TRAVEL PROCEDURES Only travel that is approved in the original budget narrative can be authorized. Any requests for changes in the approved budgets must be submitted by the Title III Director to the U. S. Department of Education for authorization to make the change(s).
Necessary and reasonable expenses for lodging, meals, transportation and related costs will be allowed and paid in accordance with existing university practices. However, under no circumstances will expenses in excess of the amount in the approved budget be paid. There are State limits in the allowable amounts for certain states and cities. Please check with the Controller’s Office for the allowable limits. Registration fees are allowable if these have been included in your original budget narrative. Air travel will be by coach class or the lowest fare available. When a personal car is used, reimbursement for actual mileage will be at the approved rate. Please check with the Controller’s Office for the current rate. Mileage reimbursement should not exceed comparable coach airfare to the destination. Receipts are required in accordance with university practice.
Travel Procedures
The Title III grant regulations require specific documentation of all travel funded by the grant. A requisition, travel authorization, and supporting materials (i.e. registration form, conference leaflet) must be submitted before travel commences. After travel is completed, a Travel Reimbursement Form (TR-1) and Trip Report Form must be submitted to the Title III Office before reimbursement can be made to the traveler (the Trip Report Form must be attached to the TR-1). You must specifically state your plan of action as a result of your travel experience. You may include your recommendations, but we are more interested in knowing how your travel experience will enhance job performance and/or student outcomes.