"Tower of Light" is a poetic fairytale celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Burj Khalifa. Written by Ana S. Gad, an author and advocate for cultural diversity, and featuring a foreword by Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, a renowned Egyptian writer, translator, editor, and journalist, this work weaves an enchanting tale of a tower that blossomed from a desert flower to touch the skies. Through lyrical verses and captivating imagery, the book pays homage to the spirit of ambition, heritage, and innovation that shaped this global icon.
Cover by Ana S. Gad based on the artistic concept by the Emirati artist Faeze Mohammed
Published by the Association Alia Mundi
Ana S. Gad is an internationally acclaimed author, editor, and digital artist passionate about promoting cultural diversity. With over 30 published works spanning various genres, she is a celebrated voice in contemporary literature. Based in Dubai, Ana draws inspiration from the city's vibrant cultural tapestry, blending heritage and modernity in her creative end