Trinity Outlook March 2013

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“Abide in me as I abide in you…” John 15: 4a Something Wondrous Comes Trinity welcomed friends from throughout Fort Worth and beyond when the Diocese of Fort Worth commemorated its fourth anniversary on Wednesday, Feb. 6. The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High celebrated and preached. A reception followed in the Parish Hall.

We will pass the midpoint of Lent this week and Easter seems just around the corner. Whether your Lenten practice has been fruitful or forgettable, something wondrous comes. We will celebrate with great joy and pageantry. We will recognize again the gifts of faith and church given to us by a Creator that knows, anticipates, and meets our every need. Christ’s coming is not limited or slowed by our readiness or lack of readiness. We know the moment of celebration will come, yet still wonder about these weeks stretching before us. What are we to do with them? There are plenty of Lenten activities offered by our parish and churches across Fort Worth. Classes, devotionals, services, and prayers all designed to support and nurture the spiritual life. At the crossroads of our willingness to participate and God’s desire to touch our lives are repentance, reconciliation, and renewal. The better question may be, what does God want to do with you in the coming weeks? Lent continues, Easter approaches, and God longs to shape the pattern of your life. Something wondrous is coming. Grace and peace,

Rector: The Rev. Carlye J. Hughes Operations Manager: Christopher Thomas Business Manager: Jackie Robinson Communications Manager: Sarah Martinez Parish Administrator: Paula Gartman

3401 Bellaire Drive South Fort Worth, 76109 817-926-4631 Facebook: FortWorthTrinity Twitter: @TrinityEpiscFW

Looking back. Looking ahead.

Dr. Ed Waggoner, Brite Divinity School professor and Trinity parishioner will present the evening’s topic in the Parish Hall: “Love & Time: Everyday Rhythms that Heal.” Special Lenten activities will be available for children during the forum.

6:30 p.m., Monday in Holy Week 6:30 p.m., Tuesday in Holy Week 8 a.m. & 6:30 p.m., Wednesday in Holy Week 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday Noon & 7 p.m. Good Friday

Dr. Gary Buff, Chief Operating Officer of ACH Child & Family Services will present the day’s topic in the Parish Hall: “Healing Power of Forgiveness.”

Mark your calendars and plan to bring a dish to share at the monthly potluck meal held after the service.

The Rev. Andrew Benko will present a hands-on workshop for all ages in the Parish Hall: “Ancient Paths to Healing—Anglican Prayer Beads.”

Kay West will host this month’s Saturday Supper at her home, 4017 Edgehill Road, Fort Worth, from 7 to 9 p.m. Bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage. Coffee and tea will be provided. Get to know your Trinity family in a casual atmosphere!

Chaplain David Lowe, Director of Pastoral Care for Western Region of Baylor Health Care System will present the day’s topic in the Parish Hall: “Healing: A Ministry of Presence.”

The Rev. Carlye J. Hughes will present the evening’s topic in the Parish Hall: “Healing Prayer: Seeking God’s Intervention for Mind, Body & Spirit.” Special Lenten activities will be available for children during the forum.

Sign up now to deliver “Easter Baskets to families in need on Palm Sunday. A sign-up sheet has been placed in the Parish Hall under the photo-display monitor. Driving directions will be on each bag, ready to go on the 24th. Contact Susann Eller with questions: 817-426-5346;

Please note: There will be no Easter Vigil on March 30. We encourage to you attend the services at All Saints Episcopal Church, Fort Worth; Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas; or Church of the Incarnation, Dallas. Share details of your worship experience by emailing Your insight will assist Trinity’s liturgical planning for 2014.

Confirmation for 2013 is scheduled for Sunday, May 19, when Bishop High will be with us. Trinity youth ages 13 years and older are eligible for confirmation. Confirmation is the culmination of the sacrament of baptism. Parents, this is the seeing-through of the covenant you made on behalf of your children. Youth, this is your time to stand up and say, of your faith, “I believe…”—and to confirm the covenant which already exists between you and God. Confirmation Classes will be held on Sundays leading up to May 19. This is a time to learn what the Church affirms about God, humanity, and life—and a time for you to work through your understanding of these big issues. All classes will be held during the Sunday School hour, between the 9:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. services. For additional information contact Father Andrew: or (318) 415-8131. 

March 17: Introductory session

March 24: The Creed: “Yardstick” of the faith

(No class March 31—Easter Sunday)

April 7: What is the Baptismal Covenant?

(No class April 14—Youth Sunday)

April 21: God, Christ, Promise, and Humanity

April 28: The Bible

May 5: The Church and You—or, The Church is You

(May 12: Make-up day or group outing)

May 19: Confirmation Day ~Father Andrew Benko

March Birthdays

Wedding Anniversaries

Barlow, Karen

Tom & Jean Wilson

Matthew & Jennifer Rios

Dorn, Jill

Arnim, Erin

Ben Barlow & Alice Pritchard

Jeff Claassen & Charlotte Huff

Nocher, Janet

Elkouri, Henry Aubrey & Stephanie Espinosa Garry Bruton & Luanne Kallas-Bruton

Roy & Anetta Bevers

Benko, Grayson Branch, Anthony

McGilvray, Ethan Mossbarger, Jane

Withroder, Maggie

Liser, Sandy

Berdan, Cathleen

Quattrochi Jr., Frank

Branch, Angella

Michael & Elaine Stoltz

Flower Dedication Dates Still Open! Williams, Mark Barnes, Bill Harse, Bill Romine, Joe

McCament, Paul

Smith, Deanna

Smith, Jim

Whitworth, Anna

Ferguson, Megan

Commemorate special events in your life with an altar flower donation and dedication. Your contribution will be acknowledged in the Sunday bulletin. For more information, contact Dolly Bush: 817-426-6522; Available dates: April 7 & 28; May 12 (Mother’s Day); June 2 & 9; July 14; August 11; September 1 & 15; October 27; December 1, 8, 22 & 29.

Holstein, Jack Cobb, Theda

Children’s Ministry Update

Holstein, Mary

Spikes, Carey

Sherry, Michael

Bateman, Cathy Castro-Balbi, Briana

Fels, Elizabeth Smith, Linda Landers, Smith Lindsey, Jane

Okafor, Joseph

McGilvray, Jamye

Shipp, John

Pritchard, Alice

Deardorff, Joye

Zamarron, Pamela

Goldthwaite, Jim

Benson, Monica

Drew, Betsy

Rios, Matthew

Giles, Joshua Hinds, Robert

Bradbury, John Doan, Jason

Did you know that St. Patrick was enslaved as a pagan, learned about Christ, and then returned to Ireland to spread The Good News? The kids are going to learn all about this on March 17 during Sunday School time. This goes along with all they have been learning about missionaries like the apostle Paul. During Lent we also had great lessons on Wednesday evenings about temptation and prayer. Coming up, we will be learning about the Ten Commandments, prayer beads, and the symbol of the cross. Preparations are under way for Easter Sunday. Please bring empty plastic eggs and wrapped chocolates for the kids to hunt. Learning and fun is what Trinity's children’s programming is all about! For more information, email

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