The Trinity Episcopalian Spring 2013

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Spring 2013

A publication of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth

Preparing the


for our ministries


The Trinity Episcopalian Spring 2013 A publication of Trinity Episcopal Church 3401 Bellaire Drive South Fort Worth, Texas 76109 817-926-4631 Editor & Communications Manager Sarah Martinez, Clergy The Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, Rector The Rev. Andrew Benko, Associate The Rev. Janet G. Nocher Ministers All the Members of Trinity Episcopal Church Staff & Support Team Christopher Thomas, Operations Manager Jackie Robinson, Business Manager Paula Gartman, Parish Administrator Kimberly Cooper, Children’s Ministry Coordinator Paul Morrissey, Sexton Melissa Pannell, Director of Trinity Episcopal School Debora Clark, Director of Music & Organist Alan Buratto, Choirmaster Bob Hunt, Folk Group Co-Director Paul Warren, Folk Group Co-Director Judy Cariker, Photographer The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is a welcoming, Christ-centered community of congregations committed to radical hospitality.  Participatory by everyone—laity, bishop, priest and deacon.  Transparent in all we do.  Accountable to God, one another, and the wider church.  Serving, Accepting, Worshipping, Reaching Out 2

In This Issue: 5 Mother Carlye’s Message 6 Youth, too?! A Q & A with Erin Arnim, youth representative to the vestry 8 Opening Doors to Women in Need: A ministry profile 10 The gift of years: Update on the Abundant Living conference 12 A place to play: Trinity Episcopal Church acolyte Faith Bruton leads a campaign to build a playground in Swaziland 14 Mind Meanderings by Belinda King 16 Calendar


17 Picture This 18 Archive Department

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Practicing Faith at Trinity Education series starting soon! Classes for adults seeking confirmation, reception into the Episcopal Church, or reaffirmation of baptismal vows will meet on Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. in April and May. If you missed a class from a previous session you are welcome to attend make-up sessions as needed. Dates and topics are: April 14—The Bible and The Book of Common Prayer; April 21—Worship and Mission; May 5—Prayer and Spiritual Practice; May 12 —The Episcopal Church4and The Anglican Communion.

Mother Carlye’s Message “After this the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to come.”

Luke 10:1 From the earliest encounters with Jesus described in Holy Scripture, there is one common response among those who follow Jesus—to go out and share their knowledge and love of Jesus. Those first followers took only their faith and Jesus’ instructions with them as they went out. “Heal the sick and say to them, ‘the Kingdom of God has come near you.’” Those same instructions direct our formation of Ministry Groups to continue our long history of following Jesus. What is a Ministry Group? A community of parishioners united by a common call, interest, task, or mission. The groups are guided by co-leaders, resourced by staff, and in regular communication with a Vestry member. The groups have a two-fold purpose: one to serve God through ministry, the other to develop deeper relationships with God and other parishioners. Through all of our ministries we are invited by Jesus into healing and the nearness of God’s Kingdom. This is an awesome opportunity and is very different from what we have come to think of as committee work. While a committee is most successful as it focuses on tasks and accomplishing a goal, Ministry Groups are most successful as its members practice faith and ministry together. Before we can begin to effectively vision the kind of church God intends us to be and before we can invite others to join us in ministry, we need spaces to discover our own gifts for ministry and to welcome newcomers into ministry with us. The Ministry Groups will give us those kind of spaces. Some of the groups are a re-tooling of existing groups, like the Newcomers Group. Others are forming for the first time, like the Christian Education Group. What does the road ahead look like for us? From my vantage point, it looks like a place where we will meet Christ more often. Whether on the road to Emmaus, Damascus, to our church on Bellaire Drive South, or to a mission site—it is in serving God’s people that we encounter Christ. As we support each other in ministry we are bound to meet Christ along the way. So go and explore a ministry group, I looking forward to hearing all about your adventures on the road with Jesus. The Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, Rector



Q&A: Erin Arnim

Youth, too?!

Erin Arnim brings a young adult’s perspective to vestry meetings

Q . As youth representative, what issues are near

Q . What’s the most surprising thing you’ve

and dear to your heart? What do you want the vestry to know about the youth of Trinity?

learned since your appointment to the vestry?


. What has surprised me most is how the church is so much more than simply four services. There is so much involved in maintaining a thriving and healthy church, such as finances, bringing in new families, as well as the architecture and structure of the church itself. It just never occurred to me how important those things truly are so that worship can be conducted smoothly and prayerfully.


. The issues that are important to me mainly involve students my age as well as young children. I want them to feel that their questions about the service are being answered and that they are comfortable enough to ask Mother Carlye or other members of the clergy or vestry. I’m hoping to gather information as well as bring new and different opinions and ideas to the vestry. The youth are a very lively and excited bunch that feel church is a great way to learn and participate in fellowship. We want to know more and learn from people who are older and wiser than us— and even our own parents!

Q . Pretend the entire population of young adults at Trinity are your captive audience. What message would you like to share with them?


Q . Can you give some examples of how our

. Don’t limit yourself! At Trinity we are all one, which means that we shouldn’t limit our involvement to select groups. Who’s to say that only youth can enjoy EYC, only children can go to Sunday school, or only adults can be involved in Stephen Ministry? It would be wonderful if we could integrate older members, young adults, and the youngest members of Trinity—the children as one group speaking, giving an opinion and doing it all together. It seems like the only time we are all together is during the service and maybe creating another organization/class would be a the way to bring us all together.

church is meeting the needs of young adults? On the flipside, are there areas where we’re lacking? Do you see improvements underway?


. EYC has been a great way for youth to get together and discuss ideas and opinions, but the downfall is it is simply youth talking to youth—so asking questions and getting more involved outside that area becomes more difficult. It is also hard for all youth to meet on Sunday afternoons due to homework and other obligations. Having the youth involved in picking Trinity’s associate rector is a wonderful opportunity for the youth to learn more about inner workings of the church and a great way for them to get more involved. Another avenue to explore is more youth participation in services. As acolytes, of course, but possibly adding youth ushers or children as readers (with simplified readings) would be great ways to increase involvement. 7


Opening Doors for Women in Need Support from Trinity helps this ministry achieve its goals

Walking out the front gate of a prison as a free woman seems like a monumental step. But it’s miniscule when you look at the long road that lies ahead. Sandra Stanley knows the path from incarceration to “real life” is lengthy and riddled with potholes. Her ministry, Opening Doors for Women in Need (ODWIN), helps the previouslyincarcerated navigate this tough terrain and create a new, stable existence. The moment these women leave jail or prison they encounter three huge barriers, Sandra said. First, they often have no home to return to. Then they discover that finding a job is going to be extremely difficult. Finally comes the harsh realization that there may be no safety net to cushion a fall. Convicted felons with drug possession charges cannot get food stamps or government assistance.

“I’m really spirit led,” says Sandra Stanley, CEO and founder of Opening Doors for Women in Need (ODWIN).

Sandra and ODWIN step up to fill the gaping void. The organization provides housing for clients for up to 12 months at one of two homes in the Como neighborhood of Fort Worth. While there, Sandra and her team help residents access education, training and job opportunities. The overall atmosphere is faith filled. Residents gather each morning for devotionals and each evening for Bible study and group meetings. Sandra also requires clients to find a church home soon after entering the program. “I’m really spirit led,” Sandra said. “This isn’t a business. It’s a ministry.” For more information: Opening Doors for Women in Need :: 817-920-9326 8

Zetta’s story

Laura’s story

Zetta started the ODWIN program in December 2012 after being incarcerated for a year. She is currently working on her GED, and proudly shares that she has been clean and sober for well over a year. She is now employed after a three-month job search. Zetta loves the family environment at her current residence and spending time with her ODWIN “sisters.” “We’re all trying to lift each other up,” she said. “This program is teaching me how to be strong. God has blessed me. If I hadn’t come here I would’ve slipped back into my old ways.”

Laura came to Opening Doors for Women in Need in August 2012, after serving 20 months in prison. During her time in the program, she has received her high school diploma and will start classes at Tarrant County College this summer. Her next step is to continue her education at the Vet Tech Institute of Houston. “This program has really blessed my life,” Laura said. “It’s teaching me how to live a real life. If it wasn’t for this spiritually based place, I wouldn’t have made it. There are real angels here.”

How YOU can help 

Continue to donate toiletries and paper goods (paper towels, bath tissue, etc.). Leave your contributions in the donation bin located through the double-glass doors in the hallway leading to the offices and nursery.

Shop/donate/volunteer at A Foot in the Door Resale Shop, 3924 W. Vickery Blvd. This resale shop was recently opened by ODWIN to provide continued funding for the group’s residential program.

Attend ODWIN’s 5th annual Mother’s Day Luncheon: May 11 at 11 a.m., Christ Chapel Bible Church, 3701 Birchman Ave., Fort Worth. ODWIN founder, Sandra Stanley, said they’re actively looking for groups that are willing to do a table sponsorship. For more details, contact Whitney Harwell:

Contribute to the Trinity Christmas Giving Tree. Among the “angels” on each year’s tree are children of ODWIN clients. 9

Conference Update

Trinity parishioner celebrates the gift of years 10th annual ‘Abundant Living Conference’ spurs thinking about resources, assistance The Abundant Living Conference held March 4-6 at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas, put the focus on seniors, their family members and caregivers. Attendees explored aging as a spiritual journey while they learned from geriatricians, enjoyed nature walks, attended seminars and much more. Our own Deacon, Janet Nocher, and parishioner Jane Mossbarger were among the conference participants. Jane spent a lot of time gathering information and compiling resources to pass along to Trinity’s seniors. Her research and networking also got her thinking about ways Trinity can improve outreach to the senior community. “We must try to make more visits to shut-ins,” Jane said. She hopes groups within the church will be able to mobilize in the near future to share this task. Outreach to this group is critical, Jane said, as their feelings of isolation can become debilitating. Jane also envisions Trinity creating inter-generational “helper” teams. “I’m particularly concerned about families dealing with both aging parents and teenagers,” Jane said. “The 40- to 50-year-olds in that situation are always being pulled in two different directions—they are serving as caretakers to their parents and children. It has to be hard on them. How can Trinity help these people cope?” We invite you to weigh in on this important topic. Send your questions, comments and suggestions to the editor: We’ll share your input in the next issue of the Trinity Episcopalian.

Trinity parishioner Jane Mossbarger (front row, far right) and Deacon Janet Nocher (back row, third from left), represented Trinity at the recent Abundant Living Conference.


What hath Rome to do with Jerusalem? Learn more when Women of Trinity meet April 22 at 7 p.m. The Rev. Andrew Benko will present: “What hath Rome to do with Jerusalem? Empire-Critical Interpretation of the New Testament.” Father Andrew will present a short, thumbnail sketch of the relatively new methodology. Christians have tended to think of the Roman Empire in the "background" of Biblical interpretation—when they have thought of it at all! But for the millions of people living around the Mediterranean in the First Century, Rome was anything but background. It was a daily reality to be navigated, as inescapable as death and taxes. As Brite Divinity School professor Warren Carter puts it, “As a first century Palestinian, you woke in the morning and stubbed your toe on empire.” What happens when we foreground this reality in our reading of the New Testament, rather than relegating it to “scenery?” We’ll look at some passages and see what an Empire-critical evaluation reveals in some very familiar texts.



A place to play

Trinity Episcopal Church acolyte Faith Bruton leads a campaign to build a playground in Swaziland It’s recess at St. Joseph’s School in Manzini, Swaziland. Boys kick a soccer ball across a dusty field. Girls mill about laughing, singing, running. A moment’s freedom and abundant fresh air are being enjoyed by all. But what’s missing from this picture?

They would soon discover that St. Joseph’s was unlike any other school in the country. Through its Zamba program, St. Joseph’s offers schooling to learning differentiated and physically disabled children. Instead of being ostracized as is the norm in Swaziland, the approximately 200 special-needs kids are embraced and—where possible—integrated with the larger school population of around 500 students. Months after her visit, Faith found she was still thinking of the students at St. Joseph’s School. She had also begun mulling over ideas to pursue for her Girl Scout Gold Award. These thoughts converged, and Faith realized that helping the students at St. Joseph’s would lend itself to the Girl Scouts project. Faith contacted the school to ask about its most pressing needs. The top three items on the list were, 2. a playground and 3. clothing.

How about the squeals of delight as a child rushes down a slide? The cries of “Push me!” surrounding the swing set? The familiar “thunk…thunk” as a see-saw touches the ground? Trinity’s own Faith Bruton is determined that these familiar sights and sounds will soon be a part of St. Joseph’s School. After all, a unique school certainly deserves a special place for its students to play.

When asked why she chose to tackle the large (and daunting) playground project, Faith reflected on the time she spent with the students at St. Joseph’s. The children loved having their photos taken with her digital camera, where they could immediately see their likeness on the display. It was touching to see, Faith said, and a moment that has stayed with her. How could she best replicate this feeling of wonder and curiosity among the students?

Learning moment Faith learned about St. Joseph’s School firsthand two years ago. Her father—TCU professor Garry Bruton —was in Manzini, Swaziland on business. The entire family had come along, as was their custom. A volunteer opportunity took Faith and her mother just outside of Manzini’s city limits to St. Joseph’s School.

“I thought, if I give them a playground, it would truly have a lasting impression on the school,” Faith said. 12

Building the team Faith knew that this project would require a diverse and far-flung team of supporters. With her mother’s help, Faith began rallying folks to the cause. Eric Strickland, founder of Grounds for Play—a playground design/build company headquartered in Mansfield, Texas—signed on to help. Individuals in the woodworking shop at St. Joseph’s School would spearhead the construction effort, assisted by a group of volunteers. Faith’s next stop was Mother Carlye’s Hughes’ office, where they brainstormed ways to get the Trinity Episcopal Church involved. A fun—and hopefully fruitful—plan emerged. Parishioners Shannon & Cherie Shipp, assisted by Amiso George and Trinity’s “feastings” team, would help Faith host a benefit dinner featuring African cuisine on April 27. All proceeds will go toward the playground project. A silent auction will round out the evening and provide another avenue for funding the playground. Faith and her family are currently shifting into high gear to pull off the dinner, finalize funds, and recruit volunteers before their July 22 departure date to Manzini. They know they’ll have the prayers and support of the entire Trinity family as they embark on the journey. But first, a feasting! And you’re invited…

Saturday, April 27 6:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal Church 3401 Bellaire Drive South Fort Worth, Texas 76109 Tickets: $20 for ages 12 and over Tickets can be purchased in the church office. We’ll also be accepting donations for the silent auction.



What if ?... God will! Mind Meanderings by Belinda King It was only a nanosecond glimpse, but years later I can still see it clearly. Our 16-year-old daughter smiled broadly and waved from her flashy silver car as she backed out of the driveway. It had been less than a month since she was bestowed her driver’s license and “freedom” was the keyword in her vocabulary. Meanwhile, “fear” had become the prominent word in my vocabulary. As I waved back, I saw them—an unusual pair by anyone’s imagination. One was beautifully regal and sat on the hood of the car with her white feathery wings cascading down towards the windshield. The other one looked like Bluto from the cartoon strip “Popeye”—big, burly, bearded, definitely no feathers or wings. He was grinning while holding onto the spoiler on the back of her car. Instantly, I knew they were angels. My first thought was, “Did I really see that?” It was quickly followed by “Wow, God! She certainly needs them!” Only days later did I realize why they were in those strategic places and God’s benevolence in allowing me to see the unseen.

the driver’s seat. Several days afterward, she hesitantly revealed, “I saw an angel and she lifted me to the other side.” I had not told her my earlier ‘vision.’ That beautiful, regal angel swept her snowy wings around my beloved child and moved her to safety. I have no doubt Bluto clamped down on the spoiler and there was no way it was going into a roll! The events of that day would continue to re-define my daughter’s spiritual development for years to come and replace most of my fears. Several months ago, I began to wonder why at times my faith in a Faithful God seems so tenuous. It is as if it doesn’t build upon itself—but I know the foundation is firm and He has proven His faithfulness all through my life. When I go through periods of trial, I seem to forget the countless ways he has shown His compassion towards me. One of my favorite authors, Ann Voskamp, calls it “chronic soul amnesia.” A comforting thought, though disconcerting too. Finally, I came to the conclusion that perhaps God made humans in this specific manner so we would continually seek a relationship with Him.

She was a child covered with prayers not only from her family but countless Christian friends. Yet I could not stop the”‘What ifs?” streaming through my mind. What if she took her eyes from the road for a split second? What if some delusional person decided to follow her? The “what ifs” just went on and on; all based in fear never in faith. A few days later, in our city’s busiest intersection a man raced through a red light and crashed into her car. When the emergency crews arrived, they were in disbelief that she walked away without a scratch and the car had not gone into a roll—her car was totaled. When I saw the mangled steel, my knees buckled—only a few inches were left of

Voskamp went on to say as we age and reflect upon past occurrences we recognize God was present in those situations. She references the Biblical account from Exodus in which God hides Moses behind a rock until His glory passes by and Moses is allowed to see God’s back. How many times through our lives have we seen God’s back? Consequently, I realized it is not an issue of faith but of trust. My faith in God is firm but do I really trust Him? Proverbs 3:5 states, 14

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” How do I trust God with my whole heart and my entire mind? The Holy Spirit quietly said, “You replace your ‘What if’s’ with ‘God will.’” Do a quick mental exercise with me: What if a flood comes? God will seal me inside an ark. What if I face a giant with only a sling and 5 smooth stones? God will make my aim precise and the Philistine will perish. What if the cup I am handed is bitter? God will turn it into the sweetest wine to bless others. Then the question becomes how do I arrive at fully trusting ‘God will’? I think as humans we tend to be “horizontally-vision-minded.” We look to the left or the right; in front or behind and make judgments accordingly. God is vertical—His vision is limitless and eternal. So where does horizontal and vertical meet? At the cross— where we surrender it all—heart and mind. And what if we trust God with our whole heart and mind? “He (God) will direct your path.” (Proverbs 3:6) Trust the haunting sound of nails being hammered because it is the heartbeat of a God who loves you and will faithfully guide you in His path of Mercy, Truth and Perfect Peace. For every ‘What if’ in our lives He will replace it with ‘God will.’ I know this to be true because I have seen God’s back and it is the fullness of Unfathomable Love and Immeasurable Grace.

Belinda King is a member of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Longview, Texas. Her “Mind Meanderings” columns appear in each issue of the church’s newsletter. Contact Belinda at



The Month Ahead at Trinity April 2013 Sunday, April 14

Monday, April 22

Youth Sunday: Our youth will be preaching at the 9:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. services. We’re looking forward to their fresh insight!

Trinity Forum—Meet the Architects, 10:40 a.m., Parish Hall: Meet the architects who are helping bring Trinity’s master plan to life! The team will be here at 10:40 a.m. on April 14 to discuss what’s in the works and answer your questions.

Women of Trinity, 7 p.m., Parish Hall: The Rev. Andrew Benko will present “What Hath Rome to do with Jerusalem?” (See callout on page 11 of this magazine for more details.)

Saturday, April 27 

Practicing Faith at Trinity, 2 to 4 p.m., Library: Our adult education series continues. (See callout on page 4 of this magazine for more details.)

Swaziland Playground Benefit Dinner, 6:30 p.m., Parish Hall. (See feature story and callout on page 12 of this magazine for more details.)

Sunday, April 28 

Saturday, April 20 

Saturday Supper, 7 p.m.: Leigh & Judy Cariker and Scott & Pam Millican will co-host this month’s Saturday Supper at 3115 Avondale Avenue, Fort Worth, 76109. Bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage. Coffee and tea will be provided.

Sunday, April 21 

Trinity Forum—Ministry Update, 10:40 a.m., Parish Hall: Mother Carlye and our treasurer, Leigh Cariker will provide a progress report on new and ongoing initiatives.

Practicing Faith at Trinity, 2 to 4 p.m., Library: Our adult education series continues. (See callout on page 4 of this magazine for more details.) 16

Annual Parish Picnic, Overton Park, Fort Worth: Parishioners will gather in nearby Overton Park immediately following a combined 9:15 a.m. service for fun, food and fellowship!

Picture This Looking back. Looking ahead.


Archive Department In each issue of The Trinity Episcopalian we’ll delve into the Archive to explore the rich history of this vibrant congregation. If you have further questions about information printed here, or if you have items you’d like to donate to the Trinity Archive, please email Your archive team: Karen Shepherd, Vicki Blanton, Lynne Stanley, Becky Roach.

A copy of the Trinity Parish treasurer’s report dated August 1915. (The rector was paid $1,800 that year.)


A photo of the church prepared for its first Christmas service. The very first service at this property was Dec. 5, 1948. The church had moved from its fourth location at Hemphill and Myrtle streets. Take a close look and count the changes that have been made to the sanctuary since then!

A photo of the congregation circa 1950. (Note the hats on the ladies!) During this time, the church building ended where the Good Shepherd window currently stands.


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