BHTA Bulletin May 2015

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ISSUE 42 - MAY 2015


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Looking forward BHTA is here to support member companies and their businesses, and to ensure consumers and patients in the UK have access to innovative, safe and fairly priced healthcare and assistive technology products and services which meet their needs. One emerging issue facing many of our members who supply to the public sector is credentialing, and the requirement for an increasingly complicated (and not always robust) set of checks before access is given to hospital premises. Some of the schemes in operation appear to be driven more by commercial considerations than patient safety. It’s important that business who work in more than one hospital, or more than one Trust, have a clear set of requirements for identifying their staff and demonstrating they are competent to do the job in question. We’ve already attended a meeting with NHS England and other associations to discuss credentialing and are pushing for a pragmatic solution to this issue, which safeguards patients’ interests and doesn’t tie SMEs up in red tape. As mobility vehicles have become more sophisticated with longer range, they’ve also become heavier, creating a potential conflict between the best vehicle for a particular user and the existing weight limits. BHTA has for some time been engaging with the Department for Transport regarding changing the rules on weight for mobility vehicles, and Ray Hodgkinson met with Transport Minister Norman Baker to discuss this. The Department for Transport has now issued “Mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs on the road – some guidance for users”, which increases the maximum unladen weight for a road-going scooter or powerchair. The guidance also allows for “necessary user equipment” to be carried on mobility vehicles, which will be a great relief to users with clinical needs for equipment such as oxygen tanks or special postural support. Highlighting how important it is to get a proper assessment before buying a mobility vehicle, the guidance says “We recommend always going to an approved supplier who should also assess your needs and help you to choose the right vehicle” and refers users to BHTA for more information about suppliers. All BHTA members are listed at

We’ve been providing guidance to members for some time on barcoding and what the NHS’s requirements are from suppliers. As the Department of Health now has a timetable in place for implementing this, with deadlines before the end of the year, BHTA has created a new working group to advise members on how best to roll this out in their businesses. As well as creating benefits for the NHS including improved patient safety and cost control, healthcare businesses who’ve implemented barcoding have been able to achieve lower inventories and better management information. As an Association, BHTA is always looking for ways to support our members day-to-day, and we’ve recently been able to offer several companies a review of their terms and conditions, making sure these are clear and compliant with the relevant legislation. Access to information and advice is one of the most important benefits of BHTA membership, alongside practical opportunities to save such as discounted stand space at Naidex and Trade Days, as well as discounts through BHTA Advantage. By the time you receive this magazine, you will no doubt have heard the sad news that the BHTA President, Phil Isherwood, passed away after a short illness on 30 March. Phil, who was also Chief Executive of NRS Healthcare Ltd, was a passionate advocate for our industry and the BHTA, and will be sorely missed.

Tracey Lloyd, Director General

Contents Westminster Watch................................... 4

Mobility vehicles........................................... 8

HATS...................................................................... 5

Alf Morris lecture.......................................10

Scottish care................................................... 6

Members News.........................................13

British Healthcare Trades Association, Suite 4.06, New Loom House, Back Church Lane, London E1 1LU. Tel: 020 7702 2141 Fax: 020 7680 4048 Email: Website: Photo credits: Cover photograph: stefanschurr at


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Looking back, looking forward Ray Hodgkinson MBE, Director of Public Affairs, looks back at his time as Director General of BHTA: Running a trade association like the BHTA is challenging and not an eight hour day. Its diversity is a difficult task and in 1999 we had little direction and not much to encourage new members or get the old ones to stay. As is the case with many trade associations, apathy ruled, and only when we have a “dragon to slay” do we react. As the BHTA had so many sectors that could have meant we had dragons in all Sections at the same time – it has been near that on occasion!

professionals and therefore we need to be ethical and mindful of that person who will use your products and services. We touch people in a number of ways. Physically, most certainly, but also with advice - directly to a user or via healthcare professionals, which may be directly, over the telephone or via the internet. To a vulnerable person and their family, it is important that we all recognise that responsibility and not pay lip service to it but ensure we uphold it.

I have always looked at the job as a form of guardianship and in that way tried to ensure that the outside world has confidence in our decisions, respecting the membership’s ethical standing and commitment to act in the public “ I have always looked interest first. That can be a balancing act with all the stresses and strains at the job as a form of of competitiveness among members. guardianship ” Getting a consensus can be difficult and sometimes illusive, but in the Ray Hodgkinson MBE main there has been a large degree of success in doing that.

I do recollect very early on, and even when making the decision to take on the role, thinking “How do you go about moving a culture forward?”. It seemed necessary to move the thinking from an inward, reactive process to an outward, proactive, customer-based one. So, with Sarah Lepak, we set about finding ways to show members and non members that we could work and act in their interests.

My time as Director General was both challenging and satisfying, and I look forward to a slightly easier pace in my new role as Director of Public Affairs.

So I dived in with much enthusiasm and passion. I have always believed in what we stand for, so it was not difficult to display that to all concerned – Ministers included. After all, we as an industry impact on the lives of others and bring solutions and an enhanced quality of life to thousands. Importantly, we have at long last convinced many (especially within government) that we do this economically and in reality save the public purse millions. It had seemed to me for a very long time, a view I came to very early in my career, that we all have a very special responsibility. All manner of companies and individuals support healthcare

Ray Hodgkinson MBE, Director of Public Affairs


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Voting for healthcare Truth, they say, is the first casualty of war, and many people think that truth is also an early casualty in elections. Healthcare issues matter as much as any issue to voters, and it is hardly surprising that there have been so many claims and counter-claims made about them. All the parties want to help make the NHS more efficient and recognise that the NHS needs to buy in goods and services from the private sector. But suggestions that a party may want to “privatise” the NHS are obviously toxic. David Cameron’s first Secretary of State for Health, Andrew Lansley, lost that position as a direct result of his communication failures on this issue. It was claimed that the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 would lead to substantial privatisation of the NHS in England. But as Channel 4’s “Fact Check” factcheck/factcheck-qa-save-nhs/20527 points out, “the widely respected King’s Fund, say that only about 10 per cent of NHS spending goes to non-NHS organisations.” That 10 per cent includes private companies as well as councils, charities and voluntary sector groups. The think-tanks says: “There has been growth in non-NHS provision of care, but there has been no wholesale privatisation of the NHS.” The real question is how to continue funding a Health Service, with ever increasing demands being made upon it. NHS England’s latest five-year plan says there will be “a mismatch between resources and patient needs of nearly £30bn a year by 2020/21. Their CEO Simon Stevens says that £8bn of this must come from taxation. The main UK parties have accordingly pledged between £2bn and £8bn a year by then. The NHS England plan also suggests that £22bn can be found by efficiency savings. Finding them may be the main battleground over the NHS over the next five years. It will be a difficult task to achieve according to the health service watchdog Monitor. It suggests that savings of £10.6bn to £18bn are more realistic. Meanwhile, the Nuffield Trust has said the funding gap could be as high as £54bn. It is clear to me, that future Governments must also set out to tackle real public health problems in order to reduce demands on health


and care services, as opposed to simply struggling to treat the consequences of them. All new MPs should be well briefed on health economics. The market for goods and services from the healthcare and assistive technology sector will grow substantially as a result of demographic change. Spending in the private and public sectors is bound to increase. But the need for efficiency savings mean that it will be far from simple for businesses to profit from the NHS. Concern about the role of the private sector has been at the heart of public debate over the NHS for many years. It has even led Labour to suggest a ‘profit cap’ of 5% for all businesses supplying goods and services to the NHS. Personally, I would not expect this policy to survive for very long. Serious scrutiny of it would expose the impracticality of trying to determine what it would cost a business to supply particular goods and services to the NHS in order to ensure this particular profit margin is not exceeded. Such a policy would also undermine investment in innovation of the kind that the NHS will really need if it is to manage its costs. But it is clear that businesses seeking to supply such goods and services to the NHS will have to work hard to demonstrate both tangible benefits to patient care and real long term value for money to the taxpayer. The integration of health and social care into combined budgets is to be welcomed as being in everyone’s interests, including those of the taxpayer. But the prospects of different negotiations with different bodies to whom control of the health and social care budgets is devolved, may make them more costly and more complicated. It will be important for the next Secretary of State for Health, and for the Treasury, to ensure that that there are proper national standards to avoid damage to patient care and increasing costs resulting from greater complexity. Patients will also benefit if they have greater flexibility in future to choose health and care services that are most appropriate for them from personal budgets, whilst sometimes being able to choose additional services without fear of losing everything that the NHS can do for them.

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Society grows from strength to strength heard a presentation from The Professional Standards Authority The Healthcare and Assistive Technology Society is delighted to (PSA) for Health and Social Care, which oversees statutory welcome its new Advisory Board (as pictured above): bodies that regulate health and social care professionals in the • Julia Scott: The British Association of Occupational UK. The PSA has developed an Accredited Register scheme Therapists ( and • Kay Purnell: Healthcare and Assistive Technology the Society has already applied to hold the Register for the Society Council healthcare and assistive technology sector. • Ian McCreath: The Alzheimer’s Society (represented by Adam Mileusnic) Since its launch in October 2014 at Trade Days, the Healthcare • Alison Somek: Somek and Associates and Assistive Technology Society has grown to over 400 • Baroness Glenys Thornton: Chair and Society Patron members from across the sector. It’s particularly pleasing to • Prof. Duncan Eaton: All Party see companies including Mangar Parliamentary Health Group International and BES Rehab signing • Dr. Sally Gosling: The Chartered up all their customer-facing staff, from “ The Healthcare and Society of Physiotherapists fitters and installers to sales staff and • Ray Hodgkinson: British Healthcare Assistive Technology engineers. Trades Association (BHTA) ” Society will be at Naidex The Society’s Council met in March • Clare Canale: The Posture and 2015 and discussed next steps in Mobility Group (not pictured) growing membership even further; This new group represents a wide range invitations will be going out shortly to BHTA members in of Allied Health Professionals and patient groups, providing the Childrens’ Equipment, Beds and Support Surfaces and a valuable wider perspective for the Society’s activities. The Pressure Care and Specialist Seating Sections. Advisory Board will support the standards, corporate aims and Philip Woodward, Accreditation and Professional Development objectives of the Society, advise the Executive Team and Society Manager, will be giving a presentation in the trade theatre at Council, oversee the Society’s disciplinary process, and promote Naidex, alongside Society Council members, and the Society awareness of the work the Society to the wider industry. will be at stand C61A throughout the show. Please do come Established to offer support and development opportunities and say hello, ask any questions, and sign up! The Society to individuals working in the healthcare and assistive also has a stand booked at Trade Days, which saw the very technology industry, the Society offers patients and healthcare first members sign-ups last year. The first issue of “Assistive professionals the assurance that all members are committed to Technology Practitioner”, the Society’s newsletter, has already a Code of Conduct. been sent to members and the next issue will be out in May. The composition of the Advisory Board was discussed and it was felt that the group would benefit from the addition of an educator, or representative from an educational institution, and an invitation has now been sent out by Baroness Thornton. Communications Manager Adam Mileusnic represented The Alzheimer’s Society at this first meeting, held at Millbank on 25 February, which was extremely positive. The Advisory Board


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Part of the solution for Scottish care Following the success of last year’s Scottish Parliamentary reception, BHTA Scotland held its second event at Holyrood on 10 March 2015. The event, designed to let MSPs know about the central role BHTA members play in patient and client care on the ground in Scottish constituencies, was hosted by Jenny Marra MSP (Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing). The event was also supported by last year’s sponsor, Michael McMahon MSP, Convener of the Cross Party Group on Disability, as well as Jim Hume MSP (Lib Dem Health spokesperson), Rhoda Grant MSP (Labour’s Shadow Minister for Health Improvement), Nanette Milne (Conservative Public Health spokesperson) and Labour Whip Margaret McDougall MSP. BHTA Scotland Chair Lisa Barry welcomed BHTA’s Director General Tracey Lloyd on her first visit to the Scottish group.

“ I assessed the unmet

needs of my caseload and collated an electronic register of every patient in the Western Isles ”

Rosemary MacRitchie

With delayed discharge still a significant problem and the integration of health and social care progressing over the coming year, it was the perfect time to highlight member companies’ contribution to helping people live safe, independent lives in their own homes. Kenneth Munro of W Munro (Rehab) Ltd spoke of his thirty years experience and the growing professionalization of the sector. He also talked about the support for professional standards provided by the new Healthcare & Assistive Technology Society, which already has over 400 members working in hands-on roles in assistive technology, all of whom have signed up to the Society’s Code of Practice. MSPs also heard from Rosemary MacRitchie, Clinical Nurse Specialist Tissue Viability/Continence Adviser in NHS Western Isles, who presented her service changes, evidencing greatly improved health and experience outcomes for people with continence needs. After the two presentations, there was a lively and interactive discussion on a range of topics from procurement to stoma care, including the important partnership between BHTA members and Allied Health Professionals for the benefit of patients. Kenneth Munro, W. Munro (Rehab) Ltd Jim is a 35 year old family man who has a progressive degenerative condition. He is wheelchair bound and relies on his family and carers to support his needs. Working with healthcare professionals, companies like W Munro


(Rehab) Ltd advise, demonstrate and maintain a range of equipment that assists Jim in his daily life and in moving around his home. We have been involved in installing a ceiling track hoist, which assists in lifting Jim and moving him from his height adjustable profiling bed to his specialised posturally-managed seating system. These are just a couple of examples of the Assistive Technology equipment used to help Jim maintain as much independence as possible. This close co-operation with healthcare professionals is an example of the type of team work that is involved in keeping Jim at home with his family in a community setting. Rosemary MacRitchie, Clinical Nurse Specialist Tissue Viability/Continence Adviser in NHS Western Isles NHS Western Isles has now become the first Health Board in Scotland to implement a new patient management system for individuals with ‘actively managed incontinence’, so that patients’ individual issues are managed more proactively, effectively and efficiently. Latest figures show that between three and six million people in the UK are estimated to have some degree of urinary incontinence, and ‘major faecal incontinence’ affects 1.4 per cent of the general population over 40 years old. These issues can be managed with the right support, however, stigma and embarrassment really restrict progress. The service manages an active caseload of people with severe continence needs across a very challenging demographic. The 13 islands of the Western Isles demand particularly innovative

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Product Liability Insurance: Protection for Your Business Product Liability Insurance provides solid protection for your business relating to the manufacturing or sale to the public of products, foods, medicines or other items.

(left to right) Rhoda Grant Labour, Shadow Minister for Sport, Health Improvement & Mental Health; Rosemary MacRitchie Continence nurse specialist, NHS Western Isles ; Greg Quinn, Coloplast ; Jim Hume MSP, Scottish Lib Dem Health spokesperson and Tracey Lloyd Director General of BHTA

approaches to deliver access to patients and enable them to partner in shared care management. This includes care coordination with colleagues in all public sector agencies. The service assessed a new e-management system was required to underpin best-care of existing service users, and for the service to expand to enable access for all hard-to-reach groups. There were a cohort of patients that were not aware they could call on a Continence Health Care Professional. I had already established an effective and transparent contracted relationship with Coloplast Ltd, who manufacture a wide range of intimate health products. I assessed the unmet needs of my caseload and – using a bespoke web-based ProACT Patient Management system - collated an electronic register of every patient in the Western Isles. This gave NHS Western Isles a baseline to develop a new proactive continence service, and included patients who are sheath, catheter and ISC (intermittent self-catheterisation) users, rather than patients who use absorbent products, such as incontinence pads. The register is managed by the continence service, who review and order the products for each individual patient every month, which has created a proactive, timely and much more efficient service. This has resulted in a substantial reduction in prescribing costs, Increased efficiency resulting from fewer unplanned hospital admissions, reduced length of hospital stay, improved patient outcomes and reduced adverse incidents, and proactive accessible care with patients supported to prevent complications and admissions, and enable best quality of life. (A more detailed version of this case study, with outcomes and underpinning data, is available at continenceservice)

Product Liability Insurance protects against the following claims: • Manufacturing or production flaws that cause unreasonably unsafe defects in the product (e.g. traces of dangerous chemicals, which could be toxic to users). • Design defects that make the product unsafe for use by the public. • Failure to provide adequate defect warnings or instructions for using the product. These claims arise when products are not properly labelled or had warnings that were not explanatory enough to reduce consumer risks while using the product. Depending on the outcome of the case, money may be awarded to the party that filed the claim for compensatory loss (including costs, economic damages and fees) or punitive damages (designed to deter the defendant from repeating the action that caused the damage). At times, these cases can put organisations out of business because the awarded damages are so substantial. Why Purchase Product Liability Insurance? Even if you do not physically manufacture a product, you may be at risk for litigation. Consider implementing these techniques into your organisation to limit product liability: • Develop a quality control programme and distribute it to your employees. It should outline procedures for product safety, design, testing and inspection, plus information regarding traceability, guidance regarding customer complaints and a product recall programme. • Place serial or batch numbers on all products to ensure that they are traceable in case of a recall. • Keep records of all information about your products, including testing, product performance, component percentages and complaints. • Ask a solicitor to review warning labels, assembly and operating instructions, disclaimers and any other information distributed to consumers. If you need additional assistance, consult a product safety specialist. • Ask a solicitor to periodically review contracts and indemnity agreements for use with your customers and subcontractors. Assure that these contracts limit the liability you will assume for a quality product and consider obtaining certificates for liability insurance from your subcontractors. Transferring risk is an essential part of protecting your business. Contact Christian Kaye at ICB Group for assistance with all your insurance needs.


020 7702 2141

Mobility vehicles moving on As well as suggesting that wheelchair users contact BHTA for information about suppliers and recommending “always going to an approved supplier who should also assess your needs and help you to choose the right vehicle”, new guidance from the Department for Transport should also help users with complex conditions. The guidance document, “Mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs on the road – some guidance for users”, gives a new maximum unladen weight of 150kg for a Class 3 (roadgoing) mobility vehicle. In addition to this new unladen weight limit, which makes it possible to have a heavier, more robust chair with a larger battery, the Department’s guidance also allows for “necessary user equipment” to be carried on mobility vehicles. This covers any equipment necessary “to meet specific clinical, postural, hygienic, caring or nursing requirements of the user”, which might include specialist seating to support a user’s body position, or a pressure care surface to prevent the formation of pressure ulcers. There is a new upper weight limit of 200kg for vehicles laden with equipment, enabling wheelchair users who need to carry essential items to do so. BHTA has for some time been engaging with the Department for Transport regarding changing the rules on weight for mobility vehicles, and we’re pleased to see that current guidance has moved on. Our free guidance leaflet “Get wise to buying a mobility vehicle” is available free to download from home/get-wise.htm and is a useful guide for members of the public and anyone considering buying a mobility vehicle.

There’s been much discussion recently of whether insurance should be compulsory for mobility vehicles, partly in response to the perception of a high rate of accidents, and Sarah Lepak represented BHTA at a meeting with the Department for Transport in early April. This was a broad discussion of the issues around insurance, registration and licensing of mobility vehicles and their users, with representation from user groups and insurers, as well as industry, police, NHS, researchers and the government.

Sarah Lepak, BHTA Director of Governance and Policy Development

There was broad agreement that any moves towards compulsory insurance would have to be very clearly communicated BHTA guidance leaflet and implemented in stages to make this effective, and that what is appropriate for Class 3 road-going mobility vehicles is unlikely to be appropriate for Class 2 (not legal for use on the road). Users are currently asked to register their vehicles, but there is no requirement to have a registration plate or buy insurance, and it was agreed that registration needs to have a purpose to be meaningful.

“ Get wise to buying a mobility vehicle ”

Launch of the National Wheelchair Leadership Alliance

The Wheelchair Leadership Alliance held its inaugural meeting in January 2015, chaired by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson; Ray Hodgkinson MBE, BHTA’s Director of Public Affairs is one of the 12 Alliance members. This group is focused on building the Right Chair Right Time Right Now campaign, creating a Wheelchair Charter and calling for concerted action by the different stakeholder groups across England to make a difference to the experience of people who use wheelchairs. You can get involved in the work and share your ideas through contacting the Alliance via email at wheelchairs@ or on twitter via @rightwheelchair or@Tanni_ GT using #MyWheelchair.


Compulsory insurance for mobility vehicles?

It was a positive meeting and the Department for Transport seems to be taking a pragmatic approach. There is clearly a spectrum of opinion on these issues, but we feel ultimately progress can be achieved.

020 7702 2141

Independent OTs and BHTA, working together Getting patients the right equipment at the right time to support their independence can have real benefits for society as a whole. And it’s clearly in patients’ interests that health professionals and providers of healthcare and assistive technology should work closely together and have a good understanding. Occupational Therapists (OTs) are often the professionals who work with patients, focusing on supporting independence and helping people make the most of their lives. The College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section Independent Practice (COTSS-IPP) is the home for Occupational Therapists who work in private practice, rather than being employed by the public sector.

the right equipment, and installing it for maximum benefit, making sure the client gets what’s right for them.

COTSS-IPP assures the highest possible standards of clinical as well as business practice amongst their members, in order to safeguard the public and protect the reputation of independent OTs, and provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities for members, to help them constantly improve the quality of the services they provide to their clients.

As BHTA’s Director General said at the most recent COTSS-IPP Conference:

COTSS-IP and BHTA are working together to provide consumer legislation training for independent OTs on Tuesday 19 May 2015. This course will offer essential training on how to comply with new consumer legislation, particularly the new Consumer Act, which came into effect in June last year. The legislation impacts any OT in independent practice, whether they work with members of the public by phone, online, in a client’s own home or from their own premises and this half day course is designed to ensure OTs understand how consumer legislation affects their practice and their clients. Lead by BHTA’s Director of Governance and Policy Development, Sarah Lepak, this interactive session will cover the practical implications for OTs and the changes they make need to make to their working arrangements. The course will cover the following topics, which all independent OTs need to understand in order to comply with the law:

BHTA members have customers who need professional assessment of their needs, from assisting self care at home to helping increase their mobility out of the house. OTs can offer specialist assessment and prescription for the most appropriate type of support, tailored to the individual.

“While the internet can be a fantastic tool for research and comparison, too many people are buying complex equipment without a proper assessment of their needs or the product’s suitability for them. This means they could end up spending money on an unsuitable product that might even make their condition worse.

Lynda Niles, Chair of COTSS-IPP

Our specialist knowledge of those products and services can complement your knowledge of your client – working together, we can achieve the best possible outcome for them.”

• Mandatory information for customers • Optional charges • Types of contract rules governing their content • Cancellation rights • Returns and refunds • Dispute resolution The course takes place at 10:30 – 13:30 on Tuesday 19 May, at BHTA’s Wellingborough office. You can find more details and book your place online at http:// There is a clear synergy between members of COTSSIPP and BHTA. OTs have clients who can benefit from assistive technology products and services, whether that’s remote monitoring to increase their confidence at home, or specialised seating to improve their body position. BHTA member companies can offer advice and support on selecting


020 7702 2141

Sir Harold Evans urges time for new thinking at the first Alf Morris Lecture On Tuesday 10th March, the inaugural Alf Morris Lecture was given by the renowned journalist and historian Sir Harold Evans, and attended by almost three hundred people. One of the key themes of Sir Harold’s talk was design: ‘It’s not the wheelchair that’s the disability – it’s the stairs! The environment should respond.’. He provided a number of examples of inconsistent design such as adapted cars but inaccessible parking meters and went on to ask ‘Why should the world be designed for people who have two legs, two arms and the usual bits and pieces? Why?’. His talk advocated a different way of thinking for technologists, product designers and planners, in which they consider carefully every person who wishes to interact within the environment and community. Sir Harold also urged attention to the demise of the Independent Living Fund and the new role of local authorities; he alerted the audience to the backlog in processing the new PIP allowance and asked whether funding for older and disabled people is yet at the level needed. Sir Harry’s concern with technology was echoed by Lord David Owen and a number of experts, including Professor Heinz Wolff (Emeritus Professor of Bioengineering at Brunel University). Professor Wolff advocates a change in public behaviour to adopt earlier use of technology, saying ‘Too many people leave making these changes until they are absolutely necessary.’ He has coined the term ‘tools for living’ and says that DLF has been a pioneer in publicising assistive technology. Sir Bert Massie (a former chairman of the Disability Rights Commission, director of RADAR and governor of Motability) was keen to stress that first you need to know what is available. ‘I’ve been disabled for over sixty years; most people become so later in life and don’t know about equipment and as a consequence their independence is slowly diminished. The first thing you need to know is what is there, and then what’s best for you and any advice. Life can be so much easier. That’s why the DLF and the new Fund are so important. The service the DLF provides is unique.’ Estelle Morris, Baroness Morris of Yardley is a former MP, niece of Lord Morris, and now sits in the House of Lords. She said ‘I think Alf would be pleased but also surprised to see us all here. It’s on occasions like this that other new ideas are born. Someone will have a conversation tonight that leads to something new.’

Lady Irene and Gill Morris in discussion with Sir Harold Evans at the Dinner

Sir Harold Evans and host Victoria Macdonald in the Q&A after Sir Harry’s lecture

All the interviews and Sir Harold’s speech can be viewed in full online at All income from the Lecture, drinks reception and dinner was donated to the Alf Morris Fund for Independent Living, launched by the Disabled Living Foundation and set up to honour a man who made a difference to the most vulnerable members of society. This Fund will help people find out about the resources available to keep them independent, and to help them make choices. Its purpose echoes Alf’s vision, in his own words, “adding life to years” rather than just years to life. Donations to the Fund are via thealfmorrisfundforindependentliving or call 020 7432 8006.


Sir Bert Massie a guest who was interviewed by DLF at the Alf Morris Lecture

020 7702 2141

Take the first step to becoming an award-winner Entering the British Healthcare Awards is an easy, cost-effective way to raise your profile and demonstrate how proud you are of your work. We’re looking for: • strong new businesses (established in the last three years) • innovative products or services (brought to market in the last three years) • established products or services that continue to deliver great value to customers • great marketing campaigns with demonstrable results • creative solutions to how you sell or deliver products and services • products that have significantly enhanced independent living

simple and you have until 18 September 2015 to get your entry in. Our panel of independent judges, representing industrial, professionals and consumers will review all the submissions and decide on the winners, to be presented at the Awards dinner on 3 December. Take the first step to becoming an award-winning business and submit your entry by 18 September.

We believe most assistive technology business will be able to enter for at least one award and very much encourage you to do so. We received a fantastic number of entries last year and entering is easy - the whole process is now electronic, with no paper copies required. Simply complete the entry form (available shortly at, return it to us with payment details for the £25 fee and we’ll provide a link for you to upload your entry. It’s quick,

Our 2014 award winners – make your business one of the 2015 winners of these national awards.

We’ll also be recognising the BHTA Team of the Year and Individual of the Year, based on the customer satisfaction forms your customers return. All members companies have been sent out an initial batch of customer satisfaction forms and you can download more from - this is a great way to demonstrate you’re getting feedback from your customers through an independent process.

Customer Satis

faction Survey

We’re committe d to operating to our customers the best service really high standards and offer we can. ing

To demonstrate that, we’re membe Healthcare Trades rs of Association (BHTA) the British keep to their Code and we agree to of Practice, which by both BHTA is strictly monitor and by the Trading ed Standards Institute .

Our commitmen • • •

Managing Director Steve Warburton of Disabled Care and Mobility, previous BHTA Team of the Year winner, said:

Winning the award was definitely a very proud moment in my life. After all the hard work that we as

a team have put in over the years it is extremely rewarding to know how much our customers appreciate what we are all about.

• • •

t to you:

we never cold-ca


we never pressur e sell we protect all pre-payments and deposits customers from we encourage you to have an advisor present home visits at any we will give you information you need to know writing in through our membe rship of BHTA, to their free compla you have access ints mediation service if things wrong go

We want to know how we’re doing To help us offer – and so does BHTA. an even better service, we’d appreciate it if you could answer the three really on the other questions side of customers’ answer this page. BHTA will collate our s and let us know our scores They will anonym ise any comme . nts you make. If it’s easier, you can fill this in online http://www.bhta at... .net/consumers /your-opinion.htm l If you’re not happy with any aspect product, please of the service or talk to us on the telephone number above – we’ll do our best to given put it right. If we’re not able to resolve the problem to your satisfaction, you can contact BHTA assist. You can and ask them to contact them at complaints@bh on 020 7702 or 2141.

• •

Since winning the award there is definitely a feel good factor around the place and I certainly feel that it has increased the profile of “Disabled Care & Mobility Start your journey to being an award-winning company at

You can: •

Working to high ethical standards yourself is one thing, but to have your customers let you know that your staff also have the same approach, well, you couldn’t ask for any more really could you!!

answer the questio

ns online at http://w hand the comple onsumers/you ted form overleaf r-opinion.html back to us and we’ll send it to or post the comple BHTA ted form overleaf (please ask us to BHTA for free; for one if you just use the Freepos cannot find it with this form). t address envelop e provide



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Business evolves with new Naidex. Connects. at Naidex 2015 Business will take centre stage at Naidex 2015, the UK’s largest event to support independent living, the ageing population and those affected by, or living with, disabilities. This year’s show offers trade visitors many networking and training opportunities, as well as access to the new Naidex. Connects. facility to pre-book meetings with key partners, customers and suppliers.

Awele Odeh, founder of The Work Stress Buster, will lead the seminar ‘Understanding the needs of your customers’. And Graham Johnson, managing director at Ability Plus, will present his case study on successful retailing.

Naidex. Connects.

NEW Product Forum Stage

Naidex. Connects. is a one-to-one business matchmaking service, which will allow visitors to pre-arrange meetings with visitors and exhibitors at the show.

The NEW Product Forum Stage runs on the 28 and 29 April (day one and two) in the middle of the Naidex show floor and will provide a series of short presentations and demonstrations covering key innovations and new products and services at Naidex. It will also provide hands on advice and top tips on moving and handling and support covering all elements of independent living.

A quick and efficient way to discover new business and contacts, the meeting facility will ensure visitors make the most of their time at the show. Trade delegates will also have the option to search the Naidex database and access a ‘matching’ portal to approach other trade attendees in advance to help them do business at the event. To activate a user profile and start searching for contacts prior to the event, trade visitors must first register for their free ticket and visit The dedicated business area also offers free access to two private meeting rooms, which provide the perfect location for confidential supplier and client meetings - the rooms can be booked in 30-minute slots.

The Trade Stage Business seminars on the Trade Stage will cover a range of business-focussed topics suitable for retailers specialising in the mobility and rehabilitation markets. Mark Finch, head of new business for health and personal care appliances and Chris Sowter, vendor manager for medical appliances at Amazon will discuss how to effectively sell online, in the seminar ‘Selecting products to sell online’.


Foundations Free training will also be on hand at this year’s show from Naidex show partner Foundations. The free training workshops co-hosted by Foundations and AKW on day one at Naidex (28 April), are primarily aimed at technical officers and other professionals involved in the design and project management of adaptations. The Foundations training is open only to people who have pre-registered, to register please email enquiries@ and quote ‘Foundations workshop’. A team from UK Trade and Investment (stand E80) will also be at Naidex for the second year running, to provide visitors with free expert advice and guidance. UKTI offers expertise and contacts for businesses, as well as tailored services to help companies expand and export overseas. Naidex 2015, incorporating Naidex. Connects. takes place at the NEC, Birmingham from 28 to 30 April. Go to www.naidex. to register for your free ticket and for more information on the show’s exhibitors and features.

020 7702 2141

membersnews Harmar (UK) Ltd signs agreement with Dolphin Dolphin Lifts Midlands and Dolphin Lifts Western have both recently signed agreements with Harmar (UK) Ltd to promote the Pinnacle range of straight stairlifts. “We are delighted to be working with Dolphin Lifts Midlands and Dolphin Lifts Western. Whilst there are many straight stairlifts available, we believe the Pinnacle range offers a unique alternative and I am looking forward to working with both organisations in promoting it. I am very happy to be working once again with Lee and Norman Farrington and beginning a new relationship with Tom Wakefield and his team in the South West”, commented Dave Turner, Harmar’s UK Director of Sales and Technical Support.

supplier, the company is in the unique position of being able to offer customers completely independent and impartial advice and quotations. For more information and to find your nearest branch visit

The agreement with Dolphin Midlands is the latest stage in an ongoing relationship, as Lee explained: “We have known Dave for many years and prior to joining Harmar he was our Business Development Manager. When we met with Dave to discuss the possibility of working together again, we knew the Pinnacle range of straight stairlifts would sit perfectly within our product portfolio”. Tom Wakefield believes the Pinnacle range will prove equally popular in the South West: “When Dave demonstrated the Pinnacle straight stairlift, we were very impressed with how compact it was when folded and not in use, with a width of just 25cm ensuring the staircase was not obstructed. Despite being a heavy duty range with a maximum carriage weight of 32 stone and 43 stone respectively, the Pinnacle still offers a very smooth and comfortable ride and I am sure it will enable us to cater for a greater range of customers”. Dolphin Lifts Group prides itself on being independent and represents many of the leading mobility and access equipment manufacturers. As it is not aligned with one individual

Tom Wakefield, Director (Left), Dave Turner (Centre), Steve Wakefield Managing, Director (Right)

Lee Farrington, Director (Left) Dave Turner (centre) Norman Farrington, Director (right)


020 7702 2141

membersnews Limb Solutions ‘jump’ to assist bobsleigher Jon-Allan Limb Solutions has recently provided an original and innovative sports device to a military veteran, Jon-Allan Butterworth. The private prosthetic company came up with this sports device to help Jon-Allan participate in Channel 4’s celebrity winter sports programme, The Jump. Jon-Allan Butterworth, a world champion and Paralympic silver medalist in cycling had signed up to take part, but needed his sports arm remaking with new terminal devices required for the bobsleigh and skeleton events. Limb Solutions was approached and as a result were very happy to sponsor Jon-Allan. Senior Prosthetist, Ian Jones, came up with some novel and pioneering ideas in how to provide these special attachments to go in to the end of the prosthetic arm. This was cutting-edge, as no above elbow amputee had taken previously on the skeleton. Training began in December at Hemel’s Snow Centre and Jon-Allan attended Limb Solutions’ Hampshire clinic for casting and to bounce ideas around. A trip to Bath University was then organised to look at a bobsleigh where measures, profile and casts were taken to make the prototype attachments. On the next visit to Bath, a trial was carried out on a prototype skeleton bob attachment checking angles and designs. The final attachment was ready on Christmas Eve when Ian found out the bobsleighs in Austria were likely to be different from the ones seen in Bath! Ian then decided to make up two different designs to give alternatives for the first trip to Innsbruck. By the time Jon-Allan was ready to fly to Austria, four attachments and the new arm were completed, with “ I have nothing but an aptly chosen Limb Solutions Spideradmiration for Ian at Man themed finish.

Solutions. ”


Jon-Allan Butterworth

In Igls, Austria, it soon became apparent that the competition bobsleighs were very different in design, including a two-handed brake. Fortunately, with a large suitcase of tools and kits, Ian modified the hand brake using a shin tube section, so that Jon-Allan could operate it one-handed. Ian’s mobile prosthetic workshop also came in handy for other competitors, especially Lady Victoria Hervey who was nursing an injury and only had the use of one hand. Ian also carried an emergency socket swap to enable Heather Mills to use her blade leg. To best help Jon-Allan succeed it was decided to use the bottom left device, which with a minor adjustment fitted the push handle perfectly. With a little practice he was now able to push, jump in and lock on to the bob-sleigh with the side mounted carabiner. Assessed as being safe, he made his first run in the two-man bob and all worked absolutely as planned. Ian returned to Innsbruck to further modify the arm and get both his attachments ready for competition. The partnership between prosthetist and participant worked perfectly, enabling Jon–Allan to compete in the Bobsleigh and Skelton. Working together, two world firsts and two unofficial world records were achieved – the first transhumeral amputee to run the skeleton and the two man bobsleigh. Jon-Allan went on to reach the final of the programme and said: “I have nothing but admiration for Ian at Limb Solutions. I literally would not have been able to do the Bobsleigh and Skelton without Ian’s input. I cannot thank him enough”.


020 7702 2141

Guy Smallman, commercial development director at Coventry University Health Design & Technology Institute (HDTI) The team from HDTI is at Naidex to attend a show which is considered to be the leading disability, rehabilitation and homecare event in the UK. This will be the ninth successive year we have taken a stand to promote the different ways we work with inventors, businesses, clinicians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, carers and end users who have an idea for a healthcare product. At HDTI, we help to develop innovative products and services which help the ageing population and people with disabilities and long-term health conditions to maintain and enjoy an independent life. We provide product design and prototyping support to entrepreneurs, inventors and businesses, and develop apps for smartphones and tablets – which are becoming increasingly popular in our fast-changing digital world. We also set up and run usability studies to evaluate new product ideas with end users and healthcare professionals. This last element is really important because friends and family are generally not best placed to offer impartial advice. An independent, academically led usability study with a group of end users with expert knowledge of their condition and the daily challenges they meet can be invaluable in

developing a new product. The results of the research feed back into the design process and minimise the commercial risk associated with new product development. The findings can also be very effectively used to support marketing claims and attract new investment. For SMEs based in the West Midlands region, we also provide five days of free consultancy support through the Assistive Technologies and Community Healthcare Development Project from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which was launched to help take early stage healthcare innovations to market. The deadline to apply for this funding is fast approaching as the scheme comes to an end on 31st December 2015, so at Naidex we will be encouraging anyone who has a new idea for a healthcare product to make the most of this opportunity. Please come and see us on stand C50. If you are unable to visit Naidex, please contact me at GSmallman@cad. or telephone 02476 158002.

Coloplast wins prestigious design award Coloplast female catheter - SpeediCath Compact Eve - has been awarded with the Red Dot Award; a consumer award that focuses on the user experience and aesthetics of products. Since 1954, the Red Dot Award has been a global benchmark for design and innovation focusing on the user experience and aesthetics of a wide range of consumer products. This year, a jury consisting of design experts from all over the world assessed 4,928 entries from 1,994 participants from 56 countries. Coloplast entry of 2015, the female compact catheter SpeediCath Compact Eve, has been measured successfully against innovative design across various industries and awarded a Red Dot Award as one of the globally most outstanding designs in 2015. SpeediCath Compact Eve, which Coloplast launched in 2014 and has since been launched in several countries across Europe, is a discreet female catheter that combines function with an aesthetic design inspired by female lifestyle products such as cosmetics.

Successful integration of design and function “We are very proud and pleased to have won a Red Dot Award. We see it as a general acknowledgement of our Design DNA and specifically of the way we have succeeded in integrating design and function into a catheter that help defeats stigma in women’s everyday life”, says Oliver Johansen, Senior Vice President in Coloplast Global R&D. “For us it is about creating solutions and products that has real value for real people.”, Oliver Johansen goes on. “Design, feel and look are embedded from the very beginning when we develop new products. That allows us to create a clear and recognisable Coloplast experience with each of our products. And the recognition we get from the users of our products and from awards like Red Dot tells us that we are doing something right.”


020 7702 2141

membersnews The international awards keep coming for Karma Mobility Karma Mobility has achieved further international recognition at the recent 2015 IF Design Awards for its Evo Lectus Powerchair which is due to be launched in the UK later this year. Over the last 60 years, the IF Design Awards have become recognised as a global label of design excellence and the 2015 Awards received over 5,000 entrants from 53 countries. The Evo Lectus was assessed for a wide range of criteria including aesthetics, practicability, execution, innovation, usability, ergonomics, brand fit, safety, environmental impact and target group fit. “This latest award is further recognition of the ongoing investment into research and development that is put into every wheelchair and powerchair from Karma Mobility. We are delighted to receive this award and believe it will further strengthen the position of our network of UK retailers when they are talking to potential customers” commented Mark Duffield, General Manager, Karma Mobility. The Evo Lectus has been engineered to meet the specific requirements of the user as every model can be customised for that individual. The center of gravity tilt ensures pressure relief and a high degree of comfort for the user at all times, while the power backrest recline and leg rest adjustment ensure the optimum seating position is achieved throughout the day. The ‘sky-high’ seat lift ranges from 480mm - 880mm and

Left to right, Chief Design Engineer Eric van Olst, Karma CEO Kenny Chen and Karma Europe BV General Manager Rene Ploum

the two 300 W-electric motors combined with the compact chassis, hydraulic and independent suspension guarantee high manoeuvrability, safety and driving comfort. If you are interested in becoming a Karma Mobility retailer or would like more information about the range of wheelchairs and powerchairs available from Karma Mobility, please visit www. or call 0845 630 3436.

Wenman celebrate 30 years in the marketplace Warwickshire based retailer Wenman Healthcare celebrates 30 years in the marketplace in 2015, marking this major milestone with an open Day on Sunday 17 May, from 10am to 4pm, at The Glebe Hotel, Church Street, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8BS. Founded by David Wenman and his wife June as Wenman Mobility, June is still involved in the family business along with her son, Ian (sadly David passed away nearly 20 years ago). Ian changed the company name to Wenman Healthcare and recently David James has joined, and is looking to develop a marketing programme that includes a new website, an e-commerce platform and raising the profile further. June told us a little about the company’s early days: “David went all over the UK setting up the network for Electric Mobility. He also travelled to the various shows too, including Rehacare in Germany and he must have been one of the very first from the UK to go to that.”

“ David spent alot of time in London talking to the authorities”

June Wenman

“It was at one of the shows that he met the manufacturers of the Sportster and became the first company in the UK to import them. The Sportster was an 8 mile an hour vehicle and of course, that wasn’t legal in those days and so David spent a lot of time in London talking to the authorities.” From his dedication to the cause the Class 3 category, as it’s now called, was created to allow 8 mile an hour scooters to be used legally on British roads. The business has been located at Debden Farm in Warwickshire for some years now - there can’t be too many retail businesses in our market that can boast a quarter


David Wenman’s visit to Parliament during the agreement being passed for class 3, with David on the far right.

mile long, tree lined driveway and a showroom with fields of sheep and horses around it. But customers visit the showroom and the vast majority are coming because of word of mouth recommendation that has been supporting the company for many years. There are plenty of newcomers joining our marketplace, but it’s good to see long-established companies, with a story to tell, still around and changing with the times. You would imagine that David would be delighted to see the business still providing the sort of service to its loyal customers that he did all those years ago. Call 01926 624432 or visit the website at www.

020 7702 2141

Parkinson’s UK mobile phone holder

Enables you to attach a mobile phone to your clothes, bag or belt to preven t it from falling and breaking. Fits all mobile phones 5.5cm. Cord ext ends to 40cm. PA

UK724 £6.95

Parkinson’s UK launches new catalogue for Daily Living Aids

Parkinson’s UK Radar

PAUK572 £7.25

One of the top five best-selling products is the “I have Parkinson’s, please give me time” badge. Purchased by nearly 2,000 people, this simple but powerful aid enables people with the condition to have time and space to overcome physical difficulties when out in public, for example, in a shopping queue or getting on a bus. Ian Clarkson, a member living with the condition from Lincoln, told Parkinson’s UK that the badge “transformed his life”. He wore the badge every day of his cruise holiday, and said the impact was fantastic.

Although Parkinson’s UK have developed their range of products specifically for people with Parkinson’s, in the future the charity would love to see these benefit people with other disabilities and be available through independent retail stores and mobility shops. 100% of all profits from the sale of merchandise through the catalogue and online shop go straight to the vital work of Parkinson’s UK. If you would be interested in working with Parkinson’s UK, please contact Sue Mills on 0207 963 3909, 07964850319 or

best seller

Parkinson’s UK luggage

PAUK930 £9


Made in the UK

UK723 £1

Parkinson’s UK wristba

nd Parkinson’s UK With: ‘‘I HAVE PARKINSON’S key fob . PLEASE GIVE Key ring with: ME TIME’’ tex ‘‘I HAVE PARKIN t. Plus PLEAS website and fre SON’S. E GIVE ME TIM ephone number E’’ wording. . 10cm dia. PAUK932

PAUK581 £1

strap High quality wo ven strap. Designed to ma ke travelling eas ier. 200cm x 4cm

Another popular item in the range is an extending walking stick, branded especially for Parkinson’s UK, with the charity logo and “I have Parkinson’s, please give me time”. The catalogue also includes details of commercial partnerships with companies such as Stannah, MedicAlert and Complete Community Care Opticians. The development of these partnerships, which provide financial benefit to both customers and the charity, will be a focus for Parkinson’s UK in 2015.

Made in the UK

key With large hea d. Provides acc ess to over 7,000 accessible toilets around the UK .

Parkinson’s UK launched its second annual Everyday Living catalogue in January, featuring the charity’s range of over 130 Daily Living Aids.

Parkinson’s UK phone

wallet Parki Sticks on the bac nson’s UK k of a mobile travel card ho phone creating lder a pouch for tra vel card, bank cards Cya n car d hol etc phone when rem . Does not mark Parkinson der with: ‘I have ’s. Please give oved. 8.5 x 5.5 me time’ cm. wording. PAUK754 10cm (folded 7cm). £5.75 PA



Parkinson’s UK luggage

tag Personal details hel for added securit d inside the tag y. Designed to make travelling easier.

PAUK931 £7.50


Easy-grip key turner

Holds 3 keys, wh ich fold back wh not in use. Com en fortable built-u p handle to grip with ease. 12.5 x 3cm. Ideal for people who find gripping difficul t.

PAUK570 £5.99

everyday living 2015 14

To see the full

range of our Dai ly

Living Aids pro duc

ts go to parkin p To order please

Parkinson’s Awareness Week runs from April 20-26. To find out how to support the campaign for a more Parkinson’s friendly society visit awarenessweek2015

Your catalogue for Daily Living Aids and Parkinson’s UK essentials 1

OwnFone – Telecare for outdoors As mobile phones become increasingly complex, one company is bucking the trend and focusing on taking mobile communications back to basics for use in Telecare environments.

healthcare and independent living sector for a simple peace of mind mobile phone. Users choose between 2 12 contacts to register onto the phone and choose either words, images or even braille for the call buttons.

Originally created as an affordable phone to be used for specific occasions and events, such as festivals or travelling, it has quickly become apparent that there is also a significant need in the

Sarah Watts, Sales Director of OwnFone, said: “Programmed numbers are held in our cloud rather than the phone, so you can’t delete a number or call someone by mistake. The only numbers you can dial are the ones that are programmed so there is very little theft value. To change phone numbers all you need to do is call the OwnFone Customer Service team and they will change them instantly. Phones can be programmed to call Telecare help desks or carers for a Telecare package that can be used outside the home. “The customers we are dealing with are mainly 65-80 plus and we don’t want to confuse their lives anymore than need be. We try to make it easy for them to use our phones and be part of the OwnFone network.” The London based company works with some of the UK largest charities, such as Age UK and Stroke Association. “It is about taking it back to the basics of being able to contact the people you need to be in contact with at all times.”



020 7702 2141

Section Chairs 2015 The BHTA is the largest trade body in the healthcare field in Britain representing nearly 500 companies, small, medium and large, organised in one or more of 14 sections covering most sectors of the industry. This unique sectional structure provides a platform for all companies to have an effective voice within BHTA and, through the Association, to influence the development of healthcare policies in the UK. The sections and the Section Chairs are: *Welcome to our newly appointed Chairs AAC David Morgan Meandi Business Services Ltd Tel: 07860 438372

FAME Robert Froomberg Safety First Aid Group 0208 4573777

Orthotics Colin Hurley Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 07921 917100

Beds and Support Surfaces Leyton Stevens Invacare Ltd Tel: 01656 776200

Hearing Care Clare Kewney Age UK Hearing Aids Tel: 0800 524 4708

Pressure Care, Seating and Positioning Debbie Williams Invacare Tel: 01656 776200

Childrens’ Equipment* Holly Jenkins Jenx Limited Tel: 0114 285 3376 Dispensing Appliance Contractors Chairman: Kevin Hodges Surecalm Healthcare Tel: 07711 627419

Lord Rennard Director of Communications


Independent Living Products & Services Andrew Stevenson Nottingham Rehab Supplies Tel: 0845 121 8111 Mobility Group Current vacancy

Chairman Mike Lord tel 020 7702 2141

Prosthetics* Mark Davies RSL Steeper Tel: 0113 2704841

Stoma and Continence Products Phillip Salt Salt’s Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000 Telehealthcare Current vacancy

Stairlifts and Access* Lee Farrington Dolphin Stairlifts Ltd (Midlands) 0121 525 8925

who’s who

Tracy Lloyd Director General

Ray Hodgkinson MBE Director of Public Affairs

Sarah Lepak Director of Governance & Policy Development

Sally Edginton Research & Committee Support Officer

Nadim Anwar Operations Manager

Kate Webster Marketing and Communications Manager

Nigel Woods Training and Events Co-ordinator

Greg Askew Sales and Relationship Manager

Karim Uddin Membership Co-ordinator

Donna Eade Shopmobility Co-ordinator

Philip Woodward Accreditation and Professional Development Manager

Susan Burberry Accounts Administrator

020 7702 2141

New members

2 4

A warm welcome to all these new member companies:

1 10

9 3


6 5 7 12

BEDS AND SUPPORT SURFACES 1. RESTACARE Bury, Lancashire t 0800 975 5874 e w electricbedworx?storeca chemiss=electricbed worx&t=km 2. SOTEC Pontefract t 01924 865567 e w /

ILPS SECTION 3. YOUR HOME SAFE t 07534 222608 e w


MOBILITY GROUP 6. ADAPTATION STATION Uxbridge, London t 01895 520361 e w 7. ADDITIONAL AIDS MOBILITY Twickenham t 020 8755 0022 e w

4. MY SOS FAMILY Birkenhead, Merseyside t 0330 111 5756/0208 610 1600 e w

8. CHRIS CHEVERST MOBILITY LTD Exmouth, Dexon t 01395 200882 e w

5. OWNFONE Islington, London t 0845 459 4499 e w

9. EASY LIVING MOBILITY Walsall, West Midlands t 01922 633065 e w

10. AIROSPRING MEDICAL Nottingham t 0115 932 2403 e w STAIRLIFTS AND ACCESS 11. RAISE LIFTS SERVICES Melksham, Wiltshire t 01225 344347 e w

TRADE AFFILIATE 12. NORWOOD Stanmore, London Norwood supports children and families facing individual challenges, children with special educational needs, and adults with learning disabilities and autism. t 01922 633065 e w


18th & 19th October 2015 / NEC Birmingham

Ellen, Blue Badge Company

Kim, Sidhil

Rebecca, Capatex

Angus, Happy Legs

Trade Days was a resounding success for Drive Medical; with entry restricted to Trade customers, it was conducive to good, constructive business discussions - we were delighted to rebook for 2015. Richard McGleenan, Managing Director, Drive Medical

Sarah, Helping Hand

As far as we are concerned you “nailed it”, we had an excellent show! We saw exactly the audience we wanted to see. We had enough time with them and they didn’t feel pressured and overcrowded on the stand. Mark Diaj, Managing Director, Able2

David, Gordon Ellis

Mark, Able2

Elaine, Electric Mobility

Join us again at the UK’s sole TRADE ONLY business to business event for the mobility, living aids and assistive technology industry. Meet over 130 suppliers Take advantage of the special trade deals and save £££

Supported by:

Meeting spaces available for networking and in-depth discussions Choose from a packed programme of free business, sales and marketing seminars

Register for your FREE place now at:

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