TSA Trumpet - September 2016

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

Cave Quest 2016 Vacation Bible School

Our Annual Corn Roast migrant workers needs Leave a legacy

September 2016

(613) 475-1322 perfectchoiceroofing.ca

September 2016

TSA Trumpet Contents 4... From the Pulpit ­ Letter from our Minister 5... Point­of­View ­ Letter from the Publisher 6... We're as Corny as Kansas in August 7... Don Whalen 1934 ­ 2016 7... Fundscrip 7... Thank you from Tom and Bernie 8... Cave Quest ­ 2016 Vacation Bible School 9... Council Briefs 10... Migrant Workers Needs 11... Leadership 12... Outreach 13... Leave a Legacy

TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016 3

FROM THE PULPIT Welcome to September 2016! I hope you were able to enjoy your summer and were not too bothered by the heat. TSA was fortunate to have strong Sunday attendance numbers over the last couple of months. Our air­conditioned hall (once again) was able to provide a cool worship experience for those who attended. Welcome back to those of you who were able to enjoy the summer weekends with family and friends wherever your travels may have taken you. Aneesha has gone to Namibia for six months. She will be involved in human rights research and advocacy. She continues to settle in as I write this. Sean returns to Western for his third year of law. He worked in Toronto for the summer. Natasha is back at Carleton for her fourth year. She worked at Presqu'ile over the summer. This was her third year at the park. Our family is pleased to be hosting another Rotary International exchange student. Alex Busche is from Belgium. He arrived in Canada on August 21st. We are the first of three host families he will live with. Some of you have already met Alex and he has appreciated your well wishes. It was great fun to be part of another successful Vacation Bible School. The kids had fun, the leaders had fun and the support of the congregations involved made it a positive experience. Thank you to everyone who helped out. I look forward to our fall “start up time”. TSA has been blessed to welcome new members over the summer and I hope to see even more over the next few weeks. We are also fortunate to have Brian and Tammy Ostrander as the new publishers of “The Trumpet”. Thank you both for volunteering for this task. You are keeping another pertinent TSA tradition alive and well. Welcome if you are new to Trinity­St. Andrew’s. Welcome back if you are not. Shalom and pray always,

Rev. Ken

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Welcome to Trinity­St. Andrew's United Church in Brighton, Ontario. Our active congregation offers meaningful worship with a varied music program, Sunday School, opportunities for faith exploration and discussion, as well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and educational opportunities for all ages, in a liberal Christian context. With the excellent leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis we are very blessed. Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity­St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.

TSA Trumpet Winter 2016 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity­St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity­St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613­475­1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com Advertising in this newsletter does not consitite endorsement by Trinity­ St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

POINT-OF-VIEW With this first issue of The Trumpet under new publishing and editorial management we’ve decided to make some changes. As always, with any change, there will be some growing pains. Please bear with us as we migrate through this new venture. Tom and Bernie Rosebush faithfully and successfully edited and published this newsletter for many years. We came to expect that it would drop into our laps (or inboxes) near the first of every month, and without fail that was exactly what happened. Keeping us informed of the goings­on at Trinity­ St. Andrew’s was just one of their many callings in our community of faith and the wider Brighton community. I am therefore taking this opportunity to send them an huge thank you for creating this wonderful publication for the TSA community. We wish them all the best in their new home and new church. It made sense that the Public Relations and Publicity Committee should take responsibility for the newsletter and as the Chair of the committee I have agreed to take on the work of putting it together for the foreseeable future (I’m the new Tom). Hence, it seemed appropriate to ask Tammy to take on the editorial (She’s the new Bernie). We’ll do our best to fit everything in and not “adjust” your information too much. Faithfully,

Brian Ostrander

TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016 5

We're as corny as kansas in august by Sharon McMullen On June 11, we held our Pie Social and Band Concert. It was well attended and we raised $1,042.00. The Band was given $100.00. The Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 25th was a booming success, thanks to the great organization of Brian and Tammy Ostrander, assisted by many of the congregation. We raised $7,734.48. Our August 24th Corn Roast was very well attended by many of the congregation and friends. Thanks to everyone who helped with this event. We raised $624.00. We were delighted with the gift of $2,000.00 that was presented by Band Leader Terry Denyes from the Brighton Arts Council. We will start collecting the Loonie/Twoonie Bins in September. The Oktoberfest Party is planned for Saturday, October 22nd.

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Don Whalen 1934 - 2016 Don Whalen Passed away August 13th at Toronto General Hospital. Don was a Charter Member of the Brighton PROBUS Club and a Founding Member of PROBUS Club of Presquile. Don had a 36 year Military Career, was a member of the Masonic Lodge, a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and Member of Trinity­St. Andrew's United Church. Don's immediate family are arranging a private family gathering at their Grandparent's graveside. It is the desire of the family, at this time, not to have a Celebration of Life Service in Brighton. Don will be greatly missed by many here in Brighton.

Fundscrip Did you know that in almost 4 years with the Fundscrip program TSA has raised over $6800.00 for our church operations. The great thing about Fundscrip is that you aren't buying anything you wouldn't normally... groceries ­ gas ­ everyday essentials which you purchase at our local grocers and pharmacies can all be purchased using Fundscrip gift cards. If we all used Fundscrip gift cards to purchase our groceries do you know that Fundscrip would pay us over $7000.00 each year. See Helen or Sheena for more details or download a copy of the order form at http://static.fundscrip.com/msm/POF_ON_EN.pdf

thank you! To All at Trinity­St. Andrew’s, Thank you for the lovely “Surprise Tribute” extended to us on June 5th. The gift of wine, the delicious cake in our honour and Colin, your gracious words of acknowledgment and praise on behalf of Council and the Congregation were very much appreciated. We extend to all our very sincere thanks. Blessings, Tom & Bernie Rosebush.

TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016 7

cave quest by Cindy Clitherow “Cave Quest” was the theme of our VBS held this summer from the 11th­15th of July. Our church hall was transformed into an underground play area with a full house – 53 campers ­ participating daily in singing, games, experiments, bible story, videos, and of course, snack! Once again this year we were blessed with the return of a majority of our youth volunteers – with close to 20

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young people helping out with our younger campers. For the third year in a row, we were able to offer a preschool program as well. Awesome! This year we decided to make our mission project more local and through the efforts of all of our campers, we raised $364 to donate to TSA’s Outreach support of the BRING campaign in Brighton. Thanks to our dedicated adults, our program was once again a huge success! Plans are already in the works for next year’s program – “Pets Unleashed.”

council briefs The Executive Committee of TSA Council held a special meeting on August 17, 2016 to consider a request by the Outreach Committee to hold a Cabaret Wine and Cheese fundraising function on October 15. Since this function complies with the established guidelines for such an event, the committee was unanimous in its approval. At the same meeting, the committee received several reports from the Property Committee about ongoing situations, which may be further explored at the full Council Meeting on September 13. The executive will meet again in special session on September 7, to consider a report from the M and P Committee. Iain Henderson Secretary

Migrant workers Needs Our outreach to Jamaican workers at 3 local apple orchards has continued this year, beginning in March when the first 5 workers returned to begin pruning the trees. There are now 19 workers at these farms with more expected in Sept. for the harvest work. While they are here, many of the workers look for items to take or ship to Jamaica, where such items are either hard to find or too expensive for them to purchase. Often these items are “second hand but still in good condition.” Because the job requires that they work 7 days a week, they are not often able to avail themselves of yard sales and thrift shops around Brighton. They seldom request things but, when asked, they often quietly list some things that they are hoping to be able to take back home. The list below includes both items they will need as they continue working into chilly October weather, as well as their “Wish Lists” of things to either ship or carry back to Jamaica. If you have any of these items, still in good condition, but not in use, please contact one of the following people: Elizabeth Scriven (475­2073) escriven@xplornet.com Sharon Graham (475­2094) grahams@xplornet.com Helmut Enns (475­5472) helmutjanet@gmail.com 10 TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016

Clothing ­ winter coats(2 large and 1 medium) ­ “long johns” underwear (medium) ­ size 10 winter boots (2 pairs) ­ size 8 winter boots (2 pair) ­ size 13 work boots or running shoes ­ 2 winter hats ­ 2 pairs winter gloves (medium or large) Other items – 1 bicycle (several speeds) ­2 blenders ­ 1 plasma TV ­ 2 pressure cookers ­1 juicer ­ 1 radio/CD player (combination) ­ non­stick pots/frying pans ­ 2 suitcases with wheels ­ 3 blood pressure monitors ­ sofa and matching chair

leadership by Colin Wright For us, Jesus Christ is the definitive leader of our church and as such Trinity–St. Andrews has chosen a leadership and operational model that is made up of a group of committed volunteer members. We follow a Council led form of governance with the Council being responsible for the spiritual direction of the church. Council oversees the Life and Work of the Congregation and for this purpose its membership is a collection of leaders from groups or Committees along with lay members. Council Executive is a smaller group of leaders composed of the Council Chair, Past Chair, Minister, Finance Chair, Property Chair, M&P Chair, and Council Secretary. The Executive and Council usually meet during alternate months except for July and August unless the Council Chair calls a meeting. Members are elected at the February or March Annual Congregational meeting and may serve on one or more committees. Council provides direction to the ongoing activities of the church, as well as oversight of the Committees and church staff. The Ordained Minister of the United Church of Canada must be present (in a non­voting role) at the sitting of each Council or Council Executive meeting. Our Minister works directly with the congregation to provide spiritual leadership, pastoral care and guidance with the main focus being pointing people to Christ, as a Pastor preaching the Gospel, and praying with the congregants.

TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016 11

outreach We are excited to announce an event designed to entertain and raise funds to help cover the church’s $5000 to BRING, Brighton Refugee Immigrant Needs Group. Oct 15th we are having a wine and cheese party in our community hall. We are very excited with the performers who have agreed to assist us with this endeavor. Ian Simpson and Stephanie Bird have invited a number of people who are well known in the Toronto Music world and that now live in the Brighton area. It will be an evening to introduce us to our talented neighbours. Please keep the date and stay tuned for more details. Supper’s Ready plans are in the works again. The first dinner for the new season is Sept 14th at 5:00 p.m. It is exciting to know that our Church has been able to host this very worthwhile outreach. The support that we have been able to give this community event is a credit to the congregation. Our Friends of Migrant Worker Group has put on a number of dinners this year already. We bring the men together to share a meal and meet other workers and members of the community. We have also been able to take them to visit health care professionals as needed. We have had a number of requests from the Chaplin at Warkworth Prison to assist in providing transportation of the partners of inmates who are visiting. We have been able to pick them up from bus and train stations and transport them to the Pen.

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Notes of Hope is our group led by Janet Enns that meets monthly to write letters in support of Amnesty International and United Church. We have been very pleased that a number of the people and issues that we have written in support of have been resolved. In this world we know that there are many more that need our support. We meet in the hall on the last Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. Please join us. We are a very active committee that would appreciate more help. We feel a little overwhelmed at times. Anyone who would like to assist in any of the above activities please contact Elizabeth Scriven.

leave a legacy by Colin Wright As the summer's end approaches, some of us have been fortunate to take time away from the hustle and bustle, watching the sun set from the back deck of a cottage, and have had time to contemplate other things ­ such as our life, our purpose, our legacy. The month of May was national Leave A Legacy month in Canada. "Leave A Legacy" is a national public awareness program designed to encourage people to leave a gift to charity in their will. These gifts are called legacy gifts, but as one person said, "a legacy is not only about leaving what you earned but also about what you have learned". Legacy gifts allow you to support and pass on things you have learned and cared about ­ namely, your faith. One misconception is that a person must be wealthy in order to leave a gift through their will. This is not true. There are numerous instances where people chose to gift a percentage of their assets to a charity. These gifts had no detrimental impact on the person's family or other beneficiaries, but the gifts made a huge difference to the charity. Your legacy is not just the money you accumulate and leave to others upon death; your legacy is also the things that made you and shaped you ­ the things that mattered to you. As you resume your life in Brighton after this summer hiatus, consider ways you might leave a legacy to Trinity­St. Andrews. This will make a difference in those lives that follow. TSA Trumpet ­ September 2016 13

Calendar of Events Sunday, September 11th

Service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Fall session begins Trumpet September Issue released

Tuesday, September 13th

TSAUC Council at 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, September 18th

Service at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, September 25th

Service at 10:30 a.m.

Friday, September 30th

Men's Coffee Hour at 2:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 15th

BRING Wine and Cheese at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, October 22nd


next issue Next Trumpet, October 9, 2016 Deadline for submissions: September 30th Church pick­up will be Sunday September 9th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e­mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com

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