TSA Trumpet - October 2016

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

And in the Beginning.. 2011 Time Out Team Time

Joseph in Sunday School Migrant workers go to Ottawa

October 2016

October 2016

TSA Trumpet Contents 4... From the Pulpit ­ Letter from our Minister 5... Point­of­View ­ Letter from the Publisher 6... Council Briefs 7... A Coat of Many Colours ­ Study Joseph in Sunday School 8... And in the Beginning... 2011 10... Fundscrip 10... Letter to the Editor 11... Migrant Workers 11... Al Zinck 1936 ­ 2016 12.. Message from Council Chair 13... That`s Not Punny 14... Minute for Mission

TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016 3

FROM THE PULPIT There are times when I forget how fortunate I am. I try not to take anything for granted, but I do. I just get caught up in being busy that my concentration focuses on many things of lesser importance. Most of these other “things” are not spirit centered so when I let them take over my time and my efforts I can lose sight of the person I should be. The month of October is what I call “ The Reminder Month “. I am reminded to be grateful and to be aware of the plight of others, to be in awe of the world’s bounty, to understand that all things come from God, to know that there is always much more I can do, to actually understand what God’s harvest really means and to do all things with a thankful heart and…….. I hope the joys of this Thanksgiving time will touch your hearts and warm your souls as you remember that living in fellowship with our Creator is indeed something to be grateful for every day of the year. Shalom,

Rev. Ken

Welcome to Trinity­St. Andrew's United Church in Brighton, Ontario. Our active congregation offers meaningful worship with a varied music program, Sunday School, opportunities for faith exploration and discussion, as well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and educational opportunities for all ages, in a liberal Christian context. With the excellent leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis we are very blessed. Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity­St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.

4 TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016

TSA Trumpet


October 2016 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity­St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity­St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613­475­1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com Advertising in this newsletter does not consitite endorsement by Trinity­ St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

I received a great many comments about the new format and asked everyone who wrote in if I may include their letters in the Trumpet. All but one said no to that request and Ken Laird's letter is on page ten (10). By and large people were pleased with the new look with a few notes of concern. The first was why the need to change? Well, there really was no driving force to change, only that I use a different typsestting program than Tom did and decided that if I needed to create a new template, I might as well put my own signature mark on things. The other note was why all the advertising? Two reasons, primarily because the Golf Tournament advertisers were promised that their names and information would appear in our monthly newsletter and I thought how better to do that than with graphic advertising... moving forward I will continue to solicit advertising because at the very least I would like the Trumpet to have a zero cost to the members of the congregation, if that's possible. Please do not hesitate to send your comments about articles you read or anything else to TSAtrumpet@gmail.com Enjoy the read,

Brian Ostrander

TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016 5

Council briefs by Iain Henderson Meetings of your Council and it’s Executive Committee were held three times during September. The extra meetings were partly as a result of concerns about our Music Director and the ultimate decision, after much soul searching, debate and consideration, to let him go. We hope that, while the circumstances and details of his dismissal may not sit well with some people, it is understood that these were mandated by existing legislation, including privacy, which we are bound to observe. It is hoped that we can all now move forward from this difficult situation. In this regard, we are in the process of setting up a Search Committee consisting of 5 or 6 members in total, from Worship, M and P, the congregation and the choir. Announcements will be made to the congregation until this committee is filled. Although we budgeted for this, our organ is in urgent need of maintenance and the earliest this can be arranged is October 24th. Our Clothing Depot continues to serve the community well and you will soon see a new sign, which we trust will help to emphasize that it is a part of Trinity­St. Andrew's United Church. A ‘Job Fair’ will be held in the hall after the service on October 16. Our various committees will outline their activities and endeavour to sign up new members. Each committee will contribute an article to the Trumpet over the next few months – see the Finance Committee article in this issue. Hilton Cemetery Committee held successful work parties and spruced up the grounds. Also, they were authorized to spend up to $4000.00 to set up, refurbish and realign various headstones from existing resources. Since it falls on a Sunday this year, it was recommended by the Worship Committee and endorsed by Council, that there be no Worship Service on Christmas Day. 6 TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016

The two services on Christmas Eve will be held as usual. The Worship Committee held a joint meeting with the Pastoral Care Committee and many items of common interest were discussed. Our monthly worship services that we offer at Seasons in Trenton are very well attended and appreciated by the many Brighton residents who now reside there. A combined course on the AED defibrillator and CPR was attended by 13 participants from the church, who found it very worthwhile. Back in May, we had a visit from the Presbytery Oversight Committee, which seemed to go quite well. However, it took much urging to obtain our copy of their report. While this report contained many positive comments on Trinity­St. Andrew's, there were a number of factual errors (e.g. monetary amounts of our mortgage and payments). Our Chair will respond, offering the necessary corrections.

A coat of many colours studying joseph in sunday school Durning the month of September, our Sunday School has been learning about Joseph.

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And in the beginning... 2011 by Jean Finkle Once upon a time in the old church office (The Manse) Rev. Ken and I met and discussed my “idea” of creating/hosting a community program at TSA. We discussed the need for the “empty nesters” program to enrich their lives, sharing information, making friendships and enjoying new friendships. With a “green light” I proceeded with my first meeting (Time Out Tea Time) held September, 2011 with 22 ladies present from our church. I had planned a once a month program (3 rd Monday morning of each month). We had workshops, presentations, and guest speakers and then, as we had hoped, the program attracted people from all around the community and surrounds, thus the attendance grew. We were blessed with monthly program attendance from 22 – 60+ depending on the availability of the attendees and interest of a particular program. In the spring of 2012, our TOTT group decided to show our gratitude to TSA for their fine and free hospitality. We hosted our first fundraising Fashion Show in collaboration with Dragon Fly Boutique and G. Boyd Boutique to show our thanks. The TOTT program expanded by increasing our programming. Suzanne Bruyeau and Kenza Warburton joined me and now we had a Program Team which has broadened our horizons with different speakers and presentations/demonstration and workshops. We were noticing that our topics were also of interest to the men in the area. We expanded our program to include gentlemen, taking our ladies’ 8 TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016

group to a co­ed format in 2015 and now known as TTOG “Take Time Out Group”. We are pleased to continue to provide a once a month program of interest to everyone in our area and are looking forward to hosting our 6 th Annual Fundraising Fashion Show May 6 th , 2017. This is a non­denominational group boasting good fun, fellowship and light refreshmentes without the burden of membership dues. Come when you can and enjoy the friendship. No cost, no membership fees, just loving good company. Come and check us out.

fundscrip by Helen Bonisteel Thank you to the supporters who have purchased Gift Cards through FundScrip as a fundraiser for Trinity­ St. Andrew's. The supporters have simply paid for every­day shopping at neighbouring stores with gift cards bought through FundScrip. A percentage of the cards purchased, is then donated to our church. Donations to date are $7,103.07 for the past three and a half years. So well done to all of you supporters. It is very easy to get involved by filling out an order form. Sheena Smith or Helen Bonisteel will gladly walk you through the process. There are over 100 retailers to choose from: No Frills, Sobey's, Food Basics, Ultrimar, Petro­Canada, Walmart, Swiss Chalet, Sears, Cineplex, Chapter's only to mention a few. The list is endless. You may want to order Gift Cards in time for Christmas…easy shopping!!! Fundscrip orders along with a cheque or cash are due on the FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Order forms can be obtained from the plastic holder next to the Hall bulletin board. Any questions, please see Sheena or Helen.

Letter to the editor Just wanted to say a short “congrats’ on the very fine edition of the September Trumpet…..beautifully presented , colourful, and certainly easy to access. Tom and Bernie had done a terrific job over the past number of years getting a newsletter ‘to press’ every month, and it is reassuring to see their successors grasp the baton (Olympic games influence on me!) and continue on , modifying, improving, and initiating changes Best wishes for future publications… keep up the good work. Ken Laird

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Migrant workers by Elizabeth Scriven

Al Zinck 1936 - 2016 Al Zinck passed away at The Bridge Hospice in Warkworth on September 28th. Al was a RCAF veteran with 28 years of service. And held various political offices in Brighton for 20 years; from Councillor, Deputy Reeve and retiring as Mayor in 2003. Al worked diligently for TSA over many years, most recently as the Chair of our Building Committee & Chair of our Board of Trustee.

Last year the Friends of Migrant Workers group was able to use the funds provided by a grant from a trade union to take some of the local workers on a bus trip to Ottawa. It was a great day out for us all. They were very pleased to see more of the country and one of the men said it was the best day he had ever had in Canada.

Well done, good and faithful servant!

They are a very nice and considerate group of men.

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message from church council chair by Colin Wright "On the evening of Thursday September 15th after choir practice, I as Council Chair and Iain Henderson as Secretary of Council met with our Music Director, Mitchell Cox. We informed him that TSA Council had, with regret, decided that his employment with Trinity­St. Andrews United Church had been terminated without cause effective Thursday, September 15, 2016. Church Council is made up of members of our congregation who are elected at the Annual General meeting of the church. Collectively, these volunteers accept the responsibility of covering various Committee functions – Worship, Christian Education, Personnel, Finance, Outreach, etc. The Chairpersons of each committee sit on Church Council to report on their ongoing programs and to vote on Motions to decide how the work of the congregation should proceed. At the three hour Council meeting last Tuesday Council held “In Camera” discussions. These discussions included the contracted responsibilities of our Music Director, concerns voiced by members of the congregation, performance reviews with him by our M+P committee, and actions taken or not taken by Mitchell Cox as a result of the information provided to him. These discussions lasted more than one hour. Everything talked about “In Camera” is always confidential. Under this process, all Council members agreed in advance that they would NOT provide any details of these discussions. At the conclusion of this “In Camera” time, Council members voted to terminate the employment of Mitchell Cox. 12 TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016

When the vote was taken no Council member voted against the Motion. Three members abstained from voting. We provided him with a Separation Package which contained a Termination Letter and a Final Release Agreement (for him to sign and return to TSAUC). The Termination Letter described what he as an employee was entitled to under the Ontario Employment Standards Act. It also outlined what continuing salary and benefits TSAUC would offer to him if he decided to sign the Release Agreement and what was the offer if he chose to not sign the Release Agreement. We asked Mitchell to return to us his church Master Key and then asked him to pack up his personal belongings and take them home with him. After helping him load the boxes into his car, we wished him well in his future endeavors." Mitchell Cox has since signed the Release Agreement. Your Council Executive has set up a five or six member Search Committee to find a new organist/choir director and is asking for volunteers to become a part of this important task. Would you become part of that group?

that`s not punny King Ozymandias of Assyria was running low on cash after years of war with the Hittites. His last great possession was the Star of the Euphrates , the most valuable diamond in the ancient world. Desperate, he went to Croesus, the pawnbroker, to ask for a loan. Croesus said, "I'll give you 100,000 dinars for it." "But I paid a million dinars for it," the King protested. "Don't you know who I am? I am the king!" Croesus replied, "When you wish to pawn a Star, makes no difference who you are."

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minutes for mission Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda), considered the world’s strongest typhoon ever to make landfall, pummelled Central Philippines in 2013. Government figures estimate the super typhoon affected about 14 million people and left 4.1 million displaced. More than 6,000 people were killed, and about 44 provinces in 9 regions sustained extensive damage to houses, livelihoods, and infrastructure. About 1 million houses were damaged, half of them completely destroyed. The UN Food Security and Agriculture Cluster reported that the livelihoods of over a quarter of a million small­scale farmers were affected. As is often the case, the most vulnerable were the most affected by the typhoon; many faced devastating loss. Mission & Service partner the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) was quick to respond and continues to play a key role in supporting communities as they rebuild their lives and livelihoods. Subsistence farmers who relied on their farms to feed their families were devastated and desperately need help. A key part of the NCCP community­building response involved distributing seed for food crops in five of the most affected area villages. The response prioritized the most vulnerable: subsistence farmers, women­headed families, and families caring for elderly people. We are thankful that, with support from Mission & Service, 763 vulnerable families in the Philippines received the seed that ultimately put food on their tables.

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Please join me in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith. Loving God, we are called to be your colours in the world, to walk with each other, to share in love through our gifts for Mission & Service. Guide us to shine brightly in the world. Amen [Available in French (online only)/disponible en français (en ligne seulement). Visit www.UCRDstore.ca/m4m. Visitez le site www.UCRDstore.ca/m4m.] © 2015 The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non­ commercial Share Alike Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by­nc­ sa/2.5/ca. Any copy must include this notice.

Calendar of Events Sunday, October 9th

Service at 10:30 a.m. Trumpet September Issue released

Saturday, October 15th

Harvest Moon Cabaret

Sunday, October 16th

Service at 10:30 a.m. TSA Committee JOB FAIR

Monday, October 17th

TSAUC Council at 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 22nd


Sunday October 23rd

Service at 10:30 a.m.

Friday, October 28th

Men's Coffee Hour at 2:00pm

Sunday, October 30th

Service at 10:30 a.m.

next issue Next Trumpet, November 6, 2016 Deadline for submissions: October 28th Church pick­up will be Sunday November 6th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e­mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com

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