Thank you OLLI instructors! Volunteer instructors are at the heart of the OLLI program As an academic membership cooperative, OLLI’s volunteer instructors develop and teach the classes that are at the heart of our lifelong learning program. Their efforts and participation are key to the vitality and success of this academic cooperative. All OLLI instructors are listed in this section, with a code indicating which OLLI location or format in which they teach their courses— UD OLLI Online, OLLI Kent/Sussex or OLLI Wilmington.
ACKERMAN, ROBERT—Graduate of the New York University School of Film and Television. Worked as a producer and director of educational videos and documentaries for corporate clients. Die-hard movie buff with a lifelong love of classic films. (CA234-KS) ACKERMAN, KATHLEEN—Lover of classic cinema and the short story genre. Spent many years designing adult education programs on a variety of topics for corporate/industrial clientele. (CA234-KS) ACQUAVIVA, GLORIA—A.A., banking, economics major, University of Delaware. Retired from Citicorp, corporate cash management. Native of Wilmington. Avid reader, Francophile, dog lover, comfort food cook. Member, board of directors of Brandywine Friends of Old Time Music. (CA242-W) AINBINDER, HARRIET—Ph.D., University of Chicago. Retired child psychologist. Has been in a performing folk dance group and taught teenagers Israeli folk dance. (CP218-W)
ALVAREZ, DEBORAH—Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, composition studies, specialty in adolescent writing literacy. Retired from University of Delaware Department of English. Now looking to expand my literary interests, traveling and walking long distances to prepare for walking the 500-mile Camino pilgrimage trail to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (H216-W) ALVES, ANN—Delaware native with interests in traveling, gardening, needlework and cooking. (D205-OO) ASHERA-DAVIS, DALE—Dual B.A.s in psychology and women’s studies, University of Rhode Island. Retired from nursing and pharmaceutical research. Currently Sussex County coordinator for Literacy Delaware. Hobbies include art quilting/fiber art. My passion has always been other languages and I love helping others learn English. (U203-OO) BAREFORD, BARBARA—B.S., State University of New York at Cortland. Yoga student for more than 10 years. Taught yoga for OLLI summer session and at the Unitarian Church. (D205-OO)
BAREHAM, MICHAEL—B.S., Towson (State) University. Full-time director for music and worship at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Newark, where he directs and accompanies a program of choral, handbell, and instrumental music and oversees a concert series. Serves on the board of the Delaware chapter of the American Guild of Organists and enjoys musical theater both on and off the boards.Hobbies include model railroading, cake decorating, and travel. (CP235-W) BARTH, HOWARD G.—B.A. and Ph.D. in chemistry from Northeastern University. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Hahnemann Hospital, held research positions at Hercules Research Center and DuPont corporate research and development. Although retired from DuPont, continues to publish peer-reviewed scientific papers. (R204-OO) BECKMAN, PAUL—Lieutenant, Junior Grade, U.S. Navy; B.S., general science, New York University. Worked in the Navy nuclear power program, at the Clinton nuclear plant near Chicago and at PSEG Hope Creek nuclear plant in New Jersey. Retired for three years. Started bird watching about seven years ago, learning all the time, which is one of the many fun things about birding. (P201-W) BEEBE, DIANA—Lifelong educator. She has been stitching and sewing since she was a child. Loves repurposing clothes from the thrift shop or taking bits and pieces of old and new fabric and making them into something fun to wear. Along with Karen McKinnon, she has been leading the Osher Craft Circle for several years. (B227-KS, X211-KS) 79
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