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Issue 15
October 08
27 Articles
52 Guys World 66 Girls World
Stars World 80 Interviews 32 Way No Way 92
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Mishref Co-op
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by Dr. Rasheed Al-Ameeri rasheed_a@uniQue.com.kw
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by Dalal Al-Dalali dalal_d@uniQue.com.kw
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by Zainab Dashti zainab_d@uniQue.com.kw
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by Nofal Al-Musarea nofal_m@uniQue.com.kw
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by Farah Al-Shemmeri farah_sh@uniQue.com.kw
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by Nora Al-Shetail nora_s@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue AniMaLs
by Dalal Al-Haggan dalal_h@uniQue.com.kw
Æh�d�«Ë `z«Ëd�« o¹dÞ sŽ iF³�« tCF³Ð qB²¹ q×M�« Ê√ rKFð q¼ æ WOK��« v�≈ œuFð ¨U� ÊU²�Ð w� ÎUŠUI� Ë√ ÎUIOŠ— WK×M�« nA²Jð U�bMF� ÆWIO{ dz«Ëœ sL{ —ËbðË —Ëbð w¼Ë h�d�UÐ √b³ðË s� WÞdý√ vKŽ d¦�√ Ë√ WCOÐ µ∞∞ lCð eI�« …œËœ Ê√ rKFð q¼ æ Ác¼ l{u²� ¨t??�«—Ë√ u²�« `²H¹ U�bMŽ ÂœUI�« lOÐd�« v²Š ‚—u??�« l{uð YOŠ …dOG� ¡«œuÝ ÎU½«b¹œ fIHð YOŠ WM{UŠ w� UCO³�« Ê«b¹b�« √b³ð rŁ ¨lOÐUÝ√ W²Ý …bL� UNOKŽ ÈcG²²� u²�« ‚«—Ë√ ‚u� …dOG� »uIŁ d³Ž t³J�ð —uEM� dOž ΫdOG� ÎUDOš UN�H½ ‰uŠ bIFð ÆUN�UMŠ√ w� Ãd�¹ ¨…œb×� WOMDÐ œbž s� WŽuMB� u³JMF�« ◊uOš Ê√ rKFð q¼ æ ¨sD³�« ”√— bMŽ ‰eM�« ¡UCŽ√ s� Ϋbł …dOG� »uIŁ d³Ž d¹d×�« ◊uO��« ÁcN� ¨¡«uNK� t²��ö� bMŽ bL−²¹ U� ÊUŽdÝ qzU�� Ãd�¹Ë ◊UI²�ô ZO�M�« w� qLF²�¹ Íc�« ÃeK�« d¹d×�« ∫w¼ Ÿ«u½√ W¹d¹d×�« d¹dŠË ¨Włe� X�O� w²�« Z�«uJ�« rŽb¹ Íc�« ÍuI�« ŸuM�«Ë ¨W�¹dH�« dšü«Ë ¨‘uHM�Ë rŽU½ UNCFÐË ¨ UCO³�« tO� l{uð Íc�« o½«dA�« ÆwHO� sO²� w� …dA²M� »UÐc�« s� fMł n�√ ¥∞ s� d¦�√ „UM¼ Ê√ rKFð q¼ æ UNM�Ë ¨·u�QL�« ÍœUF�« w�eML�« »UÐc�« UNM� ¨r�UF�« ¡U×½√ lOLł w� bA²×¹ Íc�« WO�ULA�« UÐUG�« w� dA²ML�« œuÝ_« »UÐc�« ÎUC¹√ q²� v�≈ ÍœRð Ê√ v�≈ t²CŽ Wł—œ qBðË ¨UN� dBŠ ô œ«bŽQÐ lOÐd�« …bŠ«u�« WO½U¦�« w� „dײ¹ WÐUÐc�« ÕUMł ÊS� jI� rKFK�Ë ÊU�½ù« Æ…d� ≥≥∞ s� d¦�√ w²�« œ—U³�« Âb�« «Ë– U½«uO×�« WŽuL−� s� ŸœUHC�« Ê√ rKFð q¼ æ ÆWOzU�dÐ wN� W�ÐUO�« vKŽË ¡UL�« w� gOFð lMBð WOI¹d�_« Í—U×B�« w� gOFð w²�« ÀËd�« ¡U�HMš Ê√ rKFð q¼ æ qJAÐ ÷—_UÐ tM�bð rŁ UNCOÐ UNO� lCð ÀËd�« s� …dOG� U¹d� ÆfIH¹ Ê√ v�≈ bOł
ﻣﺎ ﻻ ﺗﻌﺮﻓﻪ ﻋﻦ ﺍﻟﺤﺸﺮﺍﺕ `�UB�« bL×� d¹uBð
uniQue ArTiCLes
by Oshin Mohammed oshin_m@uniQue.com.kw
‘Dealing With Life’ A
ll around the world people have the same routine of life. Study school, college start working and get married, for some people there life seems harder than others, it is not that everyone has a perfect life but there are certain things which people miss out in there lives one of the things are mentioned in the saying - ‘All play and no work makes jack a dull boy’ each word of this saying has a meaning its true meaning and message to people is no matter how tuff life gets you should always have a little time for yourself to sit back, relax and never lose hope, and in those moments you might realize that there maybe be some things that are not there but there are also a few things in life which make you happy it might be your friends or your family or anyone or anything else in this world.
Another thing which most of the people have forgotten in this world that really might change things in you truly, that is to strech an arm of help, help to anyone who is really needy then you yourself will seek true happiness and never want bad for anyone, because of the good that will happen to you after you help people. Another thing is true belief in God is a must if you want a good life this is the keep which will keep your life happy and also your prayers will be heard. Having a happy life is very easy there just a few secrets that have to be revealed that is true faith, belief in God, being happy, noticing what you have, and fun of course!
uniQue ArTiCLes
by Maha Al-Enzi maha_e@uniQue.com.kw
ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﻚ «dJ�« —Ëd� dL¹ ¨t� ÀbŠ ULN� ÁdOG� r²N¹ ô tI¹dDÐ Á«dð h�ý q� ÊQ�Ë s×½ s¹Q� tÐdG²�¹ s� „UM¼ Ë√ U³F� `³�√ UMCFÐ vKŽ Âö��« ÊQ�Ë ÆÆtM� tK�« ‰u� v�M½ q¼Ë ÆÆUM½ËUFðË UMðUFL−ðË UM²LŠ—Ë UM�U�Ë√ s¹√ ¨tK� p�– s� W�√ ÊuJ½Ë nðUJ²½Ë ÊËUF²½ Í√ ˝«u�dHð ôË ÎUFOLł tK�« q³×Ð «uLB²Ž«Ë˚ v�UFð ÆÆUMK�«uð sŽ ¡wý UMFML¹ Ê√ V−¹ ö� ÆÆ «uš√Ë Ê«uš≈Ë …bŠ«Ë ÊËbŽU�¹ s¹bł«u²� q�«u²�«Ë WLŠdK� r¼b−ð W¾� „UM¼ ‰«“U� p�– rž—Ë U� «c¼ Ê_ U¼Ë—uD¹Ë U�öF�« «u³�J¹ Ê√ Êu�ËU×¹Ë r¼d�_ ÊuL²N¹Ë dOG�« UMMOÐ W³×L�«Ë q�«u²�« r¹b¹ Ê√ tK�« ‰Q�½Ë ÆÆtOKŽ ÊËdL²�OÝË tÐ «uýUŽ ÆÆnK�²½ ôË UMCFÐ l� nðUJ²½ Ê√Ë ÎU�Ëœ dO��« vKŽ UMFL−¹Ë
Î F� dOGð ÊU�e�« ÊQ�Ë W¹UHJ�« tO� ULÐ WOÝU� …UO×�« X׳�√ ULMOŠ ¨WE×KÐ ö VF�√ X׳�√Ë dOGð U¼b−½ UMðUOŠË UM�H½√ Èd½Ë r¹bI�« w{ULK� œuF½ Èd½ UM²�öŽË UMðUOŠ l�«Ë v�≈ dEM½ ULMOŠ sJ�Ë ¨ öON�²�«Ë «—uD²�« rž— ULMOŠË tMŽ ‰Q�½ b??Š√ VOG¹ ULMO×� ¨X½U� UL� X�O�Ë dO�Ð X�O� UN½√ nI½ U½«dð ÎU½eŠ «–≈Ë t�uŠ bł«u²½ U½«dð ÎUŠd� „UM¼ ÊU� «–≈Ë Á—Ëe½ ÷dL¹ —U−�« sŽ ‰Q�¹ ô —U−�« v²Š XHK²š« —u�_« È—√ Êü« sJ�Ë ¨sOÝ«u�Ë sO¹eF� V³��« q¼ ÆÆ—«c½≈ oÐUÝ ÊËœË U�öF�« q³Š lDI½« ÆÆ»_« sŽ ‰Q�¹ b�u�« ôË ÁU−ð UMðU³ł«Ë ¡«œ√ v�M½ p�– UMKFł q¼ ¨WKzUF�«Ë qLF�UÐ UMKžUA� p�– ¡«—Ë øøvMF� t� fO� p�– q� Ê√ Â√ ¨s¹dšü« 35
uniQue ArTiCLes
by Ahmad Al-Obaid ahmad_o@uniQue.com.kw
usiness! The word itself sends shots of electricity down my spine and mesmerized my mind ever since I was introduced to it in grade seven. This word to me is what life is all about, life is simply a business. Manage it well; you’ll earn a happy and successful life. Manage it wrong; you’ll be miserable and lose. Therefore, we reach the main question that is being asked, why did I choose business as a major to specialize in. Well, throughout this jargon of words I’ll go through how business is important in life, the reason behind why it’s my passion and lastly why it’s something worth the sweat!
Why I chose my major? (International Business)
To begin with, as I mentioned earlier life is a business. This means we run our daily life in a business manor, organizing each aspect of our daily life as an entrepreneur does and managing our financial needs and wants just as an organization operates. This means that if a person has no knowledge of business at all he will not be able to face the obstacles of life smoothly; however he will suffer and may collapse and end up useless as a member of society. As a university student it is my duty to look over my future and ensure my well being. Therefore, personally to me by choosing this major I feel that I will have fulfilled my dreams, ensured my reality and stated my point. In addition to these facts, international business is studied on a national level which enables me to analyze a business theme on an international level. What I mean is that business not only affects our lives, but also our politics, ecosystem and which in turn affects our lives. As an example to prove my point; a business sets its factory in the middle of a forest, as a result it destroys trees and wildlife in its surrounding which in turn violates government rules and regulations. In short, this aspect is what I hope to deal with in future in order to improve the world we live in through conducting different strategies. It clearly shows that business is my passion, thus leading us to my next point. A passion is something you adore to a certain point that you are willing to give up everything for it. Some people like shopping, others like cars but I like business. When I say the word business I do not only mean studying it and learning a few meanings, however I mean the real world involvement of business. The reason behind this intense passion is because in business you take risks, you may or you may win, you may have a profit or a loss and if not managed well you might become bankrupt. Consequently, all of this requires strategic vision and organizing your business so you can avoid such mistakes. As a result, where else can I become an expert an expert in such things other than the pin-point of education, a university. This concludes my second reason of why I chose this major. Never mind the fat paycheck this major produces in any field of work I wish to enter, I personally think a person should specialize in, dedicate and work throughout his life in something that he loves or likes to do. Job satisfaction mostly relies on the accreditation one gets on his hard work. However, to me the purest kind of job satisfaction is derived from when a person works his whole life in a job he is eager to wake up to every morning and become responsible and loyal enough to be accountable towards it. Logically if I want to reach that level of satisfaction in life I should choose the major which qualifies me to earn such a job. This reason is the most important of all reasons, for working in a place you are miserable at is like drinking poison slowly and dying from the inside. Whereas to me if I “with gods will” graduate and earn a high GPA I will have access to the greatest treasure of all time, the prized possession of having the free will to choose the job I am most comfortable at. This is on the contrary, like sweet honey being poured into your mouth giving you the pleasure of a lifetime. As a final word, all in all the way business operates globally affecting our lives, the fact that that it is my passion and the blessing that it is the major that leads to a comfortable job in future is why I chose my major. In conclusion, what I’m trying to say is that mainly a person who rides the horse of success will be the person with saddle named satisfaction.
uniQue ArTiCLes
by Zainab Dashti zainab_d@uniQue.com.kw
ﻓﺮﺣﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﻴﺪ ÆÆbOF�« UN¹√ bOŽ pŠU³� ¨¨‰UL−�« wNÐ ÕU³� Æd¼e�«Ë qH�«Ë œ—u�« ÊU¹— ¨¨¨WKHÞË qHÞ ÕdH�« tM� qNM¹ ÕU³� ÆÆ„—uCŠ ‰UL−Ð ô≈ ‰UL−�« «c¼ oOK¹ ö� bOŽ pŠU³� XÐUÞ s??L?� —Ëd?? ?ÝË Õd??� Âu??¹ b??O?F?�« Âu??¹ Ê≈ bOF�« f??O? � ÆÆt??²? O? ½ t??K? � X??B? K? šË ¨t??ðd??¹d??Ý ÆÆb¹bF�«Ë œbF�UÐ dšUHðË b¹b−�« f³� sL� «– vI²�«Ë bOŽu�« Âu??¹ ·U??š sL� bOF�« UL½≈ Âu¹ ¡Uł— U³zUð l�b�« VJÝË ÆÆbO−L�« ‘dF�« Æb¹eL�« ÊU??C?�— d??N?ý ÂU??O?� b??F?Ð d??D?H?�« b??O?Ž w??ðQ??¹ WLF½ vKŽ tÐÒ — dJA¹Ë rK�L�« ÕdHO� ¨„—U³L�« ÆÂUOB�« ÁœU³F� v�UFð tK�« s� …ezU−�« Âu¹ u¼ bOF�«Ë ÕU??³? � w?? � Êu??L? K? �? L? �« ÍœÒ R?? ? ?¹ Æs??O? M? �R??L? �« W??ŽU??Ý Y??K? ¦? Ð f??L? A? �« ‚Ëd?? ? ý b??F? Ð b??O? F? �« w� ÊuLK�L�« wI²K¹Ë bOF�« …ö??� U³Î ¹dIð Ë rNK¼√ ÊË—Ëe?? ?¹Ë w½UN²�« Êu??�œU??³?²?¹Ë bOF�« Ær??Šd??�« W??K?B?Ð ·d??F? ¹ U??� «c???¼Ë ¨r??¼¡U??Ðd??�√ q??³?I?²?�?¹Ë Á¡U?? ?�b?? ?�√ r??K? �? L? �« —Ëe?? ? ?¹ U??L??� Æ¡«dIH�« vKŽ ÊuHDF¹Ë ¨t??½«d??O?łË tÐU×�√ bOF�« pF� Ë√ «dL²�« iFÐ rK�L�« q�Q¹Ë ÆdL²�UÐ uA×L�« VOD�« rEF� bMŽ bOF�« j³ðd¹ f³KL�« WOŠU½ s� U�√ ’u??B?�?�« t?? łË v??K? Ž U??O? ²? H? �«Ë «b??O? �? �« ¨—Ëd��«Ë ÕdH�« q³� ¨b¹b−�« f³�Ë b¹b−²�UÐ √b??³?¹ v??²? Š r??¹d??J? �« d??N? A? �« ‰u?? ?šœ œd??−?L?³?� bOF�« f??Ðö??� ¡«d??A?� Áb??ý√ vKŽ œ«b??F?²?Ýô« b−½ W??G? �U??³? L? �«Ë ·«d?? ? ?Ýù« ÂU?? ? �√Ë ¨t??²??M??¹“Ë «dO¦J�« tO�« œU½ Íc�« ‰«b²Žô«Ë œUB²�ô« ¡«dA�« w� WG�U³L�« lÞU� qJAÐË sC�— sL� ƉuIFL�« œËbŠ sŽ ÃËdš ÁU½d³²Ž« ULÐ fO�Ë —UGB�«Ë —U³JK� —ËdÝË WŠd� u¼ bOF�U� ÆÆ·d²�«Ë w¼U³²K� W³ÝUM� „—U³� r�bOŽË ÆÆÆ dO�Ð r²½« Ë ÂUŽ q� Ë 37
uniQue ArTiCLes
by Heba Haji heba_h@uniQue.com.kw
A Moment in the life of Someone Else • You know when something sh*#@y happens like say someone didn’t return your ‘salam’? •Or you’re in the car and some mad man swings over to your lane almost kicking you off the road then blaming you with a vulgar gesture? • Or you simply just wake up one grey day thinking “ahhh I’ve woken up on the wrong side of bed”? • Or maybe you feel like Adam Sandler in ‘ Anger Management’ where you feel anyone and everyone is out to get you.
hen the swirl starts…your caught in your own under tow… you think you’ve got it bad and your on the verge of surrendering cause your whole life looks like a pile of dung and you don’t get a do-over, you cry and get depressed all in your own bubble of reciting defeat.
What I’ve described is easily ether part of my life or things I keep seeing or hearing people around me complain about on a daily basis. At one point I was convinced anyone else’s life was better than mine…well I was wrong!!!! Today I woke up from that odd coma …I was given a chance to refocus my perspective on many things. Today I went to visit somewhere I’ve never been and never thought could have such an enigmatic impact on both my heart and mind. I went to the retirement home and orphanage i.e. “ dar il musineen o il aytam” Walking through the gates I know I was going to feel sad and comatose because these people have ether been left to die or were too much of a burden to be taken care of by actual family members. At first we entered the men’s quarters of the retirement home… the first man was a sweet old soul …. He sat up full with a life and exuberance that shone directly from his heart into his eyes and straight into my soul. A man that has been left stranded between four walls without a family to embrace him and be grateful he’s the core of their existence. His smile was so alive and inviting he beckoned us into the room to sit with him… you could tell he was lonely and was in some way trying to patch up the hole left by his family abandoning him…yet he was a vision of optimism…a quality I’ve always lacked… Walking through the men’s hall I saw elderly men unaware of the present and the world around them and others with eyes so ancient they looked like they held all the answers my soul possessed. I left the men’s quarters feeling confused emotionally as to how diverse those men saw things. The first was welcoming any life and was full of it… The last man was silent yet his eyes never failed to exclaim 38
how deep his well of knowledge was. The men in between were in states of denial, shock, hallucination or with illnesses that led them into different worlds far away from this wretched one. Walking into the elderly woman’s quarters… I can’t say I’ve ever felt more maternal love around me and grasp me then I did at that moment. These women’s hearts beat as one for each other and together welcomed and greeted us, hugged and kissed us like we were long lost daughters….still in shock I stood there unable to comprehend this realm of mothers from generations of the past and how they weren’t in the homes they raised their children in… A smile on these aged wrinkled faces was worth more than anything this world could give. These women are gifts that were left half open and thrown away… in my own grandmothers words “bynsharabo ma3a il mai il 3ikreh” – which translates to “they’d make bitter water sweet” I turned… to walk out the door.. i didn’t know if my heart could take anymore… before I could step out a tiny figure bumped into me she looked up at me ( I felt like an over grown plant) her face was etched with age of a women who has faced her battles without a trace of cowardice or remorse and as if to prove it she held out her hand and asked me in a tone close to an order “ mafi salam?” translating to “ aren’t you going to say hi?”. I gently placed it in hers… whilst maintaining eye contact but I felt like was in fact sensing something peculiar… I looked down.. only to confirm that her tiny veined hand was missing a finger… I looked up again, she smiled, patted me for comfort when I should be the one patting her. Now walking towards the children’s quarters each room had 2-4 toddlers in it, fast asleep children who even in there angelic sleep brought tears to my eyes… these children were babies less than 5 years old, who were they? Why are they here and not in a home closer to blood relatives? Why are they left in the core of others away and abandoned? I had so many questions in head with no answers but I was heartbroken I had taken for granted my family that surrounded and cared for me and I’ve seen soo many others doing the same, I started to feel ashamed of myself. We were then told some children were still up preparing and practicing for a theatrical event… on stage every child
was a star and every child took away a piece of my soul as corny and as cheesy as it all may sound. Their laughter and giggles filled the air they didn’t have a care in the world just the living bliss of today. They were all just the cutest bundles of joy, if in Kuwait adoption was legal I don’t think for a second a single one of them would be left behind this way…they’d be a blessing to any home. I left the gates, watched as the gates closed behind me... on the verge of something that ranged between the extremes of joy and heartbreaking sadness, knowing that I had left a piece of my heart, mind and soul behind those tattered grey gates. Now stop and ponder, I did this myself, and ask your self, ‘how would u feel if you were abandoned?’ ‘would you really want to get a do-over of your life if you were reincarnated as an orphan? Or someone left to die alone?’ And finally ask your self: ‘ is your life really that bad?’ I don’t think so and nether would anyone I wrote about in this article. The End – is only the beginning of something else.
uniQue InTeRvieW
ÍœUM�« fOz— Ø ÍeMF�« r¹d� wKŽ
by Dalal A-Dalali dalal_d@uniQue.com.kw
fOzd�« VzU½ Ø wKOIF�« œuFÝ
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uniQue SToRy
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
ﻓﻠﺴﻔﺔ ﺍﻟﺤﺐ ﺍﻷﻋﻤﻰ qKL�« WKJAL� q×�Ë ¨Âu¹ «– ¨b¹bA�« qKL�UÐ dFAðË ¨¢UF� r�UF�« ·uDð ¨qz«–d�«Ë qzUCH�« X½U� ¨bFÐ dAÐ ÷—_« vKŽ sJ¹ r� YOŠ ÊU�e�« r¹b� w� iLGOÝ s� U½√ ÆÆ√bÐ√ Ê√ b¹—√ ÆÆ√bÐ√ Ê√ b¹—√ ∫ÊuM−�« Œd�Ë ¨…dJH�« lOL−�« VŠ√ ¨WLOLG�« Ë√ W¹ULG²Ý_« U¼ULÝ√Ë W³F� Ÿ«bÐù« Õd²�« ¨WOBF²�L�« Æ¡UH²šô« …dýU³� rJOKŽ r²½√Ë ¨bÒ F�« √b³¹Ë tOMOŽ XHš√Ë ¨dLI�« ‚u� UN�HM� U½UJ� W�d�« błË Æ¡U³²šôUÐ qz«–d�«Ë qzUCH�« √bÐË ÆÆWŁöŁ ÆÆÊUMŁ« ÆÆbŠ«Ë ÆÆ√bÐË …d−ý vKŽ tOI�dLÐ QJð« t½√ rŁ Æ÷—_« sÞUÐ v�≈ ‚uA�« vC�Ë ¨ÂuOG�« sOÐ Q³²š«Ë l�u�« V¼–Ë ¨W�UГ W�u� w� UN�H½ W½UO��« Æ…dO׳�« dFI� tłuð rŁ ¨…—U−×�« X×ð w�H½ wHšQÝ ∫‰UŽ uBÐ ‰U� »cJ�« ¨—«d� VŠU� sJ¹ r� ¨tðœUF� V×�« «bŽU� ¨UNOH�ð qz«–d�«Ë qzUCH�« q� XLð√ p�– ‰öš ÆÆÊu½ULŁË bŠ«Ë ÆÆÊu½ULŁ ÆÆÊuF³ÝË WF�ð ∫ÊuM−�« dL²Ý«Ë ÆV×�« ¡UHš≈ VF� u¼ r� rKF½ s×M� ¨bŠ_ TłUH� dOž «c¼Ë ¨wH²�¹ s¹√ —dI¹ r� w�U²�UÐË ¨UNKš«bÐ vH²š«Ë œ—u??�« s� WLł√ jÝË V×�« eH� ¨WzU� ∫v??�≈ Áœ«bFð w� ÊuM−�« q�Ë U�bMŽË ÆÆÊuF�ðË WF³Ý ÆÆÊuF�ðË W�Lš ∫ÊuM−�« lÐUð ÆrJO�≈ ¬ U½√ ÆÆrJO�≈ ¬ U½√ ∫¢U×zU� Y׳�« √bÐË tOMOŽ ÊuM−�« `²� w� WOH²�L�« W�Ò d�« dNþ rŁ ¨t�H½ ¡UHš≈ w� bNł Í√ ‰c³¹ r� t½_ nAJ½√ s� ‰Ë√ q�J�« ÊU� Ê√ ‚uA�« vKŽ —Uý√Ë °° fHM�« ŸuDI� …dO׳�« ŸU� s� »cJ�« Ãdš U¼bFÐË ¨dLI�« Ædšü« bFÐ «bŠ«Ë ¢UFOLł ÊuM−�« r¼błË ¨÷—_« sÞUÐ s� lłd¹ s??Ž t??¦? ×? Ð w???� ”Q?? ?³? ? �«Ë ◊U?? ³? ?ŠùU?? Ð »U?? B? ?¹ œU?? ?� ¨V???×? ?�« «b???ŽU???� ∫t?? ? ?½–√ w?? ? � f?? ?L? ? ¼Ë b?? �? ?×? ?�« t?? M? ?� »d?? ? ²? ? ?�« Ê≈ v?? ? ?�≈ V?? ?×? ? �« t³ý√ WO³Aš W�uý ÊuM−�« jI²�« ¨œ—u�« …dO−ý w� n²�� V×�« V×�« UNM� Ãd�O� gzUÞ qJAÐ œ—u�« …dO−ý sFÞ w� √bÐË ¨`�d�UÐ ‚eL¹ ¡UJÐ u??� lLÝ U�bMŽ ô≈ n�u²¹ r??�Ë V−×¹ u?? ?¼Ë V?? ×? ?�« d??N? þ ¨»u?? K? ?I? ?�« sOÐ s� dDI¹ Âb�«Ë ¨t¹bOÐ tOMOŽ ÆtFÐU�√ U¹ ∫¢U?? ?�œU?? ?½ Êu??M??−??�« ÕU?? ?� qF�√ «–U� øXKF� «–U� wN�« Ê√ b??F?Ð w²DKž `??K? �√ w??� ø dB³�« pðbI�√ lOD²�ð s??� ∫V??×? �« t??ÐU??ł√ ‰«“ô sJ� ¨w� dEM�« …œU??Ž≈ t??K?F?� l??D? ²? �? ð U?? ?� „U?? M? ?¼ ÆwKO�œ s� ¨wKł_ ¨UN�u¹ s??� qBŠ U??� «c??¼Ë ÁœuI¹ ¨vLŽ_« V×�« wCL¹ ° ÆÆÊuM−�« 42
uniQue ArTiCLes
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
d�Ž_« t½≈ ÆÆWÐU²J�« ¡UMŁ√ U�uBšË vMLO�« s� d¦�√ Èd�O�« Áb¹ Âb�²�¹ sL� w� UÎ Ž—UÐ tM� XKFł WOłu�uO³�« d�Ž_« WO³�dð Ê√ rKF�« X³Ł√ ÆÆtOKŽ oKD¹ UL� ÆUO�UŽ «œuN−� VKD²ð w²�« WO½b³�« W{U¹d�« Ÿ«u½√ W�U�Ë UO{U¹d�« rKŽ «bNł VKD²ð w²�« œ«uL�« w� ÊuŽd³¹ Êu¹d�Ž_« ‰UHÞ_« s� • ∂∞ Ê√ d¹—UI²�« ‰uIð nKš d�Ž_« qHD�« b¹ ÊuDÐd¹ vC� ULO� ÊuÐdL�«Ë q¼_« ÊU�Ë ¨UO½UL�łË UOM¼– UL� t¼d�Ë ÁœUMŽË tðU½UF� w� V³�²¹ UL� vMLO�« bO�« «b�²Ý« vKŽ t½Ëd³−O� ÁdNþ ÆqFH¹ fJF�« vKŽ qÐ UNM� tOKŽ «bÐ√ —d{ ôË ÆÆUNOKŽ tK�« tIKš WOłu�uOÐ W³O�dðË WFO³Þ Ác¼ ¡Î U�–Ë «bI²� UM¼– ÃU²×ð WOÝ«—œ œ«u� …bŽ w� tžu³M� …UŽb� ö³I²�� ÊuJð ·uÝ UN½S� ÆUO�UŽ UO{U¹d�« ÂuKŽË vIOÝuL�« q¦� WMOF� sN� w� «eOL²� d�Ž_« ÊuJ¹ ULЗ ¡ULKF�« ‰uI¹Ë XOJ¹dJ�«Ë fM²�«Ë nO��UÐ …“—U³L�« q¦� WHK²�� »UF�√ w� UO{U¹— U�uH²� ÊuJ¹Ë Ɖu³�O³�«Ë WO�U²� …eO� t�Ë WNł«uL�« vKŽ …—b� d¦�√ u¼ d�Ž_« h�A�« ÊQÐ ÊuO�½d� ¡ULKŽ bI²F¹ ÆvMLO�« ÁbOÐ q�UF²¹ Íc�« h�A�« ‚uHð
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uniQue ArTiCLes
by Sarah Al-Dahas sarah_d@uniQue.com.kw
The Differences between Poets, Historians, and Philosophers in
Girl with a Pearl Earring Part I
irl with a Pearl Earring is universally known as one of Johannes Vermeer’s absolute masterworks. Tracy Chevalier’s novel Girl with a Pearl Earring is also recognized as one of the best novels in 1999. And the movie Girl with a Pearl Earring for the director Peter Webber is also considered one of his best. Sir Philip Sidney thinks that poets are different from historians & philosophers in many aspects, and through these three works of art, this essay will prove Sidney’s theory of how poets are different from historians & philosophers.
novel as being one of Vermeer’s maids who both fell in love with each other but they would never express their feelings to each other because of their social position. Being a great painter at that time & living a high class life would prevent him from expressing his feelings to his maid, not to mention that he’s a husband & a father. Historians can never do what Chevalier did, because they are limited to the exact facts they have or know.
Poets (poets, writers, play writers) are knows by their extraordinary imaginations that they can make the reader or the audience feel the work of art. But Plato thought the opposite; he claimed that poets write things that do not exist which in his thought corrupt the mind. In fact, Tracy Chevalier tried to imagine the painting & succeeded in transforming it into a historical fictional novel full of life, which is called imagination & not lying. “Chevalier has taken a beautiful work of art and [had] given it life” [Girl with a Pearl Earring book review]. That’s exactly what poets do, they make the reader feel it, & live it through out the events in the novel.
The setting of the novel is in the 17th century and so is the painting, but the fact is that the painting was painted in 1665 and in the novel it was painted in 1666. Chevalier had to change the date to make the chronological order of event in the novel look perfect. Actually, changing the date didn’t affect the painting or the idea of it, in fact, changing the date due to the events looked reasonable in the novel to the reader. People are not interested in the exact dates of events, they’re interested in the events that lie behind the painting, and in this situation there is no real story of it, so it didn’t matter that much to the reader or the audience. But historians can never change the date because they’re bound by real time & dates, and that’s their job.
Historians would never tell you anything about the identity of the young girl in the painting because it was never known exactly who she was; there were many speculations about her being one of Vermeer’s maids, but it wasn’t confirmed as a true fact. But Chevalier took this piece of information, and formed it by her skill of writing into a great novel. She imagined the girl in the
The language of novels in the 17th century (if they existed) would be difficult to understand for the readers who are familiar with 20th century English language, & if the reader of 20th century English language reads one of the 18th century novels, it will be hard for him/ her to understand the exact events of the novel, and just imagine the novels in the 17th century! Girl with
a Pearl Earring was set in the 17th century in Holland, but the language of it is very easy & simple for all kinds of readers. Sir Philip Sidney claimed that poets are also different from historians in language, & that poets’ language is full of exaggeration, metaphors, & new marvelous uniQue descriptions of little things. “Chevalier integrates descriptions [. . .] of Vermeer’s work adding a depth & mood to the story that captures the reader from the very first page” (Wachita), that’s what poets are capable of, their language is different from historians, the way they tell a story or a description of a painting is completely the opposite from how historians do it. Poets make it interesting for the audience/reader to look at or listen to, not as historians, who are boring in telling any kind of stories because they just fuel your mind with facts, not description of the facts, & that makes it not interesting. Another theory of Sidney’s which is related to how poets are different from historians & philosophers, is that poets aim to delight in order to instruct not as historians or philosophers whose language doesn’t have any meaning of delighting when they are instructing. Poets write their works in a great interesting style to please & delight the audience in order to teach or instruct him/her. Sidney’s idea to delight in order to instruct is well seen in the novel which is written in a great way. There were many massages to learn from, such as; intersecting faith, fracturing family dynamics, community scandals, & religious tensions, through the eyes of the young narrator.
Imagination is something considered hard for historians to do, but for poets it’s the easiest thing to do as a tool to complete their work. Of course, it’s not an easy thing to do for an ordinary individual, but it is for poets. Chevalier tried to see through the eyes of the Dutch painter Vermeer, an artist sees through the eyes of another artist’s eyes. Chevalier, in her novel, tried to imagine & see what Vermeer was seeing at that time when he was painting the young girl. She described how the painter literary sees into the soul of the young girl. “don’t look at what you are looking at”, “I can see it in your face, it is distracting you” (Chevalier 105), “you’re thinking too much” [and] “Griet you are not looking at me” (Chevalier 190), these quotations are taken from the novel to see how Chevalier was imagining Vermeer’s imagination or mind, it’s a description of how Vermeer was looking too deep into the eyes of Griet when he was painting her. Tracy Chevalier succeeded in picturing the painting in the novel in a clear description. “He had painted me with my eyes wide” (Chevalier 202), “lick your lips Griet” [and] “leave your mouth open” (Chevalier 210). We can see all these descriptions in the painting, the wide eyes of the young girl, her mouth is a little shiny [because he asked her to lick her lips], and her mouth is open as it’s described in the novel.
To Be Continued.. 45
uniQue InTeRvieW
by Nofal Al-Musarea nofal_m@unique.com.kw
Kevin Owen The British Beach Cleaner
Giving Something Back
s the tepid waters of the Arabian Gulf slowly meanders along the bay until ďŹ nally caressing the Kuwaiti shores the sunrise bathes this idyllic scene in gentle golden rays. An odd looking creature awkwardly picks its way, black plastic bag in one hand - dirty nappy in the other, along the coastline stooping over intermittently to pick something up! 46
If you can tear yourself away from the comfort of your bed and get down to the beach in Salwa by 6:15 am, you may well witness this phenomenon, a western man strolling along the beach picking up litter, this begs the question why, I put this to Kevin Owen the British Beach Cleaner. Allow me to begin by saying that everyday as I make my way along the beach picking up the rubbish, I daydream of somebody asking me this question. Well, there are many reasons why I do this, but I believe the main reason is to give something back. Kuwait has been good to me so if I can make even the tiniest contribution to make it a nicer place then fantastic and so be it! We have to be realistic Kuwait is not Africa with a huge abundance of wildlife. This is why the wildlife here is so precious. I believe we all have a responsibility to at least make an effort no matter how small to respect this countries environment be it marine or land based. This could be anything from sharing a car to work or actively getting involved in a conservation project. I have simply chosen to clean up my local beach! What made you start beach cleaning? I must say I have taken part in one-day beach clean up events in the past. However my inspiration to act of my own came from reading the book ‘Who will cry when you die’ by Robin S Sharma (he also wrote ‘The monk who sold his Ferrari’). It is a book about self-enlightenment and one of the many excellent pieces of advice it gives is to - go for a walk as often as you can and really try to see, hear and generally experience everything to the maximum. The next morning I got up at 6am and went along to my local beach, Salwa, to do just that. As I was walking along the beach absorbing all I could, I noticed some men wearing yellow jumpsuits cleaning the promenade. It was at this moment that it occurred to me I could kill two birds with one stone, i.e. enjoy a beautiful morning and pick litter up off the beach at the same time. Some people look at me as if I’m crazy when I’m bent over double picking up other peoples rubbish first thing in the morning which is why I’m delighted to be given the opportunity to explain myself. I find that as time passes the reasons for doing this have developed for example to begin with it was just an after thought or a byproduct of going for a walk. Now when I think about it there are many, many benefits: offsetting my carbon footprint. I have two cars a little Japanese city car for going to and from work, and a gas guzzling German sports car for weekend pleasure. The way I see it is I can justify the gas-guzzler through beach cleaning which in turn helps improve the environment., ‘giving something back’! What does the litter mainly consist of? All sorts really. Anything from dirty nappies to complete picnic sets I mean the complete set, it’s like a family will lay out a blanket with plastic plates, cups, knives and forks etc, enjoy a huge spread of take-away food then just get
up and go and leave everything including the blanket. In my opinion, this kind of behavior reflects badly upon the majority of good people from this part of the world. Perhaps more could be done to raise public awareness. Clean Up Kuwait! I’ll always remember the ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ campaign when I was growing up. You could not go 5 minutes without seeing a huge billboard or TV adds etc which drummed home the ‘don’t be a litterbug, pick it up’ message. It was intense! The point I’m trying to make here is prevention is better that cure, ideally everybody would respect the environment, no one would drop litter and I would be snoring away in bed until the last possible moment before going to work. Getting back to your question, there is also lots of waist, which is washed up on shore by the tide or wind. No I haven’t found anything with any monetary value but I have found something much more precious a feeling of self worth and happiness! Just the act of doing something not just for myself but for the benefit of others makes me feel fantastic! When I have filled my bin liner up and dropped it in the waste disposal unit it makes me feel excellent inside, it is hard to describe- a bit like winning or something, it also makes me feel like no one can look down on me. Oh yeah, those are some more reasons why I do it! Where do you see this going in the future? Probably not very far, of course, I would be delighted if it took off and people from all ‘walks of life’ began voluntarily cleaning up their local environment, sometimes I think why not, it could go global and the world would be a better place. The reality right now is I am one person who picks up the rubbish from one beach in Kuwait. 47
uniQue HeRos
by Dalal Al-Dalali & Dalal Al-Haggan dalal_d@uniQue.com.kw - dalal_h@uniQue.com.kw
ﺍﻟﻨﺎﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺘﻲ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻲ ﻟﻠﻤﻌﺎﻗﻴﻦ ÍœUM�« ·«b¼√ s� ¡ôu�« ÕË— WOLMð ·bNÐ WOB�A�«Ë WOMÞu�« U³ÝUML�« w� W�—UAL�« æ ÆsÞuK� q�U×L�« w� X¹uJ�« r??Ý« l�d� WOL�UF�« ôuD³�« w� W�—UAL�« æ ÆWO�Ëb�« WOM¹b�« WDA½_« w� W�—UAL�« ‰öš s� ‚UFL�« «—UN� WOLMðË qI� æ ÆWO{U¹d�«Ë WOMH�«Ë WO�UI¦�«Ë WOŽUL²łô«Ë s� U¼dA½ w� WL¼U�L�«Ë U¼d¹uDð l³²ðË sO�UFL�« W{U¹dÐ ÂUL²¼ô« æ ÆWO�Ëb�«Ë WOK×L�« ULEML�«Ë U�ÝRL�« l� ÊËUF²�« ‰öš ·ËdE�« dO�uð ‰öš s� …œUOI�« ÕË— lO−AðË ¡UCŽ_« V¼«u� WOLMð æ ÆX¹uJ�« ÷—√ vKŽ UNAOF½ w²�« …«ËU�L�«Ë W¹d×�« qþ w� WLzöL�«
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uniQue FaShiOn Watches
Victorinox Swiss Army ‘Convoy’ Men’s Chronograph Watch
Fendi Men’s Large Two Tone Loop Bracelet Watch
Victorinox Swiss Army Alliance Chronograph Watch
Emporio Armani Gents’ Round Dial Watch with Leather Band
TX Technoluxury Chronograph Steel Case Watch
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uniQue FaShiOn Accessories Robert Talbott ‘Best of Class’ Cuff Links
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Salvatore Ferragamo Calfskin Leather Card Case
Versace Collection Logo Plaque Belt
Burberry Check Trifold Wallet 52
uniQue FaShiOn Shoes
D&G Dolce & Gabbana ‘Midnight Runner’ Shoe
Mezlan ‘Andrew’ Oxford
D&G Dolce & Gabbana ‘Chelsea’ Boot
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Salvatore Ferragamo ‘Pueblo’ Oxford
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uniQue InTeRvieW
by Nora Al-Shetail nora_s@uniQue.com.kw
ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻲ ﺍﻟﺸﺎﺏ
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uniQue WheeLS
Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport
he world’s most significant celebration of the automobile takes place annually in Monterey, California. This year, it will see some of the most elegant, exclusive, and valuable vehicles ever produced in over 100 years of motoring, with Bugatti set to play a prominent role. On the evening prior to the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, the highlight of the event, the marque renowned for impeccable automotive solutions, aesthetics and driving dynamics will unveil a second model to the world – the new Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport with a unique removable roof.
In response to customer demand, significant modifications have been made to the vehicle’s complex structure to make possible open-top driving, thereby adding a new dimension to this high-performance sports car. Incorporating a host of new and innovative safety and equipment features, it is the world’s fastest and most exciting roadster. It is immediately recognizable as a result of its slightly higher windscreen, stylized daytime running lights, and lightweight, transparent polycarbonate roof. 56
The main challenge in developing the new Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport with removable roof resulted from the unique structure of the fixedroof Bugatti Veyron. An optimum combination of rigidity and lightweight engineering ensures the monocoque passenger cell of the original model is extremely strong while weighing an absolute minimum – it is a central element of the vehicle’s structure. As the roof is an integral part of this, removing it meant the load paths had to be completely redesigned to maintain the vehicle’s rigidity and crash safety, and to offer additional protection from side impacts and rolling. As a result, the monocoque structure has been reinforced around the side skirts and the transmission tunnel. The B-pillars have been cross-stiffened using a carbon fibre support, and a central carbon plate has been positioned beneath the transmission tunnel to ensure the vehicle suffers from less torsional flexing than any other roadster. The doors of the new Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport are made of carbon fibre, and house an integrated longitudinal beam. In the event of an accident, this transfers the load from the A to the B-pillar, thereby dissipating impact energy. Furthermore, the two redesigned air intakes for the 16-cylinder mid-engine now feature 10-centimetre wide carbon-fibre elements to offer protection should the car roll. Along with moisture-resistant, backstitched leather, a range of new equipment features has been added to the interior, including a reversing camera with 2.7-inch monitor in the rear-view-mirror, and the “Puccini” sound system with digital signal processor. When the roof is closed, the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport can reach 407 km/h, while speeds of up to 360 km/h are possible with roof off. Should it rain, an innovative folding roof stored in the luggage compartment can be opened up like an umbrella at any time. When this folding roof is in place, the car can travel at up to 130 km/h. Assembled by hand at the company’s headquarters in Molsheim, Alsace, the Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport will be available from March 2009 at the price of 1.4 million euros (excluding tax). Just 150 examples will be made, with the first 50 of these going exclusively to registered Bugatti customers. The first vehicle is certain to be highly sought after, and Bugatti has taken the decision to donate this specific car to charity. It will be sold to the highest bidder at the Pebble Beach Auction presented by Gooding & Company. 57
uniQue InTeRvieW
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
Giuseppe Lignano &
Ada Tolla
Architects of PUMA City It is completely prefabricated off site and features a 20-foot cantilever. The design naturally creates indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as covered outdoor spaces trapped between indoor areas. It also features two large double heights areas and large open spaces (four-container wide) at all levels to fully defy the spatial restrictions of a modular building. - Is this the first time you have worked with shipping containers or similar materials? No, LOT-EK has conceived architecture out of shipping containers since the early 90ies. We believe we are the pioneers of such practice.
- Where did the design inspiration for PUMA City come from? The idea was inspired by a vessel or a boat, protruding out with a long, thin bow - the big cantilever. We had a desire to convey the sense of movement – a building conceived as a dynamic volume where the boxes first stack and then slide. We were also inspired by a Puma shoe box: its simplicity and visual strength. We liked the ‘boxy-ness’ of it, we liked the stacks and the red and white graphics. - Did you use any new or innovative technologies in the design process? The building uses an innovative and experimental construction technology since its architecture is truly the result of a three shipping container on top of one another. The design had to be completely retailored to support the structure. - What are some of the key design features of PUMA City? PUMA City is the largest transportable building - ready to be assembled, disassembled and re-installed in different places. 58
- What were the main challenges in building PUMA City? Time! A ground-up mobile building to be constructed and be fully operational in just a few months was a very tall order. Building in China was also a challenge both in terms of distance – and therefore monitoring – and in terms of standards. Another challenge was getting PUMA City ready to travel to the race ports. We wanted to create exciting and complex spaces for a fantastic experience and respond to the logistics of standardized transportation and assembly around the world. The design needed exterior components (decks, railings, stairs) that were removable, modular and can be stored inside the container while traveling. Since PUMA City has no foundation, a base structure needed to be designed that can respond to any ground condition. We also needed to comply with CSC requirements (standard shipping on a cargo vessel) and to design all MEP systems - Mechanical (heating and AC), Electrical + Plumbing - as plug-in connections between individual containers. - Are there any other features or design aspects that you feel would be of interest? Everything! It is a modular system design that can be applied for buildings of any size. From a 2-container-wide minimum, the building can reach unlimited width by
inserting additional ‘slices’ in between the two containers. - How did the relationship between PUMA and LOT-EK come about? Antonio knew LOT-EK work and we had admired PUMA, both the vintage and the renewed! We share with Antonio the same container obsession! We all feel very strongly about the huge potential we see in reusing the ‘box’. - How does the design of PUMA City tie into your design philosophy? PUMA City is mobile, prefab, reuses an existing technology, and it is the result of designing through selecting an object and performing a series of operations on it (such as cut, stack, shift...). The building - both architecturally and in terms of content – truly blurs the boundary between architecture, art and entertainment. And that is one of the concepts at the base of LOT-EK philosophy and methodology. - What other materials besides the shipping containers were used? Marine plywood, stainless + galvanized steel, steel, aluminum and glass. - PUMA City consists of three levels of shipping containers stacked on top of one another, what architectural designs were incorporated to support a structure like this? From an engineering/structural point of view, the stack is conceived so that the big 20-foot overhang is supported by the top layer. To connect all the different modules into one structure, we used standard container connectors such as semi-automatic twistlock and bridge connectors. From an architecture/design point of view, by stacking and shifting the containers, we created within a simple modular structure a spatial complexity that will generate a rich and exciting experience: large double height spaces and 4-container wide spaces, exterior decks, covered outdoor spaces and open terraces. - How is PUMA City moved from one port to another? All exterior components have to be removed (decking, railings, etc.). The building needs to be disassembled in individual containers, pack exterior components inside, closing structural panels/doors and loaded on a cargo ship. All ISO container shipping network is utilized (truck, train, ship)
power – just like a boat that docks at a port – and will also be provided with a generator back up. - How many man-hours went into building the structure? It took 60 workers average, over a 6-7 months construction period. However, in the last few weeks of productions over 120 workers work to get the structure ready for Alicante. - Describe the design timeline? The first design concept was presented September2007. Puma responded very well to it and we moved to the production of more technical drawings, consulting also the various engineers involved. First construction drawings were submitted to the manufacturer in China – to order materials – on December 2007. Construction started toward the end of January 2008. Final construction documents were completed in March 2008. - Describe the build timeline? January to July 08. PUMA City was shipped to Spain, with an estimated one-month shipping time. It arrived in Alicante by mid-August and opened to the public on September 19th. - Why was it built in China? All shipping containers are built in China, so it made sense to go directly to the source. Especially considering that PUMA City had to ravel by ship anyhow! - Is there a green aspect to PUMA City? The building recycles the standardized technology of the shipping container with its assembly system and parts (connectors), tapping onto the human intelligence that developed it. PUMA City has very good natural cross ventilation, with all containers glazed on both their short elevations. All lighting is LED and is an all-steel fabrication, therefore being recycled and recyclable onto itself. - What will go into assembling PUMA City? How long will it take? 2 Cranes, 1 forklift, 1 scissor lift and 20 workers 5-7 days for assembly, 3-5 days for disassembly.
- Since this is a mobile unit, will there be electricity and plumbing? Absolutely. All systems are incorporated in the design, including electrical, plumbing and HVAC (the latter being particularly necessary given the extreme weather differences between ports). The building will be powered by shore 59
uniQue DiGiRoniX
By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ osama_a@uniQue.com.kw
S o ny C y b e r- s h o t T 2 E
xperience this head-turning design concept, available in five vivid colors. The slim, flat body 8.1 megapixel T2 features an astounding 4GB of internal memory and a vibrant 2.7” touchscreen LCD—perfect for showing off up to 40,000 VGAsized digital photos wherever you go. Face Detection technology and Smile Shutter mode help deliver crisp photos at the perfect moment, and the Sony Double Anti-Blur Solution minimizes blur and ensures sharp color, even in low light. You will also experience brilliant results and detailed close-ups from the precision-crafted Carl Zeiss® 3X Optical zoom lens. For sharing your memories on the big screen, HD Output mode allows you to display your shots in high definition on your Sony BRAVIA® HDTV or other compatible HDTV. Design That Makes a Statement
2.7”1 Clear Photo LCD Display
With ultra-slim body in black, blue, green, white or pink, the DSC-T2 makes a sleek fit for any lifestyle – which simplifies camera operation using a 2.7”1 Widescreen touch-panel LCD that replaces function buttons with easy on-screen icons.
Clear Photo LCD design enables the giant 2.7”1 LCD of the DSC-T2 to display photos with superb clarity and color reproduction -- with AR (anti-reflective) coating for excellent visibility even in bright sunlight. Touch-Screen Operation
8.1 MP Super HADTM CCD More megapixels give you more detail and definition when you make big prints or crop in tight on your subject. The advanced Sony® Super HADTM (Hole Accumulated Diode) CCD design allows more light to pass to each pixel, increasing sensitivity and reducing noise.
The DSC-T2’s touch-panel LCD replaces small buttons with simple on-screen icons and a user-friendly interface that make camera operation faster and simpler. You can touch any point on screen, in shooting mode, to focus on the person or object you’ve selected -- and touch and zoom in playback mode to concentrate on your subject.
Carl Zeiss® 3X Optical Zoom Lens Design
Face Detection
An ingenious Carl Zeiss® lens design provides 3X Optical zoom in amazingly compact dimensions -- and even at full zoom the lens doesn’t project beyond the camera body, preserving its ultra-slim styling.
Because the face makes the photo, Sony has created Face Detection technology that recognizes up to 8 faces in a photo and automatically controls focus, exposure, color and flash to bring out the best in everyone. Unlike some competitive systems, Sony Face Detection makes skin tones look more natural and reduces red-eye with pre-strobe flash.
The Sony Double Anti-Blur Solution With Super SteadyShot® optical image stabilization and high sensitivity (ISO 3200), the DSC-T2 compensates for shaky hands, minimizes blur and allows flash-free shooting to preserve the mood.
In-Camera Red-Eye Reduction Irritating “glowing eyes” can ruin even the most creative photos -- so the DSC-T2 provides incamera correction at the touch of a button to reduce lingering red-eye effect that other systems might miss. Enhanced Paint Function In-camera retouching continues with the ability to “paint” decorative borders, graphic stamps and hand-drawn words or symbols like hearts, stars, arrows and other ways to add charm and fun to photos you save, print or send via e-mail (internet connection required). Smile Shutter Mode In Smile Shutter Mode, the DSC-T2 helps you capture more smiles by shooting automatically when your subject laughs, smiles, even grins. You select the person to watch and the expression to catch -- your Cyber-shot® camera’s Face Detection system and intelligent Smile Shutter algorithm do the rest! HD Output2 Direct HD output2 to your Sony Bravia® HDVT or other compatible HDTV screen lets you view DSC-T2 still photos in spectacular clarity and detail. HD Slide Show with Music It’s the high-definition viewing experience that makes photos more entertaining to watch, accompanied by your choice of visual effects and any of four preset musical selections stored in memory or your favorite music downloaded from PC to your camera for use as background music4.
4GB Internal Memory The DSC-T2 allows you to capture up to 4GB worth of pictures in-camera. Up to 15X Smart Zoom® Feature5 The Sony Smart Zoom® feature lets the DSC-T2 crop in close on the central portion of interest in your photo while avoiding the image degradation of other digital zooms. MPEG Movie VX Fine Mode Captures VGA (640 x 480) audio/video clips at high frame rate (up to 30 frames per second6), with length limited to approximately 10 minutes.
9-Point Auto Focus Because an off-center subject can make your shot more interesting, the DSC-T2 can measure auto-focus precision at 9 points on your screen -- giving you greater creative freedom to compose your image. D-Range Optimization Powered by the exclusive Sony BionzTM high-speed processing engine, D-Range Optimization preserves image data in bright highlights and reveals more detail in shadows or backlit areas -- for great results even in difficult lighting conditions. 61
uniQue SpOrTs
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
inedine Zidane’s journey from the rough back streets of Marseille to superstardom has been marked by superlative football. The world’s best playmaker of his time prides his Algerian heritage and his passion to be the best. Zidane has been rated as probably the most complete and gifted footballer of his generation. This opinion is pretty much universal in football, especially among those who have worked most closely with him. Aimé Jacquet, the French coach whose victory in the 1998 World Cup was hammered home with two goals from Zidane in the final, claims to have recognized immediately that Zidane was a phenomenon. ‘Zidane has an internal vision,’ he told me ‘His control is precise and discreet. He can make the ball do whatever he wants. But it is his drive which takes him forward. He is 100 per cent football.’ Leading players, too, admire Zidane’s consistency and strength, especially those who have played alongside him. Luis Figo, a stickler for efficiency and organization, described his control and pace as ‘extraordinary’. David Beckham, unabashedly called Zidane ‘the greatest player in the world’. Even Thierry Henry, admires his integrity, describing his former team-mate in the France squad as ‘the guy we can always count on, the one who really takes control’. Zidane, nicknamed ‘Zizou’ by the public, is admired for his decency as well as his football skills. His public priorities are football, family and friends. Zidane’s appeal transcends all barriers as was proven when he came first in a poll for ‘the most popular Frenchman of all time’, beating the more established figures of ageing rocker Johnny Hallyday and crooner Michel Sardou. Most significant of all was the fact this poll was conducted in the Journal du Dimanche. Zidane’s public persona has been as carefully constructed and as skilfully defended as any of his most elaborate midfield moves. He may be popular but, for most of the public, he is also resolutely unknowable. In this interview, we unravel the legend that is Zidane and talk about life beyond the game that made him a superstar. - Tell us something about your family & your father? I have a lot of respect and admiration for my father. I’m very inspired by him. It was my father who taught us that an immigrant must work twice as hard as anybody else and that he must never give up. I cherish my family, my wife Véronique and my three sons. - You have been one of the most intense football players ever - how would you describe this? It’s hard to explain but I had a need to play intensely, to fight every match hard, and this desire never to stop fighting is something else I learnt in the place where I grew up. And, for me, the most important thing is that I still know who I am. Every day I think about where I come from and I am still proud to be who I am: an Algerian from Marseille first, and then a Frenchman. - Do you still remember the famous head butting incident and the red card against Italy?
That is all in the past. Another life has begun since then - I have moved on from it all. - After playing for 18 years, has it been hard to adjust to retirement and a life without football? There is life after football - or, at least, there has been for me. My life is as full now as it was when I was playing football - I’ve found a lot of pleasure in my new life. Had I just stayed at home, it would have been terrible - I would have missed the game more. The transition has been good for me - travelling around the world so much hasn’t left me time to think about or miss football. My new life away from football is interesting and full, which is exactly what I wanted and needed. I will always miss football, which is natural, but, when I feel like playing, I take a plane and visit the neighborhood where I grew up (La Castellane in Marseille). There, I play with my brothers and my friends, and then I fly back home. It’s enough to make me happy.”
- Do you not miss the adrenaline of playing at the highest level, though? Surely you can’t replicate that when playing street football? The adrenaline and the excitement I felt came from playing for very famous clubs against the best players in the world. Of course, that was really exciting - but, at the very beginning, when I first started out, that wasn’t the reason I played. I wanted to play the game because I loved being in the play ground and it was exactly the same a few days ago: I was back in Marseille with my brothers and my friends, and I was playing for the love of playing. When I play with my brothers, I have fun and I joke a lot. It’s real football. - Any plans of making a comeback to football? I will not come back, no. When you stop for a year, it’s very hard to start again. What matters to me today is the chance to do everything I couldn’t do before - spending time with my family and my friends, promoting some events and discovering the world out there. I might come back to the game at some point in the future, though - why not. - Are you planning to become a coach? No, not as a trainer - but I can see myself involved in football in some capacity. It’s too early to say what or how exactly, though. - How much of your time does football take up at the present time? I do not follow the game with any great interest, but I do stay informed. I am aware of most things. I sometimes watch matches on the television but, believe me, I feel no pain - no loss at all. - What do you make of Beckham’s move to the States? Isn’t it too soon for him to be leaving? I respect his decision and I wish him all the best in his new life. - Are you comfortable with your celebrity status, with being famous? No - not quite. Every time I take part in an event or travel somewhere, I do not feel very comfortable with being so well known. Even if people are very nice to me - and they usually are - I just don’t feel entirely comfortable with it. The only exception is if I’m promoting an event specifically linked to football - it gives me plenty of confidence to be so much in my element. - Surely you must be used to the hysteria that follows you around? Isn’t that part and parcel of being a great footballer? Maybe, yes, but it’s really surprised me to see people being so nice to me. I was not expecting it - I thought that people would simply forget me once I retired, but everywhere I go I have so much support from people. However hard I tried, I could never thank enough all the people who have supported me around the world.”
- Your charity work has kept you extremely busy in the last year or so. Does anyone visit stand out for you? I’d say my visit to Bangladesh last November had the biggest effect on me. It’s one of the poorest countries in the world and has a population of more than 150 million - but, even though they have so many problems, they still gave me such an incredible reception. It was there that I finally realized just how famous I am - everybody seemed to know the name Zidane. - Of all the causes you’re currently supporting – the fight against global poverty, Aids charities and Unicef to name but a few - does anyone have more importance to you? No, they are all equal in importance. If I support something, it’s because it means something to me. I will not travel supporting causes for all my life, but for now I gain a lot of pleasure when I spend time with people less fortunate than I am. Now I really know what daily life means. Until now, I have lived in a cocoon. I used to take care about football, and that was it. Today, though, I see other things, too. A new life has begun. - So how did you join hands with luxury Swiss watchmaker IWC? I am a big fan of IWC watches. On a recent visit to Schaffhausen, I was given an insight into the secrets of watch making. I must admit I was captivated and took time to look at the movements under the loupe and carefully inserted a few wheels. Watch making requires even greater precision than slotting the ball into the net. - So IWC have dedicated a watch after you? IWC Schaffhausen have dedicated a special model: the Ingenieur Automatic Edition Zinédine Zidane. This Ingenieur is available in a globally limited edition of 1,000 watches. - So what are the common values you share with IWC? We have in common, values such as precision, perfection, technical competence and social responsibility in our respective fields. IWC, for example, is deeply involved in the “Laureus Sport for Good Foundation” and in environmental protection, whereas I support the fight against poverty as ambassador for the UNDP, the United Nations’ development programme. - Can you describe the watch? The Ingenieur Automatic is conspicuous by its clear, functional design and supreme technical accomplishment, represented by the IWC manufactured 80111-calibre movement. Visually, too, this latest Ingenieur model is color coded in the French national colors, which are reproduced both on the dial and in the blue crocodile leather strap with its red decorative stitching. One distinctive feature characterizes the glittering blue dial with its redand-white minute graduations: the Arabic numeral “10” in a brilliant shade of red stands out against the eleven appliquéd, metallically lustrous hour indices.
uniQue GiRLs WoRLd
ยบ Fashion ยบ Beauty ยบ Make Up ยบ Health ยบ Kitchen
uniQue FaShiOn Bags
SEE BY CHLOE` Charlie slouch shoulder bag MARC JACOBS Suvi large tote SEE BY CHLOE` Sundance shoulder bag
Alexander McQueen Bubble leather tote
MARC JACOBS Stam ostrich tote JUICY COUTURE Leather shoulder bag
Burberry Prorsum Medium Lowry shoulder bag 65
uniQue FaShiOn Shoes
MIU MIU Peep-toe Mary-Janes
Burberry Prorsum Ruched platform pumps
Christian Louboutin Satin platform sandals
Oscar de la Renta Crystal ribbon sandals
Christian Louboutin Very Brode Pumps Roberto Cavalli Strappy platform sandals
uniQue FaShiOn Accessories
Roberto Cavalli Sparkling snake bracelet
Alexander McQueen ‘God Save McQueen’ Scarf Marc Jacobs Stone appliquÇ belt
Burberry Prorsum Albury necklace
Kenneth Jay Lane leaf hinged cuff
Kara by Kara Ross Pearlised anaconda bracelet Kara by Kara Ross Pearlized anaconda cuff
uniQue FaShiOn Clothes
ERDEM Felicitas jewelled dress Rick Owens Leather biker jacket
Matthew Williamson Chapelle weave coat
Zac Posen Tiered mini dress
LUELLA Joana frill dress
PAUL & JOE Cleandre wool blend coat
Thread Social Fisherman sweater dress
TEMPERLEY LONDON Rhinestone embellished tunic
Ralph Lauren ‘Notorious’ Eau de Parfum Spray
ZO Skin Health ‘Offects Hydrating Cleanser
uniQue FaShiOn Body Care
Guerlain ‘Meteorites’ Travel Touch
Clinique ‘Happy Travels’ Happy Perfume Spray
EstÇe Lauder ‘Sensuous’ Touch-On Fragrance
DeclÇor Aromessence Sculpt
Clarins Extra-Firming Lifting System
Lanc...me ‘Magnifique’ Perfumed Body Lotion
uniQue ArTiCLes
by Fatma Al-Soraye’a fatma_s@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue NeWs
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ÊU×ODÐ bL×� v×{ WO²¹uJ�« ULMO��« ‰U−� w� WFz«— …uDš ¨Ÿb³� n�R� ¨WFz«— WB� w½UN³NÐ rÝUł WLÞU� …d�H� bF¹Ë Ÿb³� rKO�Ë WO²¹uJ�« ULMO��« r�UŽ w� W¾¹dł …uDš X¹uJK� ÍdLA�« n¹U½ ÊUDKÝ Ÿ«bÐù« ÁRK1 bG�Ë ŸU−ý w²¹u� qIF� ŸU²�ù« w� W¹Už wÐdŽ rKO� w½U×¹b�« »—U×� bLŠ√ wM½Q� WK�U−� ÊËbÐ tK�«Ë ‰UL'«Ë WŽËd�« W¹Už w� WŠ«dBÐ rKOH�« wÐdF�UÐ fÐ w½e¹œ X�«Ë rKO� lÐUð√
WłË—b¼ 81
uniQue Tv ShOwS
By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ osama_a@uniQue.com.kw
ell’s Kitchen is an American reality-television cooking competition. The format of the program is similar to the UK version, with a red team and a blue team competing in various cooking challenges for most of the season; once the number of remaining players are small enough, they become a single black team and compete individually.
Each episode includes a team or individual challenge; the winning chef or player may get a reward, while the losing team or players are required to perform some kitchen duty in preparation for the dinner service. During dinner service, teams are responsible for preparing food to Chef Gordon Ramsay’s very demanding taste and appearance requirements as well as within a limited time frame. Ramsay may throw away a complete dish due to one element being off, requiring the team to re-prepare this dish. If Ramsay sees failure in the kitchen, he may force one player to take over for an82
other. If the entire kitchen is in a debacle, Ramsay may shut down the dinner service prematurely, often using his catchphrase “Shut it down!”. After the dinner service, Ramsay will select the winning team who may get an additional reward, and then will select the best player on the losing team to make a decision about which two fellow teammates to nominate for elimination. Alternatively, if the service is so bad (or good), Ramsay may declare no team the winner, or no specific player on the losing team as the best, requiring the team(s) to nominate someone for elimination. When the game is down to a single team but still more than three people, the winning player will select the two to be nominated. Each nominated player has a chance to plead their case to Ramsay, but he makes the final decision, at which point the eliminated player hands over their chef’s jacket.
sbourne Cox is a CIA analyst who quits his job at the agency after being demoted ostensibly because of his drinking problem. He then decides to write a memoir about his life in the CIA. His wife, Katie Cox, wants to divorce Osbourne and, at the counsel of her divorce lawyer, she copies many of his personal and financial files off his computer and onto an optical disc. Katie’s friend is Treasury agent Harry Pfarrer. The disc eventually finds its way to Hardbodies, a workout gym. An employee of the gym, Chad Feldheimer obtains the disc from the gym’s custodian and ascertains that it contains classified government information. Along with his fellow employee Linda Litzke, he intends to use the disk to blackmail Osbourne - Linda needs money to pay for cosmetic surgery. They call up Cox in the middle of the night, but he is not receptive. When blackmailing him fails, Linda decides to take the information to the Russian embassy. At the embassy, she hands the disk over to the Russians, promising she will give more information afterwards. Because Linda and Chad don’t have any more information, they decide to break into Cox’s house.
uniQue CineMa
Coming Soon October 2008 Provided By:
‘UJýuÐ ∫rKOH�« rÝ« ÍbO�u� ∫ŸuM�« ≠ Vð«— bLŠ√ ¨WM¹“ ¨bFÝ bL×� ∫qO¦Lð WÐUBŽ vKŽ i³I�« v� …bŽU�L�UÐ ÂuI¹Ë …d�L��« v�« t−ð«Ë ‰e²Ž«Ë Âb� …d� VŽô ‘UJýuÐ bFÝ bL×� ‰uŠ rKOH�« —Ëœ Æ…dšUÝ W¹bO�u� n�«u� v� tD¹—uð r²¹Ë «—b��
The Movie: Death Race Cast: Jason Statham, Joan Allen * Genre: Action / Thriller
x-con Jensen Ames is forced by the warden of a notorious prison to compete in our post-industrial world’s most popular sport: a car race in which inmates must brutalize and kill one another on the road to victory.
The Movie: Journey to the Center of the Earth Cast: Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson * Genre: Adventure / Family
n a quest to find out what happened to his missing brother, a scientist, his nephew and their mountain guide discover a fantastic and dangerous lost world in the center of the earth.
The Movie: Max Payne Cast: Mark Wahlberg * Genre: Action / Crime
oming together to solve a series of murders in New York City are a DEA agent (Wahlberg) whose family was slain as part of a conspiracy and an assassin (Kunis) out to avenge her sister’s death. The duo will be hunted by the police, the mob, and a ruthless corporation.
The Movie: Step Brothers Cast: Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly * Genre: Comedy
T 84
wo spoiled guys become competitive stepbrothers after their single parents get hitched.
TOP Movies 5 1
6 2
7 3 4
8 9 10 85
uniQue Red CaRpeT
By Zainab Dashti zainab_d@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue MeLoDy
by Hamad Al-Suhail hamad_s@uniQue.com.kw
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Have Your Break Time...
uniQue OpeN door
By Nora Al-Shetail nora_s@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue AroUnD The WoRLd
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue FaCE BoOk
By uniQue Staff facebook.com
ﻣﺎ ﻫﻮ ﺃﻛﺜﺮ ﻋﻤﻞ ﻣﺤﺮﺝ ﻗﻤﺖ ﺑﻪ ﻓﻲ ﺣﻴﺎﺗﻚ؟ Chadi El-Serafy (France) wroteon Jul 18, 2008 at 1:07 PM Well for me, I was playin truth or dare with my friends.. and the dare was to take my shirt off, walk in the mall and go to the ladies W/C .. i heard alot of scream on my ears n alot of bad words.. it was bad and was so embarrassing.. who’s next?
Hussein Al-Sumait (Kuwait) wroteon Jul 18, 2008 at 2:59 PM lol chathi you just had to put this in ha? ok.. i got alot of embarrassing things i did, but the most embarrassing was during 3umra... i was walking to the kabba wearing a dishdasha.. while walking i was looking up.... guess what happened next?.. i from seeing skies to seeing the ground in my face.. lol my dishdasha got caught on one of the small poles and i was hanging from it.. couldn’t fall down nor can i get up :P alot of ppl were laughing at me including my cousin :P
AmEna Ms.KhAn (Kuwait) wroteon Jul 18, 2008 at 1:21 PM My sister and I met a guy online who i hadn’t met in 7 yrs of chatting and he had no idea what i looked like, so I pretended to be someone else.. of course later he found out who i was..coz my sister called me by my ‘real name’ haha!! quite embarassing 2 say the least..
Mehroz Shahid (Kuwait) wroteon Jul 19, 2008 at 4:24 AM hmmmmm... interesting stuff! I had to drink milk and ketchup in truth & dare game *YUK* and hump a pillow later on in front of everybody.
Sarah Al-D. (Kuwait) replied to Chadi’s poston Jul 18, 2008 at 3:49 PM Mine would be is fallin down in front of people or trippin.. it happens to me frequently.. the most embaressin fall was at Kuwait University College of Art in Kaifan infront of the show street in the first stairs at the rush hour infront of hundred of students.. i simply fell on the stairs the 1st floor so can u imagine how many people laughed at me ?!!!!! i just stood up & ran to the last floor without lookin down or seein those who were laughin :| since then fallin & trippin became smth normal in my daily life :D
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by Nora Al-Shetail nora_s@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue In KuwAiT
by Dalal Al-Ghaith dalal_g@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue ArTiCLes
by Bashayer Al-Shemmeri Bashayer_s@uniQue.com.kw
Adobe Photoshop WO½Ëd²J�« W�UDÐ —U²�½ dðöH�« WLzU� s� -6 Filter > Brush Strokes > Accented Edges WO�U²�« rOI�« vKŽ o³Þ 2
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uniQue AdViCe
by Sarah Al-Dahas sara_d@uniQue.com.kw
Advice of The Month “Blessed is he who expects nothing. For he shall never be disappointed” Alexander Pope
umans always have high expectations in everything & they never consider the outcomes of their expectations except that they think they’ll get what they want & it will happen eventually. But when it doesn’t happen or occur, they become disappointed & think failure has struck them in life, which is not the truth. Expecting nothing is a way of avoiding disappointment, for when we expect something, we get nothing, and then we might pay a heavy price in. But when we expect nothing & get something, then we can feel the glory of achieving something in Life! The quotation doesn’t mean to forget your expectations & goals! On the contrary, it does advice you to balance your expectations with your goals & ability & not to forget or ignore the present moment.
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