Adult Learning & Formation The Rev’d Erin Hougland
Throughout 2020, we had to be very creative and innovative in how we did our formation work together. When the COVID19 Pandemic hit our community, we had to move everything online and begin thinking of new ways to gather together while staying at home and staying safe during this time.
continuing to generate more. While this year was challenging in many ways, it gave way to many new and creative opportunities for us to learn and grow together.
Our Adult Programming in 2020 began as usual with our My Journey Spiritual Story-Sharing Group and a Trinity 101 session for newcomers, as well as our regular Sunday Adult forums in the Fortune Room. As we began our Wade in the Water Confirmation Series, a program that had about 60 individuals participating (so awesome!), the pandemic hit Indianapolis and we had to move our robust Sunday/Wednesday Wade in the Water Series to online learning. From there we set a template for how to do online lectures, learning sessions and other virtual learning programs. Below is a list of the many offerings we tried and offered during this unique year. Much of the content for our time together was focused on the issues that were unfolding over the course of the year: maintaining sanity during an isolating time, self-care and wellness, science and medicine, racial justice and political unrest.
Before the Pandemic:
Spiritual Formation Series Events, one-time events, and Small Groups • Distilled Theology • Same Blood Play Reading and Community Discussion • Church for Kids with Autism Workshop with Rev. Lindsay Luunum After the Pandemic: • • • • • •
Wade in the Water Continued Online in Lent and Easter Small Groups and Discipleship Groups begin to generate My Journey Spiritual Story-Group Newcomer Welcome and 101 Class COVID Frontlines Community Discussion Fall 2020: Thursday Community and Communion Speaker series • Standing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Small Group formation • Social Justice and Racial Reconciliation Film series discussion • Advent Centering Prayer Series
Another new opportunity arose during this season,the opportunity to generate small groups and discipleship groups within our community. As a result of the pandemic our community has doubled its small group and discipleship groups and are
Regular and On-Going Groups moved to virtual meeting • • • •
Monday Ignatian Study Group Tuesday Rector’s Study Group Education for Ministry (EFM) Post-Grad Study Group Sunday Lectionary Study Group
Trinity Small Groups Caregivers’ Support Group Discipleship Groups (5 currently) Education for Ministry (EFM) EFM Post-Grad Book Study (suspended in March 2020) Monday Bible Study with Father Ben Sunday Lectionary Bible Study (suspended in March 2020) Shepherd’s Dinner Group Social Justice & Racial Reconciliation Working Group
Standing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) House Meetings Tuesday Rector’s Study Group Trinity Men’s Group Seasonal / Themed Groups: • Advent • Lent • Epiphany