FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY Activity Account Numbers
All expenditures (i.e. requisitions, purchase orders, personnel action forms, travel authorizations) submitted to the Title III Office for payment must show the designated activity number and be signed by the budget officer. These requests are checked for programmatic and financial accuracy. The financial check includes a review for availability of funds. If all is accurate, the request is initialed by the Title III Director and submitted for further university required processing.
Activity Expenses Requests for payment of activity expenses can be processed by the Title III Director when all required documentation and signatures are submitted; however, expenditures were approved by the U. S. Department of Education and cannot be changed without the approval of that agency. Items not specifically identified, such as additional equipment, personnel, or travel (no matter how much money is left over as a result of cost savings) cannot be approved by the Title III Director. Activity budgets were carefully prepared to support the narrative of the activity, and no changes or substitutions can be made without prior approval of the Title III Director, and in some cases the U. S. Department of Education (DOE). Approval from the DOE is a lengthy process and is discouraged. Requests for expenditure of funds for approved items are processed within 72 hours after being received in the Title III Office. When a request is received in the Title III Office, it is
Fiscal Accountability
Whenever possible, regular university business procedures are used to document accountability for Title III regulations. Separate account numbers have been assigned by the Controller’s Office to identify the Title III grant activities. These numbers always begin with 205 and are followed by ten other digits and a five-digit object code. New account numbers are assigned yearly for each activity.