TygerBurger Ravensmead - 24 February 2021

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Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2021 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za




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Vandals hit sport field The vibracrete wall around Bishop Lavis sports field has been removed. PHOTO: TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS



onditions at the Bishop Lavis sports field has deteriorated tremendously as vandalism continues. The vibracrete wall around the field has also been removed. Michael Hoffmeester, an executive member of the Bishop Lavis facilities management committee task team and a sport sector representative for ward 24, said the complex initially had three soccer fields, one rugby field, softball pitch, tennis and basket ball

court, one astra turf for five-a-side soccer, netball court and an athletic track. “Over the years, the sports complex deteriorated to such an extent that nearly all the vibracrete slabs had been stolen, the building blocks of the boundary wall also stolen and the ticket box was totally vandalised. “The open sports complex lends itself to criminal activities. People were killed and their dead bodies dumped inside the facility. The vandalism and break-ins continued at the sport complex. The funniest part is that the perpetrators are all known by the community. We appeal to the community to be

proud of their facilities and to take ownership because the police can’t do it alone.” The City of Cape Town’s Mayco member for community service and health, Zahid Badroodien, said the cost of repairs on the fence is approximately R8 million. “The issues with litter and illegal use of the field results from compromised security and access control, caused by vandalism/ theft of installed perimeter fencing. “Vandalism of the fence is an ongoing challenge and costly to continuously replace. “There are security guards on site and this

has aided in the buildings not being vandalised. The City has been able to make improvements such as tiling and repairs to the kitchen and ablutions at the hall.” According to Badroodien, the City maintains the field as a community resource and not specifically a school sports field. “The fields are being watered and contractors have been appointed for weed spraying, mowing and for maintenance of the cricket pitch. “Some schools make use of this sports field for events, however, each school would be best suited to advise further.”

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