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Rake English-Mandarin translation by Bowen Yang

which narrated the confession of an audacious man, a charming but incorrigible heartbreaker ever indulging himself in feasting and pleasure-seeking. MANDARIN 浪子

translated by Bowen Wang (王博文)


我常醒于月下,逐其奔跑 像一介青年浪子 眷恋花丛,却留以伤痛 我的笑声令恶魔惧悚 旭日初升,四射的艳阳将我驱赶 直到黄昏降至,末日终结 我以美酒声乐,献邀辰星 璀璨如火,以乐忘忧

我棱角分明的身体,在阴暗中扫过 并蹂躏着我愉悦的侣伴 低语娇喘的女人,美艳娇好 匍伏着恳求我的号令 我乃汪洋一片 无视岁月如细水般流淌 直至夜色将尽,黎明渐起 白昼化为声声诅咒

You look at me now and don’t think I don’t know What all of your eyes are a-saying Does he want us to believe these ravings and lies? They’re just tricks that his brain’s been a-playing A lover of women he can’t hardly stand He trembles he’s bent and he’s broken I’ve fallen it’s true but I say unto you Hold your tongues until after I’ve spoken

I was taking my pride in the pleasures I’d known I laughed and thought I’d be forgiven But my laughter turned ‘round eyes blazing and said My friend, we’re holding a wedding I buried my face but it spoke once again The night to the day we’re a-binding And now the dark air is like fire on my skin And even the moonlight is blinding.

你直视于我,洞穿一切 满眼尽叙着: 凭何叫人信他这谰言诳语 不过是工于心计的把戏 女人的情夫,颓然不能立 他颤抖着,蜷曲着,几不成形 是的,我倒下了,但我要告诉你—— 别出声,且听我说

及时为乐,我难掩自豪 纵声大笑,想着会被宽恕 但那灼灼的目光却说着: 我的朋友,这儿正有一场新婚 我不由掩面,却不敌它反复絮说 夜尽昼出,我们灵肉相合 如火的阴霾,炙烤着我的皮肤 以至此时月光,分外灼人

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