Aden Wilmshurst , Year 9
The Wrath of Time A young boy. An innocent young boy. Without a worry in the world. Playing cricket; Bowl, Hit, Catch. Without a worry in the world. His mother watching on from afar, Proud of her strong little boy, Her little boy with big dreams; Never destroyed. A boy excited for the future. A boy, Happy, Trivial concerns. A boy, Washing his glossy black hair in the shower, His mother always calling it ‘his best feature’. School holidays, The end coming closer, His worst enemy, What he truly fears; The first day back at school. The boy, Whose life is as perfect as he knows, Whose life will get worse, Who spent his time playing cricket, Whose mother was so proud
36 A m p e rs a nd 2 0 1 9
An old man. A tired old man. With the world’s weight on his shoulders. Searching for a job; Find, Hope, Disappointment. With the world’s weight on his shoulders. His son watching from beside him, Confused by his bizarre antics, His tired father with big dreams; Constantly shattered. A man yearning for the past. A man, Stressed, Devastating problems. A man, Whose son plucks out his white hairs, To fight against perpetual aging. Time, The end coming closer, His worst enemy, What he truly fears; Death. The man, Whose life was as perfect as he knew, Whose life had gotten worse, Who could no longer play cricket, Instead playing through his son