TSA Trumpet - April 2017

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

New Council Chair The Lord is Risen Lunch is Served

April 2017

April 2017

TSA Trumpet Contents 4 ....

From the Pulpit

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Point of View

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To All Trinity-St. Andrew's Women

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New Council Chair

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Lunch is Served

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The Lord is Risen

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Worship and Pastoral Care Committees

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The Doctrine of Discovery

Cover Photo courtesy of Reza Shayestehpour - Unsplash.com TSA Trumpet - April 2017


FROM THE PULPIT “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” John 20:29 I hope you had a prayerful and relaxing Easter. Not that many years ago almost everything shut down for the weekend and holiday Monday. Depending upon your denomination you may have had worship services every day during Holy Week. Priests and parishioners were quite busy. Easter, after all, was a Church/Worship event. It was The Parade, The Crucifixion, and The Resurrection! It was The Joy, The Sorrow and The Elation of knowing that God’s dominion over the Earth could never falter, fall or fail. Easter was the time we were reminded that when God breathes life into us, that life never stops. Our relationship with our Creator is for eternity. We simply are and will ever be alive. Easter is still all these things. It’s being pushed around a bit. Diminished here and forgotten there. It is being crowded and squeezed by other events. We are often told that these events and activities are “very” important and we need to use the Easter weekend because there is no other time. I hope I don’t get so busy in the days ahead that I forget to live the joy of the Easter season while it is still fresh in my heart and mind. Easter is given to us at great cost. It would be a shame to let it slip by. Great News! The stone has been rolled away again! For Us! Shalom,

Rev. Ken 4

TSA Trumpet - April 2017

Welcome to Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church in Brighton, Ontario. Our active congregation offers meaningful worship with a varied music program, Sunday School, opportunities for faith exploration and discussion, as well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and educational opportunities for all ages, in a liberal Christian context. With the excellent leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis we are very blessed. Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity-St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.

TSA Trumpet


March 2017 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca

April is a busy month in our house with all sorts of celebrations lots of birthdays and anniversaries - lots of reason to celebrate. This year, with Easter in April, we were reminded that all of these celebrations bring an opportunity for renewal. Whether you have decided that you will volunteer for a local organization, shed a few pounds or plant that garden, take an opportunity this spring to offer renewal to yourself and our community. Let us be the Easter people we have promised to be. Let's bring the renewal promised us to the world or at least our little world!

Brian Ostrander

ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

TSA Trumpet - April 2017



An Invitation to All Trinity-St. Andrew’s Women

by Sharon McMullen

by Ruth Moore

The Fundraising Committee wishes to THANK the congregation for their wonderful support for our Palm Sunday Pancake Lunch. We raised $620.00. The Cheese orders for March were also a great success raising $132.07. We are now concentrating on our Skills and Gifts Silent Auction. Items will be on display each Sunday in May for you to make a bid. We also need your Skills and Gift items. The Church Yard Sale will be on May 5 and 6, and Jack and Helen are already well organized for this event. Make sure you see the sign-up sheet where you can choose a time when you can help. Items may be dropped off at the Hall on Thursday May 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you need items picked up, please call Keith Smith at 613-475-0728. Items should be at the door for pick-up. May also includes our Annual Fashion Show on May 13th. Looking ahead to June, please keep in mind our Pie Social and Band Concert on June 10th and our Golf Tournament on June 24th.


TSA Trumpet - April 2017

Please join our UCW members on June 8th @ 5 p.m. for a Pot Luck Dinner in our hall. We’re celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the launch of UCW’s across Canada (replacing the previous women’s groups – Women’s Association (WA) and Women’s Missionary Society (WMS). The program will include worship, fellowship and some interesting entertainment with speaker, Lisa Sherwin-O’Leary. Her Topic: “Laughing Yoga” Please join with us for this event. The UCW’s Mission is to love God: foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality; and promote respect and love for all God’s creation.

Ken McClintock elected new Council Chair by Iain Henderson Our Annual General Meeting was held after Worship Service on Sunday April 2nd. 2017. The meeting was well attended with over 50 people who remained to participate in the business of our congregation, including young families, always the sign of a dynamic church! Brian Ostrander was elected to chair the meeting and, dealt with the routine business first, such as the acceptance of reports. The congregation instructed the newly combined Worship, Music and Sacraments Committee and the Pastoral Care Committee to agree on a new name and submit this to Council for approval. About half an hour having elapsed, Brian Ostrander then called for a recess so that everyone could enjoy a tasty luncheon of sandwiches, veggies and pickles, followed by cakes, squares and other scrumptious desserts. Business was resumed after about 20 minutes with everyone re-energized and ready to tackle the important business items. The shortage of members willing to serve in crucial positions and on important committees was stressed once again as we debated the report of the Nominating Committee. This evoked a good response and as a result we now have Ken McClintock as our new Chair of Council, with Brian Ostrander as Vice Chair. Lori Cooper, Pam Pettigrew and Iain Henderson will serve as our new M and P Committee. There was considerable discussion regarding the church organ. Brian Ostrander read some suggestions offered by Ken Laird, our retired Music Director. Opinions were varied and included concerns about fund raising and questions on the need for an organ. It was finally agreed that we continue to use and maintain the pipe organ as at present, but also encourage and arrange contributions into the existing organ fund.

Discussion then turned to the church bell. Once again many opinions were voiced, concerning the alternatives and the various expenses detailed in the reports. Jack Reed advised that it might be possible to reduce the cost of installing an electric bell striker. It was ultimately decided that we continue to encourage donations to the existing Bell Fund. The 2017 budget, with its very modest increase, was approved as presented. A few more procedural items were approved; before the meeting moved on to consider four Remits authorized by the 42nd General Council of the United Church of Canada. These remits were first considered in detail by your Executive and then by Council as a whole. It was decided to bring these before the congregation before responding. The AGM concurred with the recommendations and voted for Remits 1, 2 and 4 and against Remit No 3. Brian Ostrander then turned the Chair over to Rev. Lewis while the congregation considered a proposal to award Kaitlyn Ostrander a bursary of $1500.00 and this was wholeheartedly endorsed! It was noted that after Kaitlyn completes her current degree, she will have several more years of study before she can be ordained. After Brian Ostrander resumed the Chair, Rev. Lewis made some remarks on the need for us and our church to stay current with changes in our society (hence the Remits). He also reiterated how fortunate we are, encouraging us to continue to share our blessings. Joe McMullen voiced our appreciation for the staff members. After the meeting closed, at 1.45 pm, Ken McClintock as new Chair of Council, made some wry remarks, speaking briefly and positively. TSA Trumpet - April 2017


TSA ANNUAL YARD and PLANT SALE by Helen Bonisteel TSA ANNUAL YARD and PLANT SALE. The Fundraising Committee of Trinity- St.Andrew’s United Church will be conducting our annual YARD and PLANT SALE in the Church Hall on May 5 and 6. As you do your spring cleaning, please set aside those treasures you no longer use or have room for in the house. If you are tired of dusting or moving an object I am sure we could use it for the yard sale:knicknacks, books, kids toys, etc. We are also hoping to have PLANTS for sale, so if you are splitting some perennials from your garden please think of the Church and set a few aside to help beautify another garden.Please, no large furniture,electronics or large exercise equipment.Drop-off of items can be left at the church on Thursday May 4 from 10 am until 6 pm.If you are unable to drop items off, please call Keith Smith 613 475-0728 to arrange for a pick-up. Your items will need to be at the door. We need VOLUNTEERS who can give us a few hours of their time to help set up tables and place articles on tables, on Thursday, May 4 as well as helping on Friday, May 5th and Saturday, May 6th with the sale. Sign-up sheets will be available during Fellowship or call the office. This is a FUN TIME of socializing and getting to know other members of the congregation better, as well as meeting new people in the area. We hope that you can come out and join us.


TSA Trumpet - April 2017

Lunch is served by Wendy Zinck The Hospitality Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your kind donations of sandwiches and sweets for the lunch served at the Lenten service and the AGM. Also for the extra help in the kitchen. Would you kindly check the church hall or the kitchen for any containers or dishes that may have been left.

The lord is risen photos submitted by Iain Henderson Trinity-St. Andrew's tradition of hosting a sunrise Easter service at the Gosport pier continued this year!!

FINAL REPORT FROM THE WORSHIP AND PASTORAL CARE COMMITTEES by Iain Henderson On April 6th another combined meeting of the Worship, Music and Sacraments Committee, together with the Pastoral Care Committee was held in the Hall. After an opening prayer by Rev. Ken Lewis, the Worship Committee made arrangements for Communion on Palm Sunday and discussed the ongoing search and need for a Director of Music. Efforts will be made to find a pianist for the summer months, to give Ken Laird a break, as we don’t foresee more applications until the fall. There were comments on what a joy it is to have so many young children in our congregation and how much they add to our ‘Children’s’ Time’. They are our future. Rev. Ken Lewis reported that the Confirmation Class has four members, all girls. Because the classes started late, Confirmation will take place after Easter and towards the end of May. Pastoral Care reported that 37 Easter Cards will be hand delivered and 3 will be mailed. These cards were created by Carol Saucier and we have already had feedback expressing great appreciation of them. There is also some more activity within the ‘Prayer Shawls’ programme. As instructed by the Congregation, we have decided to ask Council to approve ‘Spiritual and Pastoral Care’ as the name for our combined committee. The new entity will continue to carry out all of the duties and responsibilities of both old committees. We have decided to select a new Chair for the Spiritual and Pastoral Care Committee at our next meeting, which will be held on May 4th in the Quiet Room.

TSA Trumpet - February 2017


How much financial information should I share with my family by Dave Sharp I am often asked “How much financial information should I share with my family now that I am in my seventies?” My response is that there is no easy answer. I find some parents share this information openly with their mature children. Other parents never share it. As long as you are of sound mind, that decision is definitely yours. Children don’t have to know all the details of your estate plan. However, there are some things that are important for them to be aware of. Is there a power of attorney for personal property? This gives legal power to a person or persons to administer financial assets if the person establishing the power of attorney becomes incapacitated before death. Is there a power of attorney for health care? This document empowers someone to make health care decisions if needed. Where do you store the important documents like Wills, tax returns, bank and investment accounts, ownerships and insurance papers to name a few.

Who are your lawyer, accountant and executor? Do you have prepared funeral instructions? Where are they? Is the funeral prepaid? If there are under-age children named in your Will; information needs to be shared on the financial arrangements for these children. Is the guardian also the trustee of the children’s inheritance? Sometimes it is important to relay why you have made certain decisions regarding the distribution of your estates. It can help eliminate sibling squabbles. So, feel free to document your decisions… often, a love note from beyond, can help the grieving and eliminate family feuds. Difficult as it is, if you don’t talk about your wishes and intentions then there is no way that those you leave behind can be sure they are doing what you want. Sharing the information can also prevent costly last-minute legal and funeral bills. Discussing estate plans is not easy, neither is it a one-time event. Changes happen – people divorce and remarry; guardians leave the country; executors die first – so review your estate plan regularly and keep your family and other key people up-to-date.

TSA Trumpet - January 2017



TSA Trumpet - March 2017

We repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery, which asserted that lands belonged to the Christian powers that “discovered” them. What is the Doctrine of Discovery? The Doctrine of Discovery, a legal framework that justified European imperial ventures around the world, including the colonization of North America, has its roots in a series of Papal statements dating back to the 15th century. For example, read the Papal Bull Inter caetera of 1493 on the Encyclopedia Virginia website. Given the passage of time, and the shifting of religious affiliation, you might think that it is an archaic principle, with little bearing in contemporary law and society. Yet the Doctrine of Discovery, which asserted that lands belonged to the Christian powers that “discovered” them (and the related concept of Terra Nullius, which held that those on the land prior to European arrival merely occupied it without any right or title), continues to reverberate in the 21st century. As the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) noted in its final report, the Doctrine of Discovery has been cited in decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada as recently as the 1990s. Why is it still relevant? The Doctrine of Discovery has profoundly affected the way that Indigenous peoples have been perceived by non-Indigenous peoples. The TRC’s final report observed that it rested upon the belief


TSA Trumpet - April 2017

themselves” [Canada’s Residential Schools: The History, Part I: Origins to 1939, p. 18]. That perception, in turn, defined our relationship, culminating in the establishment of residential schools and the legacy that continues to play out today. Consequently, a key recommendation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, articulated in a number of its Calls to Action, is the repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery. How can we respond? The United Church of Canada repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery in 2012, as did the World Council of Churches. This was one step in our long journey of listening, repentance, and the building of right relations that began with the 1986 Apology to First Nations Peoples. Now we must examine what it means to live it out. Worship, background, and study resources are being developed. See Downloads, below. In this 150th year of Confederation, United Church communities are encouraged to use the Living on the Path of Respect worship service, during Lent, on Victoria Day weekend, or on June 11, the anniversary of the federal residential schools apology. Copyright © 2017 - The United Church of Canada

church Calendar Sunday, April 23rd

Service at 10:30 a.m. Trumpet April Issue released

Tuesday, April 25th

Notes of Hope 10:00 a.m.

Friday, April 28th

Men's Coffee Hour 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, April 30th

Service at 10:30 a.m.

Thursday, May 4th

Yard Sale Drop Off

Friday May 5th

Annual Yard and Plant Sale

Saturday, May 6th

Annual Yard and Plant Sale

Sunday, May 7th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, May 14th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Monday, May 15th

Take Time Out Group !0:00 a.m.

Friday, May 19th

Trumpet articles are due at noon

Sunday, May 21st

Service 10:30 a.m.

Friday, May 26th

Men's Coffee Hour 2:00 p.m.

next issue Next Trumpet, May 28th, 2017 Deadline for submissions: May 19th Church pick-up will be Sunday May 28th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e-mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com

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