1 minute read

WOMAN SCREAM: Mother of the earth

Rini Valentina (Indonezija / Indonesia)



U njenom oku koračaju brda

Gore boje

Smeju se vetrovi

Kada je tužna nebo plače

Ptice ućute

Trava ne raste

U njenom oku čamac plovi

Pevaju ribe i sanja novembar

Kada je srećna zovu je sloboda

Nikad ti neću reći zašto

Old Woman

Feeling tired, passing the time of the day, sigh of anxiety when a bunch of traditional food still invites the heart to count them, the number was still the same as the moment when her old feet have stepped on the wet streets, cause last night’s the dew even still leaves residue. However not for the rich, cold for those in the palace, reluctant to open their eyes, even a velvet blanket, covering their bodies tightly, snoring again, that was different from the old woman, whom her eyes were obscured by cataracts, staring fixedly at the point of sky, hoping that there will be no left of her merchandise, so that her stomach will feel the warm rice comforting hunger because she only chewed the cold water yesterday.

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