ENGLISH magical seeress, that recounts key events in the history of everything: from the beginning when there was nothing, to the apocalyptic doom of the gods, and the subsequent rebirth of the world.
She saw a prisoner lying in Cauldron-grove similar to the appearance of Loki the fraud-yearning; Sigyn sits there, apropos her man ill-gleeful. wit ye more or what? A stream falls from the east across dales of atter, with scissors and swords: it’s called Grimness. To the north stood, at the Nomoon flats, a hall of gold of the dynasty of Dwarfs, another at Noncoldi stood, the beer-hall of the giant, that Surfy is called.
WITCHSPAY (35-45) translated by Ioannis Stavroulakis A hall she saw stand far from the sun on Corpsebeach, the doors face north; atter-drops fell from the louver, that hall’s wound with worm-spines. She saw there wading the heavy streams perjurers, murder-wolves one steals the girl of the other; there Hate-chop sucked corpses that’re gone, the wolf tore men. wit ye more or what?