1 minute read
Patient care improvement and discovery is realized through innovation and research. A trial of an innovative lateral turning device demonstrated increased turning compliance and resulted in a 33% reduction in sacral/ coccyx/buttocks hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI) and reduced clinician time to turn patients.
Coworker observations and peer messengers to promote professional nursing accountability
Patient voices in hospital safety Weight bias among women’s health professionals
An application (MARINA) to impact mothers’ experience with premature infant resuscitation
Team members throughout the Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care play a critical role in educating clinicians, students, and the community every single day. The primary focus is assuring the ongoing pipeline of health care workers are educated with evidence-based curriculums and prepared to deliver safe, high-quality patient, population, and community care. The success of these efforts is a direct result of the many well-established, collaborative, and interprofessional partnerships with