1 minute read

KRIK ŽENE: Majka zemlje

Jovan Bundalo (Srbija / Serbia)



Bog ne može čuvar biti, iznad tebe svakog trena, te zbog toga majku stvori, da umesto njega bdije, da te hrani, da te uči, plemenita, dobra žena. Kad nevolje zaređaju, u skut topli da te skrije. Majko, kruno svih života, prvoj reči ti si gost, ti si borac, ti si žrtva. ti si melem, ti si hrana, Putokaz si svakom putu, svakoj reci ti si most, ti nad svojim čedom bdiješ, ko na reci čvrsta brana. Majka rađa naslednike, zemlja rađa hlebna žita, od Gospoda do njih stigla, ta uloga plemenita.

WOMAN SCREAM: Mother of the earth

Adnadin Jašarević

(BiH/ Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Zemlja u nama gradi puteve, kroz žile, kroz oči, Puteve od ruku koje uzdižemo ka nebu u molitvi, Ruku koje miluju, ruku koje nijemo kunu. Svi putujemo.

A, kamo, ne znamo. Jer, zemlja pravi put od naših tjelesa: Vari nas, tiha, nepopustljiva, crnicu u usta, glinu u pluća:

Zemlja nikada ne odustaje koliko god da kopate, Ona neće progovoriti, nikada nećete naučiti njen jezik,

Nikada se pomiriti: Ona sve pojede. I hrani.

Na njenim putevima nema putokaza, nema ishodišta, Nema mjesta do kojeg biste trebali stići. Samo zemlja.

Nwosu Prayerlife Onyinyechi (Nigerija / Nigeria) EVE

Her morals have been eaten up by cankerworms

Deeply that she lost and forgotten sacred knowledge

She has made the her holy temple a public cinema

Right before her descendants she feels no shame

She has returned to life at Eden

After having ruined mankind over gender equality

With her crafty and abominable looks

Seeking Adams to feed her forbidden fruits

Behold the Eve of our time!

Desecrating and rubbing our dignity on mud

Exposing a secret conception from a divine union

What a taboo on the image of creation

What then shall I tell my descendants?

That they have been desecrated from the womb?

Already, they have the knowledge of good and evil

For Eve has defiled their consecration

Oh women of the 21th century

The social networking queen worms of our time

You have taken us back to Babylon

We are doomed for the universe weeps.

Anna Ferriero (Italija / Italy)


The colors of Life all in chorus towards the East they tell of stories, perfumes of laughter waves of great kisses, immortalized shots in the color of the leaves.

Leaves in love that feed on love painting in elegance, the scent of looks: enamored, shy and bewitching colors

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