Allyson Football

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THE PLAN The boys break off after discussing their plans.”Its very important that there is clear c ommunication”, said junor Ryan Glimsey. HIKE Senior brad Pasley gets in position has he makes the play. ON THE LOOK OUT The players keep an eye on the opposing team. “It’s good to see what the other players are going to do,” said Ryan mcow

Xavier Academy Football players on the the path to victory

Smaller is better. The Xavier football team prove that statent true as the team leaps for victory. throughout the season the players have managed to pull through. Practices were strenuous and extremly exhausting however the players never gave up. On a victory streak the plays stay hopeful for the future. “I hope that we make it to playoff,” says junior Rick Galensy. The players have worked together to creat a successfull year however it didnt come easy “It wasnt easy at all, practices were the worst, a lot of us are stubborn and hard heaed but regardless of the troubles we still stucvk with each other and proved our hard work to be worth it,” said senior Eric Greene. The playes hope to hold a reputaion for the school. They are truley on the path to victory and asuccess. “My ultimate acomplishment will be when i earn a schoalrship and begin playing college football,” said junior Tanner Rodruiquez.

ON YOUR MARK The playes get in line as the game begins “This is the most stressful part, everyones adrenline ia going and ready to defeat the other team,” said junior Derek Brown.

GET SET As the timer dwindles and the players make there way closer to the touchdown they put in every ounc of effort they have. “this takes intregity and determination, its so much more that just a football game. Theres people watching you, you represent the school, you need to be motivated and deteremined,” said senio Jacob Hutcherson.

STEADY The boys get in position as they make the firt lay to victory. “I love the adrenline ruah football gives me,” said Senior Eric Brown.

GO As the game ends the player are more than exhausted, they walk off the field proud and corgaous. “We worked hard. This is what ecah of us kive for. We wont be able to cherish another moment like this, it truly an honor to play for a team like thisone,” said junior Cody Richman.

ATTACK The defense on alert and take action as delan takes that ball. “If it wasnt for our defense we wouldnt of win that game,” said junior Marc Wolop. FOCUSED Senior Eric Brown watched the plays intensly and prepares for mactiom. “I live for mlments like this,” Brown said.

Amanda Overeem

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Color - Size 9 - 1-23456: University

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