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International Student Conference Abstracts
Anna-Liisa Tamm – Chair of Organising Committee Jaanika Niinepuu Eliise Ott Richard Jalakas Mari-Liis Timmotalo Ave Kutman Inga Ploomipuu Hedo Mägi/Tuuli Muistna/Egert Vinogradov/Tormi Vahar – Curators of the Conference
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Abstract Review Committee:
Ülle Parm, PhD
Head of Abstract Review Committee Tartu Health Care College, Estonia Jelena Sokk, PhD University of Tartu, Estonia Evanthia Sakellari, PhD Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece William Garbrah, PhD student JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Anna Stecka, MSc College of Rehabilitat ion in Warsaw, Poland
Jury Committee for Oral Presentations:
Saima Hinno, PhD Head of Jury Committee for Oral Presentations Tartu Health Care College, Estonia Marjo Palovaara, PhD student JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Andrej Ocva, PhD University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Dovile Valatkiene, MSc Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania Davide Ticchi, PhD student Tallinn University, Estonia Ulvi Kõrgemaa, PhD student Tallinn Health Care College, Estonia
Jury Committee for Poster Presentations:
Reet Linkberg, PhD Head of Jury Committee for Poster Presentations Tartu Health Care College, Estonia
Kadri Pill, MSc
Tartu Health Care College, Estonia Hedo Mägi Student in Biomedical Science, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia Kaire Sildver, MSc Tallinn Health Care College, Estonia Monika Pociene, MSc Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania Marina Šantic, Prof.dr.sc University of Rijeka, Croatia
Author: Alise Dimitrijeva Scientific research supervisor: Jeļena Kuzņecova
Department of Nursing, Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia, Latvia
Background. During studies acquired practical knowledge and skills are potential precondition for qualitative medical staff actions and communication with patients. Clinical practices in different health care institutions as an opportunity to strengthen the acquired clinical skills is an integral part of the studies. Analyzing the situation in health care field, there is an impression, that not all students choose study practice placements as their further workplace. The proportion of medical school graduates who pursue careers other than full-time clinical practice has increased in some countries. Various foreign studies reveal influences related to clinical practice placement and selection of further workplace.
Aim. To research and analyze nursing students further career development related to clinical practice placement. Research questions:
1. How the further career plans of nursing students develop during clinical practice? 2. What has influence on futher students career choice?
Methodology. Qualitative–literature review. Literature reviewed using BioMedCentral (BMC), bulletin of the World Health Organization, PubMed, The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Results. From the beginning of their careers students have strong career preferences. Before they eventually decide their choices undergo several transitions. Career choices are influenced both by the students inclination before starting medical school as well as any exposure during training in medical school. Experiences in chosen specialties during training as well as the social environment of the medical school, the teaching programme and clinical staff role models can influence career preferences. More students are satisfied with clinical support and suggest that level of support on placement influenced student employment choices.
Conclusion. Students enter the medical field with different intentions but interest and concern for the sick are the most important. Clinical environment is a major impact on students’ futher clinical practice perceptions and their related career decisions.
Keywords: career development, clinical practice, career preferences.
Authors: Anna Makaronskaja, Cathlin Pilliroog Scientific research supervisors: Kaire Sildver, Marika Merits
Department of Midwifery, Tallinn Health Care College, Estonia
Background. Mentorship is an essential part of healthcare and clinical practice. Mentoring has been a topical subject in healthcare during the last 15 years. Mentorship contributes to professional growth and shapes habits and ethics related to work. Clinical practice and development of knowledge in the field is described as highly important in the International Code of Ethics for Midwives.
Aim. the aim of the study is to describe and analyse satisfaction level of midwives with setup of clinical practice and the affected factors. Research is based on the results from semi-structured interviews.
Methodology. the research method of this study is empirical and based on qualitative data analysis. The semi-structured interviews have been conducted to collect data from the focus groups. The data was analysed using conversational analysis (including cross-case and case-by-case analysis).
Results. The study showed that clinical midwifery mentors were satisfied with the organisation of East-Tallinn Central Hospital working environment, but on the other hand they saw room for improvement
with the placement structure at Tallinn Health Care Collage. Considering clinically proven theory, it can be said that the teaching methods used by the midwives at East-Tallinn Central Hospital, are on a proper level. The survey also indicated that in mentors’ point of view students’ skill level is below expected and at the same time, the methods for student assessment are not always clearly defined by universities. Furthermore, it was highlighted that leaving a good first impression is important in the process of creating a strong bond between mentors and students. The mentors pointed out that the environment at hospital is safe and friendly which supports the entire mentorship process. Mentors mutually agreed that limited time to perform activities connected with mentorship is the most challenging part.
Conclusion. Mentoring plays an important role in completing a successful clinical practice. There are quite a few factors affecting the quality of the internship, these include organisation of the practice, mentors’ teaching methods, internal climate of the working environment and co-workers.
Keywords: clinical practice, midwifery, mentoring, clinical midwifery mentors, satisfaction.
Authors: Modestas Katauskis1, Silvia Stankeviciute1 Scientific research supervisors: Jurgita Dauksiene1,2, Jelena Deksniene
1 Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Kaunas University of
Applied Sciences, Lithuania 2 Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
Background. Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. Lung cancer has been the main cause of death from cancer among men for many decades in Lithuania. Every year more than 1300 patients in Lithuania die of lung cancer. Training health professionals’ students in smoking cessation counselling has a measurable effect on professional performance.
Methodology. Setting and sample. This study was conducted among under graduated pharmacy assistant, midwifery and dental assistant students at the Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania). Data were collected by cross-sectional survey. The questionnaires were distributed during the 2015–2016 academic year at the Kaunas University of Aplied Sciences (Lithuania) to the intensive pharmacy assistant, midwifery and dental assistant course students.
Results. Females largely outnumbered males (91.9% versus 8.1%). Current smokers were 14.7%. Most students with active smoking status are midwifes – 12 students (5.7%), pharmacy assistant – 10 students (4.7%) and dental assistant – 9 students (4.2%). More than half of the respondents, 67.7% of current smokers trying to quit smoking, while 32.3% had no desire to stop smoking.
Conclusion. We conclude that in Lithuanian smoking habits of training pharmacy assistants, midwives and dental assistants are not higher than those of other European students, but our students showed many positive attitudes towards tobacco, but much more work is needed because future pharmacy assistants, dental assistants, midwives develop their role against smoking effectively.
Authors: Egenijus Dovgopolas, Dainora Strazdauskaite Scientific research supervisor: Roberta Bikuliciene
Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. Stroke has been recognized as one of the basic reasons what concerns illness, death-rate and long-term disability all over the world. An early comprehensive rehabilitation plays an extremely important, sometimes crucial role in the process of the recovery. Clinical studies have shown that visual feedback plays an important role in the the efficiency of stroke patient rehabilitation process.
Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of visual feedback on the efficiency of the post-stroke physical therapy.
Methodology. Visual Feedback group (VF) (n=10) and control group (n=10) participants underwent a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program. The participants in the VF group used mirror as a visual feedback during physiotherapy session, whereas control group – without mirror. Physiotherapy sessions were performed 5 days per week, 30 minutes per session, over 3 weeks. The Barthel scale was used to measure performance in activities of daily living (ADL), Lovett scale – to measure muscle strength, and Berg Balance Scale – to measure balance. The data was analysed using program “SPSS 17 for Windows”.
Results. After 3 weeks of physiotherapy program, mean change score were significantly greater in the VF group than in control group for Barthel scale (p=0.003) and for Lovett scale (p < 0.005). No significant difference was found between the groups for Berg Balance Scale (p= 0.191).
Conclusion. Physiotherapy with Visual Feedback was effective in recovering after stroke compared with physiotherapy without Visual Feedback.
Keywords: visual feedback, physiotherapy, stroke.
Author: Eilin Sepp Scientific research supervisor: Maret Pihu
Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu, Estonia
Background. The objective of this thesis was to compare Estonian 6th grade students’ physical fitness level with normative values from HELENA study and international normative 20 m shuttle run values. It is important to evaluate adolescents physical fitness levels in Estonia because last nationwide study among students was conducted in 1998.
Aim. Based on the main objective, there were set tasks: compare students physical fitness levels with an internationally recognized measurement tools and compare boys and girls fitness levels.
Methodology. The following health related fitness components were assessed: cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance and speed, as a skill-related fitness component. Physical fitness results were evaluated with the ALPHA health-related fitness test battery for children and adolescents and with normative 20 m shuttle run values. The study was carried out in two schools (Tallinn and Tartu). 178 students aged 12 to 13 from 6th grade participated in the study.
Results. Physical fitness performance was better in boys, except for flexibility, in which girls performed better. Boys’ percentage in very low and low level was higher on every test compared to girls’ results based on normative values.
Conclusion. The results of the research indicate the importance to measure the physical fitness of schoolchildren, to compare them with the evaluation scales because this helps to plan and carry out more PE lessons what are focused on physical fitness development. This topic needs further research because it is important to evaluate students’ physical fitness levels among different age groups and for more accurate results anthropometric characteristics should be measured. Physical fitness development is important and should be included in school curriculum.
Keywords: health- and skill related fitness components, physical fitness tests, development of physical capabilities.
Author: Elina Berzina Scientific research supervisors: Dr. Evija Lauva, Dr. Sandra Seimane
Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia, Latvia
Background. Epidemiological studies indicate that anxiety is very common and an important cause of functional impairment. According to large population-based surveys, up to 33.7% of the population is affected by an anxiety disorder during their lifetime. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of anxiety among medical staff, given that the profession is considered to be a stressful.
Methodology. A prospective study was conducted collecting data from medical field workers including emergency, hospital and ambulatory workers (doctors, nurses, paramedics and nurse assistants). They all filled out the HADS-A questionnaire and short information about their working status. 0-7 points represents normal score and no anxiety, 8-10 points board line case (subclinical anxiety) and 11-21 points shows abnormal anxiety.
Results. In a study participated 186 respondents, 158 (85%) were women and 28 (15%) men. The mean age of participants was 38.44 (SD±10.35) and the mean work experience 15.37 (SD±11.09) years. Of all participants 13 (7%) were nurse assistants, 62 (33%) nurses, 58 (31%) paramedics, 53 (29%) doctors. Overall 9 (6%) of all medical field workers had clinical anxiety and 26 (14%) had subclinical anxiety. 150 (80%) had no signs of anxiety. No statistically significant correlations between gender, age, working experience or profession were found.
Conclusion. Despite stressful job conditions there was detected very low anxiety (6%) in medical field workers, less than in general population. There are no obvious data to explain such low prevalence, further research need to be performed.
Keywords: anxiety, HADS-A, mental health.
Autor: Eveli Tamm1 Scientific research supervisors: Pille Taba2, Kadri Medijainen1
1 Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu,
Estonia 2 Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, University of Tartu,
Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze Microsoft Kinect-based differences between individuals with and without Parkinson disease (PD) in postural and temporal characteristics and gait speed during gait initiation (GI).
Methodology. Fourteen individuals with mild-to-moderate PD (average age 69.9±7.5; disease duration 7.2±3.4) individuals and fourteen age- and gender-matched healthy counterparts participated. Temporal & postural characteristics (head, hip and knee joint angles & distance between knee joints) were registered with Microsoft Kinect (and relevant software). Gait speed at GI was calculated. Information on current diseases severity of PD was assessed with MDS-UPDRS and H&Y scale. Subjective estimation about gait-related diffuculties (SEGD) was obtained on scale from 0 to 10 from all of the participants. Associations between SEGD and temporal & postural characteristics; gait speed, age were examined, aswell as the relationship between before-mentioned parameters and the stage of the diseases in PD group.
Results. According to Microsoft Kinect the participants with and without PD did not differ in GI (and standing position preceding it). Only the range of motion of the right knee and left hip joint was bigger in PD group during GI. In addition the head position changed at greater extent in PD group, being significantly more arteriorly positioned during GI comprad with standing. Although no differences were found in temporal parameters registered patients with PD reported SEGD to be more pronounced. SEGD was not associated with any of the parameters in control group, but in PD SEGD was found to be associated with H&Y and temporal parameters of GI. Aswell, age of the patient was associated with gait speed.
Conclusion. Microsoft Kinect was able only to detect few differences between groups and it`s accuracy in assessing postural parameters of GI needs further clarification. As the disease progresses, SEGD experienced by PD patients increase.
Keywords: Parkinson’s disease, Microsoft Kinect, gait initiation, gaitrelated difficulties, temporal & postural characteristics.
Authors: Gabrielė Vindigytė, Irma Vaškytė Scientific research supervisors: Dr. Andželika BylaitėŽakaitienė, Mercedes Šulcaitė-Vasiljeva
Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. Skin dehydration is manifested as a lack of moisture in dermal and epidermal skin layers. Dehydrated skin has a grayish tint and a paper-look, it also may be irritated, tense, itchy and prone to inflammatory reactions. Scaling, cracking and epidermal wrinkles may appear, as well as existing mimic wrinkles may get deeper. Dehydration may provoke skin diseases, such as psoriasis, allergy, eczema or dermatitis. Borage seeds are enriched with gamma linolenic acid which has moisturising capabilities and also has stimulating effects on skin cells activation, regeneration, it reduces skin transepidermal water loss.
Aim. The aim of the study is to elucidate the effect of borage oil for dry dehydrated skin, consuming it externally and internally.
Methodology. The data was collected by analysing scientific literature, interviewing, testing and tracking three groups of respondents. The data was analysed by content and comparative analysis.
Results. In the course of this study borage oil either consumed orally (group Y) or applied on facial skin (group X) raised the results of skin hydration for both Y and X groups respondents. However, during the last week of the study the results showed that skin hydration levels of
group X fell down for about 6 precent. During the sixth week, the total average hydration level in group X respondents facial skin rose only by 8 precent, and total average skin hydration level of group Y respondents rose even up to 17 precent.
Conclusion. Borage oil, orally consumed in pills, appeared to be more effective than used externally, since the skin hydration changes of group Y respondents were more pronounced. Facial skin hydration level of Y2 respondent raised to 70 precent which means that hydration level became normal, hence facial skin was no longer dehydrated. Furthermore, the effectiveness of orally consumed borage oil was confirmed in accordance of average of the results.
Key words: dry dehydrated face skin, borage oil.
Authors: Gintare Aukstikalnyte, Lina Baltrimaite Scientific research supervisor: Vida Staniuliene
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. The problem of violence against medical staff is recognized all around the world, but still underexposed issue. Nurses are expected to have the highest risk of being abused in the hospital environment. Nurses are quite frequently experiencing verbal and physical violence from aggressive patients. Therefore, it is important to examine the problem of patients’ aggressive behavior and find the most effective care model which could help nurses to give the highest quality care for aggressively behaving patients.
Aim. To reveal the main nursing strategies when caring for aggressive patients.
Methodology. Systematic literature review focused on a clearly formulated question, identified relevant studies, appraised quality and summarized evidence. 73 scientific articles related to the theme were found, 18 were used for systematic analysis. EBSCO database was used for the study. Criteria’ matrix was performed: title, year, author, study question, keywords, design and methodology, conclusions/implications, level of evidence.
Results. Based on the research results and the approachability of evidence nursing model for caring aggressive patients was developed. Approach to nursing strategies can be divided into four types: environmental and organizational strategies, behavioral and attitudinal strategies, pharmacological strategy, and physical strategy. The main concern of environmental and organizational strategies is a safe health care environment and well-organized communication system. The object of behavioral and attitudinal strategies is to establish a good patient-nurse relationship. The main goal of pharmacological strategy is rapid tranquilization, aimed to reducing symptoms of impulsivity and aggression without making deep or prolonged sedation, keeping the patient calm but fully or partially responsive. The physical strategy of mechanical restraint may be used in violent situations, however, mechanical restraint should be used as the last resource when all remaining intervention possibilities have failed. Aggressive Patients Nursing Model will be presented in poster.
Conclusion. Developed nursing care model for aggressively behaving patients is useful for nurses working with aggressive patients in clinical settings. This model can be used as an educational tool for relatives when nursing aggressively behaving patients.
Keywords: aggression, aggressive patient care, management of aggressive behavior, nursing model.
Author: Gintarė Česnauskytė Scientific research supervisors: Ausra Rudžianskienė, Jurgita Andruškienė
Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. Lower level of health literacy has been associated with poorer self-care skills. Health literacy is defined as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions”. Functional health literacy is a sufficient level of reading and writing skills required in daily life. Interactive health literacy enables ones to act independently, on the ground of gained knowledge and advices. Critical health literacy is the highest level of cognitive and social skills that allow critical assessment and creative use of health information to enhance the capacity of the individual and the community by influencing social, economic and environmental determinants. Appropriate health literacy level in future health care specialists is crucially important, however rarely investigated.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess oral health literacy among 1st and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences.
Methodology. Questioning of the students was performed in 2017. The study sample consisted of 119 students (57 first and 62 third year), response rate calculated 97.5%. Oral Health Literacy Questionnaire was
used to assess oral hygiene literacy. The pilot study was performed aiming to test how students understand questionnaire. The data was analysed using Microsoft Office Excel.
Results. The survey results showed that 21% of the 3rd year and 19% of the 1st year students had a functional oral hygiene literacy. More than one third (34%) of 3rd year and 21% of 1st year students had interactive oral hygiene literacy level. Critical oral hygiene literacy level was characteristic to 11% of 3rd year and 4 % of 1st year students.
Conclusion. Oral health literacy questionnaire was well understood by the students and can be used in future studies. Third year students had higher levels of functional, interactive and critical oral health literacy, however statistical significance was not tested.
Keywords: oral health literacy, students.
Author: Ignas Barauskas Scientific research supervisor: Jurgita Boltutiene
Department of Physiotherapy and Beauty Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. Nowadays there are a lot of traditional treatment methods in rehabilitation, which can help to solve various physical problems. As known, physiotherapy treatment for patients, who suffer anterior cruciate ligament damage, is useful and helps to recover. Combined treatment of physiotherapy is important topic to incorporate in the rehabilitation process. Functional activity and recovery of lower limb function for patients with anterior cruciate ligament damage is the ultimate goal of rehabilitation programmes. The combination of physiotherapy and aquatic therapy can be even more useful, but it is more expensive than other physiotherapy methods. Physiotherapy treatment by itself costs less and it`s more comfortable for patient and physiotherapist, because there is no need of the swimming pool and additional equipment. However, the combination of these two methods, is more effective in many ways. Afterwards, there is still lack of information about the effectiveness of the combination of these two methods.
Aim. The aim of the study – to evaluate the influence of physiotherapy on recovery of lower limb function for patients with anterior cruciate ligament damage.
Methodology. The study sample consisted of 20 patients with age of 30.6±6.9 years. The main criteria for sample selection: under 45 years of age, never had an additional knee damage, such as meniscus tears, contralateral ligaments ruptures. Patients were divided in two groups. Patients were informed about the methods of the treatment, data gathering and all the process of the research. The instruments used in the study goniometer for the measurement of the knees range of motion, lower limb functional scale to assess functional mobility of patients and Lovett scale for the muscle strength measurements. The data was analysed using Microsoft Office Excel IT programme.
Results. The research results showed that after the physiotherapy treatment the strength in affected limb increased: shank extension - I group – 3.7±0.13, II group – 4.6±0.12. The change of the strength of the shanks flexion muscles: I group – 3.9±0.17; II group – 4.6±0.15. Lower extremity functional scale changes: I group - 15.93±5.8; II group – 28.1±2.29. Knee extension and flexion range of motion changes: extension: I group – 3.6±0.41; II group - – 4.9±0.7; flexion: I group – 19.5±4.25 degrees. II group – 45.46±5.58.
Conclusion. Combined treatment of physiotherapy and aquatic therapy is an effective method in rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament damage. Physiotherapy and aquatic therapy affected functional activity of the lower limb, the strength of the knee bending and extending muscles and the range of motion in the knee.
Keywords: physiotherapy, anterior cruciate ligament, lower limb functional recovery.
Author: Ilona Jansone Scientific research supervisor: Dace Erkena
Department of Social Care, P.Stradins Medical College of the University of Latvia, Jurmala, Latvia
Background. “Care at home” service will become increasingly important and significant and are already can be considered as a challenge to local authorities and the family members of elderly as the ability to integrate the needs of their life permanence and independency maintenance, which is also showed in case study conducted in the fourth largest city of Latvia - Jelgava.
Aim. Evaluate the social service “Care at home” in Jelgava municipality and elaborate proposals for its development.
1. Analysis of literature. 2. Questionnaire. 3. Interview. 4. Statistical methods of analysis.
Results. The study clearly showed that the elderly, despite on various health problems want to stay in their own homes (91%) rather than to choose institutional care. The study also was showed that the Jelgava municipality can not offer and implement long-term or highly specific social care and can only satisfy elderly that do not have significant health
or other problems that require long-term care. It is also important to note that the social service “Care at home” in the Jelgava municipality is unable to provide high level of qualification and proper age care givers which could lead to very formal and fast care process performance which is one of the problems of adequate “Care at home” services. This confirms the investigation results where 28% of elderly consider “Care at home” process as formal (28%) and fast (11%).
1. Social service „Care at home” provides elderly with the following benefits – the opportunity to stay in their place of residence (91%), own personal space (74%) and to receive the service when it is needed (57%). 2. The improvements in the “Care at home” are connected with necessity of younger care givers and appropriate training about hygiene maintenance, ergonomics, communication as interaction aspects. 3. In the context of Latvia it would be needed to change social care process legislative framework by setting a clear guidelines and requirements regarding to the care giver training and organization of the work of the care process.
Keywords: elderly, care at home, social care.
Author: Inese Lame Scientific research supervisor: Baiba Avota
Department of Nursing, Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia, Latvia
Background. Population of Latvia is ageing and statistically proportion of elderly people is comparatively large. There are cases observed with chronic wounds, for example, trophic arterial and venous ulcers among elderly people, therefore more and more specialists – doctors, doctor’s assistants, nurses, nurse assistants, pharmacists are facing challenges related to wound management. Factors, which affect healing of wound and progression of wounds infection, quality of life of patient, costs of medical institutions and patient costs, depend on theoretical and practical knowledge and ability to choose appropriate and correct treatment of wounds.
Aim. Provide theoretical analysis of available literature, collecting latest tendencies in wound care and chronicle wound infection treatment. Research questions:
1) What is cause and development of chronic wound infection? 2) What are different wound care aspects and latest trends of treatment in chronic wound infection?
Methodology. Qualitative – literature reviewed using European Wound Management Association, Wound International, Australian Wound Management Association publication, PubMed.
Results. In response to the research question, what is the development and causes of chronic wound infection, the results of literature show that: Chronic wound infections development risks develop when pathogenic bacteria multiply and break the balance of the micro - organism in the wound and pathogenic bacteria are in majority. Early recognition of bacterial imbalance, including infection, is crucial to wound management. Impact of biofilm in wounds - increased tolerance of biofilms to antimicrobial agents explains the limited efficacy of antimicrobial agents in chronic wounds and illustrates the need to develop new management strategies. Chronic medical conditions (morbidity) are at risk for developing chronic wounds. In response to the second question of the research, the following results were obtained: wound management - in general, treating and removing the underlying cause of any chronic wound should be the primary focus of the treatment. Applying proper wound care by changing wound dressings frequently, keeping the wound clean, applying local antibiotic, taking anti-inflammatory medications when needed and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is sufficient to prevent chronic wounds and encourage proper healing.
Conclusion. The main precondition for treating wound infections is not only to diagnose and prevent wound infections, but also to develop a holistic approach to the care of the patient in view of the underlying disease. Prevention of the formation of biofilms is one of the most important aspects in the care of chronic wounds.
Keywords: wound care, wound infection.
Authors: Justina Gudaityte, Aiste Gudziunaite Scientific research supervisor: Dr. Grazina Sniepiene
Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. Aesthetic problems of oily skin, such as enlarged pores, shiny and greasy face, and constantly occurring pimples not only reflect health problems or bad cosmetic skin care, but also cause psychological discomfort.
Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze coherence of young people quality of life and oily skin.
Methodology. The qualitative research-the anonymous questionnaire survey-was conducted. The original questionnaire based on scientific information sources was applied. 64 respondents aged from 18 to 35 years with oily facial skin were surveyed. The data analysis was subject to the software package SPSS 22 for Windows (Statistical Package for Social Science). The data were coded, the values were standardized, and the mean values, standard variations, median, frequencies, percentage, and statistical significance were calculated. The Shapiro–Wilk criterion was used for the data analysis. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s nonparametric criterion was used for one group of respondents and the Kruskal-Wallis criterion was used for more than two groups of respondents.
Results. It turned out that young people’s social life is more limited because of oily facial skin. Young people avoid communicating, public meetings are avoided and an effort is made to avoid other people paying
attention to their skin. In assessing the respondents by age groups it was ascertained that the oily facial skin has more influence on younger respondents from 18 to 23 years and has a greater impact on their social and emotional state than elderly groups of investigators. Also this age group statistically significantly avoids looking at themselves in the mirror (p=0.047), as well as are obsessed by intrusive thoughts about their skin (p=0.024) more than aged from 24 to 35 years respondents. However, the elderly respondents feel more unattractive (p=0.007), constrained (p=0.023) and more shy (p=0.004) because of their oily facial skin.
Conclusion. The research revealed that oily facial skin causes the psychological discomfort and has influence on the quality of young people life. It was determined that the oily facial skin worsens the social and emotional state of people with oily facial skin.
Keywords: quality of life, sebaceous gland, oily skin, sebum.
Author: Karmen Kõlamets Scientific research supervisor: Ülle Parm
Physiotherapy and Environmental Health Department, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia
Backround. The Estonian immunization programme includes vaccinations against 11 (from 2018, the number of the diseases increases to 12) serious contagious diseases. Due to vaccination efficacy, the number of cases in developed societies is decreasing and thus, the severity of these diseases is being forgotten. In Estonia, the number of people who refuse to vaccinate is on the rise and it has become a topic of general discussion. Parents decide not to vaccinate their children without delving into the topic or by trusting disputable sources. People are afraid of side effects and they don’t believe in the efficacy of the vaccinations.
Nurses and physicians carry out vaccination procedures. Consequently, health care workers have an important role in forming peoples’ beliefs about vaccination. Similarly to every other drug, a vaccine may have some side effects. However, the severity of these infectious diseases brings about far more serious consequences than the rarely occurring side effects. Statistical analyses have shown that vaccines have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and continue to save more annually, thereby ensuring a higher life quality and decreasing treatment costs noticeably.
Methodology. Nowadays, the use of audio-visual materials in learning processes is gaining popularity. They are used to reduce the monotony of study techniques and to disseminate more information. The aim of this study was to create video lectures which include a comprehensive review of the Estonian immunization program for infectious diseases and their epidemiology. The aim of creating the video lectures was to give students and all interested parties an informative overview of the topic of vaccination.
Results. The information material gives a general idea of the epidemiological aspects and the statistics about the diseases, the side effects of vaccination, the efficacy and execution of immunization.
Conclusion. Since this paper is a part of a larger project, other topics, such as the vaccination process, the clinical aspects of the diseases etc., are also included in the film. Photos, animations and illustrative figures were used in the video lectures to elaborate the topic even further. The film will be available at Tartu Health Care College library on DVD.
Keywords: infectious diseases, routine vaccination.
Authors: Katrin Riso1 and Mari Saviauk1 Scientific research supervisors: Anneli Saarva1, Maret Pihu2
1 Hugo Treffner Gymnasium, Estonia 2 Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu,
Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the physical activity of the 11. grade students of Hugo Treffner Gymnasium using pedometers and to examine the associations between physical activity, body mass index (BMI) and the results of 2.1 km cross-country run.
Methodology. Seventy seven students from 11. grade (38 boys and 39 girls) participated in this study. Seventy four students provided valid pedometer data. The average number of steps and active minutes of all measured days, schooldays and weekend days were registered by using pedometers. School physician measured the height and weight of study participants and BMI (kg/m2) was calculated. Cross-country run of 2.1 km was carried out in physical education class and the results were registered by PE teacher. The participants of study filled the log diary of physical activity. The mean values of measured variables were found. The group means were compared using Student’s t-test for independent groups. Pearson bivariate correlation analysis was used to examine associations between measured variables.
Results. The average step number during week, on schooldays and on weekend days was accordingly 7021±2437, 7069±2397 and 6937±3425 steps daily. The number of active minutes during week, on schooldays and weekend days was accordingly 48±24, 56±28 and 36±31 minutes daily. The number of steps on schooldays and on weekend days did not differ significantly. Thirteen comma five percents of study participants met the recommendations of 10000 steps daily. Eleven percents of boys and sixteen percents of girls met the recommendations of 10000 steps daily in our study. Inverse association was found between the physical activity and result of 2.1 km cross-country run among boys. Positive association was found between BMI and the cross-country run among the girls and in the whole study sample.
Conclusion. The physical activity of the 11.grade students of Hugo Treffner Gymnasium is rather low. Physical activity was associated with cardiorespiratory fitness among boys studied. Cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with body mass index among girls and among the participants of the whole sample.
Keywords: physical activity, number of steps, number of active minutes, body mass index (BMI), gymnasium students.
Author: Kersti Undrits1 Scientific research supervisors: Anna-Liisa Tamm1, Ülle Parm1, Janika Pael2
1 Physiotherapy and Environmental Health Department, Tartu Health
Care College, Estonia 2 Nursing and Midwifery Department, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia
Aim. The aim of this study was to determine the health condition (emotional well-being and chronic diseases) as well as circumstances related to relaxation (factors that hinder relaxation as well as proposals to improve the opportunities to relax) of officers of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board that conduct fieldwork.
Methodology. For data collection, an electronic questionnaire was used. The emotional well-being of police officers was measured employing an Emotional Well-being Questionnaire (EEK-2). The survey was voluntary and guaranteed the anonymity of respondents. Participants had approximately one month (13.02.2017 – 17.03.2017) to respond.
Results. Overall, 320 out of 3,200 officers filled in the questionnaire, representing 10% of the study population. More frequent occurrence of symptoms indicating depression – as compared to the study population – highlights the intense work of police officers. EEK-2 revealed the following results: 25.3% of the officers suffer from asthenia, 24.4% from sleep disorders, 13.4% from depression, 7.8% from anxiety, and 0.6% from symptoms indicative of panic disorder. Prior to their employment, the most common diagnoses were allergies (5.9%) and over the duration of their employment, most accrued diseases were cardiovascular diseases
(15.9%). The diseases diagnosed during their employment at the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board are analogous to the ones described in the rest of the world (cardiovascular, skeletal and muscle system, psychiatric diseases, benign tumors, injuries and sleep disorders), manifesting more among long serving police officers. More than tenth of the police officers (14.1%) do not know how to relax. According to the police officers´ own assessment, lack of money is the main obstacle preventing relaxation (58.4%) and a higher income would help improve the opportunities to relax (24%).
Conclusion. Police officers` stressful work and lack of finances for relaxation have string influence to officers` (mental) health.
Keywords: police officers, police work, mental health, physical health, health promotion.
Authors: Kreete Lustmets, Laura Nulk Scientific research supervisor: Margit Lenk-Adusoo
Nursing and Midwifery Department, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia
Background. In recent years, the number of diagnoses for hyperkinetic disorders has almost doubled. There is a strong interest in use of complementary and alternative medicine among parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Therefore, to increase awareness among health care professionals is essential.
Aim. The aim of this research was to describe the most commonly used nutritional interventions and the use of food supplements in children with ADHD and the effect of nutritional therapy to influence symptoms of the disorder.
Methodology. A systematic literature review was undertaken. In total, 46 sources were used, which included nursing and medical scientific articles.
Results. Most commonly used nutritional interventions on symptoms of children with ADHD are elimination of food additives, limitation of sugar intake and restricted elimination diet, which means carefully supervised few foods diet followed for at least 5 weeks. Restricted elimination diet may be effective instrument to reduce behavior problems, physical complaints and sleep complaints in children with ADHD. Elimination of food additives for instance acid-food colors, artificial flavors and naturally
occurring salicylates may reduce hyperactive behavior. Limitation of sugar intake may give positive results on symptoms like sleep disturbance and night time sweating. Significant relationship between sugar consumption and changes in ADHD symptoms were not observed. To influence the symptoms of the disorder, food supplements are also used, among which the most common are zinc, magnesium, iron and omega-3 fatty acid. Essential fatty acid deficiency, especially omega-3, has been associated with a number of behavioral disorders, including ADHD. Increasing polyunsaturated fatty acid consumption improves reading and literacy, reduces anxiety, attention deficits and impulsivity symptoms, also helps to reduce sleep disturbances. Increasing the consumption of iron and magnesium may have a positive impact on the child’s ADHD symptoms. Higher consumption of zinc sulfate in the diet may reduce the symptoms of hyperactivity and impaired socialization.
Conclusion. The results of the research can raise the awareness of healthcare professionals about the effect of nutritional therapy on the symptoms of children with ADHD, thus apply the knowledge in the counseling process.
Keywords: nutritional therapy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, symptoms, children.
Author: Kristina Kuceviciute, Scientific research supervisor: Vaida Sidlauskaite
Department of Rehabilitation, University of Applied Sciences Kauno Kolegija, Lithuania
Background. Tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS) is an uncommon entrapment neuropathy caused by the compression of the posterior tibial nerve and its branches in the tarsal tunnel. It affects 1 in 1,500 people. Frequently, nerve mobilization exercises are appointing for nerve entrapment treatment. Nerve mobilization is a clinical treatment technique, which improves normal neurodynamic of the nerves, for conditions that worsen nerve gliding.
Aim. To determine effect of tibial nerve mobilization exercises (TNME) for primary symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome for 20–40 years old runners and ballet dancers.
Methodology. Participants selection criteria: female, ballet dancers, nonprofessional runners; tarsal tunnel syndrome primary symptoms, pain in the ankle, age 20–40 years old, no disc herniation in lumbar spine. In this research participated 40 subjects of which 20 was runners and 20 was ballet dancers. Pain evaluation using Visual Analogical Scale for pain (VAS). Fatigue evaluation using Visual Analogical Scale for fatigue. Sensation evaluation using specific tests: Tinel test, compression test and tibial nerve neurodynamic test, statistical analyzis.
Results. have shown that muscle fatigue, pain and abnormal sensation decreased in both groups, but not significantly (p>0.05). Before TNME runners and ballet dancers have similar muscle fatigue evaluation (3.1±2.5 vs 3.5±1.4). After TNME fatigue were bigger in runners than ballet dancers (2.5±2.1 vs 1.8±1.6). Before TNME runners pain (4.4±1.39) was evaluated under ballet (4.8±1.3) dancers. In both groups, after TNME pain decreased similarly (runners 1.8±1.2 dancers 1.77±1.3. After TNME all tests decreased in both groups (runners 15.4%, dancers 36.4). Nerve neurodynamic test after TNME was more positive in runners group (53.8%) comapred to dancers (27.3%). After TNME compression test was more positive in ballet group (54.5%) than in runners group (23.1%).
Conclusion. Ballet dancers and runners before tibial nerve mobilization exercises felt moderate intensity pain, muscle fatigue were milder in runners group, sensations were abnormal in both groups. After nerve mobilization exercises, pain decreased in both groups, fatigue was evaluated higher in runners group and abnormal sensations normalized in runners group.
Keywors: tarsal tunnel syndrome, nerve mobilization, dancers, runners.
Author: Lilian-Mariete Hani Scientific research supervisor: Doris Vahtrik
Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu, Estonia
Aim. To find out the patient satisfaction with physiotherapy services in Estonia.
Methodology. A questionnaire was used for assessment. 384 subjects were included in the study, 14 subjects were excluded.
Results. 59% of patients with back pain considered the waiting time for public physiotherapy services to be quite long or too long. 25% of people using private physiotherapy services were not aware of public physiotherapy services. 31.3% of the patients with back pain used private physiotherapy services because they considered the waiting time for public physiotherapy services to be too long. 43.8% of public and 37.5% of private patients with back pain who used physiotherapy services found that the pain was relieved only temporarily. 70.5% of public and 71.9% of private patients with back pain who used physiotherapy services said that they did not follow the home-based exercise program, or they discontinued it. 40.5% of public and 55.1% of private patients with back pain who used physiotherapy services were not motivated to perform the home-based exercise program at home by themselves. 80.3% of patients with back pain wished there were publicly financed group trainings which they could attend 2-3 times a week. 15.3% of patients with back pain were not aware of the existence of private physiotherapy services. 40.5%
of patients with back pain claimed that they had not used the private physiotherapy services because they could not afford it.
Conclusion. The public awareness of public and private physiotherapy services should be increased and the waiting time for public physiotherapy services should be decreased. The effect of physiotherapy services for back pain is temporary but the patients with back pain are not motivated to continue with the home-based exercise program. Patients with back pain would like to have regular group trainings that are publicly financed.
Keywords: back pain, patient satisfaction, physiotherapy services, questionnaire.
Author: Lina Brazdeikytė Scientific research supervisor: Monika Pocienė
Department of Physiotherapy and Beauty Therapy, Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. Mirror therapy is used to improve motor function after stroke. During mirror therapy, a mirror is placed in the patient’s midsagittal plane, thus reflecting movements of the non-paretic side as if it were the affected side.
Aim. Identify the effect of different physiotherapy programs on the affected upper extremities functions for individuals experienced ischemic brain stroke, in the first stage of rehabilitation.
Methodology. 20 stroke patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly allocated into 2 groups: mirror therapy group (n=10) and ordinary physiotherapy group (n=10). Both groups recieved rehabilitation training for 30minutes/day 5days/week for 2 weeks. Before and after intervention, motor recovery was measured using modified Fugl-Meyer, Wolf, Box and blocks tests.
Selection criteria: person have the upper extremity hemiparesis, age is 55-65 years old, a mini-mental state test at least 21 points; the range of motion in wrist joint extension minimum is 30 ° and at least two finger extension ≥15°; Hand strength by Lovett conform 2 points or more.
Results. It is observed that in mirror therapy group is showed statistically significant recovery on the arm motor function, movement speed and coordination, compared with the ordinary physical therapy group.
Conclusion. After evaluation of affected arm in the I and II groups, is shown upper extremity joint mobility decrease, especially is restricted fine motor movements. After retesting at the end of rehabilitation, despite of the different physiotherapy programs, affected arm function improvement are shown in both groups. For persons affected by stroke, applying mirror therapy statistically significantly improves upper extremity coordination, dexterity of movement (speed) and complex hand movements, compared with ordinary physiotherapy.
Keywords: ischemic brain stroke, mirror feedback, physical therapy, upper extremity function.
Authors: Loreta Vieraitytė, Edvinas Bendinskas Scientific research supervisor: Edgaras Lapinskas
Department of Rehabilitation, University of Applied Sciences Kauno Kolegija, Lithuania
Background. Due to aggressive game the basketball and handball players are experiencing a significant number of injuries compared to other sports. Both games are classified as contact sports, therefore, the players’ injuries are unavoidable a frequent phenomenon. Constantly repeated movement patterns such as throws or jumps dominate in both games, the performance of which causes sports injuries due to various reasons. In order to achieve good sports results it is necessary to to show a high physical condition in a match and ensure the prevention of injuries.
• Cooper test – to measure the level of maximum oxygen consumption. • Heart rate monitoring – to measure the level of recovery after physical activity. • Spirometry testing - to measure the lung functional capacity parameters. • Overuse Injury questionnaire – to estimate the difficulties caused by certain injuries during competitions or trainings. • Y balance test – to determine balance and dynamic neuromuscular control.
Results. Cooper test results – handball team (38.9±3.6 ml/kg/min) compare to basketball team (33.5±6.4 ml/kg/min), p<0.05; Vital capacity of lungs – basketball team (4.4 l±0.6 L) compare to handball team (3.8±0.9 L), p<0.05; In both team the heart rate returned to rest rate in 5 minutes; The most often suffered traumas in basketball team was: knee injuries 50 % of players, ankle injuries - 40 %, lower back - 40 %, shoulder -30 %; The most often suffered traumas in handball team was: knee injuries 20 % of players, ankle injuries - 0 %, lower back - 20 %, shoulder - 80 %. There is no risk of injuries in both teams which can be caused by poor balance and dynamic neuromuscular control.
1. The handball players have significantly higher level of VO2max. 2. The lung vital capacity level is statistically significant higher in basketball players. 3. The most often basketball players traumas is knee, ankle and lower back injuries. 4. The most often trauma of handball players is shoulder injuries. 5. It is important consistent trauma prevention by functional testing of most affecting body parts.
Keywords: trauma, prevention, basketball, handball.
Author: Marleen Lõhmus Scientific research supervisors: Anneli Raave-Sepp, Mai Treial
Radiography and Biomedical Laboratory Science Department, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia
Background: Vitamin D deficiency is concerned as a global health problem, which has now spread amongst all group of ages – children, young adults and elders. Vitamin D plays a vital role in organism among different organ systems by regulating the growth and maturity of cells and for establishing a control mechanism for absorption of different substances. The shortage of vitamin D can relate to origination or source of influence for serious diseases. In order for people to check their vitamin D levels, the concentration of 25(OH)D in blood can be evaluated, which reflects the reserve of vitamin D in organism.
Aim. The aim of this research was to find out the level of vitamin D among the students of Tartu Health Care College.
Methodology. A sample of study was put together via easy sampling method among 214 students from different curriculums. Students were divided equally into two groups – spring and autumn. The levels of vitamin D were examined in both groups. A blood sample was taken after examinees filled the form of consent and acceptance. The samples were gathered and concentration of vitamin D was measured with DiaSorin Liaison® XL analyser. Microsoft Excel and R-statistic programs were used for processing of the data.
Results. Based on the received data, age is a major factor concerning the statistical values of vitamin D concentration (p=0.046). Vitamin D concentration of both groups differed from each other significally (p=0.001). Although the average concentration during the autumn-winter period were substantially lower than in spring-summer period, the optimal reference values of vitamin D were not sufficient by most of the students during both period of times.
Students were aware of the importance of vitamin D and the most information concerning the topic was obtained from school. 30.4% of the students were additionally consuming the vitamin D preparate, either from the recommendation from their doctors or for preventive measures. The most commonly used form of preparate was the oil-capsule for which the daily average of the dose was 1038 IU, which is short of achieving daily optimal levels.
1. The optimal reference values of vitamin D were not met by most of the students during both winter and summer. 2. During autumn-winter period the average concentration of vitamin D amongst students were substantially lower than during the spring-summer period of time. 3. Students were aware of the importance of vitamin D for functioning of organism and the most imformation concerning the topic was obtained from school. 4. 30.4% of the students were aditionally consuming the vitamin D preparate, either from the recommandation from their doctors or for preventive measures. The most used form of preparate was oil-capsule for which the daily average of dosage was 1038 IU, which falls short from achieving the level of daily optimal.
Keywords: vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D effect.
Author: Modesta Jukna Scientific research supervisors: Sintija Harju, Marite Saulite, Ruta Akermane
Department of Podiatry, P.Stradins Medical College of the University of Latvia, Jurmala, Latvia
Background. So far, no study has been conducted on the need for therapeutic podiatric care for Social Care Center (SCC) clients in Latvia; it is known that in individual SCC’s where some podologists work as staff member, another podologist invited in specific cases, or clients are taken to a podologist at medical institution. The study was conducted in 15 Latvian Social Care Centers (SCC), surveying 750 customer feet. People who, for various reasons, are no longer capable of foot care, is a highly necessary specialist who will do it professionally and according the needs of each client, so the involvement of a podologist in the SCC team’s work is essential. The foot healing provided by the podologist would help prevent diabetes, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal etc. complications caused by the disease; those clients whose age (range of motion, vision problems, etc.) no longer allows them to care for their feet.
Aim. Investigate the necessity for therapeutic foot care and the involvement of a podologist in an interdisciplinary health care team in social care institutions in Latvia.
Methodology. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Method. Research tool – foot examination protocol.
Results. Of the 750 surveyed customers in 15 of Latvia’s SCC’s, the largest share - 87% are 75 years old and older. 35% of the respondents were asleep, 89% of the respondents have reduced movement in their hands, and 11% have a hand paresis that makes foot care by themselves completely impossible. 62% of the SCC clients are in the high-risk category because in addition to the physiological age, some have type 2 diabetes with late complications, osteoarthritis, peripheral circulation disorder, post-stroke condition and osteoporosis. 12% of the patients were found with chronic foot and lumbar ulcers and bedsore, which condition did not meet modern wound care recommendations. 93% of the respondents have thickened nails, of which 37% have signs of mycotic infections and 17% have an altered nail growth direction. In most SCC’s (11 out of 15), the SCC podologist is not available, and client foot care is provided by a caregiver - 75%, a client himself - 23% or a room neighbor - 1%, rarely relatives ~ 1%, thus increasing the risk of the health status deterioration of the client.
1. 93% of the respondents need professional foot care, which can be provided by the podologist who reduces or eliminates the risk of foot injuries and facilitates the work of a social caregiver and reduces health care costs for the SCC’s clients in the long run. 2. Given that 62% of respondents are in the high-risk category, it is important for interdisciplinary health care teams to work with specialists such as podologists, family doctors, orthopedists, endocrinologists, and others.
Keywords: podology, socal care institutions, foot problems.
Author: Petr Kříž Scientific research supervisor: Dr. Jim Parry
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Background. My perception ends in objects. I know them. In the same way of knowing, my „common sense“ tells me that my body is of the same kind as them. I see it, I can touch it, it can fall, it cannot go through walls. Even western medicine develops its methods on this presumption – that my body is an object, just like any other.
Aim. How might this presumption be affected by the realization that I need my percieving body first, in order to reveal objects, to reveal my own body as an object?
Methodology. Husserl was the first to ask himself this question. In his attemps to find answers he discovered some ways to distinguish our own bodies from other objects. But in his terminological framework, he was only able to define them as subject-object paradoxes. One of his followers, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, took them as a point of departure for developing a new ontology, in which the body could be fully conceivable without any paradoxes.
Results. Merleau-Ponty found answers to the questions:
Why is a touched part of my body always concurrently touching?
Why cannot I step outside of my body to explore it from different perspectives, as I can explore objects?
Why is my body still here, whereas objects appear and disappear?
How can I move my body so immediately, without grasping it, etc?
Conclusion. Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology reveals the body, as something which is ontologically different from our ‚common sense‘ body, and from the body that we treat in western medicine. This phenomenological body is what first gives us „the model of transpositions, equivalences and identifications that turns space into an objective system and allows our experience to be an experience of objects“. And this means that it cannot be counted as a mere object, or even as an object at all. Western medicine is surely very successful in treating our bodies, but do we really understand why? Or, put differently, should’t we think about how we should care also about this phenomenological body?
Keywords: body, phenomenology, Merleau-Ponty, Husserl.
Author: Piret Mihkelson1 Scientific research supervisors: Ülle Parm2, Aivar Orav1
1 Radiography and Biomedical Laboratory Science Department, Tartu
Health Care College, Estonia 2 Physiotherapy and Environmental Health Department, Tartu Health
Care College, Estonia
Background. Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a condition, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. It is defined by a cluster of metabolic disorders like abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance and hypertension. There are several factors influencing the prevalence of MS, e.g. low level of physical activity, smoking habits, inappropriate diet. Vegetarianism has been reported to reduce the risk of MS, but vegetarians have also lower body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (BF%), which may be cause of lower prevalence of MS among vegetarians.
Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between vegetarian diet and body composition and their influences on MS in Estonian women.
Methodology. Study comprised 132 subjects, including 51 vegetarians. Participants filled out a questionnaire, gave blood sample and had body composition measurement. Fasting glucose, haemoglobin-A1c (HbA1c), insulin, triglycerides (TG), apolipoprotein-A1 (APO-A1), apolipoproteinB (APO-B), total cholesterol (TC), LDL- (low-density lipoprotein) and
HDL- (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels were measured from the blood sample and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and β-cell function (HOMA-β), TC/HDL-cholesterol, LDL/ HDL-cholesterol, TG/HDL-cholesterol and APO-B/APO-A1 ratios were calculated.
Results. Significantly lower values of insulin and HOMA-IR index were reported by vegetarians than omnivores (p=0.023, p=0.048, respectively) and in normal weight than overweight subjects in BMI and fat percentage groups. Vegetarians had significantly lower TC and APO-A1 levels than omnivores (p=0.012, p=0.004, respectively). In groups of BMI and BF% higher values of HDL-cholesterol (p=0.014, p=0.002, respectively) and lower values of TC/HDL-cholesterol ratio (p=0.029, p=0.059, respectively) in normal weight group compared to overweight’s emerged. In BMI group lower LDL-/HDL-cholesterol ratio (p=0-032) appeared in normal weight compared to overweight subjects. In BF% group TG (p=0.040) values were lower in normal weight than overweight subjects. TG/HDL-cholesterol ratio values were significantly lower in underweight than overweight and in normal weight than overweight subjects (p=0.009, p=0.054, respectively) in BF% group.
Conclusion. Body composition had greater influence on most of the factors associated with MS than vegetarian diet, except insulin, which was affected by both, vegetarian diet and body composition.
Keywords: metabolic syndrome, vegetarian diet, body mass index, body fat percentage.
Author: Piret Viira Scientific research supervisor: Eva-Maria Riso
Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu, Estonia
Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare objectively measured physical activity (PA) levels, sedentary time and physical fitness indices to find associations with body composition parameters among 6-7-year-old preschool children.
Methodology. Two hundred and fifty six (132 boys and 124 girls) preschool children aged 6,6 ± 0,5 years participated in this study. Objective PA intensity and sedentary levels were measured over 7 days by accelerometry. For assessing physical fitness the PREFIT Battery was used. Anthropometric parameters such as body height, body mass, waist circumference and thickness of biceps, triceps, subscapular and supra-iliac skinfolds were measured. Indices of total fat mass (body fat %, sum of four skinfolds), fat distribution (waist-to-height ratio) and muscular component (fat free mass) were calculated from measured anthropometric parameters.
Results. Boys were less sedentary and more active in moderate (MPA), vigorous (VPA) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) levels than girls which had a positive effect on their body composition and physical fitness. There were no differences in PA intensity levels and sedentary time between normal weight and overweight children. However, all measured values of their body composition parameters and physical fitness indices
were significantly different (p<0.05). Low PA (LPA) was positively associated with body mass while the percentage of body fat was negatively associated with balance in overweight children. Children who met PA recommendations (at least 60 minutes MVPA per day) spent significantly more time in LPA, MPA, VPA and MVPA while being less sedentary than children who did not meet the PA recommendations (p<0.05). No differences appeared in body composition parameters, although there were significant differences in cardiorespiratory fitness and explosive strenght.
Conclusion. The results of this current study showed that time spent sedentary was not associated with body composition parameters in preschool children. Body composition and physical fitness were influenced by PA intensity levels, however body composition was negatively and positively associated (p<0.05) with physical fitness and PA, respectively.
Keywords: body composition, physical activity, physical fitness, obesity, preschool children.
Author: Reelika Vetemäe Scientific research supervisor: Ülle Parm
Physiotherapy and Environmental Health Department, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia
Background. When the service provider (SP) fails to take appropriate measures to prevent biological risk factors, the manicure and pedicure (MP) services may be accompanied by getting or transferring an infectious disease. The lack of knowledge of infectious diseases, prevention measures, and ignoring the rules may be accompanied by endangering the health of SP as well the clients.
Aim. The aim of this study was to identify the awareness of MP SPs of the biological risks involve their work and the ways of p reventing them in the city of Tartu (Estonia).
Methodology. Questionnaire was carried out between October and December 2015. Altogether, 82 licensed companies in Tartu offering MP service were visited; home SPs were contacted by e-mail.
Results. Altogether 61 SPs were included in the study, 54% of them applied additionally artificial nails (AN). As the application of ANs needs additional knowledge compared with them who perform MP only, it may expect longer training prior the render of service. AN technicians had obtained their knowledge in rather shorter-term training courses compared with other SPs (statistically not significant). They also considered
their knowledge significantly worse than only MP SPs (p=0.001). Half of the participants (63%) claimed their able to distinguish biological risk factors from the others, but nobody was able to do it completely. MP service providers considered fungal diseases (95%), HIV infection (83.1%), hepatitis-B (73.7%) and –C (71.4%) to be the most important blood-borne infectious associated with their job.
The SPs were generally aware of the importance of washing or holding the instruments in the drench solution prior the disinfection and sterilization (DS). Although in most cases the nature of these methods (DS) was known, nevertheless (on the basis of the questionnaire) it was used for the clearance of instruments. The SPs were also aware of the need to use rubber gloves, but based on the observation, nobody used them.
Conclusion. Overall, the participants demonstrated poor knowledge of biological risks involve their work and adherence to good safety practices. In order to raise awareness among nail care SPs, it would be necessary to establish certain requirements for the training program.
Keywords: infectious diseases, the prevention of biological risk factors.
Author: Riina Intsar Scientific research supervisors: Anna-Liisa Tamm, Ülle Parm
Physiotherapy and Environmental Health Department, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia
Background. Physical inactivity is a global health problem. Physical activity (PA) has impact to body composition.
Aim. The aim was to examine the association of current and school time PA level with adult body composition: fat mass (FM), fat percentage (F%), fat free mass (FFM) and adipocytokines.
Methodology. This study was conducted 2013 in Estonia. The questionnaire was carried out and level of PA was calculated and classified into three groups according to the WHO recommendations, respectively: inactive – PA <150 and <7X60 minutes a week; and very active – PA >300 and >7x60 minutes a week. The average group was defined as the group with moderate PA. Body composition was measured using dual-energy Xray absorptiometry (DXA, Hologic). Adipocytokines (adiponectin, leptin) level in blood serum was determined by using RIA analyzers. In comparing groups’ Chi-square test and correlation analyses were used.
Results. Altogether 171 participants (♀=77.2%) were enrolled. Current PA level is associated with FM and F%, but not FFM. For example, inactive women have higher FM (p=0.041) and F% (p=0.006) compared with moderate, and higher F% (p=0.003) compared with very active women. There are no significant differences in body composition in different PA level male group. School time PA is associated with all body composition
variables in adults. Men’s´ over-activity in school time is associated with higher FM (p=0.002) and F% (0.044) in adulthood comparing with moderate activity. Women´s school time PA is not associated with FM and F% in adulthood, but in school time overactive have higher FFM than inactive (p=0.008). Current and school time PA is not affected by adipocytokines concentration, but adiponectin is negatively correlated with current FM (r=–0.16; p=0.044); and leptin is correlated with FM (r=0.697; p<0.001) and F% (r=0.67; p<0.001).
Conclusion. Although PA influences body composition it has no affect adipocytokines concentration that is related to body composition.
Keywords: physical activity, body composition, adipocytokines.
Author: Rūta Garšvienė Scientific research supervisor: Jurgita Andruškienė
Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. Over 50% of adult people in general population constantly complain of oral malodour originating from the oral cavity and the most frequent reason of the emergence of halitosis is coated tongue that is left uncleaned.
Aim. The aim of the study was to identify the effectiveness of a tongue scraper in halitosis correction.
Methodology. Qualitative study was performed using an interview protocol, containing open questions: How frequently do you feel bad breath? What oral care aids do you use? What changes did you notice when you began to use tongue scraper? In total 14 patients (8 in case group and 8 in control group), the mean of age 24.7 years, participated in the survey during an appointment at dental clinic in Klaipeda City. Bad breath occurrence was analysed in case and control groups following 2 weeks of tongue scraper use.
Results. All the patients complained of oral malodour which was also diagnosed by organoleptic evaluation during the research. All the respondents were diagnosed with intra-oral halitosis. The patients who experienced the symptoms of halitosis tended to complain of unpleasant taste and breath in the morning, coating on the tongue, the sensation of
sour taste in mouth, and film covering teeth in the morning. Halitosis is closely related to the tongue coating on the back of the tongue. For the patients from the first group the symptoms of halitosis after having used a tongue scraper declined while the patients from the control group did not experience any changes.
Conclusion. The most efficient and effective way to cure halitosis is to reduce mechanically the amount of the microorganisms which evoke the malodour in the oral cavity. This can be achieved by using tongue scraper, toothbrush and dental floss. The concealment or neutralising malodour by means of chewing gum, mouth deodorants, mouthwash or toothpaste does not eliminate the reasons of oral malodour.
Keywords: halitosis, effectiveness, correction, tongue scraper.
Author: Rūta Žalandauskė Scientific research supervisor: Asta Mažionienė
Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
Background. The burnout syndrome began to interest the scientists of foreign countries in the 60s of 20the century. They found a connection between chronic work-related stress and deterioration in performance. Soon they began to examine the signs emerging among nurses. The intention was to uncover what damage the syndrome could me for the medical staff. There is enough scientific information demonstrating the importance of the nurse’s role in health care. The need for teamwork is also highlighted as the assumption of successful organization. The possible impact of professional burnout on nurses‘team work was analyzed carrying out the research. Nurses team work is necessary for successfully organization activity. And the question is: what is the effect of professional burnout syndrome for team work of nurses?
Aim. The aim of the research is to assess the impact of professional syndrome on team work.
Methodology. The method of academic literature analysis was applied in the final thesis. As well as the written survey, using a closed type questionnaire comprising two parts. The first part incudes the questionnaire of burnout syndrome used by C. Maslach and S.E Jackson and the second part is meant to assess the expression of team work of healthcare staff.
The statistical data analysis was performed with SPSS 23.0 for Windows statistical data processing program.
Results. The results revealed that the main hypothesis (professional burnout has a negative effect on nurses’ team work) was confirmed as the correlation analysis showed that the more emotionally exhausted nurses are, the worse are the relationships between the team members and the lower equity is noticed in a team. The studies found that nurses experience one of the components of professional burnout – emotional exhaustion (they work too hard, the work makes the emotionally exhausted). The analysis of nurses teamwork found that nurses their teamwork rate well (an average 5 points out of 6). When examining professional burnout and teamwork touch the tendency that the more often caregivers feel emotional exhaustion, the lower levels of teamwork, that deteriorating relations between the members of the team, it shows a lower equality in team. Analysis of the data showed that the most intensively nurses feel emotional exhaustion symptoms, the patient often gets depersonalization (anonymisation), this means that the deteriorating relationship between nurses and patients, communication between them. Personal achievements are very important for nurses professional burnout and teamwork: the better the nurses their personal achievements, the less emotional exhaustion scores, better nurses relationships, self assesment and equality in team.
Conclusion. The trend revealed in the research about the exhaustion of nurses as well as the opinion that they work too hard worry scientists, because these signs show the development of professional burnout, and one of the key components of professional burnout ,emotional exhaustion, has a negative impact on nurses’ teamwork.
Keywords: team, team work, a burnout syndrome, nurses, stress.
Authors: Van Thai Nguyen1,3, Hong Loi Nguyen2 Scientific research supervisors: Toai Nguyen3, Triin Jagomägi1
1 Institute of Dentistry, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia 2 Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology, Hue Central Hospital, Hue, Vietnam 3 Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology, Hue University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Hue, Vietnam
Background. Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is one of the most common congenital disorders worldwide affecting about 1 per 700 live births. Patients with CLP often experience some degrees of distortion in the nasolabial region. Residual deformities such as abnormal shape of the nose, scar on the upper lip, and uneven vermilion border are observed in patients with repaired unilateral CLP (UCLP). Consequently, patients with CLP might have low self-esteem and be perceived as less attractive by others.
Aim. We aimed to determine the correlation between health professional and lay ratings for the nasolabial esthetics of patients with repaired UCLP, and the satisfaction of patients with their nasolabial esthetics.
Methodology. After obtaining ethics approval, 23 patients with repaired UCLP from a hospital in Vietnam were recruited for this cross-sectional study. Health professionals and lay people rated nasolabial esthetics based on patients’ frontal and profile photos which were cropped to show the nasolabial region. The 5-point scale developed by Asher-McDade et al. was used to evaluate nasolabial esthetics. Four nasolabial components were rated: nasal form, nasal symmetry, vermilion border, and nasal profile. Patients’ satisfaction was assessed using the Cleft Hearing, Appearance,
and Speech Questionnaire (CHASQ). Patients from 7 years and above rated their satisfaction with three items of the CHASQ related to nasolabial esthetics: profile, nose, and lips. The CHASQ scores above 5.0 were within the norm. The mean scores between professional and lay ratings were compared using Wilcoxon’s signed rank test. The correlation was tested using Spearman’s correlation test. The significant p-value was set at 0.05.
Results. There were no differences in the ratings of nasolabial esthetics between professionals and lay people except the nasal form. The correlation test indicated a moderate to strong positive agreement in the ratings given by health professionals and lay people. The CHASQ scores of profile, nose, and lips rated by the patients were 3.8, 2.9, and 2.9 respectively.
Conclusion. Health professionals and lay people showed a moderate to strong correlation in the ratings of the nasolabial esthetics of patients with repaired UCLP. The patients were less satisfied with their appearance than the norms.
Keywords: cleft lip and palate, nasolabial esthetics, treatment outcome measures, satisfaction.
Author: Veera Bobrova1 Scientific research supervisors: Outi Honkanen2 , Jyrki Heinämäki1, Marja Airaksinen3, Daisy Volmer1
1 Department of Pharmacy, University of Tartu, Estonia 2 PharmaService Oy, Helsinki, Finland 3 Division of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Helsinki, Finland
Background. Multi-dose dispensing (MDD) is a new health technology contributing to medication adherence. In MDD, regularly used medications are machine-packed into unit-dose bags for each time of administration. Today, MDD service is widely used in the Nordic countries. Little is known, however, about the occurrence of drug related problems (DRPs) and potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) associated with the MDD service.
Aim. To investigate the impact of MDD on the safe medication use of older patients and on the occurrence of DRPs and PIMs.
Methodology. The study sample consisted of elderly nursing home residents (n=208) who started to use the MDD service in Finland in 2015. The MDD records containing information about patient’s gender, age, place of residence, underlying diseases and medications were evaluated for up to 6 months. The SFINX (Swedish, Finnish, INteraction X-referencing) database and the EU(7)-PIM list were used for identifying various DRPs,
such as inappropriate drug use and drug-drug interactions among older MDD patients.
Results. In general, MDD was found to be a reliable method for dispensing medications in personalized doses for older patients. Our preliminary results, however, suggest that more than two-thirds of the study participants had been prescribed with at least one PIM. Moreover, according to the SFINX database, five patients had clinically relevant drug-drug interactions that may manifest as considerable DRP, in particular for older patients.
Conclusion. Using this approach, it is possible to learn more about the impact of MDD service on the rational and safe use of medicines. It would be important to provide a regular medication review for identification of potential DRPs for patients of all ages using MDD services, especially for the older patients.
Keywords: potentially inappropriate medication, drug-related problems, medication review, medication safety, multi-dose dispensing.
Author: Vladislavs Klapenkovs Scientific research supervisors: Dr. Evija Lauva, Dr. Sandra Seimane
Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia, Latvia
Background. Wide researchs has determined factors that increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease. Recommendations are to begin heart disease prevention early in life, start evaluating risk factors and try to maintain them low. But do medics are aware of their own risk factors?
Methodology. A prospective study was conducted collecting data from medical field workers including emergency, hospital and outpatient department workers (doctors, nurses, paramedics and nurse assistants). They all filled out the questionnaire about cardiovascular risk factors.
Results. In the study 173 respondents took a part, 145 (83.8%) were women and 28 (16.2%) men. The mean age of participants was 37.92 (SD±10.47) and the average work experience – 14.77 (SD±11.09) years. 13 (7.5%) participants were nurse assistants, 49 (28.3%) nurses, 58 (33.5%) paramedics, 53 (30.6%) doctors. 146 (84.4%) of all respondents don’t have a diabetes and blood glucose level knew 73 (42%) of all medical field workers. 96 (55.6%) never had check their blood cholesterol level, from those who had - only 35 (20%) knew it. 24 (14%) respondents showed it >5 mmol/l. Almost all 165 (95.4%) knew their blood pressure. 144 (83.2%) had an ordinary blood pressure (below 140/90mmHg). A little less 150 (86.7%) respondents know their pulse and 21 (12.1%) represent tachycardia. 45 (26%) are overweight, 31 (18%) have obesity. 20 (11.5%) are smokers.
Conclusion. Despite better understanding of cardiovascular risk generally medical field worker knowledge about their own risk factors is insufficient, independently of age of respondents. There is need to implement more effective educational changes and interventions in the educational system.
Keywords: medical field worker, cardiovascular risk factors, knowledge.
Author: Ülle Galka Scientific research supervisor: Eva-Maria Riso
Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Tartu, Estonia
Aim. The objective of this Master’s Thesis was to assess physical activity (PA), anthropometric data, body mass index (BMI), and sleep duration of Estonian students aged 7- 12 years, and find out if there existed any correlative associations.
Methodology. During 7 days correct and objective data on PA, anthropometric indicators and sleep duration were collected from (about) 489 pupils (238 boys and 251 girls) aged 7-12 years. PA was assessed by an accelerometer, anthropometric data were measured by portative means and sleep duration by a questionnaire.
Results. Among younger students, both boys and girls, no statistically significant association in comparison of PA and sedentary time was found. Height, weight, and waist circumference of boys are essentially bigger than the respective characteristics of girls and there was found a statistically significant difference (p˂0.05). No difference was found between average waist circumference proportion (WCP) and BMI among boys and girls. There was found a statistically significant difference in MBI and WCP between overweight and normal-weight children (p˂0.05), however, no difference was found in comparison of PA and sedentary time between overweight and normal-weight children.
Among older pupils there were no differences found in comparison of boys’ and girls’ anthropometric data, PA and sedentary time but a statistically significant difference was found in anthropometric data, BMI and WCP between overweight and normal-weight pupils. In PA comparison of overweight and normal-weight children a statistically significant difference was found among the boys while no difference was found among the girls.
There was no difference found in sleep duration between overweight and normal-weight pupils in both age groups however in both groups there existed a difference between weekday and weekend day sleep duration.
Conclusion. The study showed that the 7-9 aged children who participated in the study had in average PA according to the WHO recommendations, but 60.5% met the recommendations. No differences were found in PA, sedentary time, and sleep duration between overweight and normal-weight children. However, only 10-12 aged boys have PA according to the norm. No association between BMI and sleep duration were found in both age groups. Among 10-12 years old children 36.5% met the MVPA recommendations.
Keywords: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference proportion (WCP), physical activity (PA), overweight, sleep duration, sedentary time.
Author: Sandra Muraševa Scientific research supervisors: Anna-Liisa Tamm, Ülle Parm
Physiotherapy and Environmental Health Department, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia
Background. Fire-fighter`s occupation is emotionally and physically exhausting. They often have to work in an environment, where dangerous substances like smoke, toxic gases and explosives exist. For protection of injuries or diseases the protective equipment is necessary to wear.
Aim. The purpose of this study was to determine the main health problems of Estonian fire-fighters and their guesstimate of protective equipment to prevent such problems.
Methodology. This study is one part of research „Fire-fighters health behaviour and health indicators“ that applied by Tartu´s Health Care College, which permission was got from the Committee on Human Research of the University of Tartu (protocol nr 266/T-1, 16.01.2017). The online questionnaire was carried out among all Estonian fire-fighters (n=1670), which was forwarded to them through an authorized person from Estonian Rescue Board. As health problems and use of personal protective equipment may depend duration of working in this profession, the all study group was divided according the median and mean length of service in two groups: working period <12 and ≥12 years.
Results. In study participated 6% of fire-fighters. Considering the work specifics of fire-fighters, chronical diseases are common, but also occur
with the same frequency in general population. The main diagnosed diseases during working time were cardiovascular (more in those who did not wear rescue gloves in comparing who ware; p=0.001), musculoskeletal (more in those who did not wear respirator and anorak, p=0.013 and p=0.033, respectively) and urinary tract and gastrointestinal diseases (more in those who did not wear respirator, p=0.011). Fire-fighters were rather critical in evaluating their equipment. They assessed the quality and comfort to be mainly mediocre, however the importance was rated highly important. The assessment of quality and comfort depends on length of service: in comfort evaluation, the fire-fighters with longer seniority were more critical and in the importance evaluation, the firefighters with shorter seniority were more critical. There were no differences in recommendations for improvement the equipment of two study groups.
Conclusion. Chronical diseases are common among firefighters and they are associated with the use of protective equipment (which is associated with the evaluation of quality and comfort and also with the length of service).
Keywords: firefighters, firefighters` health, firefighter protective equipment.
Authors: Francis Agbehiadzie, Kiptoo Rogers Rotich Scientific research supervisors: Marjo Palovaara, William Garbrah
Social and Health Sciences, Nursing, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK), Finland
Aim. The aim of this literature review was to study nurses’ experiences providing palliative care to dying adult cancer patients and their families. The purpose was to suggest ways to improve on the quality of palliative care to enable dying cancer patients realize a more peaceful, dignified and comfortable life before their death.
Methodology. Articles for use in the study were obtained from CINAHL, PubMed and Elsevier Science Direct. Selection of articles was conducted based on a predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as relevance by title, abstract and full text. Thematic analysis was applied in the analysis and synthesis of data for the twelve selected articles. The full texts of the articles were read through, and data grouped to create themes and sub-themes.
Results. The study identified three themes: nurses’ challenges in provision of palliative care, positive and negative impact of family on patient’s care and treatment and open, trust, faith, acceptance and compassionate communication skills of a nurse. During research, it was discovered that the quality of palliative care is compromised by the challenges faced by nurses during practice.
Conclusion. The study therefore suggested ways to minimize on nurses’ challenges while at the same time maximizing on supportive behaviour.
Keywords: cancer, palliative care, oncology nurses, cancer patient and family.