TSA Trumpet October 2017

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

Live in Right Relations Rural Routes Travel Anyone?

October 2017

October 2017

TSA Trumpet Contents 4 ....

From the Pulpit

5 ....

Point of View

6 ....

Travel Anyone?

6 ....

Thanks to Our Volunteers

8 ....

Migrant Workers

11 ... Live in Right Relations 12 ... Gift Cards 13 ... Peace Box 14 ... Rural Routes 16 ... Happy 60th to the McCracken's 18 .. 18 ..

TSA Council Report The Buzz

Cover Photo courtesy of Tim Mossholder Unsplash.com TSA Trumpet - October 2017


FROM THE PULPIT “ And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15

Welcome to Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church in I love the month of October. There is something about the autumn Brighton, Ontario. Our active season that seems to breathe new ( fresh ) life into this “sixty congregation offers meaningful plus” soul. I like the cool air and the fall colours and the worship with a varied music opportunity to walk without those pesky insects accompanying program, Sunday School, me. I talk to God on these walks. Not out loud of course, but I opportunities for faith seem to have more to say at this time of year than at any other. I exploration and discussion, as find that it is a good time for self assessment and reflection. well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and These conversations are not the same as prayers. There is a educational opportunities for all difference. During these “walks and talks” I ask nothing of God ages, in a liberal Christian only to listen to what I have to say. Much of what I offer in context. With the excellent conversation is also an opportunity for me to work out things that leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis are causing me concern or discomfort. we are very blessed. Most of the time I have a lot to say. ( no comments please ) Talking is easy especially when you know that God really does listen to what you have to say. Every word. I believe this and I believe it strongly or else there would be no reason to carry on a relationship in any form. As thankful as I am for these walks with God I have to understand that this relationship is not just one way - I talk, God listens. No, I must be prepared to listen to God’s feedback. This can come in a matter of moments or over a longer period of time, but God does answer and I should listen. After all I began the conversation. There can never be a one sided relationship. Such a thing does not exist. I must fulfill my part by listening for God’s direction and presence in my life even after my walks end. Only then do I feel the nature of their full meaning and at that point I begin to pray with a thankful heart.

Rev. Ken P. S. If someone from Scout Canada tries to sell you an apple this month, buy one or two even if you don’t like apples. They need your support. 4

TSA Trumpet - October 2017

Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity-St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.

TSA Trumpet October 2017 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca

POINT-OF-VIEW As we prepare to say goodbye and happy retirement to our Office Administrator, I relinquish this space to Suzanne Bruyea who says it as well as any of us could!

Brian Ostrander Dear Lynda, You are now ready for the next chapter in your life. I sincerely hope all your retirement planning pays off and desire for you many happy, healthy years. I would like to thank you for your continuous hard work over the last few years as church secretary, your professionalism in this position and your sunny disposition. You will be sorely missed and since I dislike goodbyes, I’ll say farewell and see you about town. Enjoy your newfound freedom, Suzanne Bruyea

ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

TSA Trumpet - October 2017


Travel anyone? by Iain Henderson Wouldn’t it be nice to take an extended trip with some friends from church? I think so and would like to find out if there are a dozen or so who feel likewise. It seems that many members travel abroad every year or so and I’d like to find out if we can get a group together and perhaps enjoy some savings or extra perks as well as each other’s company. So, I propose to hold a brief survey. I will need to know the preferred duration (10 or 14 days), destination(s) (UK; Europe; Israel; Asia;) for example, mode (Ocean or River Cruise, Train, Bus). If you are interested, please advise me by e-mail (iain.henderson@cogeco.ca) of your preferences as follows: Name: No. in party: Best time of year: Duration: Destination(s): Mode: It will be interesting to establish a level of interest and I look forward to hearing from you.


TSA Trumpet - October 2017

Thanks to our volunteers by Suzanne Bruyea Today, I’d like to take a few moments to thank our pastor, our ushers and money counters, our Sunday School teachers and nursery attendants as well as all volunteers on the various church committees. Reverend Ken, a warm thanks for all you do and have done in the Lord’s service. Special thanks to Sheena for being the pastor’s wife and “behind the scenes sounding board”. Ushers, greeters are being thanked today, since they make sure that everything in church is in order, i.e. doors are unlocked, lights are on, the vestibule is ready to use and so on...all this as volunteers sharing hospitality and friendliness and helping to welcome new and old congregants. Money counters are the helpers dealing with one of the financial and necessary aspects of keeping our church solvent. Please accept our gratitude for doing this important task. Volunteers don’t sacrifice their time in order to be appreciated publicly, but they do enjoy seeing that their efforts are making an impact. Nursery attendants, Sunday School teachers, and the various committee members are all God’s volunteers. I’d like to spotlight their value and say ‘Thank you’ to each and everyone of you here at Trinity-St. Andrew's for a job well done. Finally, thank you for the opportunity to express myself from the heart with thanks to all our volunteers. God bless.

TSA Trumpet - October 2017


Migrant Workers by Elizabeth Scriven About 9 years ago, during a discussion at one of our United Church Women’s meetings about the value of eating locally and supporting our local farmers, it came to light that, in order for our neighbours to bring in the harvest, migrant workers were brought from many miles away. We decided that first year to see if they would be interested in sharing a meal with us and learning a bit about our culture. We held a pot luck meal and provided music in the form of folk music and bag pipes. At that time there was also a local farm that hired Mexican workers so our evening was very diverse. Over the years the connections have increased, friendships have been made, knowledge has been shared, and support has been given. We now provide a dinner for these workers about 2 times each month. It gets them off the farm, out of the bunkhouse, and mixing with people in the community as well as workers from other farms. Sometimes, when there are only a few here, the dinner is held in someone’s home. As the harvest approaches and more workers are here, it is held in our Community Hall. The dinners were originally started as an outreach of the United Church Women and it expanded to be an outreach of the whole Trinity- St Andrew's United Church. It expanded again to include many people from other parts of the community. Unit 6 is organizing the final dinner on October 15th and we are hoping that the men take the opportunity to lead us in some gospel singing. We have heard that some will be going home before that time so our numbers may be down. We provide a meal (mostly chicken and vegetables with cake and ice cream), picking 8

TSA Trumpet - October 2017

up the men from the farms if needed. We share the meal with them and both groups have learned to better communicate. I think they know to speak more slowly and we have learned some patwa. We take them to afterhours clinics in Cobourg, as well as Quinte West Medical Centre, if they have medical concerns. We advertise in the bulletin or Trumpet if there are things they would like to take home with them. We try to find the clothes they need to do the jobs that are required and sometimes take them shopping if they are off work due to bad weather. At our meal last week we were privileged to have Teresa Williams, Community Legal Workers. She spoke to the men and helped them fill out applications for student scholarships for their children as well as information requests for CPP. Teresa said it's not just for the older workers. CPP retirement is important to them but there are other benefits they pay into as well, and need to know how to access. They were very pleased with the information. There has been a lot of information in the national press about the poor treatment of migrant workers. We have been pleased that the men we know do not express any of those concerns. The local farmers are very supportive of the men and our work with them. The workers say that they have never experienced any racism in Brighton and they look forward to their time here. However, there are still major issues with the program. Canada has apologized for the treatment of the Chinese workers that built the railway and yet, in many ways, the migrant workers of today are in the same boat. They are unable to immigrate and their families are not able to get visitor visas to visit them in Canada. For more information on that and other concerns please search on line.

Migrant Workers... Continued.. I have lived in Brighton all my life and I am disappointed that it took us so long to recognize their presence here. Through these encounters we have been able to learn, share, and grow. Often at Christmas we will get phone calls from Jamaica with best wishes and blessings. We are truly blessed. These are the requests of which I am currently aware: Size 13 cold weather work boots 2X hoodie Microwave 10.5 soccer shoes 1 drill, corded or cordless LARGE SUITCASE (60 INCH STYLE) Large suitcases always disappear when we offer them at the dinners If you want more information please call members of the outreach committee or Elizabeth Scriven 613 475 2073

TSA Trumpet - October 2017


living into right relations by Sara Stratton We are writing to you, as supporters of Indigenous justice, to request that you take action now to support the adoption of Bill C262, Romeo Saganash's private members bill which aims to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This Bill may come up for second reading in the House of Commons as early as mid-October 2017. As you know, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada said the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples should be the Framework for Reconciliation in Canada. The federal government has recently issued a set of ten principles respecting the Government of Canada’s relationship with Indigenous peoples. These principles rely heavily on the UN Declaration and strongly signal an intent towards a new relationship. However, without a legislative framework, they remain words on paper. Bill C-262 provides for such a legislative framework. It calls for a national implementation strategy to be developed in full partnership with Indigenous peoples, and a 20year schedule of reporting to Parliament.

We are writing to you, as supporters of Indigenous justice, to request that you take action now to support the adoption of Bill C262, Romeo Saganash's private members bill which aims to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This Bill may come up for second reading in the House of Commons as early as mid-October 2017. As you know, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada said the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples should be the Framework for Reconciliation in Canada. The federal government has recently issued a set of ten principles respecting the Government of Canada’s relationship with Indigenous peoples. These principles rely heavily on the UN Declaration and strongly signal an intent towards a new relationship. However, without a legislative framework, they remain words on paper. Bill C-262 provides for such a legislative framework. It calls for a national implementation strategy to be developed in full partnership with Indigenous peoples, and a 20year schedule of reporting to Parliament. Moderator Jordan Cantwell has written to Prime Minister Trudeau acknowledging The United Church of Canada’s appreciation of the principles, and asking his government to support Bill C-262 when it comes up for second reading.

Moderator Jordan Cantwell has written to Prime Minister Trudeau acknowledging The United Church of Canada’s appreciation of the principles, and asking his government to TSA Trumpet - October 2017


gift cards by Helen Bonisteel Thank you to the supporters who have purchased Gift Cards through FundScrip as a fundraiser for Trinity- St. Andrew's. The supporters have simply paid for everyday shopping at neighbouring stores with gift cards bought through FundScrip. A percentage of the cards purchased, is then donated to our church. As of September, the amount raised is $ 8,816.00 for the past four and a half years. So well done to all of you supporters.


TSA Trumpet - October 2017

Are you Ready to be Unsettled by a Peace Box? Submitted by Helmut Enns For over 10 years, Canadians working for a just peace in Israel and Palestine have been purchasing and distributing Zatoun olive oil and other products (soap, herbs, embroidered craft items) as a means of advocating for economic justice in Palestine. As members of the United Church, we are encouraged to take concrete actions to support the end of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. You are invited to “Pray, Choose, Speak for Peace in Palestine and Israel.� For more information, please visit the UNSETTLING GOODS page on the United Church webpage http://www.unitedchurch.ca/social-action/justiceinitiatives/unsettling-goods-choose-peacepalestine-and-israel One small way you can choose, and support efforts for peace, and the re-establishment of Olive groves destroyed by Israeli settlers and military, is by purchasing a gift box for yourself or as a gift. Zatoun runs the "Trees for Life: Planting Peace in Palestine" program which individual Palestinian farmers with new olive tree saplings (3 years old) to plant and nurture in order to renew their decimated groves. Your purchase supports this program. Orders will be taken during coffee time from today to November 12th. TSA Trumpet - October 2017


Rural Roots by Dan Buchanan We need your help! Do you have any pictures about farming in your collections? How about machinery or cattle or buildings or farmers from back in the day on the farm? Maybe there is a cute story from your farming days that could be useful. Dig deep, folks, you can contribute to Rural Roots! The history of farming will not come out of history books, for the most part. It will come from experiences of the people who did the work and lived their lives on farms in the Brighton area. What crops were profitable at what times? What technology was used to do what work in what era? Who decided when and how to move to the next generation of tools, machinery and methods on the farm?

Of course, the modern farmer will be well represented as well, so don’t overlook your friends or relatives who are farming today. The events of Brighton History Week 2018 will be held at the Brighton Community Centre as follows: Rural Roots – The Show (Two showings!) Saturday, February 24, 2018: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Sunday, February 25, 2018, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Rural Roots – Open House Saturday, March 3, 2018, 10: am to 4:00 pm Music by RandR will support the shows and the Women's Institute will be there with the Heritage Tea for the Open House, both back by popular demand. Don’t be shy! You can participate! Contact: Dan Buchanan, 613-439-8992, danbuchanan@cogeco.ca

TSA Trumpet - January 2017


60th anniversary by Wendy McCracken Congratulations Mom & Dad - Maurice & Earlien McCracken - on the celebration of your 60th Wedding Anniversary - October 10th!


TSA Trumpet - October 2017

TSA Council report by Iain Henderson Your church Council met in the hall on September 14 with thirteen members and two observers present. Our finances have remained positive through the summer though income was below budget, despite successful fundraisers and strong attendance. M and P is actively seeking a new Administrator to replace Lynda Douglas, who will be retiring on October 31st. They are also charged with redefining the duties of that position and coordinating some of them with those currently performed by the Chair of Property Management and Maintenance. Jack Reed will be resigning on December 31st and because of the growing complexity of our properties and their expanded uses, we may need to hire a ‘Property Manager’. The Spiritual and Pastoral Care Committee also met on September and reported the following programme dates: October 1 World Wide Communion; October 8 Thanksgiving; October 15 or 22 Our Fifth Annual Affirmation Anniversary; November 5 Remembrance Sunday; November 12 TSA Anniversary Sunday; December 3 through December 24 Advent. Note that with Advent ending on December 24 this year, we will hold three worship services on that Sunday. We will have the usual morning service at 10:30 am and our two traditional Christmas Eve services in the evening. Rev. Lewis intends once more to call on our younger people to assist with the Advent services. An ad-hoc committee has been formed to obtain recommendations for a new AudioVisual system. This item is on our strategic plan 18

TSA Trumpet - October 2017

and the need is becoming more apparent. Pastoral Care continues through the summer with visits to individuals at home and in long term care facilities. The monthly services at Seasons in Trenton are increasingly well attended. New M and S envelopes will be ordered for the pews, and extra UCC Calendars will also be ordered. Several suggestions were made about reenergizing our search for a new Music Director. In his report, Rev. Lewis mentioned the excellent turnout for our summer services in the hall. He had special praise for the large number of choir members who, with our Music Director Emeritus (Ken Laird), greatly enhanced our worship experience. He also touched on the recent weather-related calamities around the world and the continuing conflicts, as well as our growing local problem arising from the abuse and misuse of painkillers and drugs like Oxycontin and Fentanyl. Council closed at 9:50 pm and will meet again on October 5th.

The Buzz by Suzanne Bruyea You're invited to a women's conversational group at the Community Care Brighton activity room. This group will be called "The Buzz" and the first meeting will take place on Halloween [Tuesday, October 31st] from 1:30-2:30PM. Hope you can join us. There is no membership to belong, just a commitment to come and converse on various topics with like-minded women. The program will be varied and friendships may even develop. Looking forward to seeing you there. Costumes are optional. For more information, please call CCN Heather Quinn at 613-475-4190

church Calendar

courier needed In an effort to keep postage costs down, we depend on our couriers to deliver those magazines that are not picked up at church. If you are able to deliver in the St. Paul's Church area or the Alice/Hope/Dundas area one day each month, please contact TSAtrumpet@gmail.com OR the church office 613-475-1311

next issue Next Trumpet, October 15th, 2017 Deadline for submissions: October 6th Church pick-up will be Sunday October 15th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e-mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com

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