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Ann Williamson Award For Leadership And Innovation In Nursing And Patient Care
The Ann Williamson Award for Leadership and Innovation in Nursing and Patient Care is awarded annually to a nurse, nurse leader, or other clinical professional who has demonstrated exceptional ability to lead and innovate in the care of patients and families. The awardee demonstrates an outstanding reputation for servant leadership and innovation. Award criteria recognize that leadership and innovation are needed in formal managerial and executive roles, as well as among frontline clinicians. Finally, the recipient shall have demonstrated a high degree of citizenship and collegiality within UI Health Care, the Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care, and their discipline.
The Be Inspired! Scholarship Award recognizes a UI Health Care nurse who is not currently working on an advanced degree and who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to delivering excellent patient care.

Best Clinical Relevance Award
The Best Clinical Relevance Award recognizes the poster with the best clinical relevance at the annual Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy (ANPT) conference.
Best Physiotherapy Oral Presentation Award
The Best Physiotherapy Oral Presentation Award is in recognition of excellence in scientific research in hip surgery and preservation as voted for by the Scientific Committee at the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA) Annual Scientific Meeting.

The Charmaine Kleiber Excellence in Pediatric Nursing Researchto-Practice Award recognizes an individual or team who has completed or is near completion of data collection for a research study or initiative that incorporates the use of research-based evidence to benefit children and their families.

Cnor Strong
Nurses in the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) received recognition for earning the certified perioperative nurse (CNOR) certification. The CNOR Strong designation, awarded by the Competency & Credentialing Institute (CCI), is given to hospitals and health systems with at least 50% of its operating room (OR) nursing staff CNORcertified. In the ASC, 57% (n=22) of the nurses have earned a CNOR certification. The CNOR Strong designation, which is conferred for one year, represents a commitment to excellence in perioperative nursing and outstanding patient care. Research suggests that nurses who earn the CNOR certification have greater confidence in their clinical practice, having validated their specialized knowledge in perioperative nursing, according to CCI. Certification is a key factor in the assurance of standards of knowledge, skills, and abilities in nursing specialty practice or to a specific role that contributes to better patient outcomes.
The Dr. Jo Eland Excellence in Pediatric Nursing Award is presented to a nurse by the American Society for Pain Management Nursing in recognition of outstanding contribution to the field of pain management for the pediatric patient.

Outstanding Service Award
The Outstanding Service Award is founded to be the highest service award the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and HeadNeck Nurses can bestow. The purpose of the award is to recognize and express appreciation for special contributions of service by members.
Sally Mathis Hartwig Scholarship
Clinical Leadership Development Academy
The Clinical Leadership Development Academy is a UI Health Care program that addresses the complexity, breadth, and importance of the developing leader and promotes excellence through clinical scholarship.
The Sally Mathis Hartwig Scholarship recognizes a nurse pursuing graduate education at the UI College of Nursing.


The Executive Leadership Academy is a comprehensive UI Health Care program that addresses core characteristics and skills needed to lead effectively in an academic health care environment. The Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care recognizes 11 of the 29 participants from the 2021–2022 cohort.

Good Catch Award
The Good Catch Award recognizes clinicians for their professional diligence in having prevented a potential error or “near miss.” A near miss is an event or situation that, if not identified and acted upon, could have resulted in an accident, injury, or illness. The Good Catch event can occur anywhere within UI Hospitals & Clinics and impact anyone—patient, visitor, faculty, or staff member.
Helping Hands Award
The Helping Hands Award was developed for patients, families, visitors, or UI Health Care team members to recognize merit staff involved in direct patient care who excel in their roles to provide exceptional patient care and interactions.
The purpose of the Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.) is to recognize individuals and teams whose efforts demonstrate three of the following four components: initiative, innovation, measurable results, and sustaining impact.

NICHE™ (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) is an international program designed to impart principles and tools to stimulate changes in clinical practice to achieve patient-centered nursing care for older adults in health care facilities. The vision of NICHE is that all older adults, age 65 and over, receive agefriendly, exemplary nursing care. UI Hospitals & Clinics was the first Iowa hospital to be awarded NICHE Exemplar status—the highest and most prestigious level of recognition—in 2015 and was successfully re-designated with NICHE Exemplar status in 2022.
Nursing Assistant Week Scholarship Award

The Nursing Assistant Week Scholarship Award recognizes a UI Health Care nursing assistant who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to delivering excellent patient care.

Nursing Excellence In Clinical Education Award
The Nursing Excellence in Clinical Education Award recognizes a staff nurse who excels in the teaching role, demonstrates an innovative spirit, and serves as a professional role model and lifelong learner.

Outstanding Chapter Of The Year Award
Eastern Iowa Chapter of American Association of Neuroscience Nurses (AANN)