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A warm welcome
At Trinity, your Sixth Form experience should be your most enjoyable time at school. You are able to explore the subjects that most interest you within a vibrant, friendly and purposeful learning environment.
Our Sixth Form is an inspiring and diverse community with many co-curricular options, as well as our enriching Diploma programme. We believe this is central to a rounded and balanced education.
Trinity Sixth Form offers many opportunities for students to stretch and challenge themselves, and to develop wider intellectual and cultural interests within a stimulating and nurturing environment. As Sixth Formers, students will be viewed as ambassadors of the school and are encouraged to develop qualities of leadership and initiative as well as to embrace our clubs and societies, plays and concerts and teams and expeditions.
Our Sixth Form is a happy environment with a wonderfully supportive staff. It is our confident belief that you will leave Trinity after two enjoyable and challenging years, well prepared for life beyond, having made enduring friendships here.
Mr J. Pietersen Head of Sixth Form