Issue 9

Page 1

‫ﺑ ـ ـ ـ ـﺠ ـ ـ ـ ـﻬـ ـ ـ ــﻮﺩ ﺷـ ـ ـ ـﺒ ـ ـ ــﺎﺑـ ـ ـ ـﻴ ـ ـ ــﺔ ﻛ ـ ــﻮﻳـ ـ ـﺘـ ـ ـﻴ ـ ــﺔ‬

‫‪Issue 9‬‬

‫‪April 08‬‬

‫ﺗـﺼ ﹼ‬ ‫ـﻔــﺢ ﺍﻟـﻤـﺠـ ـﻠـﺔ ﻋـﻠـﻰ ﻣـﻮﻗـﻌـﻨ ــﺎ ﺍﻹﻟـﻜ ـﺘــﺮﻭﻧـﻲ‬ ‫‪Read the Magazine Online‬‬

‫‪w w w . u n i Q u e . c o m . k w‬‬

Unique Girls World



Unique Coverage


Unique Guys World

Unique Interview



Unique Stars World

Unique Way No Way





To Unique






ÆÆ ¡«eŽ_« U½¡«d� X�ô w²�« unique WK−L� rJ²FÐU²� s�Š vKŽ r�dJý√ Ê√ œË√ ÊuJ¹ Ê√Ë tIÐU�� œbF�« Ác¼ ÊuJ¹ ô Ê√ vML²½Ë ¨bL×�« tK�Ë rJÐU−Ž≈ WL¹eF�« vKŽË sO�UÐ WLN�« vKŽ U½uLðbNŽ UL�Ë ¨q³� Í– s� qC�√ ÂËb¹ Ê√ v�Ž ¨sOK�u²� ULz«œ tK�« vKŽË s¹dL²�� …dÐU¦L�«Ë bN−�«Ë ÆULz«œ UMOKŽ ÕU−M�« «c¼ W³KI²L�« WOÝUO��« ¡«uł_« sŽ bF³�« q� bOFÐ œbF�« «c¼ ÊuJ¹ b� «c¼ u×� lD²�½ r??� sJ�Ë ¨t??� U½bł b??łË UMOFÝ U??� «c??¼Ë UO�UŠ v�Mð ô ¨ÕU²²�ô« WLK� w� U¼d�c½ s×½ UN� WK−L�« ‚UD½ s� ¡«uł_«

‫ﺭﺋﻴﺲ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﻋﻴﺴﻰ ﺍﻟﺜﻮﻳﻨﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ ‫ ﻣﺒﺎﺭﻙ ﺭﺷﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻴﺮﻱ‬.‫ﻡ‬ ‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ ﺣﺼﺔ ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﺴﺮ ﹼﻳﻊ‬.‫ﺃ‬ ‫ﻧﺎﺋﺐ ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﻓﺮﺣﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﻼﻗﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺴﻮﻳﻖ‬ ‫ﻃﻼﻝ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺧﻠﻒ‬ ‫ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻭﺇﺧﺮﺍﺝ‬ ‫ﻋﺒﻴﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺪﻱ‬

«uFC� W½U�√ pðu�Ë W½U�√ fK−L�«Ë W½U�√ X¹uJ�« ∆—UI�« e¹eŽ

‫ﻣﺴﺆﻭﻝ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﻗﻊ ﺍﻻﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻲ‬ ‫ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﷲ‬

rJMOŽ√ …d� w� VÝUML�« —UO²šô«Ë VÝUML�« —«dI�«Ë VÝUML�« qłd�«

‫ﻫﻴﺌﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬

Æq¼U²�ð X¹uJ�U� Think Different, Be Unique

‫ﺃﺳﺎﻣﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺪﺍﻟﺮﺯﺍﻕ‬

‫ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﻴﺪ‬

‫ﺃﻣﺜﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﻳﻔﺎﻥ‬

‫ﺍﻟﺸﻴﻤﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

‫ﺑﺸﺎﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

‫ﺇﻳﻤﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻜﻨﺪﺭﻱ‬

‫ ﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﺜﻤﺎﻥ‬.‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺪﺣﺎﺱ‬ ‫ﺳﻌﺪ ﺍﻟﻴﺎﺗﻲ‬ ‫ﻏﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﻼﻥ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﺎﻛﺮ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﻨﺠﺪﻱ‬

‫ﺣﻨﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺪﺍﻟﻬﺎﺩﻱ‬ ‫ﺯﻳﻨﺐ ﺩﺷﺘﻲ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻨﻮﻣﺲ‬ ‫ﺷﺎﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺼﻴﺮﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﻓﺎﻃﻤﺔ ﺣﻴﺪﺭ‬ ‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﺼﺎﻟﺢ‬

‫ﻣﺮﻳﻢ ﺍﻟﻐﺎﻧﻢ‬

‫ﻣﺮﻳﻢ ﺍﻟﺒﻜﺮ‬

‫ﻳﻮﺳﻒ ﺍﻟﺒﺪﺭ‬

‫ﻣﻬﺎ ﺍﻟﻌﻨﺰﻱ‬

WK−L�« Í√— sŽ …—ËdC�UÐ d³Ò Fð ô WK−L�« w� ¡«—ü«Ë ôUIL�« Ê≈ Tel.: (965) 2429 662/ 4 - 2422 959 - Fax: (965) 2422 949

‫ﺃﻣـــﺎﻛــﻦ ﺍﻟــﺘـﻮﺯﻳـﻊ‬

‫ﺍﻟﻤﺠﻠﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﺣﻴﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻮ ﹼﺯﻉ ﻓﻲ ﻛﻞ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ‬

∫ U¼e²ML�«

Ê«dO��« Áe²M� ≠ wNO�d²�« VFA�« …e²M� ≠ ©WOŠU³B�«® b½ô Õd� ≠

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∫ U½u�UB�«Ë WO×B�« b¼UFL�« »uÐ w²OÐ Êu�U� ≠ w×B�« fJOK� ÍœU½ ≠ w×B�« ZM�UAð ÍœU½ ≠

∫ Èdš√ s�U�√

Virgin ≠ “uJMO� fJ¹bO� ≠ d²MÝ X¹«œ ≠ Mobilink ≠

∫ W¹—U−²�« UFL−L�« Í—U−²�« uJ�« lL−� ≠

∫ b¼UFL�«Ë UF�U−�«

∫UNM� © UOKJ�« lOLł® X¹uJ�« WF�Uł æ VD�« WOK� ≠ WOŽUL²łô« ÂuKF�« WOK� ≠ W¹—«œù« ÂuKF�« WOK� ≠ ‚uI×�« WOK� ≠ ÂuKF�« WOK� ≠ WÝbMN�« WOK� ≠ UM³�« WOK� ≠ ©GUST® ZOK��« WF�Uł æ ©AUK® WOJ¹d�_« WF�U−�« æ ©ACK® X¹uJ�« w� WO�«d²Ýô« WF�U−�« æ Êe¹«d¼uO½ bNF� æ


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Unique CoVeRaGe

Petro World

“‫ﻓﻮﺯ ﻓﻴﻠﻢ ”ﻣﻐﺎﻣﺮﺍﺕ ﻧﻔﻮﻁ‬ ‫ﺑﺠﺎﺋﺰﺗﻴﻦ ﻓﻀﻴﺘﻴﻦ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﻣﻬﺮﺟﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﺪﻭﻟﻲ‬ ‫ﻟﺴﻴﻨﻤﺎ ﺍﻷﻃﻔﺎﻝ‬ …d¼UI�« ÊUłdN� UO�UF� dA½ w??� pO½u¹ WK−� œd??H?½« rKOH�« tO� bBŠ Íc?? �«Ë ¨‰U??H? Þ_« ULMO�� 18?�« w??�Ëb??�« v�Ë_« ¨ÊU²OC� ÊUðezUł vKŽ “◊uH½ «d�UG�” w½uðdJ�« Âu??Ýd??�« Âö?? �_ W??O? �Ëb??�« ‰U??H? Þ_« rOJ×ð WM−� s??� X??½U??� Âö�ú� W�UI¦�« …—«“Ë …ezUł o¹dÞ sŽ Èdš_«Ë ¨W�dײL�« ÆWO½u¹eHK²�« Z�«d³�«Ë W�dײL�« ÂuÝdK� WOÐdF�« bOý—Æœ oÐU��« jHM�« d¹“Ë WH�R�Ë rKOH�« …dJ� VŠU� d³ŽË ‰uBŠ Ê√ YOŠ ¨·dAL�« “uH�« «cNÐ tðœUFÝ sŽ ÍdOLF�« UO³Mł√Ë UOÐdŽ ULKO� 152 sOÐ sO²OC� sOðezUł vKŽ rKOH�« ÆX¹uJ�« tÐ d�Hð UŠU−½ d³²F¹

Unique CoVeRaGe

Mini Clubman

“‫ﺇﻃﻼﻕ ﺳﻴﺎﺭﺓ ”ﻣﻴﻨﻲ ﻛﻠﻮﺏ ﻣﺎﻥ‬ ©ÊU� »uK� wMO�® …—UOÝ UN�öÞ≈ sŽ r½UG�« wKŽ W�dý XMKŽ√ UL� 5% W³�MÐ UFO³L�« …—UO��« b¹eð Ê√ l�u²L�« s�Ë ¨…b¹b−�« b� …—UO��« Ê√ kŠöL�« s�Ë ¨W�dAK� UFO³L�« d¹b� UM� d�– Ê√ v�≈ «dOA� W�bN²�L�« WOÐU³A�« W¾H�« s� «dO³� ôU³�≈ X�ô Æ„Æœ 11.900 v�≈ 10.900 sOÐ U� ÕË«d²¹ …—UO��« dFÝ

Unique CoVeRaGe

‫ﺗﻘﺪﻳﺮﺍ ﻟﺪﻭﺭﻫﻢ ﻭﻟﺮﺳﺎﻟﺘﻬﻢ‬

‫ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻲ ﻳﺤﺘﻔﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﺼﺤﺎﻓﺔ ﻭﺍﻹﻋﻼﻡ‬ ‫ﻓﻲ ﻣﺄﺩﺑﺔ ﻋﺸﺎﺀ ﺧﺎﺻﺔ‬

WOŽULł …—u�

vKŽ W�Uš ¡UAŽ WÐœQ� wMÞu�« X¹uJ�« pMÐ w� w�öŽù« V²JL�« ÂU??�√ dO³� bAŠ U¼dCŠ sOKÝ«dL�«Ë sOO�öŽù«Ë W¹œUB²�ô« W�U×B�« ·dý r¼√ ‰uŠ dEM�« UNłË ‰œU³ð rð YOŠ ¨sOO�U×B�«Ë ÂU��_« ¡U??݃— s� ÆWO�dBL�« U¹UCI�« Âö??Žù«Ë W�U×B�« ‰U??ł— v�≈ d¹bI²�«Ë dJA�« q� pM³�« …—«œ≈ XNłË UL� dO³J�« —Ëb??�« sOML¦� pM³�« «—œU³�Ë UÞUA½ W�UJ� dO³J�« rNLŽœ vKŽ ŸUDI�« «—œU³� rŽœË œUB²�ô« W�bš w� ÂöŽù«Ë W�U×B�« tÐ ÂuIð Íc�« ÆwL�UF�« Ë√ wLOK�ù« Ë√ wK×L�« bOFB�« vKŽ ¡«uÝ ’U��« w� w�öŽù« V²JL�« œuN−Ð ÊuO�U×B�«Ë ÊuO�öŽù« œU??ý√ ¨rN³½Uł s� W�U×B�« W�UÝ— W�b�� U½UO³�«Ë U�uKFL�« W�UJ� r¼dO�uðË wMÞu�« pM³�« W�U×B�« l� pM³�« UN−N²M¹ w²�« WŠu²HL�« WO�UHA�« WÝUOÝË Âö??Žù«Ë

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©U½u�® ‰UL� bL×� – ©f³I�«® bO��« s�×� – ©wMÞu�«® k�UŠ bLŠ√

Unique CoVeRaGe


‫ ﺃﻟﻒ ﺯﺍﺋﺮ ﺧﻼﻝ ﺳﺘﺔ ﺃﺳﺎﺑﻴﻊ‬30 ‫ﻣﻌﺮﺽ "ﻓﻦ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻡ" ﻳﺴﺘﻘﻄﺐ ﺃﻛﺜﺮ ﻣﻦ‬ ∫2008 ”—U� 12¨…bײL�« WOÐdF�« «—U�ù« W�Ëœ ¨w³þuÐ√ Î LJ� ÎUO�UIŁ Ϋ—u×� Æ…—UC×�«Ë a¹—U²�« Z¼UML� ö ¨¢WŠUO�K� w³þuÐ√ W¾O¼¢ ÂUŽ d¹b� ¨ÍdONL�« bLŠ „—U³� bO��« ‰U�Ë bNA¹¢ ∫¢wŠUO��« —UL¦²Ýù«Ë d¹uD²�« W�dý¢ w� »b²ML�« uCF�«Ë ÂU¹√ ‰öš ÎUO�u¹ dz«“ 700 w�«uŠ b�«uð Áb�R¹ ÎU²�ô ÎUŠU−½ ÷dFL�« Àb×�UÐ ÂUL²¼ù« “ËU−ðË Æ öDF�« w� dz«“ 1100 s� d¦�√Ë ¨Ÿu³Ý_« rOEM²� jOD�²�« WOKLŽ ¡UMŁ√ UM²IŁ “eF¹ U� u¼Ë ¨WOzb³L�« UMðUF�uð Î ³I²�� wL�UF�« bF³�« «– WO�UI¦�« UO�UFH�« s� b¹eL�« Æ¢ö

¨¢wKOK��« d�U½ WŽuL−� s� “uM� ≠ Âö??Ýù« s??�¢ ÷dF� VDI²Ý« w³þuÐ√ w� «—U??�ù« dB� ‚bM� w� ¢Ê«Ë ÍdO�Už¢ w� ÷d??Ž Íc??�« dNý W¹UN½ tŠU²²�« cM� dz«“ n�√ 30 vKŽ b¹e¹ U� ¨q¹dÐ√ 22 W¹UG�Ë Æw{UL�« d¹UM¹ WOŽUL²ł≈Ë WO�UIŁ U¾O¼ ¨WOLÝ—Ë W�UŽ UOB�ý ÷dFL�« —«“ b�Ë ¡U×½√ nK²�� s� WÝ—b� 26 s� V�UÞ 700 s� d¦�√ v�≈ W�U{ùUÐ U¼Ëd³²Ž« s¹c�« sOLKFL�« t¹uM²Ð WOÝ—bL�« ôu−�« XOEŠË ÆW�Ëb�«

Millennium Hotels & Resorts opens first Copthorne Hotel in the Middle East Dubai, February 2008: Millennium Hotels & Resorts opens the doors of the first Copthorne Hotel in the UAE late January 2008. Copthorne Hotel Dubai is ideally located in Port Saeed, Deira just five minutes’ walk from the shopping and entertainment complex, Deira City Centre, and ten minutes from the Dubai International Airport, overlooking the picturesque Dubai Creek. Commenting upon the announcement, Mr Reda Moukhtar, General Manager said: “We are delighted to be opening the first Copthorne Hotel for Millennium Hotels & Resorts in the region, in such an exciting growth market as Dubai. With an average room size of 40 to 135 sqm, the Copthorne Hotel Dubai will be a welcome addition to the deluxe hotel sector in Dubai, with services and facilities to rival any in the city. Whether for business travellers requiring spacious accommodations in which to work and relax, or suites and additional bedrooms for families, the hotel will cater to a varied market and nationality base.”

Unique CoVeRaGe


2008 ‫ﺭﺍﻟﻲ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ ﺍﻟﺪﻭﻟﻲ‬ X½U�Ë …—UŁô«Ë W¹bM�UÐ XL�ð« U��UM� jÝË —U²�ô« v²ŠË w½«u¦�« ÈbF²ð ô UN�öš ‚—«uH�« w�Ëb�« X¹uJ�« w�«d� ‰Ëô« r�I�« s� …dOšô« sÐ qONÝ aOA�« w??ð«—U??�ô« vN½√ 2008 ÂUF� vKŽ ÊUłd� q??z«Ë tŠö� l� Âu²J� ‰¬ WHOKš X��« qŠ«dL�« ͬ¨wð¨”√ «e¹d³L¹≈ Ë—UÐuÝ s²� …«—bBK� t�ö²ŠUÐ r�I�« «c¼ UNM� n�Qð w²�« WO½UŁ 0¨02 ‚—UHÐË ¨WŽUÝ 1¨01¨37 Á—b� X�uÐ nO²Ý t??Šö??�Ë w׳«d�« b¹e¹ ÍœuF��« s??Ž Ë—UÐuÝ …—UOÝ œuI� nKš U�Kł s¹cK�« d�Jðô« VOðd²�« w??� Y??�U??¦?�« e??�d??L?�« œU?? ŽË Æ«e??¹d??³?L?¹≈ s²� vKŽ ÍdL�« dH�� ÍdDIK� X�RL�« ÂUF�« Æ 8uH¹≈ d�½ô wAOÐu�²O�

Unique CoVeRaGe

‫ﻣﺎﺭﺍﺛﻮﻥ ﺍﻟﺒﻨﻚ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻲ ﺍﻟﺴﻨﻮﻱ‬ X³��« Âu??¹ w??� ÍuM��« Êu??Ł«—U??L?�« wMÞu�« X¹uJ�« pMÐ ÂU??�√ v�≈ wLKF�« e�dL�« s� Á—«uA� √b³¹ Íc�« 2008≠3≠22 o�«uL�« rO�Ið rð b� Ë ¨ d²� uKO� 8 W�U�� vKŽ ¡«dC��« …d¹e−�« »U�Š ¨WM¹“ ¡U�b�√ s� W¹dLF�« U¾H�« V�Š vKŽ sOIÐU�²L�« ez«uł XŽ“Ë b� Ë ¨q³I²�L�« »U�Š Ë »U³A�« »U�Š ¨‚—“_« ÆÊuŁ«—UL�« w� s¹ezUHK� WLO�

Unique CoVeRaGe


‫ﻧﻬﺎﺋﻲ ﻛﺄﺱ ﻭﻟﻲ ﺍﻟﻌﻬﺪ‬ w²¹uJ�« œU×ðù« …—«œù WO�UI²½ô« WM−K�« XMKŽ√ ·«u½ aOA�« bNF�« w�Ë uLÝ Ê«u¹œ Ê√ ÂbI�« …dJ� ”—U� s� Y�U¦�« œbŠ ÕU³B�« dÐU−�« bLŠ_« ÆÁuLÝ ”Q� vKŽ WOzUNM�« …«—U³L�« W�U�ù «bŽu� nBM�« ÊU�ž WO�UI²½ô« WM−K�« uCŽ »d??Ž√Ë lOLłË Ád¹bIðË Á“«e²Ž« sŽ w�U×� ÊUOÐ w� aOA�« u??L?�?� X??¹u??J? �« w??� W??¹Ëd??J? �« …d?? ? Ý_« W¹UŽ— vKŽ WL¹dJ�« t²I�«uL� b??L?Š_« ·«u??½ X¹uJ�« ÍœU??½ œU²Ý≈ vKŽ ÂUI²Ý w²�« …«—U³L�« ÆÆÆw{U¹d�«

Unique CoVeRaGe


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Unique CoVeRaGe


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Unique CoVeRaGe


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Unique CoVeRaGe


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Unique CoVeRaGe


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Unique CoVeRaGe


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Unique SeRies

by Dr. Rasheed Al-Ameeri

‫ﺳﻠﺴﻠﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﻴﺢ ﺍﻟﻨﺠﺎﺡ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺴﺘﺔ‬

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Unique ArTiCLes

by Mariam Al-Ghanim

‫ﺍﻟﻤﻘﺎﺑﻠﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻷﻭﻟﻰ‬

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Unique ArTiCLes

by Mariam Al-Ghanim

ÊUO³B�« UIOKFð UNO� ‚u� —UÞ …—UOÞ ≠ Êu�uI¹ UL��« w� …—UOÞ dLð UL� ÆW�Ëb¼ XIý œuF�� vKŽ XŠUÞË W�uJ×�« …dIÐ `Ðc½Ë bOF�« dłUÐ ≠ Êu�uI¹ bOF�« Âu??¹ »dI¹ UL� Æ…dHM��« dO³ł œuF�� ÍœUM½Ë ‰uD�√ ‰UIŽ fÐô ≠ Êu�uI¹ ‰UIŽ fÐô bŠ«Ë u�Uý «–«Ë ÆtAO�«d� w� uÐ Íe¹dIMŽ ≠ Êu�uI¹ —U� ÍeOK−½« ‰U¹— Êu�uA¹ UL�Ë ÆWKOK�« uL¹ ÁU�Ž WKOð uI½U�ð – Êu??�u??I?¹ ÊUO³B�« s??� sOMŁ« ÊuI½U�²¹ U??L?�Ë Æ…bOBŽ W³Ý vKŽ ÊUŽdJ�« s×� W³LK�« d�� W³LðuÐ – sO²L�« h�A�« ÊËœUM¹ s¹«œË ÆW³L¼ s×� sO� WO½ULK��Ë ÁœuÝ UM²¹U¹œ UM²¹U¹œ – Êu�uI¹ W¹U¹œ Êu�uA¹ UL�Ë ÆtO�Ë“Ë ÕdD� vKŽ iO³�« iO³ð iO³�« iO³ð WD³�U¹ —Ëœ—Ëœ tł—e¼« WDŠ s� uЫ sF�« ô WD³�U¹ —Ëœ —Ëœ d³�« XŠ«— Ád¹uÝ Ád¹uÝ ô« t²DŠU� w½«uB�UÐ tD×½«Ë dLŠô« gOŽ VOOð« w�ôœ U¹ w�«uš w�«uš WO¹ vKŽ w�öN�« ÈbFOC�« wMO� w³²ý Í—œU� wM¹œUMð w�« wMOB�« ÁdOCž« w� wMOM×ð« w³ð wM¹bNð wЗ U¹ wMO� vKŽ wMO� tK�« VO³Š ·uý«Ë tK�« XOÐ —Ë“«Ë Æ‚d�Ë ÍU� WOKŽ «u³� ‚d²Š« “uOF�« XOÐ 34

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Unique InTeRvieW

by Hanan Al-Abdulhadi

w� p¹—uBð s� —u� Âb�²�ð q¼ UÎ C¹√ w�«džuðu� —uB� p½√ ULÐ æ ø U�uÝd�UÐ wH²Jð Â√ rO�UB²�« dD{Q� ¨X½d²½ôUÐ U¼bł√ ô —UJ�_« iFÐ w� Ê√ qOK� q³� XK� UL� ≠ vMž ô Ê√ X��Š√ UNM� Ë nOHš rOLB²Ð UNKL�√Ë …dJH�« —u�√ Ê√ ¨ ôU×�« Ác¼ q¦� w� w½bŽU�ð ÁbOł «dO�U� X¹d²ý«Ë ÆÆÆd¹uB²�« sŽ sŽ wMG¹ rÝd�« ÊU??O?Š_« iFÐ w??�Ë dO³� —Ëœ UN� UC¹√ U??�u??Ýd??�«Ë ÆWK�U� W�UÝ— UNO� WŠuK�« ÊuJðË rOLB²�«Ë d¹uB²�« øørOLB²�« p�– u¼ U� Ë bŠ«Ë rOLBð w� UN²OC� …d²� d¦�√ w¼ U� æ rOLB²�« vKŽ qLŽ√ ‰Ë_« ÂuO�UÐ ÆÆö¦� ÂU¹√ 3 wM� cšQð rO�UBð w� ≠ —UNMOÝ d¦�√ tOKŽ XKLŽ u� w½√ dFý√ p�– bFÐ Ë UŽUÝ 4 Ë√ UŽUÝ 3 tO�HMÐ Êu�√Ë w�U²�« ÂuOK� t�dðQ?� …œU²FL�« WO�UFH�UÐ tłdš√ ô Ë√ qLF�« ¡UDš_« iFÐ tO� ÊuJ¹ b� t½√ dJ½√ ô Ë rOLB²K� s�Š√ ëeLÐË …bOł vKŽ qLŽ√ U� «—œU½ sJ� w�U²�« ÂuO�« UN�—«bðQ� f�_UÐ UNEŠô√ r� w²�« r� u�Ë qNÝ ÊuJ¹ U¼cOHMð …œułu� …dJH�« X½U� u� Ê_ WK¹uÞ Áb� rOLBð ƉuÞ√ Ád²� rOLB²�« cšQ¹ ”UÝ_« s� …dJ� „UM¼ sJð ”UM�« q³� s� VKÞ „UM¼ q¼ Ë pLO�UB²� ”UM�« q³Ið Èb??� U� æ øø rN� rO�UBð qLF� dO³� ‰U³�≈ w� ·uý√ ¨WŠ«d� t� XK�Ë U� vKŽ Ád� n�√ tK� bL×�« ≠ —u� Ë√ W�Uš rO�UB²� WMOF� U³KÞ d�– U� q¦� błu¹Ë w�ULŽ√ vKŽ ‰ULŽ√ r¹bI²� wMF−A²� ‰UIð ÁuKŠ WLK� Í√ vKŽ ΫdO¦� bFÝ√ Ë rN� WMOF� Æs�Š√Ë qC�√ ø rOLB²�« ‰U−� w� sOzb²³LK� UNNłuð W×OB½ æ Ê√ qC�_«Ë rOLB²�« ‰U−� w� …dO¦� UÐuF� tł«uOÝ ∆b²³� q� ≠ ÕdÞ Ë√ W¹«b³�UÐ Z�U½d³�« rKFð w� WÐuF� UN�Ë√Ë UNOKŽ VKG²¹Ë U¼«bײ¹ ÆÕU−M�«Ë oO�u²�« qJK� vMLð«Ë ¨b¼UAL�« V−F¹ ozô qJAÐ …dJH�« ø …dOš√ WLK� æ U� sŽ dO³F²K� W�dH�« wzUDŽ≈Ë ¨w� p²�UC²Ýô ÊUMŠ Xš√ „dJý√ ≠ ÆpO½u¹ WK−L� ÕU−M�« s� b¹eL�« vMLð√Ë wKš«œ w� 36

ø rOLB²�« w� „—UJ�√ wŠu²�ð s¹√ s� æ w²KO�� w� aÝdð …dO¦� U½UOŠ√ ÆÆÆqOLł Á«—√ wý q� s� ÆÆWFO³D�« s� ≠ ÆÆÆrO�UB²�UÐ UNI³Þ√ Ê√ ‰ËUŠ√Ë Âö�_« w� U¼«—√ w²�« WKOL−�« dþUML�« œułu� dOž wý dJ²Ð√ Ê√ ‰ËUŠ√Ë rOLB²�« qJý qO�ð√ «dL�« iFÐË ÊuJð ULz«œ W−O²M�« Ê√ `O×� ÆÆq¹uÞ X�Ë wM� cšQ¹ d�_« «c¼ sJ�Ë ÆVF²�« v�≈ ÃU²×¹ uK×�« ¡wA�« Ê√ U�ULð lM²I� U½√Ë …“U²L� ø Í—U−ð ŸËdAL� tO� ¡b³�« Ë rOLB²�« ·«d²Š« w� dJ� q¼ æ tM� rOLBðË d¹uBð u¹bO²Ý« `²�√ ·uÝ tK�« ¡Uý Ê≈Ë ÆÆ«dO¦� dJ� ≠ UL¼ ÍdE½ w� Ê√ YOŠ ÆÆÆrOLB²�« l� UN−�œ«Ë d¹uB²�« W¹«u¼ qG²Ý« U¼bł√ ô tMOF� tKGý rOLBð vMLð√ UŽUÝ ÆÆÆiF³�« ULNCFÐ ÊöLJ¹ X�u�« —bN¹ p�–Ë ÆÆUNLL�√ v²Š Z�U½d³�« w� UN²Kšœ√Ë UNð—u� «–≈ ô≈ qJAÐ qAH�« s� ·Uš√ w½_ ÆÆ ÁuDš ÁuDš rK��« bFB½ Ê√ qOLł sJ� ÆdO³� ø UN²ÐuF� Èb� U� Ë rOLB²�« w� W�b�²�L�« Z�«d³�« w¼U� æ √bÐ «dšR�Ë ¨rOLB²�« w� ¢wÝUÝ√ Z�U½dТ ?� »uýuðuH�« Âb�²Ý« ≠ gOFð pKF−¹Ë l²L� «bł u¼Ë ¢Íœ —u� ULMOÝ¢ tLÝ« Z�U½dÐ Âb�²Ý√ ÆtKO�UHð qJÐ rOLB²�« `³B¹ WÝ—ULL�« l� sJ� W³F� Z�«d³�« q� Ê√ È—√ WÐuFBK� W³�M�UÐË ÆöNÝ ø Z�«d³�« Ác¼ rOKF²� «—Ëœ XKšœ q¼ æ U¼bFÐË ¨jI� wKŽ VFB¹ U� q� sŽ ‰QÝ« XM� wMMJ�Ë ¨qšœ√ r� ô ≠ Æw�HMÐ w�H½ —uÞË tKLŽ WI¹dÞ Ë d�√ q� nA²�« √bÐË XIKD½« ø wKKÐdG�« wKKÐdž lO−Að ¡«—Ë ÊU� s� æ s� w½uF−ýË «bÐ√ rNKC� v�½√ ô ¨v�Ë_« Wł—b�« w� wÐ√ Ë w�√ ≠ d�–√Ë Ÿułd�« s� w½uFML¹ wz«—Ë sOH�«Ë «u½U� XFł«dð U� q� Ë dHB�« rO�UB²�« w¼ U�Ë „b¹bł u¼ U� w� Êu�uI¹ rÝd�« sŽ XH�uð «–≈ w½≈ øUO�UŠ UNOKŽ qLFð w²�«


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A r t i c l e s






Unique ArTiCLes

by Chadi El-Serafy

Stop Complaining


veryone in this life complains a lot about the things he has and things he doesn’t has. If you think about what u have in a good way I guess your life will be a lot easier and better. I want you all to think about the poor people who dreams to live in the same way we are living or to have half of what we have. For example, the Indians who work as street works who cleans the streets they only take about 20 KD a month, I really don’t know how they are living with it and how they send money to their families?!! Allah (god) has created the universe with its good and bad things and as humans we all have needs and we always complain. We always look at the bad things we have and complain a lot about it and ignore the good things that Allah gave it to us, and keep looking for more and more…. And as our human nature we will keep looking for more till we die, the only way to be satisfied and happy is to thank Allah (god) for what he gave us and work hard to achieve our goals not by complaining and looking at people who have more things than we have. I don’t mean that we have to stop trying making our life better or stop dreaming because if we stopped we won’t be able to keep up with our life. We all have to live as if we are living forever and do for our ends as if we will die tomorrow. When we complain things will never get easier and will never get better, but it will get harder and worst. Never complain about how bad your life is or how bad the things you have are. Say thanks god for what he gave you, because Allah is the fairest, if Allah took something from you he gave u instead of it something else, all u have to do is to look at it. And once you do that your life for sure will get better step by step. Things are not always the way we want it to be, but it’s our job to change that and make it the way we want it to be, and one of the first things to do is stop complaining about it. Be happy with it, feel the good in everything you have no matter how old or bad it is, if it gets the job done then no problem, but if it doesn’t that’s what matters. And you can change that thing when you will be able to afford a new one, don’t complain about it have some faith that Allah (god) will never let you down and he will help you, just do your best and work hard as you can. Don’t wait anything to change by sitting and asking god for better things and complaining about it. Allah says you do your work as good as you can and let the rest on him (Allah). Now think of everything you have like your car, your phone ...etc. thank god for what he gave you and for his blessings on you, feel the mercy of Allah on you. Now do one more thing and let’s be honest with it, let’s stop complaining one or two days every week, you chose the days. And feel the different on your life in these two days, and how these two days will be different than the rest of the week. 40

Unique ArTiCLes

by Ghalia Al-Shamlan



o I look nice? Do you like my hair-do? Is me dress lovely? Questions like this never stop in our world. It’s hard to answer them if your answer doesn’t reflect a compliment. But what if I don’t like it and I say that I do; is that a lie or is it being nice? Who can draw the line between being sweet and helpful and a hypocritical lair? Many people believe those false compliments are considered in what is know as a “White Lie”.

A white lie is defined as a harmless lie. In other words it’s still considered a lie but it does no harm if no one finds out about it. Think of it this way if you comment your friends out fit and she find out later that you don’t like it; she will not say that you are trying to be nice but the exact opposite. The first thing that pops in her mind is that you lied and that might in some causes end a friendship. Ouch! That hurts. Is lying really necessary? Why not stop it? Can we do that? It’s similar to smoking; you start by once a week and then once everyday then once every hour and so on. In terms of quitting it’s also similar to smoking you have to reduce the amount fairly and we will get rid of it hopefully. I listed a few steps that may help you quit lying; they only work if you put an effort to stop.

6 steps to Stop Lying: 1) Admit to yourself that you are lying, and it’s a problem that you want to solve. 2) Try an old useful way to help you. Ex. Post slips in your room (That helps me) 3) Write every lie you use in slips of paper. 4) Write how you feel about them. 5) Keep a diary, to notice your improvement 6) Be a risk taker and say the truth no matter what. Try the following steps and you should change the bad habit, if you put your head into it. Notice that lying is a habit it’s not in you therefore you can overcome it if you only try. Always think to yourself what do you have to loose? Are you afraid that people will stop loving you? If that’s the problem then you have nothing to worry about because it’s more important for you to love yourself than for others to love you. Don’t be in a rush take your time and work with yourself to feel every change you make. Remember practice makes progress not perfect, so don’t feel down if you’re not perfect be positive and give yourself credit for every step you take. Lying ends relationships and it destroys trust between people and societies are weakened therefore if we stop lying we are helping ourselves, families, societies and in the big picture our world. As Mark twain quoted “Always tell the truth. That way you don’t have to remember what you said”. 41

Unique BoOk CLuB

By Mariam Al-Baker



ince I love reading very much and I'm the kind of of person who cherish books, I always wanted to join a book club were I can discuss what I read with others and see if I understood the content the same way others do. I know this may sound very GEEK ;P but believe me if you are into books you would know what I mean.

Now finally you can do that here in Kuwait while you are still sitting in your home and all the thanks goes to the WORLD WILD WEB here is the site that I would like to share with you my dear readers (( )). the site will allow you to join a real book club , you can meet different people from around the world that share this hobby with you, and it will allow you to build your own shelf of books , you will be able to add books you read, are reading or plan to read. and when you add your books you will be able to see who else own the same 42

book and have read it so you can discuss it with them, you will also be able to rate the book you read and add a note that will be shown in your own shelf so that when others visit you account can see what you think about it. what is amazing about this site is there are many kind of groups, in the groups people involve in questions- answers about books. The admine would choose a book that they plan to discuss they would choose a certain date for the discussion, you will have time to read it if you are interested and then join in , in the discussion date and discuss it with others. I really think that this is one of the best sites on the net, you will find it very easy to log on and join the book community.

Unique ArTiCLes

by Yousef Al-Bader

(4) ‫ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﻇﻬﻮﺭ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﺍﺋﻢ ﺍﻟﻄﻼﺑﻴﺔ‬ ÆZOK��« WÐËdŽ fLÞ W�ËU×� ? 2 ÆÍœU×�ù« Í—ULF²Ýô« ÍdJH�« qGKG²�« ? 3 ÆZOK��« w� WOÞ«dIL¹b�« e¹eFð ? 4 w� p�– r¼UÝË WOÞ«dIL¹b�« WLzUI�« s� Âu−N�« s� dO¦J� WLzUI�« X{dFðË WLzUIÐ rN�Uײ�«Ë UN�uH� s� sOO�uI�« iFÐ ÃËd??šË UNÐ U�UIA½« ÀËb??Š WO�öÝù« WLzUI�« l� UN� ÊËUFð ‰u�uðËdÐ œU−¹≈ v�≈ UNÐ «bŠ UL� wÐöD�« ·ö²zô« wKŽË W�b²FL�« «œUO� bŠ√ fłd³�« bL×� s� q� W¹cOHM²�« W¾ON�« bLł b�Ë sO²LzUI�« sOÐ ÊËUF²�« …—Ëd{ s� “eŽ UL� WO�öÝù« «œUO� bŠ√ lO�e�« bN� UÐU�²½« w� wÐöD�« jÝu�« WLzU� jI�ð Ê√ 1975 ÂUŽ w� WLzUI�« XŽUD²Ý«Ë pKð w� WDЫdK� ÎU�Oz— fłd³�« bL×� `³B¹Ë WOÝUO��« ÂuKF�«Ë œUB²�ô« WDЫ— ÆWM��« W¹—«œù« W¾ON�« v�≈ ‰u�u�« WO�öÝù« WLzUI�« s� rŽbÐ WLzUI�« XŽUD²Ý« p�c� Ãd�ð bFÐ 1977 ÂUŽ w�Ë 1976 WMÝ s¹bFI� vKŽ UN�uBŠË WF�U−�« ŸdH� WLzUI�« ¡UCŽ√ bŠ√ u¼Ë WLzUI�« …œUO� v�≈ nCL�« rÝUł ‰u�ËË fłd³�« bL×� rz«uI�« iFÐ l� W�b²FL�« n�Pð s� WO�ö²zô« WLzUI�« qOJAð vKŽ qLŽ WO�öÝù« Æn�P²�« w� ÎUO�Oz— ÎU�dÞ WO�öÝù« WLzUI�« ÊuJð Ê√ dOž s� Ÿd� UÐU�²½« «u{Uš s¹c�« W�b²FL�« WOÐöD�« WLzUI�« sOK¦L� ¡ULÝ√ wK¹ ULO�Ë ∫72 œbF�« œU×ðô« WK−� w� dA½ UL� 1974 d³L�u½ w� WF�U−�« Æ—œU−�« b³F�« ‰œUŽ ? 2 Æ—uHBF�« WOLÝ ? 4 Ær½UG�« ‰U³�« ? 6 ÆwÞu×�« »U¼u�« b³Ž ? 8 ÆdDO�L�« wKF�« bŽU�� ? 10 ÆÊUL¦F�« ‰«u½ ? 12 ƉUOL�« bLŠ√ ? 14 ÆÆ l³²¹

Æf�UIL�« b�Uš ? 1 Æfłd³�« bL×� ? 3 ÆnK��« e¹eF�« b³Ž ? 5 ÆÊUDK��« ÊU½bŽ ? 7 ÆYOG�« ¡UO{ ? 9 ÆÊUDK��« bL×� ? 11 ÆÊUFOL−�« b�Uš ? 13 ÆÊUL¦F�« d�Uý ? 15

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Unique ArTiCLes

by Ahmad Al-Obaid


eaching the age of sixteen Claire, a little girl bound to the secrets of life is eager to try new things all the time. However the consent of her mother was in her way, leading to the downfall of what she wanted to do. All around the world the power of the mother’s love, caring and compassion stuns us all to a certain point that we need her forgiveness, consent and accreditation. At whatever age a person is he will always feel the need for a mother’s opinion in a certain issue that comes to him/her in their life. It may an agreement to his marriage proposal, her consent to go to a certain party or even if she agrees on a certain purchase or not. Therefore imagine that a mother’s relationship with her daughter is based on these basic facts as I continue on this escapade I will evaluate what standards a mother should meet in order to become applicable to perform a mother’s job, along with developing different scenarios of bumps in a mother-daughter relationship and lastly retrieving some of the justifications and solutions to these bumps.

As a parent watches his child grow up he/she will notice the major changes that their child is going through and what differences in his/her attitudes, perceptions and thoughts in life occurred. These random ideas change mostly at the age of adolescence. Therefore it is agreed that parenting has its challenges when it’s at such a sensitive age, therefore a

parent should meet certain standards in order to raise both an emotionally and physically healthy teenager. These standards are actually certain points that a person that is ready to handle such responsibilities should have, which are patience, being a role model and having the ability to provide assurance and advice. Patience as a beginning is a morale virtue to be blessed to have and most importantly a vital one to have if you have children. Parents tend to focus on the negative side of problems, instead of focusing on the positive side and trying to solve and prevent the problem. During the teen age of a boy or girl the attitudes tend to differ from when they where children as now they have access to a wider selection of vocabulary and are able to talk back to defend their point of view. Therefore a parent having patience will be able to think reasonably and argue with his son/daughter on an adult



basis. If this is done the son/daughter will be more comfortable in communicating his problems to his parents. This in turn gets us to the next point which is that a parent to his son/daughter is always a role model. Consequently, parents should firstly focus on setting that example in order for their offspring to follow them in the same path. Secondly, the parents should always give inspiration to their children which may be in the form of pep talks. Overall, if this bond of trust is tightened then the son/daughter will be more comfortable in reaching out for help, advice or even asking for consent on a certain issue. For whatever reason a child comes the parent needs to be prepared in how to ration, deal and solve the problem and most importantly give valuable information. Sometimes in a mother daughter relationship the reality isn’t that ideal therefore we reach some outlined scenarios of bumps in a mother daughter relationship and how it affects the both mother and daughter. Firstly let us take in consideration a scenario so common these days; a girl wishes to go under the knife and do a plastic surgery operation on her nose in order to increase her attractiveness in front the opposite sex, however her mother totally disagrees with the decision her daughter is about to imply on herself. In this situation the mother should act wisely and try all means necessary to help persuade her young daughter into changing her mind. A mother’s decision should and always be set straight; as if the daughter doesn’t want her mother’s consent then she would have done the operation. Therefore in such a sensitive case the mother should follow three simple steps these are plan, prepare and place. In the first step the mother has to be aware that teen age is a sensitive and wild one where the girl or boy are passing through many emotions, feelings and changes both physically and emotionally. As a result a mother should expect anything where she should plan carefully and do her homework by merely researching current problems that occur. Secondly, preparation is done in the means of keeping in tack what the daughter has done, wh a t

activities has/is participating in and who are her friends. Lastly, place is a term that defines the true meaning of transparency and understanding. What that means is that the relationship between a mother and her daughter should be based on bonds of trust and understanding. As a second scenario; a daughter steals her mother’s credit card in order to purchase a certain item which is too expensive. In this situation the mother should not loose her senses and go through a raging episode, however if the three simple steps are followed the process will run smoothly where by planning the mother will have known it is a common sign of desperation and distrust. By preparing, the mother would have seen signs leading to such an accident. By placing, the mother should assure and comfort her daughter that the next time she wants something she could reach out and simply ask. Reasons and justifications to why these things happen are really varied but two are going to be explained in the next part of the essay. Each and every family has problems and each parent must have faced a problem with his children of all ages. Although some parents give up and become depressed, modern technology has made it easier for the parent to parent his child and reach to a positive result. To begin with in order to deal with a problem it will help a lot if the parent actually describes the problem in a way that could be resolved. These problems rarely become serious as problems of such take years and years before they become permanent mental disorders. Afterwards the causes of these problems may range from loneliness and depression to selfishness and being self centered. If a mother’s decision isn’t taken into consideration then other ways to resolve the problem and persuade the daughter should be considered. There are many ways, as an example regarding the first scenario the mother could present to her daughter justifications to what severe damage could happen if the operation went wrong. Taking these ways the daughter might be persuaded and reach to a conclusion that her mother is much wiser and reasonable. There are other available solutions to these bumps that occur once in a while. Like a train that has to be kept on track the mother-daughter relationship should be set to track, an effective way is family counseling or therapy. On the other hand, a diagnosis made by a therapist might not always be right; therefore it stays the same the mother’s seventh sense or instinct is always right. In conclusion we have learnt that to any problem there are justifications and solutions. Within this very article we explored the standards a mother should meet in order to raise a healthy child both emotionally and physically. Afterwards we created different scenarios and developed how to deal with such occasions, and lastly the most common solutions and long term rehabilitation to these problems. All in all “everybody makes mistakes but it takes a smart person to realize what he’s done!” 45

Unique ArTiCLes

by Sarah Al-Dahas

How To Enjoy Your Single Life ?

1 0 Ti p s f o r G i r l s t o F o l l o w


any girls think of singleness as a bad thing which leads them to desperation, were they face many downs in their decisions, whether it concerns relationships or other matters in their lives. A guy is an essential part in each girl’s life. He completes many aspects in her life which are necessary. But & I emphasize on BUT it’s not the end of the world if you haven’t found your other half or the perfect guy who suits your expectations. It’s not a big issue that makes you depressed & keeps on making you wonder why you’re still single at this age where others are happily in love or married? Well, c’est la vie, this is life. It’s just a matter of time until you find your perfect match, until then; there are many things to enjoy while you’re single. You can make or do things that can make you extra happy without the existence of “ A GUY “ in your life. Just follow my steps:

1- First thing you have to do before anything else is to embrace your life & be thankful for what God gave you. Be thankful for being healthy & fit, having a home with a roof that shields you from natural disasters. Take a look at other’s problems, you’ll find that your problem which is “ being single “ is nothing compared to theirs. 2- Think of something you like or a hobby that you enjoy & make it as a project where you can enjoy your free time doing it. For example: if you like writing then try to publish your articles or poems in of the magazines you like. If you like crafts & hand making things then try to make some handmade objects & participate in exhibitions to show the people your creativity & sell them in the same time. This will show you how valuable you are. 3- Take good care of yourself, don’t be careless concerning your health. Some girls think if there’re no men in their life to look at them or care about them, then there’s no need to take care of ourselves, they lose interest taking care of themselves. They start eating a lot & start gaining weight. Some of them ignore health problems. Believe me, it’s not worth it. Have an annual checkup. Join a health club or go to the nearest gym in your area, so you can be extra fit & healthy. Playing sport & exercising makes you feel good inside. 4- Pamper yourself. Now you only have yourself to take care of (no husband, no children, no baby guy). Go to a spa centre, relax, have o full body massage or milk bath. Go & do a lot of shopping, buy things either you need or don’t need. Shopping gives extra satisfaction to the soul. I know it does for me. The more bags I carry, the happier I become! 5- Don’t be consumed by work. Many single girls think that the more I keep my mind focus on work, the more I forget 46

about my singleness issue. This is totally false. Take a rest from work. Let your body & mind relax from daily dilemmas. Travel to a peaceful country or to an exotic island to clear your mind & refresh your thoughts. 6- Make-over . . . Make-over . . . Make-over . . . change the way you look a little bit (not to an extreme point-plastic surgeries). Go have a short haircut or a new hair-do, make a deep facial for your face or peeling, change your style of dressing. Make-over refresh the mind & the soul because you feel like a new person. 7- Meditation: lock yourself in a low –lighted room with scented candles, close your eyes & meditate. Think of what you’ve done in your past, how it lead you to where you are now & learn from your mistakes for a better future. This will make you take a closer look of what you want & where are you heading in your life. 8- Try to do unusual activities with your friends that you’ve never done before. Like: ice-skating-playing golf-mountain climbing-gun shooting-horse riding-go to local carnivals or festivals ( like the French festival ). This also will let you feel free & new, because every time you do a new activity, it will give you a UniQue feeling or memory. 9- Take advantage of the extra time you have for your own benefit. Go & join an institution or a school to learn something new. Such as; computer programs ( Photoshop ), interior design, new languages, new skills ( cooking – sewing ). These courses will help you somehow in one or two fields in your life. 10- The last tip is important for every single girl out there. Single girls ( at certain age ) think they’re doomed or cursed & that they’ll never find the perfect man who’ll complete their lives. That’s why some of them shut themselves down & never give a chance to any guy (in some situations). Now, if there’s a guy that you’re into him, don’t let your ego destroy the only thing that you want so much. And if there’s a guy who likes you, don’t shut him down because of sophisticated thoughts that you have, give him a chance, maybe he’s the one! Now , don’t you think singleness rocks ?! well, as mentioned before, men are very important our lives , we need them all the time, they complete us & we complete them. But if you’ve not found your man yet, you can cherish this extra time that you have & take advantage of it for your own good. Just do one of these tips & you’ll feel the difference.

Unique ArTiCLes

by Chadi Al-Serafy

S t o r y

o f


Tr u e

Malcolm X

L e g e n d

Few weeks ago, I was looking for books through the internet because not all the books are available in libraries or bookstores, I really didn’t know what I was looking for, I was looking for someone who has made a change in the world or at least for the people in any country. I wrote in Google books search Martin Luther King and while I was looking at his books, I found a book named “They Had a Dream”. The cover of it has four pictures of four men (Frederick Douglass, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther king jr. and Malcolm X). And that’s how I heard about Malcolm X. I asked many people if they know him or read anything about him before but the answer was “naah we didn’t”. And after I read a lot about him I believe that he is a legend and his story must be well known across the world.


alcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His mother, Louis Norton Little, was a homemaker occupied with the family’s eight children. His father, Earl Little, was an outspoken Baptist minister and avid supporter of Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. Earl’s civil rights activism prompted death threats from the white supremacist organization Black Legion, forcing the family to relocate twice before Malcolm’s fourth birthday. Regardless of the Little’s efforts to elude the Legion, in 1929 their Lansing, Michigan home was burned to the ground, and two years later Earl’s mutilated body was found lying across the town’s trolley tracks. Police ruled both accidents, but the Little’s were certain that members of the Black Legion were responsible. Louise had an emotional breakdown several years after the death of her husband and was committed to a mental institution. Her children were split up amongst various foster homes and orphanages.

Malcolm was a smart, focused student and graduated from junior high at the top of his class. However, when a favourite teacher told Malcolm his dream of becoming a lawyer was “no realistic goal for a black man or as he said it for a nigger,” Malcolm lost interest in school. He dropped out, spent some time in Boston, Massachusetts working various odd jobs, and then travelled to Harlem, New York where he committed petty crimes. By 1942, Malcolm was coordinating various narcotic, prostitution and gambling rings. Eventually Malcolm and his buddy (Friend), Malcolm “Shorty” Jarvis, moved back to Boston, where they were 48

arrested and convicted on burglary charges in 1946. Malcolm placated himself by using the seven-year prison sentence to further his education. It was during this period of self-enlightenment, Malcolm’s brother Reginald visited him and discussed his recent conversion to the Islam religious, organization the Nation of Islam. Intrigued, Malcolm studied the teachings of Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad. There are six aspects to the doctrine of the Nation of Islam, as advocated by Elijah Muhammad. The first and most fundamental “is the posing of Islam as the true religion of Black people and Christianity as the religion of their opposite and enemy, the White people”. The second “is the contention that Allah (God) is in reality a Black man and the Black man is God”. The third is that Black people “are a Chosen People who are righteous by creation and righteous by nature.” The fourth is that “the White man is the devil himself”. The Fifth is that “separation on the social and political level from White was a divine imperative”. The sixth aspect of Elijah Muhammad’s theory stresses “the need for racial and Islamic solidarity throughout the world”. He argued that, in spite of Euro-American machinations, people in the developing countries are destined to unite because they all belong to the Original People. The Nation of Islam fought for a state of their own, separate from one inhabited by white people. By the time he was paroled in 1952, Malcolm was a devoted follower with the new surname “X.” He considered “Little” a slave name and chose the “X” to signify his lost tribal name. To be continued

Unique Red CaRpeT

By Unique Staff

‫ﺳﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺮﻭﻓﻮﻥ‬

Larry King

Í—«uŠ Z�U½dÐ r¹bI²Ð ÂU� 1960 u¹U� w�Ë Æ…d²H�« pKð w� WMšUÝ lO{«u� ‰ËUM²¹ CNN ?�« l� t²Ðd−ð t−�U½dÐ r¹bI²Ð 1985 w??� mMO� Í—ô √b??Ð oDM¹ t½≈ Í—ô ‰uI¹Ë Æn¹ô mMO� Í—ô dONA�« ÂuO�UÐ jÝu²L�« w??� WLK� n??�√ 18 s??� d¦�√ w??Ž«–ù« t??¹—«u??A?� ‰ö??š sJLð t??½≈Ë ¨b??Š«u??�« 40 s� d¦�√ l� öÐUI� ¡«dł≈ s� w½u¹eHK²�«Ë ÆWOB�ý n�√ Ϋb¹bł ΫbIŽ 2004 w� l�Ë b� mMO� Í—ô ÊU�Ë `³BO� —ôËœ ÊuOK� 58 WLOIÐ CNN?�« …UM� l� Î ? šœ v??K?Ž_« w�U×B�« W??Ž«–ù« WŽUM� a??¹—U??ð w??� ö Íc�« b¹b−�« ‚UHðô« VłuLÐË ¨r�UF�« w� Êu¹eHK²�«Ë Á—b??� ÎU¹uMÝ ÎU³ðd� ZMO� w{UI²¹ «u??Ž√ W??F?З√ dL²�¹ Î C� ¨—ôËœ ÊuOK� 15 w�«uŠ W¹dG� WO�U{≈ U¹«e� sŽ ö w� t�eM� sOÐ tKIMð qON�²� W�Uš …dzUÞ Â«b�²Ý« sLC²ð Æ”uK−½√ ”u� w� tKLŽ ÊUJ�Ë „—u¹uO½ ‰U−L�« w� tKLŽ vKŽ ÎU�UŽ 50 —ËdLÐ 2007 WMÝ w� ZMO� Í—ô qH²×¹ WOMNL�« mMO� …UOŠ sŽ wIzUŁË rKO� ÷dFÐ CNN ?�« …UM� —d� Ë Æw�öŽù« “ÆbŽUI²�« w� W³žd�« t¹b� X�O�” t½√ ΫdšR� b�√ Íc�« WK¹uD�« t{d� W³�d�« w� ÊU¹dý œ«b�½UÐ oKF²ð W׳U½ WŠ«d−� ¨2007 ”—U� mMO� Í—ô lCš ÊU� Ë Æ w³D�« ¡UMOÝ “—bOÝ vHA²�� w� aL�« v�≈ Âb�« o�bð dO�uð …œUŽ≈Ë W¹dOš W�ÝR� fÝ√ UL� ¨VKI�« w� …dD�� WŠ«d−� 1987 ÂUŽ lCš b� mMO� ¡UDž rNKLA¹ ô i¹d� 300 WЫdI� WO³KI�« ÷«d??�_« ÃöŽ nO�UJð vŽdð Æ”uK−½√ ”u� w� w×B�« sO�Q²�«

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Unique CriTiCiSM

Amthal Al-Orifan

‫ﻭﻗﻔﺎﺕ‬ fÐ `¹d²Ý« ·dŽ UNł—UšË X¹uJ�« w� UM³Kž√ …dOš_« W½Ëü« w� UMÐ sŽ wL¹œU�√ —U²Ý »ö??Þ s� V�UÞ t�U� U� w� “UO½b�« œ√” t²�u� vKŽ U�öŽ t¹b� Ê√Ë ÆÆX¹uJ�« œd³¹ wK�« o�Q²L�« w�U×L�« t�ËUMð p�– bFÐË ÆÆX¹uJ�« qOK�« uð Z�U½dÐ s� tðdI� w� qOK−�«b³F�« b�Uš VKI�« Èœ—ú� UNM�Ë ¨tO� Íu�¹ s¹“Ë “t×ýdý” ‰uI½U� q¦�Ë ÆÆÊU½bŽ U¹

VO−Ž Ád�√ bŠ«Ë wð—UOÝ ·uA¹ U� q� w²OK� V½U−Ð vNI� w� qG²A¹ q�UŽ „UM¼ t�QÝ« ÍœË fÐ ÆÆ…œUF�UÐ UN³KÞ« wK�« wðuN� eN−¹ ‰ö×�« sЫ tI×ý t�ËeF� fÐ U½¬ sJL¹ øøwý »dý√ wÐU� U½¬ sJL¹ ‰«RÝ wðuN� eN−� t²OI� «–≈Ë …uNI�« ‘bÐ tK�« ¡Uý Ê≈ Âu¹ vKŽ fÐ øVBž l�œ√ wMOK�ð °°ÆÆrKF²¹ ÊUAŽ w²OK� œdÐ

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‘U×½«Ë wMLŽœ r½«u¼®® X¹uJ�« WF�Uł UOK� dOÝ W�dŠ sOKDF� wK�« —UE²½« w� WOKJ�« V½U−Ð WH�«Ë U½¬Ë «dL�« s� …d� w� ô≈ Í—œU�Ë ÆÆp¹dÐ tO½UŁË s¹e½UÐ tO½U¦� «bł WHOF{ dO��« W�dŠ X½U�Ë …—UO��« s� Êu�eM¹ ©©w²OÝ Êœ—Už —UBý …—UO��« ·uý√Ë VMł vKŽ n�u½ Ê≈ ÁdE½ t²ODŽ °°wð—UOÝ rŽœË w¼UÝ Œ_« ô≈ °° dN½« wð—UOÝ Ÿ—UA�UÐ XH�Ë W³OBL�« sJ�Ë ÆÆsO³¹ U� jO�Ð Œdý fÐ tLŽœ u�U� ‰u�√ —b�√ tK� bL×�«Ë ÆÆUN� Ær¹d� tK�« ÆÆ‘U×½« Œ_«Ë wŠËdÐ 50

Unique CoMpLaiNTs

by Maha Al- Enzi

‫ﺧﻄـﺄ ﻃﺒـﻲ‬ ‰öš s�Ë ¨UNM� uK�¹ ô r�UF�« «cN� ¨W½e×L�«Ë …dŁRL�« hBI�« s� dO¦J�« lL�½ dO¦L�« UML�UŽ w� UN� ÊuJ¹ w²�« WOF�«u�« hBI�« s� …dO¦L�« —U³š_« w½bAð X½U� U� ΫdO¦� WOðu³JMF�« WJ³A�UÐ w�u−𠨡uÝú� rNðUOŠ dOž ¡UDš√ W−O²½ «uF�Ë s¹c�« ¡U¹dÐ_« U¹U×C�« p¾�ËÔ√ W�UšË fHM�« w� lÏ �Ë p�– u¼ UL� °øQD��« u¼ „d²AL�« rÝUI�« sJ�Ë U¼U¹U×{Ë UNŁ«bŠQÐ hBI�« pKð nK²�ð X½UJ� °w³D�« QD��« t½≈ ÆÆ «dOG²�« pKð ÀbŠ√ Íc�« QD��« «uðU� Ë√ W¾OÝ ¡UOý√ rN� XŁbŠ Ë√ qKý Ë√ ÷«d�QÐ «u³O�√ ’U�ý√ sŽ √dI½ Ë√ lL�½ U� «dO¦� ¨UN³FK½ t³F� X�O� dA³�« …UO×� ø¡UDš_« Ác¼ «–UL�Ë øp�– Àb×¹ nO� ÆÆw³Þ Q?Dš ÊuJ¹ V³��«Ë °°¡U³Þ_« »U�— w� t½U�√ rN²×B� ¡UDš_« pKð d¦Jð √bÐ sJ�Ë ¨tOKŽ ÂuK�« l�√ Ë√ QD��« s� ÂuBF� fO� ÊU�½ù« Ê≈ ‰u�√ ô UM¼Ë ¡«Ëb�« n�ËË hO�A²�« vKŽ ÁU³²½ô« ‰ËU×½Ë d?¦�√ rNÐ r²N½ Ê√ V−¹ ô√ ¨W¾¹d³�« U¹U×C�« d¦J²� øÊU�QÐ «u½uJ¹ v²Š U� «c¼Ë rN²HOþË w¼ ÁcN� ÎUC¹√ —Ëœ ¡U³Þú� sJ�Ë ¨w�UFL�«Ë w�UA�« ÁbŠË u¼ tK�« Ê√ rKF½ s×½Ë °øÆÆV³��«Ë dL²�� b¹«eð w� U¹U×C�« Ê_ ‰UL¼ù« ÂbŽË v{dL�« …bŽU�� rNOKF� ¨tOKŽ «uL��√ °° w?? ? ? ? ³Þ Q?? ?Dš

Unique SoRT SToRy

°° w?? ? ? ? ³Þ Q?? ?Dš

°° w?? ? ? ? ³Þ Q?? ?Dš

by Mahmood Shaker

‫ﻫﺎﻧﺖ ﻋﻠﻲ ﻣﺼﻴﺒﺘﻲ‬ ¨ÂuLN�« s� «u�√ UNOKŽ v�— b� r¼bŠ√ ÊQ�Ë ¨Ê«eŠ_UÐ …—uLG� UNðbłËË UNO�≈ dEM� w�U�√ X�KłË Xð√ X½U� ÆÆÆ U¼üUÐ ¡wKL�« s¹e×�« UNNłË vKŽ UN½u� fJFM¹ ¡«œuÝ …dO³� …—UE½ UN½uOŽ wDGð dHB� UNNłË U¼œËbš vKŽ dLNMð fLA�« WFýQÐ W¾�ú²L�« UNŽu�œ X¹√— v²Š iF³�« UNCF³Ð UN¹b¹ „dHÐ ÂuIð …dðu²� ÆÆÊü« v�≈ UJÝUL²� Êu�√ Ê√ XFD²Ý« nO�Ë wÐ XKŠ w²�« w²³OB� d�cð√ UNO�≈ dE½ ULK� ¨…d�×Ð ÆÆbŠ√ ô sJ� UNŽË— s� ∆bN¹Ë U� bŠ√ wðQ¹ Ê√ «dE²M� wÝuKł w� XKÞ√ …b¹bý U¼UMOŽ X½U�Ë UNNłË sŽ UNð—UE½ XŽeM� s¹e×�« UNNłË v�≈ dE½√ wMð√d� öOK� UNÝ√— XF�— …—UEM�« bð—«Ë Èdš√ …d� œUF� …bŽU�L�« b¹dð UN½Q�Ë w�≈ UNð«dE½ d�� ¨¡UJ³�« …bý s� —«dLŠô« bŠ√ ÂËb� dE²½√ Ë√ ø°…bŽU�L�« lOD²Ý« ULЗ UNO�≈ V¼–√ q¼ w�H½ w� œœdð ÆÆW¹—U−�« UNŽu�œ X×��Ë øøUNðbŽU�LÐ ÂuI¹ ÍdOž d¹UDðË UN³²� UNF� XDIÝË ÷—_« vKŽ …U²H�« XDIÝ …œËbF� w½«uŁ bFÐË t²³łQ� ‰UIM�« wHðU¼ Ê— uLð Ê√ …UO×�« vKŽ WK³IL�« …U²H�« ÁcN� nO� ÆÆÆUNF� UN½eŠ dÝ U�Ë XðU� bI� ÆÆÊUJ� qJÐ ‚«—Ë_« dB²½« nO� wMOŽ ÂU�√ X¹√— U�bMŽ w²³OB� wKŽ X½U¼ °°U� W³OB� V³�Ð XL� qJÐË øøWŽd��« ÁcNÐ Æ…U²H�« vKŽ W³OBL�« 51

WeLCoMe To uniQue GuyS MinDs

ยบ Fashion ยบ Sport ยบ Electronics ยบ Cars

Unique FaShiOn


Emporio Armani Large Black Dial Chronograph Watch

MICHAEL Michael Kors Men’s Sport Chronograph Watch

Victorinox Swiss Army Chrono Classic Watch with Leather Band

D&G Dolce & Gabbana ‘Codename’ Chronograph Bracelet Watch

Victorinox Swiss Army Chrono Classic Watch

Oceanaut ‘Acquatico’ Bracelet Watch


Unique FaShiOn

Body Care

Burberry Small Check Cashmere Scarf

Gordon Rush ‘Thames’ Belt Salvatore Ferragamo Textured Leather Briefcase


Juicy Couture Bear Claw Necklace

k hec llet C y a r ber old W r u f B Bi all m S

Salvatore Ferragamo Gancini Logo Key Fob

Tulliani Embossed Crocodile Belt with Interchangeable Buckles

Tumi Removable ID Passcase Bifold Wallet

Unique FaShiOn


Mark Nason ‘Gibbons’ Sandal

Tommy Bahama ‘Palermo’ Sandal

Timberland ‘Kyle Bay’ Slide Bally ‘Vignolo’ Slip-On

Cole Haan ‘Dryden’ Slip-On

Sperry Top-Sider ‘Blue Point’ Boat Shoe Lacoste ‘Shakespear’ Boat Shoe

ECCO ‘Casual Cool’ Golf Shoe

Puma ‘Usan’ Sneaker 55

Unique DiGiRoniCs

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

ASUS Nova P22 Think BIG, Go small The Smallest 2L Core 2 Duo Desktop PC Nova P22 fits into any environment with ease and suitable for those who are space conscious, desire better mobility and flexibility when working or sharing digital content indoors.

1/12 size & 1/5 weight of a Tower PC Whether it’s working desks, a tiny night stand or a spacious living room, the NOVA P22 fits in with ease. The lively color and touch sensor button design, simple reflect your individualistic taste and add style to your surroundings.

Built-in Hi-Fi speakers for quality audio experience Through the pair of built-in Hi-Fi speakers located at the front side of NOVA P22, you can always enjoy high quality music without extra speakers. It also supports analog and digital speakers with Dolby® Digital Live or DTS connect technology.

users an ultra quiet 25db operating levels that’s below human hearing

Robust Desktop Core 2 Duo Multitasking and Multimedia Processing Taking only 2L of your space, the NOVA P22 incorporates a robust Intel Core 2 Duo Desktop processor for efficient multitasking and multimedia enjoyment.

High Speed 802.11n & Bluetooth 2.0 Supporting 802.11n wireless standard, which transmission rate of 300Mbps is 6 times higher and coverage range 8 times broader than 802.11g standard, the NOVA P22 can easily download a 30 minute HD video within a minute without lags. The embedded Bluetooth device further facilitates effortless multimedia and data streaming between the NOVA P22 and your notebooks and handhelds.

Free yourself for total multimedia enjoyment Exclusive Intelligent Sub-sonic Heat Diffusion Technology Adopting solid capacitors and a unique thermal solution that integrates a unique L-shape heat dissipation module, Sshape heat pipes and three AI fans, the NOVA P22 provides


The Nova P22 also comes with Windows® MCE remote control- simply choose your favorite movies or songs and you’re ready to enjoy hours of entertainment without the need to sit in front of your PC.

S p e c i f i c a t i o n s CPU

Intel E6320 Core2 Duo Processor (1.86GHz/1066MHz FSB)


Stand for Vertical Placement DVI-VGA Converter


DDR II 667 1G

SPIDF Adaptor



Microsoft MCE Remote Controller


Slim Type Slot-in DVD SuperMulti

Embedded Hi-Fi Speakers


Intel GMA 3000 Shared VGA

Dolby Digital Support


IEEE 802.11n (supports a/b/g)

DTS Connect Support


Built-in 2.0 + EDR


Support 10/100/1000 Mbps (Gigabit LAN)


Microsoft Vista Home Premium

Rear Ports

1x DVI-I Port 1x VGA Port (Adaptor) 1x RJ45 LAN Insert 4x USB 2.0 Ports 1x Line-in/Line-out/Mic-in




231(W) x 184(D) x 51mm (H) 57

Unique BoYs sTuFf

by Alshayma Al-Shemmeri

Be True to Your Skin

Skin is your body’s largest organ and a crucial defense against bacterial infection. It is an incredibly resilient piece of work, and one that adapts very well to its rapidly changing environment. You therefore may exhibit symptoms that can be attributed to skin types other than your own. But these may simply be your skin’s reaction to the sun, pollution, medications, stress, or a variety of other natural and artificial influences. Knowing your true skin type — that is, the type of skin you have under ideal environmental conditions — is the first step to selecting the products that meet your unique needs.


Your Skin Type

Normal Skin Normal skin is never too oily or too dry. Zits are a rarity. You can tell normal skin, as with any skin type, by its texture and appearance. Pores are small. The skin has even tone and is moderately thick, smooth, and firm with excellent elasticity and moisture.

Sensitive Skin If you have sensitive skin, then I’m sure you already know it by now. You have moderate to severe reactions to the sun, the wind, temperature extremes, cheaper shave creams, fragrances, perfumed soaps, alcohol-based deodorants — the list goes on. You burn very easily when out in the sun. Your skin always seems to sting or itch. Most of the time, you’re just damned uncomfortable. For shaving, try a gel instead of a cream. Follow up with an aftershave balm that has a little sun protection for your daily walkabouts. Bathe with a glycerin soap bar and avoid fragrances. If you’re feeling adventurous, give our hand and body lotion a shot to protect your skin from the elements. Caution remains the word of the day. If you see redness after an application of any of these products, discontinue their use at once.

If you have normal skin — well, lucky bloody you. Stick with a daily cleanse-tone-moisturize routine for your face and a wash-scrub-spray for the rest of your corpus, and you’ll live a long and productive life. Or not. But at least you’ll have nice skin.

Dry Skin Winter is your enemy, isn’t it? Your skin always feels tight and you’re probably able to dust away a layer of flakes, any time you please. Dry skin is usually thin, dull, easily irritated, and rough to the touch. Kind of like my last employer.

Combination Skin Combination skin actually refers to the skin on your face and not the skin that covers the rest of your carcass. Most combination skin consists of an oily “T” zone (forehead, nose, and chin) with dry cheeks and eye areas. In some instances, guys exhibit an entire smorgasbord of skin conditions or, more unusual still, a dry “T” zone with normal cheeks and eye areas.


Basically, treat each area according to what you have read above for other skin types. And mask your “T” zone two to four times a month, just to even things out.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is typically thicker and firmer than normal skin, with less sensitivity to chemicals, detergents, or perfumes. Pores are medium to large in size and sometimes become clogged with a sebaceous material that causes blackheads, whiteheads, or blemishes. Simply put, if you can see your reflection in your reflection in the mirror, then you should choose products that are designed to cut your greasy emissions. Try a glycolic facial cleanser, followed by astringent and an oil free face lotion, every morning after you shower. Use an oil-free body cleansing gel when you bathe. Avoid cheap mass-market soaps (not soaps, really, but harsh detergents). Scrub every other day. Mask at least once a week.

Unique WheeLS

by Mohammad Al-Yati





his new model, designed by Karim Habib, a BMW exterior designer of Lebanese origin, presents the vision of a unique four – door car combining the exclusivity of a genuine luxury Gran Turisom with the thrill of a highperformance sports car. This unique combination never before seen will offer drivers the opportunity to enjoy sheer driving pleasure, in a dimension unprecedented in the world of motoring. More than any other saloon in the past, the BMW Concept CS bears out all the highlights of optimum performance through the design of its body alone. The low-slung, dynamically stretched silhouette, the long engine compartment lid plus stylish lines and contours accentuating the rear-wheel drive technology are ideal for sports motoring. Within its interior, the BMW concept CS combines stylish luxury with the most uncompromising ambience full of class and value, the interior offers dynamism of completely new standard, borne out by the combination of exclusive elegance and sophisticated refinement. BMW surprised everyone with their Shanghai antics today. Showing that they can play the four-door coupe game as well as Mercedes, Aston and Porsche, the Bavarians unveiled their Concept CS. Expected to become BMW’s new flagship model (8series, perhaps?), the CS is believed to be almost production-ready. It sits on the newest 7-series platform under development, extending the length and width of the current 7 by a couple of inches, while dropping the roofl by a good five inches. it measures in at 200.8 inches long, 78 inches wide, and just 53.5-inches high. Even with the extra acreage, the CS is a four-seater only, with two sculpted seats in back. 61

Unique SpOrTs

by Sa’ad Al-Yati

Èœ√ UL� dO¼UL−�« sOÐ WKF²A�Ë WMšUÝ √bÐ ¨sOI¹dH�« sOÐ VFKL�« ÷—QÐ »«d�K� W�U{ôUÐ w�UD¹≈ 39 q²I�Ë ”u²MO�uO�« wF−A� s� œd� 50 WÐU�ù ÆVFKL�UÐ o×� Íc�« VO¼d�« W�—UA� ÂbŽ u¼Ë ô√ ¨Â—U� —«d� –U�ðù wÐË—Ë_« œU×ðù« XF�œ ‰UF�_« Ác¼Ë s� lML¹ ‰uÐdHO�Ë «uMÝ 4 …bL� W??O?ÐË—Ë_« ôuD³�UÐ ÍeOK−½≈ o¹d� Í√ ÁU−ð rKE�«Ë W??�«dB�« WL� w� ÊU� —«dI�« «c¼Ë ° «uMÝ 7 …bL� W�—UAL�« o¹dÞ sŽ W??O?ÐË—Ë_« W¹b½_« l� „UJ²ŠùUÐ XH²�« w²�« W¹eOK−½ù« W¹b½_« X½U� UN½√ l� ¨ÍuNðË —u¼b²ð W¹eOK−½ù« …dJ�« qFł UL� ¨W¹œu�« U¹—U³L�« 4 ‰UDÐô« Í—Ëœ W�uD³Ð “U??� ‰uÐdHO� Ê√ W�Uš WŁœU×�« Ác??¼ q³� …b??z«d??�« Ë 1980 Ë 1979 ÂUŽ X�¹—u� ÂUN−Mðu½Ë UOMO½UL¦�«Ë UOMOF³��UÐ «d� ·ö�Ð ¨wzUNM�UÐ a½uO� Êd¹UÐ wKŽ 1982 ÂUŽ UNð«– W�uD³�UÐ “U� öO� Êu²Ý« bI� ¨W¹UGK� W�dAL�« b²¹U½u¹ d²�OA½U� Ë ‰UMÝ—ô«Ë b²¹U½u¹ “bO� U�—UA� w½U³Ýù« W½uKýdÐ vKŽ ‰UDÐô« Í—Ëœ W�uDÐ s� WO½UL¦�« —Ëb�UÐ ö¦� “bO� “U� ÊuJ¹ Ê√ œU�Ë q¹uÞ ÊU� W�uD³�« ÁcNÐ lz«d�« «d²K−½≈ —«uA� wMF¹ ¨ 1972 ÂUŽ wÐË—Ë_« œU×ðù« «—«d� qCHÐ p�c� ÊuJ¹ Ê√ t� V²J¹ r� sJ� ¨‚dŽ√Ë ‰uÞ√ Æq�¹UN�UÐ e½U−O�uN�« ‰ULŽ√Ë

WLNL�« „dð U¼bFÐË ¨U??ÐË—Ë√ ‘dŽ vKŽ lÐd²�UÐ «uMÝ d?? AFÐ vH²�« ‰U¹d�« ·ËdF� u¼ UL� b¹—b� ‰U¹— ¨j³C�UÐ ÀbŠ U� «c¼ ¨rF½ ÂUŽ 30 …bL� ‰uÐdHOK� tL−½ qCHÐ UOMO²��« W¹«bÐ Ë UOMO�L��« …d²HÐ UÐË—Ë√ ‘dŽ wKŽ lÐd²¹ ÊU� X½U� bI� ¨¢‘UJýuТ VO¼d�« Íd−L�« Ë u½UHO²Ý Íœ Ëb¹dH�« wMO²Mł—_« ‰U¹— VOB½ s� UNK� 1966 w²Š 1955 ÂUŽ cM� UÐË—Ë√ ‰UDÐ√ Í—Ëœ W�uDÐ o¹dH�« u¼ ÊuJ¹ wJ� œË— bKOH½_« ¡UMÐ_ bFÐ ULO� WLNL�« „dð tMJ� ¨b¹—b� Æ…d� s� d¦�√ sO²OÐË—Ë√ sO²�uDÐ d³�√ —e×¹ Íc�« ‰Ë_« wÐË—Ë_« WŁœU×�« pKð ôu� WOÐË—Ë_« ÂbI�« …d� WJKL� ‘dŽ wKŽ ‰uÐdHO� lÐd²¹ Ê√ œU� UÐË—Ë√ ‰UDÐ√ Í—Ëœ wzUNMÐ ©UJO−K³Ð q�¹UN�«® VFKLÐ XŁbŠ w²�« W¹ËUÝQL�« “b¹dK� w�«u²�« vKŽ w½U¦�« wzUNM�« «c¼ ÊU�Ë ¨w�UD¹ù« ”u²MO�u¹ ÂU�√ 1985 œ— ”u²MO�uO�« sJ�Ë ¨ÁdO¼ULł jÝËË t³FKLÐ U�Ë— vKŽ 1984 ÂUŽ “uH�« bFÐ dðuð W�d� «uKG²Ý«Ë w{UL�« rÝuL�« …dÒ L�« rN²L¹e¼ s� ÊUOKDK� —U³²Žù« ÆwMOðöÐ qOAOL� ¡«eł WÐd{ s� ÎU�b¼ «Ë“d×O� Uł—bL�UÐ ¡«uł_« —uNL−�« ·c�Ë rzU²A�UÐ sO¹œUM�« dO¼ULł oý«dð …«—U³L�« Ác¼ W¹«bÐ q³�Ë √b³ð Ê√ q³� ΫdJ³� W�dFL�« √b³²� ¨‰uÐdHO� dO¼ULł vKŽ ÎUšË—U� w�UD¹ô«

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WeLCoMe To UniQue GIrLs MinDs

ยบ Fashion ยบ Beauty ยบ Make Up ยบ Health ยบ Kitchen

Unique FaShiOn


Chloe’ Maya large tote

Pauric Sweeney Metallic leather bag

Bottega Veneta Oversized intrecciato tote

Celine Orlov leather tote

Chloe’ Saskia square tote

Anya Hindmarch Osmond woven bag

Fendi Bag De Jour


Unique FaShiOn


Kors by Michael Kors Gem leather sandals

Bottega Veneta Intrecciato leather sandals

Tory Burch Miller leather flip flops

Miu Miu Strappy bejeweled sandals

Thomas Wylde Barolo leather sandals

Jimmy Choo Damon slingbacks 66

Rupert Sanderson Xanadu studded sandals

Miu Miu Glitter T-bar sandals

Unique FaShiOn

Accessories N2 My Hero Collection Heart & Locket Pendant

Set Of Interlinked Bangles With Star Charm

N2 My Hero Collection Heart & Locket Bracelet

Stretch Heavy Link Wristband

Mixed Finish Circle Link Bib Necklace

Guess 'Cosmo' Crystal Bagette Face Watch

Diesel Large Detailed Bezel Watch



Paul & Joe Ayaga trapeze top

Roberto Cavalli Reptile chiffon blouse

Miu Miu Pleat-front mini dress

Burberry Prorsum Jumbo paillette top Marc by Marc Jacobs Sea board dress

Tracy Reease Striped swishy dress

Thomas Wylde Mamissi sheer dress

Matthew Williamson Toxic Flower paillette dress

Unique FaShiOn Clothes

Unique FaShiOn

Body Care

Prada ‘Infusion D’Iris’ Spring Set

Laura Mercier ‘Neroli’ Eau de Parfum

Gucci By Gucci Eau de Parfum


Pangea Organics Hand & Body Lotion - Chilean Red Clover with Cardamom & Grapefruit


e (Limited Ed umé f itio r a n) eP

G ick n n

outal ‘Petite Ch éri e’ Cr

M·A·C Strobe Liquid

Pink Sugar Hair Perfume

Estée Lauder ‘Bronze Goddess’ Luminous Body Lotion


Unique KitChen

By Eman Al-Kanderi


cheese cake

¨UN²�Ë w� WO�½dH�« wND�« ‚dDÐ UNÐU−Ž≈ ÂbŽ V³�³� ÆU�½d� s� sOO�½dH�« …UND�« rOKF²� sO�U��« sOO�UD¹ù« UNðUNÞ VKDÐ X�U�

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w½U¦�« wM¼ pKL�«Ë w�¹bO� Ëœ s¹dŁU� ”dŽ ‰öš w�½dH�« dBI�« v�≈

with Mushroom

‫ﺷﻮﺭﺑﺔ ﺍﻟﺬﺭﺓ ﻭﺍﻟﻜﺮﻳﻤﺎ‬


d¹œUIL�« ¡U� »«u�√ 5 ≠ ÃUłb�« W�öš WЗuý nKG� 1 ≠ …uKŠ …—– W³KŽ 1 ≠ Wł“UÞ WKzUÝ UL¹d� »u� 1Ø4 ≠ iOÐ√ qHK� ≠

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Unique HeaLTh

By Hamad D. Al-Othman - Physical Therapist

How Can You Prevent Injuries While Playing Sports?


t’s good to see many people are trying to take care of their health by playing sports and having a healthy diet. But is it good to see the percentage of injuries is increasing due to playing sports? Of course not! The question is: How can you play sports and prevent yourself from having injuries?

First of all you need to know what you are doing, which most of the people these days doesn’t do it. You should know what kind of sport you’re playing, and what does it require to play it; and by that I don’t mean the equipment of that particular sport only, also the body physique too. For an example, let’s talk about one particular sport and how you deal with it; Football. If you want to play football with your friends once every week for about 2 hours, what will you need to do so? You will probably say special shoes, special socks, leg protectors, shorts, T-shirt, etc.., is that enough? Of course not. What you need in the first place is Good Muscle Strength of your Knees. Can you acquire that by playing football regularly? No. Then how can you do it? Go to the gym and exercise your knees with weight lifting. A question you may ask; How can that help me from preventing an injury?. By simply doing that you will prevent twisting your knees, or extreme gliding of your knees which will cause: 1- Knee Cartilage injury 2- Knee ligaments injury (ACL, Collaterals, PCL) 3- Knee Capsule injury 4- Some fractures at the knee region due to the force of the twisiting or gliding 5- Knee Sublaxation and Dis72

location 6- OA Knees 7- Chondromalacia 8- Pattelar Dysfunction And many many more. Now my question is: is it worth it to spend 1 hour for 3 days every week to strengthen your knee muscles in order to prevent the previous injuries and to prevent you from going to the operating room? I will leave that answer to you. Now back to our topic. By explaining the previous example you should first put in your mind what kind of sport you want to prepare yourself for. After deciding which one, think of the movement, which part of your body you use most in that sport; and by that you will know which part of your body will be vulnerable for injuries. A basketball and volleyball player jumps a lot. While a tennis player uses their elbows and shoulders more frequent. After that either you go to the gym and follow a strengthening program for those joints you frequently use, or you can go and consult an orthopedic doctor or a physiotherapist if you are unsure what to do or if you complain from anything while playing your sport. It is good to keep up with a balanced program that also includes an aerobic training such as jogging or swimming to raise your stamina and train your cardiovascular system. Now you can buy the proper equipment for your sport, and with the strengthening program the last tip for you is take care and don’t get injured while playing and become a hero because you are not playing in the world cup its just a game Always your health comes first.

Unique GiRLs sTuFf

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Unique InTeRvieW

by Fatima Haider

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The Movie: FOOL’S GOLD * Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson Genre: Adventure / Comedy


new clue to the whereabouts of a lost treasure rekindles a married couple’s sense of adventure and their estranged romance.

The Movie: FIRST SUNDAY * Cast: Ice Cube, Katt Williams * Genre: Comedy / Crime


urell and LeeJohn are best friends and bumbling petty criminals. When told they have one week to pay a $17,000 debt or Durell will lose his son, they come up with a desperate scheme to rob their neighborhood church. Instead, they end up spending the night in the presence of the Lord and are forced to deal with much more than they bargained for.

The Movie: THE NIGHT WATCHMAN (STREET KINGS) Cast: Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker * Genre: Crime / Drama


om Ludlow is a veteran LAPD cop who finds life difficult to navigate after the death of his wife. When evidence implicates him in the execution of a fellow officer, he is forced to go up against the cop culture he’s been a part of his entire career, ultimately leading him to question the loyalties of everyone around him.

The Movie: WALK HARD: The Dewey Cox Story * Cast: John C. Reilly, Jenna Fischer Genre: Comedy / Music


he up-and-down-and-up-again story of musician Dewey Cox, whose songs would change a nation. On his rock ‘n roll spiral, Cox sleeps with 411 women, marries three times, has 22 kids and 14 step-kids, stars in his own 70s TV show, collects friends ranging from Elvis to the Beatles to a chimp, and gets addicted to - and then kicks - every drug known to man; but despite it all, Cox grows into a national icon and eventually earns the love of a good woman - longtime backup singer Darlene.

The Movie: THE BUCKET LIST * Cast: Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman Genre: Adventure / Comedy


orporate billionaire Edward Cole and working class mechanic Carter Chambers have nothing in common except for their terminal illnesses. While sharing a hospital room together, they decide to leave it and do all the things they have ever wanted to do before they die according to their bucket list. In the process, both of them heal each other, become unlikely friends, and ultimately find the joy in life.



TOP Movies 5 1

6 2

7 3 4

8 9 10 79

Unique PhoTOs

By Photographer Mohammad Al-Saleh

‫ﺍﻟﺘﺼﻮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻔﻮﺗﻮﻏﺮﺍﻓﻲ‬



Unique Tv ShOwS

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ


crubs is an Emmy- and Peabody Award-winning American situation comedy/comedy-drama that premiered on October 2, 2001 on NBC. It was created by Bill Lawrence and is produced by Touchstone Television

“Scrubs” focuses on the strange experiences of Dr. John Dorian, or “J.D.” (Zach Braff, “Garden State”), a medical resident, as he continues on his healing career in a surreal hospital, crammed full of unpredictable staffers and patients -- where humor and tragedy can collide at any time.

Joining the rumpled J.D. at Sacred Heart Hospital are fellow residents Chris Turk (Donald Faison, “Remember the Titans,” “Felicity”) -- J.D.’s college buddy who is part of the elite surgical group -- and the beautiful, but socially awkward, Elliot Reid (Sarah Chalke, “Roseanne”). Keeping a watchful eye over these young doctors are the caustic chief of medicine, Dr. Bob Kelso (Ken Jenkins, “Courage Under Fire”), the abrasive, but caring Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley, “Wall Street,” “Platoon”), and Turk’s wife and no-nonsense nurse, Carla Espinosa (Judy Reyes, “Oz”). Neil Flynn (“Magnolia”), the hospital janitor, portrays J.D.’s nemesis, who never seems to miss an opportunity to harass his target. 82

Unique MoviEs

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

The Incredible


he Incredible Hulk is a superhero film based on the Marvel comic of the same name, set for release on June 13, 2008. It is directed by Louis Leterrier and stars Edward Norton as Bruce Banner, Liv Tyler as Betty Ross, William Hurt as her father General Thaddeus Ross and Tim Roth as the villainous Emil Blonsky, known in the comics as the Abomination. The film follows Banner as he flees the pursuit of General Ross and attempts a cure to rid himself of the Hulk. But when Blonsky injects himself with Banner’s gamma formula and becomes an even greater monster, Banner must accept his own inner beast and defeat Blonsky.

The Incredible Hulk kicks off an all-new, explosive and action-packed epic of one of the most popular Super Heroes of all time. In this new beginning, scientist Bruce Banner desperately hunts for a cure to the gamma radiation that poisoned his cells and unleashes the unbridled force of rage within him: The Hulk. Living in the shadows-cut off from life he knew and the woman he loves, Betty Ross. Banner struggles to avoid the obsessive pursuit of his nemesis, General Thunderbolt Ross,

and the military machinery that seeks to capture him and brutally exploit his power. As all three grapple with the secrets that led to The Hulk’s creation, they are confronted with a monstrous new adversary known as the Abomination, whose destructive strength exceeds even The Hulk’s own. And on June 13 2008, one scientist must make an agonizing final choice: accept a peaceful life as Bruce Banner or find heroism in the creature he holds inside-THE INCREDIBLE HULK. 83

Flo Rida Featuring T-Pain Low

Sara Bareilles Love Song

Rihanna Don’t Stop The Music

Jordin Sparks Duet With Chris Brown No Air

Ray J & Yung Berg Can I

Leona Lewis Bleeding

Timbaland Featuring OneRepublic Apologize

Lupe Fiasco Featuring Matthew Santos Superstar


4 5

6 7 8



1 0



Chris Brown With You



Usher Featuring Young Jeezy Love In This Club

Have Your Break Time...

Way NO Way

By Mohammed Al-Najdy

Unique OpeN door

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Unique AsK & AnSweR

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by farah alshemmeri

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Unique ArTiCLes

Bashayer Al-Shemmeri

Adobe Photoshop w�«d²Šô« oO²F²�« W¹d×��« UBF�« Âb�²�½ ≠4

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Unique FaCE BoOk

By UniQue Staff

‫ ﻣﻮﺑﺎﻳﻞ؟‬١٢ ‫ﻫﻞ ﺗﺆﻳﺪ ﺃﻥ ﻳﻜﻮﻥ ﻟﻠﻄﻔﻞ ﺗﺤﺖ ﺳﻦ‬ Sara (no network) wrote on Feb 4, 2008 at 3:36 AM. hii guys ... this question is going to be released in UniQue magazine so if any one what to share his opinion with us please don not hesitate to send your comment.. sharkoooona :)

Ahmad Al-Thuwaini (Kuwait) wrote on Feb 5, 2008 at 5:46 PM 5oosh so2al ;) o ana agol noo, ma a2ayed.

Reem S. Alnafisi (Kuwait) replied to Sara's post on Feb 7, 2008 at 11:51 PM. The longer I could delay my children was 10 yrs, and we were so strict parents for doing that, because all their peers got theirs years before that, some at the young age of 4.

Chadi El Serafy (Kuwait) wrote on Feb 14, 2008 at 4:12 AM. why the hell a kid under 12 years old will need a mobile? for what? they should be in bed max by 10. and they shouldn't get away from your eyes for a long time. so basicly i don't think they will need one, parents got to watch them. tc

DuwaInah Ald (Kuwait) wrote on Feb 11, 2008 at 10:29 AM. ee 3ade As long As elyahel met3alem ena elmobile 7ag el este5damat eltharoreya .. o ytab3oona mn wagt le elthani.


Marwah Al-Ajmi (Kuwait) replied to Sara's post on Feb 8, 2008 at 1:56 AM. No its not necessary.

‫ﺷﺎﺭﻙ ﻭﺃﺑﺪﻱ ﺭﺃﻳﻚ ﻣﻌﺎﻧﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺮﻭﺏ‬

uniQue Magazine

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Unique AroUnD The WoRLd

by UniQue Staff

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Unique InTeRvieW

by Zainab Dashti

Th i s i s D J - S i s q o H

e has been a club DJ since 1996, He is professional DJ of many genres of music and has played at hotels, resorts, fashion shows, private parties, sponsored tours, corporate events and product launches. He has also played in various clubs in Lebanon and Cairo. Currently, He is working at Marina FM radio Station, Kuwait. He plays all kinds of music (funky house and techno to trance - underground - Hip Hop – Salsa - Arabic, Khaliji and international).

• First introduce us more about yourself? Peace upon you, my name is sisqo and I work in marina fm and I’m a DJ and producer and gained experience in directing, and it all goes back to people helped me in gaining that experience, I am a humbled person, • Since when you felt that you’re talented? I was born with this talent since I was 9 I use to listen to music all day long, when I was 12 I started playing music, for my friends, family & relatives. • How did your DJ journey started as a living? I made a living out of djing in 1996, & started my tour in most night clubs in Lebanon till 2001, when I had an offer in Egypt for a year and half then I had an offer to go to Kuwait, the country that I always liked working in. • What does marina fm means to you? Ooh, what I can say about marina fm. First it’s my home, my family & everything in Kuwait. As much as I’m going to talk and thank marina fm it want be enough, from the support & encouragement that they provided. And let me have this opportunity to thank all marina fm family. • What does music mean to you? Music is my language, it’s the feeling that I wanna deliver to people, when words are not enough. There are kinds of music: > The sad, sensitive & heart touching music. > The stylish, imitating, intimacy music that makes your heart wanna jump out of your chest. > Last but not least, I am sorry to mention this but you asked for it, none sense music (Music nitrates the soul)


• What is your favorite music as a person not as a DJ? Lot of my friends gets confused by the music that I personally like. (m7amad 3abdo – rashed al majid – nawal q8- el jasmy – rwaished - ragheb 3alameh w gorge wassouf – najwa karam) that’s in Arabic and if you concluded that all the singers above relay on poetry to produce their songs. (Electro house deep house dram&base electronics trance techno rave) that’s in English, and I know it’s a complete deferent taste but that what makes me unique and that’s what makes you my favorite unique magazine. • As a DJ what do you prefer, performing in English or Arabic? In my opinion, there is nothing better than mixing the two cultures togather, since we are not being able to get alone in making the world a better place. • Who is your role model? DJ-TIESTO-the best DJ worldwide & DJ-PAUL VAN DYK. • Since you are an Arab DJ is your ambition to be a worldwide known? From my point of view every one seeks to be a worldwide known DJ unless he does not believe in himself, and I admire my job with passion.

For more info.

Email: Email:

• Is there any support for Arab DJ in the Arab world? Are you serious, me personally, I am annoyed from this Situation, because in our Arab world all you can rely on is your own. • Do you have any hobbies and what do you do in your free time? Sure it’s not too much, swimming playing pool bungee jumping drive fast cars traveling and cocking. I don’t have a lot of free time but when I have, I am trying to go somewhere far away from my home to refresh my mind or go to see a friends I have not see them from a long time and practice my hobbies • What’s your dream in the future? Mmmm ooootch, you got me deep in my heart, I wanna be a worldwide known DJ and compete worldwide DJ’s like Tiesto & Paul van dyk. • Last words..? Last but not least I appreciate you and your magazine for the time that you provided for this interview though I know that time is valuable these days but I guess you are a unique magazine. Wish you and your colleagues all the best by being unique in this unique magazine. Sincerely yours Sisqo




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Apple Bee’s


Ruby Tuesday


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Unique ArTiCLes

by Jassem Al-Failakawi

(‫ﺍﻟﻔﺘﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﺤﺮﺟﺔ )ﺍﻟﺨﻄﻮﺑﺔ‬ “eFð WKŠd� w¼ p�c� ¨ULNCFÐ ŸU³Þ vKŽ sO�dD�« ·dFð WKŠd� wN� ¨Ã«Ëe�« vKŽ sOK³IL�« …UOŠ w� Ϋbł WLN� WÐuD��« …d²� ÊU³A�« rEF� bF¹ t�H½ ¡dL�« lC�¹ Ê√ wG³M¹Ë ¨tÐ W½UN²Ýô« “u−¹ ô «e²�« uN� ¨ÊU�½ù« …UOŠ w� «—«dI�« r¼√ bŠ√ ëËe�« —«d� –U�ð« d³²F¹Ë ÆtCOI½ Ë√ ¨‚UHðô« ¨WOKJA�« «eOL�« vKŽ ΫbL²F� —«dI�« cšQ¹ s� rNML� ¨…UO×�« w� ÎUO�Oz— ÎUHDFM� bFð w²�« WLNL�« …uD��« Ác¼ cš√ tK³Ið Èb� tÐ Èd¹ w�H½ r¹uI²� W³ž—Ë q¼_« ◊uG{ s� hKL²�« Ë√ ¨W²×Ð W¹œU� »U³Ý_ ULЗ Ë√ ¨»U−½ù« w� W³žd�« w¼ Ë√ ¨eOL²L�« Á—uC×� Ë√ ÁdNEL� dšü« ·dD�UÐ »U−Žù« q¦� …—ËU−²L�« uO³�« Ë√ WM¹bLK� ÎUF³ð …bŠ«u�« WIDML�« w� ULÐ—Ë oÞUML�« nK²�� w� WF³²L�« bO�UI²�«Ë «œUF�« nK²�ðË Æs¹b�«u�« ‰eM� „dð w� …U²H�« ëËe�« v²ŠË WÐuD��« bFÐ U� …d²� w� sOÐuD�LK� ÕUL��« s� UNOKŽ Vðd²¹ U�Ë ¨WÐuD��« …d²�Ë Ã«Ëe�« bO�UIð w� UNMJ�ð w²�« özUF�« ·ö²šUÐ ÆiF³�« bMŽ …œułu� wN� ÎU�UŽ ÎU¾Oý X�O� WK¹uD�« WÐuD��« …d²� Ê≈ ¨ ÁuKš vKŽ WKÐUIL�«Ë ÃËd��UÐ Î �UŽ t�H½ X�u�« w� ÊuJð sO�dD�« sOÐ ·—UF²�« s� Ϋb¹e� `O²ð b� UN½√ sOŠ wH� ¨tðUOÐU−¹≈Ë tðUO³KÝ t� ö Î ¹uÞ U¼—«dL²Ý«Ë sOÐ d�UM²�«Ë bF³K� ö rž— vKŽ WOłËe�« …UO×�« WOL¼QÐ —uFA�« wLMð UN½√ …d²H�« Ác¼ «eOL� s�Ë ÆUNð«—d³� UN� ÊuJð Ê√ V−¹ W³D��« …d²� W�UÞ≈ ÊS� U� V³��Ë ¨sO³OD��« ¨…b¹b−�« …UO×K� WO�UL�« U³KD²L�«Ë ëËe�« nO�UJð qOBײ� W�d� UN½√ UL� ¨l�«u�« s� bOFÐ uł w� gOF�«Ë tIH²� dŽUA�Ë ö�U−� s� UN¹d²F¹ U� ÆëËe�« w¦¹bŠ sOÐ W¹dÝ_« öJAL�« oKš w� rN�¹ UL� ¨Êu¹b�« nK�¹ ÎULz«œ l¹d��« ëËe�« Ê≈ –≈


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