9 minute read
Barnes-Channon, M. (2022, April 6). Managing challenging wound/ skin/ostomy situations seen with oncology patients. Scofield Advanced Oncology Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Becker, J. (2022, September 14). Cranioplasty. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Behne, N., & Schwickerath, L. (2022, June 10). A multi-disciplinary approach to speaking valves—Speaking valve and early intervention. Cedar Valley Respiratory Care Seminar, Waterloo, IA.
Block, J., & Burrell, K. (2022, March 25). Team based care: Rethinking the care model. Ambulatory Care Conference, Virtual.*
Bonnett, K. (2022, September 14). Spina bifida urology management 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Brimeyer, D., & Stenger, K. (2022, February 10). Nursing leadership role in faciliting EBP. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Brimeyer, D., & Stenger, K. (2022, September 15). Nursing leadership role in faciliting EBP. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Bullard, T. (2022, March 25). Magnet designation in the ambulatory setting. Ambulatory Care Conference, Virtual.*
Bullard, T., & Cullen, L. (2022, February 18). EBP return on investment (ROI). Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Bullard, T., & Cullen, L. (2022, September 23). EBP return on investment (ROI). Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Clancy, G. (2022, January 18). Rounding@IOWA podcast In EP 35: Nurse well-being first aid with Sarah Hackbarth, Austin Kannegieter, and Rebecca Porter.*
Clancy, G. (2022, April 26). Rounding@IOWA podcast In EP 42: Helping parents navigate serious illness and end of life with their child with Janine Petitgout and Rebecca Benson.* Clancy, G. (2022, May 10). Rounding@IOWA podcast In EP 43: Advancements in living donor organ transplantation with M. Lee Sanders and Brynn Timm.*
Clancy, G. (2022, September 6). Rounding@IOWA podcast In EP 48: Human trafficking: The role of clinicians in recognition and initial interventions with Shannon Findlay and Brittany McGraw.*
Cook, D. (2022, March 5). De-escalation techniques for challenging behaviors. Perianesthesia Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Cullen, L. (2022, February 18). Be creative—Can this be taught? Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Cullen, L. (2022, February 18). Designing your EBP program Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Cullen, L. (2022, September 23). Designing your EBP program Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.* Cullen, L. (2022, May 12). Evidence-based practice creates a strong foundation for the future of healthcare. International Nurses Day Program, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, Virtual. Cullen, L. (2022, February 11). Organizational infrastructure of EBP program success. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.* Cullen, L. (2022, September 16). Organizational infrastructure of EBP program success. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.* Cullen, L., & Edmonds, S. (2022, September 23). Be creative—Can this be taught? Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.* Cullen, L., & Edmonds, S. (2022, February 11). Implementation Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.* Cullen, L., & Edmonds, S. (2022, September 16). Implementation Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.* Cullen, L., & Hanrahan, K. (2022, February 18). Sustaining the practice change. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.* Cullen, L., & Hanrahan, K. (2022, September 23). Sustaining the practice change. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Donnelly, S. (2022, March 25). Patients across the continuum Ambulatory Care Conference, Virtual.* Dossett, A. (2022, October 27). Yoga with medical psychiatry patients Medical Psychiatry Nursing Conference, Virtual.* Edmonds, S. (2022, April 20). Award winning posters. 29th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Virtual.* Edmonds, S. (2022, September 15). Synthesis and use of the evidence. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Edmonds, S., & Hanrahan, K. (2022, April 1). Trusted bridge builders for achieving health equity: Iowa Implementation for Sustainability Framework. Annual Research Conference, Midwest Nursing Research Society, Schaumburg, IL.
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, January 27). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 54: Count the kicks with Megan Aucutt.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, February 24). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 55: Nursing culture, racism, and maternal outcomes with Rebecca Clark.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, March 31). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 56: Health literacy with Allison Saiz.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, April 28). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 57: Microaggressions with Piri AckermanBarger.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, May 26). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 58: Doula care with Grace Swartzendruber.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, June 30). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 59: Neuro-inclusive clinical practice with Melissa Houser.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, July 28). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 60: Caring for folks with intersex traits with Diana Love.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, August 25). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 61: Hormone therapy with Stephanie Faubion.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, September 29). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 62: Bioethics in reproductive health with Ginny Ryan.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, October 27). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 63: Birth experiences of autistic people with Laura Foran Lewis.*
Edmonds, S. W., & Loew, N. M. (2022, November 24). The Woman Centered Health podcast EP 64: Respectful maternity care toolkit with Rose Horton and Catherine Hill.*
Femino, L. (2022, March 25). Undergraduate nursing student immersive experience in the ambulatory setting. Ambulatory Care Conference, Virtual.*
Fitton, L., & Hayes, H. (2022, April 19). Bone health. Orthopedic Nursing Conference, Virtual.* Ford, K. (2022, September 13). Applying age friendly health care & systems for patients with dementia. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Forman, J. (2022, October 18). Category II, what to do? Fetal heart rate tracing review. Children’s and Women’s Services Fall Nursing Conference, Iowa City, IA.*
Fowler, C. (2022, September 16). Design a localized practice change and pilot. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.* Fowler, C. (2022, February 10). Getting started: Project management Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Fowler, C. (2022, February 11). Piloting the practice change Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Fowler, C., & Hosking, J. (2022, February 11). EBP training across the career continuum. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Fowler, C., & Hosking, J. (2022, September 16). EBP training across the career continuum. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Fowler, C., Laures, E., Hanson, A., Hebrink, D., Helle, S., Arora, J., Robertson, A., Rod, E., & Wetjen, B. (2022, April 20). Frontline leadership: EBP programs and reports. 29th National EvidenceBased Practice Conference, Virtual.* Gassmann, C. (2022, September 14). Cranial nerve assessment in the traumatic brain injured patient. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.* Gassmann, C. (2022, September 14). Neuro reboot and review. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.* Goins-Fernandez, J., & Hanrahan, K. (2022, April 21). Effecting the change for our patients and our leaders through evidence-based diversity, equity, and inclusion practices & closing remarks. 29th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Virtual.* Gross, M. (2022, March 25). Emotional intelligence. Ambulatory Care Conference, Virtual.* Hackbarth, S. (2022, September 13). Post-intensive care syndrome. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.* Hanrahan, K. (2022, November 16). Academia and practice collaborations for the win, win, win! Greater St. Louis Regional Consortium, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Nursing, Edwardsville, IL. Hanrahan, K. (2022, February 11). Data driven Precision Implementation Approach®. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hanrahan, K. (2022, September 16). Data driven Precision Implementation Approach®. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hanrahan, K. (2022, February 18). EBP de-implementation and sacred cow solutions. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hanrahan, K. (2022, September 23). EBP de-implementation and sacred cow solutions. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hanrahan, K. (2022, May 26). Evidence-based practice using the Iowa Model: The journey to improved outcomes. Evidence-Based Practice and Research Conference, Baycare Health System, Clearwater, FL.
Hanrahan, K. (2022, September 15). Getting started: Project management. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hanrahan, K. (2022, December 16). Implementation science: Pediatric pain research meets practice. EBP Mentorship Program, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Virtual.
Hanrahan, K. (2022, May 6). Nursing innovators: Practical solutions and a pathway for development. Iowa Medtech Innovation Symposium, Iowa City, IA.*
Hanrahan, K. (2022, November 16). Precision Implementation Approach®: Where evidence-based practice evaluation meets implementation science. Greater St. Louis Regional Consortium, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Nursing, Edwardsville, IL.
Hanson, A., & Jackson, S. (2022, February 11). Staff nurse exemplar: Implementation of a functional pain scale, an evidence-based practice project. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hanson, A., & Jackson, S. (2022, September 16). Staff nurse exemplar: Implementation of a functional pain scale, an evidence-based practice project. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hausler, M. (2022, April 5). Pelvic floor physical therapy for sexual dysfunction: Oncology-specific perspective. Scofield Advanced Oncology Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Hebrink, D. (2022, February 11). Staff nurse exemplar: Supportive care for children with autism spectrum disorder undergoing venipuncture. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hebrink, D. (2022, September 16). Staff nurse exemplar: Supportive care for children with autism spectrum disorder undergoing venipuncture. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Helle, S. (2022, September 16). Staff nurse exemplar: Standardizing recognition, prevention, and management of acute infusion reactions in pediatric non-oncology patients. Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Hickey, M., Lockhart, J. S., Farrington, M., & Colandrea, M. (2022, April 29). 10 simple steps to publish a journal article. 36th Annual Spring Seminar, Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses, Virtual.
Hu, J., Hunter, K., & Hanrahan, K. (2022, April 21). Welcome & keynote, Leading changes in complex systems. 29th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Virtual.*
Hudson, J., & Witte, S. (2022, April 6). Healthcare can be hard: Dealing with the stress of caring. Scofield Advanced Oncology Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Huff, S. (2022, October 18). How has technology helped with Type-1 diabetes? Children’s and Women’s Services Fall Nursing Conference, Iowa City, IA.*
Hunter, K., Wynes, A., Jackson, S., Stewart, S., Imborek, K., & Bulin, K. (2022, April 21). Leading in the moment: COVID-19 perspectives. 29th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Virtual.*
Jensen, M., Fisher, J., & Wagner, M. (2022, March 14). Chapter award winner—Eastern Iowa Chapter. Hybrid Neuroscience Nursing Annual Conference, American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, Phoenix, AZ.
Johnson, M. (2022, March 11). 3 C’s of skin-to-skin holding: Communication, color, consistency. 35th Annual Gravens Conference, Perinatal Advisory Council: Leadership, Advocacy and Consultation, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Johnson, M. L. (2022, October 18). What seems so easy...supporting oral feeding during the difficult times. Children’s and Women’s Services Fall Nursing Conference, Iowa City, IA.*
Krueger, R. (2022, September 14). Quality initiatives in caring for a patient with a traumatic brain injury. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Langin, J. (2022, September 14). Wound management in the neuroscience patient. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Laures, E. (2022, February 10). Synthesis and use of the evidence Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice, Virtual.*
Leary, S., Schaver, A., Willey, M., Paulson, A., Henrichsen, J., & Westermann, R. (2022, October 13). The impact of PAO and femoral osteotomy on return to sport rates in competitive athletes. ISHA Annual Scientific Meeting, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy, Glasgow, Scotland.
Mahoney, T. (2022, March 5). Intraoperative fire safety Perianesthesia Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
McGraw, B. (2022, March 25). Addressing human trafficking in health care settings. Ambulatory Care Conference, Virtual.*
Montgomery, L. A. (2022, March 25). One step at a time to achieve successful professional nursing certification. Ambulatory Care Conference, Virtual.*
Olalde, H. (2022, September 14). Shaping future care: Neurology clinical trials. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Paulson, A., Westermann, R., & Willey, M. (2022, October 14). Relationship between Y balance test and isometric hip strength following hip arthroscopic surgery. ISHA Annual Scientific Meeting, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy, Glasgow, Scotland.
Pollari, T. M. (2022, October 18). Supporting patient and family self-advocacy and healing: Patient and family perspectives Children’s and Women’s Services Fall Nursing Conference, Iowa City, IA.*
Reisinger, H., Greiner, J., Krupp, A., & Goedken, C. (2022, April 20). Implementation science: EBP applications. 29th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Virtual.*
Ries, K. (2022, April 20). Care transitions in comprehensive, tertiary medical center: A palliative care social worker perspective Annual End-of-Life Conference, Genesis Health System, Davenport, IA.
Smith, A. (2022, June 9). Capnography: An inpatient pilot. Midwest Chapter Educational Session, Midwest Chapter of the American Society for Pain Management Nursing, Virtual.
Smith, A. (2022, September 16). The use of capnography in pain management for adult inpatients. 32nd National Conference, American Society for Pain Management Nursing, Indian Wells, CA.
Upah, A. (2022, October 27). Seizures/non-epileptic events. Medical Psychiatry Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Utech, J. (2022, April 6). The art of caring for geriatric oncology patients. Scofield Advanced Oncology Nursing Conference, Virtual.*
Vincent, B. E. (2022, April 20). Optimizing care and quality of life for epilepsy patients with postictal aggression: A narrative inquiry 29th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Virtual.* Voss, A. (2022, September 14). National Institutes of Health stroke scale (NIHSS) and correlative anatomy. 19th Annual Neuroscience Nursing Conference, Virtual.* Ward, E. (2022, April 20). Promoting professional accountability for nurses: Implementation of a coworker observation reporting system. 29th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Virtual.*
Wetjen, K., & Lilienthal, M. (2022, April 19). Trauma demographics Orthopedic Nursing Conference, Virtual.* Winnike, R. (2022, October 18). Obstetric care in rural Iowa Children’s and Women’s Services Fall Nursing Conference, Iowa City, IA.*
Zerwic, J., Tye, J., & Hanrahan, K. (2022, April 20). Welcome & keynote, Courageous leadership for an age of anxiety. 29th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Virtual.*
*Programs sponsored by University of Iowa Health Care or University of Iowa.