F214 RISE OF THE MODERN WORLD * OLLI program: OLLI Online Course location: UD OLLI Online (virtual) Tuesday 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Dates of class: 2/8/2022 - 4/26/2022 Instructors: Charles Johnson, Ann Kneavel Number of class sessions: 11 • Price for course: $50 Course format: Lecture Technological requirements for optimal viewing: Any screen with audio and video Beginning with a survey of the political, social, economic and artistic foundations of modern western civilization from the Renaissance onward, the historical forces and events that shaped the world in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries are then reviewed and prospects for the future are suggested.
HISTORY G242 1889-1914: PRELUDE TO THE FIRST WORLD WAR OLLI program: Wilmington Course location: Arsht Hall, Wilmington Tuesday 2:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Dates of class: 2/8/2022 - 5/10/2022 Instructor: Susan Shoemaker Number of class sessions: 13 • Price for course: $70 Course format: Lecture Beginning with the accession of Kaiser Wilhelm II to the German imperial throne, we will trace the international and domestic developments that preceded—and some believe, caused—the Great War in 1914. The HMS Dreadnought, the Spanish-American War, the Boer War, the Russo-Japanese War, the first and second Balkan Wars, imperialism, nationalism, the Ottoman Empire and Asian nations will be among the many topics we will cover.
G250 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION OLLI program: Kent/Sussex Course location: Wyoming Church, Dover
The American Revolution was one of the most important events in the history of the modern world. It not only gave birth to the United States of America, it helped bring about dramatic changes around the world. This class will look back at that remarkable and complex era and focus on the long war that ended in independence for the thirteen British colonies.
G243 AMERICA: 1970s AND 1980s * OLLI program: Wilmington Course location: Arsht Hall, Wilmington Wednesday 9 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Dates of class: 2/9/2022 - 5/11/2022 Instructor: John Bullock Number of class sessions: 13 • Price for course: $70 Course format: Lecture In this class we will discuss political, cultural and economic trends of the 1970s and 1980s when inflation and affirmative action drove politics to the right. We will discuss unusual aspects of inflation in the 1970s; the policies of Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter; how inflation and affirmative action divided Democratic politics; how the Carter administration’s policies aggravated divisions; and how Reagan and conservative politics benefited.
G243-06 AMERICA: 1970s AND 1980s * OLLI program: Wilmington Course location: UD OLLI Online (virtual) Wednesday 9 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Dates of class: 2/9/2022 - 5/11/2022 Instructor: John Bullock Number of class sessions: 13 • Price for course: $70 Course format: Lecture Technical requirements: Any screen This section is offered online. Same as G243 except location. This hybrid-format course meets as two distinct but concurrent sections, one in-person, one online. Due to space constraints, students enrolled in the online section do not hold a seat in the in-person class. Register for the appropriate section. Technical requirements are listed for online participation.
Thursday 10:45 a.m. - noon Dates of class: 2/10/2022 - 4/28/2022 • Class limit: 40 Instructor: Daniel Pritchett Number of class sessions: 11 • Price for course: $50 Course format: Discussion, Lecture, Video Based 34 UD OLLI, Spring 2022 | Wilmington | Kent/Sussex | Online