Procurement and tendering of e-buses

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2. Overview of TWG4 working methods TWG4 has worked together on several topics from April 2020 until October 2021. In the beginning, the focus was on getting to know each other, especially in the field of how public e-transport is organized and how the entire value chain of public transport by e-busses looks like per region. First, we mapped the value chains using a model borrowed from the manufacturing industry, according to Michael Porter (1985). We have highlighted the main steps in the value chain and by discussing it found out that there is a significant difference in who purchases the e-busses. Mapping the value chain of Public Transport made it possible to compare the public transport of the regions at the level of the entire chain. Insight was gained into which positions in the value chain belong to public and private companies and what the consequences are for the tendering process. In addition, we have explored per region which criteria in the procurement process are current, essential and striking. Sometimes regions deal with situations arising from the past or with political views on what is good quality public transport. In the process of collecting Good Practices per region, several obstacles, problems or questions have been discussed within the TWG to define criteria for good and not-sogood practices. Each region has consulted its stakeholders and provided Good Practices in the areas of business models, procurement and tendering and financial matters. The stakeholders were also asked which issues or problems they want to address. This has led to Good Practices not only in the field of the tendering process but financial matters in a broader sense in purchasing or maintaining e-busses. After completing the documentation of the Good Practices, the two partners from Utrecht, province of Utrecht and HU University of Applied Sciences, organized a learning event in September 2021 on procurement and tendering and on discussing related financial matters. Learning is still ongoing. To support the Action plan writing, the project arranges tutoring sessions that will get to the core of some Good Practices to provide deeper understanding.


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