichi
TRAVELLIVE 37 MARKETING & SALES OFFICE No 10, Hang Manh Str., Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi | Tel: +84-4-3926 4009. Fax: +84-4-3926 3450 Email: |;
SÅ SPA - S¿C THU ß¡U MùA Bπn sœ b†t ngÍ bÎi mÈt kh´ng gian hoµn toµn kh∏c so vÌi s˘ x´ b cÒa phË ph≠Íng Sµi Gn khi vıa Æ∆t ch©n vµo S∂ Spa. Kh´ng gian †m cÛng vµ thanh tho∏t trong nh˜ng b∂n nhπc ™m du hoµ, k’t hÓp ©m thanh r„c r∏ch cÒa dng n≠Ìc giÛp Æ∏nh tan Æi m‰i c®ng thºng, lo ©u trong bπn. Phong c∏ch spa tuy b◊nh d, nhã nhµng, ÆÂng thÍi cÚng tÿ mÿ, chau chuËt trong tıng thi’t k’ tr™n khung treo ÆÂ, c∏c nh∏nh bonsai tr™n lËi Æi... S∂ spa lu´n t◊m ti vµ c∂i ti’n c∏c li÷u ph∏p nhªm mang lπi cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m thu«n khi’t cÒa mÈt spa É ch©u. Nh˜ng bµn tay ræn r·i mµ nhã nhµng, s˘ quan t©m chu Æ∏o dµnh cho kh∏ch hµng cÒa c∏c k¸ thuÀt vi™n sœ lµm bπn hµi lng. (SÅ SPA *40B Phπm Ng‰c Thπch, P.6, Q.3, TP.HCM *Website:
BEAUTY & Healthcare
∑y Æ” c¨ th” vµ tinh th«n cÒa bπn Æ≠Óc Ææm ch◊m trong nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc th≠ gi∑n tuy÷t vÍi tπi Kinetic Gym & Wellness Studio tπi t«ng 3 kh∏ch sπn Movenpick Hµ NÈi. TÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng li÷u ph∏p chuy™n bi÷t ch®m s„c c¨ th” vµ c∏c ph≠¨ng ph∏p ch®m s„c da do c∏c chuy™n gia tr li÷u Æ«y kinh nghi÷m cÒa Kinetic Gym & Wellness Studio t≠ v†n. VÌi mÁi 2 phi’u tr li÷u b†t k˙ Æ≠Óc Æ∆t mua tr≠Ìc 1 ngµy, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc t∆ng th™m 1 phi’u tr li÷u cÔng loπi. GiÍ phÙc vÙ: 10h30 - 22h30 hµng ngµy. ß∆t tr≠Ìc vÌi bÈ phÀn L‘ t©n. (MOEVENPICK HOTEL HANOI *83A L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3822 2800)
XU¢N SPA CÅM H`NG ߤNG BØNG S§NG C^U LONG VÔng ÆÂng bªng s´ng Cˆu Long trÔ phÛ vµ ph◊ nhi™u, Æ≠Óc h◊nh thµnh tı nh˜ng tr«m t›ch phÔ sa bÂi Ææp hµng th’ k˚ c„ kh∂ n®ng ch˜a b÷nh Æ∆c bi÷t vµ r†t tËt cho
s¯c kh·e. C∏c nguy™n li÷u nh≠ tinh d«u hoa sen, chi’t xu†t th˘c vÀt vµ tinh ch†t n≠Ìc gπo Æ≠Óc ch‰n l‰c k¸ l≠Ïng tı nh˜ng b´ng hoa tËt nh†t Æ’n nh˜ng loπi hπt vµ kho∏ng s∂n tinh tÛy Æ” mang Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi tπi Xu©n Spa. Tπi Æ©y, bπn sœ c„ nh˜ng gi©y phÛt th≠ gi∑n tuy÷t vÍi vÌi c´ng
ngh÷ hi÷n Æπi vµ tinh tÛy truy“n thËng. MÁi g„i tr li÷u bao gÂm nh˜ng nguy™n li÷u t˘ nhi™n vµ v thuËc truy“n thËng nhªm tËi Æa h„a kh∂ n®ng hÂi phÙc cÒa c¨ th”. (XU¢N SPA *Park Hyatt Saigon *2 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, Q.1, TP.HCM *Website: www. parkhyattsaigoncom)
TRà HïA LÄN DA VõI AGELOC GALVANIC SPA ß≠Óc thi’t k’ nh· g‰n vµ th´ng minh vÌi 4 Æ«u d…n ri™ng bi÷t gÂm m∏t xa lµm sπch - ch®m s„c da m∆t, tr li÷u n’p nh®n s©u, m∏t xa da Æ«u giÛp nu´i d≠Ïng nang t„c, m∏t xa c¨ th” cho lµn da s®n chæc, mn mµng..., bÈ s∂n ph»m ageLOCTM Galvanic Spa giÛp bπn c„ th” t˘ m∏t xa vµ tÀn h≠Îng c∂m gi∏c th≠ gi∑n ngay tπi nhµ. NhÍ vµo h÷ thËng lÀp tr◊nh th´ng minh sΩn c„, ngay khi nh†n nÛt khÎi ÆÈng dng Æi÷n Galvanic sœ Æ≠Óc t˘ ÆÈng Æi“u chÿnh phÔ hÓp vÌi lµn da cÒa mÁi ng≠Íi sˆ dÙng. VÌi chi ph› hÓp l˝, ti’t ki÷m h¨n nhi“u so vÌi c∏c qu∏ tr◊nh tr li÷u tπi spa chuy™n nghi÷p, qu∏ tr◊nh nµy sœ chuy”n h„a lµn da thi’u rπng rÏ thµnh lµn da t≠¨i trŒ, s∏ng mn, Æ≠Óc d≠Ïng »m m“m mπi. Truy cÀp website: www. Æ” bi’t th™m th´ng tin chi ti’t.
BEAUTY & Healthcare
he ageLOC Galvanic Spa consists of four interchangeable conductors: the ageLOC face conductor, Spot treatment conductor for concentrated treatment to specific areas, a scalp conductor and a body conductor. Designed in a small size, this device helps you enjoy massages and relax like having a spa at home. Thanks to its smartly programmed system, once you press the start button, the Galvanic current will automatically adapts with your skin.
With an affordable price compared to professional treatment at spa, this device can perfectly rejuvenate, moisturize and make your skin brighter and smoothier. For further information, please visit HCMC
XUAN SPA - RENEW THE SPIRIT OF MEKONG DELTA For centuries, The Mekong Delta is enriched with alluvial soil and sediment which have a great natural healing power. Blends of lotus essential oils, plant extracts and rice water essence are chosen to enhance the overall experience in Xuan Spa. Every treatment combines the natural healing using traditional Vietnamese medicine
its therapies to offer customer the true distinctions of Asian spa. With firm yet gentle hands, caring technicians promise to satisfy you.
and techniques of the highest quality and purity to optimize the body's ability to strengthen and repair itself. (XUAN SPA *Park Hyatt Saigon *Lam Son Square, Dist.1, HCMC *Website: www. HCMC
SA SPA IN THE EARLY AUTUMN At Sa Spa, from the moment of entry, you will immediately be surprised with its serene space which is far different from the
bustling Saigon. The atmosphere of quietude and comfort, tranquil music and the murmuring sound of streams will wipe out all your worries and stress. Sa Spa is designed in a simple style with sophisticated details from hanging frame to branches of bonsai trees set along the path. Sa Spa always tries to research and improve
(SA SPA *40B Pham Ngoc Thach, Ward. 6, Dist. 3, HCMC *Website: www. HANOI
RELAX AT KINETIC GYM & WELLNESS STUDIO Allow yourself to revive your body, soul and mind with wonderful moments at Kinetic
Gym & Wellness Studio, located on the 3rd floor of the Movenpick Hanoi Hotel. Enjoy a facial or body massage treatment consulted by talented therapists of Kinetic Gym & Wellness Studio. When booking two treatment notes before one day, you will receive one more note for the same therapy. Daily opening hour: 10:30 - 22:30. Book at Receptionist area. (MOEVENPICK HOTEL HANOI *83A Ly Thuong Kiet, Hanoi *Tel: 04 3822 2800)
TH^ CÅM GIÉC MÑNH TÑI X` Sô Å RÜP (ThÍi gian: 5 ngµy 4 Æ™m / 6 ngµy 5 Æ™m *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: M∏y bay *Kh∏ch sπn: 5 sao *Gi∏: tı 27.600.000VNß/ kh∏ch) Theo hµnh tr◊nh Dubai - Abu Dhabi, du kh∏ch c„ c¨ hÈi chi™m ng≠Ïng nh˜ng tuy÷t ph»m ki’n trÛc hoµnh tr∏ng nh†t th’ giÌi nh≠ ta th∏p Burj Khalifa cao nh†t th’ giÌi, kh∏ch sπn 7 sao Burj Al Arab - bi”u t≠Óng cho s˘ xa hoa, hi÷n Æπi. ß∆c bi÷t, du kh∏ch sœ kh´ng th” qu™n vÌi chuy’n chinh phÙc, thˆ c∂m gi∏c mπnh tr™n sa mπc Safari, tr∂i nghi÷m nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng v≠Ót c∏t n„ng hÂi hÈp Æ’n nghãt thÎ. Khi hoµng h´n bu´ng xuËng, kh∏ch th≠Îng th¯c mµn bi”u di‘n mÛa bÙng v´ cÔng n„ng b·ng cÒa c∏c vÚ c´ng vµ cÔng ng≠Íi Dubai mÎ ti÷c tht n≠Ìng BBQ thÛ v trong lng sa mπc.
NG¿M Và ß—P THI£N ߶òNG BIÕN VARADERO (ThÍi gian: 10 ngµy 9 Æ™m *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: m∏y bay *Gi∏: 93.990.000VNß/kh∏ch)
Ái n®m c„ Æ’n hµng ngµn du kh∏ch ghä qua Varadero (Cuba) - mÈt trong nh˜ng b∑i bi”n Æãp nh†t th’ giÌi Æ” th≠ gi∑n vµ tÀn h≠Îng lµn n≠Ìc mµu ng‰c lam trong væt cÔng ∏nh næng †m ∏p cÒa thi™n Æ≠Íng bi”n vÔng Caribbean nµy. Nh˜ng ai y™u th›ch c∏c hoπt ÆÈng ngoµi trÍi sœ Æ≠Óc Æ∏p ¯ng tı nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng nhã nhµng nh≠ Æi dπo bÍ bi”n Æ’n b„ng chuy“n, b„ng bµn, l≠Ìt v∏n, Æi thuy“n vµ c∂ c∏c vÚ Æi÷u salsa vui nhÈn Æ≠Óc h≠Ìng d…n bÎi c∏c hu†n luy÷n vi™n vui t›nh. Ngoµi ra, kh∏ch cn c„ dp kh∏m ph∏ c´ng vi™n sinh th∏i Varadero vµ th·a s¯c mua sæm. (CARNIVAL TOURS *357 V‚ V®n T«n, Q.3, TP.HCM *Website: www.
(SAIGONTOURIST - HÄ NóI *55B Phan Chu Trinh, Q. Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Website: www. TP.HCM
VI VU HÄN QUˇC - ßïN T⁄T TRUNG THU (ThÍi gian: 5 ngµy 4 Æ™m *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: m∏y bay *Gi∏: 24.000.000VNß/kh∏ch) ß’n x¯ sÎ kim chi vµo dp nµy, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc Ææm ch◊m vµo kh´ng kh› s´i ÆÈng cÒa T’t Trung thu - mÈt trong nh˜ng ngµy l‘ lÌn nh†t n®m cÒa ng≠Íi Hµn QuËc. Du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc nh◊n ngæm nh˜ng ng≠Íi phÙ n˜
Hµn trong bÈ hanbok Æãp nh†t, næm tay nhau vµ bæt Æ«u Æi÷u mÛa vng trn Gang Gang Sul Rae trong giai Æi÷u vui t≠¨i. B™n cπnh Æ„, bπn cn Æ≠Óc dµnh t∆ng vä xem mi‘n ph› ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Cookin' Nanta Show nÊi ti’ng nh†t x¯ Hµn. (FIDITOUR *Website: www. TP.HCM
DU NGOÑN NAM M≤ MùA PH¶úNG TêM (ThÍi gian: 11 ngµy *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: M∏y bay *Kh∏ch sπn: 4 sao *Gi∏ tı: 124.800.000VNß/ kh∏ch) Khi c∏c quËc gia ph›a Bæc b∏n c«u ch◊m trong vŒ Æãp l∑ng mπn cÒa mÔa thu vµng „ng ∂ th◊ Buenos Aires - thÒ Æ´ cÒa Argentina vµ c∏c thµnh phË Nam M¸ kh∏c lπi khi’n du kh∏ch xao lng vÌi nh˜ng vm ph≠Óng nÎ hoa t›m c∂ g„c trÍi. Th∏ng 9, th∏ng 10, Æ≠Íng phË Buenos Aires cµng th™m l∑ng mπn vÌi nh˜ng hµng ph≠Óng t›m thi nhau bung nÎ khoe sæc. Th™m vµo Æ„, nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc ph∂ng ph†t phong c∏ch ch©u ¢u tπi qu∂ng tr≠Íng Mayo, khu phË cÊ San Telmo nh≠ t´ Æi”m th™m vŒ Æãp duy™n d∏ng cÒa thµnh phË Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ "Paris cÒa Nam M¸" nµy. Mang vŒ Æãp ph„ng kho∏ng, x¯ sÎ cÒa vÚ khÛc Samba chµo Æ„n du kh∏ch Æ’n th®m "thµnh phË tuy÷t vÍi" Rio de Janeiro vÌi b¯c t≠Óng ChÛa c¯u th’ nÊi bÀt tr™n Æÿnh nÛi Corcovado sıng s˜ng... (FIDITOUR *129 Nguy‘n Hu÷, Q.1, TP.HCM *Website:
DOUBLE TOUR WITH THE NAM HAI HOI AN RESORT The Nam Hai Hoi An Resort has cooperated with local partners to introduce a one-day Village Tour (from VND3,150,000) journey to the small villages in Bho Hoong and Trung Mung, where visitors can experience the traditinal local life. You are offered to take a walk with the local people and your tour guides, drink tea with the patriarch of the Co Tu people and enjoy a traditional musical show. Then comes a Helicopter tour, the second tour in 12 minutes with a helicopter (VND3,8000,000), which brings tourists to Da Nang with its wellknown attractions such as the Marble Mountains, Son Tra peninsula, the overall picture of Ham Rong bridge, the statue of Bodhisattva and the world's most beautiful beaches. For further information, please visit: www. thenamhaihoian. com
(Duration: 5 days/ 4 nights *Transportation: Plane *Price: VND10,080,000 /person)
rom September to October, the Northeast versant rice fields turn into a golden, vigorous yellow color of rice fields. Tu Le is a must-visit destination with endless yellow rice fields surrounded by Khau Pha, Khau Than and Khau Song Mountains, forming a line of gold. Mu Cang Chai is just like a wonderful embroidery in every detail. This is one of the most unique tourist sites in Vietnam that has been ranked nationally. (TST TOURIST *10 Tu Xuong Street, Ward 7, Dist. 3, HCMC *Website:
TOURISM COMMUNICATION "TOGETHER VIETNAM" Tourism Communication "Together Viet Nam" has officially presented tourists with information, and products
off different, attractive and unique types of tourism and useful projects: Web portal; Vietnamese cultural space, Tourism Postcards; Vietnamese costumes; Tourism Association Cards; Tourism Brochures; Reality Show "Together Viet Nam". Also, "12 loving flower
seasons" will be held annually rotating among 12 different cities. For the time being, General Directorate of Tourism is considering and directing "Together Viet Nam". For further information, please visit:
TP.HCM 19/9
NHïM ABOVE&BEYOND ß⁄N VIåT NAM GÂm bÈ ba thµnh vi™n Jono Grant, Tony McGuinness vµ Paavo Siljamki, nh„m Above & Beyond Æ≠Óc thµnh lÀp vµo n®m 2000, vµ ch›nh th¯c b≠Ìc vµo con Æ≠Íng DJ chuy™n nghi÷p tı n®m 2002. B∂n hit "What It Feels Like For A Girl" phËi lπi tı b∂n gËc do ca s¸ Madonna bi”u di‘n Æ∑ tıng lµm m≠a lµm gi„ tr™n c∏c b∂ng x’p hπng DJ. Chuy’n l≠u di‘n Æ«u ti™n cÒa nh„m Above & Beyond Æ’n Vi÷t Nam tπi H Trµm Resort Casino h¯a hãn mang Æ’n cho cÈng ÆÂng nhπc Æi÷n tˆ mÈt Æ™m tr∂i nghi÷m ©m nhπc hoµn toµn mÌi lπ vÌi nh˜ng t∏c ph»m hit cÒa nh„m gi˜ v tr› cao tr™n c∏c b∂ng x’p hπng DJ hi÷n nay. CÔng vÌi Above and Beyond cn c„ s˘ tham gia cÒa c∏c nh„m DJ Vi÷t Nam vµ quËc t’. Vä Æ≠Óc b∏n tπi website cÒa Ticket Box, website H Trµm Casino Resort, c∏c Æπi l˝ vä cÒa Escape vµ mÈt sË k™nh b∏n vä phÊ bi’n kh∏c tπi thµnh phË H Ch› Minh. SAPA 26 - 27/9
†t tÌi 9 n®m mÌi hoµn thµnh xong t∏c ph»m, Crimson Peak lµ c©u chuy÷n xoay quanh Edith - mÈt n˜ v®n s‹ c„ vŒ Æãp mong manh nh≠ng ph∂i chu Æ˘ng mÈt tuÊi th¨ kinh hoµng khi b ∏m ∂nh bÎi c∏c hÂn ma. ß©y cÚng ch›nh lµ nguÂn c∂m h¯ng Æ” c´ lµm n™n nhi“u t∏c ph»m vÌi cËt truy÷n b› »n. CuÈc ÆÍi Edith sang ch≠¨ng mÌi khi k’t h´n vÌi Thomas vµ chuy”n tÌi mÈt ng´i nhµ cÊ c∏ch xa thµnh phË. Nh˜ng t≠Îng sœ trËn tho∏t kh·i s˘ Æeo b∏m cÒa c∏c hÂn ma trong qu∏ kh¯, c´ lπi ti’p tÙc r¨i vµo ho∂ng loπn bÎi nh˜ng Æi“u b› »n, k˙ qu∏i vµ mÈt s˘ th˘c khÒng khi’p »n s©u trong ng´i nhµ. BÈ phim cÚng Æang Æ≠Óc giÌi chuy™n m´n Æ∏nh gi∏ lµ t∏c ph»m kinh d Æ≠Óc tr´ng ÆÓi nh†t mÔa Halloween n®m nay cÒa Æπo di‘n Gullermo del Toro k” tı khi ´ng ra mæt Pan's Labyrinth c∏ch Æ©y g«n 10 n®m vµ nhÀn 3 gi∂i Oscar. H÷ thËng CGV, Galaxy vµ BHD tr™n toµn quËc
TOÄN QUˇC KhÎi chi’u ngµy 18/9
PHIM EVEREST T§ MÄU SÉNG TÑO VõI CUˇN "THI£N ߶òNG NHIåT ßõI" Sau khi thong dong dπo b≠Ìc gi˜a mi“n th∂o d∑ trong V≠¨ng quËc mu´n loµi, Nh∑ Nam sœ Æ≠a bπn d†n b≠Ìc phi™u l≠u vµo thi™n Æ≠Íng nhi÷t ÆÌi hoang dπi vµ b› »n trong cuËn s∏ch t´ mµu s∏ng tπo th¯ hai cÒa Millie Marotta - Thi™n Æ≠Íng nhi÷t ÆÌi. Mu´n vµn loµi ÆÈng th˘c vÀt k˙ thÛ lπi mÈt l«n n˜a hi÷n l™n trong nh˜ng b¯c tranh ƨn sæc tÿ mÿ, kh∏c lπ, tuy÷t Æãp. Vµ chÿ chÍ ta Æ∆t bÛt, rıng m≠a nhi÷t ÆÌi sœ lÀp t¯c c˘a m◊nh sËng dÀy, h©n hoan, n∏o ÆÈng trong b˜a ti÷c rÈn r∑ sæc mµu... Kh´ng chÿ h†p d…n trŒ em, t´ mµu hi÷n Æang Æ≠Óc xem nh≠ mÈt li÷u ph∏p gi∂i t·a c®ng thºng cho ng≠Íi lÌn, mÈt trµo l≠u mang t›nh toµn c«u.
CuÈc Æua Marathon V≠Ót nÛi Vi÷t Nam l«n th¯ ba sœ bæt Æ«u tı 26 - 27/9 tπi Sapa vÌi h¨n 800 vÀn ÆÈng vi™n Vi÷t Nam vµ quËc t’ tı h¨n 40 n≠Ìc tham gia. ß©y lµ s˘ ki÷n marathon quËc t’ lÌn nh†t tı tr≠Ìc Æ’n nay tπi Vi÷t Nam. Tham gia cuÈc Æua, c∏c vÀn ÆÈng vi™n sœ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m khung c∂nh thi™n thi™n cÒa mÈt trong nh˜ng khu v˘c mi“n nÛi Æãp nh†t Î Vi÷t Nam. Marathon V≠Ót nÛi Vi÷t Nam 2015 lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng cuÈc Æua v≠Ót nÛi khæc nghi÷t nh†t, vÌi nh˜ng Æ≠Íng dËc cao vµ s©u. MÈt ph«n kinh ph› cÒa Marathon V≠Ót nÛi Vi÷t Nam 2015 sœ Æ≠Óc trao t∆ng cho Operation Smiles (TÊ ch¯c Ph…u thuÀt NÙ C≠Íi), mÈt tÊ ch¯c tı thi÷n quËc t’, chuy™n th˘c hi÷n ph…u thuÀt cho trŒ b d tÀt b»m sinh khe hÎ m´i vµ hÎ hµm ’ch tπi Vi÷t Nam. Th´ng tin th™m tπi
Phim t∏i hi÷n hµnh tr◊nh cÒa hai nh„m leo nÛi vÌi mong muËn chinh phÙc Æÿnh "n„c nhµ th’ giÌi" tr≠Ìc mÈt trong nh˜ng trÀn b∑o tuy’t khÒng khi’p nh†t m‰i thÍi Æπi. Chuy’n Æi cÒa hai nh„m leo nÛi Ưng Æ«u lµ Rob Hall (Jason Clarke) vµ Scott Fischer (Jake Gyllenhaal) vËn Æ≠Óc t›nh to∏n chi ti’t ÆÈt ngÈt ch÷ch h≠Ìng bÎi mÈt trÀn b∑o tuy’t Æ≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ g«n nh≠ khÒng khi’p nh†t tı tr≠Ìc Æ’n nay. Üp Æ’n trong nh∏y mæt, trÀn b∑o käo theo vŒ Æãp cÒa Everest cÚng nh≠ m‰i hy v‰ng cÒa c∏c t†t c∂. Xung quanh h‰ giÍ Æ©y Æ«y r…y nh˜ng hi”m nguy lu´n tr˘c chÍ "nuËt chˆng" l†y b†t k˙ ai. H÷ thËng rπp CGV tr™n toµn quËc. ßnh dπng 2D, 3D, IMAX 3D)
SAPA 26 - 27/9
VIETNAM MOUNTAIN MARATHON 2015 The third Vietnam Mountain Marathon is going to take place from September 26th to September 27th in Sapa with the participation of over 800 Vietnamese and international athletes from over 40 countries. This will be the greatest international marathon event ever held in Vietnam. The competitors will have the chance to experience the natural scenery of one of the most gorgerous highlands in Viet Nam. The Vietnam Mountain Marathon 2015 is one of the toughest races because of its high and steep roads. A part of the Marathon's earnings will be given to the Operation Smiles, an international charity organization carrying out surgeries for children born with cleft palate in Viet Nam. For further information, please visit www. 16/10 NATIONWIDE
ith 3 members: Jono Grant, Tony McGuinness and Paavo Siljamaki, the Above & Beyond was founded in 2000, and officially started their career as DJs in 2002. Their hit "What it feels like for a girl", which was remixed from the original performance by Madonna, used to top every DJ ranking. Above & Beyond's first tour to Viet Nam at Tram Lake Casino Resort is promising to bring its audiences a whole new experience with their top hits. Together with Above & Beyond, other Vietnamese and international DJ bands will also be presented. Tickets are available on the website of Ticket Box, Tram Lake Casino Resort, Escape's agents and other popular ticket channels in Ho Chi Minh city.
CREATIVE COLORING WITH "TROPICAL HEAVEN" After wandering through the Kingdom of All Beings, Nha Nam will guide you through the journey to a paradise of the wild and mysterious tropics in its second creative coloring book by Millie Marotta - Tropical Heaven. Thousands of interesting species, once again, appear in detail with extraordinary and spectacular monochromatic pictures. Use your imagination and the rainforest will come alive, excitingly and colorfully. Coloring does not only appeal to children, but can also be used as a stress-relief therapy for adults, which is a new global trend these days.
Taking 9 years to make, Crimson Peak tells the story of Edith - a beautiful female writer suffering from a frightful childhood haunted by ghosts, which inspired her to write mysterious novels. Edith's life started a new chapter when she got married to Thomas and moved to an old house far away from the city. Thinking that she had escaped from the ghosts of the past, she would have to face new strange myths and terrible truths of the house. Crimson Peak is considered to be the most anticipated horror movie for this year's Halloween since Gullermo del Toro, the movie's director, released Pan's Labyrinth 10 years ago and was awarded 3 Oscars. Nationwide CGV, Galaxy and BHD cinemas NATIONWIDE From September 18th
THE EVEREST (2D, 3D and IMAX 3D) This movie is about a trip of 2 teams of explorers with the desire of conquering "the roof of the world", encoutering the most terrifying snowstorm in history. The journey of the two teams, led by Rob Hall (Jason Clarke) and Scott Fischer (Jake Gyllenhaal), was carefully planned, but then turned into a nightmare when the most severe snowstorm of all time struck. Unexpectedly, it swept away the beauty of Everest along with everybody's hope. The explorers are surrounded by a set of dangers awaiting to swallow them up at every turn. Nationwide CGV cinemas
Warehouse Sunglasses (
Eider Jacket (www.eider. com)
Qu™n Æi nh˜ng t´ng mµu tËi x∏m xt, c∏c qu˝ ´ng hoµn toµn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng trang phÙc t´ng vµng n©u nÊi bÀt cho chuy’n du lch leo nÛi mÔa thu. Chi’c ∏o Jacket cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u Eider chæc chæn lµ Æi”m nh†n phong c∏ch kh„ chËi tı. Phong c∏ch kh·e khoæn tı giµy vµ balo cÒa Bean Pole sœ mang lπi s˘ n®ng ÆÈng cho c∂ set ÆÂ. ßıng qu™n chi’c ÆÂng h Casio sˆ dÙng n®ng l≠Óng m∆t trÍi dµnh cho d©n leo nÛi chuy™n nghi÷p, mÈt phÙ ki÷n vıa khºng Ænh c∏ t›nh vıa c„ nhi“u c´ng dÙng nh≠ xem giÍ, la bµn, ÆÃn pin... Bean pole Package (
The North Face Hiking Shoes (www.
Forget all dark colors and select striking yellow and brown hiking clothes for your autumn journey. The Eider Jacket is definitely a must-have fashion highlight. Bean Pole package and hiking shoes will make the whole set sportier. Remember to wear a solar Casio trekking watch. It is not only a stylish item but also can be used as a compass and a flashlight...
Casio Watch (
Bean pole Trousers (www.
The North Face Hat (www. TRAVELLIVE
PICNIC CUˇI TU¡N TÑI THûY CH¢U Kh´ng qu∏ xa nh≠ Madagui Forest City, khu du lch ThÒy Ch©u tπi B◊nh D≠¨ng sœ lµ l˘a ch‰n th›ch hÓp cho nh˜ng bπn trŒ tπi TP.HCM th›ch v…y vÔng trong lµn n≠Ìc m∏t, ha m◊nh cÔng thi™n nhi™n. VÌi kho∂ng kh´ng rÈng h¨n 18 hecta tuy÷t Æãp Æ≠Óc bao phÒ bÎi nh˜ng con suËi r„c r∏ch, nh˜ng th∏c n≠Ìc tung b‰t træng x„a cÔng con Æ≠Íng rÓp l∏ bay nh≠ trong phim Hµn QuËc. DÔ chÿ lµ phong c∂nh nh©n tπo nh≠ng chæc chæn sœ cuËn hÛt bπn cÔng gia Æ◊nh, bπn bà qua nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng d∑ ngoπi h†p d…n. V◊ di÷n t›ch kh∏ rÈng n™n bπn sœ Æ≠Óc xe Jeep Æ≠a Æ„n mi‘n ph› ngay tı cÊng vµo. Bπn c„ th” mang theo th¯c ®n, tr∏i c©y vµ mÎ ngay mÈt b˜a ti÷c nho nh· Î cπnh c∏c con suËi nµy mµ kh´ng ph∂i tr∂ th™m b†t k◊ kho∂n phÙ thu nµo. (KHU DU LëCH THûY CH¢U *55 DT743, P. B◊nh Thæng, D‹ An, B◊nh D≠¨ng *MÎ cˆa tı 9h30 s∏ng tÌi 22h mÁi th¯ 7 vµ CN) TP.HCM
´ng vi™n vui ch¨i Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh cho thÛ c≠ng tπi quÀn 7 lµ Æi”m Æ’n th≠Íng xuy™n cÒa nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u th›ch ÆÈng vÀt Î TP.HCM. ß«u n®m 2015, s©n ch¨i Æ≠Óc mÎ ra cho thÛ c≠ng vÌi chi ph› Æ«u t≠ g«n 600 tri÷u ÆÂng. ß’n Æ©y, thÛ c≠ng nhµ bπn tho∂i m∏i chπy nh∂y vµ chÒ nh©n c„ th” nghÿ ng¨i, th≠ gi∑n nh◊n chÛng vui ch¨i. Khu vui ch¨i nµy Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ thµnh 3 ph«n, gÂm khu v≠Ót ch≠Ìng ngπi vÀt (chui vµ nh∂y qua vng trn), leo c«u thang vµ b¨i lÈi. Nh˜ng chÛ ch„ kh´ng chÿ c„ kh´ng gian rÈng chπy nh∂y mµ cn Æ≠Óc ch¨i c∏c tr ch¨i, tæm tπi h b¨i, ch¨i c«u v≠Ót, vµ Æ∆c bi÷t tπi Æ©y cn chia ra hai khu v˘c dµnh cho ch„ to vµ nh· Æ” tr∏nh "m©u thu…n" gi˜a c∏c chÛ cÛn! C„ c∂ l“u cæm trπi ngoµi trÍi cho thÛ nghÿ ng¨i sau khi vÀn ÆÈng. ß” Æ≠a ch„ vµo khu vui ch¨i nµy, chÒ nh©n ph∂i chi 15.000VNß/vä dµnh cho nh˜ng chÛ ch„ nh· vµ gi∏ vä g†p Æ´i cho nh˜ng con ch„ lÌn. ßÂng thÍi, bπn sœ ph∂i t˘ d‰n v÷ sinh khi thÛ c≠ng cÒa m◊nh "gi∂i quy’t nhu c«u". (C§NG VI£N TH@ C¶NG DOGS PLAYGROUND *582/1 Hu˙nh T†n Ph∏t, P. T©n PhÛ, Q.7, TP.HCM)
Family Garden lµ mÈt s©n ch¨i mÌi mang h¨i thÎ thi™n nhi™n Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c mÁi cuËi tu«n vÌi nh˜ng hoπt ÆÈng ngoµi trÍi thÛ v nh≠ thu hoπch, trÂng c©y, lµm v≠Ín, c©u c∏... MÁi gia Æ◊nh sœ Æ≠Óc giao mÈt kho∂nh v≠Ín Æ” trÂng c©y, gieo hπt. C∏c thµnh vi™n ph∂i t˘ cuËc Ɔt, lµm Ɔt t¨i xËp, trÈn tr†u vÌi x¨ dıa, gieo hπt, t≠Ìi n≠Ìc... B™n cπnh Æ„, gia Æ◊nh cn c„ th” thu hoπch rau cÒ, ba mã c„ th” chÿ cho bä bi’t rau nµo c„ th” thu hoπch, rau nµo cn non ho∆c Æ∑ giµ kh´ng thu hoπch. Vµo phi™n chÓ cuËi tu«n, c∏c bµ mã c„ th” t◊m th†y nh˜ng loπi n´ng s∂n, th˘c ph»m sπch thu hoπch tπi v≠Ín ho∆c thu gom tr™n r…y cÒa gia Æ◊nh ho∆c bµ con n´ng d©n vÔng L©m Hµ, L©m ßÂng. Cn chÓ phi™n cÒa bä lµ n¨i bä mang Æ’n nh˜ng m„n Æ ch¨i kh´ng cn sˆ dÙng ho∆c do t˘ bä lµm Æ” bµy b∏n, trao ÆÊi vÌi c∏c bπn nh· kh∏c... Family Garden lµ Æa Æi”m phÔ hÓp cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh c„ th” vui ch¨i b™n nhau mÁi dp cuËi tu«n, cÔng th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng m„n ti÷c n≠Ìng th¨m lıng tı nh˜ng loπi rau cÒ thu hoπch tπi v≠Ín ho∆c nh˜ng loπi th˘c ph»m sπch c„ tπi chÓ phi™n. (FAMILY GARDEN *28 Th∂o ßi“n, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2, TP.HCM *Website: www.
TU¡N LŸ THòI TRANG MERCEDESBENZ 2015 Nhªm Æ∏nh d†u cÈt mËc 20 n®m hoπt ÆÈng tπi Vi÷t Nam, Mercedes-
Benz Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c Tu«n l‘ thÍi trang MercedesBenz Fashion Week l«n Æ«u ti™n vÌi chÒ Æ“ "20 n®m Xe vµ Sao tπi Vi÷t Nam", di‘n ra tı 26 30/8 tπi Trung t©m v®n h„a H˜u ngh Vi÷t X´, Hµ NÈi. VÌi 20 show
di‘n thÍi trang cho c´ng chÛng, tu«n l‘ thÍi trang Mercedes-Benz Æ„n hµng ngh◊n l≠Ót th≠Îng l∑m cÒa kh∏ch hµng vµ kh∏ch mÍi. MBV mang Æ’n 20 s∂n ph»m vÌi tÊng gi∏ tr h¨n 90 t˚ ÆÂng, tr≠ng bµy chi’c E-Class Æ«u
ti™n Æ≠Óc læp r∏p tπi Vi÷t Nam vµo 19 n®m tr≠Ìc Æ∑ Æi Æ≠Óc 360.330 km, t≠¨ng Æ≠¨ng vÌi kho∂ng c∏ch tı Tr∏i ߆t Æ’n M∆t Tr®ng mµ ch≠a h“ g∆p ph∂i v†n Æ“ k¸ thuÀt Æ∏ng k” nµo. C∏c si™u ph»m kh∏c cÒa Mercedes-Benz
nh≠ CLS 500 4MATIC, S 500 4MATIC Coupä, vµ Æ∆c bi÷t - Maybach S 600 cÚng g„p m∆t tπi s˘ ki÷n. ßÈc gi∂ c„ th” nh◊n lπi lch sˆ 20 n®m hoπt ÆÈng cÒa MBV th´ng qua Æa chÿ: www.
Eider Hat (www.
The North Face Package (www.
Chi’c ∏o Jacket Paul&Shark cÔng vÌi balo vµ giµy chæc chæn sœ lµ nh˜ng item kh´ng th” b· qua cho mÈt chuy’n du lch k’t hÓp leo nÛi mÔa thu nµy cho c∏c qu˝ c´. Chi’c ∏o nÿ Bean Pole kh´ng nh˜ng tπo s˘ ÆÂng nh†t v“ mµu sæc mµ cn chæc chæn sœ r†t h˜u hi÷u trong vi÷c gi˜ nhi÷t vµ th†m m h´i tr™n “ch∆ng Æ≠Íng chinh phÙc Æÿnh cao”. A Paul&Shark Jacket, a package and shoes are surely must-have items for any women traveling and trekking this autumn. A Bean Pole T-shirt can create the harmony of color for the whole set, keep you warm and absorb sweat from your body on your way to “conquer the peak”.
Millets Shoes (www.millets.
Bean pole T-shirt (
paul&Shark Jacket (
The North Face Trousers (www. TRAVELLIVE
WEEKEND PICNIC AT THUY CHAU Not too far as Madagui Forest City, Thuy Chau resort in Binh Duong Province is a suitable choice for young people in HCMC to play in cool water and immerse themselves in nature. With a toral area of 18 ha, Thuy Chau is gifted with small streams, white foaming waterfalls and romantic roads with falling leaves like the scenes in a Korean film. This artificial landscape can surely attract you and your family and friends to participate in a number of exciting activities. Since the resort covers a large area, a Jeep will pick you up for free right from the gate. You can bring food, fruits and hold a small party on the banks of the stream without paying any extra fees. (THUY CHAU RESORT *55 DT743, Binh Thang Ward, Di An, Binh Duong *Open from 9:30am to 10pm every Saturday and Sunday)
o celebrate its 20th anniversary for its operation in Vietnam, MBV organized the first-ever Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week under the theme of "20 Years of Cars with Stars in Vietnam" event. This fashion week takes place from August 26th to August 30th, 2015 at the Soviet Culture & Friendship Center, Hanoi. With 20 shows for the public, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week welcomes thousands of visitors and distinguished guests. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week showcases 20 products with a total value of more than VND 90 billion. Most notably, the first-ever E-Class assembled in Vietnam 19 years ago is displayed at this event. This car achieved a mileage of 360,330km without any major technical issue - equivalent to the distance from our planet to the moon. Other top-range "three-pointed stars" like the CLS 500 4MATIC, the S 500 4MATIC Coup채 and the Maybach S 600 also satisfies enthusiasts for this brand. Readers can review the 20 year history of MBV on
FAMILY PICNIC, EXPLORE THE GARDEN Family Garden is a new natural friendly playground event held every weekend and consists of many interesting activities such as collecting fruits, planting trees, gardening and fishing. Each family is assigned a plot of land for seeding and planting. Family members need to hoe, loosen soil, mix husk with coconut fiber, sow seeds
and water them. Additionally, families can collect vegetables, and parents have a chance to teach their children how to harvest vegetables. At the weekend market, fresh and safe agricultural products harvested from the family or local garden in Lam Ha, Lam Dong. Children
can sell and exchange their old toys or hand-made products with other counterparts at their own market. Family Garden is an ideal place for the whole family to relax at weekend, enjoy delicious BBQ with fresh vegetables harvested from the garden or bought at the market. (FAMILY GARDEN *28 Thao Dien, Thao Dien Ward, Dist. 2, HCMC *Website:
DOGS PLAYGROUND The special park for pets in Dist. 7 has been a frequent destination for animal-lovers in HCMC. In the early 2015, this playground opened at a total cost of VND600 million. Here, your pets can freely play with others while you can relax and watch them. The park consists of 3 parts for pets to pass obstacles (slip down and jump over rounds), climb ladders and swim. Not only they can freely walk around in a spacious area, dogs are allowed to play games, swim at the pool and play on slides. Particularly, there are two separate areas for small dogs and big ones so that they don't fight. The playground also offers you a small tent for your dog to take a rest after playing games. To bring your dog here, you just need to pay VND15,000 for a small dog and VND30,000 for a big dog. You are required to clean up your space if your dog has made a mess of it. (DOGS PLAYGROUND *582/1 Huynh Tan Phat, Tan Phu Ward, Dist. 7, HCMC)
Oasis Jacket (
MÔa thu nµy, c∏c qu˝ c´ h∑y xuËng phË xinh t≠¨i nh≠ mÈt con gi„ nhã vÌi chi’c v∏y dµi tay h‰a ti’t ren tinh t’ cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u Mango. ß” tr∏nh c∏i se lπnh cÒa mÔa thu, Æıng qu™n kho∏c l™n m◊nh chi’c ∏o Jacket vÌi tua rua Æ«y c∏ t›nh. TÛi vµ vng tay cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u Longchamp sœ lµ Æi”m nh†n quan tr‰ng Æ” khi’n bÈ trang phÙc trÎ n™n th˘c s˘ cuËn hÛt. Walk along beautiful roads and be pretty like autumn winds with a Mango longsleeved dress with sophisticate lace patterns. As it’s quite cool in autumn, don’t forget to put on a stylish jacket with tassels. Longchamp bag and bracelet will make your outfit more attractive.
pedro Tassel Loafers (www.
Ware House Necklace (www.
Longchamp Bracelet (www.
Mango dress (
Longchamp Bag (www.
food&wine GiËng nh≠ m„n b∏nh t∏o ApplePie Î Ch©u ¢u, b∏nh Trung Thu lµ m„n quµ truy“n thËng mang gi∏ tr gia Æ◊nh trong v®n h„a Ch©u É, nh†t lµ trong mÁi dp t’t Trung Thu. Like Apple Pie in America, Mooncake is a traditional gift, baring cultural values of Asian families, especially for the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Mooncakes OLD BUT NEW Bµi / Text: Thanh TrÛc
ÆÀu xanh, hπt mÃ, hπt dŒ... Nh˜ng chi’c Songpyeon xinh xæn mang hi v‰ng sœ Æem lπi nh˜ng Ưa con Æ∏ng y™u cho ng≠Íi n∆n b∏nh. Trong khi Æ„, ng≠Íi d©n Philippines mıng l‘ Trung Thu qua nh˜ng chi’c b∏nh n≠Ìng nh©n ÆÀu Bakpia Hopia.
B∏nh Trung Thu lµ s˘ tÊng hÓp cÒa c∏c h≠¨ng v m∆n, ng‰t, bÔi, dŒo, lµ tinh tÛy »m th˘c cÒa n“n v®n h„a trÂng lÛa Æ∆c tr≠ng l©u ÆÍi cÒa vÔng É ß´ng.
Èt ng≠Íi bπn cÒa t´i tıng n„i rªng bπn kh´ng th›ch ®n b∏nh nh≠ng kh´ng hi”u sao c¯ mÁi khi Æ’n rªm th∏ng T∏m, bπn lπi thÃm nh©m nhi mÈt m»u b∏nh n≠Ìng c„ lÌp v· n©u vµng rÈm Æ≠Óc qu’t mÈt lÌp lflng Æ· tr¯ng, b™n trong lµ lÌp ÆÀu xanh mfin bao l†y vi™n tr¯ng muËi no trfln. Ng≠Íi NhÀt quan ni÷m rªng vµo ngµy ngæm tr®ng Tsukimi (Otsukimi hay Trung Thu), nh†t Æfinh kh´ng th” thi’u m„n Dango. M„n b∏nh nh· xinh, træng n‚n lµm tı n’p, thoπt nh◊n nh≠ chà tr´i n≠Ìc. Dango Æ≠Óc Æem n≠Ìng l™n, ®n cÔng vÌi mÀt Æ≠Íng Kuromitsu hay vÌi sËt ÆÀu Æ·. Rªm th∏ng T∏m tπi Hµn QuËc lπi lµ l‘ tπ ¨n Chuseok vÌi m„n b∏nh gπo h†p Songpyeon lµm tı bÈt gπo nhµo vÌi n≠Ìc †m, b‰c l†y nh©n
ô Vi÷t Nam vµ Trung QuËc, chi’c b∏nh Trung Thu c„ ph«n c«u k˙ vµ tÿ m»n h¨n c∂. Nh˜ng chi’c b∏nh n≠Ìng th¨m n¯c c„ nh©n thÀp c»m gÂm lπp x≠Îng, gµ quay, mÏ Æ≠Íng, b›... bæt nguÂn tı mÈt c©u chuy÷n thÛ vfi trong thÍi chi’n tranh. MÈt vfi t≠Ìng muËn b› mÀt truy“n tin cho qu«n chÛng, ´ng nhÀn th†y chi’c b∏nh c„ nh©n hÁn hÓp nh≠ th’ nµy r†t d‘ »n gi†u nh˜ng m∂nh gi†y nh·. Th’ lµ ´ng truy“n cho d©n chÛng nh˜ng chi’c b∏nh nµy, ng≠Íi nµy t∆ng cho ng≠Íi kia chi’c b∏nh, h‰ ÆÂng thÍi truy“n cho nhau mÀt tin. ß’n hãn lπi l™n, c¯ vµo th∏ng T∏m ©m lfich hµng n®m, nhµ nhµ t◊m v“ vÌi b∏nh n≠Ìng, trŒ con lπi x∏ch lÂng ÆÃn chπy ch¨i khæp phË. C©u chuy÷n v“ kh∏m ph∏ »m th˘c Trung Thu cÒa chÛng t´i trÎ n™n d«n s´i nÊi khi mÈt ng≠Íi bπn h·i: "N’u nh≠ th’ th◊ tπi sao n≠Ìc nµo cÚng c„ Trung Thu?", "Tπi sao c∏c n≠Ìc kh∏c lπi kh´ng mıng l‘ Trung Hπ, Trung Xu©n mµ lπi lµ Trung Thu?". êt ai Æ” ˝ Æ’n s˘ t≠¨ng ÆÂng thÛ vfi nµy cÒa c∏c n≠Ìc Ch©u É, nh˜ng n≠Ìc mang ©m h≠Îng s©u sæc tı n“n v®n minh lÛa n≠Ìc. Th∏ng T∏m mÌi lµ th∏ng cÒa thu hoπch, lµ lÛc ng≠Íi d©n nghÿ ng¨i, h≠Îng thÙ thµnh qu∂ lao ÆÈng cÒa h‰. ß©y lµ lÛc gπo Æ«y nhµ, th„c Æ«y thÛng, c∂ gia Æ◊nh tÙ h‰p vui ch¨i, th≠Îng tr®ng ngµy rªm. Ch›nh v◊ th’, chi’c b∏nh Trung Thu lu´n c„ vfi cÒa n’p, cÒa gπo, cÒa ÆÀu, cÒa Æoµn vi™n vµ cÒa mÈt mÔa bÈi thu.
With its blend of salty, sweet, fatty and buttery taste, the cake is the quintessential food of Asia's wet rice culture.
Once my friend shared with
mooncakes are a little more sophisticated. Sweet-smelling cakes with rich filling of Chinese sausage, roasted chicken, or pork fat mixed with sugar and squash, find their origin in an old war story. A general wanted to send a secret message to his fellow soldiers. Coming up with the idea of hiding pieces of paper inside mooncakes, he offered others these sweet treats, which were subsequently passed around, spreading his secret message.
Japanese people consider Dango a must-eat dish on the evening of Tsukimi (Otsukimi, Mid-Autumn). These small, dainty white cakes made from rice flour look like floating cakes, and are often baked and eaten with Kuromistu sugar syrup or red bean sauce. Songpyeon is a type of steamed rice cake traditionally eaten during the Korean autumn harvest festival, Chuseok. Rice flour is kneaded with warm water, creating a crust to cover various fillings such as green bean, sesame seed and chestnut paste. Meanwhile, Filipinos always celebrate their Mid-Autumn Festival with Bakpia Hopia, a popular bean-filled pastry.
Henceforth, in the lunar month of August it is impossible to get through a Mid-Autumn Festival without giving or receiving dozens of mooncakes. My conversation with my friend got more interesting when she asked, "why is it that a mid-autumn festival is celebrated everywhere? Why not a mid-spring festival, or mid-summer?" Among Asian cultures, many of whom share in wet rice cultivation, this question doesn't need to be asked. August is the time when
me that she doesn't like eating cakes, but when the Mid-Autumn Festival comes to town, she just wants to enjoy a piece of baked mooncake, consisting of goldenbrown crust spread with yolk enveloping a smooth layer of sweet green bean paste and a salted egg yolk in the center. There are an array of mooncake varieties, depending on the country and culture of the cooks.
farmers take a rest after reaping the fruit of their labor. They can relax and gather to admire the beauty of the full moon while children run about, carrying colorful paper lanterns. Moon cakes always feature the flavors of sticky rice and beans as well as the feel of success and family celebration.
Vietnamese and Chinese
∏nh Trung Thu c´ng th¯c cÊ Æi”n nh†t c„ mÏ ph«n - ph«n mÏ Î g∏y lÓn, dÔng Æ” xµo, n†u cÔng c∏c nguy™n li÷u kh∏c Æ” t®ng th™m ÆÈ bäo ngÀy cho m„n ®n. Ngoµi ra cfln c„ m¯t b›, lπp x≠Îng, hπt sen, vıng træng, lπc rang, gµ quay ho∆c heo quay, vµ Æ∆c bi÷t l∏ chanh th∏i sÓi - b› mÀt cho h≠¨ng vfi nÂng nµn. Trong b∏nh nh†t Æfinh ph∂i c„ tr¯ng muËi. Tr¯ng Æ≠Óc muËi th™m vÌi c∏c loπi gia vfi kh∏c nhau nh≠ gıng, qu’, r≠Óu, Æ≠Íng... tÔy thuÈc vµo tay Æ«u b’p. Chi’c b∏nh lµ s˘ tÊng hÓp cÒa c∏c h≠¨ng vfi m∆n, ng‰t, bÔi, dŒo, lµ tinh tÛy »m th˘c cÒa n“n v®n h„a trÂng lÛa Æ∆c tr≠ng l©u ÆÍi cÒa vÔng É ß´ng. Ngµy nay, b∏nh Trung Thu c„ r†t nhi“u bi’n t†u h†p d…n. C∏c dflng b∏nh truy“n thËng Æ≠Óc ch®m chÛt h¨n khi th™m vµo nh˜ng nguy™n vÀt li÷u tËt cho s¯c kh·e nh≠ b∏nh thÀp c»m gµ quay Y’n sµo, b∏nh mà hπt Chia... Bπn c„ th” t◊m th†y
nh˜ng dflng b∏nh Trung Thu mÌi c„ phong c∏ch k’t hÓp ß´ng - T©y nh≠ Tiramisu Trµ xanh; Trµ xanh vÌi ÆÀu Æ· Azuki cÒa NhÀt B∂n (Green Tea Custard Azuki). VÌi nh˜ng ng≠Íi th›ch vfi th¨m ngÀy cÒa m„n b∏nh ¢u, b∏nh Trung Thu ph´ mai Cheesy k’t hÓp vÌi Chocolate Oreo lµ mÈt l˘a ch‰n mÌi cho bπn. B∏nh Trung Thu k’t hÓp h≠¨ng vfi nÂng nµn cÒa vi÷t qu†t, b≠Îi, sen lu´n Æ≠Óc Æa sË ≠a chuÈng, k” c∂ nh˜ng vfi kh∏ch n≠Ìc ngoµi c„ kh»u vfi kh∏c bi÷t. T´i th›ch nh†t nh˜ng chi’c b∏nh nh©n hπt sen. Hπt sen Æ≠Óc n†u m“m, xay, vµ s™n quy÷n thµnh khËi mfin nhuy‘n, ®n vµo bπn c∂m th†y ngay vfi bÔi bÔi cÒa hπt sen nh≠ Æang tan ch∂y trong mi÷ng. ô Vi÷t Nam, cÁ Trung Thu cfln c„ m„n b∏nh dŒo ÆÈc Æ∏o mÔi hoa b≠Îi. Gπo n’p Æem rang nÊ thµnh b·ng, rÂi l†y b·ng xay thµnh bÈt, th’ lµ bπn Æ∑ c„ bÈt n’p rang, hay cfln g‰i bÈt b∏nh dŒo. ßem bÈt nµy trÈn vÌi n≠Ìc Æ≠Íng, vµ n≠Ìc hoa b≠Îi, Ò qua Æ™m cho ra lÌp v· n’p th¨m th¨m dŒo dŒo træng mfin. L†y bÈt Æ„ng b∏nh vÌi nh©n ÆÀu xanh, nh©n cËm... cho ra m„n b∏nh dŒo thanh thanh, nhã nhã nh≠ nh˜ng ngµy mÔa thu mi“n qu™ Bæc bÈ. ô Nam bÈ, v“ sau c„ m„n b∏nh Trung Thu t≠¨i, mÈt bi’n t†u mÌi kh∏ lπ mi÷ng. V· b∏nh Æ≠Óc lµm tı rau c©u, nh©n lµ b∏nh flan, ÆÀu xanh Æ∏nh hay thπch s˜a. MÈt mÔa Trung Thu lπi Æ’n, h◊nh ∂nh nh˜ng ng≠Íi chfi, ng≠Íi mã lu´n tay lu´n ch©n n≠Ìng b∏nh, c∏c chÛ b∏c tÿ m»n t≠Ìc tre lµm lÂng ÆÃn, trŒ con h∏o h¯c chπy khæp phË ph≠Íng v…n lu´n quy’n rÚ Æ’n lπ lÔng. ß„ lµ nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh truy“n thËng nh≠ng kh´ng bao giÍ cÚ Æi trong t©m th¯c cÒa ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam.
Traditional mooncake
ingredients can include dry preserved squash, Chinese sausage, lotus seeds, white sesame seeds, roasted peanuts, roasted chicken or pork, and especially julienne lime leaves - a secret for special taste. Salted egg is also an indispensable ingredient. Eggs are salted with various spices such as ginger, cinnamon, wine and sugar, depending on the chefs' preferences. The ingredients are often cooked in pork neck fat, giving the cake a richer flavor. With its blend of salty, sweet, fatty and buttery taste, the cake is the quintessential food of Asia's wet rice culture. Nowadays, there are many variants of mooncakes. Traditional recipes are fused with healthy ingredients such as roasted chicken, swallow's nest and Chia nuts. You can easily find new types of mooncake with the combination of Western and Asian styles, including green tea Tiramisu and Green Tea Custard Azuki. If you prefer the sweet smells of European cakes, a mooncake with Cheesy and Chocolate Oreo will bring you a new dining experience. Mooncakes, with the flavors of blueberry, pomelo and lotus seed, are favored by many foreigners and locals alike who are partial to unique tastes. For me, lotus seed paste is the best filling. Lotus seeds are boiled until soft and then blended. When you eat the cake, you can enjoy the original, mouth-watering flavor of lotus seed paste. In Vietnam, ice skin mooncakes, with the scent of pomelo flowers, are also eaten during the MidAutumn Festival. Glutinous rice is roasted and milled, then mixed with sugar syrup and a few drops of pomelo extract. If you're interested in making your own, use a spatula to stir the contents
together until it's well mixed. Keep the dough overnight. Mold the dough with a ball of green bean filling or green rice flake in the center. Press to implement the pattern and you will have a soft iceskin mooncake, a special gift for northern village autumn days. In the south of Vietnam, there is a strange variant of moon cake called Fresh Mooncake. Its crust is made of gracilaria, and the filling consists of flan, green bean or milk jelly. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming and the images of mothers and sisters making mooncakes, fathers making lanterns and children running in the streets are the most exciting scenes to look forward to. These traditional images will never fade out in the minds of Vietnamese people.
TH§NG TIN TH£M Bπn c„ th” t◊m mua b∏nh Trung Thu tπi: Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon 8 - 15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1, TP.HCM *Website: Sheraton Sµi Gn 88 ßÂng KhÎi, Q.1, TP.HCM *Website: Park Hyatt Saigon 2 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, Q.1, TP.HCM *Website: Ho∆c tπi c∏c cˆa ti÷m thuÈc Brodard Bakery: 11 Nguy‘n Thi÷p, Q.1, TP.HCM *Website:
FURTHER INFORMATION You can buy mooncakes at: Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon 8-15 Ton Duc Thang, Dist. 1, HCMC *Website: Sheraton Saigon 88 Dong Khoi, Dist. 1, HCMC *Website: Park Hyatt Saigon 2 Lam Son Square, Dist. 1, HCMC *Website: Or at Brodard Bakery's branches: 11 Nguyen Thiep, Dist. 1, HCMC *Website: TRAVELLIVE
food&wine Vıa qua, ßπi s¯ qu∏n Peru k’t hÓp cÔng Kh∏ch sπn Hilton Hµ NÈi Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c thµnh c´ng Tu«n l‘ »m th˘c tπi Nhµ hµng Chez Manon, giÌi thi÷u tÌi th˘c kh∏ch nh˜ng m„n ®n tinh tÛy mang ÆÀm b∂n sæc cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc Peru xinh Æãp. ßi”m Æ∆c bi÷t trong »m th˘c Peru ch›nh lµ sˆ dÙng nhi“u hoa qu∂ t≠¨i, rau cÒ k’t hÓp vÌi c∏c nguy™n li÷u t≠¨i ngon vÔng Nam M¸, c„ lÓi cho s¯c kh·e, vıa tπo h≠¨ng v Æa dπng vıa bÊ sung mÈt l≠Óng lÌn ch†t x¨ vµ vitamin vµo kh»u ph«n. ß∆c bi÷t, vÌi nh˜ng Æ«u b’p Peru, ngoµi c∏c nguy™n li÷u t≠¨i ngon, c∏c m„n ®n lu´n ph∂i Æ≠Óc tπo n™n vÌi s˘ vui vŒ, tÀn t◊nh vµ Æ«y y™u th≠¨ng cÒa ng≠Íi Æ«u b’p. Chÿ c„ nh≠ vÀy, th˘c kh∏ch khi th≠Îng th¯c mÌi c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc h’t h≠¨ng v m„n ®n. ß„ lµ l˝ do v◊ sao »m th˘c Peru kh´ng chÿ Æ™m Æ’n nh˜ng m„n ®n ƨn thu«n mµ cn lµ m„n quµ dµnh cho tr∏i tim. Text: Thao Phuong Photos: Many others Bµi: Th∂o Ph≠¨ng Ånh: Nhi“u nguÂn kh∏c
The Embassy of Peru and the Hilton Hanoi Hotel have successfully cooperated to hold Peruvian Food Festival Week at Chez Manon Restaurant, introducing diners to the quintessence of Peruvian cuisines. The most striking feature of Peruvian dishes is their harmonious combination of fresh and healthy ingredients from South Ameria. With various fresh vegetables and fruits, Peruvian food not only is flavorful but also provides a great amount of fiber and vitamins. Moreover, Peruvian chefs insist that an excellent dish has to be made both from fresh ingredients and from the heart of the chef in order for guests to fully enjoy their meal. Each Peruvian dish must be a gift offered with love and happiness, not just one made with tasty ingredients.
PISCO SOUR, A FRESH START Pisco Sour is the traditional cocktail of Peru. According to its historic recipe, the main component is pisco wine, made from grapes harvested in Peru and Chile since colonial times (both countries claim the Pisco Sour as their national drink).
¬m th˘c Peru, m„n quµ cho tr∏i tim PISCO SOUR, KHôI ß¡U TINH KHI⁄T
isco Sour lµ mÈt loπi cocktail truy“n thËng cÒa Peru. Trong r†t nhi“u tµi li÷u v“ lfich sˆ cÒa loπi cocktail nµy, thµnh ph«n ch›nh Æ” lµm n™n h≠¨ng vfi Pisco Sour ch›nh lµ r≠Óu Pisco, ch≠ng c†t tı mÈt loπi nho trÂng tr™n Ɔt Peru tı thÍi hai quËc gia Peru - Chile cfln lµ thuÈc Æfia cÒa T©y Ban Nha. Vµ bÎi th’, khi ng≠Íi T©y Ban Nha kh´ng cfln Æ´ hÈ, c∂ hai quËc gia Æ“u coi Pisco Sour lµ Æ∆c s∂n cÒa m◊nh. ßi“u lµm n™n s˘ kh∏c bi÷t cho Pisco Sour cÒa Peru ch›nh lµ r≠Óu Pisco Peruano, loπi r≠Óu Æ≠Óc ch≠ng c†t tı giËng nho Æ’n tı c∏c trang trπi trÂng nho kh∏c nhau tr™n l∑nh thÊ Peru Æ” tπo ra h≠¨ng vfi Æ∆c tr≠ng cho c∏i t™n Peruano. Nho Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n k¸ cµng, ch≠ng c†t l«n Æ«u Æ” cho ra mÈt loπi r≠Óu vÌi nÂng ÆÈ kho∂ng 50 - 60. Sau Æ„, r≠Óu ti’p tÙc Æ≠Óc ch≠ng c†t l«n hai
Æ” Æπt Æ≠Óc s˘ tinh khi’t Î 40 47 ÆÈ. ß©y lµ nÂng ÆÈ th›ch hÓp Æ” pha ch’ nh˜ng ly Pisco Sour thanh m∏t. Pisco Sour lµ s˘ pha trÈn Æ«y ng…u h¯ng cÒa Pisco Peruano mang mÔi nho, vfi ng‰t chua d‘ chfiu tı chanh vµ n≠Ìc Æ≠Íng, lÌp b‰t træng mfin khi Æ∏nh b´ng lflng træng tr¯ng trong b◊nh læc, vµ cuËi cÔng Æ” ly cocktail l≠u lπi d≠ vfi kh´ng th” qu™n, h∑y th™m chÛt r≠Óu Ææng Angostura vµ nhÛm bÈt qu’ th¨m lıng ræc tr™n m∆t ly. ô Peru, Pisco Sour lµ th¯c uËng th´ng dÙng. Tr≠Ìc mÁi b˜a ®n, ng≠Íi Peru bao giÍ cÚng dµnh chÛt thÍi gian th≠Îng th¯c vfi Ææng nhã nh≠ng lπi v´ cÔng tinh khi’t tı m„n uËng nµy nh≠ mÈt b≠Ìc khai vfi. N’u bπn c„ c¨ hÈi Æ’n Peru vµ ghä th®m b†t k˙ qu∏n ®n nµo, Pisco Sour cÚng lµ c∏i t™n Æ«u ti™n mµ c∏c nh©n vi™n phÙc vÙ h·i Æ” Æi“n vµo ph«n order cÒa bπn, Æıng b· lÏ nhä!
However, what makes the Pisco Sour of Peru different from the Chilean variant is, as you might have guessed, the kind of pisco wine being used, which in most versions of the national drink is Peruano pisco. Grapes are carefully selected and distilled to make the first extract with a concentration of 50 to 60. Afterward, the first extract is distilled again with a concentration between 40 and 47. The latter concentration is suitable for the best glass of Pisco Sour. Pisco Sour is a complimenting mixture of grape flavor (Peruano pisco), sweet and sour (lime and sugar), bitters (a few drops of Angostura wine) with a smooth texture thanks to whipped egg white, and the scent of cinnamon to top it off. This perfect combination promises to greet your tounge pleasantly and also provides a satisfying aftertaste. In Peru, Pisco Sour is a popular drink. Before a meal, Peruvians often enjoy this bitter yet refreshing cocktail. If you have the chance to dine in Peru, the Pisco Sour is sure to be the first name the waiter will recommend. Don't pass it up! TRAVELLIVE
Ìi Æ≠Íng bÍ bi”n dµi, bi”n c∂ mang lπi cho Peru nguÂn h∂i s∂n dÂi dµo, t≠¨i ngon. C„ lœ bÎi vÀy, Ceviche trÎ thµnh ni“m ki™u h∑nh »m th˘c cÒa ng≠Íi Peru v“ c∏ch ch’ bi’n c∏c nguy™n li÷u Æ’n tı Æπi d≠¨ng. Ceviche lµ s˘ k’t hÓp tı h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sËng (m„n Ceviche truy“n thËng th≠Íng sˆ dÙng c∏c loπi c∏ thfit træng), n≠Ìc äp cam, chanh, gia vfi, Ìt t≠¨i, hπt ti™u vµ muËi. Khi th≠Îng th¯c Ceviche, ng≠Íi Peru th≠Íng ®n cÔng rau sËng khoai lang vµ ng´ chi™n. Vfi ng‰t cÒa ng´ chi™n Peru t≠¨ng ph∂n vÌi vfi cay cÒa Ìt tπo n™n h≠¨ng vfi Æ∆c tr≠ng cho m„n ®n. Ngµy nay, Ceviche phÊ bi’n tr™n toµn th’ giÌi tÌi m¯c khi’n nhi“u ng≠Íi l«m t≠Îng rªng Æ©y lµ mÈt m„n ®n hi÷n Æπi. Th’ nh≠ng, nguÂn gËc th˘c s˘ cÒa Ceviche lπi tı thÍi Inca, thÀm ch› tr≠Ìc c∂ khi ng≠Íi T©y Ban Nha Æ´ hÈ vµ mang chanh hay c∏c loπi qu∂ thuÈc h‰ cam chanh vµo Peru. B› quy’t tπo n™n vfi chua thanh cho Ceviche vµo thÍi Æ„ lµ mÈt loπi qu∂ chua Æ’n tı rıng Amazon - qu∂ tumbo (cÔng h‰ vÌi chanh d©y). Tuy nhi™n, khi sˆ dÙng tumbo, thÍi gian Æ” ≠Ìp h∂i s∂n trong n≠Ìc cËt loπi qu∂ nµy th≠Íng käo dµi tÌi vµi giÍ. V◊ vÀy, ngµy nay c∏c Æ«u b’p th≠Íng sˆ dÙng chanh ho∆c cam Æ” gi∂m thÍi gian ch’ bi’n. Khi th≠Îng th¯c Ceviche trong Tu«n l‘ »m th˘c Peru tπi Kh∏ch sπn Hilton Hµ NÈi, th˘c kh∏ch y™u th›ch m„n ®n nµy cÚng Æ≠Óc Æ«u b’p h≠Ìng d…n cÙ th” b› quy’t Æ” c„ mÈt ph«n ®n Ceviche thÀt ngon n’u muËn lµm tπi nhµ. Ngoµi vi÷c n™m n’m Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c nguy™n li÷u, thÍi gian ≠Ìp h∂i s∂n trong n≠Ìc chanh
kh´ng Æ≠Óc qu∏ dµi v◊ nh≠ vÀy sœ ph∏ h·ng toµn bÈ m„n ®n. VÌi s˘ du nhÀp v®n h„a tı ng≠Íi nhÀp c≠, Ceviche ngoµi c´ng th¯c truy“n thËng Peru cfln c„ nhi“u bi’n th” thÛ vfi. Kh´ng c„ m„n Ceviche nµo c„ th” l∆p lπi bÎi chÿ c«n chÛt ng…u h¯ng trong s˘ thay ÆÊi nguy™n li÷u, lÛc lµ 1 chÛt vıng, lÛc lµ 1 chÛt mÔ tπt hay ƨn gi∂n lµ vµi gi‰t d«u gi†m. Ceviche gi∂n dfi vµ th©n thi÷n nh≠ng lu´n Æ∂m b∂o Æ≠Óc s˘ tinh tÛy trong m„n ®n khi gi˜ lπi h≠¨ng vfi thÀt s˘ cÒa tıng nguy™n li÷u. Vfi chua thanh cÒa n≠Ìc chanh cÔng Æ≠Íng, vfi ng‰t dfiu cÒa h∂i s∂n k’t hÓp vÌi cay th¨m cÒa Ìt, t†t c∂ cÔng nhau th†m Æ“u tr™n tıng thÌ vfi gi∏c khi’n Ceviche kh´ng chÿ lµ mÈt m„n ®n ƨn thu«n mµ cfln lµ bi”u t≠Óng cho ngh÷ thuÀt »m th˘c x¯ Inca.
CEVICHE, A SYMBOL OF INCA CULINARY ART With its a long coastline, Peru understandably takes advantage of its abundant source of fresh seafood. Ceviche is the crowning example of this resource put to good use, and is considered the pride of Peruvian culinary art. This dish is typically made from fresh, raw fish (traditional ceviche comes from white-meat fish) cured in citrus juices such as lemon or lime and seasoned with salt, chili and peppers. Ceviche is usually accompanied by side dishes such as fried sweet potato, lettuce and corn. The contrast between sweet corn and spicy chili gives a distinct flavour to the dish. Nowadays, ceviche is so popular that many people think it is a modern dish. However, it originates from the Inca Empire, long before the Spanish colonization brought citrus fruits to the area. The Inca used the juice of the tart tumbo fruit (in the same family as the passion fruit) from the Amazon to marinate the fresh fish. Due to a shorter preparation time, the use of Spanish lemons and limes became preferred during the 16th century. When enjoying ceviche during Peruvian Food Week, diners can also learn how to make it at home. You should pay great attention not only to the ingredients but also to the period of time required to marinate the fish properly; too long time could spoil the dish. Due to an influx of immigrants, there are now numerous variants of ceviche, from using just a little sesame to adding a little mustard or a few drops of salad dressing, all of which can change the flavor of the dish. Despite these changes, ceviche remains a simple dish even in its variations, with the taste of all, its ingredients still apparent. Sour lime, sweet sugar and seafood combined with hot chili create its historic flavor and ensure its durability not only as a delicious staple of Peru but also a symbol of Inca culinary art. TRAVELLIVE
” th≠Îng th¯c Arroz con Pato, Æıng bæt Æ«u bªng th◊a d‹a hay chi’c kh®n tr∂i bµn ®n vÌi h‰a ti’t Inca sËng ÆÈng, h∑y dµnh ra vµi phÛt Æ” læng nghe c©u chuy÷n v“ nh˜ng chÛ vfit "hπnh phÛc" x¯ Inca. ߆t n≠Ìc Peru ngÀp trµn ∏nh næng m∆t trÍi. Vµ mÈt chÛ vfit hπnh phÛc lµ chÛ vfit Æ≠Óc t˘ do tæm trong ∏nh næng †y mÁi ngµy Æ” c„ th” ph∏t tri”n tËt nh†t. Nh˜ng hπt næng nhi÷t ÆÌi sœ ng†m qua lÌp l´ng vÚ „ng ∂ rÂi tan vµo tıng thÌ c¨ s®n chæc khi vÔng v…y trong lµn n≠Ìc m∏t lµnh. ß„ lµ Æi“u mµ loµi vfit nu´i nhËt kh´ng c„ Æ≠Óc, bÎi kh´ng gian sËng hπn ch’ sœ khi’n vfit c®ng thºng. MÈt chÛ vfit "buÂn" th≠Íng sœ kh´ng ph∂i lµ l˘a ch‰n cÒa c∏c Æ«u b’p Peru khi muËn ch’ bi’n Arroz con Pato. Thfit vfit sau khi Æ≠Óc chi™n s¨ trong ch∂o d«u n„ng sœ Æ≠Óc h«m nhı cÔng ÆÀu Hµ Lan, c∏c loπi gia vfi nh≠ t·i, hπt ti™u, mÈt chÛt bia vµ r≠Óu Pisco Peruano. ß©y lµ b› quy’t cÒa c∏c Æ«u b’p Peru Æ” t»y mÔi h´i vµ khi’n thfit vfit trÎ n™n th¨m ngon h¨n. Ti’p Æ„, Æ«u b’p sœ th™m n≠Ìc vµ gπo Æ” bæt Æ«u quy tr◊nh n†u c¨m. ß” m„n ®n mang ÆÛng tinh th«n cÒa »m th˘c Peru, loπi gπo rÍi hπt dµi sœ Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng Æ” c¨m kh´ng d›nh vµo c∏c nguy™n li÷u kh∏c Æ≠Óc h«m cÔng. CuËi cÔng, khi d‰n ra Æ‹a, ng≠Íi Æ«u b’p kh´ng qu™n bµy th™m nh˜ng l∏ mÔi ta vµ mÈt loπi xËt chua cay Æ∆c bi÷t lµm tı Ìt chu´ng vµ hµnh t©y, Æ” m„n ®n kh´ng g©y c∂m gi∏c ng†y cho th˘c kh∏ch. Arroz con Pato lµ m„n ®n tı nh˜ng chÛ vfit "hπnh phÛc". Khi n„i v“ Arroz con Pato, nh˜ng Æ«u b’p Peru lu´n nhæc r†t nhi“u v“ gia Æ◊nh, v“ t◊nh y™u th≠¨ng trong ch›nh c®n b’p gia Æ◊nh h‰. Ng≠Íi Æ«u b’p Æ∑ ch’ bi’n m„n ®n vÌi t◊nh y™u, v◊ th’ khi th≠Îng th¯c m„n c¨m vfit thÛ vfi nµy, h∑y tr∂i nghi÷m n„ vÌi mÈt tinh th«n thÀt vui vŒ nhä!
To enjoy arroz con pato, don't start with your fork, spoon or a lively patterned table-cover; instead, spend a few minutes listening the story of the happy Inca ducks. Peru has an abundance of sun, and its ducks are free to swim and get plenty of sunshine, helping them to grow big, strong, and tasty. Tropical sunlight seems to be absorbed into their skin and all that good weather for swimming allows the ducks' muscles to strengthen from their leisurely exercise. It is impossible for ducks raised in a limited space to be happy, say Peruvian chefs, and a sad duck is a poor choice when making a great arroz con pato. After being fried until well brown, the duck meat is stewed with green peas, garlic, peppers, beer and Peruano pisco. This method is the secret technique of chefs to get rid of the bad odor and makes the duck meat more flavorful. Once the duck is cooked, add rice and water. To complete the preparation of the dish according to Peruvian tradition, you need long grain rice, which won't stick to the other ingredients. Finally, we need a special sauce made from onion and bell chili, together with small leaves of fresh cilantro to ensure the dish won't cloy a diner's appetite. Arroz con pato is a dish made from happy ducks. When talking about arroz con pato, chefs always share something about their family and their love for the family kitchen. They prepare this dish with their own love and happiness; therefore, let's be happy when enjoying it! TRAVELLIVE
Ëi vÌi nhi“u ng≠Íi Peru, mÔi vfi m„n ®n c„ mµu t›m nµy lu´n gÓi nhÌ h‰ v“ tuÊi th¨, thÀm ch› vfi Æ«u b’p ch›nh cÒa Tu«n l‘ »m th˘c Peru cfln n„i vÌi t´i rªng mÁi Ưa trŒ Peru c„ th” ®n tÌi vµi b˜a Mazamorra Morada mÈt ngµy v◊ qu∏ y™u th›ch m„n ®n nµy. Trong khi Arroz con Pato ÆÀm ch†t truy“n thËng, Pisco Sour lµ s˘ tranh c∑i gi˜a Peru Chile, Ceviche lµ c∏ch t©n hi÷u qu∂ trong vi÷c sˆ dÙng nguy™n li÷u du
nhÀp, th◊ Mazamorra Morada lµ s˘ k’t hÓp v´ cÔng thÛ vfi gi˜a giËng ng´ t›m ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa Peru vµ c∏c loπi qu∂ t≠¨i, qu∂ kh´ tı khæp n¨i tr™n th’ giÌi. T†t c∂ khi’n th˘c kh∏ch th˘c s˘ kh„ kh®n trong vi÷c x∏c Æfinh xem Æ©y lµ mÈt m„n ®n truy“n thËng hay hi÷n Æπi. C„ lœ bÎi vÀy, Mazamorra Morada lπi cµng thu hÛt th˘c kh∏ch, tı nh˜ng xe b∏n hµng l“ Æ≠Íng hay trong nh˜ng nhµ hµng sang tr‰ng. N’u nh≠ tr≠Ìc khi th≠Îng th¯c Arroz con Pato, th˘c kh∏ch n™n dµnh thÍi gian cho c©u chuy÷n v“ chÛ vfit "hπnh phÛc" th◊ vÌi
Mazamorra Morada, h∑y theo ch©n Æ«u b’p kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng nguy™n li÷u lµm n™n h≠¨ng vfi ÆÈc Æ∏o cho m„n ®n nµy. ß«u ti™n, ng´ t›m Peru Æ≠Óc h«m nhı tr™n b’p, c∂m gi∏c th›ch thÛ khi nh◊n mµu n≠Ìc ng´ t›m d«n l™n sau mÁi phÛt v´ cÔng thÛ vfi. Sau Æ„, Æ«u b’p sœ th™m vµo nh˜ng nguy™n li÷u kh∏c nhau tÔy theo mÔa nh≠ t∏o, xoµi, Ƶo, m¨, mÀn, d¯a... Æ” tπo vfi chua nh≠ng kh´ng gæt cho m„n ®n. ß” lµm dfiu vfi c∏c loπi qu∂ cÚng nh≠ khi’n m„n ®n th›ch hÓp vÌi trŒ nh·, Æ«u b’p sœ th™m vµo chÛt Æ≠Íng, m¯t nho vµ m¯t
MAZAMORRA MORADA, CHILDHOOD MEMORIES For many Peruvians, this purplecolored dish always reminds them of their childhood. The main chef of Peruvian Food Festival Week also shares that children in Peru can eat mazamorra morada all day because they love it so much.
Ƶo kh´. CuËi cÔng, bÈt qu’ lµ h≠¨ng li÷u kh´ng th” thi’u Æ” mÁi xe b∏n hµng rong d…n kh∏ch tÌi vÌi m◊nh mµ kh´ng c«n b†t c¯ h◊nh th¯c rao hµng nµo c∂. Mazamorra Morada lµ mÈt m„n ®n "lÈn xÈn" nh≠ng tin t´i Æi, chÿ mÈt l«n th≠Îng th¯c m„n ®n vÌi s˘ ng…u h¯ng cÒa ng≠Íi Æ«u b’p, vÌi mµu ng´ t›m Æ∆c tr≠ng, mÔi qu’, vfi chua ng‰t tı c∏c loπi qu∂ theo mÔa hfla trÈn mÈt c∏ch Æ∏ng y™u, r†t c„ th” trong gi†c m¨, bπn sœ ≠Ìc m◊nh bi’n thµnh mÈt Ưa trŒ Peru Æ” ngµy ngµy th≠Îng th¯c Mazamorra Morada Ɔy!
While arroz con pato bears traditional distinctions, Pisco Sour is claimed by both Peru and Chile, and ceviche is a great innovation in using imported raw ingredients, mazamorra morada is an interesting combination of purple Peruvian corn and fresh and dried fruits from around the world. It's hard to define this dish as traditional or modern, but whether it is sold by street vendors or at luxurious restaurants, mazamorra morada always attracts more and more diners.
If arroz con pato is associated with the story of happy ducks, then when enjoying mazamorra morada, let's follow the chef to explore what makes it such a special dish. First, simmer purple corn and watch the water change color, an exciting step in itself. Add seasonal ingredients such as apple, mango, peach, apricot, plum and pineapple to bring a sour flavor to the dish. Since children prefer sweet things, peach or grape preserve should be added. Last, cinnamon is the secret ingredient of venders to attract customers without any promotion. Mazamorra morada is just a kind of mixed dessert made by inspired chefs, but believe me, the combination of purple corn, the scent of cinnamon, and a mix of sweet seasonal fruits will make you wish you could have had the dish as part of your childhood!
Trong ph©n khÛc minibus 16 chÁ t´i Æ∑ nghe Æ’n nh˜ng c∏i t™n quen thuÈc nh≠ Ford Transit, Mercedes Sprinter hay Toyota Hiace... n™n c∏i t™n Nissan NV350 Urvan ban Æ«u th˘c s˘ kh∏ lπ l…m ÆËi vÌi t´i. Nh≠ng khi Æ≠Óc bi’t Æ©y lµ chi’c xe duy nh†t trong ph©n khÛc nµy Æ≠Óc nhÀp tı NhÀt B∂n vÌi nh˜ng t›nh n®ng an toµn th≠Íng chÿ c„ tr™n nh˜ng dng xe hπng sang nh≠ Æai an toµn cho t†t c∂ c∏c gh’, Æi“u hoµ ri™ng tπi tıng gh’, kh„a an toµn trŒ em, h÷ thËng chËng b„ c¯ng phanh ABS, h÷ thËng hÁ trÓ l˘c phanh kh»n c†p BA, c†u trÛc th©n xe c¯ng v˜ng Zone Body... t´i c∂m th†y hoµn toµn y™n t©m khi cÔng c∏c thµnh vi™n kh∏c trong Æoµn l™n Æ≠Íng kh∏m ph∏ cung Æ≠Íng Hµ NÈi - Hµ Giang Æ«y thÛ v. Bµi: BÔi Ph≠¨ng Hoa Ånh: K˙ Nam
NgÂi xuËng chi’c gh’, käo d©y an toµn, mÎ quπt gi„ Æi“u hoµ khœ ph∂ lµn h¨i m·ng manh du m∏t h≠Ìng v“ m◊nh, t´i th∂ t«m mæt qua ´ cˆa sÊ nh· xinh b™n cπnh m◊nh, ngæm nh◊n phong c∂nh hi÷n ra tr≠Ìc mæt vµ læng nghe giai Æi÷u ™m du tı h÷ thËng loa ©m thanh nÊi. Sau g«n 7 ti’ng, v≠Ót h¨n 350 km, cuËi cÔng chÛng t´i cÚng tÌi Æ≠Óc Hµ Giang. Kh´ng ai trong Æoµn c∂m th†y m÷t m·i sau chuy’n Æi dµi nˆa ngµy Æ≠Íng ngÂi tr™n chi’c Nissan NV350 Urvan. Hµnh tr◊nh chinh phÙc con Æ≠Íng hπnh phÛc, con Æ≠Íng quanh co, uËn l≠Ón, v≠Ót qua nh˜ng Æ∏m m©y, l≠Ón vng theo c∏c ng‰n nÛi hÔng v‹, k’t nËi tı Hµ Giang l™n 4 huy÷n vÔng cao ph›a bæc gÂm: Qu∂n Bπ, Y™n Minh, ßÂng V®n sang huy÷n MÃo Vπc c„ tÊng chi“u dµi 184 km. Chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh lµm t´i th˘c s˘ c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc s©u sæc nh†t ˝ ngh‹a mµ hπnh phÛc th˘c s˘ Æem lπi: Hπnh phÛc lµ hµnh tr◊nh ch¯ kh´ng chÿ lµ Æi”m Æ’n.
GiÍ t´i Æ∑ hi”u tπi sao c∏c thµnh vi™n trong Æoµn lπi ch‰n Nissan NV350 Urvan cho chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh nµy. Chi’c xe c„ chi“u dµi 5.230 mm, rÈng 1.880 mm vµ cao 2.285 mm. Chi“u rÈng xe Æ≠Óc thu g‰n h¨n n™n di chuy”n kh∏ d‘ dµng tr™n nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng nh· hãp trong khi chi“u cao Æ≠Óc t®ng th™m giÛp kh´ng gian xe rÈng r∑i vµ tho∂i m∏i h¨n cho m‰i ng≠Íi khi muËn Æi lπi tr™n xe. ßÈng c¨ diesel YD25 DDTi c∂i ti’n, dung t›ch 2,5 l›t, cho c´ng su†t c˘c Æπi 127 m∑ l˘c tπi vng tua m∏y 3.200 vng/phÛt, m´-men xoæn tËi Æa 356 Nm tπi d∂i 1.400-2.000 vng/phÛt giÛp chi’c Nissan NV350 Urvan hoµn toµn ph´ di‘n Æ≠Óc s˘ mπnh mœ cÒa m◊nh th” hi÷n mÁi Æoπn t®ng tËc l™n dËc c„ ÆÈ nghi™ng lÌn, v≠Ót qua ch≠Ìng ngπi vÀt lµ nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng dËc Ê gµ, ho∆c lÊn nhÊn Æ∏ cÒa nh˜ng Æoπn Æ≠Íng x†u, ho∆c nh˜ng Æoπn Æang trong qu∏ tr◊nh sˆa ch˜a. MÁi lÛc v“ sË l™n dËc, ÆÈng c¨ kh´ng c„ ti’ng r›t, gªn mπnh Æ” t®ng tËc mµ c„ c∂m gi∏c r†t nhã, l≠Ìt b®ng b®ng, nh≠ng v…n mπnh mœ, d¯t kho∏t vÛt Æi nh≠ mÈt h¨i thÎ mπnh, quy’t Æo∏n, kh´ng do d˘.
NhÍ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ” gi∂m ti’ng Ân vµ ÆÈ rung cÒa ÆÈng c¨ n™n Æ∑ gi∂m thi”u s˘ m÷t m·i cho toµn bÈ thµnh vi™n trong Æoµn, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ ng≠Íi l∏i trong suËt chuy’n Æi dµi. Kh´ng giËng nh≠ m‰i l«n t´i chÿ mong vi÷c di chuy”n thÀt nhanh, Æ’n Æi”m Æ›ch thÀt nhanh Æ” Æ≠Óc ra kh·i xe, nghÿ ng¨i, Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng c∂m gi∏c Æ’n Æ›ch. Nh≠ng l«n nµy thÀt kh∏c, suËt chuy’n Æi, t´i kh´ng muËn ngÒ, t´i ph„ng t«m mæt qua ´ cˆa k›nh, thÿnh tho∂ng mÎ hä cˆa k›nh tı ´ cˆa sÊ nh· b™n h´ng xe, tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› trong lµnh, kho∏ng Æπt, nÂng nµn h¨i thÎ cÒa c· c©y, cÒa nÛi Æ∏, cÒa Ɔt »m mang h≠¨ng v r†t ri™ng cÒa Hµ Giang. C∂ Æoµn cÔng th∂ m◊nh tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng phÛt gi©y chung vui nh≠ Æang ngÂi d˘a l≠ng th∂ l·ng c¨ th” tr™n nh˜ng chi’c gh’ sofa trong phng kh∏ch. Vi÷c di chuy”n tr™n xe cÚng kh∏ thuÀn ti÷n nhÍ hai hµng gh’ x’p Æ“u hai b™n vÌi lËi Æi Î gi˜a. C∂m xÛc kh´ng chÿ dıng lπi Î phong c∂nh Ɔt trÍi thi™n nhi™n hÔng v‹ cÒa Hµ Giang, chÛng t´i ti’p tÙc ÆÂng hµnh cÔng ng≠Íi bπn Æ≠Íng mπnh mœ, tin cÀy, chi’c Nissan NV350 Urvan Æ” ti’p tÙc v≠Ót dËc, ÆÊ ÆÃo tÀn h≠Îng chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh quy’n rÚ do bµn tay vµ khËi „c cÒa con ng≠Íi tπo n™n. Chi’c Nissan NV350 Urvan ™m ∏i, Æ≠a chÛng t´i Æ’n th®m dinh th˘ cÒa Vua MÃo. ß≠Óc v› nh≠ vi™n ng‰c xanh gi˜a nÛi rıng T©y Bæc, Vua MÃo V≠¨ng Ch›nh ߯c Æ∑ cho x©y d˘ng mÈt dinh th˘ h◊nh ch˜ V≠¨ng uy nghi, khºng Ænh s¯c mπnh, uy quy“n vµ phong c∏ch hoµng tÈc cÒa m◊nh vÌi toµ nhµ b“ th’ ki™m mÈt ph∏o Ƶi ki™n cË. Tı bi÷t c∏c chi’n s‹ tπi ÆÂn bi™n phng LÚng CÛ, chÛng t´i ti’p tÙc chinh phÙc Æi”m Æ’n ti’p theo lµ cÈt cÍ LÚng CÛ nªm Î Æÿnh nÛi RÂng, tr™n ÆÈ cao kho∂ng 1.700m so vÌi m˘c n≠Ìc bi”n, n¨i Æ≠Óc coi nh≠ Æi”m c˘c Bæc cÒa Vi÷t Nam. Tr™n Æÿnh cÈt lµ quËc k˙ Vi÷t Nam vÌi c∏n cÍ cao 12,9m vµ l∏ cÍ rÈng 54m2, t≠Óng tr≠ng cho 54 d©n tÈc Vi÷t Nam. Ngæm nh◊n n¨i Æa Æ«u c˘c Bæc cÒa TÊ quËc tı n¨i Æ©y, chÛng t´i kh´ng chÿ lµ c∂m nhÀn vŒ Æãp cÒa b¯c tranh s¨n thu˚ r†t Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa T©y Bæc mµ h¨n th’ Æ„ ch›nh lµ nh˜ng c∂m gi∏c thi™ng li™ng cÒa nhp ÆÀp tr∏i tim c¯ bÂi hÂi t®ng nhp khi bµn tay m◊nh Æ≠Óc chπm vµo l∏ cÍ n¨i cao nh†t, xa nh†t cÒa TÊ quËc. Sau khi t◊m hi”u th™m v“ c∏c m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng Î Hµ Giang: thæng cË, c¨m lam Bæc M™, ch∏o †u t»u, x´i ngÚ sæc, tht b - tr©u g∏c b’p vµ r≠Óu ng´... Æoµn chÛng t´i l™n Æ≠Íng quay v“ nh≠ng kh´ng theo Æ≠Íng cÚ mµ ti’p tÙc h≠Ìng v“ theo Æ≠Íng T‹nh TÛc, Cao Bªng qua th®m h Ba B” rÂi mÌi v“ Hµ NÈi.
Chi’c xe xä mµn Æ™m nhã l≠Ìt Æ≠a chÛng t´i v≠Ót 170km Æ≠Íng ÆÃo læt läo tı ßÂng V®n v“ T‹nh TÛc - Cao Bªng. M∆c dÔ xe chπy li™n tÙc suËt qu∑ng Æ≠Íng ÆÃo tı 6h s∏ng Æ’n 9h tËi, tr∂i qua mÈt ngµy hµnh tr◊nh dµi li™n tÙc vÌi thÍi gian nghÿ tπi Æi”m chÿ 20 phÛt nh≠ng Nissan NV350 Urvan hoπt ÆÈng, chπy tr™n Æ≠Íng ÆÃo kh∏ Ên Ænh vµ ti’t ki÷m, Æπt kho∂ng 10 l›t/100 km. Tr∂i nghi÷m ÆÊ ÆÃo trong Æ™m tËi tr™n chi’c Nissan NV350 Urvan qu∂ thÀt Æ∏ng gi∏ tıng phÛt gi©y. DÔ Æ≠Íng kh∏ x†u, hãp vÌi nh˜ng khÛc cua læt läo nËi ti’p nhau nh≠ng cÚng kh´ng lµm kh„ anh tµi x’ giµu kinh nghi÷m vÌi mÈt chi’c xe c„ ÆÈng c¨ mπnh mœ, c∏c t›nh n®ng an toµn hi÷u qu∂ vµ Æ∆c bi÷t, c∂ mÈt vÔng rıng nÛi Cao Bªng nh≠ Æ≠Óc soi r‰i, s∏ng bıng l™n nhÍ s¯c mπnh tı bÈ ÆÃn pha halogen kh·e khoæn, ÆÒ soi r‰i r‚ rµng nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng ÆÃo læt läo cho chi’c xe cÔng Æoµn chπy ph›a tr≠Ìc. GiÍ th◊ t´i Æ∑ c´ng nhÀn rªng, anh bπn t´i, ng≠Íi l™n lch tr◊nh cho chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh tr∂i nghi÷m kh∏m ph∏ nµy, Æ∑ hoµn toµn ÆÛng khi l˘a ch‰n cho Æoµn chÛng t´i ng≠Íi bπn Æ≠Íng mπnh mœ, hi÷u qu∂ vµ v´ cÔng tin cÀy lµ chi’c NISSAN NV350 URVAN. MÈt chi’c xe nhÀp kh»u, Æ≠Óc trang b nh˜ng t›nh n®ng cho c∏c dng xe hπng sang vÌi mÈt m¯c gi∏ hÓp l˝ cÒa mÈt dng xe du lch hπng trung, vÌi ≠u th’: g‰n - d‘ dµng di chuy”n len l·i trong c∏c con phË Æ´ng ÆÛc giÍ cao t«m; sang - vÌi nh˜ng hµnh kh∏ch lµ nh˜ng nh©n vi™n cËt c∏n, hµng ngµy v…n c«n m…n lµm vi÷c cËng hi’n cho c´ng ty; vµ an toµn - vÌi nh˜ng c´ bä, cÀu bä m«m non cÒa t≠¨ng lai vui ÆÔa tho∂i m∏i trong suËt hµnh tr◊nh v“ nhµ, v“ tÊ †m th≠¨ng y™u cÒa mÁi hµnh kh∏ch. MÈt chuy’n Æi hoµn toµn thµnh c´ng c∂ v“ s¯c khoŒ vµ c∂m xÛc. GiÍ phÛt ph∂i chia tay vÌi Æoµn vµ ng≠Íi bπn ÆÂng hµnh tin cÀy †y thÀt quy’n luy’n, khi’n tr∏i tim t´i thÊn th¯c, sËng mÚi cay cay. T´i Æ∑ muËn chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh c¯ käo dµi m∑i, dµi m∑i...
Bµi: Th∂o Lan
Sæc l∏ Æ· vµng t´ Æi”m nh˜ng tuy÷t t∏c ki’n trÛc theo phong c∏ch Baroque Î Dresden, th†p tho∏ng b„ng d∏ng nh≠ trong chuy÷n cÊ t›ch Î Copenhagen, nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng thu l∑ng mπn nh†t th’ giÌi Î Vancouver hay hµng tr®m h n≠Ìc Æãp t˘a chËn bÂng lai ti™n c∂nh Î Cˆu Trπi C©u... ß„ lµ nh˜ng sæc thu tuy÷t Æãp nÊi ti’ng th’ giÌi lµm m™ Ææm bao tr∏i tim du kh∏ch mÁi khi Æ∆t ch©n tÌi.
tÈc Furstenzug, nhµ thÍ lu´n lµ Æi”m Æ’n kh´ng th” b· lÏ cho du kh∏ch, nh†t lµ vµo chuy’n du lfich mÔa thu, khi ∏nh næng vµng rÙm hæt l™n tıng phi’n Æ∏ mÁi chi“u.
£M ß≈M B£N DíNG ELBE C∏ch thÒ Æ´ Berlin 124 d∆m v“ h≠Ìng Nam, Dreden lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng n¨i c„ mÔa thu Æãp nh†t n≠Ìc ߯c. Nªm b™n thung lÚng xu´i dflng Elbe n™n h«u nh≠ m‰i con Æ≠Íng tπi Dresden Æ“u c„ h≠Ìng dËc tho∂i theo ph«n cuËi cÒa d∂i nÛi Osterzgebirge, khung c∂nh ™m Æ“m cÔng nh˜ng ng´i nhµ m∏i ng„i Æ· nªm d‰c b™n Æ≠Íng. Nh˜ng ki’n trÛc gocthic, baroque Æ∆c tr≠ng Î Æ©y lµ di s∂n ÆÈc Æ∏o mµ bπn n™n kh∏m ph∏ khi tÌi Dresden. ß«u ti™n lµ cung Æi÷n Zwinger nªm tr™n qu∂ng tr≠Íng Theater (Theaterplaz), tıng lµ n¨i tÊ ch¯c ti÷c tÔng cho giÌi qu˝ tÈc ߯c. Ngµy nay cung Æi÷n trÎ thµnh khu qu«n th” l≠u gi˜ c∏c t∏c ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt, trong Æ„ nÊi ti’ng nh†t lµ b∂o tµng tranh cÊ nguy™n b∂n vµ bÈ s≠u tÀp Æ s¯ Porzellansammlung. Zwinger thu hÛt du kh∏ch bÎi ki’n trÛc m∏i vflm cÊ vµ hµng tr®m b¯c t≠Óng Æ≠Óc chπm khæc tinh x∂o tr™n c∏c trÙ Æ∏.
@apfsine_globe liebe
C∏ch Zwinger kh´ng xa lµ nhµ thÍ ß¯c Bµ Frauenkirche Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng d≠Ìi thÍi Æ’ ch’ Augutus II, h≠Ìng v“ ph›a dflng Elbe ™m Æ“m. TÌi Æ©y, du kh∏ch h∑y dµnh thÍi gian læng nghe
c©u chuy÷n v“ nh˜ng vi™n Æ∏ cÚ Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng lπi Æ” x©y d˘ng nhµ thÍ mÌi sau khi nhµ thÍ cÚ bfi ph∏ hÒy. C∏ch sæp x’p “ræc vıng” nµy khi’n mÁi b¯c t≠Íng cÒa nhµ thÍ Æ“u nh≠ c„ mÈt c©u chuy÷n ri™ng v“ lfich sˆ thµnh phË muËn k” cho du kh∏ch. CÔng vÌi b¯c tranh c∏c nhµ qu˝ TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü Tı Vi÷t Nam, bπn c„ th” bay tÌi Dresden vÌi Thai Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, Kenya Airways, Aeroflot Russian vµ Cathay Pacific ü Ng´n ng˜: ti’ng ߯c lµ ng´n ng˜ ch›nh Î Dresden, b™n cπnh Æ„, ti’ng Anh cÚng Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng rÈng r∑i tπi Æ©y ü Ti“n t÷: ߯c nªm trong Khu v˘c ÆÂng ti“n chung ch©u ¢u n™n ƨn v ti“n t÷ tπi Dresden cÚng lµ ÆÂng Euro. Du kh∏ch Vi÷t Nam c„ th” ÆÊi ti“n tr≠Ìc tı Vi÷t Nam ho∆c ÆÊi tπi s©n bay, c∏c qu«y ÆÊi ti“n trong thµnh phË hay sˆ dÙng thŒ t›n dÙng khi mua sæm. ü Khi hÀu: nªm trong khu v˘c kh› hÀu ´n ÆÌi n™n mÔa thu tπi Dresden sœ c„ nhi÷t ÆÈ th†p h¨n so vÌi mÔa thu x¯ nhi÷t ÆÌi nh≠ Vi÷t Nam. Du kh∏ch n™n l≠u ˝ mang theo kh®n vµ ∏o kho∏c m·ng Æ” gi˜ †m mÁi s∏ng sÌm hay tËi muÈn.
N’u muËn tÀn h≠Îng nhfip sËng th˘c s˘ tπi Dresden, bπn h∑y dµnh thÍi gian Æi dπo tr™n nh˜ng con phË nªm gi˜a khu d©n c≠, ngæm ngh›a tıng m∏i ng„i Æ· san s∏t Æang bıng s∏ng trong ∏nh næng thu dfiu dµng. MÈt tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi kh∏c lµ picnic cÔng gia Æ◊nh tr™n nh˜ng th∂m c· tr∂i dµi trong c´ng vi™n Grosser Garten. Tr∂i mÈt t†m th∂m m·ng nhã l™n n“n c· ™m m≠Ót, tæm næng thu vµ ngæm nh◊n nh˜ng cÙ ´ng cÙ bµ næm tay nhau Æi dπo h’t s¯c t◊nh c∂m, mÈt vµi Ưa trŒ Æang n´ ÆÔa hay ÆuÊi theo l∏ vµng r¨i... sœ khi’n b†t c¯ ai cÚng d‘ dµng ph∂i lflng mÔa thu n≠Ìc ߯c. VÌi ng≠Íi d©n Dresden, mÔa thu lµ qu∑ng thÍi gian k˙ di÷u cÒa x¯ sÎ nµy. MÔa thu Î Dresden mang h≠¨ng th¨m Æ∆c bi÷t tı nh˜ng x≠Îng r≠Óu bÎi th∏ng 9 - 10 lµ thÍi gian thu hoπch nho cÒa hµng tr®m trang trπi n¨i Æ©y. N’u t≠Îng t≠Óng mÔa thu lµ nh˜ng c¨n gi„ mang mµu n©u vµng th◊ mÁi sÌm th¯c dÀy th†y c©y cËi quanh nhµ Æ∑ bÌt xanh mµ th™m vµo lµ vµi v÷t mµu n©u hay vµng tr™n tıng t∏n l∏, ng≠Íi Dresden bi’t mÔa thu Æ∑ ng†m th™m mÈt chÛt vµo thµnh phË.
ßI TçM MùA THU CùNG NH~NG CH@ LêNH CHç ß≠Óc m÷nh danh thµnh phË lµnh mπnh nh†t th’ giÌi, lµ qu™ h≠¨ng cÒa Lego, bia Carlsberg, Bang & Olufsen, Copenhagen lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng tπi ch©u ¢u vµo mÔa thu. H∑y bæt Æ«u chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ thÒ Æ´ ßan Mπch bªng vi÷c mua cho m◊nh mÈt chÛ l›nh ch◊ tı b†t c¯ cˆa hµng Æ l≠u ni÷m nµo khi bπn tÌi Æ©y. Vµ sau Æ„, h∑y Æ” “anh chµng” d…n Æ≠Íng cho bπn Æi t◊m mÔa thu n¨i Æ©y! Tı qu∂ng tr≠Íng trung t©m Kongens Nytorv, men theo k™nh Ƶo Nyhavn 300 n®m tuÊi, mÈt trong nh˜ng khu v˘c sËng ÆÈng nh†t cÒa thµnh phË, du kh∏ch c„ th” ngæm nh◊n nh˜ng nh˜ng ng´i nhµ cÊ l©u ÆÍi vµ s∆c sÏ sæc mµu mµ d‰c theo bÍ k™nh. Chÿ c«n tho∏ng nh◊n, chæc chæn ai cÚng sœ nhÀn ra Æ©y vËn lµ nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh r†t quen thuÈc tr™n nh˜ng t†m b≠u thi’p du lfich. B≠Ìc vµo khu v˘c trung t©m, vflng qua b’n c∂ng Amaliehavn th¨ mÈng, du kh∏ch c„ th” d‘ dµng t◊m th†y khu v˘c ßµi phun n≠Ìc g«n Cung Æi÷n Amelienborg. Th†p tho∏ng qua mµn n≠Ìc lµ m∏i vflm xanh quy’n rÚ cÒa Nhµ ThÍ Marble, ch™nh ch’ch b™n kia bÍ lµ nhµ h∏t opera lÈng l…y... Tı St. Alban, ng≠Óc l™n ph›a Bæc lµ n¨i Æ∆t b¯c t≠Óng nµng ti™n c∏ nÊi ti’ng cÒa nhµ Æi™u khæc Edward Eriksen. B¯c t≠Óng Æ≠Óc Carl Jacobsen, con trai ng≠Íi s∏ng lÀp ra h∑ng bia Caslsberg, Æ∆t lµm n®m 1909 sau khi ´ng bfi m™ ho∆c bÎi vÎ ba l™ v“ truy÷n cÊ t›ch “Nµng ti™n c∏” cÒa H.C.Andersen.
Copenhagen cÚng nÊi ti’ng vÌi nh˜ng qu∏n bia mang ÆÀm v®n h„a Æfia ph≠¨ng Æãp tı “nÈi dung Æ’n h◊nh th¯c”, b∏n nh˜ng loπi bia Æ∑ Æi vµo huy“n thoπi cÒa ßan Mπch nh≠ Carlsberg, Guld, Kilkenny, Tuborg, Somersby, Staropramen, Leffe Brune, Hoegaarden... Y™n vfi trong chi’c gh’ b‰c da cÊ k›nh b™n trong qu∏n, du kh∏ch sœ d‘ dµng nhÀn ra s˘ kh∏c bi÷t r‚ r÷t cÒa kh´ng gian qu∏n vÌi b™n ngoµi, nh≠ Æang Æ≠Óc ng≠Óc thÍi gian trÎ v“ h¨n 100 n®m tr≠Ìc ch¯ kh´ng ph∂i Æang ngÂi gi˜a Copenhagen Î th’ k˚ 21. ßi dπo tr™n nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng l∏t gπch cÊ k›nh cÒa Copenhagen, n¨i mÁi ng∑ t≠ mÁi con Æ≠Íng Æ“u nh≠ d…n vµo cÊ t›ch, dıng ch©n tπi mÈt qu∏n cafä b∏nh ng‰t b™n Æ≠Íng, h›t hµ h≠¨ng b∏nh mÌi n≠Ìng th¨m ph¯c l…n trong h≠¨ng cµ ph™ nÂng †m vµ Æ„n tıng c¨n gi„ bi”n mÔa thu thÊi vµo thµnh phË, du kh∏ch sœ c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc tinh th«n ph„ng kho∏ng vµ b◊nh y™n n¨i nµy.
R†t c„ th”, nh˜ng Æi“u gi∂n ƨn nh≠ th’ sœ gi˜ ch©n bπn lπi Copenhagen l©u h¨n bπn ngh‹, giËng nh≠ v®n hµo Andersen, dÔ sinh tr≠Îng Î Odense nh≠ng Andersen lπi gæn b„ vÌi Copenhagen cho tÌi tÀn khi qua ÆÍi tπi m´t ng´i nhµ n¨i Æ©y c„ t™n “B◊nh Y™n”! TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü C∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng khai th∏c Æ≠Íng bay tı Vi÷t Nam tÌi Copenhagen: Thai Airways, Cathay Pacifi, Qatar Airlines, Emirates vµ Vietnam Airlines. ü Ng´n ng˜: ti’ng ßan Mπch lµ ng´n ng˜ ch›nh Î Copenhagen, ngoµi ra, ti’ng ߯c vµ ti’ng Anh cÚng Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng nh≠ng kh´ng phÊ bi’n ü Ti“n t÷: ߨn v ti“n cÒa ßan Mπch lµ ÆÂng krone ßan Mπch (k˝ hi÷u quËc t’ DKK). T˚ gi∏ 1 euro = 7,45 krone. ü Kh› hÀu: Copenhagen mang kh› hÀu ´n ÆÌi c„ mÔa hà vµ thu lπnh h¨n nh˜ng vÔng kh∏c cÔng ÆÌi nh≠ng mÔa Æ´ng †m ∏p h¨n. Du kh∏ch tÌi Copenhagen vµo mÔa thu c„ th” y™n t©m l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng trang phÙc m·ng nhã nh≠ng dµi tay ho∆c mang theo kh®n choµng Æ” c„ th” gi˜ †m khi c«n thi’t. ü C∏c Æi”m du lch: Qu∂ng tr≠Íng trung t©m Kongens Nytorv, Cung Æi÷n Amelienborg, Nhµ ThÍ Marble, Opera Theater, T≠Óng nµng ti™n c∏...
QUY⁄N Rü S¿C PHONG ßì ªm b™n bÍ bi”n ph›a T©y Nam Canada, gi∏p vÌi Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng, g«n vÌi hai thµnh phË cÒa M¸ lµ Seatle vµ San Francisco, Vancouver Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ “Thµnh phË cÒa thi™n nhi™n”. ß©y g«n nh≠ lµ thµnh phË †m ∏p nh†t Canada khi c„ mÔa thu m∏t mŒ, d‘ chfiu, nhi÷t ÆÈ kh´ng xuËng qu∏ th†p vµ kh´ng bfi Æ„ng b®ng vµo mÔa Æ´ng. ßfia h◊nh phong phÛ vÌi tr≠Ìc m∆t lµ bi”n nhÈn nhfip tµu bà qua lπi, sau l≠ng lµ d∑y nÛi Grouse hÔng v‹ nh≠ che chæn cho nh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng dµi vµ hãp, Æ’n Vancouver vµo mÔa thu lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝
t≠Îng cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch muËn Ææm m◊nh trong khung c∂nh thi™n nhi™n Æ∆c tr≠ng x¯ lπnh. Ngay trong lflng thµnh phË lµ c´ng vi™n Æ´ thfi lÌn nh†t th’ giÌi - c´ng vi™n Stanley. ß©y lµ c∏nh rıng nguy™n sinh c„ di÷n t›ch 400ha, nªm tr™n b∏n Æ∂o vÌi 3 m∆t gi∏p bi”n. Tı gi˜a th∏ng 9 Æ’n gi˜a th∏ng 10, toµn bÈ c´ng vi™n vµ nh˜ng con phË Î Vancouver ngÀp trµn trong nh˜ng t∏n l∏ phong mÔa thu tuy÷t Æãp. ßi“u Æ∆c bi÷t lµ c∏c khu v˘c cÒa c´ng vi™n, nh˜ng con phË Î Æ©y kh´ng mang mÈt mµu sæc giËng nhau mµ Æa dπng vÌi c∏c sæc vµng, Æ·, n©u... Con Æ≠Íng ™m ∏i tr∂i Æ«y l∏ vµng nµy lµ Æfia Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng n’u du kh∏ch muËn vıa th∂ bÈ vıa ngæm c∂nh ho∆c cÚng c„ th” th≠ gi∑n ngÂi tr™n gh’ vµ th≠Îng th¯c mÈt cuËn s∏ch hay. MÈt c∏ch kh∏c kh∏ thÛ vfi cho du kh∏ch Æ” chi™m ng≠Ïng mÔa thay l∏ Î Vancouver Æ„ lµ ngæm nh◊n quang c∂nh tı c∏c Ƶi v‰ng hay ngÂi xe ng˘a käo quanh c∏c khu v˘c thæng c∂nh du lfich. Kh´ng ph∂i ng…u nhi™n nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng Î Vancouver Æ≠Óc Lonely Planet b◊nh ch‰n lµ 1 trong 10 n¨i c„ mÔa thu l∑ng mπn nh†t th’ giÌi. MÈt buÊi s∏ng thu trong lµnh khi m∆t trÍi vıa t·a nh˜ng tia næng Æ«u ti™n, trÔm chi’c ∏o kho∏c †m, ng´i b™n hi™n mÈt ng´i nhµ m∏i ng„i Æ·, n©ng tr™n tay ly trµ vÌi siro l∏ phong th¨m ngµo ngπt, d≠Ìi ch©n lµ mÈt “c´” mÃo Æang say ngÒ, bπn Æ∑ sΩn sµng Æ„n mÔa thu Vancouver rÂi ch¯? TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü C∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng kh∏i th∏c Æ≠Íng bay tı Vi÷t Nam tÌi Vancouver: Cathay Pacific, Air Canada ü Ng´n ng˜: ti’ng Anh vµ Ph∏p lµ ng´n ng˜ ch›nh Î Canada, Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng ngang nhau trong c∂ cuÈc sËng th≠Íng nhÀt vµ c∏c v®n b∂n hµnh ch›nh ü Ti“n t÷: ÆÂng ß´la Canada (CAD) t˚ gi∏ 1 CAD x†p xÿ 17.000 VNß ü Kh› hÀu: Vancouver mang khi hÀu h∂i d≠¨ng, lµ thµnh phË »m vµ †m nh†t tπi Canada. Vµo mÔa thu, nhi÷t ÆÈ trung b◊nh Î m¯c 14 Æ’n 18 ÆÈ C. Du kh∏ch Vi÷t n™n chu»n b qu«n ∏o ÆÒ †m do nhi÷t ÆÈ Î Æ©y th†p h¨n kh∏ nhi“u so vÌi mÔa thu Î Vi÷t Nam. ü C∏c Æi”m du lch: C´ng vi™n Stanley, Steam Clock - Gastown Street, B∂o tµng s∏p Royal London Wax, khu mua sæm Pacific Center...
’u c„ c¨ hÈi Æ∆t ch©n tÌi Brussels vµo mÔa thu, chæc chæn du kh∏ch sœ bfi m™ ho∆c bÎi nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ÆÈc Æ∏o Î Æ©y bÎi mÔa thu d≠Íng nh≠ lµ thÍi Æi”m tuy÷t vÍi nh†t Æ” ∏nh næng m∆t trÍi gieo th™m l∑ng mπn vµo tıng b¯c t≠Íng trong thµnh phË. Khu v˘c qu∂ng tr≠Íng tfla thfi ch›nh, n¨i tÀp trung nh˜ng ng´i nhµ cÊ vµ Æãp nh†t cÒa thµnh phË lu´n Æ«y æp kh∏ch du lfich. S˘ cÊ k›nh cÒa Brussels kh´ng chÿ Æ’n tı ki’n trÛc nhµ Î mµ cfln c∂ nh˜ng nh˜ng con phË l∏t Æ∏ phi’n m·ng. Sau nh˜ng th®ng tr«m cÒa lfich sˆ, Brussels v…n gi˜ vãn nguy™n trong lflng thµnh phË nh˜ng Æi“u k˙ di÷u nh≠ th’. ß” mÈt ngµy, khi dıng ch©n tr≠Ìc qu∂ng tr≠Íng, Ưng tr™n n“n Æ∏ phi’n g gh“, du kh∏ch, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u v®n h‰c, d‘ dµng t≠Îng t≠Îng t≠Óng ra khung c∂nh cÒa ch©u ¢u nhi“u th’ k˚ tr≠Ìc. ß„
lµ nh˜ng ng´i nhµ vÌi ki’n trÛc tuy÷t Æãp, nh˜ng c´ng n≠¨ng y™u ki“u Æang Æ≠a tay Æ»y cˆa mÈt ti÷m n≠Ìc hoa lung linh ∏nh s∏ng trong ti’ng chu´ng leng keng, vµi Ưa trŒ ÆÔa nhau tr™n phË tranh giµnh thanh chocolate ng‰t lfim... C∏ch kh´ng xa khu trung t©m, vÌi nh˜ng du kh∏ch ≠a th›ch TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü C∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng khai th∏c Æ≠Íng bay tı Vi÷t Nam tÌi Brussels: Aeroflot, Thai Airways, Etihad, Vietnam Airlines... ü Ng´n ng˜: ti’ng Ph∏p vµ Hµ Lan lµ ng´n ng˜ ch›nh Î Brussels trong c∏c hoπt ÆÈng ÆÍi th≠Íng, b∂n Æ vµ h≠Ìng d…n sˆ dÙng metro hay thÀm ch› c∂ menu qu∏n ®n. ü Ti“n t÷: nªm trong Khu v˘c ÆÂng ti“n chung ch©u ¢u, ƨn v ti“n cÒa V≠¨ng quËc Bÿ lµ Euro ü Kh› hÀu: so vÌi c∏c quËc gia kh∏c trong ch©u ¢u, mÔa thu Bÿ kh∏ th›ch hÓp vÌi du kh∏ch Vi÷t Nam vÌi nhi÷t ÆÈ Ên Ænh gi˜a ban ngµy vµ ban Æ™m vµ kh´ng c„ s˘ ch™nh l÷ch qu∏ lÌn. ü C∏c Æi”m du lch: Ta nhµ ch¯ng kho∏n Bourse, Antonium, Mini Europe, Palais de Justice, B∂o tµng Magritte, Qu∂ng tr≠Íng LÌn (Grand Place), T≠Óng ÆÂng Manneken Pis, Cung Æi÷n Justice...
kh´ng gian y™n t‹nh, khu d©n c≠ Brussels ch›nh lµ l˘a ch‰n tuy÷t vÍi cho chuy’n du lfich ch©u ¢u mÔa thu. Thµnh phË cÊ k›nh vÌi nh˜ng ng´i nhµ theo phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc tı th’ k˚ 17 - 18 v…n gi˜ vŒ Æãp nguy™n s¨ nh≠ hµng tr®m n®m tr≠Ìc. NhÍ h÷ thËng metro hi÷n Æπi Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng nh≠ ph≠¨ng ti÷n giao th´ng ch›nh, nh˜ng con phË tr™n m∆t Ɔt tπi Brussels lu´n gi˜ Æ≠Óc s˘ t‹nh l∆ng d‘ chfiu. MÔa thu, tıng con Æ≠Íng Æ≠Óc phÒ l™n lÌp l∏ thu vµng, Æ· l∆ng lœ. Thi tho∂ng, chÿ c«n mÈt chi’c ´t´ tı d∑y ÆÁ xe d‰c hai b™n Æ≠Íng nÊ m∏y cÚng c„ th” khi’n ai Æ„ giÀt m◊nh. N’u y™u th›ch thi™n nhi™n, du kh∏ch c„ th” tÌi khu rıng ngoπi ´ thµnh phË, kh´ng xa ßπi s¯ qu∏n Vi÷t Nam. Khu rıng rÈng lÌn vÌi h n≠Ìc, th∂m c· xanh vµ hoa cÛc træng t› x›u nÎ khæp n¨i khi vµo thu sœ Æ≠Óc t´ Æi”m th™m vÌi sæc l∏ Æ·, n©u, vµng khi’n khung c∂nh cµng th™m th¨ mÈng. Vµo mÈt buÊi tr≠a Æãp trÍi, nªm tr™n th∂m c· Î Æ©y, Ɖc mÈt cuËn s∏ch rÂi ngÒ qu™n lÛc nµo kh´ng hay, s˘ b◊nh y™n ch›nh lµ Æi“u Brussels dµnh t∆ng bπn...
S¿C THU ô “TIÕU T¢Y TÑNG” Nªm tr™n r◊a Ɔt thuÈc bang Jammu vµ Kashimir, ƒn ßÈ vÌi kh› hÀu trong lµnh vµ vŒ Æãp nguy™n s¨, Ladakh Æ≠Óc du kh∏ch bi’t Æ’n nh≠ mÈt “ti”u T©y Tπng” tr™n Ɔt ƒn. Do Æfia h◊nh hi”m trÎ vµ kh› hÀu khæc nghi÷t cÒa nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng d…n tÌi Ladakh, thÍi gian tËt nh†t Æ” Æ’n Ladakh lµ tı th∏ng 6 Æ’n th∏ng 10 vÌi nhi÷t ÆÈ dao ÆÈng kho∂ng 16-30 ÆÈ C. ß∆c bi÷t, mÔa thu lµ kho∂ng thÍi gian Æãp nh†t khi du kh∏ch c„ th” ngæm nh◊n thi™n nhi™n Ladakh thay ÆÊi sæc mµu theo c©y cËi. Bao quanh bÎi nh˜ng d∑y nÛi hÔng v‹, cheo leo, Ladakh nªm g‰n trong s˘ bao b‰c cÒa mã thi™n nhi™n vÌi b«u trÍi trong xanh, cao vÛt, nh˜ng c¨n gi„ m∏t lµnh. Ladakh Æ≠Óc chia lµm hai khu v˘c lµ Kargil vµ Leh - thÒ phÒ cÒa vÔng. S˘ tÊng hfla cÒa t›n ng≠Ïng PhÀt gi∏o Kashmir vµ PhÀt gi∏o T©y Tπng g„p ph«n bi’n Leh thµnh mÈt v≠¨ng quËc PhÀt gi∏o c„ n“n v®n h„a Æ∆c sæc vÌi nh˜ng tu vi÷n khÊng lÂ, lfich sˆ h◊nh thµnh vµ tÂn tπi hµng ngµn n®m, mang trong m◊nh d†u †n lfich sˆ vµ huy“n t›ch k˙ b›. BÎi vÀy, khi Æ∆t ch©n tÌi Leh, r†t nhi“u du kh∏ch c„ c∂m gi∏c Æang Î Lhasa, T©y Tπng.
TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü ß” tÌi Ladakh, du kh∏ch bay tÌi Delhi, †n ßÈ, sau Æ„ sˆ dÙng Æ≠Íng bay cÒa Air India, Jet Airways ho∆c Go Æ” bay tÌi Leh, thÒ phÒ Ladakh. Ngoµi ra, du kh∏ch c„ th” sˆ dÙng xe bu˝t n’u muËn ngæm c∂nh tr™n Æ≠Íng Æi vµ ti’t ki÷m chi ph›. ü Kh› hÀu: nhi÷t ÆÈ mÔa hà - thu Î Ladakh dao ÆÈng tı 16 - 30 ÆÈ, th›ch hÓp cho c∏c chuy’n Æi dπo, ngæm c∂nh ho∆c leo nÛi dµnh cho du kh∏ch ü L≠u ˝ v“ s¯c kh·e: do Æa h◊nh ÆÂi nÛi cao so vÌi m˘c n≠Ìc bi”n, n™n nÂng ÆÈ oxy Î Æ©y th†p, c„ th” g©y kh„ thÎ khi mÌi Æ’n. UËng nhi“u n≠Ìc, ®n t·i vµ nhi“u rau xanh Æ” gi˜ n≠Ìc cho c¨ th” ü °n uËng: Th˘c ph»m Ladakh c„ nhi“u Æi”m chung vÌi th¯c ®n cÒa ng≠Íi T©y Tπng. Th¯c ®n chÒ y’u c„ gia v nhã cÔng nhi“u b¨ Æ” giÛp c¨ th” gi˜ n≠Ìc, chËng lπi thÍi ti’t kh´. C∏c m„n nÊi bÀt gÂm thukpa (phÎ) vµ tsampa mµ Î Ladakh g‰i lµ ngampe (bÈt lÛa mπch rang). Stampa lµ loπi th¯c ®n kh´ng c«n ph∂i n†u, phÔ hÓp khi Æi leo nÛi.
chi’c kinh ph∏p lu©n xu†t hi÷n khæp n¨i tπi Leh, nh˜ng ng≠Íi d©n Î
Æ©y lu´n c«u nguy÷n khi Æi vflng quanh theo chi“u kim ÆÂng hÂ. BuÊi s∏ng mÔa thu Î Leh ngÀp trong ∏nh næng trong trŒo. Du kh∏ch c„ th” dπo bÈ qua nh˜ng con phË hay ng‚ nh· gi˜a phË nÛi mµ chÿ m†t vµi giÍ. Ngæm nh◊n phÙ n˜ hay trŒ nh· ngÂi s≠Îi næng b™n hi™n nhµ trÂng hoa, nh˜ng ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng Æang x’p hµng tÀp trung v“ khu chÓ lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m v´ cÔng thÛ vfi mÁi s∏ng thu tπi Leh bÎi mµu sæc cÒa khung c∂nh nµy sœ thay ÆÊi mÁi giÍ, mÁi ngµy khi næng thu vœ l™n nh˜ng t≠Íng nhµ, nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng mµu sæc kh∏c nhau. VÌi nh˜ng du kh∏ch mong muËn t◊m cho b∂n th©n kho∂ng kh´ng gian y™n b◊nh vµ th≠ th∏i trong t©m hÂn sau ch∆ng Æ≠Íng v†t v∂, l∆ng y™n læng nghe thanh ©m trong trŒo mµ huy“n b› tı c‚i PhÀt, Ladakh ch›nh lµ Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng cho hµnh tr◊nh mÔa thu.
Ki’n trÛc d‘ g∆p nh†t tπi Ladakh ch›nh lµ chÔa vµ tu vi÷n, h«u h’t Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng Î nh˜ng vfi tr› cheo leo nh≠ nÛi cao, h≠Ìng v“ bÍ s´ng, hÂ. ß©y kh´ng chÿ lµ c´ng tr◊nh mang t›nh t©m linh trong ÆÍi sËng ng≠Íi d©n mµ cfln mang ˝ ngh‹a phflng thÒ. CÚng nhÍ Æ„ mµ ngoµi vŒ Æãp thanh tfinh h≠Ìng Æ’n t©m linh, c∏c tu vi÷n cfln lµ n¨i du kh∏ch Æ’n Æ” ngæm Æ≠Óc toµn c∂nh vŒ hÔng v‹ cÒa vÔng nÛi non Kashmir. Bπn c„ th” th†y lπ l…m tr≠Ìc nh˜ng TRAVELLIVE
KHI R\NG LÉ THAY MÄU Tı th∏ng 9 Æ’n th∏ng 11, mÁi con Æ≠Íng, rıng c©y cho tÌi nh˜ng c´ng vi™n ngÀp trong sæc vµng, Æ· cÒa c©y l∏, b∏o hi÷u mÔa thu, mÔa Æãp nh†t Æ” m‰i du kh∏ch c„ th” tÌi th®m x¯ sÎ Kim chi xinh Æãp. B™n cπnh thµnh phË Seoul nÊi ti’ng, mÈt Æi”m Æ’n mÌi Æ” ngæm l∏ thu tuy÷t Æãp ch›nh lµ Gangwon, nªm Î ph›a ß´ng cÒa Hµn QuËc, mÈt tÿnh c„ tÌi 82% c∏c d∑y nÛi bao phÒ di÷n t›ch Ɔt Î Æ©y. Tr∂i dµi tr™n nhi“u vÔng cÒa tÿnh Gangwon bao gÂm Sokcho, Yangyang vµ Inje, nÛi Seoraksan nÊi ti’ng lµ n¨i Æ∆c tr≠ng bæt Æ«u cho mÔa thay l∏ khi thu v“ Î Hµn QuËc. ß’n Æ©y, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc ch¯ng ki’n vŒ Æãp hÔng v‹ cÒa nh˜ng r∆ng nÛi Æ∏, thung lÚng vµ th∏c n≠Ìc cÒa Seoraksan. ß∆c bi÷t, l™n Æ’n Æÿnh cao nh†t cÒa Seoraksan - Æÿnh Daecheongbong (cao 1.708m) vµ d‰c hµnh tr◊nh leo nÛi, du kh∏ch hoµn toµn bfi chinh phÙc bÎi nh˜ng gam mµu sæc t≠¨i s∏ng, r˘c rÏ, nÊi bÀt gi˜a thi™n nhi™n. ß” kh∏m ph∏ vŒ Æãp tr∏ng l÷ cÒa vÔng nÛi nµy, h∑y Æ’n vÌi thung lÚng Cheonbuldong nÊi ti’ng nh†t cÒa d∑y nÛi Seoraksan.
Cheonbuldong chπy dµi 15 km, nËi li“n tı Biseondae tÌi Æÿnh Daecheongbong. Vµo mÔa thu, thung lÚng ngÀp trµn sæc Æ· cÒa nh˜ng rıng l∏ phong, hai b™n lµ nh˜ng v∏ch Æ∏, nh˜ng khËi Æ∏ khÊng l vÌi ÆÒ m‰i h◊nh thÔ k˙ lπ, tr´ng nh≠ hµng ngh◊n pho t≠Óng phÀt an nhi™n, t˘ tπi gi˜a trÍi xanh. B™n cπnh Æ„, thung lÚng Baekdamcheon, Æ“n Baekdamsa, khËi Æ∏ huy“n thoπi Biseondae, nh˜ng th∏c n≠Ìc vµ dflng suËi n„ng Cheoksan, Osaek vµ Sorak Waterpia... sœ cho bπn th™m nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m b†t ngÍ thÛ vfi v“ vÔng nÛi Seoraksan hÔng v‹. NÊi ti’ng vÌi nh˜ng hµng c©y ng©n hπnh tr∂i dµi l∑ng mπn trong bÈ phim t◊nh c∂m Hµn QuËc Æ◊nh Æ∏m “B∂n t◊nh ca mÔa Æ´ng”, Æ∂o Nami Æ≠Óc coi nh≠ th∏nh Æfia cÒa t◊nh y™u x¯ Hµn khi’n b†t k˙ Æ´i uy™n ≠¨ng nµo cÚng mong ≠Ìc Æ’n mÈt l«n. Bπn c„ th” rong ruÊi tr™n chi’c xe Æπp, thong th∂ tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› m∏t lµnh, kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng, c©y cËi nhuÈm sæc xanh, Æ·, vµng, cam chuy”n mµu r˘c rÏ... Ngoµi ra, mÈt v≠Ín thÛ, mÈt v≠Ín b∏ch th∂o, mÈt chi’c h rÈng vÌi nh˜ng chi’c thuy“n mÈc
nho nh· vµ nhi“u khu vui ch¨i gi∂i tr› kh∏c sœ mang lπi cho bπn kh´ng gian th≠ gi∑n nhã nhµng. Lµ Æi”m nh†n kh´ng th” b· qua cÒa Gangwon, C´ng vi™n chÒ Æ“ Everland lÌn nh†t Hµn QuËc cÚng trÎ n™n tuy÷t Æãp khi thu Æ’n. B™n cπnh Æ„ lµ v≠Ín thÛ mÎ t˘ nhi™n Zoo-Topia, n¨i bπn c„ c∏i nh◊n cÀn c∂nh nh˜ng sinh vÀt Æãp nh≠ hÊ træng, s≠ tˆ, g†u, voi, h≠¨u cao cÊ, lπc Ƶ, Ƶ Æi”u t˘ do Æi lπi gi˜a khung c∂nh thi™n nhi™n, hay Spooky’s Fun House sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn cuÈc hµnh tr◊nh Æ«y thÛ vfi trong th’ giÌi cÒa ma thuÀt vµ trfl gi∂i tr› tËc ÆÈ cao Î Everland Speedway. TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü Tı Vi÷t Nam, bπn c„ th” Æ∏p chuy’n bay thºng tÌi Seoul bªng c∏c chuy’n bay cÒa Vietnam Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Vietjetair, Thai Airways, Cathay Pacific Airlines. ü Ng´n ng˜: Ti’ng Hµn lµ ng´n ng˜ ch›nh cÒa Hµn QuËc ü Ti“n t÷: ߨn v ti“n t÷ Î Hµn QuËc lµ ÆÂng Won, t˚ gi∏ 1 USD = 1120 Won. Du kh∏ch c„ th” ÆÊi ti“n s©n bay, c∏c qu«y ÆÊi ti“n trong thµnh phË ho∆c sˆ dÙng thŒ t›n dÙng khi mua sæm. ü ¬m th˘c: Bπn n™n thˆ c∏c m„n ®n truy“n th´ng cÒa Hµn QuËc nh≠ C¨m trÈn Hµn QuËc, B∏nh gπo Tteokbokki, Galbi - s≠Ín n≠Ìng, Bulgogi - tht b n≠Ìng, Kimchi, Gimbap, Samgyetang - Gµ t«n s©m, Soondubu jjigae - ßÀu phÙ h«m cay...
h∏ng 11 Æ’n th∏ng 2 hµng n®m lµ thÍi Æi”m du kh∏ch d‘ dµng bæt g∆p mµu Æ· cÒa l∏ phong tr™n tıng con phË, qu∂ng tr≠Íng, trong khu´n vi™n vµ tr™n m∏i vflm cÒa nh˜ng ng´i chÔa tπi NhÀt B∂n. Kh´ng chÿ c„ mÔa thu Î Tokyo vÌi c∂nh sæc m™ ho∆c lflng ng≠Íi, mµ nh˜ng hµng l∏ phong, ng©n hπnh cfln g©y †n t≠Óng mπnh mœ vÌi nh˜ng du kh∏ch ti’n v“ vÔng Ɔt Kyushu, cˆa ng‚ ph›a Nam cÒa NhÀt B∂n. ßi”m Æ’n Æ«u ti™n lµ lµng ngh“ truy“n thËng Yufuin (thuÈc tÿnh Oita).Yufuin c„ mÈt gia tµi giµu c„ tı c∏c b∂o tµng, nhµ cÊ, cˆa hµng, c∏c qu∏n cafä Æ≠Óc trang hoµng tr™n trÙc phË ch›nh, cÚng lµ n¨i tr≠ng bµy c∏c t∏c ph»m d©n gian tı cuËi thÍi Edo Æ’n thÍi Meiji. ß’n Æ©y, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc ch¯ng ki’n c∏c x≠Îng ngh“ truy“n thËng nh≠ x≠Îng lµm gi†y NhÀt B∂n, tr∂i nghi÷m t˘ tay nhuÈm v∂i, lµm gËm bµn xoay thÒ c´ng vµ bµn xoay t˘ ÆÈng. MÈt trong nh˜ng thæng c∂nh quy’n rÚ n¨i Æ©y ch›nh lµ h Kinrinko nªm duy™n d∏ng b™n nÛi Yufu, vµ chπy v“ ph›a Nam cÒa h lµ mÈt ng´i Æ“n nh·. Tπi Æ©y cfln c„ mÈt vµi khu v˘c tæm kho∏ng c´ng cÈng dµnh cho kh∏ch du lfich vµ ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng. MÈt Æi”m h†p d…n kh´ng th” b· qua lµ Beppu, ng´i nhµ cÒa h¨n 2.800 suËi n≠Ìc n„ng vµ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng khu nghÿ m∏t c„ suËi n≠Ìc n„ng lÌn nh†t NhÀt B∂n. Trong ti’t trÍi se lπnh, cfln g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n Æ≠Óc tæm kho∏ng n„ng
TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü Di chuy”n, Æi lπi: tuy’n Hµ NÈi - Fukuoka c„ 4 chuy’n/tu«n bªng m∏y bay A321 vµo c∏c ngµy th¯ 2, 3, 6, 7; TP.HCM - Fukuoka: 2 chuy’n/ tu«n bªng m∏y bay A321 vµo c∏c ngµy th¯ 5, chÒ nhÀt. Ph≠¨ng ti÷n Æi lπi trong thµnh phË chÒ y’u lµ taxi nh≠ng c≠Ìc ph› kh∏ cao vµ kh´ng nhi“u tµi x’ n„i Æ≠Óc ti’ng Anh.
Onsen, Ææm m◊nh trong lµn n≠Ìc †m Æ” toµn th©n Æ≠Óc th∂ l·ng, th≠ gi∑n vµ trµn Æ«y n®ng l≠Óng sau mÈt ngµy dµi kh∏m ph∏. Trong hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ Kyushu, bπn c„ th” dµnh thÍi gian tÌi th®m nÛi lˆa Aso hÔng v‹, l©u Ƶi Kumamoto, thuÈc tÿnh Kumamoto, hay s®n Æ≠Óc nh˜ng m„n hµng hi÷u gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i l™n tÌi 70% tπi Tosu Premium Outlets vµ Canal City.
ü Ng´n ng˜: Ti’ng Anh kh´ng Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng phÊ bi’n tπi NhÀt B∂n, n™n bπn c«n Æi cÔng h≠Ìng d…n vi™n Æ” Æ≠Óc hÁ trÓ khi c«n thi’t, ho∆c mang theo danh thi’p cÒa kh∏ch sπn Æ“ phng lπc Æ≠Íng. ü Ti“n t÷: Ti“n t÷ cÒa NhÀt B∂n lµ ÆÂng Y™n; n™n ÆÊi tı ti“n ÆÂng sang ti“n Y™n tı Vi÷t Nam. Tÿ gi∏ tham kh∂o: 1 Y™n ~ 200 VND, 1USD ~ 106 Y™n. ü ¬m th˘c: C∏c m„n ®n bπn n™n thˆ nh≠ c∏ thu ngı (tÿnh Oita), c∏c m„n h†p tı “Æa ngÙc” Beppu (tÿnh Oita), Hakata Ramen (tÿnh Fukuoka), m˘c Yobuko (tÿnh Saga), Kuruma-ebi (tÿnh Kumamoto). ß ®n Î NhÀt t≠¨ng ÆËi nhπt, bπn c„ th” mang theo ruËc, gia v chanh Ìt Æ” ch†m cho hÓp kh»u v.
ch˜ Y, trong Æ„ nh∏nh tr∏i tÀp trung nhi“u h vÌi c∏c t™n g‰i m¸ mi“u nh≠ h Thi™n Nga, h G†u TrÛc, h Ti‘n TrÛc... ß∆c bi÷t nh†t lµ h NgÚ Hoa, Æ≠Óc xem lµ h n≠Ìc c„ vŒ Æãp lÈng l…y vµ quy’n rÚ nh†t vÌi n≠Ìc trong væt, c„ th” nhÀn th†y r‚ 5 mµu kh∏c nhau bÎi mµu n≠Ìc trong h c„ th” thay ÆÊi theo ÆÈ t≠¨ng ph∂n cÒa ∏nh s∏ng m∆t
µo thu, khu du lfich Cˆu Trπi C©u kho∏c l™n m◊nh chi’c ∏o mÌi khi toµn bÈ rıng c©y, th∂m th˘c vÀt Æ“u chuy”n sang sæc vµng, sæc Æ·, hfla quy÷n vÌi nh˜ng th∏c n≠Ìc hÔng v‹ tung b‰t træng x„a, nh˜ng h n≠Ìc trong væt mµu xanh lam, xanh ng‰c b›ch, xa xa lµ Æÿnh nÛi bao quanh phÒ tuy’t træng tπo n™n mÈt khung c∂nh k˙ di÷u, Æãp Æ’n nao lflng. Cˆu Trπi C©u Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn lµ di s∂n v®n ho∏ th’ giÌi n®m 1992, d˘ tr˜ sinh quy”n Th’ GiÌi n®m 1997 vµ lu´n Æ≠Óc c∏c tπp ch› du lfich hµng Æ«u Æ≠a vµo top Æi”m ph∂i Æ’n ›t nh†t mÈt l«n trong ÆÍi.
TH§NG TIN TH£M ü ThÍi Æi”m: ThÍi Æi”m th›ch hÓp nh†t Æ” th≠Îng ngoπn c∂nh sæc tuy÷t Æãp nµy lµ vµo kho∂ng tı ngµy 15 Æ’n 30/10 hµng n®m, lÛc l∏ c©y bæt Æ«u chuy”n mµu.
Lµ tÀp hÓp chuÁi 114 h n≠Ìc mµu xanh trong væt, h¨n 17 th∏c n≠Ìc, khu du lfich Cˆu Trπi C©u Æ≠Óc chia lµm 2 nh∏nh rœ h◊nh
ü °n uËng: Î Thµnh ß´ hay Î Cˆu Trπi C©u, Æ∆c s∂n lµ nh˜ng m„n r†t cay, nhi“u d«u mÏ n™n c„ th” kh´ng phÔ hÓp vÌi Æa sË ng≠Íi Vi÷t. Bπn n™n chÒ ÆÈng Æ ®n phÔ hÓp kh»u v cÒa m◊nh.
@ Harry Trung Nguyen
ü Di chuy”n: Tı Vi÷t Nam, bπn c„ th” bay tÌi Thµnh ß´ vÌi h∑ng hµng kh´ng Vietnam Airlines. Tı Thµnh ß´, Æ„n xe bus Æ’n Cˆu Trπi C©u m†t kho∂ng 9 giÍ cho qu∑ng Æ≠Íng 560km. N™n Æ∆t vä tr≠Ìc kho∂ng 1 tu«n Æ” Æ∂m b∂o cn vä Æ’n Cˆu Trπi C©u. ü ThÍi ti’t: BuÊi tËi nhi÷t ÆÈ Î Cˆu Trπi C©u xuËng r†t th†p n™n bπn nhÌ chu»n b ∏o †m, trang phÙc, mi’ng d∏n gi˜ nhi÷t, thuËc men Æ«y ÆÒ.
trÍi. Di chuy”n xuËng ph›a d≠Ìi cfln c„ th∏c Tr©n Ch©u hÔng v‹, ngµy Æ™m tung b‰t træng x„a, trÎ thµnh c∂nh quay xu†t hi÷n th≠Íng xuy™n trong Æoπn k’t cÒa mÁi tÀp phim T©y Dy K˝. ô nh∏nh b™n ph∂i c„ h G≠¨ng, mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m bπn c«n ghä th®m vµo t«m 8 - 9h s∏ng Æ” th≠Îng ngoπn toµn c∂nh h n≠Ìc phºng l∆ng nh≠ t†m g≠¨ng ph∂n chi’u sæc nät h◊nh ∂nh cÒa nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi tuy’t hÔng v‹. Ngoµi ra, h Tr≠Íng H∂i, h NgÚ Sæc vÌi m∆t n≠Ìc mµu xanh lÙc b∂o Æãp Æ’n m™ hÂn. D‰c Æ≠Íng trÎ ra cÊng ch›nh, du kh∏ch c„ th” t∂n bÈ Æ” th≠Îng l∑m nh˜ng phong c∂nh th«n ti™n kh∏c vÌi h Ng‰a HÊ, h Tµng Long, h Lau SÀy ho∆c th∏c Bon Sai... Nh˜ng ng´i lµng cÒa ng≠Íi Tπng A B∏ nªm r∂i r∏c d‰c Æ≠Íng Æi cÚng sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi mŒ Æ” hi”u th™m v“ v®n h„a Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa n¨i Æ©y.
@ Le Hong Ha
MùA HOA TR£N CAO NGUY£N ßÉ MÔa thu lu´n lµ thÍi Æi”m Æãp nh†t cho nh˜ng chuy’n du lfich kh∏m ph∏ bÎi thÍi ti’t ™m dfiu, kh´ng qu∏ næng nh≠ ngµy hπ hay qu∏ lπnh nh≠ ngµy Æ´ng. Tr™n rŒo cao T©y Bæc, c∂nh sæc Hµ Giang ngµy Æ«u thu cÚng d«n thay ÆÊi, bi’n h„a Æ«y mµu sæc, cuËn hÛt tı nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng quanh co cho Æ’n nh˜ng mÔa hoa hÂng r˘c, t›m ngæt, mÔa lÛa ch›n vµng „ng ∂ ch¯a Æ«y s˘ no ÆÒ cÒa mÔa bÈi thu. ßi“u Æ«u ti™n ph∂i nhÌ Æ’n Î Hµ Giang nh˜ng ngµy mÔa thu Æ„ lµ mÔa hoa tam gi∏c mπch. MÈt loµi hoa qu∏ nÊi ti’ng Î vÔng Ɔt Æfia Æ«u nµy, th≠Íng bæt Æ«u nÎ tı nh˜ng ngµy cuËi th∏ng 9. Th’ n™n, ta v…n th≠Íng bæt g∆p r†t nhi“u l˜ kh∏ch t◊m v“ nh˜ng ng‰n ÆÂi trµn Æ«y sæc hÂng l∑ng mπn, nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng, vµ c∂ nh˜ng thˆa ruÈng m™nh m´ng mÈt mµu tam gi∏c mπch. Tam gi∏c mπch Æ≠Óc xem lµ “Æ∆c s∂n hoa” cÒa vÔng nµy,
chÿ nÎ trong vflng mÈt th∏ng, mÌi Æ«u hoa nÎ c„ mµu træng, sau chuy”n sang phÌt hÂng, ∏nh t›m vµ cuËi cÔng lµ Æ· sÀm. ß’n Hµ Giang nh˜ng ngµy vµo thu Æıng qu™n kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng Æfia Æi”m du lfich Hµ Giang nÊi ti’ng nh≠: ßÂng V®n, SÒng Lµ, LÚng CÛ, X›n M«n... Æ” c„ Æ≠Óc nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh Æãp nh†t vÌi loµi hoa Æ∆c bi÷t nµy. MÔa thu cÚng lµ mÔa mµ nh˜ng TH§NG TIN TH£M ü ThÍi Æi”m: ThÍi Æi”m th›ch hÓp nh†t Æ” tÌi Hµ Giang th≠Îng ngoπn mÔa hoa tam gi∏c mπch, mÔa l∏ ch›n tr™n nh˜ng thˆa ruÈng bÀc thang lµ th∏ng 9 - 10, thÍi ti’t d‘ chu ü Di chuy”n: Tı Hµ NÈi, du kh∏ch c„ th” thu™ xe du lch ho∆c chπy xe m∏y tÌi Hµ Giang Æ” kh∏m ph∏ vÔng Ɔt nµy. C∏c con Æ≠Íng tπi Hµ Giang kh∏ nh· vµ quanh co n™n du kh∏ch c«n l≠u ˝ v“ tËc ÆÈ vµ c∏c trang b an toµn c∏ nh©n khi di chuy”n ü °n uËng: Do lµ th tr†n mi“n nÛi n™n chÿ khi di chuy”n tÌi c∏c khu d©n c≠ mÌi c„ th” t◊m Æ≠Óc qu∏n ®n, du kh∏ch l≠u ˝ chu»n b th™m Æ ®n nhanh Æ” ®n nhã d‰c Æ≠Íng. Khi tÌi nh˜ng th tr†n nh≠ ßÂng V®n, MÃo Vπc, X›n M«n... Æıng qu™n th≠Îng th¯c thæng cË, m„n Æ∆c s∂n cÒa ng≠Íi d©n tÈc vÔng cao n¨i Æ©y.
thˆa ruÈng Î Hµ Giang vµo k◊ ch›n rÈ. H∑y thˆ t≠Îng t≠Óng, bπn Æang Ưng tr™n ng‰n ÆÃo cao, ph„ng t«m mæt ra xa, ph›a d≠Ìi lµ nh˜ng d∑y ruÈng bÀc thang vµng mÈt mµu lÛa ch›n. C∂nh Æãp cÒa nh˜ng ruÈng bÀc thang b†t tÀn nµy Æ∑ Æ≠Óc c´ng dÀn di t›ch quËc gia, mµ nÊi bÀt lµ huy÷n Hoµng Su Ph◊. Hµ Giang mÔa thu ÆÂi nÛi cÚng ÆÊi thay mµu, con ng≠Íi cÚng h©n hoan d‘ m’n. Con Æ≠Íng mÔa thu l™n Hµ Giang uËn l≠Ón gi˜a bao ÆÂi nÛi, len qua nh˜ng s≠Ín ÆÂi c©y xanh Æ’n mÔa thay l∏, sæc hÂng Æ· t›m nh≠ th˘c nh≠ m¨. Ti’p Æ„ lµ hµng ngh◊n thˆa ruÈng bÀc thang tr∂i dµi t›t tæp, vµng r˘c in d≠Ìi n“n trÍi xanh bi’c. D≠Ìi nh˜ng ngµy mÔa thu l∑ng mπn Î Hµ Giang cÚng Æıng qu™n ghä c´ng vi™n Æ∏, ghä chÓ nh†p chän r≠Óu ng´, x◊ xÙp b∏t thæng cË n„ng hÊi. MÔa thu chÓt th†y Æi“u g◊ cÚng tuy÷t Æãp. B¯c tranh mÔa thu Hµ Giang Æ«y quy’n rÚ, lu´n khi’n du kh∏ch ph∂i nao lflng. TRAVELLIVE
travel By: Thao Lan
Immerse yourself in the space of red and yellow leaves highlighting Baroque styled works of art in Dresden, look for pretty girls in fairytales in Copenhagen, walk along the most romantic roads in Vancouver, relax on the edge of hundred lakes in the wonderland of Jiuzhaigou or back to Northwest mountains covered by endless buckwheat flower fields in Vietnam. These “just like a dream� sceneries can enchant any traveler exploring the world this autumn.
ON THE BANKS OF THE ELBE RIVER Located 200 kilometers to the south of Germany’s capital, Dresden is well worth a visit. This city isn’t familiar to many, often overshadowed by other famous German cities such as Berlin or Munich. However, if you have a chance to visit Germany this autumn, Dresden is splendid choice if you wish to enjoy a gorgeous autumn in this beautiful part of the country. On the banks of the Elbe River, the city of Dresden is built on a gentle slope at the end of the Osterzgebirge Mountain range. Of all the attractive destinations in Dresden, the Gothic and Baroque architecture are the most preferred ones. First and foremost, Zwinger Palace, located on Theatre Square (Theaterplaz), is the most magnificent Baroque work of art in Germany. This building originally served as a festival arena for German aristocrats, but nowadays, it has become a museum complex that contains precious collections of art such as the Old Masters Picture Gallery, and the Porzellansammlung (Porcelain Collection). Zwinger also draws visitors with its ancient domes and myriad of statues skillfully carved in its stone cellars.
Just a few minutes walk away from Zwinger is the Dresden Frauenkirche (the Church of Our Lady), built in Augustus the Second’s period, which overlooks the poetic Elbe River. Coming here, visitors should see the unique stone fragments used to rebuild this church after the old one had been destroyed. The FURTHER INFORMATION ü From Vietnam you can fly to Dresden via Thai Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, Kenya Airways, Aeroflot Russian or Cathay Pacific. ü Languages: German is the official language. But you can also easily communicate with locals in English. ü Currency: Germany lies within the Euro zone therefore the official currency of Dresden is the Euro. You can exchange money at any airport or any exchange office located in the city or simply use a credit card when shopping. ü Climate: Dresden has an oceanic climate; therefore, in the autumn, it is cooler than in tropical countries such as Vietnam. You should bring a scarf or thin coat to keep you warm in the early morning and late evening. ü Recommended destinations: Frauenkirche (the Church of Our Lady), Zwinger Palace, Theater Square, Grosser Garten Park, Furstenzug (Procession of Princes) and Dreikonigkirche (the Balcony of Europe)
difference between the old and new stones is visible. Each wall is a kind of mosaic of past and present, each telling travelers its own story. Furthermore, the Furstenzug church (the Procession of Princes) is a must-see for any visitor coming to Dresden this autumn, when the yellow sun splashes its rays against these stones every afternoon. If you want to experience the life of a local in Dresden, then spend your time walking along the streets through the residential areas, and take in the view of the red roofed houses shining under the gentle autumn sunlight. You and your family can also have a picnic in Grosser Garten Park. So spread out a picnic blanket on the green lawn, sunbathe and look at old couples holding hands walking together, and children playing in the yellow leaves. Here you will easily fall in love with autumn in Germany. The autumn winds make any visitor notice the trees quivering, and admire the green leaves turning a deeper shade of yellow each passing day. The locals of Dresden welcome these winds when they come to town, so do as they do, and close your eyes and let the autumn winds of Dresden flutter through your soul.
oted as the healthiest city in the world, Copenhagen, the hometown of Lego, Carlsberg beer, and Bang & Olufsen, is an ideal getaway in Europe this autumn. Start your journey by exploring Copenhagen by buying a lead soldier at any gift shop here and then you can let “him” show you the way through your autumn in Copenhagen. From Kongens Nytorv Square, walk along Nyhavn, a 300 year-old canal, and admire the ancient beauty of the colorful houses in this bustling area of the city. At first sight, Copenhagen is remarkably in accord with what is depicted on any postcard, but it is indeed even more charming in person. Step in to the central area, and travel around the peaceful Amaliehavn port, to find the beautiful fountain near Amelienborg Palace. Looming over
the water is the green dome of the Marble Church near the resplendent Opera House. In the northern district of St. Alban, there is a bronze statue of the Little Mermaid, sculpted by the talented sculptor Edvard Eriksen. This statue was commissioned in 1909 by Carl Jacobsen, son of the founder of Carlsberg, who had been enchanted by a ballet that had portrayed this famous fairytale. Copenhagen is also famous for its pubs, each with its own local distinction. These pubs are well designed and offer many renowned Danish beers, including Carlsberg, Guld, Kilkenny, Tuborg, Somersby, Staropramen, Leffe Brune and Hoegaarden. Sitting on an antique leather chair, you will instantly notice the difference between the interior and exterior spaces in Copenhagen. It’s like being transported back 100 years ago in an old timeless pub. To fully enjoy the serene atmosphere here, you need just to stroll along the small brick roads leading you along as though in a fairytale, stop at a bakery, take a whiff of the aromatic cakes, and drink a cup of coffee while the wind plays in your hair. Maybe it’s because of these simple and subtle pleasures that Hans Christian Andersen spent most of his time at a “Peace” house here. You will certainly be enchanted by this city and wish to stay longer. FURTHER INFORMATION ü There are many airlines providing services from Vietnam to Copenhagen: Thai Airways, Cathay Pacific, Qatar Airlines, Emirates and Vietnam Airlines. ü Languages: Danish is the official language in Copenhagen. However, German and English are also widely used but not common. ü Currency: Denmark Krone (DKK). 1 Euro = 7.45 DKK ü Climate: Denmark has a temperate climate, characterized by a cool summer and fall and warm winter. You should wear light clothes with long sleeves and a scarf or light coat if necessary.
DAZZLED BY THE COLORS OF MAPLE LEAVES Located on the southwest coast of Canada, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean and northward from Seattle and San Francisco in the US, Vancouver is well known as “The City of Nature”. It is one of the warmest cities in Canada with cool and pleasant weather in autumn. While in the winter, the temperature is barely cold enough to freeze. Abundant in various natural features, including a deepwater seaport crowded with ships, smooth white-sand beaches, and long and narrow fields shielded from the ocean by the imposing Grouse Mountains, Vancouver is for any traveler seeking a distinct Northern beauty. Located right in the heart of the city is Stanley Park, the largest urban park in
the world. It’s situated on a peninsula surrounded by the sea from three different angles; the park is 400ha of primitive rainforest. From mid-September to midOctober, the entire park, as well as all the streets in Vancouver are alive in the dazzling fall colors of its maple leaves. Each part of the park, and each street boast its own colors ranging from red, yellow to brown, giving the city a special character. If you are in need of a tranquil place to walk or relax with a book, then the lovely roads with their yellow maple leaves are the perfect place. Other interesting ways to enjoy the autumn beauty of Vancouver is by sightseeing from a lookout point or travelling by horse carriage around many other attractive destinations. It comes to no surprise that Vancouver was voted by Lonely Planet as one of the top 10 best places to see autumn
colors in the world. Let’s imagine that in early morning, you wake up to the first rays of sunlight, don a warm coat, and sit on the balcony while reading a book and enjoying a cup of tea with the scent of maple surrounding you. Would you be ready to be swept away by the autumn beauty of Vancouver? FURTHER INFORMATION ü From Vietnam, you can fly directly to Canada via Cathay Pacific or Air Canada. ü Languages: English and French are the main languages of Canada, used in both daily life and official documents. However, English is the primary language in daily use in Vancouver. ü Currency: Canada dollar (CAD). 1 CAD ~ VND 17,000 ü Climate: Vancouver’s climate is temperate and it is one of Canada’s warmest and wettest cities. In the autumn, the temperature is about 140-18oC, much lower than in Vietnam. Therefore, Vietnamese visitors should bring warm clothes. TRAVELLIVE
AUTUMN IN THE HEART OF EUROPE Besides being the seat of the European Union, Brussels is alive in colorful flowers and green trees. It takes only a matter of hours to travel from Brussels to the other major hubs throughout Europe. This is the reason why visitors call it “the heart of Europe”.
f you are lucky enough to visit this city in autumn, you will surely be impressed by its unique architecture as the autumn sun provides the best atmosphere to admire these structural masterpieces with bright yellows and dull shadows. making the city even more romantic than it already is. With the most stunning old houses in the city, the Grand Place square is the most important tourist destination in Brussels. Not only are the ancient buildings remarkable, but also the streets themselves are paved with thin schist, giving the city an even more ancient feel. After a long history of vicissitudes, Brussels has retained its beauty so that anyone standing on the rough ground of the square, travelers, especially literature-lovers, and locals alike can easily imagine the scenes from the Europe of many centuries ago. The city appears atavistic with its many different styles, one can imagine and still somewhat see some charming maiden entering a sparkling perfume shop, some children playing on the streets scrambling for sweets, or the ringing of bells with the clop-clop of horse’s hooves on some not too distant alley.
Designed in the 17th and 18th century, the ancient houses in residental area retain their original beauty. Since the metro
system is the main source of transportation, the streets of Brussels are quiet and tranquil, as autumn comes and quietly brings its own colors to each road.
FURTHER INFORMATION ü You can fly from Vietnam to Brussels via Aeroflot, Thai Airways, Etihad, or Vietnam Airlines.
If you are a nature lover, then the forest on the outskirts of the city awaits you. This large forest with its lake, valley, green lawns and white daisies are all highlighted by the colors of red and yellow leaves, providing a very dreamy atmosphere. On a sunny afternoon with a light breeze, you can lie on the grass, read a book and realize that Brussels can provide you with absolute tranquility.
ü Languages: French and Dutch are the official languages of Brussels, used in everyday speeches, maps, metro guides and menus. Furthermore, many locals have a good grasp of English. ü Currency: Euro ü Climate: compared with other countries in Europe, Belgium’s weather in autumn is quite suitable for Vietnamese tourists. There is not a large temperature difference between night and day.
combination of Kashmir and Tibetan Buddhism comes together to make Leh, Ladakh a paradise for Buddhists with its rich and unique culture. Mesmerized by its giant monasteries, the thousand-year long history and the mysterious legends of the land, many tourists feel like they are actually visiting Lhasa, Tibet. The dominant architecture of Ladakh is monastic. Many houses and monasteries are built on elevated, sunlit sites facing rivers and lakes. This kind of architecture not only reflects a deeply Buddhist approach but also is used for defense purposes. Besides being a placid spiritual place, a monastery is a great destination to enjoy the panoramic view of the gorgeous Kashmir Mountains.
AUTUMN IN LITTLE TIBET Located in Jammu and Kashmir, with its clean air and inherent beauty, Ladakh is known as the “little Tibet” of India. Due to its difficult terrain and extreme climate, the best time to visit Ladakh is from June to October when the temperature ranges from 16o to 30oC. Especially, in autumn, when tourists can see the nature of Ladakh change into its fall colors. Surrounded by majestic and craggy mountain ranges, Ladakh features a clear blue sky with cool winds. Ladakh is divided into two districts, namely Kargil and Leh. The harmonious
FURTHER INFORMATION ü You should fly to Delhi, India, then fly with Air India or Jet Airways to Leh. Otherwise, you can travel to Ladakh by bus to budget and do more sightseeing of the surrounding area. ü Climate: in summer and autumn, the temperature is about 16-30oC, suitable for walking, sightseeing and trekking. ü Health notice: Ladakh is very high above sea level so the level of oxygen is low, which can cause breathing problems on first arrival. Drink a lot of water, and eat more garlic and vegetables.
The morning in Leh is filled with the early autumnal sunlight. You can spend a few hours walking along the small streets and quaint lanes. You can see some ladies and children sunbathing on the balconies arrayed with flowers, while men gather at the market. This is an interesting experience, as the street scenes can change hour by hour, as the sun continues to paint a different picture on each wall and road. If you are seeking a serene place to relax after a long journey and wish to listen to the clear and pleasing sound of a Buddhist monastery, then Ladakh is calling you this autumn.
ü Cuisine: Ladakh dishes share many things in common with Tibetan food. They have less spice and more butter in order to retain water, and fight against the dry weather. Popular dishes include thukpa (noodle soup) and tsampa or ngampe (roasted barley flour). Stampa is an instant food that is very suitable for trekking. TRAVELLIVE
rom September on, every path, wood, and park is covered with the red and gold color of leaves, announcing the coming of autumn. This is the best time of year to visit
Korea, and Gangwon-do is a newly popular destination to admire the lovely arrival of autumn. Located in the east of South Korea, this province is blessed with beautiful mountains, which account for 82% of its total area. The mountains spread through several cities in Gangwon-do, including
Sokcho, Yangyang, Inje, and Seoraksan with its impressive waterfalls and valleys. The breathtaking beauty here mesmerizes each and every visitor. Throughout your journey, and especially upon arrival at Daecheongbong, you will notice the highest peak in Seoraksan, measuring 1708m. If you wish to explore the
the roads and also made an appearance in the famous Korean film, “Winter Sonata”, Nami island is considered to be a mecca for love and is frequented by many couples. You and your partner can ride a bicycle around this half moon shaped island, breathe in the fresh air and admire the fall colors. There is also a zoo, a botanical garden, a large lake with small wooden boats, and many other recreation facilities here to provide you with the perfect place to relax. The highlight of Gangwon-do is Everland Park, the largest park in Korea, which also becomes even more beautiful in autumn. There is also, Zoo-Topia, where you can witness a diverse range of wild animals including white tigers, lions, bears, elephants, giraffes, camels and ostriches who walk around freely in their own world. Spooky’s Fun House will bring you through an exciting journey in a world of magic and Everland Speedway will provide you that thrilling bit of entertainment that you might just need to balance out your peaceful trip in this stunning region.
magnificent beauty of this area more, head to Cheonbuldong, which is the most famous valley of Seorak Mountain, stretching over 15km from Biseondae peak to Daecheongbong peak. In autumn, the entire valley appears as a wonderful picture adorned with red maple leaves, majestic cliffs and giant stones that take on the shape
of Buddhist monks in the blue sky. Other destinations include Baekdamcheon valley, Baekdamsa temple, Biseondae, Cheoksan, Osaek and Sorak Waterpia, each promising to provide you with some very memorable experiences of the Seoraksan mountainous area. Famous for its beautiful ginkgo biloba trees that line
FURTHER INFORMATION ü From Vietnam to Seoul, you can fly Vietnam Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Vietjet Air, Thai Airways or Cathay Pacific Airlines. ü Language: Korean ü Currency: Won. 1USD = 1120 Won. You can exchange money at any airport or any exchange office in the city or use a credit card when out shopping. ü Cuisine: Korean mixed rice, Tteokbokki (rice cake), Galbi (barbecued ribs), Bulgogi (roast beef), kimchi, gimbap, Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) and Soondubu jjigae (spicy soft tofu stew)
WALK ALONG THE ROADS OF GINKGO BILOBA TREES From November to February, the bright red of maple leaves can be found everywhere, lining the streets, squares and gardens, even strewn on the domes of a Japanese temple. While Tokyo impresses visitors as an ultramodern metropolis, Kyushu, Japan’s southern gateway enchants visitors with its beautiful nature replete with long rows of maple and ginkgo trees. Your first destination should be Yufuin floral village, in Oita province. Yufuin boasts numerous museums, antique houses, and well-decorated cafes on its main street, offering well-made folk crafts from the late Edo to Meiji period. You can also visit a Japanese paper mill, dye fabrics by hand, or use a hand turntable to make pottery for a wonderful souvenir. Another charming landmark is Kinrinko lake situated near Yufu Mountain. South of the lake there lies a small temple and nearby there are also some public spas available for tourists and locals. You can
also enjoy some public mineral baths in this village. This mountainous region includes Aso, the most active volcano in Japan. Kyushu is also renowned for its hot spring resorts. Don’t miss Beppu, one of the largest hot spring resorts in Japan with more than 2,800 hot springs. In the cool weather of autumn, what can be better than immersing yourself in an onsen to relax after a long day’s journey? On top of visiting Aso volcano and Kumamoto Palace, don’t miss the chance to hunt for luxury items discounted up to 70% at Tosu Premium Outlets and in Canal City. FURTHER INFORMATION ü Transportation: You can fly from Hanoi or HCMC to Fukuoka with Vietnam Airlines. The main transportation in the city is taxi, but it’s quite expensive and only a few drivers can speak English. ü Languages: Japanese. English is not common so you should go with a tour guide or save the contact of your hotel in case you need directions. ü Currency: Yen (JPY). 1 JPY ~ VND 200, 1USD ~ 106 JPY. You should exchange money in Vietnam. ü Cuisine: must-try dishes include Scombridae (Oita), steamed dishes from “Beppu hell” (Oita), Hakata Ramen (Fukuoka), Yobuko squid (Saga) and Kuruma-ebi (Kumamoto).
@ Harry Trung Nguyen
THE “SAPPHIRES” OF NATURE When fall comes to Jiuzhaigou, all the vegetation is enveloped in a new cloak of red and yellow. This blanket of color shines sublimely among the cascading waterfalls, clear emerald lakes and distant glacial summits, all coming together harmoniously in one marvelous scene. This is the reason why Jiuzhaigou has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the world’s foremost cultural sites and ecological reserves. Furthermore, the most prestigious travel magazines have repeatedly recommended it as a must-go destination. With 114 clear emerald lakes and over 17 waterfalls, Jiuzhaigou is divided into 2 branches in the shape of the letter “Y”. On the left branch, there are more lakes with enchanting names, such as Swan Lake, Panda Lake and Tien
Truc Lake. Particularly, Ngu Hoa (Five Flowers) is regarded as the most splendid and captivating lake in terms of the clarity and purity of its water. It is evident that there is five distinct colors in the water based off the sun’s rays that shine off of it. Go a little farther, and you can witness the magnificent beauty of Pearl Waterfall, also known as FURTHER INFORMATION ü The best time to visit Jiuzhaigou is from October 15th to October 30th, when the trees’ leaves turn to yellow. ü Transportation: From Vietnam (Hanoi/HCMC), fly to Chengdu, and then take a bus to Jiuzhaigou (about 9 or 10 hours, 560km). You should book your bus ticket in advance to make sure that tickets are available when you come here. ü Climate: The weather here is rather cold, especially in the evening. You should bring a warm hat, scarf, gloves, warm clothes and any medicine if needed. ü Foods & drinks: in Chengdu and Jiuzhaigou, local people in Sichuan often eat hot and spicy dishes with a lot of oil.
Monkey King Waterfall because it appeared in each episode of the Monkey King series. To the right of this waterfall is Mirror Lake (Ho Guong), which is recommended to visit from 8 to 9 in the morning in order to fully appreciate its splendor when the lake looks like a mirror accurately reflecting the impressive glaciers in the background. Furthermore, you can admire the beauty of Truong Hai Lake and Ngu Sac (Five Colors) Lake. On the way to the main entrance, you can stroll around and enjoy other magical landscapes including Ngoa Ho Lake, Tang Long Lake, Lau Say (also known as Cane-brake) Lake and Bon Sai Waterfall. Furthermore, the small villages in this area, scattered throughout the area, will provide you with a great experience and understanding of the local culture.
utumn is always the best time for travelling because the weather is nice and gentle. It is not too sunny as summer or cold as winter. In the Northwest of Vietnam, Ha Giang is changing its fall colors, attracting tourists with its meandering roads, and with its pink and purple flowers and yellow rice fields promising a successful harvest. The first thing a traveler mentions whenever talking about Ha Giang is the buckwheat flower season. Buckwheat starts blossoming from the last days of September on, and is so famous that many tourists come to this area to admire the beauty of its romantic pink colored hills, roads and vast fields covered with buckwheat. This kind of flower is considered local “specialty” that only flourishes
in this region. The flower season lasts only one month when the buckwheat flowers change their color from white to a pale pink with purple and to a deep red. Visiting Ha Giang on this autumn days, don’t forget to explore the renowned attractions such as Dong Van, Sung La, Lung Cu and Xin Man to take some great photos with these special flowers. Autumn is also the time when terraced rice fields in Ha Giang FURTHER INFORMATION ü Time: The best time to visit Ha Giang and admire buckwheat flower season is in September and October when the rice is ripen and the weather is pleasant. ü Transportation: From Hanoi, you can travel by motorbike or bus to Ha Giang. Roads are quite narrow and meandering so you need to pay much attention to speed and personal safety equipment. ü Foods and drinks: This is a mountainous province and you can only find eateries at resident areas. You’d better bring some fast food to eat when traveling. In some towns such as Dong Van, Meo Vac and Xin Man, don’t miss “thang co”, a specialty of ethnic people here.
turn into golden. Imagine that you are standing at the top of a hill, taking in the breathtaking view of yellow rice field below. The fantastic beauty of these endless rice fields, especially in Hoang Su Phi, has been recognized as a national heritage site. In the autumn, Ha Giang’s mountains change into their new colors while people become frienlier and more joyful. The meandering roads will bring you to hills and mountains covered with the changing of leaves and highlighted by the magical colors of pink, red and purple flowers then to terraced rice fields stretching to the skyline. On these romantic days in Ha Giang, visit stone park, sip a cup of corn wine and enjoy a bowl of “thang co” at the market. It feels like everything is more beautiful in the autumn. Just simple yet charming, the picture of autumn in Ha Giang can enchants any visitors.
Bµi vµ ∂nh: ThÔy D≠¨ng
Bπn c„ bao giÍ tıng m¨ Æ’n nÁi bfi ∏m ∂nh v“ mÈt n¨i mµ bπn kh´ng bi’t n„ c„ th˘c s˘ tÂn tπi hay kh´ng? Vµ bπn c„ bao giÍ tıng bfi nh˜ng gi†c m¨ Æ„ th´i thÛc bπn l™n Æ≠Íng Æi t◊m ki’m c©u tr∂ lÍi cho ri™ng m◊nh Æ” bi’t rªng: c„ hay kh´ng c„ Æfia danh †y? V©ng, t´i Æ∑ tıng nh≠ th’. C©u chuy÷n xem chıng chºng c„ g◊ Æ∆c bi÷t vµ h¨i kh´i hµi nh≠ng vÌi t´i khi th˘c hi÷n Æ≠Óc Æi“u †y, t´i Æ∑ kh´ng th” ng®n nÊi s˘ hπnh phÛc trµo d©ng Æ’n nghãn ngµo bÎi chuy÷n x∂y Æ’n qu∏ b†t ngÍ vµ ngoµi s¯c t≠Îng t≠Óng, nh≠ th” t´i Æang m¨.
N¨i c„ t™n lµ “Thung lÚng kh„i xanh” vÌi mÈt ng´i nhµ gÁ nh≠ lµ t†t c∂ nh˜ng g◊ t´i tıng m¨ v“: “Ng´i nhµ t˘a l≠ng vµo v∏ch nÛi, nh◊n xuËng d≠Ìi lµ thung lÚng, ng≠Ìc mæt l™n lµ d∑y Hoµng Li™n S¨n vÌi Æÿnh Fansipan Æ” ngµy ngµy vi’t ti”u thuy’t”. vŒ quy’n rÚ ch’t ng≠Íi hay ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ Æãp t˘a s≠¨ng kh„i.
C∏ch Æ©y hai n®m, t´i t◊nh cÍ Æ‰c Æ≠¨c c©u chuy÷n cÒa mÈt blogger vi’t v“ thung lÚng kh„i xanh. VÌi t´i c©u chuy÷n †y Æãp nh≠ ti”u thuy’t, n¨i mµ nh©n vÀt trong Æ„ Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng Æ«y l∑ng mπn vµ dÚng c∂m. C©u chuy÷n Æ≠Óc k” d≠Ìi ng´i “T´i” cho ng≠Íi Ɖc c∂m gi∏c n„ ch›nh lµ c©u chuy÷n cÒa ch›nh ng≠Íi vi’t. ß„ kh´ng ph∂i lµ c©u chuy÷n v“ mËi t◊nh l©m ly, mÔi m…n cÒa Æ´i trai g∏i nµo Æ„, chºng c„ champagne, chºng c„ hoa hÂng, chºng c„ nh˜ng lÍi lœ bay bÊng, cÚng chºng c„ ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng vÌi
Nh≠ng vÌi t´i, Æ„ lµ mÈt chuy÷n t◊nh r†t Æãp v◊ s˘ can tr≠Íng, b†t ch†p t†t c∂ Æ” v≠Ót qua rµo c∂n lµ ch›nh b∂n th©n m◊nh, t◊m Æ’n vÌi Æi“u khi’n m◊nh th˘c s˘ hπnh phÛc. N¨i mµ t∏c gi∂ Æ∆t t™n lµ “Thung lÚng kh„i xanh” vÌi mÈt ng´i nhµ gÁ nh≠ lµ t†t c∂ nh˜ng g◊ t´i tıng m¨ v“: “Ng´i nhµ t˘a l≠ng vµo v∏ch nÛi, nh◊n xuËng d≠Ìi lµ thung lÚng, ng≠Ìc mæt l™n lµ d∑y Hoµng Li™n S¨n vÌi Æÿnh Fansipan Æ” ngµy ngµy vi’t ti”u thuy’t”. T´i Æ∆c bi÷t †n t≠Óng Æ’n m¯c ∏m ∂nh v“ thung lÚng Æ„, v“ ng´i nhµ gÁ, v“ hai nh©n vÀt ch›nh tı lÛc cfln y™u nhau vµo ngµy chinh phÙc Fansipan cho Æ’n ngµy trÎ thµnh vÓ chÂng vÌi nh˜ng Ưa con kh∏u khÿnh. Vµ sau Æ„ lµ mÈt quy’t Æfinh h’t s¯c t∏o bπo: xa rÍi cuÈc sËng phÂn hoa Æ´ thfi, mua mÈt m∂nh Ɔt cπnh nhµ anh Ch≠ - ng≠Íi porter (ng≠Íi v∏c Æ thu™) n®m
nµo cÒa h‰, d˘ng mÈt c®n nhµ gÁ, trÎ thµnh hµng x„m cÒa nh˜ng ng≠Íi M´ng. K” tı khi Æ„, t´i Æ∑ quy’t Æfinh mÈt ngµy nµo Æ„ t´i sœ Æi t◊m Æ” xem n¨i †y vµ nh˜ng nh©n vÀt †y c„ th˘c s˘ tÂn tπi hay kh´ng. T´i Æ∑ l™n Æ≠Íng chinh phÙc Fansipan vµo thÍi gian tr≠Ìc khi ng≠Íi ta hoµn thµnh h÷ thËng c∏p treo. Tr™n suËt hµnh tr◊nh, t´i c¯ h·i em C∏ng - porter cÒa t´i - v“ c∏i thung lÚng mang t™n “Kh„i xanh” nªm d≠Ìi d∑y Hoµng Li™n S¨n nh≠ng c©u tr∂ lÍi lµ kh´ng c„. XuËng nÛi, t´i cÚng h·i mÈt sË ng≠Íi n˜a nh≠ng h‰ n„i chÿ bi’t thung lÚng M≠Íng Hoa ch¯ ch≠a bao giÍ nghe th†y c∏i t™n nµy. Th´i th◊ Ƶnh t˘ m◊nh Æi t◊m vÀy - t´i t˘ nhÒ. Tı trung t©m thfi tr†n Sapa, Æi qua b∂n C∏t C∏t, chÛng t´i vµo Æ’n th´n S›n Ch∂i, thuÈc x∑ San S∂ H vµ t◊m h·i nhµ anh Ch≠. Chi“u h´m t´i Æ’n, b∂n væng hoe, m∑i mÌi th†y l∏c Æ∏c c„
cuÈn nh≠ nh˜ng cÙc b´ng. T´i vµ ng≠Íi bπn ÆÂng hµnh quay lπi S›n Ch∂i. CÚng may lµ h´m Æ„ Æãp trÍi n™n t´i c„ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc ngæm nh◊n c∂nh vÀt chung quanh. Th´n S›n Ch∂i dÔ chÿ c∏ch thfi tr†n Sapa kho∂ng 5km vµ nªm ngay cπnh b∂n du lfich C∏t C∏t nh≠ng n¨i nµy cho ta c∂m gi∏c d≠Íng nh≠ t∏ch bi÷t hºn, bÎi c„ lœ n„ ch≠a bfi in d†u ch©n cÒa nh˜ng vfi kh∏ch du lfich vµ mÔi vfi kinh doanh ch≠a trµn Æ’n Æ©y.
ng≠Íi Æi lπi vµ vµi Ưa trŒ chπy loanh quanh nh≠ng h«u nh≠ Æ“u kh´ng bi’t ti’ng Kinh, mÈt sË ng≠Íi kh∏c th◊ b∂o kh´ng bi’t. ChÛng t´i c¯ th’ Æi vµo tÀn cÔng cÒa b∂n. Con Æ≠Íng vËn Æ∑ nh· cµng lÛc cµng nh· vµ Æ’n mÈt Æoπn Æ≠Íng Ɔt l«y lÈi chÿ vıa mÈt chi’c xe m∏y, t´i xuËng Æi bÈ vµo h·i. ô cuËi b∂n, chÓt hi÷n ra mÈt c®n nhµ xinh xinh c„ hµng rµo vÌi b› ng´ trÂng tr™n m∏i. C„ m†y Ưa trŒ Æang nh∂y lfl cfl, mÈt ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ Æang Ưng xua gµ vµ vµi chÛ vfit lπch bπch. Kh´ng ai hi”u t´i h·i g◊. H´m †y trÍi mÔ s≠¨ng vµ r†t lπnh. Gi˜a ban ngµy mµ chÿ c∏ch nhau mÈt qu∑ng d®m ba mät Æ∑ bfi khu†t m†t nhau rÂi khi’n cho t´i cÚng chºng th” xem Æ≠Óc c„ ng´i nhµ nµo Î Æ„ t˘a l≠ng vµo nÛi vµ tr≠Ìc m∆t lµ d∑y Hoµng Li™n S¨n kh´ng. TrÍi tËi d«n vµ cµng lÛc cµng mÔ mfit. VÌi c∏i ÆÃn pha bfi h·ng, t´i ph∂i quay trÎ ra thfi tr†n Sapa tr≠Ìc khi trÍi tËi, Æfinh bÙng mai sœ ti’p tÙc quay trÎ lπi. S∏ng h´m sau, Sapa næng vµng r˘c rÏ, trÍi trong væt vµ m©y
C∏c ng´i nhµ trong b∂n nªm r∂i r∏c tr™n c∏c s≠Ín nÛi vÌi toµn bÈ d©n c≠ Æ“u lµ ng≠Íi M´ng Æen. CuÈc sËng cÒa ng≠Íi d©n n¨i Æ©y r†t y™n b◊nh vµ thu«n khi’t. Nh˜ng ng´i nhµ g«n nh≠ v…n gi˜ nguy™n vãn phong c∏ch lµm nhµ cÒa ng≠Íi M´ng. Nhµ Æ≠Óc d˘ng bªng gÁ, n“n Ɔt vµ c„ t≠Íng rµo. Vµo Æ’n tr≠Ìc cˆa ng´i nhµ h´m qua, t´i lπi t◊m chung quanh Æ” h·i th®m. G∆p mÈt ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng bi’t n„i ti’ng Kinh, t´i h·i Î Æ©y c„ ai t™n Ch≠ kh´ng? Anh †y th§NG TIN TH£M: ü Tı th∏ng 4 Æ’n th∏ng 5 lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng thÍi Æi”m tËt nh†t trong n®m Æ” Æ’n Sapa cÚng nh≠ t◊m Æ’n thung lÚng kh„i xanh. BÎi vµo lÛc nµy, thÍi ti’t kh∏ Ên Ænh, kh´ng b m≠a vµo ban ngµy vµ kh´ng qu∏ lπnh vµo buÊi Æ™m. Vµ n’u Æ’n Æ©y vµo thÍi Æi”m nµy, bπn chÿ c«n mang theo ∏o kho∏c nhã n’u ra Æ≠Íng buÊi tËi ho∆c ngÒ trong b∂n. ü ß∆c bi÷t, nh˜ng th∏ng nµy Î Sapa cÚng nh≠ khæp c∏c b∂n lµng xung quanh trµn ngÀp sæc hoa Æua nÎ vµ nh˜ng thˆa ruÈng bÀc thang xanh m≠Ìt. ü C∏ch thÛ v vµ ti÷n lÓi nh†t Æ” kh∏m ph∏ xung quanh n¨i nµy lµ bªng xe m∏y. N’u bπn kh´ng th” chπy xe m∏y tı d≠Ìi xu´i ho∆c mang theo xe m∏y, bπn c„ th” thu™ xe m∏y ngay tπi th tr†n Sapa trong vµi ngµy. N’u bπn lµ ng≠Íi y™u trekking, sœ c˘c thÛ v vÌi mÈt cung trek qua c∏c b∂n C∏t C∏t, S›n Ch∂i, b∂n HÂ, b∂n T∂ Ph◊n, T∂ Van trong vµi ngµy, t◊m hi”u ÆÍi sËng v®n ho∏ cÒa bµ con d©n tÈc n¨i Æ©y.
tr· vµo ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ Æang Ưng tr≠Ìc cˆa b∂o: “VÓ Ch≠ kia”. T´i mıng qu˝nh, læp bæp quay ra n„i vÌi bπn ÆÂng hµnh: “§i th’ hoa ra lµ c„ thÀt. Th◊ ra h´m qua m◊nh Æ∑ Æ’n ÆÛng n¨i Æ©y rÂi mµ kh´ng bi’t”. T´i sung s≠Ìng, lao Æ’n næm tay ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ vµ dÔ bi’t chfi kh´ng hi”u t´i n„i g◊ Æ©u nh≠ng t´i v…n rËi r›t: “§i mıng qu∏, g∆p Æ≠Óc anh chfi rÂi, ho∏ ra em Æ∑ g∆p chfi h´m qua mµ kh´ng bi’t”. MÈt lÛc sau, anh Ch≠ tı trong nhµ Æi ra, lÛc nµy t´i mÌi tr†n t‹nh Æ≠Óc lπi c∂m xÛc cÒa m◊nh. VÓ anh Ch≠ t™n Gi∂. N®m nay, anh chfi g«n 40 tuÊi vµ c„ 6 ng≠Íi con. Hai Ưa Æang h‰c nÈi trÛ ngoµi thfi tr†n, Ưa lÌn nh†t cÚng Æi lµm porter d…n kh∏ch leo Fansipan, cfln lπi m†y Ưa l›t nh›t. Hai nh©n vÀt kh∏c ng≠Íi mµ t´i n„i Æ’n b™n tr™n lµ anh ߯c vµ chfi Mai, Î d≠Ìi Hµ NÈi. H‰ Æ∑ mua mÈt c®n nhµ gÁ cπnh nhµ anh Ch≠ vµ nhÍ anh tr´ng nom hÈ. MÈt n®m h‰ l™n Æ©y vµi l«n Æ” sËng nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc hi’m hoi vÌi c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc hfla m◊nh tr‰n vãn vµo Ɔt trÍi vµ con ng≠Íi T©y Bæc. T´i Æ∑ vÏ oµ c∂m xÛc v◊ Æ’n Æ≠Óc n¨i, g∆p Æ≠Óc ng≠Íi t´i mong Æi t◊m. Chÿ mÌi h´m qua th´i, t´i c„ nªm m¨ cÚng kh´ng th” ngh‹ rªng Æ©y ch›nh lµ ng´i nhµ trong truy÷n vµ ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ Æang ÆuÊi gµ kia ch›nh lµ vÓ cÒa anh Ch≠ vµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Ưa trŒ Æang nh∂y lfl cfl kia lµ con cÒa h‰. C∂ c®n nhµ gÁ th¨ mÈng vµ c∂ nh˜ng nh©n vÀt trong truy÷n. VÀy lµ t´i Æ∑ Æ’n Æ≠Óc thung lÚng kh„i xanh Æ«y l∑ng mπn, n¨i c„ c®n nhµ gÁ d˘a l≠ng vµo v∏ch nÛi, nh◊n xuËng d≠Ìi thung lÚng, ng≠Ìc mæt nh◊n l™n d∑y Hoµng Li™n S¨n n¨i c„ Æÿnh Fansipan. TrÎ v“ Hµ NÈi, t´i Æ∑ Æ∆t cho n¨i Æ„ mÈt c∏i t™n cho ri™ng m◊nh Thung lÚng cÒa nh˜ng gi†c m¨. TRAVELLIVE
travel Text and photos: Thuy Duong
Have you ever been obsessed by a strange destination that you have never visited, then had the urge to look for it just to know whether it exists or not?
I have felt that obsession for a long time. And when I finally found the place, I was so overjoyed I felt like I was dreaming. Two years ago, I read a story written by a blogger about a valley of green smoke. For me, the story is like a novel with brave, romantic characters. It is not a love story with champagne, roses, or a handsome boy and beautiful girl whispering sweet things. But, for me, it’s a beautiful story about the courage which can overcome anything to get what makes us really happy. The idyllic Green Smoke Valley with a little wooden house is my dream too. “The wooden house leans into the mountain, looking down a valley and up the Hoang Lien Son range towards the high peak of Fansipan”.
I am obsessed by the valley, the wooden house and the two main characters who first fell in love during their journey to conquer Fansipan and are now married with two pretty children. After that, they decided to leave their noisy urban life and move to the valley. They bought a plot of land, built a wooden house near Mr Chu’s house (their
The idyllic Green Smoke Valley with a little wooden house is my dream too. “The wooden house leans into the mountain, looking down a valley and up the Hoang Lien Son range towards the high peak of Fansipan”. porter on the way to Fansipan) and became neighbors of the H’Mong ethnic people. To relieve my obsession, I decided
to travel to the valley and seek the truth of the story. There is no cable car yet when I set off for Fansipan. During the trip, I ask Cang, my porter, if he knows about a valley called “Green Smoke” at the foot of Hoang Lien Son Mountain. His answer is “No”. I also ask some local people, but they have only heard of Muong Hoa valley. I determine to find it myself.
The romantic wooden house leaning into the mountain and the characters in the story are all real.
From Sapa town center, we pass Cat Cat village and arrive at Sin Chai village in San Sa Ho commune to find the way to Mr Chu’s house. The village is very deserted this afternoon, with just a few local adults and kids around. Most of them cannot speak Vietnamese. We carry on round the village to a narrow muddy road, just wide enough for a motorbike. I drop into a local house to ask whether they know Mr Chu. At the end of the village, a little house with a pumpkin fence appears. Some kids are skipping around while a woman chases chickens and ducks in the garden. They cannot understand Vietnamese. It’s cold, and so foggy that we cannot see each other, even from a very short distance. I can’t see if there is a little house leaning into the mountain, overlooking the Hoang Lien Son range. The day gets more and more obscure. We have a broken headlight, so we have to return to Sapa before dusk. We will be able to return to the village tomorrow. On the following morning, it’s sunny with a clear sky and white clouds. My fellow traveler and I return to Sin Chai. On a nice day like this, we can appreciate the beautiful scenery around the village. Although
Sin Chai village is just 5km from Sapa and nearby Cat Cat tourist village, this place feels isolated. Few visitors or tourist services are seen here. Local houses are scattered on the mountain slope, mainly from the Black H’Mong ethnic group. The village is very peaceful. The houses are traditionally made of wood, with soil floors, and fences outside. We travel to the house we saw yesterday and ask a man who can speak Vietnamese about Mr. Chu. He points to the woman standing at the door “That’s Chu’s wife!” I am very surprised and reply “That’s a coincidence! Yesterday we found what we were looking for but we didn’t know.” I Further information: ü The best time to visit Sapa and the Green Smoke Valley is April and May. During this time, it is not often rainy in the day and not too cold in the evening. You only need to bring a thin coat if you go out in the evening or stay overnight in the village with local ethnic people. ü Particularly, during April and May, villages in Sapa are filled with blooming flowers and green terraced fields. ü The most interesting way to travel around this region is by motorbike. You can hire a motorbike at Sapa town in a few days. If you like trekking, you can take a trekking tour to Cat Cat, Sin Chai, Ho, Ta Phin and Ta Van villages in some days to explore the cultures of ethnic minorities.
hold the woman’s hands and speak profusely, though she cannot understand a word. “Oh, I’m so happy to meet you! I saw you yesterday but I didn’t know who you were!” I don’t manage to get a grip on myself until Mr Chu arrives at the house. His wife is called Gia. They are nearly 40 years old and have 6 children. Their two youngest kids are at a boarding-school in the town, while the oldest child is a porter who takes visitors to Fansipan. The two characters in the story are Duc and Mai, who bought a wooden house next to the Chu’s house and asked them to take care of it. They come back here twice a year to immerse themselves in the sky and people of the Northwest. I am delighted to have found this place. I can hardly believe this was the house in the story, the woman chasing chickens was Mr Chu’s wife and the skipping child was their son. The romantic wooden house and the characters in the story are all real. I have found the wooden house leaning into the mountain, looking down a valley and up the Hoang Lien Son range towards the high peak of Fansipan. Back in Hanoi, I claim the place as my own Valley of Dreams.
Bµi & ∂nh: Nany Giang
Nªm c∏ch thÒ Æ´ Lisboa chÿ 30km, Sintra lu´n lµ n¨i kh´ng th” b· qua trong danh s∏ch c∏c Æa Æi”m mµ m‰i du kh∏ch muËn Æ’n tπi B ߵo Nha vµo mÔa thu. Th tr†n nh· bä, xinh Æãp nµy Æ∑ Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn lµ Di s∂n th’ giÌi vµo n®m 1995 nhÍ b∂o tÂn nguy™n vãn c∏c di s∂n ki’n trÛc l∑ng mπn cÒa ch©u ¢u vµo th’ k˚ 19.
Cung Æ≠Íng tı Lisboa Æ’n Sintra tuy÷t Æãp, chºng th’ mµ anh t∏i x’ xe tuk tuk Æ∑ cË ˝ Æi vıa ph∂i Æ” du kh∏ch c„ th” chi™m ng≠Ïng bi”n vµ c∂nh vÀt xung quanh. Sau khi ghä lπi Cascai, tıng lµ mÈt lµng chµi nh· tı thÍi x≠a, cÚng lµ n¨i kh¨i nguÂn c∂m h¯ng cho bi’t bao ngh÷ s‹ vÔng Nam ¢u, chi’c xe c¯ vi vu qua tıng con phË nh· rÂi tı tı leo cao d«n Æ” Æ’n thfi tr†n Sintra.
PALACIO DE PENA, L¢U ßÄI C‡ TêCH L©u Ƶi quËc gia Pena lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng bi”u t≠Óng ch›nh cÒa chÒ ngh‹a l∑ng mπn th’ kÿ th¯ 19 Î B ߵo Nha. L©u Ƶi lµ s˘ pha trÈn cÒa nhi“u phong c∏ch nh≠ Gothic mÌi, PhÙc h≠ng mÌi... Æ∑ tπo n™n nät ph∏ c∏ch ri™ng cÒa Pena. C´ng tr◊nh nµy Æ≠Óc D. Fernando - ng≠Íi Æ∑ k’t h´n vÌi n˜ hoµng Mary Æ÷ II - x©y d˘ng vµo n®m 1836. L©u Ƶi nªm sıng s˜ng tr™n Æÿnh ÆÂi gi˜a rıng c©y xanh b∏t ng∏t. M†t kh∏ l©u Æ” Ưng x’p hµng mua vä nh≠ng du kh∏ch nµo cÚng m∑n nguy÷n v◊ Æ∑ tÌi Æ≠Óc Æ©y. Tı cÊng vµo, l©u Ƶi tı tı hi÷n ra tr≠Ìc mæt t´i, Æãp nh≠ trong truy÷n cÊ t›ch.
Tfla l©u Ƶi nµy c„ nhi“u khËi nhµ c„ ki’n trÛc vµ mµu sæc kh∏c hºn nhau nh≠ng Ưng cπnh nhau lπi tπo thµnh mÈt tÊng th” hµi hfla Æãp mæt. Ph«n cung Æi÷n dÔng lµm n¨i Î cÒa Hoµng gia Æ≠Óc x©y ki”u Bæc Phi vÌi th∏p trfln, vµ m∏i th∏p cÒ hµnh, cˆa vflm, t≠Íng vµng, Ëp Æ∏ hoa mµu xanh bi”n vµ chπm trÊ t≠Óng thÒy qu∏i, san h´, hoa trµ. Ph«n nhµ nguy÷n t≠Íng quät v´i hÂng r˘c, x©y ki”u ph∏o Ƶi trung cÊ. Cfln khu hÈi h‰p theo ki”u Gothic bªng Æ∏ x∏m, bao quanh lµ v≠Ín hoa vÌi c∏c loπi c©y c∂ ´n ÆÌi vµ nhi÷t ÆÌi, nhi“u nh†t lµ hoa trµ vµ c©y vπn tu’.
PHˇ C‡ M• MÄNG ßi“u quy’n rÚ t´i nh†t Î Sintra lµ c∏ch h≠Îng thÙ cuÈc sËng cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng vµ du kh∏ch Æ’n Æ©y. Thfi tr†n Sintra tuy nh· nh≠ng v´ cÔng Æ∏ng y™u. T´i Æ∑ ngπc nhi™n th›ch thÛ tr≠Ìc khu phË cÊ vÌi nh˜ng ng´i nhµ nh· chÒ y’u s¨n mµu træng Ëp nh˜ng m∂ng t≠Íng s¯ mµu s∆c sÏ. Nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng l„t s·i Æ∏ cuÈi uËn l≠Ón Æ” rÂi d…n t´i Æ’n c∏c qu∏n bar, cˆa hµng l≠u ni÷m xinh xæn. Ph›a ngoµi m∂ng t≠Íng træng s«n sÔi Æ≠Óc t´ Æi”m bÎi nh˜ng b∂ng hi÷u ngÈ ngh‹nh hay nh˜ng gi· hoa t≠¨i rung rinh trong gi„ mÔa thu. T´i m™ m»n ngæm nh◊n nh˜ng s∂n ph»m bªng gËm s¯ Æ«y sæc mµu Æ∆t Î ph›a tr≠Ìc mÈt cˆa hµng. Ngh÷ thuÀt gËm s¯ cÒa B ߵo Nha qua
bao nhi™u th’ kÿ v…n c„ mÈt s¯c hÛt mπnh mœ ÆËi vÌi du kh∏ch. N„ d≠Íng nh≠ ch¯a Æ˘ng c∂ mÈt n“n v®n h„a, s˘ s∏ng tπo qua tıng b¯c tranh, tıng t∏c ph»m mµ ngh÷ nh©n th” hi÷n tr™n Æ„. TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü Tı TP.HCM bay qua Lisboa, tı Æ©y bπn c„ th” Æi bªng tµu h·a hay xe bu˝t tÌi Sintra. ßi bªng tµu h·a m†t kho∂ng 1 ti’ng, Æi bªng tuk tuk cÚng kho∂ng 1 ti’ng. Bπn n™n thˆ tuk tuk v◊ cung Æ≠Íng Æi Æãp h¨n vµ c„ th” dıng lπi tham quan tr™n Æ≠Íng. ü Tham kh∂o th™m th´ng tin tπi ü Kh∏ch sπn: bπn c„ th” t◊m Æ≠Óc kh∏ch sπn vÌi gi∏ tı 50 - 100 Euro ngay g«n khu trung t©m. ü ¬m th˘c: Nªm tr™n b∏n Æ∂o Iberia n™n c∏c m„n h∂i s∂n Î Sintra n„i ri™ng vµ B ߵo Nha r†t t≠¨i, ngon. Bπn n™n mÈt l«n thˆ m„n bacalhau - c∏ tuy’t ph¨i kh´ r†t nÊi ti’ng...
¬M TH#C THEO KIÕU B¤ ßÄO NHA ThÀt lflng mµ n„i, trong nh˜ng ngµy du h› Î B ߵo Nha, t´i c„ th” k’t luÀn Æ ®n Î Æ©y chÁ nµo cÚng ngon vµ Æ«y h≠¨ng vfi. B ߵo Nha c„ truy“n thËng v“ ngh“ Æ∏nh bæt c∏ vµ Æ≠Óc thi™n nhi™n ≠u Æ∑i n™n h∂i s∂n lÛc nµo cÚng r†t t≠¨i ngon. Trong c∏c nhµ hµng tı b◊nh d©n Æ’n cao c†p lu´n c„ th˘c ƨn ri™ng v“ h∂i s∂n. Trong Æ„ kh´ng th” kh´ng nhæc Æ’n m„n c∏ bacalhau - c∏ tuy’t ph¨i kh´. Nh˜ng ai Æ’n Æ©y Æ“u muËn mÈt l«n th≠Îng th¯c m„n nµy. Ng≠Íi d©n muËi nh˜ng con c∏ tuy’t rÂi ph¨i tr™n t∂ng Æ∏ d≠Ìi ∏nh næng cho Æ’n khi chÛng s®n lπi, nhÍ c„ næng, gi„ vµ muËi n™n thfit c∏ gi˜ t≠¨i r†t l©u. Ng≠Íi ta b∂o, c„ Æ’n h¨n 200 c∏ch Æ” ch’ bi’n
m„n c∏ nµy nh≠ng phË bi’n nh†t lµ b· c∏ vµo lfl Æ” gi˜ Æ≠Óc vfi t≠¨i ngon cÒa c∏. Ng≠Íi ta cfln lµm c∂ m„n b∏nh c∏ tuy’t n˜a. B ߵo Nha cfln nÊi danh vÌi sÛp vµ c∏c m„n h«m. Anh Æ«u b’p tπi nhµ hµng Æ∑ khuy™n t´i n™n ®n thˆ m„n caldo verde - m„n xÛp rau xanh n†u bªng th¯ bæp c∂i m“m cæt thµnh tıng l∏t m·ng, khoai t©y, hµnh vµ t·i, d«u oliu. T´i cÚng kh´ng qu™n thˆ m„n kem caramel Æ≠Óc lµm tı n≠Ìc mÀt c„ vfi b¨, b∏nh pudding bÈt gπo ræc chÛt bÈt qu’ l™n tr™n. Vfi ng‰t cÒa b∏nh cÔng vÌi vfi th¨m cÒa qu’ sœ khi’n th˘c kh∏ch kh„ k◊m lflng g‰i th™m n˜a. MÈt ngµy Î Sintra tuy ngæn ngÒi nh≠ng mang Æ’n cho t´i nh˜ng c∂m xÛc ng‰t ngµo vµ qu˝ gi∏. CuÈc sËng t‹nh tπi vµ th†m Æ…m nät Æãp v®n h„a vÔng bi”n Æ∂o Iberia Î thfi tr†n nµy giÛp t´i th†u hi”u h¨n bao giÍ h’t kh∏i ni÷m sËng chÀm. Nhfip sËng cÒa thµnh phË nh≠ nªm ngoµi quy luÀt thay ÆÊi cÒa th’ giÌi. Sintra nh≠ mÈt gi†c m¨ Æãp cho t†t c∂ nh˜ng t©m hÂn y™u ngh÷ thuÀt. VÌi t´i, Æ„ lµ mÈt n¨i m∑i Æ” nhÌ v“. TRAVELLIVE
Text and photos: Nany Giang
Located just 30km from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, Sintra is a must-see destination for any visitor coming to Portugal this autumn. This beautiful small town has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage site since 1995 by virtue of its 19th-century European Romantic architecture.
The road to Sintra itself is breathtaking. Our driver takes the road slowly to give us the chance to admire the beauty of the sea and all its surroundings. After a short stop in Cascai, a small fishing village which has inspired many artists throughout southern Europe, our car navigates through the small streets before slowly heading up to Sintra.
PALACIO DE PENA, THE FAIRYTALE CASTLE The Pena National Palace constitutes one of the major expressions of 19th-century Romanticism in Portugal. This palace expresses a profusion of styles including Neo-Gothic and Neo-Renaissance, which in harmony and combination with each other make this palace quite remarkable. The palace stands on the top of
Sintra hill surrounded by the lush greenery. Visitors are happy to take the time to buy tickets since they surely won’t be disappointed by their visit to this extraordinary palace, which appears like a fairytale castle right from the great. Each section of the exterior is individually adorned with vivid colors, but all the while remaining harmonious with each other. Once upon a time, this castle was seat to the Royal family who built it in a North African style, with round towers, onion domes, yellow walls and blue tiles carved with statues of sea monsters and corals. The oratory was designed as a medieval fortress with pink walls, while the reception hall follows a Gothic style with grey stones surrounded by a courtyard that displays temperate and tropical plants, such as camellias and cycads. TRAVELLIVE
POETIC OLD TOWN What has impressed me most about Sintra is the way in which locals and visitors alike enjoy the beautiful life here. Sintra is small and quaint but lovely and alluring. The old town with its small houses painted in white and adorned with colorful ceramic tiles are all individually and harmoniously fascinating. The zigzag of cobble roads leads you to local bars and lovely souvenir shops. Charmingly uneven white walls are highlighted with amusing signs over which flower baskets quiver in the autumn wind. The colorful ceramic products displayed in various shops are mesmerizing. After thousands of years, ceramic arts in Portugal are still notable and draw a large number of visitors to see their works. Not only do the paintings on these ceramics bear witness to the value of a unique culture, but every work showcases the creativity and talent of each individual artist.
PORTUGUESE CUISINE Without a doubt, you can find delicious and flavorful food throughout Portugal thanks to its impressive and fertile nature as well as its long history of fishing. Seafood here is among the finest in the world. There is also a wide variety of seafood available in every restaurant ranging from the affordable to the luxurious. But on any menu, it is nearly impossible to go without Bacalhau. Bacalhau is dried and salted codfish. Almost every visitor to Portugal wishes to try this special dish. The
codfish is first salted and dried under the hot sun. This ancient method of preservation makes it possible to store indefinitely. Secondly to cook this special dish, it is said that more than 200 recipes exist. However, baking is the prefered way to retain its fresh flavor while locals also indulge in making cakes from codfish.
ortugal is renowned for its soups and stews. I was advised by a local to try caldo verde. This soup is made from sliced soft cabbage, potato, onion, garlic and olive oil. Also, I swear I can still taste the caramel ice cream made from syrup that I ate, with its toppings of cheese, rice pudding, and cinnamon powder. The aroma of sweet pudding and cinnamon will make you want to eat another one right after you have just finished the first. Though I only stayed here one day, Sintra is always in my mind because of the sweet and meaningful memories I have from there. The town with its beauty and Iberian cultural values has helped me better understand the concept and benefits of a slower lifestyle. The space in which the life takes place in Sintra seems to be worlds away from the world’s dramatic changes. Sintra lives on like a sweet dream for art lovers, as well as for me, it is a place I will always remember. Further information: ü After travelling by plane from HCMC to Lisbon, you can take a train or bus to Sintra. The journey from Lisbon to Sintra takes about 1 hour. But you can also try an auto rickshaw (or tuk tuk) to better admire the beautiful roads or occasionally stop to explore the surroundings. For more information please visit www. ü Hotel: you can find hotels near the center ranging from 50 to 100 Euros. ü Cuisine: Located on the Iberian peninsula, Sintra offers you a variety of fresh seafood. Don’t forget to try bacalhau, Portugal’s famous and unique dried and salted codfish.
Bµi: ß∆ng Linh Ånh: nhi“u nguÂn
VÌi chi“u dµi kho∂ng 7km, chi“u rÈng ch≠a tÌi 1km t›nh Î Æi”m hãp nh†t, hn Æ∂o h◊nh b≠u thi’p, Boracay, Philippines Æ≠Óc tπp ch› Travel + Leisure b◊nh ch‰n lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng hn Æ∂o Æãp nh†t th’ giÌi n®m 2012. Hn Æ∂o thi™n Æ≠Íng vÌi nh˜ng b∑i c∏t dµi træng mn, n≠Ìc bi”n xanh trong, hoµng h´n r˘c rÏ cÔng nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng thÛ v tr™n bi”n chæc chæn sœ lµ mÈt s˘ l˘a ch‰n tuy÷t vÍi cho chuy’n tr®ng mÀt cÒa c∏c c∆p Æ´i.
T‰a lπc Î Malay, Aklan, ph›a T©y Visayas, Boracay vÌi c∏t træng, bi”n xanh, r∆ng dıa t≠¨i m∏t vµ ∏nh chi“u vµng r˘c sœ nh≠ mÈt c©y bÛt mµu di÷u k◊ vœ nh˜ng nät Æ«u ti™n cho b¯c tranh cuÈc sËng cÒa c∆p Æ´i mÌi c≠Ìi. B· lπi sau l≠ng nh˜ng lo læng cho cuÈc sËng, h∑y cÔng bπn ÆÍi tÀn h≠Îng vfi ng‰t hπnh phÛc tr™n hfln Æ∂o thi™n Æ≠Íng nµy.
NGÅ L¶NG TR£N CÉT TR¿NG, TH¶ GIÇN NG¿M BIÕN XANH QuËc Æ∂o Philippines vËn nÊi ti’ng vÌi nh˜ng b∑i bi”n xinh Æãp, sœ chºng c„ g◊ ngπc nhi™n khi du kh∏ch Æ“u ngÏ ngµng vµ d‘ dµng bfi m™ ho∆c bÎi vŒ Æãp t˘ nhi™n cÒa nh˜ng b∑i bi”n nµy. Nh≠ng n’u chÿ c„ th” ch‰n mÈt, h∑y Æ’n Boracay, mÈt trong “Nh˜ng hfln Æ∂o Æãp nh†t th’ giÌi” do ÆÈc gi∂ tπp ch› Travel + Leisure b◊nh ch‰n. Cfln g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n khi hai bπn c„ th” th≠ gi∑n b™n nhau tr™n b∑i c∏t dµi træng mfin, l†p l∏nh cÔng lµn n≠Ìc trong veo, ™m Æ“m cÒa White Beach hay th◊ th«m b™n tai nhau nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n t©m t◊nh sau
Æ∏m c≠Ìi trong kh´ng gian y™n b◊nh, t‹nh l∆ng cÒa b∑i bi”n Puka. H∑y Æ” nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n vui, nh˜ng chia sŒ ng‰t ngµo cÒa hai ng≠Íi hfla cÔng ti’ng s„ng x´ bÍ, tπo n™n mÈt b∂n giao h≠Îng læng s©u hπnh phÛc.
SïNG LõN GIï MÑNH, VUI L¶õT VÉN BU¤M Kh∏c White Beach vµ Puka y™n b◊nh, Bulabog Beach, bÍ bi”n ph›a Æ´ng hfln Æ∂o Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æfia Æi”m l≠Ìt v∏n hµng Æ«u ch©u É. Nh˜ng con s„ng lÌn tung b‰t træng x„a, nh˜ng c¨n gi„ mπnh lµ Æi“u ki÷n l˝ t≠Îng Æ” l≠Ìt v∏n buÂm tr™n bi”n hay thˆ th∏ch b∂n th©n vÌi nh˜ng trfl ch¨i mπo hi”m. Bπn c„ th” d‘ dµng
LÉP LÉNH ÉNH ßáN, NHóN NHëP TIåC ߣM Chuy’n tr®ng mÀt cÒa bπn sœ kh„ c„ th” tr‰n vãn n’u nh≠ hai bπn kh´ng cÔng tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng kh› s´i ÆÈng cÒa nh˜ng b˜a ti÷c ban Æ™m tr™n bi”n. Trong ∏nh ÆÃn lung linh cÒa c∏c qu∏n bar hay c©u lπc bÈ tr™n bi”n, h∑y cÔng thˆ mÈt chÛt d uËng vµ nh˜ng m„n ®n quen thuÈc cÒa ng≠Íi d©n. N’u y™u th›ch vŒ b◊nh y™n cÒa Boracay v“ Æ™m, hai bπn c„ th” tay trong tay dπo quanh bÍ bi”n, nghe ti’ng s„ng vÁ nhã vµo bÍ c∏t, xa xa Æ©u Æ„ lµ ti’ng c≠Íi n„i cÒa ng≠Íi d©n vµ kh∏ch du lfich, ho∆c dıng ch©n tπi mÈt khu chÓ Æ™m, sæm cho m◊nh nh˜ng m„n quµ Æ∏ng y™u vÌi gi∏ c˘c hÍi.
thu™ c∏c thi’t bfi c«n thi’t vµ tung m◊nh tr™n nh˜ng ng‰n s„ng hay nhÍ nh˜ng h≠Ìng d…n vi™n chuy™n nghi÷p chÿ d…n tÀn t◊nh. VÌi mÈt chi’c dÔ lÌn, thˆ t≠Îng t≠Óng xem, hai bπn sœ hπnh phÛc th’ nµo khi c„ th” cÔng næm tay nhau, tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng gi©y phÛt tuy÷t vÍi vµ ngæm nh◊n hfln Æ∂o long lanh nh≠ ng‰c b›ch tı tr™n cao. Ngoµi ra, n’u hi’u k◊ h¨n, h∑y thu™ Æ l∆n vµ kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi sinh vÀt bi”n k◊ thÛ Î Crocodile Island hay nh∂y tı tr™n m·m nÛi Ariel’s Point xuËng m∆t n≠Ìc trong nh≠ pha l™ b™n d≠Ìi. Sau khi th·a th›ch tr∂i nghi÷m c∏c m´n th” thao nµy, bπn c„ th” th≠ gi∑n tπi c∏c spa cao c†p, th≠Îng th¯c m„n sinh tË xoµi ngon tuy÷t hay ng©m m◊nh trong h b¨i rÈng Æ’n v´ tÀn Î Shangri-La Resort & Spa.
WILLY’S ROCK TRONG HOÄNG H§N R#C Rö Sœ kh„ c„ th” kh´ng xi™u lflng
tr≠Ìc c∂nh hoµng h´n Î Willy’ Rock, h◊nh ∂nh bi”u t≠Óng cÒa Boracay. Nªm ngay khu Station 1 cÒa White Beach, c∏ch bÍ bi”n kho∂ng 100m, vÌi t≠Óng ߯c mã ßÂng trinh Maria Î tr™n cÔng, m·m Æ∏ nµy Æ≠Óc coi lµ Æfia Æi”m l› t≠Îng nh†t Æ” chÙp ∂nh Î Boracay. ßãp h¨n t†t c∂ nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh bπn Æ∑ tıng xem v“ n¨i nµy, h∑y tÀn mæt ch¯ng ki’n c∂nh t≠Óng khi’n hµng ngµn kh∏ch du lfich xuy’n xao mÁi khi Æ’n Æ©y. Tr≠Ìc mæt hai bπn lµ m∆t trÍi r˘c Æ· ph›a ch©n trÍi, bu´ng nh˜ng tia næng cuËi ngµy xuËng m∆t n≠Ìc bi”n l†p l∏nh, nhuÈm vµng kh´ng gian bao la cÒa Ɔt trÍi. Trong khung c∂nh l∑ng mπn, b◊nh y™n †y h∑y nhã Æ∆t l™n m´i nµng mÈt nÙ h´n, d˘a vµo vai nhau vµ tÀn h≠Îng kho∂nh khæc nh≠ thÍi gian dıng lπi. Hai bπn cÚng c„ th” thu™ mÈt chi’c thuy“n nh·, Æ’n g«n h¨n vÌi m·m Æ∏ Willy, Æ” ∏nh hoµng h´n ngÀp trµn khoang thuy“n, l∑ng mπn, gi∂n dfi nh≠ ch›nh t◊nh y™u dµi l©u cÒa hai ng≠Íi.
Hfln Æ∂o xinh Æãp vµ ÆÈc Æ∏o nµy cfln nhi“u Æi“u tuy÷t vÍi h¨n n˜a Æang chÍ hai bπn kh∏m ph∏. H∑y Æ” chuy’n tr®ng mÀt cÒa hai bπn ngÀp trµn hπnh phÛc vÌi nh˜ng m∂ng mµu cÒa Boracay, thi™n Æ≠Íng t◊nh y™u. TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü Hµnh tr◊nh: Tı Hµ NÈi, bπn c„ th” bay tÌi Malina vÌi c∏c chuy’n bay vµo th¯ T≠, th¯ S∏u vµ ChÒ nhÀt hµng tu«n cÒa h∑ng hµng kh´ng Cebu Pacific. Tı Manila bay thºng Æ’n Kalibo. vµ Æi xe bu˝t kho∂ng 1 giÍ 30 phÛt Æ’n Boracay. ü ¬m th˘c: »m th˘c Boracay r†t phong phÛ, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n ®n cÒa Trung QuËc, ƒn ßÈ, Mexico, Ph∏p... thÀm ch› c∂ Morocco. ß∆c bi÷t, Æıng b· lÏ nh˜ng m„n h∂i s∂n ngon tuy÷t Î Æ©y. ü Ph≠¨ng ti÷n Æi lπi: ü Hai bπn c„ th” Æi dπo d‰c b∑i bi”n, thu™ xe Æπp vÌi gi∏ 50 PHP/giÍ (25.000 VND/giÍ) ho∆c xe ba b∏nh vÌi gi∏ kho∂ng 5 Æ’n 20PHP. ü ß∆t tour: bπn c„ th” d‘ dµng Æ∆t vä qua chi nh∏nh Hµ NÈi cÒa Viettravel. SË 3 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi. ßi÷n thoπi: 04 3971 1156/ 0983 046 650. ü, www. ü TÊng cÙc Du lch Philippines ü Website: www.
travel Text: Linh Dang
Photo: many photographers
Only 7km long and 1km wide at the narrowest point, the postcard-shaped island, Boracay, in the Philippines, was voted by Travel + Leisure Magazine as one of the most beautiful islands in the world in 2012. This paradise island with long white-sand beaches, blue sea, colorful sunset and an array of exciting activities is surely the best destination for your perfect honeymoon.
Located in Malay, Aklan, in the west of Visayas, Boracay of vivid colours of the white beach, green palms, blue water and blazing red sunset will draw the first beautiful lines on the picture of your new life together. So leave all your worries behind and enjoy your sweet honeymoon on this paradise island.
White sand beaches, blue water and sky There is no doubt that any visitor coming to this island country is amazed by the pristine beauty of its beaches. However, if you can only choose one of them, then Boracay, one of the most beautiful islands in the world voted by Travel + Leisure’s readers, should be the one. There would be nothing better than immersing yourself in the sparking blue water and becoming completely relaxed by the powdery sand of White Beach or whispering a few sweet stories and sharing your feelings after the wedding
in the tranquil space of Puka Beach. Let the sounds of sea breeze and waves touch the shoreline, together with your jokes and sweet conversation, create a sentimental melody of happiness.
High wind and rolling wave Unlike the calm water of White Beach and Puka Beach, Bugalog Beach, located on the eastern side of the island, is one of the Asia’s most attractive destinations for kite surfers.
Higher wind and rolling waves with white foam combine to create a fantastic environment for you to windsurf or challenge yourselves with other adventurous water sports. You can easily rent the necessary equipment or find a professional instructor, then carve your own paths through the waves. With a big parachute, imagine how amazing it is if you and your life partner can hold hands and enjoy exciting moments while seeing the sea sparking like sapphire below. If you prefer a more thrilling
and interesting trip, you can go scuba diving to explore the diversity of the marine life around Crocodile Island or test the level of your bravery by taking the plunge from Ariel’s Point into the crystalline water below. After all the sports, indulge in a luxurious massage right on the beach, enjoy a healthy mango shake or take a relaxing dip in the infinity pool of the Shangri-La Resort and Spa, with its mesmerizing view of the sea.
Colorful sunset from Willy’s Rock It is easy to fall in love with the glorious sunset at Willy’s Rock, the iconic landmark of Boracay. Situated one hundred meters off shore, in the shallow water near Boat Station 1,Willy’s Rock, with a statue of the Virgin Mary on the top, is the most photographed on the island. Forget all the beautiful pictures of this place that you have ever seen, just enjoy the enchanting scene of the sunset which touches the soul of thousands of visitors, and save it in your own mind. In front of your eyes is the reflection of a fiery red sun ripping through the sparking ocean, making the immense sky more magical. In this romantic space, kiss your partner softly, sit shoulder to shoulder without talking to take in these sweet moments. Time will stop for you. You can also rent a kayak to travel around the cliff and let the red, orange rays fill your boat. The scene is simple and romantic like your faithful and long lasting love. Your honeymoon journey will not really be complete without the effervescent atmosphere
FURTHER INFORMATION ü Itinerary: Cebu Pacific flies to Manila from Hanoi on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. From Manila, you can flies directly to Kalibo. It takes about 90 minutes to travel by bus from Kalibo to Boracay. ü Food: Boracay provides you a wide culinary selection including cuisine of China, India, Mexico, France and even Morocco. Do not forget to try fresh seafood here. ü Transportation: ü You can walk along the beach, rent a bicycle for PHP 50/hour or a tricycle for PHP5- PHP20. 1PHP ~ VND500 ü Tour: you can easily book a tour through Vietravel Hanoi Branch. 03 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Tel: 04 3971 1156/ 0983 046 650. Website:, www. ü Philippines Tourism Vietnam: Website: www.
of the night life on the beach. Walk along the shoreline, stop at a bar or club glistening in lights and enjoy a few sips and a good groove. Boracay appears to boast a new beauty far different from that in the daytime. If the party lifestyle is not for the two of you, then you can stroll down the beach, listen to the melody of the waves and hear some people laughing far away or find a bargain at the night market. This beautiful and unparalleled island offers far more than your expectations. Explore and make your honeymoon full of happiness with the colours of Boracay, a love paradise. TRAVELLIVE
Photos & descriptions: Rähahn Croquevielle
Tıng lµ chÒ mÈt c´ng ty v“ qu∂ng c∏o, marketing, in †n vµ r†t thµnh c´ng Î tuÊi 21, tuy vÀy, khi Æ∑ bän duy™n Vi÷t Nam, Rähahn (*) quy’t Ænh b∏n t†t c∂ vµ tı n®m 2011 tÌi HÈi An sËng mÈt cuÈc sËng b◊nh d. Nh≠ mÈt chuy™n gia s®n ∂nh th˘c thÙ, Rahahn Æi m‰i n¨i bªng xe m∏y, ngÒ Î nhµ nghÿ, ®n c¨m b◊nh d©n... vµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam anh g∆p khi’n anh vui c∂ ngµy. Rähahn (*) was very successful with his printing and marketing company at the age of 21. However, after falling in love with Vietnam, in 2011, he decided to relocate to Hoi An to enjoy a simple and quite life there. With his passion for photography, he travels by motorbike, stays at hostels, eats frugal meals and meets Vietnamese people. All of that makes him happy every day.
MÈt trong nh˜ng tË ch†t quan tr‰ng nh†t ÆËi vÌi mÈt nhi’p ∂nh gia, theo Rähahn, ch›nh lµ ph∂i bi’t chÌp l†y nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc. Rähahn r†t chÛ tr‰ng Æ’n tıng kho∂nh khæc tπo n™n Æi”m s∏ng cho b¯c ∂nh, nh≠ nh˜ng g◊ ÆÈc gi∂ c„ th” c∂m nhÀn qua bÈ ∂nh nµy. Rähahn chia sŒ vÌi ÆÈc gi∂ Travellive nh˜ng t∏c ph»m mµ anh ≠ng ˝ nh†t Æ≠Óc ch‰n l‰c tı h¨n 35.000 b¯c ∂nh chÙp trong thÍi gian 7 n®m chu du mÈt ph«n t≠ d∂i Ɔt h◊nh ch˜ S bªng xe m∏y, ph≠¨ng ti÷n di chuy”n phÊ bi’n tπi Vi÷t Nam. TH¶ GIÇN CùNG KHïI THUˇC Tπi phi™n chÓ Bæc Hµ, ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng H’Mong Æang hÛt thuËc lµo nh≠ th„i quen cÒa m◊nh mÁi s∏ng ChÒ nhÀt. SMOKING TIME In Bac Ha market, this H’Mong man is smoking Thuoc Lao as his habit every Sunday morning.
From Rähahn’s point of view, one of the most significant qualities of a photographer is the ability to capture random and natural moments. Rähahn pays great attention to each moment to produce highlights in his photos that allows viewers to discover for themselves the beauty of them, especially in this collection. During his seven years travelling on his motorbike, covering a quarter of the country, Rähahn has captured more than 35,000 photos and he would like to share with Travellive’s readers his most favored ones.
SUNG Sung lµ mÈt c´ bä H’Mong 4 tuÊi. Khi t´i g∆p c´ bä, em Æang Ưng mÈt m◊nh tr™n Æ≠Íng. Nh˜ng nät vœ tr™n m∆t em c„ lœ lµ do mÈt tr ch¨i cÒa lÚ trŒ. Sung is a 4-year-old H’Mong girl. She was alone on the road when I met her. The lines on her face are probably the result of a children’s game. TRAVELLIVE
AN PH¶õC C´ bä d©n tÈc Ch®m 7 tuÊi c„ Æ´i mæt mµu xanh giËng nh≠ ´ng cË cÒa em, mÈt ng≠Íi Ph∏p. A young Cham ethnic girl. She has blue eyes like her great grandfather, a French man. An Phuoc is 7 years old.
§ng X™, 91 tuÊi vµ bµ LÓi, 83 tuÊi, sËng Î lµng Trµ Qu’, g«n HÈi An. H‰ trÂng rau vµ b∏n Î chÓ. Hµng ngµy, h‰ th¯c dÀy lÛc 5 giÍ Æ” lµm vi÷c tr≠Ìc khi trÍi s∏ng. OLD COUPLE Mr Xe, 91 years old, and Mrs. Loi, 83 years old, are living in Tra Que Village. They grow vegetables to sell at the local market. Everyday they wake up at 5am and work before sunrise
NG¶òI H’MONG ô SAPA 4 c´ bä H’Mong Ưng g«n xem t´i chÙp c∂nh hoµng h´n. T´i Æ∑ cË gæng t◊m mÈt cˆ chÿ Æ∏ng y™u nµo Æ„, vµ t´i th™m b¯c ∂nh nµy vµo bÈ s≠u tÀp “Hidden Smile” (NÙ c≠Íi »n gi†u) cÒa m◊nh. H’MONG PEOPLE IN SAPA 4 girls were standing near me when I took photos at sunset. I tried to find a funny gesture, then I added a new photo to my “Hidden Smile” collection.
N| C¶òI ¬N GIƒU Ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ nµy t™n lµ BÔi Th S´ng. N®m nay bµ Æ∑ 78 tuÊi vµ v…n Æang ki’m sËng tr™n thuy“n Î HÈi An. Hµng ngµy, bµ chÃo thuy“n, Æ≠a kh∏ch du lch tham quan tr™n s´ng. 1 Euro cho 1 chuy’n dµi 30 phÛt. Bµ chÃo thuy“n ngµy nµy qua ngµy kh∏c, n®m nµy qua n®m kh∏c. B¯c ∂nh nµy Æ≠Óc dÔng lµm b◊a cho cuËn s∏ch “Vietnam, mosaic of contrasts” cÒa t´i. HIDDEN SMILE This lady is Bui Thi Song. She is 78 years old and still works on her boat in Hoi An. Everyday she rows her boat for tourists on the river. It costs 1 euro for a 30 minute trip. She works everyday, all year. This photo is the cover of the book “Vietnam - Mosaic of contrasts”.
MÄU CHÄM Chµm lµ mÈt loµi c©y Æ≠Óc ng≠Íi H’Mong sˆ dÙng Æ” nhuÈm qu«n ∏o. Do vÀy, tay h‰ th≠Íng c„ mµu chµm. INDIGO DYE Indigo is a kind of plant used to dye clothes by H’Mong people. Their hands always remain colored.
NH~NG CON PHˇ ô HóI AN PhË cÊ HÈi An Æ∑ Æ≠Óc UNESSCO c´ng nhÀn lµ Di s∂n th’ giÌi. HÈi An, vÌi ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n thu hÛt nhi“u kh∏ch du lch quËc t’ Æ’n th®m nh†t tπi Vi÷t Nam. Nh˜ng b¯c t≠Íng mµu vµng b ∂nh h≠Îng bÎi n≠Ìc lÚ mÁi n®m. Khu v˘c Æi bÈ c„ lœ lµ n¨i Æãp nh†t cÒa phË cÊ. Khu v˘c nµy chÿ c„ xe Æπp vµ con ng≠Íi. MÁi s∏ng, ∏nh næng hæt l™n b¯c t≠Íng mÈt mµu vµng cÊ Æi”n. Bπn sœ c„ c∂m gi∏c nh≠ Æ≠Óc trÎ v“ nh˜ng thÍi xa cÚ khi Æi bÈ Î Æ©y vµo nh˜ng s∏ng sÌm. Kh∏ch du lch th≠Îng Æ’n sau 9 giÍ s∏ng, vÀy n™n bπn sœ chÿ g∆p nh˜ng ng≠Íi d©n Æa ph≠¨ng. STREETS OF HOI AN Hoi An has been recognized by UNESSCO as a World Heritage site. It is one of the most visited destination because of its architecture. The yellow walls are damaged by the floods every year. In the glow of the morning light, they become golden. The walking area is the best part of this city. No motorbikes, no cars, you can only see people and bicycles. Tourists often arrive here after 9am; so it can feel like being back in the old days while walking and meeting only local people.
V≈ NHÄ (HóI AN) B¯c ∂nh nµy Æ≠Óc chÙp Î Trµ Qu’, mÈt ng´i lµng nh· g«n HÈi An. T´i Æ∑ ÆÓi r†t l©u Æ” chÙp ai Æ„ Æi qua c«u. B¯c ∂nh c„ th” Æ∆t t™n lµ “Ng≠Íi Ƶn ´ng cuËi cÔng”. BACK HOME (HOI AN) This photo was taken in Tra Que, a small village near Hoi An. I was waiting a long time to catch someone on the bridge. This photo could be well very named: The last man.
KIM LU¢N C´ bä 6 tuÊi ng≠Íi M’Nong sËng Î T©y Nguy™n. M’Nong lµ d©n tÈc thi”u sË duy nh†t sËng cÔng vÌi voi. B¯c ∂nh Æ≠Óc chÙp Î Bu´n Ma ThuÈt. Kim Lu©n vµ chÛ voi cÒa em. She is 6 years old and is a member of the M’Nong ethnic group in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. This ethnic minority is the only one to live with elephants. This photo was taken in Buon Ma Thuot. Kim Luan and her elephant.
2 ANH EM Î NINH B◊NH Chu V®n Nh©m (83 tuÊi) vµ Chu V®n Th◊n (76 tuÊi) lµ hai anh em, cÔng sËng Î Ninh B◊nh. N®m ngo∏i, t´i Æ’n Æ©y Æ” t∆ng h‰ quy”n s∏ch cÒa m◊nh vµ h‰ ÆÂng ˝ cho t´i chÙp ∂nh. Tr≠Ìc khi t´i chÙp, h‰ chÿnh lπi r©u.
2 BROTHERS IN NINH BINH Chu Van Nham (83 years old) and Chu Van Thin (76 years old) are siblings living in Ninh Binh. I went there to give them my book last summer and they allowed me to take some photos. Before shooting, they prepared their beards and I took this photo.
LÄNG RAU TRÄ QU⁄ Ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ giµ Æang h∏i rau vµo lÛc chi“u tËi Æ” sÌm mai Æem ra chÓ b∏n. TRA QUE VILLAGE This old lady was cutting vegetables at the end of the day to sell them at the market very early the next morning.
Th§ng tin th£m: ü (*) Rähahn Croquevielle lµ t∏c gi∂ cuËn s∏ch ∂nh ®n kh∏ch “Vietnam - Mosaic of Contrasts” (tπm dch: Vi÷t Nam - nh˜ng m∂nh ghäp cÒa s˘ t≠¨ng ph∂n). Anh sinh n®m 1979 Î Normandie, vÔng t©y bæc n≠Ìc Ph∏p. Nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m qu˝ gi∏ tr™n hµnh tr◊nh Æi qua h¨n 30 quËc gia tr™n th’ giÌi Æ∑ Æi vµo nh˜ng t∏c ph»m cÒa Rehahn. Vµ chÛng nhanh ch„ng trÎ n™n nÊi ti’ng sau khi xu†t hi÷n tr™n c∏c †n b∂n hµng Æ«u th’ giÌi nh≠ Actu Photo, National Geographic, Los Angeles Times, Asia Life, World Magazine... FURTHER INFORMATION ü (*) Rähahn Croquevielle is the author of the famous book, “Vietnam - Mosaic of Contrasts”. He was born in 1979 in Normandy, France. Through his photos, Rähahn shares with viewers thousands of stories and precious experiences he has gained during his journey to explore more than 30 countries in the world. ü His hard work has been gratified by the recognition of some very prominent magazines such as Actu Photo, National Geographic, Los Angeles Times, Asia Life, and World Magazine.
Bµi vµ ∂nh: Junie Nguyen
Sau h¨n 1 giÍ bay tı Bangkok tr™n chuy’n bay cÒa Air Asia, t´i Æ∆t ch©n xuËng s©n bay quËc t’ Yangon vµo kho∂ng 5 r≠Ïi chi“u. Næng hoµng h´n käo tıng d∂i dµi vµ hãp qua nh˜ng ´ k›nh khu v˘c check in s©n bay. Chÿ bæt Æ«u mÎ cˆa thu hÛt kh∏ch du lch kho∂ng vµi n®m trÎ lπi Æ©y n™n kh´ng kh› s©n bay Yangon kh∏ væng vŒ. ô qu«y check in, sau khi Æ„ng d†u nhÀp c∂nh vµo hÈ chi’u cho t´i xong cÚng lµ lÛc chÛ nh©n vi™n h∂i quan - Mr Oong k’t thÛc ca tr˘c. §ng nhi÷t t◊nh h≠Ìng d…n t´i Æi t◊m qu«y ÆÊi ti“n vµ vui vŒ trfl chuy÷n cÔng t´i lÛc chÍ taxi Æi vµo trung t©m thµnh phË. Khi nghe t´i k” v“ chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh cÒa m◊nh vÌi chi’c thŒ Asean Pass cÒa Air Asia ´ng Æ∑ t· ra r†t th›ch thÛ. Kh´ng nh˜ng th’, ´ng cfln n„i sœ l™n ngay trang web cÒa h∑ng t◊m hi”u th™m th´ng tin v“ nh˜ng ti÷n ›ch tı t†m thŒ Æ∆c bi÷t nµy, c„ th” ´ng sœ Æ∆t mua Asean Pass nh≠ mÈt m„n quµ cho cÀu con trai sæp tËt nghi÷p Æπi h‰c cÒa m◊nh.
NhÍ s˘ giÛp ÆÏ cÒa Mr Oong, t´i Æ∑ bæt Æ≠Óc taxi Æi v“ khu v˘c trung t©m. C∂m nhÀn Æ«u ti™n cÒa t´i v“ Yangon k” tı khi b≠Ìc l™n xe cho tÌi khi nhÀn phflng Î kh∏ch sπn Æ„ lµ thµnh phË nµy c„ mÈt mÔi h≠¨ng r†t Æ∆c bi÷t, th©n quen nh≠ng kh´ng lµm sao Ɖc Æ≠Óc thµnh t™n. Nh˜ng b®n kho®n †y thÀm ch› cfln theo t´i vµo tÀn gi†c ngÒ. M†t kho∂ng g«n nˆa ti’ng Æ” t´i v“ tÌi kh∏ch sπn nªm trong khu v˘c downtown cÒa Yangon. Tr™n Æ≠Íng Æi, t´i Æ” ˝ th†y kh´ng chÿ phÙ n˜ mµ r†t nhi“u Ƶn ´ng Î Æ©y Æ“u m∆c mÈt loπi v∏y dµi tÌi g«n mæt c∏ ch©n vµ thoa ph†n tr™n m∆t. T´i c„ h·i th◊ Æ≠Óc anh tµi x’ gi∂i th›ch Æ„ lµ trang phÙc truy“n thËng - longyi. H‰ m∆c trang phÙc nµy trong m‰i
sinh hoπt ÆÍi sËng, dÔ lµ khi l∏i xe, Æi bÈ, hay tham d˘ nh˜ng buÊi ti÷c quan tr‰ng. Cfln loπi bÈt ph†n t´i nh◊n th†y c„ t™n lµ Thanakha, vıa Æ” lµm Æãp vıa c„ c´ng dÙng tr∏nh næng vµ gi˜ »m cho da, cÚng lµ nät Æ∆c sæc trong v®n h„a Mi’n ßi÷n. H«u nh≠ m‰i thæc mæc cÒa t´i Æ“u Æ≠Óc anh gi∂i Æ∏p tÿ mÿ, d‘ hi”u, tr≠Ìc khi xuËng xe t´i cfln anh Æ≠Óc t∆ng mÈt t†m b∂n Æ nho nh· vÌi c∏c th´ng tin h˜u ›ch v“ du lfich Yangon. Trong thÍi gian t´i Î lπi Yangon, nh˜ng c¨n m≠a rµo Æ’n vµ Æi d≠Íng nh≠ r†t c„ “thÍi gian bi”u”, Æ“u Æ∆n vµ ÆÛng giÍ, lu´n vµo kho∂ng thÍi gian cÒa b˜a tr≠a vµ b˜a tËi. Sau nµy, khi rÍi Yangon, t´i v…n lu´n g‰i Æ„ lµ nh˜ng c¨n m≠a k˙ di÷u.
ßi“u k˙ di÷u Æ«u ti™n lµ Doek Heon. Chi“u h´m Æ„, khi t´i vıa kfip käo hµnh l˝ v“ Æ’n cˆa Willow Inn th◊ trÍi käo m©y Æen rÂi ÆÊ c¨n m≠a rµo. V…n cfln lÛng tÛng vÌi ÆËng hµnh l˝ vµ d∑y bÀc thang cÚ k¸ cÒa Willow Inn th◊ ng»ng Æ«u, t´i th†y mÈt cÀu chµng cÚng hµnh l˝ lÿnh k›nh vµ ≠Ìt sÚng n≠Ìc Ưng b™n cπnh. LÛc †y, t´i kh´ng h“ bi’t rªng, cÀu †y sœ lµ ng≠Íi ÆÂng hµnh vÌi m◊nh trong nh˜ng ngµy Î Yangon. Nh˜ng ngµy sau Æ„, chÛng t´i cÔng nhau lang thang Yangon tÌi nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh mang d†u †n thuÈc Æfia Anh nh≠ Qu∂ng tr≠Íng trung t©m rÈng lÌn, B∂o tµng QuËc gia væng vŒ, ChÓ Bogyoke s∆c sÏ, khu China Town t†p nÀp, cÔng nhau qu˙ d≠Ìi nh˜ng tfla th∏p cao vÛt Î Sule vµ Shwedagon Pagoda, cÔng nhau th„t tim vÌi nh˜ng l«n sang Æ≠Íng “th«n tËc”, cÔng nhau th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng m„n ®n lπ lÔng cÒa x¯ sÎ nµy... vµ thÀm ch› cÔng nhau say ngµ ngµ khi ®n thˆ mi’ng tr«u Î mÈt qu∏n vÿa hÃ. Nhæc tÌi tr«u, tÌi ngµy th¯ hai Î Yangon, t´i mÌi nhÀn ra l˝ do v◊ sao m◊nh th†y n¨i nµy c„ mÔi h≠¨ng th©n quen tÌi vÀy, Æ„ lµ mÔi tr«u, mÔi cÒa bµ tı thuÎ th¨ †u. Tr«u xu†t hi÷n Î m‰i n¨i, trong nh˜ng ng´i nhµ, trong qu∏n ®n, trong g„i nh· Æ” tr™n xe taxi... N’u nh≠ Î Vi÷t Nam Ƶn ´ng hÛt thuËc th◊ Î Æ©y, Ƶn ´ng Myanmar ®n tr«u. MÈt th¯ mÔi h≠¨ng Æ∆c bi÷t, d‘ chfiu vµ nÂng †m. Yangon c„ nh˜ng qu«n th” chÔa chi“n hoµnh tr∏ng. Nh˜ng m∏i chÔa d∏t vµng sıng s˜ng, l†p l∏nh trong ∏nh næng vµ lung linh d≠Ìi c¨n m≠a mµ chºng c«n s˘ trÓ giÛp cÒa ÆÃn Æi÷n. Nh≠ng cÚng kh´ng h“ kh„ n’u muËn t◊m mÈt nhµ thÍ Thi™n ChÛa hay th∏nh Æ≠Íng HÂi Gi∏o bÎi theo dflng ch∂y lfich sˆ, nhi“u
tÈc ng≠Íi Æ∑ Æ’n Æfinh c≠, bi’n Yangon thµnh vÔng Ɔt Æa t´n gi∏o. Ngay qu∂ng tr≠Íng trung t©m, ÆËi di÷n Òy ban Thµnh phË lµ ChÔa Sule, Î hai b™n chÔa lµ mÈt nhµ thÍ Thi™n ChÛa vµ mÈt Æ“n thÍ Æπo HÂi. Kh´ng h“ c„ s˘ b†t Ên! Yangon nhi“u c©y n™n r†t xanh. Hai b™n Æ≠Íng lµ d∑y c©y cao, c„ nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng rÓp b„ng dıa, b„ng c‰... BuÊi chi“u Î Yangon, t´i vµ Deok Heon hay Æi bÈ tı Willow Inn tÌi c´ng vi™n h Kandwagyi to rÈng Æ” h„ng gi„, ≠Ìp xanh ng∏t cÒa Yangon vµo tim m◊nh. ßi tr™n con Æ≠Íng l∏t gÁ ven hÂ, ph›a d≠Ìi lµ m∆t n≠Ìc phºng l∆ng, b™n tr™n lµ nh˜ng t∏n c©y xanh ngæt, thÿnh tho∂ng th∂ nh˜ng næm th„c ra ph›a tr≠Ìc chÍ Æµn b c©u Ôa xuËng nh∆t ®n, chÛng t´i chia sŒ vÌi nhau nhi“u h¨n v“ suy ngh‹ ri™ng, h∏t cho nhau nghe, c„ c≠Íi, c„ kh„c... Yangon b◊nh y™n Æ’n nÁi t´i lu´n th†y Yangon buÂn. Nh≠ng nÁi buÂn †y l†p l∏nh nh≠ nh˜ng l«n thÎ dµi cÒa tuÊi trŒ. Ngµy cuËi cÔng tr≠Ìc khi rÍi Yangon, sau ch∆ng Æ≠Íng dµi cuËc bÈ tı China Town, t´i vµ Heon Deok ch‰n dıng lπi d‰c con Æ≠Íng xanh ng∏t bæc ngang Æ≠Íng tµu cÚ k¸, khi †y chÛng t´i v…n cfln m™ m∂i vÌi nh˜ng ˝ ngh‹ bÀn rÈn cÒa ri™ng m◊nh. C¨n m≠a chi“u “Æ∆c s∂n” lπi tÌi. ChÛng t´i Æ∑ lo sÓ, Æ∑ ph†n kh›ch, Æ∑ vui s≠Ìng tæm m◊nh trong c¨n m≠a †y Æ” tÌi nÁi chi’c taxi Æ«u ti™n ÆÁ lπi Æ∑ tı chËi v◊ kh´ng muËn chÎ hai “con chuÈt cËng” sÚng n≠Ìc.
C¨n m≠a †y k˙ di÷u, nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n Æ≠Óc k” d≠Ìi con Æ≠Íng Yangon xanh ngæt †y k˙ di÷u, vµ bªng mÈt c∏ch k˙ di÷u nµo Æ„, Yangon khi’n tr∏i tim chÛng t´i y™n t‹nh trÎ lπi. ß™m tr≠Ìc khi tπm bi÷t Heon Deok, chÛng t´i Æ∑ ngÂi d≠Ìi ban c´ng Willow Inn uËng vÌi nhau th¯ bia Æ∆c tr≠ng Burma, c∂m gi∏c d‘ chfiu len l·i theo tıng dflng m∏t lπnh ch∂y vµo th˘c qu∂n. Tr™n chuy’n bay ti’p theo tÌi Kuala Lumpur, t´i nhÀn ra t´i nhÌ Yangon nhi“u h¨n t´i t≠Îng... b†t c¯ khi nµo h≠Ìng mæt nh◊n l™n nh˜ng t∏n l∏ rung rinh hπt m≠a x¯ nhi÷t ÆÌi. TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü ThŒ Asean Pass: ThŒ AirAsia Asean PASS lµ mÈt loπi thŒ du lch cho phäp hµnh kh∏ch chËt vµ gi˜ Æ≠Óc m¯c gi∏ vä khuy’n mπi Î AirAsia, trong kho∂ng thÍi gian tı 14 ngµy trÎ l™n tr≠Ìc ngµy khÎi hµnh, Æ” Æi du lch tÌi 137 Æ≠Íng bay xuy™n khæp c∏c quËc gia Asean. AirAsia Asean Pass 10 Æi”m c„ gi∏ tr du lch 30 ngµy (160USD) vµ thŒ AirAsia Asean Pass + 20 Æi”m c„ gi∏ tr du lch 60 ngµy (290USD). Th´ng tin chi ti’t v“ thŒ, truy cÀp website ü Di chuy”n: tπi Yangon, ph≠¨ng ti÷n chÒ y’u cho kh∏ch du lch lµ taxi ho∆c Æi bÈ. Do taxi kh´ng c„ ÆÂng h c´ng t¨ mät n™n gi∏ mÁi chuy’n ü sœ do bπn t˘ trao ÆÊi vÌi tµi x’ tr≠Ìc khi l™n xe. ü Khi vµo th®m c∏c di t›ch, thæng c∂nh Î Yangon du kh∏ch sœ mua vä tr˘c ti’p ho∆c Æ∆t vä tπi phng Æ®ng k˝. Kho∂n ti“n b∏n vä nµy Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng Æ” tu bÊ, sˆa sang di t›ch vµ lµm tı thi÷n. ü Du kh∏ch n™n mang theo USD cn mÌi sang Yangon Æ” ÆÊi ti“n v◊ ti“n cÚ c„ th” kh´ng Æ≠Óc ch†p nhÀn. Chÿ ÆÊi ti“n trong ng©n hµng ho∆c qu«y ÆÊi ti“n Æ≠Óc chÿ Ænh tπi s©n bay.
Æi”mÆ’n Bµi: An Phπm Ånh: TÊng cÙc Du lfich Hµn QuËc
SEOUL - THI£N ߶òNG MUA S¿M Kh´ng h“ c≠Íng Æi÷u khi n„i rªng Hµn QuËc lµ thi™n Æ≠Íng dµnh cho c∏c t›n Æ mua sæm. B™n cπnh c∏c trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi khÊng lÂ, sang tr‰ng, lÈng l…y vÌi hµng tr®m ngµn m∆t hµng tı thÍi trang, m¸ ph»m cho tÌi thi’t b Æi÷n tı, tr™n khæp Ɔt n≠Ìc Hµn QuËc, du kh∏ch v…n c„ th” t◊m th†y cho m◊nh nh˜ng khu v˘c chÓ, c∏c cˆa hµng mang ÆÀm d†u †n v®n h„a truy“n thËng vÌi h¨n 600 n®m lch sˆ.
VÌi b«u kh´ng kh› hi÷n Æπi, s´i ÆÈng vµ n“n c´ng nghi÷p thÍi trang ph∏t tri”n mπnh mœ, ÆÂng thÍi sÎ h˜u hµng loπt trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi s«m u†t, thÒ Æ´ cÒa Hµn QuËc thu hÛt hµng tri÷u l≠Ót du kh∏ch mÁi n®m Æ’n Æ©y Æ” mua sæm. Myeong-dong lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng n¨i nhÈn nhfip nh†t Seoul n„i chung vµ Hµn QuËc n„i ri™ng, thu hÛt h¨n 1 tri÷u l≠Ót kh∏ch mÁi ngµy. Nªm Î trung t©m cÒa Seoul, Myeong-dong nh≠ mÈt nh©n ch¯ng lfich sˆ ch¯ng ki’n s˘ bi’n ÆÈng cÒa n≠Ìc Hµn hi÷n Æπi.
Lotte vµ Shinsegae lµ hai trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi lÌn nh†t tπi Myeong-dong, ngoµi ra n¨i Æ©y cfln c„ c∏c khu mua sæm lÌn nªm d‰c c∏c con Æ≠Íng, nh˜ng cˆa hµng qu«n ∏o, m¸ ph»m xu†t hi÷n tπi khæp m‰i ng‚ ng∏ch. C∏c con Æ≠Íng cÒa Myeong-dong cfln Æ≠Óc ch†m ph∏ bÎi nh˜ng qu«y hµng nh· b∏n ÆÒ th¯ tı qu«n ∏o gi∏ rŒ, Æ ®n v∆t Æ’n nh˜ng m„n phÙ ki÷n l†p l∏nh. VÌi mÈt h÷ thËng giao th´ng hi÷n Æπi, quy cÒ, Myeong-dong lµ Æi”m mua sæm l˝ t≠Îng cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch cfln Æang lπ l…m gi˜a Seoul Ân ∑. Myeong-dong lµ mÈt Æi”m Æ’n mua sæm dµnh cho t†t m‰i ng≠Íi dÔ nhu c«u cÒa du kh∏ch chÿ dıng lπi Î nh˜ng m„n Æ b◊nh d©n hay v≠¨n Æ’n c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u cao c†p mang t«m quËc t’. RÍi xa Myeong-dong hi÷n Æπi vµ n∏o nhi÷t, du kh∏ch c„ th” Æ’n Insa-dong Æ” vıa mua sæm, vıa t◊m hi”u v“ v®n h„a Hµn QuËc truy“n thËng. Insadong vËn lµ n¨i tÙ tÀp cÒa c∏c h‰a s‹ d≠Ìi thÍi Joseon, ngµy nay, tÌi Æ©y, du kh∏ch c„ th” t◊m mua nh˜ng m∆t hµng truy“n thËng ÆÈc Æ∏o nh≠ Hanbok,
Hanji (mÈt loπi gi†y), trµ truy“n thËng, Æ thÒ c´ng... Cˆa hµng Tong-in vµ Ssamzielgil lµ hai Æi”m Æ’n kh´ng th” b· qua Î Insadong, n¨i du kh∏ch c„ th” t◊m th†y nh˜ng Æ´ thÒ c´ng cao c†p mang ÆÀm t›nh truy“n thËng ho∆c nh˜ng t∏c ph»m vÌi phong c∏ch hi÷n Æπi Æ≠Óc s∏ng tπo bÎi nh˜ng ngh÷ nh©n trŒ. MÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m mua sæm kh´ng th” kh´ng nhæc Æ’n Î Seoul chæc chæn lµ khu chÓ Dongdaemun, Æ«u mËi cung c†p hµng may m∆c lÌn nh†t Hµn QuËc. MÈt vµi khu v˘c tÀp trung c∏c cˆa hµng b∏n lŒ c„ th” k” Æ’n nh≠ Migliore, Doota, Hello apM, Good Morning City, Cerestar... Vµo c∏c buÊi tËi, tı 8h tËi Æ’n 1h Æ™m, du kh∏ch Æ’n Dongdaemun sœ Æ≠Óc hfla m◊nh vµo mÈt trong nh˜ng “b˜a ti÷c” s´i ÆÈng nh†t tr™n Æ≠Íng phË Seoul vÌi ©m nhπc s´i ÆÈng, nh˜ng con phË s∏ng ÆÃn bµy b∏n v´ sË nh˜ng m∆t hµng thÍi trang mÌi nh†t vµ thÍi th≠Óng nh†t. Apgujeong & Cheongdam, Itaewon, Times Square lµ ba Æi”m Æ’n h†p d…n kh∏c cho nh˜ng t›n Æ mua sæm khi Æ’n Seoul. Itaewon lµ n¨i thu hÛt Æ´ng Æ∂o du kh∏ch n≠Ìc ngoµi nhÍ nh˜ng con phË nhÈn nhfip, nh˜ng nhµ hµng, cˆa hi÷u ÆÈc Æ∏o, pha trÈn s˘ ph∏ c∏ch cÒa nhi“u n“n v®n h„a. Kh∏ch du lfich hπng sang sœ Æ∆c bi÷t th›ch thÛ khi tr∂i nghi÷m mua sæm tπi Apgujeong & Cheongdam cÚng nh≠ Yeongdeungpo Times Square, vÌi nh˜ng trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi s«m u†t, n¨i t‰a lπc cÒa c∏c nh∑n hi÷u Ææt gi∏ hµng Æ«u th’ giÌi.
BUSAN - S§I ßóNG VõI NH~NG KHU CHú TRUY≈N THˇNG Kh´ng giËng nh≠ Seoul nhÈn nhfip vÌi nh˜ng trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi s«m u†t, nh˜ng
khu phË mua sæm t†p nÀp ng≠Íi qua lπi, Æ’n vÌi Busan lµ Æ’n kh´ng gian mua sæm †m ∏p, th©n thi÷n cÒa nh˜ng khu chÓ truy“n thËng. ß≠Óc thµnh lÀp tı cuËi th” k˚ 19, chÓ h∂i s∂n Jagalchi lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng chÓ h∂i s∂n nÊi ti’ng nh†t Hµn QuËc. Khu chÓ lu´n nhÈn nhfip b†t k” mÔa nµo trong n®m, Ân ∑ vÌi nh˜ng bµ chÒ c∏c qu«y hµng, t˘ hµo tr≠ng bµy nh˜ng s∂n ph»m cÒa m◊nh vµ c†t ti’ng chµo mÍi nÂng hÀu Æ’n nh˜ng vfi kh∏ch ti“m n®ng.
hÓ Jagalchi mÎ cˆa tı s∏ng sÌm, khi nh˜ng con tµu bæt Æ«u cÀp c∂ng sau chuy’n Æ∏nh c∏ Æ™m. Ngay khi vıa Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n khu chÓ, du kh∏ch sœ ngay lÀp t¯c bfi †n t≠Óng bÎi th¯ mÔi m∆n mµ cÒa bi”n c∂, cÒa v´ vµn t´m, cua, c∏. Ngoµi h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sËng, chÓ Jagalchi cfln nªm cπnh nh˜ng khu chÓ h∂i s∂n kh´ nÊi ti’ng cÒa Busan nh≠ chÓ c∏ kh´, chÓ c∏ vµ t´m Busan... MÈt trong nh˜ng nät h†p d…n kh´ng th” kh´ng nhæc tÌi cÒa chÓ Jagalchi lµ con Æ≠Íng Pojangmacha, vÌi nh˜ng chi’c xe Æ ®n qu™n thuÈc cÒa Hµn QuËc, chuy™n b∏n c∏c m„n ®n ch’ bi’n tı h∂i s∂n nh≠ thfit c∏ heo sËng, l≠¨n bi”n n≠Ìng ch†m t≠¨ng Ìt Æ·... Ngoµi khu chÓ h∂i s∂n nÊi ti’ng, Busan cÚng c„ nh˜ng khu v˘c mua sæm s´i ÆÈng, mÈt trong sË Æ„ kh´ng th” kh´ng k” Æ’n lµ khu chÓ Gukje. ß©y lµ chÓ truy“n thËng lÌn nh†t Î Busan. ChÓ Gukje ph∂n chi’u s˘ h≠ng thfinh cÒa Busan vÌi t≠ c∏ch lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng thµnh phË n®ng ÆÈng nh†t cÒa Hµn QuËc. Tπi Æ©y, du kh∏ch hoµn toµn c„ th” bfi lπc gi˜a v´ vµn c∏c cˆa hi÷u, sπp hµng ph©n chia theo tıng hŒm vÌi nh˜ng loπi hµng h„a chuy™n bi÷t nh≠ hŒm giµy,
hŒm k›nh r©m, hŒm Æ trang s¯c, hŒm tÛi, hŒm s∏ch... Nh˜ng loπi hµng h„a Æ≠Óc b∏n vÌi gi∏ c∂ ph∂i ch®ng, Æa dπng v“ chÒng loπi Æ∑ khi’n chÓ Gukje trÎ thµnh mÈt trong nh˜ng Æi”m mua sæm tËt nh†t vµ h†p d…n nh†t tπi Busan. C∏ch chÓ Gukje kh´ng xa lµ Nampo-dong - n¨i Æ≠Óc coi lµ thi™n Æ≠Íng mua sæm cÒa Busan, vÌi trÙ sÎ cÒa c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u cao c†p tÀp trung Æ´ng Æ∂o tr™n nh˜ng con phË ch›nh. ßi“u cuËn hÛt nh†t cÒa Nampo-dong Æ„ lµ s˘ Æa dπng hµng h„a, Æ∏p ¯ng Æ≠Óc nhu c«u cÒa Æ´ng Æ∂o kh∏ch hµng tı h‰c sinh, sinh vi™n Æ’n nh©n vi™n c´ng sÎ. Nh˜ng m…u giµy däp, tÛi x∏ch, phÙ ki÷n ÆÈc Æ∏o c„ th” t◊m th†y d‘ dµng Î Nampo-dong. Tr™n c∏c con phË ch›nh, du kh∏ch c„ th” mua hµng tπi c∏c cˆa hi÷u t™n tuÊi, nh≠ng nh˜ng qu«y hµng ven Æ≠Íng mÌi lµ thi™n Æ≠Íng cho giÌi trŒ vÌi nh˜ng m„n Æ thÍi th≠Óng, ÆÈc Æ∏o dÔ kh´ng thuÈc b†t c¯ mÈt th≠¨ng hi÷u nÊi ti’ng nµo. TRAVELLIVE
TRÅI NGHIåM MUA S¿M ßÜM CHƒT JEJU Kh´ng phÂn thfinh vµ nhÈn nhfip nh≠ Seoul vµ Busan, Jeju sÎ h˜u b«u kh´ng kh› y™n b◊nh vÌi mÈt lËi sËng gi∂n ƨn. Ch›nh v◊ vÀy, kh„ c„ th” t◊m th†y tr™n hfln Æ∂o nµy nh˜ng khu phË mua sæm hay nh˜ng trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi s«m u†t. Tuy nhi™n, kh´ng ph∂i v◊ th’ mµ c∏c t›n Æ shopping c„ th” qu™n Æi thÛ vui cÒa m◊nh khi Æ’n th®m Jeju. Hfln Æ∂o xinh Æãp nµy nÊi ti’ng vÌi nh˜ng m„n quµ l≠u ni÷m nh· xinh, Æ«y mµu sæc Æ≠Óc s∂n xu†t bÎi ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng, th” hi÷n nät Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa v®n h„a Jeju, c„ th” k” Æ’n nh≠: qu˝t ngon Jeju, c∏ k◊nh Æ·, chocolate, t≠Óng Harubang... Nh˜ng m„n Æ nµy c„ th” t◊m th†y tπi m‰i cˆa hµng dµnh cho kh∏ch du lfich nªm Î khæp c∏c ng´i lµng vµ thfi tr†n tr™n Æ∂o. ß∆c bi÷t du kh∏ch c„ th” Æ’n th®m c∏c khu chÓ “N®m Ngµy” (h‰p chÓ 5 ngµy mÈt l«n) nh≠ Seogwipo, Jungmun Hyangto, Hallim... Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m v®n h„a truy“n thËng vµ mua c∏c s∂n ph»m vÌi gi∏ c∂ ph∂i ch®ng.
TH§NG TIN TH£M: ü Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Grand Sale cÒa Hµn QuËc käo dµi 79 ngµy tı 14/8 Æ’n 31/10/2015 lµ mÈt l‘ hÈi mua sæm - du lch, mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch c¨ hÈi ghä th®m nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n h†p d…n, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh gi∂i tr› vµ mua sæm thÛ v. 222 ƨn v kinh doanh tı c∏c trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi, cˆa hµng mi‘n thu’, h∑ng m∏y bay cÒa Hµn QuËc sœ cÔng g„p s¯c Æ” mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch nh˜ng ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n trong suËt mÔa Grand Sale. Kh∏ch du lch quËc t’ sœ nhÀn Æ≠Óc m¯c ≠u Æ∑i l™n Æ’n 80% khi mua hµng cÒa mÈt sË th≠¨ng hi÷u tπi Lotte Duty Free. B™n cπnh Æ„ lµ c¨ hÈi xem nhi“u buÊi bi”u di‘n ngh÷ thuÀt nÊi ti’ng vÌi gi∏ vä chÿ bªng mÈt nˆa vä ch›nh th¯c. ü Du kh∏ch tπi mi“n Bæc Vi÷t Nam n’u Æ∑ sÎ h˜u thŒ t›n dÙng Bπch Kim cÒa Ng©n hµng Shinhan Vi÷t Nam sœ Æ≠Óc mi‘n thÒ tÙc ch¯ng minh tµi ch›nh vµ Æ≠Óc ≠u ti™n c†p th th˘c nhi“u l«n khi c„ nhu c«u Æi du lch Hµn QuËc. ü ߨn v ti“n t÷ cÒa Hµn QuËc lµ ÆÂng Won, tÿ gi∏ lµ 1 USD = 1120 Won. Du kh∏ch c„ th” ÆÊi ti“n tπi s©n bay, c∏c qu«y ÆÊi ti“n trong thµnh phË ho∆c sˆ dÙng thŒ t›n dÙng khi mua sæm.
ß” mua quµ l≠u ni÷m cÚng nh≠ c∏c Æ∆c s∂n Æfia ph≠¨ng, du kh∏ch c„ th” ghä qua c∏c cˆa hµng mi‘n thu’ tπi S©n bay
QuËc t’ Jeju ho∆c Trung t©m HÈi nghfi QuËc t’ Jeju. ß∆c bi÷t, n’u c„ dfip ghä th®m b∂o tµng g†u Teddy, du kh∏ch sœ c„ c¨ hÈi mua Æ≠Óc nh˜ng m„n quµ l≠u ni÷m ÆÈc Æ∏o c„ h◊nh ∂nh cÒa nh˜ng chÛ g†u. ß’n Æ∂o Jeju, mÈt Æ∆c s∂n kh´ng th” b· lÏ ch›nh lµ trµ xanh. Sinh tr≠Îng trong Æi“u ki÷n kh› hÀu ´n hfla, trµ xanh cÒa Jeju nÊi ti’ng th¨m ngon vÌi h≠¨ng vfi ÆÀm Ƶ ri™ng bi÷t. Du kh∏ch c„ th” ghä th®m b∂o tµng trµ O’Sulloc Æ” t◊m hi”u v“ trµ xanh Jeju cÚng nh≠ v®n h„a uËng trµ cÒa ng≠Íi Hµn QuËc. Ngoµi ra, Æ” mua c∏c loπi h∂i s∂n vµ n´ng ph»m t≠¨i ngon, du kh∏ch c„ th” ghä th®m chÓ Seogwipo Maeil vµ chÓ h∂i s∂n Dongmun, mÎ cˆa mÁi ngµy.
By: An Pham Photo: Korea Tourist Organization
It’s not an exaggeration that Korea is a shopper’s paradise. Located across Korea, giant shopping malls are renowned for a wide range of splendid luxury brands providing from garments and cosmetics to electronics while traditional markets with over 600 years of history preserve their own distinct culture.
Seoul - A Mecca for shoppers With the effervescent development of fashion industry and numerous busy shopping centers, Seoul, the capital of Korea, draws millions of international tourists each year. Myeong-dong is one of the busiest places in Seoul and is among Korea’s premier shopping destinations. Over 1 million shoppers pass through this area each and every day. Located in the heart of Seoul, Myeong-dong market has been a witness to Korea’s tumultuous modern-day history. Two anchor department stores, Lotte and Shinsegae, and a number of large shopping malls lie along the streets of Myeong-dong. Shops for garments or cosmetics can be seen at every corner, and street stalls dot the spaces in between, offering tasty snacks, inexpensive clothes, or sparkling accessories. The area’s well-developed transportation grid makes it the ideal place for visitors who may not yet be familiar with the bustling Seoul.
Myeong-dong and you can visit Insa-dong not only for shopping but also to learn more about Korean traditional culture. During the Joseon Dynasty, the street was a place for painters. Nowadays, visitors coming to this street can shop for a wide variety of Korean goods such as hanbok, hanji (traditional paper), traditional teas, pottery, and folk crafts. Don’t forget to spend time at Tong-in Store and Ssamzielgil, where you can purchase high quality traditional souvenirs as well as modern designs made by Korea’s young artists. Another must-visit destination for shopping in Seoul is
Dongdaemun market, which is home to the largest clothing suppliers in Korea. Some of the area’s major retail shopping malls are Migliore, Doota, Hello apM, Good Morning City, and Cerestar. In the evening from 8pm to midnight, visitors can find themselves a party to one of Seoul’s busiest street scenes with music, sparkling lights and various trendy fashion products. Apgujeong & Cheongdam, Itaewon, Times Square are three attractions for shopaholics coming to Seoul. Itaewon draw a large number of visitors with crowed streets, unique shops and a diversity of culture. If you are looking for luxurious goods and world leading brands, then Apgujeong & Cheongdam and Yeongdeungpo Times Square along with other busy shopping malls are suggested.
Myeong-dong has something to everyone. There’s no better place to shop than Myeongdong where you’ll find everything from affordable items to internationally recognized brand names. Leave bustling and hustling TRAVELLIVE
Busan - the biggest traditional seafood markets While Seoul is effervescent with busy shopping malls and crowed streets, Busan is popular with the intimate and friendly shopping space at traditional market. Formed in the late 19th century, Jagalchi Market in Busan is one of the best-known seafood markets in Korea. No matter the season, Jagalchi Market teems with female merchants proudly displaying their seafood products and calling out to potential customers. agalchi Market opens very early in the morning, when hordes of boats start pulling into the Busan Port, piled high with fresh seafood caught during the night. As soon as you enter Jagalchi Market, you are immediately hit by the smell of the ocean emanating from
buckets of fish, crabs, and sea squirts. Besides providing fresh seafood, Jagalchi Market is connected with several other seafood markets, namely the Busan Fish and Shellfish Market, and the Dried Fish Market. Just a few meters away from the Jagalchi Market is Pojangmacha Street, an area almost completely blanketed by street stalls selling local delicacies like raw whale meat and roasted sea eels marinated with red pepper paste. Besides the famous seafood market, Busan also boasts bustling shopping areas, especially Gukje Market, the largest traditional market in this city. Gukje Market reflects the heyday of Busan as one of the busiest cities in Korea in terms of commerce and trade. Here, visitors can easily get lost because of countless shops, and street stalls in numerous alleys such as Shoe Alley, Bag
Alley, Jewelry Alley, Eyeglasses Alley, Art Alley and so on. Reasonable prices along with a wide selection of imported and domestic goods, makes Gukje Market one of the best, onestop shopping spots in town. Located near Gukje Market, Nampo-dong is a shopping paradise of Busan with a wide variety of stores concentrated mostly on the main streets, selling luxury brands. But the true attraction of shopping in Nampo-dong lies in the shops and stalls specializing in imported goods. From clothing to shoes, bags, and fashion accessories, the stores offer products that draw not only teens, but young professionals as well. You can choose an array of brand items here, but the main street in Nampodong is the ultimate shopping destination for young people searching for ways to jazz up their casual wardrobes with non-brand ones.
Places for special “Jeju items� Unlike bustling Seoul and Busan, Jeju is a tranquil place for simple lifestyle. It is also the reason why crowed shopping malls are hardly be seen on the island. However, shopaholics never forget their habit when visiting Jeju. This beautiful island is famous for colorful locallyproduced items representative of Jeju and Jeju culture such as: delicious Jeju tangerines, red tilefish, chocolate and Harubang statues. They can easily be found at any of the tourist shops located throughout the island villages
and towns. You can visit Five Day Markets including Seogwipo, Jungmun Hyangto and Hallim to experience folk culture and find inexpensive Jeju products. In order to buy souvenirs and local products of Jeju, you can visit duty-free shops located in the Jeju International Airport or the Jeju International Convention Center. Especially, at Teddy Bear Museum visitors can buy interesting souvenirs with the images of Teddy bears. Another must-try specialty of Jeju is green tea. Jeju’s water, soil, and weather make it an ideal place to produce exquisite green teas. Don’t forget to spend time at O’sulloc Tea Museum experiencing tea and the tea culture in Korea. Fresh agricultural items and seafood can also be found in the Seogwipo Maeil Market and the Dongmun Seafood Market, which are open every day. FURTHER INFORMATION ü Korea Grand Sale is a shopping and tourism festival from August 14th to October 31st, with an array of special and unprecedented benefits. During the Grand Sale, stores from 222 businesses of different types such as department stores, duty-free shops and airlines are showing their high rate of participation with huge discount and offers. Visitors can get 80% discount at most for some brands at Lotte Duty Free. Moreover, popular performances and shows will provide 50% discount for foreigners to enjoy various cultural experience in addition to shopping. ü In the North of Vietnam, travelers who already own Platinum credit cards of Shinhan Bank Vietnam are not required to show financial proof and will be prioritized when asking for multiple visa to visit Korea. ü Currency: Won. 1 USD = 1120 Won. You can exchange money at airports and exchange offices in the city or use credit card to go shopping. TRAVELLIVE
Tri”n l∑m C≠Ìi vµ Du lfich tr®ng mÀt l«n th¯ 7 di‘n ra trong 3 ngµy 21, 22 vµ 23/8/2015, tπi kh∏ch sπn Melia Hanoi Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khäp lπi ch∆ng Æ≠Íng thµnh c´ng r˘c rÏ. Tri”n l∑m C≠Ìi HWP vÌi chÒ Æ“ Rustic Wedding do Tπp ch› Travellive phËi hÓp vÌi CÙc XÛc ti’n Du lfich Malaysia vµ Kh∏ch sπn Melia Hanoi tÊ ch¯c, Æ≠Óc tµi trÓ bÎi C´ng ty Ford Vi÷t Nam, TÊng C´ng ty Hµng kh´ng Vi÷t Nam - Vietnam Airlines cÔng vÌi c∏c ÆËi t∏c lµ GrabTaxi vµ WedinStyle. Tri”n l∑m n®m nay c„ s˘ g„p m∆t cÒa h¨n 50 th≠¨ng hi÷u hµng Æ«u trong l‹nh v˘c c≠Ìi h·i du lfich tr®ng mÀt, thu hÛt s˘ quan t©m cÒa hµng ngh◊n c∆p Æ´i sæp c≠Ìi.
T´n vinh Rustic Wedding, mÈt phong c∏ch c≠Ìi thÍi th≠Óng nh≠ng Æ“ cao s˘ mÈc mπc, gi∂n dfi trong tıng chi ti’t, Tri”n l∑m C≠Ìi HWP Æ∑ trÎ thµnh c«u nËi gi˜a c∏c c∆p Æ´i vÌi nh˜ng nhµ cung c†p dfich vÙ c≠Ìi vµ du lfich tr®ng mÀt hµng Æ«u Vi÷t Nam hi÷n nay, giÛp c∏c c∆p Æ´i Æfinh h◊nh phong c∏ch c≠Ìi. Tπi tri”n l∑m, c∏c c∆p Æ´i Æ∑ c„ c¨ hÈi ti’p cÀn vÌi hµng loπt ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i mÌi nh†t, Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh cho mÔa c≠Ìi n®m nay. Tri”n l∑m C≠Ìi HWP Æ„ng mÈt vai trfl quan tr‰ng trong vi÷c t≠ v†n, giÛp c∏c c∆p Æ´i Æfinh h◊nh phong c∏ch c≠Ìi, l˘a ch‰n tu«n tr®ng mÀt hoµn h∂o th´ng qua c∏c buÊi hÈi th∂o vµ workshop nh≠: “Malaysia - Love Paradise”, “C≠Ìi phong c∏ch - c«n g◊?”... C∏c c∆p uy™n ≠¨ng Æ’n tham d˘ tri”n l∑m n®m nay cfln Æ≠Óc nhÀn m∑ gi∂m gi∏ 100.000VNß/2 chi“u cÒa GrabTaxi vµ sÎ h˜u cuËn Catalogue C≠Ìi HWP 2015 vÌi nÈi dung phong phÛ, k›ch cÏ nh· g‰n vÌi nh˜ng t≠ v†n h˜u ›ch dµnh cho c∏c c∆p Æ´i tr≠Ìc Æ∏m c≠Ìi. Hai cuÈc thi ÆÂng hµnh cÔng Tri”n l∑m C≠Ìi: Marathon T◊nh y™u vµ Thˆ th∏ch, C∆p Æ´i hoµn h∂o Æ∑ nhÀn Æ≠Óc s˘ quan t©m vµ tham gia cÒa hµng tr®m c∆p Æ´i sæp c≠Ìi. Tri”n l∑m C≠Ìi HWP 2015 Æ∑ khäp lπi mÈt c∏ch thµnh c´ng r˘c rÏ, ti’p tÙc khºng Æfinh th≠¨ng hi÷u lµ s˘ ki÷n c≠Ìi quy m´ nh†t Vi÷t Nam trong suËt 7 n®m qua.
Hãn g∆p lπi c∏c c∆p Æ´i trong mÔa c≠Ìi 2016.
The 7th Honeymoon & Wedding Perfect 2015 (HWP) took place on August 21st, 22nd and 23rd at Melia Hanoi Hotel with the participation of 50 prestigious brand names of Fashion, Tourism and Wedding services, attracting thousands of couples who are going to get married. The 7th HWP was the leading wedding event held by Travellive Magazine in coorganization with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, Melia Hanoi Hotel and co-sponsored by Ford Vietnam and Vietnam Airlines, also with the valuable support of GrabTaxi and WedinStyle.
This year, the main theme was Rustic Wedding, a trendy wedding style which uses simple anÆ elegant details. The 7th HWP was a platform to connect couples with the best wedding planners and tourism agents in Vietnam, as well as helping them to find their own unique wedding style. Throughtout the three-day exhibition, visitors were offered a variety of privileges and promotions specialized for this wedding season. “Malaysia - Love Paradise” workshop and “Distinctive Wedding - What do you need?” seminar also provided couples with an array of useful information about wedding and honeymoon services. Each couple coming to the exhibition was offered a VND100,000 discount code from GrabTaxi and a 2015 Wedding Catalogue printed in attractive colors and convenient size, providing couples helpful information for their up-coming wedding. The two main activities of this year’s HWP were the Love and Challenge Marathon and the Perfect Couple Contest attracting hundreds of couples. The 7th HWP 2015 came to a close with success and turn the annual HWP event into the biggest wedding event in Vietnam.
See you again for the 2016 wedding season!
H‰p b∏o tπi Kh∏ch sπn Melia Hanoi
Hoπt ÆÂng ÆÂng hµnh Marathon “T◊nh y™u & Thˆ th∏ch” ü 8h: Roadshow - L‘ r≠Ìc d©u tÀp th”
AUGUST 12TH Press conference at Melia Hanoi Hotel
h: Marathon “T◊nh y™u ü 9 & Thˆ th∏ch” August 16th “Love & Challenge” Marathon ü 8am: Roadshow Collective ceremony of Bringing Brides home am: “Love & ü 9 Challenge” Marathon
ü 9 h: Khai mπc tri”n l∑m, bËc th®m trÛng nh…n kim c≠¨ng vµ voucher tr gi∏ 80 tri÷u ÆÂng tı Kh∏ch sπn Melia 0h: HÈi th∂o giÌi thi÷u ü 1 du lch vµ dch vÙ c≠Ìi “Malaysia - Lover’s Paradise” do CÙc XÛc ti’n Du lch Malaysia tÊ ch¯c 9h: Fashion show Ainus ü 1 Studio, Veneto, Adam Store, NTQ, Lekchi Bridal, V‚ Vi÷t Chung vµ Music show
ü 10h: Presentation giÌi thi÷u dch vÙ mÔa c≠Ìi tı An L©m Saigon Riverside Resort ü 19h: Fashion show May’s Bridal, Remmy, PNJ, Juliette Bridal, Seven Umo, Julia vµ Music show
ü 1 0h: Workshop “C≠Ìi phong c∏ch, c«n g◊?” 6h: B’ mπc tri”n l∑m vµ ü 1 trao gi∂i
ü Hoπt ÆÈng ÆÂng hµnh “C∆p Æ´i hoµn h∂o”
oπt ÆÈng ÆÂng hµnh ü H “C∆p Æ´i hoµn h∂o” August 21th ü 9 am: Opening Ceremony. Lucky Draw with valuable prizes, including a diamond ring and a VND80 million voucher of Melia Hanoi Hotel ü 1 0am: “Malaysia - Lover’s Paradise” workshop to introduce honeymoon and wedding services by Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board. pm: Fashion show of Ainus ü 7 Studio, Veneto, Adam Store, NTQ, Lekchi Bridal and Vo Viet Chung, and Music show. ü Perfect Couple contest
August 21th ü 1 0am: Presentation to introduce wedding services of An Lam Saigon Riverside Resort ü 7pm: Fashion show of May’s Bridal, Remmy, PNJ, Juliette Bridal, Seven Umo and Julia, and Music show.
August 23th ü 10am: “Distinct Wedding - What do you need?” workshop ü 4pm: Closing Ceremony and Awards Ceremony
ü Perfect Couple contest Catalogue HWP 2015 Æ≠Óc ph∏t mi‘n ph› tÌi c∏c c∆p Æ´i Æ∑ Æ®ng k˝ trong thÍi gian 3 ngµy tri”n l∑m. 2015 HWP Catalogues were given free for couples coming to the 3-day exhibition.
HOÑT ßóNG ߤNG HÄNH MARATHON “TçNH Y£U VÄ TH^ THÉCH” Gi∂i Nh†t: Chuy’n du lch tr®ng mÀt tπi Malaysia do CÙc XÛc ti’n Du lch Malaysia tµi trÓ tr gi∏ 30 tri÷u ÆÂng Æ∑ Æ≠Óc trao cho c∆p Æ´i L≠¨ng H∂i Ch©u vµ Nguy‘n Hoµng H∂i (∂nh 1-2). Gi∂i Nh◊: 1 c∆p nh…n c≠Ìi vµ 1 chuy’n du lch tr®ng mÀt tπi Tu«n Ch©u Holiday Resort tr gi∏ 20 tri÷u ÆÂng thuÈc v“ c∆p Æ´i Nguy‘n Di÷u Ly vµ Nguy‘n Duy Rin. (∂nh 3) Gi∂i Ba: G„i dch vÙ c≠Ìi tr gi∏ 15 tri÷u ÆÂng cÒa Juliette Bridal Æ∑ Æ≠Óc trao cho c∆p Æ´i Nguy‘n Th Thu Hªng vµ KhÊng Tr‰ng TÛ (∂nh 4). Gi∂i C´ d©u - ChÛ r” Æãp nh†t: Hai Æ™m nghÿ tπi Tam ß∂o Resort Æ∑ thuÈc v“ c∆p Æ´i Nguy‘n VÚ DÚng vµ Phπm Qu˙nh Anh (∂nh 5).
Gi∂i ßÂng hπng: G„i nghÿ d≠Ïng 2 Æ™m tπi Paradise Boutique do tπp tr› Travellive dµnh t∆ng cho 20 c∆p Æ´i ti’n vµo vng Thˆ th∏ch. Ngoµi ra, 50 cuËn Album kÿ ni÷m v“ ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Marathon T◊nh y™u vµ Thˆ th∏ch do Phi™u Media tµi trÓ Æ∑ Æ≠Óc trao cho t†t c∂ 50 c∆p Æ´i tham gia cuÈc thi. LOVE AND CHALLENGE MARATHON
1st prize: a honeymoon tour to Malaysia for 2, sponsored by Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board. The VND30 million award was presented to the couple Luong Hai Chau and Nguyen Hoang Hai (photo 1-2). 2nd prize: a pair of wedding rings and a honeymoon package to Tuan Chau Holiday Resort. The second prize, which amounts to a total value of 20 million in total, was presented to Nguyen Dieu Ly and Nguyen Duy Rin (photo 3). 3rd prize: A VND15 million wedding package by Juliette Bridal was presented to Nguyen Thi Thu Hang and Khong Trong Tu (photo 4). The prize for the most beautiful couple: A 2 night-stay at Tam Dao Resort was presented to Nguyen Vu Dung and Pham Quynh Anh (photo 5) Prizes for groups of couples: 2-night stay holiday packages at Paradise Boutique were provided by Travellive for 20 couples on the last round.
+ In addition, 50 albums of Love and Challenge Marathon sponsored by Phieu Media were presented to 50 participating couples.
8 9
20 c∆p Æ´i Æ∑ Æ≠Óc trang Æi”m Æ” trÎ thµnh nh˜ng c´ d©u chÛ r” th˘c s˘ vµ Æ≠Óc c∏c nhi’p ∂nh gia cÒa Phi™u Media Æ≠a Æ’n c∏c Æa Æi”m Æãp trong kh´ng gian tri”n l∑m Æ” tπo d∏ng vµ chÙp h◊nh.
20 couples were dressed up to become the most beautiful brides and grooms. Phieu Media’s photographers helped them to capture and save their most cherished moments at every corners of the exhibition.
Gi∂i nh†t: mÈt chuy’n du lch tr®ng mÀt tr gi∏ 30 tri÷u ÆÂng Æ∑ thuÈc v“ c∆p Æ´i Phπm V©n Anh vµ Nguy‘n Mπnh D≠¨ng (∂nh 6). Gi∂i nh◊: vÌi ph«n th≠Îng lµ k˙ nghÿ tr®ng mÀt 3 ngµy 2 Æ™m tπi mÈt kh∏ch sπn 5 sao Î ßµ NΩng Æ∑ Æ≠Óc trao cho c∆p Æ´i Nguy‘n C»m TÛ vµ Chˆ S¨n TÔng (∂nh 7). Gi∂i ba: Giang ThÔy Linh vµ VÚ Vi÷t H≠ng Æ∑ nhÀn Æ≠Óc ph«n th≠Îng lµ 1 bÈ ch®n Æ÷m cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u Euro Bedding tr gi∏ 10 tri÷u ÆÂng (∂nh 8). Th≠¨ng hi÷u trang Æi”m cho c∆p Æ´i Æπt gi∂i nh†t - Julia Bridal Æ∑ nhÀn Æ≠Óc ph«n th≠Îng lµ mÈt voucher nghÿ d≠Ïng 2 Æ™m tπi kh∏ch sπn 5 sao do tπp ch› Travellive tµi trÓ (∂nh 9). Gi∂i ÆÂng hπng: 22 chÛ r” tham gia cuÈc thi C∆p Æ´i Hoµn h∂o Æ“u nhÀn Æ≠Óc mÈt Voucher Vest nam tr gi∏ 3 tri÷u ÆÂng cÒa mÈt trong 3 th≠¨ng hi÷u: Adam Store, Veneto vµ Julia.
1st prize: a VND30 million honeymoon package was awarded to Pham Van Anh and Nguyen Manh Duong (photo 6). 2nd prize: a 3-day/ 2-night honeymoon package at a 5-star hotel in Danang was offered to Nguyen Cam Tu and Chu Son Tung (photo 7). 3rd prize: Giang Thuy Linh and Vu Viet Hung receive a bedding package from Euro Bedding, worth VND10 million (photo 8). The prize for the best make up team was given to Julia Bridal. This prize, sponsored by Travellive Magazine, offers Julia Bridal a voucher for 2 nights at a 5-star hotel (photo 9). Additionally, 22 grooms participating in the contest received a VND3-million voucher awarded by Adam Store, Veneto and Julia.
10 11 12
GIÅI TH¶ôNG DÄNH CHO CÉC ß•N Vë THAM GIA TRIÕN LÇM: ✽B È s≠u tÀp Veston c≠Ìi Æãp nh†t Æ≠Óc trao cho th≠¨ng hi÷u Remmy (∂nh 10). ✽ Mju Studio Æ∑ nhÀn Æ≠Óc gi∂i th≠Îng BÈ s≠u tÀp v∏y c≠Ìi Æãp nh†t tπi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Fashion Show n®m nay (∂nh 11). ✽ Gi∂i th≠Îng gian hµng c„ Æ´ng kh∏ch tham quan nh†t thuÈc v“ th≠¨ng hi÷u Chocolate Graphic (∂nh 12). ✽G i∂i th≠Îng gian hµng däcor Æãp nh†t thuÈc v“ th≠¨ng hi÷u Forevermark (∂nh 13).
✽G i∂i gian hµng c„ ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n m∑i h†p d…n nh†t Æ≠Óc trao cho th≠¨ng hi÷u Skymond. C∏c ƨn v tµi trÓ Æ≠Óc gi∂i sœ nhÀn Æ≠Óc ph«n th≠Îng lµ mÈt tour du thuy“n tr‰n g„i tr™n vnh Hπ Long dµnh cho 2 ng≠Íi. AWARDS FOR PARTICIPATING STORES ✽ The best Veston collection belonged to Remmy (photo 10). ✽ Mju Studio had the best wedding bridal collection showcased in Fashion Show (photo 11). ✽ The award for the busiest store was presented for Chocolate Graphic (photo 12). ✽ Forevermark achieved the best däcor award (photo 13). ✽ Skymond featured the most attractive offer. Each store was awarded a cruiser tour package for two in Halong Bay.
Novotel Nha Trang Æang giÌi thi÷u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n nh≠: ß®ng K˝ G„i TÀp Th” DÙc 6 Th∏ng NhÀn Ngay 2 Phi’u °n TËi Ho∆c 2 Phi’u Massage Toµn Th©n Mi‘n Ph› Tπi Inbalance Spa. Kh∏ch Æ®ng k˝ g„i TÀp Th” DÙc 12 Th∏ng sœ Æ≠Óc nhÀn ngay 1 Æ™m nghÿ tπi phng Superior h≠Ìng bi”n, Mi‘n Ph› °n S∏ng Dµnh Cho 2 Ng≠Íi. Novotel Nha Trang cn lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng Æ” th≠Îng th¯c ti÷c n≠Ìng buffet tËi vµ ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh thµnh phË lung linh trong Æ™m. Tı nay Æ’n 26/9, khi th≠Îng th¯c buffet tËi, kh∏ch cn c„ c¨ hÈi th≠Îng th¯c c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n nhπc sËng cÒa nh„m nhπc Philippines vµ ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bËc th®m may mæn cÔng gia Æ◊nh, vÌi gi∏ 400.000VNß++/kh∏ch, bao gÂm 1 bia ho∆c n≠Ìc ng‰t. Novotel Nha Trang *50 Tr«n PhÛ, Nha Trang. ß” bπn d‘ dµng quy’t Ænh Æi”m Æ’n cho k˙ nghÿ mµ kh´ng c«n ph∂i suy ngh‹, Ææn Æo v“ kh∂ n®ng tµi ch›nh, hi÷n tπi La Veranda Æ∑ tri”n khai ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i tr∂ g„p 0% trong vng 6 th∏ng dµnh cho c∏c chÒ thŒ t›n dÙng ANZ tı nay Æ’n h’t 30/9/2015. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng cho g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng tr gi∏ 3.379.000VNß /Æ™m ho∆c cho c∏c Æ∆t phng c„ gi∏ tr tı 5.000.000VNß trÎ l™n. La Veranda Resort PhÛ QuËc *Email: Tı Nay ß’n H’t 27/9, Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon ∏p dÙng nhi“u m¯c ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n dµnh cho kh∏ch mua b∏nh Trung thu Renaissance Saigon. CÙ th”, kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc gi∂m 10% khi mua tı 10 - 49 hÈp; gi∂m 15% khi mua tı 50 - 99 hÈp; gi∂m 20% Khi Mua Tr™n 100 HÈp vµ gi∂m 20% Cho Thµnh Vi™n Club Marriott. Ngoµi ra, trong th∏ng 9 Nµy, Bπn Cn C„ Th” Th≠Îng Th¯c Punch Wonder Nh≠ Com Ruou Green Tea Punch, Pineapple Rum Tea Punch, "Dalat" Mulberry Red Wine Punch, Saigon Punch tπi Atrium Lounge. Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon *I 8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1, TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3822 0033 - SË nh∏nh: 2300 (ß” ß∆t B∏nh Trung Thu). ß≠Óc th˘c hi÷n thÒ c´ng Æ∂m b∂o h≠¨ng v t≠¨i ngon, cÔng k¸ thuÀt lµm b∏nh truy“n thËng Æ’n tı ßµi Loan, dng b∏nh trung thu vÌi h≠¨ng v tr∏i c©y ÆÈc Æ∏o nh≠ nho, xoµi vµ b≠Îi sœ lµ mÈt l˘a ch‰n thÛ v dµnh cho bπn. H≠¨ng v tr∏i c©y xen l…n vÌi v ng‰t cÒa b∏nh mang Æ’n cho th˘c kh∏ch mÈt c∂m gi∏c mÌi lπ vµ th›ch thÛ. B™n cπnh
Æ„, cn c„ dng b∏nh trung thu vÌi h≠¨ng v truy“n thËng Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n tı nh˜ng nguy™n li÷u h∂o hπng vµ c∏c loπi hπt cao c†p nh≠ mæc ca, hπt dŒ, hπt th´ng... HÈp b∏nh Trung thu vÌi thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng tr™n n“n v∂i th≠Óng hπng sœ lµ m„n quµ ƺng c†p vµ ˝ ngh‹a dµnh t∆ng cho bπn bÃ, ng≠Íi th©n ho∆c tri ©n ÆËi t∏c. Gi∏ b∏n 1.250.000VNß/hÈp 4 b∏nh, t∆ng kÃm mÈt b∏nh fruitcake; 300.000VNß/ph«n b∏nh lŒ. Kh∏ch Sπn Nikko Sµi Gn *Tel: 08 3929 5520. Mojo Cafä Æ≠Íng ßÂng KhÎi mang Æ’n cho bπn tr∂i nghi÷m vµ kh∏m ph∏ nhi“u loπi b∏nh sandwich th¨m ngon vµ nÊi ti’ng Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ trong suËt th∏ng 9. Thi’t k’ ri™ng cho bπn mÈt chi’c b∏nh sandwich thÀt h†p d…n trong bÈ s≠u tÀp c∏c loπi b∏nh sandwich Æ≠Óc ≠a chuÈng bao gÂm sandwich n≠Ìng Croquet Madame vÌi tht nguÈi, ph´ mai, tr¯ng Ëp la vµ xËt kem, sandwich xÛc x›ch ˝, sandwich n≠Ìng rau cÒ vÌi xËt basil vµ ph´ mai, sandwich gµ chi™n gin. Mojo Cafä *88 ßÂng KhÎi, Q.1, TP. HCM *Website: Vietnam Airlines th´ng b∏o tri”n khai ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "Khuy’n m∑i mÁi ngµy" ∏p dÙng tr™n mÈt sË Æ≠Íng bay nÈi Æa cÒa h∑ng. Theo Æ„, tı nay Æ’n 30/12, kh∏ch hµng sœ c„ c¨ hÈi mua Æ≠Óc vä m∏y bay mÈt chi“u vÌi m¯c gi∏ Æ∆c bi÷t tr™n c∏c hµnh tr◊nh: TP H Ch› Minh - Bu´n M™ ThuÈt lµ 555.000VNß/ chi“u; Hµ NÈi - Chu Lai lµ 599.000VNß/chi“u; TP H Ch› Minh - ßµ Lπt lµ 666.000VNß/chi“u; TP H Ch› Minh - Nha Trang/Quy Nh¨n/Pleiku/Hu’ lµ 699.000 VNß/chi“u; TP H Ch› Minh - ßµ NΩng/PhÛ QuËc ho∆c Hµ NÈi - ßµ NΩng; ßµ NΩng - H∂i Phng lµ 799.000VNß/ chi“u... Tham kh∂o th™m tπi Chÿ c∏ch thµnh phË H Ch› Minh 90 phÛt Æi xe,
Alma Oasis Long H∂i lµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ven bi”n b◊nh y™n, giÛp du kh∏ch th≠ gi∑n sau m‰i bÈn b“ cÒa c´ng vi÷c hªng ngµy. Du kh∏ch c„ th” d‘ dµng th≠ gi∑n trong nh˜ng c®n phng hi÷n Æπi, bi÷t th˘ h b¨i xinh Æãp vÌi th¯c ®n ngon vµ Æ∆c bi÷t li÷u tr◊nh spa 90 phÛt... t†t c∂ Æ∑ bao gÂm trong gi∏ phng. ß∆c bi÷t, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc gi∂m gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i khi Æ∆t phng gi˜a tu«n: Gi∂m 20% tr™n gi∏ tËt nh†t cho Æ∆t phng gi˜a tu«n (ngoπi trı Æ™m ngµy th¯ 7). ¶u Æ∑i ∏p dÙng Æ’n 31/12/2015. Khuy’n m∑i bi÷t th˘: TÀn h≠Îng ≠u Æ∑i Î 1 t∆ng 1 tπi bi÷t th˘ h b¨i ri™ng t≠ (ngoπi trı Æ™m ngµy th¯ 7). ThÍi gian ∏p dÙng Æ’n 20/12/2015. Alma Oasis Long H∂i *Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Th tr†n Long H∂i, huy÷n Long ßi“n, Bµ Ra VÚng Tµu *Website: www.
ngoπn mÙc, Mango Bay cÚng lµ mÈt Æa Æi”m ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ” tÊ ch¯c c∏c s˘ ki÷n nh≠ l‘ c≠Ìi, l‘ k˚ ni÷m, b˜a tËi l∑ng mπn hay b†t k˙ mÈt dp Æ∆c bi÷t nµo kh∏c. Th´ng tin chi ti’t, email Æ’n: reservation@
Tπi khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Fusion Maia ßµ NΩng, c∏c bi÷t th˘ h b¨i ri™ng vµ khu v≠Ín tho∏ng m∏t cÔng ch≠¨ng tr◊nh SËng T˘ nhi™n giÛp c©n bªng s¯c kh·e th´ng qua chÒ Æ“ 7 ngµy sœ giÛp du kh∏ch c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc s˘ k’t hÓp hoµn h∂o cÒa vi÷c th≠ gi∑n mÈt c∏ch sang tr‰ng. G„i 7 ngµy bao gÂm: T†t c∂ tr li÷u spa (›t nh†t 2 tr li÷u mÁi ngµy); °n s∏ng m‰i lÛc m‰i n¨i; Bi÷t th˘ vÌi h b¨i vµ khu v≠Ín ri™ng. ∏p dÙng tı 01/09/2015 Æ’n 31/01/2016. Fusion Maia ßµ NΩng *ß≠Íng V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p, P. Khu™ M¸, Q. NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Website: www. Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Mango Bay PhÛ QuËc sœ chi’t kh†u l™n Æ’n 10% khi Æ∆t tı 10 phng trÎ l™n cÈng th™m c∏c ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t cho c∏c g„i dch vÙ Spa theo nh„m. Ti÷n ›ch kh∏c gÂm: phng h‰p mÌi sΩn sµng phÙc vÙ vÌi Wi-fi mi‘n ph›, c∏c lÌp h‰c Tai Chi vµ Yoga dµnh t∆ng kh∏ch l≠u trÛ mÁi ngµy... Mang Æ’n b«u kh´ng kh› th©n mÀt vµ †m cÛng vÌi t«m nh◊n
Tı ngµy 1/9 Æ’n 1/11, mÁi kh∏ch hµng khi l≠u trÛ ho∆c dÔng b˜a tπi kh∏ch sπn Nikko Hµ NÈi sœ Æ≠Óc t∆ng 1 voucher taxi tr gi∏ 100,000VNß. Kh∏ch hµng c„ th” dÔng voucher nµy Æ” sˆ dÙng dch vÙ taxi qua ¯ng dÙng tr™n Æi÷n thoπi di ÆÈng Uber. ß∆c bi÷t vÌi nh˜ng kh∏ch hµng lµ thµnh vi™n thŒ One Harmony (thŒ thµnh vi™n cÒa kh∏ch sπn Nikko Hµ NÈi) cn Æ≠Óc t∆ng Æ’n 02 voucher. B™n cπnh Æ„, ng≠Íi dÔng Uber cÚng Æ≠Óc h≠Îng nh˜ng khuy’n mπi tπi c∏c nhµ hµng cÒa kh∏ch sπn nh≠: gi∂m gi∏ 10% hay Æi 4 tr∂ 3 khi ®n uËng tπi c∏c nhµ hµng. Sæp tÌi kh∏ch sπn Nikko Hµ NÈi cÚng sœ c„ th™m nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng n˜a nhªm gia t®ng lÓi ›ch cho c∏c kh∏ch hµng cÒa m◊nh. Hotel Nikko Hanoi *84 Tr«n Nh©n T´ng, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hµ NÈi *Website:www. Tr∂i nghi÷m mÈt k◊ nghÿ thÀt tho∂i m∏i cÔng vÌi gia Æ◊nh trong 2 Æ™m tπi H∂i Phng, bao gÂm th™m 1 phng mi‘n ph›, cÔng vÌi ®n s∏ng vµ internet. V®n h„a Vi÷t Nam lu´n Æ” cao gi∏ tr gia Æ◊nh vµ AVANI Hai Phong Harbour View ti’p tÙc mang Æ’n truy“n thËng Æ„ cho m‰i ng≠Íi. Khi bπn du lch cÔng gia Æ◊nh vµ nghÿ tπi kh∏ch sπn, trŒ em sœ Æ≠Óc Î mi‘n ph› mÈt phng. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh käo dµi Æ’n h’t ngµy 31 th∏ng 12 n®m 2015 vÌi gi∏ tı 4.999.000VNß mÈt phng mÈt Æ™m. Truy cÀp www.avanihotels. com/haiphong Æ” bi’t th™m th´ng tin chi ti’t.
Novotel Nha Trang proudly presents its special offer: when subcribing to a 6-month gym package you will get 2 dinner tickets or 2 free body massage tickets at Inbalance Spa. Customers who register for a 12-month gym package get one night at seaview Superior room and 1 free breakfast for 2. Novotel Nha Trang is also an ideal destination to enjoy the barbecue buffet and contemplate the sparkling city at night. Until September 26th, while enjoying an evening buffet, customers also have the opportunity to enjoy a live music show with Filipino bands and Lucky Draw with their families. Price: VND400.000++/guest, including beverages. Novotel Nha Trang 50 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang. To make it easier to decide your holiday destination without worrying about financial problems, La Veranda has now launched a 0% Installment Plan within 6 months for ANZ credit card owners from now until 30/9/2015. The program applies to a VND3,379,000/ night vacation package or room booking worth more than VND5.000.000. La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc Email: contact@ From now until September 27th, Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon is offering attractive promotions for customers buying Renaissance Saigon Moon cake. Customers will get a 10% discount on 10 - 49 boxes; a 15% discount on 50 - 99 boxes;, and a 20% discount for Club Marriott members. In addition, this September, customers can enjoy Punch Wonder such as Com Ruou
Green Tea Punch, Pineapple Rum Tea Punch, Da Lat Mulberry Red Wine Punch, Saigon Punch at Atrium Lounge. Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon *I 8-15 Ton Duc Thang, Dist.1, HCMC *Tel: 08 3822 0033 - Ext: 2300 (For ordering mooncakes) Handmade with traditional technique from Taiwan to retain its fresh flavor, the unique fruit-flavored Moon cake with grapes, mangos and grapefruit are tantalizing. The combination of fruit and sweet cake will bring about a whole new exciting experience. Plus, there is another type of Moon cake which is made from excellent and high-quality ingredients like macadamia nuts, chestnuts, peppercorn, etc. The boxes have luxurious designs and are covered with high-quality fabric which make it a worthwile present for friends, families or colleagues. Price: VND1,250,000/a box of 4 cakes and a fruitcake accompanied; VND300,000 for each cake. Nikko Saigon Hotel Tel: 08. 3929 5520. Come to Mojo Cafä on Dong Khoi street to experience an assortment of savory sandwich choices during the month of September. Select your favorite sandwich among its special collection of Croquet Madame sandwich, Italian sausage sandwich, grilled vegetable turned in basil sauce and cheese sandwich, and Buffalo Chicken sandwich. Mojo Cafä *88 Dong Khoi, Dist.1, HCMC *Website: www. Vietnam Airlines has announced its new special promotion named "Special offers everyday" for passengers on various
domestic routes from now until December 30th. Accordingly, passengers can buy one-way tickets at special rates of VND 555,000 for Ho Chi Minh City - Buon Ma Thuot; VND 599,000 for Hanoi Chu Lai; VND 666,000 for Ho Chi Minh City - Nha Trang/ Quy Nhon/ Pleiku/ Hue; VND 799,000 for Ho Chi Minh - Da Nang/ Phu Quoc, Hanoi - Da Nang, Da Nang - Hai Phong. For further information, please visit www.vietnamairlines. com Just 90 minutes from Ho Chi Minh City, Alma Oasis Long Hai offers a sanctuary away from the daily grind. Relaxation is easy come with a 90-minute spa treatment included in every night stay. This along with fresh modern rooms, beautiful pool villas and great food makes it an ideal time to book your stay. Particularly, guests will get a special mid-week offer: 20% discount off the best available rate for mid-week stays (excluding Saturday nights). Available until December 31st 2015. Enjoy 1+1 on private pool villas (excluding Saturday nights). Available until December 20th 2015 *Alma Oasis Long Hai *44A Provincial Highway, Long Hai Town, Long Dien District, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province *Website: www. With a private pool and outdoor courtyard for Natural Living Program designed for holistic balance with 7 daily themes, Fusion Maia Da Nang offers the perfect balance of luxury and indulgence. The 7 day package includes all spa treatments (minimum 2 per day guaranteed), breakfast at anytime, any place, and pool villa with private pool and courtyard. Validity: September 1st 2015 - January 31st 2016
Fusion Maia Da Nang Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Khue My Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Da Nang City, Vietnam Website: Mango Bay Resort Phu Quoc is offering guests a10% discount on booking a minimum of 10 rooms, plus special deals for group packages in the Spa. There is a new meeting room available to guests with free Wi-fi, complimentary Tai Chi and Yoga classes every day. Offering a cosy and intimate atmosphere with breathtaking views, Mango Bay is also a unique venue to host special events such as weddings, anniversaries, private dinners or any other special celebration. Further information, please visit Voucher taxi Uber for guest staying or dinning at Hotel Nikko Hanoi From 1/9 to 1/11, any guest staying or dinning at Hotel Nikko Hanoi will receive 1 voucher taxi worth VND100,000. Guest can use this voucher for any taxi service from Uber (an application on mobile phone). Especially, the One Harmony member (the loyalty membership of Hotel Nikko Hanoi) will receive 2 vouchers. Furthermore, Uber's user will also receive discounts at the hotel's restaurants: a discount of 10% or go 4 pay 3 when dining at restaurants. In addition, Hotel Nikko Hanoi will continue to have more and more activities to reward benefit for its customers. Hotel Nikko Hanoi *84 Tran Nhan Tong, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi *Website: Http://hotelnikkohanoi. Making family fun on holiday even more convenient, this 2 night stay offers a free extra room, breakfast every day and WiFi. Vietnam's traditional hospitality is especially welcoming for families, and at AVANI Haiphong we know just how to spoil you. Children stay for free in an extra room. Breakfast at our easy going cafä dishes up a great range of favourites to please fussy little ones. Contact friends and family back home whenever you like, with free WiFi throughout your stay.VALID UNTIL 31 DECEMBER 2015 with rates start from 4,999,000 per room per night. For more information, please visit website
Tÿnh B’n Tre c„ g«n 20 Æi”m homestay, chÒ y’u tÀp trung Î huy÷n Ch©u Thµnh, TP.B’n Tre, ChÓ L∏ch, M· Cµy Bæc. Con sË nµy Æang t®ng d«n vµ m¯c ÆÈ phÙc vÙ ngµy cµng chuy™n nghi÷p h¨n. Nhi“u homestay Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ khang trang, Æ«y ÆÒ ti÷n nghi nh≠: homestay N®m Hi“n, Mai Thanh V©n, Jardindu Mekong homestay, T∏m LÈc, N®m VÚ, ßπi LÈc... ß„ lµ nh˜ng ng´i nhµ Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tho∏ng m∏t, ti÷n nghi gæn li“n vÌi c∂nh lµng qu™ mi÷t v≠Ín, kh´ng kh› trong lµnh, c∏ch xa phË th. Loπi h◊nh du lch nµy mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch nhi“u l˘a ch‰n trong hµnh tr◊nh tour du lch s´ng n≠Ìc mi÷t v≠Ín vÔng ßÂng bªng s´ng Cˆu Long.
A320 vµ A321, vÌi 33 Æ≠Íng bay trong n≠Ìc vµ quËc t’ Æ’n Th∏i Lan, Campuchia, Hµn QuËc, ßµi Loan, Singapore vµ Trung QuËc.
PhÛ QuËc vıa c„ k’ hoπch Æ«u t≠ d˘ ∏n c∏p treo tı An ThÌi ra Æ∂o Hn Th¨m vµ qu«n th” vui ch¨i, gi∂i tr› bi”n, khu dch vÙ nghÿ d≠Ïng Hn Th¨m vÌi tÊng m¯c Æ«u t≠ kho∂ng 10.000 t˚ ÆÂng. N’u d˘ ∏n c∏p treo "khÒng" nµy Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ sœ g„p ph«n lµm phong phÛ th™m s∂n ph»m du lch cho Æ∂o ng‰c PhÛ QuËc, l≠Óng du kh∏ch Æ’n vÌi Æ∂o ng‰c PhÛ QuËc sœ ti’p tÙc t®ng cao. Trong 7 th∏ng Æ«u n®m 2015, toµn tÿnh Ki™n Giang Æ∑ Æ„n 2,93 tri÷u l≠Ót kh∏ch du lch, trong Æ„, kh∏ch quËc t’ Æ’n PhÛ QuËc 110 ngµn l≠Ót kh∏ch.
Theo TS. Phan Thanh H∂i, Gi∏m ÆËc Trung t©m B∂o tÂn Di t›ch CË Æ´ Hu’, tı Æ«u n®m Æ’n nay Æ∑ c„ h¨n 1,5 tri÷u l≠Ót kh∏ch Æ’n th®m khu di s∂n Hu’. Trong Æ„, sË kh∏ch c„ mua vä tham quan lµ h¨n 1,4 tri÷u l≠Ót kh∏ch. M∆c dÔ doanh thu tı vä tham quan Æπt 141,2 t˚ ÆÂng dÔ tÊng l≠Óng du kh∏ch cÒa tÿnh gi∂m kho∂ng 12%, nh≠ng l≠Óng du kh∏ch Æ’n th®m khu di s∂n Hu’ v…n t®ng Ên Ænh. D˘ ki’n n®m 2015 Hu’ sœ Æ„n kho∂ng tr™n 2 tri÷u l≠Ót kh∏ch, ch≠a k” hµng vπn du kh∏ch Æ≠Óc mi‘n gi∂m vä theo quy Ænh hay Æ≠Óc mi‘n vä hoµn toµn trong c∏c ngµy l‘, t’t.
Khu du lch t‰a lπc tπi bi”n B∑i Dµi (x∑ Cam H∂i ß´ng, huy÷n Cam L©m, Kh∏nh Ha), c„ di÷n t›ch 5.000m2 phÙc vÙ c∏c tr ch¨i phÊ bi’n tr™n bi”n nh≠ dÔ bay, chπy m´t´ n≠Ìc, l≠Ìt v∏n... ß∆c bi÷t, vµo gi˜a th∏ng 7, khu du lch nµy Æ∑ Æ«u t≠ 6 chi’c m´t´ chπy d≠Ìi bi”n (motor diving) Æ” phÙc vÙ du kh∏ch. Loπi m´ t´ Æ∆c bi÷t nµy chÿ c„ mÈt chÁ ngÂi, c„ n„n d≠Ïng kh›, kÃm theo b◊nh oxy Î ph›a tr≠Ìc xe Æ” du kh∏ch thÎ d≠Ìi n≠Ìc. Xu†t hi÷n ch≠a l©u nh≠ng tr ch¨i nµy thu hÛt s˘ quan t©m cÒa du kh∏ch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc. M¯c ph› dµnh cho tr ch¨i nµy lµ 1.000.000VNß cho 20 phÛt. Ng≠Íi ch¨i kh´ng c«n ph∂i bi’t b¨i hay l∆n v◊ c∂ ng≠Íi vµ xe Æ≠Óc b∂o hÈ bÎi mÈt sÓi d©y c∏p, kÃm theo Æ„ lµ mÈt thÓ l∆n chuy™n nghi÷p. Hi÷p hÈi VÀn t∂i Hµng kh´ng QuËc t’ (IATA) Æ∑ trao Ch¯ng nhÀn An toµn VÀn hµnh IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) cho h∑ng hµng kh´ng Vietjet. Ch¯ng nhÀn IOSA x∏c nhÀn m¯c ÆÈ cam k’t cao nh†t cÒa mÈt h∑ng hµng kh´ng nhªm Æ∂m b∂o an toµn khai th∏c d˘a tr™n bÈ ti™u chu»n cÒa IATA. Tr≠Ìc Æ„, h÷ sË ÆÈ tin cÀy k¸ thuÀt cÒa h∑ng Æ∑ Æ≠Óc ghi nhÀn Æπt tÌi 99,49%. Chÿ 16% sË h∑ng hµng kh´ng tr™n toµn th’ giÌi Æπt Æ≠Óc ch¯ng chÿ quan tr‰ng nµy. H∑ng hi÷n khai th∏c ÆÈi tµu bay 26 chi’c
Tı nay, du kh∏ch tÌi Nha Trang sœ Æ≠Óc tæm bi”n Æ™m vÌi s˘ gi∏m s∏t cÒa l˘c l≠Óng c¯u hÈ Æ∂m b∂o an toµn mµ kh´ng m†t ph› tı 18h30 tÌi 22h30 hµng ngµy. Theo Æ„, khu v˘c Æ≠Óc khai th∏c c„ chi“u dµi bÍ bi”n 120 m, chi“u rÈng tı mäp n≠Ìc ra Æ’n phao giÌi hπn lµ 50m.
Trong s˘ ki÷n th≠Íng ni™n l«n th¯ 27 Virtuoso Travel Week Conference (HÈi ngh Tu«n l˜ hµnh Virtuoso) vıa di‘n ra tπi Kinh Æ´ gi∂i tr› Las Vegas, M¸, c∏c nhµ tÊ ch¯c Æ∑ gˆi Æ’n ngµnh c´ng nghi÷p kh´ng kh„i Vi÷t Nam mÈt t›n hi÷u vui: nh˜ng ng≠Íi c„ thu nhÀp cao Î M¸ vµ Canada Æang quan t©m ch‰n Vi÷t Nam lµm Æi”m Æ’n du lch trong mÔa Thu n®m 2015. SË l≠Óng Æ®ng k˝ du hµnh sang tr‰ng Æ’n Vi÷t Nam t®ng 270%, x’p hπng nh†t b∂ng Top 10 Æi”m Æ’n mÔa Thu n®m nay. B™n cπnh Vi÷t Nam, b∂ng x’p hπng c„ c∏c Æi”m Æ’n kh∏c bao gÂm: ƒn ßÈ, T©y Ban Nha, Argentina... Tu«n v®n ho∏, du lch Danh thæng QuËc gia ruÈng bÀc thang n®m 2015 sœ di‘n
ra tı ngµy 24/8 - 30/9 tπi Y™n B∏i. VÌi chÒ Æ“ "MÔa vµng tr™n non", Tu«n v®n h„a, du lch ruÈng bÀc thang 2015 sœ c„ hÈi thi khÃn M´ng l«n th¯ nh†t, tÊ ch¯c bay dÔ l≠Ón tπi ÆÃo Khau Phπ; phi™n chÓ vÔng cao; ch≠¨ng tr◊nh chi’u phim t≠ li÷u giÌi thi÷u h◊nh ∂nh du lch cÒa Y™n B∏i, c∏c bÈ phim v“ lch sˆ, v®n h„a cÒa c∏c d©n tÈc; tri”n l∑m ∂nh "MÔ Cang Ch∂i - nh˜ng n†c thang vµng"... ß∆c bi÷t, l«n Æ«u ti™n huy÷n MÔ Cang Ch∂i tÊ ch¯c HÈi thi ch‰i d™ tπi Æi”m du lch Th∏c M¨... Vietnam Airlines (VNA) vıa c´ng bË ch≠¨ng tr◊nh "MÔa thu vµng 2015" vÌi nhi“u m¯c gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i chÿ tı 199.000VNß/2 chi“u (t≠¨ng Æ≠¨ng 9 USD) tr™n mÈt sË Æ≠Íng bay quËc t’ vµ tı 333.000VNß/chi“u tr™n mÈt sË Æ≠Íng bay nÈi Æa do VNA khai th∏c. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng cho c∏c kh∏ch hµng mua vä tπi Vi÷t Nam tı 12/8/2015 Æ’n 26/8/2015, khÎi hµnh tı ngµy 16/8/2015 vµ k’t thÛc hµnh tr◊nh muÈn nh†t ngµy 31/3/2016. Th´ng tin chi ti’t tπi www. ThuÀt L∑nh Æπo Thi“n (Zenleadership) Æ≠Óc bi’t Æ’n tr™n th’ giÌi tı l©u s∏ng lÀp bÎi ti’n s¸ Ginny Whitelaw, bÀc th«y v“ ThuÀt L∑nh Æπo Thi“n tr™n th’ giÌi. Tπi Vi÷t Nam. Trong suËt 5 n®m theo ÆuÊi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh cÒa Ti’n s¸ Ginny, Master Sridevi TË H∂i Æ≠Óc Ti’n s‹ Ginny cho phäp mang ThuÀt L∑nh Æπo Thi“n v“ Vi÷t Nam nhªm Æem mÈt ch≠¨ng tr◊nh, mÈt bÈ m´n ngh÷ thuÀt bÊ ›ch cho c∏c l∑nh Æπo vµ ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam. Sau khi tÊ ch¯c thµnh c´ng vµo th∏ng 7 tπi TP.HCM, ngµy 16/08, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c Æ≠Óc ra mæt cho c∏c l∑nh Æπo tπi Hµ NÈi. Master Sridevi TË H∂i h≠Ìng d…n c∏c kh∏ch mÍi th˘c hµnh ph≠¨ng ph∏p Yoga c≠Íi Æ” gi∂i t·a c®ng thºng trong cuÈc sËng; giÌi thi÷u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh hu†n luy÷n ThuÀt L∑nh Æπo Thi“n - Khai ph∏ bËn nguÂn n®ng l≠Óng cÒa nhµ l∑nh Æπo: N®ng l≠Óng
d…n dæt, N®ng l≠Óng tÊ ch¯c, N®ng l≠Óng hÓp t∏c, N®ng l≠Óng t«m nh◊n. Bæt Æ«u tı th∏ng 8/2015, TÊng cÙc Du lch Hµn QuËc ch›nh th¯c ∏p dÙng ch›nh s∏ch hÁ trÓ Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh cho c∏c Æoµn kh∏ch du lch khen th≠Îng c„ quy m´ tı 10 ng≠Íi trÎ l™n. ßoµn kh∏ch sœ c„ th” Æ®ng k› nhÀn hÁ trÓ hai trong sË ba nÈi dung bao gÂm : quµ t∆ng, chµo Æ„n Æoµn s©n bay vµ xem ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n ngh÷ thuÀt. Th™m vµo Æ„, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n mπi KOREA GRAND SALE sœ di‘n ra tı 14/8 - 31/10/2015, h¯a hãn mang Æ’n cho du kh∏ch c¨ hÈi mua sæm vµ tr∂i nghi÷m v®n h„a Hµn QuËc mÈt c∏ch tÊi ≠u vÌi m¯c gi∏ ti’t ki÷m nh†t. Trong kho∂ng thÍi gian nµy, hoπt ÆÈng tham quan, Æi lπi, Æ∆t phng kh∏ch sπn, ®n uËng tπi Hµn QuËc sœ r†t thuÀn lÓi vÌi m¯c gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i, gi∂m gi∏ l™n tÌi 80%. C∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u, nh∑n hµng tham gia vµo ch≠¨ng tr◊nh vµ ch›nh s∏ch gi∂m gi∏ cÒa h‰ sœ Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt th≠Íng xuy™n tr™n website ch›nh th¯c tπi www. Hang S¨n ßong vıa Æ≠Óc tπp ch› khoa h‰c lıng danh Smithsonian (M¸) b◊nh ch‰n lµ Æi”m Æ’n Ưng Æ«u trong 25 Æi”m kh∏ch du lch c«n kh∏m ph∏ cÒa th’ k˚ 21. Smithsonian khºng Ænh: "Nªm Î V≠Ín quËc gia Phong Nha - KŒ Bµng, tÿnh Qu∂ng B◊nh, Vi÷t Nam, hang S¨n ßong c„ tr«n cao tÌi m¯c c„ th” ch¯a ßµi t≠Îng ni÷m Washington b™n trong. S¨n ßong dµi g†p 5 l«n hang ÆÈng tıng gi˜ k˚ lÙc dµi nh†t th’ giÌi - hang Deer Î Malaysia”. 4 Æa chÿ x’p sau S¨n ßong gÂm: Phng th› nghi÷m CERN, ThÙy S‹ Ng´i nhµ cÒa hπt Higgs (Hπt cÒa ChÛa), S©n bay vÚ trÙ, M¸ - N¨i b≠Ìc ch©n ra kh·i tr∏i Ɔt, VÔng nÛi ph›a Æ´ng ch©u Phi - Hµnh tr◊nh g∆p loµi khÿ ÆÈt lÌn nh†t hµnh tinh, ßµi thi™n v®n ALMA, Chile - N¨i quan s∏t Æ≠Óc nhi“u sao nh†t.
There are about 20 homestay destinations in Ben Tre province, mainly in Chau Thanh, Ben Tre city, Cho Lach and Mo Cay Bac. The number of homestays is increasing steadily with the more professional services. Many homestay are well-equipped such as Nam Hien, Mai Thanh Van, Tam Loc, Nam Vu, Dai Loc and Jardindu Mekong homestay. These houses are quiet and spacious. Guests can breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of village with fruits gardens. This kind of tourism also gives visitors more choices on their cruiser journey to explore the Mekong Delta. Phu Quoc has approved a project to build a cable car system linking An Thoi Town and Hon Thom Isle and hotel and entertainment complex. The project will amount to the a total cost of VND10,000 billion . This long cable car system will promote tourism in Phu Quoc, attracting more visitors to this pearl island. Within the 7 first months of 2015, Kien Giang province welcomed 2,93 million visitors in which 110,000 tourists come to Phu Quoc. Located on Bai Dai beach (Cam Hai Dong, Cam Lam, Khanh Hoa), with a total area of 5,000m2, the area offer an array of popular beach games such as parachuting, riding water motorbike and windsurfing. From the middle of July, the tourist zone has invested in 6 diving motors to offer even more exciting services to customers. This particular type of motor has only one seat and an oxygen helmet together with an oxygen bottle for visitors to breathe underwater. Recently launched, this game has attracted thousands of domestic and international
tourists. It costs VND1 million for 20 minutes. Anyone wishing to try does not need to be able to swim or dive because the vehicle and them are protected by a wire cable and accompanied by a professional diver.
number of tourists visiting Hue's heritage sites has increased steadily. In 2015, Hue expects to welcome over 2 million visitors, not to mention thousands of visitors receiving discounts and free tickets during special occasions.
Vietjet has recently received the certificate of IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) from the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) for its outstanding operational standards. IOSA is an internationally accepted and recognized evaluation system designed to assess the operational management and control systems of an airline according to IATA. Earlier, Vietjet's technical reliability ratio had also been registered at 99.49%. Only 16 % of the carriers worldwide has obtained the certificate. With 26 Airbus A320s and A321s, Vietjet Air operates on 33 domestic and international routes to Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and China.
At the 27th Virtuoso Travel Week Conference, in the Entertainment Capital of Las Vegas, USA, the organizers had sent to the Vietnamese tourism industry a sight that wealthy American and Canadian people have selected Viet Nam as a tourism destination in this autumn. The registration number of the luxury travel to Viet Nam increased 270%, ranking the Top 10 Fall Destinations 2015. India, Spain and Argentina have been also listed.
From now on, visitors coming to Nha Trang can bathe freely at night on a new beach with the observation of rescue workers from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm everyday. This beach is 120m long and 50m wide (from the shore to the limit buoys) According to Dr. Phan Thanh Hai, the Director of Hue Monuments Conservation Centre, more than 1.5 million tourists have visited Hue's heritage sites since the beginning of this year. Most notably, more than 1.4 million visitors have bought tickets. The revenue from these entrance fees has reached upwards of VND141,2 billion. Although the province's total number of visitors fell by 12%, the
From September 24th to 29th, the Culture and Tourism Week of Mu Cang Chai terraced field 2015 will take place under the theme "Golden Season on Mountains" in Yen Bai. In the framework of event, there will be many activities to be held such as the 1st contest of Mong Khen, the paragliding festival over Khau Pha mountain pass, highland market days, and film screenings to introduce the history and culture of ethnic groups and the photo exhibition "Mu Cang Chai - Golden stairs". Moreover, Mu Cang Chai will held the 1st Goat fighting festival at Thac Mo. Vietnam Airlines has announced its Golden Autumn 2015 program with a lot of promotions. Accordingly, air fare costs from VND199,000 (9 USD)/ return ticket on some international route and from VND333,000/one-way ticket on some domestic routes. The promotion is valid for purchase in Vietnam from August 12th -
26th, 2015 with travel during the period from August 16th , 2015 to March 31st, 2016. For further information, please visit Founded by Dr. Ginny Whitelaw, Zen Leadership has been renowned in the world for a long time. During 5 years pursuit the useful program of Dr. Ginny, Master Sridevi To Hai is allowed to introduce Zen Leadership to Vietnamese leaders and other people. After the successful event in HCMC last July, Zen Leadership program was officially launched for leaders of Hanoi. Master Sridevi To Hai guided guests to practice Laughter Yoga to reduce stress and introduced the Zen Leadership training course - Exploring 4 energy resources of leaders including leading, organizing, cooperating energy and the energy of vision. From August 2015, Korean Tourism Organization has officially offered its special promotion to groups of more than 10 incentive tourists. These visitors will receive two of three privileges including gifts, airport welcome and art performance. Additionally, KOREA GRAND SALE taking place from August 14th to October 31st bring travelers great opportunities to experience Korean culture and go shopping with huge offers. During this festival, visitors can easily travel, book a hotel and enjoy Korean foods and drinks at lowest prices and discounts up to 80%. The festival's participants and their offers are updating on http://www. Son Doong Cave has been named as one of the 25 great new places to see in the 21st century by the US Smithsonian Institution magazine. Smithsonian stated "Located in UNESCO heritage site Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, the cavern has ceilings high enough to accommodate the Washington Monument. The cave is about five times longer than its nearest competitor for the world's longest, Deer Cave in Sarawak, Malaysia." Other sights on the list include the CERN Laboratory in Switzerland - Home of the God Higgs, Spaceport America - Leaving the Earth, Mountain Trekking, East Africa - Gorillas in Their Midst, Alma Telescope, Chile - The Starriest Night.
FOOODS & WINES Cü MÄ MõI NH¶ BÉNH TRUNG THU GiËng nh≠ b∏nh t∏o Î ch©u M¸, b∏nh Trung Thu lµ m„n quµ truy“n thËng mang gi∏ tr gia Æ◊nh trong v®n h„a ch©u É.
MOONCAKES, OLD BUT NEW Like Apple Pie in America, Mooncake is a traditional gift, baring cultural values of Asian families. ßIÕM ß⁄N / TRAVEL 9 ßIÕM ß⁄N MùA THU “ß—P NH¶ M•” Dresden, Copenhagen, Vancouver, Cˆu Trπi C©u, Hµ Giang... lµ nh˜ng c∂nh sæc “Æãp nh≠ m¨” kh´ng th” b· qua cho chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh mÔa thu nµy.
9 “JUST LIKE DREAM” AUTUMN DESTINATIONS Dresden, Copenhagen, Vancouver, Jiuzhaigou and Ha Giang are “just like dream” sceneries that can enchant any traveler exploring the world this autumn.
ITINERARY ßI TçM THUNG LüNG CûA NH~NG GIƒC M• Hµnh tr◊nh t◊m ki’m thung lÚng kh„i xanh y™n b◊nh, d≠Íng nh≠ chÿ c„ trong nh˜ng gi†c m¨.
GENERAL NEWS VIåT NAM D√N ß¡U TOP 10 ßIÕM ß⁄N MùA THU 2015 Nh˜ng ng≠Íi c„ thu nhÀp cao Î M¸ vµ Canada Æang quan t©m ch‰n Vi÷t Nam lµm Æi”m Æ’n du lch trong mÔa Thu n®m 2015
SEEKING THE VALLEY OF DREAMS A journey to find the tranquil green smoke valley, which seems to be only exist in dreams.
VN LEADS TOP 10 DESTINATIONS FOR AUTUMN 2015 Wealthy American and Canadian people have selected Viet Nam as a tourism destination this autumn.
ßIÕM ß⁄N/ TRAVEL LÑC VÄO X` TH¡N TI£N SINTRA Sintra lµ Æa Æi”m kh´ng th” b· qua khi du kh∏ch Æ’n BÂ ßµo Nha mÔa thu nµy.
99 106
SINTRA, LOST IN WONDERLAND Sintra is a must-see destination for any visitor coming to Portugal this autumn.
C•M VIåT (63 Phπm HÂng Th∏i *Tel: 3927 5920) NHÄ HÄNG QUÉN °N NGON 26 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m District *Tel: (+84-4) 3933 6133 *Fax: (+84-4) 3933 6135 *Email: CLUB DE L'ORIENTAL (22 T´ng ß∂n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826 8801 *Hotline: 3927 4641/ 0904 885 414) DA PAOLO WESTLAKE (No 18, Lane 50/59/17 ß∆ng Thai Mai, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 8585 1443) DON'S RESTAURANT
Ngon Restaurant has gained many domestic and international awards such as The Guide Award (14 consecutive years) and voted by as one of the most renowned restaurants in Asia. (18 Phan BÈi Ch©u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3942 8162 *Website: http:// SIXTY SIX RESTAURANT (66 Hµng BÂ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 04 3266 8888) S` BUFFET (64 Nguy‘n Du, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3941 3338 *Website: VERTICALE
(16 lane, 27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 3719 2828)
(19 Ng´ V®n SÎ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6317, website: www.
(64B Qu∏n S¯, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3942 9168)
(100A Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ * Tel: 3718 6917 * Website: www.
HÅI SÅN NGON (199A Nghi Tµm, T©y H *Tel: 3719 3170 *Website: http:// HIGHWAY4 (5 Hµng Tre, Hoµn Ki’m * 101 Tr«n Th∏i T´ng, C«u Gi†y * 54 Mai Hæc ß’, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng) HOME RESTAURANT (34 Ch©u Long, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3939 2222 *Hot line: 0916 018 535 *Email: info@ *Website: KOTO (59 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3747 0338 *website: http://
TIME HOUSE RESTAURANT & BAR (L´ B, D23 Khu Æ´ th mÌi C«u Gi†y, Tr«n Th∏i T´ng, C«u Gi†y * Tel: 04 3834 2288) BARS/CAFES CIAO COFFEE (2 Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 1494) HIGHLANDS COFFEE (6 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 0444) LEVEL10 NIGHT CLUB & LOUNGE (T«ng10, 57 L˝ ThuÍng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi)
PHô 24 (31 Hµng Khay, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1812 *Website:
M-BOX BAR & LOUNGE (23A Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3828 8820)
PILSNER URQUELL ORIGINAL (10 Nguy‘n Bi”u, *Tel: 3734 2288 *Website: http://www.
(57 Cˆa Nam, Hoµn Ki’m * Website: PRESS CLUB
POTS 'N PANS (57 BÔi Th Xu©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3944 0204)
(59A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 3934 0888) SPORT BAR O'LEARYS (38 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 3934 5368) THE KAFE
QUÉN °N NGON Qu∏n °n Ngon Æ∑ Æπt Æ≠Óc nhi“u gi∂i th≠Îng trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc nh≠ 14 n®m li“n Æπt gi∂i th≠Îng uy t›n The Guide Award, nªm trong danh s∏ch c∏c nhµ hµng nÊi ti’ng nh†t Ch©u É cÒa
(18 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, Ba ß◊nh, *Tel: 37476245 *Website:www. THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF (28 Thanh Ni™n, T©y H *Tel: 3715 4240 *Website:
THE ROOFTOP (Floor 19, Pacific Place Building - 83B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3946 1901) SPAS AMADORA WELLNESS & SPA (250 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3978 5407 *Website: to-spa.html) ANNAM FOOT & BODY MASSAGE
CASA D'ORIENTE (23 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8678 *website: www. CRAFT LINK (43 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3733 6101 *website: IPA NIMA (73 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4000 *Website: SˇNG
(71 Hµng B´ng, Hoµn Ki’m * Hotline: 0932 391 888)
(27 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 8733)
ANAM QT SPA (42 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3928 6116 *Website:
T¢N M≤ DESIGN (61 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 1579 *Website:
AQUAMARINE SPA (44 L™ Ng‰c H©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 2220 6788 *Website:
TRANH TH£U XQ (110 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3938 1905 *Website:
ELITE SPA FITNESS & SPA (51 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ *Tel: 3718 6433 *Website: VÑN SEN SPA (65B T´ Hi’n Thµnh, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 6282 8588 *Website: http:// ZEN SPA (100 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ *Tel: 3719 9889) BANKING SERVICES ANZ (Floor 7, Suncity Building, 13 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3938 6901 *Website: vietnam/vn) CITI BANK (17 Ng´ Quy“n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 1950 *Website: http://www.citibank. HSBC (23 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 3189 *Website: http:// STANDARD CHARTERED (49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3696 0000 *Website: http://www. VIETCOMBANK 198 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 3137 *Website: http:// SOUVENIR SHOPS CARAT SHOP (27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ *Tel: 6270 0479 *Website:
CULTURE VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY (Nguy‘n V®n Huy™n Street, C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3756 2193 *Website: VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY (1 Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3824 2433 *Website: http:// VIETNAM NATIONAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (6 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3733 2131 *Website: http:// SHOPPING MALLS PARKSON (198B T©y S¨n, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3537 8666 *Website: http:// VINCOM TOWERS (191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng *Tel: 3974 9999 *Website: http:// VincomCenterBaTrieu) TRÄNG TI≈N PLAZA (24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi) SUPERMARKETS CITIMART Hµ NÈi Tower - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 3961 *Website: INTIMEX (22 - 32 L™ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3825 6148 *Website: http:// TRAVELLIVE
(Telephone Code: 08)
(27 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, District 3 *Tel: 3520 6800)
KOREA (107 Nguy‘n Du, District 1 *Tel: 38225757) AMERICA (4 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3520 4610) LAOS (93 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel: 3829 7667) MALAYSIA (2 Ng´ ߯c K’, District 1 *Tel: 382 99023) JAPAN (261 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, District 3 *Tel: 3933 3510) RUSSIA (40 Bµ Huy÷n Thanh Quan, District 3 *Tel: 3930 3936)
(40-5 Phπm Vi’t Ch∏nh, Ward 19, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3518 0045) SINGAPORE (Floor 8 , Saigon Centre - 65 L™ LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5173) THAILAND (77 Tr«n QuËc Th∂o, District 3 *Tel: 3932 7637) AIRLINES KOREAN AIRLINES (34 L™ Du»n, District 1*Tel: 3824 2878 *Website: https://www. QATAR AIRWAYS (Room 8, Petro Vietnam Building, 1- 5 L™ Du»n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 3888 *Website: TURKISH AIRLINES (Floor 8, AB Tower- 76A L™ Lai, District 1 *Tel: 3936 0360 *Website: http://www.
GINKGO VOYAGE (130 Nguyen Cong Tru, District 1*Tel: 3838 9944 *www. SAIGONTOURIST TRAVEL SERVICE (45 L™ Th∏nh T´n, District 1 *Tel: 3827 9279 *Website: http://
For further information, please contact: Sale Department *Email: Tel: 0989 246 411*Or visit for advertising information
TAXIS TAXI 27/7 (153 X´ Vi’t Ngh÷ T‹nh, Ward 17, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3962 0620 *Website: http://www.27-7. MAI LINH
(17 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3827 1717) NORFOLK HOTEL (117 L™ Th∏nh T´n, Q1*Tel: 08 3829 5368 *Fax: 08 3829 3415 *Email: *Website:
(64 - 68 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, B’n Nghä Ward, District 1*Tel: 3829 8888 - *Website: HOTELS/RESORTS CARAVELLE HOTEL (19 - 23 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1 *Tel: 3823 4999 *Website: http://www.caravellehotel. com) INTERCONTINENTAL ASIANA SAIGON (Corner Hai Ba Trung St. & Le Duan Blvd, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam *Tel: 3520 9999 *Fax: 3520 9955 *www. LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON CITYPOINT (59-61 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TPHCM *Tel: 3822 5678) LIBERTY CENTRAL SAIGON RIVERSIDE
HOTEL EQUATORIAL HO CHI MINH CITY (242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5, HCMC *Tel: 3839 7777 *Email: *www. PARKROYAL SAIGON (309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi Str, Tan Binh Dist, HCMC *Tel: +84 8 3842 1111)
THE ALCOVE LIBRARY HOTEL (133A- 133B Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chinh, Q.PhÛ NhuÀn, HCMC *Tel: 6256 9966 *Hotline: 0938 979 000 *Website:
SAPA (Telephone Code: 020) HOTELS/RESORTS SUNNY MOUNTAIN (010, M≠Íng Hoa, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3787 999 *Website: http:// VICTORIA SAPA RESORT & SPA (Sapa District, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam *Tel: +84 20 38 71 522 *Fax: +84 20 38 71 539 *Email: * RESTAURANTS FANSIPANSAPA (23 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 556) GERBERA (31 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 064) NATURE VIEW (51 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 438)
39 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3871 019)
(Group 19, Block 4, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3887 151 *Website: http://www.
TRAVEL AGENTS KHÉM PHÉ VIåT (31 Xu©n Vi™n, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 3872 606 *Website: http://
(8, 25/4 Street, Hπ Long, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3618 608 *Website: HÑ LONG PLAZA
(68 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel: 6523 172 *Website: http://
(SË 1 Hang D¨i H∂i Phng *Tel: 3864 864)
(8 Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3845 810 *Website: http://
(221 Lπch Tray, ßÊng QuËc B◊nh, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3833 833 *Website:
(Hoµng QuËc Vi÷t, B∑i Ch∏y, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3841 770 *Website: http://www.
HÅI PHíNG - CÉT BÄ (Telephone Code: 031)
HOTELS/RESORTS CÉT BÄ ISLAND RESORT & SPA (C∏t C 1, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3688 686 *Website: http:// (Zone 3, ß S¨n *Tel: 3864 888 *Website: http://www. TRAVEL AGENTS ߤ S•N TOURISM
VIETCOMBANK (11 Hoµng Di÷u, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: http://www. ACB
(Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3848108 *Website: http:// TU¡N CH¢U ISLAND HOLIDAY VILLA
(69 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3823 392 *Website: www.
(Island Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3842 999 *Website: http:// www.tuanchauholidayvilla-halong. com)
(5 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng *Tel: 3810 865 *Website: www.techcombank.
(Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3846 058 *Website: http://
(Zone 2, ß S¨n *Tel: 3861 330 *Website: http://dosontourism. com/)
(Quang Trung, HÂng Bµng)
(178 T´n ߯c Thæng, L™ Ch©n *Tel: 3622 608 *Website: http://
(1 Hπ Long Road, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3846 272)
(204 Quang Trung, Phπm HÂng Th∏i, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3831 777)
(3 Phπm B∏ Tr˘c, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3733 833)
ߤ S•N
HÑ LONG - QUÅNG NINH (Telephone Code: 033)
For further information, please contact: Sale Department *Email: Tel: 0989 246 411 *Or visit for advertising information
(23 Minh Khai, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3746 858 *Website: http://www. PARKSON (1/20A L™ HÂng Phong, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3852 459 *Website:
CRUISES ¢U C• (Hanoi Sales Office: 47 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3933 4545 *Website: http://
(Telephone Code: 0510)
Aphrodite CRUISES
Aphrodite Cruises team is simply unique. Sharing the same exquisite standards and scrupulous attention to detail reflective the life of local fish farms which are self of representatives of daily activities weaving indigenous culture, Aphrodite Cruises is the choice of eco & sustainable experiences.
(1 Phπm HÂng Th∏i * Tel: 391 4555 * Website: www.hoi-an.
(Head Office: Townhouse B14, Tuan Chau Marina, Halong, Quang Ninh, Vietnam *Tel: 6281 888 *Fax: 6281 666 *Hanoi Office: 20th Floor, VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi, Vietnam *Tel: 04 2220 8686 *Fax: 04 2220 8689 *Email: info@ *Website: CALYPSO (Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. ORIENTAL SAILS Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3926 4009 *Website: http://www. PHOENIX (Hanoi Sales Office: 32M L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3747 8006 *Website: http://www.
BOUTIQUE HóI AN RESORT (Group 6, Block T©n Thnh, C»m An Ward *Tel: 3939 111 *Website:
(Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3847 591) HOÄNG GIA (Hoµng Gia Park, Hπ Long *Tel: 3845 913) TAXIS MAI LINH (136 Anh ßµo, B∑i Ch∏y, Qu∂ng Ninh *Tel: 3849 155 *38222 266 *Website: BANKING SERVICES VIETCOMBANK (Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3844 749 *Website: http:// BIDV (Bπch ߪng Ward, Hn Gai *Tel: 3823 680 *Website: http://
(330 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 770 *Website: PALM GARDEN BEACH RESORT & SPA HOI AN (Lπc Long Qu©n, Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 927 *Website: http:// SUNRISE HóI AN BEACH RESORT (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3937 777 *Website: http://www. GOLDEN SAND RESORT & SPA HóI AN
HOI AN HISTORIC HOTEL (SË 10, Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, HÈi An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 3861 445 *Fax: 3861 636 *Email: *Website: Kh∏ch sπn HÈi An Historic nªm Î trung t©m cÒa HÈi An r†t g«n vÌi khu phË cÊ vµ c∏c Æa Æi”m du lch kh∏c. Kh∏ch sπn c„ 150 phng Æπt ti™u chu»n quËc t’ vµ c∏c d∑y phng g«n khu v≠Ín xanh t≠¨i vµ Æ«y bong r©m vÌi c∏c ti÷n nghi cao c†p vµ thi™n nhi™n trong lµnh. Situated in the heart of Hoi An, with close proximity to shops, ancient town and other nearby attractions. The hotel provides 150 international-standard rooms and suites with luxury accommodation and pure nature.
(SË 1 PhË Cˆa ßπi, Thµnh phË HÈi An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 392 7011 *Fax: 392 7019 *Email: reservation@ *Website: C∏ch khu phË cÊ HÈi An 4 km, Hoi An Beach Resort Æ≠Óc coi lµ Æa Æi”m l˝ t≠Îng cho du kh∏ch muËn nghÿ ng¨i th≠ gi∑n Î b∑i bi”n hay th®m c∏c Di s∂n Th’ giÌi nh≠ PhË cÊ HÈi An, th∏nh Æa M¸ S¨n, vv... hay kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng n¨i Î c∏c vÔng l©n cÀn. Four km from the town's ancient quarter is Hoi An Beach Resort. It is an ideal place for tourists who enjoy relaxing at the seaside, visiting the World Heritages such as Hoi An Ancient town, My Son holy land... and exploring other places in the surrounding areas
HóI AN (193 L˝ Th∏i TÊ, C»m Ch©u *Tel: 3919 919) MAI LINH (410 Cˆa ßπi & 60 Nguy‘n Duy Hi÷u *Tel: 3914 914 *3929 292 *Website: BANKING SERVICES VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Di÷u *Tel: 3861 340 *Website: CULTURE HóI AN MUSEUM OF FOLK CULTURE
(33 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c)
(39 ßµo Duy Tı, C»m PhÊ, HÈi An *Tel: 05103 950 777)
HóI AN MUSEUM OF HISTORY & CULTURE (7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3852 945) MUSEUM OF SA HU∞NH CULTURE (149 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 535)
VICTORIA HOI AN BEACH RESORT & SPA (Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 040 *Website: http://www.victoriahotels. asia/eng/hotels-in-vietnam/hoi-anbeach-resort-spa) TRAVEL AGENTS HóI AN TRAVEL (10 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 911 *Website: http://
(Thanh Ni™n Road, Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3927 550 *Website: http://
(236 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3919 199 *Website: http://www. SAKURA RESTAURANT & COOKING CLASS (11 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3910 369 *Website: http:// SECRET GARDEN (Down the alley next to 60 L™ LÓi *Tel: 3862 037 *Website: http:// BARS/CAFES HóI AN FULLMOON TOWNS BAR & RESTAURANT (101 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 922 *Website: http://www.
SOUVENIR SHOPS É ß§NG SILK (62 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 59) L¤NG ßáN TR¡N PH@ (65 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 996) TRANH TH£U XQ HóI AN (23 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3911 872 *Website: http://
ßÄ NøNG (Telephone Code: 0511)
HOTELS/RESORTS A LA CARTE DA NANG BEACH (Corner of Vo Nguyen Giap Street & Duong Dinh Nghe Str, Son Tra Dist, Da Nang *Tel: +84 5113 959 555 *Fax: +84 5113 959 555 *Web: *Email: AVATAR HOTEL DA NANG (Add: 120 An Thuong 2 street, My An ward, Ngu Hanh Son Dist, Da Nang City, Viet Nam *Website: FUSION MAIA DANANG (Tr≠Íng Sa, Khu™ M¸, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3967 999 *Website:
(110 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel: 3862 212 *Website: http://www.
(B∑i Bæc, S¨n Trµ *Tel: 3938 888 *Website: http://danang. TRAVELLIVE
PULLMAN DANANG BEACH RESORT (V‚ Nguy™n Gi∏p Street, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 395 8888 *Website: www. GRAND MERCURE DANANG HOTEL (Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of Green Island, Ha C≠Íng Bæc, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 379 7777 *Website: http://www. NOVOTEL ßÄ NøNG PREMIER HAN RIVER (36 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3929 999 *Website: SAMDI HOTEL (203-211 Nguy‘n V®n Linh, Thanh Kh™, ßµ NΩng *Tel: 0511 3586 222 *Fax: 0511 3586 225 *Email: *Website: www. TRAVEL AGENTS ASIANA TRAVEL MATE (Domestic Arrival Hall, ßµ NΩng Airport *Tel: 3614 783 *Website:
*Tel: 3470 114 *Website: http://www.
MUSEUM OF DANANG (24 Tr«n PhÛ, Thπch Thang, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3822 390 *Website: http://www.
Website: http://www.vietcombank.
SOUVENIR SHOPS ART GALLERY (176 Tr«n PhÛ, Ph≠Ìc Ninh, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3897 798)
RESTAURANTS TR@C L¢M VI£N (8 - 10 Tr«n Qu˝ C∏p *Tel: 3582 428 *Website: SPAS VINCHARM SPA (Vinpearl Luxury ßµ NΩng - Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 3968 888 *Website: http://www. BANKING SERVICES ACB (16 Th∏i Phi™n, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3897 806 *Website: http://www.acbbank. TECHCOMBANK (244 - 248 Nguy‘n V®n Linh *Tel: 3650 118 *Website: http://www. CULTURE DANANG MUSEUM OF CHAM SCULPTURE (No2, 2/9 Street, B◊nh Hi™n, H∂i Ch©u
HU⁄ (Telephone Code: 054)
S•N MÄI ߧNG BA (Tr«n H≠ng ßπo)
HOTELS/RESORTS ANA MANDARA HU⁄ (ThuÀn An Town, PhÛ Vang *Tel: 3983 333 *Website: http://www. BEST WESTERN PREMIER INDOCHINE PALACE (105A HÔng V≠¨ng,TP Hu’ *Tel: 054 393 6666 - Fax : 054 393 6555 *Email: *Website: www.
TAXIS S§NG HÄN (37/1 ßi÷n Bi™n PhÒ, H∂i Ch©u *Tel: 3719 258)
(78 HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 3811 900
NHA TRANG (Telephone Code: 058) HOTELS/RESORTS BEST WESTERN PREMIER HAVANA NHA TRANG (38 Tr«n PhÛ Boulevard, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 388 9999 *Website: www. CAM RANH RIVIERA BEACH RESORT&SPA (Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam *Tel: (+84) 583989898 *Email: *Website: MIA RESORT
(49 L™ LÓi, Hu’ *Tel: (+84) 54 3823390 *Website: http://www.
(B∑i ß´ng, Cam H∂i ß´ng, Cam L©m *Tel: 3989 666 *Website: http://www.
IMPERIAL HU⁄ (8 HÔng V≠¨ng, PhÛ HÈi *Tel: 3882 222 *Website:
VEDANÇ LAGOON (Zone 1, PhÛ LÈc *Tel: 3681 688 *Website: http://www.vedanalagoon. com/)
(Ninh V©n Bay, Ninh Ha *Tel: 372 8222 *Website: http://www.
(12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3820 999 *Website: http://www.
RESTAURANTS CUNG ßçNH (3 Nguy‘n Sinh Sæc, V‹ Dπ *Tel: 3897 202 *Website: http://www.royalpark. TAXIS MAI LINH (177 Phan ß◊nh PhÔng *Tel: 3898 989 *Website: BANKING SERVICES VIB (51 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, V‹nh Ninh *Tel: 3883 666 *Website: http://www.vib.
RESTAURANTS LOUISIANE BREW HOUSE (Lot No 29 Tr«n PhÛ Park *Tel: 352 1948 *Website: http://www. BARS/CAFES GUAVA (34 Nguy‘n Thi÷n ThuÀt, T©n LÀp & 17 Bi÷t Th˘, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3526 197 & 3524 140 *Website: http://www. RAINBOW BAR (90A HÔng V≠¨ng, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3524 351)
TAXIS NHA TRANG (46 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai *Tel: 381 8181) KHÉNH HOÄ (46 L™ Th∏nh T´n, LÈc Th‰ *Tel: 3810 810) TRAVEL AGENTS SUN FLOWER TRAVEL (2B HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 3527 660 *Website: http://www. BANKING SERVICES BIDV (45 - 47 ThËng Nh†t *Tel: 3822 034 *Website: VIETINBANK (4 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3822 759 *Website: http://www.
PHAN THI⁄T MüI N– (Telephone Code: 062) HOTELS/ RESORTS
PH@ HÅI RESORT VÌi 44 phng Deluxe vµ 38 bi÷t th˘ sang tr‰ng vµ c„ ban c´ng ri™ng; c∏c phng c„ m∏y lπnh, Æi÷n thoπi quËc t’, qu«y r≠Óu, truy“n h◊nh v÷ tinh, kät an toµn, m∏y s†y t„c... PhÛ H∂i Resort lu´n sΩn sµng chµo Æ„n du kh∏ch. The 4 star Phu Hai Resort always welcomes guests with 44 deluxe rooms & 38 luxurious villas with private terraces, restaurant & bar, 2 tennis courts, spa & beauty salon and private beach(200m)... (Km8, Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u, Ph≠Íng PhÛ Hµi, Thµnh PhË Phan Thi’t, Tÿnh B◊nh ThuÀn, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 062. 3 812 799 & Fax: 062. 3 812 797 *Email: *Website: VICTORIA PHAN THIET BEACH RESORT & SPA (Km 9, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan, Vietnam *Tel: +84 62 3813 000 *Fax: +84 62 3813 007 *Email: * RESTAURANTS BAMBOO BAMBOO (131 Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3790 169)
GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (57A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u *Tel: 3847 589 *Website: http://www. SOUVENIR SHOPS SAIGON ART & GALLERY (Km 11, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3847 507 *Website: VIET FASHION (34 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 6253 213) SUPERMARKETS CO.OP MART (1A Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, B◊nh H≠ng *Tel: 3835 440 *Website: http://www.
ßÄ LÑT (Telephone Code: 063) HOTELS/RESORTS ANA MANDARA VILLAS DALAT RESORT & SPA (L™ Lai Street, Ward 5 *Tel: 3555 888 *Website: BINH AN VILLAGE RESORT DALAT (H Tuy“n L©m, Khu phË 4,
ßµ Lπt, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 84-633 - 800 999 * * DALAT EDENSEE LAKE RESORT & SPA (Tuy“n L©m Lake, Zone VII.2 *Tel: 3831 515 *Website: http://www. NGñC PHÉT ßÄ LÑT (10 H TÔng MÀu, Ph≠Íng 3, Tp. ßµ lπt *Tel: 063 368 3979 *Fax: 063 383 5868 *Email: info@ *Website: RESTAURANTS LE RABELAIS (12 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3825 444) TAXIS ßÄ LÑT (20 Phπm NgÚ L∑o *Tel: 3556 655 *Website: MAI LINH (18 Nguy‘n V®n Cı *Tel: 3511 111)
BçNH D¶•NG (Telephone Code: 650) AN LAM SAIGON RIVER (21/4 Trung Str, Vinh Phu W, Thuan An Dist, Binh Duong Province,
Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 650 378 5555 *Fax: (+84) 650 378 5000 *Email: *Hotline: (+84) 908 998 550)
GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (6 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3856 959 *Website: http://www.
VüNG TÄU (Telephone Code: 064)
PH@ QUˇC (Telephone Code: 077)
HOTELS/RESORTS H¤ TRÄM BEACH RESORT&SPA (H Trµm, Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuy™n MÈc *Tel: 378 1525 *Website: http://www. TROPICANA BEACH RESORT & SPA (44A Road, Ph≠Ìc H∂i, ߆t ß· *Tel: 367 8888 *Website: http://www.
HOTELS/RESORTS THE SHELLS RESORT & SPA PH@ QUˇC (B∑i bi”n Gµnh Gi„, th tr†n D≠¨ng ß´ng, ß∂o PhÛ QuËc *Tel: +84 3872 3655 *Email:info@theshells. * EDEN RESORT (Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3985 598 *Website: LA VERANDA RESORT PH@ QUˇC (Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988 *Email: *Website:
TAXIS MAI LINH (12 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3563 656) PETRO (50 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a *Tel: 3851 851) RESTAURANTS DAVID (92 Hπ Long Street, Ward 2 *Tel: 3521 012)
RESTAURANTS CHEZ CAROLE (88 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng *Tel: 3848 884 *Website: http://www.
MùA GÖT ô M¶òNG HUM TÉC GIÅ: L£ H¤NG HÄ Th∏ng 9 khi nh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng Î MÔ Cang Ch∂i v…n cn xanh, ph›a Hoµng Su Ph◊, X›n M«n bæt Æ«u ÆÊi sæc, Than Uy™n, T©n Uy™n thÀm ch› mÌi trÊ b´ng th◊ nh˜ng ruÈng bÀc thang M≠Íng Hum Æ∑ ch›n vµng vµo vÙ g∆t. Lµ mÈt trong 3 ruÈng lÛa bÀc thang Æãp nh†t Î Lµo Cai sau Sapa vµ Y T˝, nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u th∏ng 9, khæp thung lÚng M≠Íng Hum lµ mÈt mµu vµng cÒa no †m, sæc vµng trµn ngÀp m‰i ng„c ng∏ch, Æ≠Íng Æi. Nh˜ng ng≠Íi d©n n¨i Æ©y Æang lµm vi÷c kh´ng ngıng nghÿ. T†t c∂ tπo n™n b¯c tranh tr∏ng l÷ Æ«y sËng ÆÈng. HARVEST SEASON IN MUONG HUM Photo: Le HONG HA In September, when rice fields in Mu Cang Chai are still green, the ones in Hoang Su Phi and Xin Man have changed their color. While rice has just flowered in Than Uyen and Tan Uyen, it has already ripen in Muong Hum. Together with Sapa and Y Ty, Muong Hum is one of the most beautiful terraced rice fields in Lao Cai. From the first days of September, every road and corner of this valley are filled with the yellow color of prosperity. Locals are working tirelessly. The nature and people all together create the magnificent picture of life.
ban VANG
ban DEN
ban DO
ban XANH
Ten tai lieu: Bia Travellive thang9_.job
Tro lat mau Process Black Cyan Magenta Yellow
ban DEN ban VANG ban DO ban XANH Ten tai lieu: Bia Travellive thang9_.job
Tro lat mau Process Black Cyan Magenta Yellow