AJ 230: Principles of Police Supervision Analyzes supervisor’s function and principles of organization and personnel management. Stresses communication, training, disciplines, psychology of supervision, essentials of leadership, promotion methods, and selection of supervisors. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00 Prerequisites: ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent. AJ 231: Stress in Policing Surveys major sources of stress in police work and effects of stress on the officer. Considers stress management programs. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00 AJ 232: Officer Survival Emphasizes positive tactics police officers can employ to effectively use their own firearms to defeat those of assailants. Teaches techniques that work for survival in real-life situations. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00 AJ 234: Police-Community Relations Examines philosophies and styles of policing. Encourages effort of the police and community to share in the common goal of understanding mutual problems. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00 Prerequisites: ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent.
AJ 240: Hawaiian Cultural & Natural Resources Management Provides a background for onsite management of Native Hawaiian cultural and natural resources. Relates traditional Native Hawaiian resource conservation practices to current governmental policies, rules, and regulations. Introduces duties and responsibilities of conservation and resource enforcement officers. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00 Prerequisites: ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent. Recommended: AJ 101, and one of COM 145, COM130/BUS 130, or SP 151. AJ 250: Community Based Corrections Explores juvenile and adult probation, after-care parole, halfway houses, work and educational release-furlough. Examines dilemma of custodycontrol vs. supervision-treatment. Investigates citizen-agency relationships, along with potentials for utilizing citizen volunteers in corrections. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00 Prerequisites: ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent. AJ 270: Principles of Loss Prevention Considers various theories of managing security countermeasures. Acquaints students with loss prevention measures for retail businesses, government agencies, hotels and motels, hospitals, schools, and other organizations. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00 Prerequisites: ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent.
AJ 293v: Administration of Justice Internship Offers flexible, customized, supervised school-to-work experiences in all aspects of the administration of justice field. Integrates and applies classroom theory to work situations via field experiences. (Note: 3 credits required for AAS degree; student may take up to 6 additional credits.) (Student must complete minimum 75hr/cr per semester) Credits: 1-3 Lecture Hours: 75 Prerequisites: AJ 101 with grade C or better, or consent.
Agriculture A. Emmsley AG 92U: Open Topic Meets local interests in agriculture. Varies specific content for each topic to match job site or geographical needs and conditions. Credit in AG 92U is not applicable toward a degree in Agriculture. AG 92U may be repeated without limit for credit. Credits: 1 Lecture Hours: 15 Teaching Equivalent: 1.00 AG 101: Home Gardening Introduces ornamental and vegetable gardening for the home gardener. Includes landscape installation and maintenance. Intended for non-majors. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 30 Lecture/Lab Hours: 30 Teaching Equivalent: 3.33