1 minute read

KRIK ŽENE: Majka zemlje

Anita Markovski

(Srbija / Serbia)



Ženo majko – zemljo životodavateljko ljubavlju i bolom branjenoj hrabra čuvarko nade, života, prirode pusti glas uznesi se i natkrili se nad zemljomržnjom, osionosti, novcograbivosti gladnom budućnosti, siromaštvom duha izadji i bori se sa osmehom i snagom feniksa ženo majko – zemljo jedina.

WOMAN SCREAM: Mother of the earth



(Severna Makedonija / North Macedonia)


I dig my nails into your body, and you give me the smell of the clear sky and the tranquility of the birds. Violets bloom from your wounds, your roots give birth to dreams from which the future of the stars is created. I scream along with you. From our scream they shake and bathe the tears of all mothers, holy waters from which the world drinks and is nourished.

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