The Public Library for Union County Newsletter Spring 2016

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Library Connection Vol. IX, Issue 1 • Spring 2016 • A newsletter for friends of the library

It’s Never Too Early to Start Reading Families are invited to join the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program. This nationwide challenge encourages parents and caregivers to regularly read aloud to their children. By reading just one book a night, families can reach the 1,000-book goal in three years and provide their children essential early literacy skills. Research shows that the most reliable predictor of school success is being read to during early childhood. Most importantly, sharing books with children promotes a lifelong love of books and reading. There are two ways to record your books. Download the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten free app or stop in the library for paper log forms. The library is here to help you and your child reach the 1000 book goal!

Melanie Weber Shares Her Story Before Retirement I spent a large portion of second grade at home recovering from a serious illness. My father would often come home for lunch bringing books to help pass the long afternoon. One day he brought me a jigsaw puzzle – horrors! My understanding mother quickly signed me up for the Nancy Drew Book Club and from then on I was rarely without a book in my hand. When I started my first library job at The Himmelreich Memorial Library in 1984, my mother’s comment, “how perfect for you”, proved to be true. My current position, since 1994, as Head of Adult Services has proven to be perfect for me as well. Why perfect? Well, I like to be organized and libraries are all about retrieval of an item or information that has been systematically classified. The conversion from a manual system to an automated system was my favorite library project because it involved learning the building blocks of the software operations that make simple transactions such as checking out a book possible. I like making improvements and the conversion took customer service Melanie Weber to a new level with patrons able to renew online and place holds online any time day or night. And I like working on a team. The conversion project was a success because of the many helping hands of staff and volunteers alike. I like getting presents and opening a delivery of new books is birthday and Christmas morning combined. I like learning new things, maybe not Excel spreadsheets, but certainly all the new e-resources available to our patrons like Overdrive, Hoopla or my new favorite, Flipster, our collection of digital magazines. Definitely not Excel spreadsheets. But what I like most of all and what I will miss most of all is the daily interaction with people who are passionate about books, about movies, about music, about current events, about history; in short, about almost any topic you can think of. Our county is fortunate to have not one but three wonderful libraries and I count myself very lucky to have been part of the Union County Library System.

A note from the president...

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

Back in Cicero’s day, libraries consisted of parchment scrolls arranged on diamond-shaped shelves, and there was likely only a single copy of each item in existence. Over the past two thousand years, we’ve moved beyond scrolls to a multitude of possible formats, each of which has its proponents. I personally do most of my reading on a Kindle, but I know many people still prefer a physical book. Others really enjoy audiobooks, either on CD or downloaded to a mobile device. Cicero’s library was likely a quiet place, reserved for scholars. Today’s library functions as a community center, with classes, workshops, storytimes, game sessions and more.

Our primary focus is always to deliver library services to you in the way that you want to receive them. To that end, we held several focus groups in the last few months, and the board is considering that feedback. We’re also conducting a community-wide survey (a copy of which is included in this newsletter) hoping to hear from those that were unable to participate in the focus groups. Your input is valuable, so I hope you’ll take the time to fill out a survey. Cicero’s library was a perfect fit for the ancient Romans; let’s make our library a perfect fit for Union County!

Mary Csernica President, Board of Trustees Mary Csernica is the Teaching and Learning Center Assistant at Bucknell University. She is currently in her eighth year of service as a member of the Board of Trustees.

While the look and sound of a library has certainly changed over the past 2000 years, its purpose remains the same – to inform, educate and entertain. How that purpose is fulfilled is entirely dependent on the needs of the community. Over the last several months, we’ve lowered the shelving throughout the library to enhance accessibility and browsing and realigned the floor space. We’ve received many positive comments about the changes, particularly those in the children’s area.

Access your favorite digital magazines using Flipster™ Grab your library card and get started by clicking on the Flipster icon on

Board of Trustees

Mary Csernica, President Michael Levan, Vice President Jonathan Adams, Secretary Roger Hoffman, Treasurer Amanda Gaynor Sabra Karr Randy Maslow-Grindlinger Jacquelyn Paul

The Public Library for Union County Board of Trustees hold monthly meetings at the library on the second Monday of the month starting at 6:30 pm. Meetings are open to the public.

Library Connection • The Public Library for Union County

The Public Librar y for

Union County

255 Reitz Blvd • Lewisb urg, PA (570) 523-1172 www.UnionCountyLibrar Librar y Hours Monday: 9:30 a.m. to 8:3 0 p.m. Tuesday: 9:30 a.m. to 8:3 0 p.m. Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday: 9:30 a.m. to 8:3 0 p.m. Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m . Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday: Closed

Community Partner


Lady Liberty and travel accessories set the stage for the 27th Annual Auction, Life’s a Trip on Saturday, March 19th. For the third year in a row, the event was underwritten by Creative Plantscapes. Live auction sponsor support was received from Heritage Springs Memory Care, Inc., Koss Financial Group, PPL Corporation, and Stephen Lindenmuth and Nancy Rizzo. The booklet sponsor was Meixell-Diehl Insurance and the wine balloon sponsors were Chris Mallula, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices - Hodrick Realty and Weis Markets.

Thanks to all of the bidding the library raised over $85,000! All proceeds from the event are used to augment the collection of books, materials and services available for the community. The library and Auction Committee thank all who donated, attended and volunteered to make this night a huge success!

Mark Your Day Dedicate One Day with a $100 Donation Visit MarkYourDay

Laurel F. Adams marked her day on March 11th!

Two New Faces at the Library

The Public Library for Union County is pleased to welcome Tara D. McKinney as Children’s Outreach Coordinator and Healther Beaver as Circulation Assistant. Tara makes deliveries of age Tara D. McKinney Heather Beaver appropriate materials to preschools, childcare centers, home daycares, and after school programs. She also presents story times and programs that focus on building early literacy skills. Heather is available to assist patrons with a variety of reader services such as check-in, check-out, renewals, holds, signing up for a library card and much more.

Calling All Book Clubs! BOOK CLUBS

The library would like to feature information about book clubs in Union County. To share your book club information email

Library Connection • The Public Library for Union County


27th Annual Auction

Sally Kobus

Book Sale Chair Extraordinaire After more than 11 years as chair of the Book Sale Committee, Sally Kobus is retiring from her volunteer duties. Sally began to volunteer for the library book sale when her husband Michael became a trustee and when it was held in the fall in the library parking lot. Sally worked to move the book sale to the Faith Lutheran Church and marketed the sale by placing a banner on the high school fence and flags on the lawn of the church. As the book sale grew, Sally established a relationship with the Lewisburg Prison to secure inmate assistance to move the book inventory to the church. More volunteers were recruited to sort donations weekly and she oversaw the addition of online sales. Fast forward to today and the annual book sale in July offers 40,000 sorted books, audiobooks, CDs and DVDs. Sally’s tenacity paid off and book sale revenue has doubled. Sally has shared her experience and knowledge with area libraries to help their book sales grow. Thank you, Sally!

July 2016 Book Sale Dates Wednesday, July 13 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Thursday, July 14 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Friday, July 15 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday, July 16 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


Catalogue of Enhancements

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The programs, tools, and materials described below will augment and improve the resources and services enjoyed by thousands of people who use the library. A full list of enhancements can be found at

On Your Mark, Get Set...Read

Readers of all ages are invited to On Your Mark, Get Set…Read a good book this summer during the 2016 summer reading program. This year’s Summer ReadPA One Book, Every Young Child $75 ing kick-off will be held at the Mifflinburg Community Provide 30 packets for this preschool learning program that Park on Saturday, June 11 from 10:00 am to noon. promotes early literacy by providing a children’s book and This year’s theme is about all things sports. Weekly activities to engage families. programs focusing on the theme are planned. The overall goal of the reading program is to encourage Market Library Services $200 children of all ages and abilities to continue reading Add 4 Amazon Fire tablets for use to promote library pro- and learning throughout the summer. grams and services at community events.

Playaway® Launchpad


Offer children a tablet with pre-loaded learning apps to use in the library.



Adult Programs


Help meet the growing demand for reading materials in eBook format by adding 10 new titles.

Add 3 new programs that enhance opportunities for lifelong learning and participation in cultural and civic activities.

Summer Reading Kick-Off Save the Date

Saturday, June 11 • 10:00 am - Noon Mifflinburg Community Park

Thank you to our Summer Reading Program Underwriter!

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