Miners Track, which again was a huge success and raised a good amount of money for HWAR.
Continued Page 3
Since the age of three, six year old Mason Burnett in Whittern Way, has been doing sponsored walks/hikes for his beloved Hereford and Worcester Animal Rescue (HWAR), a small independent voluntary organisation dedicated to helping dogs in need. He lives with his grandparents Rob and Kelly Saunders, who are his legal guardians, and attends St Francis Primary School, Venns Lane. His grandfather Rob tells the remarkable tale of his mountain climbing life so far:-
Published by St Paul’s & Hampton Park Churches for the Tupsley Community
First Published 1976. Now Delivered FREE to Over 4000 Homes in Tupsley Issue 78 Autumn 2020 Tupsley Voice is a Community Newspaper published by St Paul’s and Hampton Park Churches, compiled and distributed by volunteers. Tupsley Voice does not accept any responsibility for the reliability or quality of the services provided by the advertisers. These adverts are a service which the publication provides for its reading public. Items for inclusion should be submitted to Tupsley Voice by e mail at Printed by Impact Print & Design Ltd. Design & Layout by Douglas Kirkpatrick
When Mason was only 3 years old he did a 3 mile walk down on the Lugg flats which was a great success so the next year (2018) we set our sights on a bigger challenge and that was to climb
up Pen y Fan in the Brecon Beacons at the age of 4, which is the highest peak in South Wales. This raised a substantial amount of money for Animal Rescue. He really enjoyed it and got the bug, so to speak, so we had to up the game slightly.
We therefore set our sights on Mount Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales and England for early the following year (2019), so he kept in training in the Black Mountains and the Brecon Beacons .
To beat that there was only one thing for it, and that was to have a go at the big one, Ben Nevis, 1345m high. So 2 months after Snowdon we headed for Scotland for the highest peak in the UK. It was a long hard sweaty day but Mason enjoyed every minute and a great achievement for a young 5 year old, and raising lots of money while he did it. A short time later he did Cader Idris, followed by the highest peak in England, Scafell Pike, and many more in-between.
In May 2019 at the age of only 5 he completed Mt Snowdon, 1085m high. He managed the Pyg Track and

2 | TUPSLEY VOICE AUTUMN 2020 TupsleyVoice Your electricianlocal Fuseboards • Showers (inc plumbing) Sockets • Rewires etc All competitively priced OAP Rates • Phone for free no obligation quotes Part P Registered P.A. ELECTRICAL 01432 351366 or 07711 589665 Community Groups at Hampton Park Church Tupsley is fortunate to have a lot of community activities that meet at Hampton Park Church, Hampton Dene Road. NOTE: At the time of going to press none of the groups are meeting OR have any firm plans for restarting (except Wednesday Coffee Shop) due to the Virus restrictions. The list is here to remind you what is available and provide contact details so you can find out when they have plans to re-start meeting Monday 10:00 – 12:00 Village Art Club Liz: 07938 563 716 10:00 – 1:30 Pilates Louise: 07976 041 829 1:00 – 3:30 H’fd. Leisure Painters Evelyn: 07918 877 909 4:00 – 8:15 Ballet Amy: 01684 574 919 8:15 – 9:15 Badminton Jenny: 354 878 Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00 Village Art Club Liz: 07938 563 716 10:00 – 11:30 Tai Chi Julien: 01568 614 468 1:00 – 2:45 (Term time) Tea & Tots Inge: 07872 826 874 3:45 – 5:00 (Term time) Pilots (Not 3rd Wk.) Joyce: 266 289 3:30 – 6:00 (Term time) Messy Church Ali: 07761 879 379 8:00 – 10:00 (2nd Week.) Line Dancing Jean: 263 820 7:30 – 9:30 (3rd Week) Townswomen’s Guild Susan: 263 931 7:30 – 9:00 (4th Week) Fuchsia Assoc. Audrey: 358 334 8:00 – 9:00 Ballroom (Adults) Nicola 07922 858 863 Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 Coffee Shop Jean: 870 708 4:30 – 7:30 Ballroom (Children) Nicola: 07922 858 863 5:30 – 7:30 Drama (5+) Ed: 07900 167 740 Thursday 10:00 – 11:30 Tai Chi Julien: 01568 614 468 10:00 – 12:00 Hallelujah Choir Roger: 07974 834 072 12:00 – 1:30 Yoga Fiona: 860 270 2:30 - 4:00 (1st Week) Tupsley Friends Joyce: 266 289 2:00 - 4:00 (2nd Week) Tupsley Knitters Terri: 340 521 5:00 – 8:00 Slimming World Liz: 270 964 7:30 – 9:30 Scottish Dancing Jenny: 266 011 Friday 10:00 – 12:00 (2 Weekly) Happy Singing Roger: 07974 834 072 4:00 – 9:00 Ballet Aimee: 01684 574 919

For more details’dliketojoinourweeklyletterwithlinkstoWorshipandothernews,
Hampton Park United ChurchReformed
at 10:30amTel:358 244
Regular morning worship will re-commence at Hampton Park URC from Sunday September or
From the beginning of September, St Paul’s, Tupsley and St Andrew’s, Hampton Bishop, will hold short weekly Sunday services, while continuing our main worship and teaching on YouTube. 9am St Paul’s 6pm St Andrew’s
ChambersCliveFlooring Carpets & Vinyls supplied & fitted We will move furniture, take up & take away your existing flooring Mob: 07713 136 238 Tel: 01432 - 880 898 ADVERTISERSSUPPORTOUR When using any of the advertisers please remember to mention you saw their advert in TUPSLEY VOICE


Many of us will have enjoyed walks around Tupsley over the last few months, and this has certainly been the case for my little family. We’ve explored all the nooks and crannies of the area: the old lanes, the fields and copses, and the maze of little alleys and cul-de-sacs. Our walks over the period have given us great pleasure.
Tupsley’s Wildlife Needs a Helping Hand
Earlier in July, the conservation charity Buglife launched its B-Lines project, which hopes to restore and create a network of at least 150,000 hectares of wildflower pathways.

Mayflower in full bloom in the ‘rough quarry’.
01600 892 855 wiltshirefarmfoods com Discover why thousands choose us! * No contract or commitment * No minimum order * Free delivery * Choose from over 300 dishes Home delivery of delicious frozen meals Want to give us a try? Call us today for a FREE full colour brochure and enjoy tasty nutritious food whenever you like! Gym and Group Exercise Classes 01432 376 376 Non-Members very welcome Continued from Page 1

A report released this summer detailed how a quarter of Britain’s native mammals, including the much-loved hedgehog, are “at imminent risk of extinction”.
For Sale
Virtually unused corner Shower Unit complete. Not electric. Would require usual plumbing. Buyer collects from Tupsley. Offers over £50. Ring 01432 870 708
It’s been a particular joy for myself and three-year-old daughter to explore the nature reserve on the Quarry, an area always known to me as the ‘rough quarry’. I’d been keeping a diary of this little wild place for a while but not long into lockdown I decided to create a Facebook page to share this with others too ( We’ve seen the seasonal change of the ponds, spotted young tadpoles, lots of woodland birds and even some rabbits. The site is a great asset right on our doorstep that should be looked after.
In 2018 he climbed 7 significant hills and mountains; 12 in 2019 including seeing the sunrise on Pen y Fan in June, and so far 11 in 2020.

But I believe that, beyond the nature reserve, more can be done to help make Tupsley’s many green spaces become important habitats for local wildlife.
Mason has also done many outdoor rock climbs and abseils, which he loves, and trains hard at his favourite climbing gym at Green Spider, Hereford.
Tupsley lies within one of the charity’s designated ‘B-lines’. Which is why I believe we need a neighbourhood nature action group to help reverse declines and to develop our green spaces for the benefit of wildlife. This might include simple acts such as tree-planting, sowing wildflower seed or creating new ponds. These small actions but have the potential to make a big difference. Please get in touch if you would like to help get a group off the ground:
If you are inspired to give Mason encouragement by sending the H&W Animal Rescue a donation you can do this on the charity’s web iftheMason’sthatbuttonyouThebottom“Donate”wherewww.hwanimalrescue.orgsite:youwillseeabuttonattheofthemainpage.Donationpageallowswitha”WriteaNote”toletthecharityknowyourdonationisforachievements.Ringcharityat01568760033youhaveanyquery.
The 1st Hereford Scouts cannot meet but are keeping busy during this lockdown period with lots of online activities & weekly Zoom meetings!
1st Hereford Scouts News
The virus restrictions of 2020 have put the brakes on things slightly but it didn’t deter young Mason. Hereford and Worcester Animal Rescue rely on their charity shops and dog shows for income, but due to COVID this hasn’t happened, so we kept on fundraising the best we could. When restrictions were relaxed Mason headed for the Lake District to tackle Helvellyn via the Striding and Swirral Edges, a mammoth task in itself but he absolutely smashed it, and raised some much needed funds for his favourite charity.

We have also been given a Government grant for £10,000 to help carry us over this uncertain period and also a grant of £400 from Neighbourly Community Fund, who are in partnership with Heineken. We want to say, thank you for both these grants. We are always grateful for donations and funding from any source. We are a registered charity and a registered Charitable Company.
Aside from our regular Board meetings, our Chairman and a volunteer, have been busy in the Whittern Room lowering the bar, so that the room is beginning to look more like a Community Cafe and less like a pub. Some of our regulars have been busy knitting squares which are sewn together to make blankets for ‘People in Motion’. All activities have, of course, been socially distanced.
Post lockdown Start-Up For Leisure Groups at Hampton Park Church
St Pauls Church Council decided in 2016 that it was vital that the church drive, which was littered with potholes and apparently breaking up fast needed to be repaired and resurfaced urgently. The church had virtually no reserve funds so it tried hard for over 2 years to get a Community Grant, but without success. However due to many gifts by the church congregation, £10,000 by St Pauls Childcare Services and the avoidance of all but essential expenditure for 4 years an adequate sum was accumulated to enable a contract to be awarded in April 2020. To improve the safety of the many hundreds of pedestrians using the exit drive every school day a new footpath was included in the contract and the temporary gravel footpath turned into a layby to provide more desperately needed car parking. Also a permanent throttle was constructed in the entrance drive to prevent cars being parked where the drive was too narrow to allow cars to pass them. The works were carried out from 5th – 20th August by G M Joyce Surfacing Ltd, Kington. The contractors took great care to provide a first class job and were pleasant, courteous and helpful throughout. It is hoped that the drive will now require little maintenance for very many years to come and that the many hundreds of people who use it will be delighted with the improvements made.
If you usually come to one of the many and various groups that meet at Hampton Park Church, or are thinking of joining one, you will be wondering when the group may be able to start meeting again. With all the regulations as they are it is not possible to give a definitive date for all groups. Less ‘active’ groups will reopen first. Each group has to provide a Risk Assessment, approved by their insurers and the Church. Once these are approved strict measures will have to be adhered to. Please check with the group organiser for start-up details for the group.
Even though we had the shock of the Coronavirus rearing its head, we have not let it deter us at the Whitehouse Community Hub. We were quick to take safety precautions long before the Government issued directives and we made the decision to close the Hub before the Government issued its advice. However, we are making plans to have the Hub open, with limited activities, once we feel confident that we have sufficient safety precautions in place. The first activity that we are looking to resume will be our regular Wednesday ‘Drop In’.
We always welcome new volunteers and suggestions to help make the Hub the focus of the community. If you are interested, please pop your name and address, and/or telephone in an envelope, we would love to meet you. Some of our activities need an up to date DBS, we will of course arrange and fund this.
Golden Wedding Celebration
Whitehouse Hub Not Deterred
On 31st July Carole and George Russell who live in Hampton Dene Road celebrated their Golden wedding anniversary, having got married on that date in 1970 at Old Parish Church, East Kilbride in Scotland. They moved to Hereford in September 1985 with their two children Vickki, then aged 6 and Scott, aged 2. Carole and George had a lovely family celebration in their garden which included their two grandchildren Harri aged 9 and Lili aged 7. They would have had a bigger party if there hadn’t been the Covid Virus restrictions
People may have noticed that some of our volunteers have been looking after the flower beds and keeping the litter down as far as possible. Our local Councillor, Ange Tyler, is in the process of getting the notice boards repaired, as they are an effective way of reaching the community with information. We respectfully ask parents not to allow their children to use the side noticeboard to play football games and remind people not to stick notices on the front of the boards, so that we can keep the notice boards looking nice and usable. We have also kept our Facebook page active during this period. People are welcome to use the page to discuss community issues and so forth. If you want to search for us on Facebook please type in, Tupsley Whitehouse Community HUB and look for a white W in an orange circle.
St Pauls Church Drive Resurfaced

The Royal National College for the Blind Collaborates with The Old Market Shopping Centre

Firstly: you must consider the risks of being with other people, obviously socially distanced. The responsibility for making that decision is yours.
Janet Hardy
Computer crashing or in need of a tune-up? Repairs/Upgrades & new builds Reconditioned PC’s & Laptops Call us on 01432 370 861 Painter & Decorator Chris Reynolds 25 years experience 52 Lichfield Avenue, Hereford Call for free quotation 01432 269611 or mobile 07815465033 FRENCH, GERMAN & PIANO TUITION

Tupsley Coffee Shop –To Re-Open
Secondly: to minimise the amount of contact the helpers will have with you it has been decided that we will ask all our customers to buy a special reusable, dishwasher/ microwaveable cup which you will bring with you each week. So on the first week that you come you will be asked to pay £4 for your own special ‘souvenir’ cup - to fill with free tea/coffee, and free biscuits, that first week, too!
In July, members of RNC’s Mobility & Braille Team met with Alan & Samantha. Three members of the RNC Team have a VI, so it was an opportunity to offer advice & guidance, from both a personal & professional perspective, on the new shopping procedures that have been implemented since lockdown ended.
All of us at the Coffee Shop are very aware that our customers want to hear some good news, and be able to resume the friendship and company that the Coffee Shop provides every week. The good news is that we plan to re-open on Wednesday October 7th at 10am - the not-so-good news is that it can’t be quite the same - at least to start with.
Alan & Sam took the Team - Richard Cook, Tony Hodgson (with guide dog, Heidi), Leahana Parry & Kerry Pickering for a tour around the Old Market site & discussed some of the adaptations & changes that could be made to make life easier for the VI community. Mobility training is an important part of student life at RNC - students have to learn routes around the campus & the local area including the city centre, which, in turn, gives them confidence & independence. Part of the training includes taking students to the Old Market so that they can learn to shop independently during their time studying & living in Hereford.
Front L-R: Angie Cheasley (RNC), Kerry Pickering (RNC), Tony Hodgson with guide dog, Heidi (RNC)
Thirdly: we shall have to insist on a socially distanced layout of the tables.
ages. All levels Experienced and Patient Enthusiastic graduate teacher Bodenham Road area
Phone: 01432
A chance email by the Royal National College for the Blind (RNC) to British Land Company who own & run the Old Market Shopping Centre has led to the two organisations joining forces with one common aim. RNC enquired what British Land Co. was doing to help those with a Visual Impairment (VI) to navigate the Old Market with the Covid 19 social distancing requirements. This would help those with a visual impairment feel they can mobilise themselves around the Old Market safely & confidently both now & in the future. The RNC team were really impressed with the positivity of Alan Alderson & Samantha Williams of the British Land Co. & their willingness to listen & take on board some of the issues that face the VI community.
Back L-R: Samantha Williams (British Land), Alan Alderson (British Land), Rich Cook (RNC) Leahana Parry (RNC)
Finally, as several of our regular helpers are unlikely to return for the foreseeable future we are asking all ‘Tupsley Voice’ readers to consider whether they could volunteer to help - just once a month for 2 hours.
It can be very difficult to navigate open spaces with a VI & even more so when having to social distance. When you can’t see the environment around you & then suddenly have to worry about how close people are, makes everything even harder. The RNC Team look forward to offering more consultations to be used, not just in Hereford, but across other sites that British Land Co. have. The RNC team believe British Land Co. have already accomplished a lot at the Hereford shopping centre in becoming Autism & Dementia friendly &, it is hoped that this collaboration will lead the way in removing challenges met by those with sight loss when shopping.
265 211 Mobile: 07963 492 447
Please contact either Jean Loosemore: Tel: 870708, or Joyce Busby: Tel: 358244 if you can help. We hope this will be successful - and that the situation does not change in the meantime to upset our plans.
Planting trees in an effort to tackle climate change continues the WI theme of “love the planet”. So the WI planted three silver birch trees near the garden display, with support from Hereford in Bloom who planted seven further trees in the same area creating a lovely mini arboretum!

Rainbows became a symbol of “national spirit” in the face of the pandemic and appeared in windows everywhere, a new way of communicating thank you, hope and smiles.
Crafty members continue the centenary project of knitted knee blankets, supporting the local community while commemorating the well-established Tupsley WI. The knitted six inch squares are made up into knee blankets, beautiful knitted edging is added producing an explosion of colour, with a commemorative label to complete. Approximately 40 blankets have been completed so far and nimble fingers carry on knitting.

Tupsley WI continue to celebrate the forming of their branch 100 years ago in 1920
A new cookbook is always a popular way of celebrating milestones so what a wonderful opportunity for Tupsley ladies to share their favourite recipes in the form of a centenary cookbook. Lots of members have found their centenary cookbook very useful with plenty of time on their hands to try out new recipes. On sale now at £5 plus £1.82 postage from or ring Gill Tudor on 01432 379
No 1. Margaret and Sydna got messy, spraying to create recycled “plastic bottle” flowers. No 2. With planting completed members have fun waving from the centenary garden display. No 3. Judith (President) & Barbara planting tree number one. No 4. Barbara, Mayor & Tupsley City Councillor Kath Hey & Judith (President) putting the final touch to tree number two . 1 2 3 4 5

Friday 13th March proved to be a lucky day for the planting of Tupsley WI’s centenary garden display and trees in Ledbury Road, only three days before social distancing was brought in. It was near this location in May 1920 that Tupsley WI held their first meeting in the corrugated metal Parish Room which was sited alongside Ledbury Road alongside the current junction of Quarry Road with Ledbury Road. So what could be more appropriate than a maypole in the centre of the garden display and in keeping with the WI message of “love the planet”, recycled material was used. The flowers were also from recycled material, supplied by the “litter pickers” of Hereford Community Clean Up Group, sprayed in the suffragette colours of purple, white and green, to match the maypole bunting. WI supported the suffragette aim of re-evaluating women’s position in society through educating and encouraging women to take an active part in public life.

2020. VE75, 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day. The May Day bank holiday was moved to the Friday to allow for a weekend of celebrations, Sadly all planned celebrations were cancelled and replaced with stay at home parties. Houses were decorated with bunting and flags and neighbours enjoyed afternoon tea in their front gardens. The global demand for personal protection equipment created a shortage of PPE for our NHS, local communities including WI members came to the rescue producing scrubs, scrub bags, scrub caps and bands.

No 5. Jenny and Pat with our first completed knee blanket. No 6. Margaret (editor of cookbook) surrounded by printed copies ready to post. No 7. Margaret put poppies & flags in the WI vase on Tupsley Cross. WI members place flowers all year round. No 8. Pat found a spot in her garden to plant flags. No 9. Sydna, Sheila, Kate, Monica & Diane produced an amazing 70 bands for nurses to use with their visor face protectors. No 10. Alison made over 100 face coverings for a local care home, family, friends and neighbours. No 11. Sue made a rainbow wreath as a thank you to the NHS and all key workers. 6 7 8 9 10 11



Justyna Jakubowska and Daniel Thomas, both parents of children at St Paul’s school, worked extremely hard sanding and varnishing the colourful and distinctive school/church gates. Their decision to apply a 10 year base coat to help protect the gates, which are a key feature of the playground, is much appreciated by the school. In a time of restricted budgets, parental support is invaluable. Thank you.
8 | TUPSLEY VOICE AUTUMN 2020 TupsleyVoice ● LOOPLRIHW ● HCSOB ● GEA ●HOTPOINT ● ZANUSSI ● ELECTROLUX ● INDESIT DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE● REVOOH ● OKEB D● NOSY ● REPAIRS WASHINGTO:MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS TUMBLE DRYERS COOKERS ETC. NEW APPLIANCES SUPPLIED AND FITTED QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE TEL:HEREFORD 268458 CALL: CHRIS & DAN FARRD.A.R.S Men & Women Groups’ It is understood that none of the Men & Women’s Groups yet have any firm plans for meeting but the contact details are included below so that you can make enquires during the coming Autumn Tupsley Townswomen’s Guild For Information contact Susan Layton on 01432 263 931 Tupsley WI For Information contact Gill Tudor on 01432 379349 Wye Women WI For Information contact Melanie Pressey on 01432 356 271. email: Hereford Probus 3 For Information contact Bob Hughes on 01432 273 622 Hereford Floral Society For Information contact Joan Dunn on 357 044 or Margaret Gerring on 01432 873 197 Rose Garden Whist Drive For Information contact John Warren on 01432 363 216 Herefordshire Flower Guild For Information contact Ruth Stott on 01432 611 609 Choose your flooring in the comfort of your own home Carpet | Vinyl Wood Tell us about your news or event For inclusions please email your information to The Winter Issue copy deadline is Friday 13th November. Publication will be on 5th December. Send us details of events to take place before or very soon after the Spring Issue publication date of 6th March, as well as reports of past events.

One recent call came at the perfect time for Linda Stokes. ‘I really needed a new stair-lift, and if I didn’t get one I might have had to move house,’ she said. ‘So, to receive the call from Michelle was a very pleasant surprise. ‘The St Michael’s Hospice Lottery is a really affordable way to help such a good cause. I’m so glad I play.’

To ensure you’re in with a chance of a grand this Friday, or one of 23 other cash prizes, visit or call 01432 851 000.
St Michael’s Hospice LotteryWill You Get The Call?

Each Friday the St Michael’s Hospice Lottery Manager, Michelle, phones one lucky player to tell them they’re £1,000 richer.
The generosity of players is helping St Michael’s continue supporting local families at a time they need it most. So, could this be the week Michelle calls you with the news you’re the £1,000 winner?
St Paul’s School Pedestrian Gates Get New Protection
Once married, I moved to Herefordshire to be closer to family and friends in West Wales. It was here I worked as a Phase leader in St Peter’s Primary School, Bromyard for six years before securing an Assistant Headship here in Tupsley.
After a competitive interview the acting Head of St Paul’s Primary School, Mrs Liz Vautier-Thomas, was appointed as the new Head teacher of the School during the first week of March. She had been an Assistant Head teacher at St Paul’s for four years and then Deputy Head for three years. Then after having a baby and returning to work she was unexpectedly very soon Acting Head. This followed the unexpected departure of the previous, very successful Head teacher, Mr Andrew Teale, in Spring 2019, to work for the Hereford Diocese as the Interim Director of Education. Mrs Vautier-Thomas has kindly agreed to write the following article for Tupsley Voice to let the Tupsley community know about her:-
Following a family move from Buckinghamshire to West Wales at the age of 15, I began my teaching career in the University of Wales Trinity College, Carmarthen. I thoroughly enjoyed my 3 year BA Ed course specialising in ICT and Maths, even trying my best to learn and speak the much used Welsh language! Moving as a teenager from the hustle and bustle to a rural small holding was a character shaping moment for me, living a country life that I often reflect on now with very fond memories.
The staff team and Governors have been incredible, working together to help keep our wonderful school open and running in such changing times. The support our parents have shown, really has kept us all going and I would like to personally thank those people for their kind words and grateful gestures throughout the time of lockdown.
St Michael’s Hospice Big Tea
New Head teacher at St Paul’s Primary School
I am so proud of our ‘St Paul’s family’. The staff, pupils, parents and community are and always will be at the heart of everything we do. During this unprecedented time of the pandemic, we have truly seen what it means to be a Church of England school. The values and vison we have for the education and well-being of our pupils is deep rooted in absolutely everything we do and these Christian values have been supporting us all throughout.
We will be continuing the vital support that our foodbank offers and will be looking to encourage more families to join us in the school day for enrichment topic days and fun.
In March this year, after a year of excitement and change, I was awarded the opportunity by our Governing Body to take the school on to its next journey.

Liz Vautier-Thomas
Looking forward to the future, when school gets back into our usual routine, is an exciting prospect for all. We have further enhanced our curriculum with a greater emphasis on developing the children’s skills for life. This will be brought to life more when the children embark on the St Paul’s volunteer programme. The St Paul’s volunteer programme will aim to support our local community while giving the children experience of world of work, helping others and ambition and drive to go further, independently in the future.
Get together online or in your social bubble and raise money for your Hospice by doing something we all love; drinking tea and eating cake. Make your Big Tea a big success by supporting St Michael’s Hospice in the garden, in the office, outside a village hall, or in your street. Or switch on your laptop, tablet or phone and host a video call with friends and family. Ask them to bring a cup of tea and a slice of cake and let them know how they can donate. Sign up now at then pop the kettle on for St Michael’s.

Hold a St Michael’s Hospice Big Tea anytime
I am a dedicated Head teacher who has a love for teaching children. It has been a very strange time for us all but as a community we have and will get through any troubles the best way we can by being there for each other. It is a privilege to be the first female Head teacher at St Paul’s C of E Primary School since 1872, and I am thoroughly looking forward to the many challenges ahead.
I qualified in 2005 and moved to Staffordshire where I started my career in a three-form entry school in Bridgtown, Cannock. It was here that I taught Year 6, Year 2 and Year 1. The school was in Special Measures at that time, which allowed me to be trained further in a variety of areas, including behaviour management and curriculum development.
After three years and the birth of my daughter, I found myself acting Head teacher for St Paul’s and absolutely relishing the new challenge.
I had been teaching in St Paul’s for four years when the Deputy Headship post was advertised and after much thought decided this was the career path that I would like to take.
MCCOLL PLUMBING & HEATING. For all your plumbing & central heating needs. Alastair McColl -Tupsley - Mob: 07717 418801 Tel: 611263
MOBILE FOOT CARE. Victoria Manning DipCFHP(adv), Foot Health Practitioner. For your foot care needs! Tel: 851615 Mob: 07738 824 886
HANDYMAN. J P Services - Carpentry, General Home Maintenance, Door Hanging, Laminate Flooring, Other Jobs Considered – 851 615 or 07972 334 390
Join a Hospice Monthly Walking Group
Let us know & we will help you get the word out!
PLUMBING & HEATING. Les Saunders. Your local plumber. Small jobs welcome. Mob: 07986 271 315 Tel: Hereford 273 350.
BUILDER / HANDYMAN. Multi skilled. Small jobs welcomed - make me a list! Reliable and affordable. References available. Free quotes. Steve 07866 472606
PARKINSON’S LIFE PROGRAMME. 1 to 1 Coaching, Seminars & Exercise. Sarah Edwards MCSP, Tel: 01432 628123,
GARDENER. Small and medium size garden specialist. Contact Colin on 07748 968475 or email: References available.
FRUIT TREE PRUNING. Nigel Payne. No job too small. 01432 840476/ 07816 130934
Two walking groups led by St Michael’s Hospice that both meet monthly at Queenswood Country Park continue to break new ground.
FRENCH TUTOR. Experienced & highly successful teacher offering KS3, GCSE, A level & bespoke tutoring for business or pleasure. Tel: 07791 052637 you run or organise a regular event in Tupsley?
GARDEN MAINTENANCE. Simon Pressey. Mowing, pruning etc. Fully qualified and insured. Tel: 01432 356271
BRIGHTWELLS LETTINGS. Full Property Management or Let-Only services Competitive rates. 01432 360006 or
HANDYMAN - RHYS GRIFFITHS. A Tupsley resident. No job too small. Free estimates. Tel: 01432 263678. Mob: 07384 747736.
WATKINS CARPENTRY. All aspects of carpentry, plastering & renovations. WHICH Trusted Trader; friendly professional service. Tel: 761603
HOME & GARDEN SERVICES. General maintenance & repair, painting, decorating, tiling, fencing. Call Zapp 07565 672776. References available.
Care for a Walk Group, meanwhile, is a chance to meet with others who are caring for loved ones with a terminal illness, again while enjoying a woodland stroll.

TEACHER. Maths/Art/Sen/HomeCello/Clarinet/Keyboard/Piano/Ukulele/Voice/English/tutor,allages.DBSchecked.Mob:07808025427
FOOT CARE. Simon Griffiths, Foot Health Professional MAFHP MCFHP, Home visits. Tel: 01432 279256
CHIMNEY SWEEP & MAINTENANCE. Stu Tolley –Qualified & NACS registered. 07867 675939,
For full details, including dates, visit:- uk and search ‘Striders and Strollers’ or ‘Care for a Walk’. For more information, contact Shirley Young on 01432 852 650.
MOBILE HAIRDRESSER. Ladies, Gents, Children & OAP’S. 20 yrs experience. For appointments call Sadie Kent: 01432 268884 / 07425 135570.
PATRICK’S GARDEN MAINTENANCE. 10 years employed at Kew Gardens. No job too small. Contact 01432 265 801.
PIANO & ELECTRIC GUITAR LESSONS. For adults & children, 1 to 1, at Oasis Church, Venns La.HR1 1DT
COMPUTER PROBLEMS SOLVED. All aspects of computer troubleshooting & set up. William Dereham Tel: 01432 860367
TRB PROPERTY SERVICES. Carpentry, Doors, Fencing, Decking, Flooring, Gutters. Plus more. No job too small. Call Tom 07843 018839
VERNON DAVIES ELECTRICAL. ECA member, for electrical installation, maintenance & repair needs Tel: 01432 266011 Mob: 07774 844913
GARDENER. Small and medium size garden specialist. Contact Colin on 07748 968475 or email: References available.\
MATHS TUTOR. Experienced and approachable KS3 and GCSE specialist. Tupsley, Ledbury Road area. Tel: 01432 274575
HEREFORD FASCIAS. Quality upvc gutters & soffits fitted. Est. over 20 years. or 01432 276208 or 07855 831 055
Striders & Strollers Group is a walk for people who have been bereaved.
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If you want any information or help from St Paul’s Church contact the Parish Office, St Paul’s Church Community Centre, Church Road, Tupsley, Hereford, HR1 1RT. Telephone, 01432 274 490 or email us at: or get more information online at :
Tel: (01432) 853125
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VE Day
The whole country was very restricted in what it could do to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8th May due to the massive lockdown of gatherings and movement of people due to the Covid 19 Virus spreading profusely throughout the country. Households keeping 2 metres apart outside was however allowed and many Tupsley residents did their best to ensure that the special day did not pass without some form of celebration. After weeks of lockdown solely with our immediate families, just meeting and talking with our neighbours from a distance was a most enjoyable experience. The lockdown had been tedious and everyone welcomed an opportunity to talk to people other than their immediate family living with them. Fortunately the day was dry, sunny and warm. Quite a few Tupsley houses and streets displayed union jacks and bunting. Keeping 2 metres apart, many neighbours took their garden chairs into their front gardens or on to the pavement/road and enjoyably got to know their neighbours a lot better with a natter and a few drinks. Photos show a few of those gatherings spotted by the Tupsley Voice Editor. Note the wonderful model Spitfire built by the residents of Ivy Close. Also the solo dancing and games in Litley Close organised by resident Becks White (a dance teacher). Becks had also successfully encouraged her neighbours to have a social distance natter and a 5 minute solo dance every Thursday evening after clapping for the NHS at 7pm, along with nearby streets.
Sinclair Drive neighbours celebrate VE Day

Ivy Close residents built a Spitfire for VE Day

VE day saw thirty six residents, aged 4-92, dressed in red, white and blue. For three hours they chatted, had refreshments, (some a sip of bubbly) played hopscotch, did road chalking, sang action songs and of course finished with “We’ll meet again”.
Socially distanced at the far end of the close they took their own chairs and refreshments but shared chat, news, seedlings, recipes and tasted home brews. Who knew how to grow their own yeast!
Now people have returned to work the teas have finished but they are now all aware of their neighbours and who made need help in the future.
36 residents of Lighton Close gathered on VE Day

Lockdown & VE Day in Lighton Close
Clapping for the NHS, lights in the windows and for many of the residents Tea at three on Tuesdays.
Litley Close neighbours dance on VE day