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‫‪Issue 10‬‬

‫‪May 08‬‬

‫ﺗـﺼ ﹼ‬ ‫ـﻔــﺢ ﺍﻟـﻤـﺠـ ـﻠـﺔ ﻋـﻠـﻰ ﻣـﻮﻗـﻌـﻨ ــﺎ ﺍﻹﻟـﻜ ـﺘــﺮﻭﻧـﻲ‬ ‫‪Read the Magazine Online‬‬

‫‪w w w . u n i Q u e . c o m . k w‬‬

Unique Girls World



Unique Coverage


Unique Guys World

Unique Interview



Unique Stars World

Unique Way No Way





To Unique

‫ﺭﺋﻴﺲ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﻋﻴﺴﻰ ﺍﻟﺜﻮﻳﻨﻲ‬


‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ ‫ ﻣﺒﺎﺭﻙ ﺭﺷﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻴﺮﻱ‬.‫ﻡ‬





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Think Different, Be Unique

‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ ﺣﺼﺔ ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﺴﺮ ﹼﻳﻊ‬.‫ﺃ‬ ‫ﻧﺎﺋﺐ ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﻓﺮﺣﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﻼﻗﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺴﻮﻳﻖ‬ ‫ﻃﻼﻝ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺧﻠﻒ‬ ‫ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻭﺇﺧﺮﺍﺝ‬ ‫ﻋﺒﻴﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺪﻱ‬ ‫ﺗﺼﻮﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻐﻼﻑ‬ ‫ﺧﺎﻟﺪ ﺍﻹﺑﺮﺍﻫﻴﻢ‬ ‫ﻣﺴﺆﻭﻝ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﻗﻊ ﺍﻻﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻲ‬ ‫ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﷲ‬ ‫ﻫﻴﺌﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺃﺳﺎﻣﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺪﺍﻟﺮﺯﺍﻕ‬

‫ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﺸﻄﻲ‬

‫ﺑﺸﺎﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

‫ﺇﻳﻤﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻜﻨﺪﺭﻱ‬

‫ﺭﻳﻢ ﺍﻟﻨﻔﻴﺴﻲ‬

‫ﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﺜﻤﺎﻥ‬

‫ﺯﻳﻨﺐ ﺩﺷﺘﻲ‬

‫ﺭﺍﺷﺪ ﻣﺼﻄﻔﻰ‬

‫ﺷﺎﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺼﻴﺮﻓﻲ‬

‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺪﻫﺎﺱ‬

‫ﻓﺎﻃﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﺼﻴﺮﻓﻲ‬

‫ﻏﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﻼﻥ‬

‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﺼﺎﻟﺢ‬

‫ﻓﺮﺡ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

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‫ﻣﺮﻳﻢ ﺍﻟﻐﺎﻧﻢ‬

‫ﻳﻮﺳﻒ ﺍﻟﺒﺪﺭ‬

‫ﻣﻲ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

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‫ﺃﻣـــﺎﻛــﻦ ﺍﻟــﺘـﻮﺯﻳـﻊ‬

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Unique CoVeRaGe


‫ﺃﺳﺒﻮﻉ ﺍﻟﺒﻴﺌﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﻜﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ‬ w¾O³�« UNŽu³Ý√ ÂuKF�« WOK� X�U�√ s� b¹bF�« X�—Uý YOŠ ÆÆÍuM��« W¾ON�«® ÷dFL�« «c??¼ w� UN−�« WO²¹uJ�« WOFL−�« ¨W¾O³K� W??�U??F?�« Àu??×? ³? �« e??�d??� ¨W??¾? O? ³? �« W??¹U??L? ×? � ’uG�« o¹d� ¨WO²¹uJ�« UÝ«—b�«Ë ¨wŽuD²�« q??L?F?�« e??�d??� ¨w??²?¹u??J?�« WOK�Ë ¨o??O? Łu??²? �«Ë d??¹u??B? ²? �« o??¹d??� …bL� ÷dFL�« ÆÆ©‰Ëd²³�«Ë WÝbMN�« Æq¹dÐ√ s� s�U¦�« s� √bÐ Ÿu³Ý√

Unique CoVeRaGe

In & Out

‫ﺟﺎﺋﺰﺓ ﺍﻟﺸﻴﺦ ﺳﺎﻟﻢ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻲ‬ rð ¨ÕU³B�« dÐU−�« bLŠ_« ÕU³� aOA�« dO�_« uLÝ W¹UŽdÐ w� WOðU�uKFLK� wKF�« r�UÝ aOA�« …ezU−Ð s¹ezUH�« r¹dJð ez«u−�« rKÝ b�Ë ¨ÕU³B�« ÈuKÝ WŽU� w� 2008Ø4Ø9 a¹—Uð “U� b??�Ë ¨ÕU³B�« dÐU−�« bLŠ_« ·«u??½ bNF�« w??�Ë uLÝ ¨X¹uJ�« Èu²�� vKŽ lЫd�« e�dL�UÐ ÍdLA�« d¹UAÐ WKO�e�« ÆUNOKŽ ÕU−M�« «c¼ r²¹ Ê√ d¹bI�« v�uL�« s� sOKzUÝ

HILTON ROLLS OUT NEW ONLINE SUITE OF LEARNING TOOLS IN MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA Toolkit launches in 27 languages including Arabic Dubai, March 30, 2008 – Hilton Hotels across Middle East & Africa today announced the launch of a first-of-its-kind suite of online and offline tools to educate Hilton employees about the brand’s service standards. The Hilton Brand Service Toolkit, which supplements the company’s formal orientation programmes and periodic refresher courses offered on property, will be available online to team members across the region in both Arabic and English.

Unique CoVeRaGe


‫ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻨﻤﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺘﺪﺍﻣﺔ‬ WKŠdL�« U³�UÞË W³KD� ©W�«b²�L�« WOLM²�«Ë ÂuKF�«® Ê«uMFÐ Õu²H� Âu¹ ÂuKF�« WOK� X�U�√ ¨s�×�« U{— —u²�b�« –U²Ý_« ÂuKF�« WOK� bOLŽ W¹UŽ— X×ð Æq¹dÐ√ s� 2≠1 …d²H�« s� W¹u½U¦�« ÷dFLK� W�U��«Ë WO�uJ×�« ”—«bL�« s�dO¦J�« dCŠ b�Ë ¨WOKJ�« w� œułu� hB�ð qJ� j�³� Õdý ÷dFÐ WOLKF�« ÂU��_« lOLł UNO� X�—Uý ÆÊQA�« «cN� ÂUIL�«

Unique CoVeRaGe


WO�UHðô« ÊUF�u¹ eK¹Ë WF�Uł fOz— VzU½Ë bO��« e¹eF�« b³Ž Æœ

X¹uJ�« w� WO½UD¹d³�« WF�U−�« ‰uŠ e�—UAð dO�ô« l� Àbײ¹ ÍdOLF�« bOý— Æœ

‫ﺗﻮﻗﻴﻊ ﺍﺗﻔﺎﻗﻴﺔ ﺑﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ‬ (‫ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻳﻄﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﻭ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﻭﻳﻠﺰ )ﺑﺎﻧﺠﻮﺭ‬ w� WO½UD¹d³�« WF�U−�« sOÐ „d²AL�« ÊËUF²�« WO�UHð« lO�uð rð ¨X¹uJ�« w� …bײL�« WJKLL�« s� —u−½UÐ eK¹Ë WF�Uł Ë X¹uJ�« bNŽ w�Ë e�—UAð dO�_« W�U�H�« VŠU� s� q� —uC×Ð p�–Ë WF�U−�« s�Ë ¨X¹uJ�« W??�Ëœ Èb� w½UD¹d³�« dOH��«Ë UO½UD¹dÐ w�Ozd�« p�UL�« sO�Š bOÝ ÃU×�« dCŠ X¹uJ�« w� WO½UD¹d³�« fOz— sO�Š bOÝ e¹eF�« b³Ž —u??²?�b??�« Ë ¨bO��« WŽuL−L� fOz— ÍdOLF�« bOý— —u²�b�« Ë X¹uJ�« w� WO½UD¹d³�« WF�U−�« fOz— VzU½ qÐ√ rOŠd�«b³Ž ‚œU� —u²�b�«Ë WF�U−�« ¡UM�√ fK−� Æ¡UM�_« fK−�


e�—UAð dO�_« `�UB¹ wKŽ bOÝ sO�Š bOÝ ÃU×�«

Unique CoVeRaGe




hristie’s forthcoming International Modern & Contemporary Art auction, taking place in Dubai on April 30, will be characterized by an outstanding selection of rare and sought-after examples by the leading Arab and Iranian artists. In assembling the Arab and Iranian works for this forthcoming sale, the growing interest in contemporary art from the region and Christie’s broad reach in the wider Middle East market has attracted clients from around the world to consign more significant pieces than ever before – illustrated by their scarcity and quality. This auction follows the third sale of International Modern and Contemporary Art, staged in October 2007, which totalled $15,235,725/AED 55,915,111, establishing 62 new world records. “This is unquestionably the most important grouping of contemporary Arab and Iranian art available for sale in the Middle East to date and the diversity and quality of the pieces being offered for this sale attests to the robust development of the market and interest in these categories,” said Jussi Pylkkänen, President, Christie’s Middle East. “We anticipate that both private and institutional collectors will recognize the exceptional works on offer and bid accordingly,” added William Lawrie, International Modern and Contemporary Art specialist and head of sale “We are delighted to have established a sponsoring partnership with Credit Suisse who is supporting the events around the auction for the third time”, said Michael Jeha, Managing Director, Middle East. “With the backing of Credit Suisse as one of the leading global providers of financial products and services in Investment Banking, Private Banking, and Asset Management, Christie’s is proud to present our most exciting sale yet.” 14

Unique CoVeRaGe


Excellent results for Art Dubai 2008


rt Dubai, Asia’s most important international art fair, has reported an immensely successful second year in terms of both sales and attendance. The 68 galleries from 30 countries, exhibited works by more than 540 artists, with participating galleries. With a record number of 12,000 visitors from every continent plus more than 240 journalists attending Art Dubai, the fair attracted more regional and international interest than anticipated. Up to 40 new galleries have already registered their interest in applying for next year’s event, and in initial surveys, exhibitors reported high satisfaction with sales results and new contacts made.

“The second edition of Art Dubai has surpassed all our expectations. Following a hugely successful inaugural year in 2007, Art Dubai 2008 returned with a programme of events aimed at international dealers, collectors, artists, curators, critics and cultural travellers. Art Dubai is now firmly established in the global cultural calendar and we will build on this success to encompass a wider and more diverse audience for successive events,” said His Excellency Dr. Omar Bin Sulaiman, Governor of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and member of the board and Managing Director for the Culture and Arts Authority in Dubai. “Art Dubai has become a cornerstone for the rapidly growing art community of the Middle East. Sales surpassed expectations and it’s great to be part of this ever growing art scene,” said Sunny Rahbar, Founder and co-director, The Third Line Gallery, Dubai. “It is a huge privilege to be part of this phenomenal growth. The future of this fair is to develop not only a new market, but also new avenues of collaboration and projects that bring the Occident and Orient closer together,” said Lorenzo Fiaschi, Director of Galleria Continua, San Gimagnano, Beijing.


Unique CoVeRaGe


r½UG�« ‚Ë“d� `ýdL�«

‫ﺍﻧﺘﺨﺎﺑﺎﺕ ﻏﺮﻓﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺠﺎﺭﺓ‬ s¹dAF�«Ë WFЫd�« …—Ëb�« UÐU�²½« oKDMð ¨WŽUMB�«Ë …—U−²�« W�dž w� 2008 ÂUF� ¨WOÞ«d�uL¹b�« ÂuNH� b¹bł s� b�R²� X�O� ¨ U??ÐU??�? ²? ½« ‰ö?? š s??� ¨Î«c??O? H? M? ð wÐU�²½« X??¹u??B?ð o?? �Ë œb??×? ð ¨v?? ? �Ë_« W�dž w� WOÝUÝ_« W¹—«œù« WOM³�« rEM� UNO� “U?? � w??²? �«Ë ¨W??ŽU??M?B?�«Ë …—U??−?²?�« ÆW¹œUB²�ô« …dÝ_« WLzU� r½UG�« wKŽ bO��«

Unique CoVeRaGe


dLðRL�« w� UNOK¦L�Ë X¹uJ�« q¹œ W�dý U{ËdF� s� V½Uł

dLðRL�« UN�b� w²�« «—Ëb�« ÈbŠ≈ w� —uC×�« s� V½Uł

International Conference on Technology, Communication & Education (i-TCE)

dLðRL�« w� s¹“ W�—UA�Ë

UOłu�uMJ²�« ÷dF� UOłu�uMJ²�«Ë ÂuKFK� ZOK��« WF�Uł X�U�√ s� dO³� œbŽ dCŠ YOŠ ¨ 4Ø9 ≠ 7 s� rOKF²�«Ë ôUBðô«Ë ¨rOKF²�«Ë WOÐd²�« …d¹“Ë `O³B�« W¹—u½ …–U²Ýô« rNM�Ë —uC×�« Í—ËeO� WF�Uł wK¦L�Ë sOOÝU�uKÐb�«Ë ¡«dH��« s� œbŽ dCŠË rOKF²� «—Ëb�« s� b¹bF�« r¹bIð v�≈ W�U{ùUÐ ¨f¹u� X½UÝ ZOK��« WF�Uł W³KÞ s� ¡«uÝ dO³� ‰U³�ù« ÊU�Ë ¨UOłu�uMJ²�« ÆÈdš√ UF�Uł Ë√ rO¼«dÐù« b�Uš d¹uBð

dLðRL�« ÷dF� w� sO�—UAL�« bŠ√

Unique CoVeRaGe

Trai Show

ÊUDI�« ·«u½ l¹cL�«Ë WHOK��« ZOŽœ aOA�« ¨…—UA³�« n¹U½ bFL�« ¨UýU³�« œU¹≈ Ãd�L�« ¨·uKF� q�√ Z²ML�« sOLO�« s�

‫ﻣﻌﺮﺽ‬ ‫ﺑﻴﺖ ﺩﻳﻔﺎﺯ‬ Trai show Z�U½dÐ qLŽ o¹d� ÂU??�√ Âu¹ UH¹œ XOÐ w� ÕU²²�« qHŠ b¹b−�« Íc??�«¨ 2008≠4≠7 o??�«u??L? �« s??O?M?Ł_« ¨ÊUDI�« ·«u??½ o�Q²L�« l¹cL�« t�bI¹ ¨…—UA³�« n¹U½ œ«bŽ≈Ë UýU³�« œU¹≈ ëdš≈ U??O?B?�?A?�U??Ð q??�U??Š ÕU??²??²??�ô« ÊU?? ?�Ë Æ…—uNAL�« WO�öŽù« WHOK��« ZOŽœ aOA�«

—UBM�« w½U¼ –U²Ý_«

Unique CoVeRaGe


‫ﺍﻟﻜﺮﻧﻔﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺘﺮﻓﻴﻬﻲ‬ ‫ﻓﻲ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺒﻨﺎﺕ‬ ·u½ W�UF�« U�öF�« W�ËR�� XŠd� w� wNO�dð ‰UH½d� W�U�SÐ Íd??ÝËb??�« oO�MðË œ«b??Ž≈ s� UM³�« WOK� WOFLł V¹bN�« w{u� WONO�d²�« WM−K�« W�Oz— …d??O?M?�Ë d??¹e??�« r??¹d??� l??� „«d??²??ýôU??Ð ‰UH½d� sŽ …—U³Ž Z�U?½d³�« ÊU�Ë wKOIF�« UIÐU��Ë «dI� bŽ sLC²¹ wNO�dð w� ÊU� Íc�« ¨ U³�UDK� WO�UIŁË WONO�dð WOK� w� 08≠4≠2 o�«uL�« ¡UFЗ_« Âu¹ ÆWOK¹bF�UÐ UM³�«

Unique CoVeRaGe


‫ﻣﻌﺮﺽ ﻣﺴﺘﻠﺰﻣﺎﺕ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻄﺎﻟﺒﺔ‬ W??¹—U??−?²?�« U???Ý«—b???�« W??O?K?� w??� r??O? �√ W??¹«b??³?� W??³?�U??D?�« U??�e??K?²?�?L?� ÷d??F? � Á—«œ√ ·«d?? ?ý≈ X??×?ð w??½U??¦? �« ”—u??J??�« “w??{u??F?�« b??L? Š√” ∫U??¼b??O?L?ŽË WOKJ�« tOÝUÞdI�« s� b¹bF�« ÷dFL�« sLCðË ö×L�« iFÐË U³�UD�« U??Ž«b??Ð≈Ë ÆWLOI�« UN{ËdŽË W�—UAL�«

Unique CoVeRaGe

NBK successfully concludes AC Milan Soccer Training Camp exclusively for Al Azraq Clients


ational Bank of Kuwait (NBK), the premier bank in Kuwait and the highest rated bank in the Middle East, hosted recently a special dinner banquet at Nino Restaurant to celebrate the successful conclusion of the AC Milan Soccer Training Camp in which more than 50 young Al Azraq account clients were given the chance to sharpen their skills under the supervision of the most international coaches.

NBK Public Relations Team with AC Milan Coaches – From left: Manal Al Mattar – Asmaa Mohammed – Marah Bahjat

The camp which was organized by NBK, in cooperation with LOYAC, hosted two assistant soccer coaches from the well known international soccer team AC Milan to train the lucky winners of Al Azraq draw that took place on 27th of March 2008. Commenting on the occasion, NBK Public Relations Officer, Abdul Mohsen Al Rushaid said that Al Azraq account, specifically designed from NBK to meet the needs of independent youths and high school students, constantly endeavors to bring its clients the best experience ever. “Last year Al Azraq winners were sent off to LA for a summer trip and had the opportunity to remodel their rooms in the autumn; this year we have decided to make AC Milan camp our first reward and surprise for Al Azraq clients”, he added.

Group photo: Organizing Committees with AC Milan Coaches.

“NBK endeavors to continuously deepen its relationships with the youth clients segment through providing them with more educational, sportive and creative opportunities to fulfill their aspirations, in addition to the innovative banking services covered by Al Azraq account package”, Al Rushaid added. Commenting on the same occasion, Assistant Segment Manager for Al Azraq account, Dima Nuseibah said that it was greatly gratifying to note the outstanding success of Al Azraq campaign as well as the AC Milan Soccer Training camp which provided an unprecedented opportunity for NBK’s young clients to be trained by the internationally renowned soccer professionals of AC Milan. Al Azraq holders in the closing ceremony

AC Milan Coach, Otello & NBK PR Manal Al Mattar

From right: NBK PR Officer, Abdul Mohsen Al Rushaid – AC Milan Coach, Luka NBK Assistant General Manager, Consumer Banking Group Abdullah Al Najran Al Tuwaijri NBK Deputy General Manager, Consumer Banking Group Louis Scotto – NBK PR Manager, Manal Al Mattar

NBK Assistant Segment Manager, Dima Nuseibah

Unique CoVeRaGe


bONH�« tK�«b³Ž Æœ WF�U−�« d¹b�Ë bOBI� qBO� W�UF�« U�öF�« d¹b�

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Unique CoVeRaGe


X¹uJ�« ‰UDÐ√ q³� s� © —U� uJ�«® ·«d²Š« ÷dŽ

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Unique CoVeRaGe


World’s First Sports Activity Coupé Now in Kuwait

Predictions for the all new BMW X6 to become regional best seller


he all-new BMW X6, the world’s first Sports Activity Coupé, has arrived in the Kuwaiti market through Ali Alghanim & Sons Automotive Co., exclusive importer of BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce.

The latest addition to the BMW family will be available in two variants – the BMW X6 xDrive50i and the BMW X6 xDrive35i – representing the most sporting and dynamic rendition in the BMW X Series range yet. Offering a brand new design approach and interpretation, the highly-anticipated BMW X6 visualises superior driving dynamics and outstanding supremacy. The exterior design of the BMW X6 sports a striking front end, stretched side lines and expresses powerful presence through its wheels, classic coupé proportions and sweeping flow from roofline to rear end.

Unique CoVeRaGe

Special Needs School

‫ﺣﻔﻞ ﺫﻭﻱ ﺍﻻﺣﺘﻴﺎﺟﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ‬ ¨rOKF²�«Ë WOÐd²�« …—«“u� WFÐU²�«Ë UMÐ WOz«b²Ðô« ”«d³M�« WÝ—b� X�U�√ ÆW�U��« UłUO²Šô« ÍËcÐ ’Uš Õu²H� Âu¹ ¨·öI�« ‚—UÞ VŽö�«Ë Í—e¹uL�« bN� VŽö�« qH×�« w� „—Uý b�Ë e�d� „—U??ý UL� ¨ÊUF¹dA�« UN� W³Žö�«Ë ¨bOýd�« qFA� V??Žö??�«Ë ÊËRA�« …—«“u?? � sOFÐU²�«Ë wKO¼Q²�« w³D�« e�dL�«Ë wMNL�« qO¼Q²�« ÆqLF�«Ë WOŽUL²łô« Ê«uMFÐ …bOB� Í—e¹uL�« bN� dŽUA�« vI�« qH×�« Z�U½dÐ sL{ s�Ë WB�— sŽ …—U³Ž …dI� ÷dFÐ WÝ—bL�« X�U� UL� ©…d¼uł X¹uJ�«® WLK� Í—bMJ�« qBO� V�UD�« vI�« UL� ¨WÝ—bL�« U³�UÞ UNðœ√ WO³Fý ÆwšËb�« —bÐ –U²Ýô« …—Uýô« WGKÐ UNLłdð ÆW�U��« UłUO²Šô« ÍËc� W�Uš …eNłQÐ WÝ—bL�« XŽd³ð ÂU²��« w� ÆöL�« U¹d�– WÝ—bL�« …bŽU�LÐ ¨qÐ√ WHOD� WÝ—bL�« …dþU½ f�uM�« …—UÝ WFÐU²�

Unique CoVeRaGe


‫ﻣﻌﺮﺽ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺼﻐﻴﺮﺓ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻹﺩﺍﺭﻳﺔ‬ Ø”bMNL�« oÐU��« VzUM�« —uCŠË W¹UŽ— X×ð UŽËdAL�« WŽuL−� Xײ²�« ¨r½UG�« ‚Ë“d??� ÆÆwð—U−ð” ÷dF� W¹—«œù« ÂuKF�« WOKJÐ …dOGB�« …d²HK� p�–Ë w�«u²�« vKŽ WO½U¦�« WM�K� “w²¹«u¼ r{ Íc�«Ë ¨2008 q¹dЫ 1 v�≈ ”—U� 30 s� l¹—UAL�« rŽbð w²�« U�ÝRL�«Ë U¾ON�« iFÐ W³KD�« s??� WŽuL−� v??�≈ W??�U??{ùU??Ð …dOGB�« «u�—Uý s??¹c??�«Ë UŽËdAL�« ÁcN� s¹—œU³L�« rNF¹—UA�Ë r¼—UJ�√ ÷dF� ÷dFL�« «c¼ w� Æ…dOGB�«


Unique CoVeRaGe

Red Bull

Yousif Hussein Wins a Trip to watch the 1st round of the Red Bull Air Race World Series


n preparation for the Red Bull Air Race Series, Red Bull Kuwait launched an Air Race Remote Control competition in Kuwait targeting university students. The event was held in Kuwait University, GUST University and AUK and participation was open to all students.

The competition which was held indoor on a track made of six pylons requested setting the fastest lap on the remote control planes. The qualifying stages saw over 75 students participating but only seven made it to the final race which was held at the American University of Kuwait. In the finals, Yousif Hussein from Kuwait University had the upper hand and won the competition. His prize was to attend the 1st round of the Red Bull Air Race which was held in Abu Dhabi on April 1012 2008. At the Red Bull Air Race, Hussein enjoyed closely the magnificent and precise piloting from the worlds best 12 pilots. He also met the pilots and obtained an autograph from Kirby Chambliss the 2006 Red Bull Air Race World Series Champion. 32

Unique CoVeRaGe


÷dFL�« ÕU²²�«

sO�—UAL�« bŠ√ l� r½UG�« bN� –U²Ý_«

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r½UG�« bN� –U²Ý_«

sO�—UAL�« bŠ√ l� r½UG�« bN� –U²Ý_«

Unique SeRies

by Dr. Rasheed Al-Ameeri

‫ﺳﻠﺴﻠﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﻴﺢ ﺍﻟﻨﺠﺎﺡ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺴﺘﺔ‬

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Unique ArTiCLes

by Mariam Al-Ghanim

WFO�— WHOþu�« Â√ V×�« ÊU� ¡«uÝ …UO×�« s� tOG³ð U� ÊU� U¹Q� ¨pðU³ž— oOI×ðË pðUłUO²Š« WO³Kð w� pðbŽU�� vKŽ ÊUOŠ_« s� dO¦� w� ”UM�« qLF¹ œ«bF²Ýô« rð√ vKŽ ÊuJO�� ”UM�« p³Š√ «–S� ¨p�b¼ v�≈ ‰u�u�« w� „bŽU�O� bŠ√ ÃU²×ð Ê√ bÐö� wŠd�� ÷dŽ v�≈ »U¼c�« v²Š Ë√ Íu²�L�« ÆrN²OŠU½ s� WO×C²�«Ë ‰c³�« —«bI� ÊuJ¹ rNMOÐË pMOÐ W�öF�« …u� —b� vKŽË ¨pKł√ s� bN−�«Ë X�u�« ‰c³� ¨lL²−L�« tOKŽ ÂuI¹ ”U??Ý_« u??¼ dA³�« sOÐ q�«u²�« ∆œU³L�«Ë U�öF�« s� b¹bF�« r�«dð WKOBŠ u¼ lL²−L�U� WłUŠ w� ÎULz«œ s×M� ¨ U�UL²¼ô«Ë «“U−½ù«Ë rOI�«Ë W�œU³²L�« `�UBL�« s� ΫdO¦� „UM¼ Ê≈ YOŠ ”UM�« v�≈ VKÞË s¹dšü« nKš wF��« v�≈ UMF�bð lL²−L�« qš«œ ÊU�_«Ë …uI�UÐ Áœ«d�√ bL¹ jЫd²L�« lL²−L�U� rNðbŽU�� w� UM²�UÞ ”dJ½ Ê√ lOD²�ð ÊU�_«Ë …uI�UÐ dFA½ U�bMŽË Æw½UŠËd�«Ë w�UI¦�«Ë wŽUL²łô« d¹uD²�« ¨d??š√ h�ý s??� WOHÞUF�« …b½U�L�UÐ vE×ð U??� dO¦� UMMJ�Ë ¨UN�H½ l� ô≈ qŽUH²ð ô WIKG� WLE½√ UM�� s×M� rNðUEŠöLÐ dŁQ²½Ë ¨UM�uŠ sLÐ dŁQ²½ Ê√ vKŽ s¹—uDH� —bB¹ UM²OŠU½ qF� œ— ÍQÐ dŁQ²½ UL� ¨UM� rNFO−A²ÐË UMŽ dŁR¹ ÎUB�ý qÐUI½ Ê√ Àb×¹ ÎU½UOŠQ� ¨dšü« V½U−�« sŽ WOJO½UJO�Ë UM�OÝUŠ√Ë UMHÞ«uŽ vKŽ ÎUOÐU−¹≈ ΫdOŁQð ÊuKN�¹ s¹c�« r¼ ”UM�U� ¨V×�UÐ tOL�½ ULO� UM�U�ł√ WKOL−�« U�Ë_« …ËöŠ s� ÊËb¹e¹Ë …UO×�« VŽUB� UMOKŽ Ë√ «¡U??L? ¹ù« Ë√ r�−�« WG� o¹dÞ s??Ž «c??¼ ÊU??� ¡«u??Ý ÆU¼bŠË ULKJ�UÐ v²Š Ë√ uB�« …d³½ Ë√ tłu�« «dO³Fð UL� ÎU�ULð ”UM�« Èb� wHÞUF�« ÊËe�L�« pKN²�½ s×M� ¨t�ËUM²½ Íc??�« ÂUFD�«Ë tIAM²�½ Íc??�« ¡«uN�« pKN²�½ l� wHÞUF�«Ë Íb�−�« qŽUH²�« s� ÊU�½ù« Âd??Š «–S??� UN� ÊuJ¹ Ê√ sJL¹ W�U�²Ðô«Ë W½UFL�U� – dš_« h�A�« u� UL� ÎU�ULð uL¹Ë qÐc¹ ·u�� – W¹UGK� Íu� ‰uFH� «–UL� UM� `{uð WIOI×�« pK²� ÂUFD�« s� ÂdŠ b� ÊU� WHK²�L�« ÷«d�_UÐ TłöL�« w� w�U²O�« ‰UHÞ_« »UB¹ U� Êu�ËUM²¹ rN½√ s� ržd�« vKŽ ÂUF�« nFC�« s� Êu½UF¹Ë ÊuÐUBL�« ”UM�U� ¨…bOł ÎUÐUOŁ Êu�³K¹Ë ÂUFÞ s� rNOHJ¹ wHÞUF�«Ë w½UL�−�« qŽUH²�« v�≈ Êu�u²¹ bŠu²�« ÷dLÐ rN�uF¹ U� u¼ WOŽUL²łô« «—UNL�« v�≈ r¼—UI²�« sJ�Ë Ã«Ë“_« bŠ√ u� sŽ lL�½ U� ΫdO¦J� rN�b¼ oOI×ð sŽ vKŽ lOÐUÝ√ WFC³Ð v²Š Ë√ dNý√ WFC³Ð dšü« …U�Ë VIŽ WOŠUM�« s� WO×� q�UA� Í√ s� w½UF¹ ô t½√ s� ržd�« …UO×�« —«dL²Ýô sOO�U� U�O� ÈËQL�«Ë ÂUFD�U� ¨WO³D�« V×�« v??�≈Ë iF³�« UMCFÐ v??�≈ UNO³½U−� ÃU²×½ UMMJ�Ë Ær¼UH²�«Ë UNM� WOÝUÝ√ ◊UI½ ÀöŁ `{Ë√ Ê√ b¹—√ p�– vKŽ ¡UMÐ ∫wðü« ÆÊËUF²�UÐ wEŠ«Ë ”UM�« l� q�«uð æ Æs�¬ gŽË ”UM�« l� q�«uð æ ÆWMO½QLD�«Ë V×�UÐ wEŠ«Ë ”UM�« l� q�«uð æ

‫ﺃﻫﻤﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﺱ‬


Unique InTeRvieW

by Farah Al-Shemmeri

ø UN� Ÿ«d²š« ‰Ë√ l� W�Oý W¹«bÐ w¼ U� æ Èbײ¹ rKF�«” UN½«uMŽ t??¹œU??� t�OA�« WIÐU�� w??� w²¹«bÐ X½U� ≠ …dJ� —U²�ð WŽuL−� q�Ë UŽuL−� sŽ …—U³Ž WIÐU�L�«Ë “ U�UŽù« bFÐ s� …dýU³� wLKF�« ÍœUMK� V??¼–√ XM�Ë ¨UNOKŽ qG²AðË Ÿ«d??²?š« WŽuD²�Ë W�dA� U¼bFÐ «uMÝ 10 dLŽ s� …uCŽ XM�Ë WÝ—bL�« cOHM²Ð w½bŽUÝ Íc�« u¼Ë ¨s�×�« b�Uš ”bMNL�« ·«dý√ X×ð XM�Ë ÆWKŠd� s� d¦�QÐ ŸËdAL�«

—UL�L�« rKI�«

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by Mohammad Al-Yati

New Human Resources Competencies

Unique ArTiCLes


Questions What does it take to make it big in HR? What skills and expertise do you need? What are the set of skills high-achieving HR people need to perform?

Answer Researchers identified six core competencies that high-performing HR professionals embody. These competencies reflecting the continuing evolution of the HR profession and each competency is broken out into performance elements as described below: Sr. Competencies Definitions Performance elements. 1- Credible Activist This competency is the top indicator in predicting overall outstanding performance, suggesting that mastering it should be a priority and professionals need to be respected, admired, listened to and offers a point of view Delivering results with integrity. Sharing information. Building relationships of trust. Doing HR with an attitude (taking appropriate risks, providing candid observations, influencing others). 2- Cultural Steward Cultural Steward is the second highest predictor of performance of both HR professionals and HR departments recognizes, articulates and helps shape a company’s culture Facilitating change. Crafting culture. Valuing culture. Personalizing culture (helping employees find meaning in their work, managing work/ life balance, encouraging innovation). 3- Talent Manager / Organizational Designer Talent management focuses on how individuals enter, move up, across or out of the organization, Organizational design centers on the policies, practices and structure

that shape how the organization works, masters theory, research and practice Ensuring today’s and tomorrow’s talent. Developing talent. Shaping the organization. Fostering communication. Designing reward systems. 4- Strategy Architect Strategy Architects are able to recognize business trends and their impact on the business, to identify potential roadblocks, opportunities and knows how to make the right change happen Sustaining strategic agility. Engaging customers. 5- Business Ally HR contributes to the success of a business by knowing how it makes money, who the customers are, and why they buy the company’s products and services. Serving the value chain. Interpreting social context. Articulating the value proposition. Leveraging business technology. 6- Operational Executor The Operational Executor administers the day-to-day work of managing people inside an organization. These skills tend to fall into the range of HR activities characterized as transactional or “legacy.” Policies need to be drafted, adapted and implemented. Employees need to be paid, relocated, hired, trained and more. Implementing workplace policies. Advancing HR technology. What It All Means HR professionals, who would have succeeded 30, 20, even 10 years ago, are not as likely to succeed today. They are expected to play new roles. To do so, they will need the new competencies.

Recommendations HR professionals consider initiating three conversations. One is with your business leaders. Review the competencies with them and ask them if you’re doing them Pose the same questions to your HR team. Then, ask yourself whether you really know the business or if you’re glossing on the surface Set your priorities. “Our data say: ‘Get working on that Credible Activist!’ Note. The above competencies were extracted, summarized and formatted from HR magazine. 41

Unique ArTiCLes

by Chadi Al-Serafy

S t o r y

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Tr u e

Malcolm X

L e g e n d

Malcolm X was born in May 19.1925, his dad was killed by the white supremacist organization, and their house was burned to the ground. After they have moved, Malcolm graduated from junior high at the top of his class but his teacher broke his dream when he told him “becoming a lawyer is no realistic goal for a black man”. Later Malcolm moved to Boston and worked odds jobs, he also started to do crimes till he was caught and put in jail for 7 years. Malcolm continued his studies in jail and joined Islam and followed the Nation Of Islam organization. The leader of that organization was Elijah Muhammad who made his own racism religion and took Islam as a cover.


ntelligent and articulate, Malcolm was appointed a minister and national spokesman for the Nation of Islam. Elijah Muhammad also charged him with establishing new mosques in cities such as Detroit, Michigan and Harlem, New York. Malcolm utilized newspaper columns, radio and television to communicate the Nation of Islam’s message across the United States. His charisma, drive and conviction attracted an astounding number of new members. Malcolm was largely credited with increasing membership in the Nation of Islam from 500 in 1952 to 30,000 in 1963.

The crowds and controversy surrounding Malcolm made him a media magnet. He was featured in a week-long television special with Mike Wallace in 1959, The Hate That Hate Produced, that explored fundamentals of the Nation of Islam and Malcolm’s emergence as one of its most important leaders. After the special, Malcolm was faced with the uncomfortable reality that his fame had eclipsed that of his mentor Elijah Muhammad. Racial tensions ran increasingly high during the early 1960s. In addition to the media, Malcolm’s vivid personality had captured the government’s attention. As membership in the Nation of Islam continued to grow, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) agents infiltrated the organization (one even acted at Malcolm’s bodyguard) and secretly placed bugs, wiretaps and cameras surveillance equipment to monitor the group’s activities. Malcolm’s faith was dealt a crushing blow at the height of the civil rights movement in 1963. He knew that Elijah Muhammad was secretly having relations with as many as six women in the Nation of Islam, some of which had resulted in children. Since his conversion, Malcolm had strictly ad42

hered to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, including remaining celibate until his marriage to Betty Shabazz in 1958. And after Malcolm read a lot of books about the teaching of Islam, Malcolm refused Elijah Muhammad’s request to keep the matter quiet. He was deeply hurt by the deception of Elijah Muhammad, whom he had considered a prophet, and felt guilty about the masses he had lead into what he now felt was a fraudulent organization. When Malcolm received criticism after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy for saying, “[Kennedy] never foresaw that the chickens would come home to roost so soon,” Elijah Muhammad “silenced” him for 90 days. Malcolm suspected he was silenced for another reason. In March 1964 he terminated his relationship with the Nation of Islam and founded the Muslim Mosque, Inc. That same year, Malcolm went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The trip proved life altering, as Malcolm met “blonde-haired, blued-eyed men I could call my brothers.” He returned to the United States with a new outlook on integration. This time, instead of just preaching to African-Americans, he had a message for all races. Relations between Malcolm and the Nation of Islam had become volatile after he renounced Elijah Muhammad. Informants working in the Nation of Islam warned that Malcolm had been marked for assassination (even one man been ordered to help plant a bomb in his car). After repeated attempts on his life, Malcolm rarely travelled anywhere without bodyguards. On February 14, 1965 the home where Malcolm, Betty and their four daughters lived in East Elmhurst, New York was firebombed (the family escaped physical injury). To be continued

Unique ArTiCLes


by Sarah Al-Dahas

uman beings are one of God’s greatest miracles on earth with their fine looks, creative minds & other great characteristics. Human beings characters differ from one to another; each has his own uniQue way of expressing his/her self. But they

all do share their desire to explore, exchange ideas, communicate with others & influence them. All of these characteristics cannot be done without making mistakes & humans are very popular in making them quiet often.

Making mistakes is often done by humans due to their lack of rational thinking, unwanted curiosity, quick decisions, their lack in anger management, etc. and of course each mistake varies from one to another. Some

Don’t Regret!

mistakes can be undone by either apologizing or by making it up. But there are some mistakes which cannot be undone for it caused severe damage & there is nothing you can do to undone it, even a sincere apology won’t do it. After making those mistakes, we often sit down blaming ourselves for what we’ve done & how we’ve done it (if we have a consciousness). We even cry from the bottom of our heart regretting that awful moment & wishing to wake up the next day to find out it’s just a scary nightmare, but it’s not. Some people just stop functioning in every day activities because of the mistakes they’ve done, living in sorrow or remorse due to their un-intentional faults, thinking it’s never going to be right & that’s it, they’ve messed it up! But it’s not true. Mistakes develop our own personality whether to the better or worse (let’s think positively) & we have to learn to never regret anything for the rest of our lives because it won’t do us any good & it will never benefit us. It will only ruin our lives because our minds will be only occupied in thinking “How could I’ve done this?” & we’ll never move on in life. Learn to regret your mistakes only for five minutes & then move on to the next step, which is the positive thinking; “How can I prevent this from happening next time?” or “How can I make it right?”. Try to learn from your mistakes in order to have a better sight in life & how to deal with it. What’s done is done & you cannot turn back in time to make it right because this is life & we get to experience it even by making mistakes. Making them is what makes us what we are right now. After all, we’re just humans. 43

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A r t i c l e s






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Unique ArTiCLes


by Maha Al-Enezzi

«c??N?� ¨Ÿ«b???Ðû???� œËb?? ?Š „U??M? ¼ f??O? � V¼«uL�« s� dO¦J�« Íu×¹ lÝ«Ë r�UŽ VOB½ UMÐU³A?�Ë ¨tOŽb³LÐ …cH�« U�UD�«Ë Ï sOK�UŠ «uIKD½« bI� tÐ «uŽbÐ√ ULÐ p�– s� ¨h�ý q� UNÐ d�HÔ¹ w²�« rNð«“U−½≈ tKFý v²Š ¨b¹eL�UÐ ÊËdL²�¹ «u�«“U�Ë dO¦J�« «u�b� rNKš«bÐ UMÐU³A?� ¨rNFL²−�Ë r¼œö³Ð «u�d¹ lO−A²�«Ë …√d−K� jI� ÃU²×ð w¼Ë …b¹bŽ V¼«u� ÆlOL−�« dN³²� dNEð v²Š Íc�« u¼ Ÿ«b??Ðù« r�UF� ‚ËdH�«Ë U�ö²šô« rž—Ë s� Áu�b� ULÐ »U³A�« ¡ôR??¼ œdH²� ¨ÎUF� rNFL−¹ VKÞË UŽ«d²šö� …dOM�« rN�uIFÐ «ËœdHð ¨ «“U−½≈ «ËœdHðË ¨…eOLL�« UÐU²J�UÐ rN�ö�QÐ «ËœdHðË ¨rKF�« ¨ ôU−L�« nK²�LÐ UN½ËœR¹ w²�« ôUÝd�UÐ rNð«u�QÐ W¹b�−�«Ë WO{U¹d�« »UF�_« nK²�LÐ rN³FKÐ «ËœdHðË UMKF−ð w²�« ”ËRJ�«Ë ez«u−�«Ë «œUNA�« «ËbB×� ÆrNÐ d�H½ »U³A�« ¡ôR¼ eH×ð w²�« UN−�« qC� v�M½ s�Ë lO−A²�« w� dO³� —Ëœ rNK� «uIKDM¹ rNKF−ðË Èb??Š≈ X??½U??� UniQue WK−�Ë ¨d??O?ŁQ??²?�«Ë dO³�Ë ‰UF� —Ëœ UN� ÊU� w²�« UN−�« pKð rN³¼«u� eOH×ðË »U³A�« rL¼ jOAM²� q� rNK� ¨UNOKŽ sOLzUI�«Ë UNOŽb³LÐ Áu??�b??�U??� v??K?Ž d??¹b??I?²?�«Ë d??J?A?�« ¨WFz«d�« rN²�öD½« s� »U³AK� lOL−K�Ë rN� wðUOMLð l??�Ë Âb?? I? ?²? ?�« s?? ? � b?? ?¹e?? ?L? ? Ð Æw�d�«Ë

Unique IsLaMic

by Mai Al-Shemmeri

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Unique ArTiCLes

by Yousef Al-Bader

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Unique ArTiCLes

by Ghalia Al-Shamlan


ad morning you think to yourself but you have to wake up and get it over with. So you get dressed gather your books grab your cup of coffee and go to your car. Ops! You forget your keys and you are in a rush you waste two minutes but that’s acceptable now. You get the keys start the vehicle, and you noticed that you need fuel there goes ten more minutes of your time. You need to print the presentation, and be in the lecture in fifteen minutes. Splash! The coffee spills on flip-flops and know you’re a mess.


You don’t have time, your foot is sticky the car is a mess and you can’t make it to the lecture with your presentation. Hear they come! Tears fall from your eye and you try to stop them but it’s really difficult. Why do we cry? Does it make things better or worse? Can we stop the tears? I’m pretty sure that this had happened to almost all of you. It’s not too bad to cry, it’s actually good for you. When we cry we enable the stress to go away or we reduce the stress that we are going through. If you have noticed you feel much better when you wipe your tears and take a big breath after a breakdown. Scientists have proven that tears actually do reduce stress. There are many reasons for tears to drop, like dusty weather, some kind of smell, when you’re sick and more. Different types of tears contain different chemicals to protect the eye yet when we cry our body is not really trying to protect the eye. Emotional tears contain high level of manganese and a hormone known as prolactin. When these chemicals are released from your eyes depression will ease down and therefore you will eventually calm down. Although crying it pretty normal and safe, people are not used to it on daily or weekly bases. Cultures usually relate crying to death, and other cultures relate crying to women because they cry more than men do. It is known that women cry four times as much as men. It was calculated that women cry about five times a month and men cry about once or twice a month. Kuwait for an example has a cultural believe that guys shouldn’t cry unless death is the reason. So know when you try to stop tears from coming out, think twice because it turns out to be good and relaxing. And “people who don’t cry, don’t know how to laugh either”.


Unique ArTiCLes

By Rashed Al-Julaibi


hroughout our lives, we are constantly faced with situations and dilemmas that challenge our competence and abilities, and if we fail to gather enough confidence to confront these situations, it can induce all sorts of negative results. Some of these adverse effects include the feeling of inadequacy, depression, and nervousness. If you are one of these people, you are almost certainly asking yourself what is the solution? And how can I increase my self-belief in order to overcome any obstacle that might block my way?

Before I attempt to answer these questions, I feel it is necessary to give a brief explanation about the nature of self confidence. Self confidence is a state of mind that determines how secure you feel with yourself and your abilities and how much you trust your inner judgements and your actions. Self esteem is also very closely linked with self confidence, and it is determined by the extent to which you value yourself as a human being. Now then, if you are a person that is suffering with lack of self confidence to some degree or another, rest assured! Because there are numerable ways to effectively and significantly increase your self confidence. Here are some that you may wish to try out:-

Self Confidence

1- The first step is to identify and acknowledge your insecurities and write them down. Denial is an easy trap to fall into, and it will only exacerbate the problem. 2- Discuss it with a friend or a loved one. That way you can get to the core of the problem and you will have others supporting you with your ordeal. 3- Recognise your successes, and be proud of them! Give yourself credit for your achievements, and don’t belittle your talents no matter how miniscule you may think they are. 4- Be thankful and appreciative for what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t. Lack of confidence is sometimes instigated by a feeling of insufficient possession of things. Materialistic objects aren’t what define you as a human being and it shouldn’t define how you feel about yourself either. 5- Think Positively! Don’t get so immersed in negativity that you allow yourself and others around you to feel pity and sympathy for you. Think highly of yourself and your strengths and make them apparent to others. 6- Another Effective method to increase self confidence is to simply fake it. If you pretend that you are very self confident, you will eventually start to believe it. And remember, even the most confident people have insecurities, nobody is perfect. The fact of the matter is, we can’t avoid taking risks in our lives, but we can learn to accept them, and the more challenges we overcome, the easier they become.


Unique ArTiCLes

by Mohammad Al-Yati

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WeLCoMe To uniQue GuyS MinDs

ยบ Fashion ยบ Sport ยบ Electronics ยบ Cars

Unique FaShiOn


t Salvatore Ferragamo Reversible Belt

alle W ld


kB hec


rr rbe


ry ber Bur C Key hain

Nike ‘Lance Livestrong™’ Performance Cap Burberry Crossbody Bag

D&G Dolce & Gabbana ‘Rim’ Necklace

D&G Dolce & Gabbana Leather Logo Cuff


Unique FaShiOn

Narciso Rodriguez ‘For Him’ Eau de Toilette

Body Care

IZOD Eau de Toilette Spray Juicy Couture ‘Dirty English’ Eau de Toilette

Cartier ‘Must de Cartier Pour Homme’ Essence

Cartier ‘Must de Cartier Pour Homme’ Eau de Toilette Spray

Issey Miyake ‘L’Eau d’Issey Pour Homme INTENSE’ Gift Set

Issey Miyake ‘L’Eau d’Issey Pour Homme - Summer’ Fragrance

Unique FaShiOn


Mark Nason ‘Kells’ Sandal Santoni ‘Jason’ Slip-On

Mark Nason ‘Strudy’ Sandal

ECCO ‘Golf Flexor Hydromax’ Athletic Shoe (Men)

Nike ‘Air Max Tailwind 2008’ Running Shoe (Men)

New Balance ‘1340’ Athletic Shoe (Men)

Kenneth Cole New York ‘Cut the Rug’ Slip-On


Unique WheeLS







ith its unmistakable HUMMER design and a compact, go-anywhere driving ethic, the HUMMER HX concept challenges the hierarchy of the trail. HUMMER displayed the nimble, reconfigurable off-roader at the 2008 North American International Auto Show.

More compact than a HUMMER H3 単 81 inches (2,057 mm) wide, with a 103-inch wheelbase (2,616-mm) 単 the HX concept is an open-air, two-door off-road vehicle that packs the off-road acumen for which HUMMER has become legendary, along with an easily convertible body that acclimates to varied trail conditions, cargo needs or passenger whims. Its design is based on the ideas developed by a trio of young designers who are new to the HUMMER studio.

The HX offers an open-air driving experience via a pair of removable roof panels above the driver and front passenger, and a modular, removable rear roof assembly. With the roof panels and roof assembly removed, the HX is transformed into a true convertible. Easy removal of the roof panels and rear-roof assembly enables quick conversion from a closed vehicle to an open one. The HX also was designed with several roof assemblies, allowing this versatile vehicle to be configured as an SUT (with the roof assembly removed), a stylish slant-back or a traditional, wagon-like design that offers a bit more cargo space. 59

Unique SpOrTs

by Sa’ad Al-Yati

uM¹—uð u¼ rB��«Ë U¹—U³L�UÐ bNŽ Y¹bŠ o¹dH�U� ÆÆ ÍœUM�« ¡UMÐ√ U¹uMF� Æ«uMł V½Uł v�≈ …d²H�« pKð w� UO�UD¹« ‚d� Èu�√ s� d³²F¹ qBŠ U� «c¼Ë ÂœUI�« rÝuL�« w� qC�_« r¹bIð vKŽ ÁdO³� WL¹eF�« X½U� Á“uHÐ …dO³� …QłUH� oIŠ UO�UD¹≈ W�uDÐ w� ÊöOLK� W�—UA� w½UŁ wH� qFH�UÐ ÆÆ qÐUI� ÊËœ ·bNÐ wzUNM�« w� «uMł »U�Š vKŽ Â1901 ÂUŽ UO�UD¹≈ W�uD³Ð t�e¼ Ê√ bFÐ f²M�uł o¹d� wzUNM�« q³� …«—U³� w� vB�√ b� ÊöOL�« ÊU�Ë a¹—Uð w� s¹dO³J�« sOI¹dH�« sOÐ …«—U³� ‰Ë√ pKð ÊuJ²� 3≠2 W−O²MÐ uM¹—uð w� ÊöOL�« ¡UMÐ_ «dO¦� WŠdH� X½U� …dJ³L�« W−O²M�« Ác¼ ÆÆ q¹uD�« ULNŽ«d� ΫdJ³� WO�UD¹ô« W¹b½_« ·UB� w� t²F{Ë WOzUNM�« …«—U³L�« w� VIK�« q�UŠ W�—UA� vKŽ bL²F¹ UO�UD¹≈ W�uDÐ ÂUE½ ÊU� dE²½«Ë WO�Ë_« U¹—U³L�« w� ÊöOL�« „—UA¹ r� «c� …dýU³� b¹b−�« rÝuLK� “uH�«Ë WIÐU��« W�uD³K� tð—U�š i¹uFð ŸUD²Ý« Íc�« wzUNM�« w� «uMł w�öO� qOŠ— l�Ë WO�U²�« Àö¦�« «uM��« w�Ë p�– bFÐ 0≠2 W−O²MÐ ÊöOL�« vKŽ W�uD³�« w� ÊöOL�« W�—UA� XðËUHð œu¼Ë fO�«œË Êu�O� q¦� sO³Žö�« iFÐ ÆÂ1906 rÝu� v²Š W�u�QL�« ZzU²M�« ÂbI¹ r�Ë rÝu� w� ÍœUM�« rÝ« q¹bF²Ð o¹dH�« ¡UCŽ√ ÂU� b¹b−�« rÝuL�« W¹«bÐ q³� Î �U� ÂUL²¼ô« `³�√ Ê√ bFÐ ÂbI�« …dJ� ÊöO� v�≈ Â1905 UÐË W³FK�UÐ ö —ËbK� ÊöOL�« q�Ë Â1906 ÂUŽ w� ÆÆ W�uD³�« w� rz«œ qJAÐ ÎU�—UA� o¹dH�« f²M�uł l� ÎôË√ ÊöO� ¡UłË Í—Ëb??�« ÂUEMÐ ‚d� ÀöŁ s� ÊuJL�« wzUNM�« WK�U� …«—U³� XLO�√ «c� ÆÆ «uMł »U�Š vKŽ wzUNM�« —ËbK� ÂUF�« VOðd²�« w� u½öO� w� WO½U¦�« …«—U³L�«Ë w³K��« ‰œUF²�UÐ uM¹—uð w� XN²½« qD³�« b¹bײ� ÆÆ t�¹—Uð w� WO½U¦�« W�uD³�« UII×� sO�bNÐ ÊöOL�« “uHÐ ¡UIK�« V�²Š«Ë Î DÐ t³I� vKŽ ÿUH×�« ÊöOL�« ŸUD²Ý« Â1907 w� e�dL�UÐ “U�Ë UO�UD¹ô ö W¦�U¦�« ”QJ�« UII×� wzUNM�« —Ëb�« w� «—Ëœ U¹—b½«Ë uM¹—uð »U�Š vKŽ ‰Ë_« ÆW�uD³�« w� W�—UAL�« s� «uMÝ l³Ý ÈbF²¹ ô Íc�« dOBI�« t�¹—Uð w� 60

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Unique DiGiRoniCs

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

Engadget Awards 2007


ngadget ( is a multilingual technology weblog and podcast about consumer electronics. The weblog has won several awards. Engadget currently has four different sites, all operating simultaneously with each having its own staff, which cover technology news in different parts of the world in their respective languages. Each year the website holds Engadget Awards where everybody can vote for the best gadgets in each category such as best phone, best camera.. etc. and the winners of Engadget Awards 2007 are:


Gadget & Smartphone of the Year Apple iPhone

Cellphone of the Year Sony Ericsson K850

Worst Gadget of the Year Microsoft Vista

Desktop of the Year Apple iMac

Digital Camera of the Year Nikon D3

GPS Device of the Year Garmin nuvi 770

HDTV of the Year Sony XBR5 series LCDs

Display of the Year Dell 3008WFP UltraSharp

Laptop of the Year Apple MacBook Pro

Game Console of the Year Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite

Portable Media Device of the Year Apple iPod Touch


WeLCoMe To UniQue GIrLs MinDs

ยบ Fashion ยบ Beauty ยบ Make Up ยบ Health ยบ Kitchen

Unique FaShiOn

Bags Juicy Couture ‘Hearst’ Ruched Hobo Bag

Juicy Couture Zip Clutch Wallet

Juicy Couture ‘Strawberry Fields - Baby Fluffy’ Bag

Juicy Couture ‘Scottie Charm’ Clutch Wallet

Juicy Couture ‘Velour Daydreamer’ Tote

Juicy Couture ‘Classic Charm - Maggie’ Tote

Juicy Couture ‘Clear Fluffy’ Bag

Unique FaShiOn


Anne Klein New York ‘Aubrin’ Slide

Bettye Muller ‘Casino’ Sandal

Sam Edelman ‘Carmen’ Chain Detail Leather Flat 66

Stuart Weitzman ‘Woodbow’ Pump

Bettye Muller ‘Breeze’ Sandal

Belle by Sigerson Morrison ‘5204’ Flat

Anne Klein New York ‘Aspyn’ Sandal

Belle by Sigerson Morrison ‘5364’ Flat


Sorrelli Oversized Crystal Flower Ring

Sorrelli Jewelery Necklace With Lobster Claw Closure

Sorrelli Swarovski Crystal Earrings Juicy Couture Metallic Charm Juicy Couture Scottie Key Fob

Sorrelli Hoop Earrings

Sorrelli Crystal Cuff Bracelet

Unique FaShiOn

Sorrelli Pendant Necklace 67

Unique FaShiOn

Provided by


Unique FaShiOn

Body Care

Vera Wang Gift Set

DKNY ‘Delicious Night’ Shower Gel

Vera Wang ‘Flower Princess’ Foamy Body Polish

Givenchy ‘A




Givenchy ‘Ange ou Démon’ Mother’s Day Set

Vera Wang ‘Flower Princess’ Eau de Toilette Spray

Origins ‘Hand Over Heels’ Set

Origins ‘Ginger Embrace’ Set


y Cream Bod ’ on

Unique HeaLTh

By Hamad D. Al-Othman - Physical Therapist

Exercise May Cut Snoring In Kids


irst of all before talking about how to cut snoring; What is Snoring? In what way it will affect you? And why do you want to cut it?

We all know that snoring is that loud noise you make when you are sleeping and all your neighbors hear it, but it’s not music right? So it will irritate you and will not make you able to sleep well, or your thankful neighbors as well. What causes you to snore and make all that unpleasant sound? It is caused by the vibration of the respiratory structures which is resulted from the obstruction of the air movement during breathing while sleeping. How does that happen? Several causes have been identified which are: • Throat weakness causing the throat to close during sleep • Mispositioned jaw, often caused by tension in muscles • Fat gathering in and around the throat • Obstruction in the nasal passageway Back to the main topic; snoring in kids and whether exercise may cut it or not. There is a nice research done by Catherine L. Davis, PhD, and colleagues in the Medical College of Georgia where they studied 100 overweight children age 7 to 11. According to surveys completed by the children's parents, A quarter of the kids snored or had other sleep-related breathing problems. The researchers randomly split the kids into three groups. One group got 40 minutes of supervised aerobic exercise (such as tag, basketball, soccer, 70

or jump rope) every day for about 13 weeks. Another group got 20 minutes of the same sort of daily aerobic exercise. For comparison, kids in the third group weren't assigned to get any aerobic exercise; but they were free to continue their usual activities. After about 13 weeks, the kids' parents completed a follow-up survey on their child's snoring and other sleep-related breathing problems. Those surveys show that kids in the exercise groups had a bigger drop in snoring and sleep-related breathing problems than those not assigned to exercise. Both exercise groups showed a similar drop in snoring. But, kids assigned to exercise at least 40 minutes a day showed the biggest overall improvement in sleep-related breathing problems. The improvements didn't depend on the kids losing weight. The results weren't related to changes in the children's BMI (body mass index), a ratio of weight and height. But it’s still not known whether exercise may cut snoring in kids with normal weight, because the study included only the overweight kids. That doesn’t mean you can’t try exercise with your kids or little brothers and sisters, it doesn’t hurt if they exercise. You can always let your kids to play sports and exercise by encouraging them; and remember use the word Play not Exercise with them so they don’t feel that there is something wrong with them. If there is no positive change with their problems, go and visit an ENT doctor (stands for: Ear, Nose, and Throat) to diagnose them and help them medically.

Unique GiRLs sTuFf

by UniQue Staff

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Unique KitChen

By Eman Al-Kanderi

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Unique STArs NeWs

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Unique InTeRvieW

by Zainab Dashti

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Unique InTeRvieW

by Zainab Dashti

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Unique Red CaRpeT

By Unique Staff


ohn Joseph Nicholson was born April 22, 1937, known as Jack Nicholson, is a three-time Academy

Award, seven-time Golden Globe-, three-time BAFTA- and Screen Actors Guild Award-winning

American actor, internationally renowned for his often dark-themed portrayals of neurotic characters.

From All Movie Guide: With his cheshire-cat grin, devilmay-care attitude and potent charisma, Jack Nicholson emerged as the most popular and celebrated actor of his generation. A classic anti-hero, he typified the new breed of Hollywood star -- rebellious, contentious and defiantly non-conformist. A supremely versatile talent, he uniquely defined the zeitgeist of the 1970s, a decade which his screen presence dominated virtually from start to finish, and remained an enduring counterculture icon for the duration of his long and renowned career. Born April 22, 1937 in Neptune, New Jersey, and raised by his mother and grandmother, Nicholson travelled to California at the age of 17, with the intent of returning east to attend college. It never happened -- he became so enamored of the west coast that he stayed, landing a job as an office boy in MGM’s animation department. 80

Nicholson soon began studying acting with the area group the Players Ring Theater, eventually appearing on television as well as on stage. While performing theatrically, Nicholson was spotted by “B”-movie mogul Roger Corman, who cast him in the lead role in the 1958 quickie The Cry Baby Killer. He continued playing troubled teens in Corman’s 1960 efforts Too Soon to Love and The Wild Ride before appearing in the Irving Lerner adaptation of the novel Studs Lonigan. The picture failed miserably, and soon Nicholson was back in drive-in fare, next appearing in Little Shop of Horrors. He did not reappear on-screen prior to the 1962 Fox “B”-western The Broken Land. It was then back to the Corman camp for 1963’s The Raven. For the follow-up, The Terror, he worked with a then-unknown Francis Ford Coppola and Monte Hellman. A year later, he enjoyed his second flirtation with mainstream Hollywood in the war comedy Ensign Pulver. Under Hellman, Nicholson next appeared in both Back Door to Hell and Flight to Fury, which though filmed backto-back were released two years apart. Together, they also co-produced a pair of 1967 Corman westerns, Ride in the Whirlwind and The Shooting. A brief appearance in the exploitation tale Hell’s Angels on Wheels followed before Nicholson wrote the acid-culture drama The Trip, which co-starred Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda. He also penned 1968’s Head, a psychedelic saga starring the television pop group the Monkees which was directed by Bob Rafelson, and he wrote and co-starred in Psych-Out. After rejecting a role in Bonnie and Clyde, Nicholson was approached by Hopper and Fonda to star in their 1969 counterculture epic Easy Rider. As an ill-fated, alcoholic civil-rights lawyer, Nicholson immediately shot to stardom,

earning a “Best Supporting Actor” Oscar nomination as the film quickly achieved landmark status. Nicholson earned yet one more Oscar nomination as detective Jake Gittes in Roman Polanski’s brilliant 1974 neo-noir Chinatown, universally hailed among the decade’s greatest motion pictures. The next year was even more triumphant: first Nicholson starred in Michelangelo Antonioni’s The Passenger, and then delivered a memorable supporting turn in the Ken Russell musical Tommy. The Fortune, co-starring Warren Beatty and Stockard Channing, followed, before the year ended with Milos Forman’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; the winner of five Oscars, including “Best Picture” and, finally, “Best Actor.” The film earned over $60 million and firmly established Nicholson as the screen’s most popular star -- so popular, in fact, that he was able to turn down roles in projects including The Sting, The Godfather and Apocalypse Now without suffering any ill effects. In 1997, Nicholson enjoyed a sort of career renaissance with James L. Brooks’ As Good As it Gets, an enormously successful film that netted a third Oscar (for “Best Actor) for Nicholson, as well as a Best Actress Oscar for his co-star Helen Hunt. Nicholson and Hunt also picked up Golden Globes for their performances, two of many awards lavished upon the film. Subsequently taking a four-year exile from film, Nicholson stepped back in front of the camera under the direction of actor-turneddirector Sean Penn for the police drama The Pledge. A quiet character study concerning a veteran detective who

promises to solve the murder of a young girl, the film earned moderately positive reviews though it found only a small following at the box office. Though many agreed that Nicholson’s overall performance in The Pledge was subtly effective, it was the following year that the legendary actor would find himself back in the critic’s good graces. As the eponymous character of About Schmidt, Nicholson recieved yet another Oscar nomination for his effectively restrained performance as a disillusioned father troubled by his daughter’s impending nuptuals. The next year he appeared in a pair of box office hits. Anger Management found him playing an unorthodox therapist opposite Adam Sandler, while he played an aging lothario opposite Diane Keaton in ancy Myers’ Something’s Gotta Give. After taking a three year break from any on-screen work, Nicholson returned in 2006 as a fearsome criminal in Martin Scorsese’s undercover police drama The Departed, the first collaboration between these two towering figures in American film. Nicholson’s personal life has been one befitting a man who has made his mark playing so many devilishly charming characters. He has fathered a number of children from his relationships with various women, including a daughter, Lorraine (born in 1990), and a son, Raymond (born1992) with Rebecca Broussard. It was Broussard’s pregnancy with their first child that ended Nicholson’s 17-year relationship with a woman who is known for her similarly enduring charisma, the actress Angelica Huston. ~ Jason Ankeny, All Movie Guide. 81

Unique Tv ShOwS


By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

BO presents Entourage, the hit comedy series executive produced by Mark Wahlberg that takes a look at the day-to-day life of Vincent (Vince) Chase, a young actor in modern-day Hollywood, and his entourage. He’s brought with him from their hometown in Queens, NY: manager Eric, half-brother Drama, and friend Turtle. The series draws on the experiences of industry insiders to illustrate both the heady excesses of today’s celebrity lifestyle, as well as the difficulty of finding love and success in the fast track of show biz. Now that the boys are getting used to the perks of stardom, Eric, along with superagent Ari, keep Vince’s star rising while making sound decisions for a long-lasting career in a world of fleeting fame.

e n t o u r a g e

Unique MoviEs

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

4 Most Anticipated Movies of Summer 2008

Iron Man

The Dark Knight

Marvel Comics’ steel-plated superhero is coming to the big screen, with a stellar cast and amazing effects. Robert Downey Jr. brings humor and humanity to the role of Tony Stark, the billionaire who builds and wears the indestructible armor.

Continuing the story of director Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, Christian Bale returns as the Caped Crusader, this time facing his arch-nemesis, the scarred and scary Joker, played with psychotic menace by Heath Ledger.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian The four Pevensie children return to the magical world of Narnia to find 1,300 years have passed and an evil king rules the land. They will need the help of the mighty lion Aslan to restore the young Prince Caspian to his rightful place on the throne.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Harrison Ford, Steven Spielburg and George Lucas reunite to bring legendary archeologist and adventurer Dr. Henry Jones Jr. (better known as “Indiana”) back to the big screen. 83

Unique PhoTOs

By Photographer Mohammad Al-Saleh

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Unique CineMa


Coming Soon May 2008 Provided By:

The Movie: Indiana Jones 4 * Cast: Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett Genre: Action / Adventure


n 1957, Indiana Jones is thrust back in action, venturing into the jungles of South America in a race against Soviet agents to find the mystical Crystal Skull.

The Movie: Speed Racer * Cast: Emile Hirsch, Christina Ricci Genre: Action / Family


ased on the classic 1960’s Japanese animated series chronicling the aspirations of a young race car driver as he attempts to obtain glory, with the help of his family and the Mach 5, the advanced car created by his father.

The Movie: Iron Man * Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow Genre: Action / Thriller


hen Tony Stark is forced to create a life support suit to keep him alive after an accident he decides to use the technology in his suit to fight crime.

The Movie: Funny Games * Cast: Naomi Watts, Brady Corbet Genre: Horror / Thriller


n this exploration of our violent society and how depictions of violence reflect and shape our culture, a middle-class housewife Anna tells the story of how she and her husband George and their 10-year-old son Georgie submitted both physically and mentally to the torture, violence, and death foisted upon them by two young, unexpected, white-gloved visitors at their weekend vacation retreat near a lake.

The Movie: What Happens in Vegas * Cast: Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher Genre: Comedy


et in Sin City, story revolves around two people who discover they’ve gotten married following a night of debauchery, with one of them winning a huge jackpot after playing the other’s quarter. Unhappy pair tries to undermine each other and get their hands on the money -- falling in love along the way.



TOP Movies 5 1

6 2

7 3 4

8 9 10 87

Have Your Break Time...

Way NO Way

By Mohammed Al-Najdy

Unique OpeN door

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Unique AsK & AnSweR

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by farah alshemmeri

¨tO� w�H½ wý q� Íd²ý√ UOFL−�« vKŽ ÊuOK� Ÿ“Ë√Ë sO½uOK� w??D? Ž√Ë W??¹d??O?�?�« Æw�U³�« cš√ U½√Ë wK¼_ d�UM�« b³Ž …—UÝ

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C l i C k











w w w. b b c . c o . u k World News. Sports. Radio. Articles and audio in 33 languages. is content rich too; episodes of the series Expose: America’s Investigative Reports can be viewed here even before they air on TV

w w w. d e l . i c i o . u s An immensely popular place to share your favorite Web links and see what other people are bookmarking. Search the site by keyword (each link is tagged with descriptors both general and specific), create your own list of favorites to share with everybody else, or add to an existing collection. It’s all about the tags. To see the most popular ones

w w w. e s p n . c o m The ads are way too aggressive, but this site’s got everything a sports fanatic needs. Speedy Net connection a must

w w w. f l i c k r. c o m More than half a billion images are now posted on Flickr, a superbly designed sharing platform and social network for photo enthusiasts that, since June, also offers French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese and Korean language options

w w w. h o w s t u f f w o r k s . c o m Easy-to-read explanations of how things work, from plasma converters to antibiotics to E-Z Pass. Now the site lets you upload photos and video to help supplement its written content. UNICEF sent in a video clip about land mines; NASA on sonic booms; and GE on photovoltaics.


Unique ArTiCLes

Bashayer Al-Shemmeri

Adobe Photoshop WO½U�dÐ WOHKš iOÐ_« ÊuK�UÐ “dOK�«” WI³D�« W¾³F²Ð r� b¹bł qLŽ `²�√ ≠1 w�U²�« “d²K�” dOŁQ²�« o³Þ ≠2 Filter > render > lighting effect ∫WO�U²�« rOI�« fHMÐË

∫w�U²�« “d²KH�«” dOŁQ²�« o³Þ «d??Oš¬Ë ≠3 Filter > brushstrokes > accented edges ∫WO?�U²�« rOI�« fHMÐ


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Unique FaCE BoOk

By UniQue Staff

‫ ﺳﻨﺔ ﺷﻨﻮ ﺭﺍﺡ ﻳﺘﻐﻴﺮ ﻓﻴﻨﺎ ﻏﻴﺮ ﺗﻘﺪﻡ ﺍﻟﺘﻜﻨﻮﻟﻮﺟﻴﺎ؟‬٢٠٠ ‫ﺑﻌﺪ‬ Sara on Apr 11, 2008 at 3:59 AM. yalla Guys sharkooonaaa lets know what ppl are thinkg in the future ;)

Sarah Al-D. (Kuwait) wrote on Apr 13, 2008 at 4:39 AM. Chadi El Serafy (Kuwait) wrote on Apr 11, 2008 at 3:02 PM. i think we will be at the end of days, judgement day..

it will be an outrageous era where everybody will be doing what they want without taking any consideration in what's forbidden & what's not. Materialism will conquer our teenagers' minds more & more.This is what's called post-structuralism which means no end or no limit for anything.

Reem S. Alnafisi (Kuwait) wrote on Apr 13, 2008 at 8:19 AM. How would we change in 200 years, other than progressing in technology? Actually we would change because of the technology. If you hang out for 20 more years you could live to be 200 years or more. Due to the progressing field of Nano technology, medicine will evolve. Tiny robots will be manufactured, so small that they will circulate in the blood stream and fix any failing part of the body. Humans can live longer healthier lives. Check out the references below. search?hl=en&rlz=1T4ADBF_enKW270&q=na nobots+and+longevity

May Abdullah (Kuwait) wrote on Apr 14, 2008 at 3:43 AM. umm i think ena 7azat'ha ra7 ekon yom el qeyama :P


Sevana Magarian (Kuwait) wrote on Apr 13, 2008 at 12:31 AM. once u stop looking at eachothers in the street and not pay attention for every single detail about clothing and looks plus removing the mental blockage u have, everything can be changed from tomorrow without waiting for another 200 years with the same mentality, regarding the Technology well, I hope one day everything can be organized by using the technology in a right way.

‫ﺷﺎﺭﻙ ﻭﺃﺑﺪﻱ ﺭﺃﻳﻚ ﻣﻌﺎﻧﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺮﻭﺏ‬

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Unique AroUnD The WoRLd

by UniQue Staff

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Unique InTeRvieW

by Reem Al-Nifisi

On Top of KINABALU mountain - 23 Feb 2008

Zaid AlRefai


ountain climbing, a not so common sport in Kuwait, this is due to the flat nature of Kuwait’s land of course. Never the less, this didn’t stop Kuwait from giving birth to one of the most avid mountain climbers in the world. He climbed the highest mountains in all the 7 continents (which makes him in the adventure dictionary a “7 summiteer”).

He achieved so many recognized places, and was able to place Kuwait flag on each of these mountain tops. This sport is far from being easy; sometimes it takes them 2 months to reach their destination. They can hardly breathe as they reach high elevations, they can hardly eat as their appetite is curbed during climbing, and they face the dangers of accidents and death. Some of them lost their lives while climbing, some lost their fingers, and some suffered complications caused by lack of oxygen on high altitudes. Add t o that the extreme whether conditions, no bathing, no clean clothes. What could keep them going on in spite of all this hardship? Zed AL-REFAI the Kuwaiti mountain climbing adventurer answered to that question saying: To exceed your own expectations, to surpass your own limits, that’s what keeps me going on. 98

Identity card Name: Zed Al-Refai Birthday: 28 October 1966 Study major and certificate: B.A. Political Science (1989– Stockton State College New Jersey USA)

• Can you identify your hobby to the reader? Alpine Climbing- Adventure Travel. • How did your hobby start? I was an avid reader of history, very fond of maps & love traveling. • At what age did you start? During my studies in the states when I could afford it, especially when I got free time during school breaks.

Leading a team ascending mount KINABALU

• Did your family support you in pursuing this hobby? Not really. • Do you do it regularly? I used to, now I’m much busier with work. • How do you coordinate between your hobby and your work? We all get time off; all of us take holidays to the usual destination. In my case, I choose different and more exotic places. • Have you taken it to the professional level? Semi professional, I lead trip with some friends “time to time”. Who knows, maybe we go public in the future. J • What did you accomplish for your self through this hobby? I have accomplished my dream(s) , I lived a life most people read in books, I’ve been blessed, I feel satisfied when I travel and some people wonder; what’s the whole excitement about, or in short “what’s the big deal” my response is: to

Top of Everest Mountain - 22 May 2003

exceed your own expectation, to surpass your own limit, it is the “biggest deal” my friend. • Does your hobby give you happiness? What do you feel when you practice it? It sure does. I feel ecstatic and over the moon each time I climb a mountain., also, getting to my destination is fun as well, to mix and chat with different people from all over the world . • Does your hobby give you special appreciation for nature? And have that led you to care about Earths’ environment, including Kuwait?

Camping in mount Aconcagua-Andes

It certainly does, climbers in general care much about the environment because we are exposed to it while practicing our hobbies. We also go back to same place and like to see it preserved for us and for future generations. I lecture to little kids at various schools and always emphasize about the protection of our earth. Climbers believe in reduce, reuse, recycle way of life. 99

Unique InTeRvieW

by Reem Al-Nifisi

Matterhorn summit- Switzerland - July 2004

Vinson Massif summit-Antarctica - 13 Jan 2004

• Did you do something to encourage care for the environment?

or touched you in some way?

As I’ve mentioned earlier, I encourage the use of friendly materials, also I have led few groups to the mountains with the main focus of preserving nature. • Do you try to know more about your hobby through reading? I used to read more before but now I attend lectures, receive newsletters as I’m a fellow of the royal geographical society which is doing a great job in keeping us updated. • What do you do to get better in your hobby?

When I became ill on my first Everest attempt, that nearly cost me my life, the doctor who treated me in Katmandu (Nepal’s capital) in an American hospital, told me while on my bed “ you might and will die if you climb again, choose a different sport “ and to his surprise, I went to see him after my Everest successful expedition (you should see the look on his face and how astonished he was) he asked if he could use my case in his research, that made me very flattered and proud at the same time. I am very blessed indeed. • Do you have a special call for the youth of this country? Chase your dream because life without ambition is like a ship on a dry land.

Stay fit, eat well, and of course Keep Climbing

I have met and still meet interesting people with positive outlook towards life. Climbing makes you more appreciative of the little things in life such as hot shower, fresh fruits, and walking on grass (especially when you have your climbing boots on for 60 days straight). • What did you achieve for your country through your hobby? First Arab to summit Everest. First Arab to climb the world 7 summits. 46 in history to climb the world’s 7 summits. Many 1st ascents • Do you have a treasured memory to share with us, a memory about something that you have encountered while practicing this hobby or something that moved you 100

I feel very proud, fortunate, and blessed to be from Kuwait and to have reached my goals especially standing on Everest which have claimed many lives. It is a dream no more.

Mount Aconcagua-Andes - 5Feb 2004

• What are the positive impacts of this hobby on your social life?

• Do you have a final statement that you’d like to close this interview with?

Unique ReLEase

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Unique ArTiCLes


by Ghalia Al-Shamlan

id you know that some foods can actually help relieve the symptoms of nausea? Next time you’re feeling a little queasy, try one of these suggestions.

9 Foods That Help Relieve Nausea

Apple A little fiber goes a long way toward clearing nausea-inducing chemicals out of your system — but too much at one time can make you feel even worse. Throughout the day, snack on such fiber-rich foods as a whole apple (Gala apples are a good choice) and crunchy raw vegetables. Try applesauce or apple juice if you’re having trouble digesting solid food. Crackers Foods high in starch — such as saltines, bread, and toast — help absorb stomach acids and settle a queasy stomach. Keep a handful of crackers on your nightstand; eating a few before you get out of bed may help ease nausea in the morning. Ginger Capsules of powdered ginger have been found to reduce nausea and vomiting. You could also try a cup of ginger tea, a glass of ginger ale (some people swear it works better if it’s flat), a few gingersnap cookies, or a piece of ginger candy. Pickled ginger, the kind that usually comes with sushi, may also help. Water Small sips from a plain glass of water will help you stay hydrated — and avoid the headaches that often accompany nausea. Start out by slowly drinking tiny amounts until you feel you can stomach a larger amount. Nuts A lack of protein can make nausea feel even worse, so look to protein-packed foods, such as nuts — even peanut butter (as long as you’re not allergic) — that are easy to digest. They’ll quickly replenish your depleted energy and help keep your nausea at bay. Chicken Broth Chicken soup may make you feel better when you have a cold, but it’s too heavy when you’re nauseated. Instead try chicken broth to soothe your symptoms — the lower in fat, the better. Broth made from bouillon cubes may be your best bet because it’s easy to prepare and less likely to spoil. Sports Drinks Most sports drinks contain the electrolytes sodium and potassium, which help restore an athlete’s depleted nutrients. While you may not be up for sports, sports drinks can help even nonathletes feel better when they’re suffering from nausea. Banana If your nausea is accompanied by dehydration, or if you have been vomiting, snack on a piece of this peel-and-eat fruit. Bananas can help restore potassium, which is often depleted as a result of diarrhea and vomiting. Doctors also recommend starting on “bland” foods like bananas when you’re ready to eat solids again. Sprig of Mint The refreshing aroma alone may be enough to make you feel better, but actually chewing on fresh mint or drinking a glass of mint tea is considered an effective remedy for nausea.


Unique ArTiCLes

by Ghalia Al-Shamlan

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‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪105‬‬

Unique ArTiCLes


By Ahmed Al-Shati

person you know well and regard with affection and trust. That is what you’ll find if you try to look up the word “friend” in the dictionary, but is it what all friends are to you?

True Friend

Life itself is designed in a manner where humans can’t survive or operate in a society without someone who they can rely on, trust, enjoy their time with or etc. Everyone has different emotions towards someone but the truth is that it’s never even or in other words balanced. A person can really feel comfortable towards you, but you won’t feel the same for them. Some people like to call it “chemistry,” but it really isn’t. It depends on how the person is treating you, and how you perceive it will then affect you reaction. The right timing and place does help too, for example; a person could be nice to you but in that exact time you are going through a tough day which will lead you to reacting back in a negative manner. Basically open up for others who do deserve your time, just don’t let any person in your life without making a decision that actually took you a while to think about. You may think you know your friends especially if you have been with him/her for more than a decade; but you really don’t. You could actually know more about a person and how he/she thinks, feels and reacts towards things even if you have known him/her for less than a month. The matter of fact is that no one really knows who you are and the same applies to them. A person’s true identity will always remain a mystery; believe it or not a lot of people don’t even know them selves. The least we can do is to realize our own identity so that we our selves won’t be lost in the whirlpool of life, helping the person next to you can recognize what kind of person there dealing with. In my opinion, a friend is that person who gave you a chance, who helped you when you really needed it and when you didn’t, who believes in you, who trusts you, who wont mind looking at your face 24/7 without getting bored, feels what you feel, loves what you love and enjoy what life gives from ups and downs in the same time as long as your around. When you’re not with your friends you might feel lost and out of place or you might even feel like a part of you is missing. Different emotions will rise through out your relationships. Just don’t be surprised when reality does not meet your expectations, people will do weird things that hurt you sometimes for a reason. Never let it get to the best of you. Friends come and go like seasons; but only a true friend will remain intact with you for the rest of your life. Some people might have one best friend and some might have more. Some maybe abroad, close, or passed away but the key is to never forget them, for all that you take with you on the next life is only the memories of the ones you have in this one. Make them count. You’ll find friends always fighting and arguing about the silliest things but at the end of it all of you, really, can’t live without one.


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