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Baldwin, C. A., Hanrahan, K., Edmonds, S. W., Krumm, A. M., Sy, A., Jones, A., Murphy, T., Mitchell, S., Davidson, H. A., Thomas, J., Webb, L., Doub, T. W., Cooper, W. O., & CORS Professionalism Collaboratory. (2022). Implementation of peer messengers to deliver feedback: An observational study to promote professionalism in nursing. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, S1553-7250(22)00241-0. Advance online publication.
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Groves, P. S., Bunch, J. L., Hanrahan, K. M., Sabadosa, K. A., Sharp, B., & Williams, J. K. (2022). Patient voices in hospital safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Nursing Research, 10547738221129711. Advance online publication.
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