VOL. 18, #12
November Meeting is November 18th at Hobbs Studio! MONDAY - November 18th at 7pm TIDEWATER’s MEETING Be there and bring a guest eligible to Join VPPA! Join us for the Annual Tidewater Critique led by our own IPC Judge, Pat Hansen!
Here are the new officers on board as of November 2013! These officers will serve you until November 2014, so feel free to contact any of them with suggestions for meeting places, speakers, and subjects for monthly meeting. It can help our meetings if we know we are appealing to the member's desires.
New Tidewater Officers Governor: Richard St.Peter, FP
Gordon Kreplin and Mollie Isaacs will be on hand to comment on your images. This is a great way to begin to finalize your images for the February Competition. The critique will help us see things we missed and possibly could fix or change before we enter a given image. The final competition gives us a chance to see how our work looks alongside the work of our peers. It is a great way to hone your personal skills both with the camera and in post-production. Even if you have never entered the competition, this is a great way to start. You may either bring prints matted in presentation format or a disk or thumb drive of your images sized at 8X10 @ 100ppi. You should limit your image selections to 4-6, but no one will be counting! So, join us on November 18th for a good evening looking at and discussing images.
757-238-8121 Lieutenant Governor: Erin L. Clark, CPP
757-472-2955 Treasurer: Tracy McGee, CPP 757-513-0388 Secretary: Bob Harper 757-325-8300
VOL. 18, #12
A Message from The Governor Richard E. St.Peter So as Nov begins, I re0lect back 50 years, remembering exactly where I was when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas that terrible Friday. A couple of his quotes from the past stand out as I begin this year as Governor of the District. One was "the torch has been passed" and on a smaller scale, that is what our District did. And his most famous quote "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Let's take that quote and make it say "Ask not what the district can do for you, ask what you can do for the district." Here's what I hope we can do for the district. Find balance in meeting places so members can easily get to and attend our monthly meetings. Have district members with studios hosting our meetings to provide us the opportunity to see their studios and give a brief tour of the facility. Next, attract speakers that will bring a presentation to our members that will help the members take something away to help them in their daily studio operation or their photo mission. And lastly, we will meet and share with each other something that we do that might be different from something someone else does. Let's not be afraid to share our knowledge or skills with our fellow members. I believe photography is not an exact science or absolute profession and we can always learn something. I urge our members to seek out knowledge, techniques, and skills that will enhance
their individual effort and profession as photographers. Next, please mark your calendars as you often hear me say. The third Monday of each month is our meeting date; so, plan on attending. If you are a new or just joined member, our of0icers welcome you and look forward to seeing you at the meetings. If you are a veteran member that has stopped coming to our meetings for whatever reason, come on back. We will welcome you and look forward to you sharing your past and present experiences with us. The door is open, come on in. In December our Holiday Party will be held, check your future emails for information on both these events and come out and join us. Let's end the 2013 year on a high note! Finally, your of0icers are there for the members. We all look forward to seeing you at meetings, seminars, picnics, and our annual convention. Remember, mark your calendars, check your emails, and let's make Tidewater the best district in the state. See you at future events. Richard E. St.Peter, Governor
VOL. 18, #12
Thank You! We now have, thanks to Erin Clark, a FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE! Check it out! On our FB Page, you will find information concerning our upcoming Holiday dinner. We need your input to complete the planning!
CONGRATULATIONS! Bob Harper recently received his CPP from PPA! He took the exam at last year’s convention in February, passed it, and had his October image submissions approved by the panel of judges. He is now recognized as our newest CPP! He says, “It was a challenging journey, but my photography has risen to a new level as a result.” If you want to know what is involved, ask him or one of our other CPPs.
Address: HOBBS STUDIO 857 Battlefield Boulevard South Chesapeake, VA 23322
See You There!