5. Interregional learning event The Interregional learning event on Procurement and Tendering was organized 16 September in 2021 by the partners from Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences and province of Utrecht. It was an online meeting with partners and stakeholders from the five regions of the eBussed project. The program was based on the experiences form transport operators from Livorno, Pécs/Paks and Utrecht. Next. two financial experts took us through the facts about financial construction for the purchase of e-buses and the TCO model to gain financial insight. The meeting was presented by Chairman Marc Maartens, a consultant in mobility in the Netherlands. A warm welcome was given by Jasper Hoogeland, Concern manager Mobility province of Utrecht. He introduced the video about public transport with e-busses in the Utrecht region.
Some of the Interregional learning event speakers
Procurement – vision from the transport companies Marjoke de Boer, lecturer at HU University of Applied Sciences gave an introduction and sketch of the context of the different value chains per region. Amongst the regions, there is a division in public and private companies that operate the public transport. We can see the differences between Utrecht and Hamburg and how this affects the way the e-buses are tendered: by public tendering procurement or by awarding the tender. Because the 31