TSA Trumpet - January 2018

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

Another Successful Brighton Christmas Hamper Activity Rural Roots Audio-Visual Upgrades

january 2018

January 2018

TSA Trumpet Contents 4 .... From the Pulpit 5 .... Point of View 6 .... Successful Christmas Hamper Activity 8 .... Rural Roots 9 .... Gran Thank you! 10 .. AV Upgrades 11 ... Fundscrip

Cover Photo courtesy of Kelly Sikkema Unsplash.com TSA Trumpet - January 2018


FROM THE PULPIT Happy New Year everyone; I hope 2018 will be everything you wish it to be.

Welcome to Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church in It won’t be too long before the congregation’s Joint Needs Brighton, Ontario. Our active Assessment Committee (JNAC) will be underway and the process congregation offers meaningful of looking for a new minister will begin. I’m sure it will be an worship with a varied music exciting time for Trinity-St. Andrew’s. I know the congregation will program, Sunday School, support the efforts of the JNAC and Search Committee as they opportunities for faith work through all of the applications of the prospective candidates. exploration and discussion, as There may be quite a few, so good luck! well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and Once again, Happy New Year. educational opportunities for all ages, in a liberal Christian Blessings, context. With the excellent leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis we are very blessed.

Rev. Ken

Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity-St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.


TSA Trumpet - January 2018

TSA Trumpet January 2018 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge

POINT-OF-VIEW I don't tend to make resolutions on any specific day of the year. I do set goals, build strategy, and develop plans, but hardly ever on or around January 1st. This is the final year for our congregation to accomplish specific goals set out in our 2014 strategic plan. We will no doubt go over how we are doing at our Annual General Meeting - but in terms of overall how well we've accomplished certain tasks and goals.. I'd give us a solid OK. One of the goals set out for this year is to update our audio-visual technology. You will see later in this issue the total cost associated with that upgrade. I do hope that the congregation will endorse the need for this investment as enthusiastically as Church Council has. We are in for some pretty significant changes at TSA in 2018. Lots for us to consider what we want TSA to do and be for our community and in the world moving forward. So welcome to 2018, we can do this.. together!

Brian Ostrander

External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

TSA Trumpet - January 2018


Another Successful Brighton Christmas Hamper Activity by Harma Badgley & Ken Laird Both of us wish to write some warm and grateful words of sincere thanks to those many volunteers from TSA who made our ‘Hamper’ event successful once again. There are many fine folk to thank – those who set up and decorated the TSA Mitten Tree; those very talented people who contributed so many beautiful handcrafted items for the tree; the thoughtful folk who bought and contributed new articles of clothing for the tree, and the many willing volunteers who gave of their time and energy (both much needed!) to prepare, sort through, pack and organize the many hampers. Those days just before December 25th are precious, and yet TSA volunteers were out in numbers each day. Thank you, each and every one of you. As you can see, we have not mentioned names here; you helpers, contributors and volunteers know who you are, and there is always the omnipresent horrible chance that we may inadvertently omit a name or two. We were both overjoyed at the response of the TSA congregation, and seeing so many familiar faces as they sorted, selected, packed, lifted and closed the many presents, whether the present was a cuddly teddy for a three year old, a lego set for a seven year old, or a soccer ball for a twelve year old. On a very personal note there is something very ‘Christmasy” when watching a pair of really ‘mature’ senior citizens debating the 6

TSA Trumpet - January 2018

merits of a particular scarf versus a pair of colourful mittens, pairs of warm socks or a jolly toque. Each family receives the equivalent of three bushel baskets of food items, plus another 50 lbs or so of fresh veggies, plus a turkey (or ham or chicken) , plus bread, plus clothing, plus presents for the kids.....and depending on the number of children there can be as many as 4 or 5 large bags of extra goodies going into a needy home. (yes, families can range between 1 or 2 children all the way to 9 ...(blended families).Preparing the approximately 120 ‘hampers’ means that we eventually distributed perhaps as many as – if not more – 1,000 bags before Christmas. While we both remain amazed at the sheer numbers of needy families -and individuals - in the Brighton area, and while it is too easy to become rather depressed at this statistic, it is also most wonderful and heartening to realize that so many thoughtful, kind and generous people are so willing to extend helping hands. It is so truly the season of giving in very real, tangible, local and meaningful acts of kindness and generosity. Yes......a BIG warm thank you from those many, many hamper recipients; they may not be able to thank you in person; however, we are sure, that their unspoken thanks will echo and re-echo in your own minds though-out 2018, and their inaudible voices will continue to warm you deep in your hearts.

TSA Trumpet - December 2017


Rural Roots by Dan Buchanan Brighton History Week 2018 is coming up quickly! Our sixth annual History Week is called “Rural Roots” and will present the history of farming in the Brighton area, from clearing the land to the modern electronic farm. Please mark the following dates in your calendars: Rural Roots Shows: Saturday, February 24, 2018, 7 pm to 9 pm and again Sunday, February 25, 2018 at 2 pm to 4 pm. At the Brighton Community Centre, the History Guy will present his take on the history of farming, touching on the changes in technology and crops and government regulations over two centuries of struggle and progress. Our musical friends, RandR, will be on hand once more to provide rousing interludes and there will be a few pop-up speakers lending their own personal stories to the mix. Rural Roots Open House: Saturday, March 3, 2018, 10 am to 4 pm. The Brighton Community Centre will be filled with displays about farming and agriculture all day Saturday. The Womens’ Institutes will provide the Heritage Tea which, for some folks, is a destination in itself. Visitors can come by and browse the displays, talk to the vendors and visit with friends. Expect to see lots of pictures about the history of farming and make sure to stop by at the booth of the Brighton Digital Archive to see their wonderful work, including the Brighton Barn project – and the beautiful Barn Calendar 2018. Hope to see you there!

gran by Sonja Rundle On behalf of the Grandmother's Advocacy Network Northumberland, thank you members of Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church, who supported us during the "Gran Orange Campaign 2017". Your generosity raised $105.00 for our cause and was deeply appreciated by our group.

TSA Trumpet - January 2018


upgrading our audiovisual technology by Brian Ostrander A few months ago, and in concert with the TSA strategic plan, our Church Council established an ad-hoc AV Committee to investigate possible upgrades for audio-visual technology for the church. As a result of the investigation, the committee recommended that TSA contract with Sonic Systems from Port Hope who have offered to install new audio an visual aids and technology in both the sanctuary and the new hall. The cost of the full purchase and installation is $72,000.00. Church Council has passed a motion noting that $40,000 must be raised in funds and/or pledges by June to proceed for this year (2018). To that end, the AV Committee has begun seeking funding sources outside of TSA, however it is important to note that most of these sources will look to see what we are doing internally. If you are able to make a pledge, please send a note to AV@trinitystandrews.ca to advise what you are willing to pledge for this project (donations will be needed on or before June 2018).


TSA Trumpet - January 2018

fundscrip by Helen Bonisteel In October 2012, five years ago, our church member Brian Ostrander initiated a fundraiser for Trinity-St. Andrew’s called FundScrip. Since then church members have been buying gift cards at face value, for No Frills, Sobey’s, restaurants, gas stations, etc. There are over 200 retailers that participate. Through FundScrip, up to 10% of their purchases comes back to Trinity-St. Andrew’s as earnings. As a supporter, you do your regular every day shopping with these gift cards instead of cash at our local stores and at the same time you raise money for the church with little effort. It’s simple: the card holder goes shopping and TSA earns money. Did you know that Brian and Tammy Ostrander have been ordering gift cards for No Frills and Sobey’s for five years and have earned over $500 for the church? There was no need for them to dip into their pockets in order to donate $500. They simply went shopping!! There are several other church members who have also earned over $500. for Trinity St.Andrew’s by supporting FundScrip. In October, I was able to request our earnings for the year. A cheque for the amount of $2013.29 was sent to the church office. In five years, all the FundScrip supporters have helped in raising $9150.29. Again it’s simple: go shopping and the church will earn money. Thank you to all the FundScrip supporters for making this effort. By paying for everyday expenses and gifts with gift cards bought through FundScrip and shopping where you would normally shop, your purchases automatically included a donation to Trinity-St. Andrew’s. TSA Trumpet - January 2018


church Calendar

next issue Next Trumpet, February 11th, 2018 Deadline for submissions: February 2nd Church pick-up will be Sunday February 11th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e-mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com

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