The Docket - July 2021

Page 18

“To Listen Courteously . . . ”: The Honorable Michael G. Nerheim



udge Michael G. Nerheim was recently appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to fill the vacancy of the beloved Circuit Judge Valerie Boettle Ceckowski, who retired after 24 years on the bench. In a recent conversation with The Docket, Judge Nerheim made his judicial values clear. He will strive to treat all who come before the bench equally, with patience and courtesy. Judge Nerheim, 47, grew up in Lake County’s largest he watched his father, Jerry, work the counter and he city, Waukegan, the youngest of four children. As Judge learned the value of the human touch. It didn’t matter if Nerheim sees it, Waukegan was a great place to grow they bought a complete set of top-of-the-line tires or if up because of its rich diversity. The town was a melting their car limped in with one flat they couldn’t afford to pot, where different cultures and points of view found a replace, Jerry Nerheim treated every customer with the home. His parents, brother, and sisters same courtesy and respect. all still live nearby. The Nerheims didn’t know many Bio: Judge His family ran (and still runs) a lawyers but, at age 16, young Mike Margaret tire store. He started working there at met a busy practitioner who became Mullen age 10 and continued until he grada mentor to him. The relationship (Ret.) served uated from law school. His first jobs with Judge Charles Smith continues as an Associate Judge were sweeping floors and cleaning to this day. When Mike declared a with the up. He later graduated to loading and double major in Criminal Justice and Nineteenth unloading semi-trailers filled with Psychology at Winona State UniversiJudicial Cirtires. Eventually, he learned to do tire ty (B.S. 1996), he called Mr. Smith to cuit starting installations and oil changes. Seeing ask his opinion about a summer job. in 1992 and was selected his dad work seven days a week—even He was told that a summer internship as a Circuit Judge in 1997, which now at the age of 85—showed him the at the Lake County State’s Attorney’s was a position she filled until her importance of working hard. Office would be perfect for a young retirement from the bench in 2017. He never aspired to do sales; but man interested in law and justice.


The Docket

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