Tupsley Voice Issue 51 Autumn 2013

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Tupsley Community Newspaper

TupsleyVoice Delivered FREE to over 4000 houses in Tupsley

Issue 51 Autumn 2013

Picnic in the Park – Tupsley Quarry Another gloriously sunny day on July 20th saw crowds of people gather at the Quarry in Tupsley for the second annual Picnic in the Park. The community came together as a whole and enjoyed everything that was on offer – happy, smiley faces were definitely the order of the day. It is estimated that 4000 attended and delightfully about 70 residents volunteered to help before, during and after the event.

Sophie House

SOPHIE HOUSE MARTHA TRUST CELEBRATES ITS FIRST ANNIVERSARY Martha Trust is to celebrate the first year of Sophie House on Thursday 21st November with a coffee morning and Christmas Fayre between 10am and 12noon at Sophie House, Holywell Gutter Lane, Tupsley, HR1 4JN, to which everyone is invited. Grand Draw…. Cake Stall…. Bric-aBrac…. and much more. There is limited parking at Sophie House so if you are able to, would you kindly park at Martha House where we will be providing shuttle transport to and from the venue. Both Sophie House and Martha House will be open for visitors on the day – all are most welcome. It cost £3.5million to build Sophie House and we are still raising money towards our £250,000.00 target for specialist equipment for the home. We need money for purchasing mini-buses, specialist sensory equipment, furniture, benches for the garden etc…

The Martha Trust story so far It seems like only yesterday that we opened the doors of our first Martha Trust Home in Hereford. Our aim was to provide the best possible care for young people with profound intellectual and physical disabilities, and Martha Trust has now become an integral part of Community Care in the county. It is as

well to remember and review the journey we had to make to achieve today's success story. In 1994 the founding trustees, Sarah & Richard Smith, inspired by their youngest daughter Sophie who has profound disabilities, decided to embark on raising the necessary funds to build a home that would satisfy her future needs and at the same time could provide help for as many families as possible, faced with a similar difficult situation to their own. After considerable effort and support from the community at large, who gave generously of their time and funds, the first Martha Trust home was completed in December 1996 and the first resident arrived in January 1997. Our principles of having no age limit or geographical boundary allows for continuity of care which is so vital for people with profound disabilities and complex needs. We have been full ever since and have 12 lifelong residents and some 14 respite care residents who enjoy life at Martha House. Over the last 15 years our waiting list grew and parents were telling us that it had become increasingly more difficult to source suitable help and support. Martha House, although able to offer respite care had no lifelong vacancies. The Trustees decided that a second home would help ease the demand and Sophie House was born. Providing a loving, safe and secure family home environment is the main

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A new Advertising Manager and Treasurer is needed for Tupsley Voice. It involves very few hours work liaising with a few potential new advertisers, invoicing advertisers annually, maintaining a simple cash flow record and paying quarterly invoices from the printers.

A volunteer is needed to help eliminate distribution problems that sometimes occur. If you want any more information or are willing to volunteer please contact the editor, Keith Pratley (01432 357 770) or Joyce Busby (01432 358 244) or e mail tupsleyvoice@hotmail.co.uk

objective of the Martha Trust, and this concept has been adopted throughout the design of Sophie House. Sophie House therefore has similar facilities to those at Martha House including adjustable height baths and beds, a ceiling mounted hoisting system throughout the building and it's own fully equipped laundry and main kitchen. The therapy centre mirrors the facilities offered at Martha House including a hydrotherapy pool. Once people became aware that a new home was under construction we started to receive referrals and our first resident moved in on the 1st October 2012. By our first anniversary the home will have it's full complement of 12 lifelong residents and the provision of respite care for several families. Since first opening our doors we have also been able to develop our charitable respite care, which enables families who are unable to get funding to have those holiday breaks that everyone with able bodied children takes for granted. All in all Martha Trust is a fantastic experience and a wonderful achievement for all those who have so generously given their time and funds. One thing is certain, there are many thousands of families, single parents, foster parents and carers who wish they were lucky enough to have a Home like ours on their own doorstep somewhere where their son or daughter can be safe for the rest of their lives. Zana May; Martha Trust Hereford

Children’s Holiday Club Hampton Park Church 40 children during the last week of the school holidays enjoyed good fun and lots of craft activities. Centred round Jesus’ birth, teaching and death & resurrection the children learned about stars, made bread & crosses of all designs. They raised £80 at a ‘Bring & Buy Sale’ to support a small school in Zambia. A good time was had by all!

Children enjoyed the pony rides and face painting – always very popular activities. There were bouncy castles, an inflatable slide and sumo suits – ice creams, dance demonstrations to take part in, games organised by Pink Elephant and good oldfashioned den building with Wild Play. Mums, dads, grannies, grandpas and friends enjoyed teas, the bar and barbecue, music by local bands Fault Line and Perfect Stranger – and a very civilised glass of Pimms too!

The Picnic was officially opened by the Mayor of Hereford, Cllr Phil Edwards, accompanied by Mayoress Bobbie Hadley and Oliver Blackburn from the Veolia Environmental Trust who had given the Central Tupsley Community Group (CTCG) the money to have the path around the Quarry resurfaced. Comments received by the CTCG members, and on the Facebook page for the group, have been that everyone enjoyed a relaxed afternoon with friends and families, close to home without having to spend a fortune – and that’s what it was all about – togetherness and community! Having said that, the group raised approx £3,200, which will be spent on local community projects. If anyone has any suggestions for future projects for the group, please contact them. www.e-voice.org.uk/ctcg/ , via the CTCG Facebook page, or via Cllr Jim Kenyon (CTCG Chair) on 07711 316 031. CTCG have already carried out a community wide consultation to seek opinions for improvements that could be made in the Tupsley Ward. However late, completion of the questionnaire on the web site or Facebook will always be useful.

Tupsley Voice | Autumn 2013

YOUTH GROUPS AT ST PAUL’S CHURCH Over the past 2 years, the youth work in St. Paul's Church, Tupsley, has developed and taken shape through the work of the team of leaders and the young people who come along each week to the groups. During the summer term a group of young people went to Kington for the weekend where they were able to hang out in the huge countryside and have a lot of fun together. This was our first youth weekend - it hugely built closer friendships within the group and taught them a lot about themselves.

St Paul’s School pupils fundraise for Uganda School St. Paul’s Primary School has friendship with New Rock Foundation School in Kampala, Uganda. Pupils have raised over £835 for the school’s latest project, which is building boarding accommodation for children who are refugees or orphans. Fundraising activities included cake sales, cleaning cars, a whole-school non-uniform day and selling homemade crafts.

A group also went to Soul Survivor in Stafford to camp with 5,000 other young people - a crazy, loud 5 days where they were able to connect with God and worship in ways that were relevant for them. Lots of photos were taken and lots of hot chocolate consumed! CUBE (Friday 7pm-8:30pm for Years 6-8)

10:10 (Sunday 7pm-9pm for Years 9-13) If you are interested in any of the youth groups at St. Paul's Church contact Laura (Youth Worker) on 07545 085 265, youthworker@stpaulshereford.org.uk or just come along on the night! If you are interested in volunteering as a leader, possibly for your Duke of Edinburgh volunteering section, please contact Laura.

So, what happened to the 30 lucky holiday makers who joined this year's Tupsley Community 'Holiday at Home' based at Hampton Park Church?

DIY Apple Picking & Pressing Fun for the whole family On Sunday 13th October 11am – 4pm everyone in Tupsley is invited to Herefordshire Nature Trust’s Headquarters, Lower House Farm, Ledbury Road, Tupsley, HR1 1UT to pick various varieties of apples, have a go at pressing them and taste the juice. The delicious pressed juice will be bottled on site and available for sale. Experts will be on hand to talk through the process of apple identification, including happily looking at apples brought along by members of the public. Meanwhile Wild Play will be in the orchard with fun activities for children.

Youth Groups:LAB (Friday 4pm-5pm for Years 7-13) 1 week band practice, 1 week Bible study.

Did you 'Holiday at Home'?

Photo: St Paul’s School pupils Lilly Simpson (kneeling) and Anya and Edward Nicholas (standing with their mum Verity) all worked particularly hard to raise funds for the New Rock School, Kampala. Verity volunteered to clean the staff cars. Teacher Alison Howard organised the fundraising

Let everyone know Let everyone in Tupsley know about recent and especially forthcoming events. Send articles to Tupsley Voice preferably by e mail at tupsleyvoice@hotmail.co.uk or post to the Editor, c/o the Parish Office, St Paul’s Church Community Centre, Church Road, Tupsley, Hereford. HR1 1RT. Deadline date for the winter 2013 issue is 11th Nov for copy, published 7th Dec.

If you would like any information or help from St Paul’s Church contact the Parish Office, St Paul’s Church Community Centre, Church Road, Tupsley, Hereford, HR1 1RT. Tel: 01432 274 490 or Email: beneficeoffice@stpaulshereford.org.uk or get information from its Web site: www.stpaulshereford.org.uk

The beautiful orchard is set in the grounds of the Jacobean farmhouse on the edge of the Lugg Meadow Reserve. Its orchard boasts twenty five varieties of apple and pear, including a Holme Lacy pear, propagated from the only surviving tree which grows in Holme Lacy. For more information contact Julia Morton on 01432 356 872, email orchards@herefordshirewt.co.uk or visit the website www.herefordshirewt.org/ orchard_origins/whatson Orchard Origins is a national project, funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Local Food scheme until March 2014, after which it hopes to be self financing, and is tasked to establish a social enterprise that manages traditional orchards for habitat and food production. It creates volunteer and training opportunities, some of which are targeted at people who are, or have been, suffering with mental distress. The project organisers are keen for the local community to join in.

Tuesday, 30th July and Thursday, 1 August were filled with a host of activities in which Holidaymakers could take part. The list included Handicraft, Gentle Yoga, Puzzles, Jig-saws, a Quiz about shopping in Hereford, A Concert by the Wye Singers, and another by Tony Bailey and his team. All this was firmly supported by endless chat and tea and coffee. As usual the lunches were a high spot - cooked by Pam Pratley. Wednesday saw everyone having an excellent lunch at Queenswood Garden Centre followed by a drive to Shobdon Church - resplendent in its restored colours - one of Hereford's special churches. A truly happy three days of companionship made possible by the hard - but - satisfying work from the 'army' of volunteers and the sponsorship of the Tupsley Community Coffee Shop. Not a bad holiday for £20.00! Why not join us next year.

What’s on at HAMPTON PARK CHURCH. Open Day: Saturday September 28th. 12–3pm Fashion Show: Bon Marche’ will be displaying new season clothing at Hampton Park Friendship Club on Wednesday afternoon October 3rd at 2-30pm. Items for sale or ordered. All welcome. Full Details Page 3.

Fair Trade Open House: 3 Elgar Avenue Monday Oct.28th – Sat. Nov 2nd. Open daily from 10 – 12-30pm and 2- 5pm. Christmas goods, food, crafts, cards – all on sale or to order, with tea/coffee and biscuits while you browse.

Christmas Fair: Saturday November 30th. 11-30 – 2pm Stalls, Lunches, Father Christmas


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Tupsley Voice | Autumn 2013

St Paul’s Church Community Centre Activities I wonder if you have ever stopped to think about how many people pass through St Paul’s Church Community Centre regularly each week? You might be surprised by the answer! Each weekday morning the Community Centre opens its doors at 7.30am to serve breakfast for children whose parents need to make an early start. Although this service rarely has more than 12 children it is a vital resource for these families. From 8am other children arrive and at 8.30am the majority are then escorted to their respective school playgrounds to wait for the school bell to ring and call them into class. By now the numbers being

escorted have increased to between 20 and 30 depending on what day of the week it is. From September onwards we are now in a position to offer this breakfast facility to pre-school children who, instead of leaving at 8.30am for school, will just transfer into one of the classrooms ready for their nursery session to begin in earnest. The majority of children arriving for nursery join us around 9am – some stay until Noon, some until 1pm and some to 3.30pm. Ofsted no longer impose maximum numbers of children that can attend at any one time, but usually there will be between 40 and 50 children in the building. From September another change meant that we are now able to offer wrap around care, so that a parent of a pre-school child who is unable to make arrangements to collect their child at 3.30pm can choose to transfer their child into the care of the After School club staff at this time. They will be joined at 3.45pm by children arriving from the two

local schools who will have been collected and escorted safely to the Community Centre by staff. Numbers vary on a daily basis but often 25 to 40 children attend the After School club. Parents can collect their child at any time up to 6pm. These arrangements apply every week day except for Wednesdays. On Wednesdays the nursery finishes at Noon or 1pm which allows the Hall to be used in the afternoon for babies and toddlers. On the first Wednesday in the month these young children join together for Pre-School Praise. This begins at 2pm in the Church and takes the form of a Bible story and related craft activity as well as a play in the Hall with biscuits and drinks provided. For the remaining Wednesdays in term time Tea and Tots takes place. Both finish at 3pm in order that the Hall can be made ready for the school children coming to the afterschool club. Numbers vary here too but it is quite normal for 20 to 30 children to come along with their parents and carers. The Hall use doesn’t end at 6pm then either! Brownies meet on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, a Fitness class happens on a Tuesday and the Pantomime society use it regularly on Wednesdays and on other evenings in the run up to a show. The classrooms are occasionally booked out in the evenings for meetings too; and it still doesn’t stop there! Laura’s youth groups have use of the hall on Friday and Sunday evenings and both the church based Discoverers and Pathfinder groups use it on Sundays. For any more details about any of these groups please contact the Parish benefice office (Tel: 274 490) or, specifically:Karen Bishop (Family Ministry Manager) for information about the Breakfast and After School Club, Nursery and Pre-School Praise Hazel Bailey for information about Tea & Tots

Tupsley WI

Saturday 28th Sep from 12 – 3pm (Hampton Dene Road)

The July meeting was held in the Museum & Resource Centre in Friar St. A member of staff shared her knowledge of the influence of the slave trade on our county's estates & houses which was an eye opener to most of us.

Ballroom Dancing. . . . . . . . . 1:45pm Zumba 12:30pm Scottish Dancing 1:15pm. Ballet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:15pm Ballroom Dancing 1:45pm. Ballet 2:15pm Tai Chi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tai Chi 2:45pm 2:45pm

Twenty members travelled to the Bannut Gardens, near Bromyard, on a fine August afternoon where a magnificent cream tea was served after a walk around the attractive gardens. Our Autumn meetings include discovering more about the small mountainous country of Norway & learning about craft activities using recycled glass.

Mandy Brett or Lyn Watts for information about Discoverers.

Phone Barbara on 01432 274652 for any further information. Visitors welcome!

Facials, Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing, Tanning, Lash/Brow Tinting, Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Indian Head, Reflexology, Reiki, Hopi Ear Candling, Body Exfoliation



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An Invitation To An 'Open Day' At AN INVITATION TO Hampton Park Church

Tupsley WI meet at 2:00 pm on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Shirehall Tupsley W I members have been out & about during the summer months. In June a fund raising strawberry tea was held in the beautiful garden belonging to Eddie & Margaret Kemp.

Laura McKibben for information about the Youth Groups and Pathfinders


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In August Tupsley gained an iconic landmark when an impressive new cycle bridge was craned into position across the Wye close to the Eign Road and River Wye railway bridges. The bridge is a vital part of a new motor free route between Tupsley and Rotherwas, to especially encourage motorists to cycle, walk or use a disabled scooter when they commute between those areas. The scheme is expected to be completed before Christmas.

Plans are being made for our 2014 programme so why not come along & let us know what you would like?

Claire Davies

Andrew Baker BSc (Hons) MRICS 50 St Clares Court, Lower Bullingham Hereford HR2 6PY

New iconic landmark for Tupsley

Dene Road) AT AN (Hampton ‘OPEN DAY’ Meet CommunityPARK Groups HAMPTON that use the Church CHURCH

Demonstrations SATURDAY SEPT. 28th Zumba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30pm from 12 - 3pm Scottish Country Dancing. . . 1:15pm Demonstrations:



by Community Groups that. . . use12 the–Church Groups and Local Artists 3pm and also local artists.

Soup Lunch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30–1:30pm

Tea/Coffee 12 - 3pm Soup Lunch from 12:30 - 1:30pm COME AND SEE WHAT GOES ON COME AND SEE WHAT GOES AND TALK TO GROUPS ON AND TALK TO GROUPS Tea and Coffee. . . . . . . . . . . 12 – 3pm

SUNDAY 29th at 10-30am All-age Worship for Harvest. A speaker from Christian Aid will talk about their work.

Tupsley Voice | Autumn 2013

‘The British Oak’ - A Celebrity Lecture Herefordshire Nature Trust has arranged for Archie Miles, renowned Herefordshire based wildlife photographer and writer, to give a talk about his latest book ‘The British Oak’, at The Griffin Centre, Hereford Sixth Form College, Folly Lane at 7.30pm on Friday 8th November. Doors will open at 6.30pm. The British Oak is a superb illustrated monograph on Britain’s most iconic tree. In his talk, Archie will examine the many different aspects of the oak that have made it such an icon of the British countryside. By sharing some fascinating stories about the most historic and important specimens scattered throughout Herefordshire and Britain, he will explain why the oak is pre-eminent among British trees, historically, culturally, topographically and biologically. Along the way, and illustrated by his stunning photographs, Archie will talk about many of his remarkable experiences seeking out Britain’s heritage trees. He will also happily pass on some top photographic tips, hard learned from his years trying to capture the essence of the British oak. There will be a Q&A session after the talk and opportunities to buy signed copies of his new book – just in time for Christmas! Archie has travelled extensively throughout the UK and abroad to photograph many of the world’s great and rarest trees as well as document the huge diversity of woodland and forest habitats. As a result he has built up an outstanding library of over 300,000 photographs, making it one of the most comprehensive collections of tree related images in the UK. He frequently gives illustrated tree-related lectures, ranging from talking to small groups in village halls up to large crowds in such prestigious venues as The British Museum, Kew Gardens and the Hay Festival. To attend this special event, tickets must be bought in advance and are available from the Herefordshire Nature Trust at Lower House Farm, Ledbury Road, Tupsley, Hereford HR1 1UT. Tel: 01432 356872. Tickets cost £10.00 for members and £12.00 nonmembers. Doors will open at 6.30pm and wine and light refreshments will be available.

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Tell us your story If you have a news story for Tupsley Voice and would like to tell us about it email us at tupsleyvoice@hotmail.co.uk

Unique Macmillan Hotel for Cancer Patients Macmillan Caring have a unique hotel, The Grove, in Bournemouth. Its aim is to support people suffering from cancer and other life threatening illnesses, as well as members of their family and carers. Being non-profit making, The Grove is another way in which Macmillan can extend its support by offering a welcome retreat for those who need and deserve it. The hotel has a qualified nurse on call 24 hours each day in case of emergency, but no “hands on” nursing is available. The hotel is situated close to the cliff top, sea front, shops and town centre amenities. It also has a private beach chalet for guest use. Reduced tariff October – April. Tel: 01202 552233. Email: enquires@ thegrovebournemouth.co.uk Web: www. thegrovebournemouth.co.uk

Tupsley TWG Five of our members attended the National A.G.M. at Harrogate in June where they enjoyed meeting Guild members from various parts of the country and ended th e day with a snack at "Betty's" famous tea-rooms! The Strawberry evening went off very well. We were delighted to welcome guests from Whitecross Guild and Tupsley W.I. We all enjoyed the scones, strawberries and cream, the quizzes and limericks so much that we intend to have another "get together " before too long. In July we had a very interesting talk on the local Haven Breast Cancer Support Group (the first to be set up outside London ). It has a centre in St. Owen's Street and does wonderful work in helping ex-cancer patients in all sorts of ways. Afterwards a report on the national A.G.M., written by our delegate Anita Davenport, was read out by Doris Perring.

Hereford Probus 3 The club has spent an excellent summer period which has been highlighted by an superb series of outside speakers, a club visit to the Chase Distillery and a wide variety of in-house discussions touching on a wide variety of issues, both serious or amusing but always entertaining. Brian Hudd opened the summer season with a really intriguing talk on the Life and Times of a Retail Jeweller. What he had to say sent the members scurrying through their possessions to see if they could uncover anything of value hidden in their homes! Linda Wilcox them gave a most informative talk on The Role of Councillors, showing how even the most humble village scenario was able to make its voice heard when something needed airing. Colin Addison made a most welcome return to the club and spoke about his experiences as a football manager in Spain. It was wonderful to hear the stories he had to tell about the problems in dealing with this most demanding of jobs. Peter Rowlands came and spoke with real feeling about Macmillan Cancer Support and the way in which the local hospital has been able to take on a really important role in the fight against Cancer with the opening of the Renton Unit. The autumn period will highlight Ron Morgan talking about Controlling a Large Ship at Sea, Dr. Richard Long speaking about Britain's Palestine Mandate and the Creation of Israel, and, in late October, The Dean of Hereford, The Very Reverend Michael Tavinor will address the group on" Saint or Sinner, which are you?" The group meets every Wednesday morning at 10.30 at The Bunch of Carrots, Hampton Bishop. New members are always welcome so please contact Bob Hughes on Hereford 273622 if you are interested in joining us.

Social Bridge Club

Later in the month the summer lunch held at Wharton Court, helped by the sunny weather and the interesting venue, was much appreciated by those who came.

Rubber Bridge is played every Thursday between 1:00 and 4:00pm throughout the year (except August) at the Scout Hut, Wellington Place, Tupsley.

The summer amble, on a very hot day in July, took the form of a stroll around Foy and Hole in the Wall. Only a few bold souls took part and were glad to finish up at Fownhope to cool off with an ice cream.

More players are needed. No age limit. Join us for a very social afternoon.

The Guild will be resuming the evening meetings on September 3rd with a talk entitled "Tales from the Potting Shed " by Mr Philip Carr. There is an interesting programme of talks with slides and music and many social activities to follow. Gwenda Lowry

Support Our Advertisers When using any of the advertisers please remember to mention you saw their advert in “TUPSLEY VOICE”

Just come along or phone Brenda Walker (01432 360 397) or Charles Donaldson (01432 850 724)

Babysitting Service Olivia Hutton, the new Head Girl at Bishop’s School and daughter of St Paul’s church secretary Kim, is 15 and seeking work as a babysitter in the evenings, school holidays and at weekends. She tells us she has lots of experience looking after children, has also worked at St Paul’s Church Summer School with children aged between 3 and 7, and has excellent references. Contact her on Tel: 07595 515 564.

Tupsley Voice is a Community Newspaper published by St Paul’s and Hampton Park Churches, compiled and distributed by volunteers. Tupsley Voice does not accept any responsibility for the reliability or quality of the services provided by the advertisers. These adverts are a service which the publication provides for its reading public. Items for inclusion should be submitted to Tupsley Voice by e mail at tupsleyvoice@hotmail.co.uk. Printed by Impact Print & Design Ltd

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