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Vier moorde in 10 dae CARINA ROUX
n Magdastraat in Kalkfontein onthou die mense Diego Smith (14) as die seun wat altyd ’n glimlag op sy gesig gehad het. Op Vrydag 13 November na 21:00, skaars twee huise van waar hy gewoon het, is Diego meer as een keer geskiet. Hy was in graad 8 aan die Sekondêre Skool Sarepta. Van die omliggende area se inwoners het Maandag met TygerBurger se besoek aan die buurt volgehou die seun was nie betrokke by enige bendes nie. “Ons is baie hartseer; almal het hom geken. Hy het altyd geloop met ’n smile op sy gesig. Hy het net belanggestel in sy duiwe en sy sport,” het ’n vrou gesê. Diego het by sy ouma grootgeword nadat sy ma oorlede is toe hy een jaar oud was, sê Donovan Smith, sy oom wat meer soos ’n broer was. Hy het gesê sy ma (Diego se ouma) is te emosioneel om te gesels. Diego het ’n hok met duiwe en ’n hond gehad en hy was lief vir sport soos sokker en landloop, en ook vir dans. Donovan sê Diego sou saam met die buurt se kinders speel en was onder sy maats bekend as “Heygie”. Van die kinders het Maandag vertel dat Diego moontlik ’n voorgevoel gehad het oor sy dood en van sy ma gedroom het. ’n Briefie wat agterna in ’n kas gevind is, begin met “I am Diego”. Hy noem homself ’n sportman, ’n seun, gelukkig, 14 jaar oud, ’n broer, liefde, en sluit af met “I’m a child”. Kalkfontein word deur bendegeweld ge-
teister en dit gons telkemale op sosiale media as die skote klap. In die kommentaar is daar hartseer, meegevoel, frustrasie, woede en vrees vir kinders se veiligheid. Sommige pleit vir ingryping of dat die gemeenskap moet saamstaan. Een inwoner het gesê vir die bendelede is dit soos ’n speletjie, maar dit is dikwels onskuldiges wat seerkry. “Ons moet bewusmaking skep oor wat hier aangaan.” Kol. Jayce Naidoo, stasiebevelvoerder van die Kuilsrivier-polisie, het Maandag gesê in die tydperk vanaf Vrydag 6 November tot Sondag 15 November was daar vier moorde in Kalkfontein. Een persoon is doodgesteek in ’n voorval wat met huishoudelike geweld verbind word en die ander drie is geskiet. Volgens Naidoo se inligting oor Vrydag 13 November se skietery het die 14-jarige seun na bewering gedobbel saam met lede van die Dixi Boys-bende buite in Magdastraat, toe twee onbekende mans omstreeks 22:00 op die groep begin skiet het. “Na bewering word die seun se pa met die 28-bende verbind.” Op Saterdag 14 November om 01:40 is ’n man, wat saam met twee ander mense gestap het, op die hoek van Dorothy-en Brendastraat deur twee verbygangers doodgeskiet. “Die slagoffer was vermoedelik ’n voormalige lid van die 26-bende,” sê hy. Naidoo sê die polisie het reeds uitgereik na die gemeenskap, maar geen hulp is tot dusver ontvang nie. “Ons benodig getuies om na vore te kom en ons te help om die verdagtes aan te keer.”
A group of community care workers attended a Care for the Carers event in Sarepta last week where they assisted one another with foot and hand care. Esmarelda Pedro is having a giggle behind her mask as she applies some “social distancing” to the toes of Mandy Rooi. Read more on page 4. PHOTO: CARINA ROUX
2 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
Shop safe this Black Friday KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels
ith Black Friday around the corner, shoppers are gearing up for the popular shopping spree. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic still looming, online shopping will be on the cards to avoid the chaos and long queues at shopping malls. According to a recent McKinsey & Company consumer sentiment survey, 40% of consumers intend to continue online shopping even when the Covid-19 pandemic is over. Thomas Pays, CEO of digital payments company Ozow, says the sharp rise in online shopping and e-commerce has highlighted the need for innovative technology-driven solutions that allow shoppers to shop and pay safely online – including consumers
who don’t have credit or debit cards. Black Friday deals are running over four weeks at many retailers at Table View and Milnerton shopping malls. Pays says the way to successfully navigate Black Friday responsibly relies on four factors: . Stick to a plan and set a budget. The overwhelming number of deals make it incredibly tempting to spend more than you have. Make a list of what you need. . Shop with trusted e-commerce retailers. Trustworthy sites like Takealot can handle large volumes of transactions through a safe, automated checkout process. . Don’t trust non-secure checkouts. Checkout security is critical, as it is the most vulnerable point in the shopping process for cyberhackers to attack. A secure encrypted checkout should always have a small pad-
lock icon next to the site’s URL in your browser. . Research the checkout payment options. You don’t need a credit card to shop and pay online. Ozow enables you to pay instantly online with only a bank account, allowing most South Africans to skip the queues and transact safely and hassle-free. However, shoppers are being warned to look out for scams while shopping online as cybercriminals are likely to be out in full force. Consumers can protect themselves with a few simple steps. . Free WiFi is rarely secure. With most office workers still working remotely, it has become totally normal to connect to company systems via personal networks. But please keep information - such as name, address and credit card details - safe by not connecting to public networks such as those at
Family of patient sought: The Western
Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media24-groep
Cape department of health is trying to locate the family of Andile Sithole (pictured) who is currently at the Mitchells Plain District Hospital. Sithole (39) mentioned that his relatives reside in the Bellville area. The patient was admitted to the hospital on 14 October. Sithole’s last known residential address was in Mfuleni. Anyone with information can call Mai’lin Lucas, a social worker, on 021 832 9200.
Verspreiding: Tygerburger Kuilsrivier word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Alta Du Toit, Amandelrug, Amandelsig, Annandale, Blackheath, Penhill, Rusdal, Bosmans Estate, Bosonia, Brandwag, Brandwood, De Kuilen, Elim, Jagtershof, Klipdam, Mabille Park, Marinda Heights, Mikro Park, Rouxville, Silver Oaks, Jakarandas, Soneike, Sonnekuil, St Dumas, Zevendal, Zevenwacht(Security Estate), Acess City, Highbury, Kalkfontein, Sarepta, Voëlvlei, Oakdene, Gersham, Danarand Totale verspreiding: 19 288 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 301 119 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume cecilia@media24.com Joernaliste: Carina Roux carina@media24.com Advertensiebestuurder: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Ruveshni.Poonsamy@media24.com Hoofkoerant advertensies: Taseem Khan ( 021 910 6500 taseem@media24.com Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 www.tygerburger.co.za Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994 Alexandra.fortuin@media24.co.za
Media 24 has an exci ng opportunity for a dynamic Adver sing Sales Manager to manage the performance of the adver sing sales func on within WP Media for their TygerBurger and City Vision tles.
Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na nakhanyim@ombudsman.org.za of pippag@ombudsman.org.za
Find us online www.tygerburger.co.za facebook.com/Tygerburger twitter.com/tygerburger(@TygerBurger) youtube.com/tygerburgerweb issuu.com/tygerburgerweb
TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. X1U894D6-AL160518
Key responsibili es: Translate divisional and na onal sales strategies onto opera onal plans for the region to drive sales and meet and exceed sales targets; Implement opera onal plans and priori es that align with the na onal sales strategy plan, canvas and develop new business opportuni es and implement new sales concepts to maintain and expand market share; Analyse and report on sales opportuni es and achievements, and use data analyses to iden fy further opportuni es; Mo vate, manage and develop a team of sales representa ves to ensure achievement of pre-determined revenue targets for the relevant tles; Build strategic rela onships with clients and other internal and external stakeholders through regular and ongoing communica on; Constantly evaluate and improve sales methods to ensure maximum efficiency; Deliver sales presenta ons and proposals if and when required; Provide input into the annual budget for the region that supports the sales strategy and sales opera ng plan; Manage and a ain revenue and expense budget objec ves for the region; Work closely with marke ng services and media analysts to support the sales strategies; Keep abreast of latest trends in sales effec veness and adopt new approaches as required to expand client base and increase revenue; and Oversee and manage all administra ve du es which include; target se ng, page planning, adver sing loading management, and the people management prac ces. Skills and competencies: Excellent communica on skills both wri en and verbal in English and Afrikaans Rela onship building Analy cal thinking Adaptability Innova ve Leadership skills Resilience Coping with pressure and setbacks A en on to detail Strategic thinking Strong interpersonal skills Requirements: A relevant commercial ter ary qualifica on with a sales or marke ng qualifica on preferred Experience 5 years' proven management sales experience; Experience in Adver sing or print media preferred; Sound supervisory or team management experience Proficiency in relevant so ware applica ons and packages. SAP experience will be an advantage Given the employment equity policy of Media24, preference will be given to suitable candidates from the designated groups. If you meet the requirements for this role and wish to join the team apply before 27 November 2020 by following the link h ps://media24.simplify.hr/vacancy/ru3z7z. X1WEV3K1-AL181120
Artist hosts exhibition The artist Theo Paul Vorster will host a popup exhibition at Diemersdal wine estate on Saturday 21 November from 11:00 until 16:00. Vorster will display work made during lockdown. Sales will also be done via Facebook for those not able to join the exhibition in person. The TV presenter, actor, singer and piano player Pedro Kruger will provide a live piano soundtrack at 11:00.
Contracted into Medical Aids Essential Health Pharmacy Clinic Cnr Old Paarl Road & Brackenfell Boulevard Mediplein Medical Centre, Hibiscus Road, Durbanville Langeberg Medicross Brighton Square, 130 Brighton Road, Kraaifontein, Cape Town Parow Medicross, McIntyre Road, Parow Tableview & Milnerton The Palm Tree Wellness Clinic, 17 Pentz Drive, Tableview Medical Centre Bellville HEARING CARE CENTRE
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coffee shops or airports, as these are invariably less secure and easier to compromise. . Assume all links are phishy - it has become really easy for criminals to impersonate well-known retailers by setting up fake sites that look remarkably like the real thing. Cybercriminals can easily direct consumers to malicious websites using pop-up ads or phishing links in marketing emails, so it’s best to stay away. Any legitimate Black Friday deal will feature on the retailer’s website . If you’re still using the same password for everything, you’re doing it wrong. Always use a unique password. That way, if the password becomes exposed, it won’t compromise your other accounts, such as email, banking or anything work related. . Cybercriminals can easily embed malware into email attachments and compromise your security when you open it. Retailers typically don’t send shoppers downloadable attachments, so think twice before opening anything and rather go directly to the retailer’s website or app.
Omstander gewond ná rooftog CARINA ROUX ’n Onskuldige omstander is raakgeskiet ná ’n gewapende rooftog op Dinsdag 10 November by die OK Minimark in Highbury. Sers. Liezel Beukes, woordvoerder van die Kuilsrivier-polisie, het bevestig ’n sakerooftog word ondersoek. Sy sê die voorval het kort voor 18:00 plaasgevind. Volgens inligting het vyf mans die winkel binnegegaan en die kassiere met ’n vuurwapen gedreig. Beukes sê R5 000 kontant, sigarette en ’n selfoon is geroof. Volgens ’n ooggetuie het die mans wild en wakker geskiet toe hulle by die winkel uitgehardloop het. Beukes sê ’n klant, wat in die parkeerterrein was, is in die been getref. Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie. V Mense met inligting kan die ondersoekbeampte, speursers. Marlon Parring, by 021 900 5500 of 083 660 6400 bel.
Police searching hit-and-run driver The Western Cape police are seeking the assistance of the public in locating the owner of a vehicle involved in a hit-andrun. The accident occurred on Saturday 31 October around 21:30. According to the police it is alleged that two people who had been arguing and fighting in a minibus had stopped along the N1 highway in the direction of Paarl and about 800 meters away from the Plattekloof Road-offramp. The two passengers then crossed over to the barrier where the argument and fighting continued. Upon their return to the vehicle, both pedestrians were hit by a car. The police are now searching for the owner of a silver Ford Focus, number plate registration CL 52532. V Any witnesses are requested to contact the investigating officer, WO Eugene Human, at the Parow police detectives branch, urgently on 021 929 7100.
Motorcyclist dies on N1 A 35-year-old man died on Saturday after colliding with a truck on the N1 in Oakdale. According to Ineke van Huyssteen, spokesperson for ER24, the accident happened just before Durban Road in the direction of Cape Town. “When ER24 paramedics arrived at the scene shortly before 02:30, they found the man lying in the fast lane of the highway. Unfortunately he was showing no signs of life and was declared dead at the scene by paramedics,” Van Huyssteen says. “His motorbike was lying a couple of metres away from him and had burst into flames. The fire was extinguished by members of the public before paramedics arrived at the scene.”
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 3
Kollig dié maand op aanneming NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk
or die wêreld heen het gesinne, pleegsorghuise en ander instansies die afgelope maand tyd afgestaan om oor aanneming te besin. Internasionale Aannemingsdag is op 9 November gevier en Hagar’s Choice, ’n plek van veiligheid vir babas en kleuters in nood in Bellville, sê hulle vier eintlik die hele maand voluit. “Baie van ons kinders en babas word aangeneem en dus vier ons ... met die hoop om bewusmaking te kweek, veral omdat baie van ons babas internasionaal geplaas is. Kom ons vier al die nuwe gesinne wat bymekaar gevoeg is,” sê Thinus Campher van dié organisasie. Die organisasie, wat deur ’n gesin uit hul huis bestuur word, het al oor die afgelope ses jaar na altesaam 95 kinders omgesien. Dit het beteken die gesin en hul vier kinders (van wie een aangeneem is) moet almal inspring om met die kinders te help – meestal uit hul eie sak.
‘Delikaat, maar spesiaal’ Die aanneming van ’n kind is egter nie almal beskore nie en die organisasie sê ’n mens kan op ander maniere betrokke raak. “Neem ’n kind aan. As jy nie kan aanneem nie, wees ’n voog. As jy nie ’n voog kan wees nie, gee ’n donasie en as jy dít nie kan doen nie, deel die nuus.” Thinus sê hul eie aannemingspad was spesiaal, maar ook ’n delikate proses, “wat ’n mens na die diep dele van jou hart dwing. Ek voel dis tydens dié proses dat die groter prentjie van die lewe meer realisties word. Aanneming sluit dalk kamers van jou hart oop wat jy nie eens geweet het jy het nie.” Cara Hartley, wat oorspronklik van Durbanville kom, stem saam. Sy en haar man, Ryan, het hul eersteling,
Die Campher-gesin van Hagar’s Choice is hier saam met party van die kinders wat tydelik in hul sorg geplaas is (en daarom nie geïdentifiseer kan word nie). Die familie sê hulle vier vandeesmaand die hele maand Aannemingsmaand. ’n seuntjie, in 2018 aangeneem. “Dit maak jou oë oop vir mense se lewenservarings op ’n totally nuwe manier – meer as wat ek verwag het.”
Wye reeks ervarings Cara sê aannemingsmaand moet nie net gevier word om aannemings aan te moedig nie, maar ook om mense bewus te maak van die breë ervaring wat mense met aanneming het – hetsy as kind of as ouer. “Vir party mense verloop die aanneemproses glad en dis ’n positiewe ervaring en ’n mooi storie, maar daar is ook baie mense vir wie aanneming moeilik is – vir die mense wat aangeneem is en die aanneemfamilies.”
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Aanneming is op baie vlakke baie meer gekompliseerd as wat mense soms dink en gesinne moet oop-oë in so ’n situasie ingaan, glo sy. Die Hartleys het hul seun aangeneem omdat hulle ’n verskil kan maak. Soos die Camphers het hulle gesien daar is ’n groot behoefte aan aanneming in Suid-Afrika. Hulle wou iemand laat deel voel van wat die Campher-gesin hul “trop” noem. Cara glo egter daar word te min in SuidAfrika gefokus op die ervaring van geboortefamilies, “veral die geboortema’s wat kies om hul kind te laat aaneem”.
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Cara die volgende ondervinding en raad: . Dis belangrik om te besef dat elke aanneming met ’n komponent van verlies kom. “Dis nie net ’n wen-wen vir almal nie, so jy moet ruimte maak in jou manier van kind grootmaak; dat jou kind daai verlies kan verwerk en jy nie bedreig gaan voel daardeur nie.” . Dis belangrik om vrede te maak met jou posisie as aanneemouer en nie as biologiese ouer nie. En ek dink dit kan vir mense moeilik wees wat gesukkel het om kinders te kry voordat hulle aanneem. . Vir daardie ouers sê sy hulle hoef nie bang te wees hulle sal nie kan liefkry nie. “As jy die raad volg wat daar is oor hoe om ’n band te vorm met jou kind en jy gereed is om jou kind lief te hê, sal jy jou kind kan liefkry. Daar is duisende stemme wat sê hulle kry ’n kind lief. Selfs ooms en tannies en oupas en oumas se hart word gewen deur ’n klein kindjie.” . “Aanneming is om ’n moeilike storie deel te maak van jou storie, want geen aanneming gebeur as daar nie ’n moeilike storie was van een of ander aard nie.” Sy sê dit moenie misgekyk word nie, maar dat mense nie moet onderskat hoeveel liefde en medelye elke mens binne hulself het nie. . Sy sê ook daar is dikwels die valse idee dat aannemings baie lank vat. Hulle het ’n baba aangeneem wat nie in pleegsorg was nie en sy sê daar was baie minder van ’n gesloer as wat hulle gedink het. . “Ons is ’n transracial adoptive family in een van die mees rassistiese lande in die wêreld en dis nie ’n klein ding nie. “En miskien is dit iets wat voornemende ouers moet oorweeg. Dis ’n crazy ding om te doen op ’n manier en dit gaan uitdagings bied. . “Ons is verskriklik lief vir hierdie outjie. En partykeer verbeel ons ons hy lyk soos ons, want dit kan nie anders nie. Aanneming laat jou die wêreld baie anders sien.”
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4 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
Taking care of the carers CARINA ROUX
hristmas came early for the care and health workers of Courage to Care, a community based health service that works within the Kuils River area on Tuesday 10 November. Registered nurse, Andrea Titus, who is the “captain” steering a team of four health workers and 30 carers organised a Christmas in November event in Sarepta to show some appreciation and “care for the carers”. Local ward councillor, Ebrahim Sawant, made sure there was a gift for the women and lunch was provided courtesy of Africa Mbete Agency (Ama), a non-profit organisation that empowers women by providing skills training in the beauty sector. Vanessa Marais of Ama spoke about the importance for carers and women to take care of themselves so that they can also take good care of others. The women paired up to assist one another with foot and hand care. Marais shared some skill tips and touched on the importance of footcare for diabetics as November is also diabetic awareness month. Titus commented on the pride the carers and health staff have when they wear their uniforms. “We are proud to serve the community.”
From left are Annelice Reed and Mandy Rooi, and Esmarelda Pedro on the right. At the back: Zukie Wotini and Nankie Nkenke.
Neliswa Nongqayi busy with Nomveliso Mambumbu’s nails. At the back are Alicia Joyi and Julia Sohuma.
From left: Rezelle van der Berg, Amelia Taute, Ebrahim Sawant (ward councillor), Andrea Titus and Vanessa Marais (Africa Mbete Agency NPO)
Linah Papu (Kalkfontein, community health worker) having her nails done by Winnie van Wyk (HIV councillor, Kuils River clinic).
3 for
Vanessa Marais hands a lucky draw prize to DK Lamla, with Andrea Titus looking on. PHOTOS: CARINA ROUX
Nankie Nkenke and Zukie Wotini.
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Woensdag, 18 November 2020
Comrades-atleet pak die langste tog nóg in SA aan DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
Armand Barnard
Designed for gift of sound DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
ith a building design depicting the human cochlea, Armand Barnard, an interior design student from Brackenfell, was the winner of this year’s PG Bison 1.618 Education Initiative. He was announced the winner at an award ceremony held virtually last week (11 November). A third-year student at Design Time School of Interior Design in Cape Town, Barnard clinched the title winning himself a cash prize of R50 000 for himself and R50 000 for his lecturer, Anel Joubert. The runner up, Sarah Jane Sperryn, and the third-place holder, Dillon Titus, also hailed from the same tertiary institute, and secured cash prizes too. This initiative has been running for 28 years and is aimed at third-year architecture and interior design students. It introduces students to real-world briefs and products. “The 2020 brief saw students submitting their ideas to transform a site in Port-Elizabeth (Lower Baakens Valley, South End) into a community-based space for work and leisure,” explains Nadia Rossouw, a spokesperson for the initiative. “Barnard’s winning design submission, The Cochlear, was based on the creation of a cochlea-shaped building with a focus on hearing and sound. Hard surfaces and hollow arched hallways help bounce around waves of sound throughout this space to create an auditory experience. The Cochlear includes wheelchair access and hearing testing stations, and proposes a partnership with celebrated audio equipment brand Bose, which Barnard believes would create a platform for hearing awareness and the joys of music,” says Rossouw. It is envisioned that the Bose-branded space would display a headphone customisation bar, headphone testing stations and virtual reality stations. “Firstly, I am so honoured to have been chosen as a finalist and winning first prize is nothing short of sensational,” says Barnard, who plans to use his prize money to help pay off his study loan. “This really creates opportunities within the industry in terms of clout regarding one’s portfolio and CV when entering the working world.” He has previously worked as a practice administrator at a speech therapy practice and an audiology practice, as a practice manager for a wellness centre, and as an au pair for two special needs children. For his social cause, he selected Hearing Health Foundation, a non-profit organisation that works to prevent and cure hearing loss. “The hardest part of the brief for me was focusing on the concept and remembering to celebrate this thread. Another challenge was meeting the brief’s requirements whilst remembering to add some of my own quirk,” he says.
Die Comrades-atleet Gerhard Rademeyer (56) is tans hard aan die oefen om in Februarie van Kaapstad na Oudtshoorn te hardloop – die langste uithouwedloop nóg in Suid-Afrika. Boonop gaan hy poog om dit in minder as 80 uur te doen. Dié Brackenfeller gaan ’n ganse 420 km-solowedloop aflê om geld in te samel vir iets baie na aan sy hart, naamlik diere. Gerhard se hart lê in die Klein Karoo. “Ek het op Oudtshoorn grootgeword, daar skoolgegaan en gematrikuleer. Ek voel ek wil op dié wyse iets teruggee aan die gemeenskap en diere,” sê hy. Oudtshoorn Dogs in Need (Odin), sê Gerhard, doen onbaatsugtige werk onder leiding van Colleen Smith – nie net in Oudtshoorn nie, maar ook in George en omliggende dorpe en op plase. “Sonder hul passie vir diere sou baie van die dierekinders nie vandag gelewe het nie. Ek is self ’n groot diereliefhebber,” sê hy. Sy mikpunt is om R1 miljoen in te samel. “Dit is baie, maar ek glo dis haalbaar as 1 000 besighede elk R1 000 skenk. “Besighede kan natuurlik ook belastingvrystellingsertifikate vir die skenkings kry,” sê hy. Gerhard het op skool met landloop begin en weer in 1990 met padwedlope. Hy het drie Comrades- en nege Two Oceansmarathons op sy kerfstok en nog 300 korter wedlope. Om voor te berei, hardloop hy daagliks 5 km vinnige sessies en oor naweke pak
hy die pad Stellenbosch toe aan. “As ek by die Bellville-stadion wegspring, sal ek net stop vir kragslapies en vinnige etes. Daar is ’n voertuig wat saam met my sal ry met voorraad. “Asics het reeds my hardloopskoene geborg, maar ek het nog borgskappe nodig vir drafklere, ’n waterrugsak en ’n hardloophorlosie met GPS om my roete en tyd vir 80 uur te monitor.” Dit sal sy eerste lang uithouwedloop wees en hy sal ook die eerste mens in Suid-Afrika wees om so ’n lang tog aan te pak. Sy roete strek padlangs van Bellville na Worcester, Robertson, Ashton, Montaqu, Barrydale, Ladysmith en Calitzdorp. V Sportmaatskappye wat wil bydra, kan Gerhard by 074 506 9279 bel. Besoek Odin op Facebook by Oudtshoorn-Dogs-in-Need om skenkings aan Odin te maak.
Gerhard Rademeyer is hard aan die oefen vir die lang tog.
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 5
6 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
Diabetes on the rise in SA NIELEN DE KLERK
Dr Valencia Eagles, a physician at Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt in Bellville.
iabetes is on the rise in South Africa, as more people give in to bad lifestyle choices, experts say. This is especially troubling in 2020 as diabetics are the highest risk group for serious illness and death if they contract Covid-19. It can also lead to a range of problems if not properly managed, like kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes, blindness and lower limb amputation. “It’s a horrible disease to have. There are so many complications that can occur,” says Dr Valencia Eagles, a physician at Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt in Bellville. “Yet it’s very treatable.” World Diabetes Day was observed this past Saturday and TygerBurger went to find out more about this disease.
which is frustrating when one keeps the risks in mind. “This is the biggest problem I have – insight into the disease and compliance to the diet. Many people just don’t know. And sometimes you get wilful people who just don’t want to eat healthy foods.” In the end, you’re the one living with the illness, she emphasises. Depend on yourself to fix the things you can (like your diet) and not on the doctor to prescribe stronger medication.
What is diabetes? And type 1 and 2? Eagles says those suffering from diabetes can’t make enough insulin or can’t effectively use the insulin they do make. “It’s basically an insulin deficiency.” Those born with the illness are categorised as type 1 diabetics and those who develop the illness later in life (usually because of lifestyle) are type 2 diabetics, but as with everything there are exceptions to this. The disease is treated by controlling the diet and giving insulin – via injection or insulin pumps. Initially, those with type 2 diabetes are given tablets sensitising their bodies to insulin. They later undergo a test which shows the average level of blood sugar over the past two to three months. This should be under 7. If not, something needs to change – whether diet or stronger medication. She says type 2 diabetics, who are often older and overweight, are typically not compliant when it comes to adjusting their diets,
On the rise Eagles says type 2 diabetes is definitely on the rise. “It’s cheaper to buy McDonald’s than it is to buy healthy foods,” she explains. But it’s also not that simple, she says. People are working three jobs and it’s often just more convenient to eat unhealthy. People also often underestimate which foods have the most sugar-like carbohydrates like bread, rice and potatoes. “Because it’s not sweet. And (carbohydrates) are the staple of many people’s diet. It also contributes a lot to belly fat. Another problem she sees often is that people are scared and therefore resistant to insulin. “We shouldn’t see it as a last resort.”
People are often also unnecessarily scared of using needles. Dr Iqbal Karbanee, CEO of Paed-IQ BabyLine, a 24/7 telephonic-based helpline for medical advice, given by paediatric-trained nurses, agrees. Karbanee, who works as a paediatrician at Cape Gate Mediclinic in Brackenfell, says he has seen diabetes in children rise dramatically. “Oftentimes parents believe that it is only the child that needs to undergo changes to curb the onset of obesity, when in fact it is an opportunity for the whole family to make lifestyle changes,” he explains. According to Karbanee, it is not a low rate of physical activity that can lead to obesity, but rather a poor diet. “The dynamic of a rapidly urbanised population exposed to a myriad of food choices has led to major dietary changes. Coupled with socio-economic and genetic factors, obesity is a complicated disease that can lead to Type 2 diabetes. Both these lifestyle diseases are 100% preventable,” says Karbanee. “Furthermore, diabetes can occur in children from a very young age. Although far less common than adultonset diabetes, when it does occur it has a major impact on the child and family.”
increased risk of complications if diagnosed with the coronavirus,” says Karbanee. Premier Alan Winde is a diabetic himself and in a press statement released earlier this week, he said it is a cause close to his heart. Earlier this year the Western Cape Government introduced the Vector (Virtual Emergency Care Tactical Operation) programme. This programme saw doctors consulting telephonically with diabetic patients who had tested positive for Covid-19. They screened the patients according to their risk factors and referred those with the highest risk to facilities for observation. “Between the launch of the Vector programme (in July) and 30 October, 1 786 patients have been placed on the programme,” Winde said in his statement. “Of these, 1 488 had fully recovered by 30 October. We also saw a significant decline in the death rates associated with this group, which were at about 28% prior to our interventions, and fell to below 5% within the first month of operations.”
People are working three jobs and it’s often just more convenient to eat unhealthy.
Diabetes and Covid-19 and the Western Cape’s response Eagles says those with diabetes are at risk of a severer infection of Covid-19. Added to this, many type 2 diabetics are often more overweight, which is an additional comorbidity. Karbanee agrees. “Obesity is a co-morbidity meaning that if your child is suffering from carrying excess weight, he or she is at
Warning signs The following are warning signs for diabetes. Visit a healthcare facility for a diabetes test if you experience one or more of the following: . Extreme thirst . Frequent urination . Hunger . Weight loss . Urine smelling sweet . Fatigue . Blurred vision . Poor wound healing These symptoms can all occur within a short period of time - a few weeks or a month or two.
Libraries back in business with browsing service The City of Cape Town’s library service last week opened more than 80% of libraries for browsing as part of a phased-in approach to further roll out the service offering. In a statement it reads that in addition, limited two hour study sessions, as well as access to the internet via the SmartCape system, is provided on a first-come firstserved basis at a number of libraries. “The City’s library service is gradually returning to a full service offering, with 87 of the facilities now allowing walk-ins and browsing after a week-long ‘dry run’ to ensure all operational directives are in place. “Staff at libraries will follow and enforce strict Covid-19 protocols, and it will remain the responsibility of every visitor to ensure their personal safety. Patrons are reminded to not visit the library if they ex-
hibit any of the known symptoms of Covid19, or feel unwell. Any person entering a library will be screened, and should they fail the screening test, they will unfortunately not be allowed inside,” the statement reads. The City’s Mayco member for community services, Zahid Badroodien, has encouraged patrons to adhere to the rules. “We are pleased that patrons can once again walk the aisles of their favourite library in search of a book to read, or something new to learn. These are such treasured spaces, and it is good news to see the service come to life once more. Let’s keep the doors open by ensuring that everyone adheres to the rules of social distancing, regular handwashing and the wearing of masks. Keeping our library environment safe is a shared responsibility.” All visitors are re-
quired to wear a mask, sanitise their hands and adhere to social distancing protocols. Below is a list of libraries offering browsing, study space, SmartCape internet access and drop and collect services. . Libraries open for drop and collect, browsing, study access as well as SmartCape access: Adriaanse, Avondale, Belhar, Bellville, Bellville South, Bishop Lavis, Bothasig, Brackenfell, Delft, Delft-South, Dunoon, Durbanville, Eerste River, Eikendal, Elsies River, Fisantekraal, Kraaifontein, Leonsdale, Melton Rose, Milnerton, Parow, Scottsdene, Table View and Valhalla Park. . Goodwood Library is open for drop and collect only. . Edgmead and Tygervalley libraries are open for drop and collect as well as browsing only.
. Kuils River Library is open for drop and collect, browsing and SmartCape access. . Bonteheuwel Library is open for drop and collect, browsing and study access only. Mfuleni Library is open for drop and collect, study and SmartCape access only. The following operating hours will apply: . Monday to Friday 09:00-16:00 and Saturday 09:00-12:00; . loan period – 30 days; . renewal – one renewal for additional 30 days; . borrowing privileges – 20 items including five audio-visual items (CDs/DVDs); and . no reservations or inter-library loans will be done at present
WAS 119.95
WAS 59.95
WAS 69.95
WAS 69.95
WAS 69.95
WAS 79.95
WAS 79.95
WAS 199.95
Bellville 021 919 1106 | Milnerton 021 528 4000 | Kenilworth 021 671 9050 | Bergvliet 021 794 2221 | Somerset West 021 852 7400 Offers valid until 22 November 2020. While stocks last.
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 7
8 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
Mikro se redenaars presteer L
eerders van die Laerskool Mikro het presteer in die jaarlikse Podiumpret-kompetisie vir redenaars, wat vanjaar aanpassings moes maak aan sy formaat. Die leerders kon in die gerief van hul huise hul toesprake opneem en instuur. Elke leerder het die ge-
leentheid ontvang om hul eie onderwerp te kies en hoe hulle die inligting wou oordra – om te motiveer, te oorreed of te vermaak. Die beoordelaars het die videoopnames van al die deelnemers se toesprake geëevalueer waarna hulle elektronies in kennis gestel is
van hul uitslae en ’n sertifikaat ontvang het. Al die Laerskool Mikro se leerders wat deelgeneem het aan die eerste ronde, het deurgedring na die e-eindronde, wat plaasgevind het op 11 en 12 September. Die video-opnames is beoordeel
by die Hoërskool Labori in die Paarl. Dit was ’n goeie leerskool vir die leerders en hul ouers wat hul ondersteun het. Te midde van onseker tye het die leerders goed presteer.Zoë Boer (gr. 2) was provinsiaal tweede en nasionaal derde; Zea
Plekker (gr. 5) was provinsiaal tweede en nasionaal derde; Faith Boer (gr. 5) was provinsiaal derde en nasionaal tweede; Christine Kingsley (gr. 5) was nasionaal derde; William Graham (gr. 6) was provinsiaal eerste en Carla Hattingh (gr. 6) was nasionaal tweede.
KENNISGEWING VAN SUBRAADSVERGADERINGS: NOVEMBER 2020 Kennis geskied hiermee dat die vergaderings van die 24 subrade van die Stad Kaapstad gehou word op die tyd en plek soos aangetoon in die onderstaande skedule: Subraad
19 November 2020
Vernatt van der Westhuizen 021 444 6037
18 November 2020
Amelia van Rhyn 021 444 1132
19 November 2020
Roxanne Moses 021 444 3601
19 November 2020
Ardela van Niekerk 021 444 0196
16 November 2020
Pat Jansen 021 444 3717
18 November 2020
Jongihlanga Joseph France 021 400 5537
16 November 2020
Clifford Sitonga 021 444 3715
19 November 2020
Mcebisi Johnson Fetu 021 444 8720
18 November 2020
Lunga Bobo 021 444 5366
16 November 2020
Anthony Daniels 021 444 5395
18 November 2020
Mariëtte Griessel 021 444 9797
16 November 2020
Gershwin Fouldien 021 487 2055
19 November 2020
Christa Liebenberg 021 444 0503
19 November 2020
Fred Monk 021 444 8788
16 November 2020
Desiree Mentor 021 400 7495
18 November 2020
Richard White 021 444 8112
16 November 2020
Acting manager: Raquel Tahnee Harrison 021 444 8722
19 November 2020
Goodman Rorwana 021 444 7530
18 November 2020
Nomfundo Mdingi 021 444 2962
Bonteheuwel-raadskamer, Bonteheuwel- munisipale gebou, hoek van Jakkalsvleilaan en Kiaatweg, Bonteheuwel
16 November 2020
Carin Viljoen 021 444 0661
Raadskamer, Durbanville- munisipale kantoor, Oxfordstraat, Durbanville
19 November 2020
Erika Theron /Paulsen Williams 021 850 4150
Strand- munisipale gebou, hoek van Faganstraat en Hoofweg, Strand
18 November 2020
Kayise Nombakuse 021 444 5381
Dulcie September-burgersentrum (kleinsaal), Proteastraat, Kewtown, Athlone
18 November 2020
Lorraine Frost 021 400 2345
Raadskamer, 1ste verdieping, Kuilsrivier- munisipale gebou, hoek van Carinus- en Van Riebeeckstraat
16 November 2020
Waarnemende bestuurder: Lorraine Frost 021 400 2345
Raadskamer, 1ste verdieping, Kuilsrivier- munisipale gebou, hoek van Carinus- en Van Riebeeckstraat
Carla Hattingh (gr. 6) was nasionaal tweede.
William Graham (gr. 6) was provinsiaal eerste.
Faith Boer (gr. 5) was provinsiaal derde en nasionaal tweede.
Zea Plekker (gr. 5) was provinsiaal tweede en nasionaal derde.
Christine Kingsley (gr. 5) was nasionaal derde.
Zoë Boer (gr. 2) was provinsiaal tweede en nasionaal derde.
As gevolg van die Covid-19-pandemie, sal hierdie vergaderings aanlyn via Skype plaasvind. Kontak asseblief die subraad indien u by die vergadering wil aansluit, waarna die skakel aan u gestuur sal word.
Die volle agenda en alle stawende dokumentasie is 72 uur voor die vergadering beskikbaar by http://www.capetown.gov.za/subcouncils. Selekteer die datum van die subraadsvergadering, kies die subraad waarna u soek en laai die agenda af. Indien u probleme hiermee ondervind, meld dit asseblief by die betrokke subraadsbestuurder aan.
Nagtegaal: Alison Chalmers, ’n graad 6-leerder aan die Laerskool Mikro, is na afloop van oudisies as lid van die Tygerbergkinderkoor vir 2021 ingesluit.
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
Kinders help skoonmaak Alet Eland en die kinders van haar dansgroep, Dynamic Dancers, het saam met nog gewillige hande uit die Kalkfontein-gemeenskap op
Saterdag 14 November ’n paar strate in dié buurt skoongemaak. Die Stad Kaapstad het die vullissakke verwyder.
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 9
Kersfees ‘TOPs’ vir bejaardes NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk
’n Spanpoging om Kalkfontein se strate bietjie skoner te maak.
ir talle ouer mense is Kersfees maar ’n droewige vooruitsig. Hul familie kom kuier nie; hulle het nie geld nie en kan skaars die dag vier. ’n Organisasie werk al 11 jaar om hierdié mense se lewens op te kikker. Toebroodjies vir Ouer Persone (TOP) is in 2009 gestig en het oor die jare baie projekte vir en saam met seniors aangepak – soos kniekomberse en die maak en uitdeel van toebroodjies. Hul grootste projek is egter hul Kersprojek, waarmee hulle poog om tweeliterroomysbakke met lekkernye te vul en dan in Kerstyd aan behoeftige ouer mense te gee. Dít geskied dikwels by plekke soos Sassakantore, waar die mense ook hul maandelikse toelaag kry – ’n toelaag wat dikwels nie genoeg is vir ’n bederfie nie. Hulle deel ook roomysbakke by die Rusoord-tehuis in Brackenfell uit, waar hulle deur die organisasie Dorkas bygestaan word.
Werner Schwella, wat die projek bestuur, probeer al maande lank geld vir die projek insamel. “Ons was bevoorreg om oor die jare ons finansiële mikpunte te haal danksy donateurs wat vir die saak ’n baie oop hand gehad het.” Maar vanjaar kon hulle al klaar sien bydraes het weens Covid-19 afgeneem. Hy sê dis jaarliks ’n voorreg om te sien hoe opgewonde die seniors is as hulle die bakke en meegaande toebroodjies ontvang. Dit is dalk juis die rede hoekom hy steeds 11 jaar later swoeg om enorme bedrae geld bymekaar te probeer maak vir die projek. Hulle mik vanjaar om R43 000 in te samel sodat hulle tientalle bejaardes met die roomysbakke kan bederf. Hierdie bedrag word noukeurig deur ’n span mense bestuur om seker te maak hulle kry die beste waarde vir geld. Vanjaar het TOP met Ligstad Bellville saamgespan en gaan almal op 5 Desember die bakke pak om dit te versprei. Stuur ’n e-pos na werner@schwella.co.za om ’n donasie te maak of betrokke te raak.
Music concert at Durbanville Hills
Van die strate in Kalkfontein is Saterdag skoongemaak.
The Durbanville Hills vineyards will provide the spectacular backdrop for the next Distell free-to-air E-stream show on Saturday 21 November. A line-up of local DJ’s will take to the stage at the Durbanville Hills Wine Estate, bringing the party straight from the winelands into the homes of fans of House, Hip-Hop and the Amapiano music genres. Popular local radio station Heart FM will be on-site broad-
casting live from 18:00 to 22:00, with Tyrone Paulsen keeping the heartbeat up behind the microphone. The Durbanville Hills concert can be viewed on the Distell E-Stream YouTube, MixCloud, Twitch, Facebook pages, as well as the SA Music Library App from 12:00 to 22:00 on 21 November. V Book at Durbanville Hills on 021 558 1300 or via the website www.durbanvillehills.co.za.
10 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
Verwydering van ‘plêstiek’ verwelkom Min mense besef dit seker, maar ’n bekende Suid-Afrikaanse winkelgroep met wol in sy naam het sopas die Rubicon oorgesteek. Want sien, hulle het besluit om van die tweede week in November geleidelik heeltemal weg te doen met plastiekwinkelsakke. Uiteindelik sal 146 winkels glad nie meer plastieksakke verkoop nie, maar wel laekoste, herbruikbare sakke en papiersakke. Hierdie einste rubriek het op 5 Desember 2019 verskyn onder die opskrif “Vliegensnel, weg met winkelsakke!” Daarin het ek ’n pleidooi gerig dat winkels eerder papier- of materiaalsakke beskikbaar moet stel wat bioafbreekbaar is. Min het ek toe geweet hoe gou dit inderwaarheid sou gebeur. As ’n mens so deur die Boland ry, sien jy kilometer ná kilometer hoe plastiekwinkelsakke in al die kleure aan die plaasheinings wapper. Dit neem ’n plastieksak jare om af te breek en te verdwyn. Waarteen ek dit éintlik het, is hoe dit die see besoedel. Dis reeds deel van visse se dieet, en wie eet die vis? Húlle kan nie onderskei tussen plankton en fyn plastiek nie. Op een plek kom die plastiekgemors al 11 km diep voor. Teen 2050 sal 99% van alle seevoëls plastiek in hul ingewande hê, toon navorsing. En êrens in die see dryf ’n plastiekeiland soos groot soos die Amerikaanse staat Texas in die see. Dis maar een van talle plastiekeilande. As ’n mens jou vars snoek vir Saterdagaand se braai gaan koop, word jy nie gevra “Mét plastiek, of sonder plastiek?” nie. Jy het eenvoudig geen keuse nie. Punt. Want daardie vis het sowaardiejirreweet plastiek ingekry. Destyds het ek geskryf winkelbase moet eenvoudig die voet dwars sit en plastieksakke verbied. En ook “kom ons kyk wie verbied eerste plastieksakke en wys só hulle voel nog iets vir die omgewing, én vir hul klante. Ons sal dan veel eerder by daardie winkels gaan koop. En die res van die winkelbase sal vliegensnel hul voorbeeld volg. Ek ril elke keer as ek by die kasregister kom. Om twee redes: daardie selfde mense wat verlede Saterdag agt of tien plastieksakke vir hul kruideniersware gekoop het, doen dit hierdie Saterdag weer. Dis meer as 30 plastieksakke per maand as hulle so aanhou, een per dag. Waarheen verdwyn dit elke week dat hulle oor en oor moet koop? Die ander rede vir die ril by die till is daardie gebruiklike vraag wanneer die till-slaner reeds ’n nuwe sak in die hand het en vra: “Plêstiek?” Dit kon netsowel ’n robot gewees het, want so gaan dit heeldag. En elke keer steek ek ’n preek af oor hoe sleg plastieksakke vir die mensdom is. Ek hoor eintlik hoe huil die natuur oor wat die mensdom doen, soos iemand wat bome omhels en hulle hoor huil as hulle afgekap word. Woolies het nou die Rubicon oorgesteek en ’n mens kan maar net hoop al die ander winkels gaan sy voorbeeld volg. Anders moet Jangotliebantonius en sy maat maar ophou eet aan enigiets wat uit die see kom! Ag sies! En nou besef ek helaas ’n mens hoes darem nie altyd teen die wind nie! – Werner van Tonder
“En êrens in die see dryf ’n plastiekeiland soos groot soos die Amerikaanse staat Texas in die see. Dis maar een van talle plastiekeilande.”
Totsiens!Die “Rubber Duckies” posseer vir ’n spanfoto ná hul finale wedstryd in die Laerskool Eversdal se gr. 7-sokkertoernooi. Met hierdie toernooi – een van ’n paar spesiale geleenthede om die graad sewes se laaste jaar wat deur Covid-19 ontwrig is spesiaal te maak – het die skool amptelik verlede Woensdag (11 November) sy veeldoelige sintetiese sportveld geopen. FOTO: CECILIA HUME
BRIEWE briewe@tygerburger.co.za|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00
Well done to matric mom! I refer to the front page article of TygerBurger (Brackenfell) dated 11 November (“More learners speak out”). Firstly, to the mom who planned and organised the private matric party – well done. You have nothing to be ashamed of and don’t take the blame for the furore that resulted. As you and other scholars confirmed, it was not intended to be a whites only gathering. To the “black matric learner” quoted on page 2, I commend you for your mature and honest statement confirming that other race groups were indeed invited but declined. People like yourself will make the difference and not political parties. To Mr Muller, the school principal, hang in there buddy, you are doing an outstanding job. The community and your students acknowledge this – be strong and do not lose heart. Hopefully the EFF involved will learn from this and ask questions first before taking unsavoury action. The violence by both themselves and the locals cannot be condoned. ANTI NAZI Brackenfell
Is this not child abuse? Last Wednesday as I stopped at the stop street to turn towards Kuils River coming off the R300, there was a grandmother with her grandson of about eight years old begging at the cars. Yes, it’s a “new” South Africa, but is this not child
abuse? She stands out of the way and directs him as to whom he should ask. Who will be responsible if that child is injured or killed in that heavy traffic? Should he not be in school? Nobody blinks an eye and all have poker faces. Who does what about this situation? He even walks barefoot on the warm tar. STANLEY KRUSE Soneike
Dassies were also in Door-de-Kraal When the construction of The Tyger Falls started at the Tyger Valley quarry about 18 years ago, some of the dassies there started coming into our neighbourhood. We live in Door-de-Kraal and for a few years we often saw dassies moving in and out of the stormwater drains – but not sure if they would travel as far as Sonstraalhoogte (“Waar kom dassie vandaan?”, TygerBurger, 21 October). RESIDENT Door-de-Kraal
Het SA Birdlife dalk ’n oplossing? Met verwysing na die brief van Wehahn Geldenhuys (“Kattekwaad lei tot erge buretwis”, TygerBurger, 28 Oktober). Dit is waar dat huiskatte baie voëls vang, maar dalk kan die skrywer van die artikel ook die volgende onder Birdlife SA se aandag bring vir ondersoek. Ek woon in Parklands en moet daagliks swerms kraaie verwilder. Hulle vlieg in swerms van tussen vyf en sewe kraaie en haal al die babas uit voëlnessies, jaag die
albatrosse in die lug rond tot hulle moeg is en gevang word. Wat word daaraan gedoen? Die kraaie se veldgebied word verminder met al die woonstelblokke wat gebou word, so hulle terroriseer die woongebiede. Het SA Birdlife dalk ’n oplossing vir die groot getalle kraaie in die area? Neem net in ag, baie diere (katte) het weggeraak en moet jag om aan die lewe te bly. Nie alle katte het ’n huis nie. Probeer liewer met ’n foto van die kat op Facebook en by diereorganisasies uitvind of jy die eienaar van die kat kan opspoor. WILMA Parklands
Well done, Bellville licensing office I want to commend the staff at the Bellville motorvehicle licensing office who provided me and other senior citizens with absolutely excellent service last week. In addition to them having provided a separate queue for us, the gentleman who served me at the counter was more than helpful and extra friendly. It took me only 30 minutes to renew my licence disc. It is rare to find this kind of service excellence these days. Bravo. NORMAN JACOBS Loevenstein
Milnerton traffic office are tops! I would like to congratulate Milnerton traffic department on their excellent service when I applied for the renewal of my driver’s licence. Two weeks later I had my licence. Well done Milnerton. R KRIEL Edgemead
Dankie lesers, TygerBurger Dit is ’n feit dat menige instansies en besighede die afgelope paar maande sleg benadeel is deur die Covid-19pandemie. So is ook talle kerke se finansies beïnvloed wat nie net in die grendeltyd nie kollektes kon opneem nie, maar ook basaars en kermisse wat glad nie gehou kon word nie. Dit het gemeentes verplig om buite die kassie te dink en so het onder meer wegneemetes met die minimum persoonlike kontak die lig gesien.Om dit suksesvol te maak, was dit nodig om dié projekte te bemark, nie net in die gemeentes self nie, maar ook wyer by ander gemeentes en potensiële kliënte. Ek wil dan graag baie dankie sê aan TygerBurger vir die breë dekking van die NG kerk Bellville-Oos in De La Haye se verskillende projekte oor weke heen. Baie dankie ook aan Nielen de Klerk, jul verslaggewer wat instrumenteel was in die berigte wat geplaas is. Die sukses van die gedrukte media is net weer bewys deurdat talle lesers van die TygerBurger kennis geneem het van die gemeente se projekte en ons ondersteun het. Dit word opreg waardeer en ook ’n groot dankie daarvoor. Die laaste projek is dié waarin ’n A2-lam van ongeveer 20 kg gewen kan word. Kaartjies teen slegs R10 is te koop by die kerkkantoor, en die wenner sal op 30 November telefonies ingelig word. Vir meer besonderhede oor dié kompetisie kan die kerkkantoor by 021 948 5785 gekontak word. Die kantoorure is Dinsdae en Vrydae van 09:00 tot 12:30 en Donderdae van 09:00 tot 11:30. Neem net kennis dat die kantoor gedurende skoolvakansies ’n halfuur vroeër sluit. HENNIE PIENAAR NG kerk Bellville-Oos
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 11
Starts Wed 17 November....Lowest Prices ever !!! EXCLUSIVE DUVET COVER SETS - SINGLE BED FROM R229.95 - NOW ON SALE EX
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12 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
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Woensdag, 18 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 13
14 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
Bursaries to value of R100 000 available The Cape Town Chapter of the Young President’s Organization (YPO), the worlds’ largest CEO network, is offering a unique open-ended bursary of R100 000 to a young South African to study towards the qualification of their dreams. Some 51% of South Africans between the ages of 18 and 24 can’t afford any form of higher education and yet the country eagerly needs young leaders to stand up and take us forward. YPO wants to play a role in addressing this problem. The Future Leaders Bursary aims to develop a young mind with great potential
by providing them with the opportunity to study a course of their choice, as well as giving them the advantage of being mentored by some of the most successful CEOs in the country. YPO is a global network of leaders and chief executive officers, with over 29 000 members worldwide. Applicants must be Cape Town-based and the full tuition fees of their chosen course must be within the R100 000 total. . In order to apply, prospective candidates are required to fill out a form on The Knowledge Trust website before 30 November 2020.
Eloise Jafta (right) with her daugther Stacey-Lee who underwent surgery at Tygerberg Hospital recently as part of the Smile Foundation’s Smile Week. PHOTO: CLARE LOUISE THOMA
Surgery gives her a smile
UITNODIGING AAN INFORMELE HANDELAARS NA ’N REGSTREEKSE WEBINAR-SEMINAAR Tema: Hoe om sake te doen en te lewe te midde van Covid-19 Die Stad Kaapstad se direktoraat stedelike bestuur (gebieds- ekonomiese ontwikkeling) nooi alle informele handelaars na ’n regstreekse webinar-seminaar.
total of 18 children from across the Western Cape recently underwent life-changing reconstructive surgeries at Tygerberg Hospital as part of Smile Week. Smile Week, an event supported by BigShoe, is an initiative by the Smile Foundation, a non-government organisation that assists children with any type of facial or other conditions, to receive reconstructive surgery within South Africa. One of the children that had undergone surgery is Stacey-Lee Jafta (9). Stacey-Lee was born with Microtia – a birth deformity where the external ear is underdeveloped, and ranges from a smaller ear to a completely absent ear. Microtia affects usually one side only but may be present on both sides. One in every 6 000 babies is born with this anomaly. It involves the outer ear and to a varying degree the ear canal, but in most cases the inner ear is intact. The causes of microtia among most infants are unknown. Microtia can also be part of a syndrome and caused by genetic abnormalities. As it often affects self-esteem because of the visible differences between themselves and other children, surgery is indicated to reconstruct the external ear, the Smile Foundation says.
Deur die Stad se voortgesette pogings om informele handelaars te ondersteun te midde van die Covid-19-pandemie, sal die volgende onderwerpe aangebied word: • • • •
Sakspoedpunte Jump- mobiele platform Covid-19: gesondheids- en veiligheidsprotokolle Pas u besigheid aan om in ’n Covid-19-omgewing te floreer
Datum: Plek:
Maandag 23 November 2020 Banketsaal, 5de Verdieping, Podiumgebou, Burgersentrum, Hertzog-boulevard 12, Kaapstad 8001 Tyd: 09:00 – 13:00 Virtueel: Jy sal die skakel na die aanlyn platform ontvang nadat jy die RSVP ingestuur het Neem asseblief kennis dat daar beperkte plek is en besprekings op ’n eerste-daar-eerstegehel-grondslag bevestig sal word. Om te RSVP, stuur ’n e-pos na informal.trading@capetown.gov.za; voor of op Donderdag 19 November 2020. Vir meer inligting kontak 021 400 3131 (opsie 6).
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When Stacey-Lee was born at Eben Dönges Hospital in Worcester in 2011 her parents were completely shocked to discover she had a small amount of cartilage where her left ear should have been. Eloise Jafta, her mother, says while Stacey-Lee is able to function normally and be herself at home, her biggest obstacle is her schooling because she struggles to hear and is often teased by her peers about her condition. “Hearing is difficult for Stacey-Lee which is why her teachers have to repeat a lot in order for her to understand. She is very shy, only playing for short periods or not wanting to play at all as her peers often tease her about her condition.” Smile Week ran from Monday 9 November to Friday 13 November. “We are incredibly fortunate to be in a position to collaborate with the incredibly dedicated medical staff at Tygerberg Hospital. We are in awe of the constant enthusiasm, compassion and dedication this incredible team of surgeons and nurses show to their patients every single day,” says Hedley Lewis, chief executive at the Smile Foundation. Hedley says it is this unwavering dedication that enables children like Stacey-Lee to undergo life changing surgery.
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Woensdag, 18 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 15
Ballet, opera and baroque take hands C
ape Town Opera (CTO) in collaboration with Cape Town City Ballet and Camerata Tinta Barocca have teamed up to present Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. The show, choreographed by London-based South African choreographer Mthuthuzeli November, is available online for the rest of the month. November was recently recognised at the UK’s most prestigious theatre awards, taking home the Olivier Award for Best Dance Production for his work Ingoma at an online ceremony. Stabat Mater provides an emotional and artistic response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The text reflects on the suffering of Mary at the Crucifixion, and Pergolesi’s compact setting provides the jumping-off-point for our reflection on grief caused by this pandemic, and social and spatial alienation arriving in its wake. Two CTO Young Artist singers are joined by six dancers, accompanied by a baroque orchestra, creating a choreographed staging within the realities of social/physical distancing. Tickets to the show cost R100. The piece can be viewed an unlimited number of times and tickets are available at Computicket.
The chorus in the “Get me to the church in time” scene.
Relive ‘My Fair Lady’ online Theatre production company Cape Town G&S will online stream its popular production of Lerner and Loewe’s hit musical, My Fair Lady from Friday 20 to Sunday 29 November. The production ran for a limited season at the ArtsCape Opera House, accompanied by the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra, in 2016. Hailed for its heart and its wit, My Fair Lady is a musical about transformation,
patronage, gender politics and class. Professor and confirmed bachelor, Henry Higgins, makes a wager with his linguistic colleague, Colonel Pickering, that in six months he can pass off flower seller, Eliza Doolittle, as a duchess at an embassy ball. V Tickets are R85 and can be booked at www.quicket.co.za. Each ticket gives the buyer two opportunities to watch the show. Visit the G&S Cape Town Facebook page for more info.
Pietman sing by Die Boer Cape Town Opera in collaboration with Cape Town City Ballet and Camerata Tinta Barocca performs Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. FOTO: ANELIA LOUBSER
Piekniek by Taalmonument Die ryk Suid-Afrikaanse en Afrika-jazztradisie is die fokus van die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument (ATM) se sonsakpiekniek, Jazz op die berg, op Saterdag 21 November vanaf 18:30. Die Chadleigh Gowar-trio met Anathi Mobo en Jo Kunnuji beloof om die gehoor op ’n musikale reis te neem terwyl die son agter die monument wegsak. Mobo sal legendariese treffers van Miriam Makeba, Brenda Fassie, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Lira, Thandiswa Mazwai, Judith Sephuma en Mafikizolo sing, terwyl die trompetspeler Kunnuji reg aan die musiek van Hugh Masekela sal laat geskied. Die Paarlse pianis en komponis Marco
Mentoor en sy orkes sal ook ’n groot bydrae lewer. Gaste kan hul eie piekniekmandjies bring of een vooraf bestel by die Oppi Berg Mobile Café by 060 382 9938 (R250 per paartjie, R450 per gesin van vier). Die kiosk sal ook oop wees vir eet- en drinkgoed. Onthou jou masker, trek warm aan en bring ’n flits saam. Toegang is R80 per volwassene en R40 vir kinders. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Computicket en, indien daar nog oor is, by die hek op die dag van 17:00. ATM-jaarpermitte is beskikbaar teen R120 per persoon of R220 per gesin. V Skakel 021 872 3441 of besoek www.taalmonument.co.za vir meer inligting.
Pietman Geldenhuys tree op Dinsdag 24 November om 20:30 op by Die Boerteaterrestaurant in Durbanville. Pietman is bekend as mede-aanbieder en storieverteller op kykNET se Oppiestoep, maar hy is ook ’n liedjieskrywer en sanger in eie reg. Sy verskuilde “Skotse persona” het bekoor met sy weergawes van die liedere “Flower of Scotland” en “Loch Lomond”. Hy verras met skreeusnaakse stories – uit volksbesit en eie ervarings, asook improvisasie van bekende SuidAfrikaanse karakters soos Tolla van der Merwe, Nico Nel en Arno van Zyl. Pietman kan op sy voete dink en geniet dit om die gehoor se voorstelle en woorde te gebruik om op die ingewing van die oomblik liedjies voor die gehoor se oë te komponeer en te toonset.
Pietman Geldenhuys
V Kaartjies kos R160 en is beskikbaar by 021 979 1911.
Album bekend gestel: Godfrey Williams, gospelsanger en liedjieskrywer van Eersterivier, het onlangs sy gospel-album wêreldwyd bekend gestel. Besoek www.godfreywilliams.co.za vir meer inligting oor die album.
Jubel met koortjies: Die gewilde Afrikaanse Gospel-televisiereeks Koortjies met Jonathan Rubain het feesgangers behoorlik laat jubel. Die optrede het op Sondag 17 November by Atlantic Studios in Milnerton plaasgevind met Jonathan Rubain, wat al wêreldwyd opgetree het. Hy het in klein kore gesing saam met kunstenaars soos Kirk Whalum, musiekvriende Seuns van Sion, Micheala Andrews en Marco Spaumer (Tim) en Theresa Sedras (Mrs J) van Suidooster. Rubain het ook sy splinternuwe program aangekondig, wat in die Kerstyd op die kassie sal verskyn. FOTO: KAILIN DANIELS
16 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
)021 941 7600
Woensdag, 18 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 17
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IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS Vrywaringskennisgewing bykwaksalweradvertensies TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewaarsku dat hulle die adverteerder se geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. Disclaimeratquackery advertisements TygerBurger and Media 24 have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired effect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practitioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser's credentials. TygerBurger and Media24 do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised.
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18 TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier
AKTES, Boedels, Egskeidings ens. Cap van Tonder 082 929 1136 Egskeidings, Strafhof & Boedels Konsulteer tuis. Buks 083 462 9298
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PSYCHIC MIA For accurate answers to all problems, SMS your name, date of birth and a specific question to38527. "Not for Cell C". R10 per sms We are trying to locate the owner of a 1964 Humber Super Snipe which had been left at Batt’s Panelbeaters a couple of years back. Vehicle was originally green. For more information please contact Batt’s Panelbeaters at 021 981 6159 between 8AM and 5PM Monday-Thursdays.
Aandag. Kontant vir meubels, elektriese ware, yskaste,tvs, breekware,beddegoed,gordyne ens. Als moet in goeie werkende toestand wees. % Gerhard 073 517 1190
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ACE TREEFELLING Felling of trees & palms, pruning, stump removal, general clean-ups, free quotes Selwyn 083 267 6181 021 903 2022
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Woensdag, 18 November 2020
AANDAG: Barend soek dringend 2de Handse Meubels, Beddens, kaste & yskaste om te koop. Betaal kontant en kom haal self. Skakel 082 848 2880 APPLIANCES FURNITURE WANTED % 060 302 5039
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Woensdag, 18 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Kuilsrivier 19
Dario Busi races to Polo Cup win Dario Busi races to Polo Cup win Woensdag, 18 November 2020
KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels
KAILIN green DANIELS to signal the start of
@k10daniels the race, little did matriculant Dario Busi know that he will henas the the champion lights turned walk away of this green to signal the start of year’s Oettinger Polo Cup. thefrom race, little did matricuHailing Blouberg, Busi lant Dario Busikarts knowatthat will started racing the he age of walk away as the champion of this four. Busi says his family has alyear’s Oettinger Polo Cup. ways been involved in motorsport. Hailing from Blouberg, Busi “It was just sort of the route that started racing karts at the age of Ifour. chose to go with. wasn’thas really Busi says his Ifamily alinterested sports that much, just ways beenin involved in motorsport. in “It cars and the whole was just sort of theracing route side that of it. With family being inI chose to gomy with. I wasn’t really volved, it in made it that a lotmuch, easier. interested sports justI raced karts years racing and started in cars andfor the10whole side racing with cars the age of 14. of it. With my at family being in-I just loved sport long asI volved, it this made it afor lotaseasier. Iraced can remember always wantkarts for 10and years and started racing with at always the age been of 14. aI ed to do it. cars It has just loved thisto sport as long as dream of mine do itfor professionalI canheremember and always wantly,” says. edHe to participated do it. It hasinalways been a his first Polo dream of mine to do it professionally,” he says. He participated in his first Polo
Cup last year and started his journey with the universal motorsports team this year. “They gave me a great opportuCup yearin and started nity last to race the team his for jour2020. ney the universal motorThat with is basically why I entered the sports team this year. I felt after 2020 season because “They gave me aofgreat winning ‘rookie the opportuyear’ in nity racea in the good team chance for 2020. 2019, to I had really of That is basically entered finishing in thewhy top Ithree of the the 2020 season because after 2020 championship andI Ifelt didn’t exwinning ‘rookie of the year’ in pect to win it,” he explains. 2019, I had a really good chance of The first round of the championfinishing in the top three of the ship started a few weeks before the 2020 championship and I didn’t exnationwide with the sepect to win lockdown, it,” he explains. ries providing a platform for many The first round of the championof South Africa’s hopefuls ship started a few weeks before and the young talents to display their nationwide lockdown, with the seskills. ries providing a platform for many 2020Africa’s Oettinger Polo Cup of The South hopefuls and reachedtalents the Eastern Cape for the young to display their first time this season after two skills. rounds at Zwartkops andPolo one atCup the The 2020 Oettinger reached Eastern Cape for the Red Starthe Raceway. first time season two Busi saysthis the Polo Cup after has a rich rounds one at and the history at ofZwartkops more thanand 25 years Red Star Raceway. produced many successful drivers Busi says the Polo Cup has a rich history of more than 25 years and produced many successful drivers
TYGERBURGER Bellville 19
give it my all every time I go out because I don’t know whether or not there will be a next time. I always race like it was my last shot give every time Ime go aout and itit my hasall really helped lot. because I don’tout know orit I left nothing therewhether and gave not be a next time. I almythere all,” will he says. ways race like it was lastto shot Busi explains thatmydue the and it haspandemic really helped lot. Covid-19 thereme hasa been I aleft nothingin outbudget. there and it decrease He gave walked my all,”with he says. away a R12 500 grand prize. Busi explains that due to the “It’s not about what you get as a Covid-19 pandemic there has been prize. At the end of the day, you a decrease in budget. He walked walk away with so much credit to away with a R12 500 grand prize. your and create so many “It’s name not about what you get asopa portunities the to come,” prize. At thefor end ofyears the day, you the champion walk away with says. so much credit to While thecreate process of writing Winner of this years 2020 Polo Cup, Dario Busi, won against your nameinand so many ophis matric for final examinations, Buportunities the years to come,” several other hopefuls in this red Volkswagen. si says there are plans in the pipethe champion says. line to race at process a higheroflevel next While in the writing Winner of this years 2020 Polo Cup, Dario Busi, won against year. his matric final examinations, Buseveral other hopefuls in this red Volkswagen. such as himself. the competition,” he adds. talented be si The says there are champion plans in thewill pipeline to race at a higher level next “It was always a goal of mine to He says his motivation behind heading to Stellenbosch Universibe part of the series because it is the wheel is that nothing in life is year. ty next year. “It is a bit hectic now such as himself. competition,” he adds. Theexams, talented will that be the best of the best. At the end of the guaranteed. with butchampion I am confident “Itday, waswe always a because goal of mine to He sayshas hisalways motivation behind to Stellenbosch Universithe do this we love “That driven me to heading something will come up,” he says. be part of the series because it is the wheel is that nothing in life is ty next year. “It is a bit hectic now the best of the best. At the end of guaranteed. with exams, but I am confident that the day, we do this because we love “That has always driven me to something will come up,” he says.
Epic duels mark penultimate round in Killarney’s Power Series Epic duels mark penultimate round in Killarney’s Power Series Round 6 of Power Series racing, presented by Wingfield Motors and Kfm6 94.5 at Killarney Round of Power SeriesInternaracing, tional Raceway on Saturday presented by Wingfield Motors 14 November, the cloand Kfm 94.5 atdelivered Killarney Internasest andRaceway most exciting of tional on racing Saturday the season so far, with a number 14 November, delivered the cloof red-flag incidents as some of the sest and most exciting racing of drivers tried little too hard at the season so afar, with a number this, the penultimate of red-flag incidents asround some of the driversseries. tried a little too hard at year’s this, the penultimate round of the year’s series.
Aftree-oord Durbanville DRINGENDE VERKOPING! Onze Molen - R1.48 mil 2 slpk woonstel met motorhuis. Siekeboeg en alle dienste verskaf Georgia 074 583 0712
The headline Mike’s Place Clubmans Saloons races were both by Brennon Green,Place whoThewon headline Mike’s se Weskaap Saloons Bakwerke Golf is fast Clubmans races were developing reputation for whopunboth won byaBrennon Green, ching aboveBakwerke its weightGolf in aisfield se Weskaap fast dominated by BMW 3 Series “sixdeveloping a reputation for punes”. Heabove was followed home ching its weight in in a Race field 1 by Rafiek by “Fiekie” dominated BMW 3Pather, Series Cody “sixAlberts andfollowed Sulaiman Effendi. es”. He was home in Race 1 by Rafiek “Fiekie” Shane Smith tookPather, Class CCody line Alberts and Sulaiman Effendi. Shane Smith took Class C line
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Aftree-oord Durbanville TE HUUR - R8950 p.m. 3 slpk woonstel, 2 badkamers. Met siekebeog en alle diens verskaf Georgia 074 583 0712
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Race 1 in the Cheaper Cars Gti Challenge by less than half a second 1from Jason Coetzee’s Race in the Cheaper Cars Mint Gti Golf GTi and Charl Visser the Challenge by less than half in a seCharlfrom Electrical 6 afterMint early cond JasonPolo Coetzee’s challenger Swart got all Golf GTi andJurie Charl Visser initthe wrongElectrical on lap four dropped Charl Polo and 6 after early back from Jurie secondSwart to fifth challenger gotbehind it all Mario on Roux. wrong lap four and dropped Eden Thompson Class B in back from second toled fifth behind Mario Roux. with Calvin Wiltshisixth overall, Eden Thompson led Class B in sixth overall, with Calvin Wiltshi-
re in 12th overall at the head of a five-car Class C train, all of whom finished more re in 12th within overalllittle at the headthan of aa second Class after C the diceall ofof the race. five-car train, whom The expected clash in than Sports finished within little more a and GTafter between master tuner Stesecond the dice of the race. ve Humble in theclash Judd in 3.4-litre V8 The expected Sports powered Harp Pilbeam MP91Steand and GT between master tuner visitor Franco Scribante’s ve Humble in the Judd 3.4-litre PorV8 sche 997Harp produced superb racing powered Pilbeam MP91 and visitor Franco Scribante’s and near-record lap times. Porsche 997 produced superb racing and near-record lap times.
Case No: 4059 / 2020 In the matter between:
honours, with Daanyaal Coetzee at the front of Class D and Ryan Large heading Class Coetzee E, just honours, with Daanyaal 1.374sec ahead of Ciara vanRyan Nieat the front of Class D and kerk. Class F competitor Nieyaaz Large heading Class E, just Modack ahead ran as of high as second in 1.374sec Ciara van Niethe early and finished an kerk. Classstages F competitor Nieyaaz astonishing overall, Modack ran as seventh high as second in which would placed him the early stageshave and finished an third in Class seventh B. astonishing overall, which would have a placed him Marco Busi took hard-fought third in Class B. Marco Busi took a hard-fought
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BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE THAT the application for default judgment in the above matter is set down for hearing on TUESDAY, 15 DECEMBER 2020 at 10h00 am or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. KINDLY ENROLL THE MATTER FOR HEARING ACCORDINGLY Dated and signed at BELLVILLE on this the 9th day of NOVEMBER 2020 CMB ATTORNEYS Per: _________________ C Baartman Attorneys for the Applicant Unit 104A, Edward Building, 76 Edward Street, Bo-Oakdale BELLVILLE Mobile: 081 484 6966 Tel: 021 023 0734 E-mail: admin@ cmbattorneys.co.za (Ref: C Baartman)
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Tygerburger and Media 24 have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired e ect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practitioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser's credentials. Tygerburger and Media24 do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised.
Page 20 | Woensdag, 18 November 2020 Sportredaksie Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: sport@tygerburger.co.za www.tygerburger.co.za
Run in blue this Friday
Visser brothers hooked on records
The third Friday 5K Pop Up will take place on Friday 20 November. The colour of the day will be blue. Consisting of four bi-weekly 5km runs that will start and finish at a designated venue, each pop-up run is limited to 70 runners (per city), to adhere to government regulations, with the first 50 entries (per run and city) receiving a limited-edition Run Your City Series (RYCS) t-shirt. On Friday, runners will receive a funky blue t-shirt. Runners who complete all four runs stand a chance to win their share in spectacular sponsor prizes. V Results will sit in a national leaderboard (per run) on www.runyourcityseries.com V Entry is free, but you do need to sign up via the following link: Cape Town: www.entries.thecapetown12.com/events/76308-friday-2011-cpt. VFor further information on the Friday 5K Pop Up Run Series powered by Puma visit www.runyourcityseries.com or email entries@thecapetown12.com, entries@durban10k.com or entries@joburg10k.com
n spite of the challenges of the national lockdown, Durbanville karting brothers Charl Michael and Kyle Visser have enjoyed a record-breaking year. Coming off another successful weekend last week where Charl Michael won the day in Senior Max and Kyle Junior at the Killarney regionals, both brothers lead their classes in the WP championships. Both also proudly hold their class lap records at their Killarney home track. Charl set a new Killarney Senior Max lap record in the opening race of the second Killarney regional race in March. That mark was however twice beaten later in the day. But Charl Michael struck back to further drop the mark to 40.630 seconds in the opening heat of his home Senior Max National at Killarney in October. “It’s been a difficult year for all of us, but I’m happy with my karting year,” Charl admitted. “You can’t win them all and we missed out on the national title this year, but I’m leading the WP regional championship. I’ve had good pace and I broke the Killarney lap record twice through 2020. Special thanks to my dad and the team for the best karts as always – now we look forward to 2021 – that’s going to be great fun!” Kyle set the new Junior mark at 41.467 seconds in his first heat in that March race weekend, and while he never raced in the nationals, the younger Visser also looks to be on his way to the WP Junior Max championship. “My biggest problem is that I am twelve kilos over the Junior Max weight limit, so we decided to skip the nationals and worry about the WP title this year,” Kyle pointed out.“So far, so good and I hope to add another Cape title to my CV soon. But I’m particularly proud of my lap record in spite of that weight penalty. “Next year I will step up to Senior Max and I’m really looking forward to that — es-
Kyle Visser in action.PHOTO: HEINRICH SAUER
The Visser family, from left: Mom Corné Visser, Charl Michael Visser, Kyle Visser and their father Charl Visser Senior.
STIKLAND 021 007 1390
pecially to race with my brother Charl at the sharp end of the grid – I really can’t wait!” The Visser brothers have made a name for themselves in SA karting. Four-time SA champion Charl started in Cadets before stepping up to Maxterino, where he won the 2016 national title. He then added the 2017 WP Mini Max title before romping to the 2018 SA Junior Max championship and then added the 2019 SA Senior Max title too. This year Charl came second in the SA Junior Max championship
and leads the WP title race. 2018 was a particularly proud year for the Vissers when Kyle also took the SA Mini Max title and both brothers represented South Africa at the Rotax Max Grand Finals in Brazil. Kyle also has a winning karting career, starting with the 2015 WP Cadet and then the 2016 u.11 WP Micro Max titles. He did the triple in 2017, taking the SA u.13 Mini Max championship, and both the Western Cape Mini Max and Mini Rok titles.
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