TSA Trumpet - June 2017

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

Worship in the cool hall 6th Annual Fundraising Fashion Show Will you be away this summer

June 2017

June 2017

TSA Trumpet Contents 4 ....

From the Pulpit

5 ....

Point of View

6 ....

Coffee Time

6 ....

Worshipping in the cool hall

7 ....

6th Annual Fundraising Fashion Show


Will you Be Away This Summer?

10 .... Outreach Update 12 ... Council Briefs 12 ..

UCW News

13 ..

Clothing Depot

14 ..

If We Give Into Fear Cover Photo courtesy of Josefin Brosche HagsgĂĽrd Unsplash.com TSA Trumpet - June 2017


FROM THE PULPIT As most of you know Sheena and I have just returned from holiday time in Ireland. This means that it’s Sunday evening on the 18th of June, I’m jetlagged and weary with not a lot of brainpower to offer much more than a wish for you to have an enjoyable and healthy summer. Well that was easy. God Bless and stay safe. Shalom,

Rev. Ken PS I would like to thank Brian and Tammy Ostrander for providing TSA’S Trumpet this season. The Trumpet has a great new look and still offers timely and important information for our congregation.

Welcome to Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church in Brighton, Ontario. Our active congregation offers meaningful worship with a varied music program, Sunday School, opportunities for faith exploration and discussion, as well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and educational opportunities for all ages, in a liberal Christian context. With the excellent leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis we are very blessed. Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity-St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.


TSA Trumpet - June 2017

TSA Trumpet


June 2017 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge

A full trumpet season is now under our belt, which means the new format(s) have been published 10 times already!! We introduced some changes this year to the design, to how we distribute the electronic version and we've added some advertising (in an effort to offset the cost to TSA). One never gets a true sense of the workload someone deals with until you walk that proverbial mile in their shoes. Having done so now for 10 issues I will, once again, extend my sincere thanks to Tom and Bernie Rosebush for launching this newsletter for our faith community - it was truly one of their ministries for TSAUC. Taking it on in their retirement has certainly had its frustrations, but I am pleased to say it has also been quite rewarding. Even if getting articles does feel a whole lot like herding cats. If you would like to submit letters or articles to the Trumpet, please sent them along to TSAtrumpet@gmail.com. I would be happy to include them in future editions. Have a safe and happy summer,

Brian Ostrander

External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

TSA Trumpet - June 2017


Coffee time by Iain Henderson Once each month the gents of the community are inveited to coffee at TSA. It is a relaxed atmosphere to talk about everything under the sun and catch up. Feel free to join us when the Men's Coffee Hour returns at the end of September.


TSA Trumpet - June 2017

Worshipping in the Cool Hall From the committee formerly know as Worship We will begin our Summer - Air Conditioned Worship service in the hall on July 9th. In part this is to accommodate holding the "Canada Day" service in the hall as the hymns to be sung are more appropriately accompanied by the organ.

6th Annual fundraising Fashion show by Jean Finkle We sprang into fashion this Mother’s Day Weekend with three ladies leading the charge: Sandy Pasco, Owner of DragonFly; Gina Boyd, owner, G.Boyd Boutique and Jean Finkle, Program Facilitator of the Take time Out group and Fashion Show Co-ordinator. Not to overlook the church’s UCW help with the refreshments and church members setting up and tearing the show, selling tickets and overseeing the sound system. To date the TTOG driving the show has helped to raise more than $12,000 for the church. The idea of the show was conceptualized and developed by the TTOG under the direction of Jean Finkle as they wanted to find a way to repay Trinity-St Andrew’s United Church for its generosity. The TTOG has met in the church since 2011 with monthly programs – free of charge. So this is our way of saying “Thanks!”

TSA Trumpet - May 2017


Will you be away this summer? In support of the Finance, Stewardship and Fundraising Committees Summer is a busy time for many of us. Taking time off to be with family, friends and the nice weather. TSA encourages everyone to take time to re-energize at anytime of the year, but as you know, the bills do not stop coming in and our commitments to our staff and the community do not take a vacation. How can you help? 1. At the end of June and beginning of September consider topping up your envelope givings to help TSA to avoid dipping into our contingency reserves to get us through the Summer. 2. Arrange to go on PAR. Pre-Authorized Remmittance is a great way to help you budget and provide your church with sustainable givings each month. Forms are available in the office, or electronic subscribers may click on the PAR image below! 3. Participate in fundraisers (next one is the Corn Roast on August 23rd). 4. Buy your summer cheese from TSA. Order forms are available in the hall and can be handed in to the office. Electronic subscribers may click on the PAR image below! 5. Buy your groceries, gas, and gifts using gift cards from Fundscrip. This is another great way to budget each month and helps raise money for the church without costing you any additional funds. Order forms are available in the hall and can be handed in to the office. Electronic subscribers may click on the PAR image below!


TSA Trumpet - June 2017

Outreach update by Elizabeth Scriven We were pleased to provide the church service on June 11th. We were focused on the document called Doctrine of Discovery. Our speaker was Shelley Knott-Fife. She is a member of the Curve Lake First Nation. She grew up in Curve Lake where her now-retired father was chief. Shelley has worked in education for some time, and currently is a Sr. Education Project Officer for Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. This May she accepted her Master of Science in Education (Special Education major) from Purdue University. Shelley works with Helmut Enns on a committee of the Bay of Quinte Conference, Dancing the Circle of Right Relations. The service was very interesting and we were pleased to hear of Shelley’s personal history and perspective. We were pleased that Kaitlyn Ostrander assisted us with the preparation and delivery of this special service. Supper’s ready is coming to an end for the summer. The last dinner will be June 28th Our thanks goes out to the Trinity St Andrew’s United Church members for the support that has been given to this wonderful weekly event. The first supper in September will be the 13th. We have 5 of the Jamaican workers in the area and 2 more are to arrive this week. We continue to share food and conversation with these intelligent hard working men who leave their homes and for the majority of the year to work in our orchards. Please talk to them when you see them on the street. Some of these men have been coming to Brighton for 30 years.

TSA Trumpet - January 2017


council briefs

UCW News

by Iain Henderson

by Ruth Moore

Thirteen members of your new Church Council met on June 1st, with our new Chair Ken McClintock at the helm. The Clothing Depot volunteers are delighted with the new air conditioning and look forward to having a new dryer installed once the gas is connected. Our financial picture remains fairly healthy, due to the many, well supported, fundraising activities. However, the treasurer and Bookkeeper were authorized to call on the Contingency Fund to cover any shortfall during the summer months. Suppers Ready has received their corporate business licence and expects to receive a Charitable Business designation soon. This will allow for various efficiencies in the operation of this valuable interdenominational outreach programme.

Our UCW celebrated our 55th Anniversary on June 8th with a pot luck dinner followed by worship and memories by members relating their experiences in UCW. Our speaker, Lisa Sherwin-O’Leary, entertained us and we all participated in “Laughter Yoga”. This is laughter without stimulation from something humourous. Laughter started spontaneously just by deciding to laugh with no outward stimuli is amazing. It clears the mind of anything else as you concentrate on various forms of laughing – hearty, musical, silent, etc. A great time was had by all! If anyone has a chance to participate in Laughter Yoga, you won’t be disappointed. She makes presentations to a whole variety of groups from CEO’s and employees of major businesses, hospitals, etc to small groups in a variety of organizations including retirement homes, service clubs, etc. Of interest to those who remember Frances and Ed Boes, Lisa is their granddaughter. The end of June will be Unit 3’s goodbye to UCW due to declining membership. Members may join other units if they wish.

The old Worship and Pastoral Care committees have now been officially united and renamed as the Spiritual, Membership and Pastoral Care Committee. We are still searching for a Music Director. The Property Management and Maintenance Committee will be asking various user groups to more securely store food stuffs and will be assisting them in that endeavor. The Fundraising Committee is seeking new members, to spread the work load and bring new ideas. Our Publicity and Public Relations Committee has by Jean Finkle been very active. As part of the congregational approved marketing plan, you can expect to hear radio commercials, see newspaper advertisements We have to say farewell to Doreen Green who has been a major part of our church for many many and brochures. We are trying these methods to years as our church secretary and for the past few reach out and attract more young families as years has been my right arm and helping me members or adherents. schedule our Depot. Barb Halliday has kindly The next Council Meeting will take place on consented to take over scheduling and Petty Cash September 14th with Executive Meetings as for the Clothing Depot. Thank you Barb Halliday! required, at the call of the Chair.

clothing depot helpers


TSA Trumpet - June 2017

Justice begins with just us! by Helmut Enns With the current political climate, there are more people looking for ways to DO SOMETHING! If this describes you, please join us for an energizing day. In the morning, we will hear from 3 speakers, on the topics of Peace in Palestine, Water, and Reconciliation. (topics may change) After lunch, we will divide into 3 groups. With the group leader from the morning we will discuss ways to turn concerns and passion into action. We will briefly share these actions, and everyone will get a printout, email, or USB containing information from the presenters and actions planned that day. Now you are equipped to DO SOMETHING on your own, with some friends, with a church group. Come be part of the change you hope to see. (Registration form coming soon)

If we give in to fears based on religious or racial grounds, we will be providing fertile ground for hate and extremism to flourish. by The Right Reverend Jordan Cantwell

I believe that most people in Canada would say they respect and accept others. Yet our history tells a different story. Violence and discrimination rooted in racial and religious bigotry are not new in our country, but it does seem that they have been on the rise in recent months. Hatred so often has its source in fear—fear of change, fear of difference, fear of the unknown. We are all vulnerable to fear. When we are afraid we become defensive, we want to protect ourselves from real and perceived threats. The language of exclusion, the desire to draw lines between “us” and “them,” words and actions designed to dehumanize others, all are rooted in fear. The antidote to this type of fear is love. But not the kind of love that we feel. It’s not an emotion, and it doesn’t just happen. It requires practice, commitment, determination—love as a spiritual discipline. This is what I want to invite us into as a church—that we become practitioners of the spiritual discipline of love. What might this look like? As a church we have said we are committed to reconciliation and right relationship with all our neighbours. To truly live that out, we need to name and examine our fears, prejudices, and assumptions. The privilege that many of us are born with may desensitize us to the injustice, exclusion, and hate that some in our community experience on a daily basis. And so I challenge us to talk about racism and White privilege—to understand what these are and how they operate. We have a responsibility to address racism and hate, and to create a culture where we can live and thrive together in love. We need to address injustices in a way that builds community and sparks conversation. When we witness or experience hate and racism, we need to know how to respond. As Christians, we must root out fear, and commit to spiritual and social practices that help us to ground our actions and attitudes in love. If we give in to fears based on religious or racial grounds, we will be providing fertile ground for hate and extremism to flourish. Let us instead cultivate love, understanding, and acceptance of each other. As Archbishop Desmond Tutu has wisely noted, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”


TSA Trumpet - June 2017

church Calendar Sunday, July 2nd

Canada Day Service at 10:30 a.m. Trumpet June Issue released

Sunday, July 9th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Monday, July 10th to Friday, July 14th (inclusive)

Vacation Bible School Maker Fun Factory

Sunday, July 16th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, July 23rd

Service 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday, July 25th

Notes of Hope 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, July 30th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Sunday August 6th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, August 13th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, August 20th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, August 23rd

Corn Roast

Friday, August 25th

Trumpet articles are due by NOON

Sunday, August 27th

Service 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday, August 29th

Notes of Hope 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, September 3rd

Service 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, September 6th

Suppers Ready resumes weekly

Sunday, September 10th

Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School resumes Trumpet September issue released

next issue Next Trumpet, September 10th, 2017 Deadline for submissions: August 25th Church pick-up will be Sunday September 10th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e-mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com

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