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Good communication between school & home
We encourage close communication and prefer to involve the Sixth Former in most conversations and emails between the school and parents. The school diary and supporting information, including contact details for staff, dates for society meetings and events are available on the school website via the following link: (trinity-school.org)
Letters are generally emailed to parents via My School Portal where parents will find they have access to their own inbox, so may wish to check this regularly.
Your tutor will be the first point of contact between school and home. You can contact tutors by telephone or email, using the following format: ‘tutor initials’@trinity.croydon.sch.uk’
A grade report will be sent home each half term and there is at least one Parents’ Evening (the school diary will have the details) and a full written report each year. You can see an overview of the year at the back of this booklet. There is a strong pastoral support network at Trinity, led by Mr Pietersen (Head of Sixth Form) and Miss Sara Ward, Deputy Head (Pastoral). In addition to the tutors and wider Sixth Form team, Trinity has nurses with mental health training, a school counsellor, an academic mentor and we collaborate with a clinical psychologist who regularly visits the school.
Should you wish to speak to a member of the Sixth Form Team, they are:
Head of Sixth Form: Mr Jed Pietersen jep@trinity.croydon.sch.uk

Deputy Head of Sixth Form: Miss Victoria Boorman vjb@trinity.croydon.sch.uk

Head of Upper Sixth: Miss Georgie Webber gew@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Head of Lower Sixth: Mr Sam Hodge smh@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Head of Futures: Mr Mark Aldridge mia@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Assistant Head of Futures (Head of Diploma): Mr Jack Paterson jap@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Head of EPQ/SFP; Equality and Inclusion Lead (Academic Projects): Mrs Sam Cater sic@trinity.croydon.sch.uk

Sixth Form Registrar: Mrs Louise Weeks-Greener lwg@trinity.croydon.sch.uk